getDare Truth or Dare

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mascot1920 07-23-2011 09:40 PM

By My Sisters Command
It was late one night in the middle of June. It was hot outside and cool inside so frankly leaving the house just wasnt an option. The folks had left about 15 minutes ago for some "time off away from the kids" and frankly with the fact I was miles away from town and no friends to hang with today I was feeling rather bored.
"I gotta find something to do before I go insane" I remember saying out loud before flopping down on my bed. Then I noticed the old cupboard in the family room. I heard music from my sisters room down the hall, "at least she is having fun.
" I walked over to the cupboard and opened up the old doors. Inside was a treasure trove of old board games, some I could only imagine captivated the minds of children in the 40's in 50's before the advent of modern entertainment. I shuffled through them before coming to a well known game. "Checkers."
I sighed as I picked it up. "at least it's better than nothing." I took the game out to the living room and again I heard the familiar sound of my sister singing along to her music, I forget what it was, to me it was annoying. "Shut that crap off" I yelled, and of course I got the usual reply "shut up, you cant tell me what to do". I sighed as I started to walk down the hallway, my sisters door was open and I peered inside. her room was a pink maze of scattered clothes and stuffed animals. "god this room needs to be cleaned" I said looking at her laying on her bed. "well why dont you clean it for me then" she smirked as she went back to her singing. "hey, I found this game, lets play I'm bored" I said. "Umm, noo, how about you leave and play that game by yourself" she replied. now my sister is a year younger than me but thinks she has the authority of someone much older. I stood there for a quick second, staring at her. My sister was a beautiful girl, I never had feelings for her, I knew that was wrong, but she was the kind of girl to always have a boyfriend at school. Sometimes though I would find myself admiring her figure, I would quickly reprimand myself.
I looked away. "Get out already" she yelled. "sis, what if I made things interesting" I said "Like what?" "well, how about I clean your room if you win, and if I win, you dont listen to that music anymore!" I said smirking. "I can clean my own room, thats not even worth my time." she said in a dismissive manner. I frowned, I was looking forward to that game of chance for some reason, I liked the idea of there being stakes to the game. I gave it a quick second though and what I thought of made me shiver a little out of fear of proposing it. "your still here, I thought you left or something" she said not even looking up. I looked over to her, then down at the floor "sis, how about this, if...if I loose, I will be.......never mind!" I sissied out at the last second. "Youll be what, what where you going to say?" she said looking up from her bed. "Tell me, what will you be if you lose" She had this smile on her face, inquisitive, cute, naughty. " It's nothing I..." "YOU WILL BE WHAT?" she said louder.
I'm sure my face was red as I looked up at her smiling face, feeling scared out of my mind. "I will be your sissy maid." My sister laughed as she sat up, falling down on one side as she grabbed her stomach laughing to the point of tears. "my big brother wants to be a sissy maid!" she said laughing. "No, thats not what I said, I said IF I lose and I WONT LOSE TO A LITTLE GIRL!" she slowly started to sit up, she stopped laughing still smirking she said "and what if you win, I dont want to do anything for you so I guess your out of luck."
She went to turn back to the bed still chuckling, I dont know what came over me but I just blurted out "you wont have to do anything if you lose!" She turned around smiling, "really?" I looked at her nodding my head. "ok, I guess we can play, but I have to ask, what do you mean by sissy maid?" I felt my heart sink. It was bad enough I proposed this, now I have to explain it to her. It didnt matter though, I felt a rush, looking at her devious smile, knowing how high the stakes are, knowing that if I do loose that my little sister will be in a position to ruin my social life forever. I might not have intended it to go this far, but it has, and I was going to push it further. "It means that i have to wear girly clothes while I clean up anything you want." The silence was broken with my sister putting a hand over her mouth mumbling "oh my god." She turned around gigling, tears of laughter swelling in her eyes as she walked to the corner of the room. She tried to compose herself as she looked at me and then at the closet door. she looked to me again and said "I have the perfect thing for you to wear if you loose, oh my god, I cant believe your really saying you want to do this, If I win, I am taking pictures I hope you know that!"
I looked down at the ground and up at her saying "dont worry, I wont loose" Grabbing the game board we set it down in the center of the floor. She was the red and I was the black. With every move she smiled. I would take her pieces and she would take mine, 2 gone 3gone 4 gone. Eventually it got down to 7 pieces. I had a king left, she had the others. up until that point I was nervous, but I knew I could win if I had a king and she couldn't move backwards. I started to pick off her pieces, gloating a bit as I mindlessly started jumping pieces, not paying much attention to the board, just looking cool. All of a sudden I heard my sister gasp. "Oh my god....." I just jumped in front of one of her pieces without even thinking about it. her smile, her delight, her painted nails on that cute little hand reaching down for her piece and jumping my mighty king, the look of joy in her eye at my horror. My sister had just beaten me.

Part 2 coming soon....

daremenow 07-23-2011 10:11 PM

wow, amazing so far. please continue!

Silvercola 07-23-2011 10:18 PM

I like it on wards continue

mascot1920 07-23-2011 11:18 PM

PART 2: Sisters Fun
"I cant believe it" I really couldn't, I had been in such a good position to win, but my arrogance has just landed me in the worst possible position. "you lost, you lost, sissy boy let's get you dressed!" My sisters face was red with joy and her smile and laughter pierced my heart, I almost felt ill. I had thought the idea of possibly losing was exciting, but now facing the fact that I lost, facing the reality that just behind that closet door in this pink colored shrine to everything girly, lay the means to an end, my end. "are you ready for this? Your going to love what I have for you!" she walked to the closet, bubbly and happy, happy to see me still sitting there unable to say a word. The closet opened and I could see rows upon rows of pink, purple white and blue, dresses and skirts and tops in every color you could imagine. Some of them had the words "hot" and "Princess" on them. Many of them them had glitter and all of them I didnt want to wear let alone in front of my sister. The other thing going through my head was her desire to share this little event with others like she said she would. I couldn't ever face going to school again if I had been seen in a photo wearing a pink dress bending over cleaning my little sisters room! "Lets see, oh here it is, THIS is what youll wear while you clean up my room!" I didnt think it could get worse, but again I was wrong. She held out with both hands a dress that was pink with white Lacey fringes and a small little bow in the shape of a heart adorned on the chest. I looked into my sisters eyes, her eyes where so devious, her laugh was almost scary, she loved the idea, my idea, how could I have been so stupid. "sis, are you sure you want to do this, I can just admit I lost, where cool right?" "NO, YOU SAID YOU WOULD!" she shouted as her expression turned to annoyance. "But sis, this..." "PUT IT ON NOW!" she yelled as I gently clasped the shoulders, holding it away from me. "You can go to the bathroom and put it on, go!" she commanded, and without another word, without fighting it, accepting the will of my little sister, I walked down the hall to the bathroom and closed the door. I wasnt in a hurry as I unzipped my pants, stripped off my shirt and took off my undies. I stared at the dress as I kicked the last of my clothes aside. I reached down and picked it up, raising the smooth silky feeling cloth over my head, letting the sides fall down around me as I sliped my arms through the holes. The dress barely fit, it was tight hugging my every side and worst of all it was very short. *Knock Knock* my heart sank, "please let it not be my folks home early" I thought to myself. "Hey, how does it fit" my sister said through the door in between giggles. "It's too short sis, I cant wear it." I replied. "yes you can, open the door a little" I opened the door just a crack as my sisters hand slipped through clutching a pair of cotton panties emblazoned with stars and hearts. "A girl cant wear a dress without underwear, you wouldnt want boys looking up your dress would you?" she said. grasping the panties I started to shut the door when she stuck her hand back through "I'm not done, here is your stockings and there is some lipstick in there too." "sis, I dont want to wear makeup or panties ple...... "your going to wear them, thats part of the deal!" she said cutting me off. "oh and there is one more thing, here you go" She slipped a pair of heels in through the door before she pulled it shut. I sat down back to the door, heart pounding. "I dont know if I can do this, I cant face her wearing this, I cant face anyone if they found out. I looked at the panties. I remembered a time a month or so back, I was taking a shower and as I got out I noticed my sisters dirty clothes bin in the bathroom. I saw this pair of panties sticking out. I walked over to them, picking them up, looking them over. I brought them close, I could smell a smell like perfume. I stopped, through them down and backed away. What am I doing I thought as I got my clothes together and left. I guess it was irony that I was now being tasked with wearing this pair of panties for my sisters amusement. I felt the guilt of that night come over me. Doing that was wrong. This was almost like her revenge, even though she never really knew. I stretched the panties to each side, feeling bad about what i did, I pulled them up, the panties fitting tightly over my cock and buttox. They where so smooth and tight. I grabbed the stockings and slid them up as well. The nylon felt stretchy and climbed up my legs. I looked at the heels. I hopped they would be to small, but as I wiggled my foot in, the back of the heel slid up and my feet where almost a seamless match. I stood up, struggling a bit after putting on the heels, I walked to the mirror, the sound of the heels on the linoleum. I saw my face, red, ashamed. I took the lipstick. I applied it to my lips before capping it. "hurry up, I want to see" my sister said from outside the door. her voice made me jump. I slowly started to the door, the sound of the heels clicking as I walked. the dress was so high the panties where easily visible, my lips where red and I was washed in the most girly colors on the planet. I opened the door and the look on my sisters face was like she opened a present on Christmas. her big brother stood before her completely sissified. "Oh my....your so girly!" she said between squeaks of joy. I looked down, not wanting to look at her face. Just then there was a flash, I looked up to see her phone in my face, she was taking pictures of me. "sis no, please" I pleaded as she giggled, taking photo after photo. "all of my friends have to see this, Im going to show them all!" she said as I fell to my knees. "Please sis, dont please" I said, feeling so embarrassed I thought I might cry. She reached down and grabbed my arm. "com on, you got cleaning to do" as she wisked me back to her bedroom. everything was so pink in there, including me, I was like one of her many dolls now. "ok, start with the clothes and the stuffed animals and dont stop till that's done or I will send this picture to my girl friends and you wouldn't want that would you?." "no sis" i said meekly. "Oh, and from now on when I ask you something say yes princess. GO ON SAY IT" she said sharply as I replied. "yes princess." "good, now mrs.maid, get to work!" With that I started stumbling around her room in those reached heels, bending over exposing my shame, making her laugh at my awkwardness while cleaning her room. I started to finish putting things away and I could hear her on her bed, singing to that song. I knew even when this was over and her room was clean, I wouldn't live this down. I wished I had never done this at all but it was too late now. She had the photos she made her brother her personal maid, I wondered how it could possibly get worse....then it did. PART 3 COMING SOON!!!

mascot1920 07-23-2011 11:19 PM

Sorry about not having paragraphs, it was late, I will edit it tomorrow before going on.

shogan977 07-25-2011 09:24 PM

I hope ya continue on

Eminem jr 07-25-2011 10:53 PM

Please more! This sounds awesome!

mascot1920 07-25-2011 11:03 PM

More coming soon
Tonight it's too late but tomorrow I should have the part 3 up. Thanx for bring patient.

Eminem jr 07-25-2011 11:18 PM

Noo nowww :p u had me going then story ended and so did my boner

Eminem jr 07-25-2011 11:19 PM

Lol okay well u get ur sleep amd write more later please!

tarheel boy 07-25-2011 11:37 PM

good story so far, i will enjoy many more chapters in the future to come

Eminem jr 07-26-2011 08:23 PM

Lol sorry if i seem impatient but i realllyyy like this so try to put in another chapter asap please!

keyboardplayer77 07-26-2011 10:22 PM

yeah keep the story going, its good i can tell its got lots of potential.

Eminem jr 07-26-2011 10:26 PM

Lol yes i has potential! Thats why he should keep writinggg!!!

mascot1920 07-26-2011 11:31 PM

Part 3 Sisters Evil thoughts
"Sis, I did everything you you asked, I cleaned your room, it's spotless now, I am going to take these off ok." "Stop right there mrs.maid, I am not done with you yet!"
My sister was always a girly girl. She was the favorite, spoiled even, or at least I thought so. She was the princess that could do no evil. I remember her commanding my folks like she owned them. "Could you get me some water mom?" Could you get my books dad?" "Can I have my allowance today?" The answer was always "yes sweetie" "yes princess".
I was the only one who never gave in. "bro, I want to watch tv, let me watch what I want to watch!" "no sis, I just started watching go away" she would always go to where I was and want to do something, I would tell her to go away. If she wanted something I had, I told her no. Now she stood over me while I knelt in front of her, her cute little arms folded, her noise in the air as I begged her to release me from our contract and to get rid of the incriminating evidence. She had the power, her brother couldnt tell her no, I wouldnt dare.
"you did a good job, this place looks great." "Thanks sis, but now.." "BE QUIET, from now on, only speak when I ask you a question, I am tired of you begging it's really annoying!" She sat on her bed, looking at me, leaning back slightly with her head cocked back a little. "I dont like you" she said, sounding very serious. "If I didnt have these pictures you would just ignore me and be mean to me like always." "Every time I wanted to play with you or hang out with you, you told me no, you said I was annoying!" "now look at you, my big brother!"
She let out a grin as she layed back and looked at the ceiling. "If I let you out of our deal i will go back to being your annoying little sister, and I dont want that." I felt scared, something was wrong, she really felt angry, maybe I did tell her to go away, maybe i thought she was a bother at times, but thats no reason to ruin my life. "I am keeping the pictures and that means your going to do what I want when I want." "If I want to play with dolls, you can either play with them too or you can be one of them." "I will dress you up and make you clean my room and if you are mean to me, I will share the pictures with everyone at school, everyone will see you wearing dresses and makeup!"
She was serious, she wasnt joking or playing. "say this, say my little sister owns me.....go on, say it or I send the pictures." I looked at her, humbled and humiliated, fearing the worst for my social life and also feeling a little sick, I said. " My little sister owns me." "good" she said. "now take off your dress and fold it neatly by the bed, and the shoes and the stockings, but keep the panties on, wear them to bed." she said smiling. "yes sis" I said, not wanting to upset her.
She turned away as I undressed and headed for the door, "Tomorrow I think we are going to play another game, it should be fun" she said, making my back tingle as I slowly walked out of her room and down the hallway in those tight little cotton panties.
As I walked past the window, lights shown through, my folks where back. I darted across the room and into mine shutting the door. I heard the main door open as I jumped under my covers, pulling them up to my chest. I was so scared, I couldnt let them see me. I heard foot steps, they where coming closer, I shut my eyes pretending to sleep as my door opened. My parents walked in and right up to my bed, the panties laid just under the covers. "your in bed early" my mother asked. "I was really warn out today" I said back. "Thats fine, get some sleep, just wanted to let you know we where back." "Thanks mom" I said as she shut the door. My heart was racing, my hands still gripping the covers where shaking. "This isnt what I wanted" I said to myself as I shut my eyes.
*hours later* "Brother wake up." I opened my eyes and looked at the alarm clock, it was only 1am and I was so tired. I looked over to see my sister in her nighty sitting on my bed looking down on me. Without saying a word she reached down and pulled back the covers. "Your still wearing them, thats good, I wouldnt want to have to show anyone the pictures, not yet anyway."
She pulled the blanket clean off the bed and it fell to the floor exposing me completely. "sis, what are you doing here, what do you want?" I said half asleep. "I can do what I want, and I wanted to see if you wore your panties to bed like I asked." She looked at them, I rushed to cover them up. "Why is your.......thing hard, thats so gross!" she said as I put my hands over my groin. "do you like wearing girls underwear, is that why it's hard?" she said. "No sis, it's not, really, it's just a guy thing, I cant help it!" I stammered trying to keep my voice down.
The truth was, I couldnt help it. I kept trying not to look at her, what she was wearing. The idea of her seeing me like this and being here in what she was wearing, it made me feel something different, I couldnt explain it. I kept looking at her, I tried not to, you could see her undies through the nightie almost. "whats wrong with me" I would say in my head as I listened to her talking. "what are you looking at, are you looking at my underwear!" she said looking angrily at me. "No, sis I" "Yes you where, thats nasty, your not supposed to do that?" she said clearly angry and slightly puzzled. "I am sorry sis, It was an accident" I said not knowing how to explain myself.
A long pause ensued, she looked away down at the floor, I looked up at the ceiling, I felt bad, I didnt know why I felt so, aroused, I hoped I didnt make the situation worse. "Hey" she said looking at me. "do you like me" she said meekly. "Of course your my sister" I said. "No, do you like me?" she asked again louder. "sis, I like you but I dont like like you." "Then why do you look at my underwear like that, do you just like underwear cause thats weird to." she said confused. I didnt want to tell the truth, I couldnt, I didnt know what I liked or why, but I couldnt just say nothing, I had to give her a reason why. "I do like underwear" I said hoping she would make fun of me and leave it alone. "why do you like them?" she asked. I was really wishing she would just leave. "beacuse, I just do." I said annoyed.
"You best tell me or you know what will happen!" she said glaring at me. I felt awkward and weird, I looked at her and said. "I like girls underwear beacuse I think girls butts are cute..." "ewwww" my sister said giggling. I felt the pressure level off after she started giggling. her face was red as she laughed. "You have to be quiet, mom and dad might hear." I said trying to quiet her down. She looked at me and said "so you think your sisters butt is cute?" "I, uh, no,'s not like that." "My butt is cute" she said sternly looking down at me. "well, yeah your butt is cute I guess." I said glancing past it, suppressing that weird feeling I kept getting. "you keep looking at it, you want to see my underwear?" she asked, " no,.. I" but before I could finish, she leaned to her right and lifted up her nighty.
Her butt was adorned with white panties. They fit every curve. "You do have a cute butt sis" I said looking at it as she giggled. She lowered her nighty and stood up. "since you like my butt and thats kinda weird, tomorrow I am going to give you something to do." she said half smiling. I looked at her, tired, feeling weird, ready to call it a day. "ok sis, tomorrow I will do what you want ok." "good" she said as she smiled and walked out the door.
I closed my eyes, but all I could see was her cute little butt in my head, I opened my eyes again. "this is gonna be a long night" I said out loud as I grabbed my blanket from the floor, pulled it over my panties and tried to get some sleep. Before I knew it morning came and I was told to get up by my mom. I slipped into my clothes, taking the panties off beforehand and putting them in my drawer. I went and ate with the family and as we finished my mom said. "well I gotta run into town, I can take you guys with me since your fathers at work" My sis looked up and said "no mom, it's ok, we can stay here by ourselves, we where good yesterday you know!" "you where good my little princess" she said to my sister. "Ok you two, I guess, just behave yourselves while I am gone, your her older brother, your in charge now ok. She said to me. I nodded. I could hear the car drive off as my sister walked up to me. "today I have to punish you for looking at my butt!" my sister said giggling, "and I think I am gong to make you pick what it is!" Part 4 coming soon!

Eminem jr 07-26-2011 11:42 PM

It best be commin soon or ima have ur lil sis send the pictures out! Mwahhahahahahshshhahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhah ahah lol but thanks fortellin me it was out!

mascot1920 07-26-2011 11:48 PM

no prob
No problem lol. I am glad your all liking this story, it's wired sharing it with people but I guess I feel better now lol. Keep posting encouraging messages and feedback, helps me to write more. I have allot coming. also, if I am late again when I set a mark, punish me lol. I should have the next art up by midnight tomorrow, maybe earlier.

Eminem jr 07-26-2011 11:58 PM

Yayyy lol i love this story, its pretty much my exact fantasy in someone elses words :p keep it comming!

danburnsy 07-27-2011 09:08 AM

Loving this so far.

I've made bets with my little cousin(Girl cousin) before but they never were like this more like "You lose your my slave for 2 hours and vice versa"but it never went into something that could end up ruining my life if it got out.

If somebody was blackmailing me with something that would ruin my life,then I would end up punching them in the face till they were unconscious.

kmacroxs 07-27-2011 09:37 AM

keyboardplayer77 07-27-2011 12:15 PM

the story is very interesting hope you keep posting soon.

mascot1920 07-27-2011 07:55 PM

part 4: Temptation
Waking up in the middle of the night, feeling my body strain under the tightness of my sisters panties stretched across my body, thinking of her and this situation. That night I didnt get a wink of sleep. Now she stands there, parents gone for the day, leaving me in charge, little could they understand, I wasnt in charge of anything. Not even my own thoughts. "did you hear me bro?" "I am going to make you pick your punishment" my sister said again giggling. "yes sis, I heard." I said yawning. "you should be a little more awake, didnt you sleep last night?" "yeah, I got some sleep, I'm just waking up." I lied as I sat down in the a chair and rubbed my eyes. "Well lets get started ok." my sister said sounding rather enthused. "Can it wait a minute, I havent even..." "NO" she cut me off, "I want to play now!" she said loudly. Her command got my attention, I snapped out of being tired the best I could as I stood up and said. "ok."
There are allot of things going through my mind. Last night I couldnt stop thinking about how I felt. Why, why are my sisters actions so enticing, why do I find her.......attractive. I layed awake thinking about her showing me her butt. I tried to forget it, to move on, but now, all my body wanted is to see her butt again. I felt like such a sick perv. "Your wearing your panties right?" my sister said breaking my concentration. "No sis, I took them off this morning" "Did I say you could do that?" she asked very well aware of the answer. " didnt." "No you didnt what Mrs.Maid" she said sharply. "No you didnt princess" I said looking down.
My sister walked up and looked at me. "I want you to think of two punishments now, one for forgetting your panties and another for last night, when you couldnt stop looking at my butt. "But sis you showed me your.." "SO?" she yelled back. "You didnt have to look, your a nasty sicko that looks at her sisters butt and your going to get punished for it!" She almost couldnt stop smiling toward the end of her scolding. I could tell that she wasnt really upset about me looking at her, she was just determined to use it against me anyway.
"so, what are you going to do as punishment?" she asked. "I dont know, I dont want to pick my punishment thats cruel!" I remarked. "Fine, I will pick but you wont like what I pick!" she said crossing her arms. "I think I am gong to make you..." "WAIT!" I yelled, stopping my sister in mid sentence. "I am so sorry" I said to her realizing what I had done. The look on her face made me feel like I just upset a tiger at meal time and I was up for dinner. "I mean, I got a deal" I was thinking of a deal, but I wasnt using my head. I wanted to see my sister in her panties again, but whats more I wanted to go one step further. I wanted to get closer.
I kept telling myself it was wrong but I wanted so badly to get closer. In my flurry, I thought of bargaining with her. I knew what she wanted. "Sis, what if I let you take another picture of me." I said as her jaw dropped to the floor and a smile spread over her face. "I will do it if.......If you let me do something." I said ashamed to ask, worried about what she would say if I asked her. "Why should I do anything for you, you ow me 2 punishments already!" "well I do, but letting you take another picture is way worse than what i deserve right, if you do this one thing for me, I will dress up for you and let you take one picture." My heart was racing, I kept telling myself no, but I felt compelled to offer myself up for this one moment.
"What do you want then?" she asked. I paused, I looked down at the ground and then up at her..... "I want...I want to kiss your butt." I said quickly looking down. "Thats sooo nasty, why would you want to kiss a dirty but?" She giggled. "So let me get this right, you want to kiss your sisters butt and if I let you youll dress up for me and let me take a picture?" "yes sis.......I will" I said as my heart beat hard in my chest. A long pause ensued, then smirking she looked at me and said, "ok". "How do we do this?" I asked so nervous I was shaking. "um, I guess I will bend over and you can kiss my butt, duhh" she quipped.
She bent over, her skirt falling to the side her underwear clearly visible. Oh god I thought, I am about to do this, I cant believe I am gong to do this. I got on my hands and knees. I brung myself closer. her butt got closer and closer, I could smell that smell like perfume. I got so close I could see the stitches in the print on her underwear. I could feel the heat radiate from her body. I was about to touch my lips to my little sisters butt, it was soo wrong but it felt so right. I moved forward and put my lips on her right cheek, giving it a big kiss. I pulled back. My sister giggling uncontrollably. I tried to hide my arousal.
"Why, why am I doing this" I thought to myself. I looked at her, "she has more control over me than she knows" I thought. "Ok brother, you kissed my butt, now your going to get dressed for me, and I think I am gong to let you wear...hmmm" she mulled her options. "I know, you can wear my old bathing suit!" I just gave my sister more to work with just so I....could do what I did. She pulled out that purple bathing suit. "This is going to be so funny" she said handing it to me. I think....yeah, lets put it on outside!" she said with a squeal. "oh my god" I thought as she took me by the hands and we left for the back yard! Part 5 coming soon -wet bikini boy-

Eminem jr 07-27-2011 09:45 PM

More more more more more

mascot1920 07-27-2011 10:57 PM

Remember to rate
I am glad people are enjoying this story :) Please remember to rate it if you get a chance, lets others see and enjoy this story to. Also, I am thinking about doing a special story I have wanted to write for a while once this one comes to a close. Actually since this is a series (I have years worth of content) I might do it as a side story. It makes me smile and blush knowing you haven't heard anything yet lol! I will try to post the next bit tomorrow for you guys!

Silvercola 07-27-2011 11:10 PM

I like it continue and more

kumpumper 07-27-2011 11:49 PM

Great suggestion as far as formatting, just use some paragraphs to define thoughts, it would make it much easier to read, but I LOVE the story!

Eminem jr 07-28-2011 12:56 AM

Can i trade places with u? I wanna be ur sisters sissy maid lol

karraka 07-28-2011 12:57 AM


Originally Posted by Eminem jr (Post 504364)
Can i trade places with u? I wanna be ur sisters sissy maid lol

i thought it was just me lol

Eminem jr 07-28-2011 01:13 AM

Nope lol im pretty sure iys more me tho :p

mascot1920 07-28-2011 09:07 AM

This story
Belive it or not this story happened 10 or so years ago when i was 10. Since then we have grown up and done our own things. That dosent mean however that we still dont have good times *wink* she is still in command lol. So M, you want to be her sissy maid? lol, I hope you survive bro, she's ruthless! lol Now that she is all grown up she might put the hurt on you, she as to me before... lol

Eminem jr 07-28-2011 09:16 AM

Ahh yeaa nevermind then :p

danburnsy 07-28-2011 11:55 AM

I wanna switch too i love cross dressing but i cant really get away with it to much cause my parents and brother are always in :(

TG32 07-28-2011 01:55 PM

So if you were 10 when this happened, how old was she, 9?

mascot1920 07-28-2011 03:23 PM

yup she was, we where both kids, or maybee I was 12 and she was ll.....I cant remember, I'll ask here later

wme 07-28-2011 04:47 PM

More more mOre Pleqse. ALSo any tips for writing. Sorry about the sHIft. keyBoArd proBlems.

Eminem jr 07-28-2011 07:03 PM

Lol when ya think next partll be up?

TG32 07-28-2011 08:27 PM

I dont know if 11 is better than 9 but both are super young... this is kinda an awkward story that age.... but I guess if it is true.

mascot1920 07-28-2011 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by TG32 (Post 504944)
I dont know if 11 is better than 9 but both are super young... this is kinda an awkward story that age.... but I guess if it is true.

I actually thought it might be an issue with folks, but nothing ever really "happens", youll see. Think of this as more of an origins story and we get to the here and now down the road. At the time, we didnt have an idea of what being naughty was so much, it was something different and I hope it is viewed as that, not as something else entirely.

TG32 07-28-2011 08:43 PM

I see. Well that makes it more acceptable. I was just curious. Im not scolding you or anything, just curious

mascot1920 07-28-2011 10:21 PM

I am sorry
I am sorry but there will not be an update tonight, I am going to be pre disposed. You can expect a large update tomorrow however. I am deeply sorry to put you all off for another day.

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