getDare Truth or Dare

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Jappio 10-17-2014 01:59 AM

Nat / alie
I know it's been awhile, and this relatively short story won't seem a lot, but it's been an idea I've been sitting on for years now I always wanted to try.

Without giving too much away, the main characters share the same body. One likes to tease and prank the other though. Natalie is the shy one, Nat is the outgoing one.

Now, I intend of course for the story to be read all the way through... though part of my does wonder if maybe there is merit to only reading the Natalie parts, and skipping the Nat parts. I had fun writing both though, so I'm not exactly recommending you skip it =P

Originally, I was going to write three short stories about Natalie and Nat. However, I've been so inactive lately, that I think I'll just post one for now, and see how feedback goes. Hopefully though, I can get back in the writing groove and get some more out.

Without further ado, here's the store:


Part 1 - Natalie

By Jappio

At first, all I could hear was my professor talk about something. It didn’t sound so familiar, some time must have passed.

That’s when I realized a weird feeling! Well it was actually a few I felt!

I was not sitting like myself at all. My legs were spread a bit wide. Both my knees were over the corners of my seat. My skirt was a few inches higher, bunched up under my legs.

I had bigger concerns than my skirt though! I quickly brought my legs together, setting a hand on my lap. I looked to my left and right to make sure no one was looking at me. I was sure of it though, I had lost my panties!

My face started to turn red. I looked at the clock; it seems I missed over half the class.

No one was looking my way, so luckily I managed to keep under the radar. I knew I should check a few more things. Slowly I moved a hand up to my shoulder, as if to scratch an itch that wasn’t there. I could feel my bra strap, which was good. I was concerned to find that I had an undone button, now only four of the six I had were done up. I wasn’t showing a lot, which was honestly a blessing compared to the norm.

I tried to relax. Maybe things went Ok for once. This must have just been one of her harmless pranks. I was mostly covered, and no one had been leering. It seemed for once she even took notes from today’s lecture for me!

I should explain something. My name is Natalie. I’m a college student who has a really annoying sister. Her name is Nat, and our names are pretty similar for a reason. You see, she isn’t an older or younger sister. She isn’t even a twin really. She’s sort of my other half.

For as long as I remember, I’ve had dissociative identity disorder, or split personality to most. I guess in a way I share my body with Nat. The problem is, Nat and I aren’t all that similar.

We’ve done a good job of managing life I feel. We get along mostly with each other’s friends, and we like some of the same things. However, Nat never takes things too seriously. I sort of have control most of the time, so she doesn’t worry too much about consequences. She likes to act without thinking.

The problem I was having now is that she actually gets a kick out of leaving me in tough situations. I should be thankful she doesn’t do anything too harsh. I suppose it would be bad if she was a thief for something.

However, today she’d stolen my panties while I was in class. This was just a small taste of the kinds of pranks she’ll play on me. We can only talk to each other in notes, and I’ve often left her notes asking her to stop. There’s rare one can stop Nat though.

How it works is I’ll sort of just blank out. Things will go dark and quiet, and it’s like I’m in a dream for a bit. Then when I wake up, time will have passed. I could be somewhere else, or in this case, missing my panties! That entire time I’m out, Nat is the one in control of our body.

Not wanting to cause a ruckus, I tried to stay quiet and pay attention to the lesson. Nat doesn’t always help me with school work, but she knows how mad I’ll get if I miss too much of a class. So for once she did at least take some notes. Her hand writing is tough to read though.

By the time class ended, I think I was able to get enough of the information. I was able to follow along at least. Others were standing up to leave, but with my situation I wasn’t about to stand and risk flashing people anything. My skirt was much more modest than one of Nat’s skirts (yes, we have different wardrobes) but it only came down to my knees, so I didn’t want to take risks by shifting my legs at all to be able to stand.

When more people had gone, I took my chance to open up my backpack. Nat had done something with my blue boyshorts, and I was hoping she had put them in our bag. I didn’t see them at all though. I quickly checked under my seat to see if she was so classless as to just leave them in the open like that!

No blue garment about though, so it would seem Nat had done something with them to keep them from me. I hope she didn’t throw them away like she’s done with a few of them. She tries to pay me back, but she always gets something not quite my style (typically naughtier)!

Getting up from my seat, I wondered if I should ask someone about them. Other than the teacher, no one knew about Nat though, and I didn’t want to confront my teacher about it either. Chances are Nat had just gone out for a bathroom break to get rid of my panties. I was sure if I complained about her losing them now, she’d just try to defend herself by saying she at least did it in private. I guess I was happy she didn’t take them off in the class room in front of everyone.

It was sundown now, this class being late in the day. It was time to head back to our apartment. It was just a short walk down the street, just a couple of blocks.

The walk didn’t seem like it would be short to me though. As soon as I stepped outside I noticed the wind. I was going to have to do my best to get Nat back. I wondered if she knew it was going to be this windy when she stole my panties!

I held my skirt down, trying to protect my modesty. This wouldn’t be too bad if I took my time. Again, she’s done worst to me. I also took this moment to redo the button she’d undone.

Nat really didn’t seem to have any modesty. I heard as much from my friends. It embarrassed me so, to know that people get to see me exposed so often. Nat insists it’s fine, that we have a killer body and should show it off. I don’t know what constitutes a killer body, but I know I want whatever I do have to stay covered!

She also has this annoying habit of trying to act like she knows me. Technically we’ve never directly met, but she insists that I like her little pranks…

Well, I don’t like them. However, she always cites the condition she’ll find me in after one. Any sign that I might have enjoyed it, and she’ll leave teasing notes about it!

The wind continued to whip past me… the hem of my skirt fluttering. I held a hand on my lap to keep it down; I wasn’t going to let anyone know I was without panties! I couldn’t stand to have my bare bottom, or worse, shown!

Said wind seemed like the will of Nat. It still slipped under my skirt at times, tickling my thighs and worse. I could feel it just barely touch my… lips…

It was really awkward feeling for me; I keep myself so well protected. Yet when Nat interferes… suddenly I feel so vulnerable and exposed. That wind felt foreign and touched somewhere I’m not used to being touched. The feeling was both scary, but it also was… unique.

Each light tickle from the wind would just make me push the skirt down more. This would only cause the fabric to press to my bare skin even more. This vicious cycle only caused me to become more worried as I went along and feel even more exposed.

The walk seemed to grow longer as the wind didn’t stop. If Nat were an actual person, I bet she’d grab my hands and hold them away! From what I hear from my friends, Nat is never worried about letting her skirt flip up. I still didn’t like the idea that my friends probably had a good idea of what my underwear selection was.

Today though, I didn’t have underwear to show, but thankfully no friends around to see either. I was hoping for just a quiet evening after this. My heart was racing, worried if I would be able to keep the fight up for the rest of the way. The front of my skirt was held down, but the back would sometimes fly up, exposing most of my legs. I knew I could do it if I just kept pressing on.

Things started to slow though. My eyes felt heavy. I began to walk slower. This was not good! Nat was coming, and I couldn’t stop it!

I always feel wobbly when this happens, so I had to use a hand against a nearby pole to stop myself from falling. I was hoping to get home without anyone seeing anything… but now it looks Nat was in charge of the trip. I groaned at the thought that now, my mission to get home unseen, was probably going to end in failure with her in control…

Jappio 10-17-2014 02:00 AM

Nat / alie
Part 2 - Nat

The world lit up for me once again today. I could instantly tell that class was surely over. I was at a street corner, one just a block or so from our place.

The sun was just about to leave, so I guess it hadn’t been long at all, which was good for me. Natalie was getting off too easy so far I think!

Her modest skirts are such a bore. I wanted to do more, but I figured I’d only give her a little tease before my big plan. A warm up you could say.

Once I stood up right, I was able to feel around. I patted my hands against my butt, feeling that it was indeed still bare. I looked back and saw that a guy across the street was staring. Was he just concerned about what probably looked like me feinting, or did he just like seeing me touch my bottom. I gave it another sensual rub just to tease him.

The wind was picking up again, and I enjoyed the way it was tickling my thighs. The perk of a larger skirt like this was how well it did trap the air. I bet Natalie totally likes it too, I can feel a bit of warmth down there. How she hoped to ever deny it, I didn’t know. I mean, she can’t exactly have secrets when it revolves around our body, that’s something we at least have in common!

Love for our body… Eh, I’m not so sure. She likes to hide it or something. I love enjoying it personally, and tonight I was going to do that! I mean, maybe she likes our body, but she’s way too modest!

I skipped off to our home, letting her modest skirt show off at least some my bare legs. It was going to be so nice to get out of it, but I was going to play patient and wait. Sadly, I don’t think anyone saw any the naughty parts, even with the winds help.

At the door, I let myself inside. I wondered if my girlfriend was home too, for a little fun.

Though only a three floor apartment, we still had a nice little elevator I loved to ride. Halted at the ground floor conveniently, it didn’t take long for me to enter it.

I leaned against the back wall, unsnapping an extra button on the shirt. I gave each of my lovely breasts a nice little grab, seeing if I was showing enough. I was showing just the smallest hint of cleavage, so another button had to go. Now, a bit of Natalie’s blue bra was showing. She sometimes is a bit boring, but I will admit she has some cute choices in color.

Again, adjusting my top, I made sure I now had a bit more skin showing. Now I think I was ready. This whole time though, no one else hopped inside. No one was there to even greet me at the top! I was just striking out.

I took my time walking down the hall. After passing a few doors, I found our apartment. My girlfriend Haley, Natalie, and I shared it. Luckily, we only have to pay for two people though, hehe.

I let myself in, but sadly there were no signs of life. TV was off, and I couldn’t hear the shower or anything. I dropped Natalie’s book bag down and headed towards the bathroom.

Before arriving, I had undone the rest of the buttons on the shirt. The shirt ends swayed as I walked to the bathroom. I was pushing and prodding at the bra, not too disappointed with how it looked on me. I was happy to see my image in the mirror. ‘A good girl gone bad’-look, I’d have to say. I loved it!

I undid the tie in my hair, letting it fall down. I figured I’d really leave her bad this time. Let her feel completely liberated.

Natalie was going to be in for a surprise. I wasn’t sure just how far I’d take this, but I think it was going to be a bit more than she’d expect.

I did a few turns, considering the outfit I’d wear. It wouldn’t matter to Natalie what I wore technically. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to dress special just for myself. My hands went to the hem of the skirt, and pulled it up. Soon it was resting on my wrists when my hands wrapped around the inside of my legs.

I brought them higher and higher, my body tingling. I knew just how bare I truly was under this deceptively modest skirt. Those panties were hidden away at school now, and I had full access to any fun I wanted.

My body felt nice and warm… the skirt was now showing some thigh… the edges of my hands growing nice and close to my lips. A devilish smirk grew across my mouth as I thought about it. I think I’d use this skirt tonight… to just enhance that feeling once I did lose all this cover.

I knew the plan well. I did a test run of it myself the other night. If Natalie was as much of a smarty-pants as she usually was, she’d be fine. I didn’t get in trouble, so neither should she.

The plan was simple. Strip naked. Seriously, that’s almost all I had to do. I’d walk down to the park, and I’d strip naked. Natalie could have the rest of the fun.

She’ll be stranded naked in the park. God… do I wish that could just happen to me. Natalie doesn’t have the guts to do a stunt like that. Even though I’d be the stranded one, she’s still consider it being our body being exposed, and she’d be embarrassed my default. Her loss though… as I was getting horny just thinking about it. She was lucky; she’d able to have all the fun tonight.

I stroked my thighs, drawing my fingers out from under the skirt now. I just let them barely trace my lips, a light moan coming from my mouth. I was thinking of not giving this night to Natalie.

The previous night, it’d been a bit later. Perhaps it would be a bit tough for a wimp like Natalie at a time like this. She also probably won’t want to accept the chance of being seen. I should probably waste a bit of time here at the house.

I walked out of the bathroom and took a seat on the couch. I didn’t do up the shirt or anything; I’d wait till I had to leave to do that. Then I could really have my fun.

It wasn’t easy sitting around and playing nice though. It probably was for the best that Haley wasn’t home, I’d have been tempted to tease and have fun with her instead. That reminded me that I should probably warn her about Natalie.

I got my phone out and texted her. I let her know that when she was home, to expect the door. Poor Natalie wasn’t going to have a key, so Haley would have to let her in. I also left a hand written special instruction as well. I told her to not look at it till she got a knock at the door.

Haley wanted to know why, but I wasn’t about to tell her. I like to leave her guessing too, I’m an awful tease like that. Wouldn’t be the first time I surprised Haley with a naked body, be it Natalie or myself playing the role of the naked one.

Looking at the clock, I realized I couldn’t wait. I could see the sun was low enough, Natalie would probably be fine. She’d be pissed, but safe enough I think.

I hopped from the seat, and did up two of the buttons. I had told myself I’d play the modest act, but I couldn’t stand to be too tightly covered!

I left all our things besides the clothes there in the apartment. It was funny; I was patting the clothes to make sure I didn’t have keys, as opposed to making sure I had them hehe!

Once out of the room, I strolled down to the elevator. I was again showing off the bra, which a neighbor coming from the elevator took notice of. The guy had a bit of a nervous grin as he said hello to me. I sort of recognized him, at least by that dorky smile. Perhaps Natalie knew him better, or he was just being nice. Either way, I can say he likes the color blue!

Once at the bottom floor, I had to stop myself from running. I really was getting excited. I was now considering doing some flashing down the street, see if I could get any fun reactions.

That wasn’t my goal though, so I resisted the whole way there. However, that wonderful breeze felt heavenly still, and I think I was starting to grow wet before even making it to the park!

The lights were just turning on in the park. Many people from the college strolled through here in the evening, so the place was brightly lit. I saw a couple even trying to sneak some kisses on one of the benches on my way in.

All the way at the other end, I had undone the last two buttons of the shirt. Instantly it blew open, and I loved the feeling. My bared stomach and sides happily met the cool night air. The blue bra jutted out, my breasts begging to pop free from it. I wanted to, but I had to still find the perfect spot to hide the clothes. Natalie would be pissed if I lost her clothing too. I had to find somewhere she wouldn’t dare look for them.

The park on this end was empty at the time. I was sort of glad. Though I’d be happy with an audience, I had better not do so if I was going to let Natalie have the fun. I had to make sure she was hidden when she woke up too. I also didn’t want someone stealing her clothes either if they saw me hiding them.

I headed towards some trees and bushes to the side of the South entrance.

The shirt was simple to remove. I just shrugged my shoulders and helped it off my arms. I stretch my arms out wide, enjoying the feeling of being so undressed outdoors. I was no longer decent, that’s for sure.

I undid the fasten on the bra, and sighed happily at the feeling of the restriction lessoning. I set myself free from the vile thing, and bared my breasts to the world. I happily tweaked my hardened nipples.

For a moment I was lost in the fun. Out here at night, I was in public and enjoying squeezing my breasts. The thought made the touching all the better, my nipples growing very sensitive.

I think, regardless of plan at this point, this next step was going to happen. I sexily pushed my bottom out behind me, again using my hands to rub that pushed out bottom. I pictured some people watching my little sexy strip. I wanted them to know that I hadn’t any panties on. That even below this modest skirt, I was the naughtiest thing!

My breasts I have to say had a great show going on in front as well. The trees were lucky to see their firm form sway ever so slightly.

I flicked the zipper loose, and pushed the garment down my legs. The feeling was electric, sending bolts of pleasure through my body. The way the waistband gripped against my skin… passing down my hips, over my butt, and finally down my legs fully was intoxicating.

Natalie didn’t know how damn lucky we were. Our butt is so wonderful I think. I love letting the world around see that very fact. It’s so smooth and round. With the skirt at my feet, I again rubbed it.

I stood more straight, and stepped from the skirt. I looked around; I was still hidden amongst the brush.

I felt free now. I was so in tune with the feelings of the night. I ran my hands across my bared skin, enjoying my wonderful nudity.

Again I wasn’t sure if I wanted to do this to Natalie. I was really enjoying myself. I pictured prancing out through the park, perhaps even just straight out streaking back to the apartment. If Haley was home, I could even have a fantastic finish to such fun.

Natalie though needed to ‘enjoy’ this too. I wish I could for once actually see what happens to her. She always yells at me about the embarrassment and panic. At the same time though, I’ve caught her enjoying it. Today for example, she liked not having those panties on.

I loved teasing Natalie so much too. Like right now, thinking of her helpless and abandoned was turning me on more. I rubbed my thighs, thinking about that very thought.

The plan wouldn’t work with the clothes at my feet. Natalie had to wake up without them nearby. Even if I move, she might actually check the shadows. I couldn’t leave them in the open, or else she or someone else might see them.

I gathered up the clothes, and held them to my stomach, making sure to keep most of my body bare. I then looked out into the park, trying to think where I could put them.

My eyes eventually settled on a small circular flower garden. It had walls up around it, to keep people off it. I figured keeping it on the inside edge of it would be a perfect spot. I’d dig up the dirt a bit to cover them, and come back for them at another time.

I happily dashed out towards the flowers. I was still alone in this half of the park. I wasn’t hidden at all, but that just made my skin tingle with excitement!

Once at the flower garden, I shoved the clothing against that inside wall. I then pushed some dirt on top of it. They’d be a bit dirty, but as long as I cleaned them, Natalie couldn’t mind too much about this… you know, besides the whole abandoning her naked thing, hehe!

As I bent over, putting on the finishing touches, I wiggled my bottom. I purposed arched my back, and straitened my legs, but kept my body lowered at the waist. I so wanted to stay there, and have someone stumble upon me. Again, Natalie’s torture came first!

I pranced back to the hiding spot I’d used. Natalie would have the full park and a block of the street till she got back to the apartment. She’d be naked the whole time.

As I thought about this, a hand was already between my legs. Natalie would know for sure just how much I was getting off to this, but at the same time, hopefully the bit of a buzz would put her in a good mood too.

For the last time, I had to actively get myself to stop having so much fun with this. I was determined to do what I set out for.

For awhile, I could feel that familiar drowsiness too. Natalie was coming back, and I think I was set to let her. I leaned back against a tree, getting comfy. I looked one last moment at my naked body. Nipples hard and jutted out… a few wisps of hair below, not at all hiding my pussy! Even the rough bark of the tree I was against was pleasant in its own right.

Natalie, you’re in for one hell of a night! Time to just drift off now…

Jappio 10-17-2014 02:01 AM

Part 3a - Natalie

By Jappio

Unlike earlier, I awakened with a bit of a start. I felt as if I was about to fall, which meant that Nat was not sitting when she fell unconscious. As I tried to stand straight, I felt roughness against my back and the wind against my… bare body!

Oh my god! I quickly used an arm to cover my chest and a hand to cover between my legs. I was up against a tree and I was outside! I muttered an obscenity under my breath as I tried to figure out what was going on. I didn’t know where I was, but all out in front of me was open space! I quickly tried to duck down, as if it would make me less obvious.

I looked to my sides, and I found a few bushes. I quickly scurried to those and hid behind them.

Why was I naked? It was sunset, and there were a bunch of street lights on. It took me a moment, but I think I knew where I was. This was the park that was just a block away from the apartment. Essentially, I figured that Nat must have gone right past the apartment and to the park. She also got rid of my clothes!

My body was so bare. Though it feels like time passes, you sort of just wake up and everything is different. This was a big change though! This was an insane change!

Naked in the park… and I didn’t have any clothes. I tried to stand up a little to look around, and I didn’t see anything. Where could Nat have put my clothes? Did I dare try to look around for them? Really, I didn’t want to leave my hiding spot.

I also knew exactly just how much Nat enjoyed this mean game she likes to play. Her… I mean mine… our body was… well it was aroused. I hate to admit it, but I could tell that she must have been touching herself just moments before. I recognized these feelings; it wasn’t rare that she’d get like this when setting me up with these pranks. It’s bad enough to leave me naked, but to also make it so I’m distracted with feelings like that? I had thought Nat was going easy on me today too. Clearly, she wasn’t anymore.

Trying to ignore the feelings of pleasure, I was instead trying to think what to do with myself. It’s somewhat difficult honestly to be in a situation like this. The one true solution is sort of obvious, but you do all you can to deny it. I was trying to think if maybe I could find my clothes, or if I could somehow just appear back home. However, the only option was walking home.

I muttered another obscenity. I don’t know what she was thinking. I was essentially two blocks away, and it wasn’t even completely dark out. Street lights constantly shown though, so waiting wasn’t an option. I had no easy way to keep myself from being caught.

Nat would probably be Ok with the idea of me just streaking back to the apartment, not caring if I get caught. Nat though doesn’t have to worry about modesty it would seem. Even being a campus town, I had to worry about the wrong people catching me too, like the police. Though I could probably get out of it, Nat is a documented ‘condition’. So I wouldn’t be in trouble probably, but it still would be embarrassing!

No one was nearby though, so I guess I had to get going as soon as I could. I knew by now that the strategy was to move when the coast was clear, that much was obvious. Scoping out ahead, I could see there was another set of shrubbery to use as cover, half way through the park. I could hug the wall nearby to avoid being out in the middle paths of the park.

So I started to run, hoping no one would come nearby and look to the side of the park. The wall next to me covered me up from the road thankfully, so I wouldn’t have to worry about that.

To my left was the park itself. It was mostly decorative, and usually a nice place to jog through. I often would circle around the fountain, appreciating the bit of nature here in the city. Now though, this park was far from pleasant for me, as I ran through it faster than I ever have.

Once at the bushes, I practically dove to the ground. Huddled behind the plant, I hugged my body tight. That same feeling of vulnerability still swelled inside me. I was so naked, and hardly any closer to home. The hardest leg of the trip would be the block that I’d have to pass other apartment buildings. It would be so easy for cars to pass by and see me.

I had to keep thoughts of that out of my mind though. I had to concern myself with the here and now. The next step of my trip would take me to the park entrance. To minimize the amount of time I leave my exposed body in the open, a straight line to the park entrance would be best. I could use the wall to peek out of the park to time my next run.

Again I looked around. I saw someone heading towards the west entrance, probably having come from the south. They couldn’t see me, so I stayed put till they were out of sight.

During this time, I was just reminded of the state my body was in. Not only was I naked, but that accursed arousal was still there. I had not at all calmed down, even with all my worry. This honestly is something that Nat takes notice of, and is how she ends up teasing me about these little adventures she puts me through. She’ll get our body all worked up, and I typically can’t do much to suppress those feelings. Both her and our body seems to work against me.

I mean, being fully honest, I can’t just deny that the feeling is completely bad. One can’t really complain about being aroused, it’s technically a good thing. It’s not easy to admit, quite embarrassing in fact, but I know how healthy it is to be like this I guess. Though I don’t know if it’s healthy to be aroused during a very embarrassing situation! However, I guess I can’t say… that in some sort of twisted way, Nat is in a way sort of helping me out? I don’t know, it’s all so weird.

So essentially, she’ll sometimes catch that I was still aroused after this type of stuff, and thinks I’m into it! She doesn’t believe me that it’s just her remnants just left over. I don’t know if I’m just trying to convince her or myself.

This whole time as I ponder these dumb thoughts too, I’m being an idiot and actually rubbing myself with my hand between my legs, the one I put there for modesty, I swear! It’s stuff like that, that gives any credence to Nat’s claims! I hate that I can’t control myself sometimes, it truly seems just subconscious, I swear!

Not wanting to be caught just hiding naked; I know I should get going. When it gets dark, who knows who might try to come through the park? Now, after usual school ending times, and before people started to head home from their evening fun, was the best time for me make my move.

I ran out from my cover and made my way to the park entrance. There, I’d have a block to go, and then a dash through my apartment. As I ran I kept looking behind me and towards the gate I was heading towards. Either side someone could see me from. My bare butt bounced as I ran, and I could feel the way my breasts wanted to do the same beneath my tightly pressed arm.

I wish there was some way I could get Nat back, this feeling was unbearable practically. My heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest. Even with my arms not pumping I was speeding faster than usual. The adrenaline in my blood was propelling me forwards. I just desperately wanted to be back in our apartment and away from the potential prying eyes.

I had to put my arms out in front of me and stop myself against the wall when I got there. I was almost in a panic, and hadn’t been able to slow down quickly enough. My body was completely uncovered for a few seconds. The breeze was still chilly, touching every inch of my body it could.

I again wrapped my arms around my body to give myself some security at least. I looked around the corner of the entrance, out at the road. It was a three way intersection, the north bound road heading straight towards our apartment and the school further on. The other two roads were of course East and West.

My heart started to sink as I tried to plan my next route. I realized I didn’t have as much time as I had at the bushes now. Behind me was the entire park, and my bare butt was facing it. I’d easily be caught if someone came from one of the other two entrances. I looked behind me, and saw no one, but I couldn’t wait.

Ahead was scary though. Plenty of parked cars littered the side of the street ahead, but there were gaps where I wouldn’t be able to hide, and I didn’t know how I’d avoid capture from a pedestrian on the sidewalk! Not that taking the center of the street was an option.

I leaned against the stone wall, feeling its coarse material against my bare skin. I tried to wonder just how Nat could enjoy these type of stunts, but a certain tingling below was probably the answer. I’d never gotten undressed on my own in this type of situation, I always started out aroused, so I was sure it had to be her kink alone.

Time couldn’t be wasted. I’d have to dash off to the street and pass under the street lights. I’d have to hope no one would enter or exit the buildings, hope no drivers came by, and hoped no one was out for a walk! The odds seemed impossible, but I had no choice at all. I was trapped, and there was only one way out.

Abandoning my cover, I exited the park as well. I gave just a quick glance to my sides, confirming the street was still empty. I crossed it diagonally, since our apartment is on the west side of the main street. Once there, I crouched down near the first park car, now able to see fully down the sidewalk.

Jappio 10-17-2014 02:01 AM

Part 3b - Natalie

By Jappio

I could just make out the spot where the apartment was, no one was between me and it. I would have to cross one more road to get there though. So a block, a road, and just one door down, and I’d be there.

The street and park were still behind me, getting their own public show of my bare butt. I knew that I had to go now when the coast was clear. So I stood back up and started to run down the sidewalk. I passed door after door, and I was thinking I could make it. My nerves would prove to not be so strong when I saw a car coming down from the college!

I dropped to the ground, getting on all fours to hide behind a nearby parked car. I know the pose was a bit exaggerated, but I wasn’t thinking. I got close the vehicle, and could hear the other driving closer. I had a pretty good idea that I wasn’t caught, but that didn’t stop my heart from going wild.

Once the car passed, I slowly got to my feet… and then slowly stood all the way up seeing that there were no more cars driving my way. I was still alone on the side walk. Knowing this, I quickly started to jog my way north some more.

As I neared the four way intersection ahead, I could just barely see the door to our apartment. The home stretch was here, but as I got close to the road, I had to stop myself. I had no way to know if anyone was on my right or left, and I was going to use the building corner to try and look.

The street to my right was the first I could see into. I approached the corner slowly though, since this street to the right since I wasn’t exactly hidden from it well. No one was down that way. To my left, and around the corner, I could spy what looked like a few fellow students huddled near a parked car. I want to say they were being dropped off. They were spending plenty of time just chatting!

A minute or two went by, and they still hadn’t left. Once I even had to dash away from the corner and near a car parked on the street to avoid a car that was driving from the south. I had barely avoided that one, and it weren’t for the car driving by silently, I would have assumed I was seen!

I wanted my naked form finally hidden, but it wasn’t going to happen it seemed like. These people were still talking, and I was losing my patience. I was just about to consider running by and hoping they didn’t look, but my hand was forced. The people talking at the car finally closed the door and walked away… from the car that is. They started to walk towards my direction!

I didn’t know what to do now. They’d get to this corner, and I’d have nowhere to hide. I could try to maneuver around the cars, but if they turned down this way, they’d find me for sure unless I snuck to the street side of the car. That didn’t seem like a good idea with the potential of another car driving by.

I could just wait and hope they entered a building or continued past this intersection and head North or East. That was risky though, and if they did want to come towards where I was, I’d be very close to them when naked!

I don’t know why, but that’s when I noticed just how much my pussy was practically pulsing! This danger had done little to stop the continued growth of my arousal. It nearly paralyzed me.

I suddenly felt defiant. I wasn’t about to stay there and be caught. I’d quickly run by, not wallow in my worry and arousal, and just get home. I wasn’t going to play the game Nat set up for me and be the vulnerable, scared, and naked girl in the street!

Perhaps I wasn’t thinking straight at all. My panic had set me on a bad plan. I quickly ran forward, attending for the couple of people to only get a glance of me. I figured I’d be fast enough to get by.

As I past the corner I’d been hiding behind, my body was in the open, and the realization then hit. It was like a solid punch to all my faux confidence. What was I think?!

I was naked and streaking past people! I was exposing myself! My arms weren’t even covering myself as I intended to run faster, but that seemed to only make everything worse now! My bare breasts with hard nipples bounced wildly as I strode forward. My few sparse hairs above my lips probably were obvious in the profile view! Even my bare butt was shown to these strangers!

When I made it halfway across the street, I was regretting my choice more and more. No longer was I just running past them, but this was surely me running away now. I was caught naked outdoors!

Then to really seal the deal, the person in the car was still there and sounding his horn! That was the last straw and I quickly wrapped both my arms around my breasts to try and protect myself! I just chose to expose myself to a small group of people! I don’t know how I could be so foolish!

My adrenaline didn’t slow a bit as I got across the street. I knew that a few steps I’d be hidden, but I didn’t dare slow. I was now at least determined to make inside, no more chances for anyone to see me I declared!

Past our first neighboring building, I was to our door in practically a second by the feel of it. My mind was trying to still register everything that happened as I threw the door open without any care of who was inside.

I didn’t even appreciate the fact that the opening hallway was void of the other tenants, I was just thinking I was finally home free. I went straight for the door leading to the stare well.

The sound of me running up the stairs echoed. The more labor intensive act of running up the stairs finally slowed me. My body was now shielded from the teasing wind and I had walls close to me. I felt instantly cozier and safer already.

By the time I reached the third floor, I finally stopped and had a breather. I opened the door to our floor just slightly, and I could see it was empty. I walked into it, but tried not to run, not wanting to cause a commotion now. I didn’t need someone looking out in the hall to see who was running around.

I did quickly make my way down past the other doors and to ours finally. I was about to end this endeavor, but I should have known… the door was locked!

I now realized that makes sense, I didn’t have a key after all, nowhere to keep one. I knocked at the door, praying that my roommate, Nat’s girlfriend, was home.

“Natalie?” I heard her call from inside the apartment! Thank god, she was home!

“Yes, it’s me! Let me in…” I tried saying loud enough for her to hear me, but not so loud as for the neighbors to hear.

There was a bit of a pause, and then Haley spoke up, “Nat wants you to put your hands on your head and admit you’re horny.”

This isn’t the first time Nat has left me this kind of trap. She was completely cruel sometime. I knew trying to reason with her girlfriend wouldn’t help. Haley wasn’t mean, but she usually played along with Nat’s games if Nat really wanted.

Still, I wasn’t going to just not fight it. “Come one Haley, just let me in. I’m naked out here!” This time I was even quieter, considering the nature of what I was saying.

“Speak up, I don’t think I heard what Nat wanted me to hear,” Haley interjected. She didn’t even humor my plea.

I made a quick survey of my surroundings. I was still alone in the hall. I put my hands on my head, but couldn’t find the words I was supposed to say.

I couldn’t possibly be horny, I wasn’t about to admit it. However, that pulsing feeling from before hadn’t died, I just not been focusing on it. Now, with my hands on my head, my body totally exposed, I was focusing on it… and I sort of wanted to touch myself.

I didn’t say that out loud, and really only mumbled, “I’m horny.”

Haley didn’t take any notice of it. Maybe she was pretending to not hear it, but I really didn’t say it loud enough probably.

Wanting it to all be over, finding that same desperate nature to throw caution into the wind that I had at the street corner, I much more loudly finally said, “I’m horny!” Hopefully the neighbors didn’t hear, but thankfully the door swung wide open!

At first I was relieved, but then I realized the sight that Haley was getting! My entire naked body was presented to her! She had a huge grin on her face, and I dropped my hands to cover myself and ran inside.

I know Haley probably is familiar with Nat being naked, but in a way, this was MY body right now, and I wasn’t in a relationship with Haley like that! I was so embarrassed, and ran straight for my room. Before I got in, Haley remarked, “Nat says to enjoy yourself in there, she’ll give you some privacy after that.”

As I shut my door, I sat on the floor with my back to my bed. I was suddenly very exhausted. My breathing was coming in labor breathes after the exertion. I didn’t hear sirens or people calling out for a streaker at least!

I can’t believe how I let myself expose myself like that to the strangers today. I normally wouldn’t have, but I felt so cornered. I don’t know if I made a bad choice, or if maybe Nat was right about me. I still ached to have a firmer touch than just the wind against my body in that moment. I wasn’t willing to do so outside in the hall… but after Haley’s and Nat’s offer to some privacy… I did let me hand wander.

The End

jklivin 10-17-2014 08:05 PM

Your stories are a favorite of mine always get giddy when I see a new post.

Black Panther 10-17-2014 11:56 PM

This reminds me of Dr. jekkl and Mr. Hyde. Is that where you got insparation from?
Anyways I loved the story!

archie21 10-18-2014 12:28 AM

i wasn't going to stop and read this but pleased i did, most excellent fun.

Jappio 10-18-2014 10:42 PM

Thanks everyone for the comments and for enjoying the story.

No, the inspiration was not Jekyll and Hyde, hadn't thought of that all. Kind of an interesting idea though.

Fetique 10-19-2014 04:01 PM

Could one imagine you to continue the story? Or is it THE end, because I really enjoyed it and would love more of the same concept.

Jappio 10-19-2014 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by fetique (Post 1531010)
Could one imagine you to continue the story? Or is it THE end, because I really enjoyed it and would love more of the same concept.


Originally Posted by Jappio (Post 1528050)
Originally, I was going to write three short stories about Natalie and Nat. However, I've been so inactive lately, that I think I'll just post one for now, and see how feedback goes. Hopefully though, I can get back in the writing groove and get some more out.

So yes, there will be more. Feedback has seemed positive thus far. I actually have about 3 or so pages of the next one written already (we'll see if I can keep this pace though).

Jah Brother 10-19-2014 05:29 PM

I like this story, very creative with lots of oppertunities and possibilities.
Keep it up :D

Mini 11-12-2014 10:30 AM

Please do more soon.

Jappio 11-14-2014 12:45 AM

(This is not in response to Mini, I just happen to finish this tonight =) )

Nat / alie 2: ‘Walking in on them’
Part 1 - Natalie

By Jappio

As I ‘woke up,’ I could feel my body tingling. I moaned out loud as my hands moved. Each of my hands cupped a breast, feeling that my nipples were hard. The touch was electric, sending jolts up my spine. Yet something was weird, my nipples felt a bit wet.

I opened my eyes, not really sure what was happening. I then saw that I was not in bed like I had been the night before. I was instead in what looked like a classroom!

Before I could figure out why I was where I was, and why at least my breasts were bare, I heard someone else say, “Wow! You have nerves of steel! Sorry I sort of bailed there. Let’s just get you finished up and out of here!” It was my roommate Haley, and she was down the on floor. I was apparently up on a teacher’s desk?

Haley didn’t seem to be paying attention, and stood up. She was as naked as I was! I was too shocked and lost to speak up. She then put her hands on my knees and tried to spread them!

I finally let out a gasp as I slammed my legs shut! Haley had just gotten a good look between my legs!

Haley looked me in the eyes. She looked puzzled, as if I was doing something weird. That’s when she realized it, and I think I was too somewhat.

“Wait… Natalie?!” Her eyes grew even wider and her arms suddenly darted down to cover her breasts and she knelt to the side of the desk.

I covered myself too. I moved my legs to the side of the desk and looked around the room. It did look a lot like a classroom from my college. I then let myself slip from it and ducked on the opposite of the desk as Haley. The reason I was naked in the classroom, my nipples wet, and there with Nat’s girlfriend, who also happen to be naked, became obvious. Nat was having some very kinky sex with Haley!

Having figured out the gist of things didn’t stop me from freaking out though. This was the school I went to, and I was completely naked! Even if Nat was the one doing it, someone could have assumed it was me of course! This was insane! “What the hell is happening here Haley?”

“Well… I mean…” Haley tried to say. I could tell from her voice she was nervous and embarrassed too. I guess it would be awkward for her too, to sort of have her intimate moment interrupted by someone. Then again, she shouldn’t have been doing this with my body somewhere public!

“Answers Haley, I’m naked here!” I spurted out. I was desperate for answers, and raised my voice a little.

“I know, sorry Natalie. I wasn’t trying to do this to you… it was all Nat’s idea… I mean at least what we were doing. I couldn’t exactly say no to her,” Haley tried explaining.

I believed her. Outside of Nat not just lacking in modesty, I’ve always heard that she has a way of convincing people of things. I usually try to keep out of their private business (though clearly this time I was forced into the middle of something very private!), but I had more or less heard that in a way that Nat was the one in the charge of her relationship with Haley.

“It’s fine… I get it. Nat can be really mean. I don’t know why she’d suddenly leave like that. Just tell me where my clothes are so we can get out of here!” I requested.

Haley was suddenly quiet. That worried me.

“I… I don’t know where they are,” she explained.

I couldn’t believe it! I crawled around the desk so I could actually look at her. She was now sitting with her knees to her chest. Her face was bright red. “What do you mean? What happened?”

Haley tried explaining it, “Well… Nat and I were… fooling around. We were just walking around the campus to waste some time when she pulled me into the room. A few things led to another, and suddenly she was pawing off my clothes. I didn’t exactly put up a fight, and then she just left me here!”

I think I saw Haley’s face turn redder as she described it. Nat I guess liked to torture people besides just me. I was surprised with how honest and vividly Haley described it too.

“Nat took awhile to come back, but she eventually did. She was just as naked as she got me though, no clothes around! I tried to object… but then… well she was persuasive. She and I were… well you might be able to guess… but then we heard a noise and I hid under the desk. She didn’t, and well, I guess that’s cause she was hiding in her own way.”

Nat could be pretty mean and she did love getting me naked and stranded. I guess this way, she got us both naked, and at school!

Haley was a close friend of mine. I wasn’t involved with her like Nat was, but we were roommates and friends. “It’s Ok Haley, I’m not mad at you. This is Nat’s fault. Not the first time she dealt me a tough hand!”

“You aren’t kidding,” Haley said, a bit of a smile. I was happy she didn’t think I was mad at her anymore.

“So she really didn’t say what she did with the clothes?” I asked.

Haley admitted, “I didn’t get an answer. She told me to not care, and then… distracted me.”

I looked around the room again. I didn’t have classes that day; I was going to sleep in. Seems that Nat was the first to wake up, and she took advantage of that. I had to know some more info though, I was a bit disoriented. “Well, what about where we are, and what time it is.”

Haley thought about it. “We’re in the business area of the school. Not too many classes are had on Friday, and I don’t think any are business ones. It was about 11am when we got here, so I think it’s almost noon,” Haley reasoned.

I thought about it. I didn’t know what Nat might do with the clothes. Where could she have gotten while naked? “Do you know how long she was gone for?”

“It felt like forever, Natalie. She just ran off with my clothes and I was too scared to wander out there on my own. I would have gone with her, but I hesitated, and she was out of sight!”

I could sympathize with her. I had only been up for a little bit now, but it had felt like I was cowering naked there forever. There was also this warmth from between my legs that had yet to leave. I blushed even redder knowing that it was probably my roommate in front of me that got me to this point of arousal technically!

Haley seemed just as shy as I was too. She was exposed to someone else suddenly. Sort of funny, we both ended up like this because someone else was in control.

“I guess… we have to get going then. I have to find my clothes,” I said. I started to kneel up again and look at the door. I wasn’t sure what would be out there though.

“You’re going to go out there?!” Haley exclaimed.

I looked back at her to explain, “I don’t know when Nat will be back. I can’t exactly just will her out. Who knows how long till someone could come and find us. I get it if you want to stay here; this is sort of my fault I guess?”

Haley spoke back up, “No! It’s not your fault at all. I shouldn’t have let Nat do that. I’m not going to let you go out there alone either!”

Part of me thought having two naked bodies to spot would make sneaking around tougher, but I honestly could use the moral support of someone helping me. I felt a bit less stranded for once thanks to having someone with me.

Haley and I both then started to move towards the door. We slowly stood up and I looked out of it. I made sure to only open it enough so I could stick my head out.

The hall was empty. It was true there were fewer classes on Fridays, but it still wasn’t going to be easy. I saw that the room number was 229, which meant we were on the second floor. I slipped back into the room. “Ok, I don’t know where for sure Nat went, but it might have been downstairs. When she ditches me, she tries to make it a bit of a trip.”

“Tell me about it,” Haley blurted out. She then quickly looked away. I think she let on more than she attended. I guess leaving Haley naked in public was done regularly. I wasn’t exactly surprised.

I mercifully continued on with my idea, “I think she’d have gone downstairs, and she’d have hidden them somewhere that people might not look right away. She’s learned I hate it when she actually loses my clothing.”

Haley countered my point, “Actually, she was wearing one of her outfits. Though I don’t think she’d want to lose that skirt. I don’t think she’d lose my clothes either. Yet if she hid them where people won’t see them, how will we find them?”

I didn’t have an answer for that. This wasn’t going to be easy. “Maybe somewhere like a bathroom or something? Behind something even? I don’t know really, but it’s our only chance really,” I said. I then approached the door again and looked out. Still no one was in sight.

“You really don’t have to do this Natalie. This was Nat’s and my fault. I should be the one to go and find our clothes,” Haley tried to argue.

I sort of wished I could stay behind, but I knew that wasn’t an option. “I’m not going to leave you alone, and two heads are better than one. We’ll get out of this quicker this way,” I told her.

“So we go to the stairs,” I planned out loud. The dash would be short, but very risky none the less. This was the college I attended, and I was completely naked. I sort of wished this were a high school or something, with at least some type of project or something hung on the walls to use as some make shift cover. However, my boring college had nothing that would be useful for hiding our nudity in sight, the walls as bare as we were. So the naked streak would have to be done.

Haley was near me soon as I willed up my own courage to burst out of the room. The first step was difficult though, my body felt frozen. One reason was the general fear I was experiencing, I didn’t want to expose myself. The other reason though was as embarrassing, and that was my arousal… or should I call it Nat’s? She and Haley had to have been close to finishing up. I felt as if I’d been built pretty close to an orgasm when I woke up, and few of those feelings had actually faded. I tried my best to not let a hand drift between my legs, especially with Haley there to potentially catch me in such an act.

Haley placed her hands on my back and I could tell that meant she was as ready as she was going to be. That was enough for me to set a bare foot into the hallway. The carpeting felt rough on the sole of my foot. This was becoming more and more real every second, and that was making my heart beat faster and faster.

As I got another foot into the hall, and thus truly stepping out of the classroom, each step after the first came faster. My pace snowballed till I was at a jogging speed; reason stepping aside as I instead just chased the goal of the end of the hall.

Haley was close to me, and I tried my best to think, yet I felt like I wouldn’t stop, even if I saw someone anymore. Blood was rushing to my head and I was coming to the realization that I wasn’t of the soundest mind. I don’t know if it was because of how aroused Nat had made us, or if it was because of the situation and panic. All I knew is that I had sort of lost focus of things as I was streaking the halls.

Haley still followed closely and I took that as solace that maybe I wasn’t totally out of my mind. I knew that it was crazy to be completely without clothing in school, but my options were slim, right? Perhaps my doubt was a bit of guilt caused by the conflicting emotions of fear and arousal. I hated the idea that Nat would ever be right, that something like this could be sexually thrilling for me. My body had just had who knows what kind of foreplay done to it before I got control of it; none of this was actually turning me on!

I don’t know why, but I actually stopped when I got to the doors of the stairwell. I turned around and watched Haley run to me. Her hands were wrapped around her chest, leaving her entire lower half bare. I don’t know why I stared… it wasn’t even a thing of lust. I more so was just trying to comprehend the sight of a naked woman in the hallway, seeing something like her womanhood exposed even in this type of environment.

Haley seemed to be a bit brighter than I was at that moment, she opened the doors. Neither of us checked though if the stairs were empty when we both huddled through the doorway.

The other side of the doors was thankfully deserted. On the far side of the stairwell, the entire thing was glass, a window facing outside. We were on the second floor, so no one would be able to see us most likely at this angle. That’s when I realized just how difficult our next step was, the walk down the stairs would leave us exposed to the parking lot as we would approach the glass!

Haley had her hands on her knees, hunched over and out of breath. I thought it a bit odd, as our run was just a few rooms in length, but I was a bit winded as well. I hoped it was just the fact that our hearts were working double time, but I had a feeling that she and I were stuck in the predicament of being unsatisfied… sexually… still.

Trying to shoo those thoughts from my mind, I was ready to get us moving, knowing we couldn’t linger. Before I could inspire Haley to move on, I noticed a look in her eyes as she stared at me… or rather my body. Natalie and I may be different people, but I suppose at a time like this I was a person in the body of her naked girlfriend. I couldn’t let that get in the way of our salvation though. “Come on, we have to keep going,” I commanded Haley, trying to ignore what was probably a look of lust on her face. For some reason, just a bit of sternness in my voice got her to moan in annoyance, but start moving anyways. She was actually ahead of me and going down the stairs in no time. Again I wondered what kind of relationship she and Nat had.

I followed her, but flinched after a few steps. Again I’d forgotten about the windows, and I realized as we got closer, the higher the risk of being caught. I tried covering my breasts and pussy when I got closer, slowing down as Haley marched forward still. I guess my commanding voice was enough of inspiration for her to risk the exposure. I was more hesitant though.

The stairs were in two segments, one half that led towards the window, and the second half led away from them. This meant that I would be at the greatest risk when we were halfway. It didn’t help my resolve to move forward when I spotted my reflection. Ahead of me I saw myself, the timid girl covering her nakedness in the college stairwell. I could see a few cars scattered in the lot too, knowing for sure now that it couldn’t possibly just be Haley and I there that day.

Haley had stopped and looked at me. She seemed to not want to move on without me. I couldn’t believe she stopped right on the middle landing, right near the window! I was at least happy she was waiting for me, but surprised just how obedient she was as well. I didn’t want to leave her hanging there, so I took a few more steps. Satisfied in the thought that I was coming, Haley moved forward again, readying to turn down the stairs.

I tried quickening my pace, but I nearly stumbled. I felt a bit lightheaded suddenly. My eyes were heavy, and I felt like I was going to pass out. I knew this wasn’t my nerves getting to me though… this was Nat!

I put my hands out in front of me for a second and was able to stop from falling thanks to the glass in front of me. I wanted to scream out in horror, realizing my whole naked front side was now inches from the glass, and surely exposed to anyone who might be out there, but I was now powerless. I had to hope Nat would be kind to Haley and I and help us out of this before someone saw us!

Jappio 11-14-2014 12:46 AM

Nat / alie 2: ‘Walking in on them’
Part 2 - Nat

By Jappio

I was greeted to a wonderful sight as I woke up! Ahead of me was a woman, naked. Her breasts were heaving, and her face was one of a girl who was going through a lot! Her legs were wobbly, and spread just enough to spy a pair of lips.

I could even see another naked girl over the shoulder of this one. I recognized them both; they were my girlfriend and I! I smirked as Haley approached me, and I started to stand.

“Are you Ok Natalie? Did you f-” she began to say. I cut her off though by spinning around and pulling her to me. She easily let me spin her around too, and soon I was spooning behind her. “Natalie?” she asked. I only giggled as I let both my hands cup her pert little breasts. I was happy to see her nipples were possibly harder than when I left her.

“Mmm,” she moaned sweetly, trying her best to stifle the noise. “Nat?!” She asked exclaimed. She wasn’t expecting me I guess.

“The one and only,” I remarked. “Have you been having fun?”

Before she could answer, I looked around. I noticed the window overlooking the parking lot. Very kinky I thought, though I doubt people like Natalie and Haley did it by choice. It was good luck to catch them now regardless, here in front of the window!

“Why did you leave us like that? That was horrible!” Haley interjected with some fake indignation. I know her too well to assume she really felt mistreated. It took just a few simple tweaks of her hard nipples to prove otherwise to her. “Well, ok, not totally horrible, but it was mean still,” she admitted.

I was happy I knew Haley so well. She may be easy to embarrass (a trait I do so love), but she also is a glutton for my games. Haley reacts so well to feeling vulnerable; leaving her naked in school was a great choice.

“So, why here, were you and Natalie hoping someone would see you?” I asked. The cute little darling in my arms then yelped lightly, realizing we were indeed still posed in front of the window. She tried to struggle away, but I just swiveled her till she was pointed towards the outside.

“Nooo Nat… not like that. We were trying to find our clothes!” Though I knew she was sincere, I wasn’t going to pass up the chance to tease her. I let one of my hands trail down to her stomach. Surely that would remind her just how exposed she was, no cloth between her breasts and stomach. I used just a light, almost tickling touch to get her going.

“I think you assumed this would be the way to go so you could expose yourself to this window!” I accused her.

“No, not like that! No, stop it!” She begged. She also moaned it. I was sure she had yet to find relief since I left.

That’s when I realized my own arousal. I could hardly believe I hadn’t noticed it! My nipples were practically boring into Haley’s back. I pushed my hips forward, and my lips found the smooth skin of Haley’s butt. I could just barely get some stimulation that way, enough to really feel what was going on. Seems that Natalie got even more turned on then how I left her!

“So, perhaps Natalie was the one who suggested you go this way? I’m surprised you two were able to keep your hands off each other. I mean, unless this is where you wanted to have a round two, and Natalie already caught you giving into your desires!” I lowered my hand at this point, finding her bare pelvis. I knew thanks to the reflections my fingers were centimeters from her sex.

“No! That was so embarrassing the way you let her see me! I mean, how was I supposed to explain any of this?” Haley asked. She kept looking out into the lot, seeing if anyone had seen us yet. No one was walking past though, unable to see my cute girlfriend sadly.

I knew this left even more room to completely embarrass Haley. “You tell Natalie next time that you were naked here at the school cause it drives you wild! Tell her how you love to be left vulnerable at my mercy, how it gets you gushing!” I knew my choice of language would really drive my point home when I dipped just a single finger lower, slipping between her folds slightly. “You’re even more drenched now than before after all.”

I almost felt bad. Haley couldn’t suppress her cute moans of desire after that. Her hips even gyrated, trying to grind against my finger. I instead moved my hand to a thigh, making sure they kept her legs open so she could continue to feel the open air on her puffy lips.

Plans formed in my head at that moment. Haley was my own little play thing right now and I knew how I could take advantage of that. First plan was to get her very close to the edge though! That wouldn’t be hard with how close she was already!

Haley didn’t put up much of a fight as I took my hands off her body and insisted she move forwards. This brought her towards the glass, and I felt her shiver the moment her hot nipples touched the cool glass. I would have paid a lot of money to somehow be able to see this view from the other side of the glass, but I wasn’t going to go out and look when I had such fun planned now.

“Haley, you’re pretty desperate right now, yes?” I asked. I had stepped to the side a bit, happy to let myself be in view of the lot too. I could only imagine how hot this might look, two naked coeds in the college, pretty much doing it then and there.

Haley had to catch her breath. It didn’t help that I started to rub her thighs, keeping her legs still parted as she was intimately close with the glass. “I… yeah… please…”

I knew exactly what the naked beauty besides me wanted. Again, I almost felt sorry, I’d been cruel, but such denial would only make things sweeter for her, and I knew it.

“You get your desired prize, that oh so grand…”I ran my fingers along her slit, gathering juices on my finger. She nearly fell over backwards from the touch. “orgasm,” I finished.

“Yet I come first today. You do not cum till I cum. You understand?” She nodded. “Now you know how much I love it out in public…” I was now whispering in her ear, knowing that the warmth of my breath was all too familiar to her. I then began to pull her from the glass. I wanted to expose her for longer, but the next stage of my plan had to start.

“How I love it when you and I are shed of our clothing… For us to be far from any cover. It’s all the way gone in the car you know?” I let slip my hiding spot of their clothes. The two had earned it, and I didn’t exactly want to wake up in jail if they weren’t clever enough to get out of this the right way!

Haley seemed to bitter-sweetly love the idea the clothes were in the car. That left her stranded naked in the school itself. This act of kindness would also help ease Haley into a false sense of security.

I was now about to sit down, and held onto Haley’s hand so she could follow me to the floor. I spread my legs, letting my other hand coast across my slick folds. Her eyes were wide as she watched me touch myself. I was very proud she had not been touching herself yet. She took my words seriously, which was good.

“Haley, you will make sure you bring me to orgasm before you enjoy yourself at all. I want to taste you at your most absolute need, but I need to be cleared of my own horniness. Now, here at school in front of the window…” I began to lean back on my elbows, my legs wide and on either side of Haley. She looked down at my aching pussy, knowing what to do. Haley would listen to my commands, she would surely not allow herself to cum till her tongue made me cum first.

This new plan of mine was cruel. I’d have to be careful, or else I could mess it up in a second. I considered throwing my plan away, to instead let her feast upon me. I did desperately want it; I was as wet as Haley! Yet somehow I said no, and I closed my eyes.

Haley’s tiny kisses at my thighs were heavenly. She was being an absolute treat, and I knew I’d owe her after all this. Time for the final phase of my plan though... as Haley got closer to my quivering and soaking skin… I drifted off for Natalie to pick up where they left off before I interrupted… mostly!

Jappio 11-14-2014 12:48 AM

Nat / alie 2: ‘Walking in on them’
Part 3 - Natalie

By Jappio

As soon as I tried to sit up, I fell back to the surface behind my back. I let out a low moan, there was this wonderful feeling welling up within me. I wasn’t able to say what at first, but I didn’t care. I can hardly think of a time that I woke up feeling quite this good.

Moments later I realized what the feeling was, and it was arousal, arousal that was incredibly near its peak. Again I moaned, the feeling being exquisite in every way possible.

However, that’s when more thoughts began to form. I could tell that I was not bringing myself to this point; it was almost as if it was automatic. My hands were balled up at my sides, and not the ones touching my body. Then I felt the tiny feeling of something at my thighs, a tender feeling. Every other second a soft and soothing kiss would be planted on my skin, rising higher.

“Just a bit higher, just a bit more,” I thought to myself. My body knew exactly what it wanted; it wanted the feeling between my legs; it wanted that feeling to be atop my pulsing lips!

Suddenly it all came crashing down me what was happening. I was not in a relationship with anyone, and so there was no reason someone should have their lips pressed to my thighs!

The feeling was so intoxicating that I didn’t try to stop it at first. I instead leaned up and finally opened my eyes and saw what was happening. Before me was a naked woman with red hair, on her hands and knees between my wide spread legs. I was naked too, and seated on the middle landing of a stairwell of my college!

“Haley?!” I called out in shock, finally realizing that was who was between my legs. Haley didn’t stop though, and instead kissed me again. She was so close to the area where my legs met, that I could feel strands of her hair on my private place.

Again, I called her name, “Haley!” Honestly though, it came out more as a moan. I also put my hands on her head, but I felt my body fight my next intended action. I was going to push her head away, but I could feel her breath on my lips, and they wanted to feel more than that.

Haley looked up, as if she could tell something was different. We locked eyes in that moment, and I think I noticed her starting to figure it out.

With us looking at each other, it was easy for me to see her eyes slowly crawl back down my body. I saw the way they hungrily followed my skin. I saw her glance at my hard nipples that were practically wiggling on their own in the open air. She was watching my chest rise and lower with my heavy breaths, every now and again my ribs showing slightly through my skin. I think she could tell just how shocked I was with the way my stomach was sucked in. She then even stared right between my legs, right back at what was surely her goal seconds ago.

An awkward silence fell over us then. Both of us were looking in the same area, we were both measuring that gap between her mouth and my pussy. Even I could see just enough of their curve to tell how they actually almost glistened, how pink and nearly red they were with desire. As I breathed, it was like my folds would open up ever so slightly. My body would shiver each time Haley let out her own breath.

Why wasn’t I moving? Was I daring Haley to eat me out? Did I want that? Would I let her cheat on Nat? Did I not care? Did Nat want this? I couldn’t imagine what Haley was feeling even.

Haley actually pulled away on her won. I could tell it took a lot of will power. She seemed just as needy for some reason.

Haley sat to the side on her knees, trying to compose herself. She wanted to say something to me.

I was still trying to control myself. I am not kidding when I say I’ve never been this close to an orgasm without going over. It took a lot to not do something about it.

I then realized where I was. With so much blood rushing to my head, I’m surprised I didn’t feint. My legs were still spread wide, exposing me greatly to the window that overlooked the parking lot. I didn’t see anyone thank good, but I was quick to clamp my legs shut. The feeling of my thighs pressing though nearly sent me over the edge, but I tried to stop that from happening in front of Haley and anyone who might be looking in I didn’t notice.

Realistically, I was low enough that anyone outside wouldn’t have the right angle to see me, but my judgment was clouded. I still turned around and sat on the stairs heading down, putting more space between the window and me.

“Natalie… I take it you’re back?” Haley asked finally. She was clearly trying to make it sound like a joke, but I could tell just how nervous she was. This was now the second time I caught her trying to be quite intimate with Nat! I also could swear she sounded a bit disappointed.

I was still trying to get my breathing in order. I managed to squeak out a, “yeah.” I looked back at her, and gave her a bit of a smile, not wanting her to think I was hurt. Honestly, I could feel so much embarrassment in that moment, but the heat it was bringing to my face was still outshined by the fire between my legs.

“Get a hold of yourself Natalie… you can’t give in now. Haley is right there! You’re in your school for frick’s sake!” I told myself. I wasn’t sure what exactly happened. It seemed in mid-sex... Nat actually gave me control back. Was she hoping that Haley would bring me off? Was it just so Haley could get a very embarrassing close look at me being more aroused than ever? I wasn’t sure at all, but thinking about it wasn’t calming me down either!

“Oh!” Haley exclaimed, trying to change the subject from the moment that just passed! “Natalie said where our clothes are! They’re in the car!”

For a moment I was happy. I was very glad to hear that Haley somehow got some information out of Nat to help us. However, it dawned on me what that meant. The car the three of us shared we keep in the college parking lot. It sucks on rainy days, but we figure the parking there would be free for us, and it was a short enough walk if we needed to drive. It beat parking on the side of the road. However, our clothes being in the car meant we had to trek naked outside!

Haley and I were both probably suffering from one of our most embarrassing encounters to date. She seemed to want to ignore it happening, and was on her feet in seconds. She quickly dashed to my side and bounded down the stairs. “Let’s hurry and get home!” her voice had a tone of nervousness, but she seemed fueled by something.

I got up too, though my legs were quite shaky. After just a few steps down, I was worried I was going to fall! I bit my lip, considering my options. I was wondering if I could resist temptation much longer.

At the bottom of the stairs, Haley had stopped to look out the door. “I think I see an open door down there… someone has a class down here. Maybe we should wait to make sure no one is coming out this second,” Haley reasoned. I wasn’t able to concentrate much on the idea, as I was leaning up against a wall, still struggling with self control.

I was breathing heavy again, and I decided to cross my arms below my breasts. With every breath I felt my breasts ease onto my arms, and that was erotic, even in this moment. I still felt very vulnerable, very easy to have my desires accessed. I was naked, and so few physical walls were in the way to handle my arousal.

Again I thought about where I was, who I was with, but I started to think “I can’t really stop it, can I? Maybe if I took control into my own hands…”

I then looked at Haley. I felt a bit guilty, because I was looking at her as more than a friend. I was thinking about where she was seconds ago… how she seemed so eager to please my body. No, I wasn’t going to ask her to have sex with me, but I was thinking how she and I were stuck in the same situation. Her breathing was heavy, her nipples were hard… and her legs were too closed to see between them, but I had this mental image of her having obvious signs of arousal between her legs as well.

Those thoughts only made my own sensitive areas pulse. It was inevitable, right? I was going to not make it. I was going to make it at least sound like it was on my own terms, and not my body’s!

Without thinking, I spoke to Haley, “Haley… we’re sort of in a bit of a bind… yeah?”

Breathily Haley responded, “yeah… yeah we are…” She definitely sounded as distracted as I was.

“So… I mean… if you don’t mind… maybe we should… um get rid of a bit of a distraction? I mean, finish what Nat didn’t… rather…” I was starting to ramble and my face felt as if it was burning. “I guess I’m just saying we should probably clear our heads some? Um… you know, turn our backs to each other… and do things… and never speak of them again.”

Haley’s gaze first went to the floor. I could tell she was thinking about it. She then began to wiggle her hips, she was honestly considering it! I was feeling a lot better knowing that I was right, I wasn’t the only one like this, and it felt good to know I wasn’t like weird or something.

Haley looked back up, her eyes watched my body. I felt incredibly vulnerable again… was she perhaps considering asking more from me?! She even licked her lips at one point, but I can only assume it was subconscious.

“I… I can’t… sorry Natalie… I sort of… well…” It was in that moment I saw her hand move to her thigh as she sensually rubbed it, a few fingers grazing higher. She was nearly touching herself as she was turning me down! She then tore her hand away. “Yeah… no… we shouldn’t… Sorry, I really am. I normally would take you up on that offer… but there’s something that has my hands sort of tied on the matter.”

I could tell that Haley was sincere, she wasn’t one to lie. However, I was feeling even more embarrassed now! I just offered to masturbate in the same room as one of my best friends! I offered we both do it because I asserted we were both so consumed by our arousal! My blush never felt hotter than it did in that moment!

Now it was my turn again to act out of wanting an awkward moment to end! I quickly stepped towards the door, looked out. “We could wait, but um, maybe that would be worse, someone could come, let’s just hurry instead!”

I opened the door, and we were now exposed to the lower hall. Haley lightly squealed as she used her arms to hide her naked body. No one was there, but I felt as she did. I wasn’t thinking through my actions again, so I ended up trying to cover up too.

Both of us were desperate to end this. Haley seemed to have her reasons to wait to attend to other business, but I could still sense she was desperate. She was the first to turn to our right and look at the exit doors. I suppose that was the perk to where Nat hid the clothes; we didn’t have to spend longer in the college halls at least!

We both sprinted to the door, and each opened one on each side. The clouds were covering the sun at this time, so thankfully it wasn’t too bright out. Ahead of us was the mostly empty parking lot though.

I worried more about how Nat did this before. She wasn’t exactly one to hide our body, and this made me wonder if she could have crossed this place without being caught? I worried if someone saw her streak into the school!

The present was more important though, and Haley still seemed ready to charge forward. I took the first step, wanting this embarrassing episode to end. We then began to run out into the lot!

The lot had a few scattered cars, sadly not enough to really use as consistent cover, we’d be dashing out in open air, one way or the other. I think Haley was clocked out now, her eyes only on our car ahead. I did look both ways, and was glad to see we were the only ones in sight… though that’s a bit wrong, I wasn’t exactly pleased we were in sight, rather at least no one else could see us!

Haley had gotten a lead ahead of me and I did my best to keep up. My legs were still wobbly, and I wasn’t making as good of time as I would like. Really, I wanted to be in that car that very instant, but it wasn’t happening.

I don’t know why, but when Haley first got to the car, she just turned around and leaned against it. She was looking out to me, she was waiting. Part of me worried she was wanted to see me, or at least Nat’s body, running naked in the lot. It definitely seemed this was in some way a kink the two shared. However, I think she was just waiting for me, as if it would be rude to go in first.

I didn’t question it as I dove to the door handle, flinging the car’s door open and getting inside. I sat my naked butt on the seat, a feeling that sadly wasn’t new thanks to Nat’s past pranks. I frantically looked around for our clothes.

“Pop the trunk! She likes hiding them in there,” Haley called out; she still hadn’t entered the car! I found the switch for it, and Haley ran around behind the car. That’s when I heard honking and I quickly ducked in my seat!

I tried looking up out of the window, but I couldn’t see much. I heard another honk, and it came from a car driving by. They were probably checking Haley out!

I wanted to save her, but I didn’t know what to do. My body was frozen to the spot.

Moments later, a very red faced Haley jumped into the passenger seat of the car! I was nearly scared half to death. She now had on what looked like a skirt and a tank top. I didn’t get to ask questions as she jammed the key into the ignition! “Drive!” she demanded.

I was still naked, and not sure what was happening, but I did as I was told. I sat up a bit more, and put the car into drive. I then could see that the other car had stopped and there were clearly people inside looking our way. I quickly took off, heading out of the parking lot, with no real goal in mind!

“Oh my god, they saw me as I was changing! I had just put my foot into the skirt when they first honked; I nearly died from the shock!”

“Me too! You don’t think they saw me?” I asked. I was already a block away now, not even really thinking about the fact I was still naked.

Haley shook her head. “I probably distracted them too much,” Haley said. I then looked at her and realized her top and skirt were not the most modest. The skirt was short, and her quick entering of the car had left it bunched up at her waist, revealing all. The shirt was nearly see-through, and it was easy to make out Haley’s hard nipples. I hoped Nat hadn’t been so cruel as to make Haley normally wear all that without underwear… but I’m pretty sure Nat probably did.

My own nudity was then very obvious! I don’t know if any other driver had gotten a look, but now over a block away from the college, I made sure to park on the side of the street and duck down again.

“My clothes?” I asked meekly.

“Shit! Go pop the trunk, I can get them for-” she began to say as I suddenly grabbed her arm to stop her.

It wasn’t that I didn’t want clothes, but I realized it was pointless. Again, my eyelids had grown heavy. Nat was coming back! I didn’t know if I could trust Nat naked, in the driver seat of the car with her still nearly naked girlfriend nearby… but I didn’t have a choice.

“Haley… um… you might want to stay here for now… Sorry about interrupting before… but maybe this time you and Nat can finish…” I embarrassingly offered. I hoped that they’d wait till they got home, that Nat would cover up… but that seemed unlikely. “Just… don’t let her do anything too nuts…” I said.

Before finally blacking out, I did hear Haley offer a, “thank you.” I was sort of jealous of what Nat was going to get any second, what our body hadn’t stopped demanding for awhile, but really that was a moment for Haley and Nat to share privately!

The End

(If a mod who happens to read this would like to do me a favor... add something in my first post like "Sequel stories down below." or something to the top of the story, that would be great. I don't normally include sequels in the same thread, and I worry a bit that maybe some past readers might not check back in here.)

Desril 11-22-2014 02:35 AM

Oh wow, I didn't know this got updated! Now I have another excellent Jappio story to read tomorrow!

shadow691 11-22-2014 10:49 PM

Hey Jappio, I will try to read this story some time for sure.

BlueCookies 11-23-2014 12:37 PM

So excited you started the story up again! It was a great sequel!!

shadow691 12-21-2014 02:03 PM

I just read it. It was pretty good, I'm surprised that there aren't more comments.

seekerofsoulz95 04-03-2015 07:18 AM

Awesome work as always
You are one of the best enf writers i know and your work is everywhere. keep it up bro. can't wait to read more of your work

Jappio 04-22-2015 11:42 PM

(Been a bit, but here is the third story. I would love it if a mod could put in the title something like "New story posted as of 4/23" or something like that.)

Nat / alie 3: Shopping for Two
By Jappio

Part 1a (Nat)

I parked my car so I’d have an open space next to me. I waited there for a few seconds… hoping someone else would park nearby or someone would come out of the mall. I was in luck, as a gentleman stepped out of the building and was walking down this aisle of cars.

Once he was close enough, I opened my car door. I swiveled my legs to the side and let them dangle over the pavement for a second. The wind was acting up already, and I paused to try and push my hair out of my eyes.

This of course left my tiny little skirt to flap about some too, and with how much I let it ride up on the car ride over, meant that the man heading my way would have a great view of my total lack of underwear today! That, in a way, was what I came to the mall to fix.

I of course own a naughty collection of cotton and lace already, so it wasn’t dire. Being without panties at this time was of course a conscious decision I made. Today I was going to have some fun showing off.

For the longest time I’ve loved showing off. I like when people stare or notice me. I like the way I can leave them speechless. There’s this tantalizing rush that comes with it all, something that excites me both mentally and physically. Even then, as I hopped out of my car, knowing someone could be looking at my pussy.

Natalie, my other half, hates that I do this stuff. She wants to keep our body hidden. Perhaps that just adds more thrill to it, being told to not do this. I love how flustered her friends describe her after we switch places. Today though, I just wanted some time to myself… well time to myself and everyone else lucky enough to catch a glimpse under my skirt!

I made sure not to look at the man, I didn’t want to let on I was showing off. I know just how much more some people like this stuff when they think it’s luck. So with the wind still kicking and pulling at my skirt, I turned towards the inside of my car and reached in… I had to get my backpack on the passenger seat.

The whole time, I’m bent at the waist and my butt is out behind me, my hips swaying slightly as I pretend to struggle to get a hold of my pack. I can feel the hem of the skirt leave by butt, surely exposing both my cheeks. I probably was showing a bit of my lips between my slightly parted legs in the process as well.

I didn’t want to ham it up too much out there, so I do dragged my backpack from the car and put my arms through the loops. With it secured, I turn and walked my way to the mall. I couldn’t help but glance at the man as I passed him. From where he was standing, I was sure he had stopped to stare. He also had this nervous smile on his face. He even tried to get a look down my shirt… which, by the way, was a simple blue blouse with the top three buttons undone, showing some cleavage.

I didn’t touch my skirt, so it still flapped about. I was sure he would get a few more looks at my bare cheeks peeking out as I walked away, if he dared to try and look. I wasn’t about to turn and catch him in the act… I of course wanted him to think he could get away with it.

At the doors to the mall, I stepped inside. Though I came during a slower time of the day, there were still plenty of people milling about. I was happy to see I would have many people to have fun with.

With my back to a nearby wall, I pretend to be resting. I didn’t want anyone seeing me set up my next game. The mall itself obviously didn’t have the same winds as the outdoors, and skipping about in such a short skirt would look a bit too tacky for my tastes.

I instead started to pull the back hem of my skirt up. Soon I could feel my butt come into contact with the wall behind me. It was devilishly fun to feel something like the wall on my bare skin, but there was more to my plan. You see, my backpack is special. I call it my ‘exhibitionist kit’. It aids me in some of my games, and today I was going to do a classic with it.

Perhaps some of you have been lucky to see this type of scene… a girl walking about not paying much mind to the fact that the back of her skirt got caught in a waistband or something like that. My kit was going to be pinching my little skirt above my butt… leaving my whole backside bare! Surely it would look like an accident to most.

So with my plan set in motion, I moved away from the wall and into the mall proper. I started to pass by the shops, and pass by people who would hopefully be wise and lucky enough to look my way as I sauntered along.

It was very fun, not really knowing if anyone was looking. Again, I wasn’t going to turn around and catch anyone staring, I wanted to remain oblivious to the supposed bad luck that had befallen me. Everyone ahead of me had no clue, and no one behind me was rushing to warn me, hehe.

Sadly, good things do come to a close at times. A woman did speed up to approach me. “Miss… um you may want to fix your skirt, your backpack is sort of being a bit rude,” the woman tried to politely warn me.

If my fun was getting cut short, I was going to milk the situation. “What do you mean? Someone didn’t put a note on it, did they?” I asked as I started to swivel my body to look at the pack. This though just meant I was shaking my ass for those who were looking my way!

The nice woman started to speak up again, but clearly was feeling a bit awkward about the situation, “um, no, it’s trapped under your backpack.” The explanation was sadly clear now, so I had to react somewhat accordingly, but I wasn’t about to cover up yet!

First I acted being in denial. “No way!” I exclaimed as I brought both my hands around to check for myself. Of course I was able to put my hands on my bare bottom, and that’s when I let my eyes shoot wide in fake shock.

The woman now had an apologetic look as I quickly looked around, seeing exactly who all was looking. I was happy to see that there were a few heads turned my way. Ever the performer, I quickly tried to turn away when I caught the stares of those who were directly behind. Yes, of course that meant I just mooned anyone who wasn’t behind me, but that sort of was the point, hehe!

Finally, I couldn’t appear to be a total ditz, so my hands did finally tug the tiny skirt down. I then stood there, looking at my feet… not to hide a blushing face, but to try and make sure no one could see a grin that was attempting to overtake my face!

The woman apologized, though she didn’t exactly have to, at least not unless she knew I did it on purpose. I still stood there, occasionally looking up. I still had people looking my way, I mean I was completely commando under a short skirt, and I think they were hoping for another look.

In those cases, I don’t want to appear a show off, so I do carefully start to walk away, and towards my next plan. The little stunt with the skirt was just the warm up if the real thrill of the day!

Down just a few more stores was a nice little lingerie shop I’ve scoped out before. They have the loveliest sets of underwear, the kind you would very much want to have someone see you in! Not that at the moment I wanted the cover, but lingerie shops can be quite the place to fluster people.

Stepping inside, I was already planning out my stunt. Two girls were working the place, and I was happy to see that it looked like they’re day had been boring so far. One was paging away at some magazine, while another was straightening some display. I knew then just how fun it would be to bring some excitement to their day!

“Could I get someone’s help while I shop?” I asked as I approached the two. The sort of goth chick with the magazine only looked up once and then looked back down. The other hadn’t even noticed I came in either it seemed, so she seemed a little startled by my request. She was however much more helpful.

“I can miss, is there something I can help you find?” the girl sweetly responded. I think I was going to like her, she seemed the exact type of ‘victim’ I would like to have for my fun.

“Well, it’s a bit embarrassing, but…” I looked over at the one with her nose buried in the magazine, as if making sure she wasn’t actually paying attention. I didn’t mind one way or the other, but it made sure I could fit the role. “I really need something to wear… I was going to surprise my girlfriend with something else, but I think I’ve had a change of heart,” I explained.

Now, my girlfriend Haley, for those who don’t know, is a wonderful lady. However, the story was mostly made up. Yes, I would like to get something I could wear to excite her some, but I really was just there for the exhibitionist thrill. That being said, Haley is a wonderful girl who supports my fetish. She loves it when I come home and tell her how I got people all flustered looking at my body. She comes with usually, but she was busy at school this particular day.

“I think I understand. Nothing to be embarrassed about, I’m sure we can find something nice for you two to share,” the sweet girl offered. I’m sure a lot of girls who are shy ask for a bit of help from the workers. I just wanted someone to rile up.

She asked me if I had any basic ideas, and so I decided to explain as we walked away from the counter and towards the racks, “you see… she’s sort of really into… well she likes looking at me I guess. I think she wants something that shows a lot off or draws attention.”

The woman gave a warm smile, trying to be welcoming. “Well, I think I can help out a bit with that.”

As we got away, I decided to deal my first blow to her, the first thing to catch her off guard. “Yeah, it’s really embarrassing, but this skirt was sort of her idea you know… it’s so short…” My explanation instantly caught her attention as she did look down my skirt.

As she watched, I pinched the hem at my hip and began to lift it up on one side! More and more, bare flesh was shown, and I could tell she was just waiting and waiting to see what kind of panties I would supposedly already have on! Of course, there were no panties to see. So, I kept lifting until I got to the waistband, my entire bare hip, part of my bare lap, and nearly my lips were on show! The sweet girl’s mouth had been dropping at just about the same pace that my skirt had been rising!

“I thought she’d be thrilled to see me without anything… but I’m losing my nerve and I think she might also sort of enjoy… you know… unwrapping her gift too,” I finished. I avoided eye contact as much as possible. You never want to seem too forward.

“Oh sure… I understand… yeah, it’s pretty risky to walk around like that, so we can find you something,” the girl nearly gasped out. Hook, line, and sinker! She was definitely the type! Though I was the one nearly exposed, it was her face that was turning red.

I’m not sure if she caught on as we pawed away at the dainty bits of cotton and silk. Every time she’d show me something, I would almost always suggest something else, something a bit more risqué. I could tell she was probably trying to find stuff that would be easier for a shy girl, something more appropriate for a short skirt, but I of course didn’t actually need something meant for modesty.

After picking out a few things, I asked her to show me to the changing room; which she did. Off to the side of the store was an entrance way to a small room. Inside, there were two cubicles with curtains, and a sitting area. I brought my potential purchases to the room.

“If you need anything else, do not be afraid to ask,” she reminded me as she was about to leave.

“Wait,” I stopped her from going. “I could use a bit more help. Normally, my girlfriend helps me out with this sort of thing. I really don’t know what she might actually like on me. Would you mind staying?”

Now, it’s never easy to try and do this sort of thing without being overly overt in my intentions. I tried to look away, and avoid eye contact, as if the question had been difficult. At the same time, I wanted to see the look on her face! Every glance I took, I saw her face was read, as she was trying to decide what to do. Either girls don’t normally ask for help in that regard, or she was still new here. She had this wonderful air of innocence that I loved teasing!

Of course, she was going to be a good employee, and she agreed, “I’ll help you out miss, I suppose. If you wanted to step inside and you can call me over when you want me to look.”

Now, when I stepped into the little box, I was very tempted to not close the curtain behind me. However, I was going to take things slow, so I instead shut it behind me. I was happy to see myself in the mirror, just a thin outer layer at all hiding me. I playfully lifted my skirt and flashed myself. I knew soon that my assistant was going to see plenty of that!

I picked up probably the tamest of things picked out; it was a bikini cut pair of white panties, with some lacing. The fabric was soft and thin though, and surely not an everyday thing. Again, trying to pace myself, I pulled them up my legs and kept my skirt on.

I opened up the curtain, and found the sweet thing waiting for me. She was being a very good employee, so I was glad to be rewarding her with a bit of fun!

“Ok… tell me how they look…” I meekly asked, as my hands shakily grabbed the hem of my skirt. Before I could even lift it far, I saw her look over her shoulder out into the store, as if making sure no one caught me flashing her!

When she looked back, I’d gotten the hem up and exposed the lacy, white garment to her. Her eyes grew a bit wide as she was seeing my womanhood wrapped in the white fabric. The red from her face did not fade as she checked me out. I could feel my own heart rate increase, having this stranger look at me so intently.

“You look good in those…” she said.

I kept my skirt up as I looked down at myself, shifting my hips to get a few different angles. “You really think? I don’t know if she’ll like it at all.”

Then, just as I was fishing for, “you look great, she’d love it!” She almost sounded panicked, as if not wanting to offend me. I loved just how cute she was.

“I should probably try the bra though, one second,” I said excusing myself. My quick rush into the cubicle meant I had an excuse to leave just an inch of the curtain open. I only had to glance once to know that she was indeed spying me through the gap!

My fingers flew to my buttons, and I started to take off my shirt. This left me topless, and if my assistant were smart, she’d be able to see my bare breasts in the mirror! I got out the matching bra and inspected it. It was time for my second step as I put my arms through it.

“Miss, would you come in here and help me fasten me?” I asked, trying to sound as if having trouble with it.

Jappio 04-22-2015 11:44 PM

Nat / alie 3: Shopping for Two
By Jappio

Part 1b (Nat)

The salesgirl hesitantly walked up to the curtain and slipped inside. I watched as she got a close look at my breasts barely contained in the loose bra. I thanked her and turned my back to her, very aware of how close we were in the small room. As she did up the bra, I did my best to not pay attention to her, but I think she was looking over my shoulder and watching the way my breasts lifted as the bra was pulled tight. I loved the idea that her vision was perhaps lost in the cleavage the bra was aiding with.

With the bra set, I was now officially in a full set of underwear for the first time that day, hehe. I asked the sweet girl to step back a bit and I turned. I then lifted my skirt again, this time with no warning, and had her look at the set. I could actually see her head tilt up and down to get a good look.

“Could you maybe back up some… I have a feeling when my girlfriend sees it, she won’t be up close right away. She will probably have me put on a show,” though honestly I was the one who wanted to put on a show.

The assistant looked outside the curtain first. “Are you sure?”

I knew what I had to ask, “is there anyone out there?”

“No, not right now,” she answered.

I took a moment to pretend to be thinking. “I need to get this right, so yes, I’m sure. Let’s hurry before anyone else sees me in these embarrassing things.” So my assistant backed out of the changing cubicle and I let the curtain stay open. I stood there in the bra and my skirt raised to show off the panties.

“How is it?” I asked, feigning some more insecurity. I knew from her staring that the view was great!

“Like before, you look really good in those. I bet she’ll love you like that,” she said. She also still wore that sweet smile I loved.

I then fiddled with the waistband of the skirt. “She’s not going to keep me like this for long though, she’s going to want to get the skirt off as soon as possible I bet, one second…” I then let the skirt fall to my ankles! The sales girl was shocked, to say the least, as I stepped out of it. I approached the curtain, looking around. “Hurry, what do you think?” I asked, as if I actually was worried someone else might see.

Again, the girl studied me, and I could tell she liked it. “It’s good, really,” she said, seeming to be a bit concerned that I did just strip to just underwear in public!

I gave her a smile back, appreciating she liked it. “I’ll try something else then, see if maybe something might be better for her,” I turned and only shut the curtain about halfway.

I bent over to dig through the other sets I had gotten. Next up, I picked a small black thong and matching bra. I knew the whole time I was bent over that she was getting a extended view of my butt wrapped up in that white fabric, but she was about to get a better look at it!

I watched myself in my mirror for the next step, trying to not catch the gaze of my assistant. I enjoyed watching myself reaching for the waistband of the white cloth. I loved seeing it pull away from my body, my reflection possibly flashing a few tufts of my brunette hair poised above my lips. I made my move quick, not wanting her to actually see just how puffy they were becoming. I was alread getting quite turned on, and had at least three more things to wear!

The black thong slid up my legs fine, and at no point since the white panties came down did my butt ever truly hide from view. The thong was thin in back of course, leaving plenty of bare flesh as I adjusted the tiny fabric. Pretending to still not notice my voyeur, I turned around and stuck my butt out towards the mirror, looking at myself. I love the way the thong looked on me, and I loved even more the way the woman looked at me. Again I was able to steal a glance of her looking, I couldn’t help myself.

I stood back up, and called for her again, “miss, a bit more help with the bra again.”

This time she stepped in sooner than last time, obviously getting a bit more of a hang of the situation. I knew I would have to do my best to shake her of any confidence she might be building, hehe!

“Would you mind undoing the white one and helping me with the black one… this is so embarrassing, but I could use the help,” I explained. I turned my back to her as she was given free reign to strip me topless!

She was hesitant understandable, but her fingers did find the metal latch. She stopped for a moment, as the cups fell just a bit away from my now very hard nipples, my exposure so close to happening. I tried looking nowhere, but I really wanted to watch all of this as well!

She eased the bra down my arms, and this is when my bare breasts came into total view. She was treated to the sight of their round form and pink nipples. She tried not to stare, but with me seemingly not paying attention, she did take opportunities to look at them. She was doing her best to be professional still, and picked up the matching black bra for the set and helped me into it.

“If no one is around, if you could step back again…” I asked, my hands moving to try and cover the underwear. I wasn’t actually embarrassed, but this one was more showing then the last, and I loved acting as the shyer girl. The sweet girl again looked out and told me the coast was clear. She then stepped away from me.

I slowly moved my hands, and let her look at all the black cotton. This time, she stared even more. I don’t know if she was catching on to the game I was playing, or if she just couldn’t help herself any longer. Her eyes wandered my bared skin and frilly new set of underwear. I even did a slow spin so she could see it all.

She spoke up, “This is actually even better I think. If your girlfriend likes to see you exposed, this set is fantastic for that! You look pretty sexy in it.” The girl was becoming bolder and I like that. My corruption was working wonders.

Not wanting to lose that lovely blush from her face, or the tone of voice of her being flustered, I was going to up the ante again. “She’s such a perv though, she’s going to probably want me to really strut my stuff in these things… are you super sure the coast is clear?” I asked, looking at the entrance to the changing rooms.

The sales girl, on request, looked out, and also saw no one milling about the store. “You’re fine, but what do you mean?” she asked. I didn’t have to answer, cause next thing she knew, I walked out of the cubicle!

The girl watched as I started to walk to her left and then to her right, just along the front of the cubicles. I knew with every step my breasts would bounce lightly in the tiny bra, and that my butt would wiggle with every movement. I was in a store, just walking around in a small set of underwear in front of her, and it had her speechless!

“She’ll make me walk around sometimes just to stare at me… and I want to make sure it’s sort of good for that, you know?” I asked. I found it pretty funny I didn’t even really get a comment, she just was silently watching, hehe!

“So, is it good?” I asked again.

“I understand why your girlfriend would have you do this, you look great doing it!” she blurted out. I saw the moment her face heated up a tiny bit more. I could tell she was innocent enough to avoid purposefully hit on me, considering I was talking about a girlfriend, but she couldn’t help but complement me. I loved everything about it.

“Last one then, I really need to get going before she gets home so I can surprise her proper!” I said to excuse myself into the cubicle. “I’m going to really need your help for this last one though; it looked tough to put on.”

She and I both knew what it was… the main piece was a very dainty pair of side-tie, pink panties. I loved them the moment I saw them, and honestly knew that they were probably be the pair for me… well not the pink ones, but I’ll get to that later.

We both were in the cubicle, and I quickly asked her to remove the bra. Again, a stranger, albeit a sweet one, took off my bra. I knew she had a good look at my breasts already, but I put an arm over them as she took the bra away. I nervously looked at her and whispered, “Please don’t stare too much.” I bent down while facing away from her, and pushed the thong to the floor, stripping me naked in the small cubicle with her right there!

I let a hand press between my legs, partially to fake some modesty, but also because I was desperate for some physical contact, I was very turned on. I really wished Haley was actually there, but I would have to wait.

The sales girl didn’t know where to look. She could see my bare butt, and she could see me barely hiding my other goodies. She could see a lot honestly, and we were close enough that my naked body would occasionally bump into her clothed one; the feeling was delightful. I let my breasts become exposed so I could pick up the light, pink fabric, and I began to place it between my legs. This whole time, my breasts are now exposed as I try to position the two triangles over my bare lower half.

“Could you please help me tie this thing?” I asked, as I held the material up for her. She looked behind her for a moment, as she was still standing in the way of the curtain since I didn’t really give her much room to actually enter the cubicle fully. She then knelt next to my naked body, her head now nearly level with my hips.

Down there, I had my butt facing towards her, her eyes only inches from my butt. Her hands grasped the ends of the panty’s strings. With no halves done up, and the only ones being held up were on my left half, that meant my right butt cheek was totally exposed for my assistant. On some levels, I hoped the girl would reach up and grab it or spank it, hehe!

Of course, her innocence and or naivety were for the best; I could get Haley to do any of the extra dirty stuff later. I knew when I was sharing this story and reenacting these scenes with her; she would surely love to explore any fantasies I happened to pick up on the way.

When she had the ends tied, I didn’t let her move to my right hip. No, I played the role again of someone who isn’t exactly thinking her actions through. I instead turned to face her, so I could move my right hip to where she’d been working! The result, my pelvis, brunette fur, and just the slight sign of my bare lips all being exposed at eye level to her!

I let her stare; I just watched the way she looked forward, at my half covered lap. The triangle that was meant to be covering me up, was instead hanging off one hip. I enjoyed the moment while I could, before I’d have to insist she hurry up, before I had to return to my act. I would have loved to instead spread my legs and let her see everything she wanted.

“Miss… I need you to do the other half,” I requested as I held the ties up for her, blocking her view of me. If only you could see the way she blushed! Her whole face was totally red, having been caught staring! I guess she wasn’t totally in on my game really, because she must not have realized that my glistening and aroma were signs I loved what she did.

My sweet assistant finally started to tie the second knot, hiding away my bare lower half. The thin fabric though was taught, leaving plenty of curves for the shop girl to accurately remember what she saw. She still knelt in front of me staring. I even spun, giving her another look at my butt, this time beneath the weaves of the panties.

On her own, she stood back up. She looked in the small pile we had brought for a bra, but I informed her, “I think… that this is the sort of thing Haley would like if I didn’t have a bra to go with it,” I said.

The girl backed away, her face red, and mumbled, “I think I like it like that too.” She didn’t even check this time for other customers, too preoccupied to remember. I didn’t correct her as I stood and let her watch. I didn’t cover my breasts, and I didn’t hide the panties either. I let her see me in just that small piece of clothing, standing in the open cubicle.

“So when I get to her apartment, and I let her take my clothes off…” I began stepping out the cubicle towards her. I almost giggled out loud when I saw her try to take another step back, as if trying to keep herself away from my vulnerable body. Was it perhaps her trying to avoid things going too far between us? I was ready to keep pushing the envelope though, with her backed to the wall.

“I want her to see just how little I had on while out in public. It’s too scary to be in a tiny skirt without something… but these feel almost like nothing!” I said, letting my lustful emotions fuel my face to blush, hopefully coming off as embarrassment to my attendant. I then ran my hands down my bared stomach and to my hips. I felt the tiny strings of the panties before my hands were against already at bare skin. I curled them around my thighs, and stroked the thin cotton of the panties. I could feel the heat from my lips through them. “It’s like they aren’t even there! I feel so naked and exposed.”

I took a self gratifying look around. I was nearly naked, and I was outside of the privacy of the cubicle. I stood exposed to the small changing room, and in view of the entranceway. Had someone come into the store and head this way, I’d be totally exposed to them, my bared breasts and nearly everything else thanks to the lax cover of the panties.

My sweet sales girl nodded her head in agreement to me, having lost the ability to say much. I loved just how much I was clearly driving her nuts. Honestly, my fake act of modesty would have failed if she were in a normal state of mind. However, I had her breathless, and I don’t’ think she was thinking much anymore.

Before I got within a foot of her, I suddenly turned and began to again walk back and forth in front of her. I put my hands to my breasts, squeezing them tightly. I let out a slight gasp, but tried to play it off, “Haley likes me sooo naked, but it’s just so embarrassing. I can’t help the way she stares at me. Yet she loves it so much,” I fake complained.

I was getting fed up with waiting though. I wanted to tease her more, but I was ready to move on to my purchase. I really did want to get totally stripped in front of Haley and more. So it was time for the finale.

“Do you think she’d want to watch me take them off, or do you think she’d want to take them off herself?” I asked my sweet assistant. The girl blinked and didn’t say anything at first. I repeated the question in a different way, “If you were my girlfriend… would you rather watch me as I pluck myself free from my only piece of clothing, or would you rather let your own hands do the deed and be in total control?”

She finally managed to squeak out a half answer, “I would, I mean your girlfriend would rather probably, um do it herself I think. I don’t know if she could help herself from doing so.” She wasn’t always vocal, but this girl knew exactly how to make a girl feel fantastic and wanted! Sadly for her, this just fueled my desires to be a tease, as I loved being wanted.

“Maybe we should try both,” I suggested. I took a step or two back, as I could tell she was seconds away from kneeling down and stripping me! I’d have loved that, but there would be time for that in a bit. “I’ll take these off, and you can tell me how good I did. Then, you can do it next. I think pink is cute, but I remember seeing these pale blue ones Haley would like better I bet.”

Before even retreating to the relative safety of the changing cubicle, I pinched the ends of the panties. I held their silky smooth loops between my fingers, and I reveled in the feeling of being just a tug away from total nudity. I shifted my feet, spreading my legs farther apart. I took a deep breath, letting my chest expand out. I gave one final faux-look around. I then undid the panties, letting them drift to the floor.

So now I was totally naked, and the shop assistant was busy scanning my entire body! I myself was having a hard time keeping myself controlled. I wasn’t sure if my first round of pleasure would be spent with Haley today, or if instead I would be a total exhibitionist and let this girl see my pleasure. Once I had her get the other pair of panties, surely I wouldn’t be able to wait any longer.

I crouched down and picked up the tiny, pink article. The sweet girl wasn’t moving at all as I brought them to her. I managed to place the underwear in her hand, “one second, and then you get me those cute blue ones I mentioned,” I then turned and padded my way to the cubicle. I bent over, mooning the woman, as if she hadn’t seen enough by now, as I picked up all the other bits of naughty cotton. Without any concern I bounced back out of the cubicle and handed each item to her. “Take these too, I won’t be needing them. Just the single pair of blue, side-tie panties please!”

“Right away,” she said, turning. She gave me another look, at me standing and waiting naked outside of the cubicle. Her eyes went wide as she checked the store, forgetting perhaps that we would potentially be caught. I would like to think her quick dash away meant that she was looking forward to taking off the new pair, and not wanting any customers to get the chance to come in before she could.

I returned to the cubicle, and actually shut the curtain. I didn’t need the privacy; I didn’t even want it in that moment. I was starting to fantasize about the ways I could maybe have my sweet assistant catch me. Thoughts of her finding me with my hands nestled between my legs sounded exquisite. I actually wondered how obvious it would be that today had been an act if she found me like that.

Speaking of, I really did start to touch myself, unable to keep my hands away. I wasn’t sure yet if I wanted to just openly touch myself for her. Well technically I wanted to, but I was trying to think if I could find a more innocent act. Thoughts of her seeing me cum were almost enough to send me over the edge then. I’d been on an erotic buzz for so long, and was very aroused at that point.

“Noo… not now…”I moaned! Though a climax was getting close, that wasn’t what I was trying to hold off. I had to lean up against a wall as my legs felt week. My hand started to slow, as I tried to hold on. However, it was all too late for me. I gave one last snarl, annoyed with the awful timing. Though I normally loved leaving her somewhere naked, this wasn’t the time for it! Natalie was taking over suddenly and I was going to lose my finale with my assistant!

Jappio 04-22-2015 11:44 PM

Nat / alie 3: Shopping for Two
By Jappio

Part 2a (Natalie)

I woke up with a start! It was as if my body was screaming at me to start moving, but not with sound. All over my skin felt warm, and in a few concentrated spots I could tell it wanted to be touched.

I had to right myself, to stop from falling down. I was standing in a small room, not even a room really. Ahead of me I saw a mirror, and I saw that I was completely naked! The shock alone was enough to stop my fingers from creeping any farther towards the area between my legs.

I wasn’t actually sure where I was. It was a small little box of sorts with a mirror. I noticed a backpack on the floor, and a curtain behind me. I think I was finally beginning to understand what was happening when the curtain behind me was pulled open!

“I’ve got it!” a woman announced as she exposed me! My eyes went wide as I saw her staring at my naked butt! I quickly slapped both my hands to my bottom, trying my best to cover it somehow!

The woman for some reason looked confused, and not in a way that made it seem like my nudity was the odd thing! I wasn’t sure what was going on, but she was looking in my eyes, as if asking me what was wrong.

I didn’t think I had to explain it, but I did anyways, “I’m… naked in here… you should probably knock first,” I said, a little worried. Honestly, I wasn’t even sure where I was besides inside some sort of changing cubicle. Why did this woman just barge in, and why hadn’t she left and apologized?

“Yeah, you are,” she said in a way that sounded flirtatious, “that’s why we should cover you up with these.” The woman then held out a small pale blue cloth. “You’re right though, I think your girlfriend will love these on you, I can’t wait to see them.”

My heart skipped a beat. I was starting to understand what was going on. I was probably in a clothing store; I could just barely see it over the girl’s shoulder. I didn’t know who she was, but I was starting to think she probably worked here.

Clearly by mention of a girlfriend and me being naked, Nat was up to something. I bet she was probably using this poor girl to fetch her all her clothing. I worried though that maybe Nat had set up this walk in on me, to expose me to this girl.

I wanted to tell her to get away, but I was a bit concerned. See, I used to work in retail, and I knew customer satisfaction was a big deal. I don’t know what it was, perhaps the fact I’m so meek, but I hated upsetting customers. I hated when I messed something up. So though it was incredibly embarrassing to be standing naked in front of her, I tried to at least remain calm. I didn’t want to make the girl suffer any anxiety because I freaked out. If Nat had made it seem like everything was fine, I had to keep that going too I guessed.

“Uh… thanks, I should probably put that on,” I said, though hardly with as much confidence as I had hoped. I didn’t want to scare her off, but I was still trying to hide my butt from her, and I wanted some privacy to just get dressed!

“No, I can help you with it again,” she said to my total surprise. Before I could object she was on her knees behind me! Words caught in back of my throat when I felt her slide the soft cloth between my legs! She ran it high and it soon reached where my hands were covering my butt.

“You better move those you know,” the assistant said. I stupidly followed orders, again trying to not worry her. I didn’t know what Nat had been doing though. She’s such a show off, so I tried to move my hands to sides, letting this girl see my entire naked backside. The mood Nat left me in wasn’t helping me think clearly either.

It was torture to feel her hands so close to me. As she adjusted the cotton into place, her knuckles and fingers grazed my bared skin. It was a constant reminder that for some reason I was completely naked with her, and she was very intimately close to said nakedness.

I was trying to forget this was happening, and I looked away from her and my body. That’s when I caught sight of my reflection and was reminded there was a mirror there! I quickly used an arm to cover my breasts and a hand to hide my front side. The girl giggled seeing this, most likely having been staring in the mirror this whole time!

I was happy when she finally got the side of whatever she was putting on me tied. I wondered if it was some sort of suit, but the material looked too light. I was starting to come to the conclusion it had to be underwear, but it looked too small for that too.

The shop assistant then asked me to turn around.

“What, why?” I asked.

Again she giggled, “Why, if I don’t, then your girlfriend will have no problem seeing you completely exposed. These things will fall if I don’t tie them on both sides, right out from under your little skirt.”

I wasn’t sure what was going on, but again I found myself following her instructions. With my hands still firmly in place, I turned around, glad to have at least moved my bottom out of her close by sight (though forgetting about that cursed mirror, letting her still see it if she wanted!)

I looked down and watched her staring directly at my hand. She wrapped one hand around my waist and I felt her fingers touch the back of my thighs as she found a loose string from what I assumed were panties. In front, she began to lift another string, and I was finding out how the panties worked. They seemed to be a lot like a string bikini, and they needed to be tied.

As she drew the strings up, she tried to join them at my waist, like on the other side. As she pulled them tight, it was obvious my hand was in the way. “Move that please,” the assistant timidly asked me. I was realizing that she really was a sweet girl probably, and I didn’t want to hurt someone who actually was nice. I knew how Nat could be though, and worried how much she might have teased her.

So, though it was probably a dumb idea, I moved my hand. I thought I would be fine, considering she had been holding the string tight, so it was more like I slipped them out of the panties. Yet the dainty fabric dropped away from my skin, and I could see the assistants eyes grow wide as she stared inside them!

I bit my lip and tried to ignore what was happening down there. I hoped she’d finish the job as I looked up instead. This though brought my attention to the fact that we were actually still totally exposed to the store. I crossed both arms over my chest as I worried about other customers. “We’re alone here, right?”

“Tammy is still up front by herself, so it just you and I. Best we do get these on you before anyone else catches you without panties, huh? Your girlfriend sure does love to expose you!” She then tugged at the knot she had made, tightening the panties into place finally. “There, snuggly put away.”

I turned around and looked in the mirror. I had to stop from letting my jaw drop. These were definitely panties Nat would like to see. I hate that I had chose to stop covering up, because these things were too light in color and too thin!

The woman stepped back some, giving me a bit of space. She walked back some more, and then went, “Well, will you like my opinion on these as well?”

“What about a top?” I asked, not really sure what she was asking.

“I agree with your girlfriend. Less on you the better, you have cute boobs that shouldn’t be under wraps. She’ll love you in just those, as you said yourself,” she explained.

“You think?” I asked, blushing more, this time partially from the compliment. I still tightly clasped my arms to my breasts though.

“Definitely. Let’s see how they look as you walk along, and then we can head you off to home with her. I can tell you’re definitely ready to get intimate with her,” she said this all with a nervous smile, her face red. How red her face was had nothing on how red my face was! I didn’t know what was going at all, I was wondering just what kind of stuff Nat had been doing! I was supposed to just walk out there? She also noticed my arousal, and that seemed so unfair, considering it was Nat who had gotten turned on! I was so very embarrassed.

“Walk… what do you mean?” I asked. I again had wanted to tell her no, to somehow explain she had the wrong person. Yet I’ve found in the past that explaining how Nat and I work is a bit of a risk. It usually freaks people out or makes them worry, and I still wanted to avoid that.

“Just walk out here and take a few steps both ways so I can see if she’ll like it, though I think I already know the answer to that,” she again complimented.

I really wasn’t sure how I was supposed to do anything. I’m not Nat, I’m not some sort of show off. I felt glued to my spot, unable to choose what to do. I was sure if Nat had any choice, she’d have squatted down on the floor and probably play with herself in front of her! Then again, I don’t think even Nat was that brazen.

Since I didn’t know what to do, I decided to risk something. “Um… well you just tell me what to do, ok?” I nervously offered. I think I could trust her to not go as overblown as Nat, which in a weird way was relieving knowing that this stranger was in charge of how exposed I’d be than Nat!

“Well, how about you walk up to me, like you might to your girlfriend,” she suggested. I began to do so, stiffly and nervously. “Very cute, I bet she’ll like that. If she likes you blushing, you’re doing a great job of that too,” she added.

I wanted to try and at least act sexy, to completely mimic what Nat might do, but I couldn’t. I was just so nervous and embarrassed to be nearly naked in front of a stranger, one who was closely watching me! When I finally got to her, she just looked down at me trying to cover my breasts and the tiny bit of panties I had on.

“Very good, I don’t think I’d be able to keep my hands off if I were her,” she teased. I again felt my heart nearly leap from my throat; it was a bit too much. This type of admiration for my body was something I didn’t get often, especially since I normally tried to hide it. “Now, turn down that way and walk away. Oh, and maybe try with your hands at your sides?” she asked.

As I turned, I tried to do as she said. After a few steps though, I wasn’t sure if I could. “Nat would probably just do more than just drop her hands; she’d get rid of the panties too. She’d be the naughty one who would love having her boobs looked at,” I thought to myself. I could still feel my nipples were hard, wondering just how Nat even could get turned on by being seen. Normally I can only think about how hot my face gets when I blush from being looked at.

I was starting to sense that maybe the sweet girl wasn’t getting what she expected. I didn’t want to cheat her of anything, and at the same time I sort of was feeling down on myself for being so shy. It’s not that I wanted to show my body, but maybe I could for a moment pretend it was Nat’s body instead. So even though it felt like my face was searing, I dropped my hands to my sides as the girl expected.

She couldn’t’ see much as I first did it. I had a moment to really think about what was happening. I was trying to understand Nat, why she would possibly ever do this. I never fully understood the allure to it that she clearly must have.

Emboldened just enough by the idea that I wasn’t in my own body, that this was just some sort of stunt Nat was doing, I actually turned around and exposed my topless state to the girl. I saw her eyes still roaming my body, even still at the tiny panties. I fought every urge that was my natural Natalie self to cover up and began to march back to her.

The way she was looking at my body was something I never really noticed as much before. I didn’t know what it was, but I could tell she liked it. I think part of her was shy about staring, that she wanted to be polite and look away. Yet something kept her drawn to the display. I wondered if maybe Nat had to pressure her to do so. My heart beat a bit faster though when I considered the idea that maybe she wanted to look.

“Very good, wonderful! Really, I think your girlfriend will love it. Might be too much to ask you to go around totally naked, but I bet that is a very close second,” the girl complimented. Though maybe she worked on commission or something, I think she was actually sincere. I don’t think I was feeling pride, but there was some sort of feeling related to the idea that someone was enjoying my body like this; I just couldn’t understand it.

“So I guess um, that’s it then, yes?” I queried.

“One last spin?” she requested. I didn’t have the heart to say no, so I did so. The whole time I was aware I was very much showing her my nearly naked lower half. I could see enough of the panties to know that they showed the entire shape of everything down there.

When the spin was done, I noticed she had lowered to her knees, and I worried such a close look was way too much! I was about to turn and run back into the stall, but her hands held my hips!

“Now, the final test: the unwrapping step. I bet she loves this part the most,” the sweet girl boldly declared as her fingers found the ties she had done up herself minutes ago.

I couldn’t stop her from pulling them loose and letting the little blue material drop away from my mound. In that moment I was again totally naked in front of her, and this time there was no covering up at all.

My chest felt heavy as I struggled to take another breath. I stood motionless, allowing her to stare. She had seemed so nervously excited to do what she did, and the smile on her face told me it was all she could do to hold back from doing anything else. I was very glad that Nat had told the assistant that she had a girlfriend, I don’t know if I could or would want to say no if she did make an advance.

She firmly held the little fabric. I was still surprised they were enough material to be used as panties. She stood up and examined the cotton and then me. “Yep, I think this perfectly suits you,” she said, and then her face grew redder and she teased, “and they definitely smell like you too.”

I could have practically died then and there. This was way too much! My body hadn’t yet cooled down clearly, and this girl had found the signs left in the panties!

I think she was actually embarrassed by her own line too and quickly mumbled out a, “Sorry, I’ll have these up front for you, so get dressed before someone finds you naked out here!” with that, she turned and left, not seeing as I covered myself with my hands again, having finally remembered I was out in public naked! I dashed back to the stall, now happy that this was finally over, or at least I hoped so!

Jappio 04-22-2015 11:45 PM

Nat / alie 3: Shopping for Two
By Jappio

Part 2b (Natalie)

I quickly found the blouse and skirt that Nat had warn here most likely, but for the life of me I couldn’t actually find any underwear. It wasn’t in her backpack. I was wondering if this was some sort of joke, her going to a lingerie store because she literally didn’t’ have underwear.

I took the skirt and stepped into it, sliding it up my legs. No matter how much Nat does to me, I still can’t get used to the feeling of wearing a skirt without a pair of panties around my hips. The skirt lightly hung against my butt and pelvis, nothing blocking it from me. Next I slipped my arms into the shirt and buttoned it up. The feeling of my bare nipples rubbing against the fabric was just as bad as the situation with the skirt.

Once dressed as much as I could, which felt like far too little, I looked myself in the mirror. I wasn’t very happy with what I would have to deal with. The blouse was too thin, and without a bra, my hard nipples showed through. The two little nubs looked very obvious poking out against the blouse. I really hoped that it was only because I knew what to look for. The skirt was far shorter than anything I owned as well. I tried to tug it down, but I knew I didn’t have a lot of room to make adjustments. I was relieved to find that if I stayed standing straight enough, I could maybe get away with it.

I realized I had at least something more I would be able to put on. A pair of panties was waiting for me at the counter, and that would at least be something, even if those things were hardly able to cover much. I had to take anything I could get though. I couldn’t even guess how Nat was able to get here with so little on.

Slowly I exited the dressing room, and found myself wandering the lingerie store. I was realizing I wasn’t even sure where I was, as I’d never shopped in a store like this. I heard the buzzing of larger groups of people, so I figured I was in a mall. I was hoping I’d recognize which one when I got out of the store.

Sitting at the counter were two girls. The one who had been ‘helping’ me was waiting for me as expected. The other looked disinterested as she was on her phone. I awkwardly made my way there, trying to avoid eye contact with the woman who had just seen me naked.

“I’ve got your purchase all set up,” the girl said cheerfully. I got enough of a glance to see she too was avoiding eye contact as well.

“Yeash Beth, did you two make out or something back there?” the other saleswoman absently commented, not even looking up. Both Beth’s(presumably the helpful assistant) and my faces glowed red!

“No! Why-why would you say that?!” Beth, asked suddenly, shocked at what her coworker was even suggesting.

“You’re gone for what seems like forever, you’ve been flushed the whole time, and you can hardly look the girl in the eye as if you two were getting intimate back there. I’m not judging, just saying,” the girl said, still not even bothering to look up from her phone.

“We were not! I was just helping her pick something! She’s buying something to show off to her girlfriend!” Beth tried to explain. I flinched, now being accused of trying to be a show off to someone. I didn’t like the fact that both girls thought I was trying to put on some sexy show for someone.

“Oh, so just a bit jealous you don’t get to see a cute thing like her dressed up in something naughty?” the coworker teased. Beth of course had seen me in very little already.

Beth decided to change the subject, “ignore my rude friend here! Your total will be $42.03!” Beth seemed ready to get me out, and I wasn’t against it either.

I dug out Nat’s credit card, of course not having my own card with me, nor would I want to use my own money to buy Nat’s things anyways. I started to pay as the coworker piped up, “yeah, sorry or whatever. Just a bit of a joke,” still not looking up from her phone.

I got her purchase put in a bag and was ready to leave. I wanted the chance to put them on, but I didn’t want to stay there any longer, far too embarrassed to handle much more. I thanked Beth quickly and left before more could be said. I was so embarrassed that I’d forgotten about the risky outfit as I stepped out into the hall.

It took a moment, but I did get my bearings on where I was. I recognized a few shops, and knew I’d know how to drive home from there. The mall itself had the average number of shoppers milling about.

Remembering my plight of being completely commando in a small outfit, I made quick, but small, steps towards the nearest bathroom. I would only have to pass a couple of stores to finally make myself a little more decent. I kept my hands at my sides, trying to subtly hold the skirt down so it wouldn’t bounce up and show more of my bare legs.

As I made my way past people, I self-consciously looked each way to see if anyone was staring. I worried that I was showing so much skin, that I would make a spectacle of myself. I suppose it wasn’t so much I was dressed ‘slutty’, but I just knew that disaster could too easily strike. I wondered if some people do stare at girls, hoping that something wrong does happen to their clothes!

That nervous feeling of not having panties was hard to ignore when walking. The tiny skirt would shift and flap against my bare hips and lap as I walked forward. Each time it was like a reminder that I was completely bare. I even could feel the air against my lips, which was only accentuated by the fact there were still wet.

My nipples also hadn’t died down one bit; the material rubbing against them was enough to actually keep them totally aroused. I brought an arm up to hold over them, but I felt like this was just too obvious. It was torture to put my arms back down to my sides, and let the hard nipples try to poke holes in it. I had to try and look normal for just a few more moments.

It was tough to not run and hide into the bathroom, but the tiny skirt wouldn’t allow movements like that. I didn’t want to flash everyone around me. So I took my time getting there, but sighed in relief once on the other side of the door, hidden from the hall.

Even with the bathroom itself being empty, I locked myself into a stall. I got Nat’s new panties out of the bag, and held them up. I was still in disbelief so little fabric could fit around me and be considered underwear. Yet I had been in them not too long ago, so I knew it could be done somehow.

I’m glad I was alone for this, as the panties were tougher to handle then I thought. I try not to wear things that can be so easily stripped from you, so it took a few tries to figure it out. First I tried to tie them first and slip them on, but they were too tight and then too loose when I tried a second time. When I tried to hold them in place to put them on, the skirt would get in the way as I tried to get them situated.

Sometimes it feels like the universe is working against me, trying to keep me exposed. Yet I was determined to get the panties on. So even though I hated doing it, I took my skirt off and hung it up on the hook on the stall door. I couldn’t believe I was choosing to become bottomless, but it had to be done. With the skirt out of the way, I was finally able to make sure the panties were snuggly fitted on me.

I was nervous about them though, unsure if the knots would be strong enough. I would die if they fell down my hips when people were around to see that happen. I wondered if anyone besides Nat would even dare wear something like these outside of the bedroom.

I felt frustrated though. I couldn’t believe that even so long after Nat had control, I was still turned on. My weaker half was starting to want to sit back on the toilet and relieve the pent up arousal. I sometimes worry my subconscious really is just Nat.

I let a finger drift to the front of my chest and rub my hard nipples through the shirt. It did feel good. I couldn’t let myself do that though while in public! It was embarrassing enough to admit to enjoying a bit of self pleasure, but to be in so need of it that I would have to stop and do it somewhere public was just overly embarrassing. I quickly put a stop to those actions before they could become even more indecent. I got the skirt back on, and was ready to try and leave the mall.

I hesitated. Though I now had panties, that didn’t really make my skirt any longer. Sure, it gave me a bit of a safety net of cover if something did happen to let someone see under the skirt, but I still didn’t want that to happen. Really I was just as nervous. I didn’t want anyone to see my bare butt nor Nat’s new panties. I tried to resolve myself to get out of there anyways.

However, as I reached for the handle, I felt dizzy. I carefully moved so I could sit down, realizing that Nat was coming back. Part of me was happy I wouldn’t have to make the trip home now. The other part of me knew better, and knew that with Nat in control again, our body would probably be exposed to strangers! I hated not being around to stop her ever. Yet this was what it was going to be, and I had to at least be happy I wouldn’t have to do more while dressed as I was. Maybe Nat would behave…

Jappio 04-22-2015 11:46 PM

Nat / alie 3: Shopping for Two
By Jappio

Part 3 (Nat)

Being surrounded by the walls of a bathroom stall wasn’t new to me for when I wake up. Natalie loves to hide herself away somewhere as private as she can. I wasn’t very happy though that I was taken away from the show I was enjoying!

I got up on my feet and looked down. I saw that I was dressed back in my blouse and shirt, but with more buttons done up than I’d have had. I also could feel what felt like panties under my skirt. Natalie really knows how to be a buzz kill!

Well, that is only partly true. I move a hand to my breasts, and began to massage them. My nipples were still hard, and I even gasped in shock by how sensitive they were. It was like Natalie hadn’t cooled down at all. I wasn’t sure how much time passed, but it was validating to know that prim and proper Natalie was at least unable to deny how fun things must have been. I figured Natalie probably left the store as soon as she could. I was sad for the nice assistant, as she never got the last bit of her show probably. I would surely have to return there someday to have the rest of our fun.

I walked out of the stall and looked at myself in the mirror. I lifted my skirt without a second thought. There was the final pair of panties I had planned on, so maybe Natalie didn’t get out right away. Though I love wearing nothing, I had to admit the panties did look very cute and naughty. I plucked the waist of them, seeing just how snug they were. I then ran a finger along the front of them too, happy to find they were already pretty wet. The touch felt wonderful too.

My mind began to come up with new ideas already as I modeled my new panties for myself. Natalie had interrupted my games, but perhaps that just meant it was time to involve her some more. Give her a little crash course in my kind of fun. The thought of exposing her had me quickly tugging at the strings of the panties. I loved the way the little things pop away from me and expose my lower half when I pluck them like that.

I looked at my bared pussy for a bit, thinking exactly what I would do. I was very glad I brought my exhibitionist kit with me, as I would need it. I took it off my back and stuffed my panties inside.

I then took out a pair of scissors. Such a thing is very useful to a girl who wants to expose herself. I immediately took them and began to snip off every button on my blouse. Sure, it wouldn’t be very usable without, but I didn’t care. In no time it had no buttons, and fell open.

Giving a quick twirl, the shirt opened up and my breasts swayed into the open. I took each into a hand and gave them each a grope. My nipples tingled with pleasure and I could only smile. I was already in a good mood again for sure. Yet I still wanted to seek my revenge, so I turned the scissors attention to the skirt.

I took the skirt off; a bit disappointed no one had stopped into the room to catch me in pretty much nothing now. The shirt was wide open exposing my breasts, and besides my shoes and socks, I had nothing on below the waist. I looked positively naughty in the reflection on the mirror.

With skirt and scissors in hand, I began to make a few cuts along the hem of it. Though I knew it would look rough, this would make it so the skirt covers even less. Once I’d made it all the way around, I tugged it back up my legs and took a look.

The skirt was now very much shorter, and even the slightest movement seemed to expose all of my legs. I took the scissors and made a few cuts to clean it up, and just a few more so that if I moved too much, the very bottom of my butt would peek out probably. It was hard to tell of course from a higher height, but I was happy with the work enough to leave it as is.

I still had a second phase I wanted to get to, but I was too charged up to just stay there. I was pretty sure I wouldn’t have to worry about Natalie trying to return, so I probably had a bit of time to have my own kind of fun some more. I slung the backpack over my back again, and with just my newly modified outfit, I stepped back into the mall!

My heart fluttered seeing all the people. They hadn’t looked my way, as I was off in the small hall that leads to the bathrooms. My shirt was still open, just the ends over my breasts. I looked pretty indecent, and I just stood there like that. After a person or two did a double take, I knew I wouldn’t press my luck anymore, and I clamped the shirt shut with one hand and gave them a wink.

Stepping from the hall, I merged with the groups of people going about their business. I was in a few tattered garments, totally naked below them, and out in public with all these strangers! I could feel my lips quiver in delight at my naughty deed. I carefully took a moment to adjust my shirt, to let the ends over lap. I then crossed my arms over my stomach to hold them in place. With nothing up top doing the same though, the ends separated and created a large “v” that went all the way down to under my breasts, creating nothing but a window of cleavage.

As I walked along the main hall, my skirt of course danced, swished, and bounced along with me. I kept my movements small enough to not make a total sight that could get me kicked out, but a few lucky individuals would be wondering if I really was without panties. Other lucky ones would know for sure I bet!

Giddy, I made my way to the food court. Here, I would leave Natalie with the rest. I was soaked at the thought I was actually going to leave her so borderline naked in the food court! If careful, I knew she would be able to keep decent if she really wanted to, but my hopes were that she would see the light and have a bit of fun with our body.

I turned a few heads as I made my way into the sea of tables. They were at eye height, and I bet they were just dying to see under my tiny skirt. Being closer to the ground, they probably could see the bottom of my cheeks too.

Finding an empty table took a bit, but soon I was able to sit down and reach into my bag once more. This time I brought out a piece of paper, a pen, and a lock. As I set the paper down and began to write a note for Natalie, I let my legs open up a foot, knowing that someone sitting across the room from me could get quite a view!

I was pretty sure I was dripping onto the seat as I wrote the note. I hadn’t planned on teasing Natalie today, but it really is so much fun. I could just picture her nervously making her way home in this tiny outfit of mine. I just savored the idea that the whole time she’d have to fight from touching herself, just as I had to do in that moment. I wiggled in the seat, feeling my bare bottom on its smooth and cool surface.

With the note done, I slipped the pin into the bag and closed it tight. I then took the lock and secured the two zippers together. Now, without the combination that only I knew, no one could get into the bag, including Natalie. Normally I would have used it to lock away any number of clothing, but for today it was going to keep Natalie away from those panties. They were mine after all.

I then looked up, happy to see I did have at least one person in my own personal audience. She curiously was spying under my skirt. I think she was wondering if I was doing this on purpose or not. In a few moments, I’d imagine the answer would change. I closed my eyes, ready to let Natalie finish up the adventure.

Jappio 04-22-2015 11:47 PM

Nat / alie 3: Shopping for Two
By Jappio

Part 4 (Natalie)

When my eyes opened, I noticed two things right away. One was the loud noise of the many people surrounding me. The other thing was the fact that I could feel my totally bare bottom against cool plastic. It was a combination that had me instantly worried.

I looked around and saw I was in the food court. I then looked down and was horrified how much of my legs were on show. I was also worried by the fact that my legs were wide open too. I quickly shut them and went to push the hem down. I found though there was no spare material at all! I was barely covered, and I couldn’t do anything about it!

I wiggled and shifted in my seat, trying my damnedest to find some extra cloth to the skirt. In no way could I stop from having to sit my naked lower half down on the chair though. I think I was covered from other prying eyes once I stopped moving, but I sure didn’t feel like it with how little the skirt was. Did Nat buy a new and smaller one?

My heart sunk though when I realized there were more issues with my outfit. All my jostling had opened up the front of my shirt. Now on show was a narrow strip of skin showing between the ends of the shirt and plenty of bare breasts! My nipples were only just hidden. I quickly grabbed a fist full of each flap and shut it quickly. I tried to find buttons on it to close it up properly, but I found none! The shirt had no way of staying shut.

I looked to my side and was about ready to try and run, but then realized I was trapped. I didn’t feel safe to stand and run in an outfit that felt ready to fall off me. I saw the seas of people around me, and so I just barely stopped myself. I wasn’t the center of attention yet, so my best way to stay hidden was to stay put.

It’s only at that point that I looked around to take in my surroundings properly. I realized that with the way Nat was sitting, and the near flashing of my breasts with the shirt, I may have already been spotted. I didn’t see anyone looking my way. Perhaps I’d been lucky and no one had the chance to see anything. That’s when I spied a note lying on the table in front of me.

The note read,

“Dear Natalie,

Nat here, and you were very rude to have interrupted my fun back at the panty shop! I was teasing the poor girl there so well before you went and BUTTed in. So since you like butts so much, you get to show our bare one off now. I made a few changes, and you can’t complain since they are my own clothes. Don’t bother trying to put anything on, it’s all locked away. If I find out you tried to cheat too, I’ll just make it tougher next time! I know you won’t though, since you love this stuff so much, always makes our little pussy so wet~ Have fun! ; )

– Nat <3”

I quickly crumpled the note, not happy with what it said, and I didn’t want anyone else to be able to read it. I couldn’t believe Nat did this to me. She should know I didn’t have much control over when I got control of the body at all. Then again, a part of me did feel bad, even if her revenge had me dizzy. Not that I wanted her exposing our body around town, but I did feel a bit bad about ruining her day.

That said, I still felt completely trapped, more so now that I knew that there weren’t options. I turned to the side and found that she had locked up her backpack. I hadn’t a clue what the combination could be, so there was really no getting even the panties back out, assuming that’s where she put them.

I tugged on the skirt again, keeping one hand at the shirt to hold it shut. I was shocked these were somehow the same clothes. I was wondering how she managed to do this to herself, to even get around like this. I wasn’t at all sure how I was supposed to get out of the mall wearing a few scraps.

“Nat somehow did it, so can you Natalie. It’s not like you have much choice. Even if you wait here for Nat to take over, she’ll probably make it worse… get rid of the skirt and shirt altogether,” I thought to myself. I shivered at the thought of being actually naked in the mall. I was still a bundle of nerves; the thought that it could be worse did somehow give me a bit of hope. I was going to have to put up with it.

I tried standing up quickly and getting it over with, but hesitated as I noticed just how many people were around me. Getting off the seat without flashing anyone was going to be hard. I felt indecent just sitting there. Thinking of the clothes actually bouncing around as I walked was embarrassing enough. Before when the clothes were regular sized I felt on the edge of exposure. Now it would be impossible probably.

“Not impossible Natalie. Nat wouldn’t do that; she wouldn’t get us arrested for indecent exposure. You just have to be careful… you’ve got this. Nothing is on show if you do this right.”

I slowly stood up. I did it when no one was glancing my way, and I think I made it. With my body now totally vertical, I tried to smooth the skirt out to cover as much as I could. It fell into place, and it felt as if I really was just barely covered, and I hadn’t even started to move yet. I tried to fidget with it with my one free hand, to lower it some more, but didn’t want to draw attention to myself. The few tugs I tried actually threatened to have the skirt pulled down too far and just expose me above the waistband.

My other hand grasped the crumpled note to my chest, holding the two ends shut. With just one hand there, I could feel both the upper and lower halves of the shirt spread open. There was too much to hold, but I didn’t have nearly enough hands.

Realizing I shouldn’t leave her backpack there, I carefully reached down to get it. I tried using the hand at my chest first, but the shirt instantly fell open and I had to scoop it shut immediately. I wasn’t at all used to having to hold my shirt shut. This meant the hand I had wanted to hold my skirt down with would have to do the job.

Again I took a look around to make sure no one was staring. I don’t know if I was really going unnoticed, or if people were quick to glance away before I could catch them. Yet either way, I couldn’t confirm that anyone was looking. I tried to bend at my knees as much as possible as I reached for the pack, but even with every careful move I could make, I felt the hem of the skirt tickle the very bottoms of my cheeks!

I quickly lifted the pack up and stood straight again. Anyone behind me had the perfect chance to see I had no panties on at all, I was sure of it. In panic, I tried to hurry up and get out of there. Again forgetting about the shirt, I instinctively moved the hand from my chest to put through the loop of a shoulder strap on the backpack. My shirt opened up again as I hoisted the pack up. My eyes grew wide when I saw this happen in slow motion in front of me and I quickly used both my hands to try and shut the shirt again.

Problems arose though because of the pack now. It had pinched the little bit of slack the shirt had, so I had less material to pull. Even with both hands I managed to only cover a small bit of skin, the two slits at the top and bottom were wider. I was flustered though, in a panic, and so I instead started to quickly walk forward away.

I was so sure that I was being watched by everyone, but I looked towards the floor, not wanting to know for sure. I really wanted to run actually, but even a few small steps left my nether regions be tickled by the air. That’s when I remembered just how short my skirt was and I immediately brought a hand down to it to try and keep it from flipping up as I walked.

My heart strained as I made my walk out of the food court. I couldn’t run and hide. I couldn’t keep my shirt fully shut. I couldn’t even guarantee that I kept my skirt down. I was totally naked under these insufficient clothes, but I felt as if my legs were shackled. I dropped the note into a waste bin on my way out of the court, and tried my best to not look back.

I didn’t hear cheers or chants thankfully. I felt as if maybe I was lucky, I’d gotten away with it. I normally dressed moderately, and normally I would wonder how some girls pulled off anything risqué in public. Now I was the one who was half dressed. Maybe I was overly modesty and ‘normal’ people don’t notice things like small skirts. Yet even with the relief that no one was calling me out, I still worried that people were silently watching and seeing way more than they should!

I wondered if Nat was like this too. I had a feeling she wasn’t. From all accounts, Nat seemed like the person who would have walked without a care in the world, letting the clothes drift away from our body and expose it to anyone who wanted to see. It still always surprised me how different the two of us were.

I wanted to come up with a plan, but I instead walked aimlessly down the main hall of the mall. I knew I had to get out, and I was heading towards the nearest entrance. My main concern was holding my clothes down and shut, and on trying to control myself. I really wanted to just run out of there, but I knew that would expose me totally.

To make matters worse, it was clear that Nat had… been enjoying her time making modifications. Our body was more turned on then when I last had control, and that was saying something. Said arousal meant that the air felt that much cooler on my thighs and lips because of the slickness that had started to coat them. In a skirt this short, I actually would have had to worry about someone noticing that I had trails of moisture dripping down my legs. I hoped that it would go unnoticed as I walked though.

Then there was the matter of the shirt rubbing against my chest as I tugged the material close to it. I thought before it would be hard for them to go unnoticed, now it just felt obscene with how obvious they stuck out against the fabric. Me holding the shirt shut probably drew attention to that area too.

I got closer and closer to the exit. I’d be able to head out into the parking lot and get home. No one had stopped me or commented on my appearance. I was hoping that it was all in my head, that I wasn’t actually all that poorly dressed. With my end in sight, I wanted to pick up speed, but each earnest step only made it so I could feel more of my legs be exposed from under the shifting and bouncing skirt.

When I got to the door, I wasn’t even sure which hand to use. Both seemed to risk exposure. The hand at my chest though was absolutely needed; the shirt would fall open without it. I didn’t have much time to think either; with so many people being around, I wanted out fast. So, before anyone could be bothered by me idling in front of the door, I used the hand holding my skirt down to tug open the large glass door.

Disaster struck in what felt like slow motion. As I opened the door, I had to really pull to get it open. Once it was open halfway, I felt a giant gust of wind rush through. It sent shivers up my spine as it tickled my mostly exposed body, especially my naked legs. The wind did more than chill me though, as it also flipped my then defenseless skirt!

The tiny bundle of material got caught in the draft and lifted up. All at once my entirely bare lower half was exposed, and I screeched loudly as it did. A mistake, as if anyone wasn’t looking, they probably would be then!

My first reaction in a fight or flight moment: flight. I kept my one hand firmly on the handle of the door as I continue to drag it open to make my way out. My second instinct was to fight it, to try and keep the skirt down. Since I was trying to slip through the door way though, only one other hand was available.

Wrangling the skirt down seemed impossible. I first pushed it in front, mostly embarrassed by the idea that my pussy would be on show. I tried to lower it as much as I could, but with how small it was, I had no control over the back, so I was still mooning everyone behind me.

The mistake of moving the hand that was holding my shirt may seem obvious, but I was in a total panic and hadn’t thought of it. I didn’t realize the mistake until my shirt whipped open and I felt it fly right past a nipple.

I felt powerless; I had no way to hold the door open, hold my shirt shut, and try to keep my skirt down. One hand wasn’t even enough to control the skirt fully. I slid the hand down there to the side of the skirt, hoping that maybe holding it there would cover both my front and back half, but it left me half exposed on each half. I again put my hand in front, settling to at least cover my pussy.

Once outside, I still felt a total mess, and started to just rush away from the mall. Out of the corner of my eye, I did see that people had seen me, and my face was searing hot with embarrassment. With two hands again, I tried my best to get my clothing situation under control.

Keeping my skirt down wasn’t any easier. It was windy out, and with my panicky run across the lot, I couldn’t manage to keep it down on both sides. Meanwhile, my hand up top was able to wrestle one shirt end down, but not the other. One end wasn’t quite long enough, as it was still partially pinched down at my shoulders, not leaving me with much slack at all. An entirely bare breast was left out because of this. If I tried to grab the other end, I’d have to let go of the first, and it would flap away before I could even get the second one back. There was no way to get both with one hand.

This all happened as I ran by a couple of people. I heard one of them gasp even. I felt like I was a streaker. I had to find cover, and so I nearly leapt between two parked cars. There, I was finally able to stop and use both my hands effectively.

My adrenaline was running at max. My hands were shaking and I could barely grip the clothing well enough. I shrugged my shoulders and gave the shirt enough of a yank to get it fully loose again. The wind fought me, but I was able to get both ends in one hand.

Kneeling down, the skirt hid pretty much nothing I could tell. The constant breeze was tickling my thighs and still soaked lips. I tried to wiggle the skirt again, frustrated that I couldn’t find a balance that allowed for extra cover.

Standing, I tried to see how bad it was. Though it’s not like I lost material since being in the mall, the wind was a new component that did truly make this impossible. I wondered if this was somehow part of Nat’s plan.

I was thoroughly embarrassed, and I wanted to get home. I needed to just make it to the car, and then I’d finally have cover. Yet something besides my worry of exposure held me in place a moment longer. I had just then realized I didn’t even know where Nat had parked.

The whole time in my panic, I’d never considered where I actually was going. I looked out at the sea of cars, wondering where she could be. The parking lot for the mall was huge, and wrapped around the building in an ‘L’ shape even.

Feeling trapped all over again, I stood there in my blustering skirt that would refuse to leave my butt covered. I gripped the shirt with no buttons that I had to hold shut or have my breasts totally revealed. The hand clutched to my shirt shook and shivered, wondering just what I was going to do. No longer was I home free, I’d have to search the lot for our car, and I’d have to do it while risking more and more exposure.

I knew when I had no options though, or at least when I felt like I didn’t. I made sure the coast was clear, and I walked my way to the next aisle of cars, scanning them for same make and color. I was hoping I’d see it before too long, because as I walked I knew I could end up mooning anyone with this devilish wind not leaving my skirt down.

This wind would have been tough even with the skirt how it was before. I couldn’t believe I was actually wishing I had those embarrassingly tiny panties on at that moment too. I thought what Nat had before was bad, but this was even worse. Even with this doubt though, the fires between my legs still kept going. I felt nuts for not being able to control my clothes or my body.

A few more aisles, and a few more people potentially seeing my butt, I was getting worried. I was half way across the lot, and I still hadn’t found the car. The wind wasn’t letting up either. I was about to give up hope, but that’s when I saw it. Parked far from the entrance it sat. I again wondered if maybe some of this torture Nat did on purpose.

Making my final walk there, I battled still with the wind. I barely kept my shirt shut, shirt tails flapping at my sides exposing my stomach. Though I pushed as much of it between my thighs as I could, my skirt couldn’t stay down and exposed my hips and butt. I had to walk right past at least two people, both of which gasped loud enough for me to hear. I had wanted to hide or stay hidden, but I wanted in the car just a bit more. “You’re Nat right now, you’re Nat. It’s not your body. This was her game!” I tried to say to myself as a mantra.

I took the dangling keys from the side of the backpack and opened the car door. I nearly jumped inside and shut the door, sitting on the seat, not even caring for a moment about the odd feeling of the material on my bare cheeks. I just sighed a relief, happy for it to be over. Next time, I would have to somehow be careful of not interrupting Nat again; clearly I wasn’t up to her level!

The End

uzaho 04-23-2015 09:13 AM

This is a great one. Honest and innocent (well, until the revenge!) fun all around. A pleasure to read as always! :)

Jappio 04-26-2015 12:18 PM

Thanks Uzaho, I'm glad you liked it.

Desril 04-30-2015 10:33 AM

Woo, more Jappio stories! Glad I happened to see that there was a new post.

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