getDare Truth or Dare

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FLCL 08-16-2012 10:31 PM

My Sister's Friends
Hello everyone. This is my first time posting on getDare and I'm pretty excited about it! I'm going to try to keep this story moving, so the reader (you!) doesn't get bogged down in boring details too early on. I hate when I have to read multiple chapters before anything exciting happens. Don't worry: I'll still be adding details where I think it benefits the story; I just don't want anyone getting bored before the good parts start!

Chapter 1

I was 16 the last summer before my older sister, Marie, went away to college. She and her friends were inseparable. They had known each other for years and were about to be split up for the first time. One weekend that summer, my parents went out of town for vacation and agreed to allow Marie to have a sleepover as long as things didn't get out of hand. Her friends arrived Friday evening with plans to stay until Sunday.

They came with sleeping bags, snacks, movies, CDs, and alcohol. I closed myself in my room with my computer and plans to spend the evening gaming and surfing the web. It really didn't bother me considering Marie was leaving in a few weeks. Anyway, I had plans to swipe a few of their drinks while they weren't paying attention.

So, I got lost in one of those internet trances where seconds turn into hours and before I knew it, it was 10 PM and someone was knocking at my bedroom door. I answered it to find Dakota, Marie's best friend. I remember she had medium-length dark brown hair, an athletic build, and a hint of freckles on her face. I always thought she was cute, if a little odd.

"Hey," she said, "Marie went to bed while we were watching a movie and now that it's over, we want to turn on some music. None of us know what we're doing; can you help, please?"

I replied that I would and followed her downstairs.

dickface 08-16-2012 11:16 PM

good start
good start, i see great potential.

anonimousbob 08-17-2012 01:33 AM

It's well written. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens

FLCL 08-17-2012 10:01 AM

Chapter 2

"So, why did Marie go to bed?" I asked Dakota as we headed downstairs.

"I don't know, she just said she was tired," answered Dakota.

"Lame," I remarked.

Dakota laughed. "Yea, but we're gonna keep this party going."

As we reached the bottom of the stairs I received a chorus of greetings from the girls. Rachel, Lindsay, and Brittany were sitting on the wrap-around couch and Sarah was sitting on the floor. They all had bottles of hard lemonade nearby. Rachel was short with light brown hair and huge breasts. Lindsay was skinny and shy. She had red hair and wore glasses. Brittany had short blond curls and the cutest face I'd ever seen. And Sarah was a hot blond with a great sense of humor. The girls gossiped among themselves as I set up the receiver to play CDs.

Then Rachel said, "Hey Pat, you should hang out. Grab a lemonade." The rest of the girls agreed. Brittany said, "yea, we need a host since Marie passed out on us."

"Sure, I'll hang out for a while," I told them, "I was planning on stealing some drinks anyway." A couple of the girls laughed.

I grabbed a lemonade and took a seat on the couch between Lindsay and Brittany. Dakota sat down on the other side of Rachel.

We all sat and chatted for a while. The girls complained about the catty/dickish antics of their classmates and expressed how glad they were that they wouldn't have to see "those people" anymore. Lindsay and Rachel expressed their sorrow and jealousy that they had to brave another year of high school while their friends were all off at college. I told everyone that, while I was sick of high school already, I had no idea what I was going to do once I got out. The drinks and conversation flowed for a good while.

Then Dakota said, "And I'm excited about a new crop of boys. I searched that school top to bottom for a guy worth my time and came up empty."

"Well, you had us!" Lindsay chimed in.

"You don't have a penis Lindsay," said Dakota. "In fact, have you even seen a real live penis yet?"

Lindsay's face turned a bit red as she replied, "Don't be mean. Who says I even want to see one yet?"

Then Sarah turned to me and said, "Help us out here Pat. Give Lindsay a peek!"

Daring nemder 08-17-2012 11:39 AM

great start please continue with your story.

FLCL 08-17-2012 02:08 PM

Chapter 3

I stood up, turned towards Lindsay, and grabbed my waistband. Lindsay was sitting upright looking both nervous and intrigued. From the other girls I heard laughter, "oh my god," and "do it!" I stood there letting the tension build for a second.

Then I laughed and sat back down. "Yea right," I joked.

Lindsay looked relieved with a hint of disappointment. The rest of the girls let out an "aww" and Sarah said, "you're no fun!" with a smile on her face.

"I'm not that drunk yet," I told her.

Brittany spoke up, "We should play a game!"

"What do you have in mind?" I asked.

"I don't know; let's make something up!" she said, thinking a second before continuing, "How about this: we take turns rolling a die; if you get a 6, you get to make a new rule or change an existing rule; if you get a 5, you get to ask another player "truth or dare?"; otherwise, you have to take as many drinks as the number shown on the die?"

"I'm game," said Dakota with the other girls following suit. They all turned and stared at me. "Yea sure, why not?" I replied. The girls let out a little cheer and I went off to find a die.

When I got back to the room, the girls were all huddled together whispering. "That doesn't look good," I thought to myself.

"Are you ready to play or what?" I said, interrupting their pow wow.

"We sure are," said Rachel, "and we decided you can go first since you're the youngest."

r.j.carter 08-17-2012 09:54 PM

Great job! It's amazing so far.

dickface 08-17-2012 10:23 PM

nice so far i like how their game of truth or dare isnt the traditional game so that should make it interesting

MattInPanties 08-17-2012 11:14 PM

I love the story so far! Please keep posting, I am excited to hear what happens.

canam 08-17-2012 11:56 PM

amazing story but a little short paragraphs other than that great story so far

FLCL 08-18-2012 11:02 AM

Chapter 4

I laid out a Monopoly board on the floor, giving us something to roll the die on, and we all sat around it in a circle. I picked up the die and rolled it. It came to a stop on 2. "Drink!" instructed Brittany and I took two swigs of my hard lemonade. Rachel grabbed the die next and rolled a 5. I could feel the nervous and excited tension coming from everyone as we realized that someone was about to get asked "truth or dare?" for the first time this evening.

Rachel looked around at the rest of us with a smirk on her face. "Truth or dare," she started, paused a second to make up her mind, and finished, "Sarah?"

Sarah smiled awkwardly and said, "Truth."

"Now who's no fun?" I joked.

"Get over it," she responded, "no one says dare the first time."

Rachel asked her question, "Sarah, what is your favorite sexual position?"

Sarah paused and then said with reluctance, "Uh, I like to get fucked from behind."

Some of the girls giggled while I sat there picturing myself fucking Sarah from behind. (She's on all fours, breathing fast. Her face wears an expression of relaxation, confusion, and ecstasy, signalling an approaching orgasm. I'm ramming her fast and heavy, causing her tits to swing wildly. She's moaning louder and louder, higher and higher.) Lindsay interrupted my fantasy with a question, "You like anal?" and everyone really cracked up. Lindsay looked embarrassed in a way that hinted that she didn't get what was funny.

"No," responded Sarah still laughing, "I don't like anal. I like regular sex ... from behind."

After that, Dakota and Sarah both rolled threes and took their drinks. Then Lindsay rolled a 6. "Um, okay," she said. The other girls were staring at her, expecting her to say something. She looked hesitant. I wasn't sure what was happening; then Lindsay made her rule, "The next person asked, 'truth or dare?' has to take a dare." The girls tried to hide devious smiles. "Shit," I thought, "I better roll the next 5."

Next, Brittany rolled a 1 and took a sip of her drink. I was up again. It felt like the moment of truth. I watched the die tumble, praying for a 5. It landed on a 4. The girls were hiding devious smiles once more. "That sucks," I said aloud and took four drinks.

Rachel rolled a 3 and took her sips. Then it happened. Dakota rolled a 5. She turned to me, no longer hiding that smile I had seen hints of earlier. "Pat, truth or dare?"

wedgied 08-18-2012 01:27 PM

Nice story - I am really enjoying it!
I can't wait for the next section

FLCL 08-19-2012 11:42 AM

Chapter 5

"Well, that wasn't obvious," I responded sarcastically, eliciting giggles from the conspirators, "dare."

Dakota didn't waste any time giving me my dare, "I dare you to let us all fully inspect your dick."

My stomach was swimming, my dick inflating. "What does that even mean?" I asked.

Dakota explained, "Pull it out so we can all look at it and touch it." They were all staring at me, grinning from ear to ear. My dick was now becoming erect.

"Jesus Christ," I complained, "you're serious?" To my surprise, Lindsay pressed the issue, "You have to do it!"

I was terrified; excited, but terrified. I was as much a virgin as Lindsay. I had no idea how my penis would stack up against the others the girls had seen. For all I knew, I was about to have five girls pointing and laughing at my dick. On the other hand, my dick was now harder than it had ever been. So hard, it actually hurt a little. The thought of five pretty girls playing with my dick was so fucking hot.

I stood up. The girls gathered in front of me. They cheered, "woo!" as I untied the drawstring in my shorts. I waited a second, considering what was about to happen. The girls were giggling in suspense. I took a deep breath and pulled down the front of my shorts, revealing my erect dick.

There was a half second of silence, but it felt like an hour. The girls were all smiling, their eyes locked on my dick. Why were they smiling? What were they thinking?

Then Dakota broke the silence, "Wow Pat, you've got a lot of dick there." She stroked it down one side and then patted me twice under my balls. An intense sensation of pleasure shot through my body, causing my knees to weaken and my body to quiver.

Sarah agreed with Dakota, "I know, right?" She reached out and grabbed my shaft, feeling its thickness. She gripped it tightly and stared into my eyes. I wanted her so badly in that moment; I felt like she owned me; I never wanted her to let go.

Brittany moved in after Sarah moved away. She shot me a playful smile, pulled down on my shaft, and released causing my dick to slap against my stomach. The eruption of laughter that followed lasted for half a minute. I was so embarrassed, standing there with my dick hanging out, getting laughed at by all these pretty girls. "Look, he's blushing!" observed Rachel, causing more laughter and further embarrassment. I just had to stand there with my dick fully exposed, waiting for it to stop.

After the laughter subsided, Lindsay came in for her inspection. She got closer than any of the other girls. She handled it so gently, looking at it from all angles. She spent a good deal of time just touching and playing with my balls. At one point she said, "This is not what I expected these to feel like." Sarah and Dakota were whispering something back and forth; I assume it was about Lindsay. With every turn, brush, and grab of my rock hard dick, I shook and quivered a little. "I like how sensitive you are to it," Lindsay said smiling. "It's like I can control you... Like a joystick!"

Rachel eventually had to intervene, "I think you've had enough Lindsay." Lindsay complained, "Aw, but I like it" as she sat down from her kneeling position. "You'll be a slut in no time!" joked Sarah. Even I had to laugh at that. Lindsay beamed a bashful smile.

It was Rachel's turn. I was almost done, but the look in her eyes didn't give me any relief. She looked as if she had some kind of evil plan. She grabbed my dick and started pumping and stroking quickly. "She's trying to make me cum in front of everyone!" I thought in horror. My head rolled back and I started moaning involuntarily, "uh uh uh." Lindsay reacted, "Oh my god." Then right as I was about to cum, right when I started wanting her to do it, wanting her to finish me off and give me release, she stopped. She sat back down and said, "Maybe later big guy."

The girls were smiling at each other. I felt completely bewildered. It actually took me a second to rationalize what had just happened and what was happening now. Then everything hit me at once. "Your dick's hanging out and you have sex face," came a voice inside my head. I pulled up my shorts, cleared my throat, and sat down very quickly. It felt quite awkward. Then Sarah confirmed with sarcasm, "Smooth."

"Can we get back to the game please?" I begged.

garrasdevil 08-19-2012 12:26 PM

great so far, keep it up!

FLCL 08-19-2012 06:26 PM

Chapter 6

The girls were visibly excited that their plan had worked out so well. They were still giggling at my embarrassment. I needed my own plan. I needed to turn the tables. Sarah grabbed the die and rolled a 2, then Lindsay rolled a 3. They both took their drinks. Brittany followed up with a 5.

"Lindsay, truth or dare?" asked Brittany.

"Truth," answered Lindsay.

Brittany had a question in mind, "Did you enjoy your first penis?"

Lindsay smiled awkwardly at me. "Of course," she answered.

I smiled back at Lindsay. "Happy to be of service," I said with a smirk.

Finally, the fortunes smiled on me and I rolled a 6. "My rule:" I said, "the next person to roll a 1 has to take dares for the rest of the game." The girls looked at each other nervously. I said a prayer that my risk would not backfire. Sarah commented, "This game's starting to heat up." I retorted, "Um, where have you been the last ten minutes?" All the girls laughed.

Rachel, Dakota, and Sarah all rolled twos and took their drinks. "Man, there should be a rule about that," I said. "We deserve a reward," Dakota responded. "Not exactly what I had in mind," I returned.

Lindsay picked up the die and closed her eyes. She looked a little nervous. Then she rolled and her fears became reality. The die landed on a 1. "Oh my god," she complained. We all laughed that, of all the players, Lindsay would be the one stuck with dares for the rest of the game.

It didn't take long for her misfortune to manifest. Brittany rolled another 5. "Woo! Two in a row!" she cheered. Brittany turned to Lindsay, "Truth or dare?"

"Why, because I have to take dares? You just did me!" answered Lindsay.

"Sorry but, I'm not gonna pass up a guaranteed dare." explained Brittany.

"Fine, what is your dare?" asked Lindsay.

Brittany issued her command, "You have to play the rest of the game in your bra and panties."

dickface 08-19-2012 10:26 PM

this is certanly heating up and i like it!

HHHobo 08-20-2012 06:00 AM

This is a really good story. I love stories where the guy gets really embarrassed. I hope Pat has further difficult times.

ExtremeMaster33 08-20-2012 02:25 PM

this is such an amazing story and i hope you continue soon keep up the good writing

FLCL 08-20-2012 03:33 PM

Chapter 7

For many girls, this dare may not have been such a big deal. But Lindsay was a virgin, she was still clearly uncomfortable in her body, and I was here.

"You guys!" Lindsay appealed to the rest of us.

"You have to do it Lindsay," instructed Rachel.

Lindsay glared at me, "This is all your fault!"

I defended myself, "I seem to remember you making a rule that caused me some embarrassment. You remember, it was part of your plan."

"That wasn't even my idea! ... Ugh, whatever," Lindsay surrendered.

She took off her glasses and stood up. She grabbed the bottom of her shirt and pulled it off over the top of her head. She was wearing a sexy peach colored bra with white lace trim. As soon as her shirt was off, she held her right arm across her breasts, hiding her cleavage. Her creamy skin and slender physique were very sexy.

Next, it was time to remove her shorts. She tried to remove them with her left hand, keeping her right arm in front of her cleavage. She pulled the left side of the waistband down to her knees, but the right side was stuck on her hip. Lindsay wiggled her hips back and forth. It was sexy how shy she was with her breasts. They weren't large, but they were very hot. They looked very good with the rest of her body.

Eventually she became frustrated and gave up on the one handed approach, pulling her shorts off with both hands and revealing cheeky panties that matched her bra. Then, she sat down quickly and pulled her knees up to her chest so her body was hidden behind her legs. Her shyness was really turning me on, something she couldn't have known. Still, I didn't want her to be on edge, so I told her, "Lindsay, you're really hot!" Lindsay hid her face behind her knees, but not before I caught a glimpse of a smile.

It was my turn, so I rolled the die. It landed on a 3 and I took my sips. Next, Rachel rolled a 6 and announced the new rule, "From now on, any time you roll a 3 you have to take off an article of clothing."

"Even me?" asked Lindsay.

"Yep, even you," answered Rachel.

Lindsay rested her chin on her knees. She didn't bother to argue. After that, Dakota and Sarah rolled a 1 and a 2 and took their drinks. Lindsay's bad luck streak continued when she rolled a 3. "I can't believe this!" she cried.

Lindsay waited a moment and contemplated her options: bra or panties. Which could she more easily conceal? Which would be worse for the rest of us to see?

frogman91234 08-20-2012 07:54 PM

That was awesome! Keep up the good work! Can't wait for the next chapter!

loves_the_dares 08-21-2012 04:42 AM

Seriously...why couldn't this happen to me??

FLCL 08-21-2012 07:09 PM

Chapter 8

"Wow, you're lucky," I joked with Lindsay. She gave me the evil eye and took three very slow sips of her hard lemonade.

Brittany asked the question on everyone's mind, "So, what's it going to be?" Lindsay got up on her knees. She reached behind her back and unclasped her bra causing it to hang loosely while still covering her breasts. She held her bra in place with her left hand, while slipping the right strap over her arm. Then she did the same in reverse. The tone of her face was becoming progressively more and more red.

Keeping her left hand in front of her breasts, she pulled away her bra. Her left tit slid out from under her elbow, giving me a momentary glimpse of her nipple. It was the size of a quarter and it was hard. Then Lindsay returned to her position of hiding her body behind her legs and hugging her knees. I couldn't help but stare, mesmerized by her body and the situation she found herself in. My erection had returned.

Brittany picked up the die and rolled a 3. "Do socks count?" she asked Rachel. Rachel answered, "Yes, but they only count as one item." Brittany removed her socks. I rolled a 2, followed by a 1 from Rachel; we both took our drinks.

Dakota was next and she rolled a 5. She jumped on the chance to torment Lindsay some more, "Lindsay, I dare you to do the 'I'm a little teapot' song and dance."

"You guys suck," Lindsay said. She stood up with her hands still in front of her breasts. Then she took a breath and lowered her hands to her sides, giving us a full view of her breasts for the first time. My dick surged harder. We all cheered, "woo!" Then she started to sing, "I'm a little teapot, short and stout. Here is my handle and here is my spout..." All of us were giggling, trying to muffle ourselves. It was such a ridiculous song and dance to begin with, and she was doing it topless.

She leaned back and forth with one hand on her hip and the other raised out to the side, her nipples protruding from her tits. I very much enjoyed watching the motion of her breasts as she swayed. I'm sure it felt like an eternity for Lindsay, but for me, it was all to soon before I heard her saying, "...tip me over and pour me out." We all laughed and clapped as she returned to her position, her face blushing.

Next, Sarah rolled a 3 and removed her socks before taking 3 sips of her drink. Lindsay's bad luck streak ended when she rolled a 6. "Finally!" she exhaled. Lindsay made a rule that she hoped would draw some attention away from her, "From now on, everyone must take dares." We all smiled at each other, planning what we wanted to do to one another.

phanmail 08-21-2012 07:54 PM

This is a good story. I just wish it could happen in real life...

FLCL 08-22-2012 04:50 PM

Chapter 9

Brittany was up next and she rolled a 3. She stood up and removed her shorts revealing Hello Kitty panties. "Oh my god," laughed Sarah. "Yea... no one was supposed to see these," admitted Brittany.

I rolled a 4 on my turn and took four swigs of my drink. Rachel rolled a 3 and removed her socks before taking her drinks. Then Dakota rolled a 5. She turned to me, "Pat, I dare you to play the rest of the game completely naked."

"Really?" I asked. "Yep," she replied. I took off my socks before standing up. Then I removed my shirt. The girls were smiling at me. My dick was still hard from watching Lindsay's dance. I held my waistband for a second. This felt more embarrassing than when it was only my dick revealed. I dropped my shorts to my ankles and suddenly I was completely naked in front of five pretty girls. Rachel reached over and slapped my ass, causing me to blush and the girls to laugh.

When I first sat down, I tried to situate myself so that my penis would be out of view. I struggled with different positions, but it all felt very awkward. The girls were giggling at my struggles. Eventually, I gave up and sat normally, leaving my dick fully exposed. It just felt more natural.

"That's more like it," said Sarah, "let that dick hang out for us to admire." I felt so exposed and powerless, but my dick just raged harder. Next Sarah rolled a 6. She added a new twist to the game, "From now on, dares may be addressed to more than one person."

Lindsay rolled a 3. "Jesus!" she cried. "Well, at least you don't have to worry about threes anymore," Brittany joked. Lindsay laid down on her back and picked her hips up off the floor. She slid her panties down to her thighs and returned to sitting position. The she removed her panties the rest of the way and went back to hiding behind her legs.

My dick was so hard. I wanted to get off so badly. Here I was completely naked with a naked girl just three feet from me. It was sexual torture.

Brittany picked up the die, rolled a 2, and took her drinks. I rolled a 4 and took my drinks. Then Rachel rolled a 5. Rachel's dare made me feel dizzy with nerves and anticipation, "Pat and Lindsay, I dare you to spend ten minutes together in the hallway closet!"

FLCL 08-22-2012 04:56 PM

Author's Note

I'm going to be out of town for a couple of days and won't be able to update the story for a little bit. Don't worry, I have good ideas where I want this to go and how I want it to end. I just need time to write it.

If you have any comments on the story so far, please write them in the thread. I love hearing from you guys. I plan on doing some skinny dipping while I'm away. Wish me luck!

frogman91234 08-22-2012 06:54 PM

Ohhh nooo!!! No updates! I can't wait for the next post upon your return! Have fun make sure there are no leeches if you are swimmin in a lake!

dickface 08-23-2012 10:25 PM

ahh it was just getting REALLY GOOD. come back soon

MattInPanties 08-24-2012 08:02 PM

I can hardly wait for you to come back! The last part was so good I can hardly wait for the next part!

fullcharmer 08-25-2012 12:02 AM

good story

HHHobo 08-25-2012 04:47 AM

This just keeps getting better and better. I hope there are embarrassing times ahead for Pat.

Hater 08-26-2012 08:42 AM

Good story
I can't wait for the next part

FLCL 08-26-2012 06:55 PM

I'm back! Skinny dipping with my lady was great (no leeches, thank God). I hope I didn't keep any of you waiting too long. Well, without further ado, let's get back to business.

Chapter 10

The closet in question was a tiny closet in a hallway near the front door. It was mainly a place to hang coats and there was hardly room for two people to fit in it. Lindsay stepped in first and then I squeezed in with her. My hard penis brushed against the back of her hand as I entered the closet, but we managed to stand in a way that we weren't touching one another.

"Have fun you two!" laughed Rachel and closed the door. Lindsay and I didn't move or say anything for a little bit. I was nervous, wondering what she was thinking. I had to do something, so I reached over and rubbed her arm once from her shoulder down to her elbow. That was all it took. Lindsay threw her arms around my neck and started kissing me. I wrapped my arms around her pulling her naked body against mine.

It was pure ecstasy. Her skin was so soft and warm against mine. My whole body tingled and my erection throbbed. I ran my hands up and down her back. Then, I placed both hands on her ass and forced my tongue into her mouth. Her body collapsed against mine, writhing in pleasure. When she regained her balance, she wrapped her left leg around my right. I slid my left hand around to the front of her body and down between her legs.

Her entire crotch was wet. As soon as I touched her, she threw her head back and moaned. With my middle finger, I parted her vagina and felt the warm, soaking wet paradise. Her entire body quivered. She raised her head and pressed her cheek against mine. Then she took her right hand from the back of my neck, ran her fingers down the length of my body, and wrapped them around my stiff dick.

"Oh my god, I love your dick," she gasped. I locked my mouth with hers and began stroking her clit, causing her to pump my cock. We were both writhing, pulling our bodies into one another, and making noises of exasperated ecstasy. We were both so pleased with this moment, the sexual highlight of our lives, that we didn't even stop when the door opened. We kept going, pressing our bodies against one another, savoring every ounce of pleasure.

Both of us opened our eyes at the same time. We stared into one another, smiles ear to ear, still fondling each other. Lindsay turned her head to see who had opened the door and her expression turned to horror. She screamed, "She's taking pictures!"

ExtremeMaster33 08-27-2012 09:09 AM

awesome i love the story everytime you write

Ethan2cu 08-27-2012 09:32 AM

One of THE BEST strories I've read so far!!!! great work.... looking forward to more.

frogman91234 08-27-2012 08:12 PM

That was amazing!! Keep up the great work!

dickface 08-27-2012 10:20 PM

this is so so so good

cocopuff 08-28-2012 01:11 PM

so lucky reading this gives me a huge woody also because i just had a threesome

FLCL 08-28-2012 03:11 PM

Chapter 11

Looking out of the closet, I saw Rachel pointing her phone's camera at us and smiling. Lindsay leaped from the closet and chased Rachel into the kitchen. Before I had a chance to follow, I heard a loud crash. I emerged from the closet to find Rachel on her back and Lindsay straddling her. The rest of the girls appeared behind me.

Rachel was laughing and waving her phone above her head in an attempt to keep Lindsay from taking it. I couldn't bring myself to interfere; the sight of Lindsay naked, straddling Rachel and lunging for the phone was just too enjoyable. Lindsay's tits kept rubbing against Rachel's face, causing Rachel to giggle and squirm.

Rachel tried to embarrass Lindsay into letting her go, "Get off me you lesbo!" Lindsay didn't give up and eventually she wrestled the phone away from Rachel. She took the phone to the opposite corner of the room and spent a few seconds fiddling with it. Then she glared at Rachel, "You are such a bitch!"

"Oh calm down," replied Rachel, "I wasn't going to do anything with them."

Lindsay handed the phone back to Rachel after deleting the pictures and told her, "No more pictures."

"Fine," Rachel replied.

After that, we all returned to the living room. Dakota rolled a 3, took her sips, and removed her socks. Sarah and Lindsay both rolled ones and each took her sip. Brittany rolled 2 and sipped her drink.

On my turn, I rolled a 5. I was so excited. I wanted to make the perfect dare that would fully embarrass all the girls at once. Then it came to me, "I dare all of you to do your Spice Girls dance naked!"

Growing up, the girls had always choreographed dance routines and made me or my parents or whoever watch them. These routines were usually designed to be more humorous than anything. I knew they all remembered this one because they had all been reminiscing about it just the week before.

"We can't do it without Marie," protested Sarah.

"It's a dare, you have to do it," I returned. "I guess you'll have to pretend she's dancing with you."

"Where are we going to find the music?" asked Brittany.

"Uh, have you heard of the internet?" I answered.

It took me a minute, but before long I found the right song on YouTube. Rachel, Dakota, Sarah, and Brittany all stripped naked. Watching these girls disrobe was a beautiful sight. Thirty seconds later my living room was full of naked teenagers.

"Wow, no tan lines," I commented on Sarah's body. I was surprised to see her blush; she always seemed so confident. I looked around at all the girls bodies. They were so sexy. If I had to chose, I'd say Sarah was the hottest by textbook definition. But I found myself drawn to Lindsay. Even though I had already seen her naked, I wanted more of her.

FLCL 08-28-2012 06:28 PM

Chapter 12

The girls body language betrayed their discomfort with being naked in front of me. I relished the moment, sitting on the couch and comparing their bodies. Every curve, every blemish, the beauty and the imperfections lay bare before me. I wanted to throw them all on the floor and swim in a sea of naked women.

"Will you start the music already?" whined Rachel.

"Don't you have to get in your starting positions or something?" I asked without my eyes leaving her giant naked breasts.

The girls looked at each other for a second, trying to remember how the dance started. Then Dakota and Sarah moved into position, standing back to back with their arms crossed. Brittany crouched in front of them on one knee. Lindsay and Rachel each stood in front of Dakota and Sarah and leaned forward with their hands on their knees.

A few of the girls were blushing brightly. I laughed and shook my head, then started the music. The girls exploded into every direction. They circled the room, pumping their fists at shoulder height and shaking their bodies. Then Sarah and Dakota embraced in a slow dancing position while Rachel and Lindsay did back bends. At the same time, Brittany was mimicking the slow dance position by herself since Marie was not there to be her partner.

I couldn't decide to laugh until I piss or jerk off. Sarah dipped Dakota and Brittany pretended to dip Marie while Lindsay and Rachel laid on their stomachs facing me and kicked their feet in the air. Then the girls formed a line and started kicking their feet like cancan dancers. Their whole bodies bounced in full naked glory. My dick was so hard.

The dance was way off beat, which caused the girls to get finished about twenty seconds before the end of the song. For their final pose, the other four girls stood in a line and held Dakota lying across their forearms in a modeling pose. I laughed and clapped and whistled as they returned Dakota to her feet. All the girls except Lindsay immediately started hunting for their clothes.

"Wow," I said, "I like it much better that way."

"We didn't even do it right," admitted Lindsay.

"Oh, I didn't mind," I replied laughing, "I especially liked Sarah and Dakota's slow dance and the cancan line. And watching Brittany slow dance naked by herself was hilarious!" Sarah and Rachel laughed with me.

I found watching the girls put their clothing back on to be as exciting as watching them get naked. Their expressions seemed to hold a combination of shame and relief. But before long, all of the girls were in their bras and panties and then they were all dressed. It was time to get back to the game.

FLCL 08-28-2012 07:05 PM

Chapter 13

Rachel and Dakota both rolled threes to get the game started back up again. They both removed their shorts to reveal the panties everyone had already seen when they undressed for the dance. Rachel was wearing plain cotton black panties and Dakota was wearing a red lace thong. Somehow, even after dancing naked, Dakota seemed embarrassed to be sitting in her panties.

After that Sarah rolled a 5. Her dare was directed at me, "Pat, I dare you to let us tie you to the couch and do whatever we want to you until we get bored." Rachel left the room and came back with a handful of my dad's ties from the hallway closet. "We can use these!" she said.

I laid back with my hands stretched above my head. The girls tied my wrists and ankles to the legs of the couch. It felt strange to be tied up naked with my dad's ties. My heart raced with anticipation of what was going to happen. Lindsay leaned down so she was face to face with me, her beautiful breasts hanging in my periphery, and said, "close your eyes." I complied.

Suddenly there were hands all over my body. Touching my dick and balls. Rubbing my stomach. Caressing my face. I squirmed with pleasure and ticklishness. At one point I could feel four different hands on my dick at the same time. Fingers went down behind my balls and tickled my sensitive areas.

As my dick got harder and more sensitive, my squirming got more uncontrollable. I started moaning involuntarily. The girls began to giggle but didn't stop playing with me. I felt two different hands start traveling up and down the length of my dick in unison. The hints of an oncoming orgasm started tingling throughout my body.

As the girls giggling intensified and the stroking reached a fever pitch, we heard a voice, "What is going on?" Suddenly all of the hands left my body and the giggling halted. I felt so exposed and alone, my hard dick longing for release. I opened my eyes to see a confused Marie standing at the base of the staircase.

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