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alli55 10-06-2017 12:02 PM

[Fiction] The sleepover that changed my life
The sleepover that changed my life

Author’s note

This is my first attempt at a story.

I have been lurking anonymously for quite a long time, and have enjoyed reading some of the TorD stories. That inspired me to have a go myself.

The story I have written is a ‘slow-burner’, and will probably be too slow for some people. But I saw some advice on here that said you should write a story that you’d like to read, and I like stories where you have a chance to get to know the characters and empathise with them. Hopefully my story will allow you to do that.

One thing I find really frustrating on this site is the number of stories that start really well, get me hooked, and then just stop. I was determined that mine wouldn’t do that. So, I forced myself to write the whole story, from beginning to end, before I allowed myself to post anything. I’m really glad I did, because it meant I could go back and change little bits and pieces that made no sense in the light of how the story developed later.

Since I have already written the story, I could just post all the chapters one after the other. But the way I have written it, I don’t want to do that. Instead, the first chapter will appear in the post immediately following this one, and then I will post a new chapter every two or three days. Hopefully that will keep the story moving on, but allow people to stay with it at the same time.

Like I say, this is my first attempt, but I really enjoyed it! I think I might have got the writing bug! So please, whether you like it or not, I’d love to hear what you think.

I already have one or two ideas for another story. So, if people seem to like this one, maybe I’ll get writing again!

Thanks for being patient and reading this post.


alli55 10-06-2017 12:06 PM

The sleepover that changed my life

Chapter 1 Four girls and an uncle

Hi! My name’s Megan, I’m 22 years old, and I’m from Canterbury.

No, it’s not my introduction on some tacky TV game show! I just want to let you know who’s writing this story: me. It’s my story.

I’ve called it the sleepover that changed my life because that’s what happened. I know it sounds dramatic and maybe when you’ve read the story you’ll think I’m overplaying it, but to me that’s how it feels and that’s how it was.

In many ways it seems so long ago now – it is nine years after all, and that’s a big chunk of my life – but I can still remember it vividly. Not all the details of course; for some of those I’ve had to look back through my old diaries. But lots of it is still as clear as if it happened a couple of hours ago.

But that’s enough waffle! Let’s get on with the story!


Abi had been planning her sleepover for weeks, so it was a really big deal when she was told the week before that it couldn’t happen. She came to school that Monday morning with a face like thunder, snapping at everyone. Eventually she calmed down enough for me to pluck up the courage to ask her what had upset her.

Abi was my BFF (in fact, she’s still my closest friend). We had known each other since pre-school and been best friends since we were six, and in all that time I don’t think I’d seen her that angry about anything.

It turned out there was some important mental health thing over the following weekend that her parents wanted to take her sister to and so Abi had to go as well, which meant that the sleepover couldn’t happen. Abi’s sister, Jade, is three years younger than her and had (still has, actually) some mild mental health issues which her parents thought this weekend thing might help with.

It seemed fair enough to me, but when I said that to Abi she exploded again.

“It’s not fair!” she raged. “It’s always Jade this, Jade that, Jade, Jade, Jade! No-one ever thinks of me!”

“Can’t we just re-arrange it?” I asked.

“The whole point of it being this weekend was that she wasn’t going to be around, because she was going with my Dad and my Uncle Ryan to some football thing in London. Otherwise she’s always in the way, so it won’t be the same.”

“Oh,” I said, “right.” I decided to drop the subject.

But a smile crept over Abi’s face, and she looked at me and said, “I think I’ve got an idea.”


The day of the sleepover arrived and, yes, it was going ahead. Abi’s idea had worked. Her parents had taken Jade to the mental health thing, but since her Uncle Ryan had had his weekend plans wiped out, Abi had reasoned with her parents that he would be free to supervise the sleepover. They had agreed to it so long as he was willing, but had told Abi that she had to ask him herself.

“That was easy!” she had told me. “He can never say ‘no’ to his eldest niece. I can wrap him around my little finger!”

I looked at myself in the mirror and tried to decide what to do with my hair. I normally wore it in a ponytail, mainly to keep it from getting in my way, but also, being a redhead, if I wore it loose it tended to be a bit too in-your-face for my liking. I wasn’t particularly shy, but I wasn’t really out-there either, if you know what I mean.

So ponytail it was as usual, and also as usual I was wearing a baggy t-shirt and a pair of skinny jeans. That was my standard look.

I leaned closer to the mirror and peered into my own eyes to see what colour they were. That sounds ridiculous I know, but I have really weird eyes – some days they look nearly green and some days they look nearly blue. Today was a nearly blue day.

I turned away, grabbed my bag and headed downstairs.

Abi only lived about a five-minute walk from me, so I was soon ringing the doorbell.

She answered the door and let me in. She was wearing a blue sleeveless top that seemed to shimmer when she moved and a navy skirt that ended just above her knees. It looked good on her, since her arms were much more tanned than mine. She was taller than me and had the look of someone who was sporty and fit, whereas I was just small and skinny. Her shoulder-length brown hair suited her, though she didn’t like its colour and had got into trouble the previous summer for dyeing it blonde. She could be a bit of a rebel sometimes!

“This is going to be so good!” she said, as we took my bag upstairs to her room. Her smile disappeared, though, when she confided, “But I’m just a bit worried about including Paige.”

Paige hadn’t been to any of our sleepovers before, mainly because she was in Year 8 and we were Year 9s. But she was a long-time friend of Bethany, who had suggested we invite Paige along. Bethany had moved into our tutor group at the start of this year, and we had become really good friends with her. So when Bethany said Paige was nice we trusted her judgement; she also said Paige was a really good laugh.

We talked for a while, the normal BFF things, until we heard a car door shut outside and then a car drive off. Looking out of the window, we could see a girl standing on the pavement, with a bag next to her, looking first at the house and then up the road. She seemed to be waiting, unsure what to do.

“There’s Paige,” I said.

“What’s she doing?” Abi asked. “Why doesn’t she come to the door?”

“She’s probably waiting for Bethany. Remember she doesn’t really know you,” I pointed out.

Paige looked really quite young. She had blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail and was short, maybe even shorter than me. She was wearing a red dress with some sort of black pattern on it. It looked a bit too much like something you’d wear to a children’s birthday party. It wasn’t a look that was going to ease Abi’s worries about her.

Just then another car drew up, and out got Bethany. She immediately hugged Paige and then grabbed her bag out of the car and waved it off. We watched as they turned to start coming to the door, then ducked down out of sight and headed for the stairs. Abi was halfway down the stairs when the doorbell went, and she quickly opened it and let Bethany and Paige in. After hugging Abi and me, Bethany introduced Paige, and I gave her a hug to welcome her into the group and Abi did the same.

Bethany looked stunning, as always. She was mixed race, and her darker skin colour allowed her to wear things that just wouldn’t have looked good on someone paler. Today she was wearing an orange crop-top and blue denim shorty-shorts that showed off her curvy figure really well. She was about the same height as Abi but she seemed to have really long legs. It was no wonder that she got so much attention from the boys at school.

I could only dream of being like her.

Once we had dumped everyone’s bags upstairs, we headed back down to find out what the plans for dinner were. When Abi’s uncle gave us the option of ordering pizza, there was never going to be any other choice. We all made our selection, left him to order it, and went back upstairs. Amidst the usual girly talk, we decided to all paint our fingernails and set to with equal amounts of polish and remover as we tried this colour and that.

Before we knew it, the doorbell rang again and Abi’s uncle was shouting, “Pizza’s here girls!” up the stairs. We piled downstairs, waving our fingers about wildly and blowing on them to try to dry our nails. We each found our pizza and were going to go back upstairs when we were stopped in our tracks.

“You know the rule, Abigail!” said her uncle. “No hot food allowed upstairs. You’ll have to sit down here and eat it.”

There were two sofas that could seat three each, so we three guests piled onto one sofa and left Abi to sit with her uncle on the other.

She gave us a ‘look’ and said, “Thanks guys, desert me why don’t you!”

Paige answered, “Sorry, but we don’t know your Dad.” I suppressed a giggle.

“Oh my God, he’s not my Dad!” exclaimed Abi quickly. This time I couldn’t keep it in.

“Well there’s no need to be that embarrassed about the idea!” said her uncle, appearing put-out. More giggling from me.

“No, it’s not … I didn’t mean …” began Abi, turning bright red. By now I was creased up.

Her uncle put his hand on her knee. “I was only teasing,” he said to her as she flapped her hands in front of her face to try to fan the heat away. The three girls on our sofa were all in fits of giggles. Abi could also see the funny side and began to laugh with us.

When we had all regained our composure, Abi introduced everyone.

“This is my Uncle Ryan,” she said to us, and then pointing to each of us in turn she told him, “and this is Bethany, Paige and Megs, … um, sorry, I mean Megan.”

I should think so! Only Abi is allowed to call me Megs.

We talked as we ate, and now it was our turn to be embarrassed. I mean what do you call someone else’s uncle? You can’t really call him “Uncle Ryan” because he’s not your uncle, but you definitely can’t keep saying “Abi’s uncle” every time you want to speak to him, so what do you do?

“You can just call me Ryan,” he said, putting us out of our misery as we stumbled around for a workable option. “And you,” he said, turning to Abi, “can decide for yourself what to call me.”

“How about ‘Dave’?” suggested Abi.

“That’s fine, ‘Gertrude’!” replied her uncle. Playfully, she poked her tongue out at him.

Abi had a really nice uncle, I decided, though she already knew that.

After we’d finished, her uncle asked Abi what our plans for the evening were.

“We’ll be up in my room,” she told him. “You don’t need to keep checking on us, we’ll be fine.”

“I’m sure you will be,” he replied. “Well, you know where I am if you need anything. Have fun!”

She looked at us and grinned. “We will,” she said as we all trouped out and headed up the stairs.

We all sat on Abi’s bed, looking at some of her fashion mags, offering opinions on the various models and clothes and what sort of look would suit each of us. This moved on to analysing, or more like criticising, the way some of the others girls at school looked and dressed. I didn’t like this and didn’t really join in, mainly because I could well imagine at other people’s sleepovers I would be the subject of such criticism. Eventually everyone else got bored of this as well and it went quiet for a minute.

Abi spoke up. “We need to liven this sleepover up!”

We all agreed. But how?

Abi already had the answer. “How about a game of Truth or Dare?”

Bethany was keen, Paige said she was up for it, and so all eyes turned to me.

To be honest, it wasn’t a game I particularly liked because everyone else always seemed better at thinking up dares and questions than I was. But as we had played it at nearly all the sleepovers we’d had since we’d started secondary school, I had expected to be playing it this time and had googled some good dares and questions earlier that day. All I had to do now was try to remember them!

Since Abi and I had played plenty of times before, I knew the sorts of things we were likely to end up doing and I was mainly alright with them. Paige was younger than us so I was pretty sure that she would play the game at a similar level. Bethany though was a different matter. She was one of the oldest girls in our year and she was extremely confident in herself. She was the reason why I wasn’t absolutely certain I wanted to play.

But everyone else did, and I wasn’t about to be the party-pooper, so I said, as confidently as I could, “Count me in.”

techsavvymale28 10-06-2017 01:44 PM

Great story so far, keep up the good work and I look forward to reading more. :clap:

alli55 10-07-2017 02:44 PM

Just thought I'd let you know, I'll be posting Chapter 2 Truth or dare tomorrow, once I've finished proof-reading it.

alli55 10-08-2017 08:17 AM

The sleepover that changed my life

Chapter 2 Truth or dare

At Abi’s suggestion, we had decided to play Truth or Dare. Bethany and Paige were both keen on the idea, so I had agreed.

It wasn’t that I didn’t enjoy the fun part of playing the game, because I did. Teasing secrets out of the others; sharing personal information; doing fun and silly dares – all those things I liked as much as anyone else.

It’s just that I had one or two issues that I didn’t want putting in the spotlight. Specifically, I had very low confidence around boys and consequently no experience, and that was because of my other issue: my tits, or rather lack of them. I was nearly 14 and, although my breasts had started to develop when I was 12, I was still practically flat. My mum has small breasts and told me I’ll probably be the same. She assured me they will grow from what they were, but they weren’t exactly hurrying about it!

So that’s why I stuck with the baggy t-shirts, and that’s why I was nervous about playing Truth or Dare. Especially with Bethany. I’d never been to a sleepover with her before, so I didn’t know what sort of level she would play the game at, but I suspected it might be a bit more than we were used to or than I would be comfortable with. But I didn’t want to spoil it for everyone, so I had tried to appear as up-for-it as the others.

We agreed on the rules: you can’t pick the person who just picked you, and no exact repeat questions or dares. This was to stop the game getting to repetitive or too vindictive. Then Abi announced that since it was her sleepover she should get first go, and we happily agreed.

I knew she’d start by picking me, so I was ready for it when she said, “Megs, Truth or Dare?”

There was only one thing I was choosing first time out! “Truth,” I said.

Her question didn’t come as a surprise either, which I suppose comes from knowing someone, so well, for so long.

“Who was the first boy you fancied?”

I looked at Abi and smiled a “thank-you” smile. I knew that she already knew the answer anyway and was just giving me an easy way into the game.

“Flynn at primary school when I was 9,” I answered.

Neither of the other girls had gone to our primary school and they didn’t know Flynn so it meant nothing to them.

Since I didn’t really know Paige, I decided to pick Bethany, and she also chose Truth.

Following Abi’s lead, I tried to ask a question that Bethany wouldn’t mind answering, but I didn’t want it to be too lame.

“Bethany,” I said, “have you ever kissed a boy?” Of course she had and we all knew it.

“Yes, loads,” she replied with a fair degree of pride.

Bethany then picked Paige, presumably so that everyone was quickly included in the game. As I expected, Paige chose Truth.

“Have you got a boyfriend at the moment?”

“No,” said Paige, and no-one had any reason to doubt her. “Abi, Truth or Dare?”

I had a sneaky feeling that Abi was going to be the one to break out the Dares, so I was a little surprised when she chose Truth, but quickly realised that it was the first time she’d been asked, so it was understandable.

“What kind of person do you want to marry when you’re older?” Paige asked.

Oh dear! Paige hadn’t quite worked out the level of the game.

Abi had to think for a while about this one, but eventually opted for a cop-out.

“I’m not sure I want to get married,” she said.

Paige also saw this as a cop-out, so pushed further.

“But if you do …”

Abi gave in and continued, “But if I do, he must be kind.”

Well, duh!

After looking at me, Abi decided instead to pick Bethany, who once more chose Truth. It looked like the game was starting slowly, which was fine by me.

“Okay, Bethany,” Abi said slowly, “who was the last boy you kissed?”

Ooh, this would be more interesting!

“Lewis in Year 10,” replied Bethany.

There was a sharp intake of breath from each of us. Lewis was pretty much the hunkiest, most fanciable boy in school.

Abi spoke for all of us when she said, “Good for you, girlfriend!” and high-fived Bethany. Paige and I also high-fived her. Not surprisingly Bethany looked extremely pleased with herself.

Bethany picked Paige again, and Paige stuck with Truth. This time, though, the question was much tougher.

“Paige, what’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done?” said Bethany, and she gave Paige a knowing smile.

From that look, I was sure Bethany already knew the answer and that it was going to be pretty embarrassing. My thoughts were confirmed when I looked at Paige and saw she had screwed her eyes up tight and was blushing furiously.

“Come on, Paige,” teased Bethany.

Paige opened her eyes and slowly told her story. “It was when I was 10 and we went on a school trip to some farm place. We were wandering round all these barns and fields and things for ages and I began to really need the toilet. But I kept being told to wait. Well, in the end I couldn’t wait and started to pee myself. When I felt it start to come out I burst out crying and everybody looked at me. I couldn’t stop, so I ended up peeing myself in front of the whole class.”

After looking around the group for a bit, Paige said, “Megan, Truth or Dare?”

Well there was no way I was going to be the first to choose Dare, so it was Truth again.

“Who is your best friend?” Paige asked.

Only Paige could have asked that question. Bethany would have considered it too feeble, and if Abi had asked me it would have thrown up so many questions and doubts about why she was asking that I wouldn’t have known what to think.

As it was, three people answered the question together. “Abi,” said Bethany and I, at the same time as Abi said, “Me.”

Paige looked crestfallen at being seen to be so stupid as to have not picked up on this fact already. I felt sorry for her and, since I was sat next to Paige, I subtly took hold of her hand in mine and gently squeezed it. She squeezed back, looked at me and smiled, and our hands parted.

I was still convinced that Abi would be the first to take a Dare, so I decided to try her. I was right. Maybe she trusted her BFF to not give her anything too hard. I had to get this right, so I took my time. Finally I had one that I thought would work.

“I dare you to let everyone paint your toenails any way they want to.”

Straightaway Abi took off her socks and stretched her legs out so that her feet were in the middle of the room. We got the nail polish and brushes and began to decorate her toes. When we had finished she had multi-coloured toenails and she waggled her feet as the polish dried.

Leaving her decorated feet uncovered, Abi looked at each of us and picked Bethany. Following Abi’s lead, Bethany chose Dare.

“I dare you to sniff everyone’s feet and tell us whose smell nicest and whose smell worst.”

“Including my own?” asked Bethany.

“Including your own,” Abi confirmed.

I wasn’t sure Bethany was flexible enough to do that, but otherwise the dare wasn’t too bad. We had all been only wearing socks since we arrived so, assuming everyone’s basic hygiene was alright, our feet shouldn’t really be stinky. We all took our socks off and stuck our feet out for Bethany to sniff. She made a big play of wrinkling her nose and saying “Ewww” a few times, but I could tell she was only playing around. Eventually she announced the results.

“The award for the nicest smelling feet goes to …” she threw a pause in for effect like they do on X-Factor, “… Megan,” and I stood up and took a bow, “and the award for the stinkiest feet goes to … Abi!”

Abi playfully stuck her tongue out, but it was fair enough since she had come up with the dare. None of us bothered to put our socks back on, so they were chucked into a corner out of the way.

Bethany then picked me, and I had to decide whether to take a Dare or not. I didn’t feel quite ready yet, so I opted for Truth. Bethany and Paige seemed a little disappointed, but I knew Abi understood.

“Megan,” began Bethany, “what do you wear to bed?”

They’d find out later that evening, so there was no point in lying. “A t-shirt that’s like much too big for me so that it comes down a long way, and my knickers,” I informed them. Abi, of course, already knew this.

So far I’d picked Bethany and Abi, so it was only fair that I picked Paige this time. She thought for a while before choosing Truth. I was rather glad that I didn’t have to think up another dare just yet.

“How old were you when you had your first kiss?” I asked her.

She thought for a moment then said “10,” which seemed reasonable.

Paige looked around and then said, “Bethany, Truth or Dare?”

Bethany opted for Truth and seemed quite pleased when Paige asked, “How many boys have you been out with?”

She was quiet for a while and seemed as if she was counting in her head. I wondered at this: surely it couldn’t be that many, could it?

In the end she looked at us and said, “Seven.” I’m not sure if any of us knew whether we should be impressed or not, but I think we all secretly were.

Bethany then took her chance to get Abi back for the earlier feet-smelling dare, and Abi, being Abi, rose to the challenge and took Dare.

A little grin appeared on Bethany’s face as she said, “Abi, I dare you to do a headstand for one minute.” Trying to be helpful, she added, “Someone can hold you up if you need help to do it.”

Abi looked knowingly at Bethany. She had obviously worked out what was going on. Yes, she would need someone to hold her up, but that wasn’t the biggest issue. As soon as she was upside-down, her skirt was going to fall over her top leaving her showing her knickers to everyone. Bethany just smirked at Abi.

“I’m going to do it on the bed so it’s softer on my head,” Abi told us, before selecting me to hold her up.

Abi and I got on the bed and Abi propped herself up against the wall for support. Then, slowly, she pushed her feet further up the wall until she was nearly in position. I stepped in and helped her up the last little bit. Her skirt duly flopped down, giving everyone a fine view of her pink knickers.

“Nice!” said Bethany. “Pink suits you!” I wasn’t sure if she meant it or if she was mocking.

By the time one minute was up Abi’s face had gone the same colour as her knickers, but I was pretty certain that was just the blood rushing to her head rather than embarrassment. When she tried to stand up she was a bit wobbly, which kind of confirmed what I’d thought.

Once she had settled down, she got the game going again. “Megs, Truth or Dare?”

I knew I couldn’t keep taking Truth without appearing a killjoy, and I kind of trusted Abi to not give me too bad a dare. Especially I hoped she would consider what sort of dare I really wouldn’t like.

She did, sort of.

However, I think she was still a bit pumped up from her last dare and that played a part in what she chose for me.

“Megs, I dare you to take off one thing of your clothes and leave it off for the rest of the game.”

My heart skipped a beat and my mouth went dry. The game had just gone up a level.

alli55 10-09-2017 12:11 PM

Will be posting Chapter 3 The clothes come off tomorrow. Just going through the proof-reading, hopefully will catch all the mistakes this time!

LoveRub 10-09-2017 12:49 PM

Very interesting

alli55 10-10-2017 12:58 PM

The sleepover that changed my life

Chapter 3 The clothes come off

Our game of Truth or Dare had so far been a lot of fun. I could honestly say I had enjoyed it, despite my nervousness about playing. Abi, my BFF, had gone easy on me, and the others had followed her lead and kept the game at a level I could handle, though I’m sure Bethany would have described it as ‘tame’ or even ‘lame’.

But now things had gone up a notch.

Abi, flushed from having a done a one-minute headstand that had exposed her knickers to everyone, had clearly decided that it was time to make the game more interesting. She had picked me and, since I hadn’t yet taken a dare, I’d felt I should show everyone that I was going to join in properly. So I had chosen Dare. The dare she’d given me had made my mouth go dry and set my heart pounding.

I could still hear the words racing round inside my head.

“Megs, I dare you to take off one thing of your clothes and leave it off for the rest of the game.”

Since we had all taken our socks off when Bethany had sniffed our feet, this left me with a choice of t-shirt or jeans. That’s when I realised that, actually, Abi had still been considerate to me. I couldn’t blame her for upping the level of the game – that was Bethany’s influence egging her on. But she had at least given me a choice. She knew I had a massive hang-up about my flat chest, so she had given me a way out. I could still show I was a fun, up-for-it girl!

So, I took a deep breath, stood up and undid the button on my jeans. I slowly lowered the zip and then began to wriggle the jeans down over my bum. I always wore skinny jeans, so this was not a quick or easy task and everyone got a good long look as my yellow knickers were revealed to the group, but finally I had the top of my jeans round my knees. Then I sat on the edge of the bed and took them down the rest of the way before chucking them into the corner with all our socks.

I stood back up to the sound of everyone cheering.

I had nice legs, they were the part of my body that I liked best, which made it a bit strange that I always covered them up. But that was basically because I felt that jeans went better with the baggy t-shirts than a skirt would, and the baggy t-shirts were a must.

“Great legs, Megs!” said Abi and she laughed at her unintended rhyme. Paige and Bethany agreed, and I sat back in the circle feeling quite pleased and proud.

Maybe that was the problem; maybe I was swept along in the euphoria of the moment. That’s the only explanation that I can offer for what I did next.

“Bethany,” I said, “Truth or Dare?”

“Dare,” she answered.

“I dare you to swap tops with Abi.”

Bethany didn’t hesitate for a moment, and Abi wasn’t about to appear any less game, so they both began to remove their tops. Bethany pulled her crop-top up and over her head, revealing a black bra supporting a nice sized pair of tits. I had no idea what size they were, but they were easily the biggest of any of us, and she knew it. Abi, meanwhile, had unbuttoned her top and was taking it off. She had a pink bra that looked like it was from a matching set with her knickers. She took Bethany’s crop-top as she handed over her own top.

“Be careful with it,” she told Bethany, “I’m not sure it’ll fit you and it’s one of my favourites, so maybe don’t do the buttons up.”

“No worries,” replied Bethany, who slipped the top on and left it unfastened. It wasn’t too tight and she probably could have fastened it without a problem, but it fitted her well enough to hold in place anyway.

Bethany’s crop-top, however, looked ridiculous on Abi. It was baggy in places it shouldn’t be baggy, and we all laughed at how she looked. When she glanced in the mirror, she laughed too.

Once we had settled, Bethany picked Paige, who I think had been taken a little by surprise by where this game had gone. It was maybe beyond what she was used to, so she played safe and chose Truth.

There was much giggling when Bethany asked, “Paige, have you ever seen a boy’s willy?”

Paige had to stop giggling before she could reply, “Only my little brother’s.”

“Abi, Truth or Dare?” said Paige.

“Dare,” came the reply.

The dare that Paige gave Abi took me and my BFF completely by surprise. We looked at each other in disbelief, but when I glanced across at Bethany and saw her smiling I remembered what she had said about her friend being a good laugh. Maybe Paige was finding her level in this game after all.

“Abi,” Paige responded immediately, “I dare you to take off your skirt and leave it off for the rest of the game.”

Bethany reached across to high-five her friend. “Yay, Paige!” she said.

Abi stood up and quickly removed her skirt and threw it onto the growing pile in the corner before sitting back down.

Inside I was starting to get much more nervous again now – it seemed pretty obvious where this game was going and I was anxious about how long I could keep my t-shirt on.

Abi picked Bethany and she chose Truth. Maybe just to mix things up or maybe she wanted to slow things down a bit as well, I couldn’t tell. Either way I was glad of her choice.

Abi’s question was a belter, but it did nothing to ease my nervousness.

“Bethany, how far have you gone with a boy?” With my complete lack of experience in this area, I didn’t want things going too far down this road either!

I really don’t know what we expected Bethany’s answer to be, but when it came we just sat in silence for a moment taking it in.

“I’ve given a blow-job,” she said.

No-one knew what to say, so no-one said anything. It was more than a little awkward.

“Hey, it’s cool guys.” Bethany’s voice broke the silence. “Megan, Truth or Dare?”

Crap! Why did she have to pick me right after that? I didn’t know what to choose. I certainly didn’t want to run the risk of losing my t-shirt, but I was also very concerned about what sort of question I might get. In the end I plumped for the lesser of the two evils and said, “Truth.”

“Megan, do you shave down there?” she said nodding her head in the direction of my knickers.

With a massive sense of relief, I answered, “No, I don’t.”

I decided to pick Paige next and, for the first time, she chose Dare.

Crap again! What sort of dare should I set? I didn’t want to appear lame, but I definitely wanted to try to bring the game back to something I was more comfortable with.

It was at that point that I remembered one of the dares that Google had come up with that I’d thought was good. More to the point it would be fun and it would take us quite a while to do, so maybe the heat would go out of the game a bit.

“Paige,” I said earnestly, “I dare you to let everyone do your hair any way they want (but no cutting it) and you have to keep it that way for the rest of the game.”

Abi and Bethany both congratulated me on coming up with such a good dare. I was pleased and relieved in equal measure.

We set to with clips and bobbles and laccy bands and spent an enjoyable ten minutes arranging Paige’s hair in a style you could only describe as ‘offbeat’. When we stood her in front of a mirror, all four of us burst out laughing and laughed until our sides hurt.

Unfortunately, my hopes that this would take the heat out of the game were blown out of the water immediately. Thank-you, Paige!

“Bethany, Truth or Dare?”


“I dare you to take off any clothes that aren’t yours.”

Bethany quickly took off Abi’s top and threw it into the corner. I couldn’t help but look at her chest. I was so jealous. Why couldn’t my tits be even half as big? I looked away before she caught me staring.

Bethany straightaway saw a chance to rectify the situation, and picked Abi. Unluckily for Abi she didn’t cotton on to Bethany’s plan and chose Dare, falling right into Bethany’s trap. Admittedly I didn’t see it coming either.

“Abi, I dare you to give me my crop-top back.”

Bethany had a great big grin on her face, clearly very pleased with how her plan had been carried out so successfully. She took the crop-top from Abi and put it back on. Now it was clear that Abi’s bra and knickers were a matching set.

The game was now going at much too fast a pace for my liking, but I looked at Abi and I could see she was thinking hard. I supposed that, after falling into Bethany’s trap so easily, she was trying to think of a way to get even. As I watched, she had her light-bulb moment, as she calls it: you know when suddenly an idea pops into your head just like a light-bulb turning on.

She turned to me and said, “Megs, Truth or Dare?” She said it whilst looking intently at me, as if she was trying to make me choose the answer she wanted to hear.

I didn’t know what she had got planned, but I was pretty certain that I wasn’t going to be the victim, so I said, “Dare,” and held my breath.

“Megs,” Abi began with a mischievous grin, “I dare you to take Bethany’s top off her.”

I looked at Abi and she had the look of the cat that got the cream. So smug! But I had to hand it to her: she had come up with a dare that would give her exactly what she wanted. More to the point, as far as I was concerned, she’d left me safe a bit longer.

I moved over to stand behind Bethany and put my fingers under the bottom of her crop-top, one hand on each side of her. She lifted her arms up and I pulled the crop-top up and over her head. Then I threw it onto the pile and went back to my place and sat down.

Far too many clothes had come off much too quickly, and my nervousness was increasing with every item that was flung into the corner. Somehow, I had to slow the game down. But how?

thorne 10-10-2017 03:42 PM

This is so great I love the characters. Can’t wait to see where it will go

deltavoyager 10-11-2017 03:19 PM

Pretty good story so far, can't wait for another update :)

alli55 10-12-2017 12:47 PM

I'd just like to say, to all the professional proof-readers out there: hats-off to you, I couldn't do your job!

I'm nearly ready to post Chapter 4 Fit teachers and flowery knickers. I will definitely post it tomorrow.

alli55 10-13-2017 11:17 AM

The sleepover that changed my life

Chapter 4 Fit teachers and flowery knickers

With Bethany and Abi competing to try to out-dare each other, our game of Truth or Dare was going further than I really wanted it to much more quickly than I had expected. So I was trying to find a way of slowing down the game. I reckoned my best chance was Paige, who I was beginning to regard as my go-to safe person.

Thankfully, I think she felt like I did that the battle between Abi and Bethany was getting a bit out of hand and so she chose Truth. Now, though, I had to get the tone of the question right. It needed to fit in with the new level the game was at, but I wanted to take it away from certain directions it had been going down. At that moment, for some completely unknown reason, a random memory came into my head of something that I used to like doing when I was like 8 or 9, and I had my question.

“Paige,” I said, “have you ever danced naked in front of the mirror?”

I said it was random!

“Yes,” she answered and giggled again.

Now Paige had a problem. She couldn’t pick me since I had just picked her, so she had to pick one of the two who we were trying to calm down. She looked at me for help, so I subtly flicked my head in Abi’s direction. I was going to try to put an idea in her head like she had tried with me just now. So when Paige picked Abi, I looked my BFF in the eye, silently pleading with her to choose Truth.

Whether she picked up on it or not I don’t know, but I was extremely relieved when she said, “Truth.”

“Abi, what is something you’ve never told anybody?”

“Wow, Paige, great question!” I said to her.

Abi struggled to come up with an answer. The delay was also helping to take the heat out of the game a bit. Finally, she revealed her secret.

“I’m pretty sure I haven’t told even Megs this,” she began, “but I had a crush on Mr Rae.”

She certainly hadn’t told me that!

“What, our Geography teacher from last year?” I asked her.

She just nodded her head in confirmation.

“Oh my God! Abi!” I exclaimed. “I had no idea!”

“Well you’ve got to admit he was fit,” she argued.

“Yes, but, oh my God!” was all I could say.

“I was devastated when I found out he was leaving,” she continued, before adding airily, “but I’m over it now!”

With the shockwaves still reverberating in my head, I only vaguely heard Abi pick Bethany and Bethany choose Truth.

“Who was the last boy you gave a blow-job?”

That jolted me back to reality!

Abi was obviously still going after Bethany and had come up with another belter of a question.

Bethany, however, didn’t seem fazed at all.

“The last one was Olly in Year 10,” she said in a matter-of-fact manner.

I wasn’t totally sure who Olly was, but it was the way she said “the last one” that grabbed my attention more. How many had there been?

My thoughts were quickly interrupted.

“Megan, Truth or Dare?” Bethany asked me.

Coming from Bethany it had got to be Truth.

“Have you ever touched a boy’s willy?”

Having had no experience with boys whatsoever, this was dangerously close to territory I didn’t want to venture into. But I reckoned I could get away with this one since I was pretty sure that only Bethany had touched one.

“No,” I replied, and no-one said anything.

I couldn’t keep picking Paige, so I opted instead for Abi. She chose Dare.

Since she was in her underwear, I dared her to do a belly dance. I knew she was a good dancer, so I was certain she could make a good job of it and fairly confident she would be comfortable enough doing it. She was, and did it well enough to receive a deserved round of applause afterwards.

Abi picked Paige next and she chose Dare. I had noticed that Paige, like me, was happy to take a dare from Abi but not from Bethany. I wondered whether the others had noticed this too.

Paige’s dare was to hold her breath for 30 seconds. If she failed, her punishment was to remove one of her clothes for the rest of the game. I thought 30 seconds gave her a reasonable chance, but she couldn’t manage it. It was then that it dawned on me that Paige was wearing a dress, so that taking it off would bring her to the same state of undress as Abi.

Paige took it in her stride, calmly unzipping the back of her dress before pulling it down and stepping out of it. It went the same way as all the other clothes had gone. She was wearing pink flowery knickers and a white camisole. I think she was a little embarrassed by her choice of knickers, but fortunately for her nobody commented.

She sat back down and said, “Bethany, Truth or Dare?”

“Dare,” came the reply.

“Bethany, I dare you …” Paige said slowly, thinking out loud, “I dare you … to take your shorts off in a sexy strip-tease dance and leave them off for the rest of the game.”

Paige, it seemed, was intent on keeping up the stripping!

Bethany was more than happy to do it, revelling in the attention as she wiggled her hips whilst slowly unzipping her shorts. She turned around and began slowly pulling her shorts down over her bum. Once they were down past her thighs she dropped them to the floor and stepped out of them. She picked them up and they too went onto the ever-growing pile. She had a pair of black knickers that hugged her bum really tightly, and before she sat down she wiggled it at us again. She was so body-confident, I reflected.

I looked around and realised I was the only one not sitting in just their underwear. I knew I was going to be the target and wondered just how long I could delay the inevitable. I couldn’t keep taking truths every time or the others would accuse me of spoiling the game, but I really couldn’t face the prospect of losing my t-shirt just yet.

“Megan, Truth or Dare?” said Bethany.

I told you I would be the target!

“Truth,” I said straight away.

Bethany looked daggers at me, but then her expression softened. “Megan,” she asked, “who do you think has the best tits here?”

Talk about a loaded question! Abi rolled her eyes and Paige sniggered.

I told Bethany what she wanted to hear: “You, obviously.” Still, it had got me out of danger for a bit longer.

I was about to choose Abi, when I realised that could be a mistake. If I chose her, I would block the one I trusted most from being able to choose me. That would put me at the mercy of Paige or Bethany. I quickly changed my mind and picked Paige again; she chose Dare.

I gave Paige a dare I thought she would be comfortable with. “Kiss your hand, pretend it’s the fittest boy in your tutor group and you have to call his name out when you’re kissing your hand.”

She made it look really good, kissing her hand whilst calling out, “Kyle, ooh Kyle, mmmm.” I didn’t know who Kyle was, since he was obviously in the year below and I didn’t pay much attention to boys anyway, so I only really knew the ones in my class. But I got the impression that she quite fancied Kyle.

As I’ve already mentioned, I didn’t really know Paige until the sleepover. But I was really warming to her. She seemed to have an innocence about her that bordered on naivety yet she was outgoing and fun with it, a combination that I liked. But her next move made me realise that she was one very smart girl, possibly so smart as to make her a little scary in the context of the game.

She picked Abi, and Abi chose Truth. Paige’s question was really clever.

“Abi,” she asked quite deliberately, “what don’t you want anyone in this group to ask you?”

Abi was flummoxed.

Knowing her as well as I did, I couldn’t think of any particular areas that she would be desperate to keep secret, but obviously if there were she wouldn’t have told me anyway, so what did I know. What did worry me a bit was how she kept looking at me whilst she was thinking about the answer. What was she thinking of saying? Surely she wasn’t going to reveal any of my secrets that I’d only ever told her? I looked at her again and could tell she was trying to decide how to answer. When she began to speak, I held my breath, my heart beating fast.

Slowly she said, “There’s nothing I can think of, I don’t really have secrets.”

I breathed a sigh of relief, rather too heavily in hindsight. Paige seemed somehow to pick up on my nervousness.

“Are you sure there’s nothing at all?” she asked Abi whilst glancing at me.

Abi looked at me again, and I shook my head as I met her gaze. I tried to be subtle, but who knows who else saw it.

Abi tried again, “Okay, I don’t want to be asked anything that’s just between me and Megs.”

She gave me a look that said “I did my best”. I took her hand and squeezed it gently to let her know I understood. She gave my hand a “thank-you” squeeze back.

Then she picked me.

Normally I would have taken a Dare from Abi, but I lost my nerve and opted for a Truth instead.

Abi seemed surprised and maybe a little put-out, but she quickly recovered and asked me a question which was in keeping with where the game had got to but which she already knew the answer to.

“Megs, has a boy ever seen you naked?”

“No,” I answered, and I could have added, “and they’re not likely to anytime soon!” but I didn’t of course.

This time I had the opportunity to block the biggest threat to me for a while longer, so I took it, picking Bethany. She knew what I’d done, but could do nothing about it, so chose Truth.

I was quite pleased with the question I came up with, as I thought it would be one that Bethany wouldn’t be quite so comfortable with. I didn’t want her to think I was trying to be mean, though, so I asked her in the friendliest way I could think of.

“Bethany,” I said gently, “if you could kiss any one of our teachers, who would you choose?”

The fact that she didn’t reply immediately told me that I had given her a more difficult question than she was expecting. Abi and Paige were waiting eagerly to hear her answer, as I was too.

After pondering for a while, she said, “I think it would have to be Mr Campbell;” before adding, “good question, by the way!” She smiled a friendly smile at me and I returned it.

The other two were considering her answer, and after a bit of discussion we all agreed she had probably made the right choice. Mr Campbell was our Maths teacher, and he was young enough, good-looking enough and nice enough to deserve to be selected.

Bethany then picked Paige and she chose Truth. Picking up on Paige’s last question to Abi, Bethany attempted to play Paige at her own game.

“Which person here knows something about you that you don’t want revealed?” she asked.

It was a decent attempt, but it clearly wasn’t in the same league as Paige’s earlier effort. Maybe, just maybe, I thought I could detect a hint of a warning in the question, though. Was Bethany telling Paige to ease up on the stripping? I couldn’t be sure, it might just be my desperation to hold on to my t-shirt as long as possible putting ideas in my head, but perhaps Bethany was softening a little.

Paige’s answer was simple and obvious. “You, probably,” she told Bethany.

Because I’d kept picking her, Paige hadn’t had much chance to pick me for ages, so now she took her opportunity.

This gave me a really tricky decision. In my head I had been working out a plan to keep me covered up as long as possible without being called out for avoiding dares. I wasn’t taking a dare from Bethany but I would from Abi, since she knew about my flat-chest issue and I was certain I could trust her not to drop me in it. But Paige didn’t know me and it was pretty obvious what dare she was going to give me, since I was the only one still covered up. I knew I’d taken too many truths already and in the spirit of the game I ought to take a dare. As I could see it, my only hope was Abi. If I took a dare and lost my t-shirt, then I could pick Abi and try to get her to end the game so I could cover back up quickly.

So, with a sinking feeling, I turned to Paige and said, “Dare.”

alli55 10-14-2017 10:51 AM

Chapter 5 Rollercoaster ride coming tomorrow. Just doing the last bit of proof-reading on it!

Hope you're all enjoying the story!

alli55 10-15-2017 07:49 AM

The sleepover that changed my life

Chapter 5 Rollercoaster ride

As soon as I’d said the word, “Dare”, I got that tight feeling in my stomach that you get when you’re really anxious about something.

Abi, Bethany and Paige were all sat in just their underwear, after our game of Truth or Dare had gone down a road I wasn’t keen on travelling. I was still wearing my t-shirt, which was baggy enough to pretty much cover my knickers as well. Not that showing my knickers was what was worrying me; the others had seen them already. No, it was further up that I was worried about: I had a major thing about my flat chest. It was why I always wore baggy t-shirts.

When Paige had picked me, I had not wanted to be seen as too lame to play, so had chosen Dare even though I was sure I knew what was coming. I was going to be losing my t-shirt. I’d held on to it as long as I could but I was resigned to the fact that it was about to go.

But when I looked at Paige she seemed to be struggling with something. Was she thinking of taking pity on me?

“Give me a minute,” she said, “I’ve got to get the right words.”

Now I knew why she was struggling. She had to think of a way to dare me to take my shirt off that hadn’t already been used in an earlier dare, because of our ‘no exact repeat dares’ rule. All too briefly I had a glimmer of hope, until I remembered how smart Paige was.

“I’ve got it!” she exclaimed, looking pleased with herself. “Megan, I dare you to let everyone take your shirt off you and then leave it off for the rest of the game.”

I had to hand it to her, Paige was clever.

I knew I couldn’t put it off any longer, so slowly I got to my feet and stood in the middle of the circle. As the others moved towards me something occurred to me, some small hope that I could cling to. Since they were all going to be taking my shirt off me, there wouldn’t be anyone just sitting and looking at me. Maybe they wouldn’t notice my flat chest. A much louder voice in my head pushed that thought away: of course they’d notice, how could they not notice!

At that moment I felt the bottom of my shirt being lifted up, so I raised my hands above my head and shut my eyes tight. I could feel the shirt going up and up, then felt it coming off my shoulders. Hands appeared on my neck and chin as they struggled to get the shirt over my head. Then it was gone, no doubt winging its way into the corner.

I lowered my arms and felt a hand squeezing mine. I knew it would be Abi, so I returned the squeeze. The hand stayed in place, but then a different hand squeezed my other hand. I opened my eyes to see Paige standing next to me, looking at me a bit concerned. I smiled weakly and squeezed her hand too.

I knew at that moment that she and I could be really good friends.

I let go of the hands, but Abi held on to mine. I looked at her and shook my hand to indicate to her that she could let go. She did and we all sat back down.

Once we were back in our places, Abi leaned in close to me and whispered, “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” I whispered back.

She looked me in the eye intently.

“Really,” I insisted, “don’t worry, I’m fine. No worries.”

Then I said loudly, “Must be my turn. So, Abi, Truth or Dare?”

As Abi decided what to choose, I glanced at the other two. Paige was watching Abi, but Bethany was looking at me and I thought I caught a smirk as she realised I was wearing a training bra. I blushed and turned away to avoid making eye contact with her and hoped she wouldn’t say anything. I had tried wearing proper bras but my tiny breasts didn’t need any support and I found the training bras more comfortable. I made a promise to myself that I would switch to proper bras from now on.

Abi chose Truth, which fitted my plan perfectly. If I could get her to spot the subtle signals I was trying to send her, Abi would take her truth and bring the game to an end, allowing everyone to recover their clothes.

It had been fun, I couldn’t deny that, and I had enjoyed playing, but I would be quite happy to just watch a film or something now.

However, I wanted to go out with a really good question, and I thought I had one. Not only that, it was one that I didn’t absolutely know what her answer would be.

“Abi,” I asked my BFF, “if you had to choose between Aaron and Max who would you go out with?”

“Oooh,” she replied, showing me that it was a good question. She had made no secret of the fact that she liked both Aaron and Max, so Bethany and I waited with interest as she struggled to choose.

“Max,” she said after a bit, “no, Aaron, … no, wait, … yes, Aaron.”

“Wow, that was hard!” said Bethany. “Maybe you should just double date them!” and she and Paige laughed.

I was too busy looking at Abi to laugh with them. I wanted to know whether she had picked up my signals about ending the game.

I don’t know whether she had or not, but she was about to send me on an emotional rollercoaster. To say that what she did next took us all by surprise would be the understatement of the year!

“I dare everyone to stop the game and let’s go to the kitchen and get something to eat,” she said …


… before grinning wildly and adding, “dressed as we are!”


The three of us looked at each other, then back at Abi, in complete disbelief. Had she really said that?

“Are you serious?” Bethany voiced what we were all thinking.

“Uh-huh,” replied Abi.

“You’re doing it as well,” said Bethany. It was a cross between an instruction, a plea and a question.

“Yeah,” said Abi.

Bethany put her hand into the middle of our circle. “Alright, I’m in,” she said. Abi put her hand on top of Bethany’s.

Knowing the layout of Abi’s house, I was trying to work out how she was going to do this. There were only two ways into the kitchen: from the outside passage between the front of the house and the garden, or from the main room downstairs. Outside would be freezing cold and the door would probably be locked anyway, whilst downstairs was where her uncle would be. I couldn’t see how it could possibly be done, and I said so.

Paige, who had quietly put her hand on top of Abi’s, looked at me and quickly withdrew it.

“Don’t worry about Uncle Ryan,” Abi told us. “I’ll get him to move so he won’t see us.”

“But he’ll know what we’re doing,” I countered, “and he’ll tell us we’re not allowed.”

“Well, if he does, then obviously we can’t do the dare and the game’s over,” replied Abi. “Is that fair?”

That was the bait that hooked me! The chance, the very good chance as I saw it, that the game would be over was too good to resist.

“That’s fair!” I said as I put my hand in. Almost immediately I felt Paige’s hand rest on top of mine.

We were actually doing this!

Abi led the way as we crept quietly down the stairs. At the bottom she halted, turned to us and whispered, “Wait here.” She pushed open the door to the main room just enough to stick her head around it.

Her uncle must have noticed because we heard him say, “Abigail, what can I do for you?”

“I need you to do me a favour,” Abi began slowly.

“Yeah, what favour?” came her uncle’s voice.

“We’re hungry, so we want to go into the kitchen to get some bits to eat,” Abi explained.

“So what’s the problem?” asked her uncle.

Abi paused as she tried to gather the courage to get her next words out, then cautiously said, “We’ve been playing Truth or Dare, and we, um, aren’t exactly wearing all our clothes.”

“I see.”

“And our dare is to go to the kitchen like we are,” Abi continued, “so we need you to go somewhere so you won’t see us.”

After a pause, we heard her uncle say, “Hmmm, the only place I could go would be the loo and I’m not sitting in there while you ransack the kitchen!”

I felt a wave of relief wash over me as I anticipated the end of the game.

“Pleeease,” said Abi in the cutest way she could.

“How about if I sit here but put a cushion over my face so I can’t see anything, and you shut the kitchen door with a bang so I know when you’re all in there?” replied her uncle. “Would that do?”

“Yeah, that’d work,” said Abi, and pulled her head back and turned to face us.

I couldn’t believe her uncle was going along with this. Crap and double crap!

Abi was so pleased with herself. “He can’t say ‘no’ to me! See, wrapped round!” and she stuck out her little finger.

She put her head back around the door. “Ready?” she asked.

“Ready!” came a muffled voice in reply.

“Let’s go!” she said to us, and pushed the door open fully.

We walked in: Abi cautiously; Bethany confidently; Paige nonchalantly; and me trembling. The first thing we each did was check to make sure her uncle really couldn’t see us. He looked so funny sat on the sofa with his hands pressing a large cushion to his face! Quickly we made our way into the kitchen and Abi slammed the door shut. We had made it!

We began raiding the cupboards for things to eat and ended up selecting a multi-pack of bags of crisps in different flavours. We took three or four bowls to pour the crisps into, grabbed a bottle of water each, and decided that we had everything we needed.

Abi moved next to the door and shouted, “Cover up again, we’re coming back through!” and waited for the okay.

It never came.

Instead her uncle said, “Since you’re playing Truth or Dare, how about I give you all a dare?”

We looked at each other, wide-eyed and open-mouthed. Abi was flustered, not knowing how to reply. She looked at us for help, but we were no use.

“Um, not really,” she said, hopefully.

“Oh well,” came the reply, “you can always stay in the kitchen all evening.”


Abi had got us into this mess, but now she didn’t have a clue what to do to get us out of it.

“Ask him what the dare is;” suggested Paige, “maybe it will be fine. I mean you trust your uncle, don’t you?”

Abi perked up. She did trust her uncle, and Paige was right, the dare would probably be perfectly okay.

“What’s the dare?” she shouted through the door.

We stood there, waiting to hear our fate.

LoveRub 10-15-2017 11:38 AM

keep going this is great

DragonGirl 10-15-2017 02:43 PM

Good story so far, I do wonder what the uncle will dare them

Bobcat 10-15-2017 02:44 PM

keep going this is great story so far

FolDae 10-15-2017 11:16 PM

I have been reading all of it, and like your writing style. Don't ever think that this pace of story is too slow. I like the extra effort into character building. It really adds to the story as a whole.

alli55 10-16-2017 11:51 AM

Thanks for all your positive comments! :)

FolDae, I also like stories that give the characters time to develop. I'm glad you're enjoying the story.

Chapter 6 Heads or tails will be posted tomorrow. Might be quite late at night, though, as I have a busy evening planned!

alli55 10-17-2017 03:25 PM

The sleepover that changed my life

Chapter 6 Heads or tails

The four of us – Bethany, Paige, me and my BFF Abi – were stood in the kitchen at Abi’s house in just our underwear, waiting with a mixture of nervousness and anticipation, though in my case just nervousness.

Our game of Truth or Dare had taken an unexpected turn, thanks in part to Abi but mainly because her Uncle Ryan had taken it upon himself to get involved.

The game had already gone further than any other Truth or Dare game I’d played before, which had made me nervous, though I had to admit I had enjoyed playing. When Abi had decided to stop the game for a kitchen-raid but in the same breath had dared us to go to the kitchen dressed as we were, we hadn’t really taken as much persuading as you might have expected. Abi had made her uncle cover his eyes so we could get past him on our way to the kitchen. When she’d tried to do the same on our way back, however, he had told us he was going to give us a dare instead, or else we could stay in the kitchen all evening. Having little choice, we had agreed to being given a dare. Now we were waiting to hear what it was.

We didn’t have to wait long before we heard his voice say, “So, girls, for your dare, you have to come back through one at a time. But before each of you opens the door, I will flip a coin and you have to call ‘heads’ or ‘tails’. If you get it right I’ll cover my face, but if you get it wrong I won’t.”

We looked at each other. Could we do this dare? The coin flip part meant that we had a chance that we wouldn’t really be dared to do anything. But what if we got it wrong?

Abi was the first to speak. “What do we think, guys?” she asked.

I was surprised when Paige said, “I think it’s a good dare and I think we should accept it.”

“But what if we choose the wrong one?” replied Abi.

“Well,” continued Paige, “I know it’ll be a bit embarrassing, but actually we’re not going to be showing anything more than if we were wearing a bikini, so I don’t think it’s that bad.”

Paige had a point. We wouldn’t be showing any more skin than if we’d been wearing a bikini. But, and it was a big ‘but’, a bikini is for wearing in public whilst underwear definitely isn’t. It would be more than a bit embarrassing for someone we hardly knew to see us in our bras and knickers, and even worse for Abi because it was her uncle who would see her.

But it was Paige’s next point that decided it for us.

“Anyway,” she said, “we can’t just stay in here, and if we ask for a different dare it might be a worse one.”

Deep down we knew she was right, so we all agreed to take the dare.

“Alright,” Abi shouted through the door, “we’ll do the dare.”

“Okay,” came her uncle’s voice, “who’s going first?”

That was a very good question. Which one of us was going to be brave enough to take first go at the dare? There was, of course, only one person it could be.

“Me,” shouted Bethany.

“Alright, Bethany,” said the voice, “heads or tails?”

“Heads,” Bethany called.

There was a pause, presumably while Abi’s uncle was flipping the coin, then he called out, “Heads it is! Just a moment while I cover my face … okay you can come through.”

Bethany opened the door just enough to look out and then, after seeing that he had covered his face as promised, she stepped out and walked through to the door on the other side of the room. We watched her open that door and go out before we shut the kitchen door.

There was quite a long silence before we heard Abi’s uncle say, “Have you gone through Bethany?”

“Yes, I have, sorry,” we heard Bethany say.

“Okay,” he said, “who’s next?”

Paige pointed to herself, and Abi and I both nodded our agreement.

“Me,” she called.

“Alright, Megan,” came the voice, “heads or …”

“No, it’s Paige,” Abi called out.

“Oh, sorry Paige, I do apologise. I didn’t mean to get you mixed up.”

“That’s alright!” said Paige.

“Okay, Paige,” the voice began again, “do you want heads or tails?”

Heads had worked for Bethany, so Paige decided it would for her as well.

After a short pause the voice called, “It’s heads. Well done Paige. You can come through.”

Paige’s face lit up with a huge smile and she gave us the thumbs up. Then she opened the door and confidently walked through and out the other door. Again, we shut the kitchen door once we’d seen her exit the room.

“I’m through,” Paige called out.

“Thank you, Paige,” the voice replied. “So, who’s going next?”

All the time this had been going on I had been getting more and more nervous. It was the same sort of nervous that you get when you are queuing up to go on a big ride at a theme park for the first time ever, three-quarters scared but a quarter excited. However, there was one thing I absolutely knew for certain: there was no way I was going last.

So, before Abi had a chance to speak, I called out, “Me, Megan.”

That showed how my nerves had affected my brain. Clearly there was no need for me to tell him who I was, since there was only me and Abi left and he would instantly recognise her voice.

“Okay, Megan,” the voice said, “what’s it to be? Heads or tails?”

What should I choose? It had been heads both times so far, so surely it wouldn’t be again. But what if it was?

Suddenly, Abi, who had been watching me as I tried to decide, said, “Oh my God, Megs! You’re actually shaking!”

I was! The mixture of nerves and excitement had me trembling like a leaf, and my heart was pounding harder than ever.

“Tails,” I called out, after agonising for ages, and put my hands over my face hardly bearing to know the result.

There was the dreaded pause, and then came the voice of doom as it seemed to be to me at that moment.

“Hang on a minute, Megan, I’ve dropped the coin.”

No-oo! Don’t do this to me!

“Sorry about that, it is tails, you got it right, you can come through.”


I quickly opened the door and scurried past the sofa where Abi’s uncle was sat. When I looked at him I had to suppress a giggle. He was sat with one hand holding the cushion over his face, but with the other hand he was doing one of those little finger-wave things. I carried on and reached the other door, opened it and joined Bethany and Paige on the other side. Then I let everyone know that I had finished.

“Thank you, Megan,” I heard the voice say. “Right then, Abigail, it must be you now. Heads or tails?”

I was grinning widely, both through relief and at the sight I’d just seen.

Paige grinned at me and asked, “Was he waving at you?”

“Yes,” I told her.

“He did that to both of us as well,” she said. “I nearly burst out laughing when I saw it.”

We listened as Abi ummed and ahhed a bit before calling heads – she never found it easy when faced with making a choice.

When the voice spoke next, its tone had changed. It now sounded like someone who was having to pass on bad news.

“Ohhh, Abigail,” it began, “oh dear, …”

Clearly, Abi had called wrong.

“… unfortunately …” the voice continued.

Poor Abi! I could just imagine how she must be feeling with the prospect of letting her uncle see her in just her bra and knickers. I wished I was back in the kitchen to give her what support I could.

“… it’s heads!” The voice had returned to its normal friendly sound. “You guessed right, well done!”

Oh my God! Her uncle had been teasing her!

We heard the kitchen door open, and quickly afterwards Abi burst through the door next to us, brushed past us, and raced up the stairs. We turned and followed her up and into her room, where she flopped face-first onto her bed. We shut the door and looked at one another, not sure what to do.

I went over to Abi, put my arm around her shoulders and asked, “Are you alright, Abs?”

Abi lifted her head up, rolled over, breathed out, and exclaimed, “Fuck!”

I was totally shocked. I’d never heard Abi say a word like that; she just didn’t do that. Was she alright, or was she upset or angry? I just didn’t know. My head was spinning.

She sat up. Her face was flushed. “Fuck that was intense!” she said, before giving us a smile the Cheshire Cat would have been proud of. I breathed a huge sigh of relief.

“You haven’t told your uncle that you’re through,” Paige pointed out.

“Let him sit there for a bit!” Abi told her. “That’ll teach him to tease me like that!”

We all laughed.

We opened up the crisps, and as we munched our way through them we talked excitedly about what had just happened.

I don’t think I had ever felt so alive as I did then; my whole body seemed to be on fire. I’m pretty certain that the others all felt the same way.

So it was no surprise at all that, once the bowls of crisps had been eaten, Abi suggested that we continue the game; and no surprise at all that we all quickly agreed.

As I took a swig from my bottle of water, I wondered how on earth we could top that last dare. It should have made me incredibly nervous, and it did. But I couldn’t wait.

alli55 10-19-2017 12:13 PM

Almost done with proof-reading Chapter 7 Spin the bottle. Will post it tomorrow evening.

alli55 10-20-2017 12:23 PM

The sleepover that changed my life

Chapter 7 Spin the bottle

If you had told me when I arrived at Abi’s sleepover that a few hours later I’d be sat in just my underwear playing Truth or Dare with the others wearing just as little, then I’d have been rather sceptical and I wouldn’t have been totally sure that I would have even wanted to stay and find out. If you’d told me that I’d be sat there waiting for the game to continue and wanting it to go even further, then I’d have said you were utterly mad and probably turned and run all the way home.

But here we all were in our knickers; Abi and Bethany in their bras; Paige in her camisole; and me actually with my training bra on show. We were about to continue the game; and yes, although I was incredibly nervous about what dares I might have to do, and although that voice in my head constantly reminding me of my embarrassingly flat chest wouldn’t shut up, I did want the game to go further.

It was Abi’s uncle’s fault. If he had thought that by making us face the prospect of letting him see us in our underwear we might see sense and decide to end the game, he had got it spectacularly wrong. Although none of us had actually been seen, the dare had had the opposite effect on us. We had got such a buzz from doing his dare that we wanted more.

I swigged another mouthful from my bottle of water, took a deep breath, and asked, “Whose turn was it?”

Abi looked at me, thought about saying something, and then stopped herself. She stood up and crossed to the door. “Stay here a minute,” she told us, “I’ve got an idea!” With that she left the room.

We heard her scamper down the stairs, then it went quiet for a moment before we heard Abi and her uncle laughing. What on earth was going on?

Ever the smart one, Paige said, “I think Abi’s just given her uncle a sight he wasn’t expecting to see!”

We grinned at one another, as we attempted to find an appropriate balance between shock, laughter, and embarrassment on Abi’s behalf. I’m afraid to say laughter won that battle.

After a couple of minutes, we heard Abi coming back up the stairs, and decided to play innocent and not mention anything.

She came in, flushed once again, carrying a tray and an empty water bottle. She crossed back to her place in the circle and sat down.

Abi grinned as she told us, “Oh my God! I totally didn’t think what I was doing and I burst straight in on my uncle! He was like, “what?” and I was like, “oops!” Oh my God, it was so embarrassing, but it was funny as well!”

She dropped the tray onto the floor in the middle of the circle, and put the bottle on top of it.

“I thought we could play Spin the Bottle;” she said, “forget about the truths and just do dares.”

In our excited state we eagerly agreed and set a couple of rules. We would take it in turns to spin the bottle and give a dare to whoever it pointed to. If you spun it and it landed on you, then you would just pass the bottle to the next person for their turn. As usual, no exact repeat dares would be allowed.

Getting rid of the option of choosing Truth would mean that the game would go further more quickly, which was the point. It also meant that it would be more difficult to slow things down if my nerves started getting the better of me and I was a bit concerned about that. The element of chance that came with the bottle spinning would hopefully help to stop Abi and Bethany getting too competitive with each other. But one thing was certain: at that moment in time we all wanted the game to go further, even me deep down.

No-one could remember whose turn it had been when we’d stopped the game for the kitchen-raid, so we all agreed that Abi could have first spin seeing as it had been her idea to get the bottle.

Abi gave the bottle a fierce spin, and we watched as it went around and around for ages before finally coming to a halt pointing at Bethany.

I was glad that I wasn’t the first one to have to do a dare, and was keen to see what level the dares were going to be.

“Bethany,” said Abi, “I dare you to do 20 star-jumps.”

For any of the rest of us this would have been a nice, simple-to-do, fun dare, ideal to get the game going again. With it being Bethany, though, it was a chance for the rest of us to giggle as her tits bounced up and down. She wasn’t the most athletic girl and by the end of 20 star-jumps she was out of breath and glad to sit back down.

When she had got her breath back, she looked around at each of us and asked, “Did you like that then?” We burst out laughing again, and she pushed her tits up with her hands and said, “Boob envy!”

She wasn’t wrong!

It was my turn to spin the bottle next, and I had already thought of a dare that would work well whoever it landed on. As it turned out it got Bethany again.

“I don’t want any more exercise, thank you!” she told me before I could say anything.

“That’s alright, you won’t have to do anything at all for this dare,” I replied. “I dare you to lie on the floor and let everyone tickle you for two minutes.”

“Do your worst!” Bethany instructed, “I’m not ticklish!”

Now that gave us a challenge!

Once Bethany was laid on the floor, we set about our task of trying to find her ticklish spots. Abi went for her feet and I opted for her stomach, but neither of us met with any success. I moved my hands round to her sides, which is probably where I’m most ticklish, but still got no reaction; and Abi was getting nowhere as she moved her way up Bethany’s legs. Maybe this girl really wasn’t ticklish! Paige, meanwhile, had started with the armpits (brave girl!), but this hadn’t worked and so she moved her hands onto Bethany’s neck, and hit the jackpot. Bethany tried to hold out, but couldn’t, and Paige soon had her begging for mercy. Fortunately for her, it had taken us so long to find her ticklish spot that the two minutes were soon up.

We waited for Bethany to regain her composure once more, and then Paige spun the bottle.

This time it landed on me. Knowing it was Paige giving me the dare put me a bit more at ease.

“Megan,” Paige looked at me as she gave me my dare. “I dare you to give everyone a kiss.”

That was fine! Paige hadn’t been specific, so I gave each of the others a friendly peck on the cheek and sat back down.

Bethany was next to spin and it was Paige who had to do the dare. She had to choose someone and whisper something sexy in their ear. After a bit of thought she chose me.

She leaned in close to me and then pulled back, giggling. She tried again, and I felt her hot breath on my ear as she whispered, “I love you, sexy lips,” before pulling back away quickly and giggling again.

“What did she say?” asked Bethany, and she and Abi looked at me expectantly.

I didn’t want to embarrass Paige, so I answered, “That’s for me to know and you to wonder at!”

Abi stuck her tongue out playfully at me before picking the bottle up and giving it a less vigorous spin this time. It stopped on Paige again.

“I dare you to choose someone and stroke their feet for one minute – thirty seconds on each foot.”

Paige chose Abi, which took Abi by surprise and she protested that, since she had given Paige the dare, Paige couldn’t choose her. I knew she was trying to get out of it because her feet were so ticklish you hardly had to touch them to get her going. But Paige correctly pointed out that we hadn’t set a rule to prevent choosing the person who had dared you, and Abi had to concede defeat.

Just as I knew would happen, Abi spent the next minute in helpless fits of laughter as Paige lightly stroked each foot in turn. At the end of it all, Abi was even more out of breath than Bethany had been earlier.

Once she had recovered, she made a new rule that you were not allowed to choose the person who had given you the dare.

I spun the bottle next and became the first person to land on themselves, so I passed it on to Paige. Her spin pointed the bottle at Abi.

“Abi,” Paige said, “I dare you to choose someone and give them a massage for one minute.”

Not too surprisingly Abi chose me for this, and so I spent the next minute laid on my front with my BFF gently rubbing my shoulders and back. It felt very nice and I thanked her and made sure I let her know how well she’d done.

Bethany’s spin also landed on Abi, but the dare she gave was very different.

“I dare you to flash your bum for five seconds.”

Abi positioned herself carefully so that she had her back to all of us, and then pulled her knickers down so they were just past her bum cheeks. She gently rocked her legs backwards and forwards to create a bit of movement before pulling her knickers back up when the time was up.

“Not bad!” said Bethany, and I wasn’t sure whether she was referring to the way Abi had done the dare or whether she was rating Abi’s bum!

Remember how I said that the element of chance that came with the bottle spinning might help to stop Abi and Bethany from getting too competitive with each other? Well the stupid bottle had other ideas!

Abi spun the bottle and it went and landed on Bethany. After the dare that Bethany had just made Abi do, I knew there would be a comeback from Abi. There was!

“Bethany, I dare you to go down to the bottom of the stairs and flash your bum there for five seconds.”

Actually, I thought it was quite a good dare under the circumstances. It should be safe enough, since the door to the main room downstairs was closed and Abi’s uncle almost certainly wasn’t going to be coming out; but there was just the possibility that he might.

That didn’t deter Bethany, of course, and she was soon at the bottom of the stairs with her knickers round her ankles wiggling her bum at us as we looked on from the top of the stairs. After the five seconds were up, she quickly pulled up her knickers and bounded back up the stairs.

Now it was my turn to spin the bottle, and I got Bethany this time. I decided to change the direction the dares were going in, so I dared Bethany to snog a pillow for 30 seconds. The way she went at it with that pillow made me fear for any boy that might meet the same fate!

Paige’s spin landed on Abi again, and she gave Abi an almost-repeat dare, only this time Abi had to choose someone to give her a massage. She again chose me and I tried to give her as nice a time as she had given me. She thanked me and said she liked it.

Next, Bethany spun and landed on herself, so the bottle passed to Abi. When she spun it, it seemed like the bottle was determined to cause trouble because it landed on Bethany again.

This time Abi’s dare took the game up to a level I had been half-expecting and totally dreading.

“Bethany,” Abi said with a grin, “I dare you to take your bra off and leave it off for the rest of the game.”

Sydney_sub 10-20-2017 05:32 PM

Thanks for the update. I'm really enjoying your story.

shynessincarnate 10-21-2017 04:12 AM

I'm really enjoying this story so far. Seeing the relationship between the characters and the dynamics change is fun. I'm eager to continue reading!

alli55 10-21-2017 10:22 AM

Thanks again for your kind words. :)

The next instalment, Chapter 8 Slow dance, quick kiss, will be posted tomorrow, after I've given it a final once-over!

alli55 10-22-2017 08:57 AM

The sleepover that changed my life

Chapter 8 Slow dance, quick kiss

There we all were, sat in a circle on the floor in my BFF Abi’s room, playing Spin the Bottle at her sleepover.

We had switched from playing Truth or Dare because in our heightened state of excitement we didn’t want to bother with the truths anymore. We just wanted dares, and more daring dares at that.

Deep down even I was enjoying the part-scared part-excited feeling the game was creating.

We had all been wearing just our underwear for so long now that it had started to feel normal, and normal wasn’t going to meet our need for more excitement. So I suppose the change in direction that the game had just taken was inevitable.

The trouble was, it was going to bring my body issues centre-stage, and that meant my balance between nervous and excited was going to swing way over to the side of nervous. But I was determined to hang on in the game for as long as I could force myself.

It was Abi’s competitive nature that had brought about this latest increase in the level of the game. She and Bethany seemed to be trying to push each other further and further until one gave in and admitted defeat, and it was highly likely that Paige and I were going to get caught in the crossfire. Unfortunately, when she put her mind to something Abi was so determined that she wasn’t likely to back down; and I got the distinct feeling that we were some way away from reaching Bethany’s limits yet.

We all looked at Bethany, waiting for her to respond to Abi’s dare that she take her bra off and leave it off for the rest of the game.

“See, I told you,” Bethany said, “boob envy!”

Without further ado, she stood up, unclasped her bra, took it off, and threw it onto the pile of clothes that had collected in the corner of the room. She had nice-sized breasts and, being mixed-race, had black nipples in the middle of large dark areolas.

She was right: I had a serious case of boob envy. I’d have quite happily settled for a pair half that size, rather than the little flatties I’d got.

I think we all wanted to ask the same question, but only Abi had the courage to actually do it.

“Beth, I’m just curious to know, what cup-size are you. I’m a B and they look much bigger than mine.”

Bethany smiled proudly and said, “They’re D, but I reckon I can get them to double-D before I’ve finished!”

We all told Bethany she had really nice breasts, but then she knew that already and I think she was more than happy to sit with them on display.

Abi passed the bottle to me, I spun it, and it pointed back at her.

Now that the game had gone up a level I knew I had to come up with a suitably daring dare. I chose a fairly standard one that I thought was up to the job.

“Abi,” I said, “I dare you to choose someone and kiss them on the lips.”

Since I had given her the dare, she couldn’t use her BFF as her safe option, so she chose Bethany. They were sat next to each other, so Abi leaned over, put her hand under Bethany’s chin and placed her lips on Bethany’s. She gave a quick kiss and then she pulled away and looked sheepishly at us.

I know it was only done as a dare, but secretly I hoped it just might soften the competitiveness between the two of them, though I doubted that it would for long.

Paige spun the bottle next and it landed on her, so she passed it to Bethany, whose spin landed on Abi.

Not again!

I fully expected Abi to be losing her bra at this point. So I was rather surprised by the dare Bethany gave her.

“Abi, I dare you to choose someone and do a slow-dance with them for one minute.”

I wasn’t the least bit surprised, however, when Abi chose me to slow-dance with. We held each other closely as we gently rocked back and forward to an imaginary song. There was no doubt it was a bit embarrassing, but at the same time it felt nice being held that close by someone I had loved as a BFF for so long.

Then she went and shattered that mood straight away by what she did next. She spun the bottle and it pointed at me, and my beloved BFF decided it was time I was pushed a bit further.

I knew trouble was coming by the way she played with my name before actually giving me the dare. She only ever did that when she had mischief on her mind.

“Megs,” she said slowly and very deliberately, “Megsy-Megs, I dare you to go and give my uncle a kiss.”

“Oh my God, Abi!” I replied. “I can’t do that!”

She looked straight at me. “Yes, you can,” she told me.

“But … I …” I spluttered, my mind racing.

Abi took hold of my hand and spoke softly to me: “Megs, I’d never dare you something that I didn’t think you could do. You can do this.” She let go of my hand before adding, “Besides, he’s already seen me.”

“Yes, but he’s your uncle,” I pointed out.

“And that makes it better how exactly?” she asked.

My mind was in such a whirl. It was like there were two voices shouting at me in my head. One was insisting, “This is stupid, there’s no way you can do it!” whilst the other simply repeated over and over, “Do it, do it, do it!” I wanted to do it so I could stay in and the game would keep going, but the first voice just wouldn’t go away.

I looked at the others, and when my eyes landed on Paige I remembered what she had said about how being in your underwear wasn’t showing anything more than if you were wearing a bikini.

“You’d do it if you were in a bikini,” I told the first voice, and the second voice agreed, “Yes, do it, do it!”

“Okay, I’ll do it!” I said, both to the others and to the voices in my head.

I got up, opened the door, and tip-toed down the stairs. I looked back at the other three watching me from the top of the stairs. Slowly I opened the door to the main room and poked my head in. Abi’s uncle was watching the telly.

“Ryan?” I said, nervously.

He turned his head. “Hello, Megan,” he said, “what can I do for you?”

“Can I ask you something?” I asked

“Of course you can,” he replied.

“It’s a bit embarrassing,” I explained. “Can I whisper it to you?”

He looked puzzled, but said, “Okay, do you want me to come over there?”

He moved to get up, but I knew that if I did the dare that way the others would probably think I’d wimped out of it.

“No,” I told him, “there’s no need!” and with that I pushed open the door and walked across the room to where he was sitting.

Needless to say, my heart was pounding.

I reached the sofa and bent down as if to whisper in his ear. At the last moment I moved my head and kissed him on the cheek, then turned and headed for the door as fast as my legs would carry me. I didn’t look back to see his reaction, I just ran out, pulling the door closed behind me, and continued up the stairs till I reached the others at the top. We all hurried back into Abi’s room and shut the door.

I felt fantastic, a mixture of relief and elation sweeping over me, and I couldn’t stop grinning.

“So?” Abi asked me.

I quickly told them my tale.

“I’d have loved to have seen the look on his face!” Abi grinned.

I grabbed the bottle and spun it. In my euphoric state, I knew I wanted the game to go further and that meant someone was about to get a dare beyond what they might have been expecting from me. Perhaps, then, it was lucky that the bottle stopped on Bethany.

I thought for a moment and then said, “Bethany, I dare you to let everyone feel your tits.”

If Bethany was surprised she hid it well, simply thrusting her chest forward and saying, “Come on then, Megan, how about you go first!”

I moved over to Bethany and touched her breasts with my fingers. They were firmer than I was expecting and felt every bit as nice as they looked. I cupped them in my hands and dreamed of one day being able to do the same with mine.

If only!

She smiled as she watched me, and I decided I’d felt them for as long as was reasonable so withdrew my hands and went back to my place.

As Paige took her turn, I looked down and saw that my training bra was standing out more than usual, as if my tiny tits had grown. I took a subtle feel and realised that it was my nipples that were pushing against the material. I quickly glanced around to see if the others had noticed, but all eyes were on Bethany’s breasts, so I folded my arms across my chest and watched as Abi ran her fingers over Bethany’s tits.

I don’t know whether the others noticed it, but it seemed to me that the atmosphere in the room had changed somehow and everything had become a bit more intense. Perhaps that was why, when she spun the bottle and got herself for the second time in a row, Paige seemed so disappointed not to be giving someone a dare.

Bethany’s spin landed on Abi yet again, and once more I was sure Abi’s bra was coming off only to be surprised when Bethany opted for a different dare. This time Bethany was clearly re-igniting the competition between the two of them.

“Abi,” she said, “I dare you to choose someone and lick their feet.”


Abi screwed her face up at the thought. But her competitive nature meant that she had to go through with it, so she chose Paige, who looked equally uncomfortable with the idea. Abi picked up Paige’s feet one at a time and licked the sole from her heel to her toes. It was like watching a car crash: you didn’t want to look but you couldn’t stop yourself. When she’d finished she took a couple of mouthfuls of water. Then she picked up the bottle and set it spinning.

I knew that if it landed on Bethany the next dare would not be nice, and Bethany knew it too.

Luckily for Bethany, it landed on Paige.

Unluckily for Paige, Abi dared her to go topless for the rest of the game.

Paige seemed unfazed and pulled her camisole up and over her head, revealing a pair of small breasts with equally small areolas and nipples that matched the paleness of her skin. Although her breasts were small they still had a nicely defined shape to them.

“See,” I said to myself, “she’s in the year below me and still her tits are bigger than mine!”

Paige threw her camisole onto the pile of discarded clothes as I picked up the bottle. It landed on Bethany again and I chose another touchy-feely dare for her.

“Bethany, I dare you to hug everyone for thirty seconds each.”

Bethany went around the circle giving us each the required hug.

When it came to my turn, I could feel her breasts pressing against my chest through the material of my training bra and I decided it was definitely a feeling that I liked.

As Paige was taking her turn I was rather envious that she, being topless herself, was getting a skin-to-skin hug.

Why was I getting these feelings? What was happening to me?

Sydney_sub 10-23-2017 02:45 AM

Awesome update as always. Looking forward to the next chapter. Wondering if in the story one of the girls might say some nice things to you to make you feel more comfortable about your boobs. Just a thought.

alli55 10-23-2017 01:12 PM

Thanks for your encouragement Sydney_sub. I think Megan's self-confidence would have benefited from having someone like you as a friend! But, I'm afraid you'll just have to wait and see whether the other girls are as considerate!!

Chapter 9 Ice, ice baby will be ready for posting tomorrow.

Dominic4e 10-23-2017 01:55 PM

This story is amazing when do you think you will be done with the next chapter?

alli55 10-24-2017 11:33 AM

The sleepover that changed my life

Chapter 9 Ice, ice baby

Our game of Spin the Bottle at Abi’s sleepover had certainly become more daring and, to me, felt more intense since I had been dared to go and kiss Abi’s Uncle Ryan whilst I was wearing just my knickers and training bra.

Simply stripping down to my underwear had been a really big deal for me, because I was extremely self-conscious when it came to my flat chest. Although my breasts had started to develop when I was 12, I was now nearly 14 and they were still practically non-existent. That’s why I always wore baggy t-shirts to hide the appearance of my chest, so having three girls take my t-shirt off my body had been really intense. Even though I’d been sat in just my underwear for quite a while now, it hadn’t really got any easier.

The game had moved on since I’d lost my t-shirt, to the extent that Bethany and Paige were now topless, and I knew that at some point I would be faced with that particular dare. I was trying to push it out of my mind because I’d got really into the game and didn’t want my insecurities to cause it to end.

But at the moment it was another question that was running through my head.

When I had last spun the bottle, it had landed on Bethany, and I had dared her to give everyone a hug for thirty seconds each. I had really liked the way I could feel her breasts pressing against my chest through the material of my training bra, and had then been envious of Paige’s skin-to-skin hug with Bethany.

Why was I getting these feelings and what was happening to me? I didn’t know!

After Bethany had finished hugging us, it was Paige’s turn to spin the bottle. She gave it a furious spin and we watched and waited until it eventually stopped on Abi.

“Abi, do you keep ice-cubes in your fridge?” Paige asked.

“There’s usually some in there,” Abi replied, before adding, slightly suspiciously, “why?”

“If there is then I dare you to go and get one and put it down your knickers and let it melt,” Paige told her.

“Okay,” Abi said as she got up, “let me go and look.”

She opened the door and we heard her go down the stairs.

“What if she can’t find one?” I asked Paige.

“Let’s just hope she can!” she replied with a grin.

A couple of minutes later, we heard Abi coming back up the stairs. When she came back through the door she had her hand tightly closed around something. She opened her hand to reveal an ice-cube, already glistening where it had started to melt. She pulled the front of her knickers away from her body just far enough and long enough that she could drop the ice-cube into place.

“God that’s cold!” she whimpered, before sitting down and wriggling her bum against the floor. “I’m trying to get it to melt quicker,” she explained as we started laughing.

It didn’t take very long for the ice-cube to melt, by which time a fairly large wet patch had appeared on Abi’s knickers, which made us laugh again.

Bethany took the bottle, spun it, and got Abi. She immediately took the opportunity to give a dare that she thought might make Abi concede defeat in the competition the two of them were having with each other.

It was the dare I had been expecting her to give Abi for some time. At least that’s what I thought to begin with. We soon discovered there was more, much more, to it!

“Abi, I dare you to take your bra off,” she said, “in front of your uncle – and just so we know you’ve done it you have to leave your bra down there.”

I was shocked by Bethany’s dare and, judging by the look on their faces, so were Paige and Abi. I was also feeling more than a little disappointed that the game was now going to end. Going topless in front of the rest of us was one thing, but there was no way Abi could do it in front of her uncle. It didn’t matter how determined she was not to be beaten by Bethany, her competitive nature couldn’t help her now. She was going to have to admit defeat.

“That’s not fair!” she complained. “How can you expect me to do that?”

I had to agree with her, and so, clearly, did Paige, who said, “Yeah, Bethany, give her a chance! Choose another dare!”

“Once a dare’s been given it can’t be changed!” replied Bethany, triumphantly. “What’s it going to be, Abi?”

Abi looked forlorn as Bethany pressed home her victory.

“You’ll have to do it, unless you want to back out and admit you’ve lost!”

Abi looked at Bethany and said, “What did you just say?”

“You’re going to have to do the dare,” Bethany repeated, “or back out of it and admit you’ve lost.”

A smile spread slowly across Abi’s face as she said, “Thanks Bethany, you’ve given me an idea.”

Then she got up and made her way out of the room.

Surely she wasn’t going to do this?

We followed her out and watched as she went confidently down the stairs and through the door at the bottom.

Oh my God! She was!!

I don’t know how long we expected her to be in there but she seemed to be gone for ages. Then suddenly she appeared and came scrambling up the stairs towards us, her tits jiggling with each step. We went back into Abi’s room and she followed quickly behind us, breathing heavily.

“What happened?” I asked the question we all wanted her to answer.

She flapped her hands a bit to indicate that she wanted to be given a moment to get her breath back.

I watched the rise and fall of her chest as she took a few deep breaths to try to calm herself. Although her breasts were only about half the size of Bethany’s, Abi’s were perfectly formed with pink nipples in the middle of pale areolas.

If only I had breasts like that!

“Well,” Abi began, “what Bethany said about backing out gave me an idea of how I could do the dare without letting my uncle see anything. I stood in front of him, but with my back towards him. That way, when I took my bra off all he could see was my back!”

“But he still knew what you were doing,” I said, “so didn’t he tell you off and make us stop the game?”

“No,” answered Abi. “Before I did the dare, I told him how much we were enjoying the game and explained what I had been dared to do, and begged him not to make us stop. He said to me, ‘Believe it or not I was young once and I did some silly things too.’ So we can carry on playing.” She held up her little finger once more and said, “I told you, he can’t say ‘no’ to me.”

I was utterly amazed that Abi’s uncle was letting us continue our game, and delighted that we could carry on playing. However, after that last dare, I was now the only one who wasn’t topless and I knew that before long I was going to have to try to force myself to take on that challenge.

“So,” Abi said, as she picked up the bottle, “must be my turn. We’ll see who has to admit defeat!” With that, she spun the bottle. It landed on me.

“Megs,” said Abi, “I dare you to pretend to pole-dance and finish by taking your bra off and then leave it off for the rest of the game.”

There it was! I thought I might have had a bit longer before it happened, but no! Crap! CRAP!

I really wanted to do it, but I knew it was going to take an almighty effort on my part to force myself to go through with it. I closed my eyes and began to gently rock backwards and forwards trying to psych myself up. I remembered what Abi had said earlier about not daring me to do anything she didn’t think I could do. She knew how big a thing this was for me, yet she obviously thought I could handle it. Or was she just so pumped up from the dare she had just done that she wasn’t thinking straight? Could I really do this?

I felt Paige give my hand a quick squeeze. I was in too much turmoil to respond, but the touch made me think of Paige. Dear, kind Paige. I remembered how she had calmly removed her camisole when she had been dared to go topless. She had just sat there, no fuss, and quietly taken it off. Maybe, just maybe, at that moment, I could have done the same thing.

But my dare was different. Pretending to pole-dance would mean that I couldn’t just slip my training bra off without a fuss. No, I would have to make a big deal of removing it very obviously.

“You can use this if it helps!” I heard Abi say.

I opened my eyes to see her standing in front of me holding some sort of stick-thing. God knows what it was or where she’d got it from! I took it from her and said, “Thanks, it might!”

Obviously, I’d never pole-danced in my life, and I didn’t really have any idea of what you were supposed to do. But just holding the stick-thing gave me something to focus on. I tried to picture myself dancing around it, slowly peeling my training bra off. I told myself I could do this, but I was yet to be convinced of that.

“How about if I do it with her?” Paige asked Abi and Bethany. “Would that still count?”

“No, it wouldn’t!” I heard a stern voice reply. “It’s my dare, I’m the one who’ll do it!”

I don’t know what had tipped me over the edge and helped me to win the battle with myself, but I was determined to seize the moment. I stood up and quickly realised that I wouldn’t be able to dance around the stick-thing whilst holding it at the same time. I was already wishing I hadn’t snapped at Paige like I had, and could tell that she had been really quite taken aback at how I’d spoken to her. Knowing I needed help with the stick-thing, I saw my chance to show Paige that I meant her no ill will.

“Paige,” I asked, “can you help me, please? I need someone to hold the pole up for me.”

“Sure,” answered Paige and she leapt up and took the pole from me. She stood on the end of the bed so she could hold the pole high enough for me to be able to dance round it.

I took hold of the pole and began in my head to sing one of my favourite ‘sexy’ pop songs to myself. I started moving up and down the pole, wrapping my arms and legs around it. With one hand I slowly lowered the strap of my training bra down the opposite arm and pulled my arm out. Still wiggling about, I removed my other arm from its strap. I swayed my hips from side to side as I reached one arm around my back to find the clasp and unclipped it whilst holding the front in place with my other hand. I brought my hand round from behind me, allowing the material to hang down. It was now only being held in place by my hand at the front. I could feel my heart racing as my hand held my last bit of protection in place. It was now or never! I gave a few final wiggles then threw my arms in the air in a ‘ta-daa’ pose. My training bra fell to the floor, leaving me exposed.

Abi stood up and high-fived me, and Paige dropped the pole, jumped off the bed and gave me a massive hug.

“Are you sure you’re not a professional?” Bethany asked, and we all collapsed in fits of laughter.

Once the initial feeling of elation had passed, however, my self-consciousness started to get the better of me again. I had done my dare, but I wasn’t comfortable with the idea of my chest being on display. Although I was sure my friends would be too considerate of my feelings to say anything, I was equally certain that in their minds they would be wondering and laughing at my pathetically small tits. I wanted to continue playing but I needed some way of re-covering myself. So, I did the best I could and pulled my knees up to my chest to give myself some sort of cover to hide behind.

Reaching forward with one hand, I spun the bottle and it landed on Abi.

Immediately, and without thinking, I said, “Abi, I dare you to get naked and stay naked for the rest of the game.”

No sooner had the words left my mouth than I wished I hadn’t said them.

Abi looked at me open-mouthed.

What had I done? Why had I said that?

alli55 10-26-2017 11:18 AM

Hi everyone.

Just to let you know I will be posting Chapter 10 You learn something new every day tomorrow evening.

alli55 10-27-2017 12:04 PM

The sleepover that changed my life

Chapter 10 You learn something new every day

“Oh my God, Abi, I’m so sorry!” I said to my BFF.

Right at that moment I didn’t care about our game of Spin the Bottle; I didn’t care about the thrill I’d been getting with the increasing intensity of the dares; I didn’t even care about my deep-rooted insecurities that I had with my body. All I cared about was that I might have hurt Abi.

The words kept going around and around in my head: “Abi, I dare you to get naked and stay naked for the rest of the game.”

For the life of me I couldn’t think why I had said that. Hardly had the words left my mouth than I wanted them to have never been spoken. But they had been and I had spoken them. Now what I wanted more than anything was to let Abi know that I hadn’t meant to hurt her; that I would never mean to hurt her.

“You don’t have to get naked!” I told her. “We can just end the game!”

Bethany and Paige looked on, not saying anything. Probably because I don’t suppose they knew what they could say that might help.

I could feel tears beginning to well up as I sat looking anxiously at Abi. She hadn’t said anything since I had given her that stupid dare. She was just sitting staring at the floor in front of her.

Finally, without moving, without even looking up, she spoke. “It’s okay, Megan,” she said, “it’s cool.”

Now I knew for certain that it wasn’t cool or okay at all. “Megan,” she’d said. She had used my proper name. She never did that. I sniffed back a tear.

The sound caused Abi to look up at me. “Oh, Megs,” she said and took hold of my hand, “really, don’t worry, it’s fine! I mean, dares aren’t supposed to be easy, are they?”

All I could say to her at that moment was, “I’m so sorry!”

“So are we still playing then?” asked Bethany, seemingly uncertain of how to read the situation.

“You bet we are!” Abi replied, her steely determination back.

“Yay! Go Abi!” exclaimed Bethany, excitedly.

Abi stood up and turned so that she had her back to us. Then she put her hands by her hips and gripped each side of her knickers with her fingers. In one swift move she pulled them over her bum and down to her knees, and then let go and let them fall to the floor. One at a time she lifted her feet and stepped out of her knickers. She stood like that for a moment, taking a deep breath, and then turned around to face us. She bent down, picked up her discarded knickers, and threw them onto the pile of clothes in the corner of the room.

“Oh!” exclaimed Bethany. “You shave as well!”

We could all see that Abi did indeed shave down there, since there was no hair at all and just the first signs of a bit of stubbly re-growth. I had heard that it was itchy when it started to grow back, which was one of the reasons I’d never done it. I asked Abi whether that was true.

“It can be, sometimes,” she agreed, “but I use Aloe Vera and that helps.”

Well, you learn something new every day!

When Abi returned to her place in the circle, I noticed she was no longer sitting cross-legged like she had been before, but had adopted a less revealing posture. Clearly, she wasn’t totally comfortable with sitting naked in front of us, and I still had a feeling of guilt and regret despite all her reassurances.

It was Paige’s turn to spin the bottle, and she was extremely frustrated when she got herself once more. “For God’s sake,” she groaned, “not again!” When Bethany spun it and also got herself, she decided it was time for a new rule.

“Okay, how about we say that if the bottle lands on you when you spin it then the rest of us will give you a dare,” she suggested.

“And,” added Paige, “you have to do that dare in front of Abi’s uncle.”

Abi and I were totally okay with Bethany’s suggestion, but looked at each other in shock at Paige’s.

It wasn’t the suggestion itself that I found most shocking, although I had serious doubts about whether it was a good idea. If it had been Bethany who had said it I wouldn’t have been too surprised, but Paige?! She seemed so innocent, and yet it appeared she had no inhibitions at all! Was this what Bethany meant when she’d told us that Paige was a good laugh?

“I don’t know,” Abi said, looking at me for support.

“Think about it,” urged Paige. “All the time we’ve been playing, when have you felt most excited and like you were buzzing? I know for me it was when we had to do that dare that your uncle gave us.”

I cast my mind back and remembered how I’d felt so alive after that dare; my whole body seeming to be on fire.

“Let’s go for it!” said Bethany.

“Okay, but only if we all agree,” Abi said, “… Megs?”

I nodded my head in agreement, my desire to recapture that feeling outweighing the concern at what I might have to do.

“Ace!” exclaimed Paige. “It’s going to be so much fun!”

Having agreed the new rule, we resumed the game. Abi spun and the bottle pointed to Paige.

“Paige, I dare you to take your knickers off and leave them off for the rest of the game,” said Abi, looking pleased and relieved that she would no longer be the only one naked.

As before, Paige just calmly did the dare. She stood up and took off her knickers just as if she was undressing at the end of the day. After throwing her knickers into the corner with the rest of the clothes, she sat back down cross-legged as she had been throughout the whole game. She was so nonchalant about it all that I had to remind myself that she was over a year younger than the rest of us. That fact was more obvious when you looked at her naked body: along with her less-developed breasts (which, even so, were still bigger than mine!), she had only a few wispy bits of pubic hair that, being blonde, were barely visible. She really did look quite young!

I took the bottle and gave it a hard spin. It landed exactly between me and Paige. I gulped, trying not to think about the possibility that I had just got myself, and asked, “Who’s it pointing to?”

“Can’t tell,” said Abi quickly, coming to my rescue, “spin it again!” I was more than happy to do so, and this time it pointed straight at Bethany.

The dare that I gave her ended up causing me far more embarrassment than it did Bethany!

“You know that thing that some women can do where they lick their own tits?” I asked her. “Well, I was wondering, can you do that?”

Before Bethany could answer, Abi said, “Whoah, Megs, where did that come from?”

“I saw it on the internet once,” I told her.

Abi looked at me, with a stunned expression. “I didn’t know you watched porn!”

“It wasn’t porn,” I tried to explain, “it came up when I googled something.”

“What the hell were you googling?” she asked.

To save further embarrassment, I lied and told her I couldn’t remember, before turning my attention back to Bethany. “Anyway, Beth, do you think you can do it?”

“I don’t know,” answered Bethany, “probably!”

“Okay then,” I said, “I dare you to try to lick your own tits, it doesn’t matter if you can’t.”

Bethany pushed one breast up towards her face and stuck out her tongue. Fairly easily, she managed to lick her nipple. She then did it again with her other breast.

“Thanks, Megan,” she said, grinning, “that’s a new party trick I’ve got now!”

The bottle pointed at Bethany again when Paige spun it, and her young friend dared her to choose someone and snog them for 30 seconds.

Abi and I looked at each other, both of us clearly uncomfortable with the prospect of being snogged.

“Don’t we get a say in this?” asked Abi. “I mean, no offence Beth, but I don’t think I want to do that!”

“No,” I agreed, “nor me!”

“And it’s not us being dared,” Abi added.

“We’ll just have to go on to the next turn, then,” said Bethany, picking up the bottle.

“No, you’ll have to do another one instead,” Abi replied.

“That’s not fair!” argued Bethany. “It’s not my fault I can’t do that one! Anyway, once a dare’s been given you can’t change it. We agreed on that.”

Paige had a way out of the problem. “How about if she snogs me? I know I gave her the dare, but I don’t mind, and then at least she can do it.”

We agreed that this was okay, and Bethany spent the next thirty seconds giving Paige pretty much the same full-on snog that the pillow had received earlier!

As I watched them, I marvelled at Paige and realised that, despite the competition between Abi and Bethany, if the game had to have a winner it was going to be hard to beat Paige!

Bethany was next to spin the bottle and when she did she might just have regretted the new rule she had helped to make, because she landed on herself. That meant the other three of us had to come up with a dare for her to do in front of Abi’s uncle. Abi knew straight away what she wanted Bethany to do, and neither Paige nor I could come up with a reason why we shouldn’t give her that dare. I’m sure that Bethany could guess what was coming.

It was with great delight that Abi said, “Bethany, we dare you to take your knickers off in front of my uncle. And just so we know you’ve done it, you have to leave your knickers down there,” she added, remembering what Bethany had said when she had dared Abi to take her bra off.

Bethany got up and we followed her out and watched her make her way down the stairs. She stopped at the bottom and placed each hand on the opposite shoulder so that her arms covered her breasts. Then she gave the door a light kick to open it and went in. Twenty seconds or so later she came out, naked, and sashayed her way back up, exaggerating the movement of her hips with each step.

She was enjoying this!

I noticed that she had shaved her pubic hair to leave a narrow strip, which I thought looked good. Maybe I might try that, if I got some of that Aloe Vera that Abi said she used.

Hah! Who was I kidding!?

When we had all sat back down, Bethany told us how she had used the same method as Abi had earlier: “I turned so that I had my back to him, so that way all he saw was my bum.”

Even so, I thought, you have just shown Abi’s uncle your naked bum! But Bethany seemed to be revelling in what she had done.

I had to admit Paige was right: the game was definitely more exciting now. I had got that same feeling that I had had in the kitchen earlier, three-quarters fear and one-quarter anticipation, and I kind of liked it.

Abi took her turn at spinning and got Paige. She was dared to lie on the floor and let everyone give her a massage for a minute. She seemed to enjoy it as our hands roamed freely over her arms, legs, back and bum. For my part, I loved the feel of her smooth skin.

Next it was my turn. I picked up the bottle, spun it, and watched in horror as it landed on me.

Crap! Crap! Crap!

alli55 10-28-2017 10:39 AM

Just finishing up proof-reading the next chapter, which I will post tomorrow.

Can hardly believe we've reached Chapter 11 Hugging Uncle Ryan already!

alli55 10-29-2017 11:10 AM

The sleepover that changed my life

Chapter 11 Hugging Uncle Ryan

Stupid, horrible bottle!

Why did it have to do that? Of all the directions it could have pointed, what made it end up pointing straight at me?

Now I was going to have to do a dare in front of Abi’s Uncle Ryan and, since I was the only one of the four of us who wasn’t naked, I had a fairly good idea what the dare would be.

I put my hands to my face, thumbs resting under my chin and fingers pointing up past my nose, making it look almost as if I was praying. I wasn’t, I was too busy trying to calm myself with deliberately slow breathing.

Over the points of my fingers, I watched the others whispering as they decided my dare. I assumed they were simply trying to decide how to make it so that it wasn’t a repeat dare of Bethany’s last one, since we had a rule that no exact repeat dares were allowed. All the time they were deciding my fate, Abi was watching me with a concerned expression. Paige also looked across at me several times between whispers. It was those two who were doing most of the whispering. After a while all three looked at each other, nodded in agreement, and sat back in the circle.

I braced myself for the inevitable.

It was Abi who spoke. “Megs, we dare you to give my uncle a hug for one minute,” she said, “and if you need help, we’ve got an idea of how you can do it.”

That wasn’t the dare I was expecting and, taken by surprise, I mumbled, “What’s your idea?”

“Well,” said Abi, “you saw how Beth kept herself covered with her arms when she did her dare?”

“Yeah,” I replied.

“Well if you do the same when you go in, and tell my uncle what your dare is, then lean against him ready to start the hug and put your arms around him at the last moment. That way you shouldn’t be showing anything because it will be pressed against him. Put your arms back at the end of the hug and you’re done!”

It was clear that they had avoided the obvious dare to get naked because they thought that most likely I wouldn’t be able to do it and then the game would probably have to end. They were right, of course! But I desperately didn’t want to be the one to end the game, not now when everyone (even me!) was so into it, and, as they had gone easy on me, I felt like I had to do this. I was determined not to let them down.

So, I stood up and crossed my arms the way Bethany had done. Then I slowly walked to the door and Paige opened it for me, allowing me to keep my arms in place. My feet seemed to get heavier with each step that I took down the stairs, but all-too-quickly I was at the bottom. I looked back up at the others, all watching me intently. Abi smiled and nodded her head in encouragement, while Paige, grinning from ear to ear, gave me a double thumbs-up.

Just as Bethany had done earlier, I gave the door a soft push with the sole of one foot. I turned and looked towards the sofa as I walked into the room.

“Hello again, Megan,” said Abi’s uncle, looking up.

I imagined he was getting used to these interruptions by now.

“What have they got you doing?” he asked.

“I’ve got to give you a hug,” I told him, timidly.

“I see. Well, would you like a standing-up hug or a sitting-down hug?” he asked.

I couldn’t see how the plan would work sitting down, so I said, “Standing up, please.”

“Okay,” he said, and he stood up and held his arms out.

I edged towards him until I could feel the back of my arms touch his t-shirt, then I quickly threw my arms around his waist and pressed tightly into him.

He put his arms around me, resting his hands in the middle of my back. He wasn’t fat, but he had a little bit of a belly that made him feel cuddly and also meant that my chest was hidden from view.

The plan was working!

“Are you alright, Megan?” he asked me. “Only, you’re shaking like a leaf!”

I was! Again! I’d been trembling since I’d started going down the stairs.

“Yes,” I said, “I’m just a bit nervous, that’s all.”

I don’t think he was convinced, because he said, “Well, you just make sure that you don’t let them make you do anything you’re not comfortable with.”

“Okay, I will,” I told him.

“And Megan, I’d quite like to breathe! You don’t need to hold me quite that tight!”

Oh crap! In my desperation to make sure my chest was hidden, I’d pressed really hard into him. Too hard, obviously!

“Sorry,” I said, loosening my grip just a little. “It’s just that I wanted to make sure you couldn’t see my tits,” I continued, “not that I’ve got any tits anyway.”

Oh, God! Why had I just said that?

I could feel my face going red, so I buried it into his chest.

“Everyone’s body is different, Megan,” he said. “Don’t feel bad just because you’re a bit later developing than the others.”

“It’s not that,” I heard myself say, “I’ve had them for ages, but they don’t ever get any bigger. I just know that everyone laughs at me behind my back.”

What was wrong with me? Why was I telling him this? It was like my mouth wasn’t connected to my brain.

I felt his hand gently rubbing my back, in that way that people do when they’re comforting you.

“Megan,” he said, after a while, “will you do something for me?”

“What?” I asked, cautiously.

“When the hug is finished, I want you to put your hands by your side and then take three steps back, keeping your hands by your side.”

Oh! My! God! What?!?

“Can you do that for me?” he asked.

My mind was running in circles, as question after question bombarded it. Why had he asked me to do that? What was he going to do? How could I ever do it? Why was I even thinking about trying?

“I’ll try,” I said, my voice wavering.

“Good girl,” he said, as he rubbed my back again. “Now, how long is this hug?”

Crap! I’d forgotten to ask him to time it.

“Um, one minute,” I replied.

“Well I should think we must be nearly there!” he said.

Never mind about nearly there, I reckoned we were way over the time already. I felt his hands leave my back as he let go of me. I held onto him, trying to pluck up the courage to do as he’d asked and at the same time putting off the moment of decision.

But I couldn’t stay there forever.

Almost in slow motion I took one … two … three steps back. It took every last bit of effort that I had in me to keep my arms by my sides, but, somehow, I managed it. I stood there, watching him.

He seemed to be studying me. His eyes roamed all over my body. Yet it didn’t seem creepy to me. It wasn’t like he was perving on me or ogling me. The way he was looking at me was like the way you look at a picture or a painting.

After what felt like ages, but was probably no more than ten seconds or so, he spoke.

“You have nothing to feel embarrassed about, Megan. There’s nothing about your body that you should be unhappy with.”

Oh, really!

“You have a slender frame,” he continued, “and your breasts are perfectly in proportion with that. They’ll always be small, but that fits your body type and will give you a lovely natural figure. Don’t worry, they’ll grow over the next couple of years, of course they will, but they’ll never be very big and nor should they be. By the time you’re sixteen or seventeen you’ll have a body that lots of young women would die for.”

Although it was nice to hear him say these things, deep down I knew he was only telling me what he thought I needed to hear. He was just trying to make me less self-conscious and I’d had a similar sort of talk from my mum, so in my mind I filed it away under ‘yeah, yeah, heard it all before’.

But what he said, and did, next, was a totally different kettle of fish.

After a moment’s hesitation, when he seemed to be unsure whether to carry on or not, he stepped towards me as he continued, “And I absolutely love these two little bullets!” As he said those last words, he took hold of my nipples between each thumb and forefinger, and gave them a gentle tweak.

Bloody hell!

The feeling his touch created was like a bolt of electricity running right through me. Starting from my nipples and spreading out over my whole body, every single nerve was tingling like mad. I just stood there, soaking up the sensation. I looked down at my nipples and could see why he’d called them little bullets – I’d never seen them standing out so hard and proud before.

He backed away and seemed to be consumed with regret.

“I’m so sorry, Megan,” he said, “I don’t know what I was thinking! I’m really sorry! I shouldn’t have done that!”

No, you shouldn’t!

But I’m bloody glad you did!

I wasn’t sure that a simple “it’s okay” or “that’s alright” would be sufficient to let him know that it really was okay, so I threw my arms around him and gave him a big hug.

“Don’t be sorry,” I told him, “I’m not!”

Slowly, tentatively, he placed his arms back around me and returned the hug.

“Thank you,” he said. “I shouldn’t have done what I did, but I want you to know that I meant every word that I said.”

As I hugged him my body began to calm down, leaving me with a pleasant warm feeling. I couldn’t believe how relaxed and at ease I felt right at that moment, and who knows how long I would have held on to that hug.

But Ryan said, “You’d best get back upstairs – they’ll be wondering where you’ve got to.”

I let go of him and made my way back towards the door to the stairs. I stopped just as I was about to open it, looked back at him and smiled. He smiled back, and then put his hands on his shoulders in the same way that I had when I’d started this dare. I realised what he was trying to tell me, so before I went through the doorway I covered myself up as before. Then I left the room and began to go up the stairs.

The others were sat at the top, waiting for me, and I could see they were extremely eager to hear my tale. As they saw me coming, they got up, and we all went back into Abi’s room. We sat back down in the circle and, as before, I pulled my knees up to my chest, still not comfortable with the idea of my tiny tits being on display.

“God, Megs,” began Abi, “you were gone ages! You didn’t chicken out, did you?”

“No!” I replied, a little indignantly, “I didn’t chicken out! I did it like you said.”

“Looks like you enjoyed it as well!” remarked Bethany. She’d obviously noticed my flushed appearance. I nodded and grinned. Paige beamed a huge smile at me.

Thank goodness that I was sat like I was, so they couldn’t see how hard my nipples were!

“Well, what happened then?” asked Abi. “What took you so long?”

Okay, so, how was I going to answer that question?

Obviously, I couldn’t tell them what had actually happened. Maybe I’d tell Abi some of it later when we were alone. Maybe. But not everything, and not everyone. So, what was I going to tell them had happened? They were all looking at me, expectantly, waiting for me to spill the beans.

I had to tell them something!

Screamnbeaver 10-30-2017 04:36 AM

When is the next chapter

alli55 10-30-2017 02:21 PM

Hi Screamnbeaver and the rest of you!

The next installment, Chapter 12 Grape expectations will be posted tomorrow.

Thanks again for all your encouragement!

Sydney_sub 10-31-2017 02:22 AM

Wow! That was an awesome chapter, looking forward to the next one.

alli55 10-31-2017 12:34 PM

The sleepover that changed my life

Chapter 12 Grape expectations

Abi, Bethany and Paige were looking at me expectantly, waiting for me to spill the beans about what had happened on the dare I’d just done.

They’d dared me to hug Abi’s Uncle Ryan, which would have been fine except for one thing: I was topless. However, since they’d also come up with a plan of how I could do it, I’d been determined not to let them down. So I’d gone downstairs, with my arms folded across my chest to cover my tiny tits, and done the dare.

Now I was back in Abi’s room and the others were eager to hear my tale.

“So, I went in like you said and told him I’d been dared to hug him, and he said, ‘Standing up or sitting down?’ Well, obviously I chose standing up, so he stood up and I leant into him. When I felt my arms against his t-shirt, I put them around him and pressed tightly into him. So tightly, in fact, that he said he couldn’t breathe – oops! Then, after a while, he asked how long the hug was. I was like ‘crap, I’ve forgotten to time it’, so I said it was supposed to be one minute but I didn’t know how long we’d had. And then I had an idea, and I said that if he could time one minute on his watch then we could start again from that moment. He said he could do that if that’s what I wanted. And it definitely was what I wanted!”

I felt myself starting to blush as I looked at the others all watching me intently, hooked on every word. It was a part-embarrassed, part-guilty blush: embarrassed by revealing how much I had enjoyed hugging him; guilty because my tale was veering further and further from the truth of what had really happened. But I had to give them a convincing explanation of why the dare had taken so long.

“Because your uncle, Abi,” I continued, “oh my God, he is so cuddly! I just wanted to make the hug last as long as possible! It felt so good snuggling into him that I didn’t want it to end!”

I was blushing furiously now, but Abi inadvertently came to my rescue.

“I know what you mean, Megs!” she said. “I used to absolutely love getting a hug from him when I was younger! I just felt so safe and loved, and I used to snuggle in as tight as I could. But since I got these,” she added, pointing at her tits, “he’s stopped giving me hugs. I don’t know if he’s embarrassed or if he thinks I’ll be embarrassed, but something’s stopping him, and I really, really wish he’d still hug me.”

“You have to tell him how much you miss getting a hug from him!” Paige told her. “Let him know that you really want him to give you a cuddle, and I’m sure he’d love to hug you again!”

“I will,” said Abi, before giving me a look that told me to carry on with my tale.

“So, that’s why I was down there so long,” I said, not wanting to have to make any more lies up. I looked at Bethany and added, “And why I enjoyed it so much.”

That was as much as I was prepared to tell them, so I hoped they’d be happy enough with that to not realise that it still didn’t really explain the length of time I’d been downstairs. I wasn’t telling them that I’d stood in front of Ryan, topless, and let him look at me; and there was absolutely no way on this planet that I was going to mention that he’d tweaked my nipples with his fingers. That had given me such a wonderful nerve-tingling sensation all over my body and was the real reason I’d been so flushed, but that was strictly between me and him!

Everyone was keen to get on with some more dares, so my tale was left unchallenged and Paige picked up the bottle. She spun it and got Abi. There was a pause as she tried to think of a dare.

“Abi?” she asked. “Have you got any strawberries or grapes or something like that?”

What on earth had she got in mind?

“We’ve definitely got grapes,” Abi replied, “that’s the only fruit my sister will eat so we’ve always got loads.”

“Great!” exclaimed Paige. “So, I dare you to choose someone and they put a grape between their teeth and then you have to eat the grape without using your hands.”

Blimey! Paige really was full of surprises! How did she come up with a dare like that? It sounded like it might be quite fun, and I knew it was more than likely that Abi was going to choose me. So I was a little disappointed by what Abi said next.

“There’s just one problem:” Abi told Paige, “the grapes are in the fridge in the kitchen.”

“Well, can’t one of us go and get them?” suggested Paige.

There was silence as we all looked at each other, wondering if anyone was going to volunteer. Since everyone apart from me was completely naked, it was no surprise that no-one appeared willing.

“It seems to me that I’d be the best one to get them,” I said, taking everyone by surprise.

“Megs?” questioned Abi.

“Well, I’ve only got one bit to cover up and you lot have all got two bits. So you’ll have no hands left to carry the grapes. I can cover myself with one arm and carry the grapes in my free hand. So it makes sense for me to get them.”

“If you’re sure,” Abi said, “it does kind of make sense.”

“Yeah, I can do it,” I told her.

With that, I stood up and put one arm across my chest, making sure my tits were hidden from view. I opened the door and made my way back downstairs. The others remained sat in the circle.

As I opened the door at the bottom, I dropped my arm down by my side.

I convinced myself that the reason I did this was that Ryan had already seen me topless so there was no point covering up in front of him. But was there really another reason?

He looked up as I entered the room.

“Back again, Megan?” he asked. “They haven’t got you again already?”

“No,” I replied, “I’m just getting some grapes.”

“I’m not going to ask!” he said with a grin, before adding, “D’you know where they are?”

“In the fridge, Abi said,” I told him as I made my way into the kitchen.

God, I was getting such a thrill from this! What had come over me?

I found the grapes and began the return journey.

“See you later,” I told Ryan as I exited the room, thinking, “I hope so, anyway.”

I put my arm back across my chest before climbing the stairs and re-joining the others in Abi’s room. I plonked the pack of grapes down in front of Paige.

She picked the biggest grape she could find and gave it to Abi. Predictably she then handed it to me.

I put the grape between my teeth, trying to leave as much sticking out for Abi to get her teeth into as I could. Then I watched as she moved closer to me and began the dare.

I don’t know why, but I closed my eyes as her face filled my field of vision. I felt her hot breath on my face and then her lips brushed against mine as she made a first attempt at getting the grape. She failed, but quickly went in for a second equally unsuccessful try. Then I felt something wet on my bottom lip and I realised she was trying to hook the grape with her tongue. I felt the grape slip from between my teeth, and opened my eyes just in time to see it disappear into Abi’s mouth.

She sat back in her place, and we gave each other a look that said, “Hmmm, that was a bit weird but not totally horrible.” At least that’s what I was thinking.

“Wow, nice dare, Paige,” Bethany said, high-fiving her friend. Paige responded with a wink.

Bethany was right: Paige was a lot of fun to have around!

It was Bethany’s turn to spin and when she did, the bottle pointed at me. With no-one to rein her in, Bethany went for the jugular.

“Megan, I dare you to get naked for the rest of the game,” she said.

I knew it had been coming, and to be honest I wasn’t as stressed about it as you might expect. All the others were already naked, and I didn’t have any particular issues with how I looked ‘down there’, so I was relatively relaxed about doing it. But I didn’t get the chance.

“You can’t have that!” Abi told Bethany, “Megs already dared me that.”

“Okay, then,” Bethany replied, “Megan, I dare you to strip completely and not put any clothes back on for the rest of the game. How’s that?”

“Once you’ve given a dare it can’t be changed!” Abi informed her. “We agreed.”

“But you said I couldn’t use the first one,” Bethany argued.

“So you’ll just have to miss your go, then,” countered Abi.

Bethany was not having that: “No way! That’s not fair!”

I didn’t want the game spoiled by the two of them arguing, so I stood up.

“Abi, it’s fine, I’ll do Beth’s second dare. I mean, I’m going to end up naked sooner or later, so it might as well be now.”

“You know it, girlfriend!” Bethany said to me.

“And,” I continued, “we’re all having fun so let’s not spoil it! Abs?”

As I looked at my BFF, I could see her visibly relax. She, too, didn’t want to spoil our evening. She looked first at Bethany and then at me.

“Sorry, Beth, I didn’t mean to snap at you,” she said, and Bethany gave her a forgiving smile. “Go for it, Megs!”

I positioned myself so that I had my back to the others, and then wiggled my hips a bit before hooking my fingers into either side of my knickers. I’d decided I was going to make this as fun as I could. I rolled the top of my knickers down a bit and wiggled again, then pulled them up hard so that the back of them disappeared into my bum-crack. I patted both cheeks with my hands, then began rolling my knickers slowly down over my bum, wiggling again. As I felt the last bit of material leave my bum, I let go and allowed my knickers to fall down my legs and onto the floor. I stepped out of them, picked them up and threw them into the corner to complete the clothes mountain. After a few more wiggles, I turned around to face everyone and instinctively put my arms across my chest.

“Wa-hey, ginger minge!” exclaimed Bethany.

There was no mistaking that!

Even though the clump of hair above my vagina was slightly darker than the hair on my head, I was still very much a natural redhead in every sense. Redhead, though, not ginger!

I felt myself blushing again, so I sat back down and pulled my knees back up in front of my chest. I was too concerned about keeping my tits covered to realise that sitting in this position meant I was very exposed down below.

Paige leant in and whispered, “Take no notice of her. I think it looks really nice and it suits you.”

“Aww, thank-you,” I whispered back.

“When you two have quite finished!” Bethany said, grinning at us.

Abi picked up the bottle but, before she could spin, Paige interrupted.

“I take it we’re still carrying on,” she said. “But now that we’re all naked how do we decide when the game ends? Not that I want it to yet, but I just wondered.”

I don’t know whether Paige was thinking the same thing as me, but I certainly had a few concerns about what sort of direction the dares might go in now that none of us had anything left to take off.

“I agree,” I said. “Maybe we should set a time that the game finishes?”

Bethany didn’t agree: “No, it should be last one standing. At any time, anyone can choose not to do a dare but then they’re out. Last one left wins.”

The problem with that was neither Bethany nor Abi would want to be the ‘loser’ so there was no telling what we might end up doing.

“Why does there have to be a winner?” asked Paige. “Why can’t we just play for fun and set a time like Megan said?”

Abi attempted a compromise: “Paige is right, let’s just play for fun. But we don’t need to set a time or anything, we can just stop before things go too far.”

I looked at Abi and then at Bethany.

Abi’s suggestion was all very well. But how far were we going before it was too far?

dragoneau 10-31-2017 01:56 PM

and again, a great update.

I want to read the next one sooo badly :)

LockedLemy 10-31-2017 09:59 PM

I've been reading the story since the beginning and I can say that it is a great story, well made, well thought and with just the right details that allow the story to be more enjoyable, thank you for the story and I'll be waiting more of this wonderful chapters :D

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