getDare Truth or Dare

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J.M.N 06-19-2011 12:09 PM

Strangers, Friendship, Romance (MxM)
Hi all :) this is my first story on get dare so please any feedback would be MASSIVELY appreciated :)
this is fiction with a bit of fact thrown in as well i might do profiles for the characters late but to be honest you find out everything about the characters during the story !
well here i go ! hope you like it :D

Chapter 1

“James wake up!” my teacher exclaimed, “You’ve had all weekend to rest now you need to focus and pay attention!”

Hi my name is James and I’m here to tell you a little about how lucky people are when they fall in love. I was basically an average teenager, 16, lazy, a party-holic, medium length brown hair, blue eyes oh and gay not much has changed since then apart from now I’m 17. In the past I wasn’t as confident as I am now. I didn’t like to shout out about myself but this tale will show the transaction between bashful and dauntless me. Anyway I should get back to the story it all started when I was at school during my registration time ...

“James wake up!” my teacher exclaimed, “You’ve had all weekend to rest now you need to focus and pay attention!”

“Yeah, sorry sir,” I replied sarcastically.

“Hmm, can I have a word with you outside then please I need your help with something,” he said as we left the room “right James I would like you to look after the new boy we have coming today, just show him round and be nice to him. Ah here he is now.”

Casually walking down the corridor towards us was this 6 foot slightly toned man with brown eyes and short brown hair. He seemed unnaturally confident for someone who was on their first day at school. As he arrived he said to me calmly and coolly,

“Hi, I’m Ryan”

pymani96 06-19-2011 01:09 PM

As a first story, it's sounding really good at the moment. Try to keep good grammar, and try to AVOID falling into the "OMG! SLEEPOVER-TORD-SEX-HAPPY-EVER AFTER" trap. Happy storytellering!

J.M.N 06-19-2011 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by pymani96 (Post 479700)
As a first story, it's sounding really good at the moment. Try to keep good grammar, and try to AVOID falling into the "OMG! SLEEPOVER-TORD-SEX-HAPPY-EVER AFTER" trap. Happy storytellering!

aah thank you :) and dont worry im planning something that i dont think ive seen on here before well at least not for a while if at all!

ooh im getting excited just thinking about it ! i think ill start writing chapter 2 now :D

pymani96 06-19-2011 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by J.M.N (Post 479706)
aah thank you :) and dont worry im planning something that i dont think ive seen on here before well at least not for a while if at all!

ooh im getting excited just thinking about it ! i think ill start writing chapter 2 now :D

Awesome! I love a quick follow-up.

nuditydudity 06-19-2011 02:29 PM

It's a pretty good start. I'm looking forward to reading more of the story!

J.M.N 06-19-2011 02:54 PM

Hi all this is quite a long chapter as i kind of want to start getting to the action because i dont want to bore you all with more character development ;) at least not for loads of chapters there will be more :)

Chapter 2

“Hi, I’m Ryan”

“Urm hi I’m James,” I replied being more reclusive than ever. I was feeling embarrassed but I didn’t know why!

“Right James you can take the rest of this tutor time to show Ryan around the school. Enjoy!”my teacher said as he returned to the classroom – you might’ve guessed that my teacher was a little insane

“Wow he’s a little weird isn’t he!” he said with a smile on his face

“Yeah you get used to it after a while, just try not to spend to long alone with him” I said to him starting to get more confident. This was weird for me it would normally take me a couple of weeks with people before I get as confident as I was then! He was cute and he had a personality that I liked ! I knew that we would become good friends then but unbeknownst to him I wanted more than that.

He started laughing and we started walking away from the classroom.

It was about 10 minutes before we both got bored and decided just to sit on the bench and talk. There wasn’t a dull in conversation at all while we were talking, we had instantly become friends and to anybody who didn’t really know us they would think that we friends for years not just met 10 minutes ago!

During the conversation many things were running through my mind however. Is he like this with everybody or just me? From how nice he was already did he like me as more than a friend as soon as he met me and so he is flirting with me or was he just trying to make a friend on his first day.
Suddenly my head snapped back into reality as I realised he just asked me a question.

“wha-“ I said looking dazed.

“Ha you're weird, I like you, I just said that I’ve got to go to my friend’s swimming party this weekend and I was wondering if you come and keep me company, well I say friends but I’ve barely said two words to the man. I mean it’s totally cool if you don’t want to but I just thought it would be nice to talk some more,” he said the last sentence as if he was embarrassed about asking me and he wanted to take it back.

“Yeah sure I don’t want you to drown of boredom there do I?!” I answered, corny I know.

Dylan xX 06-19-2011 02:57 PM

Really great start :3. Basic storyline so far, but in a really good way :).

Best of luck to you!

Woo for the new MxM author <3,


J.M.N 06-20-2011 01:21 AM

Thanks nuditydudity i'll try to write quickly to make sure we get to the good bits asap ;)

And thank you dylan ! i know its a simple story :( i wanted to get more confidence and experience before trying anything massively complicated !

And i will also try to uphold the awesomeness of the MxM stories for you :D

Anywho ill try to upload the 3rd part tonight !

Abmp 06-20-2011 06:40 AM

I must say nice story you have so far. I like where it's going. And for a first story ever it's really well written, you must read.
Well anyway good luck and be reading

J.M.N 06-20-2011 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by Abmp (Post 480073)
I must say nice story you have so far. I like where it's going. And for a first story ever it's really well written, you must read.
Well anyway good luck and be reading

OMG really <3 that really means alot thanks :)

i do read quite alot and ive written some other stories before but i never thought they were that good :D

fire blade 06-20-2011 07:19 AM

I quite like this story :D. It is really good.

nuditydudity 06-20-2011 09:41 AM

Nice new chapter. I think that this is a great story, and I know it's tempting to get right into the more 'exciting parts' of the story really quickly, but make sure that you do not rush too much. We will like the 'exciting parts' more if we care about the characters more!
Great job so far, keep it up man!

J.M.N 06-20-2011 09:47 AM

why thank you fire blade ;)

and nuditydudity i get what you mean im hoping that this next chapter that im writing right now will have develop the characters and wet the lips of a few people but please tell if you think im going too fast after ive posted the next starship :D

Slugger 06-20-2011 11:31 AM

You're a fabulous writer man!
keep up the strong work.

J.M.N 06-20-2011 11:50 AM

Omg thanks slugger i never thought all these people would like it !!

Anyways im going to post chapter 3 on now i sent it to dylan to check but he is offline and i cant keep my fans waiting ! omg i have fans ! I decided to keep it slow again but im hoping it should progress as well :D

J.M.N 06-20-2011 11:51 AM

Hope you like it :D

Chapter 3

“Yeah sure I don’t want you to drown of boredom there do I?!” I answered, corny I know.

During that week Ryan and I became even amazing friends spending all our time at school chatting and all our time at home skyping!

By Friday I was starting to feel more and more frustrated with Ryan and myself however. I thought I was a good judge of character but I was getting a lot of mix signals from him and I didn’t like it. I needed to find out if he did like me. If he did then I would be amazingly happy and if not well I would have peace of mind and I could start getting over him. I was totally sure that he was not the sort of person too ruin our friendship because I liked him. I then decided I was going to ask him tomorrow at the swimming party and I was not going back out now.

That night I was too anxious to sleep I wasn’t sure how to ask him or tell him how I felt, I’d never felt this strongly about a person before until I decided that it was blatant I had to do it and I decided how I would do it.

The next day I arrived at the swimming pool to be welcomed by a running Ryan who had come out to greet me.

“Hi James! This is going to be so fun!” he shouted with everyone looking at me weirdly. Now that certainly wasn’t helping with the mixed signals.

We talked a bit more and I went and said hi to his friends and then made our way to the changing rooms, while his friends went to the canteen to get a drink first. Yeah they really weren’t good buddies!

We already had our trunks under our jeans so we just proceeded to get changed. As he removed his shirt I swear I could’ve just jumped him there. What was a second for him to take it off in real life was about a minute in my mind! And with harp music in the background! He had a profound six pack and his slightly toned body brought this out a lot. I didn’t think I was too bad looking but compared this I thought I was like Quasimodo. I slowly pulled my shirt down in the hope that he would go to the pool and I could meet him in there sparing me the shame.

“Come on no need to be shy! I’m sure it’s not too bad,” he said giving me a wink. And he stood there watching and waiting, until I reluctantly pulled my shirt revealing a very slight six pack. He smiled and said “There that wasn’t too bad was it?” and we started to walk to the swimming pool, me with a smile on my face.

potter1harry 06-20-2011 11:57 AM

good i like it but i am not in to the gay thing but this is good

Dangerous 06-20-2011 12:47 PM

Cool story. Looking forward to the rest ;)

J.M.N 06-20-2011 01:33 PM

Lol potter1harry thanks :) why dont you change the name of ryan so everytime you read it you will think it says rian! actually dont the bit about the six pack might put you off ;)

and thank you Dangerous ill try to get the next part up as soon as possible :)

Ryann 06-20-2011 07:52 PM

Well first things first....
1. Your story so far is absolutely fantastic. It's not rushed and it's not slow, for a new writer your doing a great job. I can see this story going far.
2. You definitely chose good names ^^

nuditydudity 06-20-2011 11:10 PM

I think that the pace you have taken is wonderful. It's a good story, well written, and I am actually starting to care about the characters more.
Well Done!

J.M.N 06-21-2011 10:47 AM

YAY 2 more fans <3
thanks soo much ryann it is a pretty epic name isnt it ;) maybe ill dedicate a future post to you if its that good :p

thanks nuditydudity your feedback has been awesome throughout :D

ill try and get the next chapter up tonight or maybe tomorrow morning or evening :(

MarisaLaugh 06-21-2011 10:54 AM

You, sir, just got yourself another crazy fan [:
I really like the story, and I'm crazy about the way you write.
Overall, I love it [: Can't wait for more!

J.M.N 06-21-2011 01:33 PM

Next chapter :) i just couldnt contain my excitement !!!

Chapter 4

He smiled and said “There that wasn’t too bad was it?” and we started to walk to the swimming pool, me with a smile on my face.

We entered the pool it was full of teenagers as there was a separate pool for lengths and mothers and toddlers so slowly we teenagers took over this swimming pool as our habitat! We played around for a bit what normally teenagers do in the pool! Sneak up on people underwater! You’d be surprised what screams sound like underwater!

Anyway after 30 minutes Ryan’s friends enter the pool being really rather overexcited for just some water – you can tell I disliked these people for ruining my and Ryan’s quality time. They came over to us and said

“We are planning a game of hide and seek do you want to play?” now the mature part of me said sarcastically to this, oh great hide and seek! However my childish and more prominent side said excitedly, oh great hide and seek!!!

So as the game started Ryan whispered in my ear
“fancy going to the toilet knowing these lot they are smart enough to look in there” I nodded and we got out of the water to go the bathrooms and all that time I couldn’t take my eyes of the water dripping from his six pack and the trunks tightly sitting around his firm buttocks.

When we got to the toilet he turned to me and I was startled with embarrassment and all he did was smile I think he liked the attention. He walked into a stall and beckoned me, I hesitated

“Come on its not like I’m going to jump you in here” he said with a wink. I wish he WOULD jump me.

We entered the stall the cramped space meant that I had to squeeze by him, my body pressing against his rock hard stomach. I swear I felt him push back like he wanted to be closer to me as well but then the moment past as I past him. Oh and by the way when I say HAD to squeeze past him!

So as I sat on the toilet seat , cleaning it first of course , I decided to break his silence “so you want to find out a little bit more about each other then ?” he nodded “ok how about a little truth or dare with just the truths.”
“Hmm, yeah sounds fun! I’ll start then! Urm have you ever had sex with a woman?”

Wow he wasn’t going slowly was he! “No, you?” I replied curiously.

“Nah never found one good enough for this awesome physique” he said with a grin on his face. “So if you haven’t had sex with a woman do you want to with a man or something?” Now was my chance this was the perfect moment to tell him who I was.

Dylan xX 06-21-2011 01:39 PM


/first comment hijack. ;3

That was actually really really good! The story is progressing fast, but not too fast :)

Keep up the good work!

-Dylsterr <3

alex987 06-21-2011 03:58 PM

Another crazy fan over here! :D
I agree with everyone else, the pacing is just right, the story is great, you're headed in just the right direction! ;)

MarisaLaugh 06-21-2011 06:07 PM

Did this girl just become an even crazier fan? Yes, you could say I did[:
I believe this is very WELL (oh, grammar, you sly dog) written, and junk (:
Keep up the good work! XD

Abmp 06-22-2011 05:50 AM

Hey, again,
Well firstly, don't doubt yourself, you are a good writer so naturally you will have fans (including me) .
Secondly can't wait for the next chapter
Thirdly, I made a mistake in my earlier post, I meant WILL be reading
So, finally (I finally got her *pant* *pant*) keep it up and WILL be reading

J.M.N 06-22-2011 12:11 PM

AAAW thanks all of you guys you're awesome

Vitual hugs <3

Im writing the next chapter now :D

J.M.N 06-22-2011 05:07 PM

YES it might be 1 o'clock in the morning over here in good old england and YES i might have to get up early for college but oh well as long as i can put the next chapter up it doesnt matter :D

“So if you haven’t had sex with a woman do you want to with a man or something?” Now was my chance this was the perfect moment to tell him who I was.

“Well I suppose I would like to try it someday. Why, you offering?” I said with a wink.

“Haha, if you like” he winked back.

What had come over me I’d never had this much confidence before. Anyone else I would’ve denied it immediately but with him I was a different person. I was gay and I knew I wanted to be with him and I was massively determined to get him no matter what.

I started to build up the courage to say the 3 words that would change our relationship “I lo-“

“Right this is boring” he interrupted! Maybe it wasn’t the right time I thought to myself. Saying I love you in a toilet stall isn’t how I imagined it.I will just have to wait for a better moment I pessimistically thought to myself.

“ How about we start making this more interesting and start doing dares as well” he continued “Hmmm when the next person comes into the toilet I dare you to go to the urinals to the one next to him and pull you trunks down all the way before you start peeing. And if you fancy being a little extreme try to get a little look at his junk” he said with a huge grin on his face.

Well even though it wasn’t my turn to do a dare and I was just about to tell him I liked him I admired his mischievousness, I replied “FINE I’ll do it but you’re getting a super hard one next round” as was I ! I started thinking about this dare I was just about to do and I literally mean just about to do.

As I had finished getting myself mentally prepared for my first more serious dare a guy walked into to the bathroom and to make things worse he was fit as well!

I walked out of the stall with Ryan giggling in the background admiring this stranger’s body and six pack. Seriously what was with everyone around me being fit and having six packs! He was probably about 20 and to be honest I didn’t spend a lot of time looking at his face!

I started to walk to the urinal next to him he gave me weird looks as there was a huge row of free toilets right next to us. As I was just about to lower my trunks I felt the blood rush from my head making me feel like I was about to faint of anxiety to somewhere that I didn’t want it to be.

As I turned and saw Ryan with his head poking out the stall egging me on my dick started to rise, well can you blame me I was alone with 2 fit guys! Any gay boys dream! Then a sudden rush of bravery filled through me. Well some would call it bravery, some would call it foolishness. And as I said to myself “in for a penny, in for a pound,” I lowered my trunks and noticed my 7 inch dick spring up and stand to attention.

Abmp 06-22-2011 06:20 PM

Oh wow you are dedicated aren't you?
Very nice chapter
Again I must compliment you on your pace and writing style as well (again)
So can't wait and good luck

J.M.N 06-23-2011 09:09 AM

I'm not the only person dedicated to my story thank you (again) :) for your many comments Abmp ;)

Next chapter might be up tonight :D Cant be bothered with homework right now!!!

J.M.N 06-23-2011 04:02 PM

Right heres chapter six hope you like it !!

Chapter 6

And as I said to myself “in for a penny, in for a pound,” I lowered my trunks and noticed my 7 inch dick spring up standing to attention.

I heard Ryan burst into laughter behind me. I could only imagine what he thought of my butt, I thought it was rather peachy myself. I then suddenly realized, why was I thinking about Ryan staring at my gorgeous butt when I’ve got this stranger staring at my erect cock!

I turned at looked at the man and he was looking at me in shock. For about 10 seconds we stood there staring at each other, both having similar perturbed looks on our face however our expressions couldn’t be any more different. I had an awkward grin on my face whereas his jaw was wide open.

I turned and glanced at Ryan; he started giving me signals to look at the man’s dick. So I thought to myself “I’ve already come this far I might as well see it through, let’s see how freaked out I can get this person.”

So for some reason and unknown to my conscious brain I started winking at him then looking at my dick then winking at him again. After a few more of those and having a little giggle inside because this guy has had the same shocked expression for the past minute as I think I may have stopped his flow , I leaned over a took a look at his semi erect 6 inch cock saying “phwoar” to him afterwards.

And with that I bend down to pull my trunks up. After realizing that because I bent down I would’ve shown the love of my life my erect dick and balls, I turned to try and see his reaction only to see he was looking at me with his head tilted like was admiring me ! “HELL YEAH” my mind shouted and then yanked up my trunks and turned and walked back to Ryan arrogantly and noticing that the guy I had just shown my dick to was leaving like nothing had just happened and Ryan was standing with a facial expression that only looked like he was in awe of me.

“OH MY GOD well done James I really didn’t think that you would do it! I have massive respect for you! Someone asked me to do that dare and I was too chicken but seeing you do it makes me realize I need to man up more, and not just in the confidence department. Right any dare you give me now I will do it without fail!”

Wow I didn’t realize seeing me exhibiting myself like that would make such a big reaction we must play this a lot more! Now what an opportunity he’s just given me I could either give him a super hard one so I get to see him naked as he’s seen me or I could give him an easy one so I don’t look over keen to see him naked. Right ok I’ve got one.

“Ok Ryan I dare you……

J.M.N 06-23-2011 04:06 PM

Hehe i hoped you like the chapter everyone!

Right, now because youve been epically amazing people im going to give you a chance to send in a dare that you would like Ryan to do

So pm me if you have any suggestions

And if i write the chapter and after you have a good idea still send it to me as i might use it later :D

Thank you all for supporting me and for just being generally awesome :D

Dylan xX 06-24-2011 11:04 AM

Whoa. Even if that last chap was in a bathroom, it was pretty damn hot.

Keep it up man, I'm speaking for all the lurkers out here, we LOVE you <3


Tylerr 06-24-2011 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by Dylan xX (Post 482317)
Whoa. Even if that last chap was in a bathroom, it was pretty damn hot.

Keep it up man, I'm speaking for all the lurkers out here, we LOVE you <3


I agree completely. This story is orgasmic [; (maybe even literally)


Abmp 06-24-2011 05:07 PM

Once again very very nice chapter (I feel like a broken record kinda :P )
Ur just so good that my comments are basically quoting the other comments I posted.
Will be waiting avidly (is that how you spell it?)

MarisaLaugh 06-24-2011 06:55 PM

I'm not copying Dylan right now. I swear.

Whoa. Even if that last chap was in a bathroom, it was pretty damn hot.

Keep it up man, I'm speaking for all the lurkers out here, we LOVE you <3


Er, I mean-

J.M.N 06-25-2011 11:18 AM


Thank you dylan if you think im good at writing when theyre in the bathroom imagine what im like in bed WHEN THEYRE IN BED I MEAN ;)

Thanks Tylerr i aim too please :D

And dont worry Abmp your comments make me sure that my "skills" aren't wavering :)

And thank you dylan i mean marisa ;)

i should be able to put the next chapter tonight YAYAGE

nuditydudity 06-25-2011 12:25 PM

So pumped for more of this story. It really is fantastic!
And orgasmic! And awesome!
YAY! : )

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