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Sexualobster 10-11-2014 03:48 PM

Right down the hall
Hey guys!

This is my second story on this website. I decided to start with a new one as the other one seemed to attract a smaller audience. I've been playing around with this story a bit in my head and wondering what you all would think of it. Leave a comment if you like it, because then I know to continue.


I first saw her in the kitchen. I live in a dorm where everyone has their own room but up to 10 people share a kitchen. Now when I first moved here for University, the kitchen was the last place i'd expected to meet a girl I would fall for, so quickly and by such a large degree.

I was cooking a pot of instant pasta when she walked in. I was sitting down playing a puzzle game on my phone when she walked in with tight jeans, a small white tank top and a small microwaveable pizza in her hand.

"Hi." she said casually.
"Hey." I replied.

Growing up in a modern society as a male with a lawyer for a father, I was trained to approach every situation with a poker face. Don't let the enemy get the upper hand by knowing how you feel. In this situation it was pure infatuation. She was gorgeous in a really cute way.

I casually stood up to check on the pasta while eyeing her from behind, trying to soak up as much information as I could before I reached the boiling pot. She was at a counter, unwrapping the frozen pizza from the plastic wrapping, the cardboard already strewn aside. She was equally stunning from behind. I know the thigh gap isn't something that should be focused on, but it sure as hell emphasized her beautiful ass.

I reached the pot and didn't look at her. Stew the pasta, ensure none of the pasta gets stuck to the pot and burnt. Boil for another 8 or so minutes... yes..

"You new here?" I casually ask, only turning to look at her after finishing the sentence. Just a casual conversation. Nothing special.
"Uh not really. I moved in about 2 months ago."
"2 months! I haven't seen you here before though."
"Yeah I don't cook much." she said with a little giggle. I gave a smile and went back to my seat. Be cool James.

She walked towards the door and left. Shit.

A few days later I approached her in the hallway by chance and spontaneously asked if she would like to cook something together in the kitchen. It's always awfully quiet in there and I could use a cooking partner. She agreed quite gleefully which was a great sign. She took the cool card and most probably doesn't think i'm a creep. Probably. Right?

A few days turned into a few months and we cooked together quite a few times after that. I got to know her, her interests and her food taste. I was the head chef for the most part so she was constantly standing by to receive my instructions, chop the onions, cut the parsley. That sort of thing.

We started getting closer and our 'Hi's became 'Hey!'s and our stiffness became playful.

"Hey grab that frying pan for me."
"Aye aye sir!" she said with a semi-serious face and a salute followed by a giggle.
"Don't stand there with a salute! On the double shipmate!"

We got pretty close. But she was pretty shy. I was too. While we became pretty good friends, we never really got close physically. It was always slightly awkward between the two of us and, if she was into me, she clearly wasn't making the first move, and I didn't want to ruin the friendship by trying.

As more people moved in to the dorm, they automatically assumed we were dating. It was usually followed by a synchronised "Oh no no... no we're not dating..." from the both of us. I was always thinking of how to move to the next step but it always seemed to end up just being another cooking session. This was until we decided to make the Caesar salad.

For Caesar salad, you ideally need a salad, some cooked chicken and BACON slices. The bacon slices need to be chopped into pieces after being fried in a pan. The pan, after cooking enough bacon, is usually covered in oil. On this day she had been in charge of the bacon.

I had my back turned to her while I was slicing the cooked chicken into strips.

"AGHHHHH!" I heard a blood curdling scream from behind. I turned around instantly in surprise to see her clutching the bottom of her shirt and pulling it as far away from her stomach as possible.
"What happened?!" I asked in earnest concern.
"I spilled oil on my shirt. It burnt me!" she said in agony, staring down at the stain on her shirt.

"AH!" she said once more as a bit of the oil touched her skin. The oil seemed to be spreading slightly. She tried pulling the shirt away a bit further but it was already stretched to it's fullest potential. She attempted to reach for the napkin I was offering her.

"Ah! AH!" she yelled once again as more oil kept touching her skin. She immediately brought back both hands down to her shirt. She hesitated for a moment as pulled her shirt in a different direction. She uttered a smaller 'ah' as more oil touched her skin before she decided to act quickly.


The oil was burning my skin by the second and I didn't have time to run back to my room. I decided that I needed to get rid of this burning hole on my shirt and pulled my white top over my head, making sure to avoid touching the oil to my head. As I pulled the top over my head, I remembered that James was standing right there. It hadn't occurred to me up until halfway through my shirt evacuation that James was still there.

As I pulled my shirt above my chest, I exposed my red lace bra straight at him and the first thing I see him looking at are my breasts. As soon as my entire shirt came off, he raised his eyes back to my face and then looked away slightly.

I blushed and turned to an angle to cover my frame a little. I liked James. I just didn't know if he liked me and I was terribly embarrassed to be standing here topless in front of him.


She was wearing short shorts today and now she was topless. She was essentially in her bra and panties by this point. At first glance I noticed how fit she was. Her legs were long and slender, her breasts were a full B cup which filled her red laced bra PERFECTLY and her entire frame was absolutely gorgeous.

"Waw" I muttered after glancing away.
Waw? Really James?
"Sorry. I uh... I didn't mean to-"
"No it's ok. You can look." she whispered. I slowly raised my eyes up her legs and reached her eyes. I used to watch a show called "Lie to me" and they talked about micro expressions. Faint, almost unnoticeable, split second shows of emotion that are very difficult to suppress. And I swear on the hair on my head, that, for a split second, she smirked.

Frazi3r 10-11-2014 08:26 PM

I love this story so far. Please keep going.

Sexualobster 10-12-2014 01:47 AM

Thanks Frazi3r! Keep the comments coming!


I've wanted to be naked in front of James for a long time now so this just felt like the perfect excuse. I didn't mean to pour scalding oil on myself but when life gives you lemons...

It felt like an eternity standing there. I was squeezing my arms together and holding my arms in front of my stomach trying to make myself smaller in this big room but ended up inadvertently squeezing my breasts together making them even more exaggerated. I looked up at him and looked down every so often. My face felt hot and my heart rate was beating extremely quickly. Why wasn't he saying anything?

"You better go change." he mentioned eventually.
"Y-Yeah. I um, where's my key?" I asked right before it hit me that it was in my shirt pocket. I had one of those tank tops with the pocket right underneath my breast and our building uses keycards rather than actual keys. I hopped over really quickly to my shirt and carefully lifted the crumbled heap to find the pocket.

The oil had not landed on the pocket, but in my haste to throw the shirt aside, the oil had been left to sit on top of said pocket.

"Shit!" I whispered.
"What's wrong?" James asked.
"I- it might be nothing but my card might have been burnt by the oil."

"I'm gonna go check." I said as I walked towards the kitchen door before stopping in my tracks. I can't go out like this.

"Hey could you look to see if anyone is outside first?" I asked James.
"Yeah. Yeah sure." James answered, walking towards the door, still eyeing my body now and again.


Microwave for 5 minutes? How the hell can anything go from Frozen to cooked in 5 minutes?

I walked over to the kitchen, checking to see if I still had my key card in my pocket. The doors auto-lock when you close them so you have to bring your key card with you or wait until the caretaker comes back the next day to open the door for you.

As I approached the door I saw James open and looked left into the hallway. He hadn't seen me yet but I kept approaching. James was cute and he had a body that I wanted to climb on top but my boyfriend would kill him and then maybe me. Maybe someday.

I was about 2 feet from James when he looked right and saw me. He jumped a little and began stuttering.

"Oh hey Anja, you coming to cook something?"


"Heyyy James. Am I not allowed in?" she asked playfully. Anja was hot. No doubt about that. She had quite a foreign look to her, dark hair and Persian eyes although she wasn't Persian. I didn't know where she was from but she wore eyeliner in the most subtle way to make me adjust myself sometimes.

She was one of the main frontiersman that pushed the idea of Rosy and I being a couple. At least she was one of the first. And if she saw Rosy topless in the kitchen with me, I would never hear the end of it.

"Uh no yeah, I mean I really smoked up the kitchen. Y-You should really not come in here. For your health's sa-" I stumbled with words as she never broke pace. She walked into me and brushed me aside looking curiously in. She knew I was trying to hide something. She was smiling a mischievous smile and when she saw Rosy she stopped. A micro expression once again. But this time of... excitement?

Sexualobster 10-13-2014 04:26 PM


Holy shit what? We're they just fucking? No they would have to be a bit more naked for that. What was going on here? And how can I exploit this.

"Well. That certainly confirms what I have always suspected." I said out loud with pure glee.

"It's not what you think Anja." James said, slightly dejected. He wishes it was.

"I spilled some oil on my shirt and I had to take it off." Rosy said. She had her back turned to me as soon as I walked in. She was standing face forward, putting her breasts on a catwalk for James when I walked in, but turns away as soon as I arrive?

"Uh huh. And then decided, i'll just stay like this?" I asked mockingly.
"No of course not! I was literally about to go change." She answered in defense.
"Is that why James went to check the hallway? So that you two could get your freak on?" I asked once more playfully.
"No-!" Rosy yelled once more before I interrupted once again.

"Hey, it's none of my business. I just wanted to microwave some food, but i'll come back later and let you two get on with it." I said with a wink as I turned away.

Remember what I said about exploiting this situation? Well James clearly had a thing for Rosy and this was reinforced by the fact that as I interrogated Rosy, he had slowly moved backwards to her side. To protect her. He was nearly standing next to her and she had shifted sideways while talking to me.

As I turned around, I secretly pulled out my phone and turned to the camera.

"I'll just be on my way then." I said absentmindedly. As soon as the camera finished loading I spun around, and snapped a photo of the lovely couple.


"HEY WHAT THE HELL!" I screamed. Did she seriously just take a picture of me?

"I wonder what the house master will think of this? Fornication in the kitchen. My my." Anja said evilly. She had the biggest shit eating grin on her face.
"He would never believe you!" James yelled. He didn't sound too genuine though.
"You want to take that risk?" Anja replied, still as smug as ever.

"What do you mean risk? What are we risking?" I asked confrontationally. She was NOT going to blackmail ME.

"Listen, I will put this camera phone down, on the counter away from me. That way I can't take any pictures. I want you to take off that bra Mrs. Rosy, then I will hand my phone to you and you can delete the picture yourself." Anja finally answered.


Rosy had the biggest look of shock on her face. She was holding her shoulders, covering up her body as much as she could.

"Come on girl. Let James finally see what he has always dreamt about." she added. I was switching my view from Anja to Rosy and back to Anja. I looked at Rosy again when our gazes met. We both quickly broke off and looked away from each other.

Anja, still looking smug as ever, was clearly enjoying this.

"Anja come on, it's not what you think-" I tried to say defensively.
"Put the phone on the counter." Rosy said defeated.
"Rosy you don't have to do thi-"
"It's fine James." Rosy answered.

"Ooooh this is getting saucey isn't it James?" Anja said happily. She sounded super excited. Almost overly so. Anja walked over to the counter and placed her phone down before walking back towards the door.

"Alright! Off with it! James I want you to look straight at them. No looking away now." Anja instructed.
"Oh come on An-" I said before being interrupted by Rosy's gaze. She was just going to go through with it.

"Let's just do it James." Rosy said, looking around the floor. She reached behind her back and her bra went slack. She raised her right hand to her left shoulder and slowly pulled off the strap. She then did the same with her left hand and slowly pulled off her bra at the cups. There they were. I was utterly embarrassed at having to do this and couldn't imagine what Rosy was feeling.

But they were amazing. Perfectly spherical, accentuated from her chest, complimented by her gorgeous form. I kept staring at them but had completely forgotten about Anja's instructions. I was staring on my own will. Rosy was looking away, her face a shade of red as she stared out the window. Her eyes closed, biting her lip in shame.

*snap* That can't be? Her phone is still on the counter?

We both turned to look at Anja, who was holding another camera in her hands.

Frazi3r 10-13-2014 09:05 PM

The way this story is written is amazing. I love all of the different perspectives. Please keep going with this.

issabella 10-13-2014 09:06 PM

great story really good keep ot going!!

kmacroxs 10-14-2014 04:42 PM

Going great so far. Please continue writing.

Sexualobster 10-15-2014 11:00 AM

Thanks for the comments you 3! You don't find the constantly changing perspectives confusing?


"How is that possible?!" I yelled at Anja. Rosy quickly turned away covering her chest once more.

Anja had an even more smug look on her face than before. She couldn't possibly be grinning anymore. It was the face of someone who's plan just went through perfectly.

"It is by complete chance that I happened to have my camera on me as well, and what luck right!" Anja answered ecstatically.

"We did what you said Anja! Delete the pictures!" Rosy finally exclaimed, spewing hate from her mouth.

"Yes that is true. Here you are free to delete the picture from my phone." Anja said, walking towards us with the phone in her outstretched hand, still the biggest grin on her face.
"And your camera too!" Rosy ordered.
"The camera wasn't part of the deal. You'll have to do something else for the camera."
"NO! Enough games Anja! This is serious. We could get kicked out of this dorm if those pictures leak!" Rosy yelled once more. She was hating every minute of this and she was clenching her shoulders harder than humanly possible. It didn't cover up anymore of her chest than if she was holding her shoulders lightly.

Every time Rosy said something, I would turn to look at her but also take the opportunity to glance at her figure. Her arms were covering her breasts but she still had a magnificent side boob and her figure went straight and smooth to the ground.

"Then you better not let these pictures leak." Anja said with a smile.


Oh how fun! Oh how exciting...

"This is a new camera actually. I bought it a few months ago. It's got WiFi capabilities! How crazy is that! It even has this 'sync' button which backs up every picture in this camera to my cloud. Do you know what a cloud is? It's an online storage that is kept in some server halfway across the world. Which means that if I press it, deleting the copy on this camera will not delete it forever. Do you understand what I am saying?"


I hate you. I hate you so much Anja.

"What do you want then!?" I screamed.
"Lower that voice or I will click this button right here, right now." Anja said, pulling the camera away from us, her face dead serious.
"What. Do you want. Anja." I said in a lower tone.

The door opened and Garin from room 303 walked in, stopped at the door, looked at all 3 of us and left his eyes on me.




Garin's eyes were looking at me but it was quite a blank stare. He wasn't checking me out, more like processing what is happening.

"Ooook." Garin said, before he turned around and closed the door.
"Can I put on my bra now?" I eventually said after a few seconds of silence.
"Nope." Anja answered, still looking at the door, where Garin was a few seconds ago.

*She has a Nikon SJ3500. She isn't bluffing.* James whispered to me. I got a sick feeling in my stomach that was telling me this wasn't going to end soon. I decided that there was no point covering my breasts at this point. I dropped my hands to my waist. Looking like a dissapointed mother.

"Ah you're thinking ahead of me. Yes pull down those shorts. You won't be needing them." Anja said turning her head back towards our direction.


I knew this wasn't going to end but I was hoping that James just had to suck on my nipple or something. I angrily, and without delay, unzipped my shorts and pulled them down, revealing my red panties. I resumed my, hands on hip stance, with an irritated look on my face.

"What now?" I asked angrily.
"Panties too." Anja answered.
"Come on."

Anja just continued smiling at me. I made a huff and grabbed my panties and was about to pull them down before I hesitated. James was standing right there. I decided that I wasn't going to get out of this so I pulled my panties down anyway. I kicked the panties to the side where my clothes were now stacked in a messy pile. I didn't try to hide it, I stood with my legs apart trying to feint confidence while in actuality, my heart was beating at 200bpm. I was petrified but I didn't want Anja to see it.

"You've got a great body Rosy, have I ever told you that?" Anja said. I squinted my eyes and faked a smile.

"Alright off you go. You may go back to your room now."
"Thank you." I said, squinting another fake smile, while I walked over to my clothes to collect them.
"No no. Leave those here. Just take your key."

issabella 10-15-2014 07:36 PM

good story keep it going!!!!!!!!!

Sexualobster 10-16-2014 06:27 PM

Thanks greenmist!


Fuck fuck fuck FUCK!


For the first time, Rosy broke that fake confidence and looked genuinely terrified. She was fidgeting around and Anja was just standing there, basking in her glory.

"P-please Anja. I can't let people see me like this." Rosy begged. She was looking very small all of a sudden. I had just stood on the sidelines, Rosy didn't even seem to notice I was still here for the past 2 minutes.

"Your room isn't far. It's just a short sprint." Anja answered. Rosy looked around for a good 5 seconds, looking nervous as ever.
"Please, anything else." Rosy finally answered. Anja looked at her with genuine compassion. Anja looked down at her feet and then back up at Rosy, who had dropped her, arms on hip, stance and looked like she was begging for change.

"Fine. Let's go to my room. Leave your clothes here though. I'll even open it for you so you can run straight in." Anja finally answered. Anja's room was literally 2 feet from the kitchen so it was a much shorter distance than Rosy's room. Rosy didn't say anything but walked towards Anja, her head held down in defeat.

Anja walked out of the kitchen, looked around, opened her room door and turned around inviting us both in. Rosy, looked out of the kitchen and then jumped into Anja's room. She was terrified of being seen. I followed Rosy out and let the kitchen door slam shut behind me.

As I walked past Anja, and into her room, she smiled at me and slapped my ass. I jumped a little and turned to her but was just greeted by another smile.

Anja closed her door and then walked into the room, where Rosy and I were waiting. To be honest, so far I had done nothing and Rosy had been the one to suffer. So I was just tagging along this ride that seemed to be between Rosy and Anja.

Anja walked over to her closet, putting the camera down on the table next to her. Before I knew what was happening, Rosy had dove over the bed and tried to reach the table. Anja saw it a second before I did and snatched the camera from the table while simultaneously pushing back Rosy from approaching.

"I will push this button now I swear to god." Anja said with the most evil voice.
"No no no! Ok ok! I'm sorry!" Rosy said, holding her hands up as if Anja was about to punch her. Rosy had fallen back onto the bed from Anja's shove and one of her legs was bent and raised while the other was outstretched off the bed. This had the effect of pulling her clit slightly apart which got me warm downstairs. It didn't help that she was completely clean shaven.

Anja, still looking at Rosy reached into the cupboard behind her and pulled out a dildo.


Oh god no.

"The way I see this situation is this. You have just pissed me off with your little stunt and I don't like it. I have a picture of you standing topless in the kitchen that would make the house master a really unhappy man. So I have a proposition for you. I will delete this picture from this camera if I get a recording of you playing with yourself on the bed."

I felt my heart sink.

"How is that a deal? That's even worse!" I answered.
"Look at it this way, the picture makes it obvious that you are standing in the dorm kitchen and would get you kicked out of here. This video doesn't have to have any identifying features of this dorm in it, so even if I showed it to the house master, he has no way of proving you did it here."
"How will I know you won't tape any identifying features?"
"Because James will record it."

I looked over at James who had a look of surprise on his face.
"No I don't want to get involved in this." James said aloud.
"No choice James, you're in the picture too." Anja answered. James looked at me and I stared back at him. As much as I hated to say it, Anja had a point, and with James operating the camera, he would be on my side. And then another thought hit my head. James can just delete the picture then. Before the video and we would be free!

"I'll do it." I said quickly. James looked shocked that I said yes but hopefully he would see why soon. Anja smiled and reached into her back pocket pulling out her phone camera.


peter1111 10-18-2014 07:53 AM

Very good story so far. It has some good twists :)

issabella 10-18-2014 09:06 PM

really good keep it going!!

Sexualobster 10-19-2014 04:03 PM

Thanks Peter and greenmist! Keep em coming! Read this part slowly. Don't rush through the text. Imagine each paragraph.


Anja threw the dildo over to Rosy who caught it flimsily. She look like she had just seen a ghost. Anja passed the phone over to me, it was already in video mode. Rosy was in a state of shock it seemed. I don't know why she had been so quick to accept Anja's deal but it seemed she had regretted it.

"Alright then" Anja said beaming. "James start recording. Rosy, whenever you're ready." Anja said, still smiling a huge smile. I look at Rosy who was just staring at me in disbelief.

"I-" Rosy said before cutting herself off.

"Yes?" Anja asked curiously.
"No I... I didn't account for this." Rosy finally answered. Anja, confused at what she was trying to say just shook it off.
"Well it's happening. So get to it."

Rosy looked straight at me, through the phone camera lens.
"Please be kind James." I lowered the phone a bit and felt ashamed.

I'm not on Anja's side! Rosy i'm so sorry!

But I didn't say anything. I just kept the camera trained on Rosy. The red dot on the corner meaning it's recording. Rosy looked around the bed and picked up the dildo, slowly looking between me and Anja, breathing extremely quickly. She slowly brought the dildo closer to her thighs.

"Open those legs up." Anja commanded from the side. She was staring at Rosy, with childish glee. Rosy did another round of Anja and I with her eyes before she slowly pulled her legs apart. She was facing the camera and she still had a look of shock on her face. Her pussy split wide as she brought the dildo down on it. She was now just staring at her own clit, while she ever so slowly moved the dildo up and down her clitoris. She was slowly rubbing her clit, her mouth still gaping open.

"Flip the switch Rosy." Anja said once more. Rosy looked up at her, begging her with her eyes but was met with Anja's cold smile. Rosy slowly brought her thumb up to the tip of the dildo and the dildo turned into a vibrator. Rosy immediately closed her eyes as the vibrator whirred to life. She kept it still on her clit for a few seconds, taking a deep breath. She then began slowly rubbing it up and down again. I was keeping the camera steady but I wasn't looking at the camera. I was staring at Rosy in disbelief.

"James I-" Rosy said, her eyes closed, cut off by herself letting off a little gasp, as if she was suppressing a cough.

"Go on James, get her from a few different angles. She looks better from the left." I looked at Anja and then back at Rosy who was caught up in her own emotions.

I began walking in an arc around Rosy who had quickened her hand motions ever so slightly and had now tilted her head back, her eyes still closed. I was standing on her right now getting a view sort of from the top, showing off Rosy's full form.

She continued rubbing herself with the vibrator, as it whirred on through her now slightly moist pussy. It was being pressed into her skin as she began making the most minuscule gyrating motions. I didn't really notice it at first, but her hips were moving slowly into the motions of the vibrator.

She's enjoying this.

issabella 10-19-2014 05:28 PM

keep going its good so far

Sexualobster 10-21-2014 01:47 PM


This is going better than expected.

Rosy was really getting into this time. She was leaning back completely on the bed, her back against a few pillows so she was still in a sort of leaning back-sitting position. Her head was tilted all the way back, facing the ceiling, her eyes still shut. She had begun to bite her lip and one of her hands was rubbing her stomach, slowly going up an inch every minute. James didn't notice but he was beginning to pitch a small tent and I couldn't blame him. This was hot.

I myself started getting a little aroused but Rosy was on a whole other level. Her hand had been brought up to her right breast and she began rubbing her nipple, her hips moving spectacularly. 8 minutes ago she had a look of utter fear and shame on her face and now, she was going to cum all over my bed.

James was walking back over to the front of the bed, and was passing in front of me, on the way to the other side of the bed when I stopped him. He looked over to me and I leaned over and kissed him.


Fuck... FUCKfuck. Oh god oh god this is so humiliating but it feels so gooood.

I didn't know what was happening. This dildo was stimulating me so much that I couldn't open my eyes. I was just trying to enhance the pleasure as much as possible. I was on the verge of cumming every second but I kept holding back for a better climax. This is going to be so worth it. I heard a *slick* sound over the sound of the vibrator and slowly opened my eyes.

The phone camera was still trained on me but James had turned his head to the side and Anja had hers on his. Anja had one hand on James' chin, pulling it towards her, while her other hand was slowly rubbing her own clit. In that very moment another wave hit my G-spot and I let out a moan while arching my back. I was so extremely horny by this point and I just needed to release.

I felt jealousy. I wanted James. I wanted him in me and more importantly, I wanted him to stop making out with Anja. I started trying to climax as soon as possible and began moaning repeatedly, my back arching higher and higher, it felt like it was going to break.

"You cum and this picture will be all over the internet" I heard Anja say. I opened my eyes in disbelief and saw her mouth still 2 inches away from James', her eyes staring right at me though. I nodded my head and resumed a slowly pace on my clit. I noticed James' huge erection from his pants. This turned me on even more and I held my breath, suppressing another wave.


Anja's tongue was doing doughnuts around mine. I still had the camera trained on Rosy's show and felt Anja's hand slowly go down my pants. She began slowly trailing her hands around my shaft, slowly and deliberately, her tongue still dancing around mine. Her hands began to make more deliberate movements, wrapped around my shaft, she began to slowly jerk at it. She was good. Oh god was she good.

She slowly moved in front of me, pushing the camera phone out of the way, but I kept it trained on Rosy, over Anja's shoulder. Anja was going full monty onto this. Her hips started rubbing against mine as she continued working my stiff cock.

Hey body was pressed up to mine at this point and she was turning her head left and right, going as far down my throat as she could with her tongue, her hand, now out of my pants, trying to fuck me through my pants.

I can take advantage of this.


I was getting hotter by the second. I could hear Rosy fucking my vibrator on my bed which got me even hotter. I wanted James inside me and I wasn't going to take the time to take off his clothes. I felt his hands around my head and slowly began pushing me down. Kinky. I slowly left his mouth and dropped to my knees, his hand still pushing me down to his crotch. I kissed his stomach on the way down and began playfully biting his cock through his pants. I licked his shorts from the outside, slowly, and then giggled. I looked up at him and my heart sank. He was pointing the camera straight at me.

issabella 10-21-2014 07:51 PM

i love the sudden twist lol that was great hah keep it going its good xD

kmacroxs 10-22-2014 01:48 PM

The changing perspectives thing isn't really confusing because you have it labelled and whatnot. When I first read about the camera, I thought

Hmm, this may end up turning on Anja.
This is a great story, please continue writing.

Sexualobster 10-25-2014 04:27 AM

I'm glad you guys enjoyed the twist :) And thanks for the input KM, it really means a lot!


Yes yes YES!

I have evidence now. Anja has just lost her leverage.

Anja had a look of shock on her face but not one of horror that Rosy had. Rosy. The white noise of the vibrator was still hanging in the air with Anja looking straight up at me, still knelt at waist height. Anja has just lost all her power, and all the power she had on Rosy. If Anja were to release this video, it would have incriminating evidence of her in it as well. The only person who was never seen in the video was me. And I held the camera right in my hands. I held all the power.

I looked up at Rosy, the camera still trained on Anja's face, still as a painting. She was breathing heavily with the vibrator still on her clit, visibly sheening from her essence. Rosy was staring at me though. She was staring at the whole situation in front of me. She was clearly processing what it meant to have the camera now on Anja in a less than flattering position. She seemed to have forgotten that her body existed and her mind was the only thing working in that very moment. She was waiting to see what was going to happen.

I finally broke the silence. "Rosy. Cum."

Rosy's face was suddenly hit with the last 30 seconds of stimulation, all in 1 second. She hadn't been paying attention and she must have gone past the point of climax and hit some other plane of existence. As soon as the words left my mouth she gave out the most sexy moan I had ever heard, her back arched further than ever before, her legs clamping up as tight as a vacuum seal. Her mid line vibrated for a good 10 seconds as wave after wave of pleasure soared through her body. Her eyes were shut tight as she curled up into a ball, then arched her back, then into a ball again. It looked like she was being electrocuted.

She fell limp. The vibrator still buzzing in the now still air. Her breathing light but strained. She had just gone through something that probably bordered on painful. And I was slightly jealous. Anja and I were still watching Rosy. She looked like she passed out and I was worried for half a second. She slowly came to and opened her eyes once more, staring straight back at me. She looked ashamed of what we just saw her do. She started to cover he breasts with her right arm and tried to lift herself with the left arm before collapsing from her weight, causing both of her arms to drop once more, exposing her breasts.

"Anja, sit on the bed." I said as I stopped recording. She slowly got off the floor and sat on the bed closest to me. She was looking up at me with expectation, and with... anticipation?

issabella 10-25-2014 01:52 PM

good edition keep it going :P xD

Sexualobster 10-27-2014 05:17 PM

Thanks greenmist! You keep me going!


Oh my god. What did I just do...

I can't describe the feeling. I had never had it before and I doubt i'll ever have it again. Have people watch me masturbate was one thing. Being refused a climax for so long, building up all that tension, and then releasing it. My hands were soaked from my own juices and my body was glistening from the sweat. It looks like I took an oil bath.

James telling me to cum. Ordering me to cum. That was one of the hottest words I had ever heard a human say to me. Throughout that endless orgasm, I just kept repeating the word in my head which just enhanced it even more. But I was tired now. And now the tides have turned.

Anja just followed James' command. This was a good sign and it meant I need to get on team James as soon as possible. I slowly rolled off the bed and walked over to James' side. I wanted to hug James so badly but I refrained. I had done enough for today.

"We can use this footage on you Anja. But I know you know that." James told Anja.

Anja nodded with a smile, her tongue clipping the left of her lip seductively. She was fine with that.

"You can't use that footage without Rosy's display of lust though." Anja responded. James began doing something on the phone, rather quickly. The phone made a little beep noise.

"There, I deleted the video on your phone and transferred it to mine. I hold the only copy now." James finally said.

"Still no use, Rosy is still in the video. And you can't edit it now on the fly, so whatever you threaten me with James" Anja said evily as she stood up going face to face with James, "you're going to have to throw Rosy under the bus too. Because whoever you forward that video to, is going to see Rosy in all her glory as well."

Anja was now an inch from James' face who had a poker face. The ball was in James' court. James looked down and for a second I though he was peeking down Anja's shirt but realised he was just thinking.

"Fine then. I'm taking the evidence with me." James finally said.
"Let's go Rosy." James added at the end.

I stood there a bit dumb founded. I didn't know what to do but James seemed to be in control and that was a good thing. I collected my things and walked out the door with James, leaving Anja still standing in her room, her exotic eyes, trailing us as we left. The door slammed shut behind us and I stood naked in the hallway with James.

"You seem to be way more comfortable being in the hallway naked than half an hour ago." James said playfully. I gave him a smile and said,

"When you do what I just did there, this doesn't seem so bad." My room was in the opposite direction of James' and so we stood there for a few seconds awkwardly. How do you end on a night like this? Do you hug? Do we kiss?

"Well uh... Good night." I finally said before turning away and walking towards my room.
"Good night Rosy." James finally answered.

I left James standing in front of Anja's door and quickly turned the corner towards my room. I walked slowly towards my door, thinking about what just happened. It took me about 30 seconds to reach my door which upon reaching it, realised that my key was still on the counter in the kitchen.


I turned around and walked back towards the kitchen when I heard a door open around the corner. I froze in place, breaking into a cold sweat. I heard movement that thankfully sounded like someone moving away from this direction. I took a minute to let the sound fade away before I started moving again, creeping ever so slowly. I heard another door close and breathed a sigh of relief.

I continued creeping until I reached the corner and looked around. Nobody was in sight and so I creeped to the kitchen. Maybe they were in the kitchen? I slowly opened the door listening for sound or movement. I position my head in a way that someone inside wouldn't notice i'm naked. Nobody was in the kitchen so I quickly hopped in and looked for the key. It was dark and after stumbling around for awhile I decided to turn on the lights.

The keycard was right next to the lights when it hit me. There was still the oil burn on them and I didn't know if the card still worked. A trail of cold sweat went down my spine. I slowly left the kitchen, checking to see if anyone was there. It was almost midnight so there shouldn't really be anybody, but I wanted to be safe and sure.

I took another minute of creeping to get back to my door and tried the key.

A red light flashed.

No no no no no...

I tried again.

Another red light. The key was failing.


What do I do. What do I do. I stood in the hallway for a good 2 minutes deciding if I should go knock on James' door and ask if I could crash with him. But after all we had just been through, I didn't want to see him or Anja ever again, out of pure embarrassment. I finally decided that I was no good standing in a hallway naked until morning, so I began the creep back to James' room.

It took a good 2 minutes to reach the door, with every shift and sound coming from a room making me freeze in place, ensuring that nobody was going to leave their room and see my cold naked body glistening under the lights. I finally reached the door and double checked to see if it was his.

I rose my hand to knock but then noticed the door was slightly ajar. Strange. I opened the door slowly and peeked inside.

"James?" I slowly asked.
"Rosy!" James said with surprise. I looked inside and slowly brought my eyes upon a sight to behold. James was sitting on a chair, his laptop to his left on the table, and the back of Anja's head on his lap, moving up and down.

peter1111 10-28-2014 09:24 AM

This is just so good - please give us more :)

Sexualobster 10-30-2014 02:13 PM

Thanks Peter! Here is the next part. I may be awhile before I can get the next one done. We shall see.


This isn't the best situation Rosy can walk into.

Anja's tongue was dancing around my tip and she was lower with every head motion. Her rhythm was spot on and could keep timing for an orchestra. My tip pushed further and further down her throat, past the point that I thought would be uncomfortable but Anja was taking it like a champ.

Her hands were on the sides of my thighs as her head did all the work. When Rosy walked in, Anja didn't break rhythm and continued to work my member. It made it hard to talk and disorientated me for a second.

"What is going on..." Rosy asked, like a scared school girl who was in trouble. She seemed worried that this was happening. I had Anja willfully thrusting my cock down her throat and she seemed to think Anja was in control of the situation. This was still pretty embarrassing and I tried to stand up, expecting Anja to stop but she kept going at it and I fell back into my chair.

"I uh, I was just editing the video to remove you from it when Anja came in." I answered.
"And then she... just started sucking you off?" Rosy asked, slightly more confident. It truly was something. Rosy was standing there still reflecting the light off her slim body which was still naked, a pile of clothes wrapped on her hands.

"She offered in exchange for-" I stuttered. I had to think of a reason and I had hoped I would think of one before the end of the sentence. "in exchange for, her video being deleted."

That wasn't good.

"And you accepted!?" Rosy yelled at me.
"I- I wasn't going to. I mean, I wasn't going to do it anyway." I answered. I knew Anja wasn't going to be too happy about this. Right on time, Anja's mouth left my shaft and she slowly looked up at me, breathing heavily through her mouth. She wasn't holding back. She stared at me for a good 10 seconds.

The room was still and Rosy was just staring at Anja, all of us waiting on her response. Anja's eyes stayed on mine while she subtly, and ever so slowly, as slow as the tectonic plates slid her tongue from the bottom of my shaft to the top of my tip. As her tongue reached my tip, she flicked at it and I felt a small tickle and twitched. She slowly enveloped my cock once more and resumed her rhythm once more.

Stefkevo 11-03-2014 08:56 AM

Plees dont stop go on the story

frogman91234 11-04-2014 04:45 PM

Please Continue!!

Sexualobster 11-15-2014 07:21 AM

Alright. Sorry for the long wait. Here's the next part.


I worked my tongue around James' tip while I tried to envelop his entire shaft into my mouth. I wasn't much of a deep throater but I tried to go as far as possible before I gagged. I didn't really believe that James would delete the video just for one blowjob, no matter how good, but I wanted to get on his good side.

Currently, James and Rosy would be allies with me being the villain. If I could get James to be on my side, whether he felt obliged to because of this blowjob or not, then Rosy would have less power and I may come out better. Of course, this was before she walked in through the door. The game has changed but I think I can salvage it.

"A-Anja, could you stop for a second..." James said hesitantly. I continued my pace. I wanted to make him feel like I am in control regardless of the fact that his cock was in my mouth.


The authority in his voice threw me off for a second. I paused, his shaft midway down the my throat. I slowly pulled off but didn't look at him. I was just kneeling in front of him.


Wow. She just froze.

Anja was kneeling, head bowed down, James' penis a few inches from her forehead. She looked like a servant from the middle ages. James was looking down at her for a few seconds and then looked up at me.

"I wasn't going to delete the video Rosy. Really. I wouldn't betray you like that." James finally said to me.

"Then why do you have Anja bowing down to you?" I asked with a hint of anger.

"Because I can."

The room was silent. Out of a million different forms of sentences he could have made, that was the last one I expected.

"Anja, leave." James added. Anja looked up at him for a second but was just met with a cold glare. She stood up relatively quickly and brushed past me, no eye contact. The door slammed shut behind me in moments.

For a split second, it was just me standing here naked, before James who was still sitting on his chair, his penis standing erect like a king. He quickly stood up and put his pants back on.

"I'm really sorry about that. I didn't really think about it." he was saying going towards his closet. He grabbed a bunch of clothes and walked towards me, his hands outstretched. I slowly took the clothes from his hands and looked back at him waiting. Not really sure for what.

"Go on. You can put them on. They might be a bit big but I suppose it will have to do."

I broke out of my spell and looked for something to look at, something that was not James. I walked towards his bed and put my pile of burnt clothes down and begun dressing with his clothes. I could feel his eyes watching me from behind and in that moment decided that I needed to prove my worth over Anja. James was in control of this situation and Anja had just made the first move. I can't let Anja get on his good side.

Sexualobster 11-17-2014 03:11 PM


With my back turned to him, I slowly bent over, my legs slightly apart, giving him a full view of my pussy from behind. As if he hadn't seen enough of it from my show earlier. I slowly put on my underwear. I turned around giving him a full view of my breasts one more time before putting on my shirt. I tried to do it in a way that wasn't too obvious that I was trying to attract him but I may have come off a little too suggestively.

I left it at just a large T-shirt and underwear. The shirt was large enough to cover my panties anyway. The clock on the wall read 12:14AM.

"I can't get back into my room." I told James.
"The key is busted."
"That's.. That's why I came here. Could I sleep here, just for tonight?" I asked him with puppy dog eyes.

"Yeah. Yeah of course." James finally added.
"You can take my bed."

I looked over to his bed and it was a typical student bed for one.
"I'm just gonna brush my teeth." James said while walking over to his laptop and shutting it close. He walked back towards the bathroom and closed the door.


The hell do I do now.

I stood in the mirror for awhile. It felt like a long time. I didn't know what to do but I figured that I needed to start with brushing my teeth. I poured a bit of toothpaste on my brush and began brushing.

I made sure to brush on the inside of my teeth with a steady pace. 10 brushes per quadrant on my teeth. Am I really going to just sleep on the floor? What will I do with the video? What was with that little show Rosy was giving me while putting on her clothes? I was planning on cutting it into two. One video of just Rosy and one video of Anja. I had no idea what to do with the two videos but it gave me power in the situation and that was what I needed for now.

I spat out the remainder of the toothpaste into the sink and rinsed it away. I unlocked the bathroom door and walked out. Rosy was lying on the covers of the bed. My laptop had slightly shifted position. I had a feeling she would try but it was password protected. She probably didn't get far.

"Hey I don't want you to sleep on the floor." Rosy said to me.

"Well we both can't fit on that bed." I replied.

"We could if we cuddled."

That got me off guard. This was the first time Rosy had ever said anything that was the first step. Don't get me wrong, I was still insanely attracted to Rosy, but I never thought I would ever get close to her. The events of the past few hours didn't occur to me at all.

"Yeah!" I said a bit too enthusiastically. I felt a bit awkward and walked over to the bed. Rosy was giving me a little smile, like she could feel the awkward situation I felt I was in. She slowly turned her back to me while still arching her head around, eventually turning it away too. She was now lying on the bed away from me.

I slowly got onto the bed and put my hand on her shoulder. She quickly reached down to my leg and brought it over hers, so that I was sort of hugging her on the bed. I slowly lowered my hand from her shoulder down across her stomach. We laid there for a few minutes but it wasn't relaxing. I was anxious as all hell. I had Anja sucking my dick a few minutes ago and I didn't feel as uncomfortable as I did now.


"Fuck yes. Fuck yes. Oh fuck me James! Oh yes fuck me!" I was shouting in a whisper. My dildo pushing in and out of my pussy at such a rapid speed. It had no problem going in with how lubricated it was from my juices. My legs hurt from how spread apart I was making them but I was so close. So close to climaxing it didn't matter.

"Fuck fuck fuck FUCK YES" I felt the heat rise, this was the same spot a girl had the most amazing orgasm only an hour ago. and exploded all over my bed.

Sexualobster 11-18-2014 03:43 PM

Three parts released in quick succession. Hope everyone is enjoying it so far!


James was cuddling me from behind but I felt how awkward he was and in turn it made me a bit awkward. Was I being to forward? What was forward anymore? Is this how the game works now? Dinner, the girl masturbates while two people video tape it, and then cuddling? Do we kiss after this?

Maybe I could kiss him. I could feel James' penis against my behind. It wasn't erect or anything but I could feel it twitch every so often. He was holding it back as hard as he could because he sure as hell wasn't sleeping. I wanted to kiss him. So badly. But I don't know anymore. Should I?


Oh god I wanted to fuck Rosy. I could feel the entire form of her body under me and my penis was right up against her panties. I wanted to get erect but I held back with all my willpower. I didn't want to scare her, I really do care about her.


I was getting really hot. Both physically and internally. I wasn't going to be able to sleep like this. I needed to do something, we hadn't moved for about 20 minutes now but the sexual tension was on breaking point. I needed to do something. I had to do something first. Or else he would be in control of the situation. I wanted to kiss him. I wanted to kiss him so badly.

Am I going to do it? Am I doing it. I imagined turning around in my head a thousand times per second. Just turn around and place my lips on his. You've rehearsed this a million times in your head in the last few seconds. Just turn and kiss. Turn and kiss. Turn and kiss.


Rosy turned her body quickly and put her lips onto mine and I immediately kissed back. Our lips were smacking against each other with ferocity. I had been waiting for this to happen for a long time. Rosy turned her body entirely towards me now and our legs were interlocking. Her bottom leg was in between my legs. Her body was pushed up against mine. There wasn't a nanometer of space between our bodies at this point.

Her tongue pushed into my mouth and consequently mine began dancing around hers. Our mouths were soaking wet from the spit we were exchanging. But I didn't care. This was amazing.


I felt his penis grow exponentially against my leg. I began slowly humping him with my panties on while I continued to stick my tongue as far down his throat as I could. I was in a blind fury of making out. I wanted him to be in and around me and all over me. I couldn't describe it. Our lips continued smacking against each other while his penis was rock hard through his pants against my panties. If he poked a hole through them he would have entered me.

We silently continued making out for what felt like an eternity. I didn't want to stop and I definitely felt like he didn't want to either. As far as I was concerned, it was just him and I, our bodies becoming one while our tongues did the tango.

A few moments later, there was a bright light coming from the window. Our bodies were still interlocked and there was a layer of sweat under my shirt. My mouth was still half an inch from his but he was asleep, and moments ago, I was too.

frogman91234 11-18-2014 05:55 PM

Thanks for continuing! those were great additons! I can't wait for more

Sexualobster 11-26-2014 10:04 AM

Thanks Frogman! Here's the next part.


I woke up groggy and slowly. What an interesting dream I just had. It was pretty foggy and I don't remember all the details but I was making out with Rosy and it was getting pretty heated. I remember grinding her under the covers and dancing with her tongue but then it just faded away.

I sat up to the sound of my shower. Who the hell is that? Why am I so sweaty?


Did we have sex? Suddenly all these questions flew through me and, piece by piece, started to come back. Did we fuck?! If it wasn't a dream, I remember making out with her but the memory fades and I don't remember us getting anywhere with it. Oh shit, the shower just turned off. Pretend you're asleep.

I laid back down on the bed as if I was sleeping. The bathroom door opened and the sound of feet walking went past my bed. I slowly opened my eyes, as if for the first time today, and saw Rosy. She had a tower around her and was facing away from me. I was about to say something when let the towel go and placed it on a chair. I could see her naked form from behind and, even though I had seen it for almost 3 hours last night, it still got me going.

She bent over exposing her clit to me from behind while she put on her panties. She continued getting dressed with the clothes I had given her and then turned around. OH fuck!

She jumped back a little and gave a little yelp.

"Oh! I uh- didn't know you were awake." Rosy said with a bit of embarrassment.

"Yeah no uh sorry, didn't mean to stare." I replied without hesitation. There was a long pause where she stared at the ground and I stared at the ground. The awkward silence was finally broken by the sound of someone moving outside, probably somebody going to a class.

"Hey, so could you call the house master." Rosy asked eventually.
"For....?" I replied slowly. Did she want to show him the video or something?
"So... that I can get back into my room. My key doesn't work, remember?"
"Oh yeah forgot about that."
Rosy blushed a little. "You can't keep me forever" she said playfully.

It was my turn to blush.

"Oh no.. that's not what I meant I-" I blurted out before being cut off.
"Haha, yeah I know i'm just kidding!" Rosy giggled.

We exchanged a few awkward laughs before I got out of bed still sporting a semi. As soon as I noticed the mini-tent I was pitching, I turned away but she noticed. She was looking. I walked over to my phone sideways in an attempt to hide by crotch and picked it up. I began dialing the number.


I woke up late. Like afternoon late. I had a class that started at the early hours of 2PM that I wasn't going to make. That's how late. Better late than never I suppose.

What a wild night. I thought to myself. I wonder what James and Rosy got up to when I left. Just thinking about it again made my blood rise a little bit. The way James commanded me. Oooh. Enough of that though. I gotta get ready for class. I think I might wear a short skirt today.

Sexualobster 11-28-2014 04:29 PM

This part is a bit short but it was either stop here or continue on for the next bunch of paragraphs so sorry about that.


The house master came at around 11PM and unlocked the door for me, every so often raising an eyebrow at my choice of attire. After I changed into something more suitable, I met the house master again to get a new key. The whole process took maybe 20 minutes. James had to go to class so he couldn't really help me.


An economics of Engineering class. Highlight of my week and definitely better than what happened last night. Not. It droned on. As the paint dried, I twirled my pen. 1:00PM... 1:10PM... 1:20PM... Those 20 minutes took about 3 hours in real human time. If there was something the university should invest into research, it's why lectures make time slow down.

As soon as the clock struck 2:00PM, I began packing my bag with the empty notepad and pen that I had out for the past 2 hours. I looked at the door enviously waiting for the lecturer to finish his usual 5 minute outro. Was that Anja?

Anja just passed the door. I grabbed my bag and sprinted out of the classroom, everyone staring at me as I left. Couldn't this kid wait another 2 minutes before storming out of the class? How rude i'm sure they all thought.


Sexualobster 12-02-2014 10:08 AM

Show me some love people! Tell me i'm not just writing for myself :)


Is that James? I wondered as a figure came running towards me. It is James.

"Hey James." I said rather nonchalantly.
"Hey Anja. Come with me for a second." James said without a pause, grabbing my hand and pulling me across the hall.

"Hey wait why-" I tried to say but that he didn't miss a beat. He pulled me into an empty classroom and slammed the door shut behind us. What was he planning on doing...?

"Hey so two questions. Firstly, it's Winter, why are you wearing a short skirt? You look a bit ridiculous with a big jacket and exposed legs." He asked out of breath and quickly like a child who couldn't stop asking questions.

"We-" I tried to answer before getting cut off again.

"Secondly, can you give me your bra and panties?" James finally added without an even slight change in voice. He had said it in the same way he would've asked to borrow a pen. I stood there with a slightly stunned look on my face. Was this really the same James? He was never this forward and always brushed off all my casual flirts in the kitchen.

"It's... it's freezing outside. There's a bloody blizzard." I argued back. Being cold was my bigger worry, I didn't even compute what he was asking me to do.

"Well you seemed to be fine with just a short skirt, what difference do your panties make."

A huge difference James. I was freezing my legs off for fashion as is.

"Uh-" I tried to say something before being cut off again.

"Listen, you made Rosy go through all that embarrassment last night I figured I should return the favour. I have the video, I call the shots. Take your bra off, and give me your panties."

Last night a new James was born. One that wasn't shy to ask what he wanted. Not shy to take advantage of a situation like this.

I reached under my skirt, and pulled down my panties, lifting my leg slightly to take them off completely. I held my hand out to James, panties in hand, waiting for him to take it. He took it with a smile.

"Good. Now bra."

I looked at James with a slightly annoyed face but I would be lying if I said this wasn't turning me on slightly as well. I unzipped my jacket and took it off. I was just wearing a thin loose top underneath the jacket which I promptly reached under and unhooked my bra.

"Nope. Take off your shirt and do it."

I stopped with my hand under my shirt and sighed. I pulled my hand out and grabbed both sides of my top, pulling it over my head. I shot a glance at James and tossed the shirt onto my jacket. My bra was already loose so I just pulled the straps off my shoulder and let my tits hang free. I think this was the first time James was going to see me topless. And in an empty lecture room of all places.

My tits were good. Like really good. They were a solid B cup that stood up on their own. James' eyes could not leave them and I let him stare for awhile. I raised my hand and handed the bra over to him.

"What are you gonna do with them you perv?" I said rather playfully, not really showing the bit of annoyance under my voice.

"Oh I dunno, maybe just jack off into them." James said looking around the room, before landing his eyes on mine with a smile upon saying the word jack.

"You know I would be more than happy to suck you off?" I offered. Just like I did the night before.

"Yeah i'm good for now. Maybe later tonight." He said walking away with my undergarments.

I stood there, topless just wearing a miniskirt and nothing else. This will be an interesting lecture.

frogman91234 12-02-2014 12:08 PM

Great addition, I haven't been on in a while! Keep up the good work!

b0ris 12-04-2014 08:56 AM

This is getting even better!

Thank you ;)

Sexualobster 01-04-2015 05:26 AM

Sorry for the long wait. Just couldn't get around to continuing but hopefully i'll be around for a bit longer this time.


James left the room and I took a second to breathe.

Alright then.

I reached over and put my top back on. As was previously stated, my top was really thin and loose and without a bra, my nipples just poked straight through. My nipples held the shirt up and I was going to have to wear the jacket all day less I want to show everyone how perky my tits were.

I grabbed all my belongings and headed to the next class. What was it? Ah right Statistics. After a 2 minute walk I arrived at the lecture hall and took my seat somewhere in the middle rows. I began settling down, trying to cross my legs so that nobody notices i'm not wearing any undergarments when I began to feel the heat. The lecture hall was kept warm and this big jacket was not helping. I tried to ignore it and just unpacked my books onto my desk.

The lecturer began speaking, and I began sweating.

I really started to feel the heat. I debated taking off the jacket but there were too many people around me and I was already sweating. The catch was the longer I kept this jacket on, the more sweat would build up on my shirt making it even more see through.

30 minutes into the lecture and I caved. I had another hour and a half before the lecture was over and I was going to die of a heat stroke if I stayed in this jacket any longer. I casually unzipped my jacket and pulled it off. Oh god this feels good. The first feeling of the breeze hitting my body was almost orgasmic. The second feeling was terror as I realised just how sweaty I had become. My shirt was more wet than it was dry and my tits were most visible through the shirt.

I casually looked around but nobody was looking at me. I continued paying attention to the lecture, trying not to draw any attention to myself. It only took 10 minutes before I heard the first whispers. In my peripheral vision I could see people pointing at me, whispering to their friends to look at the naked girl sitting in the classroom. I felt so exposed. This was horrible. I always thought myself an exhibitionist but this was not my thing.

As time went on, casual glances around the room were met with eyes quickly darting away from me and back towards the board. Guys and girls alike were analysing my body with their eyes. I tried to lean forward to cover my tits with my arms a bit but it didn't help. I might as well have not been wearing the top.

I couldn't take it anymore, I packed up my things quickly and darted out of the room amid more whispers.

I walked out into the empty hallway and leaned against the wall. I felt humiliated. Tears began welling up in my eyes and I felt utter sadness. Then I felt anger. James put me through this horrifying experience and took it too far. And I was going to have a word with him.

g18 01-04-2015 09:20 PM

great addition, I would really like to read this story all the way through.

Sexualobster 01-05-2015 06:35 PM

Thanks g18, I would too :)


I made it back to the dorm in one piece and recomposed myself. I was still mad at James but I decided to go shower and freshen up before I would talk to him. I was still sweaty and I swear a guy on the bus was staring down my skirt the whole way back home.

I showered, changed into T-shirt and shorts and knocked on his door. After a few moments, it opened and James was standing behind it.

"Are you here for your bra?" James asked casually.

"I don't care about my bra. I care about what you made me go through back at university. It was humiliating!" I yelled at him. He just stood there quiet. I decided to continue.

"What I made Rosy do was in private and only you and I would have known about it! I wasn't going to actually show the footage to the house master!"

James continued standing there just letting me berate him.

"Well? Say something!" I finally screamed, more upset that he wasn't saying anything than anything.

"Listen" He finally spoke "I felt bad about what I did you to at university and after I left, I was thinking of coming back and returning your clothes but I didn't know which classroom you were in. So I bought you something." James answered and walked into his room.

I was surprised to say nonetheless. I followed James into the room and over to his desk. James pulled something out of his drawer and turned around. A necklace! And a gorgeous one at that.

"James... I uh. That's beautiful."

"You think so? I saw it on the way back home and I thought it would suit you." He said as gestured for me to turn around so he can put it on.

I felt flattered and turned around, raising my hair. My face felt hot from more embarrassment but this time because a man has never bought me anything this special before. I heard a loud click, louder than any necklace should have been, and looked down.

I couldn't see the necklace but I reached up with my hands and felt around, it felt like a collar.

Sexualobster 01-07-2015 08:46 AM

It's about to get juicy.


I made it back to the dorm in one piece and recomposed myself. I was still mad at James but I decided to go shower and freshen up before I would talk to him. I was still sweaty and I swear a guy on the bus was staring down my skirt the whole way back home.

I showered, changed into T-shirt and shorts and knocked on his door. After a few moments, it opened and James was standing behind it.

"Are you here for your bra?" James asked casually.

"I don't care about my bra. I care about what you made me go through back at university. It was humiliating!" I yelled at him. He just stood there quiet. I decided to continue.

"What I made Rosy do was in private and only you and I would have known about it! I wasn't going to actually show the footage to the house master!"

James continued standing there just letting me berate him.

"Well? Say something!" I finally screamed, more upset that he wasn't saying anything than anything.

"Listen" He finally spoke "I felt bad about what I did you to at university and after I left, I was thinking of coming back and returning your clothes but I didn't know which classroom you were in. So I bought you something." James answered and walked into his room.

I was surprised to say nonetheless. I followed James into the room and over to his desk. James pulled something out of his drawer and turned around. A necklace! And a gorgeous one at that.

"James... I uh. That's beautiful."

"You think so? I saw it on the way back home and I thought it would suit you." He said as gestured for me to turn around so he can put it on.

I felt flattered and turned around, raising my hair. My face felt hot from more embarrassment but this time because a man has never bought me anything this special before. I heard a loud click, louder than any necklace should have been, and looked down.

I couldn't see the necklace but I reached up with my hands and felt around, it felt like a collar.

fcard123 01-07-2015 10:26 AM

This story is amazing so far :)

Sexualobster 01-08-2015 12:06 PM

Hey thanks fcard! Means a lot :)


"What the fuck?!" She yelled moving away from me and turning around.

"Calm down, don't get too excited." I said calmly.

"The fuck is this?"

"It's an electric slave collar. It's actually pretty impressive. It has a radius function where if you go beyond a certain distance from the remote, it will activate every 2 seconds until you reenter the radius." I said, trying to supress my excitement for what I had just pulled off.

"What the fuck! A remote?! Why do you need a remote." Anja yelled, still freaking out.

"So that you don't disobey my orders. You are really hard to control you know?" I answered.

"You have the video! Why do you need this? I was doing everything you asked of me!"

"Yeah but this way you can't say no. I haven't finished playing with you yet." And with that I pressed the remote.

Anja gave out a small yelp and collapsed sideways onto my bed. She recovered within a few seconds and looked straight at me with more fear in her eyes than anger this time.

"The fuck, no get this thing off of me!" She yelled some more, tugging at the leather collar. I held the remote a bit longer this time and she gave out a louder shriek this time. She took a bit longer to recover and I took the opportunity to speak.

"Listen Anja, the more you struggle against this, the more electricity i'm going to pump into you. It would be in your best interest to just do as I say."

With her eyes closed still, she screamed at me "Why didn't you just fuck me and get it over with? I sucked your dick and I would've spread my legs for you."

I stayed quiet, letting her speak.

After a few solemn moments, she spoke again.
"What do you want me to do?"

frogman91234 01-09-2015 12:01 AM

This is great! I like the change in pace

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