getDare Truth or Dare

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italia13calcio 05-13-2011 12:01 PM

Cousin T or D Game
Hey everyone, this is my first story. The first chapter or two might be a bit slow, because I want this to be a real story, so I will take time to develop my characters, not just rush into sex and orgies. So even if you don't like it at first I hope you keep on reading:)
Chapter One:
"Bye Mom! " said James as he hugged his mother tightly. She hugged him back, and although usually he was not the sentimental type he then realized how much he would miss his mom in the next two weeks. He had never really been separated from his mother for an extended period of time before, even though he was 17 and a few months of age. But she had to go to do her job, which was being a lawyer for a bank, the National Bank, even during the summer when everyone else was relaxing on summer vacation. His dad was away too, but he was used to that by now. When your father is an archeology professor, you get used to him going off for a month or two at a time to Egypt or South America. But his mother had always, until now, been there for him.

"Bye honey," she replied, "And don't worry, it's not that hard to live by yourself, I did it myself once when I was only 15 years old. And your not really by yourself, you have Aunt Sarah and Uncle Travis right next door. Speaking of which, I told them you would eat over at there house tonight. I think they said they start dinner at around 7. And they said that any time you want, you can go over there for meals. If you don't want to, there's plenty of pasta and Ramen noodles here, and I left some money on the counter so you can order pizza. Oh, there's also ice cream in the fridge. I was thinking after you went over there for dinner, you could invite them over here for desert. Bye now! I'll be back before you know it!"

James let go and watched his mom walk to the car and drive away. He waved at her until she turned out of the driveway and was hidden by a row trees which secluded their house from the busy highway. He sighed, then turned around and walked back inside. It was only 4 o'clock, so James had time to play a few games of FIFA on his PS3 before switching to madden. At 6:50 he decided to walk over there. Better early than late. As he walked down the lakeside path which joined the two family's houses together, he reflected on lucky he was. To have a summer house by the lake, one of only six on the shores of Lake Comoto, was extraordinary. And, besides his and his cousins houses, the other houses were barely used. Also, since Lake Comoto was relatively unheard of, there were barely any tourists. Basically, he and his cousins had the lake to themselves during the summer. They had a house literally only a hundred feet away, although it was separated by a row of high pine trees, typical of Maine. Besides Aunt Sarah and Uncle Travis, there was Ella, Lola, and Sam. Sam, the youngest at age 14, was his only male cousin. Lola was 17, like James, but was just barely older, a fact which she never let him forget. Ella was 19, almost twenty. Here at Lake Comoto, they had passed many delightful summers together.He arrived at the end of the path, and walked into the yard. From there he saw Ella setting out the napkins on the outside table. She was pretty like always, her blonde hair falling over her shoulders as she lent over the table. She was wearing a Polo shirt and Jean shorts, with her favorite Vineyard Vines flip-flops on her feet. She saw him coming and her face lit up with a smile.

*"Heyyyy!!!" she shouted into the house, "James is here!!!"

"Finally!" said Lola as she walked out onto the porch carrying a plate with chopped tomatoes on it. She had her black hair in a ponytail, and was wearing a volleyball shirt with tight shorts on. Whereas Ella didn't necessarily have the curves that made men go crazy, Lola did. Despite being moe than two years younger than Ella, she was much more developed. Even now, with a relatively loose shirt on, the outline of her breasts were clearly visible.

"Now Ella, be nice." said Aunt Sarah as she too walked out onto the porch carrying a bowl of risotto. "How you doing James?"

"I'm good, I'm good," laughed James as he stuck his tongue out at Lola. "Hey, is Sam here? I need to rub it in his face that the Red Sox lost last night."

"Haha, he said that you'd say that." said Ella. "But no, he and Travis had to go to their lax camp."

"You know, the one where he and daddy go every summer, dummy." sneered Lola.
James just stuck his tongue out again. He knew it was immature, but if he bothered to talk back to Lola they would just end up fighting, like they always did.

"Here James, come sit down." invited Aunt Sarah. "Now that you're here, we can start."
The food was delicious, like always, and after they finished they sat around and talked for about half an hour. They were however interrupted by a car speeding down the driveway, screeching to a halt, letting two girls out, and then peeling away. Lola let out a shriek and ran towards the two newcomers.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you," said Aunt Sarah, "But Lola invited two of her friends from school over for a few weeks. I hope you don't mind.

italia13calcio 05-13-2011 12:42 PM

Chapter Two
Unlike the first chapter, which was an introductory chapter, I will one be writing the rest of the story in first person, aside from select chapters.
Chapter Two:
I recognized the girls from when they had come over last summer, although that year it had been only for three days, not a few weeks.

"No, it's cool." I said. "They came over last summer too, right?"

"Yeah. The blonde ones Anna and the dark haired one is Jade."

"Ok cool." As they came closer I could see that they were both very pretty. I remembered from last year that they were both 16 but almost 17, but in the same the grade as Lola. Anna was wearing a long sleeve shirt with the sleeves pulled up, and tight gymnastic pants. Besides being pretty, she also had a nice figure. Not as developed as Lola, but, judging by her tight pants, she knew how to flaunt her assets. Jade also was very pretty, but not as developed as Anna. She was wearing a cute dress.

"Hey girls, have you eaten yet?" asked Aunt Sarah.

"Yeah, we got pizza on the way here, so we're good. " replied Anna.

"Mommy, can we go get ice cream? Pleaseeee?" begged Lola.

Before Aunt Sarah could respond, I interrupted, "I have some ice cream at home. My mom got it for you, as a thank you for dinner."

"Aww, that was so nice." said Aunt Sarah. "I'll have to call her to thank her. Why don't you girls go on over."

"You're not coming, Aunt Sarah?" I asked.

"No, I'm on a diet now! Didnt you know? That means no ice cream for me."

"Well, more for me!" laughed Ella.

"Last there's a rotten egg!" yelled Lola and took off sprinting for my house.

Once we all got there ( Jade was last by the way ) I got the containers of ice cream from the fridge. There was peppermint stick ice cream and peanut butter fudge. I put a scoop of each in four bowls for the girls, and then took the containers for myself, leaving myself extra peppermint stick, which is my favorite. After they had scarfed down there ice cream, they looked jealously at me, lesiourly eating my extra large helping of peppermint. I wondered which of them would be the first to ask if they could have some of mine, secretly hoping it would be Lola so I could deny her as payback for all the times she made fun of me today. I wasn't disappointed.

"Hey James, can I maybe get like a tiny bite of that?" asked Lola sweetly.

"Hah! You wish!" I scoffed.

"But it's my favorite ice cream!" she pouted.

"Well too bad!" I said, enjoying my revenge.

"Hey James" she said


"I dare you to give me the rest."

"Too bad! I'm too old for that game. Besides, you have to give me a choice between truth and dare."

"Ok, truth or dare?"

I laughed. I thought she was joking but when she kept on looking at me I realized she wasn't. I decided to humor her. "Truth"

She looked disappointed. "Wimp!" She then was quiet and I thought that was the end of that but then she said, "James, do you think I'm hot?"

"What?" I said looking up from my ice-cream which I had just finished.

"Its my truth question. Do think I'm hot?" She then pouted out her lips and tossed her hair back.

I by now that the trick to getting out of these types of question without lying was to just go along to the extreme. "Yes, I think you are the hottest, most pretty girl in the world. Besides Megan Fox."

This made all the girls giggle, and I thought once again that that was the end. But, once again, I was wrong.

"Now it's your turn" said Lola.


"Your turn to ask truth or dare, stupid!" she said with a grin.

Rachie 05-13-2011 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by italia13calcio (Post 456201)
Your turn to ask truth or dare, stupid!" she said with a grin.

Nice way to call someone -- STUPID lol


Not a bad start

Line spacing - paragraphs would be helpful to make it easier to read

Hope you continue to write and have a wonderful time on getDare

Love Rachie
x x x x

zac 05-13-2011 01:09 PM

LOVE the start and how you are taking your time with this story :) xxx

truth 05-13-2011 11:07 PM

i love it, well written

italia13calcio 05-13-2011 11:23 PM

Chapter Three
Thank you all very much. I love reading those comments and knowing that people have read what I have written. Hopefully it gets a little more exciting before long haha:)
Chapter Three

"Uh... Truth or dare?" I asked my cousin Lola. If she wanted to play, then I'd play. And I'll beat her too. If it's possible to beat someone at truth or dare. Ever since freshman year in high school, we had been competing versus each other. Sure, we didn't go to the same school but we would compare grades, athletic achievements and social lives during the summer. She almost always beat me in everything, much to my annoyance. And she always rubbed it in my face, making fun of me, making snide comments whenever she could. So now I relished the opportunity to try to beat her.

"Not me! " said Lola exasperated, "Don't you know the rules?! You have to ask someone else!"

"Ok, ok. Ella, truth or dare?" I asked hurriedly trying to cover up my embarrassment.*

"Truth." said Ella, picking the easier.

Deciding to keep the game at a E level I asked, "Ok, do you think your brother Sam is hot?"

Ella paused and then answered, "No. I think he is cute, but not hot. He looks to young to be considered hot."

That was true. Even though he was 14, he looked younger, with his frckled face, glasses, and he huge cowlick which all the older girls thought was cute. Ella then asked Lola truth or dare, and she chose dare.

"I dare you to call Scott on the phone, say I'm a bitch, and then hang up." said Ella deviously. I knew from last summer that Scott was her ex.

"Easy." said Lola, "He's still mad at me so he probably won't even pick up."

Like Lola said, he didn't, and everyone, except for her, got a slightly disappointed look on there face.

"Well that was a fail." grumbled Anna.

"Oh well." said Lola, "Your turn Anna, Truth or Dare?"


"You're all wimps!" laughed Lola, "But whatever. Anna do you have a crush? If so, who is it?"

Anna looked nervous, as if she was thinking about lying, but then she said, "Allright, I'll tell you. But before I do can we make an agreement that anything said or done in this game stays here? No telling anyone else, ok?"
Everyone agreed and Anna then proceeded to admit she had a crush on a certain guy named Max, who I didn't know but the girls assured me he was "very hot" and "a real charmer" and that if I met him I "would have a crush on him too".

Anna then turned towards me and asked, "Truth or dare?"

Knowing my only way to escape a barrage of insults from Lola was to choose dare, I replied with a slightly anxious voice, "Dare."

After a bit of hesitation, Anna started, "Remember last summer, when came over and you didn't exactly have like the greatest body in the world?"

I grimaced, embarrassed. Last summer I had been somewhat of a... chubby kid to say the least.

"Well," continued Anna, "Lola told us that after that you started going to the gym. So now, I want to see what difference it made. Show me your six pack, if you have one."

This was easy for me to do. I was proud of how much I had slimmed down while at the same time adding muscle. Not just on my stomach but also on my arms. And while I did not have a true six pack yet, maybe just a faint outline, If I scrunched my stomach muscles up it appeared like I did. I lifted up my shirt, to the whistles and catcalls of the girls. I knew they were just joking around, but it felt good to show off all my hard work to them. Besides, they all looked impressed, even Lola. After receiving more applause and compliments, I turned to the only person who hadn't yet been involved. "Jade, truth or dare?"

"Truth." She said shyly.

Not wanting to make her feel umcomfortable, I gave her and easy one. "Ok Jade, do you have a boyfriend? If so, what do you like most about him?"

To my suprise she turned sad. "No... I don't have a boyfriend... Tommy broke up with me two weeks ago."

Oh shit. Maybe that wasn't a great question. I hurriedly said, "I'm so sorry Jade. He must have been an idiot. I mean, why would anyone break up with you? You're beautiful!"

Jade, not understanding that my latest question was rhetorical, and thinking it was part of the truth still, said, "He wanted to do more things than I was ready for. And when I said no, he broke up with me." Now she was no longer sad, just angry and defiant. After an awkward moment of pause, she turned to Anna and asked, "Truth or dare?"

This time Anna was braver, and choose dare.

"I dare you to stand up and do the macarena." said Jade.

Anna started giggling but stood up and did the first few moves of the famous dance. While she was doing this took the opportunity to check out her breasts. They were really quite nice and full, without being to big for her teenage body. And when she turned sideways to face Jade I got a nice side view of her butt, which was very shapely and cute.

"Are you happy?" asked Anna to Jade, still giggling, before sitting back down much to my disappointment. "Now Lola, truth or dare?"

italia13calcio 05-14-2011 05:56 AM

Chapter Four
Chapter Four:
Lola, who I knew hated dancing, choose truth, obviously fearing that if she chose dare she would be asked to do some other dance. I took advantage of this to get her back for calling me a wimp earlier by calling her an even bigger wimp. I know, real mature right?

"How far have you gone with a boy?" asked Anna. It was a good question, one to which I had no idea how she would respond. We had never really talked to each other about our sexual experiences, since we only really saw each other during the summer, and we just relaxed during that time, and tried not to think about serious subjects. I knew she had had several previous boyfriends, but I don't know what she had done with them.

Lola answered pretty quickly, "Well, last year when I was going out with Scott, we were at a party, and he wanted me to give him a blow job. I was going to too, since I was pretty drunk, so we went into a bedroom and he took his... you know... penis out. But it never went any farther than that because then John Rodman - you remember him don't you? - walked in on us. After that I sort of realized what I about to do, and at the same time realized that I wasn't ready yet. So I just left, and then Scott good pretty mad. That's one of the reasons we split."

Hearing your cousin talk about almost giving a blow job may seem very awkward to some people, but to me it wasn't. I mean sure, it was a little awkward, but no more than hearing any other girl talk about it. As I said before, me and my cousins didn't see each other except for during the summer, and as a result, we weren't very close. So, in some ways, I did just think of her as another girl.

This story of hers was met with shock by the girls. Obviously she had never told this to them before. Jade, of all of them, was the most shocked.

"You mean you saw a real penis?! In real life?!" she exclaimed incredulously.

"Yeah... Haven't you?" said Lola quizicly.

"No!" said Jade emphatically.

Now the girls all looked at Jade in astonishment.

"What!?" exclaimed Anna, "Not one?"

"No... Have you?"

"Yeah. Like a year ago. My brother and his friend Tom had just finished swimming and were changing when I walked into his room looking for my brothers computer. Tom was right by the door, naked except for a pair of underwear which he was just putting on. I saw his whole penis, before he scrambled to cover himself up. I just grabbed my brothers computer, laughed and walked out."

"Well, I dont have any brothers or siblings, so there was never any opportunity for that to happen to me!" said Jade defensively.

"What about you El?" asked Lola. El was Lola's nickname for Ella. "I'm sure you've seen at least one."

"Yeah, but not when I was your age. When I went off to college a year ago, my roommate for the first semester was a girl named Cindy. We didn't get along that well, that's why I changed rooms for the second semester, and she was kinda of a slut. I walked in on her three times giving blow jobs to various boys. Then all scrambled to try to cover up, but I got some good looks in."

"What about you James?" Anna asked me. "I mean, you've obviously seen some in the showers after gym at school, but any other time? And ever see a girl down there?"

I laughed. "No, to both your questions. I'm like Jade, I don't have any siblings so I never had that opportunity."

"Oh." said Lola looking sort of disappointed. She had obviously been hoping for a juicy story. "Ok, El, truth or dare?"

Ella chose dare and Lola immediately got a devious look on her face. "Ok El, this morning you took one my old bras from me... Can you please show every one what it looks like? And no being a wimp by showing a strap... I want to see the whole thing!"

Ella immediately gave Lola a glare. I wondered if she would back out. She could claim that the game was getting too risqué, and that we should stop now. Although people would boo that decision, they couldn't offer much argument, because this was the first real sexually oriented dare. But if she went through with this, then in the future it would be much harder to back out, because then there would already be a precedent. I think everyone knew this, and the tension and suspense in the air was nearly palpable. I was fairly sure she would continue with the game. If the girls were alone there would be no hesitation, and I had already seen her in a bikini many times, so it wasn't that different.

Like I thought she decided to go ahead. She shot Lola one last glare then pulled up her polo slowly to reveal a very sexy black and red bra. It helped define her breasts, which suddenly didn't seem that small anymore. It showed plenty of bare breast, and, since I was sitting on her right, I had a great side view of one of them. My friend down below started stirring, showing his appreciation for the sight before him. Everyone was staring, no one more than me, until the spell was broken by Lola, probably jealous of all the attention Ella was getting, who decided once more to make fun of me.

"Alright El, put those cannons away. We don't want James to get a heart attack."

I just laughed and complimented Ella without trying to sound to impressed. "Very nice Ella."

Ella blushed and pulled her polo back down, mumbling "Thanks." The other girls soon added their compliments and the game resumed with Ella asking Jade " Truth or dare?"

Rachie 05-14-2011 06:45 AM

Truth please lol

Wonder what she will pick

Still going strong, keep up the good work and look forward to reading more

Love RACHIE -- (iPod)
x x x x

zac 05-14-2011 06:46 AM

same as rachie really ;) xxx ^^

italia13calcio 05-14-2011 07:00 AM

Chapter Five
You read my mind... Jw wondering though why do you think that?
Chapter Five
Jade, the shy girl that she was, was taking no chances. She chose truth without a moments hesitation. Ella, having just been embaressed though, wasn't gonna let Jade of free.

"So Jade.. Why don't you tell us when the last time you had your period was?" asked Ella, knowing such a private matter would be embarrassing to discuss even among all girls, and much more so with a boy present. I felt sorry for Jade, and a little mad at Ella. Unlike the last dare which I had enjoyed, this question, and it's answer, wasn't one particulary wanted to hear. But the point of the game is to embarrass each other, so neither I nor any one else objected.

"Last weekend." said Jade quietly. Unlike the other truths and dares, which had been followed by praises, real or in jest, for the person who was doing the dare/answering the question, this one was followed by silence. No one could think of a comment, either snide or sincere, so Jade, after a moments pause, turned to me and asked, "Truth or Dare?"

I saw Lola looking at me, and knew I had to chose Dare. Besides, with Jade asking, I was confident that she wouldn't give me anything too bad. Maybe a phone call to a girl or something.

But Jade surprised me. Actually, I think she surprised all of us. "Well James, I really liked your six pack earlier. Even if it wasn't the most impressive I've ever seen. But anyways - I want to see it some more, and I'm sure everyone else does too, so remove your shirt. And keep it off for the rest of the game. It's pretty hot out, so you shouldn't get cold or anything."

The sight of Jade, who up to this moment had portrayed the very image of a shy, insecure schoolgirl ordering me to take my shirt off was just too funny. Everyone cracked up, except for Jade, and immediately all the awkwardness from the earlier truth was dispelled.

I started to shrug off my shirt when Anna stopped me.

"Wait, what if your mom comes over?" she asked Lola.

"She won't." said Lola confidently, "Right now is Judge Judy time. She won't leave the house for any reason."

"What about when it's done? Or when there are commercial breaks?" persisted Anna.

"It's a weeknight, there's like a million Reruns in a row. Besides, if she comes, we'll hear the door open and shut. It's really old so it squeaks a lot and you have to like slam it to shut it." answered Ella. "So take it off, James!"

I whipped of my shirt with a flourish, threw it on a nearby chair, and placed my hands on my hips, jutting out my chest. "Captain Six Pack has arrived!" I announced in a loud voice, much to the delight of the girls who started up giggling again. I posed for a few seconds, before switching my gaze to Lola. "Lola... Truth or dare?"

With me asking her, she had no choice but to choose dare in order to avoid being barraged by a flurry of insults.

I thought for a while before coming up with a perfect dare for her.

"Like you ordered your sister to show her bra, I now order you to the same." however, as she went to pull up her shirt I stopped her. "With one difference. You may not remove your shirt. And it goes without saying you have to show the whole thing."

She stared at me for a moment without catching on. Finally she did, and she asked disbelievingly, "You want me to take my bra off from under my shirt?"

"I never said that." I said with a smile, although that's exactly what I had meant.

She paused and tried to think of another way, but I yelled, "Time limit! One minute!"

She thought for a few more seconds but then gave up. She reached under her shirt and unbuckled the clasp on the bra. She let it fall down her shirt into her hands, to reveal it was a simple white bra. She held it up to me with a wry smile. Despite still not being able to see anything under shirt, I was beginning to get aroused again. The thought of my pretty cousin, sitting near me with her breasts - rather large ones it seemed, by the size of the bra - hanging freely under her shirt was quite exciting.

"Good." I said, trying to contain my excitement, "You can put it back on now."

But, alas for Lola, putting a bra on under your shirt without showing anything, is harder than taking it off. After a few tries, during which she struggled mightily to no avail, she gave up.

"What the hell." she said in an exasperated voice, and threw the bra onto another chair, "I'll just play without it. More comfortable, actually."

This latest development made me immensely happy, and I let out a small chortle.*

italia13calcio 05-14-2011 08:09 AM

Chapter Six
Chapter Six
Lola turned towards Anna. "Truth or dare?"

Anna looked at her warily. The last dare had been a tough one and this was Lola she was dealing with... And it would be typical Lola to give out an impossible dare.

"Truth" she said, taking the easy way out.

Not wanting to give her an easy question just because it was truth, Lola took a moment to think. "Ok... Anna... Would you mind giving a guy a blow job?

"No... I don't think so." she replied, "I just wouldn't want to have him... Um... Go off in my mouth. That's what I would find disgusting."

All the girls readily agreed to that, although Jade wasn't sure she would even want to give one in the first place. The talk about blow jobs was keeping my member slightly hard the whole time, not noticeable sitting down but if I had to stand up I might be in trouble. And I didn't even have my shirt to try to cover it up with anymore, which was even more troublesome.

Anna turned towards me again. I seemed to be the popular target here. Before she could even ask, I said "Truth". Having already lost my shirt, I didn't want to risk anything else. Anna made a pouty face but no one said anything. We were past the point were we would call each other wimps, everyone knew that if the player who was daring you was in a bad mood, you could be in trouble.

But the truths weren't easy either. Anna proved this point by asking me deviously, "So, James, when's the last time you masturbated?"

The way she asked it, not trying the sugar coat the word caught me off balance. Immediately, I started to become red in the face. I now knew how Jade had felt. Too make it worse Lola started to chime in.

"Come on James, tell us. There's a time limit! No need to be shy, we all know you do it. Why, I bet -"

But I never found out what she bet cause I interrupted her then, hurriedly spitting out, "Yesterday."

"When yesterday?" asked Anna probing for more information.

"In the morning. Before I took a shower." I answered, just as hurriedly as before.

"See James, that wasn't that hard!" exclaimed Lola, "But you were yesterday!"

This was met with a round of "Oooohhh's" and "Snappp's" which just made me turn even redder.

In an attempt to get the attention away from me, and pay her back for the last dare, I faced Jade and asked, "Truth or Dare?"

She knew I was trying to get revenge, but even then she hesitated, remembering what her last truth question had been. Eventually she decided that showing her bra or something like that would be less embarrassing than answering another question, seeing as two of the other girls had already showed there's.


But I wasn't going to follow the herd and make her do what had already been done, where would the fun be in the that? Instead I decided to take the game to the next level and said, "Show everyone your panties."

Anna gasped, but Jade just looked resigned to her fate. She knew that I would give her a dare like this. She was wearing a dress, a light summer one with white. And light blue stripes, so it wouldn't require much energy to do it. She stood up slowly, steeling her mind. Slowly she grabbed the hem and lifted it up. She brought it up tantalizing high, so that I could admire her tanned and shapely legs, but stopped just short of her pubic region. Then, looking at me, she lifted it up past her waist.

She was wearing yellow panties, with white borders, and with her legs pressed tightly together out of nervousness, you could clearly make out the V where the fabric was covering her pussy. She held the dress up for another second or two, before giggling, and, suprising everyone once again, spinning around quickly to give everyone a nice view of her perfectly round and bubbly ass cheeks. She then let the dress fall down and sat back down in her seat.

My dick was starting to bulge now, more than ever, so I adjusted myself. However, my hard-on would still be painfully obvious to anyone if I to stand up. Lola gave a small whistle, and Anna clapped twice. Ella and I remained quiet but I gave her a small smile when she looked my way.

zac 05-14-2011 08:21 AM

WOW. your are very good...keep up the spectacular work! x

meeep123 05-14-2011 09:03 AM

bravo bravo more more:D

italia13calcio 05-14-2011 09:19 AM

Chapter Sevn
As you wish:D
Chapter Seven
Ella was the lucky one, or unlucky one, who got asked next. Since Jade was doing the asking, she didn't know what to chose. On one hand, Jade was the most innocent of all us here. On the other hand, she had just given me a not-so-easy dare and was exhibiting a bit of a bravery. She decided to take her chances and chose dare.

But Jade was still in her brave mindset, and decided once again to give out a hard dare. "Your cousin had to remove his shirt, and he looks pretty good with it off. So why don't you take your's off as well?"

Ella looked stunned. "But it's different... I'm a girl!"

Jade didn't care. "It's just like having a bikini on. I bet he's seen you plenty of times in a bikini."

Ella looked like she wanted to complain more, but there wasn't much that she could say to counter that. And the dare itself wasn't as hard as the one Jade had just had to do, so she couldn't claim too hard of a dare either. Rather than prolong the suspense out like Jade had, Ella went about her dare quickly, pulling off her polo shirt. As she pulled it over her head, she arched her back to get it off easier, which led to her breasts being trust outwards. As a result, I was treated to a generous amount of cleavage.

Once she had pulled it off all the way, she noticed my staring and smacked my arm, not hard, but just to get my attention away from her lovely breasts.

*"Stop staring!" she said, but then rather hypocritically sneaked a looked at my shorts, and seemed surprised when she saw the tell-tale bulge down there. I didn't call her out though, because I knew that if I did there was the chance she would tell the others what was happening to my penis, and that would only led to further embarrassment for me.

She then turned and asked, "Truth or dare?" to an unsuspecting Anna, who was still laughing at me having gotten called out. Anna was now put on the spot. The dares were heating up, and she probably didn't want to have to do one, but last time she had chosen truth, so if she chose it again she would risk being yelled at by the others for being a wimp. Also, she was the only member at the table who had not shown anything yet.

"Dare." she said bravely, trying to hide how nervous she really was.

Ella clearly had a dare already picked out, because she responded quickly and with hesitation, "I dare you to turn around so your back is to us, and then touch your toes for ten seconds.

Anna now whitened slightly, but she still kept up the brave face. It wasn't touching her toes she was worried about (She was a gymnast, that was easy!) it was the fact that by doing this she would be showing us all her butt. And since she was wearing those tight gymnastic pants, we would get quite a view.

She had the same technique as Jade, getting up slowly, trying to delay it. She took a step away from the table and then bent over slowly, sending her ass higher into the air.

Ever since I had sneaked at peek at her ass from the side when she was doing the Macarena, I wondered what it would look like from the back. Now, I was getting my answer. It streched upwards, as if it was trying to pop out of her pants. Her ass was perfected shaped, the two cheeks each full and round. The tight gymnastic pants defined them fully, and no underwear was visible. As a result, the pants creased inwards around her crack and then again in an upsides down V around where her pussy was.

This only helped to harden my penis, by now almost fully erect. Ella was continously stealing glances at my lap, in which my boner was beginning to become obscenly obvious. I was thankful that only Ella was on my side of the table, therefor only she could see it. Jade and Anna were on the other side, so they had no way of seeing it, and Lola was at the head of the table, but next to Ella, not me, so there was a low probability that she would see it.

Anna finished with her ten seconds and straightened up quickly. She turned around quickly and sat back down, feeling everyone's eyes on her and knowing they had just seen a close-up of her.

I knew Anna wanted to ask me, but since she had asked me last time, she couldn't. Instead she focused her attention on Lola, inquiring, "Truth or dare?"

Lola, not feeling any obligation whatsoever to pick dare, having chosen it last time, picked truth. Anna stopped and thought for a second or two, before her eyes lit up.

"I've been meaning to ask you this for a while." she began, "Near the end of the year, after gym, I saw you reaching for your towel after you had finished showering. You grabbed it and covered up quickly so I only got a little peek, but I thought I saw that you were clean.. Down there. Do you shave there?"

Surprisingly, Lola didn't seem too embarrassed about sharing this bit of personal information. "Yes, I do. I started like months ago. It makes it a lot less hot and itchy down there. I don't flaunt it though or tell anyone at school, because the might think it's a little slutty."

We all were intrigued by this info, and Ella even said she might try it later. I had never done it, allthough I knew that a lot of guys did.

Lola then decided I was wayyyy overdo to be asked, and posed the question to me. I hesitated but chose dare. I probably could have chosen truth if I wanted to, since I was already half naked, but after my tricky dare to Jade last time I felt obligated chose dare to receive my due, whatever it would be.

I looked at Lola as she pondered her options, before finally deciding on one. "Ok James, you seem to like seeing people in there underwear, so now it's time to see you. Pull down your shorts for ten seconds and stand still with your hands on your head."

italia13calcio 05-14-2011 02:40 PM

Chapter Eight
Chapter Eight
Now I was in trouble. I had nearly a full blown hard on and was going to have to stand in front of four girls in my underwear. One small blessing was that I was wearing boxers, so my erection would be way less obvious than if I was wearing briefs. Another small blessing was that before hand I had adjusted my self so my penis was pressed up wards toward my stomach, held in place by the elastic waistband, and the head of my boner still concealed.. Just barely. It was still visible but only as a bulge at the top, not sticking straight out.

I thought briefly about backing out but knew I couldn't. I had already watched them do too much to back out know. I got up slowly, my knees weak. Ella was shooting me an evil glare, knowing what I hid down there. I summoned all my courage and pulled my shorts down. I fought off the urge to cover myself and complied to the dare which I was ordered to do by placing my hands on my head.

There was indeed a bulge visible in my boxers, but it didn't really give anything away, since it was tucked upwards. I stood there counting at a low voice.. 1... 2.... 3... It was at three that disaster stuck. Because I had only tucked the tip of my penis under the elastic waistband, in order to not have the head show, the balance was very precarious. At the third second the head slipped downwards and I desperately tried to will it to stay still. But to no avail. It slipped a little further downwards, now it barely tucked under the elastic at all. I tried to move a little to maneuver it back into position. Bad idea.

My movements only made it worse. My penis became completely untucked, and fell downwards. It was still hard however so it stuck straight out from me. I moved my hands off my head and began to cover up, but then Lola stopped me.

"No! No touching! Hands on head! Start counting again."

I slowly moved my hands back to my head and stood in front of them with my hard on pointing straight out. They were all staring at it transfixed. I now knew how Ella and Anna had felt. I counted to ten quickly (but not too quickly - I didn't want Lola to claim I had counted to fast and make me start over again) and then I reached down and pulled up my shorts hurriedly. I sat down once more, and readjusted myself, all the while being stared at by Ella, who was obviously hoping for a glimpse of my now apparent hard on.

"Well are we gonna play or just sit around?" I said to get the girls attention away from the image of my hard on pressing out from my boxers which was now emblazoned in their minds. "Ella, truth or dare?" I asked, trying to get revenge for the way she had been leering at me for the last five minutes.

But she knew what I was trying to do, and responded quickly, "Truth."

I was disappointed I wouldn't be able to dare her, but I had a good, embarrassing question ready. "Have you ever had a lesbian experience? If so, described it. If not, would you like too ever have one?"

Ella hesitated, clearly thinking about lying but then responded in a quite voice.
"Yes, I have. I was over at my friend Alison's house, watching a movie. It was dark and we were both under the same blanket. During one of the steamy scenes, I felt her hand brush my boob. I thought it was an accident, but then I felt it again, and this time it stayed there. I faced her to ask her what she was doing, but I found her lips pressed against mine. She kept kissing me, and then rolled on top of me. I was a little confused but I knew I liked what was happening. She then moved her hand from my breast, to my slit, which she began to rub, slow at first but then harder. I moved my hands and grabbed her ass and squeezed. I began to get wet, and she felt that and moved her hand under my shorts. She stuck a finger in my slit, feeling around. I was 15 at the time so it was the first time I had been penetrated, and it felt so good. I gave a soft moan, and then began to slowly trust my body against her finger. But... Then we heard a car pull in the driveway, and it was my mom who was picking me up. I barely talked to her after that, although she did keep looking at me in a sexy way during school after that. So... Yeah. That's my story."

Everyone was staring at Ella. While she was telling the story she had gotten so wrapped up, so involved, it had created almost a magical net of concentration which ensnared everyone. Only I had noticed, however, that the whole time she was talking one of her hands had found it's way to her lap, and was gently moving up and down outside her shorts, right in the area of her vagina, which, I imagined by then, must be pretty wet.

However, her abrupt ending, in which she finally showed some traces of embarrassment, brought an end to the magical feel and also caused her to notice me staring at her lap, which in it's turn brought an end to the rubbing. She blushed, and then asked, "Jade, truth or dare?"

Jade, still in her brave mode, which by now I was starting to suspect might be her true nature, and the innocence was just a cover up, chose dare.

Ella gave her a particallary tough one saying, "Everyone else has some article of clothing off. Me and James are shirtless, Lola has no bra, and from the look of it Anna has no panties. So why don't you go ahead and remove that dress, and stay in your bra and panties for the rest of the game."

Jade grimaced, but went threw with it. She moved quickly this time. Pulling her dress off with a flourish, folded it neatly and stood there in front of us in her matching yellow underwear. Her breasts were around the same size as Ella's, but weren't as flaunted as much in the plain yellow bra. They were nice and perky too, it seemed the bra was just a formality, they could probably do fine on their own. Her panties were even more contracted around her pubic region than before, and they looked slightly damp, although I couldn't be sure because of the light. I felt my penis, which had grown a little flaccid because of the embarrassment I had felt earlier, spring back to life.

Noticing me looking at her clingy underwear, she sat down, and rubbed her arms in an attempt to ward off the chill. Only then did I realize that the sun was much lower in the sky now, it was getting to be dark, and coldness was setting in. As well as the Mosquitos I thought with a grimace, as I slapped at my leg, but missed the little bugger.

"Hey why don't we go inside?" I asked. "It's gonna be too dark to see anymore."

"But then we won't be able to tell if moms coming." said Lola worriedly, "I mean, she should be occupied for another half hour at least but if she comes over, goes inside and sees you there with your hard on sticking right at her, she might freak out."

This got a lot of laughs, even from me. "Don't worry about it, we can go to the playroom on the second floor. It's right above the door, so we'll hear if she comes in, but she can't see us from the doorway, so it will give us time to change."

The playroom was a room that my parents had arranged for me when I was little. It was rather large, and while it used to be filled with legos and spiderman dolls, it now had a pool table, a reclining chair, a sofa, a mini fridge, and of course, the TV and my PS3.

Everyone readily agreed, they could all feel the chill coming on and besides, who wouldn't want to go into my playroom? It's sick.

"Ok we'll have a five minute pause. Everyone take their ice cream bowls inside please, and put them in the sink. You can go to the bathroom if you need to. And bring your clothes in too, it might rain tonight. But no putting on anymore clothes or changing clothes, when we start again I want everybody as they are now."

I grabbed the two containers of ice-cream, my shirt, and headed inside. I wondered what other dares, and truths, we could possibly come up with.

truth 05-14-2011 04:33 PM

ok this is by far the best story i have read in a long time, please continue

zac 05-14-2011 04:46 PM

i really like your writing :) xxx

italia13calcio 05-15-2011 04:08 AM

Chapter Nine
Thank you all:):)
Chapter Nine
Five minutes later we were all gathered in the playroom. I was lounging in the recliner chair, although the black leather, cold from hours of not being used, was sending chills up by bare back. To my left, on the beige couch, sat Jade, Anna, and Lola. The couch which was normally parallel to my chair, was now turned at a ninty degree angle so it was sticking out perpendicularly. Completing the half circle was Ella, who was sitting on the pool table. Normally I would have allowed this, since that pool table is my pride and joy, but she had pulled a blanket over it, so that she wouldn't mess up the green by sitting on it.

Besides me, Ella and Jade also were shirtless. Ella had on a sexy red and black bra, while Jade was wearing a plain yellow one. In addition, Jade also was without shorts or a skirt, all she had on her bottom half was a pair of matching yellow panties. Although Lola and Anna seemed to have all their clothes, Lola In fact had no bra on, a fact which was concealed pretty well however by her loose shirt. Anna, although not being dared to remove anything so far, was without panties, which we had noticed during an earlier dare.

My dick, which had gone soft over the break, twitched again just looking at the bare flesh in front of me. I worriedly thought that I might have another hard on before the game even started, but much to my relieve no more blood flowed down into it.

"Ok whose turn?" asked Lola.

"It's Jade's." answered Ella, "I dared her last."

"Yeah, you made me take off my dress!" said Jade sticking her tounge out at Ella, to much laughter. I was glad to see that Jade was taking her near nudeness lightly. "Ok, Anna, truth or dare?" she asked, starting the game up again.

Anna, remembering her dare last time, chose truth. But Jade, remembering the truth Anna had asked me earlier, decided to give her a taste of her on medicine. "Anna, do you ever masturbate? If so, do you use any toys?"

Anna blushed furiously before stammering out, "Y-Yes, I do masturbate. And yes, I do have a toy... a.. fake penis."

"You mean a dildo!" said Lola, putting her on the spot in a typical Lola fashion.

"Yes... a dildo." replied Anna. I was shocked. I mean, I knew that some girls masturbated but I never thought Anna would. Now I started to think more. Did Lola? Did Ella? Did Jade?
I was jarred from my current train of thought by Anna asking Ella, "T or D?"

Ella responded hesitantly, "Dareee..."

Now Ella had been the one who dared Anna to bend over before, the dare where we learned she had no panties on. And Anna did not forget, or forgive, this.

"Well Ella, you seemed to like looking at me without panties on last time." A look of doom flashed over Ella's face as she realized she was in for some payback. "Now, you too must go pantyless."

Well, that wasn't too hard. She was wearing khaki shorts so the weren't tight like Anna's pants, but at the same time they weren't loose like a skirt, so no one would be able to peek up them. She got up and headed towards the door, to go to the bathroom down the hall to change.

"Wait!" said Anna, perhaps sensing her dare was too easy. "You must remain in here at all times."

Ella whirled around. "No! I'm not showing my pussy to you guys! No way!"

"I never said you had too." replied Anna calmly. " You can turn around so we only see your butt. You basically already saw mine! Come on, don't be a wimp."

Ella was now considering it. She obviously still didn't like the idea... But a butt wasn't that bad to show... And if she did this dare it meant she could give out even harder dares to the people who had embarrassed her earlier, namely Lola and Jade, who were responsible for her shirtlessness. Like earlier, this was another important moment in the game. It was the first time anyone had been dared to be naked in a private region. Just like earlier, this would be a turning point.

"Fine." grumbled Ella, "I'll do it. But we need to make some new rules. Obviously, no talking about this to anyone outside the group. Secondly, no photos. Third of all, no involving other people in the dares, not just yet anyways. And finally, in order to make sure no one just picks truths all the time to avoid being dared, from now on you can't pick truth twice in a row."

Everyone considered this. I was fine with the first three, although I was intrigued by the way Ella had added 'not just yet anyways' onto the rule about no involving other people. Was she implying we would reach a stage where we WOULD be doing dares with other people?

*The forth one was the one that I wasn't too sure about, and judging from other people expressions they weren't either. This would make people warier to chose truth, knowing that next turn they could get automatically slammed with a dare.

But in the end we all went along with it. Ella moved from the door to a corner of the room, with all eyes on her. Not looking back, she took a ragged breath and pulled down her shorts, and stepped out of them. She was now standing in her bra and underwear, which didn't match her bra but was rather navy blue. Her ass was nice and round, not as big as Anna's but cute and bubbly. I stared at it, transfixed, knowing that in a few seconds the underwear would be gone.

Still not looking backwards, she reached under the waistband and pulled them slowly down for an inch, before stopping. The top of her crack was now visible. I took a moment to look at the others, they too were staring. Taking another breath, she quickly pulled them down all the way, and stepped out of them.

Now she was wearing only her bra. Her ass, the first bare female ass I had seen in real life, was, in my mind, perfect. Like I said before, it wasn't that big, just perfectly shaped. It was well toned too, probably from gym work, and there didn't seem to be any fat on it. Still staring transfixed, I slowly moved my hand to my shorts to adjust my ever-growing boner. Even though I knew it was my cousin I was staring at, I still had the strong desire to run across the room and grab her ass.

Ella hurriedly stepped back into her shorts, her ass moving seductively as she pulled them up, and then zipped up the front. She turned around, red in the face, to see us all staring at her. She didn't even bother to tell us to stop staring; she just walked back to the pool table, sat down on it, and asked me in a quavering voice, "Truth.. Or dare?"

zac 05-15-2011 04:27 AM


italia13calcio 05-15-2011 07:56 AM

Chapter Ten
Chapter Ten
Well, there was no way in hell I was choosing dare, not with Ella having just completed the hardest dare so far and on the hunt for revenge, so I answered steadily, "Truth."

Ella looked resigned, like she knew I would say that. She thought for a while and then asked, "Well James, when you did your dare earlier, I noticed that you had... uhhh... a problem with a certain something sticking straight out of your underwear. It seemed pretty big, but I couldn't be sure, so could you please tell us how long it is, when fully hard, assuming that you know of course."

I did indeed know, and I told them.

"After school one day in November, I heard two girls talking about someone's penis, and that 'fully hard it was only like four inches!' When I got home, I took out a ruler and measured myself. I was bigger than whoever they were talking about; fully hard I was just over six and half inches. I have no idea whether that is big compared to other people though, 'cause in the locker room at school obviously no one walks around with a hard on, and I never bothered looking it up online."

The girls were fascinated by my story, and they assured me I was above average. I started to feel pretty good about myself, first they were complimenting my body, and now my penis length. My self esteem was rising by the second.

I focused my next question on Jade. She, having been stripped to just her panties and bra, took the easy way out, picking truth. We were both now in trouble for the next turn; If asked, we had to do dares.

"Ok Jade, do you ever watch porn?" I asked, actually curious to know. I was hoping that after she answered the others would chime in too, so I would learn if girls, like boys, watched porn.

Much to my disappointment, nothing interested happened. Jade responded curtly, "No." The other girls, perhaps knowing that they would be humiliated anyways in a few turns, remained silent.

"So much for that." I thought to myself.

Jade decided to Lola, who hadn't been picked in a while. After thinking about it for a moment, Lola decided that a dare from Jade was defiantly easier than a dare from Anna or Ella, and was probably easier than one from me.

"Dare." she said confidently.

Her confidence turned out to be false confidence. She hadn't noticed, or maybe she did but chose to ignore it, that Jade was consistently giving out hard dares.

Without a moments hesitation, Jade gave her probably the hardest dare yet.

" I want you to go to the bathroom down the hall. There, take your shirt off and soak it in the sink until it completely wet. Then, you can wring it out as best you can, but no using a hairdryer or any other heating appliance to dry it. Oh yeah, you only have a minute to do this.... and the clock starts now!"

As she listened Lola got a scared look on her face. With no bra on, her breasts would very noticeable once she came back in. Her only small solace was that she was wearing a dark blue shirt, which was much better to be wearing than a white shirt. Being of a stronger mind than her sister, she didn't waste anytime, but leaped off the couch and ran down the hall. We heard the sink water turn on, and a frantic splashing. After about twenty-five seconds the water turned off, and now the sound of water being squeezed from her shirt drifted towards our ears.

With ten seconds left Jade shouted, "You have ten seconds to get back in here!"

We heard one last dose of water being squeezed from the T-shirt, and then footsteps coming quickly down the hall. With three seconds left, Lola appeared in the doorway.

Her shirt was wet all over, but not so wet that water would drip from it. It clung to every crevice on her top half, perfectly outlining her curves. Her thin stomach and sexy hips gave her an hourglass figure, but thats not what everyone was staring at.

Her large breasts, previously only barely noticeable, were now outlined perfectly. Nothing was left to the imagination. They were easily larger than Jade's and Ella's, but at the same time they didn't look too big on her either. They didn't seem to sag much either, not quite as perky as Jade's, but nice and firm. Her nipples, too, were jutting out, probably from the coldness she was feeling from the wet shirt. It was an incredibly sexy sight, one that made any extra blood in my body flow immediately to my penis.

She stood there, red with embarrassment, and then walked quickly back to her seat on the couch. Normally I wouldn't want any one who was wet to sit on my couch, but this wasn't normally. Besides, it wasn't made of leather like my chair, so the water wouldn't damage it, and it could just dry off after a while.

When she sat down she leaned forward at put her elbows on her knees and her hands on her chin, trying to cover herself up. But, unfortunately for her, it didn't really matter, because the tight clingy shirt was letting us see all that we wanted of her.

Vladimir 05-15-2011 08:18 AM

Simply Amazing!*

Dare99 05-15-2011 09:36 AM

This is a great story that seems very plausible. Can't wait for more.

italia13calcio 05-15-2011 10:13 AM

Chapter Eleven
Chapter Eleven
Lola turned towards Anna, trying to ignore the fact her wet shirt was clinging to her every curve, giving everyone a very good idea of what her figure looked like. "Truth or dare?" she asked.

Anna wasn't stupid and could tell that Lola wanted someone in the same plight as her, so she chose truth. Now Anna, Jade, and I all had to chose dare the next time we were asked, which meant a lot of dares where coming up.

"Ok Anna," started Lola, "Tell us, what turns you on? Any secret fetishes that you think about while you're masturbating with your dildo?"

I expected Anna to say no, no matter what, even if it was a lie. I mean, who would want to talk about their deepest fantasies? But to my surprise she answered positively.

"Yes. I do. When I am... playing with myself I often fantasize about that time I walked in on my brothers friend. Except, in my fantasies, instead of walking out, I start making out with him. We fall onto the bed, me still completely clothed, him naked. After we kiss for another minute or two, I break away. He by now has a boner. I tell him to start wanking. He does, and stand there, watching him get closer and closer to erupting, touching myself all over, my boobs, my vagina, but never penetrating myself, just rubbing, to get him more excited. Finally he can't hold it anymore, and he starts to cum. I stay there, and tell him to keep wanking until all the cum has been released. When he finally finished I walk out, leaving him there, naked, helpless, with cum over himself and his hand still on his penis."

Now this was shocking. I mean, when I learned that she masturbated I was surprised, but now... I was REALLY surprised. So were the others, I gathered from their expressions. They might have known, or guessed, that she masturbated, but I think they honestly had no idea that THIS was what she thought about while she was doing.

"But you never let him put his penis in you?" asked Ella, in a curious voice.

Anna shook her head. During the story she hadn't seemed embarrassed at all, but now a hint of red was creeping across her cheeks.

"Why not?" followed up Lola.

Anna shrugged. "I don't know. That's what it has always been. Now Jade, truth or dare?"

This was of course a trick question. Jade had picked truth last time, but now she was regretting it, since she had to chose dare, and Anna always gave tough dares.

"Dare, I guess." she said reluctantly.

"What a bold decision!" said Anna sarcastically. "Ok Jade, this is actually very similar to Lola's dare, which, by the way, you gave to her. I dare you to go into the bathroom, take off your panties, soak them, and then put them back on. Obviously, you can wring them out as much as possible, but you only have a minute. Starting... now!"

Jade, scared by this new dare, hesitated a moment, which probably cost her five seconds. Should she try to appeal the dare, saying it was to hard? But she had already given a very similar dare to Lola, so if it came to a vote, Lola would vote that Jade had to do it. Anna obviously would as well, and Ella would probably too, seeing as Jade had been responsible for her being shirtless.

She got up and ran to the bathroom, but those five seconds might have been costly in that they took away valuable time for her to wring out her underwear. The panties, being smaller than Lola's shirt, took less time to wash, and we heard the water turn off after only ten seconds. Anna gave her a ten second warning, and with five seconds left, she walked into the room.

Unlike Lola who had been wearing a dark shirt, her panties were yellow. This meant that we could see through them a little bit. The first thing I noticed was the dark patch right where her pussy would be. Obviously she didn't shave. This was the closest I was to ever seeing a girl nude in real life, and my dick was now at full mast and nearly popping out of my shorts. Besides giving us the sight of her bush, the wet panties also clung to her tightly. There was the prominent V, and when she walked by me I got a nice side view of her ass, which wasn't either as big as Anna's or as toned as Ella's, but was just bubbly and cute.

When she sat down, she kept her knees tightly pressed together, but I could still make out the shadow of her bush. Anna, who was sitting next to her, stared at her crotch, getting what I could imagine was a very good view. She seemed pretty calm, considering that three of her friends and a boy could almost see her pussy, but I could tell how nervous she was by the way that her hands were clenched and her toes were curled.

She turned towards Ella, who had gotten her into this mess by making the rule of no double truths, and asked through clenched teeth, "Truth or... dare?"

Memories for Life 05-15-2011 11:13 AM

Let me start by saying that I like reading the story. The characters are well described and your narration lends believability to them as real people, by describing their emotions and thoughts on trying to outguess each other's "truth or dare" challenges.

If you are writing this out on a word processor it seems to be catching any possible spelling errors. The area that you're having some problems with is words being omitted from sentences with throw confusion into what your trying to tell. Another issue I observed was a few continuity breaks -- in Chapters 8 & 9, some of your characters got switched around, who was speaking at the time and what they were wearing.

Both of these issues can be solved if you take the opportunity to "proof" the chapter before you post it. That means read the previous chapter then the new chapter and try to visualize the characters to ensure you haven't switched the names.

I think this will be a great story to follow over time. Hopefully, this group of characters will continue their interaction during many future adventures beyond this encounter.

NoraazXD 05-15-2011 11:39 AM

This story is amazing and without a doubt one of the most well written ones I have ever seen on this site. I like that you're taking it slow, although I do hope the other cousin comes into the story at some point. I honestly do not understand how you are posting these chapters so quickly, but whatever it is you do keep it up, because the results are fantastic!

italia13calcio 05-15-2011 11:47 AM

Chapter Twelve
Thank you very much for the praise and constructive criticism. Yes, I am using a word processor which explains both the correct spelling and the left out words. While it corrects mistakes, it might also correct something I intended to have that way. The mixed up characters are indeed my fault, and I went back and I think I caught them all. But be sure to tell me if you notice any other mistakes, I will fix them in order to make this work as polished as possible.
Chapter Twelve
Ella, probably smartly, chose truth. Jade shot her a disappointed glare, and then started to think. After a minute or two she came up with a good question.

"Ok, we all know that you had a lesbian experience before, but now I want to know... if Anna started kissing you, right now, what would you do? Would you like it? Would you kiss back?"

Everyone had their eyes focused on Ella, especially Anna, who was extra curious to hear what she would say, since it involved her.

Ella started talking, slowly, choosing her words carefully. "If she started kissing me... then... yeah, I would kiss her back. I don't have a problem kissing girls, I.. just wouldn't do it in public, because someone I knew might see me, and then they could tell people. I'm not ashamed of having... lesbian feelings... but a lot of people today don't accept people who exhibit.. those tendencies. But here I would know that none of you would tell, and if she started it then it wouldn't be like I was forcing her to... I would know that she was ok with it. And I mean, she's obviously pretty, so looks aren't a problem."

It sounded like a sincere answer, and one that took a lot of guts to say. Then again, most of the dares we were doing and questions we were answering took a lot of guts.

Lola looked a little shocked at what she had just heard her sister say, Jade just nodded her head, and Anna looked pleased that she had just been called pretty. But she didn't look pleased for long, as Ella asked suddenly, "Anna, truth or dare?"

Another trick question, since Anna had already used her truth last turn. I was feeling pretty lucky, since I had used my truth before both Jade and Anna, but they had had to do dares before.

"Well, I don't have much choice do I?" said Anna miserably.

Ella laughed. "No, not really. Ok for your next dare... hmm... well you haven't had to remove any article of clothing so I'll have to do something about that... but what?"

Then she laughed evilly. "Ok Anna, I dare you to take off your shirt. Then, standing up, I want you to put the shirt between your legs. Pull both ends upwards, as far as they can go without stretching the shirt. One end should be in front of your face, the other behind your head. When you have that, start moving the shirt back and forth, pulling on one end and then the other, for a minute. Remember, I want the ends as HIGH as possible, not as FAR OUT as possible. And when your finished, keep your shirt off. Got that? Don't worry, if you don't remember, I'll remind you."

It was a weird dare, and at first I couldn't figure out what the point of it was. I pondered about that until Anna, after a little grumbling, removed her shirt. It was a long sleeve shirt, and fairly tight, not made out of stretchy material, so she had to squirm a little to get it off.

This made her breasts, newly revealed and covered by a white bra, similar to Lola's, jiggle tantalizing. Her breasts were bigger than Jade's and Ella's, but still smaller than Lola's. One of the cups almost slipped off in the process, and I got a nice view of an almost completely uncovered breast, but she pulled up her bra quickly before it could slip below the nipple.

She then stood up and placed the shirt exactly as Ella had ordered. On Ella's go, she started to pull it back and forth. Immediately I saw why Ella had ordered this. The shirt was rubbing her tight pants further into the cracks over which it passed, namely her ass crack when she pulled the end behind her, and then her pussy when she pulled on the end in front of her.

The fabric of her pants, due to it's tightness, stayed in those crevices even after she had pulled the other side, leading to her two ass cheeks being very well defined, as well as the opening to her vagina.

As well as giving us a nice sight, it also must have felt good to her too. After two or three pulls of the end in front of her, she let out a small gasp as the fabric passed over her pussy, obviously rubbing it in a pleasurable way. She began to breath heavily, and closed her eyes. She got really into it, pulling the shirt a little hard and a little extra long when it passed over her crotch. She began to speed up even more, now her breaths were even louder, her face was a mask of pleasure, her arms trembled as she pulled it forward one more time, her knees shook, and -

"Time!" said Ella, much to the disappointment of everyone, including, I think, Anna. She stopped and opened her eyes, and saw us looking at her, and blushed. I was surprised she had gotten that into it, she was basically masturbating in front of everyone, admittedly with clothes on! She pulled the shirt out from between her legs and tossed it on the pool table. She pulled on the front and back of her pants, to dislodge the fabric that was still stuck between them, and then sat back down. I couldn't really tell, but I thought I saw a wet patch in front of her crotch.

However, she took my attention away from her pelvic region by asking me, "Truth or dare, James?

A feeling of dread came over me. I had to chose dare, as I had chosen truth the turn before. And Anna was probably the person the person that I would least want to dare m

With a knot in my stomach, I spoke the fateful word. "Dare."

truth 05-15-2011 12:54 PM

Ahhhh omg no keep going!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is amazing

italia13calcio 05-15-2011 01:48 PM

Chapter Thirteen
We'll see about Sam. And this weekend I just had an outrageous amount of free time and this story had already been half formed in my mind for a while, so that's how I was able to write so many chapters. But with school all week I'm not sure how many, if any, chapters I'll be able to write by next weekend. But I promise you that by next Sunday, at latest, there will be at least one more chapter up.
Chapter Thirteen (Which, by the way, is my favorite number:))

I had had no choice, but still felt like I had made a bad decision. Maybe I should have taken a dare from Ella, it might have been easier.

Anna kept things simple, saying quickly and confidently, "Ok, well, in order to do this new dare, your going to need new underwear. I assume you have a pair of briefs in your room. Go and get them and then bring them back here and I'll tell you your dare. Don't put them on or anything, just bring them back here."

I got up, and, noticing the tent in my shorts, quickly left the room with all eyes on me. I walked over to my room, which was on the second floor, and rummaged through my drawers. I ended up having only two pairs on briefs (I liked boxers better!) one of which was blue and white striped, the other grey. I chose the standard grey ones, slid my drawer shut, and went back into the playroom

Anna smiled, which for me was a very, very, very bad sign. "Ok, perfect." she said. "Now here's the real dare. Go to the bathroom, soak those, and then put them back on. Wringing out is allowed, of course. And you have one minute... from now!"

Damn it! I should of seen this coming. Not original at all, it had already been done twice, but not repetitive either, since it would obviously be different with a guy doing it. I ran down the hallway, not bothering to stop and complain about this dare, either to myself or to the others. I knew they would just shoot my complaints down anyways.

I turned on the sink knob and shoved my briefs under the water flow. At the same time I pulled down my shorts and boxers, casting them to the side. I was now completely naked. Just to be sure they wouldn't come out into the hallway to try to sneak a peak at me, I shut the door. I swished my briefs around until they were completely wet, and then turned the faucet off.

I then spent about thirty seconds wringing out my briefs as much as possible, before I heard Anna yell, "Ten seconds!" I stepped into my still wet briefs, and pulled them up. I instantly inhaled a sharp breath feeling the coldness, and let out a shiver.

I looked down at my erection. Although it had faded a little, it was still obscenely jutting out of my briefs. I decided to tuck it upwards again. It was still very visible, and the shape of it was obvious, but it wasn't sticking out, and in my mind that was better.

I opened the door back up and ran down the hallway, not so much out of a desire to enter the room (I had none of that, needless to say) but in an attempt to shake the chills from my body. I screeched to a halt just before the door way, took a a deep breath, and walked into the room.

All eyes were on me, once again. The girls were all checking out my package with wide eyes, especially Jade, who had never seen a real cock before. And my tight water-soaked briefs left nothing to the imagination. Why, they could see the outline of my ball sack, my dick, and even the mushroom tip of my dick! I was afraid they could even make out the large vein which ran vertically along it.

I had never felt so humiliated in my life. My own cousins, for goodness sake, where staring at my scarcely covered penis!

I wanted to cover myself up and hide, but i knew that if i did Anna would get mad, and might issued a punishment which would be even worse than this! I tried to walk as calmly as possible to my seat, which wasn't easy knowing I had four sets of eyes on me at all times. Only then did I realized that I needed something to cover my seat with so it wouldn't get ruined.

"Can I go grab a towel to put over my seat so my wetness doesn't ruin the leather?" I pleaded with Anna. I was afraid at first that she would say no, and then I would have to find some other place to sit, but she just nodded her head.

I turned and walked away, seeing out of the corner of my eye the girls checking out my ass. I went to the linen closet, grabbed a blue towel, and headed back.

I paused before the doorway and re-adjusted myself once more. The cold water had deflated my boner nearly all the way, and now it was safe for me to aim it back downwards. Allthough there was still a bulge in my briefs, it wasn't much larger than it would be if they were dry. I walked back into the room, spread out the towel, and sat down on it and faced the girls.

They were all still staring at my crotch, obviously disappointed that my boner was no longer there. I tried not to stare at all the flesh they were showing, in order to not get another hard on right away. I succeeded, as my penis remained limp, at least for now.

truth 05-15-2011 02:00 PM

i loved it, this story is now why i get on the computer

NoraazXD 05-15-2011 02:42 PM

Man this story keeps getting better and better! Can't wait for more, and YAY about Sam!!! :D

italia13calcio 05-16-2011 01:31 PM

Chapter Fourteen
Found time to write:)
Chapter Fourteen
Who should I ask next? I couldn't ask Anna, since she had just asked me, nor could I ask Jade, as I had asked her the turn before. That left me to choose between my two cousins. If I asked Ella, she would have to chose dare. If I asked Lola, she would chose truth... and then next turn would probably slam Ella with a dare. I decided let Lola have the fun of roasting Ella with a dare of her choice, so I now turned my attention towards Lola, who, as I imagined, chose truth.

I had already been nice enough to Lola by letting her have the future pleasure of daring Ella, so now I wanted to come up with a question that would make her squirm. I could ask her if she masturbated, but that had been asked before, and I wanted my question to be original. Something she wouldn't expect...

"Have you ever thought about being a slave or a master? Like in BDSM?" I blurted out.

I was pleased to see Lola's cheeks redden. It had caught her off gaurd after all. "A little, I guess. I mean, I don't fantasize about it or anything, but I have given it some thought. I don't think I would like to be a slave at all, but being a master I could live with. I mean, to have some one under my control wouldn't be a bad thing. But all the stuff about chains and whips and tattoos... I don't like that. If I was a master, I wouldn't hurt my slave, just make him do embarrassing stuff."

I raised my eyebrows. Now THERE was one thing I never would have guessed about my cousin. Every body else was looking at her in a surprised way too, but now we all were past the point of judging her aloud, since we had all confessed a dark secret by now.

Like I had guessed, Lola realized Ella's predicament.

"Oh, sweet sister," she said in a sarcastic voice, "Would you like truth... or perhaps a dare?"

Ella glowered at her, didn't even bother to choose one, but just said grimly, "Do your best."

Lola smiled wickedly. "Have no fear, El. I will. I promise. For you dare, I dare you to..." She paused and smiled, sensing all our anticipation. "To... to... to... flash your breasts at us."

Ella, having thought she might be dared to do something along this line, gave the answer she had already formulated in her head. "No."

A refusal! How exciting! I wondered what would happen now. Would we vote on wether she she had to do it or not? I wondered how that would turn out.

Lola looked royally pissed that she had been refused. "What the hell do you mean? You can't say no!"

Ella went on to explain herself. "It's not that I'm too embarrassed to show you my boobs, you're my sister and my cousin and two friends, it's not like your complete strangers, and I trust you all not to say anything. It's just that if I do it, the game would become boring. All the dares would be to take off a bra or panties or something. Then it would basically be a strip show, which I didn't come here for. I came here to play a game, not have an orgy."

She had a point there. I didn't wanted to stop playing, but maybe it had gone too far. "So should we stop playing?" I asked.

"We don't have to." replied Ella, "We just need a way to make this game original and fun again."

Every one sat in silence, thinking. As much as they had been embarrassed by previous questions and dares, I don't think any one wanted to stop.

Finally Lola spoke. "I have one idea on how we could continue." Every looked inquisitively at her, so she carried on. "I've actually wanted to do it for a while, but there was never an opportune time. I... I assume you have cards, so we could play strip poker."

Leave it to Lola to think up an idea like that. I wasn't against it at all, like her I had heard of it and wanted to try it. But I knew that no one else would even think about it, much less actually agree to -

"I love it!" shouted Anna. "Oh my god, I've wanted to play this ever since Carry told me she played it! And this is perfect, cause we all trust each other and we've basically seen everything already. Let's do it!"

I was shocked, never in a million years would I have thought that this idea would actually be considered. But it wasnt just Anna that was enthusiastic about it, Ella and Jade were now nodding too! They had seemed unsure at first, but Anna's excited outburst had helped them decide.*

"You guys want to do this?" I asked them all. They all nodded.

"First things first." said Lola. "We need to agree no backing out on this game, like Ella did with truth or dare. Ok?" After we all expressed our agreement, she made us pinky swear on it too. There was no backing out now!

"What type of poker should we play?" asked Anna now. I suggested Texas Hold Em, but no one else knew how to play. Everyone knew how to play Five Card Stud, but we decided it was to simple, and no skill was involved. Finally we decided on Five Card Draw, a variation of Five Card Stud.

For those of you who aren't familiar with the rules, everyone is dealt five cards. You can then give back up to three cards, four if you have an ace, and in return you will get new cards to replace the old ones. Then, whoever has the best hand wins. It involved only minimal skill, especially since there was no bluffing, but it was better than the complete lack of skill required for Five Card Stud.

The stripping version of this game would be played with the loser of each hand being forced to remove an article of clothing. Oviously, with most people having only two pieces on, except for me with one and Lola with three, it wouldn't be long before a person was completely naked. To prolong the 'game' part of it, we decided to give out chips so everyone would end up having four things to lose; therefor I got three chips, Lola got one, and everyone else got two.

As for what would happen after a person had no more things to lose, it was decided that dares would given out. For the first two dares after a person was naked, the dare would have to be an easy one, involving only the person in question. This type of dare was jokingly called a 'Level One Dare' by Lola, and the name stuck.

For the second dare, it was agreed, rather reluctantly in Jade and Ella's case, that another person could be involved. Again, Lola coined the name 'Level Two Dare'. It would be completely up to the person who hadn't lost whether they wanted to participate, but for every two of these Level Two Dares that they took part in, they would be rewarded in the way that they could put back on any article of clothing that they had previously discarded. Obviously, this would be a huge temptation to participate in these dares, even if you didn't have to.

The game would be finished when everyone except for one person had been dared to do a Level Two Dare. Not chosen to, but dared to. Then the winner - the only person who had not had to do a Level Two Dare - would give everyone one last dare.

We decided to take a short bathroom break; only two minutes this time for fear that Aunt Rachel might come soon and interrupt the game. When we were all back in the playroom, we decided that since we needed a playing surface, we would sit on the floor, cross legged though so no one could hide anything.

With my three chips on my right, my briefs still damp, and my penis, for the time being, completely flaccid, I reached for the deck of cards and cut it once.

"Let the games begin." I cackled excitedly.

JohnKim2020 05-16-2011 02:26 PM

It takes a lot for me to like a story, but this is amazing. I definitely put it in the top 5 stories I have read on this site, maybe top 3. I love that it turned into a Strip Poker game which is my personal fantasy. Plz keep on writing :)

vivala_dare 05-16-2011 03:44 PM

Great story :D

I think it would be good if it ends up as having a sleep over then they can do dares all night, and some skinny diping? The story is great hows its going just trying to cast some ideas in :) 1million out of 10 lol keep it up!

daremaster 1 05-16-2011 05:44 PM

Great story for the first time i am so hooked on!

truth 05-16-2011 06:23 PM

i love this story please continue

daredevil2 05-16-2011 09:30 PM

i just read the story and i think that this is amazing

Memories for Life 05-17-2011 04:30 AM

After reading your latest chapter, I find myself sympathizing with the James character. He has, unwittingly, allowed himself be maneuvered from a friendly "Truth and Dare" game, where all the participants had an equal chance to be embarrassed, to a "Strip poker" in which he will, undoubtedly, be the target. In reading the poker "rules" carefully, I surmise James will soon be in a CFNM situation which Lola's devious mind will "enjoy" to the extreme!

Your story is very compelling and I hope you have many chapters yet to post. I've subscribed to the story thread with email notification and given it the highest rating.

DarySamuel 05-17-2011 08:18 AM

WOW, great story! Keep it up!

Blue Balloon 05-17-2011 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by Memories for Life (Post 459152)
After reading your latest chapter, I find myself sympathizing with the James character. He has, unwittingly, allowed himself be maneuvered from a friendly "Truth and Dare" game, where all the participants had an equal chance to be embarrassed, to a "Strip poker" in which he will, undoubtedly, be the target. In reading the poker "rules" carefully, I surmise James will soon be in a CFNM situation which Lola's devious mind will "enjoy" to the extreme!

Your story is very compelling and I hope you have many chapters yet to post. I've subscribed to the story thread with email notification and given it the highest rating.

i agree with most but how can they gang up on him? it's strip poker, it depends on the cards. but GREAT STORY

italia13calcio 05-17-2011 12:57 PM

Chapter Fifteen
Wow, a lot of comments! Thanks everyone!:)
Chapter Fifteen

I barely survived the first two hands. On the first one, I had absolutely nothing, so I traded three cards in and ended up with a pair of nines; enough to beat Anna who lost the hand with a pair of twos. The second hand I received two jacks straight away, but nothing with my next three cards. I barely finished higher than Jade who came in last with a pair of tens.

By now I figured out the trick was to play safe, not go for straights or anything that could put you in danger of losing. At this point it only really mattered who lost, not who won, allthough when it became time for dares winning would take on more of a significant role.

The next two hands I watched as Lola and Anna learned the hard way what I had just realized. First Lola went for a straight and lost with a high card nine, and then Anna attempted a flush and had to toss away another chip after she finished with a high card queen.

After that though Anna came back though and scorched everyone with a full house of jacks and aces, and Ella, who up until that moment had been having great luck, was forced to give up a chip with only a pair of fives.

I then had back to back hands of bad luck, not getting a single pair in either one. Luckily for me, I only had to give up one chip as Jade had even worse luck than me on the second of those two hands.

Lola lost the next turn, and allthough it was only her second loss, she still had to take off an article of clothing since she had started with three on. She stood up, not that afraid since everyone else was already more scantily clad, and pulled down her tight volleyball shorts.

She was wearing pink underwear with white dots on them, nothing to risqué. They were slightly damp as well, from the water leaking on down from her wet shirt, I assumed. Her ass, although I only got a look at it from the side, didn't seem to be as nicely rounded as Anna's, but like her sister Lola's, it seemed to have been treated to some work in the gym.

My penis, which until this moment had remain calm, now realized it was IN A ROOM WITH FOUR HOT GIRLS, ALL STRIPED TO THEIR UNDERWEAR. It stiffened a little bit, but not too noticeably.

Ella then decided to have a go at getting a straight, and also failed. By tossing aside her second chip, it now meant that none of the girls had any chips left, while I still had two! Consequently, the next turn, unless I lost, would lead to one of the girls having to remove a rather important piece of clothing.

Once again, the tension in the air could almost be felt. As if sensing that someone was about to wimp out, Lola called for another pinky promise. We all agreed, none more readily than me, since I was feeling rather cocky at the moment.

I was dealt a ten, jack, queen, king, and... a seven. I was tempted to go for the straight but I decided to play it safe and sent back all but the king and queen. It turned out to be a smart decision, as I got back another queen AND another king. I spread my cards out on the ground gleefully, looking at the other girls.

My great hand had basically assured that one of them would lose, and they knew it. They looked at each other anxiously, wondering which one of them would only have one article of clothing remaining at the end of this turn. Finally Anna laid down her cards, a pair of fours, and the rest of the girls went wild, as they all had her beat.

While the girls were celebrating, or, actually, not really celebrating, but just sitting there with a huge, relieved grin on their faces, Anna began to look nervous. Despite her outgoing nature, she did get shy and insecure at times, and this would probably be the first time she had showed her breasts to a boy... then again, maybe not. I remembered to tuck that question away to ask her some other time.

Now everyone turned to stare at Anna. Slowly, nervously, she reached behind her back. She stared at a point on the wall in front of her, in order not to have to look at any of us in the face. She fumbled around with the clasp, intentionally, I'm sure, to buy some time. Finally, she couldn't stall any longer, and with everyone's eyes on her she removed her bra.

Her breasts were bigger than they had seemed in the bra. They seemed to be almost fully formed, much to my happiness. They were round and a near perfect circle, not slopping at all. Her pink nipples stuck out, and the dark skin around the areolas contrasted startlingly with the alabaster whiteness of the rest of her breasts. Allthough a lot of people find it sexier when a girl has no tan lines, I enjoyed the obvious bikini lines surrounding Anna's breasts more. It let me know that I was looking at a secret part of her that very few other people had seen.

I was guessing that of the girls, only Lola had seen Anna's breasts before, probably in the shower at school or after sports. This was confirmed when I looked around the room. Jade, not having showered much at school since she didn't do any sports had therefor never having seen many, if any, of her female schoolmate's chests, and was staring inquisitively at the mounds of whiteness in front of her. Ella was also staring at them, but not only curiously, but rather... hungrily.

Anna hurriedly shoved her cards over to Lola, since it was her turn to deal. This movement caused some slight jiggling of her breasts, which, now freed from the bra, were free to move as much as they wanted to.

Lola began to collect the cards, but after she gathered mine, she paused. "Look Anna!" she said giggling, "I think James appreciates the show you just put on!"

I was puzzled, but not for long as all the girls eyes turned away from Anna's boobs and towards my crotch. I looked down, mortified. My toy soldier had responded appropriately to seeing it's first pair of real breasts, standing at full attention. And, seeing as how I had adjusted my dick to it's normal position after it had been cooled down by the cold water, it was now tenting rather profusely! I had been right earlier, having it tucked upwards was much less embarrassing than this! I shifted uncomfortably; now that I had noticed it, my dick was actually in pain, straining upwards with all it's might against the tight and heavy briefs I was wearing. I considered adjusting it again, but deciding I didn't really wanted to move it now with all eyes lasered in on it.

"Well," I replied to Lola, "Anna is a very pretty girl." I was trying to ease her nervousness, and calling a girl pretty almost always seems to work. She shot me a grateful nod, and, with the other girl's attention switching back to her, she seemed less anxious, and more... proud. As the others looked at her, she turned, and one by one looked them in the eye. This made them realize consciously that they had been staring, and they awkwardly shifted their eyes away.

Feeling happy to have helped Anna, I now turned back to Lola. "Now deal the cards. Next turn, one of you girls will have to do the same thing she just did. So... I wouldn't get very comfortable if I were you."

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