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Greatcornbow 11-14-2018 01:11 PM

It all started when Sam suggested Strip Poker

This thread/story is an experiment and may or may not work as it will require interaction from other Members.

The idea came from two sources:
1. The very excellent fiction by Rachie some years back 'Strip Poker with a twist', which was never actually finalised....
2. A thread I saw on FetLife about the dynamic of some games had been played by some students (M and F mixed) at a College or University some years ago: actually it was Strip Hearts they played not Strip Poker as one or two felt they'd be disadvantaged at poker but were OK with Hearts. They were already part of a vanilla games group met weekly, so adjourned for the 'Strip' game afterwards. To keep things interesting they agreed only one loser per night, after which game ended and next game wasn't till next week.

So to make things more interesting, I came up with this idea. There'd still be the weekly games but there'd be a way in which posters could influence which player was the loser each week, by posting a weekly poll. So I'vedone an initial poll to test the water. Please indicate and vote accordingly whether or not you'd be interested in this. Poll will end next Friday,Oct 23rd. [CORRECTION - November 23rd!]

To start things off, my next post here will be a general introduction to the game players concerned, to give you all the background. If successful, it will develop over time. If not, it will just fizzle out.

Bankerrtx01 11-14-2018 02:29 PM

The only question is will this need to have a camrea live feed because that’s the only way I would say no.

Greatcornbow 11-15-2018 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by Bankerrtx01 (Post 3484189)
The only question is will this need to have a camrea live feed because that’s the only way I would say no.

No camera feed will be involved. Watch this space.

Greatcornbow 11-16-2018 12:15 PM

It all started when Sam suggested Strip Poker

Originally Posted by Greatcornbow (Post 3484154)

This thread/story is an experiment and may or may not work as it will require interaction from other Members.

The idea came from two sources:
1. The very excellent fiction by Rachie some years back 'Strip Poker with a twist', which was never actually finalised....
2. A thread I saw on FetLife about the dynamic of some games had been played by some students (M and F mixed) at a College or University some years ago: actually it was Strip Hearts they played not Strip Poker as one or two felt they'd be disadvantaged at poker but were OK with Hearts. They were already part of a vanilla games group met weekly, so adjourned for the 'Strip' game afterwards. To keep things interesting they agreed only one loser per night, after which game ended and next game wasn't till next week.

So to make things more interesting, I came up with this idea. There'd still be the weekly games but there'd be a way in which posters could influence which player was the loser each week, by posting a weekly poll. So I'vedone an initial poll to test the water. Please indicate and vote accordingly whether or not you'd be interested in this. Poll will end next Friday,Oct 23rd.

To start things off, my next post here will be a general introduction to the game players concerned, to give you all the background. If successful, it will develop over time. If not, it will just fizzle out.

It all started when Sam suggested Strip Poker. It was quite late Friday evening. There were five of them. They were all having a drink in the Bar of the Students' Union. They'd spent the earlier part of the evening at the University Games Club, a wholly vanilla club supported (as one of many clubs) and recognised by the University authorities. It was devoted to card and board games, of all descriptions, from chess to card and board gmes of all description. There was only one stipulation in its Rules: no gambling, so if they played, e.g. poker, it had to be for chips/points only: no cash betting. Alex felt this inhibiting and said so and wondered if there could be other ways of spicing things up a bit.

So Sam suggested strip poker. It turned out quite a few of them had played this before, when they had been at school, on occasion. Jane was one of them, but pointed out it would soon get boring and fizzle out after one game when everyone had seen everyone else so there was little point in continuing the same week after week. Sam said they could then play for forfeits, but Jane wasn't happy with this as she wouldn't be up for sexual risks to which it would very likely lead, but she might be OK if that possibility could be avoided.

'Tell you what', said Alex, who was reading Mathematics at for his degree: 'I think I could up with something to keep it interesting. Something to ensure only one loser per game and one game a week only'.

'So how would it work?' asked Jane, who had earlier that term proved herself to have been one of best card and board game players in the club. She also rather fancied Tom, one of the others there, and reckoned she could beat him easily at most games.

'Let me think about it', said Alex: 'I'll come up with something by tomorrow. Meet me here about 8p.m. if you're interested and I'll have worked it out and tell me what you think.'

'I'm all ears', said Sam.

Bankerrtx01 11-16-2018 12:20 PM

...where do we come in?

Greatcornbow 11-16-2018 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by Bankerrtx01 (Post 3485615)
...where do we come in?

Watch this space.:)

Greatcornbow 11-17-2018 03:32 PM

So next evening, Saturday, Alex was in the Students' Union Bar and Sam joined him very shortly.

'Well?' Sam asked.
'OK', said Alex. 'How's this for starters. First: only one loser each week, so as to keep up the interest over time. But I don't see something like Texas Hold'em working as when the first player drops out isn't a natural game ending. There's the simple five card draw of course with lowest hand in each round stripping an item, but that means no betting and it's pretty much all chance. So I came up with Strip Poker Dice, like Liar Dice, with plenty of interaction. Every time someone loses a challenge, person strips one item and a new round starts.'
'Could work,' said Sam: 'Are the others coming?'
'Jane can't make it, but she'll be at the Games Club next Friday. I suggested it to her and she quite liked the idea and said we could test it out with a 'vanilla' game at the Club. I've got some Poker Dice in case the Club hasn't.'

The others, Ann and Tom, with one of Tom's friends Richard, both turned up soon after and when Alex put the idea to them agreed to give it a try. Ann was reading Psychology and the idea rather appealed to her. Richard asked where they could play, as they could hardly use the Club Room!

'O no problem,' said Alex. My room is just down the corridor -we can use that.'

And so it was agreed.

LegLuvr 11-17-2018 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by Greatcornbow (Post 3484154)
Poll will end next Friday,Oct 23rd.

Just to let you know, this should be Nov, not Oct ;):p

Bankerrtx01 11-17-2018 03:45 PM

Nice can’t wait for more.

Greatcornbow 11-17-2018 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by LegLuvr (Post 3486598)
Just to let you know, this should be Nov, not Oct ;):p

Quite right. I was mentally thinking University terms which start October!

I'll correct!

Kinkygdom 11-18-2018 12:35 AM

How would we help decide?

Greatcornbow 11-18-2018 08:26 AM


Originally Posted by Kinkygdom (Post 3486857)
How would we help decide?

As I said,watch this space! All will become clear before long.:)

Greatcornbow 11-19-2018 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by Greatcornbow (Post 3487104)
As I said,watch this space! All will become clear before long.:)

I'll flesh out the details shortly, but broadly it will work like this. Once the thread is under way, for each game session there will a poll set I shall set up in a linked post and people will be invited to vote on their preferred player to determine the outcome of the game that week.

It won't be the only factor, though, as there will also be a random element and also adjustments made to allow that some players will be more skilful/reckless than others and/or have their own personal agenda, in accordance with their individual personalities. Plus that once one player has lost and stripped,the others will be more likely to want someone else to lose next time.

Also, students being students, not all of them will turn up to play every week, (and occasionally the game won't happen for one reason or another) and from time to time new players will join the circle.

All will be clearer when the system is up and running, which will happen gradually.

Bankerrtx01 11-19-2018 11:14 AM

Well fun, this will be interested,

Greatcornbow 11-20-2018 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by Bankerrtx01 (Post 3488038)
Well fun, this will be interested,

Hope so. The exact details I'll not finalize till after Friday when I've seen how many have voted showing an interest, as that will give me a pointer as to how much to tweak things, but broadly each player will have a + or - modifier to the votes cast for him/her, to reflect the above including the various attributes/skills/hidden agenda of each player,as well as a random element factored in. For instance one player might have designs on another; and that as the games continue players won't want to be looking at the same loser week after week.

Greatcornbow 11-20-2018 06:24 PM

From now on, I'll be distinguishing general posts from posts describing the interplay between the students. The latter will be in bold thus:Thus. Former as normal. This will makethe thread easier to follow. I have already edited the back posts accordingly.

Greatcornbow 11-21-2018 06:56 PM

Next morning Jane got a text from Ann. 'Can we talk? I'm a bit worried about what happened Friday.'
'Sure,' said Jane. 'Coffee in the Union Building 1 p.m.'
'See you there.'

Greatcornbow 11-22-2018 07:26 PM

Jane and Ann met up as agreed for coffee.
'Thing is,' said Ann: 'I've been having second thoughts as there's no knowing where it may lead. I've never done this before, but if I back out now all the others will think I'm a bit of a wuss. I come from a small village in the back of beyond and no brothers or sisters and no bloke has seen me naked since I was a baby, and I've not seen a naked male either, except in pix of course. And I'm nowhere near as good a games player as you are.'
'Yes, I'd not seen you around before. Are you a Fresher?'
'Yes, reading psychology. What about you?'
'Third year, reading law. In the Old Building.'
'Have you played a strip game before? '
'O yes. Not at Uni though. I played it three or four times when at school but at parties. Mixed boys and girls. I was 16 first time. Was a bit of a laugh. My best friend and I used to collude so we'd each know when the other was bluffing which gave us a huge advantage over the boys and we had other tricks like that. It could be called cheating, but we didn't care. Plus there were nearly always more boys than girls so we had an advantage there too as we'd only play if the game ended when the first person was in the buff. I never lost, though I did once have to take my bra off. The boys really got frustrated as we'd had the pants off more than one of them in earlier games and they wanted their own back. It was great fun. But if you do back off I'll not play if I'm the only girl so I'll have to back off too. I'd quite understand though.'
Ann paused.
Jane then resumed.
'Tell you what. I'll work something out with you. Say we're playing in a circle and there's one bloke between you and me. I can for instance give you a sign if I was bluffing. If he doesn't call my bluff (I can be very convincing) he's got to raise and almost certainly won't have them so you then call him and he's no chance.And I'll think of other ways to give you an advantage while you build up your confidence. I can look after myself. Worst comes to the worst I've also got a black belt in judo.'
'OK, said Ann. 'You're on.'

Greatcornbow 11-23-2018 10:58 PM

OK all. 18 voted yes which IMO is well sufficient! More story lines re the players will follow. Meanwhile next poll (on outcome of first game) is up very soon!

Bankerrtx01 11-24-2018 03:25 PM

Ok I’ll see you then.

Greatcornbow 11-25-2018 12:41 PM

Come Friday evening Sam had gone to the Union bar for a pint before going to the Games Club which didn't start till 7 p.m. He'd had a heavy day: two lectures, three tutorials, plus an appointment with his Director of Studies. He'd got alot of work and research to do the coming week and needed to recharge his batteries. Tom came in and joined him.
"Hi Sam," he said. "Going to the Games Club?"
"That was quite some thing you started, the strip game, last week. D'you reckon it will actually happen?"
"50-50 I'd say. I'm not interested in playing blokes only, and Alex told me Jane wouldn't play if she were the only girl. Only one way to find out, though, and I've got in a few bottles of wine just to get everyone relaxed."
"D'you fancy either of the two girls played last week?"
"Could do. They both look pretty good to me. Though I've got my own gf just now, Nicola. I don't think she's really a games player. How about you? I rather thought Jane fancied you a bit."
"Do you? I've my own gf too just now too."
"Well who knows. I'm having another pint. It's still half an hour to start time. Can I get you one too? What's yours?
"Yes thanks. Pint of Export please."
"Coming up!"

Greatcornbow 11-25-2018 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by Greatcornbow (Post 3488618)
Hope so. The exact details I'll not finalize till after Friday when I've seen how many have voted showing an interest, as that will give me a pointer as to how much to tweak things, but broadly each player will have a + or - modifier to the votes cast for him/her, to reflect the above including the various attributes/skills/hidden agenda of each player,as well as a random element factored in. For instance one player might have designs on another; and that as the games continue players won't want to be looking at the same loser week after week.

There'll also be a tie-breaking mechanic. All players will have a different +/- modifier. So if more than one player end up equal in the poll, the one who's the loserthat week will be theone with the most 'raw' score, i.e. the most unmodified votes from the poll. Ifthat's not clear now, it will become so soon!:):)

Greatcornbow 11-26-2018 12:01 PM

'OK,' said Sam. 'Time to be heading for the Club'
' Yes, it's ten to seven. Coming with you!'
The room where the Games Club played was in the Students' Union Building. When Sam and Tom got there all the others were there already except Alex, who arrived soon afterwards. They, and all the other games played all the usual games, but after an hour or so Alex started a game of Liar Dice for the six who were down for the strip game afterwards: mainly to check they all would be playing by the same rules. There is more than one version of Liar Dice. This version involves just one set of poker dice. The first person would secretly make a throw and announce what he had, which might be true or a bluff. The next person could either challenge or accept. If challenged there'd be a show down and if correct the challenger lost a life; if it was a bluff and player hadn't the dice for the call, the announcer lost one. If no challenge was made, the second player could reroll any number of dice and make a call in turn, which had to be higher than the previous player's. The next (i.e. third) player had the same option, and so on; and the dice passed round the table until eventually a challenge was made, successful ot otherwise. The highest possible hand was five aces: if bid the next player HAD to challenge. The ranking was, lowest upwards: Highest (i.e. no straight), One Pair, Two Pairs, Three of a kind, Low straight (K-9), High straight (A-10), Full House ( Three of a kind and a pair), Four of a kind, Five of a kind.The dice featured different suits so no flush nor straight flush featured at all.
The game attracted a lot of interest among the other players in the Club who wondered why the six were so intense about it. Some came round to watch. It was a tight game, which Alex won, with Jane second.
The Club room was booked 7-9.30p.m.every Friday.
So at just before 9.30 they all went to the bar for a drink before adjourning to Alex's room, which actually in another part of the same building, two floors up.

Sam then started: 'I've brought some bottles of wine, if any one wants a glass before we started.' He opened up a bottle of Rioja and put it on the side table and Alex produced some glasses. They had a short chat and introduced themselves individually to the others.
'I'm Alex, as you know. Third year, Mathematics'
'Ann. Fresher. Psychology'
'And I'm Jane. Third year. Reading Law.'
'Richard, me, also Fresher. Physics.'
'I'm the Sam who started this! Second year, Geography.'
'And I am Tom. Also second year. Chemistry. I'm hoping we'll find out more about each other soon.'
Sam and Alex laughed.

'OK. Down to the game! Now before we start,' said Alex: 'Just checking we all start wearing the same number of items. What shall we say? Six each?'
'Make it eight,' said Ann.
'I'm easy. Say we take a vote on it.'
So they did. In the end they settled on eight,with shoes and socks/stockings counting one item each. Ann said she was wearing tights so they agreed she could have a scarf to make up the number.
They drew lots and Richard was first to throw.
Sam would be next, then Jane, then Tom, then Ann, then Alex, then back to Richard again.
'Pair of Jacks. Well Sam?'

Greatcornbow 11-26-2018 05:32 PM

Main story will continue. Meanwhile poll is here.

I am not sure the optimum period to keep the poll open for best results. I have started on three days. I may tweak this for future similar polls.

Greatcornbow 11-27-2018 06:38 PM

So far so good. Thank you all for voting. Twelve votes so far. With eighteen who responded Yes I was hoping for something like this. Interesting to see the tally when poll ends.

Good for me too, as I need to think ahead for several possible scenarios depending on the result. Far too close to call just yet! Who'll it be I wonder?

Greatcornbow 11-27-2018 07:53 PM

'I'll take them.'
Sam paused.
'I throw three'
Another pause.
'Three Jacks. OK Jane'
Jane also paused a moment. Common sense said it was 50:50 he had made the third Jack, but she knew it was less than that.
Showdown. Sure enough just two Jacks, plus Ace, Ten, Nine.
Off came his first shoe .

The whole hand had taken scarcely a minute. Six players and eight articles each: forty-eight total; Jane (and probably most if not all of the others) reckoned there'd be an outcome in about half an hour max.

Greatcornbow 11-28-2018 01:12 PM

'OK' said Jane. 'So I challenged successfully so I get the dice for the next first throw? Right?'
She looked at Alex, who was the guru on the rules of most games.
'Yes that's right. But if you'd not been successful it would have been the next player, Tom to start.'
'OK.' She rolled. 'Three Kings, Tom.'
Tom looked at her. Could she be bluffing? He couldn't see why she should: no need.
'OK I'll take them.'
Tom looked at them. Two Queens plus Ace, Ten, Nine. Now what to roll? Had to be two dice without giving the game away.
'Full House. Kings over Queens.'
'Liar,' said Ann.'She'd picked up Jane's signal of course. Right shoe off Tom.
'OK Alex my roll's two tens.'
And so the game got under way. Though no obvious winner in the first few hands. Jane then lost twice in a row, and all the others except Ann lost one or two each, but no more.
All this time Sam was eyeing up both Jane and Ann. Practically ogling them in fact and Ann in particular sensed this and didn't like it. But too late to back out now. Jane sensed this too and felt slightly guilty she'd talked Ann into this. She felt somehow protective to Ann, who was an only child with no siblings, whereas she, Jane, had two brothers (plus she'd had to fight them sometimes and to learn the hard way how to give as good as she got) but no sister and she'd wished she had one. She began to formulate a Plan B.

Greatcornbow 11-28-2018 02:03 PM

OK all. As I said, this thread is an experiment, so all feel free to comment on how you feel about it, either on this thread or via PM. Not on the poll threads though, or it will become very disjunctive.

I'll next, gradually, be introducing more background on the various players, etc., a bit at a time, depending on when I get the muse (I think it's what the Welsh call 'yr awen').

Voting I see has slowed down. Only one more in the course of day two: thirteen total so far. Could be more, but good enough even so. Will be interesting to see what it bodes for the future.

Kinkygdom 11-28-2018 09:50 PM

willl the chapters be longer after votes?

Greatcornbow 11-29-2018 03:15 AM


Originally Posted by Kinkygdom (Post 3495493)
willl the chapters be longer after votes?

Not sure. Probably about the same. What would you prefer?

Greatcornbow 11-29-2018 02:20 PM

And Sam was indeed eyeing up the two girls more than somewhat. He was already mentally undressing them. Ann was blonde, Jane brunette: he speculated whether they'd have a bush to match, or maybe one or both (Jane most likely he thought) were shaved down there or perhaps just had a landing strip. Since he was about 16 he'd had an obsession about seeing girls naked: he had long made a point of trying to see as many as he could, and always had an eye for a chance of a new one. He even 'collected' them, as a schoolboy might collect train numbers or whatever, and wrote them down in a notebook: name, date, type of bush (if any), and other details. He'd got fourteen so far, since he'd started, and now saw an easy way to add two more. Odd thing was:he had a fairly steady girlfriend of his own: two years younger than he was, and in her final year at school, and hoping to come to Uni next October, so very much concentrating on her studies. He'd not told her about his notebook (she was Number 5 in it) of course. He hoped to be seeing her soon. But now his eyes were on Jane and Ann: he was hoping to be adding these two in a fortnight max. So far Jane was down to four items: two up, two down, as it were. One more and it'd be bra or knickers on view. Ann, who he fancied the look of rather more, was still wearing five. He too was still wearing five. Ann had kept the scarf, which was the University Faculty issue so very substantial: maybe six feet long and nine inches wide, and woollen and very thick: ideal for cold weather. Most Uni students had one - different design for each faculty: Arts, Law,and so on.

Greatcornbow 11-29-2018 05:47 PM

Thank you all for voting. 12 after 1st day, 14 after 2nd, 17 after 3rd; and 18 originally interest in initial poll.

Looks to me I pitched it about right for the three days. I think I'll stick with that pro tem at least. 'Loser' will be Richard: although he and Tom both ended on net 6 each Richard had one more popular vote.

Narrative to follow.

Greatcornbow 11-30-2018 03:45 PM

I shall be grateful if all queries are made here and not on the separate polls which can only be in stand alone threads as gD does not give the functionality to raise them periodically on this one. So I have crossposted thence to here.


Originally Posted by Dublinjohn (Post 3496759)
I'm interested in how you came up with the modifier

My reply: I'd have appreciated if you'd raised this in main thread where I explained the broad basis of this. Is part innate,part formulaic, part random., latter to reflect the luck of the dice. The modifier for each person vary weekly in accordance.

I shall elaborate as the thread progresses.


Greatcornbow 12-02-2018 06:41 PM

Ann was still, nervous though. But after a few more hands she became less so. Two of the guys were now down to three items, while she still had on the five. She began to watch their reactions. One of the reasons why she'd chosen the Psychology course was whe was interested in what made people's minds tick and how the brain worked and was motivated, and so far all the lectures on the subject had been dry and very theoretical, and not much practical help so far. This experience was actually teaching her more of what she wanted to know. She was gradually gaining confidence. Ann's bra next came on show: a thick heavy sports bra, giving nothing away as to what was underneath. Then Tom lost a challenge and was down to his last two, then Richard ditto. Ann felt the different attitude of those two very striking: Tom quite apprehensive, Richard so laid back it was scarecely credible. And in a few more hands it was over: Richard to bare all. He had no problem at all. He pilled his boxers off, just like they were a pair of spectacles, and walked over to the table and poured himself another Rioja. Ann looked him, trying not to show it was the first adult male she'd ever seen naked. Jane looked at him too: fine figure she thought: 5' 11", well built, slim but not skinny, and brown curly bush and penis about 5" and circumcised. She was OK with that. She too was a bit surprised as to how relaxed Richard was. Richard explained that that summer he'd been for a week with some others to a naturist beach on an island in Germany, Sylt the name or something like that: one of the Frisian islands in the North Sea, and amazed at how liberating it had been. So he had no problem now. Ann looked at him again, began to respect him: she'd never have had the nreve to do anything like that.

Alex then spoke. "All OK for next week then?" All said yes except Richard, who explained:
"I can't manage it. My sister's getting married next Saturday, so I'm off on the Friday night train. But I'm OK for the Friday after that. And meanwhile I'll have a word with my flatmates to see if they're interestered. I'll let you know."

Greatcornbow 12-07-2018 11:44 AM

@DublinJohn and generally.

As I said this thread is an experiment. I started the modifier in two parts: (1) a bonus based on perceived skill and (2) a random element; and thren adjusted +/- to ensure no player had exactly the same, so that votes actually cast would determine any tie break.

I will still use this as a basis, but need to tweak it a bit now that the games are under way. Depending on the week and how things develop there could be anything up to 10 players in any given week, and a +/- differential of nine is excessive when thenumber of votes cast weekly is 15-20. So I will be also adding fractional modifiers to to reflect also (a) games played so far (b) results and who has seen/been seen in respect of the others playing that week and (c) votes cast previously for players other than the one who actually lost. To obviate too big a differential between max and min the modifier will at times be expressed as a decimal fraction, e.g. -1.3 or whatever, thus also reducing the tie break scenarios to a minimum. For the random element I am using dice: 1 x 6 sided at present though this may change in time.

QAPage 12-08-2018 06:07 AM

Skin in the Game
How about a way to make it really interactive? In addition to the normal poll, each week thread viewers have the option of registering as one of the story/game participants (can use the poll feature under a different name for this).

If the story/game participant that a viewer has registered as losses that week, all other registered viewers (the winners) can demand that those viewers (the losers) strip naked on web cam for them if they encounter each other on site.

This will allow the viewers of the story to really be part of the action and play each other for their clothes via the mechanism of the story.

What do you think?

If you like I idea, I will register as Tom.

Greatcornbow 12-08-2018 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by QAPage (Post 3503794)
How about a way to make it really interactive? In addition to the normal poll, each week thread viewers have the option of registering as one of the story/game participants (can use the poll feature under a different name for this).

If the story/game participant that a viewer has registered as losses that week, all other registered viewers (the winners) can demand that those viewers (the losers) strip naked on web cam for them if they encounter each other on site.

This will allow the viewers of the story to really be part of the action and play each other for their clothes via the mechanism of the story.

What do you think?

If you like I idea, I will register as Tom.

Nice idea, but I had already promised an earlier poster that no cameras would be involved. S/he would not participate otherwise.So I'm keeping my word!

And not all members on gD use a webcam.

So there'd not be a level playing field.

But it's a good thought, and maybe depending how this thread goes the idea can perhaps be incorporated in another interactive story. I'll consider this further. I may want to discuss with the Mods as I've a feeling gD may have a policy on this.

Greatcornbow 12-08-2018 06:15 PM

When Richard had got dressed again (in the adjacent room) he was asked about his flatmates and explained he was in a mixed flat, 2m & 2f, all students at Uni, and all of whom had been with him in Sylt, so the concept of nudity would probably not be a problem, though they might not be into this sort of thing.. He'd not seen them at the Games club, so honestly didn't know. But he'd surely ask. Then they all went their separate ways home.

Greatcornbow 12-08-2018 06:35 PM

Sam went home slightly disappointed, but reflected there'd be plenty of chances again, as the two girls looked set fair to be returning next week, and with luck there'd be one or two of Richard's flatmates as well. He was a bit depressed. He had expected to be in one of the new halls of residence but there'd been a construction problem with the building (fire regulations) and it wouldn't now be ready till next term, so he was in digs with a slightly unscrupulous landlady who overcharged on the (gas) heating which in his room was on a coin operated slot meter. To relax he turned on his computer to look at some porn. He'd found a new strip blackjack website he could play on line and spent an hour on that before going to bed.

Tom was also hopeful for next week. Did Jane fancy him or not? He considered giving her his phone number, but decided against it just now. No hurry.

Jane and Ann gave each other a look and agreed to meet up for a coffee in the old Union building lunchtime the next day.

Alex was pensive but made no sign. He was quite tired after a long week and had some coursework needed some research over the weekend before his tutorial on Monday.

Greatcornbow 12-09-2018 06:00 PM

Ann and Jane met up next day as agreed. Jane was wearing a green dress which looked quite new. Full length almost, down to her knees and a few small buttons at the back under the neck to keep in place.

Ann complimented her on it.

"Where did you get it?"
"Was birthday present from my uncle Ian in Perth. I stayed with him a few weeks back and he took me round the shops. I really liked it, so he said I could have it as present. He's my father's brother, and no wife nor child of his own, and he's a real dear. He's make someone a great husband but so far shown no interest. I don't really know why."
"Well it's great, though a bit 'dressy' for Uni common wear, if you know what I mean. But wonderful for occasions."
"Yes I know, but I wanted to know what you thought."
"Well, I love it!"
"Yes, but I thought: what about for the strip game evening?"
"I don't understand."
"I just thought about it more. And I'm so grateful to you for coming with me there. I could never have gone as the only girl among males."
"No problem, and the session did something for me too, which I'd not expected. I can well understand you not wanting to be alone. Being ogled in my undies by the likes of Sam I would not like one bit."
"That's the point, Ann. Wear this and it can't happen. If you're down to your last three and lose again you don't need to take it off. You can reach behind your back and remove your bra from underneath. Also you can take off your knickers the same way, and they still won't see a thing. And if it really comes to the wire, then it's all or nothing anyway. You can pull it off in a moment, and then do what Richard did: walk over to the table for a Rioja (with your back to them) and then into the spare room to get dressed again. OK, they'll have seen you; but only a second or two and no chance to ogle. If it should come to that of course; but so far so good, hey! But how did the session feel for you?"
"Not entirely what I expected at all. I was nervous, tbh. But as the game wore on and I began to feel sure I'd not be the one 'at risk' as it were, I got to start studying the others. As you know, I'm reading psychology, and partly because I've always been fascinated as to thought processes and what makes people's brains tick. The lectures and books on it so far have been very dry and theoretical. But reading into those four guys was for me a real 'practical' as it were. And boy, are they all four different!"
"Go on."
"The real enigma IMO is Alex. Richard is straight as a die, I reckon: I really liked him and his confidence. Sam's a lecher and I'd certainly not want to be with him alone. And Tom: well I'm not sure but I think it's you he fancies, but something is holding him back. Not sure what. I'll watch them all the next game and maybe will have read some more. You'll be there again?"
"O yes, so long as you will. Must go now, but see you soon. Keep in touch."
"Will do,"

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