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swich 12-07-2014 06:44 AM

Sexual Dictionary and Forum idea
==Note: This is not an advertisement, just a topic to hear your opinions.==

The idea
It is important that teens know about sex, so that there are no surprises in store for them, like STDs, unexpected pregnancy or other problems. Many teens may have problems, uncertainties or other questions, which they don't discuss or ask with someone because they don't want to talk directly to their parents. Also, it is important for them to talk about sexuality with peers. For both the problems, there is a forum. Everyone can discuss their problem anonymous with other people. For the questions about sexual terms, there is a dictionary on the main website. Here they can find the meaning of multiple terms by selecting the first letter of the word. Along with the meaning, there will be tips and tricks that have to do with the subject.

Everything mentioned, is meant to be informative. Therefore, it's not porn.

Would you join/visit this forum/website?
What do you expect from this website?
Do you have any suggestions or questions?

I would appreciate it if you answered all the questions. What I appreciate more, is if you fill in the survey instead. In this case, you don't have to answer the questions above.

Google Forms Survey

Side note
I am aware that the're similar websites like this. But after I did some research, I noticed that this combination didn't exist, and the most sites with a dictionary are not user friendly. Also, the website will contain information not only about sex, but also about relationships, love and related things.

swich 12-13-2014 10:36 AM

Got one reply on the survey. Thank you the-person-who-filled-it-in!

Any reason why I have no comments on the topic, and only one comment on the survey? Is it too much work? Am I presenting the idea in the wrong place?

Mindblower 12-13-2014 01:46 PM

Seems like your target group is teens with troubles - Not many teens on getdare (legally).

So my answers would simply be, that I wouldn't join and I therefore wouldn't expect much - and not knowing the site at all limits my suggestions.

swich 12-14-2014 03:32 AM


Originally Posted by Mindblower (Post 1591018)
Seems like your target group is teens with troubles - Not many teens on getdare (legally).

So my answers would simply be, that I wouldn't join and I therefore wouldn't expect much - and not knowing the site at all limits my suggestions.

Not exactly teens with troubles, more like people with problems or questions or something like that. It's not directly targeted at teens, but I expect that most of the users will be teens. But I get your point.

Greatcornbow 12-14-2014 03:35 AM

Problem here. Some years ago age required to join was raised from 13 to 18 (with exception for existing members). So there's very little point.

Fundareboy 12-14-2014 06:38 AM

I think that your idea/intentions are very good.

I do agree though that it seems that your target audience are people who are younger then the ones here.

That being said, I know that there are still very possibly adults who have questions as well. I have seen on multiple occasions people posting here asking questions about various topics, and to the best of my knowledge they have been answered fairly well, so I don't think the creation of a forum specifically for that is necessary at this point, since I believe people have found ways to ask their questions without any problems.

If there were to suddenly be an influx of purely information based questioning, maybe then, but I don't really see that happening.

Again though, the idea and intention is very good! :)

Just my humble thoughts on the matter.

swich 12-14-2014 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by Greatcornbow (Post 1591465)
Problem here. Some years ago age required to join was raised from 13 to 18 (with exception for existing members). So there's very little point.

I know about the age limit, but as I said, I want to target the websites to everyone, not only teens.


Originally Posted by Fundareboy (Post 1591609)
I think that your idea/intentions are very good.

I do agree though that it seems that your target audience are people who are younger then the ones here.

That being said, I know that there are still very possibly adults who have questions as well. I have seen on multiple occasions people posting here asking questions about various topics, and to the best of my knowledge they have been answered fairly well, so I don't think the creation of a forum specifically for that is necessary at this point, since I believe people have found ways to ask their questions without any problems.

If there were to suddenly be an influx of purely information based questioning, maybe then, but I don't really see that happening.

Again though, the idea and intention is very good! :)

Just my humble thoughts on the matter.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

Mindblower 12-14-2014 09:17 AM


Originally Posted by swich (Post 1585189)
It is important that teens know about sex

This part might be confusing if website is aimed more widely

Fundareboy 12-14-2014 09:23 AM

oh, didn't realize you were making a whole new website, I thought this was just talking about a special forum here.

As far as I know there are already plenty of online resources for everyone relating to most subjects.

swich 12-22-2014 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by Fundareboy (Post 1591726)
As far as I know there are already plenty of online resources for everyone relating to most subjects.

As I said in the Side Note:
I am aware that the're similar websites like this. But after I did some research, I noticed that this combination didn't exist, and the most sites with a dictionary are not user friendly.

Currently I am thinking to bring the idea to life.

swich 01-10-2015 12:02 PM

As I had a lot of spare time this week, I decided to execute the idea. First, I needed a website, so I opened notepad++ and photoshop and went coding. This is what I came up with. It still needs a lot of work but I'm pretty happy with the result. Forum design will be similair, but adapted to work with SMF (forumsoftware).
Click here for full image
(Name changed to Websitename to prevent people from buying the domain before I do. And because I don't know if the moderators of GetDare see this as advertising if I put the (non-existing) domain/name online.)

The image with the text on top is an automatic playing slideshow.
Everything except the slideshow image is made by me.

Any suggestions or other comments?

AppleEden 01-10-2015 12:36 PM

Not a bad idea. I couldn't really talk to my parents about sexuality when I was a teen, but sufficient use of google and forums, even Yahoo answers got me all the answers I needed.

Look to what's out there already for sex positive education. Have you seen Laci Green on YouTube? If you haven't look it up, and maybe post a link on your website forum when it's up and running. It would be actually really cool if this could be a forum that contains it's own advice and space to ask/answer questions, but also a collection of links to the best of what's already out there in terms of sex positive education. So just one website that both contains and leads to a wealth of reliable information.

swich 02-14-2015 04:10 AM

Another update
I didn't post anything for a long time, but I kept on developing the website. I wanted to let you know about the progress I made.

Website and blog
The website is almost functional. I completed the homepage, dictionary (only the system, I didn't add any terms yet), help and advice (sort of contact form) and I began developing the theme for the blog (blog as in information about subjects, detailed explanation of terms, etc.).
The blog just looks the same as the website, but it is wordpress intergrated.

The forum will be installed and set up later, after I finish the blog.

You can try for a live demo over here. Please note that it is in development, bugs may appear.

swich 03-22-2015 11:12 AM

It has been a month ago since I gave an update, but that's because of some private stuff that wouldn't allow me to work on this project (and some other projects, but that's not relevant). Meanwhile, I was thinking about a name I could use. The names I came up with where already occupied.

So my question is, does anybody have a good suggestion for a name? It can be a fun wordplay, abbreviations of certain things, etc. as long as it has something to do with the site. I don't really have anything to give you if you come up with something amazing, except some rank or something on the forum of the (upcomming) website.

I am not asking you this because I am lazy or something, but more because I am not that great in coming up with names, or all the good names were are already taken.

swich 03-31-2015 11:31 AM
Click for full image

Forum sneak-peak.

The current board-index is:
- Health, lifestyle and misc
-- Health and lifestyle
-- Sex toys and tools

- Pregnancy and birth control
-- Birth control, STDs and pregnancy

- Relationships and love
-- Love, flirting and dating
-- Relationships and romance

- Sex
-- Non-penetrative sex
-- Penetrative sex

- The Community
-- Announcements
-- Questions & Feedback

Anyone mind giving their opinion about the board-index?

Gyev 03-31-2015 03:55 PM

It is a great idea. However, have you thought about sexual preferences and explanations of them? Maybe even separated sub-forums?

I think many people know basics about sexuality very early in their lives, what they do not know is exactly what you are talking about here, but also sexual preferences, paraphilias etc.

swich 04-01-2015 12:48 AM


Originally Posted by Gyev (Post 1706720)
It is a great idea. However, have you thought about sexual preferences and explanations of them? Maybe even separated sub-forums?

I think many people know basics about sexuality very early in their lives, what they do not know is exactly what you are talking about here, but also sexual preferences, paraphilias etc.

Thank you for your feedback.
I really forgot to add a category for sexual preferences. Thanks for the head ups. What do you think, should I add it to "Health, lifestyle and misc" or "Relationships and love".

I am not creating a full subboard for it, because having too many categories before actually opening the forum, will have a negative impact on the usage because it looks so empty. We can expand later if there is need for it.

Gyev 04-01-2015 05:23 AM

For me "Health, lifestyle and misc" would be a better choice, as sexual preferences have less to do with emotions. I think sub-forum "Sex" may be also a reasonable option. ;)

BunniesOwner 04-01-2015 06:19 AM

Sexual perference is such a large topic it could almost be its own category.

swich 04-01-2015 06:32 AM


Originally Posted by Gyev (Post 1707240)
For me "Health, lifestyle and misc" would be a better choice, as sexual preferences have less to do with emotions. I think sub-forum "Sex" may be also a reasonable option. ;)

I decided to put it under "Health, lifestyle and misc". Thanks for the feedback.


Originally Posted by BunniesOwner (Post 1707277)
Sexual perference is such a large topic it could almost be its own category.

I do agree, however, like I said, "having too many categories before actually opening the forum, will have a negative impact on the usage because it looks so empty.". For the amount of topics I expect to be posted in the beginning, one single board will be fine.

swich 04-03-2015 02:35 PM

Did some behind the scenes work today and added a gender and sexual orientation option.

How it looks:
Each gender has a different image.

The options:

swich 04-16-2015 09:49 AM

Anyone who still wants to give their opinion?

Gyev 04-16-2015 09:56 AM

As I see, it is very ok. :)

revealingcyst 04-16-2015 02:17 PM

Someone I know collected data on what pronouns & genders people used. They found that there were over 100 unique real genders that couldn't be merged together.

On a sexual & relationship health site like this it might be a better idea for inclusivity's sake this site to have a text field for people to enter their pronouns in the form like he/him/his, she/her/hers, they/them/their, instead of asking about their gender. Think about why you're asking for gender - presumably it's just so that people know what pronouns to use?

Even if you aren't going to do that, "transgendered" is largely considered a dodgy term to use, as it makes it sound like something has happened to the person, like it's an ilness or something. See the following links: ,

Also, be aware that some trans people are not going to use the options that state that they're trans, and that should be allowed, and that trans people should not feel like they're being encouraged to use those options. Trans people are never under any obligation to out themselves.

It may also be worth adding additional options to the orientation list: pansexual, heteromantic asexual, homoromantic asexual, biromantic asexual, and panromantic asexual. Again, perhaps a text field would make sense.

swich 04-17-2015 05:32 AM


Originally Posted by revealingcyst (Post 1727731)
Someone I know collected data on what pronouns & genders people used. They found that there were over 100 unique real genders that couldn't be merged together.

On a sexual & relationship health site like this it might be a better idea for inclusivity's sake this site to have a text field for people to enter their pronouns in the form like he/him/his, she/her/hers, they/them/their, instead of asking about their gender. Think about why you're asking for gender - presumably it's just so that people know what pronouns to use?

Even if you aren't going to do that, "transgendered" is largely considered a dodgy term to use, as it makes it sound like something has happened to the person, like it's an ilness or something. See the following links: ,

Also, be aware that some trans people are not going to use the options that state that they're trans, and that should be allowed, and that trans people should not feel like they're being encouraged to use those options. Trans people are never under any obligation to out themselves.

It may also be worth adding additional options to the orientation list: pansexual, heteromantic asexual, homoromantic asexual, biromantic asexual, and panromantic asexual. Again, perhaps a text field would make sense.

Thank you for your post. I totally understand your statement and I decided to replace the 'old' system with textboxes.

Currently busy with producing content for the Dictionary. You can follow my progress here (list with all the terms I currently want to add):

It is short, but further information about the subject can be found in the blog, but this is just for the dictionary page.

swich 06-27-2015 11:21 AM

Project is still alive! Searching for people willing to help to fill the dictionary and to make content for the blog or help promoting the site while I finish the last technical stuff.

Willing to help? Leave a message or sent a private message with what you want to do.

Note about the website: The website will be moved to a different host (Ofcourse, a paid host). Domain is coming after finishing the last stuff.

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