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hornyjack 01-29-2011 04:32 PM

2 Straight Boys at a Sleepover.
Hey guys, gonna try to write a story. Completely true, and has happened, with many parts to it. A little rushed for time so not gonna start it today, but going to let you know a bit about it.


Me and a friend, Ryan, were at his for a sleepover. We're both (sort of :P) straight, but this one night a few months ago a lot of stuff happened. We've done lots of other horny things that'll come in later, but it's all starting with this sleepover. Not sure how many parts this will be yet!


Me (Jack): 13 years old, quite short, not muscley or skinny, but not fat. Uncut cock, not shaven. Brown hair and brown eyes. Not really into sport, like to have fun ;)

Ryan: 14 years old, medium height. 6 pack, very fit and hot. Brown hair, blue eyes. Likes rugby, good friends with Jack. Long, uncut cock and many pubic hairs. *referring to myself as Jack as this will be in the third person*

PM me or comment if there's anything else you'd like to know. I thought I was straight, but I'd say bi now this sleepover has happened. Always wanted a bit of Ryan, and I got it ;)

Will post part 1 as soon as possible.

hornyjack 01-30-2011 05:51 AM

Not much response, but may as well get on with Part 1. Let me know what you think by commenting or PMing me! :)

Part 1 - the day before

It was a Friday, and Jack & Ryan were both at school in their normal lessons. Only in German & French are they together in lessons, and in both of those they sit next to each other! Ryan is always late for school, and would literally just start walking from far away as the bell went for everyone to go and register!

Jack walked in to registration with harry, another friend, who you could sort of call his "best" friend. Harry is older than Jack, but only by a few months, and has always been sort of shy when it comes to sexual stuff, considering how confident he is talking about anything else. They sat down and got registered as always. Harry & Jack always had a laugh, they liked to see the positive side of what others may find pretty boring or depressing. Jack's never done anything remotely sexual with Harry, apart from on a school trip a few years back where Jack, Harry, Ryan and a few other friends stayed up late in the evenings of this week long trip. They had best cock competitions and talked about girls, whilst masturbating pretty much non-stop. They were all much younger, so all had dry orgasms, much different to what would happen if they were on a trip like this again today!

Anyway, after registration was over, Harry, Jack and another Jack (nicknamed Robin - no idea why!) made their way to lesson one, English. They were all set 1, and Ryan was set 2, meaning another missed opportunity for Jack to see him! As they turned up, Jack noticed a lot of people were off! 5 or 6 of his other mates weren't there, and they were when he walked to school that morning. Where were they? Anyway, as normal the lesson continued, same old Romeo & Juliet stuff, they started to question just where everyone was! Even the teacher was wondering and made an enquiry to some other staff. This was very odd, they're all very sensible and would never miss a lesson unless it was really important. What could be really important?

Next was German, Jack's big chance to ask Ryan about the sleepover. Of course, a sleepover at that point was just watch movies, eat and talk about girls - but Jack knew what he wanted. As they arrived at the lesson (Harry wasn't in this one), he immediately looked for Ryan. He wasn't there - neither were the other friends that were missing in English. "Probably gone to get told off for being late" Jack said to himself, thinking positive. The lesson went by and Ryan didn't turn up. The table they sat on was all boys, all friends. None of them were there, so just Jack and Robin (the other Jack) sat there.

At 10 past 11 they were dismissed, and Jack ran to find out what was going on. He went straight to what they called the "quad" as it was a square shape. It was free of teachers, and pretty much empty apart from a few smaller kids gathering and eating from their lunchboxes. There was a kind of hidden area to the back of one of the buildings - where they'd often hand out. Jack went to look for Ryan. He was there. However, rather than sitting there and chatting, he was lying there, alone, eyes closed. WHAT THE HELL HAD HAPPENED? Jack ran over, shouting at him to wake up! WHAT THE HELL HAD HAPPENED? Of course this would be a perfect opportunity to suck his cock - but maybe it wasn't the time. ;) After several failed attempts at waking him, Jack ran to find a teacher. Whoever did this, whoever did this!

Sorry about the lack of sexual content :P This is kind of the initial build up. Let me know what you think as a comment or PM!

Jack x

nicknick0912 01-30-2011 06:31 AM

I like it you should keep going.:D:D:D:D

hornyjack 01-30-2011 06:46 AM

Thanks Nick, if I get a few more comments I'll get writing part 2 :)

nicknick0912 01-30-2011 06:48 AM

come on people post:D:D:D:D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saphir 01-30-2011 07:21 AM

I think a lot read without commenting everything :P
but if it motivates you to keep writing... I liked it :)
And I see no prob with a non-sexual build up :D
As long as you are going to write a longer story than only some less pages, it's, in my opinion, anyways better, to have a 'story' and not only sexual content ;)

keep writing! :)

hornyjack 01-30-2011 08:34 AM

Haha, could be true - hopefully they're reading but not commenting!

Alright then, thanks for the feedback Saphir! :)

kinkyguy69 01-30-2011 09:00 AM

im reading and also now commenting :D

hornyjack 01-30-2011 09:01 AM

Oh good, any opinions? :)

glue 01-30-2011 09:01 AM

please please do continue


Liam123 01-30-2011 09:03 AM

Good start. look forward to seeing more!

hornyjack 01-30-2011 09:03 AM

Thanks alot guys, definetly will:)

I'll either get the next part up tonight or by Tuesday!

drawde 01-30-2011 09:26 AM

Really good. I'm desperate for me. I can't wait to find out what the boy get up to.

hornyjack 01-30-2011 09:37 AM

Haha, can I just say it's not technically for sexual reasons Ryan was lying there, but that does become a part of it!

May try a fiction story when I've finished this one, can make it a bit more creative!x

nuditydudity 01-30-2011 09:50 AM

I like the start to this story! There's no need to have sexual content in the very first chapter, and this makes it a STORY and not just porn. Your story is very well written, and I look forward to reading more!!!

hornyjack 01-30-2011 09:56 AM

Thanks very much! Yeah, didn't want people to be dissapointed. There will be very sexual bits - but it's a story :)

hornyjack 01-30-2011 01:04 PM

This next part will be written from my point of view - so not the third person!

Part 2 - Who to blame?

"Help, someone please help!" I cried, desperate to get Ryan back to full health.

"What do you need help with?" a teacher came over. "Oh my gosh, what's happened?!"

"I came to find him and saw him like this, honest!"

I saw a small group of people out of the corner of my eye, but was too busy finding out what was wrong to look round properly.

"It's not a fucking TV show!" I yelled, angry with them even though I would have done the same in their situation.

Another teacher arrived, calling 999 from her phone. "Ambulance, police - whatever, just get someone here!"

Within minutes there were people rushing through the corridors with a stretcher, but those minutes felt like hours and hours. I helped lift Ryan up along with the teachers and ambulance crew. I held onto his feet, for some reason shoe-less and carried him. He was heavier than I thought, but it wasn't really a point to think about that.

His toe moved as I clung on. I wasn't sure at first, but he was obviously hearing what the crew were saying as he responded, albeit in an odd way, but he responded.

"He's moving his toes! SOMEONE LISTEN!" I yelled.

"Ok thanks, we'll have a little look."

I stayed with him, insisting I got in the ambulance. The odd thing was, there was no visible damage to him, he looked as if he was just asleep. Of course there was, or the ambulance would have been off without him. As the journey progressed (I'd say it's about 30 minutes to the nearest hospital), I sat with him as important checks were carried out. He slowly opened his eyes with about 5 minutes to go.

"Ryan, you've been in an accident," I spoke quickly but reassuringly. "do you remember anything?"

The man working on his checks looked at me, then to Ryan and spotted his eyes were open. I was pushed away as he talked to him about what had happened. When we got to the hospital, I was made to go home. I won't bore you with how I felt, but I was worried & upset. This day I had all planned out! Ask him to come to sleepover. Get to sleepover. Ask him to suck me off. See his cock. Have great fun. Be sex mates forever. It sounds rude and as if I'm taking advantage, but I almost knew he'd have wanted that to. What now? I'd be accused off his injury, most likely, and would never be friends with him again.

I was told I could miss school for the next few days after the weekend and visit Ryan as soon as possible. Maybe people didn't think it was me after all! I had a lie in, which is unusual for me, but at about 11 that morning, I was woken by the phone.

"Hello" I answered.

"Hi, this is the local hospital, is this Jack?"

"Yes, it is." I replied, anxiously.

"We wanted to let you know you can come and visit Ryan now, he's completely well and should be leaving this afternoon!"

"Thankyou so much. So much."

"Bye bye."

I rushed to get changed, going commando, did boxers really matter? I shoved on an old T-Shirt and a pair of jeans, when the doorbell rang. My dad was here, ready to take me. I ran to the car, got in and in what seemed like 30 seconds was in the hospital. My dad had to go back to work, but walked me to Ryan's ward before leaving. I spotted Ryan, sitting on his bed in boxers only (fuck he had a nice 6 pack!) and looking reasonably happy. I ran up to him, shouting his name and he gave me a massive hug.

"The doctor said you saved my life!" he told me.

This was news to me. "Really?"

"Yeah, you got me to respond and if I hadn't have responded that soon, it could have been all over."

"Aww, I love you Ryan. What was wrong then?"

"Who cares about that, I'm better! I bloody love you Jack, anything you want in return." he replied.

Hmm, anything ;) Anything at all... "nah, you being well is enough for me. will you be well enough to have a sleepover next Friday?"

"yeah defo man, come round mine!"

"Ok mate, if you're sure."

I hugged him once more, this time feeling his what seemed to be hard cock rub on me through his boxers? Maybe he was gayer than I thought! I enjoyed it immensely though, and couldn't wait for the weekend. I stayed with Ryan for the rest of that day, mucking about and having fun. I still wondered who had done this, but decided not to bring it up for a few more days in case he didn't want to talk about it.

"Jack I need a piss." he said, a few hours later.

"Go then?" I replied, jokingly.

"Will you take me?"

I looked at him, shocked.

"No not in a gay way, they said someone needs to accompany me to the toilet though." (I later checked and this wasn't true ;) )

"Oh ok mate."

We walked to the nearest toilet and I helped him in. There was only 1 toilet in there, so I waited outside, but he signalled me in to help him keep his balance, apparently. (Again, something I later checked, there were no problems with his balance)

As he was peeing, it seemed to take a while. Sneakily I glanced over his shoulder and spotted he had a massive hard one. He turned round and saw me looking.

"I'm sorry it's not what you think!" I said, quickly.

"Who cares if it is." he replied, winking ;)

He really was gayer than I thought! I looked back at his massive cock, and wanted to start doing something there and then. My own started to rise, getting bigger & bigger. As he finished, I said I needed one too and may as well go now. He stood behind me as I went, and again I spotted him glancing over. As he started to talk, I told him to stop and gave him a peck on the lips. He seemed to enjoy it, but looked uneasy. I started to move my hand down, reaching his cock, when "bang bang bang bang bang" someone was knocking on the door. We had to leave, but hide both massive boners. We failed, someone must have wondered what had been going on!

I won't say any more about that hospital visit, as no more sexy stuff happened, but I was much more confident about this sleepover...

Sorry about the length, but wanted to get to the end of the hospital part in this part. If you got through it all, comment or PM me about what you're thinking about it!

Jack x

Slugger 01-30-2011 01:30 PM

this has amazing potential, &I am very proud of you for this.
continue on.

hornyjack 01-30-2011 02:10 PM

Thanks very much Slugger, will post the next part in the next few days if some people respond:)

Dylan xX 01-30-2011 02:20 PM

Maxxy's right, this story has a bunch of potential.

Seems a little bit rushed, but you get points for having a non-fic story :D.

Good luck bro,

Dylsterr <3

hornyjack 01-30-2011 02:31 PM

Thanks mate! :)

Yeah, it was a little rushed - I could have spread out the school bit a little longer as it did last longer, but wanted to get to the main part.

Thanks alot Dylster!xx

pymani96 01-30-2011 03:46 PM

Really good. Please continue.

hornyjack 01-31-2011 09:25 AM

thanks man, but buys tonight but will try to get part 3 up as soon as possible x

Demon Thief 01-31-2011 09:41 AM

I like the detail that you use.

And I'm also glad you didn't start out with anything sexual in the first chapter.

I can't wait until you post the next part.

hornyjack 01-31-2011 10:47 AM

Thanks Demon Thief!

Anyone else got any comments for the next part?

hornyjack 01-31-2011 12:53 PM

Managed to find some time for part 3!

Written in my POV again, by the way.

Part 3 - Ryan's back!

"Just whack out the mighty whitey." Ryan said, taking a piss with Harry. Whitey was Ryan's nickname, so you can guess what the mighty whitey referred to ;)

"Haha, so what happened man?" Harry replied.

"I've told you, no mention of me getting beat up, I mean hurt."

"I knew it! Who was it Whitey? Seriously, tell me."

"No mentioning it Harry, not at all."

"If you insist..." Harry unhappily replied, before the bell went for lesson one.

It was German, which we all know Ryan and I sit together in. No words were exchanged as I walked in, Ryan just winked at me. No-one else spotted, so the secret was still between us for now! The lesson was about what everyone did yesterday. The teacher finished speaking and I leaned over to Ryan's ear.

"Gestern, ich saw Ryan's cock."

He laughed, but rather nervously. He didn't mention it again that lesson, which made me uneasy about what happened. The lesson finished and we both knew we wouldn't be together in a lesson for the rest of the day. We went different ways to the next lesson.

It came to morning break, and I had text Ryan that morning before school to arrange where we'd meet. The message simply read "tennis courts @ 10 past 11". No matter what, Ryan always turna up when we arrange to meet. I made my way there and, as predicted, Whitey was there already! There was a small, shaded area to the back of the space with a few benches and a bin, where nobody ever sat. We both walked over there without saying a word and sat down on the benches, covered in bird shit!

"Urghh, sick!" Ryan said, I nodded along with him.

"So what did you want mate?" Ryan asked.

"Well first, who did what they did to you? Don't pretend you weren't beaten up, Harry's told me."

"Can we shut up about that for just 10 minutes?" he replied.

"Sorry. Are you gay?"


"are you gay?"

Ryan sat there, in silence, staring at me.

"I don't mind if you are, I'm at least bi-curious, I just wanted to know."

"A little. But I didn't realise until yesterday at the hospital. It was fun but I don't want people to call me gay, Jack."

"Why don't you?" I replied, knowing the people of our school definitely weren't against homosexual's as a whole.

"I dunno, I'll carry on doing that sort of stuff if we keep it secret, yeah?"

"I promise you, nobody will find out about this, and if they do, you told them." I said, turning round to see the whole group of our mates walking towards us. "Right, lets get going then mate!" I added, just as they could hear.

We walked off with them and spent the rest of the day together, me and Ryan having a warm feeling inside. At lunchtime, just after I'd finished eating, Ryan called me to the toilet with him. I made my way down, and we walked into the door. He checked if anyone was there and opened a cubicle door, shoved down the toilet seat and sat down, clothed, with me standing next to him. Without saying anything else, he undid his zipper to reveal a bulge in his boxers. I knew what he wanted so did exactly the same myself, revealing another growing bulge in my own. We started to kiss, and I licked around his chest that he'd got out by undoing his shirt buttons. His 6 pack was sweaty, but just how I liked it on my lips and I made my way downwards to undo the top button on his black school trousers.

I yanked his boxers down, to see his black pubes lying around his wet cock. I assumed this was sweat, not cum. I moved away and just used my hands to play with them, working my way towards his cock. As I started to take his knob out, he pushed me away.

"Don't I get to do that to you first?"

"Oh, go on then ;) " I replied, I wasn't going to say no!

He went through the process abit more quickly after checking his watch and seeing the time, but again reached my penis when I pushed him away. We both stood and pulled our trousers down, leaving our boxers where they were, around halfway down on our cocks. I put both my hands on his legs and teased him, before reaching his cock, he mirrored me doing exactly the same. When I made it to his thighs, I pulled down his boxers which sat with his trousers, and began to gently, quietly toss him off. I could see he was happy with my work, as he closed his eyes and began to relax. I nudged him, saying his name, and he started doing the same to me. This was getting very nice, very very nice ;)

I moved back over and started to lick, my arse nearly touching the wall. He shoved his hand round and began to finger, using his spit as a lubricant. Meanwhile, I sucked on the tip of his cock, tasting piss, cum and sweat, which somehow felt so good. The bell went and I began to panic, but Whitey signalled to carry on, and be late. I started to enjoy him fingering me, I'd never done it before, but it felt amazing. Suddenly the door banged open and we heard a group of people walk in for a piss.

"Shit!" I whispered into Ryan's ear.

Secretly, though, I was enjoying the extra tension. One of the boys shoved the door, noticed it was locked and said "you having a nice shit?" We were lucky he didn't look under and see 2 pairs of shoes! I refused to stop, continuing to wank Ryan off, but he suddenly pulled away before I cummed, and pulled back up his trousers. The group left, he got dressed and walked out.

"More tomorrow?" I asked, to no reply.

Had he realised this wasn't for him?

Comments & criticism? I'll consider putting part 4 up when I get some :)

Jack xx

sexyswitch 01-31-2011 01:14 PM

nice story, deffo carry on

hornyjack 01-31-2011 01:19 PM

Thanks mate, will do!

glue 01-31-2011 02:51 PM

getting better and better with every part!!!!


pymani96 01-31-2011 03:37 PM

Good on yer... Keep going.

nuditydudity 01-31-2011 07:57 PM

Way to go man. Both updates were fantastic! I love the pace and I love the amount of detail that you put in!!
Awesome and wonderful story!! Looking forward to more!!!!

hornyjack 02-01-2011 09:01 AM

Thanks for all the comments people, probably won't be able to do another update tonight unless what I have arranged is cancelled (it was yesterday)

Feel free to send me a friend request or whatever! Jack xx

Saphir 02-01-2011 12:13 PM

hey jack
I've been reading this story since the first chapter was posted and really like it.

The last chapter was not what I expected though... how to describe.... :S

The way they act... that with he just asks him if he is gay, they just go to the toilet, having sex and leave hm... I don't know... it feels kinda rushed to me...
I expected they'd do something at the sleepover, not before.

That they do something before is okay to me, but hm.. to me it sounds a little like there is no prob... I mean... when I ask someone if he is gay, and also tell I am bi-curious, I think I'd have doubt about it before, wonder about it or whatever... or if I go to toilet with a boy, and have first time experience with him, ain't there any strange feelings? Or any special nice feelings? Thoughts?
The last chapters gave me a feeling that they'll be rather curious/careful(/shy?).

After all that philosphy xD I read the chapter third time now, and think the point I am complaining about is, there is less feelings or thoughts... to me it let the part in the toilet sound as if they'd just have another fuck - what I didn't expect after the first chapters... (it's okay to write in that way probably^^ but I didn't expect it for how the characters were in the chapters before..)

Anyways, I like your story and I will continue reading it :)
Maybe you get what I mean and think of it, or otherwise I'm maybe just babbling xD

All the best

Ps: I love that with German lesson xD Gestern, ich saw Ryan's cock. xD

immaeatu 02-01-2011 02:17 PM

this is a pretty good story :D
write soooon!!

hornyjack 02-01-2011 02:25 PM

Thanks Saphir, it did happen though so had to write it, just seemed to happen that way :P

And LOL about the German lesson.

Thanks immaeatu!

Saphir 02-01-2011 02:48 PM

That's okay :)

And despite all of that, good story, keep writing! :P
I want the next part :D

hornyjack 02-01-2011 03:14 PM

Tehe, thanks all!xx

hornyjack 02-02-2011 09:20 AM

Gonna try my best to get the next part up later tonight, no promises but I'll try people :)

immaeatu 02-02-2011 11:52 AM

hurrryyy!!!!!!!! D:

hornyjack 02-02-2011 02:26 PM

Sorry, so much revision, gonna have to leave it a day or 2 :(

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