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interesting 09-05-2014 04:53 PM

A Bundle of Trials
[For any of you who know me, hello again. For those who don't : hello!
I'm interesting, and this is my attempt at revisiting past characters and stories posted here a few years ago. You may want to revisit them. I list them all on my profile at the following blog post :

You may also pick up the story from here, as it develops. I'll see how often I'm inspired to post them, and I do hope to get a few old readers and a host of new ones.]

It started with Jim and Sarah. It didn't end there. It went all the way through Jennifer, Barry and Bonnie, Claire and Cassie, Thomas and Jimmy, Brad and Brigitte... so many others played a hand in making it happen... there were Mick, Rick and Jody, Mary, Prissy, Kate and Pauline, Judy, Janice and Daniel, Peter, Suzy, Marquis, not to mention Julie, Sandy, Marlena, Claudia, Susan and Kamara, and who else whose name slips my mind (Deni and Kim, for example).

The past shaped the present, and it, in turn, shaped the future.

And that future is now unfolding...

The Trials aren't simply those of Jim and Sarah. The trials involve everyone, and they are about to coalesce into a new chain of events that, as usual, start with play and end with change. Because things always change, and truth is the first catalyst of it, but daring is ultimately the transformative element.

Stay tuned for the next ride...

interesting 09-05-2014 10:00 PM

A Bundle of Trials - Rewind [Jim]
Last year, around the same time, my life was very ordinary. Since then, things have become... complicated. Better, definitely more entertaining, but complicated none the less.

I met this girl. Sarah. A student of mine. She hung out in class, and developed a fancy for me. So when she was no longer under my care at school, she approached me. We met, we had fun, we dared each other, and then, we became an item. Sort of.

I met her her friends too around that time. Jennifer. Thomas. Barry. Bonnie. Claire. Cassie. Let's just say these people were way into... things I wasn't into at the time. Daring. Playing. Sexing (is that a word?). I started hanging out with them. Things got weird. I started being sexual with Jennifer too. Things got weirder. Everybody pretty much cracked from the pressure. It took us a while but we managed to get things back in order, and my mind, well... things change. Experiences make you think about everything that's happened before, casting them in a new light. That's where I'm at, right now. About eight months into my relationship with Sarah.

Last April (was it already three months ago?), we had a big party. A really really big party. Things got wild, wilder than at Christmas, but about as wild as Spring Break. Different though. Spring Break was both an epiphany and a breaking point. April, things were resolved. Most things, anyway.

Since then, I have been happily monogamous with Sarah and, I hope, she has been happily the same. I hope for the happily part, because I know she hasn't had any other experiences with anyone. I don't think I would have minded if she had, though - as long as she kept me in the loop. Perhaps we didn't create opportunities.

For those of you who know me, who have been following my unique stroll into personal and sexual discovery, you might want to get some news on everyone. If you haven't been paying attention, or if you're simply new to the entire scene, it'll be a nice stepping stone for you to build on.

So Jennifer is single again. She wasn't for a few weeks. She met Prissy through Cassie, and they hung out, went out for a time. It was Jennifer who called it off. Sarah was really pissed about it. Prissy seemed like a good girl for Jennifer, as open-minded as she was. We spoke to Prissy : she doesn't seem bitter about it. We don't hang out but we keep in touch. Oh! Jennifer is still a model too. She's started officially calling herself a 'porn star'. She did a few stunts with her photographer friend Peter; she was alone for both (no partner), but she did it all. We have a pass for the two shoots she's done : one in the pool at Peter's place, and the other in his bedroom. Sometimes, we watch it to get ourselves in the mood, not that we really need it.

Claire and Cassie are still together, still very much in love and still very open-minded. I know that Prissy has spent some time with them since her breakup with Jennifer, but I'm not privy to what happened. Knowing them, it could have been a simple hangout or a more elaborate activity in their dungeon. I don't see my favorite lesbian couple as often as I would like, but they're around.

A word about Thomas. Him and Jimmy - it didn't work. They were great together, but Jimmy got scared that he would be outed as gay, and he couldn't handle the pressure. He left town : I think he's in Vegas now. It is a shame. I liked Jimmy. Thomas wasn't as heartbroken as we thought he would be, or maybe he's just good at hiding it. Professionally though, Thomas has made quite an impression in the boxing circuit. He's scheduled to face some upper echelon opponents sometime this September, and he might even get an endorsement if he performs well. He's got an agent now, apparently. I haven't met him, but Thomas seems to think he's made of gold.

Brad and Brigitte are... well, they are. It's hard to describe. They moved too. Brigitte's medical condition is under control, but she wanted to be closer to her family, and Brad followed her like a lovesick puppy - or any other kind of puppy she wants him to be, really. They're in Oregon, where Brigitte's extended family now resides. As far as I know, they're doing great. I hope it stays that way.

This takes me to Barry and Bonnie. We hang out a lot with them, now that Sarah and I are officially 'a couple'. We all laugh at the the term. It mostly means we live together, share the same bed - as far as romantic pursuits go, though, it seems we're pretty much on the same footing. Nothing's happened between us four so far. I say so far, because there's always the possibility now. No more closing of doors without talking about it first. I've said it before : I don't need anyone else if I have Sarah, but if an opportunity shows up, well, we'll talk about it and decide to see if we act on it.

And this rewind, recap, or whatever you call it, takes me up to now, narrative speaking of course. During the last Spring Break, Barry and Bonnie didn't attend the festivities because they were on a trip, indulging in a different kind of affair altogether. While there, they apparently met a nice thirty-something couple, Kim and Brian, she, a bank manager and he, a computer programmer. I'm told they had a very nice time. Apparently, they stayed in touch. Barry and Bonnie have been invited to several days of leisure and recreation at their friends' summer home, in the second week of August. It occurred to them that they could extend the invitation to others, and the inviting couple agreed. So, they thought of me and Sarah.

There are no illusions around this. If we go, we'll end up having sex with them - some level of intimacy anyway. I should be fine with that, some would think, given what we've done in the past, but if I may quote myself : 'We'll talk about it.'

And talk we did. The life I have with Sarah is full of happy moments, great tenderness, awesome sex, and the occasional frowns. I'm on break for the summer, as is Sarah. She's starting her classes to become a kindergarten teacher in only a few weeks. Time-wise, it's perfect for an activity such as this. But I'm always reminded of my breakdown after Jennifer, and after the Spring Break activities. Things got weird before they got better. I like the better part. The weird... not so much.

Now, I know what you're thinking. Of course they're gonna go. He wouldn't do such a preamble it they weren't going. And you're right, but you need to understand what it means for us, Sarah and me, to do this at this moment in our lives. You have to understand : I have been with her less than a year and, so far, I have had more partners in that time that in the rest of my life combined - and to my knowledge, at least at the beginning, I wanted to be in a monogamous relationship. Sarah also wanted the same thing, but neither of us delivered on that promise. That reflection brings its load of uncertainty and hesitation. The question is not if we can be faithful to each other, because I'm fairly certain we could manage (even Sarah, who is definitely still more prone to challenge herself than me). The question becomes : do we want to be faithful?

The only answer I can really come up with may require more explanation, but I'll leave that for another time : it's all about the dressing.

interesting 09-24-2014 09:10 PM

A Bundle of Trials - The Lodge I [Jim]
That morning, Sara got up before me, and prepared breakfast in bed for me. Essentially, it means that she woke me up by taking advantage of my morning boner, wrapping her lips around it until I woke up, then sitting on me facing away while she rode me to ecstasy for both of us. She calls it breakfast in bed. Every so often, the inkling will take her to start the day on a high note like this. I'm not complaining. Waking up to my girlfriend taking care of me, and within minutes of wakefulness, experiencing the pleasure of a powerful release inside her is a great way to start the day. That morning, before we were done, we swapped position a couple of times; I came hard into her while she was lying on the bed, her legs held together to my left. She moaned long and hard for my benefit, and we collapsed on the sheets.

"It's gonna be a great day," she whispered.

I laughed as I got up to take a shower. She joined me, trying to make me hard again, to no avail, so she left me alone in the shower. When I walked out, I had peanut buttered toasts ready for me. Our luggage was ready from the previous evening. We got into the car as soon as we finished getting dressed, and took the bus up to Barry and Bonnie's house.

Once there, we left my car in their driveway and took theirs, roomier and more luxurious, out of town and onto the highway. Barry set us up with an easy listening radio station, soft rock, and we headed out for the two hour drive.

"So... excited?" Bonnie asked us."
"Like you wouldn't believe!" Sarah replied.
"I guess. It's gonna be fun to be away from the city for a few days."

The elephant was in the car with us, and it was Barry who brought it up.

"You know the plan is to swap, right?..."
"I know. We'll see once we get there," I replied.

I saw Bonnie looking at me with desire; given what we had already done together, it didn't seem impossible for us to end up together if the circumstances were right. Barry was in the same situation with Sarah; they had never officially slept together, so this could be a first for them as well, if they allowed it to happen. I wasn't really concerned about it, considering the other things I had witnessed them do together, or the games we had all played. I was concerned about the two people I did not know, the owners of the cottage where we would be staying, the banker Kim and her lawyer husband Brian, whom I had never met. After all my past experiences, I was open to the idea of swapping, at least more than before, but I also knew that I had to feel some kind of attraction for the other person, otherwise, it would leave an aftertaste in my mouth and lead to more problems. Having learned and understood my limitations, I could now play with them. Yet, even knowing this, the notion of swapping, deliberately, and not as part of a game, was challenging at best. It was easy to act on the randomness or goofiness of the play as it was happening, or even afterwards; could I do the same if I deliberately went with someone else, and allowed Sarah to do the same?

I reassured myself. We were going to be there three days and three nights. It wouldn't be all about sex, that much was certain. But perhaps that was the disturbing part. Despite any pretension we might have had, the games we played, the dares we imposed on each other in our little group, always served the purpose of justification for our sex games. Going to live with two other couples for three days, in a context where partners could be changed without the excuse of the game, that was a stretch for me. I had addressed it with Sarah the day before, but we had still agreed to go there.

"Worse comes to worse," she had replied to my concern, "we can always watch the others swap and stick with each other, or choose not to do certain things, kind of like when we're daring."

Her argument had made sense, which was why I had agreed to go. On the way, Bonnie and Sarah chatted about things which I didn't follow in the backseat; I was on the passenger's side with Barry. As we exited the highway and went onto the country road, he opened up.

"You seem tense."
"I guess I am, a little at least."
"It will be fine. You're a lot more confident than when we first met."
"True. I just don't really know them."
"To be truthful, we don't know them either very well. We know enough."
"Is it safe?"
"They're not diseased or anything."
"Yeah, but... I mean... are they into bondage, or costume play, or... weird shit?"

Barry looked at me with puzzled eyes.

"You're awfully judgemental today, Jim."
"I know. I'm sorry. I just want to get a bearing."
"Well, let's be honest, Jim. We're not gonna arrive on site, get naked and fuck on the porch. You'll get a chance to talk to them, get to know them, see if there's a connection there."
"I guess. You're right."
"Relax... We're gonna have a great time!"

It took another twenty minutes before we hit the dirt road. From there, we followed the narrow way into the woods. Barry almost missed the entrance but swerved just in time. He followed the path up to a lovely two-story country home, right near a large lake, surrounded by trees and nature. There was a large patio leading up to the lake, a quay where a small boat was tied up.

The owners came out of the house through the side to greet us as we stepped out of the vehicle. Theyre were older than me by about ten years. Brian was good-looking, short brown hair, a pinch of grey on the temples, unshaved from a few days, a big smile on his lips. Kim, his wife, was very well kept and it showed the she trained a lot. She had shortish straight dark hair down to her shoulders, a smile as contagious as her husbands. They wore casual clothes, and I quickly noticed that Kim was not wearing any bra in her strapless dress. Handshakes and cheek kisses were exchanged and they walked us around the property.

We eventually sat down on the patio with drinks, where Kim and Brian got Sarah and myself talking about us.

"So you're a teacher's assistant? What do you teach?"
"English, mostly. A literature class too. This semester."
"And is it as rewarding as you want it to be?" Brian inquired."I like it."
"I hear that's how you two met," added

I looked at Barry and Bonnie; they had obviously talked about us, and I wondered how much they had said. It was Sarah who picked up the answer.

"Yes, but it was all very proper - until the end of the semester, anyway."

She laughed, and everyone laughed along with her. I retaliated with my question.

"And how did you two meet?"
"University, actually," replied Brian, and then he handed the torch to Kim.
"I was majoring in finance, and I ended up doing a stint as a financial analyst intern at a law office where he was also interning. We met around noon... and we were in bed together by five."
"You don't waste time!" replied Bonnie.
"You have to understand, neither of us were looking into a commitment at the time. I had a boyfriend at the time too, but with Brian, it just clicked."
"I was a serial dater, to be honest," Brian added. "But meeting Kim - she really captured my attention."
"We didn't actually formally start going out before a year after that - in the meantime, we kept seeing each other - and other people. But he completes me."
"And she me. It's a a perfect arrangement for us."

We finished our drinks just in time for lunch. Brian took out the barbecue and we had chips and ribs. After that, the girls switched to their bikinis and went to take a dip in the lake. The water was apparently cold.I sat down with Brian and Barry.

"Barry tells me you're a little hesitant about the affair?"

I looked at Barry.

"You're really good at secrets, Barry."
"Hey! Don't look at me. I just think it's fair they know, given they invited us, and the 'activity' is part of the premise."
"It is, and it isn't," corrected Brian. "Listen, Jim... swapping isn't for everyone, you know. There's no harm in not doing it."
"That's not really the issue, Brian," I replied. "We've had sex with other people before. But... it feels weird a little to be in this, to reflect actively on it."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, most of our activities were games which lead to sex."
"So... make this a game?"

I looked at my host with a strange look.

"How do you mean?"
"Jim, if you're gonna be into this - or if you're not, doesn't matter - you need to confident about it. Are you afraid she might love it more with someone else?"
"No. I don't think so. But make it a game...?"
"Well, think of it this way... do you do role-play?"

I remembered a video I had shot with Jennifer and Sarah, and I smiled. He understood what he wanted from it.

"So make it a role-play situation, or a game... you're into stunts, so make it a stunt... or strip card games, strip monopoly..."
"I see."
"It isn't just about swapping, you know. It's about having fun."

He turned to Barry.

"When we met on vacation, we weren't looking for anything, but you and Bonnie happened to be there, and it felt right. But it could have been anything else, really. We got right down to business, but we could have made a game of it."
"I guess we could try," I replied, looking at Barry to see if he had my back, and he did. "Can I... take charge?"
"You like being in charge?" Brian asked.

I smiled.

"I guess I do. I like being in control, and I suppose this is a good way. But are you up for games? I mean, like, uh, truth or dare, or stunts, or card games..."
"We're up for anything!" Brian smirked.
"Ok... I'll think about it. What was the plan anyway?" I further asked.
"Honestly... there wasn't one. We were just gonna wing it - but if you need a little more structure, well, we can work with that too."
"Thanks... I'll... think about it."

We watched our respective partners frollick in the water. The idea of making this my activity, of claiming it and structuring within a frame that would be comfortable and familiar to me made sense. I knew Sarah would be down with it, and I imagined Bonnie wouldn't mind. I nodded my head as I considered options, watching our three partners swim and fumble around the lake in their bikinis.

Possibilities raced into my mind, and I realized that this had all the makings of a disaster - or a great time. I guess it all depened on my ability to reason with my emotions and my psyche.

interesting 10-24-2014 10:20 PM

A Bundle of Trials - The Lodge II [Jim]
We watched our ladies frolic in the water for some time after our conversation. I was still considering Brian's suggestion, allowing me to take control of the activities in order to help smooth the transition from gaming to swapping. I wasn't against the idea but I needed to reflect on it. It was agreed, in any event, that we would take time to get to know each other a little better before getting all sexual.

We saw our three lovely companions, Sarah, Bonnie and Kim, stepping out of the water and onto the deck. Watching the water drizzle over their bodies was quite a treat : all three kept in shape. Kim was the oldest, in her mid-thirties, but she was still stunning in her two-piece black bikini. Her wet hair undulated above her head. She came in, leaning over her partner and planting a kiss, then setting herself down on the lawnchair beside him. Bonnie was equally ravishing, her voluptuous shape screaming to escape from the confines of the pink and yellow two-piece she was wearing. She sat between Barry's legs at the edge of his chair. Sarah completed the tableau with her gorgeous figure, blonde-auburn hair and red bikini that she had bought just for the trip. She pulled up a chair, sitting down between myself and Bonnie.

"So," Kim inquired, "what are you boys talking about?"
"We were actually thinking of letting Jim set us up for the rest," Brian answered her, looking at me.
"That's a good idea..." Kim added.

Sarah seemed pleased. She placed a hand on my hip; I instantly felt my soldier wanting to come to attention. But it was definitely too early to indulge. Or was it, I asked myself for a moment.

"We're all here to have fun," Bonnie commented, "but I have to be honest... I've been wanting a piece of Jim for a long time..."

I blushed, and started getting hard. My trunks could not hide my reaction.

"Ever since that trip we took together," Bonnie added, "I've been a lot more open-minded."
"I think everyone can benefit from that," Barry said.

There was quiet laughter among the group. Kim's gaze, wandering across the room, landed on the bulge in my swimwear.

"Well, someone is eager..."

Her comment only drew a larger reaction, which made the others laugh.

"Can't wait to see it unfurled," she added.
"It's worth a look..." Sarah commented, sneering at me.
"Stop talking about my crotch!" I replied, somewhat stern.

My reaction only made the others giggle even more; their laughter helped reduce the swelling. Barry spoke up, drawing the attention away from me.

"So, it's the middle of the afternoon... what should we do?"

There was no immediate answer. My mind was still working out the details of how I wanted our games to proceed. A general idea had already formed, at least as far the first day should go. I finally spoke up.

"Well, if you're all interested in playing a little bit, I may have a game for all of us..."
"A game? Sounds exciting," Bonnie said.
"Just a starters game, to get everyone in the mood for further fun later..." I added.
"All good. What do you have in mind?"

Expectantly, the five people stared at me, waiting to see what I had come up with.

"It's gonna be a couples game... so, everyone with their regular partner."

They nod, waiting to hear more.

"So... each couple will have to mime something... one mimes, the other has to guess. You score points on getting the right answer and quickness. The first team to fail - or get the lowest score - gets a penalty from the other teams, decided together. You like?"
"It's nice," Kim said.
"Yeah," added Brian, "it's a good start."

Perhaps they had anticipated something more challenging. For my part, I wanted to start out smooth and work my way up to more sexual activities.

"So... which team starts?" Sarah inquired.

interesting 11-01-2014 06:00 AM

A Bundle of Trials - The Lodge III [Jim]
Every player wrote something on a card. They had agreed to play a very simple game of guessing, where one partner would get the other to guess what the other was trying to interpret. We agreed on a rule that no sounds could be used - only pantomimes. Each team would also have a time limit.

We moved the chairs about so they faced each other, in a circle. Barry sat with Bonnie, Kim with Brian and Sarah with me. Then, we started picking out the words or ideas we needed to play out.

It was clear from the onset that, as couples, everyone knew each other pretty well. Barry got to wave his arms wide and got Bonnie to guess 'Birds of a feather'. Brian almost ran out of time trying to get his wife, Kim, to say 'Disneyland', but she managed it. I had to get Sarah to identify the expression 'Car of the year', and it was surprisingly easy. Ater that, the women had to do the same. Barry instantly guessed Bonnie's interpretation of 'Titanic'; Kim was very hilarious in trying to get Brian to say 'Red, White and Blue'; finally, Sarah wobbled around until I recognized her gestures as attempting to portray 'Daffy Duck'.

The game was quite amusing, not serious whatsoever, and it helped set the tone. Since no one had failed the round, we talked about doing a second one, but I decided to change the game.

"New rules : the girls play against the boys."

This change of pace got everyone quite excited, so we rotated the chairs.

"Failure means that the other team can inflict a sanction on the losers..." I added.
"They're so gonna ask for our tops!" Bonnie replied, laughing.

Each team wrote six new ideas - one for each player - on blank pieces of paper which we shuffled them again. We drew randomly and the girls got to start the game. Sarah opted to go first, so she drew a piece of paper. She started flailing about madly; Bonnie and Kim watched her go about until a few guesses in the right direction got the expression 'Don't count your chickens before they hatch'. The girls hopped for joy, a most welcome sight, and then it was our turn.

I drew an expression and started my pantomime. Brian seemed unable to solve it, but Barry, focusing solely on my performance, figured out that I was 'baking a cake'. A high-five later, I sat back down and it was the girls' turn again.

Bonnie decided to go. Her large breasts were very distracting as she hopped about; it wasn't as distracting to the women because they figured out her acting and the expression 'to hop around mad'. Bonnie flashed her tongue at us before sitting back down.

Barry volunteered to go next; despite our best efforts, neither Brian nor I were able to figure out his gestures before time ran out. Barry looked at us almost bewildered.

"Come on, guys, it was 'The Eiffel Tower'. I was mimicking France!"
"Wow!" I replied. "If that's what you think of French people..."

Bonnie interjected at that point.

"You lost... so... you get a penalty..."
"Oh... great!" Barry jokingly complained. "We're getting exposed."
"Not so fast," Kim cut in. "We may have another dare in mind..."

The girls retreated a little, whispering to each other while we boys waited for them to make up their mind. Within minutes, they headed back towards us, a worrisome glint in their eyes.

"So," Sarah said, "we decided that we would delay your punishment - our reward - until after the game was complete. There's only two turns anyway..."
"But what is it?" Brian asked.
"We're not telling."
"Ok... but what does that mean for the game?" he continued.

I chose to answer that one.

"It just means that we get a last run at them to get to impose something on them..."
"...and then," Sarah cut in, "we get a last run at you, then we do all the dares at once."

Everyone agreed. It was time for Kim to act something out. It was a close call as she did her best to get her partners to guess it, but time ultimately ran out on them. There was some disappointment on their side, but on the boys' side, we were ecstatic.

"Boobies!" yelled out Barry.
"See," Bonnie answered. "I told you..."
"Now, hang on," Brian intervened. "We should talk about this."
"What's there to talk about?" Barry answered. "I want boobies."

His approach was playful, but his desire was sincere. Brian shrugged off and allowed the decision to stand.

"Now?" Kim asked, reaching for her top.
"No," I answered. "After the last turn, which is us..."

And so Brian got up, trying to get us to recognize the expression he had drawn. Try as we might, we ran out of time a second time. Brian lifted his arms in defeat.

"The Final Countdown!" he spat out.

Neither Brian nor myself would have figured it out. He seemed like he was sulking, but it only lasted a moment. As he returned to his seat, Sarah stood up.

"We are the winners, and we get to double dare you..."

She was giddy at the prospect. Kim decided to take charge.

"All right, let's move all these chairs out of the way."

The men carried out the order, clearing the deck, while the women went to get towels which they laid down on the ground, lined up in a parallel fashion.

"So, your first punishment," Kim said, "is to give us a fully body massage."
"And how is that a punishment?" Brian asked.
"It's not. But it's what you have to do."

The three girls laid down on their respective towels, face down, their backs exposed to us.

"And what about your tops?" asked Barry.
"Tell you what... when we flip forward for the front massage, we'll take them off."

Each man went to his respective partner; I set myself beside Sarah, but both Barry and Brian sat on top of their girl. In unison, we all started kneading the flesh, caressing their skin and massaging the muscle underneath. Sarah's skin was warm under my touch, and I felt her relaxing into it. I barely watched my fellow men work on their own partners, focusing to slide my fingers on every spot of Sarah's delightful frame. I started with her neck and upper back, moving slowly down until I reached her buttocks. I gave them a special attention before moving down to her thighs, legs and feet. She moaned every so often from my stimulation; I started moving back up, quickly to her shoulders, then down her arms. There were other moans, so I looked up : Barry was intensely kneading Bonnie's cheeks while Brian was massaging into Kim's hair. I reached up and did the same to Sarah; she moaned louder than before, and I finally returned to her neck and shoulders.

The entire massage of the girls' backs lasted for over ten minutes. They were putty in our hands at that moment. It was Barry who initiated the next step; he helped Bonnie switch to her back. As she did, she unclasped the bikini top and removed it, exposing her large breasts to everyone. It was hard not to look, and I was reminded of a few times I had been in contact with them. My eyes wandered to Kim's own chest as she exposed herself. She was new to me. They were somewhere between Bonnie and Sarah, nice and firm. It made me think she might have implants, nothing large, just something to keep her up. As she lay back on the towel and I saw her chest still holding up, it confirmed my suspicion, not that it mattered. My eyes returned to Sarah, who smiled at me knowingly. I stared as she removed her top, and I knew the other two men were also staring. The girls had stripped in turn, drawing attention on each of them in order instead of all together.

We returned to the massages; Barry immediately grabbed Bonnie's breasts and went to work, like he knew she enjoyed. Brian and myself took our time, going from the woman's feet up their legs. When my hands neared the area where Sarah's legs connected, I heard a long sigh from my girlfriend. I looked up to see the full arousal in her face. As I kept going up, I climbed on top of her, and my own sex, now hardening, rested just above hers. I hazarded a look at the others; Brian was in a similar position as myself, but I couldn't tell how Kim was reacting to it. Barry was still at it on Bonnie's chest, and her head was bobbing left and right, as her eyes looked glazed over. I knew how stimulated Bonnie could get that way. Sarah drew my attention back to her, grabbing my hands and putting them on her breasts. I started working them up, and Sarah smiled at me, then looked towards the others. She enjoyed the sight as much as I did.

The massage went on for another few minutes, with many moans coming from the girls. I was panting myself from the excitement, eager for more. Kim eventually managed to get her bearings, motioning for her partner to stop.

"Ok... that was nice... so..."
"So?" Brian asked.
"Well, we all know we're going to have sex these few days, so might as well get started..."
"Only," Sarah intervened, "you're going to start us up... with some oral."

I had, of course, expected this to happen, even if it seemed to occur quickly. Then again, the premisce of the entire activity was sex, and possible swapping of partners. The other players had indulged in the game to get me in the mood and break down my defenses, and in truth, it had worked.

"Okay," Brian answered for all of us. "We each get our traditional partner for now... but we do it here, on the deck... all together."
"That was the idea," Kim replied.

Tension rose to a new level, not that it was anything challenging to myself or Sarah, or even Bonnie and Barry but, as with any game we had played, this was the next level, and we were ready to plunge head on.

interesting 11-03-2014 10:51 PM

A Bundle of Trials - The Lodge IV [Jim]
It wasn't that I hesitated to dive in-between Sarah's legs and start orally pleasuring her but, somehow, I couldn't do it first. Barry had pulled away from Bonnie and was gently caressing her inner thigh, his head low but not quite there yet. Brian, leaning down on Kim, looked straight up at her and descended upon her wet sex. That was our cue. I saw Barry go down on Bonnie, and I did the same to Sarah.

Moans and whimpers rose from their lips, some but not all of it for our benefit. I didn't consider myself particularly good at oral sex; I always felt clumsy. My eyes looked upwards to Sarah's frame, her tilted head staring down at me from between her breasts. The sight was intoxicating, and I dove in with renewed energy, hoping to at least provide her with satisfaction before moving on to other things. Truth be told, this wasn't any different than any of the other activities I had done with my friends alongside Sarah; I had come a long way in that respect and was no longer shy about having sex with others in the room. In fact, I popped my head back up. From my vantage point, I could only see Barry and Bonnie, her huge mounds flopping to each side and shifting as her boyfriend did the same as me. And, although I could not see her, Kim was giving us all a vocal display which certainly helped arouse some baser instincts. I was ready for the next round, but I wanted to give more to Sarah.

"Fuck..." I heard Bonnie say, "what's gotten into you, Barry?"

Apparently, he was doing a great job. Again, my eyes turned to Bonnie, whose eyes were rolling in the back of her head. I suddenly felt Sarah's hand on my head, pinning me against her sex, reminding me to take care of her, so I did. I moved my tongue and lips as best as I could and, although it didn't seem to drive her up the wall like Barry was doing to Bonnie, she rewarded my efforts with more sounds, goading me on.

It was Kim's almost-scream that tore through the air first.

"God dammit Brian!" she yelped as her husband did the trick on her, before either Barry or me could finish.
Sarah let go of my head so I looked up and away, now able to see Kim writhing in pleasure as Brian continued his work between her legs. She shivered, her breasts shook the trembling, and her mouth was still wide open as she orgasmed silently. The instant Brian pulled away from her, she grabbed his head and pulled him to her face, kissing him passionately. He then laid on top of her for a moment, and I knew what was going to happen next for them.

In fact, it was happening to all of us. Bonnie pulled Barry up over her body, setting his sex between her breasts like she enjoyed.

"Do it..."

Barry nodded and started grinding himself between her cups. Sarah pulled me up as well, further even, and my manhood came to rest in front of her face.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

This wasn't one of our usual moves.

"I'm sure. Face-fuck me. Please."

It wasn't the weirdest request I had ever gotten from her, but it was definitely unique, if only in the way she had said it. She opened her mouth wide and accepted the tip inside. Supporting myself with my hands, like I was doing push-ups, I started moving in and out of her mouth. I looked down but, from this angle, I could barely see her eyes. I wanted to see them; for whatever reason, taking her mouth in this position did nothing for me, but she seemed to enjoy it so I complied. I absent-mindedly looked to the others as my body followed its own course. Kim had spread her legs as wide as she could and her husband was indulging himself inside her sex; I could tell how much pleasure each of them was getting from the situation. I was surprised that neither of them looked away from each other, their gazes locked. I had figured that, as swingers, their eyes would wander, like mine were, but perhaps I had misunderstood a few of the key concepts behind their lifestyle.

Bonnie was practically begging Barry to finish between her tits, but Barry had another idea. He got off of her and turned her around, on all fours. He whispered to her as he penetrated her sex, but the sound carried to me.

"Remember on the stage, when the dude was ramming you and I was fucking the other girl..."
"God yes..."
"Imagine there's all these people watching us..."
"I don't have to imagine..." she replied, looking straight at me.

Suddenly, I felt Sarah pushing me off of her. As I exited her mouth, she coughed. I was stunned for a moment, then immediately apologized.

"I'm so sorry!" I said, realizing I had completely forgotten about her, and put all my weight on her face and in her mouth.
"I'm okay..." she said through the cough.

Barry and Bonnie gave us a concerned look, but Sarah was fine. I felt bad for becoming so distracted. Sarah looked at me with an angry look for a moment, but it subsided. She pushed me back down, spreading her legs for me.

"Guess we'll do it the old-fashioned way," she laughed.

Hearing her words and seeing their sincerity calmed me down. I set myself against her sex and pushed into it, the second time that day. I wanted to feel her around me so bad, I didn't think I would last very long, and I was hoping she would derive as much pleasure from it as I could. As it happened, I didn't have to worry. She climaxed quickly and, for whatever reason, I was able to hold out a long time after that, enjoying her warmth and embrace as she grabbed hold of me and refused to let go. I focused on nothing else for a long time, kissing her mouth, caressing her arms, hair and breasts as I kept at it, longing for release.

I started feeling the rush inside me and, for some reason, I looked to the side. Bonnie was in bliss as Barry kept her high in the clutches of pleasure, still taking her in the same position. I could see now that Kim was riding Brian, but I could not see him.

We were outdoors, on the deck of a lodge in the woods, having sex with our respective partners, and the sensation was simply too much for me.

"Oh! Sarah! Oh! I'm gonna come..."

Why I said it, I didn't know, but the words couldn't be ignored. Her reply pushed me over the edge.

"I love you... Do it... Come in me... Come on..."

It all happened quickly, but with fierce intensity. I almost shouted out my orgasm, holding it in before more than a basic sound could echo across the water. Sarah's moans joined mine and Bonnie's; all this stimulation was getting to Barry as well because he too almost instantly climaxed inside Bonnie, speaking with every blissful thrust.

"Yes... yes... yes... yes... yes..."

I collapsed on top of Sarah while Barry fell over on Bonnie's back; it took us a moment to realize that Brian and Kim were still going at it. We watched them perform; they switched positions, Kim going on all fours and Brian straddling her with energy. From there, it wasn't long before we saw Kim explode in pleasure, just as her partner spent himself fully, without a word. Kim's own release was silent, but her open lips told the story.

Stupid smiles seemed to appear on everyone's face, as each started to recover from the activity.

We had done it. Sex with our own partners, outdoors, with the others watching. As Brian and Kim looked up at us, I was forced to look away, feeling a strange sense of unease which, for the moment, could not be explained. I was thoroughly satisfied, but my mind was already racing to the next step, unable to live in the moment.

interesting 11-07-2014 07:33 AM

A Bundle of Trials - The Lodge V [Jim]
With all partners more than satisfied, Brian got up, still very naked, and shook his head. He stared at Kim for a moment, then his eyes wandered to Bonnie and Sarah. Somehow, this sent shivers up my spine, but I said nothing. Kim dragged herself up and I noticed I couldn't look away as her shapes undulated with her movement. For a moment, I fancied myself as her lover, and the same conflicted emotions swelled to the surface. Sarah, who knew me so well, grabbed my hand.

"Let's go inside," she whispered to me.

I nodded and complied. We headed to our room, still naked, closing the door, and we sat down on the edge of the bed. Sarah looked at me intently.

"You're having that look again..."
"What look?"
"The one you had a few months ago, when things... went bad with Jenn."
"That look... ah..."

I was familiar with the feelings more than the look, but I understood her reference.

"What's wrong this time?" she asked, somewhat vexed.

I felt bad for dragging my hesitations along. Sarah knew it and gave a sincere apologetical look for what she had just said but, in truth, she was right.

"I'm being a prick..." I said.
"Maybe a little."
"I just... I can't fancy you with anyone else - besides girls... and I fancy myself with the lot of them. What kind of hypocrit does that make me?"
"An honest one?"

I laughed. Sarah placed a hand on me, caressing my back.

"We don't have to go any further you know... it's... all supposed to be consensual, not forced."
"It's not forced. You've let me have sex with so many girls..."
"Not recently."
"No, but still... there was Jenn, and then the four from Vegas... Kamara, Julie... Prissy... I got blowjobs from lesbians! Seriously!"
"You feel I'm allowing you to do too much?"
"Or I'm not allowing you to do enough..."

Sarah shook, understanding my dilemma. I was always about fairness, and the way I treated her - that is, the way I wouldn't allow her to do some things seemed unfair, despite her agreement to follow my lead.

"I think," she finally stated, "that we need to know."
"To know what?"
"To know if it will work..."

I got scared, but her eyes told me she had no intention of leaving me.

"No, silly... I mean... me with another boy. I love you. I don't 'need' anyone else. I have cravings but it's like food. Just because there's food around and you're hungry doesn't mean you're gonna hit the buffet."
"I guess... You're right. I don't know how it will affect me... That's what makes me scared."
"And you'll always be scared. I love you. Having a man - sorry for the graphic imagery - stuff me with his dick won't change that."
"But will it change me?"

Sarah considered my question.

"Do you love me?"
"Of course I do... more than anyone..."
"Good. So trust me on this. It's better if you see me with another man than if you don't. If I were to do this behind your back - or rather, when you're not around to see it - you'll always wonder what it was like. That's one of the things that maybe happened with Jennifer, and why our three-fold relationship failed."
"Regardless, you need to see it in order to understand it. We have a decision to make, honey..."

She was right. We did.

"Okay. I can handle it. I'm not sure I'm going to like it, but I can handle it."
"Good. So we stay?"
"We stay. We... have fun."

I suddenly started laughing; Sarah gave me a puzzled look.

"It's always so intense..."
"I know!"

She laughed along with me. We gave each other a big naked hug and exchanged a passionate kiss.

"I promise you'll be present whatever I do here..." she finally said. "And I want to be there if you're with anyone - Bonnie or Kim. Deal?"

We shook on it, then got up to return to our friends. No one had gotten dressed. Being naked felt liberating, I had to admit. Kim had brought in refreshments. She walked up to Sarah and me :

"Are you two okay?"
"Yeah. We needed to talk," I answered.
"And we're good," Sarah said.

Kim smiled. She leaned in and gave a small kiss on Sarah's cheek, the one on mine.

"You look like really special people, and we don't want you to do anything you'll regret," Kim insisted.
"That's right!" Brian called out as he neared us.

Their kindness made us feel welcome and warm. It was refreshing to see them so concerned.

"Is that why it works for you two?" I asked, unable to leave it alone.
"Swinging?" Brian replied.

I nodded.

"Well, it works for us because we have such great communication... like you two, like Barry and Bonnie over there. There's no other way around it. It's about trust and saying what you want to say. Listen, Jim..."

I paid attention to Brian's words.

"When another guy - or a girl - is having sex with Kim here, I don't pretend it doesn't affect me. If you start doing that, then you stop caring."
"But you let her do it anyway?"
"I don't let her do it. See, that's the issue. She does it because she wants to do it. She doesn't need my permission, but she needs my love and understanding."
"And same for him," Kim chimed in. "The first time I saw him mounting another woman, I was... shocked, at least. But, upon reflection, I realize that the pleasure he derived from it had nothing on the love we have for each other."

Sarah was holding my hand all the time they were explaining.

"I guess I see it. Thanks for letting me get the reins on this, though. Really... helped."

Our hosts smiled. Brian extended a hand and I took it.

"Time for supper... Steaks?"
"Yeap!" Bonnie called out, joining the conversation. "I'm famished..."
"We'd all better get dressed, though," Kim commented. "Brian'll start the barbecue."

With the tension now gone, I felt more relaxed for what was to come next. I glanced at Sarah. She walked over to Bonnie, while Barry came towards me.

"Why do you always make things so complicated, Jim?"

It wasn't really an apology. Brian laughed.

"Still... that was something, huh..." he continued.
"Yeap. Haven't done something this nuts since the party last April. I missed it."
"You know, I did too."

He paused. His next comments were said in a hushed tone of confidence

"That night, I got a great blowjob from Bonnie, then she traded places with Brigitte. Then, Bonnie gets on all fours and I start stuffing her, while she's munching on Brigitte. So Brigitte comes, and Brad stuffs his cock into Bonnie's mouth. We double team her. I fire my wad into her pussy, and Brad covers her face..."

I was somewhat stunned at the graphic level of his description. He simply smiled.

"What about you?"
"What about me?"
"What happened in the bedroom. Come on, man, you were in there with six women!"

I hesitated for a moment, wondering if I can tell him. I know it was said in confidence, but it almost felt like a betrayal of trust. For whatever reason, I ignored the feeling. I still kept the tone low.

"Well... I get Cassie and Claire to blow me... well, they take turns, one on me, one on Sarah..."
"Then, they both set me on Sarah, so I have sex with her until I climax."
"And the other girls?"
"Well, Jennifer and Prissy are going at it any which way, really... Sarah, once I'm done with her, starts fingering both Cassie and Claire. Now, I think I'm done, you know, because I already came, but watching it unfold... well, I get hard again."
"So I have two asses raised in front of me... Prissy and Sarah."
"So, well, you know me... I ask Sarah for permission."
"You do? Come on?"
"Hey, keep your voice down."

I noticed that while Sarah and Bonnie cannot hear what we are saying, they were focusing on our conversation. Barry apologized and allowed me continue.

"So, I move in. I take Prissy from behind while she's eating out Jennifer. It's all too surreal. Prissy comes hard from my thrusts; so does Jennifer from Prissy's touch. I toss Prissy aside and mount Jennifer, and I don't stop until I come a second time."
"Damn man... not that I didn't have fun, but I would have loved to be there..."

Suddenly, Kim's voice called out to us.

"Damn boys! What are you talking about?"

I looked at her, then I looedk down. Barry and I were both rock hard. Kim glanced back towards Brian who wass coming out dressed, with the tools for the barbecue. He cast a look at Kim, who had now donned her bikini back, then at us, still naked. He laughed.

"Shame to let it go to waste," Kim whispered

Without an hesitation, she walked up to us and extended her hands towards our crotches, grabbing our shafts. Barry almost jerked back; I freeze. Her hands were warm, and I felt extremely aroused. My head turned back to Sarah : she was smiling. I almost spoke up, asking if Kim really wanted to do this but, for once, I decided to shut up. Kim proceeded to jerk both of us off, smiling at us the whole time.

"What were you boys talking about?" she asked.

Neither of us answered.

"Guess you don't want this then..."

She pulled her hand away. I was surprised at her playfulness. Barry, however, decided he wanted more.

"We were sharing sex stories... past experiences..."
"Like on the island?" Kim asked.
"Like that, yes..."

Her hand returned.

"You'll have to tell us all about it," she mused.

For a moment, we all indulged in the play; eventually, she pulled away.

"Come on..." she said. "I told you to get dressed."
"Ok..." Barry said. "But this is not over."
"Definitely not," she replied before heading to help her husband.

The four of us entered the house to get our things, picking up the pieces of clothing we had scattered on the deck in our previous game. We would have supper and then... we would see.

(It is a little disheartening to see no comments whatsoever after several installments, but at least there's a counter letting me know people are looking up the story. I just hope everyone is enjoying and I'm not writing in a vacuum).

Sanpow 11-08-2014 01:51 AM

Very nice story :) I just found it (ok yesterday but finished the last part now) and realy like it. Please continue!

interesting 11-10-2014 07:01 PM

A Bundle of Trials - The Lodge VI [Jim]
Supper was nothing special, in the sense that nothing special happened. We sat down at the table, fully dressed as requested by our host, and we ate rice and steak, with a green salad. Kim and Brian having prepared everything, the guests were put in charge of the dishes. We were done in no time and we headed back out onto the deck to continue relaxing.

My mind wandered to what we had done on this deck, not three hours ago, an erotic and intense sexual encounter. It had left everyone quite satisfied but, as with any activity of the kind, there always lingered a need to do it again. Perhaps that was why, as we talked about everything and nothing, my hands kept wandering across Sarah's thighs and breasts as she laid against me. I also noticed how Bonnie was cuddling with Barry in the same fashion. Only Kim and Brian sat separately, even though they cast furtive glances at each other.

At some point in the evening, we started running out of fresh topics. The day was in and the sun was almost gone to the east. Brian turned on the deck lights. The scenery completely changed as other lights around the lake started to pierce through the darkness. The other cottages were barely visible during the day; however, their outline became almost crystal clear in the nighttime, as long as they were illuminated. We could see other people on the decks, hanging out like we were.

"Do you know the people around here?" Barry asked our hosts.
"Yes and no," Brian replied.
"It depends. Many of these cottages are rented over the year. Like ours. We use it every so often, but we rent it for weekends, activities, couples."
"So you know some of the owners but not all?"
"Actually," Brian answered, "I know practically all the owners myself. This entire area is owned by my company."

I was barely paying attention to their conversation. Both Barry and Brian had money to talk about; I was still living on my T.A. salary at university, nothing to write home about.

"Yep... what's nice is that this is remote, so we can do stuff like we did this afternoon without having to worry about anyone complaining."

Barry laughed. Bonnie chimed in.

"Do you know anyone in the area who are also swingers?"

The question seemed to surprise our hosts, and I myself was taken aback by the boldness of the inquiry.

"Well," Kim babbled on, "uh... I guess so... maybe? Why?"
"You want to invite more people over?" Sarah asked Bonnie.
"No. I mean, I was just asking... it's just a question."

The awkwardness didn't last, as Brian saw to providing a better answer.

"Have we met other swingers in the area? Yes. But it's hard to answer... because, half the time, we don't know who's there... so it's a gamble. Plus, we don't like doing it with strangers on the first date, so to speak."
"What about us?" Sarah asked.
"You two come recommended."
"Besides," Kim interrupted, "we haven't done anything yet with you other than watching you and having you watch us..."
"True enough..."

The conversation shifted back to money, so my mind wandered to Bonnie's inquiry. I started to wonder if there were other swingers in the area. I wondered at the notion of a community of swingers. I had read something recently about places where that kind of behavior was encouraged, but it was more for gated communities. There was at least one in Vegas which had been mentioned in the article about alternative lifestyles. I started wondering if Sarah might be interested in going, but was it a place you could visit?

"It's getting dark," Sarah said.

Her voice brought me back to the present.

"Yeah, and we were up early this morning," Brian said. "We're going to hit the hay, I think. Kim?"
"Me too."
"But it's barely nine!" Barry said.
"We were up at the crack of dawn, and that afternooner really tired me out," Brian replied. "If you want to stay up, you can."

As Brian and Kim got up to head back in, I turned to Sarah to see what she wanted to do. Before I could ask, however, Brian turned to the group.

"So... there's this rule which we didn't mention. You can sleep with whoever you like, whoever's willing but, you rest in your own bed with your partner. You don't go to sleep with another partner. You can fuck them in the middle of the night if you want, but once you're done, you head back to your own bed. This is important."

I understood why he was saying it and I supposed that this rule was part of the reason why swinging worked for them. They would always go back to their own partner at the end, regardless of how much pleasure they had in the long run. It was a promise that sex with other people would not change their relationship. It made sense to me.

As they retreated, I shared the sentiment with Sarah. I got the sensation she wasn't in full agreement with it.

"But, what if you have a thressome and all want to sleep in the same bed after. Does that rule apply?"
"Well, if the other person is in a couple, then yes, if not, then no? Maybe?"

Bonnie intervened.

"And if all four of us got into it, what then? Could we not all sleep in the same bed afterwards?"
"Bed wouldn't be big enough for the four of us," Barry chimed in.

I felt the argument could escalate, so I decided to put a stop to it.

"Their house, their rules."
"Fair enough," Brian replied.

The girls concurred. Somehow, I felt like a bullet had been dodged. It still left us with the idea of what we wanted to do. Our hosts had retired to their room, but that didn't mean we couldn't go on.

"I know," Sarah finally stated. "Let's go skinny-dipping."
"In the lake? Water's gonna be cold."
"It'll seem warmer now because the air is cooler. Come on."
"I'm game," Bonnie said.

It took the girls only a moment to start undressing. It was obvious the boys weren't going to be left out, so Barry and I followed their lead. With all our clothes tossed onto the deck, we dove into the water which was, to my surprise, quite comfortable. I had expected it to be colder. Sarah had been right.

"This is nice," she whispered as she paddled across the water.

I stayed near the deck. Just because I had beaten my fear of water last year, thanks to Sarah, didn't mean I felt entirely comfortable in the setting. Sarah didn't mind. Bonnie and her swam about, while Brian and myself watched them frolic.

"Nice place... was thinking of buying something like that."

Brian realized what he had just said.

"Sorry man. Didn't think."
"It's no biggie. You have money. You can use it as you want."
"Doesn't mean I have to flaunt it in your face. You okay?"
"Yeah. It sucks living from paycheck to paycheck. Thank God my contract at the university was renewed."
"I'd never let you or Sarah starve..."

I punched him in the shoulder. We saw our girlfriends swim up to the shore and stand on the bottom, water up to the middle of their bellies. They had a playful look on their faces.

"Wanna play?" Sarah asked us.
"Play what..."
"...something..." Bonnie said in a sultry voice.

Her words resonated in my ear, and I knew instantly that we were going to get lucky again. Yet, it dawned on me that, given the context, the place where we were, this time, the gloves might come off.

interesting 11-13-2014 09:23 PM

A Bundle of Trials - The Lodge VII [Jim]
Barry looked at me with a strange glare on his face, and I could tell he was having the same reflection as me. Meanwhile, Sarah and Bonnie were staring at us, the top halves of their bodies out the water, their luscious breasts exposed to our gaze. It felt somewhat surreal, in all honesty, but I wasn't about to complain.

"So," Barry said, "how and what do we play?"
"Well," Bonnie replied, "we were thinking water... so... Marco Polo?"
"That can work."
"Isn't it a little dark for that?" I asked.

Everyone looked at me as if I was crazy. Sarah answered.

"You play with your eyes closed... so... what does darkness have to do with?"
"uh... I guess nothing."

Sarah laughed, leaning over to kiss my nose.

"Silly goose."

Sarah suddenly remembered a detail about me.

"It's about the water, right?"
"Yeah... maybe."
"Okay. Simple rule, everyone, this is important."

Everyone paid attention. She looked at me while she talked.

"Jim's not always comfortable in the water so... no pushing, no tumbles, and make sure your feet always touch the floor. Understood?"

They all agreed. I felt relieved. Since last year, I had made great progress in the water, but I still had a few demons to contend with. Sarah's intervention was a blessing, and I smiled at her with a silent thanks.

"Fine," Barry continued. "So who seeks?"
"Well, Jim's always the one we volunteer," Sarah replied, "so, why not you? You want to seek first?"
"Sure. And what are the rules?"

There was a moment of silence before Bonnie spoke.

"I have a better idea. Both Barry and Jim seek, in turn."
"Ok, that works," Sarah replied.
"Barry starts, and their goal is to find us. When they do, they get to ask a favor..."
"Don't you want to seek us out?" Barry asked.
"No, honey... besides, it's only fair that men be the hunters."
"It's very cliché!" I jokingly replied.

My comment drew smiles from everyone. We all agreed to the rules.

"So... if we find one of you, we ask for a favor?"
"Yep... and one more rule!" Sarah answered.
"If you two bump into each other, you have to kiss, or do something along those lines."
"I'm game," Barry said. "Jim?"

The women smiled and started moving away from us. I reached towards the deck and retrieve the girls' tops. Bonnie called me out.

"Hey! What are you doing with those?"
"Oh! Neat."

I handed Bonnie's to Brian, and I put Sarah's on my face. Before I was done, Barry got closer to me, waving to the girls to wait a moment.

"Listen, Jim... remember last Christmas, the pole dancing episode?"
"Sort of."
"Sarah danced around me - I was the pole."
"I remember."
"It got you all riled up to see us that close, and we weren't even kissing."
"We addressed that."
"I know, but I really want to make sure there's no issue here. I mean, I love you man, and I don't want to cause any stress or duress or..."

I waved for him to be silent and he complied. It was difficult for me to keep bringing up the same arguments, but he was right to be concerned. After all, I did have the same reservations earlier this morning.

"Listen, Barry..."
"What are you talking about over there?" Sarah asked, before I could continue.

I turned to her.

"Just a minute, please."

Sarah nodded her understanding and swam to Bonnie. I focused solely on Brian.

"Listen, you're my friend. If there's anything that happens that I'm not comfortable with, I'll tell you and we can deal with it."
"Sounds good. Sorry to be..."
"Cautious? Hey, preaching to the choir."

Barry smiled.

"It's funny, Jim... I used to be completely loose about all of this but, spending time with you, I've become more attentive to these details."
"And is that a bad thing?"
"Oh no! To be honest, if you hadn't popped up into our lives last year, Bonnie and I might not have gone the way we did, which is awesome, to be fair. So thanks for... making us think about what we were doing, and why we were doing it."

He extended his hand. I shook it. Bonnie called out to us.

"Either make out or look for us!" she ordered.

We were both tempted to pretend to make out, but I felt a little shy so I didn't act on it. Instead, we finished putting on the blindfolds. It was Brian's turn to start. I could not see a thing, so I only heard him speak up before moving away.

"Polo," the girls answered in unison.

The echo on the water was very strange, and since I couldn't see a thing, keeping my eyes closed under the blindfold, I knew it was going to be an issue. Since Brian obviously found no one, I called out in turn.


The girls' voices reached my ear, so I waded to my left, where I thought I had heard Bonnie : she seemed closer than Sarah. There was no one, so I stayed there. Water was to my belly button. I took in a deep breath and calmed myself. I was safe. Sarah was a certified lifeguard, I reminded myself. She wouldn't let anything happen to me.

"Marco!" Brian's voice resonated.

More movement to my right. It was obviously a fluke of perception, but I could almost feel the ripples of the water around me as my game partners moved around. This was definitely a new sensation, and playing in even more darkness due to the night only added to the thrill. I tried again for a find.

"Polo," and I heard Bonnie so near, I darted left, almost tripping on the dirt.

My hand grazed her skin.

"Caught me," she said.

I smiled as I took off the blindfold. She was a few inches away from me, smiling. She popped out of the water, the line reaching just under her breasts.

"What's your favor?" she asked.
"I want to kiss you. Really kiss you."
"This, I gotta see!" Barry called out, lifting his own blindfold.

I leaned in to Bonnie's face without thinking about it. Our lips met, and I felt sparks. I had already done so much to Bonnie, not the least which had been using her breasts as a masturbation piece, and coming all over them on the first night we had met. Our tongues reached out to one another, and my entire body reacted. Since her hands were under the water, she wrapped one against my sex, and its reaction was instantaneous. She pulled away far too soon for my taste. As I opened my eyes from the kiss, I caught a glimpse of Sarah, and I froze. She didn't seem upset, however, and it almost surprised me.

"Let's keep playing," she said.

Maybe she was downplaying it. She couldn't have not witnessed my instant reaction, the arousal. Or perhaps it didn't truly bother her. Regardless, the blindfolds came back on and it was again Brian's turn.


He found no one again. It took me a moment to call out my turn. As luck would have it, I found Sarah. I heard Barry complain that I was cheating, but he meant it as a joke. When she looked at me in silence, I simply stated the obvious.

"Kiss me."

She did, with the same passion as Bonnie had just shown, except that she also wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling herself up and out of the water, and the embrace was much longer. Perhaps I had been wrong to jump to conclusions.

"I love you," she whispered, as she pulled back.
"Me too."

Despite the intimacy of the moment, Brian was eager to keep playing, so we parted and resumed play. His next call brought him next to no one, and neither did mine. The girls moved about and then he called in again, coming up empty. When it came my turn, I bumped into him.

"Ah! man" he said. "You get to kiss everyone and I only get to kiss you."

Without asking for my consent, he leaned in and planted a quick peck on my lips. It completely stunned me. I heard the girls laughing. Although Brian's tone was goofy, I could tell his comment was at least half-serious. I made a quiet motion pointing towards him to the girls, who could see me doing it, hoping they would catch my drift. Brian called out to them again.

Perhaps because it would have been too obvious, Brian found neither of them on this turn. Neither did I, for that matter. But when Brian's turn came up again, he launched a victorious cry as he caught up to Bonnie.

"You got me lover, now what do you want?"
"Just hug me tight and tell me you love me..."

She complied, and it was a very sweet moment. As she let go, he continued.

"Now, give me a blowjob."
"Sorry, honey, one request per catch."

Both of them laughed, and my turn came back, but I found no one. It went on like that for a few more turns, splashing in the water, until Brian finally managed to get his hands on Sarah. I pulled up my blindfold as Brian called out to her.

"Can you... blow me underwater?"
"Sure," Sarah said playfully.
"Just a bit, you know, not all the way," he added.

She smiled, and I saw her go under. In the surrounding darkness, I could see nothing from what Sarah was doing, but I could see Brian's reaction. Bonnie moved closer to me.

"You know these two have never actually been together."
"I do."
"And it's my fault."
"Why is that?"
"Because I'm the one who was scared she would steal him from me."
"And now?"

She didn't answer, and I understood why. It was the same reason why I was dreading having Sarah be intimate with another man. Yet, I wasn't threatened about another woman, even if Jennifer had been closer to it than anyone else. I felt silly. Bonnie's hand caressed my back.

"I get you, you know... At first, it was me that didn't want Barry to be with other women. Then, it was him wanting to keep me all to himself. It changes, and it evolves, and it's frustrating. It would be easier if it was a simple..."
"Goddamn!" Barry called out, and it made us smile.

We saw Sarah coming out of the water, a smile on her lips. Barry let out a deep sigh.

"Wowzer... Geez."
"It's okay to swear," Sarah said, retreating back into the water. "More game?"
"And how!"

Since it was my turn, the blindfold came back on and we resumed. Perhaps it was because Bonnie had been so close a moment ago, but I found her again. In a sense, I was happy we had just had this small bit of conversation. As Bonnie turned to me, waiting to see what I wanted to do, I saw her cast a quizzical look at me, wondering at my thoughts. I turned to the group.

"Let's take it up a notch."
"Okay..." Sarah said. "Where?"
"Back on the deck."

We all exited the water and proceeded to dry ourselves off in order to avoid catching a cold from the cool air. We moved about to the chairs, and the others waited patiently for me to explain my idea.

"So... we did something like this at the spring break party... Barry and Bonnie, you missed that one..."
"We had our own," Barry replied."
"Anyway, the game is called... mirror image."
"Sounds fun," Bonnie replied. "How do you play?"

Sarah looked at me, and I knew she was wondering exactly how I would present the game. I felt confident she trusted me to play along my limits but, to be honest, I also wanted to challenge myself. Bonnie and Barry were two of the people with which I was the most comfortable. If anything were to happen, now was the best time, without Kim and Brian in the way.

"Essentially, in teams. Bonnie with me, and Sarah with Brian."

I could tell that Sarah was proud of me, and it encouraged me to proceed.

"So, each team is going to do a stunt, and the other team has to emulate the stunt."
"By stunt, you mean..."
"Anything you want, Barry. Anything both partners agree on. We'll implement a safe word, in case we need it."
"All right," Sarah said. "Safeword is Red."
"Done. Thanks. So anyone can call out 'Red' and the action stops, whatever it is."

Everyone agreed.

"So... who goes first?"
"Barry and Sarah, do us the honors."

I was anxious about the outcome of the game, but I had been able to overcome so many of my hesitations over the past eight months, I was ready to try taking it one step further. Talking about it had helped figure out the issues, but they could only be dealt with if they became apparent. This was my way of testing out my resolve, and seeing if, indeed, I had reached my limits or if they could still go further.

Either way, it was going to be quite a show, I realized.

interesting 11-17-2014 09:38 PM

A Bundle of Trials - The Lodge VIII [Jim]
"Mirror image, hey?" Barry said, casting a glance at Sarah.
"I'm game for anything," Sarah replied.
"We'll start smooth..."

From our side of the deck, Bonnie and myself were watching them decide what they wanted us to imitate. With all four us naked, there was a very clear inclination towards sexual dares, given our own level of comfort with each other. But Barry decided to start us off easy. He had Sarah sit in front of him, facing us, and he massaged her hair and head. It was really no challenge, so I had Bonnie sit the same way, as my fingers dove into her scalp. Both girls moaned lightly from the relaxation we were giving them.

"Easy enough," I replied.

The game would have made us stop and move on, but the girls insisted we keep at it, so we made it last another minute. Eventually, we stopped, although they would have wanted us to keep going. I turned to Bonnie and asked her what she wanted us to do. She remained on the spot, grabbing my hands and bringing them over the breasts, leaning me down.

"Massage me."

Her breasts were big, the biggest natural pair I had ever seen. The feel of her skin was exquisite, and feeling her hard nipples in the palms of my hands was sublime. Of course, Sarah grabbed Brian's hands and had him do the same. The sight of his hands covering her breasts made me shiver, and I redoubled my efforts on Bonnie. Her nipple sensitivity was, I suddenly remembered, quite strong, as she cast out a loud moan which echoed across the water. Sarah burst out laughing as Brian kept kneading her breasts, and Bonnie felt a little bad for her outburst. The massage didn't last long after that.

Everyone returned to their original position after that dare. Sarah looked at me, then pushed Barry down on the folding chair.

"You need to wait until we're done before imitating."

Bonnie and I agreed. Sarah leaned in, crawling over Barry, her body half-astride him, and she locked lips with him, pressing her chest against his. As I observed, two clear things happened in me : one, I became instantly hard at the sight and two, my heart began pounding like wild horses were running through it. It was almost tempted to call out the safe word, but I held my tongue, watching the sight as my friend and my lover rubbed against each other, sharing a kiss that seemed to last an eternity.

And then, it was over. Sarah pulled off of Brian, who didn't react quite immediately. In fact, he just laid there, dumbfounded. It was easy to see he was fully aroused now. Sarah pointed to Bonnie. She pushed me back onto the folding chair.

"Wait..." I tried to say.

She didn't wait. She wrapped one leg over mine as she pressed her naked body against mine. The feeling of her chest forced against half of mine made me shiver even more, but not as much as the kiss she gave me. My hands unconsciously wrapped against her body, reaching her buttocks, and I started caressing it. Her tongue buried itself in my mouth, and I could only imagine what Sarah was feeling. And that made me even hornier. The sensation was overwhelming in so many ways, I felt like I would faint.

And then, it was over too. Bonnie pulled away, and I knew exactly how Brian had felt a moment ago. I was out of breath, unable to reason, all my thinking power directed between my legs for a moment. I shook it off and returned to an upright position, but I was in heat. And it was our turn to play!

Luckily, Bonnie still had all her wits about her. I wanted to say something about the fact that I had told her to wait and she had ignored me, but I remembered that I had not used the safe word, nor did I really want to.

"Our boys are really riled up," Bonnie said.
"They are."
"What shall we do about it?"
"It's your turn. Show us."

Bonnie's hand caressed my inner thigh and she smiled at me. She grabbed my penis with one hand; before she started stroking it, she moved about and spread her legs, giving my own hand access to her inner legs. My hand wandered there and my fingers touched her opening. She started gently stroking me, so I tried to return the favor by sliding my fingers across her wet entrance. All the while, my eyes were focused on Sarah's who were focused on my hand between Bonnie's legs. I wanted her to make me come right there, so I wouldn't have to go further - at least, that's what I told myself consciously, trying to reason my way out of the game I had set up myself.

When Bonnie stopped, however, I knew it was another cop-out, and I needed to face the reality of who I was, and who I could be, in order to move on. So I pulled my own hand away, and watched Sarah reach for Brian's cock. Her hand wrapped around it, and I saw his fingers near her sex, where only I (and several other girls) had been since we had been together. I had seen several girls play with Sarah's pussy, but Brian's fingers were male, and it was not possible for me to imagine them differently. I wasn't as shocked as I could have been, and I was definitely turned on, even if that feeling still made me uneasy. Then, I started to focus on Sarah's face, and I saw the delight she got, not only from what he was doing to her, but from what she was doing to him - and to me. They ran the stunt for about as long as we had, and then pulled away.

Then, Sarah spoke up, speaking to the group but I knew I was the primary recipient of her speech.

"So... listen. Since I've been with Jim, I haven't been with any other man. I mean, no penis in vagina. It's always been the rule. And to be honest, I didn't - I don't need it. But, we're here, Brian and I have never been together in that way, and neither have Bonnie and Jim, so... so..."

She let the sentence linger. Then, she made Brian move about so he would be facing us. His shaft was erect in front of him. Sarah made him spread his legs slightly, then moved in front of him, intent on lowering herself on him. She looked up at me.

"If you're gonna say something about this, any of you, say it before I do it... not after, please."

That was my cue. This was the last opportunity to prevent my girlfriend from impaling herself on my friend; if I denied her, it meant that I denied myself. If I allowed her, it meant that I could do it too. She had, again, left it up to me, but it made sense now, and I didn't fault her for it. I had deprived her of this specific sexual activity since the beginning of our relationship, or rather, we had come up with that rule together. And then, I realized I was being selffish again. Bonnie was beside me, looking at them, watching her own boyfriend about to enter Sarah's sex. It wasn't just about me. It was about us.

I didn't look at Bonnie. I didn't say anything. I looked at Sarah's face and smiled.

She lowered herself onto Brian, spreading her pussy lips as she did, and his whole shaft disappeared inside her. I held my breath the whole time, even if it lasted only a second. She didn't move after that. She didn't sway. I could tell what this was doing to Brian, because I could see his face at that point. I knew that, when they had first met, he had fancied Sarah and it was only because Bonnie had imposed herself to him that it had not happened. It was happening now, and he reveled in it. And Sarah's gaze was priceless, allowing him to part her open, her mouth wide as she took in and enjoyed the sensation.

Then, she pointed to me. She was on him, true, but she wasn't doing him. She wouldn't. Not yet. Not until I showed her I could to the same to Bonnie. It could stop there. She would pull off, and that would be the end of it. But it couldn't be the end of it, because that was a wall, and I had not reached that wall. On the contrary, I had reached an epiphany. He was inside her, but she was looking at me.

I moved around on the chair, facing them, my legs slightly apart, my own rod sticking up. I looked at Bonnie and gave her a nod. I could see she was fascinated by the sight of her boyfriend inside my girlfriend. Barry had fucked other women beside her, I knew that much, but this being Sarah might make a difference. Still, she showed no hesitation as she got up, positiioned herself facing them and lowered herself on me. When her pussy reached my tip, I trembled. Her hand reached between her things, parting her lips, and I felt her sex wrap itself around mine, and it was divine. Sarah had seen me do other people, and she had enjoyed it. Now, she was also feeling it, Brian inside her, and it was as divine for her as it was for Bonnie.

Neither Barry or I could handle the restraint anymore. Our hands wrapped around our partner's waists, and the pumping movement up and down began. Brian was fucking Sarah. I was fucking Bonnie. We were swinging, fully, without restraint. The sight of Sarah bouncing up and down on Brian was as erotic as the feel of my own sex moving inside Bonnie. The girls reached forward like they would grab each other's hands, but they were too far by a foot. By now, I couldn't see Barry's face; I had to tilt my head sideways to see Sarah because Bonnie's frame was blocking my view partially.

Looking past Bonnie, I saw Brian lift Sarah up from the chair; she let out a wild moan as he did so, because it impaled her on him ever so much more. He was strong, because he was able, without pulling out, of getting down to his knees in front of the chair, covering the distance that was between the girls, allowing their hands to touch. Now on his knees, he kept pounding into Sarah whose gasps were the most powerful aphrodisiac. I wanted to do the same with Bonnie, but I didn't have Barry's strength. Bonnie stopped me in mid-thrust, pulling herself off and getting down on all fours, her face in Sarah's. As she moved, she grabbed my hand and placed me behind her. I immediately pushed back inside her and resumed my thrusts, lost in the moment and uncaring about the future.

Bonnie and Sarah kissed passionately while we made love to them, eager for release. Sarah knew me so well. She was always watching my face, looking for the subtle signs that betrayed my level of stimulation, even while Barry was having his way inside of her.

Bonnie was in throes of ecstasy. All the accumulated sexual tension was passing through us now, and she had wanted this ever since she had seen my picture, before we had even met. She was getting her wish, and I was getting so much more.

"Do it, love... Do it, Jim... Come on. Do it to her. Do it!"

It was uncommon for Sarah to goad me on like this, but it was what I needed. Not her blessing : her participation.

"So close..." I whispered.
"Do it," Bonnie managed to say. "Give it to me..."

There was no hesitation, no holding back. All of it, I spent inside Bonnie, eyes closed, indulging in all the pleasure of the orgasm riding me forward. And despite the release, I kept pumping inside Bonnie. I opened my eyes again, and Sarah was smiling, but that smile was twisted from Brian's own penetration of her, and I saw the orgasm building on her face, so I pounded harder into Bonnie, and I felt Bonnie still squirming under my continued push. Only Brian seemed not to follow our lead. He suddenly became vocal.

"Fuck... Sarah... I'm fucking you..."
"You are, Brian... in my pussy... fucking me..."

The almost pornographic words sounded completely fake, but it was what Brian needed to get over whatever last resistance remained in him.

"Fuck... Sarah... I'm cumming..."
"oh fuck! me too!"

The sounds of sex reverberated across the water, and the tempo died down. I saw Brian come to a stop, exhausted from the activity. I wasn't any better. All four of us remained there, still wrapped into each other, blown away by the experience. My eyes wandered to Sarah, and hers to mine. And that's when I truly understood why you had sex with other people, but you didn't go to bed with them.

Everyone pulled themselves apart, and there was long moment of silence. Sarah crawled to me and Bonnie crawled to Barry, as anticipated. Without a word, we all decided it was time to go rest. There were sitll two days to go on this vacation and, somehow, it seemed like the boat had been rocked enough for the night.

What none of us knew, at that time, was that our hosts had been awoken by our performance on their deck, and had silently watched us perform with each other.

interesting 11-22-2014 08:30 AM

A Bundle of Trials - The Lodge IX [Jim]
I'm still unsure if we should have talked about it. I dragged Sarah to our room and we fell on top of the sheets, falling into a deep slumber. When was the last time we had gone to bed before midnight? Our dreams were so erotic, at least mine were. I remember dreaming of an orgy, where I was tied up and everyone was taking turns with Sarah - only it wasn't Sarah, but a girl I knew which had no name. And I wanted in, but somehow, I couldn't break my restraints. In a variation of that dream, that same night, I was giving my class fully naked, an all-girl class, wit men leering at the window, until the class turned into an orgy, and I was fucking each and everyone of my female students, but all of them at the same time.

I awoke around 4AM with the most amazing erection. I tried to stir Sarah to wakefulness but she was in too deep a sleep to react. My mind wandered to Bonnie for an instant, but she was in bed with Brian. I got up, went to the bathroom and my erection died down. I went back to sleep afterwards.

When morning came, everyone got up, got dressed and headed into the kitchen for breakfast. I could tell that our hosts were planning something, but we ate breakfast as if nothing was happening. I started to wonder if, with all the sounds we had made on the deck, they could have heard, and I wondered if they would have felt insulted that we hadn't invited them. This was their place, after all. The fact that neither of the participants were talking about it made it somewhat surreal, like it had been a dream, except it wasn't. Every time Bonnie looked at me, I could picture myself mounting her doggy style. When Brian looked at me, I could see his dick disappearing inside Sarah. The images were imprinted on my psyche and I was surprised they didn't bother me more than that.

As breakfast ended, everyone helped put away the dishes.

"We were thinking of taking a walk around the lake," Kim said. "Who wants to come?"

We all agreed. Everyone put on their best hiking shoes. They told us to wear our swimsuits under our clothes; all three girls ended up in shorts and their bikini tops, while Brian and Barry went in their bermudas and topless. I chose to add a shirt to that.

It was a nice walk. There was a lot of forested area around the lake, and the path we were following wasn't so well-marked, so it seemed we were wandering through unspoiled wilderness when, in truth, the entire place was domesticated. The sounds of nature were still quite soothing, and the walk was very relaxing. We went by an unrented house which seemed empty.

"This place belongs to an accountant... He comes here with his family every so often," Brian told us.

We kept moving. We eventually found a large stretch of beach that was not visible from their site. There were five or so people there, an eldery couple and several young children.

"Believe it or not," Kim said, "this place is actually a nude beach."
"Only on certain occasions," corrected Brian. "We're not in season."

They waved to the elderly couple. Both seemed well enough, in good shape considering their age. Presentations were made.

"This is Gladis, and Kent."
"It's a pleasure," the woman said.

She was quite beautiful for a woman in her sixties, short graying hair down to her shoulders, her figure still firm despite the wrinkles of age. Her husband was equally fit. It made me wonder what we would look like when we hit that age.

"So nice to see you," Kent added, and I could tell he was checking out our girls.
"So what are you up to?"
"Oh! Taking care of the grand kids."

They pointed to the children.

"Speaking of which..." Gladis said.
"Now," Kim chided her. "Don't you start that again, Gladis..."
"Sorry, I can't help it."

I understood where Kim was coming from. Now that I had a permanent girlfriend, everyone in my family wanted to know when we would be having kids. Yet the topic hadn't even come up in a discussion with Sarah.

We didn't hang around with them long, making our way past them. As we were leaving the beach, I turned to our hosts :

"Are we going all around the lake?"

From my perspective, if we did that, it would take half the day, possibly more. But Brian eased my mind.

"No. We'll head back by boat."
"Yeah, there's a small barge... they ferry the people around the lake. I told you, this place belongs to my company."

It wasn't that I minded their wealth. Not having so much myself, it made me feel small and inadequate, like I had failed in my life. And I wasn't even thirty.

We passed by another household, but Kim and Brian didn't know the tenants, and they didn't seem keen on being disturbed, a couple in their forties. Eventually, we reached a larger dock where two ferry boats were anchored. Kim told us to wait with her while Brian talked to the manager. From the look she gave Brian and me, I could tell something was up, but I kept my peace. Brian returned, and his smile told me that there was an unspoken plan happening.

"It's all good. We can ferry back to the household."
"Excellent," Kim answered.

The ferries were, of course, large enough to accomodate all four of us. I saw the pilot head inside a shack as we waited on deck. He was in his early forties, nice short dark hair with a small beer belly. He was topless, wearing marine shorts and water boots. He wasn't inside the shack long. He came out followed by a much younger girl, practically still a teenager, dark hair with nice curves, a naughty smile on her lips. She was only wearing a bright yellow bikini which clashed against her bronzed skin.

"Name's Dwayne," he said, "and this is my daughter, Wendy. Say hi, Wendy."

She giggled. Presentations were made, hands were shaken. This was the time when Kim and Brian told us part of their plan.

"So, we're going to split into two boats. Kim will go with Wendy, and Barry and Jim will ride along with them. Bonnie, Sarah, you're with me on Dwayne's boat."

Was I the only one who had anticipated such a turn of events? I seemed to, because all the others seemed surprised by the distribution. Still, no one said anything. As we got on, I saw that the two ferry boats were connected with a secure rope line. Wendy and Dwayne went to their throttles and got the ferries running. Kim dragged Barry and me into the cabin - really a piece of cloth supported by a metal frame. We could still see into the cabin of the other ferry, so I saw that Sarah and Bonnie were sitting facing Brian.

"So what's going on?" I asked Kim.

She smiled at me.

"You're a lot smarter than you look..."
"What's going on?" Barry asked, still clueless.
"Well, for starters, your girl asked something yesterday."
"She asked a lot of things..."
"She did. Okay. She asked if we knew other swingers in the area... We do."
"Okay. Who?"

Barry's innocence made me smile. I pointed to the ferries, then to our pilot, who had stepped away from the console and was looking at us, a wicked smile on her face.

"Wait, you're a swinger too?" Barry said to Wendy.
"But you're..."
"Oh... but your father..."
"Please. He's a swinger too. He'd be pretty hypocritical to judge me... and no, before you ask, we've NEVER done it together, because that would be gross..."

Barry was taken aback by her words, so he quieted. I was still intrigued.

"You've obviously seen him do it, though," I replied."
"Of course I have. And he's seen me, but we always keep our distance. Like this."
"Hang on!" Barry chimed in. "Did you bring us here to fuck us?"

Kim burst out laughing.

"Well of course, duh!"

Brian was stunned, but mostly that he didn't see it coming. She looked at Wendy, who spoke up.

"I'm much more into girls when swinging, to be honest, but I can handle dicks too."
"This summer was our first time with her, last June," Kim added. "It was quite the threesome."
"So you do have threesomes?" I asked.
"Of course. And foursomes. An orgy once. We do what we want..."

I cast a look over at the other boat. I realized we had left the shore but were barely moving.

"We're anchored."
"We are," Wendy said. "Wouldn't want to drift in any old port, now..."

I saw, in the other boat, that a conversation was also taking place. Kim called me back towards her.

"Bottom line is, we saw what you did last night..."

Suddenly, her actions made more sense to me. Given what they had witnessed, it made sense for them to assume my reservations had flown out the window. And, to be truthful, they had, at least last night.

"So we decided we'd try something fancier this morning... you know, you boys with me, the girls with my hubby. But it was Brian's idea to get us onto the water, so you couldn't run away."
"And her?" I said, pointing to Wendy.
"I'm game, if you are..."

My mind wandered to Sarah, if not my eyes. Would she indulge? Could I, for that matter? Just talking about having sex with either Kim or Wendy was making me hard, but that didn't mean I necessarily wanted to. But Barry was all about play - and I remembered he had been with Kim before.

"Well," Barry said in a playful manner, "whatever shall we do?"

There was no avoiding it. This was happening, regardless of my take on it. And it was happening in the other boat as well.

Diaper_Guy 11-23-2014 11:04 AM

I just want to say that I really enjoy this story. Please continue writing :) I can't wait for the next part.

interesting 11-25-2014 07:26 PM

A Bundle of Trials - The Lodge X [Jim]
All the while, despite the difficulty, I managed to not once cast a glance at what was happening in the other ferry boat. That belonged to them, whatever happened, and I might never know exactly what they had done.

Wendy walked up to Kim, pulling her to her feet, and they started kissing. Wendy had already told us she preferred women, so it was no surprise she would begin with her.

"Far out," Barry whispered to me.

I told him to shush. For whatever reason, I didn't want words to get tangled up in the action. If I was going to be a willing participant in this activity, I needed to completely forego all distractions. The sight of the girls' embrace was highly erotic. I realized at that point that I knew barely anything about Wendy, and that fact was troublesome, even though it didn't prevent me from being aroused. I remembered thinking that I should get to know her before we went on with the deed. Tops came off, with the girls pressing their breasts against each other's and my mind went blank again. I got up from my seated position : the ferry was steady enough that I didn't wobble as I pulled down my pants. Barry followed my lead, keeping quiet for my benefit. I instantly started stroking myself, and the movement caught the girl's gaze.

It was odd to me that, given the amount of sexual partners I had cumulated in the past year (my mind started to recount, from Sarah to Jennifer, Kamara, Julie, Prissy... a few others, their names confused) that I would still hold back when given an opportunity. The hesitation subsided as the girls walked over to us. Wendy knelt in front of Barry while Kim, looking me in the eye, moved my hand away and replaced it with hers. Her touch was almost electric. She leaned into my ear, whispering.

"You've had your girlfriend... you've had Barry's... now I want you."
"I... okay. I want you too."

It was sincere. Kim reached for a condom and put it on me. I saw, from the corner of my eye, Wendy go down on Barry. But that wasn't happening on my part. Kim pulled back and dropped to the floor, on her back, spreading her legs. She pulled the cloth of her bikini bottom away, showing me her pink. I lowered myself to her level, as hard as I could be. Her smile was kind, almost innocent, almost like what we were about to do was just a game, and it was, to some extent. I lowered myself onto her, face to face, and I planted a wet kiss on her lips. She pressed her chest against mine, and her lips returned the favor.

It all happened naturally. I disappeared inside her : we both moaned with delight as I began pounding away into her, losing all sense of time. Her hands wrapped around my buttocks. She whispered sweet words to my ear and I made love to her, on the floor of the ferry boat, my own rocking motion adding to the small sway of the craft. Her warmth was amazing. I couldn't tear myself away.

At some point, she called on me to stop, and I complied, remaining inside her, but still. She was panting, a weird look on her face, half-daze, half-pleasure. She turned my head, and I saw that Barry was on his back, being mounted by Wendy.

"Do you want her?" Kim asked.

I didn't hear it as a suggestion. I heard it as a dare. Memories of porn movies I had watched flooded in my mind. I pulled out of Kim who let me go without saying a word, and I got to my feet, bringing my covered shaft near Wendy's mouth. She noticed it, and wrapped her lips around it without removing the condom, while Barry was pounding inside her. I saw Kim crawl to Barry's face, and lock lips with him. Instinct took over for a brief moment and I grabbed Wendy's head to hold her steady, and started to control the rhythm into her mouth. That only lasted a moment, as I realized I was probably choking her. I pulled out, but she pulled me back in. I started to almost faint, but Kim's hands supported me with one hand on my ass. She pulled me back from Wendy, then helped Wendy get off Barry.

Wendy then went on all fours, presenting her rear to me. Kim pushed me in her direction, and I slid my dick inside her hole, grabbing her ass, and resuming my movements on her. Kim, meanwhile, straddled Barry, facing away from him, looking at Wendy and myself.

"If you can," Kim whispered to me, "I want you to hold it in. I'm not done with you."

That was not a promise I could make, but I would try. Having another pussy wrapped around me was so intoxicating, and I really felt dizzy, perhaps because we were doing it on the boat. Wendy moaned quite a bit, perhaps for my benefit, perhaps not. It didn't matter at that moment. Only the bliss I felt through my haze mattered. This was, I realized, my fourth sexual encounter in two days, and with four different women. I was reminded of the spring break party, or our reconciliation party. I chased these thoughts and focused on the task at hand. Wendy was screaming now.

"Fuck yes... that's so good Jim... oh my... you're my hero!"

I was tempted to end it there, to increase the cadence and to let it all out, but Kim's previous words resounded again, an echo in my ear. I slowed down my pace, looking at Kim, bouncing up and down on Brian. When Kim's gaze caught mine, she stopped her motion, pulling off of him. She turned around, dropping her mouth between his legs, swallowing him up. She was presenting herself to me again, and I wanted in. I pulled out of Wendy, not that she complained, and I set myself behind Kim to take her. I remembered that one of my first girlfriends had also been called Kim (I called her Kimmie), and this all seemed quite appropriate. I was inside her the next moment and driving it home, while she administered the best blowjob she could to Barry. We lost track of Wendy as we went ahead with our own pleasure.

I was too involved in the action to hold back, and I felt myself come, releasing all of it into Kim. She pulled away from Barry to goad me on.

"Fuck Jim... that's so warm in me... oh yes... fuck..."

It would only occur to us after the fact that the condom had slipped off my penis, and remained inside Wendy's pussy. At the moment, I was too lost in the pleasure to even care. With renewed vigor as my own thrusts subsided, Kim stroked Barry harder, and he finally yelled out as he fired into the air; Kim moved away so she wouldn't get spunked in the process. Then, Kim lifted herself up while I was still buried inside her, pressing her back against my chest. My hands wrapped around her, grabbing her breasts. Her head leaned sideways and we kissed. I felt so warm inside her, I didn't want to pull out, so I remained there.

"Well," Kim whispered. "I think that was worth it."
"Fuck yeah," Barry said.

I said nothing. Wendy was lying in the middle of the ferry on her back, spread-eagled, a tired smile on her face. Kim moved her ass against my crotch, my dick still inside her, as if she wanted to get it hard again, but it didn't react, so she pulled herself up, and what I had left in her started to trickle out.

"Condom fell off," I said.
"That's okay. I'm on the pill. It's more for STDs, but I don't think any of us have any."
"Not me," Barry said.
"Nor me," Wendy whimpered, still panting.

I didn't answer. Kim turned to face me, wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Thank you, Jim... That was wonderful."
"It was... wow."

My lack of coherence made her smile, as did my blank stare. It probably meant she had done her job well.

"You really came hard..."
"I guess so..."

Kim cast a look at Wendy, crawling up to her.

"And you... thank you for being such a sport."
"My pleasure..."
"You want a pussy rub to finish you off?"
"Nope. I'm actually good. That Jim guy really did a number on me."
"Hey! What am I?" Barry intervened. "Chopped liver?"

The girls started laughing. Barry was equally exhausted, but he laughed it off as well.

It was only then that my ears caught the sounds coming from the other boat, but I refrained from looking, even though it was difficult not to imagine what Sarah and Bonnie were doing with Brian and Wendy's father, Dwayne.

interesting 12-01-2014 07:14 AM

A Bundle of Trials - The Lodge XI [Sarah]
Brian's revelation about his intentions for the morning weren't that big of a shock, in all honesty. Personally, I was still horny from last night. Watching Jim have sex with Bonnie, having Barry finally take me, the four of us locked in a love embrace together, it had brought me back to simpler times, when all we did was sex games without consequence. No, there were consequences, but we were too young to realize at the time.

I remembered waking up in the middle of the night and feeling light-headed. I had walked out onto the porch to get some air, and I sat down at the spot where Jim had entered Bonnie. I visualized the scene again, as if I were Bonnie this time, and the sensation was surreal. To see Jim with her meant two things for me : one, that my boyfriend was coming to terms with his own needs and two, that new doors might open up for me, case in point, having another man fuck me. For so long, I had only enjoyed Jim's penis inside me... and now, I had the opportunity for more. And it made me wonder if I actually wanted more, or if the knowledge that I could was sufficient.

Of course, I didn't have an answer, so I went back to bed.

Now, in the ferry, it was clear that the opportunity was there. Truth be told, I had no qualms about either man. Brian was a nice fellow, handsome and smart, well-endowed from what I had seen the previous day. I didn't know this new character, Dwayne, but the fact he was older didn't bother me at all. Jim already had ten years on me, so what was twenty, really. The truth was that I wasn't especially more horny getting on the boat, though, but that could be easily arranged.

"So, that's the idea, if you're game," Brian finished his speech.
"Can you give us a few moments to talk about it?" I asked him.

Of course, they did; I retreated with Bonnie to the edge of the ferry. I cast a quick look at the other boat, and I saw that the conversation was still going on with them. I turned to Bonnie.

"What do you say?"
"Well, I'm not sure about the other guy, but I'd really like to try out Brian. I mean, we almost did it last time, and I wasn't ready, but now, I am."
"We'll have to talk about last night at some point."
"True... the guys should be there."
"Maybe... we talk about it, just you and me first..."
"Are you ok about it?"
"Okay? I'm ecstatic. I want to do it again, but we should talk first..."
"Fine. But what about here?"

We both looked up at our male partners, then looked back at each other.

"I guess you can start with Brian, and I'll handle Dwayne," I said.
"Ok... and if you want to swap at some point, you tell me."
"Sure... but... we only do what we want to do, nothing more. We lead, they follow. Deal?"
"Deal. I know, I can get carried away."
"Me too, which is why I'm insisting."

We both got up and walked towards the partners we had chosen. Before anything could get underway, I looked at Dwayne.

"So I call the shots. We do what I want, and I promise you'll get your reward."
"I'm not worried. And if you prefer, I can just stand and watch from the sidelines. I don't think you were expecting me to be part of the mix..."
"We weren't, but I'm game."

Dwayne reached into a compartment under the console and pulled out two condoms. His gesture was appreciated; he handed one to Brian. Bonnie intercepted it, and I stole Dawyne's. I dropped to my knees and proceeded to lower his bermudas. Of course, he wore nothing underneath. I was surprised to see he was completely shaven. It made me smile at how funny it looked. With one hand, I started caressing it; with the other, I exposed my breasts, pulling the bikini cloth aside. I saw his gaze wander there.

It wasn't hard to get him aroused. I started to unwrap the condom. I smelled it.

"It's perfectly safe in your mouth," Dwayne said.
"I know."

Bonnie was already ahead of me, her face buried in Brian's crotch, the condom still in her hand. She would use it later, apparently. I looked at Brian's face; he had closed his eyes to focus solely on her. I rolled the condom onto Dwayne's sex, then imitated Bonnie. A low moan echoed from his mouth as I went to work. I was aware that condoms diminished sensations, so I went at it with more force than I usually did. I wanted Dwayne to still feel all of it, despite the plastic between us. It was strange to see Bonnie doing the same thing to Brian. My hand undid the bottom straps of my bikini, exposing my inner legs, and my fingers wandered into my pussy. I was already drenched. That didn't take long, I mused. Dwayne's hard cock was calling to me as much as Barry's had last night, and Jim wasn't there to make me feel bad about it.

I pulled away and got up, planting a very wet kiss on Dwayne's lips. As I retreated, he noticed my wicked grin. I moved towards the side of the boat, facing the ferry. From this angle, I could barely see what was happening, only the top of their heads.

I raised my ass as high as it could go, looking at Dwayne, inviting him over. Before actually complying, he grabbed a two-step ladder, placing it against the wall, then he helped me climb on it.

"You want to see what they're doing..."

From just a foot higher, I could almost see everything. There was Jim, on top of someone. Since Wendy was at another spot, it could only be Kim. A reflection came to me as I glanced back to my current partner.

"You don't mind your daughter doing this?"
"Why would I? She takes it from me."
"And you're okay with watching her?"
"We never touch, if that's what you're asking."

It wasn't, but his comment made me feel safer on his boat. He climbed up behind me, his shaft resting against my buttocks.

"That's my Jim, over there, fucking Kim. He's quite a handful."
"You love him."
"I do. But this isn't about him... put it in me."

He didn't do it immediately. Instead, he kissed my neck and caressed it, then wrapped his arms around me, gently stroking the edge of my breasts without actually going over them. His touch made me tremble.

"Oh fuck..." I whimpered.

I felt his smile. He moved down a little, and I felt the tip of his penis come rest against my pussy.

"Hold on to the railing... we don't want you falling overboard."

Slowly, gently, carefully, Dwayne moved his entire shaft inside me, and all I could was take it, mouth open, pleasured in a way that felt amazing.

"Ooh... Sarah..."

Hearing him whisper my name was instant bliss. Feeling him start to sway in and out as I held onto the railing was equally satisfying. I was being fucked by an almost stranger, and it felt wonderful. It reminded me of my breakup with Jody, so many years ago, and that one night, on the hood of the car.

"Fuck me like that until you come..." I told him.

I didn't want to move. First, his penetration angle was perfect for me as my pussy wrapped itself around his sex. Second, I could see what was happening in the other boat. I could see Wendy - Dwayne's daughter - giving Jim a blowjob. Then, I could see him mounting her from behind. Then, I could see him mounting Kim in the same way, and all the while, I felt Dwayne's hard thrusts inside me, filling me where I needed to be filled so bad. Jim was completely ignoring me, and that made the feeling even more amazing. The orgasm hit me hard, but I kept it all inside, no moans, no screams.

As it happened, I noticed that Jim was done, but I wasn't. I tried to tilt my head back to kiss Dwayne, but the position prevented us from doing so. And he was still going at it, following my instructions. I needed new ones.

"Dwayne... slow down..."

He complied.

"Are you all right?"
"Yeah, just... maybe switch it around?"

He pulled out of me, then lifted me off the step ladder and back to the floor. It was then I noticed Bonnie on her back, Brian driving it home on top of her.

I walked up to them getting on all fours, my face at Bonnie's level, and I kissed her. Dwayne moved in behind me and reentered my pussy. While I traded kisses with Bonnie, the men proceeded to pound their flesh into us, to everyone's delight.

Even though I was content, it was still over too fast. I could have taken another half-hour of relentless pounding, but there was only so much Dwayne could do before the intercourse had its way with him. I knew he was firing into the condom, and I helped him by slamming my butt onto him. Brian pulled out of Bonnie, pulling the condom off, and he jerked himself onto her breasts : a popular fantasy, apparently.

Dwayne was done but, perhaps for my benefit, he kept pounding. I motioned him to stop. I was sufficiently satisfied. As he pulled out, the condom almost stayed inside, so he grabbed it.

"That was amazing," Dwayne said. "So good... thanks for the invite, Brian."
"No sweat. You deserve it."
"And thank you girls for... so much."

I smiled at him. It didn't feel weird. I had been afraid that, him being less familiar, might leave me with a strange feeling afterwards, but I felt none. I felt exactly like before having met Jim. Suddenly, this realization scared me as much as it thrilled me.

"Well," Dwayne said. "We should get you back home. It's almost noon."

He got up, retrieving his bermudas in the process. I leaned over Bonnie.

"How was it for you?"
"Divine... I can't wait to tell all about it to Barry."
"Me too," I said, but there was a doubt in my mind.

How much of this could I actually tell Jim, I started to wonder. After all, during our encounter, while my eyes were always fixated on him, he had not even lifted his gaze once towards our boat. I wondered if that meant anything, of if I was doing like him, and reading into something that wasn't an issue.

There were conversations to be had, for sure.

interesting 12-05-2014 08:12 AM

A Bundle of Trials - The Lodge XII [Jim]
Dwayne and his daughter Wendy brought the six of us back to our place of rest. Kim and Wendy traded in long kisses while we stepped off the boat.

"You around for a while?" Dwayne inquired.
"Tonight and tomorrow, at least," Bonnie answered. "Why are you asking?"
"Just to know..."

It was Kim who answered him.

"Tell you what. If we vote for a repeat, we'll get in touch."
"Sounds good to me. Wendy?"
"Sounds way fun..."

They waved at us, then started taking their boat backs to their own dock. Brian turned to us.

"You're not mad, I hope."
"Not all," Barry said, "it was amazing... and to think you were just across the water... what did you do?"
"Hang on," Kim intervened. "We either say it all or we don't... there's no in-betweens."
"I'd rather not say..." Sarah replied.
"I agree," I said.
"All right, then the stories stay on the boat."

Barry seemed disappointed but he let it go. With our walk and the boat trip, almost all of morning had passed. Kim took Brian's hand and they headed indoors. I took my cue from them and took Sarah away from the deck, towards the woods where we had ventured earlier. She followed silently. We sat on a rock.

"So..." she whispered.
"So... you... did it."
"I thought we weren't talking about it," she told me.

I looked away.

"Yes," she continued. "Dwayne fucked me. And I saw that you did both Wendy and Kim..."
"I did."

What was I supposed to say? That I'd had an orgasm. That it had been amazing. It was all true.

"Is this awkward?" I asked.
"Not for me. I was watching you the whole time, hunched over the deck. You never once looked at me.
"I thought... you wanted me to indulge, to be independent."
"I do. I did."
"But you were watching me?"
"While Dwayne was fucking me, yes..."

The scene felt surreal, almost like it was going to turn into a porn movie. In my mind, I was forcing her to suck my cock to atone what she had done. What kind of morality was at play? I was equally at fault, so why did I not feel guilty? Or perhaps I did, and I was projecting away from me towards her.

"I came hard," she added.
"Why are you telling me this? What... does it do to you for me to know this?"
"I don't know... I want to share my feelings."
"Coming hard is not a feeling," I replied, almost angry.

Sarah cast a stern look at me.

"Now, listen up, Jim. You just had amazing sex with two hot girls, and you're complaining still?"

I didn't know what to answer, so I shut up. She continued,

"And I... I just had a dick inside me, and it didn't bother me one bit that it wasn't yours. Do you know why?"
"Because I didn't love him. I didn't dislike him, or else he would never have touched me, but I don't love him. I don't love Barry. Or Jennifer. I love you. Once and for all, stick it in your stupid head!"

She paused, looking back towards the water.

"Maybe this was a mistake..."
"No. No, Sarah, it wasn't."
"It's not me, it's you?"

Sarah seemed sad, and I wondered why. She focused her gaze on me, desperate to draw my attention, so I focused solely on her.

"Whenever you have one of these... moments... I feel like you're going to break up with me."
"Sarah, no... I... I'm so sorry. That's not what..."
"I know, but still... I didn't have this situation with Jennifer. But maybe that was because I didn't care about her the way I care about you."

I grabbed her hands.

"Listen, Sarah, I want you to be happy. With me... with someone else. I love you."
"And I love you. And maybe you always overthink everything, and that's why it's complicated, but it's so rewarding too. Watching you have sex with other girls... don't ask me why, it turns me on like crazy. Except that, well... I like dicks too. I like pussy, sure, but dicks... hmmm... yours in particular but, sometimes, it's occupied!"

I burst out laughing, the stress coming down. It wasn't our worst fight : it wasn't even a real fight. We'd only had one, and it had been a dozy, a few months back with Jennifer in-between. We couldn't handle her as part of our couple. It was just us... no three-person relationship. But this wasn't a relationship, I told myself. This is sex. Pleasure. Fun. All that jazz. And I felt silly for being such a worry wart.

"We keep having this argument, Sarah... maybe there's a reason."
"The reason is you're still insecure about me... and that makes me insecure about you. We should get married."
"Nothing says love like a legally binding contract."

Again, I laughed. That was my quote. I didn't really want to get married, and neither did Sarah.

"Even if we did make a pact, or promise, Sarah, there's no guarantee it would stick."
"True... but it might help you cope with some of the uncertainties, because, Jim, I have to be honest with you. Last night, having Barry fuck me, and then again this morning... wow. I need this. Not always. Rarely even, but sometimes... you just gotta get a big dick in you and let if fuck you until kingdom come! And it can be yours, and I want that... but... if it's another's then, that has to be good too."

I nodded, trying to accept what she was saying.

"You like having sex with other girls. Don't deny it."
"I won't. I'm not. But I don't need it if I have you."
"Same here, except that, we're here, and it's really our own fault for accepting the invitation, right?"

She gave me a big hug.

"I promise you this, though... your dick will be the only one in my bed."

I kissed her.

"And your pussy will be the only one I sleep with at night."
"Sounds like a plan..."

Another hug and kiss later, we let go of each other, feeling more at ease.

"So... how was it? Honestly?" she asked.
"It was great... so powerful, empowering... Kim really wanted me. To be fair, I didn't push myself on anyone, and that's what I liked."
"Yeah. You guys like it when we chase you."
"I do. Can't talk for others..."
"And did you use a condom?"
"Well, I started at first, with Wendy, but I left it in her when I switched to Kim."
"Ok, well... Kim should be clean."
"I guess. Should we, I mean... always use condoms?"
"No. Just when it's not with regular partners. See, Dwayne had a condom on the whole time, even during the blowjob."

It didn't feel awkward to talk about the technicalities of sex, only the feelings it brought up.

"We should head back. They'll think we're screwing in the woods or something."

As we got up, I asked her something.

"So... they were father and daugher, right?"
"Yep. I figured the mother's out of the picture, maybe because he swings and she doesn't. As far as he knows, she's emulating his example."
"That's what I gathered. You don't think..."
"Of course not!"

My imagination was always too vivid. I let it go and we returned to the household. Kim had served a bowl of fruit salad, and the four others were already digging in. We joined them on the deck.

"So?" Barry asked.
"So what?"
"What were you talking about?"
"Us," Sarah replied.

They left it at that. Kim smiled at me for a moment, mouthing a silent thanks. I did the same. I looked at Brian.

"So what else have you concocted for us."
"To be honest, not much... at least, not this afternoon. I'm a little sexed out, to be honest."

I saw he was looking at Bonnie. She was almost blushing.

"So I was thinking, we have a quiet afternoon. Take a rowboat across the lake, swim, soak in the sun, you know, nothing fancy. Maybe read a good book."
"Could we go for a walk?" Sarah asked.
"Sure. Where do you want to go?"
"Just around the lake again... maybe just the two of us," Sarah added, looking at me.

Barry laughed.

"Sounds like a date. Sure, you do that. Bonnie?"
"Honestly, maybe just get some rest and get some sun... naked of course... you can put suncreen on me..."
"I'm certainly willing."

Plans were made. I saw Kim lean into Sarah, whispering something in her ear. The two giggled, and then returned to their food. I was intrigued, of course, but I let it slide. It may or may not have been about me. It didn't matter.

"I was wondering..." Sarah continued.
"What about tonight, then?"

Brian laughed.

"You are horny, aren't you."
"A-ha. Guilty. I just like to know when to expect, so I can pace myself."
"Well, it depends. Were you leaving tomorrow or the day after?"

Sarah looked at me. I had planned on leaving tomorrow afternoon, given the course load I had to prepare, but staying one extra day might be feasible.

"It depends... Barry, you have obligations at work?"
"Then we can stay another day, I guess."

Sarah smiled. Brian considered that notion, now that it was established.

"Well, seeing as you all seem quite open now..."
"I am," I said, "if you're referring to my hesitation. I just needed to break the ice."
"We all do," Kim added.
"As I was saying, since we're all good, I could always go about the lake today, see who's in, maybe find out if some of our other friends are about. If you're game, of course."
"The more, the merrier," Sarah said.
"They're not all young and hip, you know," Kim stated. "There's one couple that's in their sixties... not the one we met this morning, another. A few in their fifties. They're all very presentable. It's kind of a... necessity with this lifestyle. Does that bother you?"

The question had never been adopted. The oldest person we'd ever had in our games was Peter, Jennifer's photographer friend, and he was in his early forties. I didn't know if that was a problem. I didn't know if an older woman could arouse me the way a young woman could. And I could tell the question intrigued my friends as well.

"I say, why not?" Bonnie answered for us.
"You certain? For some, it can be a turn off."
"As long as they're presentable, I don't see why not," she added. "Besides, older people have the right to have sex and to swing, and there's no obligation, right?"
"Absolutely. Good."

Kim was satisfied that her concern had been addressed. She gave her blessing for Brian to go inquire.

"So, we'll plan it for tomorrow night. Tonight, we can make it more private."
"Sounds good."
"Wait," Barry said. "How many people are we talking about?"
"Why are you worried about numbers?" Bonnie said. "We've been almost fifteen at one of these and it didn't faze you."
"I'm just curious."

It was obvious Brian couldn't answer without checking first, but he gave us an estimate.

"Maybe... at most... six or seven other couples. Maybe a few alone."
"So that's a potential for fifteen extra people?"
"That's only if everyone is around. I won't know until I check, but I'll give you the number, if you're so concerned."
"Interested, not concerned."

The conversation switched to a different topic, and we finished fruit salad. Once that was done, Sarah grabbed my hand and took me for a walk. To my surprise, she didn't try anything with me. She really wanted to walk around the lake, and nothing more.

"This is a nice place," she said.
"Very quiet. I like."
"Me too."

We stopped at another dock near an empty house. The path that went through the woods connected sites one to another. Sarah sat down on the edge of the deck, her feet dangling over the water. I sat down beside her and she leaned against my shoulder.

"Do you hate it?"
"Hate what?"
"The fact that we don't have money..."

I knew she shared my sentiments, but it eased my mind to hear them voiced.

"Yeah. I mean, I love Barry and Bonnie, and Kim and Brian... I mean, they earned their keep..."
"Except for Barry."
"He works hard for it."
"Yeah, he does... Still..."

I was a T.A. I might eventually make professor if there was ever an opening. She was going to be a kindergarten teacher - at least, that was the plan.

"I'm going to need to find a job."
"My tuition is almost up, and I could get it renewed, but I'll just end up owing more money to the government once I'm done."
"And then you pay it back."
"Yeah, but... I want to work. Somewhere. Part-time."
"Like what?"
"Still thinking..."

I hesitated before speaking again.

"Whatever you decide, Sarah. I love you. I'll support you."
"You already do."

She leaned against me for a while. Eventually, we got up, and walked around the rest of the afternoon. We didn't really meet anyone the way we had gone, and we eventually turned around and headed back, in order to make it back for supper. I remembered Brian's comments, about being all sexed out. I shared it. If sex had presented itself, I would have indulged (being a man) but I didn't need it. I was content to relax in the company of my girlfriend, holding hands, watching nature and dreaming of bigger things.

interesting 12-09-2014 08:54 PM

A Bundle of Trials - The Lodge XIII [Jim]
Supper and evening came around again. Spending the afternoon with Sarah had calmed me down and helped me get some perspective on our trip so far. I regretted nothing, and I was proud of that. Emotions still tended to flare whenever I felt my masculinity challenged by another man - perks of the genre - but I had gotten over that. Sarah's ease at handling these notions (and me) made it very easy for me to focus my mind better.

That is not to say I would never have another hesitation or crisis. I had found out that, every time I ran into one of these activities, at some point, I would bump my head. But I was getting better at bandaging the wound.

Once supper was done and the dishes were out of the way, we all headed back to the deck. Brian took charge of the discussion.

"So, we had a blast this morning, obviously, because we felt you were ready for it. Hindsight being 20/20, how do you feel now?"
"We'd like to hear from everyone," Kim said. "In fact, we can start, if you prefer."

I was ready to talk, but since they offered nicely, I decided to let them go first. The rest of us did the same, so Kim took the floor.

"Last night, we saw the four of you on the deck, going at it. Now, of course, we wanted to join in... but we decided we'd wait. We talked instead, and we decided that we'd go for a boat ride."
"Now, "Brian continued her story, "I knew that Dwayne was there. Not his daughter, that was a pleasant surprise for you guys. So we cornered you, and I really, really hope it wasn't out of line. Well?"
"It wasn't," Barry said. "We did way worse on the cruise..."

They laughed, but neither Sarah nor I could get the joke. Bonnie chimed in.

"I, for one, loved it. It was spontaneous, unrehearsed and very satisfying. Thank you, Brian. And Kim. But mostly Brian."

Another laugh from Sarah this time. She decided she would speak.

"I can't tell you how much I needed that... and... Dwayne was nice, in a perverse sort of way. You didn't ambush me. We ambushed you, yesterday, with our novely and our games..."
"Maybe we just returned the favor," Brian said.
"I think spontaneity is, in this, as important as planning. Brian went around the lake this afternoon and, well... it's going to be quite a turnout if everyone comes."
"What's the biggest number of people you've had as a group thing, like that?" Barry asked.
"Biggest was a sex expo we went to in Vegas..." Brian started.

Kim shushed him.

"There were around fifty people in all in the room..."
"Wow!" Barry exclaimed. "I wouldn't know where to go."
"There's actually a structure to all of it," Brian said. "You'll find out tomorrow - if you're still game, of course. I can call it off."
"Not a chance," Sarah said. "We want this."
"You haven't said much, Jim," Kim said.

I had wanted to be the first to speak, but they had gone on with their conversation. It was my turn

"I liked it too. I really did. It's hard to admit."
"Why is that?" Kim insisted.
"Because having fun with someone else than your life partner is... different. Don't you sometimes feel a little guilty?"
"Sometimes," Brian said. "But then, I look into her eyes..."

He did so just as he said it, before continuing.

"...and if she's all right, I'm all right."
"You always make such a drama of everything, Jim!" Bonnie joked.

I nodded my head.

"I do. And I had a blast, really. I overthink. Always have."
"And thinking is not a bad thing here... you see, tomorrow... can I tell them, honey?"

Brian looked at Kim with insistence. She gave him the go-ahead, so Brian spat out the details he wanted to give us.

"Basically, we're gonna do a mixer."

I had read something on the internet about it.

"How does that work?" Bonnie asked.
"Well, there's gonna be a lot of people there, so... you could try to simply hook up, but it's gonna be confusing. What happens is we draw names. Girls draw boys' names, and vice versa."
"What if want to be with a woman?" Sarah asked.
"I guess that could be done too, but... if everyone's there, we'll have the same number of men as we do women."
"Oh... Okay."

It wasn't disappointment in Sarah's voice : she was simply acknowledging her understanding. Kim took over the explanation.

"So, you get assigned a partner for the evening, or at least part of it. Now, what you do with that partner - entirely up to you. Cuddling, talking, massages, sex... whatever you're into. If you find out you're not comfortable with the partner you drew - it happens - you can put the name back in the hat... or you can try to trade up."

It seemed relatively simply enough, and it didn't feel too strange. We had done random partner assignation for dares before in our games, so it really seemed only like an extension of it.

"So that's the idea for tomorrow. You all in?"

We acquiesced, and it made our hosts very happy. Kim then reached for a box she had left on the table, and opened it. We looked at it. It was an adult board game. The box read that it was a game for 'discerning couples', for 2 to 6 players. They took out the board and unfolded it. The track was shaped around a heart, and it was quite pretty. There were six icons to represent the players, two dice, and a set of what was called 'Desire Cards', favors to be performed.

"So, we'll play with the advanced rules, which means that when a Desire Card is drawn, you roll randomly the partner you're with," Brian said.
"Also, if you're game," Kim added, "we can play with the double dare, or even triple dare."
"What's that?" Sarah asked, very interested whatever it could be.
"Well, anyone who rolls a double on his movement check and lands on a Desire Spot selects not one but two people to play with."
"Ooh..." Sarah chimed, excited.
"And, double 1s and double 6s are triple dare, so the person does the Desire Card with all the people of the other sex."
"Wow! I want to play with that!" Bonnie said.
"All right."
"Also," Kim noted, "when you win a Desire Card, you keep it. You'll notice they all have an 'Intercourse' picture with an image. Get three identical and you can trade it in for - you guessed it - intercourse!"

We all examined the board. There were three dark squares, called 'Blindfold'. There was a blindfold in the box. There was also three gray squares, called 'Handcuffs'; again, we found those in the box too, plush-covered and very comfortable.

"Whoever lands on those gets either blindfolded or handcuffed - behind their back is better. They can't play until someone rolls a Desire with them, at which point, they're freed."
"One last thing," Kim added to Brian's explanation, "if during a Desire Card, you achieve climax, boy or girl, doesn't matter, you immediately become handcuffed and blindfolded. Boys, hold it in, we want to make you last..."

The rules were all laid out, and our peons were all on the board, at the entrance to the 'Tunnel of Love'. We were ready to play this game and have fun with its consequences. We randomly rolled the turn order, but it had to be boy/girl variation according to the rules. Brian would start the game.

interesting 12-12-2014 01:48 PM

A Bundle of Trials - The Lodge XIV [Jim]
We were playing 'Tunnel of Love', an erotic game for discerning adults. The six of us were seated around the table, shoes off, in the summer heat. It was yet another way for us to indulge in relax in the company of each other, and we were all very much into it by then.

Brian's turn
Advancing on the board, he landed on a Desire card. The first step of any card was apparently to strip someone if they still had anything on the section he needed to access, so Brian moved and pulled Sarah's bikini top off, exposing her breasts, before grabbing them with firm hands. She then smiled at everyone while flashing us.

Bonnie's turn
Bonnie landed on an empty square, so nothing happened.

Barry's turn
A Desire card came up; Barry had to lick Kim's belly. Since she was in a bikini, it wasn't an issue. He walked across the deck, planting his tongue near her belly button, and swirled about. It obviously tickled her.

Kim's turn
Kim also rolled a Desire card; it told her to please Barry. She smirked as she scooched over to him, helping him remove his shorts. He was still wearing his swimsuit under it. Kim's hand rubbed against his crotch, and triggered the all too familiar reaction. She smiled as her hand caressed the tip.

Jim's turn
I landed on an empty square, so I handed the dice to Sarah. It was too bad, because I had rolled a double 1. Everybody sighed a little bit, but we went on with the game.

Sarah's turn
The Desire Card she got told her to hug me. Since I was topless, there was nothing to remove, so she simply wrapped her arms around my chest and squeezed; I squeezed back.

Brian's turn
Another Desire card had him tease Bonnie; he moved next to her for the activity, helping her out of her shorts to reveal her string bikini. His hand wandered in-between her legs, and we saw the smile appear on Bonnie's face as he gently teased her.

Bonnie's turn
On her second roll, a Desire card had her tease Barry. She was only happy to oblige, helping him out of his swimsuit, leaving only his t-shirt on. She grabbed his penis with both hands and played with it a for a few seconds, smiling all the way.

Barry's turn
Barry landed on the handcuffts. Kim, who was beside him, had him place his hands in his back and cuffed him. It was a silly sight, having him thus bound with his shaft sticking out from what Bonnie had just done to him.

Kim's turn
A Desire card had her caress her husband's chest; she took off his shirt and allowed her hands to glide across his hairless chest.

Jim's turn
I also got a Desire card this time; I was to caress Sarah's thights. I helped her out of her shorts, revealing a very nice bikini she had been wearing all day. I then allowed my hands to caress the outside and inside of her thighs; Sarah rolled her eyes for me as I did.

Sarah's turn
As a return favor, the Desire card told Sarah to lick my nipples. She indulged in the sensation, going so far as to gently bite them.

Brian's turn
The third Desire card had Brian tickle Bonnie; for good measure, he took off her bikini top, exposing her large jugs, and tickled around the areola. She enjoyed it immensely.

Bonnie's turn
Once again focused on Barry, Bonnie bent over and, facing his half-erect manhood, ran her tongue along its length. It was an intoxicating sight for everyone. Since she had just done a dare with him, the cuffs came off, and Barry was only too pleased to be able to play.

Barry's turn
The Desire card told him to lick Kim's breasts. This meant for Kim to remove her top, which she graciously did, offering her breasts to us, before they disappeared behind Barry's head as he licked them.

Kim's turn
She landed on an empty square, so she lost her turn.

Jim's turn
Unfortunately for me, I also landed on the handcuffs. My hands behind my back, Sarah retrieved them and placed them on me, giggling the whole time.

Sarah's turn
My bondage didn't last long, because Sarah's Desire card had her caress my stomach; without untying my hands first, she removed my shorts and then let her hands wander to the edge of my boxers. The cuffs came off after that.

Barry's turn
Obviously unable to trade in his cards for intercourse yet, Barry rolled again. The Desire Card had him hug Bonnie tight. They pressed their naked chests together tightly, wrapping their arms around one another in a very erotic embrace.

Bonnie's turn
Rolling a double two, the dare called for a double kiss : Barry and myself were chosen, in that order. Bonnie leaned into her boyfriend and traded a lengthy kiss with him; she then moved to my spot and our lips touched with intensity.

Barry's turn
Again this turn, Barry landed on empty square. He cursed his luck and passed the dice.

Kim's turn
Rolling a double 1, Kim's Desire card told her to tease every single male. She had us get up and move away from the table, facing her in a row. Brian dropped his shorts, remaining only in briefs. I dropped my boxers, exposing myself to Kim, now fully naked. Barry was already naked from the waist down. Kim's hands went to Barry and mine's, and she started rubbing her face against her husband's crotch. We all became very hard very fast, but this was only a tease. She giggled as she let us go, to return to our seats.

Jim's turn
My Desire card directed me to tease Bonnie; I pulled off her bikini bottom, getting her fully naked, then I slipped my hand gently between her legs; she moaned slightly as I gave ger a few seconds of touching.

Sarah's turn
Sarah's card combination could not be traded in for intercourse; her dice roll landed her on an empty square. She sighed as the dice were handed to Brian.

Brian's turn
With four cards in hand, Brian still can't get a combination for intercourse. When he rolls, he lands on an empty square.

Bonnie's turn
Bonnie's three cards do not combine either; she lands on the blindfold, so she picks it up and wraps it around her eyes, waiting for whatever happens next.

Barry's turn
The Desire card asks Barry to lick Kim's neck. He's only too happy to oblige, and she shivers under his attention.

Kim's turn
She also has three cards that can't be combined, so she rolls and gets a Desire Card to kiss her husband. It's no challenge as she leans in and trades saliva with him.

Jim's turn
I also get a kiss card, and it's directed at Kim. I try to imitate the kiss she just gave to her husband, and it's quite erotic to me. She seems to enjoy it as well.

Sarah's turn
No combination for intercourse for Sarah's cards; her roll nets her a Desire card where she has to please Barry. She wastes no time getting to her knees, wrapping her breasts around his penis, starting to grind him in between. Barry's face betrays his excitement, and Sarah is smiling wide. She ends it with a kiss to his tip.

Brian's turn
Another roll of the dice put Brian in handcuffs. Kim was only too pleased to do it for him.

Bonnie's turn
Since she is still blindfolded, she cannot roll. She gets ticked by Barry, who is sitting beside her as he reaches for the dice.

Barry's turn
With three cards in hand, Barry can't make a combination. He also gets assigned to the handcuffs again. Kim takes them off her husband and places them on him.

Kim's turn
Kim's Desire card directs her to please her husband, Brian. Without a word nor any hesitation, she moves to him and, wrapping her lips around his penis, starts playing with him. We see his expression shift as she does her best to please him, if only for a moment.

Jim's turn
What I hadn't told anyone yet, was that my cards matched. I showed them to the group, smiling. The suggested position was a sideways straddle, the girl on the side, her legs apart, while her partner, also on his side behind her, penetrates her. The girls were all anxious to know who I would partner with. As it happened, the randomizer fell on Sarah.

"Well, I certainly don't mind," she replied.

We got up and moved to the folding deck chair, where we would be more comfortable. I set myself to the side and she positioned herself, raising her leg to give me access to her sex. I played with myself, making sure I was hard. It wasn't an easy position to assume, although it was very popular in pornography for its ease of access to the cameraman, who could see everything involved in the penetration. We were, in essence, going to give a show to our friends.

It took me a moment to position myself and move into Sarah's pussy. I heard the moan from her lips and it made me even harder. Since I was behind her, I couldn't see our witnesses, but they could see everything of Sarah. To know that they were watching was truly thrilling, and to be with Sarah first, to have priority over her, that was a blessing to me. From this position, because my legs were against the folding chair, I couldn't very well thrust into her, but it was good for the both of us.

"What do we have here?" Brian's voice suddenly rang out.

I tried to look up from my position, and I managed to make out a head popping out of the woods, advancing towards us. It took me a moment to recognize Wendy, the girl we had met (and more) on the boat. She was wearing a two-piece bikini and sandals. I immediately stopped what I was doing, much to Sarah's dismay.

"Hey... I was enjoying that."
"We got company," Barry said.

It took me a moment but I pulled out of Sarah.

"Don't stop on my account," Wendy said.

Kim got up and walked up to her.

"Umm... the mixer isn't until tomorrow."
"I know, but I was bored at home, and we had so much fun this morning..."

No one replied for a moment, then Brian took charge.

"It's nice to see you, Wendy, but you are interrupting something."
"So I see," she replied, looking at me and Sarah.
"And you should know better than to sneak up on people."

Wendy made a pouty face. Bonnie had removed her blindfold to see what was happening, now that the game was paused, and she had also uncuffed Barry. Brian sneered at his wife.

"Okay... you want to stay, you can stay."
"I can?"
"If you do exactly what we tell you to do. Deal?"

Wendy smiled.

"Good. Get undressed."

She was naked in less than three seconds. Brian recovered the blindfold and cuffs, and moved to Wendy. He put the blindfold on her face, then tied her hands behind her back with the cuffs. Finally, he moved her close to the table, putting her on her knees.

"There... now you can play along..."

Somehow, it seemed to me that Wendy didn't mind at all. Everyone's gaze turned to Sarah and me, but the moment was gone. We got up from the folding chair, but Sarah kissed me mid-stand.

"This isn't over..." she mused.

I smiled back. I wondered for a moment what Brian's plan for our uninvited guest could be. Whatever it was, I was certain everyone would enjoy it.

interesting 12-16-2014 09:14 PM

A Bundle of Trials - The Lodge XV [Jim]
As we sat down to resume the game, we looked at our new guest, Wendy, blindfolded and handcuffed, naked beside the table. It was going to be interesting to see how she would play into our game.

Sarah's turn
Sarah smiled as she traded in three of her four cards. Her partner this time was determined to be Barry, and the position that was displayed was a classic doggy-style. My heart skipped a beat as I pictured it happening, but Brian intervened.

"Well, I didn't think we'd be using our proxy yet, but, ok..."
"Proxy?" Sarah asked.
"Yeah... if you're game."

Brian had picked up on exactly how to deal with Sarah.

"Essentially, if you're so inclined, she'll step in between you and Barry..."
"So what?" Barry said. "I do her?"
"Yes... and she eats out Sarah... if you want."

Barry and Sarah looked at each other and seemed to like the idea. Of course, Wendy had heard everything. She seemed pleased. Sarah got up, moved her about to all fours, raising her behind up in the air. She placed herself beside Wendy, assuming the same position. She turned to Barry.

"Do me for a bit, then do her..."
"Hang on!" Kim said.

She reached into the box and handed a condom to Barry. He quickly unwrapped it, put it on and moved behind Sarah. None of us could look away. Before diving in, Barry paused.

"Not sure how long I'm gonna last..."

With both girls offering themselves to him, Barry did not hesitate. I had seen this yesterday, and I was seeing it again. Barry pushed himself into Sarah, and she let out a hard moan. He did it for thirty seconds or so. I moved about so I could see Sarah's face. Her eyes were closed, her mouth was wide open, and she was reveling in the sensation.

Barry then pulled out of her, moving to get behind Wendy and do the same to her. She yelped as he pushed himself inside her sex; she probably wasn't as stimulated as Sarah had been. Meanwhile, Sarah moved her sex to Wendy's blindfolded face, and pressed it against the girl's mouth. Wendy dove in instantly, and I remembered her telling us she preferred women. Sarah's eyes rolled in the back of her head. We watched the scene unfold. My eyes wandered to Bonnie, who was entranced by the sight of her boyfriend mounting the other woman.

Eventually, Barry slowed down.

"Fuck... I gotta stop or I'm gonna come."

He reluctantly pulled out of her, but Wendy kept at it on Sarah for a while longer. Eventually, Sarah pulled herself away for the same reason as Barry. The smell of sex was unmistakable. As Barry and Sarah returned to their seats, Wendy stayed where she was, ass up, on all fours. I was tempted to tell her to get up, but I waited for Brian to do so. He said nothing, and she didn't complain. For a moment, I wondered if she was little like Sarah's friend Bradley, or his girlfriend Brigitte. I chased the idea from my mind, as we set ourselves up to continue the game.

Brian's turn
The Desire card Brian drew told him to please Bonnie; she smiled as she spread her legs for him. He placed his mouth against her sex and began eating her up. Bonnie grabbed her breasts, indulging in all the pleasure the stimulation was giving her. Of course, Brian didn't do it for very long.

Bonnie's turn
Another Desire card got Bonnie to tease me; she moved from her spot and got on her knees in front of me, wrapping her hand, then her lips, around my shaft, as she proceeded to blow me. It was much more than a tease, but I didn't complain - even when she stopped after only ten or so seconds.

Barry's turn
A Desire Card told Barry to caress Sarah's breasts. Given what he had just done with her, this seemed tame, but seeing him grab and massage her mounds was even more erotic than I had imagined. And Sarah reveled in the attention that was given to her.

Kim's turn
Even with five cards in hand, she couldn't find a match; the Desire card told her to caress her husband's back. She moved behind him and slid her hands across his shoulder; he shivered under her touch as she massaged him.

Jim's turn
As my turn came up, having traded in all my cards, I rolled the dice. I landed on the handcuffs, but since they were taken, the result ended up as nothing. No card for me.

Sarah's turn
A Desire card for Sarah sent her to give a big hug to Brian; she pressed her chest hard against his as they cuddled erotically.

My eyes darted towards Wendy, whose behind was twitching from the position she was in. It made me want to get up and ram myself inside her pussy. I was fairly certain I wasn't the only one thinking it. As I checked visually with the rest of the group, I noticed that many hands were caressing between legs. Everyone now wanted sex very badly.

Brian's turn
A Desire card brought Brian back to Bonnie; Kim improvised a house rule that he could trade with Wendy, which he did. He needed to please her. He got and walked to her. Leaning against her pussy and ass, he started rubbing himself on the outside. Wendy moaned with glee as Brian made her squeal for a few moments. He headed back to his place, whispering to his wife.

"So horny..."

Bonnie's turn
The Desire card was to be a hug, for Brian, but Bonnie moved behind Wendy and hugged her from the back, burying her face in her sex as she did. Bonnie stepped away, smiling. Wendy was trembling.

Barry's turn
Once again, fate directed Barry towards Sarah for a tease; she leaned on her back, lifting her legs and ass up and apart. Barry set his sex against her opening, like Brian had just done with Wendy, rubbing himself against her. I was certain he was going to penetrate her, but he pulled away before that could happen.

"Fuck..." Sarah cried out. "I need another dick in me soon..."

Kim's turn
Kim was ready to trade in her cards, and the lucky man turned out to be - once again - Barry. She was to straddle him, facing him.

"Fuck," Barry said. "You know I'm going to cum..."
"If you can hold it in a little," Brian said, "you'll enjoy it."
"I'll try."

I didn't know what Brian had in mind. Barry didn't bother asking. Kim moved towards him as he sat on the edge of the armless chair. Facing him, she lowered herself onto his shaft, and it disappeared inside her.


It was all he could say as she started pumping up and down on him, her breasts in his face, fucking him with vigor. He was ready to blow but he was holding it in. Mercifully for him, Kim stopped bouncing before it was too late.

"Good soldier," she said to him.

She got off him and pulled him up, dragging him towards Wendy.

"I think Barry's earned his reward, don't you?"

We all agreed. Kim positioned Barry above Wendy, but facing us.

"Condom?" asked Bonnie.
"Wendy, are you clean?" Kim asked.
"I am," she replied. "Last checkup was before we came here, a week ago. I've used condoms every time since then."
"She's good," Kim replied.

Everyone seemed satisfied with her answer and, to be fair, no one really wanted to use the condoms. Kim grabbed Barry's cock, bending it forward and aiming it onto Wendy's pussy. The pose was strange, but I had seen it before - mostly in hentai or on girls with strap-ons. With Kim's help, Barry was able to enter Wendy again and start pumping. He went at it like a wild beast; her back was twisted from the angle but she didn't seem to mind at all. In fact, she goaded him on.

"Oh my God! You're so deep... fuck me... so good... mmmmm..."

Barry was ready to blow, and he did, quite forcefully, his face contorted with the pleasure as he grunted with every thrust inside Wendy. Again, my gaze went to Bonnie as she saw her boyfriend pound the girl silly. Her hand was between her legs. Barry strained himself to the limit, unable to stop until the last of his energy had been spent. Kim, who had remained beside him, helped him pull out and return to his place. Wendy remained on all fours, her behind facing us, panting.

"Damn... I'm done..."
"For now, at least," Bonnie said. "She's full of you, now..."
"That she is... oof..."

Barry sat down, and we wondered for a moment whose turn it was to play.

Jim's turn
I was disappointed when my card turned out to be simply giving a hug to Sarah; when I got the hug, however, that disappointment turned to contentment. But I wanted more... much more.

Sarah's turn
Her roll landed her on an empty square. She shrugged as she passed the dice.

Before the next turn could play, Barry picked up his five cards, and gave each of the other players one, since he would be skipping his turn. He needed a moment to recover. Neither Brian nor I minded.

Brian's turn
With seven cards in hand, there was no way for Brian not to make a match. Again, the randomizer selected Bonnie as his partner. He grabbed her hand and dragged her to Wendy. He placed Bonnie on all fours, her mouth against Wendy's wet hole, where Barry had spent himself only a few minutes before.

"Eat her out..."

Bonnie complied. As she dove into her, Brian set himself against Bonnie's own pussy and, without bending the knees, rammed his rod inside her. I knew he had done roughly the same that same morning, but to see it with my own eyes was bewildering. Wendy was moaning even more than before, and Bonnie could barely keep her focus on her as Brian pounded hard. Bonnie started to moan in turn, abandoning Wendy for a moment. As the tension was rising, Brian stopped himself. We could amost feel everyone's frustration, but Brian wanted to make it last too, and I could understand why.

The two of them slowly returned to their seats, then they realized it was still Bonnie's turn.

Bonnie's turn
The Desire card turned to Brian; it said to lick his shaft. Bonnie didn't even bother with more details; she crawled to him and wrapped her lips around it, starting to give him a blowjob. He kept his hands to his side, incredibly turned on. He had to tell Bonnie to stop or he would come too soon.

Kim's turn
As Kim was about to play her turn, she stopped and put the dice down. She looked around at me and Brian.

"I need to fuck."
"Which one?"
"Both of you."

I looked at Sarah. She gave me a gentle nod. Kim got up from her seat, walking towards me. She dropped her short dress and her bikini, which had so far stayed on. She got on all fours in front of me and simply placed my penis in her mouth. Brian moved the table back to give himself some place. He got to his knees behind his wife, and entered her without resistance. Sarah and Bonnie moved in closer, just above my face, and started kissing. It was somewhat surreal; I felt the thrusts of Brian into Kim as she proceeded to blow me; all the while, my eyes were transfixed on Sarah and Bonnie. They leaned in and kissed me.

I heard Brian's voice.

"Where do you want it?"
"In the cum-dump..."

The word threw me off. The swaying stopped, and when Sarah and Bonnie pulled away, I saw that Brian had placed himself over Wendy, in the same position as Barry, and he was pumping into her with force. We watched him drill into her with a passion until he climaxed in a very vocal tone, echoing Wendy's own moans.

"Into her," Kim said as she pulled from me.
"Come into her..."

The request was surreal. I didn't have a chance to protest. Brian pulled out and away just as I was being pushed into place. I didn't twist like they had; I just leaned into Wendy and took her. Sarah got right behind me and started whispering in my ear.

"Fuck her, Jim... she's just a cum-slut..."

I had never heard these words from her, and I didn't know if they were helping or not, but I was hard at work inside her, prepping myself for the release. Sarah's hands were on my ass, pushing me into her, and I thought I felt another girl's hands - it was probably Kim - back there. Even Wendy got into it.

"Oh God! Jim. Fuck me. Use me! I'm just a cum-slut who needs to be filled..."

It was all too much for me, too close to pornography. I lost it, shooting into her with a slew of swear words and insults I didn't know I could utter. She was practically screaming as I spent myself in a wild orgasm that almost caused me to faint. Luckily, Sarah was there to pick me up and drag me back to my chair.

For a long moment, all I could see was Wendy's ass, still straight up in the air, where I had just climaxed. There was no reason or rhyme. It was just sex, amazing, wild, passionate, almost degenerate sex.

And I was done.

interesting 12-20-2014 09:21 AM

A Bundle of Trials - The Lodge XVI [Jim]
I lost track of time for a moment. My mind wandered to strange notions of slavery, and I was reminded for a moment of Gorean literature.

When my awareness came back, the scene had shifted. The game had mostly been put away. Barry was resting on his back on a folding chair, while Brian was beside Wendy, checking up on her. Of course, I understood what had happened, after the fact. Wendy obviously enjoyed this kind of abuse. Brian and Kim, knowing her from previous sessions with her no doubt, had integrated her into the play. Perhaps they knew we could handle it, or perhaps it had just seemed like a good idea.

I looked around and saw that our girls were nowhere to be seen. I called out to Barry, but he barely acknowledged my presence with a wave of his hand. I decided to get up and walk towards Brian and Wendy. She was still in the same position, but her back was relaxed now, no longer tensed up. Brian was caressing it, and he invited me to do the same. I placed my hand there and gently slid it across her skin.

"It's all right, Wendy... you're fine," he said to her.

She was still trembling.

"That... w-was so... int-tense..." she stuttered.
"It's done. You had a blast."
"I came lots... and I was so full of cum..."

She looked up at him, then at me.

"Thank you so much."

I was confused. I thought she had said she preferred women. Perhaps she was confused, or perhaps, it didn't matter. I pointed towards the house and gave a questioning look to Brian.

"Yep, they're inside."

Brian hesitated to speak in front of Wendy, so I decided to be quiet about it. Curiosity was too much for me, however, so I got up and walked towards the house. Since Brian made no move to stop me, I strolled inside the house, entering via the kitchen. That was when I heard the familiar noises. Instinctively, I crept up towards the source, the living room, and discreetly peeked in. My eyes grew wide as I contemplated the sight of Sarah, sliding up and down on a dildo tied to a strap-on worn by Kim. It dawned on me that, while us boys had been focused on our own pleasure (and Wendy), we might have left the girls hanging. Bonnie was on the couch to the side, playing with herself with a vibrator.

My mind told me to leave them be, but everything else in me told me to keep watching. Kim and Sarah were french kissing as Kim pushed the device into her with hard thrusts. I felt a twinge between my legs as my manhood attempted to spring to the occasion, but the intense release earlier had drained me almost completely. It didn't get up so I stayed silent and immobile.

Sarah started going into a series of curse words aimed at no one in particular, and I knew the dildo was hitting its mark, and it made me want to be part of it so much. I held myself back, vanishing back into the kitchen to let them have their time together. I took in a deep breath and walked back outside.

They were at it for about an hour, and that was when I realized that, when it came right down to it, devices could outperform us anytime if they were used properly. The three girls walked back out, naked, dissheveled, stupid but content smiles on their faces. Only Kim still seemed somewhat aware of everything, but that also seemed to be fading fast. By that time, Brian had managed to ease Wendy into a relaxed state. She was almost sleeping, naked on the floor.

"And a great time was had by all," Brian commented.

No one answered. We were all so exhausted from the day. It was time to turn in. But before we did, Brian spoke to us.

"So, Wendy is going to sleep here tonight. Please let her rest until the morning."

It wasn't like any of us had energy to spend on her at this time.

"She'll be on the couch."

Brian picked her up and dragged her inside. I grabbed Sarah's arm and we headed to our room. As we entered and closed the door behind us, Sarah turned to me and smiled, kissing me gently.

"If I had the energy to fuck you now, I would... but I'm so dead..."
"You had fun?"
"A blast... insane orgasms from Bonnie and Kim and... oh..."

I helped her get to bed.

"Did you like that thing with Wendy?" she asked me.
"Don't know. I mean, yeah, I liked it because I came, but I don't think it's for me."
"I was just wondering how it would feel to be a cum-slut like that..."
"Let's talk about that another time..."
"Ok... I love you."

We hit the bed, and we were sleeping minutes in.

I dreamt that night. I dreamt of an orgy - not so far from reality. Except that it was only men, and only Sarah. And all the men were me, and I - we - took turns on her, filling her up until it started to pour out of her. I didn't like that dream and I woke up in the middle of the night, queasy. I headed to the bathroom to pee, but I passed my face in the mirror, and it was another man's face. I woke again. Now I was really confused. It took me an hour to go back to sleep.

That morning, the whole house was active before I was. They let me sleep in. Sarah got up at some point but came back to join me in bed. I didn't stir until around ten, and I was in a crabby mood. Sarah smiled at me, but she knew instantly something was up.

"What is it?"
"Oh! Poor you..."

She gave me a kiss on the forehead, then started caressing my back.

"Mind processing stuff?"
"A lot of stuff, I think..."
"Are we good for today? We can still call it off, you know."

I smiled at her, and it wasn't really forced, just difficult to bring to the surface. My mind was still challenged by the dream.

"No. I'm good. I just... there's just so much emotion, and I get all queasy about it. I dreamt that I woke up, and I woke up again, so..."
"That's confusing."
"Sex too, right?"

She paused, looking at me.

"I dreamt I was a prisoner on a boat - pirates - and they were violating me one after the other - and I kind of liked it but not at the same time."

We stared at each other for a moment. She continued.

"I think these games have us conflicted."
"They're still worth it, I think."

I smiled.

"Me too. I had fun. So much... but, it's as I said before. Too much is too much."
"All right... so, no sex until tonight?"
"Sounds right to me."

She kissed me again, wrapping her arms around me. I returned the kindness. We got dressed before exiting the room.

"Hey, sleepyhead," Barry called out to me.
"Morning. I'm good, just so everyone knows."
"Heard you ruffle in the bathroom last night," Brian said, "but when I came out you were back in your room."
"Dream-walking, I think."

I sat down and ate the cold pancakes that were left over. I noticed that Wendy was gone. It was for the best. In any event, I would probably see her again tonight.

"What are we doing today?" Bonnie asked.
"I think we'll save our energy," Kim answered her. "Big night, tonight."
"How many are we gonna be?" Barry inquired.

Brian did a mental headcount.

"Including us... twenty."
"Holy cow!" Sarah said. "Twenty swingers?"
"That's gonna be quite an orgy..." Sarah continued.

Kim laughed.

"Chances are you'll only be with one or two partners at most. Three if you're really lucky."
"Still... are they all coming here?"

Sarah's question seemed pertinent. There was hardly any room to fit twenty people on their deck. Brian smiled.

"No, we're going to someone's place. Given the number of people."
"Across the lake. Can't see it from her, but Leonard - our host - has quite the shack. Something like ten bedrooms."
"Wow. He has a castle?" Bonnie asked.
"Nope. Just a really big house..."

Kim started to laugh.

"He hosts scouting activities there. Bet they don't know what he does in his spare time..."
"He's a swinger too?" I asked.
"Yes," Kim answered. "Sort of. He lives alone. His wife passed away three years ago."
"He's over it. He's sixty-five."

It came back to this : the issue of age. I saw questions abound on our girls' faces.

"What... does he look like?" Bonnie asked, afraid of how her question might be interpreted.

No one took offense.

"He's sweet. In shape. Swims and boats every day. He's lived and traveled a lot, so nothing surprises him anymore. And don't worry - you won't have to go with him if you don't want to."

Bonnie felt bad for bringing it up, but she was right to.

"Who else will be there?" Barry asked, keeping on the topic.
"Nobody you know... well, except for Dwayne and Wendy. There's Yash and Linn...."
"What kind of name is Yash?" Sarah asked.
"Indian. And she's Swedish."
"He's fifty-something, she's in her early twenties. He's an accountant."

Brian was trying to recall everyone. I interrupted him.

"We'll meet them tonight."
"I guess you will."
"What do we need to know about a mixer?" Bonnie asked.
"Not much, really. We head in, presentable, make friends, do a bit of conversation, introductions, platitudes."
"It's really important to do so," added Kim, "because that's how you know you'll be comfortable with someone."
"So far," Barry said, "I haven't met a girl I wouldn't like to fuck!"
"Give it time," Brian replied. "So after that's done, names are drawn and people either retire to rooms or stay in the common rooms, however they feel."
"And you said there might be more than one partner?" Sarah asked, a hint of anticipation in her voice.
"Well, that depends. If you end really early with your first partner, whatever the reason, you can always come out and see who's available. That'll be the time if you want to hook up with some of the women as well."

I figured all relevant questions had been asked. Bonnie came back with her initial query.

"So what are we doing today?"
"Anything you want", Kim answered.

For me and Sarah, anything we wanted turned out to be reading under the sun and going for a dip in the water. I lost track of everyone else in the middle of the afternoon. I was fairly certain Barry and Bonnie had gone for a walk, but I had no idea where our hosts had vanished. It didn't matter. I quietly read the novel I had brought along, in case I wanted to read before bed, and almost finished by the time supper rolled around.

The day of leisure made me feel refreshed, and I was glad to have indulged in it. After all, this was a vacation, and it certainly wasn't strictly about sex. But then again, we had come here expecting to swing and, so far, we had succeeded a few times. So it was definitely a win-win.

We ate a light meal, because we didn't want to feel full for what was to come next. Around 6:30 in the evening, the ferry boat docked onto the deck, led by Dwayne. We boarded along with the others whom he had already picked up, and we headed across the river towards the mansion of a man called Leonard, who would be the host of this swinging party.

One last romp before returning to real life, I thought to myself.

interesting 12-23-2014 06:42 PM

A Bundle of Trials - The Swing I [Jim]
The one thing pornographic movies rarely show is the mess. The aftermath and the clean-up. Although, nowadays, apparently, there is some pornography that caters to that fetish.

There's another thing that pornography rarely shows. Real emotion. First off, it's actors, so they're faking it all the way. Second, people rarely watch porn for the acting or, if they do, that's another fetish entirely. But emotions are important in love-making.

Is swinging love-making? Is trading in your partner for sex for one night an act of love? I doubt it. Even after doing it myself. In any event, the swinger lifestyle is different from any of the conventional norms, and there's a reason for that. It takes a special kind of attitude or breeding to really be able to experience it fully. Those who skirt on its edges, like me, often find that the experience, while pleasurable, leaves them with more questions than answers.

There were twenty of us in the large living room when the activity got under way. We had arrived by ferry onto the deck and made our way up the stairs to the mansion made of beige stone. It was a gorgeous building, fairly recent and modern, just exquisite in its design. Made of money, I said to myself as we entered.

Proper introductions were made once we got in. Women were wearing nice dresses mostly, and men were in pants or clean shorts, and all wearing shirts. Brian had lent me one, since I'd brought none along for the trip. I was overwhelmed by the mass of strangers whose names I barely heard once. I tried to keep a tally, like I did with my students in class, but I was unable to do so. Presentations went by so fast, I didn't catch everyone's name or occupation, or their relationship with one another. I stayed close to Sarah and, to my surprise, she stayed close to me. She was as intimidated as I was with the group.

Our hosts' name was Leonard. He was an older gentlemen, and he reminded me of a younger Hugh Hefner with his velvet robe. He wasn't bad looking, to be honest, for a man of sixty-five years old. He told us about the house rules : basement was off limits, as was the master bedroom. We could help ourselves to his alcohol stash in the room, but not anywhere else in the house. He had two security guards outside who would come and toss out anyone who misbehaved. Then, he got onto the sexual recommandations. There were condoms in every room. Consent needed to be obtained verbally before engaging in sexual activities. There were nine rooms available for us if we wanted, but we could also have relations in what he referred to as the playroom, which was really another living room with the couches covered with plastic.

When he was done, he told us to mingle for half an hour, then he would get the party fully underway. I ended up standing in the corner of the room with Sarah. I was surprised at how easily Bonnie and Barry slipped into the crowd and started talking to people. Sarah obviously shared my unease.

"Are we in the right place?" she asked me.
"I'm not sure..."
"This is all so... formal."

Perhaps her concern wasn't the same as mine, but it seemed we were both uneasy. The first person to come towards us was Wendy, accompanied by a young man, crew cut, stern face, whom she introduced as Patrick, her playmate.

"First timers," he said to us.
"Yeah," I answered, taking the lead.
"Breaking the ice is tough. These people are all so... stuck up."

He laughed, and it loosened the atmosphere. We introduced ourselves, our names and professions.

"I'm still at school," he said. "Gonna be a lawyer. Maybe."
"If I pass the bar..."

We talked a little bit about projects, nothing serious. He winked at me in confidence.

"Wendy tells me you done her good last night..."

I looked away, almost as if it was an accusation.

"Hey man," he said, "don't be like that. It's a good thing. She's very demanding, and you utterly satisfied her."

I noticed how he was speaking on her behalf and I was again reminded of Brad and Brigitte. I checked out Sarah and believed she was having the same reflexion.

Patrick dragged Wendy away from us. I took in a deep breath and moved forward into the room, first, to get something to drink and to speak to anyone who might intercept us. We bumped into a couple, made of an older gentleman and a young blonde. I remembered them from Brian's comment this morning. Yash and Linn. She was some sort of trophy wife, apparently. He was an accountant.

"Nice place, here. I want a place like this," Yash told us.
"Very nice. Must cost a fortune," Sarah replied.
"One and a half million. Lake property is very expensive."

Yash chatted us away about money, and his wife Linn laughed at every single comment. Their play, not to mention the topic, made us uneasy, so we excused ourselves to get some drinks. I poured myself a double rum and coke; Sarah drank a pre-mixed cocktail.

We were joined at the bar by an older couple in their early fifties, and their smile seemed more genuine. His name was Cosmo. He was a business consultant. She was a lawyer. I began to note a pattern in the professions of the people around the room.

"It sort of just happened," Cosmo said outright. "We didn't plan on swinging."
"I was having an affair," also confided Gail. "With three different men. At some point, we couldn't handle the lies anymore. It was actually our therapist who recommended swinging."
"When was that?" Sarah asked, suddenly curious.
"Oh... seven years ago, maybe?"
"Sounds about right."
"Since then, married bliss."

I was impressed that the lifestyle had worked for them. It eased my mind a little to know that, in some cases, this kind of behavior could be beneficial for couples. But I also understood that, initially, neither had married for love. It made me wonder if that had helped them with the distance needed for swinging.

We wandered to a couch and sat beside another couple. The conversation shifted to us. They introduced themselves as Alexei and Kaylynn. He was younger than me, but she was in her mid-forties. Sarah asked how they had met.

"I was an escort," he blatantly admitted.
"You were?"
"Yeah. I've always fancied older women... so... the choice was logical."
"You had sex with them?" Sarah kept inquiring.
"Well, only if they wanted. People don't pay for the sex."
"We pay for the company," Kaylynn corrected. "First time I met him, I knew he was the perfect eye candy. We're not married, but we live together. He's my... mate."

It was an interesting arrangement. She continued.

"I would never deprive him of his conquests, of course. It keeps him fresh. Plus, I found that it was nice to indulge with... a nice young man."

She looked at me while she said that, and it made twinge.

By that time, our host returned, rolling a lottery ball selector into the room. It made people smile.

"Ladies and gentlemen, if I may have your attention."

The conversation died down as our host proceeded to explain.

"The game tonight is for the ladies. They get to pick their mate - at random, of course, this is a mixer. Please ladies, file up in a row. The lottery machine will pop out a name. Now, no one reads their name until all have been distributed."

The women all got up. Sarah squeezed my hand hard as she walked forward to join the other ladies. Before getting the balls rolling, Leonard added a few information we needed to know.

"Now, as soon as you know who your partner is, you may walk up to him. I recommend talking a little bit before heading out to a side room, just in case. And remember : what happens here stays here."

I saw people silently mouthing the last piece of his speech, probably a familiar mantra to all of them. The lottery machine started hanging out balls containing names one after the other. I was really nervous to see who I would be paired with among the ten women here, but I was equally, if not more curious, as to who Sarah would end up with.

Once all the balls were assigned, the girls popped them open and checked out the names inside. I saw people starting to match up. Barry went with a woman of possibly thirty, who had come in with another woman, from what I had seen. The young man with Wendy was teamed with her, so I wondered if they would swap or keep. I saw Bonnie's face go blank as she walked towards our host, whom she had obviously picked.

My gaze went to Sarah as she walked towards a man in his mid-thirties. His name was Turko and he had come in with his wife. They were of slavic origin, but I knew little else about them. Our indian 'friend' Yash was met by Kim.

Ultimately, the other slavic woman, Katarina, walked up to me, smiling, holding my name on a slip of paper. I checked her out. She was very pretty, red hair, a light touch of make up. She was better dressed than I was. She gently bowed to me.

"Hello, Jim."

Her accent was quite thrilling. I couldn't help but look at Sarah, and I noticed she was looking back at me too. It felt good to be on the same page. I took in a deep breath. It was time to get acquainted with this woman, to see if we had some kind of connection that could to further developments.

interesting 12-27-2014 07:46 AM

A Bundle of Trials - The Swing II
--- BONNIE ---
Why did it have to be me, I think to myself.

So, here I am. At the swinger party in the old man's house. And whose name do I draw? The old man's. Leonard. I sigh. He seems nice but... he's as old as my grandpa! And I'm expected to have sex with him. I guess I can always trade in - or up, in this case. Still, I don't want to be rude. So I walk up to him, politely saying hello. My mind swarms to a moment, last Spring, where I ended up giving titty fucks and blowjobs to strangers on the cruise... and it dons on me that I never got those people's ages. For all I know, some of them could have been older than Leonard. It didn't seem so, but.... I'm being prejudicial, I tell myself. Talk to him. Get to know the man.

"Hello... your name is Bonnie, right?"
"Hi. Thanks for... having us."
"It's always a pleasure to meet new people. Let me look at you."

He takes my hand and twirls me around, like a ballerina. He's stronger than he looks. Then again, we've been told he keeps in shape. I try to catch a whiff of his smell. Old people smell funny sometimes. He doesn't, not as far as I can catch. He smiles at me, and we sit on a couch.

"And what do you do for a living, Bonnie?"
"I'm a homemaker. For now, at least."
"That's nice. Do you have children?"
"Not yet. Would like some, though..."
"You're with the fellow that's sitting with Lindsey."

He points to the girl who is talking to Barry.

"Yep. That's my... boyfriend."
"Not married yet, then?"
"Not yet. Maybe not ever."
"It's true that mariage is not mandatory anymore. That's good."
"What about you?" I inquired. "Children?"
"Three, and a few grandchildren..."
"Do you stay in touch?"
"Mostly. I see them every summer and Christmas, sometimes birthdays."

I don't know why we're talking of these things, but it relaxes me. Perhaps that's why we're talking of these things. His smile is warm, non-invasive.

"What do you get out of hosting this?" I ask.

He laughs softly.

"You mean besides lovely company such as yourself?"

I blush. He goes on, without any negative emotion as he delivers a story I am certain he has told many times.

"I'm not a young man and my wife is gone. All I have left is time and money. To be honest, I'm looking for excitement. I spent my entire life working, and working... and when my wife was diagnosed with cancer, well, I quit my job, and we spent the year traveling abroad, seeing everything we wanted to see together before she passed."
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be. It was the best time of my life. When she couldn't travel anymore, she told me to enjoy life for her, to make the most of it. You see, one of the last things we did was go on a cruise, and while we were on it, we met this young couple who were really into swinging. And, at that point, we wanted to try everything. So we did. And it was the best time of my life. It was so beautiful seeing my wife having pleasure in the arms of another."

It's strange. I was so apprehensive about the age of the man, I never stopped to think about his heart. He's kind, romantic, and he shares my passion for watching his partner have fun, apparently. I grab his hand.

"Well, I'll be honest, Leonard, I didn't want it to be you."
"Because of my age?"
"Well, it's quite all right, you can..."
"But I'm glad it is. You're sweet, and I like your smile."

I see him blush.

"Are you interested in me?" I ask him.
"Are you daft woman?" he answers, all smiles. "A blind man would be interested in you? You're gorgeous and..."
"And I have a nice rack."

He blushes again, but it's playful.

"I'm up for it if you are," I finally say, convinced
"I am... but I might have to take a blue pill."
"That's fine. We can work up to it."

I'm surprised that I lead him up.

"A private room would be better."
"Follow me, my dear."

I wrap my hand around his elbow, and he leads me out of the room.

--- BARRY ---
So, her name is Lindsey. She's of average height, slightly smaller than me, at most 130 pounds. Her hair is long, blondish more auburn. She's pretty by any standards. I introduce myself, talk about my job. She tells me she's a ballet dancer. I point to the girl she came in with, whose name is apparently Fleurette.

"She's a ballet dancer too, and my girlfriend."
"Girlfriend, so you're lesbians?"
"No, we're swingers. We room together to save money so we figured, as long as we're living in the same flat, we might as well enjoy it."
"And where do you live?"
"San Francisco, myself."

Lindsey points to Bonnie, who is sitting with the old man. I'm a little distraught for her, given what she was saying just this morning about him, but their conversation seems civil.

"Yep, she's with me."
"She's lucky to get Leonard. He's the kindest man here."
"He is?"
"Yeah. To be honest, most men here are about their own pleasure. Can't blame them, but I like to take my time."

I point to her partner.

"And... Fleurette?"
"She's with Alexei right now. There."

I watch them. Alexei has a certain class to himself, and Fleurette is as exquisite looking as Lindsey is.

"Alexei is also a good pick. He's an escort."
"Is he paid to be here?" I ask.
"Oh no! Day job is escort. Here, he's with his sponsor - Kaylynn."
"This is getting confusing. Let's just stick with the two of us."

She smiles, then eyes me over.

"So... you work out?"
"Not as much as I should, but yeah."
"Well, I hope you can keep up. I'm in great shape."
"So I see."

She's wearing a low-cut strapless dress and I can't wait to take it off.

"If you don't mind, maybe we could play in the common room."
"With everyone else? Sure. I don't have performance anxiety."
"That way, if we really get into it, we can also swap. I'm sure Fleurette would like you."
"I'm game if she is."

Lindsey grabs my hand.

"And you're okay about your girl with Leonard?"
"Are you okay about yours with Alexei?"

I see them them looking in our direction as I mention them.

"Fair point. Follow me."

She drags me into the other room. I see Bonnie heading up the steps, and I hope she'll be all right. Then again, last time I left her alone in a place like this, it turned out she was much more than all right, and it led to quite a finale. Of course, it may not get that intense here, but it's still nice to see her indulging.

--- SARAH ----
I'd never felt such awkwardness in an activity involving sex. To me, it was almost more than I could handle, and I didn't know why. Walking up to the front of the room, getting the ball from Leonard, then opening and finding a stranger's name inside. A mixer, they called it.

Being the daring person I am, I walked up to the man in question. Mid-thirties, graying hair, and he greeted me with an accent from somewhere in Eastern Europe.

"Hello, I am Turko."
"Hi. Sarah."

We shook hands. I was uncomfortable around him - around this place - and I still didn't get it. I shouldn't have been. I'm the most outgoing person I know. And yet... I cast a look at Jim. He was waiting for someone to come get him.

"You are lovely, Sarah. Like a flower of the desert."

And he's cheesy too, I thought. Wonderful.

"What do you for a living, Turko? By the way, what's the origin of your name?"
"I'm slavic... from Romania. I work in construction business."
"No. I supply materials."

I nodded politely. I needed to get a conversation going or this wouldn't lead anywhere, at least not for me. Find something you like about him, grab onto it, I told myself.

"And you?"
"What do you do for living?"
"I'm studying still. I want to be a kindergarten teacher."
"That's nice. Teaching kids is important job."
"Yes. It is."

Again, that awkward silence crept in. He wasn't bad looking, but he wasn't doing it for me. I checked on Jim and saw him talking to this red-haired woman. She wass beautiful, and I was more interested in her than in Turko.

"My wife," Turko said.

Of all the odds, I thought.

"What does she do for a living?"
"Stays home. Cares for the children. We have two boys."
"That's nice... she's very pretty."
"She is."
"She's with my boyfriend."
"Wonderful! Come, let's introduce."

I felt so relieved when it was Turko who proposed it. We walked towards them, and I started hoping my appearance wouldn't stress out Jim. But at that moment, I knew I needed him with me.

--- JIM ---
"Hello, Jim."

Katarina's accent was quite thrilling as she gently bowed her head to me.


I took in a deep breath, casting a quick look at Sarah. She was with the slavic man named Turko, and I seemed to recall that the middle-aged woman before me was standing with him earlier. Sarah was casting furtive glances at me, and I wondered what they meant.

"It's a pleasure," I said. "What brings you here?"
"Fun. My husband likes to play, so it wouln't do any good to do it behind my back."
"And you play too?"
"Of course. Though I started later than he did."

I was wondering if there was an issue of extra-marital affairs involved again, and this was the arrangement that they had come up with. The pattern seemed to be repeating itself.

"What do you for a living?" she asked me.
"I teach. Literature. English courses."
"That's good. I stay home, take care of my boys. Two of them. Want to see the pictures?"

Apparently, it was important to her, so I looked at the pictures on her phone. The boys were ten and seven, she told me. She put it away.

"What do you get out of this?" I asked her.
"Why do you ask?"
"Because... this is my first time here, and I want to be sure I'm... right for this place."

She smiled at me, and I wondered how much she thought I was innocent.

"I get fun... pleasant company, cute young men..."
"I see."
"Plus, it completely changes the perspective on love. I didn't marry for love."
"You're not the only one, apparently."
"I love my husband, and my children, but this is... freedom to do what I want."

I sort of understood what she meant. As I was nodding my agreement, I saw Sarah and Turko, her husband, walk up to us.

"Honey," Turko called out to her.

She turned to him, and I couldn' tell if she was happy he was joining us.

"This is Sarah. She is the boyfriend of him."

Sarah gave a slight bow to Katarina, which she returned.

"Fate is strange, huh Jim..."

She looked at me pleadingly, and I immediately understood what she wanted. I gathered my courage and spoke up.

"You know what might be nice... we could get a room, all four of us?"

I let my suggestion hang, hoping Katarina would also pick up on my hint. Turko answered first.

"I don't see why not. We're all friends, here. Honey."
"Of course. I don't mind."

I couldn't read her. Sarah grabbed my hand and started pulling me towards her. She spoke up, to everyone.

"Come on. Let's find a room."

We headed up the stairs. I noticed that while Turko and Katarina were following, they were not holding hands. This left me a little bit disturbed, but I decided to ignore the feeling. The important thing was that Sarah was well, and that she wanted me along for the ride. It wasn't the first time, and it probably wouldn't be the last.

interesting 12-30-2014 02:16 PM

A Bundle of Trials - The Swing III
--- BONNIE ---

Leonard leads me up the steps and to a small room. I walk in and he shuts the door, not completely, but just enough so no one can see inside. I find it a nice gesture : it makes me feel less confined than to be locked in a room with him. And I think to myself : we can always close it fully later.

Inside the room is a dresser, a one-place bed and a large chair. Leonard takes me to the edge of the bed, sitting me down, then faces me as he sits on the chair. I smile at him.

"Tell me about your husband."
"Boyfriend," I correct. "Barry. We've been together since high school. He was my first."
"It was the same for my Jeanine. She was my first and only, for quite a long while. What made you decide you wanted other partners too?"
"I didn't decide, honestly. When I met Barry, I was already having sex with girls..."

I see his eyes twinkle like only a man's can - or maybe lesbians - at the mention of women together.

"When he joined our group, I knew I had to have him for myself."
"I see, but... surely, you've been with other men too."
"It's fairly recent. Last spring. A cruise, actually."
"Tell me about it."

I blush. He apologizes. I smile, chasing away the shyness.

"Don't... it was a romantic getaway, and we wanted to try new things. We... swung with a few people, but it took me a while to accept another... dick in me, so to speak."
"And now?"
"Now, I'm okay about it."

He smiles. I play with my shoulders to enhance my natural curves, and he stares intently at my cleavage.

"Do you want to see?"
"If you're going to start now, I'll pop that blue pill to give it time to work," he laughs.

I'm a little surprised he's not pressing the issue, or that he's taking it so lightly. Most men I know can't wait to get me undressed.

"All right... what shall we do, then?"
"Talking is nice," he says.

So we talk. He chats about his wife again, how he loved and still loves her, how he's proud of his children and their accomplishments, how he wishes that the world was a different place than when he was young, but it's still the same bastards running the show. I talk about myself, my family, and I start talking about my dreams. I want children, I tell him. And I want them while I'm still young enough to take care of them. He sympathizes with my feelings. It's such a pleasant conversation I hardly see the time go by.

When the words die down, I am completely relaxed. He smiles almost shyly, faking it for the playfulness of the part.

"Perhaps you can remove an item now?" he suggests.

I smile back. As I start to reach for my blouse, I see him reach into his pocket and pull out a blue pill, and pop it. I am going to have sex with this man. And I feel fine about it. His skin is blemished, he has spots on his face, the small hairs on his face are coarse, but I don't care. He's a nice man, a kind man with a sweet soul, and I like him. I see his eyes widen as I take off my blouse, exposing my lacy bra.

"Now, young lady," he says, "I'm not as spry as I used to be, so I can't go on for hours anymore."
"That's fine. I'll lead, if needed."

I see him reach inside another pocket and pull out a condom. He sets it on the armrest. I get up from the bed, walk towards him and sit on his lap. I caress his hair.

"You're really nice, Leonard. Thank you."
"Every woman should be treated like a queen," he answers.

I lean in, gently placing my lips on his. He shivers from my touch. This feels amazing, and his age doesn't factor into it one iota. I get off of him, getting on my knees and I start unfolding his robe. He's wearing a sweater and pants underneath. He doesn't move and allows me to take charge. My hands slide across his chest, still muscular under his shirt.

"Wow... you work out a lot."
"I have all the time in the world, now... and I like to present myself well."

I unclasp my bra in the front, and expose my breasts to him. He's staring with intensity, and it's almost intimidating.

"You want me, right?" I ask.
"Yes. Of course I do. You are gorgeous and wonderful... but, do you want me?"
"I do."

As he stares at my chest, I start to unbuckle his pants and help him get out of them, revealing black boxers. The blue pill seems to be working, or perhaps that's just me working my magic on him. I take off his pants and slippers. He tells me to leave his socks on, that his feet aren't that good-looking with age. I obey because I want him to be comfortable. I can't repress a small laughter : I'm about to make love to a man wearing socks. I never let Barry do that to me.

I get back up and turn away from him. I lower my dress, exposing my behind in its lacy underwear. I peek back at him. His eyes are on my butt all the time I am undressing. I let the dress drop to the floor, then giggle. He looks up at me and smiles.

"You are very playful..." he says.
"And you are quite the romancer..."

I get back to my knees, facing him. I rub my hand against the bulge in his boxer.

"Are you ready to give him some air?"

He nods. I pull down on the cloth and his penis starts sticking out. I've never been with someone who is taking the blue pill, so I wonder if it affects performance in any way. I chase the question from my mind as I finish pulling his boxers off. He looks at me shyly. He's so cute, I think to myself.

"Yes,"I mumbled to myself." I'll do it. You're clean, right?"
"Of course," he says.

It's always recommended to have a condom on during the blowjob, but I sincerely hate the taste and feel of it. I don't really mind it between my legs, but not in my mouth. I grab his shaft, staring at it the whole time as I start stroking him gently. He whimpers from my touch. I bring my lips next to it : I take a whiff and am pleasantly surprised. It is freshly cleaned. Sometimes, when I do this to Barry, it smells awful, and I ask him to go wash up. But Leonard is full of attention for his lady partner.

Well, now, my mouth is full of him. I lift my eyes, and he's looking down on me, and his eyes tell the entire story. He is enjoying this, as he should. I wonder how his wife felt when she did it to him - or how she would feel if she saw me doing it. I wonder if perhaps, she's watching him from beyond, getting off on it on herself. Maybe paradise is just another place where sex is free and with no consequence. It's funny how my mind wanders.

"Bonnie... stop."

I stop and pull away. I see him panting.

"Are you all right?"
"I am... your mouth is so wonderful..."
"Do you want me to continue?"
"I want to do something else. I want to eat you up."

I smile.

"You don't have to."
"I want to."

I get up and head towards the bed. He pushes himself off the chair and walks towards me. He stays erect as he does, and I see the benefit of the blue pill. It won't fall back down for a while because all the blood is rushing to it. As I get down on the bed, I pull down my panties and take them off. He tells me to put my sex near the edge of the bed, so I comply. He gets to his knees, using my own knee as support to crouch. His face is at my crotch level. I look down and see his graying mane. He leans in and his mouth presses against my sex. I shiver from the contact. His tongue starts running along the edges of my pussy, and I whimper. I'm shaking from his touch. I'm not sure I'm enjoying this as much as he would like me to, but it's a nice attention. It only lasts a moment, but it is full of tenderness and passion.

He presses his hands on my knees to pull himself up back to his feet.

"I'm going to slide into you, now."

I notice he's put on the condom. I smile and give him my permission. He leans forward, and is inside me the next moment, without resistance. My mouth is open wide as I feel his whole length slide into me, and I can't help but remember how prejudiced I felt earlier, and how wrong I was. This man is amazing, caring, and apparently a great lover. Age has nothing on him.

His thrusts into me are slow, perhaps because he is older and has less energy, or perhaps because he wants to take his time enjoying me. I don't complain. I moan and I pant, yes, but he is deep into me and I adore it. Barry won't believe me. Not that he's here to say anything.

Leonard falls forward, his upper body weight overtaking his balance. I catch him. He apologizes. I simply smile and help him pull out. I move him onto the bed, facing him, and I straddle him, pushing myself back down onto his protected shaft. This time, I'm setting the pace and, while it's not violent, it is certainly much faster than before. Leonard's face is a constant stream of amazement and pleasure. He puts his hands on my breasts, supporting my weight as I ride him strong, allowing the pleasure in me to build so I can release.

"Oh! Fuck... Leonard... wow."
"Bonnie... oh... Bonnie..."

He repeats my name like it's a mantra. I know he wants to come, and I just need to get him riled up enough. So I press on, and my orgasm shoots in me like an arrow through my brain, almost violent. I keep at it, because I want him to get the same sensation I just felt. I want to feel his manhood shake inside me as it spurts all its load into the condom.

As I open my eyes to look at his face, I see the energy he's expending just to keep up with me. I slow down, not wanting to give him a coronary, but I keep riding him.

"Oh... Bonnie... I... love what you're doing to me..."
"You're doing it to me as well," I reply, wondering at the grammar behind my sentence.
"Can I... take you another way?"

So he hasn't come yet. I didn't think so.

"How would you like?" I ask.
"I want you on your back."

Classic missionary position. I can work with that. I pull off him, mindful for the condom to stay on. Since the bed is only one-place wide, we shift our bodies around until I'm on my back and he's on top of me. He'll be controlling the pace now. I caress his face as he steadies himself against my opening once more, pushing it in. It feels so warm now from the friction. He goes at it again with more energy than I imagined he had left. He's leaning into me, pressing hard against my chest. We lock lips as he repeatedly penetrates my vagina, eager to get his own release. Now that I've already had mine, I climb back up so easily.

Finally, I feel him tense up.

"Do it, Leonard..."

He doesn't even flinch. I feel it as he lets it all out, without a word, his hips swaying against mine as he indulges in my flesh. In the last throes of release, he starts kissing me again. I return the favor. He collapses all his weight on me, exhausted, still hard inside me. One of the perks of the blue pill, I think. My hips want to sway with it, to extract more pleasure from it, but I wait for him to recover.

All this time, I suddenly think, we haven't even closed the door.

--- BARRY ---

Lindsey drags me into the adjacent room, the public room, the one where you can have sex while others are watching. Not that I mind. Given all I've done, there's really no challenge there. I notice that her girlfriend/roommate is also coming along with her beau, the escort Alexei. I suppose there's no point in going to a common room where everyone can see you if there's no one there to see you.

"So... are you hot for me, Barry?"
"You know I am... how do you want this?"
"Fast and hard."

I'm not incredibly surprised. Sometimes, people like to move up slowly and get to the 'good parts' later. Sometimes, they just want to skip ahead. I'm fine with both scenarios. I have a thought to my own girl, Bonnie, wondering how she's going to manage her old man, but unless she comes to get me, I'm not getting involved. Besides, I apparently have my own 'situation' to deal with.

I see our friend Wendy dragging the man she's with, a young student by the name of Patrick, into the same room. She doesn't take any time to get undressed. She's wearing a leather harness of some kind under her suit that molds around her breasts and belly. It doesn't prevent any access between her legs, though. I recall the intensity of last night's game, and I can't help but feel I haven't explored that pussy enough yet. But I have my own partner now, and she's taking me to a couch.

I also see Kim, our host from the lodge, heading into the room with the Indian accountant, Yash. He's already removing his shirt, showing off his potbelly. Kim doesn't seem to mind, so why should I for her. Still, he doesn't look like a man I would let close to Bonnie. It's a judgement, I know, but I'm fine with it. Again, my mind wanders to the host of this party, Leonard, and to my girl currently with him.

"Barry... hot chick at twelve o'clock."

Lindsey's words draw me back to her. She's ready to pull her strapless dress off. I focus my attention solely on her now. She quietly slips it off; her breasts are small compared to Bonnie's, but they perk up ever so slightly. I smile at her as she drops the dress to the floor completely. She's naked underneath - no underwear. I guess she came for business.

"You like?"
"And how!"
"Now you..."
"Undress me," I tease her.

She casts a naughty smile in my direction and she moves forward. She starts dragging her hand across my clothes. I let her proceed, of course. It allows me to watch her movements as she does, but also to cast a glance at what's happening elsewhere in the room.

Fleurette and Alexei are sitting on a chair, passionately kissing. Kim is undressing, and I see her shape unveiled once more. Wendy is putting herself on all fours on a couch; I see Patrick starting to undress.

My top comes off, then my shorts. Of course, when she gets to my underwear, Lindsey takes them off facing me : I pop up in her face, already becoming hard from the visual stimulation, and bump it on her nose. She kisses the tip before moving back up and locking lips with me, pressing her body against mine. I wrap my arms around her and trade tongues with her. She smells like flowers of some kind, I can't tell which type.

"Nice kisses," she says.
"Thanks... so... fast and hard?"

I push her towards the couch.

"Hands on the couch. Lift your ass up."
"Are we going to do anal?" she inquires.

I pause. To be honest, I have never done that, not with Bonnie, not with anyone else. I have to ask.

"Do you want to?"
"Only if you want to, big boy..."

I'm quite intrigued now. Bonnie's never shown an interest, and I've never been given an opportunity. I look around the room.

"There are condoms somewhere here..."

Something hits me on the side. I look to my left, and I see Alexei has tossed me one. Right now, his partner Fleurette is going down on him, her full mouth hiding his shaft. I bend down and grab the pack, thanking him with a nod, then proceed to wrap my package inside the plastic. I move towards Lindsey, my hard-on pointing at her.

"You work your way up there, right?" she asks.

I have to be honest with her about this. She needs to know what I have - or haven't done

"I've never done anal."
"Oh... well... I'll tell you how."

It's weird. I don't feel especially aroused until my dick connects with her pussy. A jolt of electricity sparks inside my head and I ram it deep inside her. She yelps, and I realize I could have taken more time to get her ready. I apologize.

"It's okay... you're tense," she tells me.
"I'm... I guess, I am..."
"Well, pound that tension away, love..."

I get on with my work. She's hunched over the couch and I'm swaying my hips into her womb, enjoying the rush. Thankfully, the condom was lubricated, so it helps her handle the beginning of my work until her own juices come in play. I can't help but check around the room. Alexei has buried his head in Fleurette's snatch. Kim is blowing her partner. Patrick is caressing Wendy's ass, then slapping it. Some kind of bondage thing is going on there. I return to Lindsey. She's moaning hard now, but I think she's doing it for my benefit, not that I mind. She feels really good, despite the rubber. I'd like to take it off, but it's better not.

As I'm relentlessly mauling her sex, I see Alexei and Fleurette coming towards us. I don't stop what I'm doing but I look at them with a puzzled look. Alexei points to the couch. I suppose there's enough room for two couples, and the girls probably want to be close to each other. I certainly don't mind.

I stop my action and pull Lindsey sideways, my cock still hard inside her. Fleurette assumes the same position as her roommate, and Alexei imitates my own. For some obscure reason, we start pounding into our partners in rhythm. It feels a little surreal, but I certainly don't mind. I stare at his dick entering Fleurette's flower, and he seems to be staring at mine entering Lindsey.

My eyes dart again across the room. Kim is on all fours, being taken from behind by the Indian man; he's hunched over her and somehow, it feels awkward to me. Patrick is still caressing and slapping Wendy's ass, and I wonder how long they're going to be at it. I decide to stick to what's happening with and around me.

I hear Lindsey moan hard, and I know I've finally hit the spot. Her pants are constant, with every thrust, and I'm very pleased with myself for the orgasm I just gave her. Alexei slaps me on the shoulder and I'm taken aback by the gesture. I pull out from Lindsey and allow her to recover. I see Alexei follows my lead. Fleurette and Lindsey flip forward, facing us, sitting on the couch. They start kissing, spreading their legs for us to return. For a moment, I wonder if we're going to be swapping partners, but Alexei goes back to Fleurette, getting on his knees, and penetrating her once more. I do the same, and I resume my pounding into my partner while she is engrossed in lascive kisses with Fleurette. I have one hand on her hips to stabilize myself.

All of a sudden, Alexei wraps his arm around my neck. When I look at him, I see it seems to provide him some stability with his stance. Unconsciously, I do the same and we keep taking our respective partners with strength, now swaying in rhythm. I'm in for another shocker when I turn to face him, and he turns to face me. He leans in and suddenly, I lock lips with him. I'm fucking Lindsey's pussy and I'm kissing a man. And it's not a simple peck on the lips, it's a passionate, wild, tongue-lashing kiss, which I return whole-heartedly, completely out of my element.

I hear him moan as he pulls away from me, and Fleurette is screaming in pleasure as he spends himself inside her, inside the condom. I snap back to reality, realizing what I was just doing, strangely aroused at the idea. I stop my thrusts inside Lindsey and hear her complain a little.

"Dammit... I was so close again."

I stare at Alexei, and he notices my blank look.

"Sorry. I was in the moment."
"All good," I tell him.

To be honest, I'm shocked. Not that I did it, not that I liked it. I'm shocked that I want to kiss him again while I'm fucking this girl. Eventually, Lindsey's voice draws me back to her.

"I'm here. Sorry."
"That was really awesome, you two kissing like that."
"Yeah, I guess... uh... ready to try something wilder?"

I want to change the subject. I'm not comfortable dealing with this right now.

"I know what you want."

Lindsey looks at her friend, Fleurette, also spent. They kiss. Then, Lindsey moves herself up to the side of the couch, raising her ass as high as it will go.

"You're going to want to aim correctly, and it will be hard going in, but the condom is lubed up, so it should be fine."
"Tell me if you want me to stop."
"I will."

I need to reclaim my identity, it seems. Kissing Alexei challenged my masculinity. Why should it? I've kissed Thomas. I've kissed Brad. I'm perplexed. I never saw myself as anything close to gay, not even gay-curious. Maybe I'm reading too much into it.

I move behind Lindsey. I see her openings and my instinct is to aim for her pussy. But I want to try the other hole. She wants me to. I press my tip against her opening. It won't go in.

"It's not happening," I say.

She reaches around with her hand and slides a finger in her pussy, then moves it up to her ass and slides it in, playing gently with herself.

"Try it now."

I comply. It feels weird to me. I know Bonnie never wants to try that. And she never will. I'm fine with that. Doing it with another girl, though... I press the tip again and this time, there's less resistance. I still have to press on it, and it can't be that nice for her. I can't see Lindsey's face. I remind myself she wants me to do it. The tip parts the opening ever slightly and I hear a moan.

"Keep going in, otherwise it hurts."

I don't want to injure her, so I press forward and start pushing it inside. I'm catching a smell which I don't really like, but I keep pushing.

"Fuck...." she lets out, a long drawn out word.

I'm inside her anus now, and it's a tighter fit than I've ever had. It feels both awkward and warm. I start swaying inside her, and she moans. Fleurette moves to her face and starts kissing her. I'm taking her ass now, and I feel it. I understand the appeal, the tightness around my shaft. I don't know what it's doing to her, though. I am a little concerned... but it feels so good.

"You can pump..." she whimpers.

I suppose it might feel better for her if I move, so I carry out her recommendation. This time, I really feel it. I'm so close to coming already. I want to ask for her permission but I just let it go. My seed spurts out into the condom and I feel her body jerk under my thrusts. I fill the condom with my load and I cry hard as I do.

A moment later, I'm pulling out, and the comfortable feeling of release subsides as I catch another whiff of the unwelcome smell. I want to take off the condom, but I don't want to put my hand on it, so I look around for a kleenex to do it with.

As I carry out the dirty deed, I see that Patrick is finally balls deep inside Wendy on all fours, and he's not stopping until he's gotten his release. Kim is already done with her partner, apparently. She smiles at me, and I wonder how much pleasure she derived from it. She certainly doesn't seem as fulfilled as when we did it with her. But perhaps I'm just imagining things. I walk back to Lindsey whose head is resting on Fleurette's lap.

"Is she okay?" I asked.
"She's fine. She's not bleeding."
"Anal sex can rupture blood vessels back there."

I'm stunned. Why would anyone do it, I ask? Then, I remember the sensation around my shaft, and it makes sense that, at least for guys, the pleasure outweighs the pain. Alexei has moved away from us, and I can tell my reaction puzzled him. I don't really care.

I'm feeling noxious. The sex was great but, somehow, it didn't work for me, other than the physical release it gave me. There were odd smells and sensations. I want to see Bonnie. I hope she had fun.

I hope Sarah and Jim are good too.

interesting 01-03-2015 10:15 AM

A Bundle of Trials - The Swing IV [Jim]
Sarah was holding my hand tightly as we were walking up the stairs, followed closely by Turko and Katarina, whom the mixer had paired us with. Katarina seemed like a fine person to me but, for whatever reason, I felt Sarah uneasy around Turko. She needed my presence, and I was happy to be there. We checked out rooms and selected one with a queen-sized bed. There were also two chairs in the room, one on each side. I sat in one while Turko went to the other. Sarah and Katarina moved towards the bed.

"Hi," Sarah clumsily said.

Sarah seemed drunk, but I knew she couldn't be, given what I had poured her. Katarina smiled at Sarah, caressing her cheek.

"So, why don't we start, you and me, and then the boys can join in?" Katarina asked.
"Sounds good to me."

We saw them lock lips, and I sensed that Sarah's stress subsided a little. Katarina's hand was caressing Sarah's hair, while Sarah's was on Katarina's upper back. They were gorgeous together. I glanced at Turko on the other side and he seemed to agree with me.

"Are these just kisses or is there more?" Sarah asked.
"More? You like girls too?"
"I love girls. You?"
"I am okay with girls if they are okay with me..."

Their playful banter was comical. They resumed kissing, and their hands began to wander over their bodies. They started undressing each other, exposing flesh, removing cloth. Sarah was the first in her underwear and bra, but Katarina was soon to follow. She pushed Sarah onto the bed, climbing on top of her, locking lips again. I saw Turko getting up from his chair, so I waved him down. He understood and kept waiting.

Katarina cupped Sarah's breasts, pulling the cloth aside to reveal her nipples, nibbling them gently. Sarah cast a look at me, all smiles. She did seem drunk. I was tempted to stop them and inquire, but the spectacle was too enthralling. Sarah's bra came off, and Katarina covered her breasts with kisses, while one of her hands reached between Sarah's legs, under her panties. Sarah moaned as I imagined a finger grazed the edge of her pussy.

Again, Turko looked at me, wondering if we should step in, but again I told him to wait. I wanted Sarah to get as much as she could from Katarina before we joined them. I was also waiting for her traditional cue, the quick glance in my direction that told me she wanted me close. It had not come so far.

Katarina was paying no attention to anyone but Sarah. She had lowered her head to my girlfriend's crotch and, pulling the panties away, was lusciously lapping up her sex. Sarah's stare was blank, lost in the stimulation that was being given to her. Using one finger, Katarina teased the inside of Sarah's hole. The moan was deep and prolonged.

Turko couldn't stand it anymore. He got up and started removing his pants. Not wanting to leave him alone with the two girls, I proceeded to start doing the same. Meanwhile, Katarina was giving Sarah quite a run, not leaving her in want. Sarah shook from what could only be an orgasm given by an expert mouth. By that time, Turko had taken off his underwear too and was moving closer. I moved accordingly, but I still had my underwear on, though I had also taken off my top. Katarina crawled up to Sarah and started kissing her again. Turko brought his hardening dick towards their faces. Katarina turned her head and swallowed him. His eyes rolled in the back of his head. I leaned in, tilting Sarah's head towards mine, and I kissed her before plunging my eyes into hers. She seemed better, more relaxed after what Katarina had done to her. I was content. Sarah's hand reached for my crotch over my boxers.

Katarina then grabbed Sarah's head, tilting her the other way, and moved Turko's shaft towards her. She wrapped her own lips around it while her hand fondled my own package. Turko took charge, swaying his hips back and forth while Katarina held Sarah's face so she wouldn't move. Turko said something in his native language that sounded like an obscenity one would say during sex. It was Katarina who pushed Turko away, giving Sarah some room to breathe after the oral exercise.

My boxers were off. Katarina kissed Sarah, then looked at me. I crept in closer, bringing my dick closer to their faces. They both started kissing it together, taking turns wrapping their lips around it. I kept my hands behind my back to give them full control over it. Meanwhile, Turko moved about to the edge of the bed, stroking his shaft and checking out his wife's behind. He coughed to get her attention.

Still sucking on me, she lifted her ass so he could climb on the bed and get on top of her. He took no time at all ramming her from behind; she let go of my cock which Sarah proceeded to wrap me once again in her mouth. Again, I allowed her to set the pace. Turko spoke more words in his native tongue as he pushed deep in his wife's pussy.

I looked around the room and saw the pile of condoms. I went and picked up two, tossing one towards Turko. It fell on his wife's back. He ignored it, pounding into with as much force as he could muster, supported only by his feet, all the while keeping his shirt on. As I returned towards the bed, Katarina reached down, grabbing my ass, pulling me towards her so she could wrap her lips once more around my dick. Again, I indulged her, this time placing my head gently on her head for stability. I watched Sarah looking at us, and I thought I saw once more than drunken look, something unusual for her, a look I could not describe. Where was it coming from, I wondered, if only for a moment.

Eventually, Turko stopped his assault on his wife. I pointed to the condom : if he was going to do anything similar to Sarah, he was going to wear one, I insisted with my eyes. He complied with the request and proceeded to put it on. While that was happening, the two women shifted about. Sarah moved to get on all fours, her behind facing Turko's side; Kristina laid on her back, legs apart, ready to receive me. I slapped on the condom and dove in with all my energy. Kristina was beautiful, and I really wanted her, as much as I ever wanted anyone. She moaned under my care as I plunged my eyes into hers, reveling in her tightness around my shaft.

I heard a sharp moan from Sarah, so I looked in her direction. Turko was behind her, entering her. Sarah's face betrayed pain, and I had never seen that face on her before. I was too engrossed in my own penetration to act on it so I kept pounding into Katarina, whose hands reached to my ass as she pulled me in tighter.

Sarah moaned again, and it wasn't one of pleasure. Turko was taking her in sharp thrusts, and she didn't seem to like it. I was slamming so hard into Katarina that I couldn't stop : my body craved for its release, yet I knew something was off with Sarah. Eventually, she looked back and pushed Turko away and out of her. He seemed troubled as he took the step back, apologizing for whatever he had done, if anything. I wondered if had tried to take her anally. I had done that once with her, a few months ago. It had never been Sarah's favorite position.

Sarah fell to the side. Katarina finally realized that Sarah wasn't well, so she let go of my ass, which allowed me to stop pumping into her and pull out, to check on Sarah. It still took a lot of will to deny myself this pleasure.

"Are you all right?"
"I am... just... give me a minute."
"Did I hurt you?" Turko asked, apologetic.
"No, I... I just can't... not with you. It doesn't feel right. I'm sorry."
"Don't be sorry," Katarina said. "You need to be well."

Turko was, of course, irritated to be denied this, but Katarina got off the bed, going down on her knees as she started sucking him, making him forget about Sarah for the moment. Sarah looked up at me, smiling awkwardly.

"Fuck me, James."

James. She had used my full name. I helped her lie on her back, climbing on top of her. I removed the condom and positioned myself.

"Are you sure?"

I entered her, and the moan this time was right, so I started fucking her hard, pushing everything I had inside her, giving it my best performance. Within moments, Sarah's arms were wrapped around me. She was kissing my face, my shoulders, caressing my back. Everything she did brought me closer to spending myself in her until, finally, I came. She accompanied my grunt with a wail of her own, and we climaxed, together. I collapsed on top of her, exhausted and somewhat confused despite my satisfaction.

"Are you all right?" I whispered.
"Now I am."

She kissed me passionately. I didn't pay attention when Turko finally came himself, his partner allowing him to fire his load onto her chest. I only saw the end result. But my mind was elsewhere, and I knew that Sarah's was as well. I just wondered where it was, and how I could reach it.

interesting 01-07-2015 12:48 PM

A Bundle of Trials - The Swing V [Jim]
It was odd coming back down the stairs, half-dressed. I was in my boxers, and Sarah had put on her panties and bra, and nothing else. Even though Turko's ambitions with her had been frustrated, he did not seem to hold it against us. Sarah was perplexed, having faced, for once, a complete lack of desire for someone. And she hadn't been able to go through with it. It was making her reflect on herself, and that could be either a good or a bad thing.

We sat on the couch, apart from everyone else, and I brought her a glass of water. She drank it in one gulp, so I got her another.

"You're fine."
"Now I am, but... up there... there was no way I was letting that man fuck me. I mean, more than he had. It was a physical reaction. My body clamped up. I mean, he was in me, but I didn't want him in there, so... it hurt."
"First time for everything, I suppose."

Sarah seemed truly concerned about it, but I didn't want to press the issue. Not here, anyway. My eyes wandered about the room. At the moment, we were alone. Perhaps we had finished before everyone else. Maybe not. Maybe everyone else had just stayed where they were, with their partners and were now chatting away, like we were.

I heard movement from the other room, the place where the activities were supposedly public, so I told Sarah I'd be right back and went to take a look. I saw the scene unfolding. I spotted Kim with the accountant - she was done, at least it looked like it. He was resting on the couch and she was half-standing on the edge of the sofa.

I saw someone's ass pounding into a girl on all fours, and I realized it was Wendy, and the guy was Patrick. They were still very involved in their love-making.

I saw Barry standing not far from two lovely ladies, the lesbian couple (or something along those lines) I had heard about; there was another man, Alexei whom I had met earlier, standing apart. I could have stared a bit more (especially at Patrick and Wendy), but I was worried about Sarah so I headed back.

A moment later, I saw Barry coming over to our side, acknowledging our presence from a distance. He seemed distant, almost confused. I wondered if he shared some of the same concerns as Sarah. I felt like he wanted to talk, so I motioned him over, but he stayed where he was, looking back into the room he had just left. I shrugged it off and caressed Sarah's shoulders.

"I'm better now. Thanks."
"Good. I was honestly worried."
"I know. It's not like me to... act like this."

I didn't answer. I didn't know what to say. Sarah had always been so confident about sex that seeing her self-doubt was disconcerting. I just remained with her for the moment, even if she had reassured me that she was fine.We eventually saw a few people coming back, including Bonnie. She was wrapped in Leonard's bath robe, with potentially nothing under, and her face was glowing. It was obvious she had fared better than Sarah. Our host wasn't with her. Stepping down the stairs, she didn't spot Barry (as he had retreated to the other room) so she headed for us. Sarah gave her a shy smile, then got up and moved to give her a big hug.

"You look radiant, Bonnie."
"Leonard was such a gentleman..."
"So you had sex with him?"
"Yes, and it was so sweet and nice and warm... I could tell he really cared about me. We talked before, and a little after. He's resting. He is sixty-five, and I did give him quite a ride..."

All of a sudden, she smirked.

"He's still hard though. Took a blue pill."
"But he needs time to recover. How long do those pills last?"
"Not more than four hours, or else consult a doctor," I replied, quoting the commercial. "I don't honestly know."

Bonnie looked around.

"Where's Barry?"
"In the other room."

Bonnie sat beside us. She was looking at Sarah, guessing that something was up.

"Are you good, Sarah?"

I decided I'd let them talk, so I got up, a caring hand on Sarah's shoulder, then I walked towards the other room. I'd see what Barry was up to. As I walked in, I still saw Patrick pounding hard into Wendy. I would have imagined him done by now, or at least in another position, but neither had moved, and Wendy was only restrained in her vocal expletives because she was biting down on a cushion. Kim was gone, and I didn't know where she had gone. The two girls were huddled together, gently embraced in a relaxed position, post coitus.

I spotted Barry and, for a moment, I was surprised by the sight. He was leaning in, still naked, apparently talking to Alexei. Their face to face seemed very close, almost intimate. Curiosity got the better of me, so I actually sneaked slightly towards them, wanting to hear their conversation. Alexei was speaking as I started overhearing.

"...and there's really nothing wrong with it."
"Of course not, but... you told us preferred older women, right?"
"I do. Sometimes. It's complicated."
"So what we did back there?"
"Spur of the moment. I hope I didn't offend you."

Barry seemed to hesitate before answering.

"No... it was... to be honest, it was really hot. I just never imagined..."
"You never did it with another man?"

I was stumped for a moment and I wanted to walk away.

"Well, I have, you know... just not kissing the other man."

I was jumping to conclusions. I decided it was best to retreat before I got noticed. I returned to the other room and I saw Sarah and Bonnie locked in conversation, so I headed for the bar, and poured myself another rum and coke. Then, I looked around the room to see who was there, and perhaps to try to figure out what came next.

I eventually noticed Brian coming out a side door, so I walked over to him.

"Jim. What's cooking?"
"Huh... We're done."
"Well, yeah, I mean we went to a room, got frisky... the usual."
"Ok. Well, if you say you're done."

I didn't understand, so I had to ask.

"Is there more?"
"There can be. Maybe not yet, I guess you have to recover..."
"I do."
"Evening's not over. You can hang around, watch some people, talk to others. It's pretty chill. People get overeager at the start, then they lounge, and then usually hook up later in the evening again. Sometimes, there's an orgy, but today doesn't feel like it."
"No, it doesn't."

My own answer surprised me, but it made sense. Besides, if there was one, I didn't feel like Sarah - nor me - was eager to participate. In truth, the time we'd had with Kim, Brian, Barry and Bonnie had felt more intense than what we had lived here.

Even the romp on the boat with Wendy (and Dwayne for Sarah and Bonnie) was a high note. Last night had been all right, until Wendy had come along, where it had gone a little too far for my tastes, and the incident between Turko and Sarah made my time here less than enjoyable, regardless of how I had felt with Katarina or the subsequent climax with Sarah. My feelings were mixed. There was no ambiguity on that.

"Well, we'll hang around. Where's your wife?"
"Bathroom. Why? You want to swing some more with her?"

His question only remained in the air for a second.

"Well, to be honest... We're much more comfortable with you two than with anyone else."

Brian paused.

"Well, there's always tomorrow morning too."

I let him go get himself something to drink and I returned to Sarah and Bonnie. I sat down. They turned their attention to me.

"Barry's on the other side still, talking.."
"And, FYI, it's not done... we can chill here until we want to do a little more... if we want to do more."
"I'm game," Bonnie said, "but I really need to talk to Barry."

She got up and walked away. I looked at Sarah with a concerned look.

"What about you?"
"I feel fine now... I could go for a... better ending?"
"All right. We'll stick around, see if anything... pops."

Sarah gave me a big hug. We decided to simply hang out and wait for people to trickle in. A few did, but some remained in rooms. Bonnie and Barry disappeared somewhere, so I hung out with Sarah for a while. Eventually, we saw some more people potentially hooking up, and it seemed to me that, if anything was going to happen, we would have to make it happen.

Just as I was about to get up, I noticed our host, Leonard, coming back down the stairs. He had a different robe on, only this time, he didn't seem to wear anything under it. Just from that, I could tell the blue pill had run its course. I told Sarah to wait and moved to intercept him.

"Please. Just Leonard. Your name again?"
"Jim. We came with..."
"Brian and Kim, lovely couple."
"They are."

His smile was wide, and I remembered what Bonnie had said about him. He looked older than everyone, true, but he also looked spry and very much aware. He seemed truly kind and concerned.

"Did you have fun," he asked me, "you and... Sarah?"
"It was nice but... I wondered if I could talk to you in person."
"Of course."

We moved to a small section just behind the stairs.

"Yes, Jim?"
"Was there anything else planned for tonight? I mean, we had the draw but... is there a game setup, or an activity?"
"Not really. Not tonight. Why?"
"Well, my girl and me, we run better on games. But that's fine."

He smiled at me.

"Did you have issues with your partners?"
"Noting unresolvable, no."

I was amazed at how perceptive he seemed.

"Well, I'm sorry if there were hiccups. It happens, unfortunately, in this kind of situation."
"Don't I know it."

We both laughed at our own secret experiences.

"Well, if you like games, you and Sarah... why not improvise one?"
"Could I? I mean, I don't know anyone other than my friends."
"That is true... and I'm fairly certain not everyone would play. I might."
"We'd be honored, but that still doesn't get us a game."

For a moment, our host pondered my predicament. I saw the light bulb ignite above his head, and he turned to us.

"What if... I give you a challenge?"
"A challenge... Sarah might like that."
"Well, it's quite simple... people have retreated to rooms to have fun so, stroll around the rooms, and maybe get yourself invited? Would you enjoy that?"
"Maybe. It's an idea..."
"Some people enjoy an interruption to their play... and new players are always enticing."
"All right... Maybe we will. Thank you."
"A pleasure..."

I took a step back, then turned back to him.

"Would you be interested in playing with us?"
"Not right now, no... but thank you for offering."
"Well, if Sarah's willing, and we're around later... we heard some very positive things about you from Bonnie."

I saw his eyes open wide and he accepted the flattery for what it was. I returned to Sarah, light in my step. She noticed immediately.

"Our host... he's really down-to-earth. Bonnie's right."
"You're thinking of him? He is a bit old..."
"And I'm sure he would still be more comfortable than the other man was..."

Sarah nodded her agreement. She rose to her feet.

"So what do we do, then?"
"Well, he suggested we stroll around, peek in the rooms, and see if there's any place we'd like to be invited in."
"That sounds nice. Let's go."

Sarah grabbed my arm and, both still in our underwear, we went upstairs in search of someone - or many someones - to play with. I was feeling that my drive was back, and Sarah was obviously over her stress. Hopefully, we could work with that and leave this place with a more agreeable memory for Sarah - and me.

interesting 01-10-2015 12:17 PM

A Bundle of Trials - The Swing IV [Jim]
The night might not have gone as expected for Sarah and me, but we were intent on challenging that fate. It was why, after some time back in the main hall, we had decided (upon recommendation by our host), to walk around the place and look in on the various couples that might be indulging in sexual activities, to see if we could include ourselves in someone's game.

Of course, that meant either peeking through unclosed doors or actually opening them, therefore drawing attention to ourselves. It was more interesting the second part. My only concern was the man we had been with previousy, the slavic Turko. We didn't mind his wife so much, but he was a turn-off. There was no doubt about him. Anyone else seemed fair game, from what I felt from Sarah. Enough time had elapsed that I felt I could get hard again, and that was, of course, a requirement, for me at least. If not, well, Sarah could at least benefit from the encounter.

There were hushed voices behind closed doors, moans, sounds of beds creaking, sounds of sex, a few curse words here and there. We were definitely going to intrude on some activities. I allowed Sarah to take the lead, because she always liked to peek in.

The first door we reached was slighly ajar, so we peeked in. The first thing we saw was a spot of red hair, and I recognized Katarina's, near the bed. Apparently, she was giving a blowjob to some man. Sarah was able to identify him as Patrick, the man who had accompanied Wendy.

"Looks like she found herself a new toy," Sarah whispered. "Good for her."
"Want in?" I asked.
"Maybe... let's look around first."

We stepped away, and headed for another room. The next door was locked, but we could definitely hear sounds of sex inside. There were no voices, so we couldn't tell who it was. Sarah tried the handle gently. It wasn't locked, so she twisted it to get the door open. I was amazed at her dexterity as she started to push the door open, until we could get a view on the bed. The first thing we saw was a male behind, who was definitely pounding into a pussy. The girl was on all fours and the man was hunched over.

Somehow, the female behind looked familiar. It was Bonnie. Sarah was able to push the door slightly back and we realized two things. First, the man riding Bonnie was Alexei, the escort; second, there was someone else in the room and Alexei was kissing that individual. I instantly knew who it was, but Sarah peeked in a little further. Her eyes betrayed her disbelief, but she said nothing as she closed the door gently.

"Oh my God! That was Barry! Face kissing that guy!"
"It was...
"And Bonnie was sucking his dick while he and Alexei were..."
"Locking lips."
"I didn't know that about Barry."
"It don't think he did either."

I told her about the partial conversation I had overheard between them. Sarah was thrilled at the revelation. We walked away so we wouldn't disturb them. It took Sarah a moment to recover from the scene.


I had to admit, the scene was intensely erotic. They weren't small pecks on the lips either. They were involved liplock.

We arrived at another door which was also closed. It was also locked. We listened in, and I thought I recognized Kim's voice, scolding someone, but it seemed like roleplay, some kind of domination scenario. The man's voice was not audible.

"Should we knock?" I asked.
"Let's not. Let's check the other rooms first."

We moved away to a different door. It was only half closed. Inside the room, we saw a naked woman (she appeared older than most) who seemed to be giving a massage to a naked man under man. She was caressing his back. We couldn't tell his identity, but the woman, we recognized as Kaylynn, the woman who was with Alexei normally. I was intrigued, but Sarah motioned me away, dragging me towards another door. I figured she wanted to see it all before making her decision.

The next door on the list was closed. We listened in, and it seemed to us that there were three voices, two of which had peculiar accents. There were two men and one woman.

"Could it be Yash and his trophy wife?" Sarah asked.
"You mean Linn? Maybe."

We pondered at the notion of knocking, but waited. There really weren't that many doors left where action was happening, so we headed to the last one. The door was again slightly ajar, allowing us to peak in. We saw a woman's hair. Pushing the door slightly open further, we recognized her as Gail, the fifty-something lawyer. She was on her back and seemed to be enjoying herself, so we speculated someone was down between her legs. We waited to see if a voice was heard, but we could only hear her moans.

We stepped back and considered our options for a moment.

"Well, we could always join Bonnie and Barry," I said.
"No. That's their moment."
"Ok... which room then?"

The first room with Patrick and Katarina seemed the best bet, but we went through the list anyway. Whatever was happening with Kim seemed odd, and neither of us wanted to participate (even though we both wanted to be with Kim). Kaylynn's massage on a man was also tantalizing, but not knowing if it was Turko or not caused Sarah to hesitate. The room with two men didn't entice me at all, and Sarah again didn't know who was inside. The older lady Gail's oral massage from an unknown male was the second choice.

It occurred to me then that we had missed a few people.

"Where's Wendy?"
"I don't know... maybe downstairs."

We hazarded a guess and went back across the hall, down the steps, and we looked into the other room. True enough, she was there, but she wasn't alone. She was still clad in her leather outfit which covered nothing. She was on a couch, on her back and the two lesbian roommates had their tongues buried in her pussy. I, of course, immediately became aroused, wanting to be part of that, but I looked at Sarah to confirm. I could tell she was as eager as I was, but I also sensed that she wanted some dick. Mine could do, but she could get it anywhere.

"We can go back upstairs," I said.
"No. Wait."

I paused, looking at her.

"Don't tell me you don't want to join them!"
"Of course I do, but..."
"No dick? I got yours. Besides, I've had Barry's, I've had Dwayne's... haven't had Brian's yet much."

There was a moment of silence as we considered the question, but given our track record, there really was no other choice. We walked down the stairs and headed into the playroom, getting closer to the performance. Lindsey and Fleurette immediately noticed our approach, and they stopped the oral service on Wendy, who was able to take in a deep breath.

"Hello. I'm Fleurette."
"Sarah... She's Wendy."

Wendy gave a quick nod to us, still dazed from the pleasure she was being given. Both the girls' faces were at my crotch level and I noticed stares going to my boxers. The look they gave it and me brought back my arousal.

"Like what you see, I see," giggled Fleurette.
"He'd be a fool not to..." Sarah replied.

She pointed to Wendy's sex.

"Is there a room for one more in there?"
"Absolutely!" Lindsey giggled.

Sarah dropped her underwear before getting down to her knees, huddling close to the girls. She leaned in and placed her tongue on Wendy's opening. The other two girls joined in. Of course, because of the size of their heads, they had to go two by two at most. What happened was that one started going at it, while the other two started kissing, then they traded places. Sarah lifted her ass, inviting me towards it. I got down to my own knees and stared at her sex, then at those of the other two girls.

"I'm gonna need a condom," I said.

I looked around and I saw one next to the couch. I didn't take it yet. Instead, I leaned in, placing my own mouth on Sarah's pussy, and I started my own oral service on her. My neck was crooked and it wasn't very comfortable, but I wanted to do it for her. I was hearing Wendy's moans over the sounds of sex, and it was making me ready for another round. Still, I kept administering the pleasure I could to Sarah. One of my hands wandered to Fleurette's ass, just beside her. I started teasing her hole with my index. She moaned. It was already extremely wet, so I slid my finger inside Fleurette and played with her for a few seconds.

At that point, I was convinced I was going to fuck all four of them. I took a step back, lowering my boxers, and I reached for the condom.

"Who wants it first?" I asked.

There was a moment of silence which seemed to last an eternity. Sarah spoke up first.

"Start with me and work your way up."

She wanted me inside her again, and I was not about to disappoint her. At that point, I rammed into her without restraint, forgetting to put on the condom. Then again, it was Sarah. I would have to remember to put it on for the other girls. In fact, I saw them stare at me, watching me pound into my girlfriend's pussy with fierce energy. Sarah stopped on Wendy altogether, blissfully aware of my penetration, focusing solely on it. She wanted a dick inside her and I was delivering on the promise. It was all she wanted.

"Can you fuck me without the condom?" Fleurette asked.

Her question surprised me. I kept my rhythm inside Sarah as I answered.

"I won't get pregnant, promise."
"But STDs..."
"I'm clean. I swear."

Of course, I didn't want to put on the condom if I could avoid it. Sarah was in no mood to give me an opinion. At that moment, she would have accepted anything. I had to think about it, and that, in itself was an answer. I was considering it. Sarah was moaning hard, and I knew I had given her what she wanted. I slowed down to a crawl on her. Fleurette was next. I needed to decide what I was going to do about it.

I was horny and completely full of myself. I wanted her to be full of me too. I pulled out of Sarah, shifted sideways and, without reaching for the protection, I rammed into Fleurette. She yelped as I proceeded to pound her hard. Sarah turned her head, staring at me lovingly. I couldn't tell if she was aware of what I had done. I wasn't considering the implications. I was just happy to be inside a pussy and fucking it silly, and Fleurette was vocal for my benefit, rewarding my gesture with plenty of sounds. Looking up, I saw Sarah dive once more into Wendy, while Lindsey hungrily looked at what I was doing to her roommate. I was transported back for an instant to the beach with Kamara, Julie and the others... the next moment, I was in the hotel room with Jennifer and Prissy... So much pussy, I thought. The energy of that desire wasn't letting me go.

At this point, it didn't matter anymore. I pulled out of Fleurette and headed for my next conquest. Lindsey welcomed my shaft inside her and allowed me to do to her what I had done to the other two. Sarah and Fleurette were now kissing passionately; Lindsey was tilting her head back so she could look at me. I wanted to come so bad, but my body was denying me the release, like it had on the beach. It craved more and I was inclined to provide with as many females as I could gather.

That was when my gaze wandered to our host, who had just entered the play room. We all noticed him, but we didn't stop on his account. He sat on a chair across from us, opening his robe, revealing his sex which he started stroking. I wanted to call him over, to tell him to join us, but I was afraid he might decline.

I saw Sarah leave Wendy alone and crawl up towards him. As she did that, I swapped partners again, returning to Fleurette. I was determined that one of them would receive my offering, and both seemed eager to take it in. All the while, my eyes kept their focus on Sarah. She looked up at our host and whispered words I didn't understand. She grabbed his cock with one hand and gently stroked it. He smiled back. She pulled herself slightly up and swallowed it. I smiled.

"Fuck... I can't take this anymore..." Fleurette whimpered.

I froze in my thrusts. She was panting, almost fainting from the effort. I realized I was feeling dizzy as well. There was a glass of water near. I picked it up, drank half of it in one gulp, then handed the rest to Fleurette. She pushed me out of her sex before taking a sip. It was all right to take a breather. My eyes returned to Sarah. I saw that Leonard was reaching into his robe. He pulled out two things : a condom and a blue pill. Sarah intercepted the blue pill, telling him he didn't need it. She went back on his shaft, and I could tell he was reacting the way he should.

"I won't stay hard otherwise," he whimpered.
"You'll stay hard, I promise," Sarah answered him

As I was recovering, I saw Lindsey and Fleurette contemplating the scene. They moved to join Sarah on either side of him, smiling at our host. His face betrayed his sheer ecstasy at seeing these three lovely young women on the floor before him, servicing him. They caressed his legs, then started taking turns on his cock. Sarah turned her head towards me, then pointed to Wendy, slouched on the couch, her legs apart, inviting. I acquiesced and moved up.

"Yes..." she was still somewhat out-of-breath.
"Want more?"
"God yes!"

It didn't take more than that to motivate me. I was pounding inside her a moment later, watching her eyes roll over from my deep penetration. I wanted to make it last this time, but I was beginning to reach the last throes before release. I paced myself as best as I could, holding back without stopping. My eyes turned to Sarah. She had slipped on the condom on Leonard's cock. It was standing straight. She got up, facing me and away from him. The girls stabilized Leonard's rigidity as Sarah set herself up to slide down on him.

"Bonnie said you were sweet with her... be sweet with me."
"I will be anything you want, Sarah," he replied.

I saw the look on their faces as their sexes connected, his member disappearing entirely inside my girlfriend's opening. I only saw her sway up and down for a moment, because the two other girls moved in on their contact and started kissing their combined crotches. Our host, the oldest man here, was fucking Sarah and I couldn't wait to see the orgasm on her face. I was pounding so hard inside Wendy that I almost didn't feel it coming. It was too late to hold it in, and my groans were loud as Wendy collected my seed for the second time on this trip. I leaned into her as I finished pumping out everything, planting wet kisses on her nipples. I had wanted to last longer, but I was spent, truly this time.

As I pulled out and fell on my ass, I saw the pleasure in Sarah's face from Leonard's pushes into her. For a moment, the girls pulled away so I could contemplate his rod entering in and out of her. While that was happening, Wendy got off the couch and dropped to her knees in front of me, wrapping her lips around my cock, desperate to make it hard again. I allowed her to continue, hoping and enjoying. Sarah's eyes were fixated on me now, and we were both unable to look away from one another. Wether it was that sight or Wendy's play, I managed to stay hard after my release. Mindful not to waste it, I pushed Wendy onto her back and climbed on top of her, sliding my shaft inside her again, all the while staring at Sarah.

The sex lasted several minutes still. I was pumping into Wendy with complete disregard for anything but Sarah's eyes, and she was being fucked by Leonard, keeping her gaze fixated on me. Leonard couldn't take any more of it. Although I didn't see it, I felt Sarah's reaction as he ejaculated inside the condom, straight up. Sarah's face was pure bliss, having accepted him inside her and allowed him to completely dominate her, even if she had been on top the whole time. I wanted to come again so bad, but I couldn't, not so soon after coming already. I pulled out of Wendy and realized I had gone limp in-between.

There was no more in me. Sarah remained there, straddling his pole, satisfied, a glazed over look in her eye. She tilted her head and gave him a gentle kiss. We had definitely recovered the evening, and the look on her face was worth everything we had gone through. I could also see how Leonard felt, and it was beautiful. This gorgeous, older, generous man, had been handsomely rewarded for everything he had done, inviting us to his place and putting us in this room with so many charming people.

It wasn't long after that we found our other friends, dressed again, and left the party to head back to their place. Everyone fell asleep instantly upon their heads hitting the pillows, and dreams of sex invaded our minds. But other dreams as well made themselves known to us, although it would take some time for them to make sense.

interesting 01-14-2015 09:23 PM

A Bundle of Trials - The Lodge XVII [Jim]
That night, I had a lot of dirty dreams. None made any sense. Some time in the night, Sarah elbowed me in the face as she was tossing and turning, moaning like she was having a bad dream. I tried to wrap my arms around her but she pushed me away. I turned around and, the next thing I knew, she was huddled against my back, seeking comfort and warmth.

I awoke before the sun and got up to pee. While I was in the bathroom, I heard feet walking about. With all we'd done, I felt comfortable walking around naked in the lodge, so I checked the source of the sound without bothering to cover myself. It was our host, Kim. She was equally naked, and apparently getting some coffee to brew. She cast a look at me as I entered. We started whispering because we didn't want to wake anyone else.

"Sleep well?" I asked.
"Not really... to be honest, tonight was not my best night."

She paused, as if she forced herself to recall the events.

"Well, the people I was with... weren't... my favorites."
"I see. Sarah had a similar issue..."

Kim seemed concerned, so I figured I should tell her.

"The man named Turko?"

She seemed to share Sarah's opinion.

"Yeah. I ended up with him too, second time around. Did a little bondage play to get him off.. didn't let him near my pussy."
"Sarah couldn't either... what's with him?"
"I don't know. Maybe it`s us.... what about you?"
"Besides that thing with Turko - I was in the room with Turko's wife..."
"We... actually is it okay to talk about it?"
"It's fine. It's just us, and we were all there."

Given the lousy evening she seemed to have had (Yash and Turko, if I remembered correctly), maybe it wasn't for the best to tell her about my encounter. Still...

I told her about the three girls scene with Wendy, Lindsey and Fleurette, Sarah joining in, the orgy-like sex-fest, then our host arriving, and Sarah going to him. I could tell Kim would have preferred to be there, so I added details for her benefit, to get her riled up, how I swapped from one pussy to the next, how I pounded into Wendy just like at the party the night before. I saw clear signs of arousal from her. I felt playful.

"You know, I could always reprise a portion of the night's events."

It was only half a joke. Her eyes darted to my crotch where my soldier was readying for action, then back to my face. Her gaze was cold.

"That's sweet of you, but we shouldn't."
"Why?" I asked, as sincerely as I could. "I obviously want you and you want me too..."
"Yeah.. but it's the post-swinger daze for me..."

I let it go. I certainly didn't want to cause her any more undue stress. The coffee was ready. As she poured herself a cup and handed me one, she started the conversation again.

"You said one of your previous girlfriends was also named Kim. How was she?"
"Well... tell me about her."

The question seemed out-of-the-blue, but I couldn't tell why I shouldn't answer. I reached into my memories and attempted to recall details of our time together.

"Kim... she was my second girlfriend. We were serious, for a time at least. She was a happy person, pretty, really smart too. We wanted different things in life."
"How so?"
"Well, for starters, she didn't want to stay in San Francisco, whereas I liked it. I love it here. We broke up at the end of the next semester because, well, she moved away. We still loved each other, but I didn't want to follow and she didn't want to stay."

For whatever reason, my story made Kim smile.

"And in bed?"
"We weren't adventurous," I say, almost laughing. "The most daring time we had was..."

I stopped. I was thinking of Kim - my Kim, not the one in front of me. My host looked at me funny.

"Are you all right?"
"Yeah, just... wondering..."
"What if you'd gone with her?"

She moved towards me, much closer than seemed comfortable given her earlier restraint, placing a hand on my shoulder. I could sense the warmth from her body.

"We've all been there... I had a fiancé when I was nineteen. Not Brian. His name was James. Like you."
"Ok... what happened?"

She obviously wanted to tell the story, perhaps because I had shared mine.

"He was into... stuff. Kinky. Bondage play. Public exposure. He did a stunt that landed him in jail for a night."
"Nothing serious, I hope?"
"No, just silly... at some point, I couldn't take his antics anymore. Plus, I found out that he wanted to get other girls into our bed. Almost happened once. I was honestly turned on, and I was making out with this gorgeous girl, and then I realized I'd been setup. I was so pissed."

She paused, taking a sip of coffee.

"And now, look at me! I'm probably even more perverse than he ever was."
"Don't say that, Kim," I try to console her, misunderstanding the meaning of her story. "You're a wonderful person, kind, caring, so beautiful."

She smiled, then leaned in and kissed me gently on the lips. I felt my heart shake - just like when Sarah kissed me for the first time. She lowered her head, like she felt it too. Then, she nodded her head as if she was disappointed, stepping away from me.

"I should wake Brian."
"Yeah, maybe you should."

She walked away, and I was left holding the bag. Kim... Kim... Her name echoed in the back of my head. Still, something told me there would be no more partying at the lodge today. Besides, we were heading home right after lunch, back to reality.

Yeah. Back to reality. As if anything that had happened in these last few days wasn't as real as everything else. That's just wishful thinking on my part, I thought. Events like these, they have a tendency to screw with your moral fiber, and for once, I wanted things to go back to what they were. For once, I was happy with where I was, and it seemed that I could simply let go and live without consequence about what I had done - no, what we had done these last few days.

But I knew that feeling of contentment wouldn't last. Not after all this. Not after that last kiss.

This is the final section of the first part of the storyline. Though few commented, I know people were reading (or at least perusing) thanks to the hit counter on the thread. I hope you enjoyed this new visit to the world of these characters.

There are still several stories to come, and many elements will intersect between these stories. As a treat, here's a preview of what's already planned.

Chapter 2 - THE PARTY
Prissy gets in way over her head when she attends a local frat party and doesn't consider all the consequences of her decisions.

Jennifer is getting ready to shoot her first porno, but personal events come challenge her on the night before the shoot.

Chapter 4 - LIAISONS
Claire and Cassie have been together for five years, but a revelation at Cassie's job will challenge their relationship and their commitment to each other and their relaxed way of life.

I hope you keep following along. There's a lot more intrigue, action and reflection to come! Feel free to drop a note and let me know if you're enjoying these trials!

- Your interesting friend

interesting 01-23-2015 08:32 PM

A Bundle of Trials - It's A Party! part I [Prissy]
And so begins the second chapter in the Bundle of Trials... I hope you enjoy.

Blackmail. Such an ugly word. It's Scottish, you know. It's not black and it's not mail. The original word is actually 'mal', which meant agreement or speech. It was penned in the 16th century and it represented a tribute, or rent, that was paid to a Scottish chief for protection. You pay us, we protect you, from everyone, even ourselves. Extortion. It wasn't even a legal term until 1968. They called it black rent before that. Such a nast word. A bad word.

As bad as the cock that's currently ramming my cunt.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. Name's Prissy. Maybe you heard of me. Princess, but I like Prissy. I don't let anyone except a few people - my lovers, generally, call me Princess. My dad's idea. To call me that, not to only get lovers to call me that. Wonder what he'd think, seeing me on all fours, hands tied to the bed post, clamps on my nipples, while a man pounds tirelessly into me to get some personal satisfaction.

But let's go back a little bit, to a few days before I became a whore. No, the word is wrong. Besides, I'm not getting paid. And for the record, this isn't rape. I'm being blackmailed, but I'm not being coerced into sex. I know. It sounds confusing. But I would never let him do this to me if I didn't want it in the first place. But it is still nasty, as is the man doing it.

Okay. Enough about the sex for now. Seriously.

As with all my crazy stories, this one started with a party to which I was NOT invited. Emphasis on the negative, not that it's ever stopped me before. A pretty girl can get in pretty much anywhere. See what I did there? Pretty girl, pretty much. And I am very much. I know it, and there's no point not flaunting it.

I have this friend, Marq. Marquis. Best friend. Fuck friend, sometimes. Not often. Sometimes, when I need a dick inside me and I can't find anyone else, I call on him. He's good with that. He's also good with finding things to do on boring evenings. Like finding out that a fraternity on campus is holding an open kegger. There'll be booze, music, hot guys, hotter girls. Because I'm into girls too. I dated this model a few weeks back, who was introduced to me during sex games. We had a blast, truly, and I cared for her a lot, but before we could really get serious, she went and did some real porn. Well, real... we got her on camera sticking a dildo in her pussy and ass, for the whole virtual world to see. Somehow, that didn't sit with me. Don't ask me why, although I'm not the one who broke it off. She asked what I thought of it, I told her I would never fuck on camera and I didn't like that she did; a day or so later, she said we weren't good together, even after all the good times we'd shared (like that threesome with that Jim fellow or that hot date where we were first introduced by Cassie and Claire).

I'm ranting again. Story. But details are fun. Anyway.

The fraternity was nothing special except that the semester was about to start. It was a Thursday, and our first classes were the next week, starting Monday, so it was a last big score. Now, I don't study at university, because I already completed college. I work as a temp for an agency, and I meet all sorts of gorgeous people. So to me, it was like any other day (and I worked on that Friday, not that I cared). But to them, it's the end of the world. So they party hard. Hard liquor, hard dancing, hard drugs (not that I'm into that shit, but some are, and I saw my share that night). To be fair, I got there at eight and I was pretty hammered by nine, with my wingman Marq by my side. I was dancing in the living room most of the time with the other girls there, being objectified by the male population checking in on us. I don't mind it much, to be honest, as long as their hands stay where they need to be (it can be on me, if I so desire, but it's my call). Now, nobody knew who I was, so Marq introduced me as his cousin. It was funny that way. He's studying computer sciences, not that it matters here. In order to keep my buzz going, I kept the alcohol flowing at a steady pace, my wingman looking out for me all the while. He was doing such a great job at it I figured I would blow some steam by blowing him off (in the sexual sense of the word), but my mind was too gone in the rhythm to act on it.

It gets to be around 10:30 before I notice that my wingman is no longer at his seat. I mind, because he's supposed to have my back. So I head away from the dance floor like a woman on a mission, and Lord! help anyone who gets in my way. I make my way through the halls of the building and, in my half-inebriated state, I attempt to figure out what happened to him. So of course, I start coming up with only the logical explanations : he's been kidnapped and is being held for ransom; or perhaps his hidden criminal past has caught up with him; maybe he's been hired by the government to track down a rogue satellite in orbit.

He's not in the other living room. He's not in the kitchen. He's not in the dining hall. There's a lot of people here. Pretty people. I end up face kissing a few of the girls as I make my way through the house. I love the effect it has on people. I get offered a drink which I gulp down, then trade saliva with the guy who offered it. I've lost count of how many lips I've touched since the beginning of the evening - not that I usually care about these things.

Marq is not on the first floor, so I head up the stairs, tumbling my way past the people huddled in the path before me. I almost fall on my face as I reach the top. I feel hands grabbing my ass - no, they're helping me up - no, they're doing both. I turn around. The jock giggles. I slap him. He laughs. I laugh too.

I make my way to the first door on the right, and I open it. No one. I head over the next, supporting myself against the wall. That last drink really hit me hard. I didn't pace myself like the others, and I was already pretty far gone, I think. I open the next door and walk in on a dream-come-true! Nudity, yes! Win!

There she is, in all her glory, being pounded hard while she sucks on a cock. Two jocks and a babe. I'm instantly turned on, and their eyes turn towards mine. And I sense their gaze peering into my soul. I need to get out or I'll be sucked into the vortex. But it's already too late. I spend the next hour being ravaged by two very energetic studs and one very vocal cheerleader (I don't actually know she's one, but she certainly feels like it). They take turns on me, then double team me. There's so much pleasure in their bodies as I get fondled every which way imaginable. It's all a blur of bodies and flesh, and I absolutely adore every moment of it. At some point, I'm not even sure how many people there are in the room. Did other partners come in, or are my three partners just smothering me?

I wake up a little later, naked, in the same bed... My head aches, and I'm fairly certain I've got bite marks all over my body. My hand wanders across the sheets and I grope a breast. My female partner in pleasure is also there, as buck naked as I am. The daze is still there, but I'm conscious enough to touch between my legs and felt the dampness and warmth. Not the way I thought this party would go. Where's Marq? Not that I regret it - it was a heck of a ride - but I hadn't planned it like that, and now, I'm going to be wondering all week about the identity of my partners. Well, at least, I can ask the gorgeous girl resting beside me. It seems like the party's still going on, so I must not have been out for so long.

As I pull the sheets off of me, I notice something odd on my skin. My belly. My arms. My legs. Words written in marker, maybe. Slut. Cum-depot. Whore. Bitch. Lady Sucks-A-Lot. That one's actually funny. I check the girl beside me. She is equally written on. Swell. Looks like people had fun with us while we were out. I place my hand on her warm shoulder, my head still in a daze. She barely stirs. She's lying on her front, so I can't really see her face. I try to twist her around; eventually, she rolls over, wrapping one arm around me. I indulge in the sensation for a moment, then observe the contours of her face. Gorgeous lips which I end up kissing. A funny-looking nose. Nice cheekbones. Warm features. She stirs from my kisses.

"Another minute..."
"Hey... Hi."

She barely opens her eyes, looks at me and appears extremely confused. For a moment, I see her mind trying to understand why she's naked in a bed with another girl, until I see the spot of realization.

"Hey..." she whimpers.
"Had fun?"
"Name's Prissy. You?"
"I'm... Nancy... Hi."

I kiss her again, then caress her short brown hair.

"Some romp, eh?" I say.

She barely acknowledges me before she lapses back into slumber. At least, I have her name now. I'm still dazed, but I don't want to sleep anymore here. I slap my cheeks a few times, then roll out of bed. I wish I could get to know her more - she's certainly a wonderful person - but I need my clothes. Where are they? I find a sock. I had a green blouse... or was it blue? No green. It's not here. None of my clothes are there. Great. I get the fuck of a lifetime and the prank of a lifetime all-in-one. Well, I certainly don't mind walking out naked, but I don't have to. I put on my one sock and grab the top sheet from the bed, and drape it around my body. Toga. It covers all the curse words on my body except for my arms. We are in a frat house, after all. There's no clock on the wall, and I don't have my watch. Or my purse. Stealing my clothes : funny. Stealing my cards : crime. I'm going to kill someone.

I walk out of the room and into a crowded hallway. I hear a scream.


The rest of the crowd cheers on as they spot me. I smile coyly at them, then call out. Speaking loud makes my head hurt, but I'm pissed.

"Funny... so, anyway, someone stole my fucking purse... with my keys to my home and my ID... and if you don't want the fucking cops to come to this fucking party and raid your fucking asses, you will fucking tell me where the fuck my fucking purse and stuff is..."

Everyone is taken aback by my aggresive words. One boy - he looks like he`s barely fifteen, clearly not legal for the place - answers for the group.

"uh... some guy took it..."
"Guy I was with?"

No one's stupid here. They know I was getting fucked hard in the other room.

"No... those guys are downstairs..."
"Then who the fuck took my stuff?"

There's a long pause as everyone (or most everyone) seems to actually consider my question, but nobody seems to know. I sigh and start heading back downstairs. Nancy won't know. Some of the people start telling me they'll ask around, but I feel like an idiot, sleeping after sex like that, in a weird place, making myself vulnerable. It was hotter than hot, but now I'm paying the price for that awesome fuck. When I reach the main floor, I get a few toga calls but I ignore them. I look around the room, hoping to see Marq, but I don't. He's not there, and I'm in a toga, all fucked out, and I feel like shit. I should feel good about the sex, but the prank just made it icky.

As I head towards the living room, I see one of the guys - the black one with the curly hair - whom I was with in the room, chatting away with some chick. I get mad as I walk towards him. He spots me, and his smile dies as my eyes plunge daggers into his soul.

"Well, here's the fucker," I greet him.
"Hey... hi..."
"Yeah, so can I ask you something?"

The girl he's with is eyeing me like I'm her worst enemy, but I don't give a shit at that point.

"Yeah... sure..."
"So after you fucked me good upstairs, you and your boytoy..."
"My what?..."

The girl seems shocked, and I figure she might be his girlfriend, and he might have done it behind her back, but again, I don't care.

"Yeah, you and the other guy who fucked me and Nancy... you left us alone in that room after you were done..."
"Well, uh..."
"Yeah, we fell asleep. Still, someone stole my clothes and my purse..."

The girl punches him in the shoulder.

"Wayne? Did you fuck her?"
"Lady, take a number," I reply.
"Shut up, whore!" she replies.

I punch her in the face and she collapses, stunned. I don't break anything with my punch, but the party freezes. I stare at this Wayne character as I continue my interrogation.

"I don't care about the fuck, and it was great, but I need my fucking stuff."
"Look, lady..."
"It's Prissy. Know who you're fucking with when you fuck..."
"Yeah, well, I mean Prissy... it was still there when I... left the room."

He's fessing up in front of his girlfiend. He must really be intimidated.

"And the other dick?" I ask.
"He didn't take it... Me and Paulo left at the same time..."
"And you didn't see anyone else coming in? No one entered while we were fucking?"

He seems to be trying really hard, and I wish I could go easy on him, but I don't want to. All this has made me mad, and when I catch up to Marq, he'll get what's coming too.

"Well, some guy in a leather jacket walked in - like you did..."
"Describe him."
"I don't know... short hair, weird nose..."
"And then he left."
"Yeah... he said he'd come back."
"Ah fuck!"

I walk away. I want to punch everyone. I make my way towards the exit, and no one get in my way. I must look like a mess. Not the best way to make friends. No purse means no money, no home keys, no way to get inside my apartment, no phone to call a cab or a friend, and I don't know anyone's number except my mom, and I'm not calling her. Not like this. I'd rather get arrested by the police.

I walk on the lawn for a moment and I stop. I start crying. I don't cry usually, but I'm still dazed from the drinking, upset and angry, and my emotions are out of control. A girl actually comes over to check on me, and I tell her everything, how I'm just a whore and how I can't do anything right - you know, the usual. She stays with me for a while, giving me a big hug. I thank her and let her get back to the party. She did her civic duty.

Walking home it is. This is San Francisco. Walking home in a toga is no big deal. It will be a long walk, though. Two hours at least, in the middle of the night, naked under the sheets. with just one sock. Yeah. Best plan ever.

I'm barely past the gate when I see a sports car pull up in front of me. I stare at the vehicle (a convertible), then at the driver.

"Hey..." he says in a raspy voice. "Get in."
"Why?" I ask.
"I'll drive you home. Heading out, anyway."

I don't know this man. You don't take candy from strangers. Then again, you don't get fucked by random strangers at a party either. I'm disobeying all the rules today.

"Why would you drive me home?"
"Because you're in a toga..."

I don't even have the energy to argue, but I`m not riding with him.

"Bite me."

I start to walk away, but he pulls his car up alongside.

"I'll give you back your stuff..."

I freeze, and my head slowly tilts towards him.

"You have my stuff..."

My voice is ice, and I can sense he feels it.

"I'm not messing with you about that... but I couldn't resist."

He has a crooked nose.

"So... you walk in, finding a foursome going on, leave and then come back, and steal my clothes?"
"And the other girl's... but you came out first."
"Just get in the car and I'll tell you, and give you back your stuff..."

This is a bad idea, I tell myself. You'll end up getting raped, or kidnapped, or some other nonsense we see in Hollywood movies.

"Fine," I answer.

He unlocks and opens the passenger door and, with nothing but a sheet to cover my nudity, I sit down beside him. If you're gonna be stupid, might as well be stupid all the way.

interesting 01-30-2015 09:22 PM

A Bundle of Trials - It's A Party! part II [Prissy]
The things we do. For whatever reason. For daring. For stupidity. For sheer amusement. Like sitting in the passenger of a convertible with a stranger driving down the road, while you're dressed only in a bedsheet wrapped around you like a toga, because the driver in question stole your clothes, your purse and everything in it. I must be crazy.

Then again, I did just get pissed drunk at a party I wasn't invited to, and ended up in a foursome with two boys who were more than happy to fuck me hard (alongside another chick - Nancy), then leave me hanging and vulnerable. That's when mister anonymous sneaked in and stole my stuff. Which explains why I'm here, in his car.

"So..." I say, hoping for a quick answer.
"Well, uh... Princess..."
"Prissy. You don't get to use my first name, after what you did."

I see him cast a weird glance in my direction.

"Yeah, well, anyway... name's not important."
"What do you want? A blowjob? 'Cause that's as I'll go..."

My candor seems to surprise him.

"Hey, relax girl... I'm in this for the long haul."
"What are you blabbing about? Where's my stuff?"
"Well, most of it is in the trunk, and you can get them back when I stop this car."
"So stop this car."
"Easy, girl..."

I sigh even louder, to convey my frustration. He doesn't seem violent, and I don't feel like I'm about to be raped. I can fight - a few years of martial arts plus the desperation of a woman with nothing to lose. I'd go to jail before I'd let him do something to me that I don't want. I think he feels it. I continue.

"So, what will it take for you to stop this car and give me my stuff back?"
"Well, it's not your stuff you should be worried about... it's the pictures I took."
"What pictures? Me, naked in bed with another chick? Big whoop."
"Well, that... and that sexcapade you were on."

I'm angry at myself, then angry at Marq, then angry at him, then all three at the same time.

"So you took picture or video of me having sex... what do you want about it?"
"Well, I can certainly see how such items could affect your capacity to get work at your temp agency..."

I shouldn't be shocked that he went through my purse and found the reference card. He has my home address now, my phone number, everything. I'm considering doing something we'll both regret.

"Okay," I spit out, "long haul. What the fuck does that mean?"
"Well, you and me, we should, uh... go steady."
"For real? Like dating?"
"Yeah... only, I call the shots and the dates. Listen, it can be fun, and you seem like you're daring - I mean, you did get in my car in a bedsheet."

He has a point. I'm here. I suppose... I'm curious. And he's not that bad looking, except for his nose.... what am I thinking? I look at him intensely.

"Say I agree... this is the weirdest and longest pick up story ever..."
"You mean, you might agree?"
"I mean, you have my stuff, and some blackmail material, and all you want is... to date?"
"Well, maybe a bit more than that."

He's still driving, and I'm still sitting, and considering my options.

"Well, if we date, what would we do?"

He seems to ponder my question as if he hasn't really given it much thought. I'm wondering how much of all this is improvised. He stays silent for a long moment.

"Well, uh... I guess... you could be my... uh... slave?"
"Slave? I'm not wearing chains!"
"No... I mean, uh..."

He really hasn't thought this through. It's almost funny. He's like a kid with a new toy and he doesn't know how it works.

"You want sex, right?"
"Well, uh..."
"Look, whatever-your-name is...."
"I'm Jake."
"Jake, ok. If by slave you mean that I'll do your bidding, I'm fine with that, as long as it doesn't involve anything illegal or dangerous, and it doesn't interfere with work."
"Yeah, really. Geez! You look like you've never done this before."

Which he hasn't, I'm almost sure. Besides, once I have my stuff back, I can always go back on my word. I don't really care about naked pictures, or even sex pictures... or do I? I remember when my last girlfriend did her porn shoot, and how mad I got at her, and suddenly, I don't care about me being caught? But it's different, I suppose. I wasn't aware I was being filmed or photographed at the time. Still, it makes me feel a little hypocritical.

"So, you'll agree to be my slave?" he asks.
"Sure. And I'll prove it. Give me an order."
"Like what?"
"I don't know... I'm your slave, you tell me!"
"uh... show me your tits."

I pull down the bedsheet and expose myself. He has pictures of them in his phone anyways.

"Holy cow!"
"Hey! Watch the road!"

He steadies the vehicle, and I pull the bedsheet back up.

"So? Do we have a deal?" I ask.
"Yeah... sure, absolutely."
"Good... so drive me home, to my apartment - you already have the address - and we'll sit down and talk about this."
"What's there to talk about?"
"A contract, silly... We'll write down the works..."
"That way, you and I both know exactly what we get from this little agreement. Sounds good?"
"Yep. Sounds fine."

I sigh again, but only because I'm tired. I need a shower (I still smell of sex) and I want to get home. I'll handle this guy and then we'll see what happens. If I get on top of this (in the figurative sense, here), I may be able to get him to back off or at least, make his demands more reasonable. I hope.

The rest of the ride is uneventful. As we step out of the car, he goes and gets my stuff from his trunk. He wasn't bluffing. We make our way inside after he hands me my purse so I can get my keys. I live on the third floor, so we walk up the stairs. I live alone. It's a very small place, three rooms (although it feels more like two since there's no real separation between kitchen and living room (I often eat on the couch), plus the bedroom and bathroom. Now, I know what some of you are thinking. How can a girl who temps afford a place as cozy as this? I'll tell you at another time. As soon as I'm inside, I motion him to the couch.

"Just to prove I'm being honest here..." I start to say, before removing the toga altogether. I'm naked in front of Jake, but at least, I'm in my home, with my kitchen knives close.

Jake almost blushes. I guess my taking charge is really throwing him for a loop. I pick up the sheet and my clothes and toss everything into the hamper, then I return and sit on the couch, still naked, still exposed. Nudity is not an issue with me. I've been naked in places where I shouldn't have been, and I never got arrested from it because I was always able to talk my way out of it.

"So, Jake..."
"We need to pen down the contract."

I retrieve my cell phone from my bag, and I bring up a notepad app.

"So let's make a few rules very clear. You want me to be your slave, correct?"
"Well, yeah... if... yeah sure."
"Really convincing, Jake."

I see him try to act tough.

"Yeah, you're gonna be my slave and do what I want."
"All right. But we set rules, or no deal."
"Rules. Ok. Like what?"

I pause. I wonder if I need to get him to tell me what he wants me to do (sex) or if I tell him my limits. Which option works best, I wonder. I opt for the former.

"So, you will tell me what kind of duties you expect from your slave, and I'll tell you if I'm willing to do it, or if we can negotiate around it, or if it's flat out no. Makes sense?"
"Yeah, ok..."

I get up. I have decided the cell phone app is not sufficiently formal.

"We'll put this on paper."

I walk into my bedroom and retrieve a notepad and a pen. I return and sit down in front of him. My nudity is really distracting him, I hope to my advantage. I need to take charge, otherwise he really will own me. And I must admit, the pictures have me worried a little bit, despite my earlier claim. I would hate to have to explain them, and I could, and it would be bad for him, but it might be bad for me too. If it comes to that, I'll have him thrown in jail. What he's doing is illegal, but... maybe I'm weird like that, but to be honest, I am very intrigued by the process and what it can do. Then again, given my past, it's not really surprising. I have been around the block.

"So... what do you expect from me?"
"Well, first off... you should... always be naked in front of me, like now. Or wearing something sexy."
"Sure... but only in private. In public, I wear what I want..."
"But sexy."
"Yes, but I choose."
"So sexy in public, naked alone?"
"Ok. I can do that."

I write it down as the first rule.

"What else?"

He hesitates. I know he's thinking of sexual things, but he seems to want to impress me with his ideas. I let him cogitate for a moment, until he makes his mind.

"So... we sleep in the same bed."
"I guess... but here only. Not at your place."
"You have a large bed?"
"Yes. Don't worry."
"So we're agreed. I don't sleep at your place. If you sleep here, we sleep in the same bed."
"Yeah, but, what if we go to my place and you're too tired."
"Then I don't sleep in your bed... maybe on the couch, even on the floor, I don't care, but not on the bed, and not with you."
"Okay. Fine."

I make that rule number 2. I hope there aren't a hundred of these. They'll be hard to keep track.

"You make my food."
"Me. Cook? If you like noodles."
"You don't cook?"
"Look in my cupboard. Instant noodles and ready-made sauce. And fruits and vegetable. Soy milk. Eggs..."
"Uh... ok... well... no cereal or toast?"
"Gluten gives me gas. I have gluten-free noodles."
"Oh... so... about food, not possible?"
"I can cook... just no variety here. Tell you what : you want some nice food, you buy it, bring it here, or I cook at your place, whatever..."
"Yeah sure."

We hash out this third rule, and I feel I'm winning on this one, because I will have to cook, true, but it will not be out of my pocket. Two, three more rules, tops, and then I end this negotiation.

"If I get a hard-on, you must give me release."
"Like now?"

I stare at his crotch. This scene is turning him on.

"Well, yeah... I mean, once we're done with the rules."
"And I decide how, right?"
"Oh... well, a blowjob?"

He's lucky to get even that, but I don't mind. Back in highschool, I got paid to do handjobs, twenty bucks a pop. I charged fifty for a blowjob once, but it wasn't worth it.

"I'll do it, but only if the situation is appropriate. I won't jerk you off in public, for example."
"Oh... of course."

I knew things would get sexual eventually. It had to. I know men. And handjobs are among the least bothersome sexual activity that I can think of having to do on someone. You don't even have to look.

"Anything else?" I ask, knowing this will be the last rule I let him set.
"If you get horny... no, when I tell you, you need to masturbate for me."
"So I play with myself while you watch?"
"Yeah. And I can jerk off to it, or you jerk me off while you play with yourself."

I cringe. That's a little much, given what little I know of the guy, and I know it seems weird to have reservations given what I've already agreed to, but limits are set to prevent abuse.

"I'll touch myself and you can watch, but I'm not touching you at the same time."
"Fine... but you still have to do it when I tell you."
"Only if we're not in public."
"Fine. But you use a dildo."
"Buy me one, and I'll do it."

He hesitates, but finally agrees.

"Okay. My turn for a rule, and I have only one, and this is the last thing."
"What is it?"
"You get to fuck me once."

He is surprised by my words. He didn't actually expect this one.

"But, if you do, if we have sex, i.e penis in vagina, then the slavery is done, you delete the pictures and we never see each other again."

He seems to consider the possibility, and I know it's making him uncomfortable to think about it.

"Well, I have a suggestion on that one, though..."
"Go on."
"So, I agree with it... yeah... but I know you like sex."
"I do. So?"
"Well, I don't touch you but... I can tell you to have sex with other people."
"If you want... I mean, I'll point out people and... you can go with them, have your fun... If they're willing, I get to watch. I don't touch you or them. I just watch."

This seems to be a catch twenty-two.

"I get final say on if I want to sleep with that person?"
"Yeah... boy or girl..."

It's my turn to consider, but I decide to go for it.

"All right."
"But you have to say yes at least once..."
"I'll say yes if I'm in the mood, so set it up so I'm in the mood."
"Okay, yeah... makes sense."

We write down the final rules, then I review the contract and correct it, presenting him the text. He reads it and agrees. I tell him to sign it, and then I do the same.

"So tomorrow, we'll make a copy of it, and we both keep one specimen."
"I'll take a picture with my phone."
"Go ahead."

Once it's done, I put the paper aside and I stare at him. He looks at me with confused eyes.

"Are you aroused or not?"

He pauses for a moment, then his eyes widen. He places a hand on his crotch. It's not very reactive. He seems disappointed. It was much harder a moment ago.

"I can get it back up."
"Of course you can, but that's not the point. Let me know when you're actually naturally aroused. I need to take a bath now. Make yourself at home, if you want."

I head for the bathroom, close and lock the door. I stare at myself in the mirror, muttering to myself under my breath.

"What the fuck are you doing Prissy?"

It's a valid question. It is like me to take chances, but it's not like me to be stupid. I'm angry at Marq... I need to call him. He probably got laid in the right way, lucky bastard. Well, he's not getting near my pussy for a few weeks at least.

The bath is nice and relaxing and, for a while, I forget my predicament, that is, until I hear a knock on the door.

"Can I come in?"

I pull up from the water and reach around. The room is small enough that I don't have to phyically get out of the bath. As I open the door, I get to stare at Jake's junk, hard as can be. He's taken off his bottoms but kept his shirt and jacket, and he's eyeing me with the expected lustful stare.

"You want some?" I ask nonchalantly.

This is a great start, I tell myself. Well, I made my bed (figuratively speaking), might as well lie in it. I know someone who's going to be sleeping well after this. And I work in the morning. Fuck my life.

interesting 02-04-2015 08:20 PM

A Bundle of Trials - It's A Party! part II [Prissy]
There are seven rules.

#0 - The slavery will not interfere with professional duties
#1 - Sexy in public, naked alone
#2 - Sleeping together : only at HER place
#3 - SHE will cook what he brings her
#4 - HIS arousal will be relieved with a handjob, unless the setting is inappropriate
#5 - SHE will climax herself on HIS command using the tool he bought for her, unless the setting is inappropriate
#6 - HE can direct HER to another partner for sex; she may decline the offer; if she accepts, HE may watch without interacting if all partners are willing
#7 - If HIM and HER have sex, the contract is off

HIM or HIS being Jake. HER or SHE being me, Prissy.

So, it was around 2AM last night when I got to bed. Minutes before, Jake was in the bathroom, blowing his load all over my chest after I gave him the best handjob money couldn't buy, because it was free. I used to get paid 20 dollars in high school for this. I should probably have included that in the contract, but then, it would be prostitution. He was, at least, really grateful and thanked me profusely. The hardest part was actually joining him in my bed after I was done with my bath. He was naked, of course, and almost already asleep. I didn't want to get in bed, but I had to get up at seven to get to work at eight-thirty.

I managed to slide under the covers, nude of course, and rest on my side of the bed. I didn't have difficulty falling asleep, but the problem arose with the morning, when my alarm beeped. Jake was huddled against my body, his arm wrapped around my chest. Not only that, but I felt his hard-on pressed against my butt cheek. The alarm had also woken him up. I hurriedly jumped out of bed and headed for the bathroom, still foggy from the previous night. I hit the head and tried to go to the kitchen but Jake, seemingly more awake than I was, cut me off, his naked form blocking my path.

"Jake, I have to get ready for work..."
"I know, but..."

I pushed him against the wall without a moment's notice and got down to my knees. My right hand wrapped around his hardened shaft while my left hand grabbed his testicles so I could massage them, keeping them warm.


I was jerking him off again. Boys and morning wood! I didn't look up. I just stared at the manhood which my hand was massaging. I figured I had about ten minutes to make him come if I didn't want to be late. It was something I could manage.

"Prissy... yeah... stroke my rod... you got golden hands..."
"Jake, shut up and enjoy."

His words were not doing it for me this morning. From my vantage point, I could see the time on the alarm clock in my room, and I started to count the minutes. 7:04. He wasn't even panting, or did not show any signs of release. I renewed the pressure and milked him hard. 7:05. Still nothing. I kept at it. 7:07. 7:08. He wasn't coming. 7:09. Fuck! I was going to be late.

"It's not working, Jake," I mumbled.
"Oh... it's working all right."

By that time, I had swapped hands twice, to no avail. He felt it, of course, but he wouldn't climax. I was tempted to call it off, but my pride was hurt.

"Damn it, Jake... but don't expect something like this every morning."

He barely had time to stutter before I wrapped my lips around his cock and started blowing. This time, he moaned, and hard. I sensed his shaft tightening inside my mouth. I had a choice : allow him to blow his load inside my mouth or pull away and let him squirt everywhere, possibly in my face. Unfortunately for me, he enforced the choice, because his hand suddenly went to the back of my head and he started spurting in my mouth. My reaction was instantly to pull away (he wasn't holding me very strong), so the rest of it went on my face. As I spat the cum out of my mouth, I heard him grin.

"Fuck Priss... that was the bomb."
"Yeah yeah..."

I got up from the floor and headed back to the washroom to clean my face.

"Jake, make yourself useful and clean up the floor in the hall."

When I got out, I was pleased to see he had done as asked. I headed back into my bedroom to grab some clothes for the day. I wasn't gonna be late by much, if even. I told him to get dressed. He asked why.

"You're not staying here while I'm working."

Again, he complied. At least, he was cooperative when it really mattered. I shoved him out the door, and told him not to call or text me until after I was done, which was after five in the afternoon. His exit wasn't ceremonious, but I needed my space to collect my thoughts. As I closed the door on him, I paused, taking a long deep breath. Then, a slew of curse words spewed forth:

"Fuck you, you stupid cunt... you're such an asshole for agreeing to this shit... why the fuck would you agree to become someone's slave?"

I slapped myself hard, almost as if I was punishing myself. Despite my harsh words, I knew why I had agreed. Boredom. Sheer and utter boredom. My life was boring. I didn't have a boyfriend, or a girlfriend, and I temped out my time to do filing and secretarial work. I didn't have ambition or drive. When I wasn't working, I hung out everywhere and nowhere. I infiltrated parties where I wasn't invited in order to get some thrills, and I indulged in sex because, well... it was fun. It wasn't boring. And this thing with Jake, well... he had piqued my curiosity. And it was new.

I needed to get going. I grabbed pop-tarts while finishing to put on my dress and blouse, and hurried out the door. I had missed the first bus, but there was one every ten minutes. I made it to the office just in time, crossing the city, my mind wandering to the blowjob I had given this morning. I had actually put him in my mouth - even if that wasn't part of the deal. I felt angry at myself for losing it, for being rushed into it, and for failing to uphold my own standards. That honestly didn't bode well in the long run, I told myself.

The morning was boring at work. Filing and more filing. At my break, I smoked a cigarette, borrowed from a coworker. I immediately regretted it and wondered why I had given in. In high school, I had taken up smoking, but I quit as soon as I entered college. Now, the habit was back. The frustration was clearly behind the relapse. Going back in, I slapped myself even more before returning to work.

A text message came in just before lunch. Marq. I read it.

"Am sorry. Can wii meat?"

Stupid auto-correct. Stupid Marq who let me get stupidly fucked and stupidly wrapped up in a blackmail scheme. I should blackmail him! I know all his dirty secrets. I reply :

"Feeling guilty for abandoning me?"

I wait for his answer.

"Goth a grill... girl... did not want to share..."

Because I would have obligatorily wanted to take part in a threesome. I probably would have. He adds:

"When I come back, you where gone."

I want to be mad at him.

"Well, you left me hanging, so I got into trouble. Happy?"
"What trouble!"

He can't use text messages. That needed a question mark, but I don't want to call him.

"Not important. Busy. Bye."

I want to put the phone away, but I linger. He sends a sad face emoticon. Then he sends me virtual hugs and flowers. Arrgh! I reply.

"I forgive you."
"You mean lunch, and yes, I'll meet you for lunch."

We agree on a restaurant, so when my shift breaks for noon, I race out across town to meet up with him. It takes me fifteen minutes to get there and, when I do, he hasn't arrived yet. I curse his name under my breath and get in line to order food. I have an hour.

He gets there around 12:30 and he's really apologetic now. I'm already eating, so I tell him to sit down. He can get his food later.

"I'll drive you back to work. I swear."
"You'd better. Here, have a curly fry. Now... you left me hanging."
"I'm sorry."
"I was drunk, and I lost sight of you, and I got weird."
"I... this girl, she..."
"Yeah, I know. She took you somewhere and you had sex."
"Me too. I had sex."
"With a girl?"
"No. Yes... Doesn't matter. The point is, you left me hanging... you were my wingman."

I down a large piece of salad.

"You said you got into trouble...?" he asks.

Do I tell him? What do I tell him? Am I still pissed at him?

"I went looking for you, drunk as shit... and I wound up in a room where... stuff was happening."
"So I joined in... I had a lovely foursome with three people I didn't know."
"You enjoyed it, at least?"
"That's not the point, Marq."

Maybe I'm talking too loud. It seems to me like people in the restaurant are listening in. Not that I care, but it means I can't talk to him about the other part. Maybe I don't want to. Maybe he doesn't deserve to know.

"I'm so sorry."
"Well, I'm still pissed at you, so no sex for us..."

He lowers his head.

"That girl you were with? Was it just a one time?"
"Yeah. I guess. Didn't even get her number."

I'm satisfied that he got dissed after the fact. It's enough revenge for me.

"I'm going to have to get you back, you know."
"Yeah. I'll drive you."

Poor thing. He didn't get to eat. It's his bloody faulty. If he'd been there on time...

The rest of the afternoon is nice and quiet. I'm a bit more relaxed now that my issue with Marq is resolved. I've practically forgotten about everything when Jake's text comes in, a little after 5pm, while I'm waiting for the bus.

"Hey slave."

We're going to instant message each other? Fine. I reply.

"I'm done for the day."
"Come cook supper my place."
"Sure. Come pick me up."

I give him the street corner and I go sit on the bench. Am I going to be spending all my weekend with him? Not that I had any plans, but it is somewhat disturbing. I'll have to manage some time alone, without him, if I'm going to survive this. I'll talk about it as soon as I get in his car.

It still takes him forty minutes to arrive. I climb in. The top of the convertible is closed, even though it's a sunny.

"Hello Jake."
"Prissy... sorry, slave."

He laughs at the word.

"Call me anything other than my real name."
"Done. There's food in the backseat. Picked it up on the way."
"Ah! So I have to cook with what you bought?"
"Fine. Drive on."
"Before we go..."
"Flash me your breasts."

I indulge him, pulling my top up and unclasping my bra. In fact, I take it off and put it in my purse. He sneers at the round flesh and nipples, then starts driving off as I pull my top back down.

"So... I have to tell you about my place."
"I have roommates."
"Swell... you know other people are considered public, right?"
"We could argue the point but fine. For now at least."

He seems more confident than yesterday. Perhaps my acceptance has emboldened him.

"There's the three of us," he continues. "Henry is in his last year as a medical student, and he's got a girlfriend, but we rarely see her. Winston is black. He's studying electrical engineering."
"And what do you study?"
"Nothing much... just the odd class here and there."
"But what's your major?"
"I don't know. I used to do auto mechanics, but I flunked out."

Wonderful. He's a quitter. Just the kind of man I want pulling my buttons.

"So, to make this simple, we'll say you're my girl, and we're sort of dating..."
"Sort of?"
"Like modern friends, or something."

I've already whacked him off twice, and he's seen me naked. Modern friends it is.

"Check in the glove box."

I open it. There's a long black-ribbed dildo inside.

"The toy I bought for you."

It's a little bigger than what I have at home. Men and size!

"Why don't you play with yourself while I drive..."

It's not a suggestion, not with the contract. I take the toy out of its packaging, quickly checking the instructions. It vibrates, but only one setting. Should be sufficient. I apply it against my pants as I part my legs.

"Um... without the pants?"
"You want me to take off my pants in the car?"
"No one will see."
"Just focus on the road, and don't get us killed."

I take off my shoes first, then I maneuver my butt to pull down my pants; my panties come along with it. My bottom half is exposed on his warm leather seats.

"Don't micro-manage me, Jake... let me do this my way. You want to see me orgasm, right?"
"Well, hear me, since you'll be focusing on the road, right?"
"Oh! yeah sure!"
"Because you know, this ends if we both die in a car crash!"

I feel like I'm managing him, but perhaps I have to. People rarely consider the full consequences of what they do, and I've been around the block more times than him. I act out but at least I'm aware of it. Mostly.

I activate the vibrating function and place the black dildo against the edges of my sex. The contact is immediately intense, much stronger than expected. Geez! At this rate, I'll be climaxing in no time. I pull up my shirt to expose my breasts. With one hand, I start kneading them. With the other I apply the dildo against my opening and let the rush drive me upward.

This is more exciting than I imagined it would be. I want this. I start moaning heavily. I decide to close my eyes, and I pray that Jake keeps his focus. I don't even need to slide the dildo inside me : the vibration alone is doing wonders for my stress.

"Make it loud," he tells me.
"Ooh... fuck... so good... wooh... oohh..."

I exaggerate the sounds for his benefit, but it still feels amazing. At least, he got me one that works on me!

"Oh! Geez! Jake... wow."

I sense the car stopping after a hard turn. I risk opening my eyes, and see we're inside a parking, between two vehicles. Jake is fumbling at his pants, trying to whip it out. The hand on my breast wanders to his crotch and, as soon as he is exposed, I grab it and start wanking him, while I keep the vibrator pressed against my labia. I'm going to come soon.

"Fuck... Jake, can I come... please?"
"Yes... Come... make me come too..."

Well, I won't be able to do both at the same time, so I decide to focus on myself first. The vibrations finally hit their mark and I climax; I hold back the screams but allow my face to twist in all of the correct ways. He's staring at it the whole time. I allow the sensation to die down between my legs before resuming my hard work on his shaft. I'm using both hands now. This is the third time so far, and I'm enjoying seeing him squirm under my care. Suddenly, he blurts out.

"Fuck... I don't want to stain my pants."

Only his cock is pulled out. If he releases, it will splatter all over his nice jeans. It seems appropriate to let it happen, but...

"Well, what do you want me to do about it?" I asked.
"Can I... come into your mouth?"

I hesitate a moment.

"Fine, but I don't swallow, and you'll owe me something in return. I can refuse a future request."
"Get a kleenex."

He's already been in my mouth that same morning. I lower myself onto it, wrapping my lips around his cock. I can't see his face, but I know what it must look like. He is getting quite a deal so far with me. I go at it for another minute, using my tongue and lips to best efficiency, until he finally releases into my mouth. It is difficult not to swallow as more and more pumps into me, but he finally spends himself, and I pull away. He hands me the kleenex and I spit out everything, saliva and cum, into it.

"I need a drink¸" I say.
"Wow... can we amend the contract so you blow me instead?"

I suppose the harm is already done, but if we change one thing in his favor, I can certainly implement my own modification.

"I accept... if you agree that I get my weekend days off."
"I'll give you mornings, evenings and nights. But I want my lunches and afternoons."
"uh... but what about food?"
"I can prepare something in advance."

He pauses.

"So... blowjobs instead of handjobs for your afternoons?"
"And lunches."
"Okay, amended."

I see his wicked smile. I guess I should get used to the taste of his cum. It's gonna be part of my ritual now.

jklivin 02-05-2015 03:16 PM

This is really good glad I started reading this.

interesting 02-07-2015 10:54 AM

A Bundle of Trials - It's A Party! part IV [Prissy]
These were the amended rules, after our chat in the car.

#0 - The slavery will not interfere with professional duties
#1 - Sexy in public, naked alone
#2 - Sleeping together: only at HER place
#3 - SHE will cook what he brings her
#4 - HIS arousal will be relieved with a blowjob, unless the setting is inappropriate
#5 - SHE will climax herself on HIS command using the tool he bought for her, unless the setting is inappropriate
#6 - HE can direct HER to another partner for sex; she may decline the offer; if she accepts, HE may watch without interacting if all partners are willing
#7 - SHE is allowed to be free from Lunch until afternoon on weekends
#8 - If HIM and HER have intercourse together, the contract is off

HIM or HIS being Jake. HER or SHE being me, Prissy.

Funny how the best plans always get sidetracked. Then again, this isn't even remotely a best plan. It's not even a plan. I'm not sure what it is.

So you already know this ends (or maybe it doesn't end there, but at some point, it happens) with my brains being fucked out, and so there goes the contract, right? But what you still don't know is how we get there, and why I agreed to partake in this enslavement blackmail scenario. You already know I'm promiscuous. If you've been reading, you know I used to give handjobs for twenty dollars in high school. You know I got into this awesome threesome-foursome with friends. You know I also participated in an orgy with six or seven girls and one guy. You know that, when I get drunk, I get horny and I usually get fucked, and I like it. By that point, it probably isn't hard for you to figure why I'm going along with Jake, why I'm allowing him to use me like this. I am using him on the same level, I guess. In a way, it's almost comforting for someone like me, a drifter, to get an anchor somewhere, even with a jerk like Jake.

It's partly why so many women remain with their abusive husbands. But this isn't a debate on that. Sorry to get all philosophical on you all.

I get to meet Winston, Jake's African-American roommate. A jock. Likes sports, likes girls, keeps undressing me with his eyes, can't believe Jake's luck at landing my ass. Did I mention I'm very beautiful? That's what everyone tells me anyway, and I have a tendency to believe them. Winston is good-looking, I won't deny it, but it seems obvious to me that the clause in the contract about having me get intimate with someone... well, that someone is Winston. I only hope he's not in on the blackmail scenario, or I'll have to call it quits. This is between me and Jake. I'll pretend to be his modern friend, but I am not allowing a third wheel to alter the dynamics of power here. I think Jake understands. I hope he does. I'm actually enjoying the attention and I don't want it to end, but I'll break it off if the situation warrants it.

"Prissy's gonna cook us supper."
"Sweet. Tired of ramen!" Winston says.

If only he knew that's what I usually eat. It's not that I can't cook (my mother saw to that) but it is painstaking. I check the groceries that Jake bought. Potatoes. Onions. Ground beef. What am I supposed to do with that?

"I can cook," I tell them," but you might have to help."
"How?" Jake asks.
"Well, it depends on when you want to eat. It's past six, and things take time to cook. Are you really hungry?"
"Famished!" Winston replies.
"Fine. Then I need you two to chop the potatoes and onions while I work on the beef. Can you do that?"

Jake didn't expect to have to work. Then again, he doesn't seem to have much life experience. Winston gets a knife and a plank, and starts cutting up slices. I divide the portions, taking into account the appetites of jocks.

"For tomorrow," I tell Jake, "I'll give you a list of things to buy."

We start preparing the food. Winston tries to make conversation.

"So, um... Jake tells me you met a at party, last night?"
"Yes. I wouldn't say he was my first choice, but he was the obvious one."

Jake is feeling uneasy with my answer. I don't mind. He's funny when he's squirming.

"And, uh... he said..."
"What did you tell him?"

Jake is as awkward as before. I hope for the right answer, the one that doesn't have me storming out of there.

"Well, I told him I drove you home after your stuff was stolen at the party, and uh, well... I spent the night at your place."
"Yes, you did."
"Did you get all the stuff back?" Jake asks, keeping his cover.
"Most of it. Still missing a few items."

That comment is directed at him. I want him to know he isn't forgiven for what he did, even if I'm actually enjoying myself now. He goes back to cutting onions. Winston picks up the conversation.

"He... told me you're really wild. Like daring and stuff."
"I am. When the occasion is right."

Thankfully, most of the food is ready for cooking by that time. I go to work on the stove and set everything up. I tell them it will be ready in forty-five minutes. Winston gets up and goes to their living room and resumes the game he was playing on his console. I sit at the table with Jake.

"You're gonna ask me to fuck him, right?"
"Well... thought had crossed my mind."
"And you get to watch?"

For the first time, I see illumination in Jake's eyes, as he whispers his answer.

"Prissy, last night, I walked in on the four of you all sexed up... I couldn't look away. You looked so hot with that black guy's dick in your pussy..."
"Thanks for the graphic."
"I mean it... and then, taking turns, with the girl... It was the hottest thing in the universe and... and I want to see it again. I want to see your face change when a guy fucks you and... well... it doesn't have to be me."
"So you really are a voyeur?"
"Guilty. I didn't plan it, not really but... wow."

I don't know how to feel. Flattered? Used? Ecstatic? Worried? They all seem to fit the bill, but no emotion does it fully.

"So... yeah, I want to see him fuck you."
"I get it, Jake, I do... But... blackmailing me into it?"
"Well, it's just a game... right? I mean, you're not really my slave, I don't really own you, right?"

He doesn't. And it's just a game. A sexy, hot, passionate, degenerate game. And I feel wet just thinking about it.

"The point is, Jake, what you did is wrong, and anyone but me... for fuck's sake, you took advantage of me."
"But... yeah I did. Listen... it's not the first time I did something like that."
"I didn't think so."
"One time, well... it backfired. A lot. Was about a year ago."
"Tell me about it?"
"Some other time. Look, I learned my lesson about going too far so... if you want out... fine."

I smile at him.

"But that's the point, Jake. I don't want out. If I really wanted out, I wouldn't be here, and you'd be in jail."
"So... you want to continue?"
"I didn't expect I'd be giving you blowjobs, but I did. And, honestly, it wasn't so bad. You're a jerk, yeah, but you're definitely not the worst. The guy I was with, in the room..."
"Well, he was cheating on his girlfriend behind her back, with me and the other girl. That's a jerk!"

He seems to understand my point.

"So I'll play along... we'll enjoy it, while it lasts. You enjoyed it so far, right?"
"Hell yeah... to be honest, I haven't had a partner in years."
"I wonder why, if that's your approach to dating."

He looks guilty, but it's a smile I read behind that face. I guess we needed to air things out.

"So," I finally say, "if I'm going to end up screwing your roommate - and he is kind of hot - we'd better make sure we set the right mood."
"Sure. What do you have in mind?"
"Strip poker. Do you think he'd play?"
"Yeah... that sounds nice. Wish we had more girls, though."

I wonder for a moment if I know any. There's Jennifer... she'd be up for it, but I don't want to see her. My mind wanders to Suzy, my other ex. We only dated for a week, and I dumped her. Not the best call. I think of all the other people I met at the orgy last April. I think of Jim and Sarah, but again, I don't know them well enough. I also don't have their numbers, neither do I have the other couple's, Bonnie and Brian. Claire and Cassie won't come if there's other guys. I'm running out of options.

"Know any girls?" I ask.

Jake laughs, and I see why.

"What about Winston? Do you think he's got a little black book? Seems like a stud."
"Well, I have seen him date a few girls here and there, but..."
"Let's ask him."
"Well, if we want to plan ahead..."

Jake is still unsure about this.

"So you'd really hold a strip poker game with strangers that could end up with you being fucked?""
"Yeah. I've done worse. Or better."
"Wow... I hit the jackpot when I decided to blackmail you!"

We hear Winston's voice coming from the other room.

"Heard my name. What are you two babbling about?"

I motion for Jake to ask him, but he freezes up, so I have to take the initiative. I get up and walk towards him.

"We were thinking about what to do tonight?"
"Yeah. So?"
"Well, if you're up, I like playing poker."
"Poker. Sure. I've played."

He pauses, looking at me.

"Strip poker?" he inquires.
"Why not?" I answer. "I get to see little Winston if I win. Or is it big Winston?"

He blushes. I continue on the offensive.

"One condition, though."
"Name it!", he replies, eager for me to accept.
"I don't want to be the only girl tonight."

Winston freezes, his mind racing to figure out whom he can call. Jake joins us.

"What about Henry and Dara?"
"They won't be back until tomorrow..." Winston replies.

He pauses his game and races to his room. We let him be, returning to the kitchen. He's there for the entire length of the cooking. I set the table and call him in. He brings his cell phone to the table and is apparently texting people.

"It's a lot harder than you think, inviting people to strip poker," he complains.

I laugh inwardly as I serve the food. We eat quietly. Winston is absorbed in his task and he barely looks up from his plate and phone. I might still agree to play even if he can't get another girl in here, but I would prefer him to succeed.

As I start picking up the food, he calls out victory.


He looks up at us.

"My friend Charity will be there. She's... a little... plump... but she'll be there."
"Is that the one I met at the park?" Jake asks.
"Well, she's got the best tits in the house, to be sure," Jake said.

I don't like the fact that Winston is judging her on appearance alone, calling her plump, but I suppose it can't be helped. Jocks will be jocks.

"Anyone else?" I ask.
"I sent about ten invites, so far, half have said no."
"What about Crystal?"
"That would have been hot, but she already has date tonight."
"Tell her to bring her date over!"
"I guess it can't hurt to try."

I leave them to their planning and start inspecting the house, bathroom first. Toilet seat is up. Bath is dirty. A boys' apartment. I check out Jake's room. If I sleep here, it won't be in his bed. The floor is filthy. I call Jake and he rushes over.

"Jake, I'm only going to ask once. Your room is filthy, there's clothes everywhere, and if I'm going to be spending any time in it..."
"Okay. I guess I can clean it up a little."
"Would you? Please?"

I bite my tongue as I continue.

"Clean it all up and I'll agree to sleep in your bed."
"Yes, but only if it's clean to my standards."

He considers what I just asked.

"Tell me what you want."

I'm pleased at his cooperation, so I direct the clean-up. Clothes are put away in the hamper, he uses a wet sweeper to pick up most of the dirt. He tosses the bedsheets into the washer and gets out a clean set. I help him put it on. He changes the pillow casings too. I'm really impressed by his attention to detail. It takes him an hour to do so. The only thing we don't do is dust.

"So Crystal's not coming," Winston says, walking in on us.

He freezes as he notices the state of the room.

"What are you doing?" he asks Jake.
"She's sleeping here tonight."
"Oh... Fine. Whatever. Your room."

Winston goes back to his texts.

"So two more refusals, and I sent another text to this girl I met once... maybe, I don't know."
"So no other replies?"
"Other than Charity? No."

There is a pause, until Winston speaks again.

"Are we really gonna play?"
"Why not? Unless you don't want to see me naked."

I see the effect my words have on them. I guess, with everything clearer, it's easier for me to play into the game. I check back with Jake and he's smiling. It's obvious things are going his way, and I must say, I can't complain either.

We'll just wait for this new friend Charity to show up, and we'll see where it goes.

jklivin 02-07-2015 01:27 PM

I love strip poked but I love anything involving stripping

interesting 02-09-2015 07:02 AM

A Bundle of Trials - It's A Party! part V [Prissy]
Winston's friend Charity arrives a little after 8pm. She is a pudgy girl, but has the cutest hair and face. Plus, she laughs a lot. One of those people that doesn't get her appearance stop her from enjoying the good things in life. I instantly like her, even though Winston seems to look at her with some distance. I'm certain they have a history together, a drunken night of passion or just an unintended hookup. Regardless, she seems very happy to be here, saying that she's never played any form of strip game. I observe her curves under her dress and I'm a little envious. Sometimes, I feel like I'm all skin and bones. I don't want to say I have a eating disorder, but I sometimes skip meals altogether. Charity, on the other hand has flesh to spare, beautiful flesh that seems so comfortable. She would be the perfect pillow. Besides that, she has an impressive chest which I hope we get to see later. But I suppose that's the plan.

"No one else is coming?" Charity asks.
"No," Winston replies, seeming apologetic.
"Their loss," I say.

Introductions have already been made. Charity's a student as well, public relations. I can see her well in that field, shuffling about and making connections, smiling her way to the top of the pyramid. I honestly can't wait to see her naked. I know I'm repeating myself, but I love female bodies of all shapes.

It doesn't take long for us to sit down in the living room. For the heck of it, we sit alternating boy and girl, so I'm facing Charity. There's Winston to my right and Jake to my left. Essentially, we start handing out the cards and begin play. The rules are really simply. We're all given a set of chips. We start betting them. If we lose all our chips, we can trade one item of clothing for a few more. And so on. And no buying back of clothing. It's already agreed beforehand that, if someone gets naked and they want to keep playing, they have to wager something to get more chips in.

Before we get the game started, I have a discussion with Jake, or rather he has one with me.

"So, since there's a bit of random in a game... what if it gets to you and I having sex?"
"If we have sex," I remind him, "the deal is off. I'll blow you... I'll even let you eat me out, if it comes to that... but your dick stays away from my pussy - and my ass, just in case you think you can get fresh with me."

Ready to play, Jake starts handing out the cards. It's a long game, and I don't keep tally of who wins or loses, because I'm more focused on seeing people strip. As it turns out, Charity can play a mean game of poker. She doesn't score all wins, but she does manage to defeat or bluff successfully. I end up on the losing streak, and I'm the first one who has to cash in clothing for chips. My top flies off to the corner of the room and I remain in my bra, smiling the whole time, as the game rolls on.

Next, it's Winston's turn, and I finally see his black skin and the hard core of his toned body. He is a jock, all the way to the abs, not that I mind. He rocks them hard, and I can clearly imagine him rocking me hard.

Jake scores a few lucky breaks and it's Charity's turn to lose something. She trades in both of her socks for the chips she needs to continue. I check out her feet. They're pretty. I like feet because I like shoes, I suppose, although I'm no fetishist. But perhaps my friend Winston is, from the way he's looking at them. That's cool.

Finally, Jake gets to take off his shirt. I realized that, for all the nudity I've seen of him, I've never actually seen him topless. He always had a shirt on when I was performing orally or manually on him. He reaches up, and he's not that bad looking (although he is one step removed from his roommate's cut physique).

Since we all have less chips due to trades, chances are this game is going to accelerate. It does, in fact. It takes no more than two turns for people to start losing more. Charity wins and gets Jake who went all in to pull his pants off. Nothing new for me there, seeing his junk hidden under his boxers, but I can tell Charity wants in. It might work out if things get physical: I could always end up with Winston while Charity and Jake venture off. We are supposed to be modern friends, after all.

The next round has Jake blowing all our minds as he bluffs us expertly. We all end up having to trade in an item. I let my pants go in exchange for chips, revealing the practical underwear I put on this morning (I was working all day, after all). Winston also gets rid of his jeans, and I get a better understanding of what he's packing, and it's nothing to be ashamed about, I have to say. But my eyes are really drawn to Charity, removing her dress, exposing her gorgeous naked full figure, her large breats supported by the largest bra I have ever seen, and the cute matching underwear. She wears it well.

Everyone's really excited now. We're joking, passing drinks around, so we're all getting a little tipsy. I am controlling my alcohol intake so I don't lose it (I don't want a repeat of the previous night). I know Winston seems to be holding his liquor, but Charity is starting to go, so I wisely decide to ration her by managing her drinks.

As it turns out, I own the next round, and everyone has to lose an item. Chickening out, the boys just toss their socks away, so I throw my tongue at them. But it's Charity who steals the show. She gets up from the floor and starts swaying back and forth, almost dancing, and she starts sliding her underwear off, keeping the bra for last. I swallow as I get a glimpse of her pubic hair, well-trimmed, matching the drapes. She looks exquisite and I want to bury my face between her wide hips. Perhaps it's this slavery story but I'm honestly and truly turned on.

She sits back down, and I can see the guys pitching tents. We hurry with the game because people want more.

Jake does it again with another win that completely knocks the wind out of us. Winston has no choice now but to trade in his boxers for chips. Charity and I look intently as he exposes himself, his back towards us so we get a great look at his powerful ass muscles (which I'm hoping he'll use to pound into me later), until he turns around. It's not as impressive outside the boxers, but then, it's not fully erect either. I decide to emulate Charity and go for the slow erotic removal of my panties. It finished doing the trick on Winston; and then Charity compounds it by unclasping her bra and giving us a wonderful view of her breasts. They are impressive, and I'm partially worried about her back.

Only Jake and myself still have one item of clothing, undergarments, and that won't last long. Just because they're naked, however, does not discount the other two, and Winston plays a good hand that gets both Jake and me naked. I let Jake go first, and he reveals the tool which he's been using on me since we started being physical. I can see Charity shaking with glee as she stares at both dicks, secretly hoping she gets them both. But I'm really turned on when I stand up and pop open my bra, and I get everyone's gaze on me. The star attraction.

However this goes, we're all naked, so we're going to have to call in favors if we want to keep playing. A part of me is saying to skip that part and just get to the orgy, but I reason myself. There's no reason the game can't be played to its fullest.

The next hand starts setting the tone when Jake loses all his chips.

"So, what do I have to do to get some more?"

Charity's the first one to speak.

"You need to jerk yourself while looking at us. And we keep playing."
"So I have to handle my cards with one hand..."

Jake gets to work, his left hand wrapped around his hardened dick, as the next game. I see him stroking, and I can't help but think he's at my spot. But, despite being otherwise engaged, Jake still manages to impress everyone with a solid card combination, and since we all went in, the three of us are left without any chips, and Jake is left holding the stick, pun intended. I can read into his eyes the nasty ideas he's coming up with, and I'm extremely aroused.

"Okay," he says. "I'll hand chips to everyone, but you have to do a group thing..."
"Name it, bro," Winston replies.

We're hanging on his words, and I know I want this to escalate. I've been so horny lately, and even more since yesterday. Winston's dick has got me wanting a good pounding, and I want to bury my face everywhere on Charity. And I think Jake shares those feelings.

"So... I want Charity to blow me..."

I see her smile. She's been hoping for some time with him.

"And Prissy... you blow Winston."
"And what do I have to do?" Winston asks.
"You take it like a man..."

Winston doesn't object (why would he?) I move to my target and I see Charity doing the same. We position ourselves so we can see what the other girl is doing and can lock eye contact. I see her wrap her lips around Jake's just as Winston's fills my mouth, and we go at it unison.

"Your girl's amazing," Winston cheers on.
"Best mouth this side of the continent."

The odd flattery is actually making me feel good about it. Winston is completely into me, and I must say, I'm into him as well, as far as physicality is concerned. I chuckle internally when I realize this is the fourth dick I've had in my mouth in the past two days.

"Woh... Charity, slow down... I don't wanna cum yet..." Jake suddenly calls out.

I see Charity pull away, a wry smile on her lips. I love how playful she feels. I pull away from Winston, although he seems disappointed I didn't push him to the conclusion. Jake hands out some chips to everyone, and we're ready for another round. By now, though, I'm eager to fuck.

As luck has it, Jake dominates the next round, and both Prissy and me end up without chips. Winston manages to escape bankruptcy, but not by much.

"Fuck man," he says to Jake, I'm ready for some pussy."
"We can make that happen."

I'm surprised by what Winston says next.

"I want to fuck Charity."

I'm pleased for her, of course, but does that mean I have to get it on with Jake? Since Jake won the round, it's his call. I'm surprised at his own reaction.

"Charity, lie down on your back... Winston's gonna mount you."
"About fucking time!" she cries out.
"What about you, man?"
"I want to fuck her too, so Prissy here is gonna keep me hard for her until we switch."
"Hell yeah!"

As Charity lies down and Winston climbs on top of her, I see Jake move towards me, placing his cock in m face.

"Don't worry, love," he whispers, "you'll get yours."
"I want some of that pussy as well," I reply.
"So I figure, from what I saw last night. You can have it all once I'm done with it."

I wrap my hand around Jake's shaft as I hear the characteristic sound of a woman being taken, and I look past to see Winston's strong butt muscles and, a little below that, his black cock ramming her pale pussy. I want to look some more but Jake shoves his dick against my mouth. I open up and he starts pumping, like yesterday night, like this morning, like in the car before getting here. I must be out of my mind. This man is blackmailing me and I'm not reporting it - I'm indulging it, reveling in it. But is it still blackmail at this point? He still has those pictures, true, but we have a contract. It's more of a master/slave relationship.

I'm overthinking it. Need to focus on his cock.

"Fuck, Winnie, it's been so long since I felt your cock in me!"

Charity is loud. Vocal... Winnie? She calls him Winnie! I would laugh but my mouth is quite full.

"Fuck this is amazing," Winston replies.
"Ain't seen nothing yet..." Jake whispers to me.

Charity is so into it, it sounds almost fake.

"Yes... that's it... right there, like that... oooh... Winnie... so good... so strong, like the hulk you are..."

I just hope she doesn't get him to come until I've had my turn with the love machine. But Jake has the situation in hand.


The roommate stops pounding for a moment, turning his head.

"I want in."

I see Winston pull out of Charity's pussy. She is panting, her large chest heaving up and down from the excitement. Jake and Winston help her get on all fours, like I'm already positioned, and they set her beside me. Then, they move behind us. I sense Winston's presence.

"Best idea you ever had, roomie."

I hear a high-five. I almost giggle at their childish attitudes. I cast a look at Charity beside me, drawing her gaze to mine.

"You like?"
"Oh, hell yeah!" she replies with passion. "Haven't had fun like this since high school. You?"
"Last night, actually..."
"Wow. We should hang out more..."

I'm not adverse to the idea. I lean in towards her.

"When the boys are done, if you'd like, I can show you a good time too."

She seems surprised at my invitation, but then the wicked smile returns.

"Why not?"

After that, it becomes impossible for us to chat. Our respective partners proceed to penetrate us, and I feel Winston's rod dive deep inside me, and I want him there. I look back to see his face, the same face every guy makes when he's trying to impress the woman he's with. That forced exercise look, all business, with the tongue almost sticking out. Winston is all business. He's not in it for the longhaul. He wants to shoot his load and be done with it. I hope he lasts long enough for the mind-blowing orgasm I crave, but I suppose I'll settle for whatever he throws at me. Charity is as loud with Jake as she was with the other partner. She's exaggerating, but not faking. She really loves it, and I must admit, I love it too.

"Where are you gonna shoot it?" I manage to ask Winston.
"Can I do it inside you?"

We should be wearing protection. We aren't. Four partners in two days and no protection. I'm being unreasonable. I'll need to check with my doctor... The things I think about when I'm being fucked! But it's far too late for that. Winston is done, and I feel the burst inside my womb. I know Jake is getting off on it. I know I'm less than satisfied, and it makes me a little angry. I want more pounding, I want to come so hard that my scream shatters windows.

But it's over. Winston is not an attentive lover. He pulls out of me and leaves his mess inside. I'm almost hoping Jake swaps partners, even if he's not supposed to. He's still riding a very vocal Charity hard.I look at her face: how beautiful she looks with that overwhelming feeling of pleasure. She's getting her money's worth, so to speak. I lean in closer to her face and plant a kiss on her wet lips. I hear a grunt, and I know Jake is also done, filling her up. My 'supposed boyfriend' is shooting his load inside Charity. I don't look. I'm focused on her.

I sense that he's pulling out of her, so I push Charity to the side, then to her back, and I climb on top of her, pressing my flesh against hers. She is a comfortable as I thought she would be. I lock lips with her, and we start making out. Our pussies touch, and I felt the cum pouring out of both of us. Still, the contact of her sex is inviting, and I start grinding against it. If I'm not gonna get it from one of the boys, I might as well take it from her. She's in rare form, and I seem to be doing a number on her as well.

"Oh my God!" she yells in repetition when I'm not smothering her face with my lips. Her words stimulate me enough that I feel it rise inside me, my body is about to rocked. I get vocal too.

"Sweet Charity... oh... I'm gonna cum on your sex..."
"Fuck yeah... keep rubbing, please."

I comply. As opposed to our male partners, I intend to give her as much as I can, so I grind until the orgasm shoots into me, powerful, almost earth-shaking, and then I keep grinding until she feels the same. The boys don't exist, right now. It's just me and her, and our kisses.

The energy quietly dies down after that, and she's practically passed out. I'm not much better. I finally hazard a look at the boys. They're in awe of what we just did and, if they could get hard again, they'd try. But younger boys don't know how to manage their sex drive usually. I had a partner, once, for a few weeks, a man in his forties, and he knew how to please me, to make me the focus of his love. We parted because I found out he was doing that to many girls, and at that time, I wasn't willing to be one of the bunch.

Charity whispers in my ear.

"Thank you so much, Prissy... you were amazing."
"Thanks... you can call me Princess... it's my real name," I whisper back. "Don't tell the guys."

She smiles, then kisses me passionately. We're done. This game of strip poker, this excuse for sex, it's run its course. All the remains is what's left, and who sleeps where.

interesting 02-12-2015 09:06 PM

A Bundle of Trials - It's A Party! part VI [Prissy]
After the strip poker night, the rules remained unchanged.

I am getting tired of giving handjobs and blowjobs. I'm in the living room, my lips wrapped around Jake's cock while my hand pumps fiercely at Winston's. I'm not entirely sure how this one came about. Meanwhile, the boys' gazes are fixated on my naked form, enjoying what I'm doing to them.

I slept on the couch, alongside Charity. It was a bit surprising for Winston but he didn't argue the point. She kept me warm all night, huddled against her imposing figure. I planted kisses on her all night, caressing her skin, making her feel loved. I wanted to make love to her again that morning, but she had to hurry for fear of being late to work. She did give me her number, saying we should get together. That was the highlight.

And then, Jake got up, hopping to the bathroom. Winston followed up, and he had the morning wood. I was, of course, still naked in the living room. Winston just walked up to me and asked if I'd help. I just said yes. I'm really horny. Jake, of course, saw this and wanted in, and I can't say no to my 'master'.

I just want to raise my ass, get Winston to bury his dick inside me, and I'll suck on Jake in the meantime. A wonderful threesome that would be. But I don't say anything, and they don't take the initiative. They assume, like all men, that I like giving pleasure and don't need any in return. Or I'm jumping to conclusions and being cranky because it's morning. In any event, I bring them to completion, allowing both to paint my breasts with their spunk. I at least get a 'thank you' from Winston, but Jake says nothing. It's part of the contract.

I hit the showers right after that and clean the sweat (and everything else) off. I'm dried and clothed by the time I step outside the bathroom, and headed for the kitchen. I prepare pancakes. Eggs, flour, milk. He doesn't have any vanilla extract - what a shocker! Still, the boys don't seem to complain. I play the pretense in order to keep Winston out of the loop.

"So, I have stuff to do this afternoon, but I'll be back for supper."
"Fine," Jake says, playing along. "You can still cook me something?"
"Sure... what do you want? I'll tell you what to buy."

We come up with a menu. All the while we're talking, I have this strange feeling between my legs. I hope my steady stream of sex hasn't gotten me infected with something. But I checked myself in the mirror after my shower, and there weren't any irritations, or signs of anything wrong. Maybe I'm just needing a good boner, one that will actually pleasure me to my heart's content.

I leave their apartment not long after that. Jake doesn't even offer to drive me somewhere. To be honest, I don't know where I'm going. I drop by my place, and I pour myself a hot bath. I get naked and inspect the folds of my sex. I'm being paranoid, I know, but there's this lingering notion that I don't know the sexual history of any of these people. I'm starting to think I'm a sexaholic. But I could stop. Or isn't that what they say?

As I get out of the water, I think about my life. I have one friend. One good friend, but only one, and he's not very reliable. Still, I call him. Who else is going to listen to me? But what can I tell him? The phone is ringing before I've made up my mind.

"Marq... Hi."
"Are you okay? You sound down," he tells me.
"I... I'm sorry."
"Hey! I'm the one who should be sorry."
"Yeah... you should. Can you come over? Please?"

He agrees. I put on a bathrobe but I don't get dressed again. I go lie down on my couch and I fall asleep. The knock on the door wakes me up. I make my way to the door and check through the spyhole before letting him in.


He has a beautiful smile.


I lean in and kiss him. He is stunned by my reaction as my hand reaches for his crotch.

"Prissy, slow down..."
"I... I can't..."

I pull away, angry.

"Well, why not? I want to apologize for yesterday."
"You don't have to apologize... and I can't because, I'm going steady now. I think, at least."
"You are? With whom?"

I'm totally taken aback by his revelation.

"That girl I met... Thursday at the party... we hooked up last night again and, well... we said we'd have a go at it. She found me on facebook!"
"Ah! Dammit!"

I walk away.

"I needed you to bone me good! Two days and you're already exclusive! What's up with that?"
"Nothing... listen, Prissy, what's eating you?"
"Well, not you apparently... sorry."

I try to calm down. I pour myself a glass of water and offer him some. He agrees and we sit down at my kitchen table.

"Tell me about it."

I have to confess a few things. It will help clear my mind. And Marq is my best friend, regardless of what else he is.

"I met this guy at the party also..."
"That's great."
"No it's not. He's a jerk, and a pig, and a slouch, and a moron."
"Ok... so... you regret the time spent with him, I'm guessing."
"It's more than that... I... he's gotten under my skin, and I want to call it off but... he's... insistent, and I can't really say no."
"You've had sex?"
"Not really... I mean, yeah, but... only blowjobs. He hasn't... fucked me yet. I want him to fuck me, to get it done so I can move on..."

Is that the truth? Am I fabulating? Marq eyes me suspiciously.

"What are you not telling me?"
"I can't... It's a... confidence issue."
"Keeping a secret from me? That's rich..."

I punch him in the shoulder.

"Thanks for listening, Marq..."
"No problem. Look, Prissy, I care about you and I want to make sure you're fine."
"I'm... okay. What about your girl? When do I meet her?"
"Really? You're that confident about her?"
"She's amazing... gorgeous, smart, passionate. To be honest, the first night, we just talked and made out a little. We were more... intimate last night."

I smile at him.

"Did you make her come?"
"Well, did you?"

He wonders why this is important.

"I did. I think I did, at least... she seemed to like it a lot."
"I'm glad for her..."
"Let me guess... you didn't."

I sound bitter. I almost feel like Marq is going to indulge me, but he doesn't.

"So... I meet her tonight?"
"If you want."
"Well, I'd like that but..." I pause. Jake. "I have to bring my 'boyfriend'."
"You don't sound convinced..."
"More like modern friend..."
"Oh... the guy in question, then?"

This could get awkward.

"Maybe you could meet her sooner," Marq says. "She's available from two onward."
"I'd like that."

We set it up. Marq calls her up and gives her my address. In the meantime, I get dressed and we have lunch together. We hang out, watching television, doing nothing much. I'm glad I'm not focusing on Jake. I cuddle to Marq's shoulder and he doesn't mind.

Around two-thirty, there's a knock on the door. Since we're expecting company, I let Marq answer. He greets her.


That voice... I get up from the couch and make my way towards the door. She's coming in, closing it behind her, and I stop and stare.

"Hi, Prissy."

She's smiling at me. She's holding Marq's hand. My mind is shot.

"This is Suzy... so you remember her?"
"How could I forget..."

What is wrong with this picture! Suzy was mine, for an entire week. We met at a party, got crazy, I made a lesbian out of her and then... and then... I kicked her out. I let her go. I broke it off. I'm such a loser! She is gorgeous, as beautiful as I remembered, and she's dating my best friend!

"I remember you too..." she says, a hint of anger in her voice.

Is this some kind of revenge thing? Too much is happening at the same time. I want to scream.

"So... you also were at the party Thursday?"
"Yep... and I saw your friend, Marq... he'd helped me out before, so we got to talking and it turns out, we have a lot more in common than we thought..."

There's a hidden message there. Marq is feeling the tension but he says nothing about it. I think he's figured out the same things I have.

"I see you haven't redecorated," Suzy tells me.
"No budget for it."

This is cold, even for her. Even for me. She turns to Marq.

"Oh! I forgot my purse in my car. Would you get it for me?"
"Sure thing," he replies.

He knows something's up but he won't talk about it. Or maybe he's in on it. Regardless, he takes her keys and heads out. She closes the door behind him.

"So, how've you been?" I ask.
"Cut the crap, Princess."

Her tone is mean. I feel like crying. I suppose I deserve it, though, for breaking her heart all those months ago.

"You know the first thing we have in common, me and Marq?"
"We both got fuck-friend-zoned... by you."
"I'm sorry, Suzy. I'm... so... sorry..."

Tears are swelling up in my eyes, but it's not just about her. It's about my life in general. I see Suzy's stare become less aggressive for a moment, but she steadies herself.

"Don't you start getting me on a guilt trip. You had your chance with me..."
"And you get back at me by fucking my best friend?"
"As it so happens, yes... but in truth, and after the fact, he's really a nice guy..."
"If he was so nice, he wouldn't have let me end up getting blackmailed!"

I said it. I can't take it back. Suzy looks in horror, suddenly sympathetic to my plight.

"What? You're being blackmailed?"

I try to walk away, but she catches up to me, grabbing my arm.

"Don't you walk away twice from me!" she practically yells.

She pulls me in close and kisses me. I kiss her back.

"Fuck you, Princess," she finally admits. "I wanted to see you. I love you."

This time, the tears aren't just swelling. They're rolling down my cheeks.

"I'm messed up, Suzy..."

She drags me to the couch and sits me down. We hear the door open and Marq comes in.

"Is everything all right?" he asks.
"Please don't tell him..." I whisper to Suzy.

She seems to agree. Marq walks over to us and notices my tears. He gets to his knees in front of me, while Suzy caresses my back. I recompose myself and look at them both.

"I'm sorry, both of you... for not loving you like you love me... I'm messed up."
"You already said that," Suzy replies. "How can we help?"

It's hard for me to put a finger on it. I've always been extremely passionate and overly sexual. Paid handjobs in highschool, nasty sexual pranks on other girls, multiple partners and no real stability. Marq's the only friend I have from that time who still talks to me, and sometimes I wonder why. I can be quite the bitch.

"I don't know," I reply. "I love you both, you know that, but I...."
"You don't love yourself," Marq says. "Believe me, Prissy, I know you better than you know yourself..."
"You probably do."
"And you know... I am really truly sorry for Thursday. I shouldn't have left you hanging," he continues.
"It's my bad," Suzy tells him. "I ambushed you."
"Figured as much. I mean, I knew you were into her, it was obvious from all those months ago, and really, while we were chatting, you kept bringing her up..."
"And you let me?"
"Why not? You seemed like you needed it."

Suzy purses her lips for a moment before answering.

"And what about last night?"
"We had great sex. If you want more than that, like I said, I'm up for a challenge. But I obviously can't compete with Princess here..."
"Shut up, you twit!" I reply.

The two stare at me with intensity. The tears are gone, and resolution has set in.

"I love you both. And Marq, I know you've had a crush on me since forever..."
"Yeah, I still do, but... we both know that romantically, it doesn't work."
"And me?" Suzy asks.
"You were perfect for me, so passionate... always craving more sex..."
"You make me wild, Princess..."

I kiss her, then I kiss Marq. My two loving friends. I've had both of them. I want them again. But not here. Not now. Emotions are still too raw.

"How's this for a plan?" Suzy starts. "We play it by ear. I did come on very strong last March, I admit. So maybe, we can slow it down. Take it one step at a time."
"She has an issue, though," Marq says.
"Yeah... I have a 'boyfriend' of sorts right now."

Suzy says nothing, but she instantly figures he's the blackmailer. She says nothing to Marq. I know what Marq will do if he finds out, and it will be messy. I need to handle this my way.

"So," I add, "I deal with this guy. Tonight. We have an... understanding. A... contract."
"Contract?" Marq looks at me, puzzled.
"Like a master-slave kind of thing..."
"Oh! I get it."
"And you want out?"
"I never wanted in, in the first place. I got... I don't want to say bullied, but influenced into it. And I was really confused, and I still am but..."

I look at them both.

"I just want the two of you, really. My friends... my lovers..."

That last part, I whisper, but it gets them to smile.

"We shouldn't need anyone else, right?" I ask.
"I don't need anyone else if I have you," Suzy whispers, then, turning to Marq, "no offense."
"None taken."
"But you can still be in," she adds, looking at me for agreement.
"Our understanding can still stand," I tell Marq. "If you ever need a fuck, or I do, we can manage it... if Suzy's good with that."
"I think I am."

There's a moment of silence.

"Hang on," I suddenly say. "Are we formalizing a threesome here?"
"More like a three person relationship, maybe," Marq corrects. "I'm not against the idea."
"Neither am I,"Suzy adds. "Marq is a very gentle lover."

He is. I know it intimately and now, it's something I share with Suzy. Why did I let her go back then? It was because of Cassie and Claire. I met Suzy when I was planning a wild threesome (which ended up being a foursome when Jennifer joined in). I wasn't in the mood for anything but sex with Suzy. But now, after what just happened with Jake...

"We can make this work!" I say out loud.

I'm smiling. There are no more tears. There's just one glitch in the plan. Jake. And I have to go to his place to cook supper, and give him another blowjob, and possibly have his roommate fuck me again. And I don't know if I want that anymore. I can call it off. I can tell Jake to go fly a kite. Except that I can't. I have to break the contract the way we spelled it out. Jake has to fuck me.

Fuck, but I don't want his dick inside my pussy anymore, not that I really ever wanted it in the first place. This is going to be tricky, but it can't be helped. I am getting screwed, regardless.

jklivin 02-13-2015 02:23 PM

Great update looking forward to more actions

interesting 02-19-2015 05:10 AM

A Bundle of Trials - It's A Party! part VII [Prissy]
That talk with Marq and Suzy really helped, but I am far from done with Jake, so I eventually have to leave my friends. We promise to stay in touch, and quickly.

When I get back to Jake's place, around four-thirty, I am let in by the third roommate, Henry. He's tall, athletic, very good-looking, but I don't like his smile. He looks like one of those interns on Gray's Anatomy. I'm changed from the morning. I'm wearing a one-piece dress that goes to the mid-thighs. Jake is apparently out fetching groceries along with Winston, or so Henry tells me. We sit down to chat.

"So, you're the girl who's gonna be cooking supper for us tonight?"
"Yeah. Jake told me all about you."
"All about me?"

He laughs.

"Obviously not everything, but he says you and him have an understanding, about your relationship."
"We do."
"That's nice... he said you guys really had a lot of fun last night."
"He did. What did he say?"
"Well, he didn't spell it out, but I gathered from the leftover cards and chips around the apartment that you played some form of strip game, and given the smell of the apartment when I came in, I know you had sex in the living room."

He's very observant.

"So I did some further checking," he adds.

He tosses a phone on the table. It's Jake's, I think. It's open to the notepad app, and I see what's on it. It's the contract I wrote up. Our master/slave contract.

"You found this," I coldly say.
"It's an interesting arrangement, not unlike something I had with a former girlfriend."
"Not with your current?"
"Nope.Well, not yet, anyway, not exactly.. we've only been together for a month, so it's still pretty much open bar..."

He smiles at me. I know where he's going with this.

"So, I don't expect you want this to become public, right?"
"Seriously! You too?"
"What, me too?"

I don't answer. He just looks at me with an empowered look.

"What's your demand?" I ask.
"Get naked."
"What about the other guys? What's Jake gonna say when he comes back?"
"You really think he's going to mind?"

I could run. I could escape. I'm about to get cornered by yet another perverse guy. I say nothing. Instead, I get up and remove my dress, tossing it on the table.

"Very nice. I want to see your pussy."

Again, I comply, taking off my underwear and tossing it on my dress. Do I like being treated this way? I can't say. My panties are off, and he sees my shaved cunt.

"Fuck you're hot..."
"I suppose you want a taste too?"
"Lie down on the table."

I move up on the table, laying on my back, spreading my legs. I'm already dripping wet, from just those few words and the strip. I guess I really am a slut! He bends down between my legs, placing his mouth over my sex. He takes in a strong whiff, then starts licking the folds of my pussy. I try not to moan but his tongue does feel wonderful. Last night, Winston left me hanging.

"Fuck this!" I say.

I turn around, getting on all fours on the table as it wobbles about. I present my raised behind to him.

"You want to stick it in, right?"

He's surprised at the speed at which this is progressing, but also by my taking charge. Still, he doesn't hesitate to undo his pants and lets them fall to the ground.

"So I'm gonna fuck you now..."
"Stop stalling and do it!"

He has to climb on a chair in order to be at the right height. It all seems very precarious, but I don't care. I'm going to let him fuck me, and I hope he gives me what I've been denied since yesterday. I almost feel bad, given my conversation with Marq and Suzy earlier. Almost.

He pushes his meat inside my hole and I moan hard.

"God dammit you're so tight," he claims.
"Tighter than your girlfriend?" I snap at him.
"About as much..."

He's pounding now and I feel him so well inside me, so hard and aggressive. I'm getting fucked by a man I just met ten minutes ago. I want to feel used. I want to be pleasured. He grabs my hair and pulls back my head; this causes him to shift inside me, and I feel him with much more intensity.

"Ah... fuck!" I scream.

He's doing it. He's making me cum. I've been high all day. I would want it to be Marq, or even Suzy with a strap-on, but it's not them. It's some guy I hardly know named Henry fucking my brains out. And, right now, I'm okay with that.

Of course, as expected, the door opens and in walk Winston and Jake, back with groceries.

"Holy cow!" Winston yells at the sight.
"Hey guys..." Henry says, not skipping a beat while he's doing me.
"When did she get here?" Jake asks.
"Ten minutes ago."
"Dammit man!" Winston exclaims. "You waste no time."
"No time to waste..." he replies as he continues.

Jake moves up to the table, setting the grocery bags in front of me.

"When you're done with him, I'll have a lollypop for you."
"Fuck you, Jake," I say, and mean it. He needs to fuck me for this to be over.

I look at Winston. He's already unbuttoning his pants. Henry stops what he's doing, pulling out of me. He lifts me off the table without effort and sets me on the kitchen floor, again on all fours. He gets behind me again and returns to his action, pushing and pounding inside me. I get Winston's cock in my face. I'm just a slut to these guys. I'm enjoying it too, at least to some extent. I let Winston shove it in my mouth. He grabs my head and starts face-fucking me with it. Another threesome. The attention is getting to me, and I climax even more, with Henry still pumping hard.

"This one is fricking awesome," Henry tells Jake, now panting ever so slightly.

This one? I may not be the only girl they've done this to.

"Yep, she is... Best damn blowjob giver on the West Coast," he replies.
"I'm good with her pussy. Fuck..."

He's really into it now, and I can't wait for him to come inside me. I've already had my fill (thank you Henry), but he keeps pushing me upwards, keeping me high with ecstasy. If my mouth was free, I would give him quite a vocal performance. As it happens, I'm giving an oral performance to Winston instead.

"Goddammit, so tight," whimpers Henry as he gets ready to release.

I brace for it. But just a moment before I expect it, he pulls out, and jerks it all off on my back. No! I wanted it inside me, the last piece of desire unfulfilled. It feels plentiful as it falls on my back and drips down. Winston immediately pulls out of my mouth and moves to take his place. However, he pushes me onto my back, on the cold floor of the kitchen, and spreads my legs apart. He pushes his rod inside me in a position I haven't yet tried with them, and starts pounding. I close my eyes. As handsome as he is, I don't want to see his face. I don't want to see anyone's face. I just want to feel used.

I feel the wet cum from Henry across my back, splattered onto the floor, and it feels disgusting. But Winston himself is more inclined to give me some pleasure today, or maybe I'm just more sensitive after Henry. He's kneading my breasts over my bra, before he pulls the cloth away to expose my nipples, and starts kissing them, all the while plunging his dick far into me.

"Please, Winston... shoot it inside me... please."

I'm begging for it.

"Call me Winnie," he replies.
"Fuck me Winnie... cum inside me, please..."

I start repeating the phrase, like a mantra, and I don't have to do it very long. I feel the tension on his shaft as he spurts it all out inside me, and I moan with pleasure as the hot substance fulfills a need I have been unable to explain. Spent, he lays on top of me for a moment before pulling himself off.

"Shit," he says, "I could get used to this."

So could I, and that's a bad thing. Maybe. I look at Jake. He's been watching them have a go on me all the time. My stare beckons him to my side. He gently walks over to me and gets to his knees. I whisper to him.

"Please fuck me Jake..."
"But I'm having so much fun watching you squirm."
"Fuck you!"
"Not yet, but..."

He unzips his pants and pulls out his penis. He climbs on top of me, his cock resting against my mouth. He pushes it in and I start swallowing him up. This is the game and he's winning. I sense fingers teasing my pussy, but I can't tell who's doing it. Jake is already hard as can be, and he's not stopping until he's well and done. I take it all I can, but he's driving the action. I hear his roommates coaxing him on, adding insult words towards me. Slut. Whore. Bitch. Cum-bucket. That's how I feel right now.

"You're gonna swallow this time," Jake says.

I don't want to. It's not in the contract. But unless I push him off of me, gravity is going to do the trick. So I let it happen. He blows his load inside my mouth, and I don't supress the gag reflex. He's not letting any of it go to waste either, each tiny burst spilling out a little more until he's dry. I've just been fucked by three guys I don't particularly appreciate, and two of them are blackmailing me. I'm still wondering why I'm not fighting back more but, in truth, I probably feel like I deserve this. And the orgasm was sincere, from both of them (thank you Winston for finally delivering).

But making me swallow... we should have included that in the contract. I have no recourse against it.

I lay there, on the floor, unmoving. Jake gets up. I see the guys all leering at me. How can men simply objectify women like that? Do they learn it at a very young age or is it part of social pressure? I have mixed feelings about the rest.

"Well, I'm gonna tap that well later on," Henry says.
"Be my guest," Jake answers.

As if I don't have a say in this, but I do. It's my pussy. I played along because I was craving sex. More craving, still, after all this. I could continue for hours on end. It's a good thing there are no more guys in this room. Or other people, for that matter.

"Well," Jake calls out to me, "dinner isn't going to cook itself."

He's right. I am the designated cook, after all. And whore. I guess that's what I get for agreeing to become their slave. No. His slave. I'm letting them get the better of me.

I have to admit though, it's been a while since I've been this sexually satisfied. It's just a shame it has to happen at the expense of my dignity.

interesting 02-23-2015 09:21 PM

A Bundle of Trials - It's A Party! part VIII [Prissy]
I'm a slave to Jake. Apparently, I'm also a slave to his roommates.

The kitchen smells of cum. I had to clean the stains off the floor, on all fours, while the guys looked on. None of them have put their bottoms back on. Why bother? They're hoping to get hard again so they can fuck me some more. They've also taken my clothes. I'm naked. And I'm cooking, apparently. At least, I have an apron and mittens.

I see Winston go play his games. Henry is making a call, presumably to his girlfriend, the lovely Dara. And Jake is watching, gently stroking his cock while he's watching me work. If he gets hard again, I have to blow him. All I have to do to get out of this contract is to get his nasty unit inside my pussy. Heck! At this point, I might be willing to let him have a go at my ass. But I won't, and I don't. I'm here of my own free will, even after this afternoon, even after the confession with Marq and Suzy. I must be insane. Then again, getting fucked like that, three days in a row... pure bliss! Thursday, I was too drunk to enjoy it (or at least remember enjoying it). Yesterday, Winston came too fast. Today, both Henry and Winston delivered, and my pussy craves more.

I'm of two minds in this, obviously. I want it and I don't. Sigh.

As soon as supper is ready, I call on them and they come to the table. I sit on Jake's lap, hoping to get him to falter in his resolve, but he just pushes me away and focuses on the food. I can't eat. My insides are tied in a knot.

"So Dara is coming over later," Henry says.
"Sweet," Winston replies. "Is she coming alone?"

I have to ask.

"Is Dara really your girlfriend?"
"Of sorts," Henry says. "Like you and Jake."

The guys are wolfing down what I prepared. I should have put laxatives in it. That would have been hilarious.

"Dara's gonna love you..." Henry says.
"No kidding...."

I turn to Jake.

"What's the story here, Jake? I'm not your first 'slave', am I?"
"In a nutshell, no... although you are by far the most eager slut we've ever had."
"So it's a group thing?"

Henry, the oldest of the three and the Alpha male, takes charge of the conversation.

"Essentially, we share everything. When my mate Jake flunked classes last December, well, I couldn't leave him hanging so he joined in. Now, he's good with phones..."

Jake pulls out the phone and shows me the pictures he took of my foursome last Thursday.

"See, I wasn't kidding when I said I had pictures."
"I believed you. And I imagine you showed them to your mates while I was out."
"We share everything," Henry repeated.

I nodded.

"And what if I tell on you? What if I walk out that door? What if I want to leave, now?"

There's a pause. Again, Henry answers.

"Well, you can. Door's right there. We have those pictures, and there's a lot of sites on the internet that want ex-girlfriend videos and that kind of thing."
"So it really is blackmail, then?"

I know Henry is smart. Smarter than the other two. I know he understands the legal ramifications of what I'm saying.

"No. It's just... look, you enjoyed it, come on, admit it."
"Maybe I did. But maybe I'd enjoy it more if you didn't cloak it in all that manipulation. Ever think of that?"
"A lot of girls are into that sort of thing," Henry added.
"And some aren't. As I said to Jake, you boys are lucky he landed on me. Anyone else might have done the rational thing and fled or gone to the cops. He stole my stuff and flat out admitted it."
"But you didn't report us. You were curious. You still are. And you had fun."
"Yeah, I did. I'm not even denying that. But what my body wants and what my brain wants and what my heart wants..."

I don't finish the sentence. I'm arguing in the wind, I suppose, but it helps me vent. I'm frustrated that I'm going along with this, that I seem to enjoy this debasement. Or is it even debasement? Am I in control or not? I can't tell anymore.

"Can we at least implement a safe word?" I ask.
"That sounds perfectly reasonable. What do you want it to be?"
"Red. If we're doing something and I say 'Red', you stop. Period."

Henry looks at his roommates, getting their approval.

"Thank you..."

They get back to eating, and I manage to get a few bites in my stomach.

"Listen, I imagine that, when Dara comes over, it's gonna turn out like just before supper, right?"
"Chances are," Henry says.
"In that case, I have a request to make."

They all look at me curiously.

"I'm obviously going to get fucked tonight, and I can live with that... but not just by you three, or your girlfriend."
"What do you have in mind?"

I had already thought about this, and I had even expressed it earlier, but now, it makes sense to make it happen.

"I have friends I want coming over."
"Yeah. A boy and a girl. Both very... close friends, if you get my drift."
"Yeah. If we're gonna make it, let's make it big."

My suggestion hangs in the air for a moment. I see Henry hesitating, but he ultimately smiles.

"Yeah. Why not? Your friends as open as you are?"

I think of all the times I've had sex with Marq. I think of the week of sex spent with Suzy. I think of what we talked about this afternoon. Yeah. I think they can handle it.

"They're game. Can I call them?"

I get my phone.

"Might as well call Charity again," Winston says.
"Sweet!" Jake cries out. "Man, this is gonna be an epic night."

I call Marq. I talk slow, and I explain my plan to him. It's not much of a plan really, it's more that I want them here. Turns out, they're together at the restaurant. I don't tell them about the gangbang I just went through, but I do hint at the overall sexual tone of the evening, and I'm very clear about my own needs.

"I need backup. If I'm gonna get screwed again, I want witnesses. More than that, I want my friends. You and Suzy."
"Suzy says we'll be there. We'd never leave you hanging. We love you too much for that."

I give them the adress then return to the boys. Apparently, Winston has convinced Charity to come back, and there's no longer any pretense. It's all for the sex games. For a moment, I'm tempted to make a call to Jennifer, my other former flame, but I chicken out of the idea. I don't want Suzy and her meeting, and then hooking up on me. Henry comes over and takes my phone away.

"Your friends coming?"
"Yep. They'll be here as soon as they're done eating."
"Plenty of time for an encore."

I look at him with an exhausted look.

"Seriously? You can't hold it in for like... two hours?"
"I could, but I don't want to."

I pause for a moment.

"Tell you what, Romeo... you get Jake to fuck me right now and I let you pound me into submission afterwards."
"No deal."
"Then no pounding."

I have to put my foot down as some point, and I'll stand by my stance.

"Counter-proposal. You let me and Winston fuck your ass, and I'll get Jake to pound you into oblivion."
"I don't do anal," I reply, even though it's not entirely true.
"Them's the breaks..."
"You're still not getting near my pussy now, Henry."

I emphasize his name, to make sure he knows I'm in control. He simply smiles, mocking me. I want to slap him.

"Fine. Blow me."

He's really surprised now. I don't want to do anything until my friends get here. I call them out, all three of them.

"Here's the deal, boys! You've had your fun at my expense, and I don't fault you for that, but I'm not a fucking piece of meat. I'm a woman, I have needs, and I have desires. I will fuck whomever I want, whenever I want. Be nice, play your cards right, and you'll all get a turn on the Princess-Express. Fuck with me and I will get mad."

Suddenly, they're impressed. I'm not the weak little girl they were expecting. What they don't see is how scared I am that they'll just laugh it off, and disregard my wishes. But I sense that the taint of blackmail, hovering over this activity, is suddenly striking a sour note. Blackmail is only good if the person you're blackmailing is afraid of being exposed. At this point, I'm not sure I would care anymore, and I think they are starting to feel it.

"We got you," Henry finally says, acknowledgin what I've been trying to tell them.
"Thank you. Now, could you please help me clean the table?"

To my surprise, I get some help, even if it's Henry telling Jake to do it. He's mad. No, more like shaken. He'll want to get back at me later. In the game. Right now, and until the game starts, I'm in control. I don't ask for my clothes back, but I do ask where they put them. They're apparently in Jake's room.

The rest of the time waiting for the others to arrive is a little tense, but I'm feeling better about it. I've been afraid quite a bit lately, and it's nice to stand up to bullies. Yeah. That's it. These men have been bullying me about, playing with my uncertainty, making me doubt myself. I can't let them get a grip on my emotions. Hopefully, when Marq and Suzy get here, I'll have grown a new backbone. We can still have fun - lots of it - the four of us, with the others that are coming, but I'm going to make this mine.

They've been riding me all day. I'm the one that's gonna be riding them. In the end, hopefully, everyone will get a kick out of it.

interesting 02-28-2015 10:40 AM

A Bundle of Trials - It's A Party! part IX [Prissy]
I'm a slave to Jake. Apparently, I'm also a slave to his roommates. But that's probably about to change. Maybe.

So. You may remember how all this started. With my pussy being pounded into submission by a nasty cock. You supect that will mean the contract will be over. So I'm really telling this story to... do I have a point? I don't know. It all seems so pointless, really. All these boys and their overflowing libidos (sorry for the graphic image here)... all these girls with hot appetites for sex. It's just college, really. People acting out, experimenting, learning things, trying stuff out, stumbling along the way, and hoping to survive in the end.

And me? I may no longer be in college, but I'm really not an adult. I'm wild, exuberant, passionate, degenerate, and completely out-of-my-mind. I'm also not happy. Not one bit. Only, a little bit. I was happy with Suzy a few months ago, but then I started feeling happy, and knowing it, well, it was easier to not be happy. So I dumped her. Then I met this cool girl, Jennifer, and I kind of liked her, and she was fun, so I pushed her away. And of course, my best friend, Marq, whose almost always been there for me, and he adores me, and I don't love him the same. And I'm so confused about all of this, because I don't even know where to begin. I've been fucking my way through life and it's not working out for me in the long run.

I rarely talk about my parents. That's because I don't like them. They were in a loveless mariage, and my father had six or seven girls on the side. My mother wasn't any better, drinking champagne and spreading her legs for people I didn't know. They wouldn't get a divorce for my benefit, because it might hurt the child. Bullshit. I was aware of sexuality by the time I was nine, but it wasn't nice, loving sexuality. It was the graphic, hardcore sex part of beasts mating. And as much as I didn't like it, it fascinated me. No wonder I was so precocious. Sex meant nothing to me. I never had a steady boyfriend in highschool. I had a steady stream of boys to wank off, because I didn't mind doing it. I even got paid for it. Later on, I also had a few boys back then, one of them being a regular. And then, there was Marq. I was his first. It didn't mean anything to me, but it meant something to him. I also had some fun with a few of the girls in the cheerleading team, hazing rituals, tying up someone in the locker, leaving her for the guys to find. I was mean. Maybe I still am.

When my parents finally split, I had just left home for college. It was a relief, to be honest. I rarely see them. I wonder if they'd be appalled that their daughter is as slutty as they are. But maybe I'm taking the moral high ground when I really can't claim it. Still. It helps getting these things off my chest.

But enough about the past. You want to hear the sordid details of everyone who's going to be fucking me that night, right? You won't be disappointed.

I finally get to meet this Dara lady. Wow. Stunning body, raven dark hair tied in a knot, she has this short skirt to die for, and she's wearing a dark camisole. I'm naked when she arrives and the first thing she does is check me out, and she seems pleased.

"This one's nice," she says without talking to anyone in particular.

By now, the boys have put their pants back on. I managed to stick to my guns and not let any of them have their way with me in the interim. But now that Dara is here, I'm a little less confident. It's in the way she acts, the way she moves, and what she says.

"So I take it you've all had a turn on her?" she asks Henry.
"Yep. She's fucking tight."
"I bet she is. I bet she's a whore in the sack."

I'm being ignored. That doesn't seem good. It makes me feel like a piece of meat. Eventually, Dara turns to me.

"So you have some friends coming over for support? Do they know what they're getting into?"
"They know enough."
"What does that mean?" Jake inquires.
"It means that they know there's gonna be a lot of sex tonight, and they want in."

It's not the full truth, but it's enough of it to get me off the hook. Dara retrieves items from her large purse.

"You into bondage."
"A little."

I'm lying through my teeth. I love being restrained. I remember that weekend with Cassie and Claire. They locked me up in their dungeon with Jennifer. Wild. Dara hands me a black choker and I put it on. There's a hook on it, so she can pass a chain inside it, and drag me around if she wants to. She also hands me velcro cuffs for my wrists and ankles. I slip them on.

"I see you're not pierced."
"Only my ears, and that's all I want."
"No tattoos?"
"No money for one. Otherwise, maybe..."
"Any allergies?"

She's a professional, I realize. I'm suddenly feeling less threatened.

"None. Will you be in charge of the evening?"
"After a fashion..."

I think she understands my plight. Maybe she was a victim, like I was. No. Submissive. That's the word. Right now, she's anything but.

Charity's the next one to get there. She is surprised to see me already naked. Apparently, she knows Dara.

"What are you doing here?" Charity asks.
"Same as you dear. I'm out for a little fun."
"Like last time?"
"Sure... and a bit more, maybe."

Charity is eyeing me with desire. I think she's still high from the oral I gave her yesterday. I can make quite an impression on people in that department, as I recently found out. Still can't believe Suzy was stalking me. Then again, maybe I can.

"So," Charity asks, "do I get undressed or what?"
"Well, do you want play the slave?"
"Yeah... it was fun last time."

Dara gives her the go-ahead and Charity starts stripping. I notice how the guys are keeping apart from us now. But I can tell how badly they want to be screwing us. Dara eventually moves towards them, says a few things that escape me. I use the opportunity to talk to Charity.

"Did they ever ambush you?"
"They ambushed me, got me into this... you?"

She doesn't answer, but I know I'm right. Then again, and it's sad to say, her physical appearance won't draw too many people to her. The attention they gave her must be quite an enticement for her. But she's gorgeous in her own right, so much woman, so comfortable as I confirmed last night. It's a shame she'd left when I got up. I would have given her a very nice wake up call.

A knock on the door tells me my support has arrived. Dara lets them in. Marq and Suzy. My friends. They're a bit in shock to find both girls naked. Henry comes to greet them.

"I guess she wasn't kidding on the phone," Marq says.
"And what did she say?"
"Nothing much. But to expect it was going to be wild. How do you feel about it, Suzy?"

She's looking straight at me, and I can tell she's turned on by my nudity. She also seems slightly scared, and I can't fault her for that. She hasn't done nearly as much as I have, from what I remember. Eventually, Dara explains to them the idea behind the evening, so I finally get to understand.

"We're gonna be playing bondage and slaves tonight... which part do you want to play, Suzy?"
"I don't know... I've never played."
"Well, essentially, if you play slave, we'll be giving you orders, and you have to carry them out."
"Orders? Like what?"
"Honestly? Mostly sexual."
"There's a safe word, right?" Marq asks.
"Of course."

They explain the concept of the safe word to Suzy. It's the same for everyone. 'Red'. She thinks her decision over, but I know what she's going to choose. She wants to be with me. The choker goes on her neck, and she is introduced to the boys. They don't have her strip yet. She goes to sit on the floor with Charity and myself. I see her shy smile in my direction. She's happy just to be here. She may change her mind at a later time. Meanwhile, Marq walks up to the men, and he's assessing them. My protector. Sort of. I'm glad he's moved on from me, but perhaps he hasn't. Why do relationships have to be so complicated? Maybe that's why I like sex without attachment, because it's easy to handle. You get in, you fuck, you get out. But with friends... there's all this baggage of emotion that comes into play.

Dara walks over to us.

"So we're going to make this really simple. Whenever you get an order from one of our men, or from me, you have two options. You can accept, or you can pass. If you pass, it goes to the person on your left."

I check the order. On my right, there's Charity. On my left, it's Suzy.

"The last person in the row cannot pass and has to do the deed, so consider what happens if you decline. We'll start with Charity for the first request, and then each turn, a new girl starts."
"Will you be doing some of these... orders?" I ask Dara.
"I may. My decision really, and it depends on the mood."
"Because I want to lick your pussy," I whisper to her.

It makes Suzy blush. She needs to see me in action. She needs to understand how depraved I can be if we're going to have a chance together. Apparently, it's what I want.

"Good to know..." simply replies Dara.

By now, the boys have settled into their seats, and Dara is ready to get the game going. A random determination tells us which boy will start out first, and then they'll go clockwise. As it happens, it's Henry's turn. He'll be followed by Jake, then Winston and finally Marq. I cast a look at my friend. He knows the plan, and this time, he's in on the game. And he's willing to help me see it through. I couldn't ask for a better wingman. I hope he fucks me tonight.

"All right, Henry," Dara starts. "This one is for Charity. What do you want her to do?"
"Let's start small. I want her to trade kisses with Prissy."

Nothing new here. Kissing Charity feels midly arousing, mostly because I remember our intimate moments from the previous night. The passion on her lips is palpable.

"For Prissy... let's see... I guess kissing the other girl, Suzy?"

Again, no contest. Suzy leans in and we lock lips wth energy. How I've missed them. I want her to be my girlfriend when this is over. I want to give us another chance. I just hope she really wants it too. I hope her kiss in an indication of that.

"That Suzy girl should strip naked!"

Obviously, she can say no, but she won't. She stands and starts undoing her pants, sliding them off. Then, she pulls her shirt off. She's not doing anything special about it. She's just stripping off layers of clothing. Her bra is next to go, and I get to revisit those luscious breasts with my eyes. Her pussy gets exposed as she removes her panties, and I recall her distinct taste, which overwhelmed me for practically an entire week. I feel the sexual tension in the room.

"And our new friend, Marq?"
"Let's see... this one is for Charity, right?"
"It is."
"Okay. Show us your pink."

Apparently, Charity is only happy to oblige, getting on her ass, spreading her legs towards the boys, then using her fingers to split her pussy lips apart for the show.

"I have one," Dara says. "And it's for the boys. Lose the bottoms."

Only Marq is a little hesitant at first, but pretty soon, all four males are exposed from the bottom, dicks sticking out between their legs. I can't believe I've had all four of them. Except for Jake's, I mean, in my pussy. And I need to get him in there and I'm done. It sounds odd.

"Is everyone good to go on?" Dara asks.

No one says anything, so she turns the floor back to Henry.

"All right. I want to fuck Prissy on all fours."
"So soon?" Dara asks.

She turns to me. If I refuse, Suzy may take it upon herself to do it. Or it will skip to Charity and she'll have to do it. I guess I'm up.

"I'll do it."

Suzy seems surprised. Marq isn't. I crawl up to the sofa, presenting my rear to Henry. Before he can do anything though, Dara walks up to him and hands over a cock ring. He slides it on. It will help keep him hard, I suppose, not that he seemed to have an issue with it earlier. As he gets to his knees, his dick coming to rest between my buttocks, he whispers in my ear.

"I'm gonna fuck you every single dare I get."

I don't reply. He's obviously fixated on me. In a way, I'm relieved. It means he won't fixate on Suzy. But Jake might. And he'll have no qualms about her pussy.

And then, just like that, Henry sticks his meat down my hole, and he starts fucking me. I want to look away from Suzy, but I'm facing her, and she's watching him drill my pussy like the world is ending. I'm holding all the sounds in. Then, all of a sudden, I see her smile, and blow me a discreet kiss. And I let it go.

"Fuck Henry... oh fuck yeah... you're so deep inside me... yes! Please... more!"

Henry is thrown off his beat by my sudden words, but he keeps at it with violence, almost hurting me as his hands bury into my flesh. I denied him release before the game, and now he's going for gold. Except that Dara has other ideas, apparently.

"Henry, stop!"

It takes him a few moments to actually pull out and return to the couch, panting, a wicked grin on his face. He enjoys the humiliation he's giving me. Even if it does nothing to me. I crawl back to my spot. My butt cheeks are red and painful. I feel split apart. He wasn't kind about it this time. Still, it wasn't without its moments.

Jake speaks up.

"So, Suzy... I want a blowjob."
"No. I don't wanna... not yet."

Dara turns to Charity.

"Will you take this one?"
"No. I'm gonna skip."

I look at Charity with a certain shock, and I see she's playing with me, challenging me. She's way more into the game than I thought, and she doesn't mind playing dirty. After having my pussy rammed by Henry, I have to blow Jake. Typical, I suppose.

"Just not to completion," he adds. "I want to keep some for later."

I crawl back towards the sofa, putting my hands on his knees, and I go down on him. I like this scene less, because I can't see Suzy or Marq. Is he going to fill my mouth again later? Or is he just going to come inside Charity or Suzy? How the hell am I going to get him to fuck me?

"Love it when you tease with your tongue, babe..."

I'm not doing anything more than what I did to him previously. He's already twitching from the stimulation, so I stop.

He leans down and kisses me as I pull away from him. It makes me feel weird. I crawl back to my spot. So far, I'm not doing so good. And it's Winston's turn. He calls to Charity.

"I want to fuck you on your back!"

She looks at him with a lustful look, then turns to look at me, right in the eyes.

"No. I'll pass."

She's passing to me. It means that, if I pass, Suzy has to do it. I don't even want to look at Suzy. This is not going as I planned it. I see Dara handing him a cock ring as well. I start crawling back towards the sofa, getting on my back, parting my legs. From this point of view, I can clearly see Marq's face. He looks almost worried. Winston gets off the couch and climbs on top of me. There's a certain gentleness in his stare, and I see that he's not into humiliating me, like Henry is. He just wants a good fuck. Well, he can have it, I suppose.

His dick plunges into me and I moan. He plants kisses on my nipples as his powerful jock muscles start ramming his cock inside me. I'm being used like a sex doll and it's making me really receptive to him. I'm panting and wheezing as his rod keeps parting me open. He's already been there twice, so he feels almost familiar by now. I'm slowly climbing to heaven, but it stops too suddenly and he pulls out too quickly, unspent, without any further consideration to what he was doing. I don't move from the spot for almost a minute. I'm already tired, but it's from the conflicting emotions, not physical exhaustion. Dara actually helps me to my feet and takes me back to my spot.

Marq is up, and it's my turn again to be called on. But he is looking at me, concerned. He speaks up.

"I want a handjob too..."

I see what he's doing and I silently thank him for it.

"I need a break. I'll pass."
"I'll do it," Suzy says.

Good girl. She got the game. I see her crawl up to him. As much as I would like it to be me, I need to gather my wits. Suzy barely casts a glance at me as she starts stroking Marq's exposed cock. Marq closes his eyes and indulges in the sensation. They take their time, and it gives me time to recuperate. I cast a wicked look at Charity, and she realizes I've figured out her game. In fact, I think she also realizes that I'm teaming up with Suzy. Perhaps she'll be more compliant. Or perhaps she likes the confrontation. Regardless, I have her number now.

When Suzy comes back to her spot, she is smiling, and Marq doesn't look too bad either. I smile at both of them, and they smile back. I'm grateful for them being here, otherwise I would feel isolated. That was a good call. Dara takes the floor.

"So, I want to fuck one of the girls myself. And I have this lovely strap-on."

I wonder when she retrieved it when I wasn't looking. It looks of appropriate size for my pussy - or any pussy, for that matter.. I've seen some that are plain scary. She continues, speaking to the boys.

"So... let's put it to a vote. Who should I fuck with the strap-on?"

The boys get to decide. All together. Suddenly, I'm not so sure I'm in control of this one. In fact, it's obvious this one is out of my hands.

jklivin 02-28-2015 12:26 PM

Really great update I like the action and looking forward to more

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