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Truckernaut42 06-18-2014 09:12 PM

The Farm: My Cock Milked For A Week
It is 2058. Most of the western world has gone vegan on top of other better environmental changes. At first it was a huge deal, but we all eventually realized it was for the better for our resources and for nature itself. Most meats now are flavoured tofu, with vitamins inserted in. It tastes just as good and you can't really tell the difference. Dairy comes from men. Yes, that's right. Cum. Sperm. Jizz. Whatever you want to call it. One of the big leaders of the vegan movement managed to create milk from her boyfriend's sperm, and convinced a bunch of politicians to patent it. By 2030 most people didn't really mind. It was a new generation, everyone was a lot more open minded.

But it was difficult finding men who were up to the ask. Milking was obviously a humiliating action. Eventually there was a small job market for it, about the size of any employment group having to do with genitalia, ex: strippers, pornstars and all that, it wasn't very big. The government decided to put prisoners, both adult and juvie into the milking system. Anyone between the ages of 14 and 30 could do it for time off. They decided those ages were the best for milk, in taste and for health. They stuck them to these weird machines in factories all around the country and milked them. For the grown man it usually took about a day or 2 for a glass of milk. They mixed water and other weird stuff in it for texture and vitamins and taste and all that, but the rest was pure man juice. You could imagine how many orgasms it would take to make this much pure man. I never knew... until I was placed in the system at the age of 16...


Truckernaut42 06-18-2014 09:37 PM

Part 2
I'll cut to the chase, because the details will bore you and I'm sure the only part you readers want is the part where I'm naked, you pervs! I was at the mall looking to buy some new shoes and some kid ran out with some and shoved them in my bag and when the beepers went off, I was arrested. Their cameras weren't even working so they couldn't show that I was innocent. My parents knew me, I was a good kid. They believed me, but unfortunately the evidence was against me and I was given 2 options, juvie or the farm. I'm a fairly skinny kid and I definitely wouldn't be able to hold my own against juvie kids so I thought, hey what the hell? The farm for a week doesn't sound bad. Boy, was I wrong...

The day came where they came and got me from home, I had a backpack with extra clothes and my cell phone charger. My mom kissed me goodbye for the week and they stuffed me in the police van. They took my backpack, telling me I wouldn't be needing a change of clothes this week. We arrived at the farm a few hours later. I asked them if food was supplied and they told me it was. At least I wouldn't have to worry about that on top of everything else... They walked me to a side entrance marked "bovine" and into a big white room. I wasn't sure what to expect, I didn't really know too much about the farm. I assumed I'd come here and help move milk around. But when they shone the light in my eyes and commanded me to strip down nude, my heart dropped.

"Wait, what?"

They threatened to tase me if I didn't comply. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I nervously took off my shirt. I was a virgin, I'd never even been naked in front of my girlfriend and here I was stripping in front of a security team full of burly, strongmen. One was female, but the amount of muscle on her was equal to the men's.

I took a deep breath and I pulled down my pants, and finally slipped down my underpants. As I was bent over, the female guard slipped on a glove and shoved her fingers deep into my tight asshole. It stung, I gave a yelp as she dug around for about a minute, obviously checking for contraband.

"He's good." She straightened my body up, and I stood tall, baring my flaccid naked penis to all these people. It was cold and I was nervous, so I had shrunk noticeably.

"Come on, time to hook you up kid." Another guard grabbed my arm and they began to walk me through another hallway. Where was I going?


Vodin30 06-19-2014 07:49 AM

I enjoy reading your stuff. I love the way your mind works, as I walk the same roads. keep up the good writing.

Truckernaut42 06-20-2014 03:09 PM

Thank you! I appreciate the feedback. All of these stories stem from little ideas/fantasies I have for myself.

Truckernaut42 06-20-2014 03:35 PM

Part 3
They dragged me through another hallway as bare as the day I was born and through yet another until finally we were on a platform in the massive factory. On the floor we were on I could see other men hooked up to weird machines on the floors above, but I couldn't see a lot. My platform faced a walking path through the entire factory, where I could see a tour group. My heart dropped and I turned to the guard holding my arm.

"What's going on? We have to go back. They're gonna see me naked!"
"You'll get over it after a while."

They stuck me onto a strange metal contraption which lifted me just a few feet off of the ground, like a crucifix almost with my legs spread and my arms facing down but away from my body.

"It's inhumane and illegal for us to make you stand for a week so this will keep you in a position similar, but without straining your legs or affecting your blood flow in your limbs. You'll also be able to sleep like this once you get used to the positioning."

It was cushioned so it didn't feel uncomfortable, but I don't see how I could sleep like this. I could somewhat move my limbs but not very much. I couldn't cover my crotch with my hands, to my dismay. The female guard pulled what looked like a suction tube out of the floor and grabbed my penis and fitted it around my genitals, my balls included. She gave a thumbs up to a man in a room above us and another suction tube came up and wrapped around my flaccid penis.

I could hear the tour guide talking about the milking process and he walked his group over to my station and mentioned showing how it was done... with me.

"Please." I pleaded to the guard. "They can all see my penis, please stop."

The guard ignored me and gave another thumbs up and with the sound of mechanical whirring I felt a small phallic object slip into my asshole. I gave a gasp as it began to vibrate deep inside. The tube began to suction my cock like it was jerking me off almost. I could feel myself becoming erect to the measly 4 and a half inches I was. The phallic object twisted and went back in forth in my ass and I could feel the suction on my erect cock. In a way it felt really good, but I couldn't help but feel humiliation rush over me as I was standing their butt naked and being violated in front of these people. I squirmed for about 4 minutes, but what felt like forever, and I could feel the wave of an orgasm come over. I came. In front of everyone. I yelped as my dick released squirts of sticky cum into the tube.

"We usually let the process go for about 5-8 minutes after initial orgasm. Some of our boys let out an action few gushes, which have extra vitamin after the first."

I violently struggled in my restraints.

"Please stop! It's so sensitive ah!" It felt like I was having a continuous orgasm, my entire body was exploding with pleasure, from the tip of my penis, to my prostate and the rest of my body.

Everyone stood there and watched.

"Some of our smaller endowed specimens such as this boy however take 10-12 to release their extra milk."

to be continued

retart 06-21-2014 02:42 PM

I love this story! Please continue it :)

Truckernaut42 06-26-2014 06:56 PM

After what felt like forever, the whirring finally stopped, the machine was finished. I couldn't move. I was numb and sweaty and the head of my penis tingled. I felt like I was in another world all together, everything was blurry, I couldn't hear well. My senses came back to me in minutes and the tour group had moved on.

I turned to the guard "Please, why are you doing this to me?"
"Deal with it. You're lucky you're only here for a week. It's a dirty job but someone has got to do it." That someone was me.

Days passed, I was forced into this routine. Cumming over and over again, 4-5 times a day, fucked in the ass by a machine and forced to orgasm. I felt raped. I felt disgusting. But I felt good. I had never felt pleasure such as this. I couldn't make up my mind on whether I truly enjoyed it or not. Maybe I couldn't think straight because I was always so aroused. They kept my asshole plugged. The device and the tube on my cock collected bodily waste like piss and shit when they weren't extracting milk from my testicles. They spoon fed me fruits and vegetables 3 times a day, with meat during the third meal. I was kept on a specific diet to ensure the best quality of my sperm. I was allowed sleep from midnight to noon, and during non milking periods they brought up a monitor at my station so I could watch tv as well. In the middle of the week they allowed me to shower.

Friday came. I would be released tomorrow evening and I couldn't wait to get out of this heinous place. I have no idea how someone could do this for years on end. The humiliation, the physical tole it takes. All for the greater good I was told.

As I pondered, I could see a tour group coming in. There luckily hadn't been any since the beginning of the week when I was first hooked up. My heart dropped. I remembered the humiliation I felt at being mechanically masturbated in front of all those people. Having my genital inadequacies pointed out for everything to gawk at. The female guard came to my station.

"Look attentive we have a group coming in and you've been volunteered to be displayed to them during milking."
"Oh god please not again!"

I didn't think it could get any worse, but then I began to recognize the crowd... they were my science class from school. I recognized the jocks and the sexy popular girls, the last people I'd want to be on display for. I panicked.

"Please! Let me out, or move them somewhere else. Please don't let these people see me like this. I'll never live it down if they see me naked and hooked up like this!"

The guard ignored me and watched as they came to my station. Then I heard something that signalled the end of my social life in high school.

"Oh my god! Jeff? Isn't that Jeff?"

to be continued

Truckernaut42 06-26-2014 06:57 PM

Any thoughts/feedback on the story? I love feedback.

venusaphrodite 06-27-2014 04:01 PM

I really like this story. There's something about milking that always seemed so humiliating and cruel for a guy - being forced to cum but getting next to no satisfaction from it! :P Keep it up! :)

asdf431 06-27-2014 09:00 PM

Great story! Love milking...

retart 06-28-2014 08:31 AM

I love this story so much, milking is humiliating and arousing

Diaperwhore57 06-29-2014 07:00 PM

I like the suspence of his class knowing! Keep it going

issabella 06-29-2014 09:41 PM

omg so good keep it going xD

Sub1246 07-03-2014 07:36 PM

Don't leave us hanging like that!

Truckernaut42 07-04-2014 06:44 PM

Sorry for not updating guys, I've been really busy lately and haven't had a chance to sit down and write the next chapter, I will finish it as soon as I can!

NKat68 07-04-2014 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by Truckernaut42 (Post 1407143)
Sorry for not updating guys, I've been really busy lately and haven't had a chance to sit down and write the next chapter, I will finish it as soon as I can!

As long as your letting us know !!

Truckernaut42 07-11-2014 05:38 PM

"Oh my god, that is Jeff! What the fuck is he doing up there?" I saw them pull out their cell phones and snap photos of my pathetic nudity. The tour guide invited them up onto my platform with a smirk. He knew what he was doing. Nancy Swanson, the head cheerleader lead the back and came up to me, and checked out my package.

"Oh, he's so cute and small. Look at how small his dick is!" she snapped pictures of my penis. "These are going on Facebook haha. You'll never get laid with a little boy dick like that Jeff."

One of the jocks came around the back. "Wow he's got something up his ass too. I bet he likes it, the fag!"

"So would you guys like to see how it works?" asked the tour guide. All of the kids had an evil smile to go with their synchronized nodding. I shook my head and begged but the female guard smacked me and told me to stop. Nancy snickered.

"Time to see you cum like a good little fag, Jeff."

The machine started up. My ass was pumped hard in front of my school peers. The suction began on my cock. I was being violated once again, but this time in front of people I see everyday. My cock was sucked hard by the machine until I came once again. I yelped as everyone laughed and cheered. The machine continued, and I kept cumming. I squirmed for minutes while my cock kept gushing out warm cum. Everybody watching me. I passed out.

I woke up in an infirmary. My parents were there to take me home. I was discharged from the factory, apparently what happened to me was rare, but did happen. The best milk apparently came from what they called a super cum, where my balls completely emptied themselves. However, it would take a day or two for my balls to full reproduce that sperm so I was discharged and sent home.

That Monday:
I begged my parents to let me transfer schools but they refused.

"They'll all forget soon." assured my mom. She had no idea.

I held my breath as I opened the front doors to the school and walked into the hallway. People were looking at their phones and at me and snickering.

"Aw, look! It's Junior dick Jeff!"


Truckernaut42 07-27-2014 08:23 PM

was the ending okay? Unfortunately I kind of ran out of ideas and I'm not very good at ending stories.

NKat68 07-27-2014 08:42 PM

It was okay, I would have preferred if the guys made him their slave for black mail. But how you ended it is fine

Sissyboy998 11-14-2014 02:41 AM

I wish they have milking machines in the future if so I'm signing up lol great story

Usharavi 09-25-2017 06:58 AM

omg this story is good. I love this. I fantasize about this too. Millking my cock dry.

ccp 10-04-2017 06:54 AM

Incredible story!! Ultimate humiliation tale, I love it!!

Alasdair 07-20-2023 11:51 AM

The Farm
This was a really good story. I would have liked to see you draw it out a bit longer though. Maybe have a few more embarrassing situations at the facility, or have the situation revised so that only a few people from school saw him and used it to blackmail him into performing sexually for them in increasingly embarrassing and kinky methods and places so they don't out him (at least not to everyone;) )

hot_viper_2005 07-20-2023 03:00 PM

Disappointed that it is over. Great job.

I think there is a lot of room for sequels.

Embarrassment at school - getting angry at school and doing something that would get more factory time and getting blackmailed - Blackmail would be nude time and embarrassing milking by the cheerleaders and jocks - Getting in trouble again and going back to the factory for a longer stint - an accident at the factory where the milking gets stuck on for a full day - new drugs that increase testicle size, cum production, Permanent erections and sensitivity so cum shots and reloads are only 30 mins apart - new procedures for female punishments to include squirt collection. So many places to go.

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