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tallguy2241 10-09-2009 02:42 PM

The Gameshow
Inspired by Quizmaster's posts, and a long held fantasy of mine...

The Game Show

The doors opened, and the crowd started to file into the studio. It was certainly a lot smaller than I expected, only 100 seats. A couple of ushers in the center aisle were making sure everyone got the right seats. People were looking at each other as they got settled, a nervous look on many faces. There was a wide variety of different people here…tall, short, white, black, Asian, Hispanic, some real thin, a few on the “pleasing plump” side…but none really fat, or ugly. Those must have been weeded out during the interview process. There was an equal number of men and women.

My girlfriend Michelle and I worked our way to our seats. “Mutt and Jeff” our friends will call us…I’m 6’6”, and she’s a good foot shorter than me, so we get a few stares when we’re together. But given the situation here, we’ll be far from the center of attention… unless we get called up on stage!

I guess a should explain: we were at the first filming of the new cable game show Take Off, which the brochure described as a cross of Strip Poker, Truth or Dare, and The Price is Right. Contestants are called from the audience up on stage, play a variety of stripping games, losers perform some forfeit.

Michelle found out about it from a friend of hers (I never did find out where her friend got the heads up, though), and being a bit of an exhibitionist, insisted that we try out. I was a bit hesitant, but she showed me the contract (a contract? to be on a game show?), and I have to admit, the idea was intriguing. I won’t bore you with all the legalese, but here were the main points:

“You will be sitting through 4 tapings of our show, each of which will be an hour in duration. There will be a 30 minute break between shows, and lunch will be served during the 2nd break. Audience members will be paid $100 per show, whether they appear on stage or not. Additional cash prizes will be awarded as well.

Contestants are expected to participate in any required on-stage activities. Such activities may include: stripping and appearing naked on stage; sexual contact (but no intercourse); mildly painful and/or humiliating activities. Failure to participate will result in the forfeit of your cash award. Approximately 8-12 people will be on stage in each episode.

Wear comfortable clothing that is reasonably easy to remove, and don’t wear anything that cannot be ruined. No cell phones or recording devices of any kind may be brought into the taping.”

So the way I saw it, I was getting paid $400 to watch a bunch of people stripping, with only about a 50% chance of being called up on stage myself…and even then, I wouldn’t necessarily have to strip, only if I lost. So what the heck. I agreed. And we apparently passed the interview, since we are here!

(to be continued)

tallguy2241 10-09-2009 04:53 PM

Part 2

We were told to get to the studio by 9 AM, for orientation, with filming starting at 9:30. I was wearing a simple t shirt and blue jeans, while Michelle was looking hot in a black tank top and skirt. By 9:15 or so, everyone was seated, looking around nervously. The show’s producer came out from behind the curtain, introduced herself I was so nervous by now that I wasn’t paying attention to her name!). She reminded us of what we agreed to in the contract, and gave us a rundown on how the show worked.

“There are 4 segments to each episode. The first is a simple stripping game, 1 man and 1 woman, with a simple forfeit. The 2nd game will be similar, but may have more contestants, and more extreme forfeits. The 3rd segment is usually the “Main Event” (she used finger quotes here), usually multiple participants, and sexual forfeits. Depending on time, the last segment will consist of more extreme dares, with a chance of higher prize money. For each segment, names will be called from you, our audience ( a few nervous laughs could be heard in the crowd…including mine!) The spotlight will shine on where you are sitting so you can‘t try to duck out. If you need to use a restroom during a show, try to time it for the start of a segment, so you don’t miss when your name is called. If you are called, come up the stairs at either end of the stage, and stand in the circle that the host indicates. After your segment is done, you will be escorted to a waiting room backstage. You will be able to watch the remainder of the filming from there. Your clothes will be returned after the day’s filming is complete.

“The point of the show is for everyone to have fun. So HAVE FUN! (this brought a rousing cheer from the crowd.) Any questions?”

A nerdy, but cute blonde on the other side of the studio raised her hand rather shyly. “The contract said no sex, right?”

“Mostly right”, the producer said. “There is no intercourse. So no vaginal penetration, no anal penetration…well, at least, not by a penis (this got a few more chuckles). Oral sex, manual stimulation and masturbation are considered fair game though.”

“Oh…”, the girl said, biting her lip and turning a bright shade of red. This got more laughter. I looked over to where she was sitting. There didn’t seem to be anyone else with her (some people came as couples, others singly).

“There’s a brave girl. I hope she knows what she’s getting into”, I whispered to Michelle, who nodded.

“Any other questions? Good, now lean back, enjoy the show, and to our future contestants, Good Luck!” With that, she ducked back behind the curtain, and the crowd started to applaud.

n25n0598 10-09-2009 06:50 PM

Wow, this is a really good idea and is also really well-written. Please Continue!!!!!

tallguy2241 10-09-2009 06:56 PM

(Part 3)

The First Show

“Ladies and Gentlemen…welcome to Take Off, the audience participation stripping show!” and now here’s your hosts, Dick and Barbie!”

“Dick and Barbie?”, I said to Michelle. “Who are they kidding?” She laughed.

“Welcome to the premiere episode of Take Off,” Dick was saying. “ On our show, we take your average Joe and Jill off the street, make someone strip, and then make them do what they wouldn’t do in the privacy of there own home!” I looked over at the blonde from earlier…it looked like she was trying to hide in her seat!

“Let’s get things started right away. Barbie, who are the first 2 contestants?”

“Well, Dick. Let’s welcome on stage Robert and JoAnne !” (I’m leaving out last names). With that, the house lights dimmed, except for 2 spotlights, shining on who I can only assume were the aforementioned Robert and JoAnne. They were guided to 2 circles on stage, right in the center. Robert had on a polo shirt, and Dockers, stood maybe about 6’, with really short blonde hair. JoAnne was a brunette, about 5’4, wearing a peasnt blouse, a long skirt, and boots. I certainly knew how I wanted this one to end!

Dick said “Our first game is a simple one. Both of you will draw a card from a deck, and whoever has the lowest card, strips 1 piece of clothing. Whoever has to strip, and has nothing left, loses, and must do our forfeit. Barbie, what is the forfeit for this game?”

“Well Dick, our loser will be strapped to that contraption over there (the spotlight shines on a metal lattice, with a pair of hand cuffs at the top, and foot cuffs at the bottom) spread-eagled. They will remain there until the end of the show!” (this draws a few startled gasps from the crowd).

Dick continued “Now each of you can only claim 4 pieces of clothing for this. Robert, what will it be for you?”

Robert was apparently very flustered. “Um…uh.. I guess shirt, pants, shoes and underwear.” I just now realized that Robert had no socks.

“And JoAnne?”

“Um…my boots, blouse, skirt and panties…”

“No bra?”

“Uhh…no…” she said with a shy smile. The guys in the crowd roared.

“Okay, let’s get started. Let’s bring out the deck.” They brought out one of those oversized card decks you see on every game show. “JoAnne, you get the first draw. Hold it up so everyone can see.”

She draws the top card…a 4 of clubs! The guys all shout even louder. Robert draws a 6 of spades. Looking embarrassed already, JoAnne slips off her boots.

“Okay…next draw. JoAnne?” She reaches over, draws a 5 of diamonds! She doesn’t look happy! Robert draws, and gets a King of diamonds. With a sigh, JoAnne slowly drops her skirt, revealing some really sexy black lace panties. This just gets the guys screaming louder.

“Looks like JoAnne has some catching up to do.” She hesitantly draws again, this time a 6 of clubs.

“I swear that deck is stacked against me.” she cries! But then Robert draws a 2 of clubs! “About time!” she says.

Robert just shrugs, and slips off his shoes. JoAnne draws again, and gets a King of Spades. With a little more worry, Robert draws and gets a 7 of hearts. Off comes his shirt.

JoAnne draws again, and gets an 8 of hearts. Robert draws a 3 of diamonds. “That’s 3 in a row for JoAnne. One more, and we see it all,” said Barbie. Looking very nervous now, Robert slides off his pants, revealing striped boxer shorts, and pitching a tent like there’s no tomorrow! This finally gets a cheer from the ladies in the crowd.

With more enthusiasm, JoAnne draws another card, but it’s a 3 of hearts. Robert draws and gets… a 2 of spades! He looks to be in shock. “Come on boy, let’s see it,” Barbie said, with a grin on her face. Looking like he wanted to be anywhere else, he slipped off the boxers, his hard on for all to see.

JoAnne couldn’t be held back now. She grabbed the next card…a Queen of hearts. Robert buries his face in his hands, and slowly takes the next card, a 9 of clubs. Besides the sound of every woman cheering, you could hear the collective groans of every guy there. Robert gets escorted over to the display. “JoAnne, would you like the honors?” Barbie asked. JoAnne grabbed his right arm, and quickly locked it in. Soon, she was done, and there was Robert, naked, spread-eagled, spotlighted for all to see.

“You’re a good sport about this Robert” Dick said, and everyone applauded. JoAnne was escorted offstage.
“So who’s playing our next game, Barbie?”

sscott4 10-09-2009 07:14 PM

I definitely like this! Please continue!

Psychoclaw 10-09-2009 07:15 PM

Brilliant. Looking forward to additional installations.

tallguy2241 10-09-2009 09:28 PM

(Part 4)

Barbie said, “We have 4 contestants for our next game. Let’s welcome Susan, Linda, Henry and Chuck.” The 4 of them made their way up onto stage. Susan was a stunning little redhead, wearing skin tight jeans and a tube top that left little to the imagination. From her reaction I would have bet she wanted to lose. Linda was a petite blonde, her hair past halfway down her back. She wore a simple white blouse and a red skirt, about to her knees. She was looking a little nervous. Henry was Asian, Chinese if I had to guess, and Chuck was a short guy, with dark hair and a 3 day’s worth of stubble. Both were wearing t shirts and jeans (this seemed to be what most guys were wearing, and quite a few of the women as well. Great minds think alike, I guess). Both seemed a little uncertain, looking, and at the same time NOT looking, at what happened with Robert.

Barbie continued, “For this game, we’re going to pair you off, 1 guy and 1 girl for each team.” A large bag was brought out. “In this bag are 20 marbles, 17 blue, and 3 red. Each of you will draw one out but keep it hidden in your hand until all have drawn, then you will all reveal them at the same time. Whoever draws a red marble must strip completely, and is out. We will continue until all 3 red marbles are drawn.

“The losing team will be tied together facing each other, and the winners will be given these paddles.” She holds up 2 wooden paddles, that looked a lot like ping pong paddles. “Each will be allowed to take 10 swats on the behind of the losers.” This got a cheer from the crowd, as well as from Susan. The other 3 just looked like deer in the headlights. We were definitely getting an idea of just what was required when the contract said “participation.” I began to wonder if this was worth $400 after all!

“So let’s pair you off. Susan will be with Henry, Linda with Chuck. Now come up and draw a marble.” Susan couldn’t wait…she ran right up and drew. She started to look, but was stopped by Barbie. “Not until everyone has drawn.” The others lined up and drew, but with a little less enthusiasm. They were turned to face the crowd, and all opened their hands.

Chuck and Henry each had blue, as did Susan, who looked disappointed. But Linda had red, which got a large cheer from the guys. Finally a naked female! She was led to a center stage circle, and slowly started to undress. Turns out her blouse was hiding a hidden treasure…her bra barely contained what had to be at least D’s. The guys were going wild. And they weren’t disappointed when the bra slipped off. Magnificent! Michelle elbowed my ribs. “Stop drooling!” Chuck’s eyes seemed to bulge a bit when he saw that chest. I’m sure he was hoping to lose now, to get those lovelies pressed up against him.

They drew again, and all 3 got blue again. You could feel the tension grow. And so again they drew, and this time Susan struck gold, I mean red. She was jumping up and down so fast I thought she would just fall out of her clothes on her own! She took far less time than Linda did to undress. And proudly showed us what she had.

So now it was between the 2 guys. 10 marbles were left, and only 1 was red. Their next draw again produced 2 blues. But on the draw after that, Henry’s luck ran out (or maybe it was Chuck’s). In any case, Henry drew red, and he was made to strip center stage.

Henry and Susan wrapped there arms around each other (Susan had to stand on a small box), and their hands were bound, and their feet tied together. I think Linda was hoping to get her clothes back before she started swatting, but no such luck. So the paddle wasn’t the only thing that Linda was swinging! Both took their places behind the losers, and with a signal from Barbie, gave them a good hearty *smack* on their rears. Henry had his head turned, so we couldn’t see his expression, but Susan practically squealed with delight. By the time the 10 smacks were up, I think Linda was getting into it…she was no longer trying to cover up on her swats, and poor Henry was taking the worst of it.

After 10 swats, they were untied, and all 4 were led off stage. “Okay, who’s next?” Dick asked.

tallguy2241 10-09-2009 10:56 PM

(Part 5)

“Before we call our next victims…I mean contestants (this drew a nervous laugh from the crowd), let’s check in on Robert. How’s it going there Robert?”

He said, a little sarcastically, “Oh, just fine.” He had long since gone soft. “Arms are a little tired!”

Barbie laughed and said “Only half an hour to go, Robert. Hang in there.” A few in the audience groaned at the pun.

She continued “Okay, once again we’re going to need 2 men and 2 women.” This was to be the 3rd game, which we were told might be a little more extreme. Some nervous whispers could be heard. “Let’s welcome Stan, Eric, Amy and Diane.”

Stan was tall, with dark hair, and had the kind of look you might see in an English spy movie. Eric was African American, and looked like he played linebacker for his college football team. The fact that he had a UCLA jersey on did nothing to dispel that idea. Amy was another cute redhead, although her hair was cut short. Diane was older, I’d say in her 40’s, but still looked pretty darn good. She hair was what I call dirty blonde, and she was actually dressed in a business suit! In spite of this being round 3, they all seemed more relaxed than the others. Maybe they were just resigned to the fact that they had to get through this, and maybe saw that what happened with the others wasn’t THAT bad.

Two chairs were rolled out. We could see that there were restraints built in to secure wrists and ankles. Barbie was saying “For this round we are going to have a little quiz show. Both of our ladies will be strapped to these chairs. The men will be standing behind them, anywhere from 6 to 10 steps away. Each time a contestant gets a question right, the man behind the other girl takes a step closer. If she answers wrong, her own steps closer. When the guy gets right behind her, he can reach around, and let his hands wander where they will for 2 minutes!” This got some oohs from the audience. “The other girl is then our winner, and receives an additional $500!”

“Oh, and for this game, we need all 4 of you to strip down please, so there you go, off with them.” With a nervous look to each other, they began to strip. Eric got quite a few cheers from the ladies when he was done, and I thought Diane was really very attractive. She was also the first girl we saw that was unshaven, which wasn’t a big surprise. After the strip, the girls were taken to the chairs, and the guys helped to strap them in, Stan was with Diane, and Eric with Amy.

They had to area behind the chairs marked off with strips, so we could see how many steps behind they were, but the girls couldn’t! So as each question was answered, you could see the looks on their faces…was that the one? Am I about to be publicly groped? The questions were basic trivia (what is the capital of Oregon, that sort of thing), and I think Diane’s age may have been her advantage, since she got way more questions right. Her guy only got about 4 steps closer. And soon Amy found out that Eric was 9 steps away.

Amy nearly screamed when she saw Eric’s hands come around the chair, and grab her tits. But he apparently had a good touch, because soon she relaxed, and seemed to enjoy it. She let out a little gasp when he reached her pussy, but the 2 minutes was up before much more happened. I think Amy almost looked disappointed.

The 2 girls were quickly released, and the 4 were soon off stage.

tallguy2241 10-09-2009 10:58 PM

More to come as I have time to write. Please PM me with any ideas you may have for a round of the show. Also PM me if you want to be an "audience member", I'll try to write you in!

fitsexyguy 10-10-2009 12:49 AM

This is a great idea, keep up the good work. I'll be one of the contestants :p My name's Mark!

n25n0598 10-10-2009 07:42 AM

This is a great story and I love how often it is updated. Can't wait for this to continue.

tallguy2241 10-10-2009 09:25 AM

(part 6)

Dick said “Okay, our time is almost up. We have time for just a quickie. But first let’s check in one more time with Robert. How’s it hanging, Robert?”

“Oh, just great.” He did not look happy.

“Almost there Robert. So let’s get our last contestants up here. Who do we have?”

“Well, Dick. We have Amanda and Steve.” The last couple of the show made their way to the stage. Amanda looked to be in her 30’s, with shoulder length brown hair. She was wearing a pink sweat outfit. Steve was a surfer, or surfer wannabe. His hair was spiky, he was wearing a tank top and shorts.

“We don’t have much time,” Barbie continued. “So this game will be quick. We’ll do a card pull for each of you. Low card has to strip completely. We will then give that contestant a chance to win a little more cash. Amanda, draw your card.” Amanda drew, and seemed happy with a 10 of spades. That was until Steve drew a jack of hearts!

Amanda stood center stage, and peeled off her sweats. She got a polite applause when she was finished. “Okay Amanda, we have a proposal for you. We’ll give you a chance to win an extra $1000. Interested?”

“Depends…what do I have to do?” She was looking a little worried now.

Barbie went on “All you have to do is let us keep your clothes. Of course, that means you’ll have to leave our studio and drive home as you are right now, completely naked. Are you willing?”

Amanda bit her lip, thinking it over. “Do it! Do it!” the audience started chanting. Finally she said “Okay, yes!” The crowd cheered.

“Okay, let’s get the scissors. Steve, would you like the honors?” Steve took the scissors, and proceeded to cut Amanda’s outfit to ribbons. I could hear Amanda saying “Oh my God” as the realization of what had happened sank in.

“Let’s give her a hand.” We all applauded. “And let’s thank all of our participants today. And a final thanks to Robert, time to take him down.” Robert was released, he was shaking out his arms trying to get feeling back in them. “We’ll see you net time on Take Off!”

We applauded, and the curtains closed.

andom4444 10-10-2009 09:27 AM

Brilliant Story, anymore?

tallguy2241 10-10-2009 09:34 AM

There will definitely be more. There are 3 more episodes to be taped.

If you want to be included in the show, PM me with a brief description of what you look like, and your first name, and I'll work you in.

Thanks for the feedback.

tallguy2241 10-10-2009 10:48 AM

(part 7)

The lights came up in the studio, and the show’s producer came back out from behind the curtain. “everyone having fun?” We all whooped and applauded (easy for us, we haven’t been on stage yet!). “Good. Okay, take a short break, stretch your legs, use the restroom, we start the next episode in 15 minutes.”

Michelle and I stood up and stretched, grinning at each other. “One down, 3 to go.” I said to her.

She laughed “Wow, this is intense. I thought I liked to show off, but …wow. I’ve got sweaty palms just thinking what they might do to me!” I nodded.

We spotted the nerdy blonde girl who asked the question at the beginning, and Michelle wanted to go talk with her, so we went over. She was looking more nervous than before, if that was possible. Michelle said “Hi. You going to be okay?”

“Yeah, I hope so. I’ve never done anything like this before.”

“I don’t think any of us have” I said to her. “This is crazy.”

She nodded “My friends were supposed to sign up for this with me. They said it would be good for me, help me ‘break out of my shell’, they said. But then they chickened out! So I’m here alone.”

“But couldn’t you have backed out at the interview? Or just not shown up today?” Michelle asked.

“No….they were right. I do need to do something. But this is too much! I don’t want my first time to be up on stage in front of a bunch of strangers! Worse, this is televised!”

“Your first…oh.” I may be dense sometimes, but this I understood.

“Just relax” Michelle told her. “Your odds are only 50/50 that you’ll even get up on stage, and even then you won’t necessarily be the one to strip, and even if you do, it may not be that bad. Besides, it looks like you have a cute body, you should show it off a little.”

“Thanks”, she said. “I’ll just keep my fingers crossed. Hopefully I can keep my legs crossed too.” She chuckled at her joke.

“That’s the spirit” Michelle said. The lights dimmed briefly. “Looks like the 5 minute warning. We should get back to our seats. Hopefully we can talk more at lunch.”

“Thanks. I’d like that.” We went back into the studio.

The producer was back out on stage. “Okay, we’ll get right to it. Sit back and enjoy.”

The curtain was going up on episode 2.…

storyboy 10-10-2009 11:25 AM

great story! :rolleyes:

tallguy2241 10-10-2009 12:30 PM

(part 8)

“Ladies and Gentlemen…welcome to Take Off, the audience participation stripping show! and now here’s your hosts, Dick and Barbie!”

“Thank you for joining us once again for another fun-filled game of Take Off.” Dick said. “We have another set of exciting games featuring our brave studio audience.” Not quite so brave sounding chuckles could be heard in the crowd. “Let’s not waste any time. Barbie, who are our first contestants?”

“Well, Dick” Barbie said, “Let’s welcome Lisa and Pete.” Lisa and Pete made their way to the stage. Lisa was wearing a white sweater and a short red skirt. With her long blonde hair, she looked like a song girl from USC. Pete was tall, brown hair, and looked like he worked out some, had on a muscle shirt and sweat pants.

Barbie explained the first game. “This will be a basic dice game. One player will roll the dice, then the next player will say if the next roll will be higher or lower. If the player is wrong, he or she must strip off something. As usual, each player counts 4 pieces of clothing. So shoes and socks will count as one, and underwear counts as one.” Sounds like the producer streamlined the definitions of clothing since the first episode. That should speed things up a bit. “Whoever has to strip, and has nothing left, loses, and must do our forfeit. We’ll talk about the forfeit after we have a loser . Lisa, you get the first roll.”

The ‘dice’ was actually a video display, much like those dice bots from the internet. It showed 2 six-sided dice. Lisa pressed a button, and the dice came up 8. Pete thought for a moment, and said “Lower”, pressed the button, and got a 10. So much for the percentages! Pete didn’t hesitate, and pulled off his shirt, much to the excitement of the girls.

“Lower”, said Lisa, and got a 9, so she was safe. It seemed to me that this could take a while!

“Lower” said Pete, and got another 9. He looked questioningly at Barbie.

“Technically, that’s not lower, so you have to strip, Pete.” He shrugged, and took off his shoes and socks.

“Lower” Lisa said, and got a 7. She was safe, and Pete had a tough call to make. The odds were against him either way.

“Higher”, he said, and rolled an 11. Lucky.

“Lower” Lisa called, and is was, a 4

“Higher” for Pete, and he got…another 4! Poor Pete…the dice just didn’t like him. Off came his sweat pants, revealing plain white briefs.

“Higher” Lisa said happily. She had yet to lose. And this was no exception, a 9.

“Lower” Pete called, and rolled a 7. It was now Lisa’s turn for the tough call.

Biting her lip, she called “Lower…I hope!” Lady luck stayed true, she got a 4.

“Higher”, Pete said, with maybe a bit of frustration in his voice. He got a 5.

“Higher” said Lisa. Another 7. Poor Pete.

“Hmm…higher”, Pete called, and was awarded with an 8.

“Lower..?” said Lisa. Lower it was, a 6.

“Higher” for Pete, another 8. This really was taking a while.

“Lower again”, said Lisa. Lucky no more, she got another 8. With a pout, she slipped off her shoes.

“Lower” called Pete, and go a 5.

“Higher, for Lisa, a 9.

“Lower”, and Pete gets a 4.

“Higher”, another 9 for Lisa.

“Lower” and once again the dice were unkind. Pete had rolled a 10. Finally, it was over! Pete slipped off his briefs.

“And now for the forfeit” said Barbie, bringing out a bowl of something. “We have here some blue body paint. Lisa, you get 30 seconds to paint wherever and whatever you like. Just stay below the shoulders, we don’t want anything to show when he’s dressed again!”

“Anywhere?” Lisa asked. Barbie told her yes. With a mischievous grin, Lisa took the brush, and covered Pete’s balls in paint! “There…blue balls!” This got a huge laugh from everyone, even Pete!

Lisa and Pete made their way off stage. “And now for game 2” said Dick.

molten man 10-10-2009 04:25 PM

Great story mate!!

Keep it going.

coolio5 10-11-2009 07:09 AM

wow, this is a great story. i actually had a similar theme in mind for my next story, but oh well, haha. seriously keep it up i cant wait for more

tallguy2241 10-11-2009 10:34 AM

(part 9)

Barbie announced the next contestants. “Let’s bring up Abby, Zoe, Ralph, and Jerry.” Abby was a rather plain looking girl, with long straight dark hair. She was wearing a striped long sleeved shirt and jeans. Zoe was a stunning African American girl, wearing a red t shirt and jeans that showed of her figure quite nicely. Ralph was a little on the short side, brown hair, but had on a short sleeved blue dress shirt, and dark slacks. Jerry was about 6’ , dark blonde hair. He was wearing the typical uniform of most of the guys here, a t shirt (blue in his case) and jeans.

“In this game we’re going to get a little messy” Dick was saying. Four booths had been rolled out on stage, each had arm restraints on the side, and what looked like some sort of tank above them. Dick went on “Each of our participants are going to strip down, and assigned to a booth. In the tanks above them, 3 are filled with a nice gooey substance…1 has ketchup, 1 has honey, and 1 some sort of green gunge. But no one, not even me, knows which is which. So only one of you gets away clean.” The 4 contestants took their positions for stripping. “To determine who gets to pick their booth first, we’re going to have a little race. Whoever strips completely first gets the first choice. So go ahead and start stripping.”

Zoe got started right away, and so was easily the first one done. Jerry was second, Ralph took a little time getting his buttons undone, and finished 3rd, while Abby was slow to start and seemed to get tangled up in her sleeves as she pulled off her shirt. Part of me wondered, if no one knew which booth was which, why it mattered how they picked the order, but I wasn’t running this thing, so there you go.

Zoe took the second booth, Jerry the first, Ralph the third, so Abby had to take the 4th. Each of them was strapped into the arm restraints, then the tubes that were coming off the tanks were angled, one over the head, and one angled so the goop would hit the person in the chest. Protective eye goggles were then put on.

Dick continued “Okay, let’s get messy.” For a moment, nothing seemed to be happening. Then we spotted the honey flowing out of the tank over Zoe, slowly covering her head and chest in a golden gooey mess. So much for picking first! Then the ketchup poured out over Abby, which made her shriek a little. Ralph then got the green gunge treatment. Since the contestants couldn’t see into the other booths, Jerry had no idea that he was in the “safe” booth, and kept looking up in anticipation of something happening. The different goops were kept flowing for about a minute, so Zoe, Abby and Ralph were thoroughly covered.

“Okay, let’s release them and get them cleaned up.” Jerry finally realized that he was safe, and looked relieved. The 4 were led off stage. “While we clean up the floor, who are the next contestants?”

tallguy2241 10-11-2009 11:27 PM

(part 10)

It was time for the 3rd game of the episode. Barbie announced the next players “Let’s bring up Debbie and Juan.” Debbie was a tall willowy blonde, with a decent chest, and legs to die for, all of which was shown off nicely by a white tank top and shorts. Juan was Hispanic, about average height, and was wearing a dark blue polo shirt and jeans.

Barbie went on “This next game is going to be a little different.” (Weren’t they all, I whispered to Michelle). “First, we will need you both to strip.” By this point in the day, most of the people who got up on stage seemed to realize that hesitating to strip just put off the inevitable, so Debbie and Juan got right to it. Juan was then led to where they had a set of handcuffs hanging from a chain, and some ankle cuffs attached to rings in the floor. He was quickly bound in the restraints.

“Okay Debbie, the game is simple. Your goal is to bring Juan here to orgasm. No sex, but you can otherwise use your hands or your mouth or whatever. You’ll have 10 minutes to accomplish this. If you do, you will get an extra $1000. Juan, if you can hold out for 10 minutes, then you win.”

This brought a collective gasp from the audience. This was the first game we saw where sexual contact was not only expected, but required! Michelle whispered to me “I don’t know if I could do that.”

Even poor Debbie seemed unsure. Juan was standing there about half erect (male reaction to being stripped on stage varied…some guys were obviously hard even before the stripping finished, others seemed to be perfectly flaccid, still others, like Juan here, got to half staff). The timer (on an overhead display where we could see it, but Debbie and Juan could not) was started, and Debbie walked slowly over to Juan. She very gingerly reached out for Juan’s penis, almost afraid to touch it. But when she did, he let out a slight moan. Feeling a little braver, she grasped it more firmly, and began stroking it. Juan was erect in no time. Debbie pressed her body right up against him, and began pumping vigorously. Juan closed his eyes, bit his lip, and was squirming around, trying to resist. Somehow he seemed to be able to resist, so Debbie switched hands, and varied the pace, slowing down, then speeding up. Juan moaned again, louder this time, and thus encouraged Debbie went at it again quickly.

Really poor Juan didn’t stand a chance, although I think he got pretty close. About 8 minutes into it, he finally couldn’t take any more, shot his load right in front of everyone. This drew another gasp from the crowd, and then a loud applause. When he was released from the cuffs, he looked like he was having a little trouble standing. Juan may not have one the $1000, but he got one hell of a nationally televised (well, at least cable televised) hand job. So I didn’t feel sorry for him. The 2 were led off stage.

EKU_COWBOY 10-12-2009 12:18 AM

Good Story!!!

Keep going. Hope to see lots more!!!:):D

Originally Posted by tallguy2241 (Post 191132)
(part 7)

The lights came up in the studio, and the show’s producer came back out from behind the curtain. “everyone having fun?” We all whooped and applauded (easy for us, we haven’t been on stage yet!). “Good. Okay, take a short break, stretch your legs, use the restroom, we start the next episode in 15 minutes.”

Michelle and I stood up and stretched, grinning at each other. “One down, 3 to go.” I said to her.

She laughed “Wow, this is intense. I thought I liked to show off, but …wow. I’ve got sweaty palms just thinking what they might do to me!” I nodded.

We spotted the nerdy blonde girl who asked the question at the beginning, and Michelle wanted to go talk with her, so we went over. She was looking more nervous than before, if that was possible. Michelle said “Hi. You going to be okay?”

“Yeah, I hope so. I’ve never done anything like this before.”

“I don’t think any of us have” I said to her. “This is crazy.”

She nodded “My friends were supposed to sign up for this with me. They said it would be good for me, help me ‘break out of my shell’, they said. But then they chickened out! So I’m here alone.”

“But couldn’t you have backed out at the interview? Or just not shown up today?” Michelle asked.

“No….they were right. I do need to do something. But this is too much! I don’t want my first time to be up on stage in front of a bunch of strangers! Worse, this is televised!”

“Your first…oh.” I may be dense sometimes, but this I understood.

“Just relax” Michelle told her. “Your odds are only 50/50 that you’ll even get up on stage, and even then you won’t necessarily be the one to strip, and even if you do, it may not be that bad. Besides, it looks like you have a cute body, you should show it off a little.”

“Thanks”, she said. “I’ll just keep my fingers crossed. Hopefully I can keep my legs crossed too.” She chuckled at her joke.

“That’s the spirit” Michelle said. The lights dimmed briefly. “Looks like the 5 minute warning. We should get back to our seats. Hopefully we can talk more at lunch.”

“Thanks. I’d like that.” We went back into the studio.

The producer was back out on stage. “Okay, we’ll get right to it. Sit back and enjoy.”

The curtain was going up on episode 2.…

tallguy2241 10-12-2009 09:15 AM

(part 11)

“Our time is almost up” Dick said. “We have time for one of our Quickie games. These are simple: 1 person will strip, but will get a chance to earn a little extra cash. Barbie, who’s playing our Quickie today?”

“Dick, let’s welcome Cindy and Bill.” Cindy was rather plain looking, a little on the heavy side, but with an incredible set of tits. She had shoulder length dark hair, and was wearing a blue t shirt and sweat pants. Bill was somewhat short, with bright red hair. He had on a blue long sleeved dress shirt and black slacks.

The big deck of cards was brought out. Barbie went on “Each of you will draw one card. Low card strips, and gets a chance at more cash. Any ties will be redrawn. Cindy, go ahead and draw.

Cindy reaches into the deck, and pulls a 8 of clubs. Bill draws, and gets a 4 of hearts. With a sigh, Bill strips. He is then led to over to an adjustable table. His feet are tied together, and he is bent over the table, with his hands secured to the far side, his ass pointed right at the audience (and cameras…sometimes it was easy to forget this was being taped for TV!). Barbie said “Cindy, take this wooden paddle. You’ll be swatting Bill on his behind. For every swat, Bill, you’ll receive $20. Make it all the way to 50, and that’s $1000. But you have to take at least 10, so you will get at least an extra $200. Cindy, stand right here, we’ll tell you when to start.”

Cindy took her place next to Bill’s ass, and Barbie went up and whispered something in Bill’s ear. He nodded. She then looked at Cindy, and said “Go Ahead.”

*swat* From the sound of the swat, and the yelp that Bill made, Cindy apparently had connected very well. As the swatting continued, Bill managed to refrain from yelping for awhile, but by the 10th swat, Cindy was putting all she had into it (and apparently that was quite a bit), so poor Bill was saying “ow” on nearly every swat. By the 20th swat, his ass was as red as his hair. Finally. at 30, he cried “Enough!”. Cindy looked disappointed (I think she was really getting into it), and Bill was untied.

“A good try, Bill” Barbie told him. “At least you’re getting an extra $600.” As Bill and Cindy left the stage, Barbie turned to the camera and said “Well, that’s all for today. Thanks for joining us, and we’ll see you next time on Take Off.” We all applauded, and the curtain fell on episode 2.

andom4444 10-12-2009 12:17 PM

Loving this story! ,.............

tallguy2241 10-12-2009 01:56 PM

(part 12)

The show’s producer came out from behind the curtain. “okay folks, time for lunch. There’s a buffet set up out in the lobby. I would suggest you eat light though, you don’t want to be too full and groggy when you’re up on stage.” She gave us a little wink. “We’re giving you 45 minutes for lunch, we need a little more time to get ready for the next session.” She disappeared back behind the curtain.

Michelle and I got up to go out to the lobby. Michelle said to me “You go on ahead…I’m going to talk to that girl again, make sure she’s doing okay. I’ll catch up with you later.”

Si I went on out to the lobby, and looked at the spread of food. There was quite a bit, but it was mostly “girl food” salads, stuff like that. Oh well. And given what we may still have to do today, there’s truth to the saying that there’s no such thing as a free lunch.

I walked up to a couple of guys who were picking over the food. We swapped “Hey”s, and started filling our plates. I asked them if they had any idea that this show was going to be like this.

“No way” said the first guy, who introduced himself as Mark.

“Me neither” said the other guy, Tom. “It’s crazy. But an exciting kind of crazy. I’m kinda hoping I get a chance to get up there on stage.”

“Same here” said Mark. “I wasn’t sure I wanted to go up there, but if I can get a chance to do something like Juan did there, that would be awesome.”

“Yeah, maybe” I said. “ I can’t help but wonder what they’re going to do next. Might make what we’ve seen so far seem tame.”

“Let’s hope so” said Tom, a grin on his face.

I saw Michelle walking towards me with a plate of food.. “I’ll talk to you guys later. I hope you get what you want.” They both said thanks. “Oh, and Tom, nice boots.”

We found a couple of seats and sat down to eat. “I feel sorry for that girl, Jennifer. She’s absolutely scared to death about getting up on stage.”

“I’m sure she’ll be fine. We’re down to about 80 people, and there should only be about 20 more contestants, so we only have a 1 in 4 chance now of getting on stage.”

“Hmm, I guess so” she said. “Still, I have to admit, I’m getting more nervous about getting up there too.”

“Just remember, this whole thing was your idea” I reminded her.

“I know… you’re never gonna let me forget that are you?” I just grinned.

The lights dimmed briefly. “Oh shit, already?” Michelle said. People started heading back to the studio. “Oh well, let’s go.” We headed back in and sat down.

The producer was back out. “Okay folks. Time to get back to it. Enjoy!” And she was gone.

The curtain was going up for episode 3.…

andom4444 10-12-2009 02:06 PM

more please :D .........................

tallguy2241 10-12-2009 04:25 PM

(part 13)

“Ladies and Gentlemen…welcome to Take Off, the audience participation stripping show! and now here’s your hosts, Dick and Barbie!”

“Thank you for joining us once again for another fun-filled game of Take Off.” Dick said. “The show where the clothes come off, and the fun goes up. And where the studio audience are the players! Let’s not waste a moment. Barbie, who are the first players?”

“Well Dick,” Barbie said, “Let’s bring up Michelle and Charlie.”

Oh. Shit.

Sure enough, the spotlight lit up right next to me. With a dazed expression on her face, she stood and headed up the stairs to the stage. As mentioned earlier, she was wearing a black tank top and black skirt, her dark, wavy hair down to the middle of her back. Charlie I think had on a blue t shirt and jeans…I don’t remember, I wasn’t paying that much attention.

They brought out the deck of cards again. Barbie explained the game “ The players will each draw a card. If they draw a club, they strip a piece of clothing. If they draw a diamond, they strip off a piece of their opponent’s clothing. A heart is a safe card, so it has no effect. If a spade is drawn, or if a player is to strip and has no clothes left, then they score 1 point. As usual, both players will start with 4 pieces of clothing, shoes and socks counting as 1, and underwear as 1. Each round both players will draw, so the number of draws are equal. The game continues until BOTH players are naked, and whoever has the highest score loses, and does the forfeit, which we will describe after the game. Michelle, draw your first card.”

Still looking dazed, she reached for the deck…a heart. For the first time since she got on stage, she lost that look of shock. But then Charlie drew a heart also.

Michelle drew again, and got a spade. No clothes lost, but she got the first point. Then Charlie drew a club, a took off his own socks and shoes.

On the next draw, Michelle got a club, and so her shoes came off. Charlie got a spade, making the game even at 1 point each, and both barefoot.

On the next draw, Michelle got a club. With a shy grin, she took off her tank top, revealing a very lacy black bra that didn’t conceal very well. She may have been nervous, but her nipples were practically sticking out through the lace. Charlie then drew a club also, taking off his shirt, and making the game even again.

Michelle then drew a diamond, so she got to take off Charlie’s jeans, revealing plain white boxers. But then, sure enough, Charlie got a diamond as well, so ho undid her skirt (which he did with way too much enthusiasm, if you asked me), showing us Michelle’s matching black lace panties.

Michelle drew again, and got another spade. Oh shit. She got to stay dressed, but scored another point. Charlie drew a heart, and so was safe. He now had a slight edge.

But then Michelle drew a heart. And Charlie got a spade. They were all even at 2 points, and underwear.

Michelle got another heart, And Charlie got another spade. He was now losing, with 3 points!

Whoops…now it was Michelle’s turn for a spade. Charlie got a club, though, so he had to take off his boxers. The score was 3-3, and Charlie was naked. It was going to be close.

Michelle got a heart. But so did Charlie.

Then Michelle got another spade! Now she had 4 points!

And then the worst case scenario…Charlie drew a diamond. So not only did he get to take off her underwear, both were now naked….and Michelle had lost, 4-3!

Michelle was trying to make the most of it. As I said earlier, she is a bit of an exhibitionist, although she had never been naked in front of so large a group, as well as the cameras. But she stood there proudly…that is, until Barbie described her forfeit.

Barbie was holding a plastic object about 4-5 inches long, that kind of looked like a little plastic Christmas tree, tapering at the top. “This, for those who don’t recognize it, is a butt plug. Michelle is going to have this inserted, then she is going to return to her seat, where she will be able to watch the rest of the show.”

Now, you need to understand something about Michelle. Whenever the subject of anal play comes up between us, her response is always “No way. Nothing is going up there, so don’t even think about it.” And so I don’t. Which made this just about the worst forfeit that could have happened for her. She was led over to the adjustable table (the one where Bill was paddled in the last show), and tied hand and foot. She must have been in shock again, because she put up no resistance at all. The plug was lubed up, Charlie got the honors of spreading Michelle’s butt cheeks wide while one of the female stage assistants got ready to insert it. I swear I could hear Michelle whimper a little as the assistant toyed briefly at the hole.

Then the assistant slid it in. Michelle gasped “Oh my God.” The crowd gave a collective gasp too.

Michelle was untied, and the audience applauded. Walking a little funny, she was escorted back down the stairs and to her seat, while Charlie went off stage. She sat down carefully, not knowing how it was going to feel. I looked over to her and started to say “…”

“Shut up. Just shut up” she snapped. So I shut. I went to take her hand, but she pulled away. She was in no mood.

Barbie was announcing the players for the next game….

tallguy2241 10-12-2009 08:46 PM

(part 14)

“Let’s bring up Jennifer and John.” Jennifer was, of course, our nerdy blonde girl. She was not an unattractive girl, she just didn’t show off what she had. She was wearing a dark buttoned shirt and grey skirt that did nothing to flatter her figure, and her hair was in a ponytail. John was another Asian, wore a red polo shirt, and tan slacks.

Jennifer was on stage, but I could tell she wanted to be anywhere else…she mostly looked down at the floor while Dick described the game. Each of you will roll our electronic dice. The one with the lower roll will remove 1 piece of clothing for each point of difference between the rolls. If you run out of clothes, then you score penalty points instead. The game ends when one of you has scored 1 or more penalty points, which could be on the first roll! We’ll talk about what the penalty points do when we have a winner. Jennifer,…hello, Jennifer? Come roll the dice.”

Jennifer shook herself out of her daze, and rather absently hit the button to roll the dice. She rolled a 7. John came over to hit the button, and got an 8.

Jennifer didn’t move. “Jennifer, you have to take something off,” Dick prodded. Slowly, she reached down, and took off her shoes and socks.

“Okay, roll again” Jennifer hit the button, and got a 4. A sound of “Oooo” rose from the crowd. John, with a little bit of confidence, hit the button, and got an 8, sealing Jennifer’s fate.

With a heavy sigh, and a cry of “Oh God’ under her breath, Jennifer unbuttoned her shirt, and let it fall, uncovering a plain white, functional bra. She undid her skirt, and was amazed at what an awesome pair of legs she had. Unhooking her bra, she revealed a most impressive set of tits. Why was this girl covering herself so much, she had a great body. Slowly, she let her panties down. The audience showed their support with a thunderous applause, and a few cat calls from the guys.

A gunge booth had been rolled out, and Jennifer was led over to it, strapped in, and had protective goggles put on. Around the booth were 10 buckets. Dick was saying “In each of these buckets is a different kind of goop. John is going to pick one of these for each penalty point Jennifer scored, so he will dump 5 buckets full of stuff over her.”

John thought carefully, and started with what looked like a bucket of yellow cake batter, which he dumped right over her head. Jennifer’s expression at first was one of shock, but then, of all things, she started laughing! The next bucket was some blue stuff, which John poured all over her chest. He followed it up with something orange, and something green. All through it Jennifer is laughing hysterically! The last one was a bucket full of baked beans, giving an interesting texture to his “art.”

Jennifer was released from the restraints, wiped the gunge away from her face, and was absolutely grinning from ear to ear! The audience cheered, and she let out a “whoop!” of joy.

Michelle, who was having some trouble sitting comfortably, said to me “And another fetish is born!” Indeed it was!

Still smiling, Jennifer and John were led off stage, a multi-colored trail in her wake.

“Wow, that was something!” Dick was saying. “But it’s time for our next game. Who do we have?”

andom4444 10-13-2009 11:10 AM

very good! please continue!

coolio5 10-14-2009 01:40 PM

absolutely excellent

tallguy2241 10-14-2009 10:12 PM

Thanks for all the feedback! Work has intervened (I had time off when I started this), but an update is coming soon!

Trav90 10-19-2009 05:31 PM

Please Continue!

tallguy2241 10-19-2009 11:44 PM

(part 15)

Barbie announced the next contestants “Let’s bring up Judy, Tiffany, Mark and Seth.” Judy was a small brunette, wearing a fuzzy white sweater that hinted at a nice rack, Tiffany a stunning blonde, looked like she could have been a Playboy model. (Miss September? Nah, couldn’t be her…). Mark was about 6 feet tall, brown hair, looked pretty young, in the usual male uniform of jeans and t shirt. Seth was about the same height as mark, with light brown (dark blonde?) hair, a striped polo shirt, and jeans.

Dick described the next game. “One of you guys is going to like this game more than the other.” While he was talking, 2 carnival style dunk tanks were rolled out. “Each of the guys will be seated in a tank, and the girls will try to dunk them. But beware…the water is ice cold! But let me assure you, you’ll enjoy the reward if you win. We’ll talk about that after we see who’s dunked. Oh, and we will need all 4 of you to strip.” They got right to it. Judy had the chest her sweater promised, and Tiffany wasn’t bad either. I heard a couple of the girls around me commenting about Mark’s build. Mark and Seth were seated on their perches.

Judy and tiffany took their places near a pile of balls, to throw at the release lever. At a signal from Dick, they started throwing, Judy throwing at Seth’s target, and Tiffany trying for Mark. Judy seemed a little shy about exposing too much while she was throwing, so Tiffany was throwing faster. But neither girl had particularly good aim. Finally Tiffany found the Mark (as it were), and Mark went down with a splash. His head came up out of the water, screaming “Holy shit, this water’s cold!” He looked for a way up out of the water, but a panel had come down when he hit the water, keeping him from escaping.

“Sorry Mark…you get to stay in there for a few minutes, while we set up the next part of this game.” Dick went on, “Seth, stand on this platform.” Dick indicated a platform about 2 feet off the ground. In front of it were 2 pads, which seemed to be on some kind of track. The girls were told to lie down on the pads, their heads next to each other, where they were strapped in. The pads then started to move so that Tiffany’s head was right beneath Seth, where it paused for about 30 seconds, then shifted until Judy’s head was in the same spot. “Before we go on,. let’s get Mark out of the tank.” The panel was lifted, and a very cold, wet, and disappointed looking Mark was allowed to climb out, and was led off stage.

“So Seth, your job is simple. We’re going to give you 5 minutes to bring yourself to orgasm.” Slowly, the realization went around the studio that when Seth shot his load, it was going to land right on either Judy or Tiffany’s face (or both, if he timed it right!). Judy let out a soft “Oh fuck” when she figured it out. A blindfold was placed over Seth’s eyes, so now he would have no idea who he would hit. I also noticed that the amount of time each girl was “in position” varied, seemingly random. Dick said “Ok Seth, the clock has started.”

Seth was already about half way hard when the blindfold was put on, and he seemed a little hesitant to get started. But his libido soon won out, and he got going pretty good. Each time one of the girls found herself underneath, she got a worried look on her face, Judy especially so.

Turns out Seth didn’t need the 5 minutes. Judy had just arrived in the “danger spot” when he shot his load. Judy shrieked a little as it landed full on her face, pretty well covering it. I can’t see how she could have avoided getting some in her mouth. Sure enough, when the girls were unstrapped, Judy was trying to spit it out. The 3 were led off stage. They didn’t even offer poor Judy a towel to wipe off with!

tallguy2241 10-20-2009 11:43 AM

(part 16)

Dick was saying “Okay, we’re short on time, so we’ll have to do a real fast quickie. Barbie, who do we have?”

Barbie called the next players. “Let’s bring up Jill and Tom.” Jill looked to be about 5’7”, with shoulder length brown hair. She had on a blue sweater, striped skirt, and knee socks. Tom was about 5’10, I guess, and had the usual t shirt and jeans. His cowboy boots echoed around the studio as he walked to his spot on stage.

Once again, the card deck was brought out. “This game will be quick.” Barbie said. “Whoever draws the low card loses, and gets stripped by the winner. But the loser will get a chance for a little extra cash. Jill, go ahead and draw.” Jill grabbed a card, a king of diamonds. Tom was clearly disappointed by that, and rightfully so, since he drew a 3 of clubs. With a shy smile Jill started pulling off Tom’s clothes, starting with his boots. As she slid off his striped boxers to complete the job, she let out a little “Yee haw, cowboy!” which made the audience laugh.

Barbie had a black marker, and a piece of paper in her hand. She handed the marker to Jill, and the paper to Tom. She was saying “On that paper is a list of 10 words or phrases, and where they are to be written on Tom’s body. For every one you’re willing to have written on you, we’ll pay you an extra $ $1000 if you accept all ten. But I’ll warn you, this is a permanent marker…it will last a while.”

Tom must have seen this as a chance for some easy cash. He barely looked at the list, but simply said “Let’s do all of them.” Jill took the paper, and started writing:

“SLUT” in big capital letters across his chest.
“Suck this” with a down arrow, right above his crotch.
“Spank Me” across his butt.
“Jill’s Puppy” across his stomach.
“Whore” on his right thigh.
“Panty Slut” on his left thigh (maybe Tom should have looked at that list more closely)
“Pain Slut” under each nipple (this seemed to count for 2)
She wrote something on his dick…we couldn’t see what.
Then she finally wrote “Cum Bucket” with an up arrow, right above where she wrote “Slut” earlier. Yes, he should have definitely read the list more carefully.

“Well, that’s all for today. Thanks for joining us, and we’ll see you next time on Take Off.” We all applauded, and the curtain fell on episode 3.

molten man 10-24-2009 04:14 PM

Great continuation!!

zoll 10-27-2009 06:24 AM

Good stuff, cant wait for the next parts

BeX25 10-27-2009 08:44 AM

WOW this is a great story I really enjoy it and want more. I wish this programme was real ! I would be on it.
Good work.

tallguy2241 10-27-2009 10:35 PM

(part 17)

The producer came back out from behind the curtain and motioned to Michelle to come back on stage and was led behind the curtain to join the other contestants. I could tell she wasn’t happy.

The producer was saying “Okay folks, hope you’re all having a good time!” Everyone cheered. “Good! Take a 15 minute break. There’s still a little lunch left over. Help yourselves.” We all once again filed out into the lobby.

Well, since I didn’t have Michelle to talk to during this break, I just wandered the lobby randomly. I wound up talking to a couple of guys just milling around. They introduced themselves as Sean and Dan.

“Seems like the forfeits are getting more intense,” I told them. “Good thing our odds of getting on stage is down to about 1 in 7.”

Sean and Dan didn’t seem concerned. “That’s what we came for.” Dan said.

“Yeah” said Sean. “ I’m hoping to get up there!”

“Well, I hope you get what you want.” I said to them, then went back into the studio. Without Michelle around, I really didn’t feel like talking to anyone. I sat back down in the nearly empty studio. It was strangely peaceful, a calm before the storm perhaps. As I sat, I pictured the look on Michelle’s face when they removed the butt plug (assuming they did remove it…would they leave it in until the end of the taping?)

After too short a break (or so it seemed to me), the lights were briefly dimmed, signaling the crowd to return. Maybe it was just my imagination, but they seemed quieter than after the other breaks. Maybe it was just that it had been a long day…we had been there for over 3 hours, and we weren’t done yet.

The curtain was going up on episode 4...

tallguy2241 10-28-2009 10:08 AM

(part 18)

“Ladies and Gentlemen…welcome to Take Off, the audience participation stripping show! and now here’s your hosts, Dick and Barbie!”

“Thank you for joining us once again for another fun-filled game of Take Off.” Dick said. “The show where the clothes come off, and the fun goes up. And where the studio audience are the players!”

Barbie went on “Today we’re doing a theme show. This is a special Pain edition. Get ready for a little hurt, folks!” This brought out a groan from the audience, including me! “Lets see who our first players are. Let’s welcome Rhonda and Dan.”

Well, it looked like Dan was going to get his wish. He was about 6 feet tall, blonde hair, looked like he was in his late 20’s. And like most of the guys had on the basic t shirt and jeans. Rhonda had light brown hair down to about her shoulders, and was wearing a red dress. It looked like she had just gotten off from an office job or something, but it looked good.

Barbie was describing the next game. “It’s time for a little Strip Poker.” The cards were brought out again. “Each player will be dealt 5 cards. Each will choose which ones to throw out, and redraw. The best hand gets to remove some clothing from the other. The first one undressed loses, and suffers the forfeit. Dick, let’s go ahead and tell them what we have in store for the loser.”

Dick said “The winner of our game gets to give the loser an old-fashioned over the knee spanking! Ten bare handed swats on the behind.” The crowd applauded, but I think many of them realized it could have been them up there, and could still be later!

The first hand was dealt. The cards were set so only the player could see the hand, so we in the audience, and the opponent, could not see them. They did, however, have a camera on each hand, so the “folks at home” could see. Rhonda took 3 new cards, as did Dan. The cards were revealed, and Rhonda had a pair of 9’s, while Dan had only a King high. Rhonda pulled off Dan’s t shirt.

On the next hand, Rhonda drew 2, while Dan drew 3 after a moments thought. Rhonda had a pair of Queens, while Dan showed up with 3 Aces! Grinning, Dan undid Rhonda’s dress, revealing a sexy garter and stockings. Rhonda blushed while the audience cheered.

The third hand was dealt. Rhonda drew 1, while Dan drew 2. Rhonda had 2 pair, kings and 10’s, while Dan had a busted flush. Off came Dan’s shoes and socks. (Remember, they counted that as 1 piece)

Rhonda was clearly annoyed by her next hand, then drew 2. Dan looked reasonably happy, but drew 3. Rhonda had just an Ace high, Dan had a pair of kings. Rhoda lost her shoes. (Her stockings counted as a separate piece since she had worn a dress).

Each had 2 strips left: Rhonda her stockings and garter, and her underwear. Dan his jeans and underwear. The next hand was dealt. Rhonda thought for a moment, then drew 3. Dan was not happy, then drew 3 as well. Rhonda had a pair of jacks, Dan had king high. Rhonda looked relieved as she slid off Dan’s jeans.

On the next hand, Rhonda drew 3, Dan only 1. I don’t know what they were trying for, both only had an Ace high. But Dan’s king “kicker” beat Rhonda’s 10, so he won the hand. Rhonda was seated on a couch so that Dan could take off her stockings, which Dan (and the guys in the audience) clearly enjoyed. Her garter was also removed.

It came down to the last hand. Rhonda drew 3, Dan 4! Rhonda showed a pair of 7’s, but it looked like Dan’s fishing expedition paid off…he had a pair of Aces! He pumped his fist in celebration, while Rhonda looked like she wanted to fade into the background and disappear.

Dan was told to sit on the couch, and Rhonda was made to kneel next to him, then lay across his lap. He placed his hand on her ass, anticipating his first swat. *smack* Rhonda bit her lip, trying not to react to what was clearly a hard hit. *smack* Her eyes closed, trying to resist. *smack* This time she couldn’t help herself, she let out a little yelp. *smack* A louder yelp. *smack* Okay, not a yelp this time, more like a small scream. *smack* Her mouth was wide open, but no sound this time. That was almost creepier. *smack* Again, no sound, but I think I could see a tear down her face. *smack* Yes, she was definitely crying by now. *smack* Rhonda’s sobs could be heard by now. *smack* Dan must have put his all into that last one, Rhonda cried out.

Rhonda was helped to her feet, shot Dan an evil look, and stormed off stage. Dan shrugged, and was led off behind her.

Dick said “Well, that was an interesting beginning. Who do we have next?”

tallguy2241 10-28-2009 11:03 AM

(part 19)

Barbie announced the next players. “Let’s welcome Gina, Bex, Sean, and Owen.” Gina was Asian, real slim, wearing jeans and a bare midriff halter top. Bex (short for Rebecca?) was a sexy little blonde, long straight hair, with an impressive chest that her white sweater was showing off very nicely. She was also clearly not wearing a bra…her right nipple was practically poking through the sweater! Sean was about 6 feet tall, with black hair, and seemed in pretty good shape. Owen was a little on the short side, with brown hair.

Barbie went on “This game is going to pit the guys against the girls.” Four very elaborate apparatuses were brought out. Each had places for arms and legs to be restrained. It looked like there was some kind of button by where the hands would be, and there were wires everywhere. “We will first need all 4 of you to strip, and we will strap you in to our rigs here.”

Bex couldn’t wait to get undressed. I wouldn’t be surprised if she ripped something, she got done so quickly. And the guys were glad she did…those tits were round and pert and perfect, with a piercing in the right one. Sean wasn’t far behind, since he had been waiting for his chance on stage. Gina and Owen took a little longer, but soon they too, were undressed. All for were strapped in, and I swear they were attaching electrodes to them, one on each thigh, and one on each breast (men and women).

“Okay, so here’s how it works” Barbie was saying. “This is going to be a little trivia contest. The first team to get 6 right answers wins. But each time your team gets a question wrong, or the other team gets one right, your team gets a little electric shock. But, as an added twist, for every right answer, we’re going to increase the voltage a little, so the closer you get to winning, the stronger the shocks!” This got “oohs” from the audience, and a worried look from our players. Even Sean and Bex weren’t so sure about this. “But the winning team each wins an extra $1000.” This got cheers from the audience, and worried smiles from the players…I’m not sure they thought that was worth it.

I don’t remember the questions anymore, but I do remember that Bex got the first answer right, so the guys got the first shock. It must not have been too bad, since they both kind of laughed about it. And above the girls, a meter showing the voltage went up a little. Gina tried the next one, but got it wrong. The added voltage must have been significant…both girls cried “ow” when it hit.

Owen got the next question right, so the girls got that same shock again, with the same reaction. Sean got the next one, and also got it right, so another shock to the girls. The guys were winning 2-1.

Owen tried the next one, but got it wrong. By now their voltage had gone up twice…they were no longer laughing about the shock! Bex rang in on the next, got it right, and grinned while the guys got it again. She must have been determined not to get any more shocks, since she answered the next one right too. The guys were clearly not happy. The girls led 3-2.

Bex tried again on the next, but was wrong. With 3 wins, the shock must have really hurt. Both Gina and Bex cried out. Sean got the next one right, evening the score at 3, and making the girls cry out again.

Not to be outdone, Bex got the next one right. Now it was the guys that cried out. Bex scored again with the next, bringing the girls score to 5, and another good sized shock to the guys. But the girls were at 5...if they got one wrong, or the guys get it right, they were going to be sorry, I was sure.

Sure enough, Sean got the next one right. Not only was the voltage for the girls higher, but I swear they kept it going for twice as long. Both cried out, and Gina was starting to sob. Sean rang in on the next one too. Both girls were in some serious pain now. And the score was 5-5.

The final question was answered, correctly, by Sean. One more time the current flowed, this time I know it was longer than before. I could even see the girls arch their backs when the current hit. I felt so sorry for them, it seemed this game was so cruel!

Everyone was unstrapped, the girls put their arms around each other in consolation, while the guys high fived each other. All were led off stage.

“What an electrifying experience” Dick said. “Dick” somehow seemed like the right name for him now.
“Who’s next, Barbie?”

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