getDare Truth or Dare

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Wordsmiff 05-21-2014 01:28 AM

The Field Trip
I am aware that people don’t seem over-keen on my other stories The Dolls House, so, in addition to writing that, I have started a slightly faster-paced story, which will involve a favourite component of GD stories, the sex scenes.

Let me know what you think.

The first part may be a bit slow because it’s essential to introduce the characters and the situation before jumping into the sex. The second part will be much more exciting.


Part 1.

They arrived at the youth hostel in the Lake District at about five o’clock in the afternoon and all the pupils were allocated dormitories. Each dorm accommodated six pupils. The girls were assigned to the East Wing and the boys to the West Wing of the building.

Sarah, Megan, Katie and Emma, from class 10B ended up sharing dorm 3 with Bethany and Sophie from class 10A. They each chose a bed to call their own for the duration of their week’s stay in the Lakes and then set about unpacking their luggage.

Despite it being during the summer break, it was not a holiday; the school had arranged it as a Geography field trip and four teachers had gone along with them. The Geography tutor, Mr. Carson, had obviously gone but there was also Miss Farrell, the PE instructor, Mr. Williams, the Biology teacher and Mrs Powell, the History tutor. They obviously wanted the pupils to take as much away from this field trip as possible, so each teacher was allocated a set amount of time with the pupils to teach their own particular subject. The pupils were also allowed a certain amount of free time each day to unwind.

Two of the teachers, Mr Williams and Mrs Powell, had followed the coach in their own cars, so there were three vehicles on site should an emergency occur. In any case, Miss Farrell was a fully qualified first aider.

The girls in Dorm E3 sat on their beds, after the evening meal, and found themselves with some spare time to kill before bedtime.

“What shall we do?” Sarah asked.

“I’ve got some CDs we could listen to,” Megan suggested.

“Not that dross you call music,” Katie said.

“I know,” Sarah said. “How about a game of truth or dare?”

“Truth or dare?” Emma said, “We’re not kids, we’re fourteen.”

“Fifteen,” Katie said. She was a few months older than the others.

“Anyway,” Emma continued, “Truth or dare is a kids game.”

“Not the way I play it,” Sarah said, slyly.

The other girls immediately became attentive.

“Oh, yeah?” Megan said.

“Hey, Beth, Sophie, do you two want to play?” Emma called over to Bethany who, as yet, hadn’t been involved in the conversation.

Bethany and Sophie were sitting on their beds. Bethany was reading a book. They were both in the top stream and were the most academic members of the group. They generally kept themselves to themselves.

Bethany took off her glasses and rubbed the freckled bridge of her nose. She put her book down and looked over at the others. “Play what?”

“Haven’t you been listening?” Emma said.

“Been reading,” Bethany explained.

“We’re going to play Sarah’s adult version of truth or dare,” Katie said. “Do you want to play?”

“Not sure,” Bethany said. She turned her attention to her friend. “Sophie, you playing?”

“Don’t know,” Sophie said.

“If you don’t,” Sarah said, “you’ll have to leave the dorm because we can’t have spectators.”

“So, do you want to play?” Katie asked again.

“Suppose,” Bethany said, sitting up on her bed.

“Okay,” Sophie agreed, “What do we do?”

Sarah quickly ran through the rules of her game. She explained each possible outcome and its consequences.

There were a few FAQs from a couple of the girls, such as: ‘What happens if we don’t want to do a dare?’ or ‘Can we ask the same person who asked us?’ and Sarah gave the FGA’s (Frequently Given Answers) of ‘You have to do a forfeit chosen by the other players’ and ‘No’.

Sarah then asked everyone if they were still in.

Everyone said ‘Yes’ and the game began...

To Be Continued...

Wordsmiff 05-28-2014 07:12 AM

Part 2
Part 2

Sarah wrote the names of all the girls on pieces of paper and folded them up. She shook them up in her hand and then dropped them on her bed.

“Okay,” she said, “Alphabetical order. Bethany, pick one out. Whoever you pick, you have to ask truth or dare. If you’re lucky enough to pick your own name, we pass to the next person but you cannot be chosen in the next round.”

Bethany fiddled with the folded bits of paper for a few moments and then picked one. She opened it up. “Sophie.”

“Do your worst, then,” Sophie said, bravely.

“Truth or dare?” Bethany said.

“Truth, of course,” Sophie said.

“Hmm,” Bethany thought. “What colour panties are you wearing?”

“Easy,” Sophie said, “Pink.”

“Prove it,” Bethany said.

“What?” Sophie was dumbfounded.

“Well, how do we know you’re telling the truth?” Bethany said.

“Good point,” Megan said. “Jeans down, Soph.”

Sophie shook her head in disbelief. She unbuttoned her jeans and opened them up just enough to reveal her panties, which were... blue. “Shit,” she said, “I put the wrong ones on. Sorry, guys, I meant to wear pink. They must be in my suitcase still. You don’t...”

“Stop rabbiting, Soph, you have to do a forfeit chosen by Bethany.” Sarah looked at Bethany. “What do you want her to do, Beth?”

“Er,” Bethany hadn’t thought this far ahead. “How about making her take off those BLUE panties in front of us all.”

“The mouse roars,” Katie giggled. “Nice one, Beth.”

“Go on then, Soph,” Megan said, “Take your panties off.”

“But I’ll have to...”

“Take your jeans off first, that’s right.”

Sophie sighed and slipped off her shoes. She unzipped her jeans and lowered them to her thighs. She sat on her bed and peeled the jeans down, taking them off, one leg at a time. She dropped them on the bed and stood up again. “Can I turn round and do it?”

Sarah shook her head. “Oh, no. Beth said to do it in front of us.”

Sophie sighed again. “Can I put my jeans back on after?”

“Yeah,” Beth said, “The forfeit was just your panties off.”

Sophie hooked her thumbs in the waistband of her panties and slowly peeled them down to her thighs, revealing a neatly trimmed golden pussy that almost, but not quite, matched her blonde hair.

She sat down again and lowered her panties to her ankles. She kicked them off and then grabbed her jeans to put them back on.

“Wow,” Sarah said, “Watch you don’t catch a hair when you zip up.”

Bethany folded up the paper with Sophie’s name on it and put it back with the rest. She shuffled them round.

As soon as Sophie had her jeans back on, Sarah said: “Okay, Emma next.”

Emma picked out a name. “Bethany,” she said.

Bethany looked despondent.

“What goes around, comes around,” Sarah said.

“Okay,” Emma said, “Bethany, truth or dare?”

“Truth, please,” she said.

“Have you ever seen a naked boy?” Emma said.

Bethany shook her head frantically. “No,” she said, “Not a real one. I’ve seen, you know, pictures.”

“I believe her,” Emma said. She folded up Bethany’s name and put it back with the others.

Katie was next to choose. She chose... “Well, well, Bethany again. How unlucky is that?”

“I can’t go again,” Bethany pleaded.

“Nothing in the rules about it,” Katie said. “Bethany, truth or dare? You can’t choose two truths in a row though, that’s in the rules.”

“Dare then,” Bethany said really quietly.

“I dare you to strip off completely for the rest of the night.”

“I can’t,” Bethany said. “No way, sorry.”

“Don’t apologise,” Katie said. She took out her mobile and tapped out a text. As soon as she’d finished her text, she looked at Bethany. “I’ve just done a text to Liam Barker. He’s in one of the boys’ dorms. I’m going to send this text asking him to come into our dorm. Your forfeit is to ask him, when he gets here, ask him if you can feel his cock. If he says yes, you have to have a good feel of it. And I mean a good feel.”

Bethany looked shocked. “Do I have to?”

“If you fail to do the forfeit, we will forcibly strip you naked and drag you into the boys dorm.”

Bethany sat down on her bed. “But, I...” She stared at the floor for a few moments. “Okay, I’ll do it.”

Katie pressed ‘send’ and waved the text on its way.

To be continued...

Wordsmiff 05-28-2014 08:14 AM

Part 3
Part 3.

The boys in Dorm 5 were all nerds. They had managed to wangle a dorm of their own so that they could get some serious studying done.

Liam Barker was sitting on his bed writing an account of the youth hostel experience on an A4 pad when his phone beeped. He put his pad and pen down and found his phone.

“I thought you couldn’t get a signal round here,” James Milton said, from across the dorm.

Liam looked at the text. “I suppose it depends on the weather conditions,” he said. “look, I have to go to one of the girls’ dorms,” he said, getting off his bed. “Katie Bennett says it’s important.”

He walked the short distance to the girls’ wing and knocked on the door of Dorm 3.

“Enter,” came Katie’s voice.

Liam went in. “What’s up?” he asked Katie.

“Bethany has something to ask you,” Katie said cryptically.

Liam looked at Bethany, questioningly.

“Can we do it privately?” Bethany asked Katie.

Katie nodded.

Bethany turned to Liam. “Can you come outside into the hall?” she said.

Liam and Bethany went outside.

“The bathroom,” Bethany said.

She took Liam to the communal bathroom and closed the door behind them. “Okay, it’s like this,” she said. “Katie has dared me to ask you if I can feel your... you know,”

Liam nodded.

“Can you please tell her that I did it?” Bethany pleaded. “I’ll make it up to you.”

Liam could see the fear in Bethany’s voice. “Of course,” he said. “You’ve just done it. Now, let’s go back, I’ve got work to do.”

Thanks,” Bethany said. She gave Liam a peck on the cheek.

Liam and Bethany went back to the dorm. “All done,” Bethany said, “I had a...” she glanced at Liam and smiled, “good feel.”

“Can I go now,” Liam said.

Katie nodded. She waited till Liam had gone, then turned to Bethany. “Well done, Beth. How was your first one?”

“Okay,” Bethany said, “Not bad.”

“Okay,” Sarah said. “Megan, you’re next to choose someone.”

Megan chose a name.

Bethany smiled. She’d got away with it. She owed Liam big time.


To be continued...

Wordsmiff 05-28-2014 08:16 AM

Sorry about the anticlimax but I've changed my ways. :D

Igglybabe 05-28-2014 08:55 AM

This is interesting, keep it up

Wordsmiff 06-05-2014 06:47 AM

Part 4
Part 4.

“What did she want?” James Milton asked, when Liam got back to the boys dorm.

“Nothing really,” Liam said, sitting down on his bed, “It was just a silly game they were playing.”

“What sort of game?” Paul Parker asked.

“Don’t know,” Liam said, getting back to his writing. “Some sort of dare game.”

Nigel Baxter took off his glasses. “You mean truth or dare?”

“May have been.” Liam put his pad back down on the bed. “Look, it was just that Bethany Turner was dared to touch my... you know, willy.”

Nigel raised his eyebrows. “Did she?”

“No,” Liam said, “She asked me to pretend that she did it and I said okay.”

“So, you turned down having Beth Turner touch your willy? You idiot.”

“She was scared,” Liam explained, “I didn’t want to make her do something she didn’t want to do.”

“You know, she owes you?” Paul said.

Liam shrugged. “So?”

“You could tell her that you’ll tell the other girls that she didn’t do it,” Paul said, “The way truth or dare works is that if someone doesn’t do a dare, they have to do a forfeit and the forfeit is a lot, lot worse than the dare.”

“So?” Liam repeated.

“So,” Paul continued, “If Beth doesn’t want to do a really bad forfeit, I bet she’ll do anything to stop the others finding out.”

“Anything?” James Milton chipped in.

“Anything,” Paul said. “You know you’ve got her over a barrel, so to speak.”

“Yeah,” James laughed, “I reckon you could even have her over a barrel, know what I mean?”

“What are you saying?” Liam said.

“You’re an intelligent bloke,” James said, “Text her. Tell her you’ll inform the others what happened if she doesn’t...” he paused, looking for the right words, “do what you want.”

“I promised her,” Liam said.

“Screw promise,” Paul said. “If you don’t do it, we will.”

Liam sighed. “But...”

To be continued...

sammyGurl 08-01-2014 04:52 PM

Update please i love this

Wordsmiff 08-02-2014 03:36 AM

I will update this as soon as The dolls House is near completion. I also have other stories in the pipeline. I don't want to hog the forum, however, so I'm holding back on this one for the time being.

If there are enough requests to continue it, I will. :)

Wordsmiff 08-02-2014 03:39 AM

I started this thread with the following statement:

I am aware that people don’t seem over-keen on my other stories, The Dolls House, so, in addition to writing that, I have started a slightly faster-paced story, which will involve a favourite component of GD stories, the sex scenes.

However, since I wrote that, the Dolls House has become an instant success, so I am concentrating on that one for the time being. I will continue this story as I've said before, if there's enough interest.

Thanks for reading!

molten man 08-02-2014 03:05 PM

The start of this interesting as well.. You are a great story writer..

P.S. A fan of Dolls House.. :)

Wordsmiff 08-07-2014 08:02 AM

Part 5
Part 5

The pupils set off in the coach immediately after breakfast the next morning.

Paul Parker and James Milton spotted Bethany Turner sitting on her own at the back and went to sit beside her.

"Hiya," Paul said. "Fancy a game of truth or dare?"

"Suppose," Beth replied, not sounding sure.

"Okay," James said, "Beth, truth or dare?"

"Truth," Beth replied.

"On a scale of one to ten," James said, "How scared are you that the others will find out you didn't complete your dare with Liam? One being not scared at all and ten being completely shit scared."

Beth thought for a moment and then replied. "Ten."

"Thought so, James said. "Then you'd better do what we say."

To be continued...

Sexsex 08-07-2014 12:57 PM

Please continue. It's so good

Wordsmiff 08-09-2014 02:27 AM

Part 6
The last part was just to ease you back into the story. Here's a nice big chunky chapter...

Part 6

The pupils had been told to wear suitable outdoor clothing because, although the weather was bright and warm, it was liable to change at any minute up in the English Lake District.

Bethany wore trousers, boots and a t- shirt but she, and the others, had a waterproof jacket and trousers packed in her rucksack just in case.

“What do you mean?” she asked James.

“Because we’re kind,” James said, “We’re going to let you have another go. Truth or dare?”

“But... I...”

“No need to thank us,” Paul giggled. “What’s it to be?”

“I’m not playing,” Beth decided.

“Okay,” James said. He looked down the coach. “Paul, go and fetch Katie up here. I have something to tell her.”

“No,” Beth pleaded, “Please don’t.”

“What’s it to be then?” James said, “Truth or dare?”

“Except you can’t choose dare twice,” Paul added.

Beth sighed. “Dare,” she whispered hoarsely.

“Sorry,” Paul said, holding his cupped hand to his ear, “I couldn’t hear you.”

Beth cleared her throat. “Dare,” she said louder, but still relatively quietly.

“Brave little thing aren’t you?” James said. “Okay.” He unzipped his trousers. “I dare you to put your hand inside my trousers and take out my cock. You then have to get it fully hard as quickly as possible and make me come. Before we get to wherever we’re going.”

“I... I... can’t...” Beth couldn’t get her words out.

“Paul, be a dear and call Katie over.”

“No,” Beth said, urgently. “Okay, I will.”

“Good.” James parted his legs slightly.

Beth looked down the coach. Everyone else was busy talking or watching the scenery. She and James were covered by the seats in front of them and by Paul.

Beth put her hand inside James’ trousers and quickly withdrew it. “You’re not wearing underpants,” she observed.

“Too hot for them,” James said. “Come on, get going.”

Beth put her hand back into his trousers and he felt her palm enclose his shaft.

“Take it out,” Paul said, “And rub it for him.”

Beth pulled out James’ cock, which was already hard and she started to move her hand purposefully up and down the shaft.

“That’s it,” James said, with a smile on his face, “Make me come.”

Beth started to move her hand faster up and down, forcing the skin up and down with it. She stared at the large purple knob as she worked the shaft.

James gave out a groan and his cock twitched in Bethany’s hand. Then, without further warning, his seed shot out. Some of it hit the back of the seat in front but most of it landed on Beth’s hand.

“Have you got a tissue,” Beth said, releasing James’ cock.

“Eat it,” James said, “Lick it all off your hand and eat it.”

“Yeah,” Paul said, “It’s all good protein.”

Beth put her hand to her mouth and gingerly licked the sticky white fluid.

James and Paul watched her until she’d cleaned her hand.

“Okay,” Paul said, “Your turn to ask one of us.”

Beth looked from James to Paul and then back to James. “Er... James,” she said, “Truth or dare?”

“Truth,” James said.

“Have you got a girlfriend?” Beth asked him.

Paul laughed. “James? A girlfriend?”

“No,” James said. “That’s the first time a girl’s ever seen or touched my cock.”

“No shit,” Paul laughed.

“My turn now,” James said. “Beth, truth or dare?”

“Truth,” she said.

“Are you a virgin?” James asked.

“Yes,” Beth said quietly. Then, louder, she said, “Paul, truth or dare?”

“Truth,” Paul said.

“Have you got a girlfriend?” Beth asked.

“No,” Paul said, “Not at the moment.”

“Or at any other moment,” James added, with a grin.

“Beth,” Paul said, “Truth or dare? Remember, you just had a truth.”

“Dare,” Beth said.

One of the teachers at the front of the coach stood up. “We’ll be arriving at Wast Water in approximately two minutes,” he shouted, “I want everyone off the vehicle in an orderly fashion. Make sure you have everything. The coach will be leaving once we’re off and won’t return until three this afternoon. When you’re all off the coach, you’ll be split into teams of five. You can choose or I’ll choose for you. That’s all for the moment.” He sat down again.

Paul turned to Beth. “Okay,” he said, “When we’re off the coach, I dare you to come into our team, with me, James, Liam and Alan.”

Beth glanced a few rows ahead where Liam Barker and Alan Curtis were sitting.

“Remember,” Paul reminded her, “You owe Liam big time.”

“Okay,” Beth said, as the coach pulled onto a narrow stretch of road. “I’ll do it.”

“Great,” Paul said, looking out of the window at the sight of Wast Water, England’s deepest lake. “We’re here. We can continue the game during the day.”

“I’ll have work to do,” Bethany said, “It’s not a fun week out, it’s an educational trip.”

“Oh, don’t you worry, Beth,” Paul said, “By the end of this week, you’ll have had an education...”

To be continued...

Wordsmiff 08-11-2014 05:58 AM

Part 7
Part 7

The coach pulled up in a narrow road and Mr Carson attempted to get the pupils off fairly quickly.

“Try and be quick,” Mr Carson shouted, “And make sure you have everything. The coach will not return until about two fort-five at the earliest. So we’ve got a long day ahead of us.

Bethany glanced t her watch. It was nine forty five. They were here for five hours. What can they possibly do in the middle of nowhere for five hours? she wondered.

As if reading her thoughts, Paul whispered to her, “Five hours of fun and games, Beth.” He winked at her. “Make sure you please us and the other girls will never find out about your naughtiness.” Another wink.

Bethany sighed. What can they possibly want from her, she thought. No, scratch that, she had a very good idea what they might want from her and she felt physically sick at the thought of it.

Bethany, Paul and James were the last ones off the coach. Beth had her rucksack with her and Paul and James both had slightly smaller daysacks. They stood at the side of the coach wilst the two teachers unloaded a few further items which would be required for the day’s educational activities.

Mr Carson and Miss Farrell lined up the twenty pupils in two rows of ten and then asked them to split themselves into groups of five; the pupils’ own choice. There were ten girls and ten boys but they were encouraged to make up mixed groups.

Beth already knew whose group she would be in. She watched as Alan and Liam moved over to stand by Paul and James and then sidled across to stand beside Liam. She felt that he might be the safest one to latch onto.

Sophie Markham, the other girl from Beth’s class, who was sharing the dorm with Beth and the girls from class 10B, came over. “Beth,” she said, “Are you coming in our group? I’ve got Ryan, Steven and Kayleigh. I just need one more.”

“Sorry, Soph,” Beth smiled, “I... er... promised Liam and James and the guys that I’d...”

“Sure,” Sophie cut her off before she could finish. “No probs,” I’ll see if Megan wants to join us.” Sophie went to find Megan.

“See,” Paul said to Bethany, “We’re a group now.” He winked at her again.

Once the pupils had decided on their four groups of five, Mr Carson and Miss Farrell took two groups each.

Beth’s group was with Mr Carson, alongside a group comprising of Sarah, Katie, Emma and two other boys: Ian and John.

The two groups stood side by side.

“Okay,” Mr Carson said, “Mr Williams and Mrs Powell will be here shortly. They’re coming in Mr Williams’ car. When they get here, they’ll take a group each. Until then, you’re all in my care.”

“Yes, Sir,” the ten pupils all muttered discordantly.

“Right,” Mr Carson said, “I want you, in your groups, to find a suitable spot and draw the lake.”

The pupils looked at each other as if they’d misheard Carson.

“Find a spot where you can get a good view of it,” Carson continued, “But try not to wander too far and don’t try and get too close to the lake.”

The pupils gathered their stuff together and were about to go when Carson stopped them again. Ever the Geography tutor, he pointed out a peak. “That’s Scafell Pike,” he said, “And if you look behind you...” He pointed in another direction, away from the lake, “You can just glimpse Harter Fell.” He looked up at the sky. “I hope you all have your waterproofs because it may be starting to rain soon. If so, there’s shelter nearby. If it rains, everyone assemble back here. Is that understood?”

Everyone agreed that it was understood and the two groups split up to find spots to draw the lake.

Beth found a quiet point on a gentle hillside overlooking the lake, sat down and took her sketch pad and pens from her rucksack.

“You’re not doing it,” Paul said.

Beth looked up at him. “We’ve got to,” Beth said.

“Bollocks have we,” Paul said, “I’ll just draw something quickly at the end. This is a day out. We’re going to have fun.”

“Fun?” Beth said as she started to sketch the lake.

“Yeah,” Paul said, pointing to the group with Katie, Sarah and Emma in it. “And unless you want those girls to find out about your waywardness, I suggest you do as I say.”

Bethany glanced over at Katie and Sarah. They were the ones she was most worried about. She didn’t bear to think what they might do to her if they found out about her not completing the dare. “Please don’t say anything.”

“Put your book down,” Paul said.

Bethany put her sketch pad and pen down on the soft grass beside her.

“Now, take your trousers and panties down.” Paul gave her a stern look.

“What?” Beth was taken aback by the statement. “I can’t do that.”

“We’ll cover you from the others,” Paul said. “Now do it or I’ll call Katie over.”

Katie was the worst, Beth knew. It was Katie’s dare that she had disobeyed. In fact it was the forfeit, which makes it worse because not only had she refused the dare, she had also gotten out of the forfeit. “Okay,” Beth said eventually, “Cover me.”

The four boys stood in front of Bethany, covering her from prying eyes, although all four of them were facing her, watching her every move.

Beth glanced at Liam, to see if she could get any sympathy from him. It didn’t look hopeful. Beth unfastened her trousers and then lifted herself from the ground to pull them down. She wore blue panties.

“Take the panties down,” James said, “We want to see you.”

Beth bit her lower lip and shuffled her panties down to her thighs. She had light, wispy hair covering her slit.

“Very good, Paul said, taking out his phone, “I think we need to preserve this.” He took a picture of Beth in her half-undressed state. “Now, he continued, “If you don’t do as we say, this picture will be sent to everyone. And I mean everyone.”

A tear ran down Beth’s cheek. She removed her glasses to wipe her eyes with the back of her hand and then put them back on again.

“Now,” Paul said, “Take your trousers and panties off properly and stand up.”

Beth took her boots off so she could remove her trousers and discarded the items. She stood up, thankful that she was still covered by the boys.

Paul took a few more pictures of her, some full-length showing her face and cunt in the same picture and some close ups of her cunt. “Okay,” he said, “Any of you guys want pictures?”

The other boys took their phones out and took pictures of her.

When they were done, Paul said to Beth, “You can get dressed again now.

Beth nodded. “Thanks,” she said, semi-sarcastically.

“But just put the trousers back on,” Paul said, “No panties underneath.”

Beth pulled on her trousers as quickly as possible and fastened them up, being careful not to catch any pubes in the zip. She put her boots back on and tied up the laces.

“Okay,” Paul said to Beth, “You’re ours for the day.”

“And maybe longer,” Alan chipped in.

“Yeah,” Paul said, revising his statement, “Definitely longer. For the whole week.”

To be continued...

Isabel1994 08-11-2014 09:30 AM

I love this one too. Keep up the righting. I want to see what the boys have in store for her. And I have something in store for u, wordsmiff ;)

Wordsmiff 08-16-2014 07:28 AM

Part 8
Part 8

Beth was sitting facing the lake with her sketch pad on her lap. The boys had left her alone for a while now and she hoped they’d keep it that way. Liam was sitting a short distance to her left, also sketching the lake. The other three boys were in a group, talking, although she had no idea what they were discussing. Further down the hillside they were on, she saw Katie’s group. They all seemed occupied in their work.

Liam stood up and went over to Paul, handing him the sketch pad.

“Cheers mate,” Paul said. He handed Liam another sketch pad.

Beth shook her head in disbelief. She could see what they were doing. They’d got Liam to do their work for them. Liam was one of the best artists in the class.


She turned round to see Mr. Carson walking towards her. “Sir?” she said, before getting on with her drawing.

“How’s it going?” he asked.

“Fine, Sir,” she said.

Carson turned to Liam. “Liam?” he said, “How are you finding it?”

“Okay, Sir,” Liam said.

Carson turned to the other three boys. “Have you finished, lads?”

“Yes, Sir,” Paul said.

“Well done, lads,” Carson said, “You can take a break for a bit.”

Liam completed his final sketch and scrambled to his feet. “Finished, Sir,” he said, showing it to Mr. Carson.

“Very good,” Carson said, “Looks like we’re just waiting for Bethany then.”

Beth was tempted to put a few finishing touches to her sketch and hand it in but she wanted to do it properly. She wasn’t sure if this would be assessed and marked later. She watched as Carson went down to check on the other group and then continued her work.

“Beth?” Paul called out.

She carried on with her sketching.

“Put it down, Beth,” Paul said.

Beth dropped her pad on the grass beside her.

“Come over here.”

Beth got to her feet and joined the group of boys.

“Kiss me,” Paul said, “On the mouth.”

Beth, who was a bit shorter than Paul, lifted herself up on her toes and pressed her mouth against his. Paul put his hand behind her head to hold her firmly in place and then parted her lips with his tongue, pushing it inside her mouth. She felt some of Paul’s saliva enter and mix with her own. She felt a bit sick. This was the first time she’d kissed a boy properly, let alone had a tongue in her mouth.

Paul eventually withdrew his tongue and released Beth. “Great,” he said, licking his lips.

Paul took Beth’s hand, gripping it tightly. “Come here,” he said, pulling her behind a rocky outcrop, taking her out of sight. “You guys keep an eye out,” he called to the others. “If Carson comes back, whistle.”

Paul unbuttoned and unzipped his trousers and pulled them down. He had nothing underneath and his cock sprung up to full attention as it was freed from its constraint.

Beth stared at the erection, wondering what was to happen next. All kinds of thoughts ran through her mind in the few moments it took Paul to make his next move.

Paul put his hand on Beth’s head, pushing gently. Beth knew what he meant. She knelt down in front of him.

“Okay,” Paul said, “Go for it.”

“Do I have to?” she begged. She still had the aftertaste of James’ semen in her mouth from when she wanked him on the coach and was forced to ingest the semen. Now, Paul wanted her to put his cock in her mouth.

“Of course not,” Paul said, “I’m sure Katie will find something better for you to do.”

Beth thought about it for a few moments.

“Hurry up,” Paul said, “Before I lose my hard-on. If I go soft again before you do it, Katie will...”

“Okay,” Beth whispered, “But I’ve never done this before. I’m not sure how to do it.”

“Just take it in your mouth and suck on it.” Paul held his cock out towards Beth’s mouth. “You’ll get the hang of it.”

Beth opened her mouth and moved her head forward to accept the penis. She touched the tip of it with her tongue before she gently closed her lips around it and started to suck.

Paul put his hands on the back of her head to hold her firmly in place. “Get your tongue round it,” he said. “Do what you did to James, but use your mouth instead of your hand.”

Beth wished she’d just carried out Katie’s dare now. A touch of Liam’s penis would have been child’s play compared to all this. It was too late now though, she was in this for the long haul. She couldn’t let those photos get out. She closed her eyes and reluctantly took Paul’s full length in her mouth.

To be continued...

sammyGurl 08-16-2014 01:48 PM

yup still loving it

jklivin 08-17-2014 04:45 PM

Excellent work love all of your stories

Wordsmiff 08-18-2014 05:39 AM

Part 9
Part 9

Mr Williams, the Biology tutor, was driving to the site at Wast Water with Mrs Powell, the History tutor. They’d been sorting out the packed lunches and other items for the pupils at the site. When they got there, they’d each have to take one of the groups that Mr Carson and Miss Farrell had hopefully split the pupil into. But that wasn’t what they were thinking or talking about.

Since they’d started out from Atterdale Hall, Mrs Powell had been decrying her marriage to Mr Powell and how she was glad to get away for a week to re-evaluate her position. Mr Williams had been trying to concentrate on the route but was becoming increasingly attracted to Jane Powell.

“Was it Wasdale Head or Nether Wasdale?” he asked her, trying to change the subject.

“Sorry?” Jane Powell looked up at him.

“Was it Wasdale...”

“Oh,” she interjected. “Wasdale Head. The north end of the lake.”

Mike Williams nodded and, keeping Nether Wasdale on the right, continued along the road alongside the lake.

“Pull over,” Jane said.


“Pull over for a bit,” she said, more urgently.

Mike sighed and looked for a suitable place to stop. “what for?”

“This,” Jane said. She put her hand on his crotch. “I thought so,” she said. “You’re hard.” She loosened her seat belt and leant across to kiss him.

“Jane,” he said, “That’s most unprofessional. I’ll overlook it this time but...”

Jane unzipped his trousers and put her hand inside. “I haven’t had sex in about three months,” she said.

Mike gripped her wrist and pulled her hand from his privates. “Jane, I’m married.”

“So am I, Mike,” she replied, “That’s the problem. I’m stuck in a rut.”

Mike swallowed and looked at her. “We have to get to the site,” he said.

“Then the quicker we do this, the quicker we get there.”

At fifty-four, Jane Powell was about twenty years older than Mike but despite her maturity or maybe because of it, he was becoming turned on by her.

He unfastened the belt of his trousers and lifted himself off the seat slightly to lower his trousers and boxers. His already-erect cock sprung out proudly.

Jane licked her lips and lowered her head towards Mike’s cock-head. “Thanks,” she said. She enveloped his shaft with her mouth and sucked and licked on it, ravenously.

Mike put the palm of his hand to the back of her head and pressed gently. As he felt her soft red hair, he caressed and stroked it. She was good, he thought. Mr Powell must be nuts to snub her or was he seeing someone younger, too? He didn’t want to ask her - at least not while she was engaged in giving him the best blow job he’d ever had. Even his wife, Laura, wasn’t this good.

Mike gave out a groan and pressed Jane’s head closer to his groin as he felt his cock starting to twitch and the semen exploded into her mouth. “Swallow it,” he muttered.

Jane didn’t need to be told. She hungrily devoured every drop of the ejaculated fluid and then held her position even after Mike had released her head. Eventually, she rose up and, after licking the tip of his cock clean, she settled back into her seat. “Thanks,” she said again.

“It’s me who should be thanking you, Jane,” Mike said. “Do you want me to return the favour?”

“Later,” she said, fastening up her seat belt. “It might make us late.”

Mike nodded and sorted out his trousers and boxers. “Let’s go, then.” He started up the car, still unsure of what had just occurred.

“Don’t get too absorbed with the pupils though, Mike,” Jane said, as he drove towards Wasdale Head, thinking about the head he’d just received. “I could expect payment at any time during the day.” She put her hand on his crotch again and squeezed tightly.

To be continued..

Wordsmiff 08-20-2014 06:50 AM

Part 10
Part 10

Mike parked the car just off the road in a quiet spot at the base of a low hill. He and Jane started to unpack the packed lunches and some boxes of additional equipment and take them over to where Mr Carson had set up the tents. It was a bright and sunny day, in this part of the country, the weather was liable to change at a moment’s notice.

Carson was waiting inside one of the tents when Mike and Jane arrived.

“Glad you could get here,” Mr Carson said, looking exaggeratedly at his watch. “I thought we were going to have to catch our own fish for lunch.”

“What’s happening with the kids?” Mike asked.

“I’ve got two groups drawing the landscape, so they can mark in all the geological features later,” Mr Carson explained, “And Jill Farrell’s got two groups out somewhere doing exercises or something.”

“Well, I can take one group for a Biology session,” Mike said, “Maybe discuss the flora and fauna...” He paused for a moment. “And I want to show them the Herdwick sheep which are native to these parts.”

“And I can take a group for a history tour,” Jane said, “There’s an old Abbey nearby, I think, and a Roman settlement. Apparently, there’s a group of University students from somewhere nearby doing a dig in the area.”

“Might be interesting for the pupils to visit later in the week,” Carson added. “We’ll pencil it in for Thursday, instead of the visit to Whitehaven.”

Jane and Mike nodded their assent.

“I’ll call the kids back and we’ll have lunch and then re-organise the groups.” Carson stepped outside the tent. “I’ll be about ten minutes.”

“Ten minutes,” Jane whispered to Mike, as she put her hand to his crotch, “What can we do in ten minutes.”

“Look,” Mike said, “I don’t think it’s a good idea with the kids around.”

“Have you ever played truth or dare?” Jane asked.

“Don’t be childish,” Mike said, “It’s a kids game.”

“There’s an adult version,” Jane said. “But you have to agree to do what you’re asked.”

“Okay.” Mike sounded nonchalant.

“Truth or dare?” Jane asked.

“No-one chooses dare first time,” Mike said, “Truth.”

“Okay,” Jane said, “When was the last time you fucked your wife?”

“Before I started out on this trip,” Mike sighed, “We spent a couple of hours in bed.”

“Because you were going to be apart for a week?” Jane wondered.

Mike nodded. “Truth or dare?”

“Dare,” Jane said with a wink, “Make it good. I’ll do anything.”

“I dare you to strip off from the waist down. Wait for two minutes and then put your clothes back on. If anyone comes into the tent during that two minutes, you stay bottomless.”

“Are you serious?”

“I suggest you start,” Mike said, looking at his watch. “The quicker you do it, the quicker you finish.”

“Okay,” Jane said, “I started this, so I’ll do it.” She unlaced her boots and sat down on the groundsheet to take them off. “This is more complicated than it looks,” she said, as she removed her boots. She stood up again.

“Like you said,” Mike grinned, “You started it.”

Jane unbuttoned her trousers and lowered them to her ankles. She wore a pair of blue panties underneath.

Mike watched her as she kicked off her trousers and, without a thought, pulled down her panties.

“I’ll get you back for this, Mike.” Jane crouched down to take off her panties, then stood upright again.

Mike studied her crotch, which was partly covered by the hem of her jacket, but he could still discern the dark pubic hair and the protruding labia. He glanced at his watch again.

“Two minutes,” he said. He focussed his attention on Jane’s crotch again.

Jane sighed. She lifted her jacket and top so he could get a better look. “Is that better?”

“Much better,” he said. “I’m looking forward to returning the favour you did me on the way here.”

“I’m thinking about rescinding that offer,” Jane said.

Mike looked at his watch again. “One minute, ten seconds to go,” he said.

“Look,” Jane said, “Can I put my trousers back on again?”

“In a minute,” he said.

There was silence after that.

Mike eventually checked his watch. “Twenty seconds to go,” he said.

Jane sighed again. “What do you think?” she said.

“Sorry?” Mike said.

“Do you like it?” Jane said, “My vagina?”

“It’s beautiful,” Mike said. He wanted so much to touch it and taste it but he resisted the temptation to say so. He looked at his watch. “Time up,” he said.

Jane put her panties back on, one leg at a time and pulled them up. She struggled to get her trousers on at first, trying to rush it and getting her left leg in the right trouser and having to take it out again.

Eventually, she managed to get them on. She left her boots off. “Okay,” she said. “Truth or dare?”

“Truth,” Mike said.

“Pussy,” Jane said. “If you had the chance, who, on this trip, would you most like to fuck?”

“Are we talking staff?” Mike tried to clarify.

“Well, I did say anyone on the trip,” Jane said, “So if you have desires for any of the pupils, now’s the time to reveal them. I won’t report you.”

Mike gulped. “Well, out of the staff, Jill Farrell’s a babe, isn’t she?” He saw the disappointment in Jane’s eyes and added, “But out of the pupils, I wouldn’t say no to Sarah Cartwright.”

“Did you just say that?” Jane was dumbfounded. “Sarah Cartwright?”

“Have you seen the way she rolls up the hem of her skirt at school,” Mike added, “I’d certainly give her some extra-curricular biology tuition.”

“Interesting,” Jane said.

“Truth or dare?” Mike asked.

“Truth,” Jane replied.

“When was the last time you gave a blow job?” Mike asked her, “Before the one you gave me.”

“I think it was about two years ago,” Jane said, “And, before you ask, it wasn’t my husband.”

“Who was it?” Mike wondered.

“You’ve had your question,” Jane said, stubbornly. “Truth or dare?”

Before Mike could answer, the flap of the tent opened and Sophie Baxter entered.

“Oh,” Sophie said, pushing her glasses up onto the bridge of her nose with her index finger, “Mr Carson asked me to let you know we’re having lunch out on the hills because it’s a nice day. Can you bring them out?” She exited the tent again.

Mike looked at Jane. “We’ll finish this later,” he said, “But just so you know, I’ll choose dare. Start thinking of a good one.”

“I have one,” Jane said. “You think Jill Farrell’s a babe.. I dare you to get a nude picture of her. Then show it to me. You have till the end of today.”

“How do I do that?” Mike asked.

Jane smiled. “Use your imagination,” she said, as she sat down to put her boots back on. “Seduce her.”

To be continued...

jklivin 08-21-2014 02:31 PM

Excellent work as usual

Wordsmiff 09-01-2014 08:06 AM

Part 11
Part 11

Mike Williams was sitting on his own, away from the others. From his vantage point, he had a good view not only of the lake but also of the pupils. Most of them had formed their own little cliques and were sitting on the grassy hillside eating their lunch and chatting. But he noticed a variety of activities going on around him.

Zoe Mortimer, her legs tucked underneath her, was sitting behind Hannah Wade, braiding her hair.

Sophie Baxter was sitting with her brother, Nigel, playing a game of travel chess.

The other Sophie, Sophie Markham, was sprawled on the grass, legs outstretched, chin on her hands, reading a book.

Most of the boys were in a separate group, doing boy things.

He couldn’t see some of the girls but he suspected they were around the tents on the other side of the ridge. He could certainly hear them and he knew John Carson was supervising them so he turned his attention to other things.

He glanced across at Jill Farrell. She was talking to Lauren Bennett and Megan Johnson so it wouldn’t be appropriate to approach her now.

Seduce her? he pondered, as he bit into his sandwich, how was he going to do that?

He could just tell Jane that he wasn’t going to do it and put a stop to all this nonsense. She had no blackmail on him or anything so she couldn’t force him to do it. She was probably only bluffing anyway, seeing how far he’d go.

Then again, he had a whole week away from his wife. A whole week without sex. The blow job Jane had given him had lit a spark in him. Jill was very attractive, too. He looked over at her again. Tried to catch her eye.

What if Jill was lonely and frustrated too? This would be his only chance. Maybe Jane had done him another favour here. He could kill two birds with the one stone; complete Jane’s dare and bed Jill at the same time. It would have to be carefully planned though.

Jill Farrell was twenty-four and had been PE teacher at the school for two years. Mike knew she was single but he had no idea if she was seeing anyone. They never discussed that type of thing at school or even socially. He was aware, however, that Jill knew he was married and that might complicate things.

“I can hear the cogs turning.”

Mike half-turned his head to see Jane behind him.

She sat down beside him. “She’s wearing a track-suit,” Jane whispered, looking over at Jill. “Easier to remove than trousers. Elasticated. No awkward buttons or zips,” she teased. “Should be easy enough.”

Mike shook his head. As he did so, he caught Jill’s eye. She smiled at him but he knew it was just a friendly smile and not a seductive one. He smiled back.

He finished his sandwich and took a swig of pop from a carton.

“Have you got a camera on your phone?” Jane whispered. “If not, you can borrow mine.”

“I’ve got one,” he whispered back. “Look, you said I have till the end of today, right?”

Jane nodded. “Midnight, tonight. No later.”

“So, if I can get her alone at the hostel this evening,” Mike considered, “I can do it then?”

Jane raised her eyebrows. “I suppose so.”

“Can you do something for me?”

“I did something for you earlier in the car,” Jane said. She put her hand on his crotch. “But if you need...”

“I mean,” Mike said, physically moving her hand away from his crotch before someone saw, “Could you let me be alone with Jill in your dorm tonight?”

The staff occupied two dorms. Jill and Jane shared one dorm together and Mike and John Carson shared the other dorm.

“You’re really going ahead with this?” Jane asked.

Mike knew that he was but he didn’t want to tell Jane that he had his own agenda. It would be best if she just thought he was completing her dare. “Yes, I am.”

“I can go out for a walk after the evening meal,” Jane offered, “between, say, seven-thirty and nine-thirty.”

Mike nodded. “If I haven’t done it by then,” he said, “It’s not going to happen.”

“I’ll be back at nine-thirty precisely though,” Jane added, “So, if you’re still there at that time, I’ll walk in on you.”

“I hope to have the picture by then,” Mike sighed.

“What are you going to do?” Jane asked him.

“Well,” he said, “Jill’s single. I’m going to chat her up and try charming the pants off her.” He paused. “But, if that doesn’t work...” he left the sentence unfinished.

“What?” Jane pressed.

“I was thinking of going into Atterdale village and picking up a couple of bottles of wine and asking Jill if she wanted to share a drink with me. I won’t drink much but once she’s merry enough, I’ll make my move.”

“You’re going to get her drunk?” Jane was genuinely shocked.

“It’s in the rules?”

“I suppose so.”

Mike looked over at Jill Farrell again. “But let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.”

To be continued...

jklivin 09-02-2014 03:32 AM

I love seeing your name for new updates, I know I have a few treats awaiting me.

Wordsmiff 09-04-2014 05:31 AM


Originally Posted by jklivin (Post 1481146)
I love seeing your name for new updates, I know I have a few treats awaiting me.

Thanks for comments. I'm glad someone likes this story. :)

Wordsmiff 09-04-2014 05:36 AM

Part 12
Part 12

Bethany Turner was sitting on her own, away from the others, drinking from a carton of pop.

“There’s fifteen minutes left before the end of lunch.”

Bethany looked round and saw James Milton behind her. “So,” she said, turning back to view the lake.

“So, I need some relief.” James stood beside her. “Liam does too.”

Bethany stood up reluctantly.

“We’ve found a spot back there.” James pointed to ‘back there’.

Beth sighed. She knew what James wanted her to do. She just hoped it was a hand job and not oral.

James took Beth’s hand and led her to a quiet secluded spot where Liam was sitting. When he saw them approaching, Liam stood up.

James let go of Beth’s hand and dropped his trousers. “Liam, go and keep watch. If anyone comes near, whistle.”

Liam nodded and then mouthed the word ‘sorry’ to Beth. Beth just smiled.

When Liam had gone, James put his hand to Beth’s head, beckoning her to kneel.

“Can I just...” Beth wasn’t sure what to say, “You know... with my... hand?”

“No,” James said, “With your mouth. I want you to swallow it all.”

Beth knelt down in front of James and watched as his penis began to stiffen and grow in front of her eyes.

“And hurry,” James said, “You’ve got Liam after me.”

Beth opened her mouth and put her lips around James’ penis. She started to suck on it. It made her slightly nauseous but she managed to keep it going long enough to bring him to a quick climax. As he ejaculated into her mouth, her natural reaction was to spit it out but James had his hands firmly placed at the back of her head, preventing her from withdrawing. She swallowed the fluid.

As James let go of her head, she moved back and released his cock which was already starting to contract.

“Stay there,” he said. “Liam!” he called out.

Liam came back just as James had fastened his trousers.

“Okay,” James said, “I’ll keep watch. You enjoy yourself.”

Liam watched as James disappeared and then looked at Beth.

“Please don’t make me...” Beth’s voice trailed off as a tear welled up in the corner of her eye and rolled down her cheek.

“Stand up,” Liam said.

Beth clambered to her feet.

“Let me finger you,” Liam said.

Beth was thrown slightly. “F-finger... me?”

“Turn round.”

Beth turned round.

“Loosen your trousers,” Liam said.

Beth loosened her trousers.

Liam put his arm round her and slipped his hand in between her legs, He stroked her slit and then put the tip of his finger to the opening. “Spread your legs a bit.”

Beth moved her left foot a short distance further to the left.

Liam pushed his finger inside.

Beth felt him moving it around inside her and then felt a second finger enter her. She tried to stay calm as Liam found her sensitive spot. It was obvious that Liam had no idea what to do and shortly after he’d put his fingers in he removed them.

“Do yourself up, Beth,” he said, as he put his fingers to his mouth and sucked on them.

Beth fastened up her trousers and turned round to face Liam.

Liam unfastened his own trousers and released his hard cock. “Wank me,” he said.

Beth put her hand around the erection and set about pumping it as quickly as she could. This was preferable to the alternative. She felt him twitch in her hand and the white viscous fluid dribbled out. It wasn’t the powerful spurt she was expecting. It trickled onto her hand.

“Lick it all off,” Liam said.

Beth let go of Liam’s cock and put her hand to her mouth. She extended her tongue and licked the semen from the back of her hand. When it was clean, she looked at Liam again. He had done up his trousers and was watching her.

James reappeared again. “Time’s up,” he said, “Lunch is over. We’d better get back.”

“Yes,” Liam said, “We’d better.”

To be continued.

jklivin 09-06-2014 11:52 AM

You are a great writer and a busy one at that. I enjoy all of your stories that you have posted. Thanks for keeping them going!

Wordsmiff 09-10-2014 05:43 AM

Part 13
Part 13

The rest of the afternoon went by fairly smoothly and without further incidents. The pupils were split into four groups again and each group was assigned to one teacher. By the time the coach arrived at four forty-five, they were all packed and ready to return to the hostel.

Mike drove his own car behind the coach and, about a quarter of a mile from Atterdale Hall, he turned off and made his way into Atterdale village to pick up a couple of bottles of wine. He was determined to see his plan through, not because of Jane’s stupid dare but rather because he actually fancied Jill Farrell and he wanted to see how far he could get with her.

He arrived back at Atterdale Hall just in time for the evening meal and, leaving the wine in his car he went straight to the dining room. During the meal, he caught Jill’s eye again and exchanged another smile with her. This tim, however, he thought he saw more than just a friendly smile.

Following the meal, he went up to the dorm that he shared with John Carson. Carson wasn’t there, so he dialled Jane Powell’s number.

“Are you still going out this evening?” he asked her on the phone.

“Yeah,” she replied, “That’s right. I’m going out for a walk. Be back about nine-thirty. Call you then.”

He got the message. He went down to his car and retrieved his wine. On the way in, he met Jane coming out.

“Is she in the dorm?” he asked.

Jane nodded. “Reading a book. She could do with a bit of company.”

Mike held up one of his wine bottles.

“Be careful with her,” Jane said. “Don’t get her too drunk. It’s a long day tomorrow.”

“Yeah, okay,” Mike said. He watched Jane, as she exited the building and then went up the back stairwell towards the female dorms.

When he got to the door of Jill’s dorm, he felt the cocoons in his stomach hatching out into fully-fledged butterflies but it was too late to back out now. He knocked on the door.

“Hello?” Jill’s voice said.

Mike opened the door and popped his head round. “Only me,” he said, “Are you decent?”

“Yes,” Jill said.

“Oh, what a shame,” Mike joked, “Shall I come back later.”

“What do you want?” she said.

Mike went in and closed the door behind him. “I was wondering if you fancied a bit of company,” he said.

Jill was lying on the bed, her head propped up on some pillows, with a book in her hand. She wore a polo top and a short pleated skirt.

“John’s gone out somewhere,” Mike added, “And I just saw Jane disappearing through the door.”

“Yes,” Jill said, “She said she’s going out for a long walk.”

“You don’t think her and John have gone for a tryst, do you?” Mike approached the bed and held up the wine. “Fancy a drink?”

Jill put her book down beside her and swung her legs round.

“Got a cup?” Mike asked.

Jill produced a couple of plastic cups from her cabinet. “Not too much for me,” she said, holding out her cup.

“So, how’s it going?” Mike poured her a full cup of wine. “What did you get your kids doing today?”

“Just walking the hills,” Jill said, “Getting a bit of exercise and fresh air before the real Lake District weather starts.”

“I know what you mean,” Mike said. He poured himself half a cup of wine and put the bottle down. “Can I sit on the bed?”

Jill patted the bedspread beside her and, taking that as a good sign, Mike sat down.

“Where did you get the wine from?” Jill took a sip.

“Atterdale,” Mike said, “It goes down well after a hard day’s work.”

They chatted for a little while longer and drank a little more wine before Mike saw a possible chance. He offered Jill some more wine.

“No, thanks,” Jill said, “If I have any more, I may not be responsible for what I do.” Jill put her cup down on the floor and reached up to rub her left shoulder with her right hand. “God, my muscles are aching after that walk.” She lay back on the bed and closed her eyes.

“How about a massage?” It just came out of Mike’s mouth. He immediately regretted it.

“Sorry?” Jill opened her eyes again.

“A massage,” he repeated. He couldn’t go back now.

“What do you know about massaging?” she asked.

“I’m a biology teacher,” he said, “I know where all the muscles are.”

She sighed. “Okay.” She sat up again.

Mike was surprised by her consent. He was expecting a slap round the face. It must be the drink, he guessed.

This was the point of no return.

To be continued...

Wordsmiff 09-11-2014 02:49 AM

Part 14
Part 14

Jill had just consented to Mike giving her a massage.

“Got any oil?” he asked her.

“There’s some baby oil,” she said, gesturing at the bedside cabinet.

He nodded and went over to find it. “Lie on the bed,” he said.

Jill lay back on the bed.

“Face down,” he said.

She turned over and lay prone on the bed with her head to one side. “That okay?” she said.

Mike rubbed baby oil over his hands, as if he knew what he was doing. He did, in fact, have no idea how to massage anyone but this was the best chance he’d get of gaining Jill’s trust.

“My shoulders,” she said.

“Take your top off,” he said.


“Your top,” he said, “I can’t massage you with it on, you’ll get it all greasy.” He held up his oil-soaked hands.

Jill looked up at him, as if trying to work out if he was serious or not. She lifted herself from the bed, slipped off her top and lay back down again.

Mike saw that she wore no bra under the top. She was naked from the waist up. He didn’t want to push his luck, so he didn’t ask her to take anything else off.

Mike’s oiled palms and fingers prodded her shoulder blades.

“Ow!” she said.

“Sorry.” He ran long firm strokes over her shoulders and onto her back. Then, with his hands sideways on, he pressed into the long indentation of her spine. He was going to have to bluff this, now.

As he pressed and caressed her skin and flesh, he felt himself starting to get hard. He tried to ignore it and continued to stroke, press, rub and pummel at Jill’s back and shoulders. He did what he’d seen masseurs doing on TV and in films, hoping that he was doing it right.

He finally realised that he could ignore his erection no longer. He longed to see what was underneath her skirt. “Can I do your legs?” he asked her.

“Hmm,” she replied with a satisfied voice.

Mike put his hands to her left thigh, just below the hem of her skirt, and offered it the same treatment that he’d given her shoulders and back, occasionally venturing slightly higher up. When she moved her legs apart slightly, he felt that she was happy with his actions and he moved onto her right thigh.

When he finally paused, she turned over without being asked and he saw her breasts for the first time.

“Do my front,” she said.

Mike’s erection got stiffer and he found himself looking down at his crotch to see if there was a noticeable bulge. He soon returned his attention to Jill’s breasts. He re-anointed his hands with oil and tentatively put them to her neck, just above the rise of her breasts. He hesitated.

“It’s okay,” she said, giving him the green light, “Go for it.”

He pulled, pinched and pummelled her shoulders again, this time from the front and ran his hands down around her breasts, trying not to touch them, and then back up to her shoulders.

Jill closed her eyes as Mike’s thumbs pressed gently against her neck and his palms and fingers encircled her neck.

He heard her groan, a pleasurable groan, as his hands travelled downwards, pressing against her collar-bone. He wondered if he was actually doing it right. She seemed to be enjoying it. He decided to bite the bullet.

He rolled each breast between his oil-covered hands. The fingers pressed around the nipples, eliciting gasps of pleasure from Jill. She raised her hips and, in response, his hands moved down towards the waistband of her skirt, tracing the lines of her stomach muscles as they went.

Jill reached down and unfastened the buttons on the side of her skirt. “Take it off,” she said, as she raised her hips again.

Mike pulled the skirt down and saw that she wore no underwear at all. He was staring at her neatly-trimmed vagina, the slit clearly visible and clearly wet. He removed the skirt from her legs and dropped it on the floor. Jill parted her legs.

Mike looked at her. She still had her eyes closed. Should he take his picture now? he wondered.

To be continued...

Ethan2cu 09-11-2014 10:05 PM

NO!!! don't stop.... this last part was really good.. i think i want to fuck Jill myself.

jklivin 09-14-2014 02:58 PM

Another fantastic update eagerly awaiting more

Wordsmiff 09-15-2014 06:27 AM

Part 15
Part 15

“Jill?” Mike whispered.

“Hmm?” Jill sighed.

“How was it?” Mike said. When she didn’t respond, he added, “The massage?”

“Perfect,” she said, her eyes still closed. “Lay those magic hands on me again.”

Those were seven words that Mike wasn’t expecting Jill to say. He sat on the edge of the bed and leaned across the naked and eager woman. He kissed her on the stomach. “Jill?” he said, “I... I have a...” he wasn’t sure how to say what he wanted to say. “I have a... er... problem.”

“I know,” Jill said, “I saw it poking out of your trousers. Let it free.”

Mike stopped motionless. Had he just heard what he thought he heard.

Jill opened her eyes. “Mike,” she said with a twinkle in her eye, “Fuck me!”

“Jill,” he said, “Are you drunk?”

“Fuck me,” she repeated.

Mike wasted no time in stripping off and freeing his rampant penis.

Jill smiled as the penis sprang up and pointed in her direction like a gun dog indicating the location of its prey.

Mike scrambled onto the bed and straddled Jill. “Are you sure?” he asked her.

Jill reached up and took the cock in her hands, gripping it firmly and sliding her hand back and forth. “I’m sure,” she said, releasing the cock. She bent her knees, planting the soles of her feet firmly on the bed, and spread her legs.

Mike was transfixed on her cunt. It was gorgeous. He settled himself in place between her legs and positioned the tip of his erect penis at the entrance to her crevice. He gently tried to push inside. She was tight. He looked down at her. She had her eyes closed again. “Jill,” he said, quietly, “You’re not a virgin, are you?”

Jill opened her eyes. “What if I am?”

Having no answer, he took it as a rhetorical question and pushed a bit harder. He breached her defences and entered her inner sanctum.

Jill closed her eyes again and let out a deep moan. “Fuck!” she muttered under her breath.

It was an exclamation rather than a request. Nevertheless, Mike obeyed and thrust further inside her. He drew back, thrust forward, drew back, thrust forward, with long, gentle strokes.

As Mike penetrated her, Jill lifted herself slightly off the bed to meet his incoming thrusts, taking him deeper inside her.

From the depths of Mike’s trouser pocket on the floor, The Everley Brothers burst into song: “Wake up, little su-uzy, wake up...”

Mike stopped what he was doing and Jill opened her eyes.

“What...?” Jill said, listening to the music.

“It’s my.. er.. phone,” Mike said, sheepishly, as the Everley Brothers continued their ditty.

“You’ve got a Roy Orbison ringtone?” Jill wanted to know.

“Everley Brothers,” Mike corrected her. “It’s the Everley Brothers.”

“Well,” Jill said, as the tune continued, “Aren’t you going to answer it?”

“It can’t be important,” Mike said. He felt his erection starting to relax. “Let’s finish this first,” he said and he continued to thrust inside her, hoping to stiffen up again.

The Everley Brothers came to an abrupt halt as the call was ended.

Jill closed her eyes again as Mike continued his incursion on her cunt. He leaned forward and kissed her breasts, one at a time, and then nibbled on her nipples. He felt himself coming and his semen spurted out of his cock into Jill’s vagina.

Jill still had her eyes closed but she showed no signs of reaching any sort of orgasm.

“Jill,” Mike said, a bit too late, “Are you on the pill?”

Jill opened her eyes and shook her head.

“Fuck,” Mike muttered, as he withdrew from her.

“It’s okay,” Jill said. “I’ll take the chance.”

Mike shook his head. “First thing tomorrow morning,” he said, “I’m driving you into the nearest town and we’ll get you the morning after pill from a pharmacy or something.”

“I didn’t know you cared,” Jill giggled.

Mike only cared about his marriage but he couldn’t tell Jill that. He glanced at the travel alarm clock on the bedside cabinet. The time was eight fifty-five. They had about half an hour before Jane Powell arrived back and he still hadn’t got his photograph. He scrambled off the bed. Jill remained where she was.

“What now?” Jill asked.

“Jill?” he said, “Can I...?” He let it trail off. He was going to ask if he could take a picture of her... but didn’t think it was appropriate to ask.

Instead, he picked up his trousers and retrieved his phone. He looked at it: 1 missed call. It was from Jane’s number. She must have been calling to see if he’d done it yet.

“Just doing a text,” he said to Jill.

She closed her eyes again.

Mike kept his phone in his hand and pretended to tap out a text. Instead, however, he activated the camera mode and held the phone so that it was over Jill’s naked body. He took his picture.

The camera had no shutter sound so Jill was not aware of what he’d done. For good measure he took another picture. If Jane told him to delete the picture after she’d seen it, he’d have another one to keep.

Mike so much wanted to take a picture of Jill’s cunt. He wandered to the end of the bed and, still under the pretence of texting, he snapped another picture, this one of Jill’s wet crevice. He noticed that it had some of his semen dripping from it. He put his phone down.

All done, he thought. Until morning, when he’d have to sort out Jill’s emergency contraception.

To be continued...

jklivin 09-15-2014 06:40 PM

Very good and I appreciate the quick update.

Ethan2cu 09-17-2014 01:50 PM

LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT.... why do I have this image of Heisenburg as Mike?

Wordsmiff 09-20-2014 01:23 AM


Originally Posted by Ethan2cu (Post 1497353)
LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT.... why do I have this image of Heisenburg as Mike?

Who's Eisenberg? :confused:

Wordsmiff 09-20-2014 01:24 AM

Part 16
Part 16

Sophie Markham and Bethany Turner were sitting on their respective beds, reading books. Although they were best friends, Beth had not told Sophie about her situation. She didn’t want to tell anyone; she was just pleased to be free from the boys’ hold on her for a bit. She had no idea how long it would last.

“How did you find the first day?” Sophie said, pulling Beth out of her daydream.

“Sorry?” Beth looked across to her friend.

“The first day?” Sophie repeated, “How did you find it?”

Well, Beth thought, apart from the blow jobs, the hand jobs and the fingers invading her private space, it was just hunky-dory. “Not too bad,” she said, “At least the weather held off.”

Sophie nodded and got back to her book.

“Where’s the others?” Beth said, referring to the other girls that shared the dorm.

“In the recreation room, I think,” Sophie said, looking up from her book again. “Watching a DVD with the boys.”

This time, Beth nodded and punctuated her nod with a smile. If the boys that Sophie was referring to were the same boys that had been abusing her, it meant that she had a bit of respite this evening. She settled back with her book.

“Fancy a game?” Sophie said, still looking at her book.

Beth looked up. “Game?”

“Yeah,” Sophie said, “Like the one Katie and Sarah started last night but just us two.”

“As long as there’s no crude stuff,” Beth said.

“You mean like daring me to take off my panties in front of everyone,” Sophie said, reminding Beth of the previous evening.

Beth remembered the dare that she’d given to Sophie and giggled. “Sorry about that, Soph.”

“No probs,” Sophie said, putting down her book. “Shall we?”

“Okay,” Beth said, “You can start.” Beth put her book down.

“Beth,” Sophie said, swinging her legs round to sit on the side of her bed, “Truth or dare?”

“Truth,” Beth said. “No-one chooses dare first time.”

Sophie shook her head. “Do you masturbate?”

Beth thought for a moment about wanking Liam, but Sophie didn’t mean masturbating someone else, she meant self-masturbation. “Well...” she let the word hang for a moment. “Not really.”

“Is that a yes or a no?”

“No,” Beth said. “Truth or dare?”

“Truth,” Sophie said.

“Which boy do you fancy?” Beth said without thinking of a proper question.

“You mean boys on this trip?” Sophie asked.

Beth nodded.

“Well, none really,” Sophie said.

“That’s good enough answer for me,” Beth said.

“Truth or dare?” Sophie asked. “You can’t choose two truths in a row.”

“Dare then,” Beth said.

“I dare you to kiss me.”

Beth’s glasses had slipped and she pushed them back up onto the bridge of her nose. “Kiss you?”

“Yeah,” Sophie said, “but not on the mouth.”

Beth sat up on her bed. “Not on the mouth?”

“If you’re going to repeat everything I say,” Sophie said, “This is going to be a very long game.”

“Sorry,” Beth said, “I was just taken aback by...”

Sophie interjected. “On my breasts.”

“What breasts?” Beth said. Sophie was not a very well-endowed girl, despite being the same age as the others.

“What do you mean, what breasts?” Sophie patted her almost-flat chest. “These.”

“Okay,” Beth said. She patted the bedspread beside her. “Take your top off and hop over here.”

Sophie crossed her arms, gripped the hem of her top and pulled it up over her head, dislodging her glasses. Underneath she wore what looked like a training bra. She straightened her glasses.

“Training bra, too,” Beth said. It was a bit of a novelty for her to be in control of someone after all she’d been through - and this was supposed to be a dare for her.

Sophie took off her bra and revealed two small but perceptible breasts topped by equally small but perceptible nubs. Sophie went over to Beth’s bed and sat beside her.

Beth leaned forward and put her lips to the right breast and kissed it. She moved across and gave the left breast the same treatment. Then she looked up at Sophie. “Was that okay?”

“For now,” Sophie said. “Your turn to choose.”

“Truth or dare,” Beth said. “But you can’t choose...”

“Two truths in a row,” Sophie finished the sentence. “I’ll choose dare then.”

“I knew you would,” Beth said, with a smile.

To be continued...

jklivin 09-20-2014 08:56 AM

Thank you for the updates on your stories I love them.

Wordsmiff 09-25-2014 01:41 AM

Part 17
Part 17

“I dare you,” Bethany said, “to go to the boys’ dorm and find their mobile phones... especially Liam’s, James’, Paul’s and Alan’s.”

“You what?” Sophie gave Beth a mystified look.

“They’re all in the Rec. Room, you said,” Beth explained, “So their dorm’ll be empty. They won’t have their phones with them, you can’t use mobiles down there.” Beth needed those phones to delete the pictures of her.

“What if they come back while I’m in there?”

“Tell you what,” Beth said, “I’ll go with you, make it easier for you. I’ll stay outside in the corridor. If they come back, I’ll...” she hesitated. Beth needed those phones; she’d do anything to get them. “If they come back, I’ll keep them occupied.”

Sophie gave a look that said she didn’t know what Beth meant.

Beth knew what she meant, though. She’d offer the boys anything, anywhere, to keep them out of their dorm long enough for Sophie to find the incriminating phones.

“Okay,” Sophie said, “Let’s go.”

Beth grabbed a plastic carrier bag from beside her bed and gave it to Sophie. “Put the phones in here.”

Sophie took the bag and the two girls went out into the corridor and headed towards the boys’ wing. It was not too far to go but they had to go up one flight of stairs to get there.

Outside the boys’ dorm, Sophie took a deep breath and knocked on the door. There was no response from inside so she opened the door a crack and peeped inside. “It’s empty,” she whispered.

“Get in there, then,” Bethany said, almost pushing Sophie inside. “Find the phones or you’ll have a forfeit to do.”

Sophie went inside the boys’ dorm.

Bethany stood outside, hoping that the boys wouldn’t get back until Sophie had found the phones.


Inside the boys dorm, Sophie turned on the lights. She looked round to get her bearings. The layout of the room, including the position of the six beds, was identical to the girls’ dorm although the boys had clothes strewn all over the floor.

Sophie took a step towards the nearest bed. She opened the bedside cabinet and immediately came up trumps. A phone. She had no idea whose it was but she slipped it in the bag.

She made her way to the next bed and looked inside the cabinet. She couldn’t find a phone in it.

Whose phones did Beth say she wanted? Sophie thought. It was Liam, Paul, Alan and James. But why? she wondered as she sat down on the side of the bed and put the bag down beside her.

She got up again, got down on the floor and looked under the bed. No phone there either. She scrambled to her feet again and looked under the pillow. Success. A phone. She added it to the bag and went to the next bed. Sophie made a decision to get Beth back for this.


Beth stood patiently outside the boys dorm tapping her foot in frustration. “Come on, Soph,” she muttered to herself. “It can’t be that hard to find four phones.” Then she realised that there were six boys in this dorm and that Sophie would more than likely be looking for all six to avoid a forfeit.

She was about to pop her head round the door and tell Sophie only to find the four phones she needed when she heard footsteps on the stairwell and boys chattering to each other.

The worst thing that could happen at this precise moment happened.

Six boys - Liam, Paul, James, Alan, Nigel and Ryan - came up the stairs, rounded the corner onto the corridor and saw her standing outside their dorm.

“Well, hello, babe,” Paul said. “How can we help you?”

Beth gave them a false smile and stepped forward. “I want you all to...” she paused. What could she say to stop them going into their dorm? “Has the film finished?”

“Yeah,” James said, “You missed a great movie.”

“Are the girls back?” Beth said, blocking the boys’ way.

“Yeah, I guess,” Paul said. “Excuse us.”

“Paul,” Beth said, “I want you all to go to the bathroom with me.” She had to give Sophie enough time. It was the only chance she’d ever get to delete those pictures.

Paul gave her a look of amazement. “You what?”

“I want to give you all...” she cleared her throat, “...a blow job.”

To be continued...

peter1111 09-25-2014 01:40 PM

Wordsmiff I really like this story, also the 2 stories in one. Very good so far, and often updated.

Keep up the good Work!! :)

Wordsmiff 09-29-2014 05:23 AM


Originally Posted by peter1111 (Post 1505607)
Wordsmiff I really like this story, also the 2 stories in one. Very good so far, and often updated.

Keep up the good Work!! :)

Thanks Peter, That's a real compliment coming from you. You're one of my favourite authors on here. Your stories partly inspired me to start posting on this site. :)

Wordsmiff 10-02-2014 02:25 AM

Part 18
Part 18

Bethany glanced back at the boys’ dorm as she followed the six lads down the corridor towards the bathroom.

Paul opened the bathroom door and they went all inside.

“Why here?” Paul said, “Why not in the dorm where we’d be more comfortable?”

Beth closed the door and threw the bolt across to lock it. “I just fancy it here,” she said.

The bathroom was a communal one with a row of washbasins along one wall, shower units at the far end and some toilet cubicles opposite the washbasins. It was more or less identical to the bathroom in the girls’ wing.

“Who’s first?” Beth said bravely.

The boys exchanged glances with each other.

Paul stepped forward. “Me,” he said. He unfastened his trousers and lowered both his trousers and boxers in one movement. His cock was semi-erect.

Beth stood in front of him for a few moments.

“Go on then,” Paul said, “Do it.”

Beth knew she couldn’t back out now. She looked at Paul, then looked at the other boys in turn. She looked back at Paul. “Okay,” she said. She knelt down in front of him and took a deep breath.

“Suck it,” Paul said. “Get it rock hard.”

Beth took his cock in between her thumb and index finger and guided it to her mouth. She wrapped her lips around it and started to suck. As she did so, she gently rubbed the base od the shaft with her thumb and finger.

The other boys watched in amazement as Beth gave Paul a blow job.

“I’m already hard,” James said. “I hope I don’t lose it before it’s my turn.”

“If you do,” Paul said, “She can get you hard again.” Paul put his hands behind Beth’s head to hold her in place. “Swallow every drop, Beth,” he said. “Not just mine but everyone’s.”

Beth continued to suck, half-hoping that it wouldn’t take too long and half-hoping that she could keep the boys occupied long enough for Sophie to complete her task.

The other boys lowered their trousers and boxers as they watched the sight in front of them. They all had hards-on and found themselves stroking their shafts as Beth continued to service Paul.

Beth felt the first stirrings of Paul’s cock in her mouth and she knew she was soon to receive a mouthful of sperm. She braced herself. One down, five to go!


Sophie found the last of the phones and tiptoed to the door of the dorm. She tapped on the door. “Beth?” she whispered, “Got them.”

When there was no answer, she opened the door and peered out into the corridor. “Bitch,” she whispered when she saw that Bethany had gone. “You just wait.”

Sophie went out into the corridor carrying her bag of phones and tiptoed to the stairwell. As she got to the top of the stairs, she paused by the boys’ bathroom. She could hear something going on inside.

“Go, Beth,” she could hear one of the boys shout out. “Take it all. Fucking swallow it.” She didn’t recognise the voice but she definitely heard Beth’s name being called. What was going on in there?

She tried to make her way down the stairs as quietly as she could and, when she was back in the girls’ section, she hurried to her own dorm. As she was about to open the door, she heard the other girls talking inside. They were back, she guessed. She decided not to take the phones in, just in case the others wanted to know what she was doing with them.

She crept slowly further down the corridor, being extra quiet as she passed the dorm where Miss Farrell and Mrs Powell were based. She slipped the bag of phones behind a fire extinguisher and, as she tiptoed back past the Farrell/Powell dorm, she froze as she heard the door open.

She was waiting for Mrs Powell to reprimand her.

“Where are you off to?”

It wasn’t Mrs Powell, Sophie knew, and it wasn’t Miss Farrell either.

She slowly turned to face Mr Williams. He was carrying two empty wine bottles. What was he doing in their dorm? “Er...” she wasn’t sure what to say.

“I’ll make a deal with you,” Mike Williams said, before Sophie could speak up.

Sophie stood dumbfounded.

“Don’t tell anyone I was here,” he said, “and I won’t tell anyone that you’re out of your dorm unsupervised.”

What was he going on about? Sophie wondered. Had he been up to something himself?

“I’m sorry, Sir,” Sophie said, “But I’m afraid I’ll have to...” Sophie was a quick thinker when it mattered. “Mr er... Carson asked me to look for you. He wanted to know where you were.” She tried to keep a straight face. She could have just gone but this was too good an opportunity to waste. “Shall I tell him you were in the female wing? And that you’ve been drinking?” She gestured at the wine bottles.

“Er, no,” Mike said, “Best not to.” He swallowed hard.

Sophie knew now that her first instinct was correct and that he was up to no good.

“So tell me why you’re here,” Sophie said, “And I’ll pretend I haven’t seen you.”

Mike bit his lip. “I had to see Jill... er Miss Farrell about something.”

“I’ll keep quiet about it,” Sophie said, “If you do something for me.” The words had come out before she realised she’d said them.

“What?” Mike wanted to know.

Sophie smiled. She had him twisted round her little finger. What could she ask of him? This was a once only opportunity. What could she possibly get him to do for her?

To be continued...

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