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thepac 04-22-2015 04:39 AM

Strip FIFA
Strip FIFA

Josh and Adam are walking home together after a long day at college, the two young men have been best friends since they were 5 years old and live only a couple of streets apart. They are going to Josh's house as his mum will be at work so they will have the place to themselves for a few hours. A long day at college has sapped a lot of energy out of the two young men and with it only being Tuesday they are also incredibly bored. Adam is kicking a can up the road while Josh just watches, Josh and Adam are both 19 years old and very athletic which is why they are both wingers in the college football team. Josh is taller at 6ft 3 while Adam only just scraps over the 6ft mark but Adam does have the advantage of being three months older than his best friend. Adam is also stronger thanks to several years of lifting weights so he has a stocky frame while Josh is just long and skinny. Adam has short light blonde hair that he slicks back with gel while Josh has his head shaved so there is only a few inches of dark brown hair on top of his head.

"Fancy a couple of games on FIFA when we get in?" Josh asks his best friend.

"Naw its boring FIFA," the blonde snorts kicking the can out into the middle of the road.

Josh looks in shock at his mate knowing how much Adam loves playing FIFA hell Adam bought the game before he did. He doesn’t understand his change in attitude and when Adam looks round and sees the puzzled look of Josh’s face he continues to talk.

“I mean the game was awesome to start with but now there is no challenge anymore and FIFA just isn’t that good without battling to win something,” The blonde elaborates while Josh continues to stare.

"If there is nothing to play for what's the point?" Adam asks finally turning to full face the shaven headed Josh.

"So then why don't we play for something then, go on seasons mode or Ultimate team maybe?" Josh offers.

"No man I mean something competitive something to really make the game interesting and fire us up to win," Adam says.

Josh nods his head slowly, "Yeah I think I get you, something to play for like I dunno money?"

Adam laughs, "Yeah if we weren't both skint I would play for money but no."

"Shit man then I dunno online they have all those FIFA YouTube players who all play for like coins or Ultimate Team players we could do that," Josh says scratching his head

"Oh yeah I've seen those but don't some of them do strip FIFA games as well?" Adam asks.

Josh stops walking and just stares at his friend in total surprise, hearing Adam talking about finding FIFA boring was weird but now hearing him offer up strip FIFA makes Josh wonder if his friend has recently taken a heavy blow to the head.

"Are you saying we should play strip FIFA?" Josh says in shock.

Adam shrugs his shoulders and that makes Josh just laugh at him.

"Dude that's kinda gay two dudes playing a strip game together," Josh says staring at the blonde wondering if he is walking home with a different person than usual.

"Grow up man we have changed next to each other a million times do we really have anything to hide from each other," Adam snaps.

"Sorry man I didn't mean anything by it I just don't get a strip game only being between two dudes," Josh says carefully not wanting to upset his mate again.

“That’s not the point dumbass it’s not sexually it’s more about embarrassment,” Adam explains.

Josh just lifts his eyebrows and Adam grunts with disbelief before taking a second to think of a way to explain it.

“Look say I beat you on FIFA I get bragging rights yeah? But what if I literally beat the pants off you and you had to sit there naked how crappy would you feel?”

“Pretty fucking bad dude yeah,” Josh says finally understanding his friend’s point, “The thing I don’t get is why you would want to do that knowing that I’d easily beat your ass.”

Adam’s nostrils flare when he sees a small grin break out across Josh’s face.

“Ok just for that we are fucking playing strip FIFA the second we get to yours,” Adam says striding down the road with a purpose.

Josh laughs then he thinks for a second and suddenly chases after his friend and grabs his shoulder, “Hey this isn’t some set up is it?”

Adam stops walking and stares at him, “You think I made up strip FIFA as a prank to get you naked and then somehow tell people and embarrass you?”

Josh nods his head but just from the sarcastic tone Adam used Josh thinks he has his answer.

“It’s simple dude if this was a set up that would mean I know for a fact that I could beat you at FIFA bad enough to get you naked and I bet you don’t think I can do that,” The blonde smirks and Josh has to bite his lip.

“OK fine let’s do it and you were right, FIFA sounds a million times better when there is something proper on the line,” Josh says walking in stride with his best mate.

The two young fit college students round the corner to see Josh’s house stood right at the end of the cul-de-sac. Not a word is spoken between the two friends as they get near Josh’s house, both of them thinking about what they are about to do. Josh opens his front door and Adam walks inside and starts to climb the flight of stairs when Josh calls him back.

“Hey dude you know my mom’s rule shoes off inside the house,” Josh says kicking off his own trainers as he closes the front door.

“Yeah but that’s not very helpful for strip FIFA is it?” Adam jokes but kicks off his own trainers leaving them in the hall.

“Hey do you wanna go start the game while I grab us a couple of drinks?” Adam offers.

“Sure man just no extra layers of clothing and defo don’t phone anyone up and tell them what we are gonna do,” Josh says sounding a little nervous.

“Of course not Josh shit this is just a friendly game between us relax,” Adam says walking towards the kitchen while Josh climbs the stairs.

His bedroom is the very last door at the end of the upstairs corridor and every step Josh takes towards it freaks him out even more. Part of him is still worried that this is all some prank set up by Adam to embarrass him yet he has never known Adam to come up with a clever prank. He loves Adam like a brother but the blonde is not the sharpest knife in the drawer so is probably only doing this to get even more bragging rights over Josh rather than to prank the 19 year old into getting naked. Josh turns on his PS4 then sits on his bed feeling a little uncomfortable. Adam is wrong about one think however, they have changed in locker rooms together for years but this is different. Josh knows he has never watched his friend get undressed in such a personal space and this isn't a room full of other guys either it's just them. Adam wanders into the bedroom carrying two small bottles of coke and he cracks a smile.

"Damn you look terrified man," The blonde jokes, "Are you sure you wanna do this?"

"Yeah I do I just don't know if I want your naked ass sitting on my bed," Josh says with a grin knowing that his friend is very easy to tease.

"Hey fuck you Josh," Adam says stepping forward, "I'm way better at FIFA than you."

"Heh heh you better be man cause I dunno if I wanna see you naked," Josh says tapping on the controllers Start button skipping through the game’s opening screens.

"No one is gonna make you look anyway you will be the one naked and I sure as hell will look," Adam states surprising his friend yet again.

"What, what do you mean you will?" Josh says looking shocked and worried.

"Yeah I wanna know what Emma sees in you man cause I know she's not dating you for your personality," Adam smirks as he sits down next to Josh.

"Oh funny maybe if you had a girlfriend you wouldn't be begging so much to play a strip game," Josh tries to fire back still stung by the comment about his girlfriend.

"You are such a girl I'm not making you play this," Adam says picking up the second controller.

Josh can't think of anything to say so he clicks on the exhibition mode trying to ignore the growing butterflies in his stomach.

"I'm serious man if you feel uneasy we can just have a normal game we don’t have to have the stripping rule," Adam says a little concerned that he might have upset his best friend.

"How are we doing this then?" Josh says ignoring Adam, "One item of clothing for every goal scored?"

"Yeah but I think socks should count as one item instead of two," Adam says and Josh nods his head in agreement.

Both teens are wearing t shirts, tracksuit bottoms, socks and underwear. Adam's shirt is dark red with black tracksuit bottoms while Josh has a white t shirt on with blue pants but they are both wearing white socks. Josh flicks through the team selection deciding that as this is an important match he should pick a big team rather than Bury, the League two team he actually supports. He chooses Man City the current Premier League champions and one of the richest football clubs in the world. Adam also supports his local team Bury but against Man City he wants a team that can match them so he goes for their fierce local rivals Manchester Utd.

"A derby game?" Josh asks, "You sure you wanna risk your clothes with Rooney?"

"Not my clothes at risk Josh gonna beat you so bad you will be buck ass naked on your own bed," Adam states confidently.

Josh rolls his eyes and instead concentrates on the 22 inch screen of his TV as the match starts to load up. Manchester City vs Manchester Utd at the Etihad stadium in glorious clear conditions.

“Still time to back out you know,” Adam says as the game moves quickly through the build-up showing the team line ups, “No shame in quitting before it starts.”

“Let’s just play man,” Josh says as he kicks off with Man City and the game is underway.

For the first couple of minutes however both guys are overeager and as a result mistakes are made, buttoned pressed too quickly and the game doesn’t have any flow. Finally after 5 minutes Josh is able to make a small break with Sergio Aguero but his shot is fired wide of the goal.

“Oh so close,” Josh moans watching the replay of his shot, “Any closer and you would already be showing some skin.”

Now it’s Adam’s turn to roll his eyes at Josh before turning his attention back to the screen to continue their strip FIFA game. It’s takes till the 13th minute before there is another clear cut chance this time it’s for Adam. Mata fires a cross in from the right that is met by a Rooney header which is parried by the goalkeeper but the ball flies up into the air for Fellaini but the big Belgian can only glance his header off the post.

“Ah crap,” Adam curses as the ball bounces harmlessly away and the golden chance to score is gone.

“Close one,” Josh admits as he feels a bead of sweat start to trickle down his forehead, this game is real now and losing a goal is not an option.

21 minutes in and the game is still bogged down with mistakes as both guys are overplaying it when they have possession. The tension of the strip rules have them both playing like amateurs and neither would admit to the other but there is a great deal of stress in trying to score the first goal.

“C’mon ref foul,” Josh yells leaning closer to the screen as two of his players are clattered in the same move yet the virtual referee does nothing.

The room is silent apart from the commentary blaring out from the game, Josh and Adam are concentrating hard on not being the person that has to strip first. Someone has to break first and it’s Josh who makes the first big mistake of the match. His goalkeeper tries to get a quick throw out of the area after catching the ball from a cross but the throw is wayward and lands right at the feet of Fellaini. Adam sends his player charging forward only to slip the ball sideways to the feet of Wayne Rooney. The England captain then gets in the box and curls a shot beautifully around Joe Hart into the back of the net.

“GOAL,” Adam screams in celebration as Rooney wheels away and the game starts to show replays of the goal.

“And you said picking Rooney would cost me my clothes ha ha,” Adam laughs in delight as Utd lead 1 nil.

“You were lucky, that was a stupid mistake,” Josh says cursing himself as he lifts up his foot.

Adam stops laughing and watches his annoyed friend remove his socks leaving him barefoot. Throwing his socks away Josh looks around at his best friend and the two of them just stare nervously at each other.

Josh’s face breaks into a grin first, “Right you fucking dick that’s the last bit of clothing you are making me take off.”

Looking to prove his point Josh restarts the game and straight from the kick off he has Bony launching a 45 yard shot at the goal.

“Shit,” Adam shouts as the speculative long range effort is dipping towards his goal and his electronically controlled goalkeeper has to tip the ball over the bar.

“So close,” Josh moans looking over at the worried look on his friend’s face, “I nearly got a full Charlie Adam long range piledriver on ya man, crap and nearly right from kick off too.”

Adam ignores his friend’s taunts and lines himself to defend the corner which he does with ease. For the next few minutes it’s a pure exhibition match as Adam uses all of his skill to keep the ball. Josh’s frustration grows as his City players just can’t rob possession back from Utd, the ball pings left and right so Josh has his players sliding around desperate to stop Adam’s skilful play to open him up but it’s too late. Juan Mata picks the ball up on the edge of the area and cuts in striking a left footed shot at the goal which Hart is able to save. Hart however is only able to push the shot back into the danger area and Fellaini is the first player following up and he simply passes the ball into the empty net.

“YESSSS 2 NIL, this is too easy,” Josh cries as he sends Fellaini sliding across the ground to celebrate his second goal.

Josh closes his eyes for a second and a hint of doubt starts to creep into his mind. Adam is right, it has been so easy for him to break through his defence and score that now Josh is aware that he could concede enough goals to force him to strip naked. Grabbing the bottom of his t shirt Josh peels it off letting the sunlight that peaks in through his window to reflect off his bare chest. He is skinny but he still has some muscle definition over his chest and his abs but being in shape is not his biggest problem. Josh needs to knuckle down and start playing or he will end up being completely naked before half time. However the loss of his t shirt has effected the way Josh plays, he is more panicked than before and it results in him making more mistakes.

“No that wasn’t the pass, Jesus Christ the game is screwing with me,” Josh cries out losing focus and getting angry with his virtual players.

Adam can see that his friend is losing his head but he shows no mercy as he calmly plays the game until the inevitable happens.

“And it’s 3 nil Man Utd,” The commentator screams as a clearance from Josh’s defence lands at the feet of Michael Carrick who races into the box and smashes the ball into the top corner.

“NO FUCK,” Josh yells dropping the controller as he puts his head in his hands, this simple game is turning into a nightmare for him.

“Dude I’m a little worried,” Adam says, “I think you are losing on purpose you perv I think you wanna show me your dick.”

“Just shut up man this is not over,” Josh says with a growl before he stands up and quickly yanks his tracksuit bottoms down revealing his tight red and black boxer shorts.

8421 04-23-2015 07:40 AM

Please continue!

milkdat 04-23-2015 04:00 PM

This story is great so far! Keep it up. I'm looking forward to the next installment!

Johndoelovely 04-24-2015 05:04 PM

such a great story

Tesla87 04-27-2015 08:54 AM

Please continue :-)

thepac 04-30-2015 04:55 AM

Adam has to laugh seeing his friend sat on the bed in just his underwear with a PS4 controller in his hand waiting to restart. At no point does this game feel sexual to Adam, this is all about humiliation and Adam knows this must be humiliating because Josh is blushing and Josh never blushes. His cheeks are bright red nearly the same shade of red that a cartoon character’s cheeks would turn if they were embarrassed. Adam can also see the thin beads of sweat trickling down from his shaved head.

“Come on man cheer up I promise to go easy on you from now on,” Adam says jokingly but Josh doesn’t respond.

He is no talking mood, Josh is focused staring at the screen with renewed intent. For the next few minutes Josh’s play is much better, he is starting to tackle Adam’s players even breaking into attacks of his own. A few minutes before half time James Milner wins the ball on the right hand side then plays a lovely ball infield freeing Wilfried Bony. The big man charges into the penalty area then unleashes a fierce shot that whips past the keeper and smashes into the back of the net.

“GET IN THERE,” Josh roars jumping off the bed in celebration leaving Adam grinning to himself.

Normally he is the hot headed one with the ability to let his temper get the best of him yet now it seems like Josh is playing with some emotion. Josh sits back down and glares at Adam and it takes the blonde a few seconds to work out why he is staring.

“Oh sorry man I have to strip don’t I?” Adam says calmly grabbing the bottom of shirt peeling it off his body so now both men are shirtless.

“Doesn’t this feel like an important game now we are playing for something?” Adam says to his underwear clad mate but Josh still only has eyes for the screen and the replay of his goal.

The match finally reaches half time at 3 vs 1 and Josh lets out a deep sigh and leans back.

“You ok?” Adam asks the intensity of the game gone now that the half time menu screen is up.

“Yeah it’s just damn I didn’t think it would feel this weird to strip in front of you,” Josh admits.

“Wanna stop then?” Adam asks but instantly Josh shakes his head.

“No we play till the end I’m not gonna quit but damn I don’t think I’ve ever played in a game with so much on the line,” Josh admits taking a quick swig of his drink.

“Funny I don’t feel any stress,” Adam says with a smirk, “Mind you I’ve never missed a penalty before so maybe I don’t get stressed like you do.”

“Asshole,” Josh says throwing a pillow at him, “You always bring that up it was one penalty when we were like 11 we still won the game in extra time.”

“I know but that was the only time I’ve ever seen you cry and it was so funny,” Adam teases enjoying the rare chance he’s got to wind his normally calm friend up.

“I’m gonna get you back for that you know that right?” Josh says pressing Start on his controller waiting for Adam to do the same.

“You keep saying that yet you are never gonna make me cry in front of you,” Adam snorts cockily knowing in 9 years since that miss Josh has never managed to even the score and bring him to tears.

The second half kicks off and Adam instantly shows the same form that scored him 3 goals in the first half. He is dominating the match and when Mata slides the ball into Herrera and the Spaniard fires right in Joe Hart’s chest Adam can see Josh exhaling in relief. A few minutes later down the Utd end Josh wins a free kick 30 yards out and with Yaya Toure standing over the ball there is a good chance Josh might get back into this match. Josh strikes the free kick perfectly and it sails over the wall, beating the keeper only to bounce off the top of the crossbar.

“GOD that was so close,” Josh wails watching the reply again and the ball is only inches away from slamming right into the top corner.

“Yeah that was a shame man I thought you had scored that,” Adam admits, “Hell it was so close I’m willing to take off one sock for it.”

“Man strip FIFA makes you an even more annoying dick than usual,” Josh says rolling his eyes at his friend.

Adam doesn’t really need to tease his friend but as Josh is normally the one doing the teasing Adam doesn’t mind being the one constantly ripping in jokes at Josh’s expense. Neither of them talk for a while however as the match clock ticks down and both of them are playing the game maybe harder than they have ever played before. When Silva slices a shot wide Josh lets out a cry of despair that Adam has only heard him make when they are on an actual football pitch. Di Maria comes off the bench and makes an instant impact firing a shot in from outside the area that only just flies wide. Josh lets out another relief filled groan, this game is getting real serious now as Josh knows one more goal will make him lose his final piece of clothing and Adam knows it too.

“Gonna get you naked boy,” Adam teases watching Josh’s cheeks burn a bright red once again.

On 76 minutes it finally happens, after two City players run into each other on the edge of the Utd area Josh cries out in anger but it’s already too late. Adam’s Man Utd players break up the field with skill passing the ball around leaving Josh chasing shadows. Rooney eventually picks up the ball inside the box and Josh’s defence is so stretched that he can take a touch standing completely still inside the area before rolling the ball into the path of Juan Mata. Gracefully Mata strokes the ball into the bottom corner passed the outstretched dive of the goalkeeper and now its 4 vs 1. Adam doesn’t celebrate as he doesn’t know what his friend is going to do, He half expects Josh to rage quit and just turn off the console.

“Shit,” Josh mumbles to himself as he stands up and hooks his fingers into the waistband of his boxers.

Josh closes his eyes and tries to pretend that this isn’t the stupidest thing he has ever done. Stripping naked in front of his best friend Josh doubts he will ever hear the end of this from Adam but Josh chose to play the game and he knows he’s gotta accept the consequences. With a sigh Josh pulls his underwear down his long legs and his soft 5 inch cock flops free and Adam is amazed that his friend is going through with it. Kicking his boxers into the corner with the rest of his removed clothes Josh sits down and takes a few seconds before he looks over to see Adam’s reaction. The blonde is staring down at Josh’s crotch and for the first time really curious about why Adam would want to play strip FIFA.

“Why are you staring?” Josh spits with a bit of anger feeling like a real idiot sat on his bed completely naked.

“Dude why don’t you have any pubes?” Adam asks staring at the completely bare patch of skin above Josh’s dick.

“I’m not telling you that now quit looking will ya its weird,” Josh says feeling uneasy.

“Please,” Adam says softly, “I’m not fucking with you I just I thought you had pubes.”

“We are not talking about this Adam come on let’s finish the game,” Josh says feeling deeply embarrassed about his exposed state.

“If I score again will you tell me?” Adam asks now looking Josh in the eyes.

“No,” Josh says bluntly.

“Come on I only wanna know why you shave them, I assume you shave them right?” Adam says glancing down at something he has only ever seen in porn, a completely smooth shaved man.

“Adam we are not talking about this now stop staring at it unless you wanna suck it,” Josh quips hoping that making a joke like that will distract Adam from the question that he doesn’t want to answer.

“Ah you sicko I am not sucking you, you’re better off going to Emma for that,” Adam says backtracking quickly.

“I’m sorry for teasing you, you know I just well I didn’t think you would get naked,” The blonde says keeping his eyes locked on Josh’s face.

“Me neither actually this is kinda strange I mean yeah we shared locker rooms and showers for years yet I dunno this feels like the first time I’ve ever been fully naked with a guy you know,” Josh admits slowly.

“Well it’s the first time I’ve noticed that you’re as bald as a baby down there,” Adam says and a fresh blush develops on Josh’s face.

“Just drop it will you it’s not important,” Josh says again trying to deflect the conversation.

“Tell you what I’ll make you a deal,” Adam says thinking for a second, “How about if I score next you have to tell me why you are all shaved but if you score I’ll strip naked too.”

Josh stares at Adam and sees that the blonde is deadly serious so he takes some time to think about it.

“Ok deal when I score next you gotta take everything off,” Josh says with a grin.

“Fat chance I’ve been kicking your ass all day so I’m gonna get the next goal,” Adam says with confidence picking up his controller.

They restart the game and Josh instantly has to get used to the odd feeling of sitting near to his best friend completely naked. It’s not like he hasn’t played a video game naked before but that was only through laziness rather than being forced to strip off. Josh thought he would be even more nervous now he is naked but strangely he isn’t, he was so worried about stripping that it effected his game now he is naked however he almost has nothing to worry about. Sure Adam might find out some embarrassing info on him but the worst is over, Adam didn’t laugh at him for stripping naked or prove this was some well thought out prank all long by taking his picture. His bored friend merely wanted a game of FIFA that was challenging and Josh has to admit playing a game of strip FIFA has been one of the most challenging matches of his life. Now that he is calm Josh starts to play better stringing together some passing moves and even getting a dangerous shot in on Adam’s goal.

“Fuck that was nearly in,” Adam says watching Josh’s shot fly inches over the bar and now it’s the blonde’s turn to be worried.

Adam is now looking at the game clock waiting for it to tick down. Naked Josh is somehow better than clothed Josh and Adam is no longer thinking about his friend’s shaved appearance he is more worried about keeping his own clothes on. Just as the announcement for added time comes up Josh launches into another attack. Aguero and Toure link up on the edge of the area playing a quick one two then Aguero slides the ball right into the penalty area. Toure runs onto it and fires a shot that De Gea is just able to reach down and block. Adam cheers with delight but his celebration is cut short as the saved ball rolls back to Yaya Toure and he blasts the ball into the empty net.

“GOAL, GOAL, GOAL, GOAL,” Josh screams like a Spanish commentator leaping up off the bed forgetting about his own nudity.

Adam can’t help but laugh watching a naked Josh jump around with delight until Josh finally calms down and stares at him.

“You lost man come on now strip ha ha,” Josh laughs clearly delighted at getting one back on his friend.

“Hang on the match isn’t over yet I could still get another goal,” Adam says restarting the game but as luck would have it the final whistle goes seconds after he’s kicked off.

“Shit I should have known it,” Adam says with a rueful grin as he puts the controller down.

Adam would normally rage and shout at the unfairness of the result, he won 4 vs 2 yet he is going to have to get naked as well. However the fact that he made the bet keeps the ultra-competitive teen’s emotions in check. Also Josh was good enough to play the game and strip when he lost and the last thing Adam wants to be is a sore loser. The blonde quickly peels off his socks and then stands up pulling his tracksuit bottoms down as quickly as he can.

“This isn’t much of a striptease man,” Josh says laughing feeling less conscious about his own nudity now that Adam is joining him.

“Dude that’s not cool,” Adam complains but again seeing Josh leaning back still fully exposed makes Adam’s anger disappear quickly.

He can’t rise to Josh’s taunts when he spend most of the game taunting Josh while he stripped. In fact Adam is happy that the only thing Josh hasn’t teased him on is the fact that he is semi hard. Adam doesn’t know why his cock has reacted, he’s not homophobic but the idea that his best friend’s body has made him get semi hard is deeply worrying to him. Deciding not to think anymore Adam quickly yanks his grey boxer shorts down to his knees and looks at Josh who still has a big wide grin on his face.

“Feels weird doesn’t it?” Josh says.

“Not to me then again I got nothing on my body that I’m embarrassed about,” Adam says swiftly kicking his boxer shorts away and sitting down naked on Josh’s bed.

The two young men sit naked for a second before giggling at how stupid and strange this all is. For something to do with their hands both of them grab their drinks and take a long swift gulp all while trying not to look to hard at the other’s naked body.

“Good game man,” Adam says breaking the silence.

“Yeah it was though I don’t think either of us won,” Josh replies.

“Get lost I beat you 4 vs 2 I hammered you,” Adam yells back.

“True but you are sat here buck ass naked too man so I think you are gonna have to call it a draw,” Josh grins.

“Fair enough,” Adam says lounging back, “But that game felt proper hard though didn’t it, I was right about playing with something being on the line, it does make the game harder.”

Josh nods in agreement, “Yeah I think we have played in real games less intense than that I’m glad you talked me into it.”

“Please you were desperate to show yourself off,” Adam jokes, “Hell I was going easy on you I think you lost those goals on purpose.”

“Naw I think it was the team I picked,” Josh says, “I’ll never pick City for strip FIFA again.”

“So why do you shave yourself? Is it for Emma?” Adam asks quietly.

“Dude you didn’t score so I don’t have to answer you,” Josh says with a slight blush returning to his cheeks.

“What if we have a rematch and I beat you again will you tell me then?” Adam wonders sitting up straighter to hear his friend’s answer.

Josh thinks for a second then grins, “Yeah dude if we rematch and you win I’ll tell you why hell I’ll tell you anything you wanna know.”

Both guys laugh for a second then Adam asks, “Are you serious?”

“Yeah I had fun well once I stopped losing goals it was fun so yeah I’d rematch you anytime,” Josh says.

“But to be fair I think the next game should be done at your place,” Josh adds with a smirk and Adam responds with a nod.

The two guys take another long drink and sit naked on top of Josh’s bed wondering if an innocent little strip game will make any real impactful change on their lives.

NewToBeASub 05-11-2015 11:23 PM

This is like... Awesome :D please do continue :D

thepac 05-14-2015 07:29 AM

A week after their first strip FIFA game Josh is lying on his bed idly flicking through his phone. He just can’t think of anything constructive or even time wasting to do with his free Friday afternoon. Even Twitter feels boring for him today and eventually Josh just closes his phone and takes a big long sigh. Josh still can't take his mind off events last week when he and his best friend Adam played a game of strip FIFA. The match was fun but even Josh has to admit that the result didn't go his way as he lost badly. He had to get completely naked in front of his best friend and while it was terrifying Josh hasn't stopped thinking about it. The pure thrill of the exhibitionism has been keeping him awake at night and the teenage has no idea why. Josh doesn’t think it's a sexual thing, his masturbation habits certainly haven't switched from women to men overnight. Yet he can't stop thinking about how good it felt to be sat on his own bed completely naked.

The 19 year old knows it's a little odd to feel so comfortable being naked in front of another man especially his best friend but that hasn’t stopped him from spending more time and more naked. He now sleeps naked and the second he gets home from college his clothes come off and Josh just lounges around his room becoming more comfortable in his own skin. Josh thinks Adam might have felt the same way too as the blonde also seemed too stripping off and sitting naked with him. Adam actually won the game but the blonde went double or nothing and Josh was able to capitalize on his bet. Both young men finished the game up naked and Josh is still thinking about his offer of a rematch.

He was honestly expecting Adam to bring it up before now as playing strip FIFA was the blonde's idea in the first place but he hasn't and Josh really wants to have that rematch. Not that he is looking forward to losing again which he thinks might happen but Josh is curious to see if he is just as comfortable being naked in front of another man again. Flicking around on his phone Josh quickly starts to text his best friend hoping that he is free to play.

Yo mate thinking bout having that rematch on FIFA U interested?

Josh sent the text than almost instantly his phone buzzed with the response.

Yeah man I'm free to play now
We playing same rules as last time?

Yeah same rules man I'll be over in a couple of mins

Josh quickly pulls on his trainers and says a quick goodbye to his mum before heading out. It only takes 5 minutes for Josh to walk to his best friend's house but all while he is walking Josh wonders about the possible outcome of doing this again. He could get away with saying the first strip FIFA was a kind of youthful experiment but now he is the one who asked to play the game. Josh wonders if he will get any answers about why he seemed so relaxed about being naked in front of another man. Did he accidently find out a deep unknown truth about himself or was it a onetime thing that can’t really be explained. All these thoughts of exhibitionism run through Josh’s mind as he walks up Adam’s driveway before knocking on the front door.

Adam has a big grin on his face as he opens the door, "Come looking for your revenge then mate?"

“Revenge? No man I did quite well last time I mean I got you naked so I don’t really think I lost the first game,” Josh says grinning back at the blonde.

Adam rolls his eyes "Only cause you got a lucky goal Josh."

"Yeah keep telling yourself that man this time it will be different," Josh says confidently as he steps into Adam's living room.

Adam just laughs as he shuts his front door then as he turns round Josh speaks up again.

"We alone?" He curiously asks.

Nodding his head Adam says, "Yes, mum and dad are out with a couple of friends and Karen is still at work."

A sly smirk appears on Josh's face making Adam groan.

"Dude how many times? She's my sister quit thinking like that," The blonde says in disgust.

"Hey I wasn't," Josh says still with a big grin plastered across his face.

"Whatever man you know she wouldn't go anywhere near ya," Adam snorts defensively.

"No nothing like that I just wondered how good she is at FIFA," Josh says enjoying the way he can tease his mate about his hot older sister.

"I'm sure she is as good at FIFA as Emma is," Adam fires back wiping the smile right off Josh's face.

"Ok dude that was totally uncalled for," Josh complains thinking that it’s a low blow to use his girlfriend like that but Adam just shrugs his shoulders.

"You started it now come on we playing strip FIFA or what?" Adam asks.

Josh can't think of anything else to say so he follows the blonde upstairs to his bedroom but before Adam opens his bedroom door he turns around to ask Josh a question.

"Should we take our shoes off again?" Adam wonders aloud, "I mean we did it last time."

Josh doesn't take long to think of an answer, "Yeah why not neither of us need to cheat and be covered up in loads of layers."

"Awesome," Adam says with a grin kicking his loosely tied trainers off as he enters his bedroom.

Josh rolls his eyes as Adam's trainers bounce off his closet door, his friend can be a real slob sometimes Josh thinks as he carefully unites his own trainers. Adam isn't paying him any attention as he's sat on his desk chair starting up his PS4. The blonde grabs his controller and sits back down on his chair before looking over at his shaven headed friend who is wearing a plain black t shirt with a pair of ripped blue jeans and grey socks. Adam who hasn't left the house all day is just wearing a green and yellow vest top with cream coloured shorts and white athletic socks.

"Hey do you remember the stipulation from the last game?" Josh asks curiously.

"Yeah you said when I beat you again you'd tell me the story of why you are all shaved," Adam says with a smirk.

"Crap I’d hoped that you had forgotten that," Josh groans as he moves onto Adam's bed taking the second controller off his friend.

"So it is still the same rules as before?" Adam asks again while they wait for the game to load up.

Josh nods but he doesn't say a word, he wants to take it seriously this time. He was too slow in the first game, he had been already stripped down to his boxers before he had even got his head into the game.

"Loser gets to pick the first team," Adam jokes knowing that will get under Josh's fair skin.

"Fine then I'm taking Arsenal," Josh snaps flicking the X button on his controller.

"Brave man," Adam teases, "I guess I'll counter that by picking Chelsea."

The two teenagers pick their sides and the start match screen starts to load up and the anticipation silently builds between the two teens.

lovaboitoy 05-16-2015 02:05 PM

hot story really good...can't wait to read more

thepac 05-23-2015 05:45 AM

It’s the Emirates stadium on a clear sunny day but neither Josh nor Adam are concentrating on team line ups or how nice the pitch looks. They can already feel the anticipation, the same kind they felt last week playing their very first strip FIFA game. Adam looks over at Josh just before the kick off and grins at his best friend. Josh returns the smile trying to ignore the butterflies in his stomach and the worry in the back of his mind that Adam might see him naked again. The game starts much like their first encounter as the play is very scrappy with neither team taking firm control. The ball is lost multiple times by both guys who feel almost as nervous as the first time because the heavy implications of losing weighs heavily on the both of them.

Finally Josh is able to get the ball down and string some passes together that leads to a chance for Alexis Sanchez. In goal the Chelsea keeper Courtois pulls off a good save tipping the ball around the post. The resulting corner however is where it goes all downhill for Adam, Sanchez rises up and meets the corner with a powerful head which the keeper saves again. The deflected ball loops away and after a few seconds of pinball in the Chelsea area it lands at the feet of Sanchez. He tries to wriggle through the defence but is caught by a trailing leg from Cahill which knocks him down to the floor.

“Penalty!” Josh screams and to his delight the referee points to the spot.

“No fucking way,” Adam complains as the virtual referee books his defender.

“Dude look it was a clear pen,” Josh says as the replay shows Sanchez tumbling to the ground after a mistimed tackle.

Adam grunts annoyed with himself for conceding a penalty kick with less than 15 minutes on the game clock.

“Hey you know I was watching a few of those online strip FIFA games the other day,” Josh says looking to take the chance to tease Adam.

Adam turns his head to look at him as Josh continues, “When there was a penalty scored in those strip games it was worth two items of clothing.”

“Fuck off,” Adam shouts in anger, “You are making that up, no way is a pen worth two items of clothing,”

Josh shrugs his shoulders, “I’d take two items off if you scored an penalty against me.”

Adam bites his lip trying to calm himself down and not just let out a volley of swearwords at his mate.

“Ok fine two items but you are not gonna score this,” Adam says bitterly.

Josh smiles then concentrates on the game as Cazorla steps up to take the spot kick. The whistle goes and Josh hits the ball hard to the left hand side of the goal but Adam guesses right and his keeper flies across and saves the ball.

“YESSSSSS GET IN THERE,” Adam screams punching the air with delight as the ball rolls harmlessly away.

Josh holds his head in his hands as Adam presses pause on the game then turns to the disappointed Josh.

“Well buddy if it’s two items of clothing for a scored pen what prize is a missed one?” He teases.

“I dunno,” Josh says not wanting to look up but that tingling, excited feeling is running through his body just like in the first game.

Adam thinks for a second then bursts out laughing clearly having just thought of an idea to humiliate his strip FIFA playing friend.

“I think missing a pen means you gotta flash me,” Adam says still laughing.

“Dude I am not flashing you my cock,” Josh says ignoring the sneaky little thrill that runs through him at being exposed like that.

“No dude not your dick but your ass I think missing a penalty, an easy chance to take clothing off me should be punished by having to show your bare arse,” Adam explains.

Josh can’t help but start laughing, “Dude you are weird sometimes but fine here’s my ass pervert.”

Standing up Josh has a second of clarity where he decides he must really like showing off his body. That thought is lost as he turns around in front of his best friend and starts lowering his jeans. His pants come down along with his boxers and Josh leans over slightly so that his is mooning his best friend.

Adam can’t help but laugh “You look so stupid doing that,” He says before Josh yanks his pants back up.

“You fucking asked for it,” Josh fires back while buttoning up his jeans, “I think you didn’t get a proper look at my ass last time so now you had to make something up in order to see it.”

“Dude even if I was gay your ass would not make me lose control and want to fuck you,” Adam teases, “Hell your skinny ass would probably make a gay guy turn straight.”

There is no right response to that remark so Josh just keeps quiet and waits for the game to restart. A few minutes after the missed penalty and the mooning Josh is on the attack again this time Giroud plays a through ball that cuts Adam’s defence apart. Sanchez fires off another shot just inside the box that Chelsea’s keeper once again smartly saves.

Adam lets out a low whistle, “I think I might be in trouble here, that Sanchez is ripping me to shreds.”

The very next attack however is Adam’s and he shows some great passing the move the ball across the pitch quickly. A pass is slid onto the edge of the six yard box where Drogba smashes it back across goal for an easy tap in.

“GOAL HAZARD,” Adam screams in relief having been in trouble early on in this match.

“Come on goalie you have to come out to that,” Josh moans watching the reply as Hazard was only a few metres out as he calmly tapped the ball into the back of his goal.

Josh throws his controller down onto the bed with some force, he is annoyed with himself for being in control of this match then conceding a sloppy goal. Reaching down Josh pulls his socks off and gets flashbacks to the last game where he was also one nil down. Barefooted Josh continues to play but neither man can gain the advantage as the first half rolls on. Both Cazorla and Hazard both have strikes from outside the box that just miss the goal. This match is tense and not as open as the last encounter and Josh is happy about this. Around this time in the last game he was 3 nil down and stripped to just his boxer shorts.

“Dude have you been secretly practicing since last time?” Adam asks just as he manages to stop Ozil running directly into his penalty area.

Josh knows his friend is trying to distract and ignores him all the way up to the half time whistle.

“I totally should have scored at least one by now,” Josh complains as he puts his controller down, “I’ve been killing you.”

“Please ‘killing me’,” Adam replies with an eye roll, “I’ve been comfortable and I’ve scored the only goal.”

“Look at the stats man,” Josh shouts pointing at the menu screen, “I’ve had more shots, more possession and everything else.”

“Yeah but I’m Chelsea aren’t I,” Adam states, “That’s how they win by outlasting other teams.”

Josh wants to tell Adam it’s just a video game and real life team characteristics are not loaded into the computer but the second half is starting. The game settles back in to being tense and nervous with lots of battles going on around midfield but very few shooting chances for either man. Finally after 10 minutes of the second half Josh is able to break down Adam’s defences. A deflected pass from Ramsey spins into the box and right to the path of Ozil who calmly turns his defender and slots the ball into the corner of the goal.

“Yes,” Josh cries as his players all run away and his home crowd cheers in delight.

“Damn I was really hoping I could nil you this time around,” Adam says ruefully looking at the screen.

Adam grabs the bottom of his vest top and pulls it upwards exposing his lightly tanned skin. Throwing his shirt over into his dirty clothes pile Adam settles back into his deck chair knowing that the game is now on. Both men have lost an item of clothing and because the game is closer than last time so there is bound to be a lot more tension.

lovaboitoy 05-24-2015 07:19 AM

Nice a good chapter...going to interesting intense strip game...good writing: -)

thepac 06-05-2015 08:59 AM

Quickly back on top Adam shows off his superior passing skills moving the ball around with ease leaving Adam chasing shadows. Chelsea force a corner and the ball is launched towards the back post where Gary Cahill rises highest and heads the ball right into the net.

“Yes,” Adam shouts as he retakes the lead, “Face it man you just can’t beat me,” He says turning his head towards his friend.

Josh mutters something under his breath as he grabs his t shirt and peels it off. Both men are now shirtless and Adam looks at his friend’s skinny hairless frame and he can’t help but grin again.

“And don’t forget when you lose you are gonna tell me just why you shave off all your hair,” The blonde winks hoping to embarrass Josh a little more.

“Well only if I’m naked right?” Josh asks a sudden shock of fear running though his now shirtless body.

Adam shakes his head, “No you said next time I beat you, you would tell me why, you said nothing about being naked.”

“Well then that’s not fucking fair,” Josh complains, “That means I have that on the line as well as my clothes.”

The blonde thinks about it for a second then says, “Well to make it fair if I you win how about I tell you something embarrassing about myself.”

“Dude I know all your embarrassing secrets why don’t you tell me a dirty secret about yourself,” Josh offers.

Adam thinks about it for a second before deciding, “Ok man it’s a deal, if you somehow manage to beat me I’ll tell you something I’ve never told anyone.”

Josh grins, “Perfect but I’m gonna make you regret saying that,” The young teen says, “Cause now I’m really gonna play all out to win.”

The shaven headed winger sounds fired up and to prove how serious he is now about winning Josh makes a triple substitution. Josh’s bold strategy almost works as Theo Walcott cuts in from the right hand side and fires a shot that just deflects wide. Since Adam’s goal Josh has been dominating possession but as time ticks down in the second half he still can’t find a break through. A rare attack from Chelsea draws Hazard into the box but he is easily disposed and Josh launches a counter attack. A through ball breaks Welbeck free from the defenders and he gets one on one with the keeper. Courtois again proves to be a massive barrier as he blocks Welbeck’s shot and then comfortably caches the rebound.

“Holy shit I fucking hate Courtois,” Josh complains frustrated that he still can’t equalize.

The match moves into the final 10 minutes and Josh is doing everything he can to score. Welbeck picks up a cross right on the edge of the box and easily turns his defender but again the big Belgium goalkeeper saves the powerful shot.

“You know without Courtois I think I’d be naked right now,” Adam admits as he watches the reply of his goalkeeper saving yet another shot.

“Think I don’t know that?” Josh spits in frustration, “He is like a fucking cheat player I can’t believe I’m not winning this.”

Adam feels bad for his despairing friend but this is a game and he is still playing hard hoping to get the win to find out why Josh fully shaves himself. The game ticks over into the 90th minute and Adam just tries to keep hold of the ball looking to play out time. That tactic doesn’t wok however as Josh wins the ball back in his own half before setting off on one last attack. The ball is sprayed to the right and Walcott shows off his speed taking on and beating the defender. Walcott charges right into the box and when he gets right to the by-line he is just able to lift a cross into the middle of the penalty area. Adam and his star keeper can only watch on as the ball sails over to an unmarked Sanchez who calmly heads the ball into the net.

“GOALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL,” Josh screams as he has just snatched a late injury time equalizer.

Adam can’t help but laugh as Josh leaps out of his seat in delight at scoring such a late equalizer. Josh doesn’t celebrate this much when he scores a real life goal Adam thinks to himself. The game restarts and Josh is celebrating but Adam can’t take advantage as the final whistle goes just seconds after he restarts.

“Crap well done man,” Adam says as Josh finally sits down, “It would have been tough on you to lose that.”

“Thanks yeah that was really intense,” Josh says unable to wipe the grin off his face, “That was defo a better contest than our first match.”

Adam nods his head as he lifts his hips up and Josh watches on in surprise. He was so excited at scoring the late goal he had completely forgotten he is playing strip FIFA. Adam eases his shorts down exposing his plain black boxer shorts so he is left sitting in from to Josh in just his underwear and socks.

“So what do we do now?” Adam ask as the replays finish and the menu screen pops up again.

“I dunno can we finish a strip game as a draw?” Josh wonders aloud.

“A penalty shootout is an option,” Adam offers but Josh shakes his head.

“Come on man with your keeper I’d lose easily,” Josh replies, “How about a winner takes all golden goal?”

“Naw I did that last time and it didn’t work out to well for me,” An underwear clad Adam says with a sly grin.

“Fine then we keep to the same strip FIFA rules in extra time then if we go to pens its loser takes everything off,” Josh says quickly before he loses his nerve and just takes a draw.

“Deal,” Adam says delighted he will get another chance to discover the secret behind Josh’s grooming habits.

Josh clicks the extra time option on the screen subjecting both men to another 30 in game minutes of gameplay. Extra however starts to play out just like the normal match with scrappy bits of play in a mostly midfield struggle. Both Adam and Josh trade tame shots from outside the box before Josh’s Arsenal team again starts to take control. Josh is pressing hard and he is able to win the ball from Chelsea in his half and then launch a quick counter attack. Three passes up the field brings Josh up to the edge of the area where the ball falls to Welbeck. The striker turns his defender and unleashes a low shot that curls past Courtois into the bottom left hand corner of the goal.

“YESSSSSS WHAT A GOAL,” Josh screams in delight as Welbeck takes off in celebration.

Adam groans softly, this is so much harder than the last game and he is starting to regret going easy on his friend.

“Get them off,” Josh says turning round to face Adam and pointing at his boxers, “You lost fair and square this time now strip.”

“Ok,” Adam says unable to hide his grin as he lifts his foot up and starts to remove his sock.

“Bollocks I forgot about those,” Josh spits in annoyance, “I really thought I had won then.”

“Tough luck mate but hey still plenty of time for a comeback,” Adam says enjoying the disappointment on Josh’s face.

Adam does feel a little weird now sitting just in his underwear playing a game with his mate. He didn’t feel this last time as he still had most of his clothes on when he offered Josh to play a next goal strips naked forfeit. The feeling is very weird and Adam wonders why Josh never mentioned how uncomfortable it feels sitting around in just your boxers while another guy is in the room. Adam knows he has to try and get over it if he wants to stay in this game and not have to strip and reveal a dirty secret about himself. Chelsea try and shoot right from the kick off but the ball flies high and wide.

The end of the first half of extra time comes very quickly for Adam who knows a lot is on the line for him now so he makes a few changes to his team. The second half starts and a more focused Adam starts closing down Josh’s team making it very hard for him to move the ball around. All that pressure pays off as Sanchez misplaces a pass on the halfway line allowing the ball to be played up to Remy. The French striker beats the offside trap and is now one on one with the Arsenal keeper. Remy calmly tucks the ball away levelling this match up once again as now its 3 vs 3 and its Josh’s turn to groan in dismay.

“Damn, stupid me overplaying it,” Josh moans as the replay shows his misplaced pass that allowed Adam to score.

Standing up Josh unbuttons his jeans and starts to pull them down revealing his own underwear. His boxers are a bright white and green hooped pattern and Josh kicks off his jeans wondering if he is going to be naked once again.

“This game is so tight we are defo going to penalties,” Adam says sounding excited, “And you know you can’t beat Courtois at pens.”

An underwear clad Josh refuses to rise to the bait and instead just picks up his controller ready to play on. The game has turned into a counter attack fest as a team launches an attack only for it to be stopped and countered by the other team. Minutes tick away from extra time as this football match has turned into a basketball game. It is end to end until finally in the last minute of extra time Chelsea finally get hold of the ball and play a few neat passes around Josh’s penalty area. The ball is slipped into the left hand side of the box where Fabregas runs onto it and unleashes a powerful shot at goal. Josh’s goalie saves the shot but he only pushes it back out to where Remy is waiting.

Standing right on the penalty spot Remy calmly and coolly heads the saved shot back where it came from. Josh’s goalkeeper is stranded on the floor and all the young man can do is watch as the ball bounces into his empty net. Adam doesn’t even raise his arms to celebrate, he is just shocked that he scored a last second winner. Josh sinks backwards on the bed with his hands covering his face and Adam feels bad for his best friend. The final whistle goes and the blonde knows that a late goal is truly the worst way to lose any football match regardless of what’s at stake. 4 vs 3 to Chelsea is the final score but Josh is still lying back on the bed and Adam wonders if Josh is taking his second strip FIFA defeat badly.

“I’m sorry man,” The blonde says slowly, “I honestly thought I’d at least take you to pens.”

“I fucking hate you man, I hate you so much,” Josh moans shaking his head in despair.

Adam can’t tell if his friend is joking with him or if he is deadly serious. Unsure of what to do Adam just sits there until Josh gets to his feet. Taking a deep breath Josh slides his thumbs into the waistband of his boxers preparing to expose himself in front of his mate for a second time. Josh pulls his boxers down once more exposing his cock and his completely shaved pubes. This time Josh is blushing, he didn’t think he would have to strip again and the adrenaline he got from stripping last time is less this time round. He kicks his underwear off then sits his naked ass down onto his friend’s bed before looking back up at Adam.

“I am really sorry man,” Adam apologizes feeling more embarrassed than Josh is.

“No worries man I know you would have beaten me on pens its fine well I don’t like showing you my cock but if I keep being shit at FIFA this will happen,” Josh jokes.

Adam is pleased his friend is taking it so well but still he is almost afraid to carry on talking. He was fully expecting Josh to break down and maybe throw a punch at him and never want to play a strip game again. Josh is just sitting there naked as the final whistle blows to fully confirm that the shaven haired winger has lost his second strip FIFA game.

“Go ahead and ask man let’s get it over with,” Josh says leaning over to put the controller back near the PS4.

Adam can feel himself blushing but he presses on, “Ok then why the shaved look? Is it for Emma?”

Josh leans down to pick up his removed boxers so he can place them on his pile of clothes. He is taking his time because the answer isn’t one he ever wanted to express to anyone let alone his best mate.

“Well she likes it but no she isn’t the reason I did it, I started it before I ever met her,” Josh says quietly feeling colour pumping into his cheeks.

“Well why then?” Adam asks, “I mean I don’t have much hair to lose but I wouldn’t think of completely shaving myself.”

“Well its cause I saw this porno once er with two guys,” Josh says talking to the carpet instead of looking Adam in the face.

Adam wasn’t expecting that, his jaw drops open in shock and he just stares at his naked and now highly embarrassed friend.

“When did you watch a gay porn? I didn’t even know you were…” Adam starts to say but Josh cuts him off.

“I’m not into guys ok relax,” He snaps, “I saw the gay porn cause it was on one of Les’s email links, you remember a few years ago when he kept sending all those porn links via email?”

Adam nods his head, he remembers their team’s left back going through a phase where he thought it was funny to send disgusting kinky porn videos to everyone’s email. It got most of the squad into trouble in one way or another as being caught with hardcore porn in your email is a tough one to explain. Eventually they ganged up on Les and threatened the small left back to stop it or they would forcefully strip him and take pictures of it. They would then make sure everyone that knew him would get to see his naked pictures so of course Les stopped sending them porn filled junk mail.

“So were you actually stupid enough to click on one of those links?” Adam says and Josh nods in response.

“I wasn’t curious or anything I just clicked on some of them and one was these two guys fucking,” The winger says now turning such a bright shade of red it’s a wonder he isn’t glowing like a lightbulb.

“I’m still confused,” Adam states, “Why did watching two guys make you think about shaving yourself?”

“Well when they were sucking each other off,” Josh starts but Adam interrupts.

“You watched the whole movie? Even though it was a gay porno?” The blonde says in shock.

“Yes,” A blushing Josh replies, “I wasn’t jacking off or anything it’s just that they were shaved smooth and I’d never seen a guy you know without any body hair.”

“Smooth?” Adam repeats trying to understand the barrage of information that has been thrown at him.

He could have sworn he knew everything about Josh, they are practically brothers but it appears there is a side to his best friend that he knew absolutely nothing about.

“Yes smooth no pubes, no chest hair nothing,” Josh says wondering if this could get any more embarrassing.

“So you saw a gay porno and then decided to go all hairless just like that?” Adam asks.

“No not right away but it stuck in my mind you know then last year after he had that 6 nil hammering away from home you remember?” Josh says and Adam nods his head.

“Well I came home and was in the shower just trying to get over it you know and there was a razor and well that image of those shaved guys kept coming into my head so I took the plunge,” Josh says finally lifting his head up so he is talking to Adam and not to his bedroom floor.

“I shaved it all off and honestly it felt good like really good and so I just kept it up then when Emma saw it she liked it and I’ve stuck to it,” Josh finishes hoping he can get redressed now.

“Wow,” Is all Adam can muster as a response.

“Yeah big wow now do you mind if I get dressed again,” Josh says feeling very uncomfortable.

Having to tell Adam the story was bad enough for Josh but doing it naked made it worse. That adrenaline of being naked is pumping so fast around his body that Josh is almost shaking in his seat. He is deeply embarrassed but a small part of him is excited by it all. Josh can’t really explain the feeling to himself, the closest thing he can think of that feels like this is when a crowd is cheering for him on the football field. The feeling scares Josh, it’s like he enjoys this embarrassment like all the blushing and the stripping makes him feel more alive. It’s also screwing with his head making him imagine being in this state on a football field with thousands of people watching.

“Yeah man you can get dressed,” Adam says quietly snapping Josh’s daydream.

Quickly Josh tugs his boxers on and then looks over at Adam who is still in a state of shock.

“You ok man?” Josh asks a little worried that he might have creeped out his best friend.

“Yeah I’m fine it’s just I honestly thought I knew everything about you shit I thought I knew you better than Emma,” Adam admits.

“Guess there is more to you than I ever knew,” Adam says getting to his feet and walking over to Josh.

Josh doesn’t know what to expect as his underwear clad friend pulls him to his feet then gives him a hug.

“Thanks for sharing though I honestly didn’t think you could tell me something that personal,” Adam says with his arms around his best friend.

“No worries,” Josh says returning the hug grateful that Adam doesn’t think he is a weird for watching gay porn then using it for shaving tips.

Adam lets go of the hug then looks at the clock, “Shit Karen will be home soon we better get dressed you know unless you want her to admire your smooth skin,” He teases.

“Dick,” Josh replies playfully slapping his friend’s bare chest, “If I didn’t have a girlfriend I totally would.”

“And again you made it weird,” Adam says pulling his vest top back over his head, “Hey we doing this again same time next week?”

Josh laughs, “No way dude this is the last one, I’ve been naked twice no way I can take losing three in a row.”

“Really?” Adam says with a hint of surprise, “I thought you were really close to beating me this time.

Shaking his head Josh says, “No I wasn’t you were going easy on me I know it look I enjoy the stakes and the game sure it’s just not as fun when you lose all the time.”

Adam nods in response he understands that but he has enjoyed the last two games and didn’t think Josh would back out like this. Josh himself isn’t too sure but he feels like it would be suspicious of him to keep playing a strip game that he had no chance of winning. Both men sit now fully clothed but in silence before Adam gets up to turn off his PS4 wondering if maybe this is the end of their strip FIFA playing days.

lovaboitoy 06-13-2015 12:10 PM

wow very nice hot that Josh was one fully nude again....;-)
hope you continue

thepac 06-25-2015 05:39 AM

Josh is sat nervously in his living room waiting for the doorbell to ring. The last few hours have been an agonizing wait for the young man and he just wants his friend to arrive. 3 weeks ago Josh played his best friend Adam in a game of strip FIFA and a week later they had a rematch but Josh lost both encounters. Not only did he have to strip completely naked both times but when he lost the second game he had to reveal an embarrassing truth about himself. After losing that second game Josh vowed never to play strip FIFA again. It wasn’t the losing or the humiliation that really made Josh quit it was the fact that he felt good being naked.

Josh never pictured himself having an exhibitionist streak in him but after losing two strip games Josh felt such freedom in shedding his clothes and being completely nude. It didn’t even matter that another person could see him naked Josh just felt good about being naked and that worried him. He has spent the last week or so trying to keep his clothes on when he is alone at home but the feeling of just being free and lying around naked has been too great for Josh to resist. The poor teenager has been trying to keep a lid on this sudden fetish of lying around naked which has been tricky with both an attentive mother and a gorgeous girlfriend always seemly around him.

Josh hoped that quitting strip FIFA would give him time to understand more about this sudden nudist streak he seemed to have but Adam had other ideas. Every single day since the last game Adam has been on Josh’s back asking him for another game. Josh wants to play, he really wasn’t as embarrassed at being naked as his blonde friend suspects. Josh however was upset at having to tell his best mate why he shaves off his body hair which led to a story about watching a gay porno. If Josh is honest with himself the fact he can’t beat Adam at FIFA means he is unlikely to get back any sense of retribution or revenge on Adam for making him tell that story. The stripping Josh can handle but the forfeit of telling the truth at the end made him uneasy and thus not want to play another game. Adam however isn’t a man who takes no for an answer and he just keeps bugging Josh to play another strip FIFA game with him.

Adam has enjoyed both games of strip FIFA immensely, the challenge of playing for your clothes raised the stakes for the game. The blonde loves a challenge and plays best with an all or nothing mentality so having that challenge with Josh has been amazing. With the football season all but over Adam knows he needs to keep his competitive fires going or he will spend the whole summer being bored out of his skull. Adam can understand why Josh doesn’t want to play anymore as losing football matches isn’t some his friend is good at. The thing Adam can’t understand is why Josh has never once offered just to play a normal game of FIFA instead. Adam senses his friend doesn’t mind losing his clothes that much in fact the more Adam thinks about it he has never seen a more relaxed man than Josh when is sat there completely naked. The more clothing Josh loses the better he seems to play and that really confuses Adam but it also makes him think that deep down Josh doesn’t really want to stop playing strip FIFA.

Adam has decided the best way to change Josh’s mind is pester him relentless until he gives in. The tactic has worked in making Josh buy a PS4, to come to the gym more often hell when they were little Adam’s constant bugging of his best friend got him to join the football team in the first place. Even though he is a few months older Adam feels more like the cheeky annoying little brother to Josh’s straight laced ways and it’s a role he enjoys. The day before after two weeks of nagging at one of the last training sessions of the season for their team Adam tried again to get Josh to change his mind and play one more game.

“Come on man, where is the harm in just playing one more game?” The blonde says knowing his relentlessly questioning will eventually wear the shaven headed teen down.

“Dude you have been asking for the last two weeks and the answer is still no,” Josh huffs folding his arms together hoping Adam will drop it.

“What’s the big deal anyway it’s just a video game, it’s nothing important,” Adam counters.

Josh laughs and leans up against the changing room wall, “Easy for you to say man because you have never lose so you have no idea what it feels like.”

“Hey I’ve been naked too remember,” Adam says as the sun starts to set behind the training pitch.

Adam can’t understand why his friend is just being so stubborn or why Josh won’t just leave and go home instead of staying here to argue with him.

“That’s not the same and you know it,” Josh says with a scowl, “Look I like playing FIFA with you but I lost so badly last time that I really can’t face up to losing another game.”

“Then don’t,” Adam says thinking quickly, “What if I play with a handicap?”

Josh turns his head and raises his eyebrows in surprise before shaking his head at his best friend.

“Naw it will be a hollow victory for me won’t it?” Josh says but now it’s Adam that shakes his head.

“No that’s the point say I just pick some random team while you can choose anyone you want,” The blonde says excitedly knowing that this is a good idea.

“You have an advantage but I could be anyone so it would still be pretty fair,” Adam continues but Josh still looks unconvinced.

“Still seems unfair,” Josh says slowly, “I mean I hate losing but I’d wanna beat you fairly.”

The blonde nods, “I understand you but what if I wear more clothes so if I random pick a bad team you really have to score a lot of goals to get me naked.”

Adam is excited as he thinks this is the perfect idea to get Josh back into playing strip FIFA. He can see Josh starting to break down and see the benefits of his idea. Of course Adam doesn’t really want to play with a handicap but if it’s the only way to get his friend back playing them Adam is willing to bite the bullet.

“So if you are a random team but in more layers I have to score more goals in order to get you naked?” Josh asks carefully trying to understand the concept.

Adam nods his head yes and he can see Josh’s last few doubts about playing another strip FIFA game melt away.

“But what about the forfeit?” Josh asks and Adam again is left feeling confused.

“The what?” Adam wonders aloud.

“You know the forfeit you made me do after losing the last game,” Josh explains, “I lost and I had to tell you that thing.”

Josh is blushing now and Adam finally puts 2 and 2 together working out Josh’s forfeit question.

“Oh,” Adam says now trying not to blush as well remembering the embarrassing truth he made Josh reveal.

“Well what do you think?” Josh asks slowly, “Should we keep the embarrassing truth question even with your handicap?”

“Yeah of course,” Adam says a little scared of the truth question but he really wants to play another game.

He knows that this is a big risk, the steaks are amazingly high now not only losing a strip game but having to take a truth question from his best friend. Adam’s handicap almost guarantees his defeat but the blonde isn’t too worried. The question won’t be too bad from Josh and Adam doesn’t have any embarrassing I watched gay porn truths like his best friend so he is fine with the losing question. Adam is also confident that if he wears enough layers he can defend well enough to at least not get completely naked. He also remembers the deeply embarrassed look on Josh’s face when he revealed that he has watched a gay porn. Adam didn’t want to know that but Josh played fair and as this was all Adam’s idea in the first place he feels he owes his mate.

“Ok fine you’re on,” Adam says grinning, “Random team, extra layers and a forfeit if I lose.”

Josh nods in response and he just can’t hide the grin on his face. He is going to get to play another game of strip FIFA and he is going to get his first win.

That was yesterday and now Josh is sat in his front room waiting for Adam to arrive. The nerves he feels right now are almost cripplingly, even with that massive handicap what if Adam still wins? Josh doesn’t know how he will feel stripping off in front of Adam after losing a match that is rigged for him to win. He takes a deep breath to calm himself down convincing himself that he won’t lose. There is a knock at the front door and Josh leaps out of his seat like he’s been given a shock. He can’t believe he is going to play another strip game with his best friend just as much as he can’t believe Adam is going to give him such an advantage.

Josh moves to his front door pausing for a second to let the butterflies in his stomach clam down. If Josh is nervous then he has got nothing on Adam how feels like he is walking on death row. He couldn’t sleep at all last night as he couldn’t stop thinking about all the advantages he’s given Josh. Adam wonders how stupid it is to play a strip game having given the other player so much of an advantage. He is hoping Josh doesn’t think he wants to get naked in front of him, Adam also hopes that he is wearing enough clothes as he has packed on some many layers of clothing to try and stop himself from ending up naked. Adam also hopes that Josh’s forfeit question isn’t too harsh on him either. Josh might not think it about himself but Adam knows the taller man has a slight sadistic mean streak in him.

“Hey man,” Josh says as he pulls open the front door.

“Still think you can beat me?” Adam says with a cocky smirk, “Even with my handicap?”

Josh laughs as the blonde walks in, the tension he felt disappears as he sees how calm Adam is.

“Shoes,” Josh calls out to his friend just as he starts climbing the stairs.

“Stupid house rules,” Adam says as he kicks off his trainers then starts to go upstairs with Josh right behind him.

“So how many layers are you actually wearing?” Josh asks.

“Erm a lot,” Adam admits, “I got this jumper, a couple of shirts, extra pairs of socks and shorts under these pants so yeah I’m fully prepared.”

Josh rolls his eyes, “You know it won’t be enough,”

Adam turns around as he pushes open Josh’s bedroom door, “You know if I win or random myself up an awesome team you are so gonna regret this.”

The shaven headed teen just shakes his head as Adam walks into his room. Adam picks up the spare controller and switches the PS4 on before he takes his seat on Josh’s bed. Josh joins him on the bed ignoring his desk chair and Adam raises his eyebrows in surprise.

“What?” Josh shrugs, “I play better on my bed.”

“Only because you have a girlfriend to practice with,” Adam teases.

“So how’s Karen today? Is she still looking hot?” Josh fires back wiping the smirk off Adam’s face.

“Ok sorry enough bullshit man are you really gonna pick a random team?” Josh asks.

“Of course,” Adam says as FIFA 15 loads up, “Just don’t come crying to me when I whip your ass for the third straight time.

lovaboitoy 06-25-2015 06:12 AM

Haha really good set up to there next game: -)

thepac 07-13-2015 02:36 AM

Josh ignores him and loads up the game before getting to the team selection page. He turns to Adam and watches to his if his best friend will go through with it. Adam hits the random button and team names quickly flash past the screen until it stops on Accrington Stanley. The blonde can’t help but laugh in surprise as he has just randomly picked a low star league two team. Accrington Stanley were a team in the same division as both Adam and Josh’s team Bury last season. Even Stanley fans would admit their team isn’t the best and now Adam has to play a game of strip FIFA with them.

“Are you sure I can pick anyone?” Josh asks still smiling at Adam’s random choice.

“Yes of course, I’m still gonna win,” Adam says cockily.

Josh flicks around the menu screen until he gets to one of the best teams in the world Barcelona. Groaning Adam doesn’t think he is wearing enough layers now as he is going to play against the current European champions. The blonde now does regret going to such crazy lengths to give himself a handicap in this match.

“Do you want to just get it over with and ask the truth question now,” Adam asks as the match loads up.

Josh just laughs and shakes his head seeing the worrying look on his friend’s normally cheerful face. This will be the tall skinny teen’s revenge and Josh wants to enjoy every second of it. The match will be played at night in the Camp Nou and Josh kicks off getting the ball straight to the feet of Leo Messi. Charging down the pitch Messi skips past two players and fires a shot that is well saved by Adam’s keeper. Barely a minute of game time has gone and Josh already easily got away a shot on goal. A few minutes later and Neymar picks the ball up on the left hand side of the area. He runs right into the box and forces a cross right across the 6 yard line.

“GOAL,” Josh yells in delight as Luis Suarez taps the ball into the net and wheels away in celebration.

Adam winces as he watches the replay as that was an easy tap in goal for Josh. This is going to be a very long game he thinks grabbing the bottom of his black jumper and quickly lifting it up and over his head. Josh grins when he sees Adam’s two t-shirts underneath his jumper. His friend wasn’t lying about all those extra layers and Josh wonders if he can get Adam naked at all with all those clothes on. The game restarts and Adam tries his hardest to keep possession of the ball passing it all around the pitch. Josh is frustrated as he just can’t seem to win the ball from Adam’s players.

Barcelona’s players are miles better than Stanley’s but Josh is worried that Adam is a better FIFA player than him even with a crap team. In his desperation to win the ball back Josh sides in and fouls a Stanley player 30 yards away from goal. The resulting free kick is floated into the box where a Stanley player gets a head to it first forcing a fine save by the Barcelona keeper Bravo.

“Shit,” Josh cries out in anger as replays show his keeper barely tipped that header over the bar.

Josh is really worried that he can’t beat Adam even with such a big difference between the two sides. After his keeper catches the corner Josh starts to concentrate playing his way into the match and he is rewarded when on 24 minutes Iniesta picks the ball up on the edge of the area. He calmly skips around two players then fires a shot at the goal. Adam’s keeper saves the shot but the ball is deflected right to the feet of Suarez who calmly tucks the ball away for his second goal.

“Damn,” Adam says turning away from the screen, “Playing as a lower class team is harder than I thought.”

“Are you really sure you wanna do this?” Josh says feeling guilty because it is just feels too easy to score against this Accrington defence.

“Yes now play on,” Adam says gripping his controller tight.

“Fine then lose another layer man,” Josh says reminding Adam of the strip rules.

“Oh yeah,” Adam says lifting his foot up and peeling off his socks.

“You know this wasn’t my best idea in retrospect,” The blonde says throwing his dark red and black football socks away.

Josh stares at his friend’s small white ankle socks for a second before he decides to speak up.

“You’re right it’s really too much of an advantage for me,” Josh says, “So I say if you score just one goal then I’ll take that as a defeat.”

“A proper defeat?” Adam curiously asks.

“Yeah I’ll get naked, take the question a proper strip FIFA defeat if you can get just one goal,” Josh says hoping this will make the one sided match more competitive.

Adam nods his head then he smirks, “You know you will end up regretting this right?”

“Probably but then I won’t feel bad about beating you, makes it more sporting,” Josh says and Adam just shakes his head.

“You really love digging your own grave you know that?” The blonde says but Josh ignores him.

Straight from the kick off Suarez tackles hard and wins the ball back. Josh makes the talented Uruguayan charge forward beating two players with some fast dribbling skills before firing the ball into the top corner.

“Yes 3 nil,” Josh sings as Suarez wheels away celebrating a first half hat trick in under 30 minutes.

“I might not get one goal,” Adam says ruefully while Josh waves his arms around in celebration.

Grabbing the bottom of his dark red t shirt Adam is finally starting to understand how Josh felt in the first two games. Being forced to strip because you are not good enough is a horrible feeling. The blonde peels off his shirt revealing a white undershirt and Josh shakes his head.

“I’m 3 nil up and you still haven’t show off any skin,” Josh teases as Adam throws his t-shirt to the ground on top of his removed jumper and socks.

Adam would throw a teasing comment back at his friend but he is struggling. He has no idea how he can score one goal against Josh, in fact Adam quietly thinks it might be impossible for Accrington Stanley to score a goal against Barcelona. The blonde starts defending for his life trying to at least stop the onslaught of goals. Adam defends right up until half time but once the 1 minute of injury time goes up he loses the ball to Suarez. Josh has his hat trick start slide a perfect through ball between two Accrington defenders. Messi runs onto the ball perfectly and Adam already starts to lift his foot up to remove his socks before the world’s best player even takes a shot.

“And it’s 4,” The commentator yells as Adam peels off his small white ankles socks leaving his feet bare.

The half time whistle goes and Adam breathes a deep sigh of relief. Giving himself this big of a handicap was a risk but Adam never saw himself being 4 nil down at half time. Josh can see the worried look on his best friend’s face and despite the embarrassment Adam has caused him he still feels bad.

“Hey come on man cheer up,” Josh says brightly, “One goal and you win.”

“Adam can’t help but smile, “God you must love losing if you wanna keep giving me an out.”

Josh snarls for a second then grins, “I’ve been playing on the same team as you since high school so I know all about losing.”

The blonde winces for a second then shakes his head, today is really strange not only is he getting beaten badly on FIFA but Josh is now cracking in decent punchlines. Adam quickly skips through the menu screens to get the second half started while Josh just sits on his bed trying not to laugh at his own quick one liner. Accrington Stanley come charges out right from kick off and only a last second tackle by Pique stops Adam from getting a shot away.

The game now takes a smaller tone to the first half where Josh has all of the ball and all of the shots. Adam would be naked now if it wasn’t for the heroics of Davis in the Stanley goal. He has blocked every long range shot fired at him and twice his own defenders have helped to deflect Barcelona’s shots sending them just wide. The blonde is sweating while Josh is a picture of calm, he knows all he needs to do is keep making chances and eventually like the first half goals will go flying in. Josh is proved right on the 69 minute when the genius that is Messi once again cuts his way through the heart of the Accrington defence. His shot is once again blocked by Davis but Adam just has no luck as the save falls right back to Messi’s feet.

“5 nil mate time to strip again,” Josh says just trying to enjoy his easy victory.

“Shit this is getting bad now,” Adam says looking down at his bare feet mentally trying to work out how many layers he has left.

“You can still rage quit and run away,” Josh says but Adam responds with a grunt and starts to peel his white undershirt off.

Adam loses his shirt so now he is bare chested and the pile of clothes on Josh’s bedroom gets bigger. The blonde uses all of FIFA skill to try and keep Josh away from the ball by passing it all over the pitch. After a move where every single Accrington player touches the ball a long punt forward sets the striker Naismith through on goal. He has beaten the offside trap and is now one on one with the Barca keeper. Adam presses the shoot button hard and watches the ball fly past the keeper but also fly past the outside of the post.

“FUCK,” Adam wails slamming himself backwards on the bed in frustration.

“Awwwww so close,” Josh says trying to comfort his distraught friend.

Josh had almost given up after seeing Naismith run clear through on goal. The fact Adam had somehow managed to shoot wide convinces Josh that today is his day. Luck is on his side and Josh knows as a sportsman days when everything goes your way are rare so you have to embrace and enjoy them. 2 minutes after Adam’s best chance of the match Josh controls Iniesta who slides out to the left and whips a perfect ball right into the box. Suarez leaps out and powerfully head the ball into the bottom left hand corner. Adam groans as the score 6 nil flashes up on the screen and Josh feels his best friend’s pain. Putting his controller down Adam stands up and grabs the waistband of his tracksuit pants and starts to lower them.

“Wow you were so not kidding about the extra clothes,” Josh says seeing that Josh is wearing their team’s football shorts on under his trackie bottoms.

Adam doesn’t say a word as he throws his removed pants over to his large pile of clothes. The blonde knows he only has a couple more layers on but thankfully there isn’t long left in the game. Concentrating hard Adam battles to keep the score at 6 nil for the final few minutes of the match. In the final minute of normal time Neymar picks up the ball 30 yards from goal and fires in a shot that just whistles over the top of the bar.

“Ohhh nearly 7,” Josh groans watching his long range effort narrowly miss.

Mercifully for Adam the final whistle goes saving Adam from any more punishment. 6 nil is a hell of a score to be beaten by but Adam is still reasonably happy. He isn’t happy that he had to strip so much but he can see the smile on Josh’s face so maybe his best friend will enjoy playing a regular game of strip FIFA again. Josh just stares at Adam waiting for his friend to talk about how the match doesn’t count or how unfair it was to him. Amazingly the competitive blonde just sits on the edge of the bed in his football shorts just waiting.

lovaboitoy 07-13-2015 09:26 AM

Nice a good game; -)
Adam lost game but still not stripped will be fun too see what they will do now; -)
And will Josh the exhibitionist still end up naked :-)

ooh_eeh 07-13-2015 10:35 AM

Excellent story, can't wait to see what happens next. Please, please, please post another chapter soon...!

milkdat 07-14-2015 06:32 PM

The time between story posts always feel like forever! This story is great. I can't wait for more!

thepac 07-21-2015 08:57 AM

"So what forfeit did you have in mind?" Adam asks.

He knows it was a bad idea to give Josh such an advantage now he willing to answer any embarrassing question just so they can get back to normal. Josh has a big grin on his face and Adam starts to feel uncomfortable. His friend is going to make him pay for his victory in their last match. There is no sympathy or mercy in his dark blue eyes, Josh is going in for the kill and all Adam can do is hope the question isn't too personal.

"How many times have you masturbated over your sister," Josh says loudly breaking the silence.

Adam's mouth drops open in shock, he stares at Josh's face hoping this is some big joke. Josh's face however doesn't break into a grin so Adam knows that his fellow winder is deadly serious.

"Dude I can't answer that," Adam complains.

"I had to tell you why I shaved myself," Josh counters but Adam shakes his head.

"That was different man I didn't know you watched any gay porn, you can't ask personal family questions like that," Adam says both upset and terrified that his friend would ask him something like that.

"It's a simple yes or no question man," Josh says even though Adam's shocked expression pretty much gives him the answer.

"No fucking way I'm not answering that," Adam yells out crossing his arms across his bare chest.

"It's the rules man," Josh says Not sorry at all that his friend is uncomfortable.

Josh remembers how much he didn't want to tell the story of why he shaves his body. In the end he did and that is just what he expects of the blonde but he keeps shaking his head.

"It's not on man I am not answering that question, it's stupid," Adam spits angrily.

"Fine then strip," Josh says in a matter of fact way.

"What?" Adam says in shock.

"You heard me man if you don't wanna do the truth question then get naked," Josh says firmly.

Adam is once again looking confused at the actions of his best friend.

Josh just shrugs, "If you don't want to tell me the truth then you will have to get naked, that seems a fair deal for losing the game."

Adam opens his mouth to complain then he shuts it. Josh is right, if he doesn't want to answer the truth question forfeit then it's only right that he must do something humiliating instead.

"Fine ok I'll strip but I'm warning you man never ask that question again ok?" Adam threatens but Josh just smiles.

"Ok I won't man relax," The tall and skinny teen says with an undeniable cocky smirk.

Adam shakes his head knowing that he brought this all on himself as he stands up. His fingers slip into the waistband of his shorts before lowering them down. Adam still has another layer on under his shorts but he still can't stop himself from blushing. The fact Josh is sat there fully clothed makes this stripping worse as Adam knows this time he will be the only one naked. Adam stands in front of his fully clothed friend in just his boxers knowing he is paying the full price for agreeing to the handicap. Part of him thinks about answering the question but decides as Josh has seem he naked before he can cope.

Adam tugs down his light grey boxers peeling them all the way down his hairy legs. His cock flops out and Adam can't help but blush. This is the second time he has fully exposed himself to his best friend but at least last time Josh was naked too. Stripping in front of him while he is fully clothed us somehow more embarrassing for the blonde. He kicks his boxers away onto the small mountain of clothes he has removed. He stands still for a second before finally looking up to meet Josh's gaze.

"There happy now?" The blonde asks.

"Not really dude," Josh teases, "Watching a guy strip isn't my thing."

"No watching them fuck is," Adam says without thinking.

Josh's face visibly darkens and Adam feels like shit.

"Fuck sorry dude I didn't mean that, holy shit sorry it just came out," Adam apologizes.

"Not cool man not fucking cool at all," Josh says getting to his feet.

"No dude I'm sorry hang on wait let me explain," Adam says in a panic as Josh brushes past him.

The blonde doesn't care that he's naked, he knows he just fucked up bad and wants forgiveness.

"Dude just no," Josh replies in frustration.

Adam opens with mouth but he can't think of anything comforting to say. He feels like a dick for saying that to Josh who has always been a real friend to him. He lowers his head feeling ashamed and he doesn't notice Josh moving. The skinny teen moves towards the big pile of clothes and he scoops them up in his long arms. In a few simple strides he carries them over to his bedroom window which is wide open. The early June sun is beating down across the small lawned garden at the back of Josh's house.

"Hey Adam," Josh calls out still carrying Adam's clothes.

The naked blonde looks up and gasps in shock at seeing Josh standing by an open window. He starts to get up but he knows it's pointless now that Josh has hold of all his clothes.

"If I throw these outside are we even?" Josh asks with a big grin on his face.

"You wouldn't dare," Adam says hopefully.

Josh smirks and flings all of Adams clothes out of his open window. Adam rushes forward just in time to see all of his clothes scatter across Josh's garden.

"You dick," Adam yells but then he has to start laughing.

All of his clothes are scattered across Josh's garden and to Adam it looks like a scene from a soap opera. When a woman catches a man cheating on her she throws all of his clothes into the street. Josh has thrown all of Adams's layers of clothes outside and it makes Adam laugh at just how much he put on.

"Ok, Ok dude I'm sorry are we even now," Adam asks and Josh nods his head.

"Great now can you go get my clothes back please?" Adam says while trying to cover up his exposed cock.

"No you go get them," Josh says sitting back down smiling.

"Dude," Adam wails, "I can't go outside naked."

"Would you rather tell me how many tines you jacked off over your sister?" Josh asks.

Adam sticks his middle finger in the air in frustration. He knows Josh has bested him today and the blonde's mind already starts to wonder about a suitable revenge for the next game. First things first however for Adam as he is going to have to run out into Josh's garden naked to collect his clothes.

"Your mum isn't coming home yet is she?" Adam wonders aloud.

Josh shakes his head and Adam again looks outside at all his clothes.

"Any neighbours or anything?" The blonde asks obviously scared of running around outside naked.

"I don't know," Josh says unable to wipe the grin off his face.

He is enjoying the obvious discomfort that Adam is feeling. This more than makes up for all the embarrassment that he suffered in the previous strip FIFA games. The blonde groans in frustration looking out of the window at his clothes. He knows that the longer he waits the more chance there is of him being caught.

"I'm going to get you back for this," Adam threats before turning his back on Josh.

He leaves the safety of his best friend's bedroom and starts to make his way down the stairs. His hands cup his naked cock trying to keep covered up as he walks through Josh's home completely naked. The teen reaches the back door and stops for a second before grabbing the handle. This is the craziest thing Adam has ever done, in fact he wonders just how stupid he is for getting ready to run outside naked. He takes a deep breath then opens the back door and darts outside. Adam speeds across the open grass praying that none of Josh's neighbours dare look over the fence right now. Josh is still in his room looking out of his window and laughing.

He can't help it, watching a naked Adam running around below him desperately scooping up his clothes. It's the funniest thing Josh has ever seen and even when Adam collects all his clothes Josh is still laughing. Adam walks into his bedroom a few minutes later with his clothes piled up in his arms and a pissed off expression on his face.

"I am gonna get you back for this you fucker," Adam spits before dropping his clothes down onto Josh's bed.

"I take it that you didn't enjoy that then?" Josh grins unable to take Adam's anger seriously because he's naked.

"My next forfeit to you is gonna be 100 times worse than that," Adam threatens once again dumping his clothes on the floor.

This time however he sits in Josh's desk chair so that he is close to his clothes.

"Oh come on it wasn't that bad," Josh grin enjoying the moody look on his friend's face.

"Anyway why do you think I'd play another strip FIFA match with you?" The skinny teen says with an evil grin.

"NO," Adam yells loudly, "You have to let me get you back for this."

Josh looks at his completely naked friend gesturing wildly at him. He knows Adam isn't just making an idle threat, he really will want to pay Josh back for making him run outside naked. Instead of being scared however Josh is quite looking forward to playing Adam again. This match was way too easy and honestly Josh misses the real thrill of competition he got in the last two games.

"Come on man you can't say you don't enjoy playing strip FIFA after today," Adam says smartly.

"No you're right I can't," Josh grins, "I guess strip FIFA is gonna become a regular thing for us."

Even while he is sitting completely in the nude Adam still grins.

"Awesome," The blonde says, "I look forward to beating you in a proper game."

Josh has to laugh, "Good then I'll look forward to watching you charge around outside naked again."

Adam growls but is disarmed by Josh's laughter and the two teens just sit and laugh with each other. Neither can quite believe the odd direction their friendship has turned but they know they have found a game that they both love.

lovaboitoy 07-22-2015 08:11 AM

Wow nice I love it....more public exposure humiliation: -)

Nick 07-22-2015 01:39 PM

Definitely like where this story is going

thepac 08-06-2015 06:33 AM

Now that college is over and the football season has finished Josh is rightfully spending more time with his girlfriend Emma. Josh doesn’t mind of course, hanging around with his beautiful girlfriend certainly does have good parts. The one downer for Josh is with most of his free time being spent with Emma he hasn’t had any time to schedule another strip FIFA game with Adam. He and Adam have tried to grab some free time for a game but neither man has been free long enough for them to have another game. The two friends decide to leave it for the summer and hope that their schedules will free up later on to allow them to play their favourite game soon. For now then Josh decides to be a good boyfriend to Emma including today where he plans to go out shopping with the beautiful blonde.

Josh of course missing hanging around with his best friend and he does miss playing strip FIFA. The excitement and the thrill he gets from the games is a sensation Josh just can’t replace. He also hasn’t spent much time over the last few weeks just lounging around fully naked and that upsets Josh as well. The teenager is just starting to understand his fetish/lifestyle choice of being a nudist but he can’t think of a way to express that desire to his girlfriend. Josh really does miss his fix of strip FIFA even more so since last time he actually managed to win a game. Josh knows he shouldn’t complain really, hanging out with a hot girl should beat playing a strip game with his mate every time.

Looking down at his phone Josh sees that he still has an hour of free time before Emma comes over. Thinking for a second Josh decides to turn his PS4 on and have a few quick online matches on FIFA. No strip rules but just for the practice Josh thinks as he settles down in his chair. The more he plays the more he might improve then one day he might actually be able to beat Adam fairly. Josh’s plan is quickly ruined when barely 5 minutes into his first game there is a knock at his front door. Quitting the match Josh quickly runs down the stairs still with his controller in hand. He opens the door and is surprised to find his girlfriend standing outside with a big smile on her face.

“Hey babe,” Emma says leaning forward pecking the lanky teen on the cheek.

Josh is stunned for a second and doesn’t know what to say, part of him is just amazed that his girlfriend is actually early for once.

“Wow hey you,” Josh stammers finally getting his brain and mouth working, “What’s up why are you so early?”

“Maybe I just came here early to spend some time with my gorgeous boyfriend,” Emma says batting her eyelids at him.

“Your roommate kicked you out early didn’t she?” Josh says standing back from the door letting his girlfriend inside.

Emma bites her lip and nods her head with a sad looking expression on her face, “Why can’t I say nice things about you, other men love it when I call them hot,” She teases.

Josh rolls his eyes but still leans down and kisses his girlfriend on the cheek. Emma giggles at the show of affection from her boyfriend before she looks down and notices the controller in his hand.

“What are you playing?” The blonde asks pointing to the PS4 controller.

“Oh I was just playing a quick game on FIFA,” Josh says with a shrug knowing what his girlfriend’s reaction will be.

“God you are such a child sometimes still playing your little toys and video games,” Emma says grinning.

“Thanks Emma make me feel bad about something I enjoy doing,” Josh whimpers pretending to put on a sad face.

“Yep that’s me your loving girlfriend,” Emma teases unable to wipe the big grin of her face.

Josh just laughs and gives the cute blonde a one armed hug, this is why he loves being with Emma as she doesn’t take herself too seriously and seems to enjoy bantering with him.

“Ok so give me a minute to turn off the game then we can go,” Josh says delivering another light peck to Emma’s cheek.

“No its ok I know I’m early you can keep playing your game for a bit,” Emma replies and Josh just shakes his head.

“Make up your mind,” The skinny teen complains, “First you video games are stupid now you want me to carry on playing?”

“Ugh you are such a boy sometimes,” Emma complains lightly pushing the taller man in the chest, “Just play your silly game.”

“No its fine we can hang out I don’t need to play it,” Josh says feeling an argument start to build up then he suddenly stops dead.

He’s just had an idea, a crazy idea that could be relationship defining. Josh stares at Emma and his mind is racing, he wouldn’t try it with any other girl but Emma is different. Sometimes the blonde is more like a close friend than a girlfriend and that makes Josh more open with her. She always wants him to be more confident and open, the last few months has seen the blonde try to bring him out of his shell more. The crazy idea Josh has just had is certainly something he wouldn’t have asked her 6 months ago but recently Josh has felt so comfortable in his own skin around the hot blonde. Seeing Josh stare almost vacantly at her Emma waits for a second until the uncomfortable silence is too much for her to stand.

“Josh what’s wrong?” She asks.

Josh’s face breaks out into a massive grin and now Emma really is confused. She hopes Josh isn’t going to make her watch him play FIFA, she can just about stand through one of his real life football games but having to watch a simulated one is just too much.

“Do you wanna play a game with me?” Josh says excitedly.

Emma struggles not to roll her eyes as she responds, “Josh babe you know I suck at video games.”

She is trying to be nice and let him down easy, she doesn’t want to complain outright especially with all he does for her.

“No I don’t mean play with a controller no I meant there is this thing online a kind of forfeit FIFA game and I think it would be fun to try it together,” Josh says with his entire body shaking.

He can’t believe he is going to ask Emma to do this, of course the blonde will say no but the normally shy and reversed Josh sees it as a big personal step for him that he would even ask.

“What are you talking about Josh?” Emma asks confused, “How can I play a forfeit game without actually playing the game?”

Emma wonders what has got into her boyfriend as he stops and thinks for a second. He looks like he wants to say something but is just mustering up the inner strength to say it. Emma has seen that look a few times and it always upsets her because Josh is an amazing man and he should have more self-belief.

“Strip FIFA,” Josh says suddenly breaking the silence.

The tall footballer stares into his girlfriend’s light brown eyes trying to gauge her reaction. Emma stares back at him in shock for a second before she breaks down and starts laughing.

“Strip FIFA? Josh what kind of naughty online videos have you been watching?” The blonde says unable to stop herself from giggling.

The smile slides off Josh’s face, he knew it was too crazy of an idea to work. He can’t replace his strip FIFA fix by playing it with his non video game loving girlfriend. Josh feels stupid but it’s worth trying to explain himself to the laughing blonde.

“There are these proper videos on YouTube Emma where the guy just plays a FIFA match verse the computer or online and if he scores his girlfriend has to remove an article of clothing,” The skinny teen explains.

“Do girls online really do that?” Emma asks as she wipes away her tears of laughter.

“Yeah well not like all the way cause it’s YouTube and stuff also the guys who play tend to be kinda shit at FIFA anyway,” Josh tries to explain.

“I still don’t understand why a girl would play it though? I mean she doesn’t have control of the team right?” Emma says suspiciously.

Josh nods his head and quickly tries to think of a better way to explain the game to his girlfriend. The only good thing so far is Emma hasn’t slapped him or told him no, sure she laughed but Josh thinks if he explains it right he might get his girlfriend to play strip FIFA with him. Emma lifts up one of her thin eyebrows not looking convinced when another thought pops into Josh’s head.

“It’s like playing truth or dare,” He says, “You don’t have any control over the dare and that’s what makes it fun.

“Strip FIFA sounds a lot more like strip spin the bottle than truth or dare,” Emma replies.

“Why have you played strip spin the bottle?” Josh asks curious to find out the answer.

The cute blonde starts to blush confirming the answer to Josh without him needing to hear the words. Josh grins back at the blushing blonde and he suddenly gets more excited. If Emma has played a strip game before then there is a much better chance that she will agree to play this one with him. Josh badly wants to get his strip FIFA fix and if it is with his sexy girlfriend then that in Josh’s mind is even better.

“So what do you think Emma? Wanna play strip FIFA with me?” The skinny teen asks hopefully.

“I dunno Josh, I think this is just a scam to see me naked,” Emma says.

Unashamed Josh eagerly nods his head yes and that makes Emma burst out laughing again. The almost childish look of delight on her boyfriend’s cute face is too much for Emma to resist.

“Fine ok I know I will totally regret this but yeah we play one game then we are off shopping,” Emma says folding her arms together.

Josh’s mouth drops open in surprise, he wanted to make his girlfriend play strip FIFA so bad but he never thought she would actually agree. He stands in front of her dumbstruck like a cartoon character who has just been hit in the head with a large anvil. Josh for a second wonders if this is all some kind of crazy dream, he can’t have actually talked his sexy girlfriend into playing strip FIFA with him.

“Earth to Josh,” Emma says waving her hand in front of his face.

“You really wanna play strip FIFA? With me?” Josh asks.

“Yes I do now stop grinning,” Emma teases staring at the big grin on her boyfriend’s face, “Oh and you had better not cheat mister.”

“Oh Emma why would I cheat?” Josh tries to say innocently but even he doesn’t buy that line.

“Because you want to see me naked,” Emma says with a smile.

“Ok fine I do so why don’t you pick the teams then make it fair,” Josh offers.

“But I don’t know any of the teams Josh,” Emma whines.

“How about just picking international teams I mean you do know other countries right?” Josh teases.

“Hey I got an A* in Geography,” Emma exclaims trying to defend herself.

“Yeah? Who did you sleep with to get that,” An excited Josh fires back.

“Oh so many boys,” Emma teases, “And a few girls.”

Josh groans in a mix of frustration and growing lust. Emma giggles as she sees his eyes widen so the blonde steps closer wrapping her arms around her taller boyfriend.

“You know the more I think about it strip FIFA does sound like a lot of fun,” She purrs, “But I still think it’s too unfair.”

Josh doesn’t know what she means by that then he works it out, she thinks that she is going to be the only one stripping. The shaved teen nearly bursts with excitement as he can’t wait to tell Emma the very best part about playing strip FIFA.

“Oh didn’t I mention?” Josh teases, “If the team you pick to play against me score then I have to take off an item of clothing.”

Emma’s eyes widen in surprise just like Josh’s did in fact Josh is surprised that her mouth doesn’t drop open in the same way his did too. It looks like she never considered the possibility of him stripping off as well but now she is. Josh can almost see the wheels turning inside Emma’s head and he has to will himself to calm down. His and Adam’s stupid little game built out of boredom now might become an amazingly sexy tool that he can use with his amazing girlfriend. Playing strip FIFA with a girl almost dwarfs the idea of playing strip FIFA itself, Josh then also realizes that this will be the first strip game he has ever played where he really desperately doesn’t want to lose.

“Ok babe if you are gonna strip for me then I’m totally in,” Emma says with a big wide smile on her face.

“Oh God yes,” Josh says unable to contain his joy as he leans down capturing his girlfriend’s lips with his own.

He kisses her hard and the blonde moans into his mouth sharing his passionate kiss. Emma wonders just what has come over her usually nice shy boyfriend, she makes a mental note to check out the strip FIFA games online to see just what has Josh so worked up. The skinny teen breaks the kiss and just beams down at his girlfriend feeling like a kid that got double the amount of presents off Santa at Christmas.

“I still get to pick the teams right?” Emma says snapping her fingers to get the dreamy eyed Josh’s attention.

“Of course baby anything you want,” Josh says beaming.

“MMMMM good I am gonna enjoy myself when you lose and have to strip off for me,” Emma says.

Josh lets out a little groan, she is really getting into the game. Pinching himself again just too triple check he isn’t living in some fantasy Matrix world Josh grabs his girlfriend by the hand and leads her upstairs.

“You seem very eager,” Emma giggles enjoying the show of passion from her normally level headed boyfriend.

Josh just grunts in response and leads the sexy blonde into his room and instantly starts jabbing away at the PS4 now held in his rather sweaty hand. Emma takes a seat on Josh’s office chair and idly looks around his room. Josh is smashing buttons like a mad man desperate to get to the menu screen and get the game up and running before Emma changes her mind.

“So what team do you want?” Josh asks flicking onto the team selection screen.

Emma bites her lip and stares at the flat screen TV trying to make her choice. Josh is flicking through the international teams slowly wondering just what his girlfriend will pick.

“Brazil are good right?” The blonde asks and Josh nods his head.

“Fuck you must think I’m really stupid,” Emma suddenly blurts out, “I know nothing about football.”

“Yeah Emma I only started dated you cause I thought you were a football nerd,” Josh sarcastically replies before he looks and sees the upset look on Emma’s face.

“Emma seriously it doesn’t matter if you don’t know anything that’s what makes this so hot that you are willing to do this,” Josh says with a big grin.

Emma lights up again and her eyes go back to the screen as Josh selects Brazil now starts looking for his team.

“Oh that one Wales,” Emma shouts out as the Welsh flag appears on the screen.

“Ok then Brazil against Wales,” Josh says happily then he sees Emma think for a second.

“Isn’t Gareth Bale Welsh? Does he play for them?” She asks and Josh is genuinely surprised.

“Yeah he does, I thought you said you knew nothing about football?” He questions and the blonde just shrugs.

“I pick up a few things I guess but I only know Bale cause I saw his picture on TV and he kinda looked like you,” Emma says with a grin.

Josh doesn’t know if that is a good thing or an insult so he ignores it and continues to set up the game. The match loads up and Emma suddenly spins her chair around as the teams walk out onto the pitch.

“Oh my God I’m actually excited for this,” The blonde admits with a big beaming grin.

“Me too Emma,” Josh responds, “Now let’s get those clothes off you.”

lovaboitoy 08-06-2015 09:55 AM

Wow good chapter, Im excited to see how Josh will do and embarass himself more: -)

thepac 08-18-2015 07:57 AM

Wales kick off while Emma is still grinning at the sudden surge of cockiness running through her normally sweet boyfriend. Josh has never been more focused on a FIFA game in his life, it’s not just about winning for him today it’s all about getting the goals that will make his girlfriend strip off. The computer controlled Brazil however get the first shot in as Fernandino shoots from distance sending the ball just wide of goal.

“I’m cheering for Brazil to score right?” Emma asks.

“Yep if the team in yellow score I strip,” Josh says and Emma sticks her tongue out at him.

“I know they are the team in yellow, I’m not that stupid,” The blonde teases back.

Josh doesn’t get a chance to answer back as Brazil win a corner. The ball is easily cleared by Josh’s defenders and now he quickly shifts the ball to Gareth Bale in order to start a counter attack. Bale uses his incredible pace from the halfway line and starts racing past defenders. He is so quick that the AI crashes two Brazil players into each other when they try to tackle him. Josh controls Bale right into the box and then fires a left footed shot across the goal burying the ball in the bottom corner.

“Yes one nil,” Josh shouts out and Emma looks surprised.

“Shit have you scored already?” She asks and Josh nods.

“Come on Emma take it off,” The skinny teen says with a big smile now plastered across his face.

Emma groans and kicks off her light brown sandals and Josh whimpers pretending to be upset.

“Shut up I’m not taking my top off first,” The blonde says fiercely before she looks down and sighs, “Wish I’d worn socks now.”

Josh’s grin only gets wider as he stares down at his girlfriend’s bare feet, “Don’t worry Emma a few more goals and being barefoot will be the least of your problems.”

Emma chuckles then she starts blushing as Josh restarts the game, she has suddenly realized Josh could easily ramp up the score and win by stripping her completely naked. The blonde starts watching the screen more intently now praying for the team in yellow to start scoring. Josh doesn’t know which is more surprising, his girlfriend playing a strip game or that she is watching a football match with great interest. The computer controlled Brazil don’t take too kindly to going a goal down and soon Josh really has to start defending. His goalkeeper Hennessey has to pull off a brilliant one on one save but Brazil are pressing forward and it’s only a matter of time.

With 33 minutes gone on the clock Brazil whip the ball into the box from the left hand side. Firmino heads it right into the keeper but the ball deflects back to the edge of the box where Neymar is lurking. The superstar Barcelona player brilliantly controls the rebounding ball and lobs it gracefully back over the keeper’s head and into the net.

“Yes,” Emma suddenly screams jumping out of her chair.

Josh can’t help but laugh as he has never seen Emma celebrate a goal before.

“Your turn to strip babe,” The blonde says still bouncing around excited by the Brazil equalizer.

“You are enjoying this too much Emma,” Josh says with a smirk before he puts down the controller.

The skinny teen grabs the bottom of his shirt and peels it off making Emma wolf whistle as she sees his naked flesh. Josh throws his shirt away and picks up the controller noticing a different air in the room than normal. There is no sexual tension when he and Adam play strip FIFA but with his hot blonde girlfriend staring at his topless frame Josh feels a twitch inside his pants. This will be different to a normal strip game Josh thinks to himself, he has never had to deal with a growing erection before.

“Come on Brazil,” Emma shouts with enthusiasm as she sits back down.

Straight from the kick off Bale charges forward using his amazing pace to get into the Brazilian penalty area. Josh fires in a shot but it is well parried by the goalkeeper however the Brazil defenders can’t clear the ball. The ball pinballs around the arena for a bit until it falls to the feet of Joe Allen who fires a shot in but it is once again saved. Josh groans in frustration at how close he was to scoring, he almost got another item of clothing off Emma. His sexy girlfriend is now intently watching the action on screen and that makes Josh feel so happy. Having his girlfriend enjoy not only a video game but a strip video game makes Josh feel like he’s in a weird reality shifting dream.

Heading towards half time Josh clumsily gives a free kick away just inside his half of the field. Brazil try and launch the ball into the box but Josh easily heads clear. The ball falls to Gareth Bale who again sets off at full tilt trying to start counter attack against the Brazilians. Bale is just too fast for Brazil so he is able to get into the penalty area again and this time he gets his shot away perfectly. The shot flies past the keeper and slams into the bottom right hand corner while Bale wheels away in celebration having scored his second goal of the match.

“YESSSSSS,” Josh roars in delight.

“God I wouldn’t have picked Wales if I knew Bale was that good,” Emma whines.

“Well at least you know Bale is fit,” Josh teases, “Now what are you gonna take off for me now?”

Emma pauses for a second and while she thinks the whistle on the screen goes signalling half time.

“Come on Emma I wanna see some skin,” Josh says almost on the edge of his seat staring at his sexy girlfriend.

Emma rolls her eyes at her horny boyfriend before she looks down at her bright white summery top. She grabs the bottom of her top and starts to peel it up and Josh almost lets out a moan of pleasure. Emma strips off her top and now she is sat in front of her boyfriend in just a white cotton bra. Josh groans and feels his cock twitch harder against his boxers as he stares at Emma’s now exposed cleavage.

“Happy now perv?” Emma asks throwing her removed shirt at her leering boyfriend.

The soft white shirt hits him in the face but that doesn’t stop Josh from grinning or staring at his girlfriend’s bra clad boobs.

“Very happy Emma, you look so hot,” Josh drools making the blonde blush.

She playfully wraps her arms around her C cup breasts when suddenly an unsettling though hits her.


“Hey what?” Josh jumps in surprise, “Emma I’m not recording this calm down.”

Emma looks all around his bedroom seeking out a camera but she doesn’t see anything. Eventually her hands drop from around her chest but she delivers an icy stare to Josh.

“If this ends up on YouTube Josh, you’re dead,” Emma threatens.

“I swear I’m not recording this Emma,” Josh says trying to smile at the upset blonde, “You are my girl and I wouldn’t share you with anyone.”

Emma reluctantly takes the angry look on her face as the second half starts. Bale once again is in the main man in this Wales team as Josh breaks with him once again sending the Real Madrid star running down the left hand flank. He sends a low cross into the box that David Luis almost deflects into his own goal. Josh can’t remember the last time he played so well on FIFA but he is sure he is only playing so well because of the steaks. Josh’s tactic is very clear, counter attack using the pace of Bale and because he is playing the computer instead of a human Josh can get away with trying to always use Bale. However for the nexy twenty minutes of gameplay the match is a tight and tense midfield battle with both teams struggling to keep possession.

“See this is why I hate football,” The bra clad Emma complains, “It’s so boring.”

The blonde has started flicking through her smartphone now instead of watching the match and Josh feels a little dismayed. His lack of concentration almost costs him as his defender loses the ball to Firmino who shoots just wide. Josh is now the one struggling as Brazil lay siege to his goal forcing his keeper to pull off a string of fine saves. Emma’s attention is back on the match too as the team she is relying on to keep her clothed start breaking down Josh’s attacking moves. On 70 minutes Firmino darts through the Welsh defence dodging a few tackles before getting close to the 6 yard box then simply passing the ball past the onrushing keeper.

“Damn,” Josh groans as Brazil peg him back again and this makes Emma squeal with delight.

“You have to take something off,” She says smiling.

Josh debates taking his socks off but well this is his girlfriend and Josh feels like showing off. The shaven haired teen gets to his feet and tugs his dark grey tracksuit bottoms down his muscly legs. Emma is now the one who visibly gasps as Josh strips down to just his dark red boxer shorts. It doesn’t feel as embarrassing to strip down in front of Emma than it does with Adam but Josh still feels that tingle deep inside him like he knows what he is doing is naughty.

“Wow you really are getting into this,” Emma says pointing at his crotch, “You’re hard.”

Josh looks down and sees the shape of his hard dick moulding the fabric of his boxers. It’s a good sized bulge and Josh can’t help but grin as his girlfriend just stares at his hard cock.

“Of course I’m hard Emma,” The teen says with a smile, “It’s that sexy bra, it looks really good on you.”

Now it’s Emma turn to blush slightly and the blonde tries to turn her head back to the TV. Josh sits back down on his bed but he can see Emma looking over at him out the corner of her eye. Feeling good about himself and his body Josh kicks off again determined to score at least one more goal. He turns again to Bale hoping his one superstar player can conjure up one more goal to make Emma strip. With 10 minutes left on the clock Josh finally manages to get the ball to Bale in space and Bale responds by turning on the afterburners.

He skips effortlessly past two defenders and Josh nearly presses the shoot button back into his controller out of desperation to score. Bale fires in from just outside the box but his mighty left footed piledriver is blocked by the keeper. Josh is all set to cry out in frustration when the defender badly clears the ball and it drops back to him. Joe Ledley is the player the ball dropped too and Josh quickly sends the midfielder into the box. Ledley shoots and the ball skims underneath the onrushing keeper and nestles into the net.

“YESSSSSS, THREE TWO, THREE TWO,” Josh sings almost jumping off his bed in delight.

“I swear Josh if this is a set up I’m gonna rip your balls off,” Emma threatens trying not to ogle Josh’s semi naked body as he dances around in celebration.

“Do you still think I’m filming you?” Josh asks sounding hurt, “Do you really think I would film this so everyone can see me rock hard in my undies?”

Emma can’t argue with that logic so she nods her head at her boyfriend before standing up. The blonde feels a little embarrassed even though it’s nothing Josh hasn’t seen before. Emma grabs her black leggings and quickly pulls them down her smooth legs and now it’s Josh whistling in appreciation.

“Nice panties babe,” Josh says staring at his girlfriend’s cute white lace panties.

“Well yeah I’m wearing nice ones cause we are going shopping and you don’t want anyone to see my ugly knickers in the changing rooms do ya?” Emma says as she kicks her rolled up leggings off her feet.

Josh rolls his eyes at that before getting another look long at his underwear clad girlfriend. Her matching white bra and panties fit her nicely tanned skin well making Josh’s already erect cock throb harder. This strip FIFA really does feel more sexual than normal Josh thinks as Emma sits down with a big goofy smile on her face.

“You ok?” He asks and Emma nods.

“Yeah I’m fine how long left?” She says looking up at Josh’s TV.

“8 minutes left,” Josh says silently cursing himself wishing he’s picked a longer game time at the menu screen.

With his girlfriend playing along and sitting in front of him in just her undies Josh is prepared to all out to win. Josh pushes his players forward forcing the Brazil defence into a mistake but his shot from 30 years is well over the bar.

“Are you cheating?” Emma suddenly asks watching a reply of his goal.

“No Emma I’m not I guess Brazil just want to see you naked,” Josh teases.

Emma laughs at his joke then she gasps as Bale gets the ball wide on the right and sends another low cross into the area. The Brazil goalkeeper blocks the cross but the ball bounces free and after a bit of a non league style penalty area scramble Luis is just able to hack the ball clear.

“Fuck this is intense,” Emma groans leaning back in her chair, “My heart is beating like mad.”

Josh takes that statement as an invitation to stare at his girlfriend’s well defined chest again watching her boobs move up and down as she breathes heavily.

“Hey stop that,” Emma says with a giggle once again crossing her arms over her bra covered breasts.

Josh grins then a question pops into his head, “So do you like football now Emma?”

“Nope,” The blonde says, “But I think I like playing strip FIFA with you.”

Josh has to pause the game a second as his whole body shivers in response, “Fuck really Emma?” He asks.

The blonde nods her head and Josh lets out another soft moan wondering if his cock will just burst right through his tight boxers. He has never felt so turned on before and it’s a mixture of his own exposure and his girlfriend’s newly discovered love for his favourite strip game. Josh is in heaven wondering if strip FIFA might become a permanent part of his and Emma’s relationship. Of course with all this on his mind Josh’s FIFA playing skills just dissolve into nothing.

Brazil have possession of the ball just outside the Welsh penalty area and Josh is just chasing shadows. The ball is eventually pinged into Willian who turns and gets inside the area. Willian beats a defender and shoots right across the box aiming for the far corner of the net. The young couple both gasp together as Willian’s shot strikes against the post and bounces clear. They both know that goal would have made this already hot and steamy game get even hotter. The full time whistle goes a few seconds later and Josh lets out a big sigh of relief before he turns to look at Emma. The underwear clad blonde still has a big smile on her face but she is still staring at the TV even while the virtual players trudge off the pitch.

lovaboitoy 08-19-2015 05:19 AM

Nice good chapter 😀

thepac 08-29-2015 02:05 PM

“The match is over Emma,” Josh says as he hits the X button so the end of match screen comes up.

Emma turns her head towards him, “So then you won?”

“Yeah Emma I won 3 vs 2, close game though,” He says feeling odd talking about football with his underwear clad girlfriend.

“So do I have to strip naked now?” The blonde asks innocently.

Josh moans in shock, he didn’t expect those words to come out of his sexy girlfriend’s mouth. He is stunned and just blankly stares at Emma trying to compute what she just said. His hard cock starts painfully throbbing inside his boxers desperate to be out in the open.

“Something wrong?” Emma asks staring at Josh’s blank expression, “Did I say something stupid again?”

Josh continues just stares at his girlfriend, it's not often you get a girl willing to strip off just for losing in a video game. The skinny teen has seem Emma naked a few times before but in totally different circumstances. Normally Emma getting naked means they are about to have sex but now she is willingly offering to get naked for him just because her team lost a game of strip FIFA.

"Oh is that not the rules then?" Emma repeats looking worried, "Is that why you are looking at me like I'm stupid?"

"No Emma it's not," Josh says quickly trying to sum up the right words.

"I just thought you wouldn't want to strip naked cause this is just some silly video game," Josh says unable to take his eyes off the blonde's lightly tanned body.

"Well I thought it was stupid at first," Emma admits, "But then I got into it and on top of that it turns you into something I really like."

"What?" Josh asks wondering what his girlfriend means.

"Playing strip FIFA makes you confident and controlling and I find that very sexy," Emma says with almost a purr.

For the second time in as many minutes Josh is stunned into complete silence.

"Don't get me wrong you are an amazing boyfriend," Emma says quickly, "It's just that you do so many things for me and sometimes I feel guilty that I don't do more for you."

Again Josh has nothing to say, he just sits and stares at his underwear clad girlfriend in a mixture of confusion and arousal.

"I was just playing this for you at first but then the game got really fun," Emma says sounding excited, “Helps that seeing you like this is really sexy too.”

"Sexy?" Josh questions with his eyebrows raised.

Emma nods her head while she opens stares at his stripped body making Josh swell in more ways than one. Emma complimenting his look is a big thing for the skinny teen and the fact she seems to enjoy him losing a strip game means more to Josh than he could ever openly admit.

"I know,” Emma continues, “If you took of your shorts right now then we would be very late for our shopping trip," The blonde says with a smirk.

Like all men Josh instantly reacts by leaping up and grabbing the waistband of his boxers.

"Oh Josh wait, I was kidding," Emma says quickly, "I really do wanna go shopping today."

Josh normally would listen to his girlfriend's reasonable argument but playing strip FIFA has him all fired up. He wants to expose himself and be on display for his sexy girlfriend in a way he just can’t be when he’s playing Adam. His fingers dig deeper into his waistband tugging them down slightly showing off the curve of his hip and his lack of pubic hair.

"Seriously Josh keep those on," Emma says even while giggling at her boyfriend’s sexy display.

She has noticed that Josh has become more confident in his skin lately. Emma would love to think that she is the influence behind her boyfriend becoming more open but something inside says she isn't the reason for his increased self-belief. With a big beaming grin on his face Josh sits back down on his bed still with his fingers inside the waistband of his shorts.

"Stop grinning you perv," Emma says even though she is grinning as well.

"Hey you wanted to get naked for me and what kind of caring boyfriend would I be if I didn't get naked with you?" Josh says cheekily.

"Well you'd have been a better boyfriend if you had purposefully the game instead," The blonde teases back.

Josh's face lights up and he instantly jumps to his feet again.

"Ok then I lost," Josh says happily, "I forfeit my win."

Emma's mouth drops open in shock at her new confident boyfriend, it took a long time for him to be comfortable just getting naked around her. In the past few weeks there has been a complete personality change in her tall skinny boyfriend and Emma loves it.

"Awesome so can I tell people that I beat you on FIFA?" Emma asks.

Josh can't help but laugh at his girlfriend's new enthusiasm for video games.

"Sure Emma Tweet out to the whole world that you beat me," Josh says still grinning at the blonde.

He can't believe that Emma is now so into this game after just one match. Josh then remembers the same thing happened to him after his first strip FIFA game.

"Go on then," Emma says staring at him, "Take it off baby, you lost so now I get to see what I’ve won."

"You want me naked right now?" Josh taunts, "What about the shopping trip?"

"Naked now shopping later," The underwear clad blonde growls impatiently.

"I'm gonna remember that," Josh says with a smile, "Next time you say let's go shopping I'm gonna get naked."

"I look forward to it," Emma replies still beaming in delight.

Josh smiles and gets to his feet while his whole body twitches with adrenaline. He knows strip FIFA has unlocked some exhibitionist streak inside him but this feeling right now is the most intense feeling of his life. The idea of fully exposing himself to his girlfriend after pretending to lose a strip game has Josh's blood boiling. Looking up Josh sees his girlfriend leaning forward in her chair as his fingers start to tug down his boxers. Emma's eyes are trained on his crotch making Josh feel like a stripper standing alone on a stage.

"Come on stop teasing and take them off," Emma growls in a deep tone.

Josh does as requested slowly pulling his last item of clothing off in front of the horny blonde. His boxers slide down his long legs and when his hard cock springs into view Josh hears his girlfriend gasp.

"God I've never seen you so big and hard before," Emma moans staring at Josh's hard cock.

"I guess playing strip FIFA with you really turns me on," Josh admits.

Emma nods her head in agreement still staring at her boyfriend's hard cock. Josh swears that if Emma licks her lips he will have no choice but to take her by the hand and pull her into bed. He drops his boxers down to his feet and kicks them off not caring about his sock clad feet.

"God you are so hot," Emma growls staring at Josh's toned skinny frame.

"Wanna forget about the shopping trip?" Josh asks unable to stop smiling at the reaction his nakedness is getting from Emma.

Emma laughs, "Oh you naughty boy, I knew this strip FIFA thing was just a way to get some afternoon sex."

"I didn't hear you say no Emma," Josh beams back.

He feels so confident and powerful standing naked in front of his girlfriend. Emma pauses for a second considering her answer and Josh's naked cock twitches as he watches his girlfriend try to decide what to do with his naked body. He feels so on display and he loves it, being naked in front of his underwear clad girlfriend is making Josh melt with lust.

"Wank for me," The blonde suddenly says and Josh feels the temperature in the room raise even more.

“You serious,” He asks noticing his voice has gotten deeper.

“Yeah,” Emma pants back, “I want you to wank for me.”

Another smirk appears on Josh’s face, “Why don’t you come over and wank it for me?”

The burning look on Emma’s face doesn’t fade as she leans forward looking Josh right in the eyes.

“If I touch you now then nothing is going to stop me from fucking you right here right now,” The blonde says in a sexy tone.

Josh shivers feeling himself visibly start to sweat, Emma has never talked to him like this before. The previous times they have had sex she has always been a little unsure to fully get into sex. Now she is purring out requests like a teasing glamour model and it has left an already horny Josh throbbing with delight. The skinny teen moves his hand up and grabs hold of his rock hard shaft letting out a soft whimper as he squeezes it.

“Yeah Josh jerk it for me,” Emma purrs, “You lost to me now I wanna get a reward.”

Josh hears the giggle in her voice so he looks right up into her light blue eyes, “Oh so this is my punishment for losing then?”

“I wouldn’t call getting to jerk off a punishment,” Emma teases softly.

“You are making me perform for you Emma,” Josh smirks, “Kinda feels like you are taking advantage of me losing to you.”

“Fine this is your punishment for losing,” Emma snaps suddenly, “Now wank that big dick for me Josh,” She demands.

Josh feels like he is tripping on some amazingly powerful drugs, first the strip game now the after match dare. Part of Josh wants to drop down to one knee and marry this amazing girl right here and now however he reminds himself that there is something more important he has to do. His hand starts to slide up and down his shaft and Josh instantly feels strange doing something so private in front of someone else. It helps that Emma’s eyes are stretched out wide staring at his aching cock. Josh wonders if this is how porn stars feel when someone else watches them, that tingle he gets from being naked has now developed into a tremble as he is on display in front of his sexy girlfriend.

Josh’s whole body is twitching as he picks up the pace jerking his cock up and down in front of his girlfriend. He is so horny that is hand is shaking while he pumps his cock. Josh has never felt more on display before and that is only fuelling his lust as he jerks his hard cock. Emma is leaning forward staring at his achingly hard cock and Josh groans feeling that familiar twinge inside his balls. He doesn’t want to cum this quick but he just can’t help himself, he has been rock hard ever since his girlfriend agreed to play strip FIFA with him. Moaning Josh's hand flies across his shaft making it pulse as his hard dick is at the very edge of an orgasm.


"Cum for me baby," Emma purrs her eyes not leaving Josh's hard cock.

She watches her boyfriend grunt and groan with pleasure as he masturbates in front of her. The teenager lets out a soft groan before cum starts to leak from his cock head. Josh whimpers as the most erotic moment of his life ends with his cock exploding with pleasure. Emma is a little taken aback as Josh's hard cock bursts and huge thick blobs of cum shoot out of her boyfriend's cock and decorate the floor. Josh is moaning all the way through his massive orgasm still wanking through the pleasure milking every drop of cum right out of his hard shaft.

"Wow," Emma gasps softly watching Josh squirt out the last few drops of cum.

She has had sex and watched porn before but she has never seen a guy masturbate in front of her. Josh's hairless body is covered in a layer of sweat and his hard cock has gone limp. The light blue carpet below him is now stained with his cum load as Josh falls back onto his bed still breathing hard and at a loss for what to say. Emma looks at him then his cum load before turning to grab the box of tissues from his desk.

"I assume this is what you mostly use your tissues on anyway," The blonde teases throwing him the box.

"I just thought you would be grateful I never asked to finish on you," Josh says with a cocky smirk caching the box.

Emma growls at his suggestion while Josh takes out a few of the tissues to clean up his mess still slightly punch drunk after such a big orgasm.

"Come on hurry up," Emma says as she picks up her removed clothes.

"Why?" Josh asks as he kneels on his carpet.

"Shopping, we were going shopping Josh," The blonde says pulling on her leggings.

"Really after all this?" Josh whimpers, "You can't get me off and then just go out like nothing’s happened."

"Yes babe I can," Emma says as she pulls her top back on, "I promise next time we will have all the time in the world to enjoy this."

"Next time?" Josh says hopefully.

"Yes Josh next time we play strip FIFA," Emma says with a wink.

Josh's limp and empty cock gives a sudden twitch, the idea of playing strip FIFA with his ultra-hot girlfriend again brings a huge smile to the teen's face.

"God look at that face," The blonde whines, "So adorable"

"I can't wait to play strip FIFA with you again Emma," Josh says truthfully as he finishes cleaning up his cum load.

"Me neither," Emma replies, "Now get dressed and let’s go," The blonde says impatiently.

"Sure you don't want me to stay naked for a little while longer?" Josh teases as he gets back to his feet.

Emma rolls her eyes before getting a good long look at her boyfriend's hairless torso.

"Next time I win I’m making you stay naked all day," Emma says with an evil grin.

Josh smiles back picturing how good it will be to spend a whole day naked in front of his girlfriend. He throws his stained tissues into the bin and moves towards his clothes. Emma slips her sandals on and leans against the frame of Josh's bedroom door. She watches her boyfriend get redressed quickly leaving her to think about what a fun and sexy experience strip FIFA was and how she can't wait for the next game.

lovaboitoy 08-30-2015 12:11 PM

Nice hot I love how this story is going

thepac 09-16-2015 10:48 AM

With Josh spending most of his summer with his girlfriend Adam has lacked a partner to play strip FIFA with. Losing the last game to Josh has only made the blonde more eager to get revenge over his best friend. The problem for Adam of course is the fact that Josh can’t come round to play so Adam just has to sit and stew over his lack of FIFA play. Playing strip FIFA on his own against the computer isn’t a sensible option so Adam is stuck. Not having Josh around doesn’t just mean a loss of playing strip FIFA it’s a loss of having a best mate to hang out with too. Adam does like Emma and he is happy that Josh is dating someone but she has been keeping Josh all to herself for the last few weeks affecting his ability to get revenge on Josh after he was made to run naked around Josh’s back garden.

Bored Adam decides he needs to hang out with other people for a while until Josh gets some free time away from his girlfriend. The first person Adam thinks of is the big central defender from his local football team. Simon is a gentle giant, standing at almost 6ft 5 he dwarfs the rest of the team so of course he plays right at the heart of the defence. He is the nicest guy you could ever hope to meet and luckily for Adam he also happens to be the biggest video game nerd he has ever met aswell. Adam wouldn’t say he is a close friend of the man jokingly nicknamed Giraffe Terry but their mutual love of videos games means they have had several non-football related chats. Adam sent Simon a text last night asking if he would mind if he came over to hang out for a few hours and maybe play some video games together.

Simon naturally said yes so the next day Adam made his way to the estate that Simon lives on. Simon’s house is about 10 minutes away from the college so finding it wasn’t too difficult for Adam. What the blonde did find tricky though was the idea of just walking into Simon’s place though the back garden. Simon had texted back saying he was home alone all day so he would just leave the gate and his back door open so Adam could come over any time. Adam decided to go around just after lunch still feeling a little unsure about just walking into Simon’s house. Adam texts Josh one final time but unsurprisingly doesn’t get a response so he walks up to Simon’s house and sees a plain brown gate just to the side of the house.

Taking a chance and hoping none of the neighbours think he is a burglar Adam pushes open the unlocked gate. Adam walks into the back garden which is nicely kept with a small garden shed pressed right up against the far fence with a set of football posts pressed up against it. Closing the gate behind Adam walks over to the back door being careful not to leave any footmarks in the slightly damp grass. There are toys littered all across the garden making Adam wonder if Simon has any siblings. He has known the guy for a couple of years and yet never bothered to ask about his family. Part of Adam thinks he should leave but the idea of spending a few hours not thinking about strip FIFA and just playing normal video games is too tempting.

“Hello? Anyone home?” Adam asks carefully as he pushes open the unlocked back door.

“Yeah man up here,” A voice shouts from deep inside the house.

Adam carefully closes the door behind him and walks through into Simon’s house. It’s a modest 3 bedroom house and as Adam walks into the living room he can see the stairs. Adam wonders where Simon’s bedroom is as he starts climbing the stairs but he doesn’t have to look too hard. A door is wide open right in front of him and the sound of heavy gunfire is ringing out indicating this is clearly Simon’s room.

“You busy mate?” Adam asks cautiously as he steps for the first time into Simon’s bedroom.

“No it’s fine Adam,” Simon says turning away from the screen, “It’s just a pointless online deathmatch.”

“Too hard?” Adam asks but the big defender shakes his head.

“Too easy, I must have found the only online game today fully populated by bad shooting 12 year old’s” Simon jokes.

“I wouldn’t mind but the fact they just swear and scream every time you shoot them makes the whole game really dull,” Simon explains.

“Hey at least you find deathmatches easy,” Adam says as he walks past Simon who is sitting in his chair and sits down on his bed, “I couldn’t win an online deathmatch even if I was playing against toddlers.”

“Really? I had you down as a big shooting game expert,” Simon responds, “Didn’t you say you played Call of Duty a lot.”

“I do play COD but really I’m more a sports gamer,” Adam says still looking around trying to get used to being in Simon’s bedroom.

“Stuff like FIFA then?” Simon asks and Adam nods his head.

“Yeah I’m pretty awesome at FIFA,” Adam says with a cheeky grin on his face.

“Cool so maybe we can play a few games of FIFA then,” Simon says putting his controller down.

“Hey don’t you wanna finish your deathmatch?” Adam asks and Simon just shrugs.

“Naw like I said it’s boring when it’s too easy and you win all the time,” The giant defender says, “Anyway as you are here I might get a proper FIFA challenge.”

“Oh yeah?” Adam asks curiously.

“Yeah playing against my little brother just isn’t fair,” Simon laughs but Adam doesn’t get the joke.

“I didn’t even know you had a brother,” Adam replies wondering just how little he knows about the big defender.

“Well I do, he’s only 8 but he loves playing with the light up controller,” Simon smiles as he reaches up to grab the FIFA 15 game box from off his bookshelf.

“I can’t believe I’ve known you for years and never asked,” Adam says honestly but Simon again just shrugs.

“It’s no big deal man it’s not like I advertise it,” Simon replies.

“Still I feel crappy coming over here wanting to hang out yet I know nothing about you,” Adam replies and that makes Simon laugh.

“Shit man what’s to know, I have a little brother, a single mum and I’m halfway through a business degree at college what more do you need?” Simon jokes.

“Not my fault I didn’t know how boring you are,” Adam teases back and that makes Simon snort with laughter.

“Damn that was funny,” Simon says still grinning as the game starts to load up, “So you just wanna do a couple of friendly games or something?”

Adam wants to just say yes but he is starting to feel comfortable around the giant defender. He also understands how Simon feels when he said his game felt too boring and easy, it was exactly how he felt about FIFA until the idea of playing strip rules came to him.

“I don’t mind mate FIFA is hard for me to get into these days anyway,” Adam starts to say, “I just find it too easy.”

“Really?” Simon questions sounding surprised.

“Yeah the people I play against just don’t seem to offer me much of a challenge,” Adam says wondering if he can get Simon into a more competitive game.

“What about Josh?” Simon suddenly asks, “I would have though you and him were on about the same level.”

Adam pauses for a second completely unsure about what to say, He can’t possibly be honest with Simon about the kind of FIFA games he and Josh play. Strip FIFA should be a dirty little secret between him and his best friend yet there is something about Simon. He is a massive man with a frame like a rugby player but that nice gentle streak inside him has Adam almost feeling sorry for him. It must be tough only playing games with a much younger sibling Adam assumes so maybe the big defender deserves a real challenge. Adam is sure he wouldn’t even be thinking about this if he hadn’t spent the last few weeks starved of strip FIFA gameplay.

“Something wrong?” Simon asks breaking the silence and Adam’s mental block.

“No it’s nothing it’s just Josh isn’t on my level in FIFA well not when it counts anyway.” Adam says slowly.

“When does FIFA count?” The big defender asks, “You guys play season mode against each other?”

“No we erm don’t really play any real game mode of FIFA we kinda made up our own thing,” Adam says without thinking.

The blonde has no idea why he is pushing this conversation into dangerous waters. He knows he is bored and enjoys the thrill and danger of playing a strip FIFA game but it’s not like he can discuss it with Simon. The large defender however knows something is up as he eyes the blonde curiously.

“Ok so what kind of FIFA do you two play?” He asks.

“Dude forget it, it’s not important,” Adam says quickly back tracking.

“No come on man I find FIFA boring too, I never get the chance to play it with someone who might challenge me so I’m willing to play it in a different way,” Simon says passionately.

The wheels inside Adam’s head are turning fast, Simon sounds almost exactly like he did before he brought up the strip game idea. The only difference is Simon is not his best friend, he really doesn’t know Simon so has no idea how he will react to the idea of a guy on guy strip game.

“You don’t wanna know man,” Adam says again hoping to get out of it, “Me and Josh play FIFA under a different set of rules that’s all.”

“What kind of rules? Come on man tell me,” Simon asks leaning forward in his chair.

Adam feels the defender’s eyes locked on his and suddenly he feels trapped.

“Mate trust me you will think me and Josh are weird,” Adam says desperately hoping to move on from this topic.

“Weird? How can playing different rules on FIFA be weird?” Simon asks again.

“When we play strip FIFA,” Adam says with a sigh.

The blonde is tired of fighting and just decided to get it out in the open. He didn’t want to tell Simon but clearly the big defender wouldn’t let it drop. Adam now doesn’t care if Simon is mad at him or thinks he is gay for playing a strip game with his best friend. He is starting to think coming round to Simon’s was a big mistake but when he looks up he sees Simon is staring at him in a kind of shocked silence.

“Strip FIFA?” The defender slowly manages to spit out.

Adam nods and Simon’s eyes widen trying to take in this sudden shocking information.

“Strip FIFA?” Simon repeats and Adam can’t help but chuckle at the stunned reaction of the large defender.

“Yes strip FIFA you know like those videos online,” Adam explains.

“Yeah I’ve seen those videos,” Simon mutters still trying to process what Adam just told him.

“Well me and Josh have played a few strip FIFA games together and well it’s actually kinda fun,” Adam says relaxing a little.

Simon raises his eyebrows and Adam anticipates the defender’s next question before Simon even opens his mouth.

“No it’s not a gay thing,” Adam quickly says, “Josh is very happy with Emma and anyway even if I was gay he isn’t my type.”

Simon can’t help but laugh at that, “So you are not I mean playing strip FIFA because….”

“No not gay man,” Adam smiles, “Strip FIFA is not about seeing each other naked it’s about the thrill of having something to compete for.”

Simon still has a confused look on his face and Adam enjoys the fact that for once the big defender doesn’t have an answer.

“It’s a whole new challenge to the game I mean you say FIFA isn’t challenging imagine playing it knowing if you concede a goal you have to take off an item of clothing,” Adam says half wondering why he is explaining a strip game to Simon.

“Dude that sounds like bullshit,” Simon says, “Surely strip FIFA is just an excuse to see someone naked.”

Adam stops and thinks for a second looking way a way to counter that argument.

“What if you knew that one goal is the difference between you and getting naked, think how much tension that bring into a game like FIFA,” Adam says.

“I thought it was bullshit at first too then I got into it and man I’ve never felt anything like the nerve shredding thrill of playing strip FIFA hell I don’t think I have played a real game of football feeling like so much on the line,” Adam passionately explains.

“I dunno man I’m still not convinced,” Simon replies and Adam just lets out a sigh.

“Well you have never played strip FIFA Simon so of course you wouldn’t understand what it feels like,” The blonde says impatiently.

“So if I played a game of strip FIFA I’d feel all tense and stressful then?” Simon asks.

“Yep playing for your clothes brings a whole new dimension to a simple game of FIFA,” Adam says with a smile.

“I don’t think so,” The giant defender responses quickly.

“Fine I’ll prove it to you let’s have a game now,” Adam says firmly picking up a second controller.

“What? You wanna play strip FIFA now with me?” Simon says in shock.

“Yes I’m gonna prove to you that strip FIFA is a proper test and that it’s as hard as any real life game you’ve played in,” A determined Adam says.

thepac 09-22-2015 04:01 AM

Simon pauses for a second to run his fingers through his short brown hair trying to take in all the information. Adam watches the big defender deep in through while butterflies already start dancing around inside his stomach. Adam feels weird about wanting to play strip FIFA with someone other than Josh but he loves playing it so much that it doesn’t really matter. The blonde does feel a little bad that Josh will be without any strip FIFA action while he is getting a game with the team’s big central defender. Simon is still thinking and the longer he thinks the more paranoid Adam becomes that he might say no.

“Man I dunno I’m not sure how I feel about playing a strip game with you,” Simon says honestly.

“Trust me dude once you get into it you won’t even care, you will just get so caught up in it,” A grinning Adam replies.

Simon puffs out his cheeks and lets out one big sigh before speaking, “Ok fine Adam one game, and if I don’t like it or it gets weird…”

“If you hate it then we will stop and you can kick my ass for making you play it,” Adam interjects finishing Simon’s sentence.

“Well good,” Simon says curtly as he picks up his own controller and goes to the team menu screen.

The two teen’s sit in completely silence for a few seconds both wondering just what the hell they are doing. Not being that close either means neither can think of anything to say to the other. The fact they are about to play a strip game too makes the awkward silence seem to last forever when reality it is less than a minute before Adam speaks up.

“Look Simon I promise just this one game and I won’t tell anyone about this ever,” The blonde says quietly.

“Even Josh?” The big defender asks sceptically.

“Scouts honour,” Adam says holding up his right hand like he is taking an oath.

“Were you even in the scouts?” Simon asks.

Adam sticks out his tongue in a childish response before he starts flicking through the teams, “So who do you wanna be?”

“I dunno,” Simon shrugs, “Maybe if we both just randomly pick teams from the Premier League?”

Adam is stunned for a second before replying, “Yeah that’s a great idea man ok you first.”

Simon nods and hits the randomize button and team names flash across the screen until the name Hull City comes up.

“Aww man that’s not good,” Simon complains having picked a side just recently relegated from the Premier League.

“Tough break man,” Adam says sympathetically before hitting the randomize button to select his team.

West Bromwich Albion are the team that Adam has landed on and Adam can’t help but look over at Simon and laugh.

“Well at least it will be an even game,” Simon grins as Adam keeps laughing.

“Yeah though we might not see any goals in it,” The blonde fires back still giggling at the way the game randomly picked two of the less fancied teams in the Premiership.

“So if I understand this right every time I score you have to take something off?” Simon questions and Adam nods.

Simon takes a deep breath to relax and then starts loading up the match while Adam gets lost in his thoughts. The blonde can’t believe he is about to play a game of strip FIFA and Josh isn’t his opponent. It’s feels weird yet Adam can already feel himself shaking anticipation as the game starts up. West Brom verses Hull certainly isn’t a classic matchup but it might just be perfect to slowly break Simon in to the joys of strip FIFA. Simon meanwhile is very curious about the stripping aspect, he cannot honestly believe someone as competitive as Adam would willing strip off after conceding a goal. The big defender knows Adam hates to lose even in training so the idea of him taking his clothes off when he loses just seems impossible to Simon.

The game kicks off and both men have to suddenly snap out of their thoughts and concentrate on the match. Simon is unsure about how competitive playing strip FIFA is and his worries are not helped by the fact that both teens make a very scrappy start to the match. Both teams trade possession and a corner each but there is very little in the way of goal mouth action. Neither West Brom nor Hull have world class players so the match is coming down to the individual FIFA playing skills of Adam and Simon. The big defender is able to fashion the first real scoring chance when Tom Huddlestone is able to blast a powerful shot in from the edge of the box. Ben Foster in the West Brom goal is able to dive to his left and block the shot leaving Adam to sigh with relief.

“Good save,” Simon responds unaware that he is slowly sinking into the competitive vibe of a strip FIFA game.

A few minutes later West Brom win a corner and Adam has his first chance of the match as the corner is whipped in and just narrowly headed over by Darren Fletcher.

“Wow that was too close,” Simon said having twitched forward in his chair as the ball sailed just over the bar.

“Enjoying strip FIFA yet?” Adam asks cheekily.

“This is a good match so far but I still don’t think the stripping part adds anything to it,” Simon says honestly.

Adam just shrugs his shoulders and goes back to playing, he is sure Simon will get the same buzz from playing that he and Josh get. 20 minutes into the match and Adam works the ball well down the right hand side where James Morrison whips a dangerous cross in. West Brom’s best striker Saido Berahino is there to meet it at the near post with a header that loops over the Hull keeper into the side of the net.

“GOAL,” Adam shouts in delight and Simon’s expression suddenly changes.

For the first time today he looks unsure and even nervous and Adam picks up on it, “You ok man?” Adam asks as Berahino continues on with the celebration.

“Yeah I just dunno what to take off first,” Simon says with a slight blush appearing on his pale cheeks.

“Try taking your socks off first,” Adam offers but Simon’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise.

“That’s two items,” He says firmly but Adam just shakes his head.

“Dude that’s just a cheap kop out and you know it, if a girl did that to you in a strip game you would get pissed,” Adam counters.

“You said this wasn’t about the stripping,” Simon fires back.

“That’s true but me and Josh have always counted socks as one item so either play along or take your pants off instead,” Adam smirks.

Simon shuts up and reaches down to pull his grey socks off his unsurprisingly large feet. He throws the socks away and rests his bare feet down on his carpeted floor as the game restarts. A few minutes later Simon gets a free kick just outside the area but he sadly overcooks the shot and the ball sails harmlessly over the bar. Annoyed with himself Simon stomps his bare foot down hard on the floor making Adam smile.

“See that tension you get from playing strip FIFA?” He says jokingly.

Simon chooses to ignore Adam and concentrate on the game which has now turned into a midfield scrap. Possession is shared between both teams until finally 5 minutes before halftime Hull win a free kick just inside West Brom’s half. Adam moans in frustration as his striker and goal scorer Berahino has just been booked for a late sliding tackle. Tom Huddlestone whips the ball in and West Brom’s defenders struggle to clear the ball as it is headed up and then half cleared out of the box where it lands at the feet of Huddlestone once again. Simon chips the ball up into the box and his striker N’Doye rushes in unmarked to head the ball past the stranded goalkeeper.

“Offside!” Adam shouts out hopefully.

“No way man that was perfectly good goal,” Simon replies with a big grin on his face.

Adam curses under his breath, he should be good enough to beat a team like Hull. He is annoyed at conceding such an easy goal and now this match is level at one all. Knowing Simon is watching him Adam reaches down and unties the laces of his trainers. He pulls at the heels and kicks his footwear off but Simon isn’t happy.

“Hey shoes can’t count man,” He complains.

Adam shrugs, “Hey I thought you said stripping didn’t matter?”

“I don’t wanna see your bare feet Adam I just think it’s unfair that you are wearing more items of clothing than me,” Simon argues.

Adam struggles to hide a smile as he can tell this game is starting to become competitive for Simon. He is getting into it in much the same way that he and Josh got into the adrenaline rush playing strip FIFA brings.

“Ok fine as I am wearing more than you,” Adam says reaching down to pull off his bright red socks.

Both teens are now barefoot as they play the final few minutes before half time. The referee’s whistle goes and Adam instantly turns his head towards the big defender.

“Having fun?” He asks.

Simon nods, “Yeah I am I still don’t see how strip FIFA can be tenser than a real game but I do know that playing FIFA with you is competitive.”

“Trust me man by the end of this you will be sweating buckets and kicking every ball,” Adam says firmly.

Simon can only take the blonde winger’s word for it as he presses down on the X button kicking off the second half. Early on Adam could tell Simon has a fair bit of FIFA skill but his best trick is a chipped ball over his back four. In the first ten minutes of the second half both Hull strikers are put through on goal thanks to chipped balls from the midfield. Adam is still clothed only through the heroics of his goalkeeper Foster who saves both shots from Jelavic and N’Doye respectably. Looking across the room Adam has a nervous grin on his face but Simon isn’t even looking at him. Simon is deep in concentration staring at the TV screen totally focused on the game.

The tension in the room is thick and it’s quiet with the sound of buttons being pressed echoing around the room. Adam slides the ball forward into Berahino who out paces a defender and cuts a shot in from across the box. The blonde curses under his breath as the ball goes well wide from goal leaving the match still finely poised at one all. Minutes tick down on the game clock and both teams trade away possession with neither being able to get the advantage. Adam wins a corner and when the ball is crossed in he tries to jump up and make an overhead kick. Simon can’t help but chuckle at the audacious attempt to score from Adam.

“What happens if we draw?” Simon asks.

“Then we go to extra time,” Adam replies.

The game winds down until there is 10 minutes to go and Adam wins a free kick wide on the left hand side of the Hull penalty area. He crosses the ball into the box and it falls easily right to the feet of a Hull defender. Simon tries to just pass the ball out of the area but Berahino is on him quickly. He tackles the ball away from the defender and quickly moves forward tucking the ball into the corner of the net with a well-directed shot.

“GOAL,” Adam yells punching the air as he has finally broken the deadlock in this tight contest.

“NOOOO,” Simon yells dropping his head down into his hands.

“Sorry man that is harsh,” Adam apologizes looking up to see it is 84 minutes on the clock.

“Shit that was fucking stupid,” The big defender complains, “I should have been smart and just cleared the ball away.”

Simon puts his controller down and grabs his t shirt, his annoyance at conceding such a soft goal means he doesn’t care about having to remove his shirt. Adam watches the defender peel his blue t shirt off revealing his large torso so now he is sat bare chested waiting for the game to restart. Simon’s focus is completely on the game as he is desperate to overcome the 2 vs 1 score line. Adam finds out that a focused Simon is bad news for him as Hull start flinging passes around like they are Barcelona. A quick one two of passes sends the ball inside the West Brom area then the ball falls to one of the Hull substitutes Yannick Sagbo. He is unmarked inside the six yard box so Simon holds his finger down on the shoot button and the ball smashes into the back of the net.

“Get in,” Simon yells jumping up in excitement as he has equalized with just 3 minutes of the game left.

“Nice goal,” Adam says genuinely impressed that Simon has been able to score so late in the game.

Grabbing the bottom of his t shirt Adam pulls it off so both teens are now sat topless. Adam places his removed shirt down on the bed bemoaning the fact that no matter who he plays strip FIFA against he always seems to lose his shirt. The game indicates that there are only 3 minutes of added time left so as Adam kicks off he is sure this game is heading to a draw. Simon has other ideas however as he quickly wins the ball off Adam and breaks down field. Hull break out all the tricks and flicks as they move the ball all around the pitch leaving Adam chasing shadows.

The ball is eventually swung out to the left hand side where Quinn neatly controls the ball then knocks it into the overlapping full back’s path. Brady takes a touch then Gareth Bale style strikes the ball left footed across the face of the goal. Before Adam is even reacting to the shot the ball nestles perfectly in the bottom right hand corner of his goal and Simon is jumping up in celebration.

“GOAL,” Simon screams loudly as Brady wheels away celebrating his match winning goal.

Two quick goals in injury time have completely changed this game around. Adam sits in a state of shock just staring at the screen watching the reply of the goal that has put him 3 vs 2 down. The whistle to restart the game blows but it is quickly followed by the final whistle and its game over. Simon’s Hull team have snatched victory from the jaws of defeat and its a few seconds before Adam can stop staring in vain at the TV to look over the big defender still in complete shock having lost a game he was seemingly destined to win.

lovaboitoy 09-22-2015 12:02 PM

I loved it great chapter

thepac 09-30-2015 11:06 AM

“You ok?” Simon asks staring at Adam’s blank expression.

“Fucking hell,” Adam says bluntly as the match over screen again confirms he lost the game 3 vs 2.

Adam was sure he has this match up won, he has never let in two goals that late before. In fact Adam doesn’t think he has ever seen anyone turn around and score two goals that quickly when they were losing. Simon clearly is a FIFA pro and Adam either underestimated him or Simon was taking pity on him and playing at a lower level then picked it up when he was on the brink of losing.

“Aren’t you forgetting something?” Simon asks looking at Adam’s wide eyed stare.

“What?” A shell shocked Adam replies.

“I scored another goal doesn’t that mean you lose another item of clothing?” Simon wonders aloud.

Amazingly even after all he has done Adam blushes when Simon reminds him of his own rules. Now not only has he just been beaten by one of the most impressive performances he has ever seen in a video game but Adam now has to strip as well.

“Did you cheat?” Adam asks suddenly needing to know how he was able to let a 2 goal lead slip away.

Simon shakes his head, “I don’t think so but honestly Adam I don’t really know how I did that.”

“Me neither,” Adam replies making the large teen laugh, “Were you like holding back on me?”

Again Simon shakes his head, “No Adam I wasn’t, you were beating me proper then well I don’t know I’ve never scored two goals that late in a game before.”

“And as a relegated team too,” Adam whines.

“Oh yeah forgot about that,” Simon says with a chuckle.

Adam doesn’t know if he should be scared or excited by the look on Simon’s face. That look of happiness looks remarkably like the look Josh had on his face after he won his first strip FIFA game. The blonde suddenly feels a bit vulnerable as Simon’s video game skills have come out of nowhere and quite literally beaten the pants off him.

“I can’t believe I lost that,” Adam repeats still looking over at the score just in case he is dreaming it.

“So are you gonna strip?” Simon asks impatiently.

Adam shudders as the embarrassment of losing his third strip FIFA game on the bounce sinks in.

“Hey it’s ok if you don’t wanna do it man,” Simon says quickly mistaking Adam’s shudder as a disgruntled gesture.

“No it’s fine Simon,” Adam says firmly, “I lost so I have to pay the price and the forfeit.”

“What forfeit?” Simon asks suddenly, “I thought this was just strip FIFA.”

Adam groans and he can feel his cheeks burning red again, he didn’t mean for that to slip out. Just like when he pestered him about the kind of game he and Josh played Adam knows the big defender won’t let this go. The blonde finds himself at a bit of a crossroads again as he could lie or tell Simon the truth about the after match forfeit.

“Yeah well see me and Josh kinda made up this little forfeit at the end for the overall loser of the game,” Adam explains.

“Think of it like being forced to pick dare during spin the bottle, it’s just something the loser has to do at the end of the match,” Adam says quickly noticing that Simon is staring intently at him.

“Like what?” Simon asks leaning forward in his chair.

“Um well like the first time I beat Josh he had to tell me something personal about himself,” Adam says blushing at the memory of Josh telling him his dirty secret.

“What did he tell you?” Simon asks instantly in response.

“Dude you know I can’t go around telling other people’s personal shit,” Adam says in response hoping Simon doesn’t press him for an answer.

“Fine what did you have to do for a forfeit then?” The big defender quickly asks.

The blush on Adam’s cheeks only gets brighter as he knows he can’t keep ducking the truth around the bright centre back.

“Well last time I lost Josh took my clothes and threw them out of his bedroom window,” Adam says suddenly unable to look Simon in the face.

“Wow,” Simon responses, “So you were stuck in his house in just your underwear?”

Adam’s cheeks glow bright red as he takes a deep breath, “No I was er naked,” He mumbles.

“Holy shit,” Simon replies, “He kept scoring until you had to get naked?” He asks and Adam nods.

“Then for the forfeit I had to go outside in his garden to get my clothes back,” Adam says lifting his head up briefly to catch the look of total shock on Simon’s face.

“You went outside naked?” Simon says in a disbelieving tone, “You fucking streaked around Josh’s garden?”

“Yes and it was totally humiliating,” Adam replies feeling almost as bad telling someone about it as he did while he ran around Josh’s back garden naked.

“Holy shit man,” Simon repeats, “Holy fucking shit I would have never thought you were the free and naked type.”

“I’m not,” Adam snaps back, “I lost the game and you have to respect strip FIFA otherwise it’s pointless.”

“You lose that tension aspect of the game I guess if nothing is on the line,” Simon replies and Adam nods his head.

“See told you it was exciting,” The blonde teases.

“Yeah, yeah fine you were right Adam well done pity it cost you your pants to prove it too me,” Simon jokes back.

“Oh yeah shit I forgot,” Adam says getting to his feet.

The blonde grabs hold of the waistband of his pants and Simon loudly gasps. He can’t believe the blonde is actually going to do it but Adam proves him wrong by pulling his pants down right in front of him. This is all very surprising to Simon as the blonde strips down to just his plain black boxers. Adam never struck him as the crazy wild strip gaming type but clearly he is. Adam kicks his pants away and stands still for a second praying for his cheeks to stop blushing so he can congratulate Simon.

“There you go man you won,” Adam says unsurprisingly feeling exposed in front of the big defender in just his underwear.

"I can't believe you did that," Simon says staring at his underwear clad friend.

Adam shrugs trying not to think about how embarrassing this is. Sharing a changing room with Simon is fine because there are lots of other guys around, this however is much more personal. It is also a lot more humiliating for Adam because he has never been inside Simon's bedroom before. He has only known the giant defender for a couple of years now he is standing semi naked in his room right in front of him.

"So this is strip FIFA then?" Simon says mockingly, "You standing around in your underwear."

"Not all the time," Adam fires back, "Josh loses too in fact he loses more than me."

"So you have seen him naked?" Simon asks softly.

Adam's pale skin instantly reacts to that question so the blonde starts blushing again giving Simon his answer.

"That's amazing," Simon says sounding almost impressed, "You guys have to be close to be able to see each other naked.”

"I guess so," Adam says now feeling more a little uncomfortable with this line of questioning.

"You know I wouldn't mind seeing that, the two of you playing strip FIFA," Simon says thoughtfully.

"No way dude," Adam responds quickly, "It’s a private thing and I know Josh wouldn't like it."

Simon's eyebrows raise, "If it's so private then why did you agree to play it with me?"

Adam just shrugs his shoulders as he can't really argue with the big defender's logic.

"Seriously I only wanna watch," Simon says before grinning, "I wanna see how two real strip FIFA pro's play the game."

"Fuck you," Adam snaps back, "What happened to thinking strip FIFA was weird?"

"I'm allowed to change my mind," Simon teases still with a big smile on his face.

"I know but still Josh will say no right away so there is no point even asking" Adam says finally sitting back down.

"But he strips off just like you?" The big defender wonders aloud.

Adam nods, "Of course he does, we are playing strip FIFA after all."

While Adam laughs at his own joke an idea suddenly shoots into Simon's head.

"I dare you to take a picture of him next time you play," Simon suddenly demands.

Adam is now the one shocked, his mouth drops open and he stares at Simon in amazement.

"Sorry what did you say?" The blonde asks wondering if he heard that right.

"You heard me if I can't watch then I want proof you do this with Josh too," Simon says firmly.

Adam shakes his head slightly still in a state of shock, Simon has gone from not wanting to play strip FIFA to demanding proof that he and Josh play it. The blonde doesn't know what to say and the way Simon just stares at him makes him feel even stranger. Adam can feel himself blushing again as he feels incredibly vulnerable right now. He is sat in Simon's bedroom in his boxers with the big defender staring right at him waiting for a response.

"I don't think I can do that," Adam says softly.

"It wasn't a request," Simon replies as a smile forms on his face, "It was a dare."

Adam's stomach sinks, Simon is playing the game perfectly. The blonde wonders if this nervous energy bubbling through him is what Josh felt when he lost the very first game of strip FIFA.

"I can't," Adam says, "Dare or not how am I meant to get a picture of Josh stripping?"

"You have a phone right?" Simon asks and Adam lets out a nervous laugh.

"I think he will notice me holding my phone up when he starts stripping," Adam replies unaware that he is the one starting to sweat.

The big defender pauses for a second thinking about Adam's problem. Simon is a smart man and when another smile appears on his face the sinking feeling in Adam's stomach gets worse.

"Well if you took pictures of yourself naked that would relax Josh into taking a few pics too," Simon explains.

Adam lets out a gasp and he can feel his whole body shake. The second the word naked escaped from Simon's lips Adam's whole body reacted like he had been given a sharp electric shock. Adam can't wipe that shocked expression off his face as the big defender is coming out with ideas Adam never thought possible. Simon is a gentle giant with a love for video games yet here he is demanding pictures of him and Josh playing strip FIFA.

"Dude please pick another dare," Adam says softly.

The blonde doesn't like admitting defeat but he truly has no idea how he could ever persuade Josh to take pictures of himself naked. Adam wonders how far he is in over his head right now as Simon is unmoved by his question continuing to stare at him with that big grin plastered over his face.

"You can't be serious?" Adam says staring directly at Simon hoping that this is all some terrible joke.

"What about?" Simon asks.

"About taking a picture of Josh naked," The wide eyed blonde replies.

Simon laughs again, Adam notices since he won the match he has been more comfortable with the whole strip FIFA idea and confident about the forfeit aspect.

"I just meant that seeing as you are so much better than FIFA than Josh you would score enough goal to make strip him naked," Simon explains.

The lump in Adam's throat makes it tricky for the teen to speak. A picture of him beating Josh and taking pictures of his undressed body flash in his mind. Another though occurs to the blonde, he knows Josh would hate being pictured naked and that would be perfect revenge for the outdoor streak Josh forced him to do. How he would get Josh to take a picture like that is another matter but Adam's shock has now died away. Showing Simon that he can literally beat the pants of Josh would be the perfect way to get back at his beat friend.

"Ok then," Adam says slowly, "I think I can do that."

"Seriously?" Simon replies in shock, "You are gonna take pics of your best mate losing at strip FIFA and getting naked?"

Simon was sure Adam would tell him to piss off instead Adam is taking the crazy dare. The big defender knows he underestimated how much Adam sticks to the rules of strip FIFA. He has never seen this side of the blonde before, Simon always saw Adam as being very serious and straight laced. Now he is finding a whole other side of Adam's personality that includes willingly doing dares that most guys would never do in a million years.

"Yeah I will," Adam smirks, "See that's the power of strip FIFA cause losing is so bad that it makes you desperate to play again to avenge both the stripping and the dare."

Simon nods his head understanding Adam's point perfectly, "Erm so if you are taking pics of Josh does that mean you are gonna take pics of yourself naked too?" Simon asks.

"Dude I'm already pretty much stripped down right now," Adam says looking down at his underwear clad body.

"Well if Josh will be naked," Simon starts to say but Adam interrupts.

"Holy shit man you want naked pictures of me too?" Adam exclaims and Simon just laughs at the blonde’s reaction.

"Is there any other reason why you would want pics of me and Josh naked?" Adam teases raising his eyebrow suggestively.

Simon lets out a bark like laugh, "Shit Adam if I wanted gay porn I wouldn't start with you and Josh."

Adam can't help but join in and start laughing too. This whole afternoon has been full of surprises yet strangely Adam has enjoyed every second. He already can't wait to face Simon again in another strip FIFA game this time with pics of Josh’s naked body so he can humiliate his best friend too.

"So," Adam says seeking clarity, "Your dare is for me to get pictures of myself and Josh stripped naked after playing a game of strip FIFA?"

Simon nods still with a smirk on his face, "What happens if someone doesn't do the dare when they lose?"

Adam shrugs his shoulders, "I dunno if you refuse a dare I guess the dares get worse until you can do one."

"That sounds like a rule," Simon cleverly deduces, "Like you have refused one before."

Adam nods his head, "Of course did you think I honestly chose to run naked around Josh's garden?"

Simon laughs again before getting up and off his chair. He picks up his t shirt and slides it on before looking over at Adam.

"I'm gonna get a drink if you want one?" Simon asks.

"Sure man thanks," Adam replies.

"Oh you can get dressed too," Simon says, "You already chose to do the dare so you can cover up again."

Simon leaves the room leaving Adam to get redressed with his cheeks bright red. It is deeply embarrassing to be told to get dressed by another man especially after being so humiliated by him. Adam may have lost but deep down he is so happy to have found another friend to play strip FIFA with. He has no earthly idea how he is going to get a naked picture of Josh but right now Adam is just going to enjoy whatever he can after losing yet another strip FIFA game.

lovaboitoy 10-03-2015 06:07 AM

Wow really awesome chapter...I love the forfeit Dare Adam was given.

thepac 10-14-2015 03:18 AM

After a few weeks of not being able to play strip FIFA against each other Adam and Josh are both delighted to finally get a free afternoon to play. Earlier in the morning Adam excitedly texted Josh to tell his best friend that he has his house all to himself for the rest of the day. Josh is just as happy to text back telling Adam that Emma is working so he has free time for what feels like the first time this summer. Instantly Adam’s next text is two simple words ‘strip FIFA?’ and Josh’s quick response is ‘I’ll be right over’. Both teens are delighted to have a chance to play their favourite strip game together.

Adam really can’t wait, it will be his first strip game against Josh since he lost to the skinny winger for the first time. He played with a handicap and unsurprisingly he couldn’t overcome his disadvantage so he lost badly. Adam ended up being stripped completely naked then for his after match dare Josh went all out and threw all his clothes into his garden. The blonde still blushes at the memory of running outside completely naked with his hands desperately trying to cover his cock. The feeling of a slight breeze tickling his golden blonde pubic hairs only increased the fact that streaking through Josh’s garden was the most embarrassing moment of Adam’s life.

He is desperate to get revenge on the skinny teen but he also has Simon’s dare to think about. Adam has had a couple of weeks to think about how he is going to be able to fulfil the terms of Simon’s forfeit. Circumstances in Adam’s life however ended up dropped the perfect solution into his lap so Adam is ready to not only get revenge on Josh but to prove to Simon that he can beat Josh at strip FIFA. The blonde is staring out of his living room impatiently waiting for his best friend to show up. Adam knows he can’t tell Josh anything about losing to Simon or about the dare, all he can do is win and deliver a naked picture of Josh to his new strip FIFA playing friend.

Josh is pacing quickly up the road, his heart beating faster than normal. He is not thinking about playing a strip game with Adam, he is instead thinking of the strip FIFA game he had with his girlfriend. Playing with Emma was easily the most erotic moment of Josh’s life but Josh feels a little guilty about using strip FIFA as a foreplay tool. He also feels bad for Adam who doesn’t have a hot blonde girlfriend to play strip FIFA with. Josh isn’t going to tell Adam about playing strip FIFA with Emma though, he can tell Adam anything but sexy stuff with his girlfriend really should remain private. Taking his mind off Emma Josh wonders what kind of game he will have with Adam today as the blonde won the first two games but with a handicap Josh was able to win the third match.

Josh has been putting in some hours of FIFA Ultimate Team a few times a week just improving his skills. It’s not that he minds losing and getting naked in front of Adam, Josh is worried about the after match dare. He knows the blonde well enough to know that Adam will not let that outdoor streak dare go unpunished and if he wins Josh knows Adam will up the steaks. Adam is far smarter than he lets on to anyone and Josh can only shudder thinking about what kind of revenge the blonde might have cooked up for him if he loses. The shaven headed teen vows that he will beat Adam in a fair match today to not only get out of any horrible dare but to prove to himself that he can beat his best friend on FIFA.

Adam sees Josh walking up his drive so he instantly moves to his front door, “Ready to lose again?” He says confidently swinging the door open.

Josh can’t help but laugh out loud, “You seem confident.”

“Well I’m not giving you any handicap like the last time,” Adam admits letting Josh inside, “That and you know I gotta get revenge on you for that last dare.”

“I’d guessed as much,” Josh replies habitually kicking off his trainers.

“So you accept you are gonna get your ass beat right now?” Adam states with a big wide smirk on his face.

Laughing again Josh shakes his head at the cocky antics of his best friend. Adam’s competitive streak is out in full force today and Josh is hoping that will be good news for him. Overconfidence matched with his improved skills makes Josh feel a little better about being able to beat Adam fairly in a game of strip FIFA. One thing Josh did learn from his private girlfriend strip FIFA game is that the result matters a lot on what team you pick. Josh is already mentally wondering if he can pick Wales again and use the world class Gareth Bale to help him gain victory.

“So what rules are we playing today?” Josh asks making Adam stop at the foot of the stairs and look round at him.

“Erm strip FIFA rules dude obviously,” Adam replies but Josh shakes his head.

“No I mean for picking teams, last time picking a random team really left you with a crappy choice,” Josh explains.

Adam stops and thinks for a second, he doesn’t really know how to fairly pick teams until he remembers the idea Simon came up with.

“How about we just pick random teams from the Premier League?” Adam offers and Josh happily nods his head.

“Cool great idea man that means we will be pretty much on an even playing field,” The skinny teen replies sounding impressed.

“Thanks man it is a pretty awesome idea oh and I already have a forfeit idea too,” Adam says casually before he ascends up the staircase.

Josh’s eyebrows raises but instead of questioning his friend he follows Adam up to his bedroom. The forfeit/dare is their own personal idea that wasn’t done on any of the strip FIFA YouTube videos but it has always been winner’s choice. Josh doesn’t know how scared he should be about Adam detailing out his evil dare plan before the match has even kicked off. He is worried his fellow winger is trying to play some mind games with him, psyching him out before the game has even started.

“So it was Karen’s birthday the other week,” Adam says conversationally as he walks into his bedroom.

“So?” Josh responds, “Is your sister’s birthday really important right now?”

“It will be when I’m done explaining it to you,” Adam snaps back and Josh keeps his mouth shut.

“As I was saying for her birthday Karen got a new digital camera, proper expensive like but as she has a new camera she decided to give me her old one,” Adam explains.

Josh raises his eyebrows in surprise as Adam walks over to his deck and pulls out a small dark red coloured digital camera.

“Are we gonna be looking over her naked selfie’s or something?” Josh asks while his cock twitches slightly at the thought of finally getting to see Adam’s older sister naked.

“Dude for the last fucking time you will never see Karen naked, give it a rest,” Adam replies almost rolling his eyes as still after all this time Josh still digs on his older sister.

“Well if it’s not that then what do we need the camera for?” Josh asks.

“For pictures,” Adam replies like the answer is obvious.

Josh quickly puts 2 and 2 together and he doesn’t like what it adds up too.

“Dude there is no way I am having pictures taken of me stripping,” He complains, “This is a private game.”

“I know that,” Adam says slowly trying to explain part of his cunning plan, “I was thinking of just taking pictures of the loser.”

“Adam no,” Josh says firmly sounding very unsettled by the very idea.

Josh might like being naked but bringing pictures into it is something completely different. Having a nude picture of himself out there to maybe come back and haunt him 20 or 30 years down the line is not appealing even to a nudist like Josh. Josh glares at the camera in Adam’s hand like it is a dangerous weapon, he doesn’t know what has gotten into Adam as this is very out of character for his best mate.

“Josh I don’t get what your problem is? You have been naked in front of me before,” Adam says confused by how upset Josh has got over this.

“Fucking hell Adam isn’t it obvious? I don’t want fully nude pictures of me being plastered up online,” Josh complains.

Thinking quickly Adam laughs, “Dude I’m not gonna put anything online nor I am saying taking a full face included picture of you naked.”

“But you could do both,” Josh counters, “And that’s just too big of a risk for me to take.”

Adam just rolls his eyes at his over reacting best friend, “Ok so say what if you win and you have naked pictures of me?”

“Dude that’s even worse,” Josh yells, “I don’t want pictures of your naked body thanks.”

Shaking his head Adam sees this task is going to be way harder than he though. The blonde needs a picture of Josh naked to complete his dare for Simon but Josh just isn’t playing ball.

“Just think of a different dare man,” Josh says finally, “I am not taking naked pictures end of story.”

“Now wait maybe you have not thought this through fully,” Adam says quickly while his brain works overtime trying to think of a way to sell this to Josh.

Josh signs but takes a seat on Adam’s bed and stays quiet. He is way too scared about being exposed online to ever take any pictures but he is Adam’s friend so he will at least listen to him.

“Let’s say before the game starts we both snap a few pictures of ourselves,” Adam starts to explain and when Josh opens his mouth Adam quickly pre answers, “Just our naked bodies’ man, no faces or anything that could identify us.”

“Then we play our normal game of strip FIFA and the winner of the game gets to keep the camera with the naked snaps on for the next week,” Adam finishes.

Josh’s mouth drops open and he stares at his friend in complete shock. It is a crazy idea, completely fucking crazy Josh thinks while he stares at the camera trying to picture the tiny device with pictures of both him and Adam nude on its SD card.

“Adam I’m sorry but I just can’t do that,” Josh says slowly.

Josh enjoys being naked but it is still a very private thing, he certainly isn’t proud enough of his body to show it off to everyone. He also worries that the college would get the pics or his team mates even worse what if Emma found them?

“Come on Josh it’s mutually assured destruction, my pics will be on the camera too so whoever wins has possession of both sets of naked pics,” Adam repeats hoping Josh will come round and agree.

“Adam this is a private game and I like that, I don’t wanna be constantly worried that my naked pics might go public,” Josh explains voicing his very real fears.

“Josh nothing will go public, I am your best friend I wouldn’t do anything like that,” Adam says trying to calm Josh down.

“Then why the hell do you want the pics then?” Josh asks angrily, “If you are not gonna humiliate me by posting them online then why?”

“Why did you make me run outside naked?” Adam counters, “No one saw me but I bet you sent me out there hoping that someone would see me.”

Josh is silenced by that argument, he can’t deny that Adam is right and maybe he does deserve something humiliating back after making Adam do a naked streak round his garden.

“Also if you win,” Adam says quickly, “You will have the camera so you can delete your nude pics right off it.”

Josh thinks for a second and finally he sees Adam won’t let this drop, “Ok fine let’s do it,” The skinny teen says with a deep sigh.

“No face pics though,” Josh quickly says and Adam nods his head.

“Of course man, tell you what I’ll even take my pictures first,” The blonde offers.

“Fine but still Adam you have to admit this is a weird fucking dare,” Josh says a little worried that this is all some trap set up by Adam to humiliate him.

“This from the man who asked me if I ever jacked off over my sister?” Adam says with a sigh.

Josh doesn’t feel like he can respond to that so he stays seated and watches as Adam stands up.

“Hey you are not taking the pics in here are you?” Josh suddenly asks with concern.

“No I was gonna use the bathroom unless you wanna see me naked,” Adam teases seeing just how uncomfortable Josh is.

The skinny teen raises his middle finger in disgust and Adam laughs as he leaves the bedroom. Adam knows he is in Josh’s head and hopefully that will be a big distraction during the game. He doesn’t know why taking a few naked pics scare him so much but as Adam walks into the bathroom he really doesn’t care. Having to take his own nude pictures isn’t brilliant but at least it’s a way to get Josh to take the pictures he needs. Adam starts pulling his clothes off wondering how fucked up this is going to all this effort for Simon. He vows to beat Josh today, take his nude pics to Simon then beat the big defender in strip FIFA rematch and force him into a dare as humiliating as this.

Standing naked in his bathroom Adam stands in front of his bathroom mirror before lifting the camera up. He shivers as he stares at the picture of his body in the camera because anyone who knows him might be able to recognize him in this picture because of his blonde body hair. Adam holds the camera up to his face to make it at least a little anonymous before snapping a few quick selfie’s of his nude body. The blonde takes a few quick pictures before getting redressed and thinking about how far he has come. Strip FIFA was just a silly little idea to pass the time now it has grown into a complex and slightly dangerous dare game. A few months ago Adam would have never thought of himself as the kind of guy who would take naked pictures of himself then dare his best friend to do the same all so he can share them with another friend.

“Here you go,” Adam says walking into his room throwing the camera over to Josh.

“You really took naked pictures of yourself?” Josh asks in shock as he catches the small red camera.

Adam nods his head, “I did and they will stay on that camera too, no uploading or emailing them to other people or anything just for our eyes only.”

Josh feels a little better now that Adam has said that so confidently, “So the winner of the match just gets to keep the camera for a week nothing else?”

“Yep I just wanna make you sweat and worry knowing that I own your nude body,” Adam says in a sinister tone.

“Fucking sicko,” Josh spits back before he grins, “This really raises the steaks of the game, I mean it’s more than just about stripping now.”

“I was just thinking the same thing,” Adam admits as Josh gets to his feet.

“You are serious about all this right?” The lanky teen asks again, “I mean this could all be a prank or something to get my naked pics out on campus or something.”

“Dude relax,” Adam says with a smirk, “Only me and Emma will have seen your naked body I promise.”

Josh groans at that horrible thought but he finally decides to trust Adam. The blonde hasn’t lied to him and just like when he first brought up the strip FIFA idea it is clear to Josh that Adam is only doing this to privately embarrass him not publically. Strangely Josh is ok with Adam seeing him naked and as the teen walks into Adam’s bathroom Josh has to wonder what kind of nudist only likes getting naked in front of one person. Stripping down naked in Adam’s bathroom does even Josh a slight thrill but that thrill soon dies when he looks down at the camera. Josh has to trust Adam that these pictures won’t get out or he just has to win their latest strip FIFA game in order to keep the camera.

Adam is almost shaking in anticipation as he starts up his PS4, he is just one win away from getting nude pictures of Josh. He doesn’t really like lying to Josh like this but on the other hand Adam doesn’t like the idea of failing a dare set by Simon. There is a lot about the big defender that Adam simply doesn’t know and that just adds to the danger. Adam is almost like Josh’s brother as he can read the taller teen’s moods and facial expressions having known him for so long. Simon is a complete mystery and being indebted to him gives Adam a vulnerable feeling that he has only every felt when his sister had sleepovers with some of her bratty friends.

The game is fully loaded up and the teen selection screen is up by the time Josh finally walks back in. There is nervous looking grin on the teen’s face as he places the camera down carefully on Adam’s desk.

“Did you do it?” The blonde asks and Josh nods.

“Awesome,” Adam says with a smirk, “So I’ll be the home team and randomly pick first ok?”

Adam sees Josh isn’t looking at him instead he is staring at the camera. Knowing that the camera has naked pictures of them on its memory card is a powerful and deadly rush for both men. Both Josh and Adam can feel the extra adrenaline running through them, this match is important and certainly feels tenser than a normal strip FIFA game. That camera sitting innocently on Adam’s desk is almost like a trophy and both teens are desperate to win it and gain control of those naked pictures.

“Ok so the teams,” Adam says finally looking back to his TV pressing the square button on his controller.

Newcastle United are the team picked and Adam groans,” Fucking Newcastle, what a terrible pick.”

Josh just laughs, “Don’t worry I’m sure I’ll get one worse,” He says as he presses his controller.

Manchester City is the team that flashes up for Josh making Adam groan even louder.

“That’s so not fair,” The blonde complains.

“Hey you wanted it to be random picks,” Josh fires back.

The blonde pauses, “Fine I’ll just whip your ass with Newcastle then,” Adam says gripping his controller tight.

lovaboitoy 10-14-2015 08:08 AM

Very nice start man....I can't wait for next chapter

Nick 10-14-2015 08:39 AM

Still loving this story!

thepac 10-20-2015 07:33 AM

Adam changes the match options so it’s a night game then presses play match and the games loads up to St James Park. Man City are a top team so Adam is expecting a tough game but he knows he has the FIFA skills to beat Josh and win his naked pictures. Newcastle kick off and Adam almost instantly breaks away down the wing and launches the ball into the box. Newcastle’s French striker Riviere gets his head to the ball but he sends it sailing over the bar.

“Ah so close,” Adam moans annoyed with himself for letting an early chance go begging.

Josh lets out a sigh of relief too, that was too close to being a goal and even though he has on paper the better side Josh knows he can’t let his concentration slip for a second. The next 10 minutes of gameplay are tight and tense as both teens go close to scoring the opening goal. Adam tries a shot from outside the box that deflects off the defender straight into the keeper’s hands while at the other end Josh hits a piledriver of a shot that Tim Krul athletically tips round the post. Because of the stakes of this game every missed tackle or bad touch is met with grunts of anger from either Adam or Josh. They know how important a win is and individual know how vital it is to win control of that camera. Neither man wants to make a mistake and give away a goal because of how important the result is and because of that little action happens.

The game is quickly turning into a dull 0 vs 0 but thanks to the stakes it feels like a Champions League to Adam and Josh. Right on 45 minutes Aguero manages to break through the Newcastle defence and charge towards the goal. Josh tries to flick the ball around the onrushing keeper but the ball bounces off Krul’s flaying arm and away to safety. Josh slaps the bed in frustration as the referee blows for half time. The two teens take a second to reflect on a half that had little in goal mouth action but is so tense that both of them are visibly sweating.

“Kinda hard to get a good game going with so much on the line,” Josh says wisely.

“Yeah that was easily the most tense half of FIFA I’ve ever played,” The blonde replies.

“Well we are not just playing for our clothes, we are playing for that too,” Josh says nodding over to the small digital camera.

“Trying to save our nude pics from the other,” Adam says laughing.

Josh laughs too then silence descends once again, neither man really wants to talk. The first half was almost played in silence because both men were fully focused on the game. It has made the room uneasy to be in and Adam is starting to get worried that all this added tension is taking the fun out of strip FIFA. If the fun goes then Josh might go and no matter how much he hates being embarrassed Adam doesn’t want to lose out on playing strip FIFA with him.

The second half kicks off and already the pace of the game is much faster. Both Adam and Josh are playing with less caution and if you are willing to take more risks then the game becomes better to play. Adam fashions another break for Newcastle down the right hand side but this time he passes the ball into Riviere’s feet. The striker dances past Kompany and fires a shot across the box but it only cannons off the far post then bounces wide.

“Fuck,” Adam yells slapping his own leg in anger.

“Yeah man I thought that was in too,” Josh says wide eyed as he watches the reply.

The game presses on and both teams trade possession and corner kicks but there are still no real clear cut chances. Adam looks at the game clock to see that there are only 20 minutes left and he is shocked. He can’t honestly remember playing a game of FIFA that went 0 vs 0 for this long. Josh’s FIFA skills have certainly improved and picking the random teams also seems to have evened out the skill gap between them. Adam chances a look across at Josh while he is lining up a goal kick and the blonde can see the concentration on his face. Josh is chewing on his bottom lip and staring at the screen in a trance leaving Adam to wonder if it was such a good idea to raise the stakes before the match even started.

72 minutes in and Josh enjoys a long passing move with City working the ball from left to right until finally the ball is knocked forward to Aguero. The skilful Argentinean quickly turns and charges into the box but Newcastle defenders are quick to swarm around him. Josh moves Aguero to the left then pushes right to the by-line half hoping Adam will be forced to tackle him and bring him down for a penalty. Looking up Josh suddenly whips the ball in with a sudden low cross sending the ball flashing across the face of the goal. Adam’s keeper and defenders are nowhere nearby as City’s other striker Edin Dzeko gets on the end of the cross and smashes it into the net.

“GOALLLLLLLLLLLLL,” Josh screams jumping off the bed in sheer delight.

“Shit,” Adam moans dropping his head into his hands as Dzeko wheels away in celebration.

“What a great finish right into the roof of the net,” Josh says as the replay shows Dzeko was standing in the right place for that low cross before powering the ball into the net.

“Those naked pictures are mine,” Josh continues still delighted at having scored the first goal, “The first thing I’m gonna do is delete all of mine.”

“You gonna do that with mine too?” Adam asks curiously.

“Hell no you came up with this dare so you are the one who is gonna have to sweat it out and worry about me owning your naked pics,” Josh laughs at his friend’s very real predicament.

Adam knows Josh is right and it’s now clear making the dare before the match only motivated the skinny teen. Adam was overeager in wanting get a naked picture of Josh that he didn’t think about losing. That could cost him dearly Adam thinks as he tries to refocus but first the blonde reaches down and pulls off his dark grey socks. Adam throws his socks away ready to restart the game when he notices Josh looking at him in surprise.

“What?” Adam asks.

“You went with socks first,” Josh answers, “Normally you are all brave and macho and take off your shirt first.”

“I take my shirt off when it’s a game and this is not a game anymore,” Adam says firmly, “You are not having my naked pics.”

Adam has his best game face on and Josh quickly grabs his controller expecting a footballing onslaught from the blonde. The second the match restarts Adam adjusts his tactics to make Newcastle more attacking. He knows he needs a goal and Adam is desperate to get it as he kicks off and charges straight towards the City goal.

“Foul,” The blonde yells as Colback falls down but his yells are for nothing.

Josh wants to tell Adam to relax but he knows the blonde won’t listen to him. Adam is going all out to win this game but Josh knows all he has to do is stay calm and hold onto his slender one goal lead. Adam has a lot riding on this and it shows as he becomes more manic as the game clock runs down. He wins a free kick wide on the right hand side of the pitch but his cross in goes harmlessly into the hands of Joe Hart.

“Come on,” Adam yells to himself and his virtual team trying to motivate them to win.

Adam tries to break down the right again but Josh cleanly wins the ball in a tackle then moves forward for a counter attack. The ball is quickly passed to just outside the Newcastle box where Dzeko picks it up. He dribbles forward then goes to shoot when Adam out of desperation launches his defender forward. The sliding tackle from Coloccini misses the ball and clatters into an off balance Dzeko. The whistle goes almost before Dzeko has hit the ground and the referee moves quickly towards the Newcastle defender.

“A RED CARD?” Adam cries out, “What the fuck was that for?”

“He was last man,” Josh tries to point out but Adam is too upset to listen.

“That’s fucking bullshit, no way in hell was that a straight red,” The blonde rages as Coloccini slowly leaves the field.

Josh just shrugs at Adam because he sees his chance of winning improve drastically as Adam now only has 10 men left on the pitch.

“Your guys have been hacking me down all game and yet it’s me that gets the red,” Adam snarls upset at the feeling of bias from his own video game.

“Rules are rules,” Josh says then he stops for a second, “Hey what are the strip FIFA rules on red cards?”

“Huh?” Adam says suddenly swinging his head round at Josh.

“Well if a penalty kick is worth two items then what’s a red worth?” The skinny teen wonders aloud.

“Oh fuck off Josh,” Adam replies angrily, “I am not stripping off cause of that, it was never a red card.”

“Fine,” Josh says stiffly turning away from the blonde knowing better than to argue with Adam when he is pissed off.

The shaven haired teen starts to line up his free kick and Adam feels his anger die away. Now he feels like a piece of shit for yelling at Josh, if the roles were reversed he knows he would be doing the same thing. His ultra-competitive nature has once again boiled over and poor Josh has taken the brunt of it. Adam knows he is a hot head and it’s not the first time he has yelled about a red card then yelled at Josh afterwards. Josh always seems to get the brunt of his anger and Adam feels like a crappy best friend right now. Adam knows trying to get a naked picture of Josh clouded his thoughts and put him the wrong mind set for this game which he is now losing.

“Josh I’m sorry,” Adam says hitting the pause button, “I didn’t mean that.”

“I know,” Josh responds with a shrug, “I agree it was a harsh FIFA red and I shouldn’t have told you to strip off anyway.”

“No man I think stripping for a red is a good idea you know to help keep assholes like me playing the game fairly,” Adam says with a grin.

Josh smirks back, “Hey you yelling like that is nothing remember that time you got sent off in high school and when I tried to get you off the pitch you punched me in the face?”

Adam blushes, “Oh yeah I remember, that was awful I got dumped cause of that you know.”

“Oh yeah damn I forgot, Lindsey really hated you after that didn’t she,” Josh says with a smile.

“She totally had it for you that’s why,” Adam teases, “I’m sure she only dated me to get close to you.”

Now Josh blushes, “How many times do I need to tell you that Lindsey is just a friend, she’s never wanted me as a boyfriend.”

“That’s true,” Adam grins, “She didn’t want you as a boyfriend more like a fuck buddy.”

“Dude no don’t say shit like that, Lindsey is still my friend,” Josh replies.

“I’m just saying if you offered she would be all over you like a rash,” Adam says then he grins, “Hell I bet she likes a shaved smooth guy too.”

“Adam I am warning you drop it,” Josh threatens but Adam just laughs.

“Ok, ok I’ll stop now so I have to lose two items right?” Adam says bringing the attention back to their paused strip FIFA game.

“You really gonna take off two things?” Josh asks.

“Yeah I will might teach me to time my tackles better,” Adam jokes before standing up.

Josh laughs at the joke then watches as his best friend peels off his t shirt. Adam tosses his shirt away into a pile of dirty clothing lying near his bedroom door before he grabs the waistband of his pants. He pulls them down slightly until the black waistband of the boxers is revealed and then strangely Adam blushes. Before Josh can ask what’s wrong Adam pulls his tracksuit bottoms all the way down to his ankles in one swift motion.

“Heh nice undies,” Josh teases, “Did you forget to change before I came over?”

Adam carries on blushing as he stands in front of his best friend in a pair of bright green boxers. The boxers are the tight body hugging kind of underwear but the bright green is what really makes them stand out. Adam knows the colour clashes violently not only with his hair but his pale skin too. They came in a set of boxers he bought and honestly had forgotten he was wearing them until just now.

“Those are awesome,” Josh teases, “You could walk out late at night and still safely cross the road.”

“Yeah, yeah ok very funny Josh can we continue playing now?” Adam asks taking a seat still a little self-conscious about his slightly florescent boxers.

“Ok but I guess you better I hope that I don’t score this free kick,” Josh says and Adam has to take in a deep breath.

The blonde’s stomach twists into a knot because as embarrassing as his green boxers are it would be much worse to end up naked. Adam knows he is well on his way to losing this match making it his third strip FIFA loss in as many games. The losing streak is worrying but not as worrying as the fact that Josh might score again. Josh lines up the free kick on the edge of the D and plays a cheeky pass to the side allowing Toure to shoot but the ball flies well over the bar much to Josh’s annoyance.

Adam keeps fighting hard even though he down to ten men and only has a few minutes of game time left. He throws everyone forward and after a flick down from a long ball Adam is able to make some space just outside the Man City area. Jack Colback lets fly with a massive left footed shot that is going right for the top corner until Hart jumps to his left and tips the ball over the bar.

“Holy shit,” Adam wails, “It’s so not my day today,” He mutters.

“No it’s not,” Josh says almost feeling bad for Adam.

The final few minutes of the game play out but Adam can’t fashion another shooting chance when the final whistle blows. Adam lets out a long deep sigh before looking over at a fully clothed Josh. It’s the first time someone has kept a clean sheet in strip FIFA and that only makes Adam feel worse. Sitting in his underwear while Josh is fully clothed really is humiliating yet Adam knows that isn’t the worst part. The final score is Newcastle 0 Manchester City 1 meaning Adam has not only lost the match but he has lost his camera aswell.

Nick 10-21-2015 07:31 AM

Keep going, i cant wait to see what happens next!

lovaboitoy 10-21-2015 11:29 AM

Mmmm very good...I look forward to next part

thepac 10-27-2015 10:48 AM

"That was a close game," Josh says letting out a deep sigh just happy he managed to hold out for the win.

"Yeah hey well done man you won fair and square," Adam says still a little embarrassed about his earlier outburst.

"Hey luck of the draw," Josh says, "I'm sure next time I'll get a really crappy team."

"Next time we will be playing a different game," Adam replies.

"What?" Josh twists his head around sounding shocked, "Are you done with FIFA?"

"Well with FIFA 15 yeah," Adam says pressing X to get out of the end of match menu.

"Shit is the new one coming out soon?" The skinny teen asks and Adam nods.

"Yeah in a couple of weeks, have you not pre ordered yours yet?" Adam asks.

Josh shakes his head no and Adam can't help but laugh at the slightly sad look on his best friend’s face.

"Crap man what if they are all sold out and you can't get one," He teases.

Josh thinks for a second then smiles, "Well I guess I will just have to trade you for your copy of the game."

"What with?" Adam asks then Josh looks over at the camera, "Oh shit really?"

Josh can't help but smile as he reaches over with one long arm to grab the camera off the desk.

"Well this is mine now right?" He asks holding up the tiny digital camera.

"For 7 days yeah," Adam replies glumly.

"So will you trade it for your copy of FIFA 16?" Josh asks seriously staring at the underwear clad blonde.

"Are your nude pics gonna stay on the camera?" Adam curiously asks back.

"No way," Josh says quickly, “I’m just offering you the camera and your naked pics for FIFA 16.”

"If that’s the best deal you have my answer is no," The blonde says firmly.

Adam hates the fact his naked pictures are on the camera but they are certainly not worth a brand new PS4 game. The blonde also knows Josh won’t show those pictures to anyone which is the opposite of what Adam was going to do with them.

Josh just laughs, "Ah well I guess I'll just have to buy it myself."

Adam nods and then a thought pops into his head, "You think we will still play strip FIFA on FIFA 16?"

Instantly Josh nods his head, "Of course we will man, why are you thinking about stopping?"

Even having lost the game and with a camera full of his naked pictures in Josh’s hand the underwear clad blonde still smiles.

"No I'm not stopping Josh because next time we play I will beat you," Adam threatens.

"Yeah sure you will man," Josh teases with an eye roll before he moves his finger onto the camera's main power button.

"Hey what are you doing?" Adam suddenly asks as the digital camera bursts into life.

"Turning my camera on," Josh says with a smile.

"Why?" Adam asks with a hint of worry in his voice.

"To look at the pictures on it," The skinny teen replies with a smirk.

Adam feels his whole body tense up, he has been naked in front of Josh before but looking at naked pictures feels more intimate. The blonde is sweating as he stares at the camera in Josh's hands. Josh is looking at the camera screen and pressing away at the various buttons on the back of the camera. Adam knows his best friend is deleting his naked pictures off the camera which makes the blonde wonder what Simon will do next time he sees him and finds out that he failed his forfeit.

"There, all deleted," Josh says with a smile.

Adam grunts unable to think of a response when Josh suddenly gasps.

"Holy shit dude you properly took naked selfies of yourself," The skinny teen exclaims.

Adam feels his cheeks glowing bright red as he knows Josh is now looking at his naked pictures.

"Shit man," Josh says still sounding surprised, "I never thought of using the mirror."

"Seriously man can you not look at my naked pics?" Adam complains looking up at his best friend with pleading eyes.

"Hey this was all your idea man," Josh counters and Adam can't argue with that.

"Anyway Adam don’t worry about it, you know when you actually get a girlfriend you will be great at sexting," Josh teases.

"You an expert on sexting now?" Adam fires back but Josh just continues to smile.

"I'm not the guy who has naked pictures of himself on a camera," Josh replies with a grin.

Adam groans then feels like his has to ask an obvious question, "Josh please promise me you won't show these pics to anyone."

"I won't show anyone but honestly man I can't promise that they won't be seen," Josh says making Adam stare at his best friend with a look of confusion on his face.

"Well if I own this camera for a week then it will be at my place right?" Josh says slowly and Adam nods his head.

"Dude I'm not gonna lie no matter where I try and hide it Emma will find it," Josh says with that cheeky grin still fixed across his face.

"It’s why I keep her birthday presents at yours because she always tracks down anything I hide in my room," Josh explains while Adam just sits in his chair speechless.

He completely forgot about Emma but now she is at the forefront of his thoughts. Adam knows he should be deeply embarrassed at the thought of Josh's girlfriend seeing him naked but the scary thing is having been exposed so much recently Adam doesn't think he would mind having Emma look at his naked snaps. Emma is such a cool chick that Adam doesn't think she would mind especially if she knew Josh beat him for them. That thought worries Adam, why would he be cool with Josh's girlfriend seeing him naked? He and Emma get on ok but having her see him naked would change the dynamic of their combined relationships drastically.

"You ok dude?" Josh asks breaking Adam's unsettling thought.

"Yeah I just fuck man would you really let Emma look at pictures like that?" The blonde asks genuinely curious about the answer.

"Think I would be jealous?" Josh jokes, "Or is your body so hot that Emma would ditch me and go to you?"

"Well...," Adam starts to say forcing Josh to start laughing.

"Fucking hell man, that's a disgusting thought you and Emma together," Josh teases pretending to be ill.

"Well if you don't want that to happen then you better hide that camera good," Adam threatens.

"I'll try man but I can't promise anything, she like a bloodhound," Josh says still laughing.

Adam blushes hard trapped between two conflicting emotions, half of him gets a small thrill at the thought of having a hot girl like Emma seeing him naked. The other part of him is deeply embarrassed at the idea of Josh's girlfriend seeing him naked. Adam doesn't know where these emotions are coming from, he keeps getting himself into this embarrassing situations. This feels 100 times worse than the embarrassment he suffered through growing up with an older sister.

"So," Josh says turning the camera off and slipping it into his pocket, "What now?"

Adam can't help but stare at Josh's pocket where the camera is. He feels so helpless with his naked pictures now in the possession of his best friend. The fear of them being seen by Josh’s girlfriend too makes the sensation of being embarrassed almost overtake Adam’s barely clothed body. The blonde is trying to not shiver with the idea of a woman he knows seeing the most intimate parts of his body without his consent.

"You were ribbing me about Emma right?" Adam curiously asks.

Josh shrugs his shoulders, "Not really but I can hide some things from her so your naked ass is safe."

Adam laughs in relief but still his stomach is full of butterflies. He understands what Josh was complaining about earlier because having something so private in the hands of someone else really is unsettling. Adam is sure Josh wouldn't share the pictures online but the threat of Emma finding them is very real and the thought of that humiliation almost makes Adam’s whole body glow red with embarrassment.

"The trade is still open," The skinny teen says with a big grin teasing his stripped down friend.

"You are not getting FIFA 16," Adam fires back, "In fact come over Thursday and have the very first game of strip FIFA 16 with me."

"Ha alright then if you wanna get beaten naked again I'm down with that," Josh grins.

"No you won't man, new game, new way to play I'm gonna win and win big," Adam states confidently.

Josh laughs at his green boxer clad friend, "I dunno man I'm on a hot streak right now."

"Yeah for now but I'm gonna get it back," Adam replies.

"The winning streak or the camera?" Josh asks honestly.

"Both," Adam says with a grin before he hears the sound of his front door opening.

"Hello, Adam are you home?" A voice echoes up the stairs.

"Shit," Adam yells quickly diving across for his clothes.

Josh can't help but laugh out loud as his best friend quickly tries to redress.

"Adam?" The voice yells again from the bottom of the stairs.

"Yeah hi Mum," Adam shouts back while desperately trying to pull on his tracksuit bottoms.

"Hi Mrs Davis," Josh shouts out eager to embarrass his friend a little more.

"Oh Josh hello," Adam's mother shouts back, “Are you boys busy up there?”

It sounds like she is only standing at the foot of the stairs but her voice sounds so close that a semi naked Adam is sweating. The blonde’s face has turned a dark red and Josh is enjoying this almost as much as he did when he made a nude Adam race around his garden.

“No we have just finished a game,” Josh yells back grinning happily at a deeply embarrassed Adam.

"Great so would you boys mind helping me out with the shopping?" Mrs Davis asks from the bottom of the stairs.

"Sure Mum just give us a second," A panicked Adam calls back having just discovered that he has put on his t shirt backwards.

Still laughing Josh gets to his feet and walks past his half-dressed friend.

"Well I guess we will have to see what happens next week," Josh says with an unusually cocky grin on his face.

Adam just growls at the taunt as his best friend leaves him alone in his room. He fixes his shirt and then it fully hits him, Josh has his naked pictures. The camera is still in his pocket as he goes downstairs to help his Mum. Adam hasn't felt this embarrassed before even all the torment from his older sister growing up almost feels like nothing compared to this. Adam not only failed in his dare to Simon but he is now at the mercy of Josh for a whole week. The blonde now can't wait for the new FIFA to come out, a new game might just change his horrible losing spell or at least leave him less embarrassed than he is right now.

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