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jipperxl 02-07-2016 01:38 AM

Surviving College: The Adventures of Jock Boy
Hey everyone,

I'm starting a new story here. This first part is a bit long, mainly to set up the story line. I'm hoping that future parts will be short, yet still entertaining. Feel free to PM me with comments and suggestions. These stories will mainly revolve around my interests, so expect to see things like hazing, humiliation, gunge/messy, diapers, jockstraps, etc.


__________________________________________________ _

Part 1: Becoming Jock Boy

Today couldn’t be any better, Josh thought as he walked to his locker from the showers. The first football game of the season is just days away, and he just found out that he’ll be a starting running back. Few freshman get that kind of opportunity, and Josh was grateful that he worked so hard during high school to get recruited by Hawthorne University on a full scholarship. Even his father and brother, both Hawthorne alums and former football players, were impressed with Josh’s skills on the field.

Josh knew his college life was really just beginning. The school year just started days ago, but football practices and preseason games had been going on all summer. He was already banging chicks and attending crazy parties. The craziest ones were always thrown by Sigma Lambda Epsilon, the “jock frat” that many of Josh’s teammates were in. He definitely felt he needed to join them and couldn’t wait for them to start accepting pledges at Rush Week.

Turning the corner, Josh got to his locker and peered down at the floor. Someone’s sweaty jockstrap lay in front of his locker, presumably belonging to Zach, the owner of the locker next to Josh’s and the team’s star quarterback. Zach’s locker was wide open and his football gear strewn all over the floor. Not wanting the touch the filthy jock with his hands, Josh casually swept the jock with his sandal toward Zach’s other belongings.

Behind his back, Josh suddenly heard, “What the fuck?!”

It was Zach and two other senior football teammates, Matt and Eric, standing there with nothing but towels around their waists. “Did you just kick my jock with your foot?!”

“Yea, man. It was in front of my locker. Chill out,” replied Josh.

“Fuck you, freshman. You just disrespected my jock, which means you disrespect me.” Zach, Matt and Eric start to close in on Josh, making him back in to his locker door. By now, other teammates were filling up the locker room. Hearing the commotion, they started circling around the group, trying to get a good view of what was going on.

Trying to not look intimidated, Josh remarked “Dude, no I don’t. I just needed to move it aside a little bit. You know, to have some space here.”

“Why did you use your foot?” Zach was getting into Josh’s face.

“Because your jock is gross, that’s why.”

Zach lost his shit. He pushed Josh against the locker and pinned him at the shoulders, “You need to learn how to respect us upper classmen, bitch.”

Matt and Eric got the signal and immediately grabbed Josh’s hands. Josh struggled but couldn’t get away. Zach got cable ties from his locker and proceeded to tie Josh’s wrists to the lockers so that they were spread out to the sides. Josh felt exposed standing there with his bare chest and white towel.

“Dude, come on. Let me go! This is bullshit!” Josh yelled.

Zach picked up his sweaty jock from the floor and held it up within inches of Josh’s face. “So you have a problem with my jock, Jeff? How about you get better acquainted with it?”

“My name isn’t Jeff, dickwad. It’s Josh.”

“Jeff, Josh, whatever. How about we just call you Joshie from now on? You’re just a baby on the team. Perhaps you don’t deserve to wear jockstraps like the rest of us men.”

“Dude. I’m sorry. Okay? Just let me go and let’s forget about this,” reasoned Josh. He was getting pretty apprehensive and didn’t want things to get worse.

“An apology isn’t enough, bitch. You need to learn to respect others.”

“Then, what do you wa....” As Josh tried to respond, Zach shoved the dirty jock into Josh’s mouth.

Josh’s eyes widened and the smell and taste of the jock filled his senses. He shook his head trying to spit out the jock, but Zach wrapped the leg straps around his head to secure the disgusting gag.

Admiring his work, Zach replied, “What I want is payback. And, I also want a little fun since it’s my last year here. You know what? How about I just call you Jock Boy from now on? I think it’s a fitting name for someone who’s “going” to love sucking on my jocks.

Josh screamed through the gag, “MMmmmppff Ffufmmmpp Yooooommfmff!”

The guys in the locker room went nuts, laughing at what was going on. Although, most of the other freshman felt sorry for Josh. Matt was enjoying what was going on and to further humiliate Josh, he went and grabbed his sweaty jock and put it over Josh’s face with the waistband covering his eyes.

The laughter continued. Digging though his locker, Zach pulled out his phone and snapped a few pics of the helpless freshman.

“Alright Jock Boy. My day just got better because of you. We’re going to have a fun time in the locker room this year.”

Chris, Josh’s fellow freshman teammate and also roommate, went up to try and release Josh from his predicament, but Zach interjected, “Nuh uh, freshman. Don’t you dare let him out, unless you want the same treatment for yourself.” Chris shook his head and backed away.

Zach gave a smirk. “Good choice, freshman. Just let him stand there for 10 minutes and then you can come to his rescue.”

Chris nodded and left to get changed. Zach and the rest of the team went back to do the same.

Exactly 10 minutes later, Chris cut the cable ties holding Josh. Josh removed the dirty jocks from his head and gave a look of defeat on his face. He managed to piss off the star quarterback, who’s basically the most popular guy at Hawthorne. Josh didn’t know what to do and wondered what Zach had in mind with calling him Jock Boy. Whatever it was, it can’t be good. All he knows is that, things will be different from now on.

...(to be continued)

jipperxl 02-07-2016 09:44 AM

Part 2: The Uniform and The Rules
Part 2: The Uniform and The Rules

Josh woke up the next day worried about yesterday’s encounter with Zach in the locker room. Is this really going to happen? Is Zach really going to push him around all year long? His roommate, Chris, didn’t think Zach was all that serious and he was glad the same thing didn’t happen to him.

After going through his usual morning routine, Josh left the dorm and headed toward class. While walking by the gym, he saw Zach and Matt approaching him from the locker room entrance.

“Hey Josh!” yelled Zach. “Get over here.”

Josh just stared and hesitated, not knowing how things were going to go.

“Now!” Zach continued.

Knowing better than to run, Josh strolled over to them hoping for the best. Zach grabbed Josh behind the neck and proceeded to lead him into the locker room with Matt.

Once inside, Zach turned to Josh, “Okay. Now we have some privacy. So...I’ve had some time to think things over last night. I finally came up with your uniform and rules, Jock Boy.” Josh’s face immediately turned into a frown, with a slight look of despair.

Zach smiled. “Don’t worry, it’s not too bad unless you really fuck up. Here, I have your uniform right here.”

Zach reached into his back pocket and pulled out what looked like a used jockstrap with the words “Jock Boy” written in thick black letters on the band.

“Don’t worry it’s washed, just heavily worn. So, you’re going to wear that everyday throughout the football season. Wear it proudly, bitch. Matt and I will be checking to see if you’re wearing it. If we catch you without it, then there’ll be hell to pay. You don’t even want to know what happens if you actually lose it. Do you understand the rules, Jock Boy?”

Josh nodded.

“Good. See you at practice later, Jock Boy.” After Zach and Matt exited the locker room, Josh changed into the jock. It was a little loose on him and the 3-inch waist strap was definitely going to peek over his pants. He began to worry what others would think of his new uniform. Realizing he might be late for class, Josh exited the locker room and started a brisk walk toward the classroom buildings.

Later, in the afternoon, Josh caught up with Chris for a late lunch. Chris explained to Zach that he wasn’t the only one being tormented. It turns out that every year a few seniors on the team single out a few freshman and pick on them for the season. So far, Tyler, Nick, and Jason have been in the crosshairs. Tyler has to wear a cock ring 24/7 for taking the last remaining shower head after yesterday’s practice. Nick now has a two foot long sock tied to his cock and balls for accidentally shoving his junk in a senior’s face in the locker room. And, Jason has to wear a thong for dumping his football gear in front of a senior’s locker.

After hearing of these new developments, Josh briefly had a moment of relief. He was glad that he wasn’t the only one going through this humiliation. However, he knows for sure that things are just going to get worse.

g629 02-07-2016 08:33 PM

Please add more! I'm loving this!

Ravenwood 02-07-2016 09:00 PM

This is very interesting.

jipperxl 02-07-2016 10:45 PM

Part 3: First Time Screw Up
Thanks for the comments everyone! It's definitely motivating me to keep this going :D. I have lots of ideas running around in my head and please excuse the wordiness. I feel that it's important to have a good set up for certain scenes. Hopefully, I can try and cut things down a bit so that they're quicker to read. Oh and just to clarify, there will be more interactions between guys in the stories. Having girls involved, like in this part, can make things interesting.

Part 3: First Time Screw Up

After getting his Jock Boy uniform and rules, Josh expected things to be quite different. However, the next two days proved to be the opposite. Yea, the entire football team knew he was wearing Zach’s old jock and Zach did the occasional jockstrap check whenever he ran into Josh on campus. Wearing the jock almost became second nature to Josh, except he felt he had to shower with it in the locker room in case anyone wanted to steal it.

The other guys seemed to have the same sentiment. Tyler’s cock ring always made his cock semi-hard so he adapted by wearing tight underwear. At first he made the mistake of wearing boxer shorts the first day, but his cock always made a big tent in his crotch. Nick’s cock sock wasn’t bad either. The sock was of the thick wool variety that you’d wear for sub-zero temperatures. Having the whole thing run down the side of one of his legs always made it seem like he had a fat snake in his pants. So instead, he just tucked it between his legs and had it run up his ass. Jason seemed to be having a blast wearing a thong, and he always seemed to want to flaunt his bubble butt to his other teammates. Josh thought for sure that Jason was asking for someone to fuck him.

Anyways, on the second night of wearing the jock, Josh got together with Jenny for a quick fuck in Josh’s room. The two of them met weeks ago at one of the Sigma Lambda Epsilon parties and the two were each others’ fuck buddy. Jenny quickly got to see Josh’s worn out jock.

“Oooh. So it’s Jock Boy now?” laughed Jenny.

Josh blushed for a second and replied, “Yea, it’s just a football team thing.”

Jenny giggled, “It’s quite sexy,” and proceeded to slip off the jock.

Josh and Jenny spent the next half hour thrusting, biting, and pinning each other. Jenny got so used to calling him “Jock Boy” that it was actually kind of turning him on. Eventually, Josh blew his load in his condom and Jenny let out a loud sigh as she also reached a climax. Still feeling hot, Jenny grabbed Josh’s Jock Boy jock and started rubbing her cunt with it.

Josh gave a funny look. “What are you doing?”

“Ooh baby, I’m just giving you a little goodbye present.” Within seconds, Jenny released her own load on the jock. “It’s something for you to remember me by.” She threw the wet jock on Josh’s chest and got up to get dressed. After she left, Josh was both turned on and disgusted with what just transpired. He threw the jock on the ground and got up to clean himself.

As Josh was getting into bed, Chris arrived back to the room. “Fuck, it smells like sex in here. Was Jenny just in here?”

“Yea man, she’s kind of crazy.” With that, Josh turned over, turned off his bedside lamp, and quickly fell asleep.


The next morning, Josh heard his alarm blaring. Apparently, he overslept and barely had enough time to get to class. He got ready as quickly as possible. As he was about to slide up Zach’s jock, he noticed it was still moist and slimy from last night. Josh didn’t want to take the risk of getting caught not wearing the jock, but he certainly didn’t want to deal with a sticky jock pouch all day long. He decided to chance it and wear one of his own jocks instead. Once he was finished getting dressed, he ran out the door and made his way to class.


Josh managed to avoid seeing Zach and any other senior football teammate throughout the day, but he hoped he could get away with not wearing Zach’s jock during practice. Once in the locker room, Josh tried using a towel to cover himself up as he was changing into his practice gear. Just as he was about to pull up his white football pants, he felt the towel slip away behind him. He turned around and saw Zach with a big grin on his face.

“So, Jock Boy. This doesn’t look like the jockstrap that I gave you.”

Frantically, Josh tried to come up with an excuse, “Oh man. Zach. I’m sorry. I...I needed to get it was starting to smell bad...and know...”

“Riiiight. I believe you. That doesn’t mean you get a free pass from being punished.”

Josh was scared at what he heard, but he accepted that he did in fact screw up.

“Hey Everyone! Jock Boy fucked up! Go get the Punishment Box!” All of the upper classmen cheered, while the freshmen all had bewildered looks on their faces.

The whole team started to crowd around Josh’s locker. With a big smile on his face, Matt brought a black shoe box to Zach. Zach opened it up only to reveal dozens of crumpled pieces of paper.

“Okay Jock Boy. This is the Punishment Box. It has all of the punishments that people came up with over the past 15 years. Some of them are pretty nasty. I’m sure your big brother can attest to that.”

Josh gave a curious look. “What? Your brother didn’t tell you about this?” Zach asked.

Josh shook his head.

Zach continued, “Okay, well hurry the fuck up and pick one. We’re all just dying to know what we’re going to do to you.”

Josh slowly reached into the box and fished around for one of the crumpled pieces of paper. He pulled one out, hoping that it was a lenient punishment. He opened up the paper and gave a confused look.

“Well? What does it say?” asked Zach.

Josh looked up, “It says - Marshmallow Butt.”

Ravenwood 02-07-2016 11:03 PM

Can't wait to see what marshmallow butt is

jipperxl 02-08-2016 10:58 PM

Part 4: Marshmallow Butt
Part 4: Marshmallow Butt

Josh looked confused. “What the hell is Marshmallow Butt?” he thought. Before having even a single minute to imagine it, some of the guys grabbed Josh’s arms and legs and carried him over to the trainers’ tables. Josh frantically tried to twist his way out of his teammates’ holds, but couldn’t. He was dropped onto one of the tables and a few of the guys were already tying his wrists and ankles with rope.

“Ahhh fuck! Let me go!” Josh screamed. He kept trying to get up off the table, but the guys were too much for him. They managed to tie the ends of the rope to hooks hanging from the ceiling, leaving his arms and legs lifted upward. Matt came up and slid Josh’s practice football pants to his knees, exposing Josh’s jockstrapped ass.

“Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck...” Josh started to realize what marshmallow butt was when Zach brought a large bag of jumbo marshmallows to the table.

“You pulled out a good punishment, Jock Boy, haha. We’re going to make sure your ass is nicely filled. Isn’t that right, guys?” The team roared and hollered in agreement.

“Stop, please! Guys, come on! Don’t...don’t do this..don’t...AAaaaaah shiiiiiiit,” screamed Josh as Zach stuck his lube-covered latex finger up Josh’s ass. Josh squirmed with each wiggle of Zach’s finger.

“All right! Let’s get started!” Zach went to work forcing marshmallows up Josh’s hole. The first three didn’t make it quite through and just got all over Josh’s ass pubes, but the next ones started sliding right in. One by one, Zach was feeding them in and Josh started to feel the pressure in his rectum. Soon, Josh heard his teammates counting the marshmallows going in...”eleven! twelve! thirteen!....” Ultimately, Zach was able to fit 17 marshmallows in Josh’s ass.

“Hold those in there for just a second, Jock Boy!” Josh clenched his asshole as much as he could as he feared what would happened if anything leaked out. Matt brought over a red pouch looking thing with a hose on it. He stuck the end of the hose right in Josh’s ass and started to gently squeeze the pouch. Suddenly, Josh felt his ass fill up even more.

“Feel that Jock Boy? It’s just a little bit of water going into your ass. That’s all. You’re going to have a marshmallow soup up there,” laughed Zach.

Josh’s face clearly showed he was trying to handle the pressure in his ass. “Ugggh. Please. I think...I don’t think I can take any more.”

Zach smiled. “It’s okay, Jock Boy. We’re done here. We just have to plug you up.” With that, Zach pulled out a small kotex pad, rolled it up and stuffed it up Josh’s ass, forming a nice temporary plug. Then his pants were pulled up to his waist. Josh felt like he was going to explode any second, but he was worried about making a mess in his pants in front of his teammates.

Josh looked around from the table. “Uhh, are you going to let me go now? I get it, marshmallow butt. Very funny. I think we’re done here, right?” asked Josh.

“Just wait for it, bitch,” said Zach.

“Wait for whaaa...ohh! aah!” And then it hit him. Josh pulled on the ropes, desperately trying to get free. He felt his ass was going to explode right there.

“Ooooh Fuck! Guys...guys. Untie me! I have to take a shit! Uuugh.” Josh didn’t realize that marshmallows were a very effective laxative. He was getting waves of cramps and he couldn’t take it anymore. He tried to force the marshmallow sludge out but realized he couldn’t. The kotex pad kept him plugged up. He couldn’t empty himself out even if he wanted to, and he continued to endure the cramps.

Zach grabbed Josh’s cheeks, forcing his mouth open, “Here, bite onto this. It’ll help.” Josh didn’t see what was coming, but he instantly felt his mouth being stuffed with Zach’s used jockstrap from the other day. Then another dirty jockstrap went over his face, blinding him.

“Mmmmmpppfff. Mmmffffuuuuuuuukfff ooouppff!” Josh yelled. The team was clearly enjoying watching Josh in despair and laughed at him while he struggled and yelled. He was helpless, desperately wanting to empty out his ass.

After almost 15 minutes of wanting to relieve himself, Josh’s asshole gave in and opened up. All of the marshmallow sludge burst out, filling up his football pants. Josh gave out a heavy sigh through his gag. His entire ass and groin area quickly got covered in warm, sticky marshmallow goop. He could hear his teammates laughing at what just happened.

Josh was untied and his jockstrap mask was taken off. “Finally! Well Jock Boy, I guess you’re going to have a fun time at practice today,” laughed Zach as he saw Josh’s wet crotch.

Josh hung his head in shame. He walked around the locker room in his sticky, goopy pants and finished getting ready for practice. He was just glad it was over, and he hoped he wouldn’t have to do something like that again. What he didn’t know was that there was a lot more to come. Zach and the other seniors knew that initiation day was just around the corner. :D

jipperxl 02-09-2016 11:28 AM

Quick Question
Quick question for all of you:
Should the next part be 3-4 short punishment scenes OR should we go straight into initiation day?

No matter what, I'll be writing up both things. I'm just trying to think of what comes next.

Are you guys enjoying it so far? Let me know! :)


Slavep 02-09-2016 12:17 PM

I think it should be 3-4 short punishment scenes

Ravenwood 02-09-2016 05:09 PM

I agree 3-4 smaller scenes to prep for the initiation day's grand opening.

jipperxl 02-09-2016 07:09 PM

Part 5: More from the Punishment Box more punishments it is. Thanks for the responses! :D

Part 5: More from the Punishment Box

The atmosphere in the locker room didn’t settle down after Josh’s humiliating Marshmallow Butt punishment. In fact, it got even more rowdy. The next day, two other freshmen on the team “earned” punishments.

One of them, Jason, pulled out “Pudding Jock” from the punishment box, which meant having his jock filled with 5 servings of vanilla pudding and attending practice that way. There was so much pudding that it was squeezing through the pouch and spreading down to his ass while running plays on the field. Afterward, he was forced to strip naked, get on all fours, and crawl around the locker room while sucking his messy jock clean.

Nick, the freshman stuck wearing the long, thick sock over his cock, managed to get “Fumbles” for his punishment. For practice, his hands were covered with 6 socks each and then wrapped in white athletic tape, making it almost impossible to grab anything. For every pass that he dropped, he was going to get spanked with Matt’s frat paddle in the locker room. The coaches thought it was hilarious and let Nick practice that way. He was the target of every quarterback while running plays. Nick ended up dropping the ball 29 out of 35 times. That earned him getting a very red ass while gagged with his cock sock and tied naked to the trainer’s table.

Josh was pretty happy to be in the “audience” this time. Seeing Jason and Nick serve out their punishments was pretty exciting. He caught himself getting a slight hard on in his (actually Zach’s) dirty jockstrap, but he quickly adjusted himself. “That was weird” he thought. It confused him that all of the excitement was turning him on.

Once the fun was over in the locker room, Matt announced that Sigma Lambda Epsilon was having a party later this evening. That got everyone excited as they imagined the prospect of drinking booze and making out with hot chicks. Josh was especially excited because Jenny was probably going to be there, and he felt he needed some action to wind down for the week.

Unfortunately, Josh’s happy thought lasted only seconds as he managed to bump into Zach, who was just pulling his pants up in front of his locker. Zach took a hard tumble on the floor and cursed out loud, “Ahhh. Fuck!...Fucking Jock Boy. Don’t you watch where you’re going?”

Josh panicked. “Oh shit. Sorry Zach! I was just lost in my thoughts and I didn’t see you...”

“Lost in your thoughts!? I’m a fucking six foot three wall. How could you not see me?... Does this mean another punishment for Jock Boy?” Zach was loud enough for everyone in the locker room to hear. There were lots of shouts of agreement.

“No! No, don’t. It was an accident. I...I already had a punishment yesterday,” pleaded Josh.

“Doesn’t matter Jock Boy. You fucked up here so you’re getting one no matter what.... Aahh, sweet! Matt already brought the box.” Zach smiled as Matt squeezed through the crowded and presented the black box.

“Pick one Jock Boy...and make it a good one.”

Josh slowly reached into the box, fumbling around for a “good” punishment. He pulled out a crumpled piece of paper and the entire locker room fell silent. Everyone waited to hear what the punishment was.

Josh read it out loud, “Um, it says Piñata.” Some of the seniors and juniors laughed.

Josh hated these cryptic punishment names since he couldn’t tell what was going to happen. Immediately, he braced himself, expecting to be grabbed by half a dozen upper classmen and dragged across the locker room. But instead, nothing happened.

Zach sensed Josh’s confusion and smiiled. “Oh don’t worry Jock Boy. We’re not going to do this now. We’ve got a party to go to! Go get fucking dressed and let’s do this later.”

Instantly relieved, Josh nodded. He was going to have fun tonight and deal with the Piñata punishment tomorrow.

He got changed quickly and went back to the dorm to get ready for the festivities. As he was getting ready to head out to the party, he realized that Chris hadn’t come back yet from the locker room. “Maybe he’s already at the party” thought Josh. He locked his dorm room and made his way to frat row, where all the other fraternity houses were at.

Once he got there, he saw Chris standing at Sigma Lambda Epsilon’s front door. He looked nervous. “Yo, Chris! I figured you’d be here already...Damn...Dude, you don’t look so good. What’s up?”

Chris let out a heavy sigh and looked at Josh. He muttered, “Man, I fucked up. I...I pulled a punishment from the box.”


Ravenwood 02-09-2016 08:27 PM

Nooo! Cliff-hangers! Why do they always have to be cliff-hangers! *dramatic sigh* JK I love cliff-hangers

jipperxl 02-10-2016 10:29 PM

Part 6: The Entertainment
I hope you enjoy this part. The next few parts may take a while as I think through what will happen at initiation.

Part 6: The Entertainment

“Wait, what?!” Josh was shocked as he looked at Chris’ worried facial expression.

“I...I don’t know. I accidentally slammed the locker room door into Matt while I was leaving. It almost broke his nose, I think. He was super pissed and I told him I was really sorry. He...he made me pick out a punishment from the box.”

“Oh fuck. What was it? Is it bad?” Though, feeling sad for Chris, Josh was really intrigued with what the punishment was.

“I got ‘War Paint’. That doesn’t sound bad right?”

“It can’t be as bad as mine. I feel like I’m going to end up as a human piñata. Anyways look, we’re here at the party. We can worry about this tomorrow. Let’s go get some beers, man.”

With that, the two roommates entered the frat house to join the rest of the rowdy college crowd.


Sigma Lambda Epsilon sure knew how to throw an awesome party. Josh and the rest of his teammates were having an awesome time. It’s only been two weeks since classes started, and Josh hoped these parties will continue all year. Already on his third beer, Josh was making it a point to meet as many of the Sigma Lambda brothers as possible. Rush was starting next week and he really wanted to be in the next pledge class. He thought these guys had the life. A few of his teammates were already in the frat, including Matt and Craig, a junior and the frat’s president. He had to be sure not to piss them off on the field or in the locker room.

In the corner of his eye, he saw Butch and Danny. Both were also on the team and frat brothers. Josh walked over and tried to join their conversation.

“...and so she just kept moving her ass like...whoa, hey Jock Boy,” said Danny, clearly annoyed at Josh’s presence. “You’re just racking up those punishments, aren’t ya?”

Josh replied, “yea, I just fucked up, but I promise it won’t happen again. I think i’m still getting used to everyone in the locker room.”

“Sure...sure. Whatever man. Well, it’s a good thing you didn’t pull ‘Sneaky Thief’. That’s the worse one of all.”

“What? What’s ‘Sneaky Thief’? Is it that bad? What is it?” ask Josh, getting perhaps a little bit too excited.

Butch responded, “Dude, we can’t tell you. It’s just the absolute worse. Trust us. That’s all you gotta know and you better hope you don’t get it.”

Josh was annoyed with the vague response, but he gave up trying to find out more about it.

All of a sudden, a loud air horn went off. Josh saw Zach a few feet away, addressing the crowd while standing on a coffee table.

“Everyone! Quiet down! Quiet...shhhh! Great...well, thanks for making it out tonight! The Sigma Lambda guys are awesome for throwing parties like this. We have our first game in three days and I hope to see all of you cheering us on!” The crowd cheered and clinked their beer cans. “Also, we have some entertainment for everyone tonight. Keep on drinking and have some fun! Enjoy!”

Everyone was pumped up and excited. “What was the entertainment?” Josh thought.

All of a sudden, arms came from nowhere and started to drag him to the center of the room. Josh was freaking out. He struggled and cursed as he was being dragged. All of the party goers were laughing at what was going on. They were soon pulling out their phones and taking pictures.

Josh was lifted up onto his feet, then a pair of hands reached into the back of his pants, grabbed the waistband of his (Zach’s) jockstrap, and yanked it up high. “AAAAAhhhhhhhoooww. Aahh. Help! Aahh. That hurts” screamed Josh. The wedgie made the jock’s legstraps really dig into his ass crack and the pouch was pulled tight, putting pressure on his cock and balls. His jockstrap was then attached to a hook from the ceiling, making him barely touch the ground with his feet.

Zach walked over to Josh, who was pretty much dangling in the center of the room in front of the entire crowd. His face looked like he was in pain.

“It’s an excellent time to be a piñata, don’t you think? If you didn’t get it by now, you’re part of the entertainment. Oh, and so is your roommate Chris. Take a look, Jock Boy.”

Josh looked up across the room. Chris was currently being held by a few guys on the team.

Zach got up to talk again, “Everyone! Here are tonight’s entertainment! Be nice to them!”

Josh saw Chris immediately get stripped by his captors. Within seconds, he was completely naked and his wrists were restrained by chains attached to the ceiling. His ankles were then separated with a spreader bar, leaving his entire body exposed and helpless. Matt put the finishing touch and shoved a dirty sock in Chris’ mouth and then securing it with another sock around his head.

A box of markers were placed near Chris. Josh now realized what “War Paint” was. A few people rushed to grab markers and started “painting”. Within minutes, his entire body was drawn on with lewd images and humiliating phrases. On his ass cheeks were things like, “Cum bucket”, “Insert cock here”, “Please stuff me”, and more. His face was marked up with “Cocksucker”, “Feed me cum”, and “Deep throat”. However, most of the “painting” was done on his crotch. Someone used a gold marker and completely covered his cock and balls in a gold, sparkling color. Chris really didn’t care that someone was writing on his body. What he cared about was that this was being done in front of over a hundred people, all of whom got some great photos on their phone.

Next was Josh’s turn. Zach came up to Josh and pulled his pants down, revealing the painful jockstrap wedgie. Next, Zach tied Josh’s wrists together with rope and then tied them close to his ankles, making him slightly bent over. Josh knew what was coming and pleaded against it, “Zach, please! Let me go. I don’t want to get paddled.”

Zach smiled, “Too bad Jock Boy. You just have to live with it. Now, lets shut you up.” Zach produced a dirty jockstrap from his back pocket and gagged Josh with it. The leg straps were used to secure it in his mouth. Then Zach pulled up Josh’s shirt from behind him and pulled it over his head so that it covered his eyes. “The human piñata was ready!” he thought.

Tons of camera flashes were going off as Zach proceeded to spank Josh with a frat paddle. Josh screamed into his dirty gag, hoping the paddling would end soon. Several other teammates took turns with the paddle. After so many swats, Josh was sure he wouldn’t be able to sit down for days. Afterwards, a few other party guests gave a spank or two.

Jenny, Josh’s fuck buddy, was in the crowd, clearly amused with Josh’s humiliation. She went up to him and pulled the shirt off of his head. Josh was embarrassed to see her. He mumbled through his gag, which she removed.

“Help! Can...can you take me down?”

Jenny whispered in his ear, “I could, but I won’t. I haven’t had MY fun yet.”

Josh gave a confused look and Jenny just smiled. She pulled his shirt over his head again, blinding him. Then, she reached down and pulled his cock and balls out of his jock. Everyone watching started laughing at what was happening. She started stroking his cock, getting it hard. Josh was freaking out, “Aahh. Please don’t. Ugh...aahhh. God. Stop. I’m going to cum. Oh god.” Josh’s body started spasming as he prepared to blow his load. Jenny quickly reacted and caught his cum in the pouch of the jockstrap she was holding. Everyone knew what she was going to do next. Josh was clearly panting and Jenny took the opportunity to stuff the cum soaked jock into his mouth. Realizing what it was, Josh thrashed around trying to get out of his hanging wedgie and get the slimy, disgusting jock out of his mouth.

Jenny whispered into his ear, “That sweetie, was really fun. I hope you enjoyed it.” She got up, spanked his ass with her hand and walked back into the crowd.

Soon after, everyone got back into party mode. Chris and Josh were left hanging, exposed to anyone that wanted to do something to them. After an hour of torment, they were released. While they really wanted to get back to the dorm room to clean up, they stuck around trying to enjoy the rest of the party while enduring everyone’s jokes about them.


The next morning, Josh woke up to a really sore ass. He looked over at Chris’ bed across the room and saw that he was still sleeping, his body still marked up from last night. Josh grabbed his phone from his nightstand and went through looking for messages. All of a sudden his phone buzzed with a new text message. It was from Zach to all of the freshmen.

“8pm tonight, locker room. Wear team sweats and jockstrap. Don’t be late. -Z”


jipperxl 02-11-2016 07:07 PM

I have some solid ideas for initiation, but I wanted to see if any of you had some suggestions...

- what kind of hazing or initiation activities would you like to see?
- are there any people you'd like to read more about?

Let me know on here or in PM! It'd be great to hear from you. :)


g629 02-11-2016 08:59 PM

I'm sure I can trust you to come up with hazing ideas! I'd like to read more about Chris though.

Awesome job so far!

Nick 02-14-2016 03:45 PM

great story, looking forward to reading more

hornytaiwanboy 02-18-2016 12:59 AM

great story
i like it

g629 02-18-2016 07:24 PM

This is a really good story, and I feel as though it gets better every chapter. I hope that we don't end up with another abandoned story that never gets finished.

Ravenwood 02-18-2016 10:18 PM

As do I. I really like this one as there are multiple victims and victors.

jipperxl 02-20-2016 06:32 PM

Part 7: Leading up to Initiation
I hear ya. I definitely would like to get more parts out for all of you. The feedback has been great and I'm glad you guys are enjoying it.

This part doesn't have any action, but I wanted to have a casual lead up into initiation rather than jumping right into it. I will definitely have the first part of Initiation up by tomorrow night :)


Part 7: Leading up to Initiation

Josh stared at his phone. “It’s finally Initiation”, he thought as he kept re-reading Zach’s text message. It’s almost been a week since he started wearing Zach’s old jockstrap, and since then, it’s been pretty wild. Josh’s ass crack was still sore from last night’s hanging jock wedgie. Reminiscing about the hazing he’s gone through started getting him turned on. “Oh crap. Why the fuck am I getting hard?” he wondered. He tugged on his cock and balls through the jock to adjust himself.

“Hey, are you up?”

Josh was startled. He turned around and saw Chris sitting up in his bed with his face still fully marked up from last night.

“Yea, I’ve been up for a while. Dude, go wash off that stuff. You don’t want to go to class that way.” Josh paused. “Oh, and check your messages. We all got a text from Zach.”

“What’s it about?”

“Uh, I’m pretty sure we’re getting initiated tonight.”

“Ah fuck.” Chris got up, got his toiletry basket and headed to the communal dorm bathroom with a concerned look on his face. Josh followed suit to get ready for class.


Class was boring as usual for Josh. He sat at the back of the classroom with his other freshman teammates and wondered what initiation was going to be like. He imagined a whole bunch of things, like getting paddled, doing push ups, and running around naked on the field. Then his thoughts started getting more extreme. “What if they want us to shove things in our ass, like a banana?” he thought. Or, worse yet, he was worried about having to do sexual things with his teammates like giving hand jobs or blow jobs. Josh shuddered at the idea of having cum in his mouth, and his mind quickly turned to what happened last night with Jenny. He could faintly remember getting gagged with a jockstrap covered in his own cum. “Ugh, yuck,” he thought. He quickly tried to forget that it ever happened.


After class ended, eight of the guys, including Josh and Chris, went to grab lunch at the cafeteria. There was the usual banter about class, video games, and sex, but then Tyler decided to chime in, “Hey, so are you guys nervous about tonight? Matt said it won’t be too bad.”

“You actually believe him?” Chris replied. “I think that just means it’s going to be reeaalllly bad.” Some of the guys nodded their heads in agreement.

“Well, it’s a good thing I won’t have to wear this fucking cock ring for it. I don’t want to be showing you my boner all night,” laughed Tyler. “Yea, any of us that are forced to wear stuff gets a pass for tonight. But, I guess since we’re going in jocks then you’ll still be wearing Zach’s, right Jock Boy?”

Josh blushed. None of his fellow freshmen teammates ever called him “Jock Boy” before. It was usually reserved for the upper classmen, like Zach and Matt. “Uh, yea. I guess so.”

They continued the discussion until they finished eating. Then, they all went back toward their dorm to rest up for tonight.


Josh was ready, he thought. Standing in front of his mirror, he looked at himself wearing the team’s light gray sweatpants and hoodie, which covered his muscular and cut 5'11" physique. He was pretty sure initiation was going to run through until early the next morning, so he had a decent nap. He and Chris, joined the rest of the freshman downstairs in the dorm lobby. All 19 of them, headed to the football locker room. Before they got entered, a few of them kicked off their shoes and took off their socks.

“What are you guys doing?” asked Josh.

Tyler replied, “Didn’t the text say only to come in sweats and a jock? I figured socks and shoes were out.”

“What about shirts? I’m wearing an undershirt,” commented Nick.

“Yo, I don’t think they’re going to care what you wear as long as you have at least sweats and a jock. I don’t know, I’m going in with my shoes and socks since I figure we’d be running or something,” one of the guys said.

No one could come to an agreement on what to do. Eventually, the guys gave up and they all chose for themselves. Josh decided to wear his shoes, socks, and shirt, just in case they’re helpful.

The guys walked into the locker room and snaked their way toward the center of the room. The rest of the team was standing there, waiting for their arrival.

Zach shouted, “Ok Fuck Holes! Line up!”

The 19 guys shuffled around and managed to quickly line up in a single row facing the upper classmen.

Zach, Matt and a few other seniors and juniors walked up and down the line, pretending to examine each of the anxious freshmen. When Zach got to Josh, he smiled and whispered in his ear, “Ready for some fun, Jock Boy?”

Josh immediately got nervous and just stared at Zach as he walked back.

“All right, FuckTards. Welcome to Initiation! Now, STRIP!”


hornytaiwanboy 02-21-2016 03:43 AM

why stop here?
want to see next part

jipperxl 02-21-2016 05:43 PM

Part 8: Football Initiation
You guys are going to have to be patient with me on these things. I'll do my best to keep writing more.

Part 8: Football Initiation

“Well?!” Zach screamed impatiently. “I said to fucking strip off your clothes, Fuck Holes!”

The 19 anxious freshmen started doing what they were told. They started to strip off their hoodies and sweatpants. Any shirts, socks, and shoes were also taken off. The last things to come off were their jockstraps.

Josh paused for a second wearing only his jockstrap, wondering if it was a safe thing to do. Zach walked over, “Jock Boy, no one’s going to steal your jock tonight. Don’t worry about it. Now, LOSE IT!” With that, Josh quickly slid off his jock and kicked it to his pile of clothing in front of him.

In the group of upper classmen in front of him, he saw Craig with a clip board, clearly taking notes on something. All of the lined up freshmen stood there, buck naked, wondering what was going to happen next. Zach and Matt got together with Craig to go over whatever was being written down. After a few minutes, Matt took the clipboard and began to address the freshmen.

“Ok, fuckers. Clearly, some of you can’t follow simple directions. We told you to come in just your team sweats and jockstrap. It seems like some of you wanted to be a little more comfy and wore extra shit, like this.” Matt picked up a white undershirt from one of the piles of clothes, and then dropped it. “So, those of you that wore more than we’d like, you get to be special.” Matt gave a nod to Craig. Craig and Butch, walked over to the freshmen and started pulling some of them out of the line up. Josh was pulled from the line as was Chris, Nick, and two other people. They now made a smaller line.

Matt came over to them, “Since you guys fucked up, tonight will be at least twice as hard for you.” Josh and the rest of the group gave a disgruntled sigh. Somehow, Josh just seemed to be getting hazed the most out of all of the freshmen. “Just my luck,” he thought.



Zach started to speak, “Ok pussies. We all think you’re still little boys. Hopefully, by the end of this, we’ll consider you all men. But, for now, you seem to have too much hair on your bodies.” As he said that, Josh noticed the upper classmen holding things in their hands. “Oh fuck,” he thought. In their hands were cans of shaving foam and shaving razors.

Zach could see all of the freshmen’s jaw drop. “Yea, bitches. You’re going to pair up and shave each other’s crotch and ass.” Then, pointing to Josh and his group, “And for you fuck ups, you’re going to shave everything from the neck down. Armpits, arms, legs...everything. Now, GET GOING!”

The freshmen paired up, grabbed the shaving equipment and headed to the showers. Naturally, Josh got together with Chris and made their way to the showers as well. Nick was unfortunately the odd one out who couldn’t find another person, so one of the sophomores volunteered to shave him down.

Chris decided to get shaved down first as he wanted to get it over with. With his hands on the shower wall, Josh proceeded to cover his entire body in shaving foam. He was being very careful about it, trying to get the foam all over Chris’ tall and lean body. Matt came over to lend a hand, “You’re doing a shitty job Jock Boy. Here, you have to spread it out with your hands. Haven’t you ever shaved before?” Matt illustrated by spreading the foam all over Chris’ back and then reaching down to his ass. He quickly snuck a finger up Chris’ asshole, which made him jump. Matt smiled, “Easy there, bitch. Just playing.” Matt walked away with a smirk on his face, while Josh continued lathering Chris up.

Almost 20 minutes went by and Josh was speeding through the shaving, as was everyone else. Everyone getting shaved was apparently getting hard-ons from the constant tugging and fondling of their cock and balls. They also seemed to blush at having to bend over and spread their ass cheeks.

As each pair finished up, they immediately switched positions and continued the shaving. For Josh, having Chris’ hands all over him was getting his cock hard. “Woah,” said Chris. “Dude, I haven’t even touched you down there yet.”

“I know, I know. I...I can’t seem to help it. Just keep going man,” said Josh, clearly embarrassed.

Eventually, everyone finished up and every freshman was completely hairless down under. Josh, Chris and the other “fuck ups” certainly felt a bit more nippy with having all their body hair gone. They were as smooth as babies.



“Looking good boys! Feels a bit breezy doesn’t it?” laughed Zach. “Now line up, one person behind the other. NOW!”

The naked freshmen quickly lined up.

“Now, take your right hand and grab the cock of the person behind you,” commanded Zach. Each freshman proceeded to grab the cock behind them and within seconds they felt the cocks swelling up. The guys were noticing that their freshly shaven crotches were definitely more sensitive than before. “Now, follow me,” instructed Zach.

Zach led the line out of the shower and started zig zagging around the locker room. As the line walked passed, the upper classmen started towel snapping their asses and putting used jockstraps over the freshmen’s heads They couldn’t see where they were going, but they kept getting hit with towels and their cocks kept getting pulled on. The “fuck ups” had smelly white socks stuffed into the pouch of their jock masks, forcing them to take in the disgusting smells. They smelled like they haven’t been washed in weeks.

After a few circles around the locker room, Zach had them lined up again, still with jocks (and socks) in their faces.

Josh started to feel someone touching his cock and balls, then something pulled on them tightly downward. A football helmet was tied to his cock and balls with some thin rope. Of course, Josh wasn’t the only one. All of the freshmen had a helmet tied to their cocks and balls. The rope was acting like a cock ring, making all of them sport raging hard ons.

“Let’s keep moving, bitches!” yelled Zach. The freshmen continued the parade, this time with their hands on the shoulders of the person in front. As they walked, their helmets kept banging into the other helmets in front and in back, tugging on their cock and balls even more. Again, as the line moved, upper classmen were there to add to their ordeal. Each freshman got 3 eggs placed into their helmets, adding more weight on their cock and balls. “Fuck ups” got 6 eggs.

Once again, Zach brought them back to the center of the locker room and had them lined up, their cocks and balls definitely aching.



Still blinded by the jockstrap (and sock) masks, the freshmen stood there waiting for what was going to happen next. One by one, they felt their cock and balls getting relief. The helmets were untied and they were told to hold their helmets in their hands. Upper classmen then came up to each of the freshmen, and then proceed to take the eggs in the helmets and smash them on the freshmen’s heads. Josh had 6 eggs smashed on his head and felt the slimy stuff running down his neck. Next, the upper classmen took the helmets from their hands and placed it on top of the freshmen’s heads and securing the straps.

Then, the upper classmen positioned more used jockstraps underneath each freshmen, telling them to step into them. They did, and the upper classmen proceeded to pull the jockstraps up. The freshmen felt better that their cock and balls were now covered up, but then Josh heard, “AAAaahh shit!”.

Josh quickly realized why. Their jocks were covered in icy hot and now they were feeling an intense burning and cooling sensation on their cocks and balls. Each of them squirmed, trying to stand up to their pain. The “fuck ups” then had their cock and balls tied up through the jocks’ pouches with rope, trapping their cock and balls in a little ball, intensifying the pain even more.

“Feels nice, right boys?” shouted Zach. “Ok, well, a little workout can help take your mind off the pain.”

Matt led the freshmen through an intense workout. All of them went through rounds of jumping jacks, push-ups, squats, lunges, planks and wall sits, all while still blinded with the jockstrap masks. The “fuck ups” were definitely feeling the pain and strain as they had to do each exercise twice.

When they finished, they were able to remove their helmets, jockstrap masks, and jockstraps. Their bodies were completely covered in sweat, and they made their way to the showers to clean up.



Clean and nude again, the freshmen lined up again and this time there was a giant tarp on the locker room floor. Each freshman was given a new pair of tighty whities to wear. Apparently, they were also all the same size, extra-large. For Josh, the underwear was a little loose. For some of the bigger freshmen, it could barely cover their asses. In the other side of the room, Josh saw a huge tub and upper classmen were spooning some kind of mush into socks. All of the freshmen tried to understand what was going on, until they saw that the socks were being delivered to the freshmen that wore them.

Matt walked up to Josh with a pair of filled socks, “Put these on Jock Boy.” Josh took the socks and started to put them on his feet. As he did, his foot dipped into a cool, slimy mush, that quickly spread between his toes. It was an odd and disgusting feeling. Every little move he made caused squishy noises and some of the liquid seeped out of the sock.

Josh was also told to put on his white undershirt that he wore and tuck it into his underwear. Then, an upper classman filled his shirt with shaving foam, making him look bloated. Josh looked at Chris and saw he the same thing had happened to him.

Then, all the freshmen had their hands tied behind the backs and their ankles tied together. An upper classman came up to each freshman and put two dirty white socks down their underwear, one in the back and one in the front. Next, they filled the underwear with mush to the point where it was seeping out from the legs and the top of the waistband.

At this point, the freshmen were a dripping mess. They had their stuffed underwear, socks, and shirts spilling out mush and foam on to the tarp beneath them.

Zach called for attention, “Ok listen up! Lay down on the fucking floor, Fuck Faces.” The freshmen carefully laid down, feeling the mush in their underwear spread around. All of them were appreciating how well their cocks felt in the stuff, making them want to do some fucking motions with their hips. Zach continued with instructions, “Now, we’re going to play a little game. The object is to get the socks from each others’ underwear and dump them into this bucket over here.” Zach pointed to the bucket on one side of the tarp. “Don’t even think about using your hands, so that means you have to use your mouths. Have fun!”

Josh and the other freshmen started trying to move on the messy tarp. The upper classmen were laughing hysterically seeing them try and dig into each others’ crotches, fishing for a sock. To add to the activity, the upper classmen started dumping more food on top of them. Gallons of maple syrup was poured on them, along with dozens of boxes of corn flakes. Several whip cream pies were made and they were smashed into the freshmen’s faces. While the task seemed easy, Josh felt that the extra food coming on top of them was making things more difficult. He could barely see from his cream covered face, and he occasionally had to rub his face against someone else’s body. If anyone dropped a sock from their mouth, an upper classman would just pick it up and stuff it back into a freshman’s underwear.

Eventually, the freshmen were progressing through the challenge. As each one had socks removed from their underwear, they were picked up by upper classmen, walked to their locker, and given a painful wedgie, which was then attached to their locker cage door.

Josh was the one fishing for socks the most. The time quickly went by for him. As he dump his 7th sock into the bucket, Zach told him to stop, “Tough luck, Jock Boy. You’re the only one left.” With his messy face, Josh looked around and clearly saw he was the last freshman on the tarp. No one had bothered to try and get a sock out of his underwear, as he was too busy getting socks himself.



The upper classmen, pick up Josh, untied the rope around his wrists and ankles, and walked him over to the showers. They forced him to put his hands on the wall and they slid his underwear down to his knees. Josh looked behind him and saw Zach with a familiar paddle.

“Since you were last, Jock Boy, then you get to go first! Here, you may want to chew on these.” Zach forced the mushy socks that were in Josh’s underwear into his mouth.

“Mmmmmppfff!” yelled Josh as he tasted the disgusting mix of oatmeal, pudding, and syrup.

“Now, since you also fucked up with the clothing today, you get double the spanks. So, that’ll be 30! I better hear you count them out!” Zach began paddling Josh.

“MMoonnpfff (One)!” Josh tried to scream.

“Oooooffff (Two)!”

“EEeeeppfffff (Three)”

By the 30th hit, Josh’s ass was again sore and red just like it was last night. After that, he was told to wash up, put on his sweats, jockstrap and shoes and run four laps outside on the field.

Then another freshman was brought up to be paddled by an upper classman. This went on until everyone had their spanks.



Josh was the first one to run on the field and it felt like initiation was just about done. His ass was still red hot and his cock and balls were still sore, but he felt that the night wasn’t that bad at all. As he went through the laps, he saw more of his fellow freshmen come out of the locker room to join him on the run.

When he completed his fourth lap, Josh headed back into the locker room. Once he crossed the entrance, he was immediately grabbed by a couple of upper classmen.

“What the...” Josh tried to say, but he was quickly gagged with a dirty jockstrap. Then a jockstrap went over his face again, covering his eyes so he couldn’t see. Next, his hands were tied behind his back and the hood on his sweatshirt was pulled over his head. The drawstrings were pulled tight, closing the hood opening to the size of a golf ball. The upper classmen, then carried him out and dumped him into the backseat of a car.

For the next 30 minutes, all the freshmen were getting kidnapped and placed in cars. Josh felt someone get dumped into the seat next to him.

“Erriiiffff (Chris) ?” he tried to ask. He heard similar muffled response, but couldn’t quite understand it. Then he heard two guys get into the front seats.

“Did you think it was over, Jock Boy?” he heard Zach ask.

“Mmmuuufffffk ooff (Fuck You), aaahhhffk (Zach)!” Josh scream, trying to be a smart ass.

“Um, did you just swear at me, you little cunt?” Zach responded. Josh shook his head, clearly realizing he was being an idiot.

The cars left the parking lot and drove for quite a while.

When they got to their destination, the freshmen were led out of the cars and into a dark, non-descript building. They were lined up once again. All of them were confused with noises coming in front of them. Their hands were untied, hoods undone, and jocks taken off. They couldn’t believe their eyes. They were on a brightly lit stage and, in front of them in the audience section, were the upper classmen, lounging around in leather chairs surrounded by hot girls. Most of the girls were wearing some interesting outfits, Josh thought. Some had slick vinyl clothing and others had leather. They didn't quite look like strippers. It was almost like they were dominatrixes.

Zach got up onto the stage. He was smiling and clearly excited about what was going to happen next, “Are you boys ready for Round 2?”


SlaveBoy31 02-21-2016 08:42 PM

Awesome man I like the story so far and can't wait to read more :)

joshak_96 02-28-2016 02:07 AM

Great story dude! I'm excited to read the next part! Please continue

jipperxl 02-28-2016 04:38 PM

Part 9: At the Club
Sorry everyone. I wanted to finish the initiation part tonight, but I realized I didn't have a lot of time. You'll have to settle for just one part of the initiation that's left. There are 1-2 more parts to initiation left.

Part 9: At the Club

“Now, it’s time to have some real fun!” yelled Zach to his teammates in the audience. All of them, screamed, hollered and clapped, clearly showing excitement at the “fun” that was about to start.

Josh and his fellow freshmen teammates all had feelings of excitement and nervousness. They stood there, lined up on stage, wearing just their team sweats and jockstraps. Hot girls were sitting in the audience with the upper classmen, and all they wished for was to be able to join them.


From the side of the stage came 19 girls, all in leather and lycra outfits. They paired up with each freshman, taking a place behind them.

Zach yelled out, “Get ready for your inspection fuck holes! Hands behind your head, now!”

Each guy quickly put their hands behind their head. The girls then walked around each guy, sizing them up and down with their eyes. Josh had an exotic looking brunette. “She’s so hot. I'd love to fuck her,” he thought. He couldn’t stop staring at her form-fitting leather outfit, complete with high heeled leather boots. She went behind him and reached under between his legs and grabbed his crotch through his sweatpants. Still with his hands on his head, Josh bent over slightly from the pressure. Without words, she grabbed his hoodie and yanked it backward, forcing him to stand up straight again as if to correct his posture.

Next, she reached under his hoodie, feeling Josh’s smooth abs and worked her way up to his nipples. Josh jumped suddenly, as she pinched and twisted both of his nipples. She continued her inspection and gently moved her hands downward to his sweatpants. With one quick movement, the sweatpants were pulled down to his knees, revealing his jockstrap and a not so subtle bulge. His cock and balls were fondled and squeezed, adding to Josh’s aroused state. After all, they were quite sensitive after being shaved earlier in the night.

“Ok Maggots! These girls want to dig deeper! Get your clothes off, NOW!”

Everyone followed Zach’s instructions and quickly shed their clothes. Almost all of them were sporting hard-ons, and they quickly tried to cover it with their hands. Josh’s girl swatted his hands away from his cock and balls. “Put your hands back behind your head, you filthy piece of meat!” she said in a rough european accent. Josh quickly obeyed. He was caught off guard and never had a girl talk to him that way. She bent down toward his piles of clothes and pulled out his jockstrap. She brought it up to his mouth, “Open!” Josh opened his mouth and she stuffed the jockstrap all the way in. He could say anything comprehensible through the gag. He, looked around. All of his other teammates were in the same position; naked, hands behind their heads and gagged with their own jockstraps.

Josh’s inspection continued. His girl kept admiring his shaved cock and balls, gently tugging on them and giving his cock a few strokes. Josh closed his eyes and moaned through his gag. Then, he gave a muffled scream and opened his eyes. She had given a sharp flick of the finger to his balls, sending a shock of pain. The look on her face meant to pay attention to her.

Next, she went behind him and started spanking his ass hard. Josh heard his other teammates getting spanked as well. All of the upper classmen in the audience were laughing at their situation. On the stage, all you could hear were smacks on bare skin along with muffled screams through jockstrap gags.

After the spanking was over, the guys were told to get on their knees. The girls removed the jockstrap gags from their mouths and put them around their necks, as if to remind them of their place. Then, they went backstage. Josh, looked around and caught Chris’ attention. They both gave expressions of confusion.

After a few minutes, the girls came back on stage. This time, however, they were all wearing strap-on dildos. “Oh geez,” thought Josh. He had never had a cock in his mouth and didn’t like the idea of doing it now, even if it was just a dildo. Josh’s girl came up in front of his face. His hands were still behind his head.

“Open,” she said.

Josh hesitated a bit.

“Open!” she urged.

As Josh partially opened his mouth, she drove the dildo straight in, almost making Josh gag. All the guys were now giving blow jobs to dildos, on stage, in front of all of their teammates, who were all laughing at their humiliation.

After five minutes of working on the dildos, they stopped. Josh’s girl grabbed his chin to force his head up. He looked at her with pleading eyes. She smiled at him. Next, she took out a marker and wrote a number on his forehead.

“You are 11,” she said.

With that, her and the other girls left the stage.


jipperxl 03-07-2016 11:30 PM

Part 10: Football Initiation Concludes
Hey guys, here's the next part. I probably wrote it too quickly and I was drinking wine at the time, so it's probably not as polished as I'd like it to be.

Part 10: Football Initiation Concludes

“Eleven? What the hell did that mean?” thought Josh. Just like the rest of his teammates, he was on stage, on his knees, with a jockstrap around his neck. He had just given head to a hot girl wearing a strap-on dildo and now he was just tagged with a number. It seem liked the night would never end.


Zach climbed back up on stage. “Did you fuck holes get a lot of practice in? It was fun, right?” he laughed. “Now, let’s get some more action going. We have to keep everyone entertained.” All the upper classmen in the audience cheered. Josh and his fellow freshmen continued to frown and gave concerned looks on their faces.

Zach continued, “Ok. Well, let’s hope you boys like getting messy!” He motioned with his hand to the side of the stage and a few of the hot girls came out carrying a large inflatable kiddie pool. Then, seconds later, dozens of huge guys (probably staff workers) carried out huge drums of mud and emptied them into the kiddie pool.

“Oh shit,” thought Josh. The pool got filled with about six inches deep of dark brown mud. It was thick, almost like a heavy syrup.

“Ok dipshits. Two of you will be wrestling at a time. The person who can pin the other for three seconds wins and is done for the night. The loser, well, he just loses and continues with initiation,” smiled Zach.

With that, he called out two numbers, which happened to be Chris and another person. They both reluctantly got into the pool in their naked state. The whistle blew and the two went at it. Mud went flying everywhere as the two guys tried their best to pretend they were experts at wrestling. They were almost instantly completely covered in mud. After just 5 minutes, Chris had an unfortunate slip, which gave his opponent an edge. That guy managed to get on top of Chris and pin him down for the necessary three seconds. Chris was then escorted off the stage to get washed up.

After several more pairs went, Josh’s number was called. When he heard his opponent’s number called out, he almost fell to his knees. It was Tom. Tom was a 6 foot 4, 315 pound defensive tackle. Josh had no idea how he was going to win this one, but he was hoping his speed would be his advantage. They both got into the pool and Josh immediately felt his feet sink into the heavy sludge. It was thick, he thought. Really thick. It was like he was trying to walk with weights on his ankles. Once they were both in, the whistle blew and Tom immediately made a move. Josh was efficiently tackled to the floor, getting almost completely covered in mud. He twisted and squirmed quickly to wiggle his way out of Tom’s grasp.

“I’m going to get you Jock Boy!” he said with a grin. “I’m sure you’d be happy to do more of this kinky shit.” Again, someone else besides an upper classman called him “Jock Boy,” thought Josh.

Tom made another run again and managed to swipe Josh’s leg. Josh fell face first into the mud. He turned over, but Tom quickly landed on top of him with all 315 pounds. Their two mud covered cocks made contact. “You little, bitch,” said Tom. “I’ve got you now! How do you like this?” Tom started thrusting his hips and grinding his cock against Josh’s. Josh got hard instantly and it made distracted him from what Tom was ultimately doing. Tom managed to pin Josh’s wrists to the ground and he won the match. Tom got up and celebrated his victory. Josh laid in the kiddie pool with his hard cock, now worried that he’s going to have to go through more. He was quickly escorted off stage and ordered to wash himself down.


Josh waited anxiously on the sidelines to see who else lost the wrestling matches. So far, it was him, Chris, and five other people. As he was just catching up with Chris, the last wrestling match had just ended, with Tyler losing. Jason was the unfortunate odd man out. Instead of having to wrestle someone, he was taken (or more like dragged) over to a St. Andrews cross that was situated in the audience with the upper classmen. A hood was placed on Jason along with a gag. He was then spanked for the next 15 minutes by the guys and the hot girls.

The remaining nine freshmen, including Josh, stood on the sidelines wondering what was going to happen next.

Zach got back up on stage again, “Ok, pigs. We have a fun one for you now. You get to ‘Plug the Donkey’!” The freshmen had no idea what that meant, but suddenly, one of them, Paul, was grabbed by some big guys.

“What the...Hey! Let me go!” Paul screamed. He was dragged over to a podium on the other end of the stage. On it was a strange metal contraption that he was strapped in to. He was forced onto his hands and knees with his wrists, ankles, waist and neck secured. He could barely move. Then one of the hot girls came out and forced a spider gag in his mouth. At this point, Josh realized what was going to happen. Paul, or rather his mouth, was positioned at just the right height to get fucked.

Then, Josh was grabbed by one of the big guys and forced to stand next to Tyler. Chris was paired up with Nick. And the other four guys were paired up.

Zach came over to them and started point his finger, “Him...him....yea, that one....him...oh and definitely this one.” Josh got the last finger-point and gave a confused look on his face. One of the big guys came and placed him right in front of Tyler. The two of them were then tied together tightly at the ankles, knees, waist, elbows and wrists. Tyler was basically leaning on Josh’s back. The other pairs were forced to do the same. Then, Josh was blindfolded and gagged with a muzzle that had a dildo attachment on the outside. Tyler was then gagged with a red ball gag. The two of them could barely make out a word.

Zach then came out to give the instructions, “Well, we’re almost done here guys! Let’s see if you can plug our donkey, Paul, over here with those dildos. The ones that do it the fastest are done with initiation. The slowest two pairs go for one final round. Jock Boy and Tyler. You guys are first!”

Josh and Tyler tried getting situated in their bonds. “Offrreeuuuurrr pppbeeerrr (over there)” screamed Tyler through his gag. He was trying to direct Josh toward Paul, but they both found it hard to move in synch. Josh could only feel where Tyler was trying to push him to go, but he was also distracted with Tyler’s hard cock rubbing against his ass crack. He was worried it might find its way up his ass. Of course, all of the close contact was making Josh’s cock hard as well. After 17 minutes, Josh managed to shove the dildo into Jason’s open mouth. The two of them were freed and got to watch the other three pairs from the sidelines.

Josh watched as every other pair managed to beat their time. He lost again, he thought. Chris and Nick were the second slowest pair to finish and all four of them wondered what was next.


Once the donkey game finished, the four guys were escorted by big guys into a dimly-lit room. Two large cages sat in the middle of the room. Josh and Tyler were forced into one cage and Chris and Nick into the other. The cages were barely big enough for two guys, so they were all tightly pressed together. Josh’s eyes tried to adjust to the lighting. After a few minutes he managed to see what else was in the room.

Josh was shocked with what he saw. Several other guys appeared to be in the room with them, all of them bound in some way. One guy was bound to a St. Andrews cross with a hood and a gag on. Something was attached this his cock, which seemed to be a milking device. Another guy was on his hands and knees, naked except for padded mitts and knee pads. He had something inserted in his ass which also had a chain that was locked to the ground. Apparently, his ass was locked up. A third guy was in metal stocks, bent over as if he was going to get spanked or whipped later on.

A few minutes later, the big guys came back out. One by one, they took the guys out of the cage. Apparently, what was happening was that they were getting suited up. Nick was placed into a leather gimp suit. It had a huge leather jock pouch, padded mitts, and a hood. He was collared and his wrists and ankles were placed into chains. Then he was walked out the room. Tyler was dressed up in a similar fashion, but in rubber. His entire body was lubed up and forced into skin-tight black rubber. His rubber suit had a rubber cock sleeve as well as a hood. The hood only had a mouth hole, which was quickly closed with a red ball gag. A collar and leash was placed on Tyler and he too was taken out side.

Chris and Josh looked at each other nervously. What was going to happen to them?

Next up was Chris. He was made into a puppy. A belt with a tail was placed on him that also locked up his cock, forcing it to be hard and pointing downward. His hands were forced into black leather mitts and he wore black knee pads. A red ball gag when in his mouth and then a dog shaped hood went over his head. Then he was collared, leashed, and led outside.

Then came Josh’s turn. Leather cuffs were placed on his ankles and wrists, along with a leather collar. A spread bar was attached to his ankle cuffs and another longer bar was attached to his wrist cuffs and collar. Immediately, he had a tough time moving around. Next, a chastity belt was placed on him that placed his cock and balls into a round cock cage. Then he was gagged with a big gag and a leash was tied to it. He was led outside to the stage.

He walked outside and was instantly blinded by the stage lights. “Alright Jock Boy! Finally!” screamed Zach. “Well, I just wanted to let you know that you’re just gone through initiation. Must feel pretty good right?”

“MmMmm Hmmm,” responded Josh not really knowing what to say.

“Well, you get to enjoy yourself now along with everyone else, but since you did such a pathetic job tonight, you get to wear this slave outfit that you have going on.” Zach grinned. “Have fun Jock Boy!”

With that Josh and the other three guys had the spend the next 2 hours wearing their outfits. They were constantly tormented not only by the upper classmen and hot girls, but also by their fellow freshmen.


None of the freshmen figured out where they were. They were at a secretive fetish club in the outskirts of town, that specialized in tormenting and humiliating guys. Their clientele included rich men and women who enjoyed seeing guys being put on stage and doing crazy things. In addition, men could pay to be dominated by one of the clubs many masters and mistresses. The interesting fact here was that Matt’s fraternity, Sigma Lambda Epsilon, has had a nice “working relationship” with the club over the years. Some of the frat guys that needed to be punished were sent to the club and it was sometimes used as a place to hold events like initiations. In addition, some of the frat guys were offer themselves up and get paid really well for their time. The constant flow of young guys enabled the club to easily give their masters and mistresses practice, plus it attracted a nice, deep-pocketed set of clientele.

Sara, the club owner, was happy with the way the event turned out tonight. Her staff got lots of practice time in and she was sure she got a few more “boys” hooked into being dominated. She saw a lot of familiar faces in the crowd of football college boys and she made a mental note to reach out to a few of them.


When the festivities at the fetish club ended, all of the guys packed into the cars and headed back to campus. Chris and Josh went back with Zach and Matt. It was 3am and everyone was exhausted.

Halfway through the ride, Matt turned around from the front seat, “Hey! So are you fuckers going to rush Sigma Lambda?”

Josh and Chris looked at each other. “Yea, I’m pretty sure I am,” said Josh.

Chris replied, “I’m not sure yet. I don’t think it’s really for me.”

“Fuck that. You’re perfect for it,” said Matt. “You’re going to get a ton of chicks. I guarantee it. It’s the best thing you can do, honestly.”

Josh chimed in, “Hey Zach, how come you’re not in it.”

There was an awkward silence.

“Dude, it looked fun and all, but I’ve got plenty of stuff going for me. Besides, don’t you know that if you add a letter to it, it almost spells SLAV....” Matt quickly punched Zach in the arm.

“Ooowww! Fuck! What was that for?”

“Yo, dude. You know you can’t say shit like that about my frat. We’ve got a good thing going and we throw the best parties,” explained Matt.

Josh and Chris didn’t know what just happened. “Did Zach just mean to say ‘slave’?” thought Josh.

The guys got back on campus and Josh and Chris were dropped off at their dorm.

“See you guys at Saturday’s game! We’re going to win!” exclaimed Zach. With that, the car drove off and Josh and Chris retired to their dorm room.

jipperxl 03-08-2016 09:22 AM

Next few storylines
Hey guys,

I just wanted to let you know that there are lot more parts I will/would like to write. This last part finishes the football initiation, but it's still very early in Jock Boy's (Josh) college life. The next part is to have him start pledging the frat with Chris. That will definitely be more extreme and humiliating. Plus, more punishments from the punishment box will occur. Jenny will be around too, so that she can dom Josh. Of course, from the ending of the last part, the fetish club will have a few plots too.

So yea, lots of ideas in my head. Just trying to find time to write everything out.

Any feedback and comments are welcome. Thanks!

jipperxl 03-09-2016 10:08 PM

Part 11: Pledge Jock Boy
Part 11: Pledge Jock Boy

All of the freshmen were relieved that initiation was over and that they were officially “accepted” by their football teammates. They expected punishments from the punishment box to be a rare occurence now and hoped that things will go smoothly for the rest of the football season.

The weekend came around and the football team won Saturday’s game, which was the first game of the season. Josh managed to run the ball quite a few yards and even scored a touchdown. His reputation as an up-and-coming star running back just kept getting stronger. With his classes going well and football pretty much going as planned, he now started to focus on trying to get into Sigma Lambda Epsilon (SLE). Ten of his teammates were already part of the frat and their parties were second to none. He wanted to join them badly so that his college experience would be the best it could be. Rush week started tomorrow and he was glad that his roommate, Chris, was going to join him.


Josh and Chris went to all of SLE’s rush events for the week, getting to meet all the brothers and getting pitched on why they should join the frat. It was Friday now and they had just left the last event. The two of them were really happy with how they handled themselves at all of the events. They didn’t bother to try and rush other frats. Matt told them that if they get chosen to be pledges that they’d be notified by the end of the weekend.

Overall, it was a long and tiring week for them and they both decided to retired relatively early (11pm) to get energized for the weekend. The two of them got ready to go to bed. Josh stripped down to his mandatory “Jock Boy” jockstrap and Chris in his boxers. They got in to their beds and said their goodnights.


Both, Josh and Chris didn’t hear their dorm room door getting picked, but eventually it swung open with a loud thud, causing them to get up suddenly. Several guys in ski masks barged into their room and immediately went to their beds. Josh and Chris were both still dreary-eyed and could barely focus. They were grabbed and pinned down on their beds. Socks were stuffed into their mouths and black hoods went over their heads. They were lifted up and their ankles and wrists were taped together with duct tape. They struggled as much as they could, screaming into their disgusting gags. It was no use. They couldn’t get out of their bonds. The intruders lifted them up and carried them outside and placed them into a van.

The van made several stops and it seemed that the kidnappers went and got more people. Pretty soon, the van had eight tied up guys in it. At the last stop, Josh and the rest of the guys were carried out somewhere. They ended up in a room, which was quite warm. Their hoods were yanked off and they saw that they were in a dim, candle-lit room. In front of them were more than 60 people in black robes with hoods pulled over their heads. Josh couldn’t make out who anyone was, but he figured they were the brothers of Sigma Lambda Epsilon. He looked around at the other people that were kidnapped. Chris was next to him and, among the six other guys, he recognized Tyler, who was completely naked except for his mandatory cock ring.

One of them spoke up in a deep voice, “You gentlemen have been brought here today as potential candidates for joining Sigma Lambda Epsilon. All of you have shown the qualities that we look for in building our Brotherhood. Tonight, we extend to you an invitation to become a pledge of our fraternity so that we may further evaluate your candidacy to join us. Do you accept this offer?”

Josh, Chris, and the six other freshmen shouted, “Yes!”

“Excellent. We now accept you as pledges of Sigma Lambda Epsilon. May you discover and further our values to become worthy of being granted entry into our fraternity. Brothers, please welcome the newest pledge class!” Cheers and yelling came from the other robed individuals, clearly showing their excitement.

The guy who was speaking pulled back his hood. It was Matt and he had a large grin on his face. He walked over to Josh and placed his hand on his shoulder, “Are you ready to do this Jock Boy? We’re going to have a lot of fun with you.”

jipperxl 03-13-2016 02:20 PM

Part 12: New Pledge Class Celebration
Part 12: New Pledge Class Celebration

It was late, but all of the new pledges were really excited. Craig and Matt told all of them to get a good night’s rest so that everyone can celebrate tomorrow night at the frat party. Besides, the second football game was tomorrow and all of the players need the energy. The Brothers then took the pledges back to their dorm rooms.



The football team won again and all of the frat brothers were in high spirits. Josh played well and he was all set for tonight’s party. Tonight was meant to celebrate the new pledge class, so he expected to get trashed and have tons of fun.

The pledges got to the frat house before the party began. All of them dressed in their usual casual clothes. Some of them were expecting to get laid tonight. They walked into the grand living room, where the furniture was moved around for the party. It was basically a giant empty space in the center of the room.

Matt walked in, “Hey Pledge Dicks, I bet you’re excited for tonight, right? Probably going to score with some chicks, I imagine.” The pledges nodded their heads and smiled. They were getting excited.

Matt continued, “Well, you may want to change your plans dick wads. It’s time to drink up, but we’re going to do it in style!” Several brothers came into the room, carrying boxes of forties (40oz glass containers of beer) and duct tape.

“Oh shit,” thought Josh. All of the excitement left his face.

“Ok Fuck Holes. Strip down to your underwear and socks.” The pledges stripped off their clothing. Josh was the only one wearing a jockstrap, still indicating his Jock Boy status. “Now, we’re going to tape up forties to your hands and you have to drink them all. Take your time though, because you have all night. If you need help opening the 2nd bottle, you can ask one of us to help you.” The surrounding Brothers got to work, taping the forties to the hands of all of the nearly naked pledges.

Josh was concerned at the amount of beer to drink. Each forty weighed quite a bit.

“Now guess what dweebs. You can’t use the toilet either to take a piss tonight,” Matt said with an evil grin. “If you need to piss, then let one of us know. Now, the party is about the start and people are already at the door. Have fun Pledges!”

With that, the party certainly got started. The music started bumping and drinks were flowing. The frat house and the backyard were instantly filled with other college students, including people from sororities and other frats. Everyone was having a good time and the pledges were certainly laughed at for being almost naked in their underwear and socks.

They were slowly drinking their beers, except Josh. Josh was really feeling the energy of the party and was drinking pretty quickly. In thirty minutes, he managed to finish his first forty. Matt came over to open the other bottle in his hand and took away the empty one.

Josh asked, “Hey Matt, um...I think i need to piss.”

“Oh you do? Are you sure about that Jock Boy?”

Josh, not really hearing Matt’s subtle warning, felt the pressure in his bladder growing, “yea, I have to pee now actually.”

“Ok then.” Matt reached into his pocket and pulled out a whistle. He blew it 3 times, grabbing the attention of everyone around them. Within seconds, a Brother came up to Matt with something in his hand.

It was a diaper.

“Oh no no. Matt, I have to wear this?” pleaded Josh. He hated the idea of diapers. He felt he was a grown man who hated being treated like a kid, or let a lone, a baby.

“Fuck yes, Jock Boy. You need to piss, so you’re going to wear this fucking diaper. We can’t having you pissing on the floor now, can we?” explained Matt.

Josh hung his head in shame. But, before he had time to respond, four Brothers came up behind him and took hold of him, preventing Josh from moving.

“Wait,..what. No!....No!” yelled Josh. The Brothers made him spread his legs a little bit. All of Josh’s screams and struggling made everyone in the crowd laugh and take pictures. It was fun seeing a pledge struggle.

Matt started to put the diaper on Josh over his jockstrap, “You have no say in this Jock Boy. Oh and don’t worry, these are highly absorbent diapers. You can pee a lot into them. Oh and if you take it off, you’ll be severely punished, and you wouldn’t want that now, would you?”

Josh shook his head as Matt finished putting the diaper on him. The Brothers let him go and he stood there in front of the crowd with his diaper. Then, he started to piss...a lot. It was quite a relief. However, now he realized that his diaper just got a little bulkier.

“Shit,” he thought. “Diapers suck.” Afterward he got back to the partying, but was drinking slower than before.

He wasn’t the only one to be in diapers. One by one, his pledge brothers realized that they also had to pee. Soon, all of them were walking around the party in wet diapers.

Two hours into the party, Josh had finished his second bottle and was quite hammered. He had peed in his diaper several times, and the diaper magically happened to absorb it all. His diaper was now almost three times the size it was when it was placed on him and was definitely heavy. It sagged, indicating to everyone at the party how soaked it was. The bulkiness also made it harder for Josh to walk normally. He had a slight waddle as he snaked around the partygoers.

At some point, the Brothers saw how drunk Josh was and took him to one of the rooms in the frat house. They laid him on the floor and he just went to sleep. Throughout the night, more drunk pledges were brought into the room and ended up on the floor sleeping. By the time the party ended, all eight pledges were sleeping on the floor in their soaked, thick, and heavy diapers.

jipperxl 03-13-2016 03:34 PM

If it matters at all, the story is currently at Saturday Sept 26, 2015. Football games are played on Saturday and that's also when the frat has their parties.

Oh, and if it excites you, pledging will be 10 weeks and ends at the beginning of Dec. Plenty of time for Jock Boy to get into trouble :D


Ravenwood 03-13-2016 10:47 PM

You know what they say, there's no fun like snow fun. ;)

Sneakboy 03-14-2016 03:00 AM

Great story, keep on

Hornyperson 03-17-2016 01:16 PM

This is great!!!

jipperxl 03-17-2016 09:21 PM

Part 13: You Sneaky Thief
Part 13: You Sneaky Thief

“Oh fuck.”

Josh slowly opened his eyes and saw Tyler sitting up and scanning the room. It looked like he was in a dazed state.

“What man?” mumbled Josh. Josh realized he was on the ground and started to sit up.

“Dude, we’re a fucking mess. Just look at us.”

Josh wiped his eyes and looked around. His entire pledge class was on the floor sleeping and in thick, wet diapers. Josh looked at his crotch and felt his own diaper. It was super thick and really heavy. He started to stand up and the diaper dropped down almost two inches from its own weight. “Disgusting” he thought. The other pledges started to get up and noticed their diapered state.

Then suddenly, Matt and some of the brothers bursted through the door.

“Pledges! I’m glad you guys are finally awake. The party last night was fuuuuuuuucccking awesome, right?! Anyways, get the fuck up and head downstairs. You guys need to clean everything up, pronto, before our chapter meeting tonight. So hop to it.”

The pledges got up and headed downstairs where they proceeded to clean up the fraternity house while still wearing their diapers. After two hours of cleaning, they were allowed to wash up, get dressed, and leave. They wouldn’t need to be back until their pledge meeting on Thursday.

Josh, exhausted from the party, spent the rest of his Sunday relaxing and doing homework.



Football practice the next day started off well. The guys were still happy with Saturday’s win (their 2nd) adding to their confidence. Although, that confidence also made them lazy on the field. The coaches were getting pissed off with some of their sluggishness. One of them particularly eyed Josh’s performance, who seemed to keep messing up, either by dropping hand offs or tripping on himself. Realizing that something had to be done to get these guys going, the head coach called everyone into a huddle.

“Ok boys. I don’t know what’s gotten into all of you, but you guys are completely sucking right now. Josh, you especially,” he pointed. Josh slowly lowered his head in shame. “SOOOooo, since you boys can’t get it together, we’re going to do some bear crawls.” Everyone groaned at the idea of doing bear crawls. “Yea, that’s right. You can thank Josh here for being so pathetic today, but don’t think that some of you aren’t. Now get going. Five crawls, round trip. Now!”

The guys were furious. Not at themselves, but at Josh since apparently he was the one that was drawing the most attention. They all lined up at one end of the field, got on their hands and feet, started crawling. Everyone hated bear crawls. Doing one was okay, but once you get to the second one, your thighs and triceps start to get sore. By the third one, the bigger guys are usually so cramped up, that they’re on their hands and knees instead of their hands and feet. When everyone was done, they all collapsed on the ground, cursing Josh in their heads.

“Ok. I hope that next time, you guys are in better shape. Now go hit the showers,” said Coach.


Josh felt pretty refreshed after taking a shower. He knew he played like shit, and he made a mental note to do better tomorrow. When he turned the corner to get to his locker, Zach came up and pushed him into the lockers.

“FUCKIN’ JOCK BOY!!! What the fuck was that out there!?” yelled Zach.

“I...I don’t know, man. I just don’t think I was all there today.” replied Josh.

“Yea, the fuck you weren’t. We had to do fucking bear crawls because of you. Well, guess what. You just earned yourself a punishment.”

Josh was about to speak, but knew better not to. Everyone is placing the blame on him, and he had no explanation that would make them think otherwise. Zach brought out the punishment box.

“Pick one, Jock Boy.”

Josh reached his hand in the box, feeling around for a punishment. It seemed like there were only about a dozen left. He pulled one out.

“What’s your punishment, Jock Boy?” inquired Zach.

Josh opened up the paper slip and mumbled, “Oh shit.”

“What was that? I don’t remember writing ‘Oh shit” Zach said angrily.

“It’s ‘Sneaky Thief’. I got ‘Sneaky Thief.’” Josh remembered Butch and Danny saying that that was the worse punishment available. He looked up at his teammates and all of the upper classmen were smiling and laughing.

“Haha. Damn Jock Boy. You picked a good one!” said Zach.

“Um, what is it?”

“Well, it’s pretty simple really. You just need to go to locker room C and steal a jock from one of the lockers. If you bring back a jock, you’re free. If you fail, you have to pull out three punishments from the box,” explained Zach.

Josh was confused. “That’s it?”

“Pretty much. Oh and it has to be done the next day, so tomorrow for you. Don’t worry, it’s not too bad. Everyone manages to do it successfully.”

Josh felt somewhat at ease. The challenge sounded easy and he definitely didn’t want to pull more punishments.

The guys seemed happy with Josh’s punishment, and they all went back to getting dressed. Some of them even wished him ‘Good Luck.’

Josh wasn’t sure why he would need it. He figured he’d easily be able to come out of there with a jock in hand.



Practice the next day was a lot better for everyone. The coach was definitely satisfied.

At the end of practice, Josh showered up and got dressed. He was about to go on his mission. Zach came up to him.

“Ready for this Jock Boy?”

“Yea, I think so. It should be pretty easy, right?”

Zach only responded with a smile on his face.

Josh didn’t know what else to say, “Um, ok. Well, here I go.”

With that, he left the locker room and headed toward the other side of the athletic center. He wandered for quite a bit but ultimately found locker room C and went inside. It was well lit and had huge locker cages, just like the ones the football team uses. However, it just wasn’t very big, with probably only 20 lockers. He looked inside a few of them looking for a jockstrap. In them, he mostly saw just piles of clothes on the bottom.

“Hmmm. This must be the wrestling team’s locker room,” Josh thought.

He continued scanning the lockers and finally found one with a jockstrap hanging from one of the hooks. Immediately, he went to work trying to pick the lock on the locker door.

Unfortunately, he didn’t hear the footsteps of the guy coming behind him. All of a sudden, Josh was put in a headlock.

“What the...fuck! Aahh. Let me go!” screamed Josh.

“Who the fuck are you, and what are you doing here?”

“Nothing! I’m...I’m...” Josh really had no idea what to say.

“You were picking the lock to my locker, faggot.”

“Suu....suu...sorrry. I’m supposed to get someone’s jock. Please let me go!” Josh couldn’t free himself from the headlock and he was starting to have a hard time breathing.

“You sneaky thief! I’m not going to let you go, now. Hey, Max! Grant! Get over here! Some Fuck Wipe is trying to steal my jock!”

Josh saw two guys come around the corner. They were huge, he thought.

“No way! Blake, you better protect yourself man. They may want to come for your hole next,” one of them said.

“Nah, I think this was just a stupid challenge,” Blake responded. He loosened his grip on Josh. “You know what? How about I let you leave with my jock. That’ll make whoever it is happy that you got my jock, right?”

Josh shook his head.

Blake motioned to his friends with a wink, “Hey, let’s make sure he doesn’t get away.” Max and Grant got the message and grabbed Josh.

“What!? I thought you were going to let me leave with your jock!” yelled Josh.

“We are. We’re just doing it our way,” smiled Blake.

Max and Grant carried Josh to a wooden stool. He was bent over the stool and his wrists and ankles were tied to the legs. Grant, then unbuttoned Josh’s jeans and pulled them down, revealing his jockstrap.

“Damn. You must like wearing jockstraps, huh?” asked Blake. Josh didn’t say anything. He was already blushing from having his ass exposed.


“Aaahh!” screamed Josh. Blake was slapping Josh’s ass.


Josh screamed with each hit. Max came up and gagged Josh with a dirty jockstrap.

“MMmpppff!” Josh murmured.

Blake continued spanking Josh until both ass cheeks were bright red.

Blake spoke, “Now, I said we’d let you leave with my jock, and I’m a man of my word. Here, I’ll let you have it.”

Josh didn’t know what Blake meant. He tried to look behind him, but couldn’t in his bound state. Then he felt something press against his asshole.

“MMMMMMmmmppfff! Mmmffffffpphfhf! OOONnnnnnfff!”

Blake was shoving his jockstrap up Josh’s ass. Josh, for his part, was squirming and screaming as much as possible. Aside from marshmallows and his own finger, he’s never had anything else up his ass before. Blake kept pushing the jockstrap up Josh’s hole until just the pouch was in. The leg straps and waist band were just dangling out of his ass.

Max and Grant came around and laughed. “Hey! You want mine too big guy?” asked Max.

Josh shook his head.

“Awww, well you get to have it anyways!” Max then shoved his jock up Josh’s hole also. Grant then followed up with the same thing. Soon, Josh’s ass was plugged with three jockstraps with the the straps hanging out of his ass. He felt really humiliated. So much in fact, he had tears running down his cheeks.

Blake came up to Josh’s face, “Awww, is our boy crying? Well, you should know better than to mess with wrestlers, bitch. Now, let’s get you out of our locker room.” Josh was untied from the stool, but his arms were crossed over his chest and his upper body was wrapped in athletic tape. Josh felt like he was in a straightjacket. Then a jockstrap was put over his head, blindfolding him. He was carried out of the locker room.

After a few minutes of walking. He was lowered down. Rope was used to secure his upper body to the ceiling. His pants were pulled the rest of the way down his legs, to his ankles. His belt was used to tighten it, so he could barely move his legs.

While Blake, Max, and Grant were securing Josh, Blake noticed the writing on Josh’s jock. “Oh shit. You’re Jock Boy! Haha, I remember you from the Sigma Lambda party. What the?!”

Blake noticed a huge wet spot on Josh’s jockstrap pouch. “Ooooh fuck. Did you cum in your jock, Jock Boy?”

Josh didn’t say anything. Well, he couldn’t really because of the jock in his mouth.

Blake laughed, “I guess you enjoyed this then haha. At least you got what you came for right?”

Blake and his pals left Josh hanging, gagged, blindfolded, and with jockstraps hanging out of his ass.

Josh hung there for what felt like eternity. After a while, he started to hear voices.


“Jock Boy! Holy shit!” It sounded like Zach’s voice. “Wow, you completely got taken down, huh?” Zach looked down at Josh’s jock. “Geez, and you busted your nut too. Haha.” Zach removed the jockstraps from Josh’s mouth and head. With Zach was Matt and five other seniors from the team.

“Uuhh. Yea. I...I got the jocks, Zach. They’re...they’re up my ass,” Josh said shamefully.

“I can see that.” Zach said while the other guys were untying Josh. “Good job then Jock Boy.”

Zach flashed a big smile, “See? I told you everyone makes it back with a jock.”


jipperxl 03-20-2016 09:51 AM

Part 14: The Hunt
Part 14: The Hunt

Josh was frustrated with how the week began. The “Sneaky Thief” punishment was really humiliating and he couldn’t believe that he got turned on by what happened to him. He wondered how the rest of it was going to go.



Thursday came and it was time for the first pledge meeting. Josh and the rest of his pledge brothers arrived at the Sigma Lambda Epsilon house at 7pm sharp. All of them didn’t know what to expect, but they were told to wear sneakers, sweatpants, and tighty whities. Inside, they were in a small meeting room, which the Brothers used for studying.

A few of the Brothers walked in, including Matt and Craig.

Craig began to talk, “Ok pledges. Welcome to your first meeting. Don’t worry, nothing bad will happen in here so you can all relax. I’d like to introduce you to your Pledge Master, Trent. He’s going to be guiding you through the pledging process and make sure that by the time initiation comes, you’ll be suitable candidates to become Brothers. Now, I’ve give Trent the floor.”

The Brothers left the room, leaving Trent with the pledges. Trent was currently a junior and was one of the more rational and laid back guys in the frat. He began explaining what Josh and his pledge brothers will be going through for the next ten weeks, giving a loose outline of what was going to happen.

Wednesdays are Pledge Dress Up Days where the Brothers get to pick what the pledges wear.

Thursday evenings, the pledges will have the pledge meeting where they are tested on fraternity knowledge, followed by a “fun” pledge event led by the Brothers.

Fridays will occasionally have a mixer with a sorority.

Saturdays there will be football tailgating during the day and then a party in the evening at the house.

Next, Trent started to go over their responsibilities. He handed out books to each pledge. One was about the fraternity, which they are required to learn since they’d be tested on it. If they fail their tests, they would not be let into the fraternity. The other book was a small, blank notebook. Those were for the pledges to get signatures, or “sigs”, from each of the Brothers. They needed 80% of the Brothers’ signatures to be allowed in to the fraternity. Trent warned them that getting a sig may require some special “effort”. No one liked the sound of that. The pledges all knew they’d be doing crazy shit, but it’s what you had to do to get in.

Trent went on to explain Big Brother. The pledges had to pick three Brothers that they’d like to have as a big bro and get their selections to him by Monday. Josh quickly ran through a list of names in his head. For some odd reason, he kept thinking about selecting Matt as one of his choices, as a while to make Matt pick on him less. Trent said that their choices would be matched up with the Brothers’ choices. By the next meeting, they’ll have their big bros along with their pledge names.

Pledge uniforms was next on the agenda. Starting tomorrow, the pledges will only be allowed to wear sweatpants, white socks, a white shirt, and tighty whities. However, Josh and Tyler still had to wear their special items given to them by the football team, the jockstrap and cock ring, respectively. Josh will just have to wear the jock under the underwear.

Lastly, there was Pledge on Call. Pledges were required to be at the house for at least 8 hours a week between Monday and Wednesday. There, they would pretty much have to do what the Brothers told them to do. However, it was a good opportunity to get sigs from them.

Trent, exhausted from talking, told the pledges to get ready for their first pledge event. He went to go get the Brothers.



Matt and some of the Brothers walked into the room with smiles.

“Fuck yea! Your first event! This is going to be fun!” yelled Matt.

The pledges grew concerned.

“You fantastic fucks get to go on a scavenger hunt! At each place, you’ll have to get a photo of all of you with your pants down at your ankles and your shirts off. Pretty easy, right? Well, it gets a bit more complicated. You see, each place will have instructions for you to follow. When you get there, one of you has to call us, and we’ll tell you what you have to do. There are only five places to go. Here’s the list and some money.” Matt handed the items over to Josh. “Now, get the fuck out of here!”

Josh and his pledge brothers immediately shuffled out of the room and went outside. Everyone gathered around Josh.

“What does it say?” asked Chris.

“Um. Well, the first place is DOM (Delta Omicron Mu). Then, Martin’s Deli and then McDonald’s. There’s a 99 cent store we have to go to. And, the last place is the school library.” Everyone took a few seconds to think things through. They all tried to imagined the worse, but really no one knew what to expect.

Josh continued, “Uh, I guess we should head over to DOM?” The guys nodded their heads and started making their way to the sorority house. Josh was surprised that the frat had relations with DOM. The girls there were known to be headstrong, and well, dominating in a way. It was a 15 minute walk to get to sorority row and the guys ended up in front of DOM’s house.

As instructed, Chris called Matt to get their instructions. After a few seconds of chatting, Chris hung up.

“Ok. So, we just need to knock on their door and tell them we’re from SLE.”

“That’s it?” questioned Tyler.

“I guess so.”

“Alright then. Let’s go,” commanded Josh. The group went up to the front door and Josh knocked.

One of the girls opened up the door.

Josh started the introduction, “Hi, um, we’re pledges from Sigma Lambda Eps..”

“It’s about time, assholes!” she interrupted. “Now be good boys and line up. Single file!”

Scared out of their wits, the guys quickly formed a line with Josh at the front.

The girl continued looking at Josh, “Ok. You! Turn around. Drop your sweats and your underwear.”

Josh did as he was told. Then he felt and heard a loud “splat” on his ass. The girl had shoved a pie container filled with shaving cream on Josh’s ass.

“Ok, pull up your underwear and sweats and say ‘Thank you, Miss Sandy’, you piece of meat!” Josh pulled up his underwear and sweats over his ass and thanked her. The pie container formed a noticeable outline on his sweats.

One by one, the pledges got their asses creamed. By the end, they all had shaving cream and aluminum pie containers on their asses. Josh asked Sandy to take a picture of them. They ended up taking their first picture as a pledge class, shirtless, pants down and their ass bulges to the camera. The guys left DOM and headed to the next destination, Martin’s Deli. As they walked, they all felt the shaving cream spreading throughout their underwear and the aluminum pan shifting back and forth with their ass cheeks.

Once they got to the deli and Chris gave Matt a call. Chris hung up and said, “Um, he said to call him back after we’ve made our purchase.” Everyone gave a perplexed look and then proceeded to enter the store. Martin, the owner, was standing behind the counter. He smiled as they walked in.

“Hello boys! First night, huh? Well, I know you guys can do this. Here, I have the stuff for ya. It’ll be $14,” said Martin as he placed a bag on the counter.

Josh handed him the money and took the bag of items. They walked outside and eagerly looked into the bag. It was filled with a pack of hot dog buns and bottles of ketchup and mustard.

“Shit,” thought Josh. Everyone else thought the same thing and Chris gave the call to Matt.

After hanging up, Chris spoke up, “Yea, I’m sure you can guess, but we need to make hot dogs with our cocks.”

Everyone groaned, but they went on to do the task. Josh grabbed a bun and stuck his cock in it. Then he covered it up with ketchup and mustard.

“Ah fuck,” he thought. His cock was getting hard, filling up almost the entire bun. He stuck his “hot dog” into his underwear and got in the picture with his pledge brothers, which Martin took for them. Not only do they have ass bulges, the pledges now have bulges in their crotches. The ketchup and mustard quickly seeped through their tighty whities, showing little red and yellow spots.

“Ok. Let’s, uh, go to McDonald’s,” said Josh.

The pledges made their way to McDonald’s with the contents of their underwear becoming more and more mushy as they walked. By the time they got there, the front of everyone’s sweatpants had wet marks from the ketchup and mustard. Chris rang up Matt again and got the instructions.

“Ok. Sooooooooo, we need to go in and each get an ice cream cone. Then we have to shove it onto our cocks and balls.”

No one liked the sound of that. They all looked at their already messy pants and knew they were going to get even worse. By the looks of it, they all looked like they pissed their pants and accidentally shit themselves. They walked in and got eight ice cream cones, all of them seemed to have gotten more ice cream than usual. Perhaps the workers knew what was going on once they saw them. Anyways, the pledges walked outside and proceeded to smash the ice cream onto their cocks and balls. Josh immediately felt a cold pain surge through his body. “Damn, that’s cold,” he thought. He went and got one of the employees to take their picture. Everyone knew had huge bulges in their crotches, especially because of the cone. Ice cream was already running down their legs, making things sticky for them.

Frustrated with their messy situation, they all started making their way to the 99 cent store. “What the hell are we going to get here?” thought Josh.

Thankfully, it wasn’t much. Matt told them they just need to get a bunch of pantyhose. The humiliating part was just being in a brightly lit store with wet sweatpants and a huge crotch bulge. All of them were walking funny because the cone and the pie pan kept moving around as they walked. They all took a picture again. This time, they all held up their purchase of pantyhose, not knowing what it’ll be used for.

The last location was the school library on campus. They got to the front entrance and called Matt.

Chris hung up the phone and turned back towards the group.

“Ok. Um, last one. We need to go to the center of the study area, get on top of the center desks and dance for two minutes with our pants down. Oh, and we need to put the pantyhose on our heads when we get on the desks.”

The guys looked at each other with frowns. “This is going to suck,” they all thought.

Josh led the group into the library toward the main study area. There were at least 30 people hitting the books, and man, were they going to get a big surprise. The guys started putting the pantyhose on their heads, making them a bit more unrecognizable. Then, they started climbing up onto the center tables and started “dancing”. Of course it was really weird seeing 8 guys trying to dance with stuffed underwear and with no music. All of the stuff in their underwear kept leaking out, like the shaving cream and ice cream. The front of their underwear had like a red and yellow tie dye color from the mustard and ketchup. They did their best of trying to do a decent dance for everyone. All of the students studying had put their books and pens down and whipped out their phones to take pictures and video of them. Two minutes seemed like an eternity to them, but they eventually finished their dance and ran out of the library as fast as they could. Shamefully, they managed to get someone to quickly take their last photo outside of the library.

The guys were glad the hunt was over, and they headed back to the frat house. They felt embarrassed all night. Once they got to the house, everything in their underwear was pretty much mush. The Brothers let them in and they all filed back into the study room. They all looked disgusting and tired. Matt spoke to them again.

“Nice job, pledge fucks! You guys are looking really gross right now. I’m sure your underwear isn’t very pleasant right now.” Matt grinned. “Ok, we have one last task for this event.” The pledges gave a barely audible groans as the Brothers started to tie each of their hands behind their backs.

Matt explained, “For this last task, you guys need to cum. Of course, you can’t use your hands AND you can’t get our walls or floors dirty with your disgusting pants. Last one to cum gets four extra hours of pledge on call. Now, GO!”

The pledges took a moment to process the task, but didn’t know what to do. How could they cum if they can’t hump anything. Josh looked up at Tyler, who had a desperate look on his face.

“Damn, Josh. I...I think we need to rub against each other,” said Tyler.

Josh tried to come up with other ideas, but couldn’t, “Shit. Ok. Let’s do this.”

Josh and Tyler came up to each other and started to humping each other, just like the Brothers expected. Matt started cracking up, watching the two of them bounce up and down. He could tell they were really uncomfortable by it. The other pledges took note and started pairing up. Soon, the whole room had pairs of pledges rubbing up against each other. No one wanted the extra 4 hours of pledge on call since that would probably mean 4 more hours of torment.

Josh came first, but he still had to help out Tyler. Then the other pledges were cumming too. Tyler was getting desperate and started rubbing on Josh faster. Unfortunately for him, he was the last one to cum.

After that, everyone felt exhausted. They were given their pledge books and told to go home. The eight of them walked back to the dorms as complete messes. Josh thought tonight wasn’t too bad. It was still just the first week of pledging, and he wondered what was going to happen next for them. He was so tired and lost in thought that he didn’t realize his boner straining through his sweatpants.


SlaveBoy31 03-23-2016 08:35 AM

I really like the story man and I can't wait to read more :)

jipperxl 03-25-2016 09:16 PM

Part 15: Jenny’s Bitch
Part 15: Jenny’s Bitch

The football team’s third game of the season went off without a hitch, winning 17-13 against another school in the state. With another victory in hand, everyone was ready to party that evening. As usual, Sigma Lambda Epsilon’s house was going to be the biggest bash on the row.



Pledges got to the house early to set up. Josh, Chris, and Tyler came a bit later since they were on the football team. Everyone was starting to get the hang of what pledging was all about with SLE. Basically, lots of hazing and lots of menial work. For each party, they were responsible for setting up, keeping party goers content, and cleaning up afterwards. While Josh, Chris, and Tyler were getting updated with what was left to do, one of their pledge brothers recounted something that happened to them at today’s tailgate.

(For every football game at home, there’s a huge tailgate at the stadium’s parking lot where fraternities, sororities, and students get to have fun before the game begins. SLE always has a few tents and trucks stationed there. With Josh, Chris, and Tyler playing football, the remaining five pledges always have to attend the tailgate.) Today, it turned out that another fraternity, Delta Iota Kappa (DIK) at the tailgate wanted to challenge SLE’s pledges with their pledges. Not wanting to ever back down from a challenge, the SLE Brothers accepted it, much to the dismay of the pledges. It was going to be five pledges against five from DIK in a type of relay race. They had to run from one end of the parking lot to the other, but with their hands tied behind their back and their ankles tied as well with a foot of slack. Unfortunately, the SLE pledges lost and had to face the consequences. They were handed over to DIK for punishment. The DIK pledges took the five losers and tied them spread eagle to the parking lot’s chain-linked fence. Their shirts were removed and their sweatpants were pulled down revealing their tighty whities. Each of them had a sock removed from their foot and gagged with it. Letters were then painted on their chests, spelling out L-O-S-E-R-S, with the last person getting two letters. The pledges thought the worse was over. Everyone at the tailgate had a pretty clear view of them and were having fun taking pictures and video and sending them to their friends. However, it didn’t end there. One of the DIK pledges carried over a box. Once he opened it, all of the SLE pledges screamed into their gags and tried to get out of their ropes. In the box, were a bunch of dildos. Of course, the pledges thought they were going to be fucked with them in front of the whole crowd. Well, the other frat had a different idea. The dildos were taped onto the pledges foreheads, making them look like unicorns. DIK then announced a jockstrap throwing game for the crowd and offered prizes for playing. So, for the next two hours, the pledges had jockstraps thrown on top of their heads while they stood gagged, stripped, and tied to a fence.

As Josh’s pledge brother finished the story, everyone was speechless. Josh was thinking about what it would have been like if he was there, and as he was doing so, he quickly caught himself getting hard in his underwear. The brief silence was interrupted when Matt told them to finish setting up for the party.



The party got underway, and it was a packed house. The pledges were allowed to have partake in the fun, but they were given strict orders by Trent, their pledge master. Trent told them they could only wear their tighty whities, socks, and shoes. Then, they were given a small paper cup for beer. Unfortunately, they were not allowed to get beer for themselves, but rather they had to earn it. Anyone at the party could give them beer, but almost 100% of the time, they’d be asked to do something for it. The pledges hated this idea, but the Brothers and all of the guests loved it.

Josh and his pledge brothers had no problem finding people willing to give them beer. The problem they did have was if they wanted to do the things they asked them to do. Josh ran into several people that had crazy demands like “shave your left eyebrow”, “drink a shot of piss”, and “get kicked in the balls.” Of course, he went with more reasonable ones like “get a wedgie from Butch”, “smell Dillon’s feet”, and “be a foot rest for 10 minutes.” For Josh, this all seemed pretty fun for him and he managed to get quite a lot to drink.

At one point in the evening, Matt came over to speak to Josh.

“Hey Jock Boy. I see you’re getting quite the buzz. People are saying you’re a bit more adventurous than your pledge bros.”

“Uh yea, I just...I just wanted to party tonight. You know. Get more beer and stuff.”

“Cool. Well, hey. Have you thought about who you want to have for a big bro?”

Josh shook his head.

“Dude, you have to pick me. We’d make an awesome team! I’ll be the best Big Bro you could ever have,” smiled Matt.

Josh really didn’t have anyone in mind yet and he was clearly too buzzed to think clearly about it.

Josh replied, “Yea, I have to think about it. Does that mean you’d go easy on me?”

“Fuck no, Jock Boy. I just mean we’ll have a ton of fun.”

Josh had no idea what that meant. More fun for Matt or for him?

“Um ok. I’ll think about it.”

Matt’s face became more serious and he put on a smirk. He leaned toward Josh’s ear and whispered, “You know you want to, you little bitch.”

Josh didn’t say a thing as he watched Matt walk back to join the party. His cock was starting to bulge in his tighty whities.

A voice suddenly peeped out of nowhere, “Joshie!”

It was Jenny. She was a regular at the SLE parties and Josh was pretty happy to see her. They haven’t had a good fuck in a while, he thought. She ran up to him and planted a big wet kiss on his lips. In fact, she backed him up to a wall and started to grind him.

“Ooooh, I’ve missed you quite a bit. It’s Jock Boy now right?” she smiled.

“Uhhh, yea. Umm, I missed you too. You can just call me Josh,” he said, clearly getting turned on from Jenny rubbing against him.

“I like Jock Boy better. By the way, let’s have some fun on Monday. You should come over to my place.”

“Sure. That’d be cool.”

“Great!” Jenny then took Josh’s arms and pinned them above his head with one hand and then proceeded to massage his now hard cock through his tighty whities. She then was locking lips with him again.

“Wha...what are you,” mumbled Josh. He was really turned on with Jenny’s forceful behavior.

Then all of a sudden she stopped.

“Wha...what? That’s it?” asked Josh.

“We can finish this on Monday,” she smiled. “Now, does Jock Boy want some beer?”

Josh nodded.

“Ok. Put your hands up.”

Josh raised his arms not even thinking about asking what he had to do for the beer. Then, Jenny quickly pulled his cock and balls through the fly of his underwear, exposing his boner, and then gave him a sharp wedgie.

“There,” she smiled. “Stay like that for 10 minutes. Here’s your beer.”

Jenny left to catch up with her friends while Josh tried to stay hidden in a corner with his cock and balls hanging out of his underwear. SLE parties are never boring, he thought.



Monday was the due date for the pledges to make their Big Brother requests. Josh tried to figure out whether having Matt as a big bro would be a good thing or a bad thing. He decided to request Matt as one of his three choices since he felt that no matter what, Matt was going to torment him in some way. Having him as a big bro could make things slightly better. Plus, he actually felt a bit excited at what kind of “fun” Matt was talking about. The other two people he picked were Butch and Danny since they were on the football team.

That evening, Josh got to Jenny’s place which was just outside of campus. With her family’s wealth, she had her own condo and lived there by herself. This was Josh’s first time there. He stood outside her door and rang the doorbell.

The door opened. Jenny stood there in sheer black lingerie and black heels.

Josh stood there with his mouth open. “Wow. You look h...”

“Shut up bitch and get your ass in here!”

Josh shut his mouth and quickly stepped into Jenny’s place. It was dimly lit with candles and quite warm.

“Take off your clothes,” she commanded.

Josh obeyed and was naked within seconds. His cock was almost fully hard at this point.

“Put your hands behind your head.”

Josh did as she asked and Jenny gave a quick inspection. She dragged her fingers across his chest as she walked around him. Her hands worked their way down to his ass cheeks, which she squeezed and gave a quick slap. Coming back around in front of him, she took Josh’s cock and balls in her hands.

“You seem to get hard too easily. Maybe, I should have these locked up? How do you like the sound of that?” she said as she stroked his cock.

Josh shook his head, “No, I...I wouldn’t like that.”

“Hmm, maybe I should just do it anyways,” she said, as if speaking to herself. “Come, let’s go to the bedroom.” Jenny led Josh by his cock and balls. Josh quickly followed and ended up on Jenny’s bed. Jenny took off her shoes and climbed on top of him.

“Are we going to have some fun now?” Josh asked, eagerly wanting to start fucking.

“Not just yet. I need to get you situated.” With that, Jenny took Josh’s arms and started tying them to the bed’s headboard.

“Um, wait. Why...why are you tying me up?”

“Well one, because it’ll be more fun, and two, you’re my bitch,” she smiled.

Josh decided to go along with it. She finished up with tying Josh’s ankles to the edge of the bed. Now, Josh was tied spread eagle and fully exposed. He felt pretty excited about what was happening. He tested his bonds and realized that Jenny did a really good job with them. Jenny came back to the bed with something in her hand. She came up to his face.

“Open your mouth.”

Josh did, and Jenny shoved a shiny red ball gag in and secured the buckle.

“There! We’re ready to start the fun now,” she said as she patted Josh’s cheek. Jenny stepped out of the room and came back with something else, hidden behind her back.

“So, I got something fun from one of your boys at the tailgate on Saturday. I wanted to see how you would like it.” She brought the thing out from behind her back and revealed a big, black, shiny dildo.

“MMMMMmmpppffff!! nnnooooooooopppphhffff!” screamed Josh into his gag. He started struggling against his bonds. He didn’t want to be fucked by a dildo, he thought. His ass was completely vulnerable and he felt helpless. Jenny stood there and smiled, teasing Josh with the dildo and slapping it against the palm of her hand. She walked around the bed, dragging the dildo across Josh’s body. Josh was breathing pretty hard as he was now feeling scared. In fact, his cock was no longer as hard as before.

“Pppffffffuuufff ooonnfff ooo oonpff” he said.

“I don’t know what you’re saying, but don’t worry, I’m sure this won’t be as bad as you think,” Jenny then put a black blindfold on Josh, which made him even more scared.


Jenny brought the dildo close to Josh’s ass, making it touch his ass cheeks. Josh struggled again on the bed, trying to see if he could reposition his ass. He felt it get closer and closer to his hole. For a brief second or two, it was gone, but it came back and touched his asshole.

“Here we go big boy!”

“Mmmppfpff mmoooooooof!”

Josh felt it penetrate his hole.

“MMooooooopff Mmooooppf!” he continued. He calmed down after a few seconds, slightly confused. “That’s odd,” he thought. “I thought it was going to hurt.” The thing slowly continued to get pushed up his ass, and all Josh felt was a slight uncomfortable feeling as if he had to take a shit. Josh wondered if this was always how it felt to have a cock up your ass. Then, his blindfold was removed.

“See, it wasn’t so bad,” smiled Jenny. “Here, we need to get you horny again.” Jenny pick up a small remote and pressed a button. All of a sudden, the dildo in Josh’s ass started vibrating.

“OOoOooooooommmfff!” moaned Josh. The feeling in his ass was overwhelming and his cock was getting hard again. Jenny was pretty happy with what was going on. Now with his cock hard, she put a condom on him, positioned herself on top, and started to force fuck him. Josh was getting really into it and tried to move his hips along with Jenny’s movements, but she was doing most of the work. He was in quite a zone right now. The feeling of helplessness was starting to feed his horny state. He couldn’t move or say anything, and he just had a dildo shoved up his ass. Jenny is using him like a big toy, he thought, and it was utterly humiliating.

“Say, ‘I’m your bitch!’” yelled Jenny as she was riding him.

“MMIimm Hhhurrrr urff (I’m your bitch)!”


“MMmiimm Hhurr urff!”


“Mmmimmhurrffurff Mmmimmhurrffurff Mmmimmhurrffurff!” Jenny removed the ball gag “ImyourbitchImyourbitchImyourbitch!” screamed Josh.

“Good. Now, do you want to cum?”

“Yes! Oh god. Yes. I want to cum.”

Jenny stopped the fucking, “Hmm, I dunno. I don’t think you deserve it.”

“Please! Please I need to cum. Keep going! Keep moving!” yelled Josh as the vibrating dildo was still driving him crazy.

“You don’t tell me what to do bitch!”

“Soo...sorry. Please, let me cum. I need to cum. This thing is driving me crazy.”

“Good. That’s a good little bitch.” Jenny, satisfied with Josh’s pleas, continued riding his his cock.

Soon, both Jenny and Josh climaxed. Josh felt that was the best orgasm he’s ever had. Jenny fell on top of him and looked at him.

“Now that was fun,” she said.

She got up and started to remove the dildo from Josh’s ass, only it wasn’t a dildo. She held the thing up.

“You didn’t think I was going to put that huge dildo up your ass, did you?” she smiled. “I shoved this prostate massager up there, instead. Maybe after a few more times, I can fuck you with an actual dildo.” Josh was both relieved and embarrassed at the same time. He never thought that having something up his ass would lead to amazing sex.

Jenny undid his bonds. “Get going now, bitch. And we should do this more often,” she said with a smile.

Josh left feeling satisfied. He got back to his dorm room, where Chris was already sleeping. He headed toward the showers and proceeded to clean himself up. “Man, what a crazy night,” he thought. He replayed the events in his head, from being ordered around by Jenny to having sex with that thing up his ass. He imagined himself tied up again, helpless, and getting his ass filled again. He closed his eyes and started fingering his ass, something he never did before. Before he knew it, his cock was rock hard again.


Hornyperson 04-13-2016 09:02 PM

Please don't let this story die!!!

Ravenwood 04-19-2016 11:04 AM

I really hope this isn't over because I love reading it.

jipperxl 04-27-2016 10:03 PM

Part 16: Getting Sigs
Sorry for the wait. I just haven't had the time like I used to for writing these parts/chapters. There's still a lot more to write. This is a short one.

Part 16: Getting Sigs

“Man, last night was a blur,” thought Josh. He was walking to the fraternity house with Tyler and Chris where they were hoping to get some of their Pledge On Call hours done. He was recalling what happened last night with Jenny and how she made him feel helpless and exposed. It was exciting and scary at the same time and Josh was glad the dildo never made it into his ass. Yet, his own emotions were betraying his thoughts as he remembered how the prostate massager and his own fingering felt. He couldn't have liked it that much, he thought.

It was just after lunchtime when the guys got to the house. They rang the doorbell to be let in and were surprised to see one of their pledge brothers, Patrick, open the door, greeting them completely naked.

“What the...” Chris mumbled. All three of them noticed that tiny, brass balls were tied to Patrick’s cock and balls.

“Uh...hey...guys,” said Patrick, blushing with his head slightly down.

A voice shouted from the other room, “Pledge! What the fuck! Greet them properly you little fuck! I don’t care if they’re your pledge brothers!”

Patrick gave a reluctant sigh, put his hands behind his head. He started to wiggle his lower body, making the bells ring, “Welcome to Sigma Lambda Epsilon! Please fondle my balls!”

Josh, Chris and Tyler looked at each other and then looked at Patrick.

Patrick gave an urgent look on his face and whispered, “Guys, jiggle my balls!”

None of them wanted to, but they had to help their pledge brother out. Each one crossed through the door way and fondled Patrick’s balls so that the bells with make some noise. They felt it was gross to handle another guy's balls and Patrick was clearly embarrassed to have other guys touching his privates.

“Thanks” whispered Patrick. Then, he ran off into another room with his bells ringing away.

Josh, Chris and Tyler put down their backpacks and got out their pledge notebooks. They were determined to get some signatures from Brothers early on so that they wouldn’t be rushed toward the end of pledging. Josh hoped he wouldn’t have to do crazy stuff for the sigs like he just saw with Patrick.

He spent time with some of the juniors and seniors hanging out in their rooms. He got to learn a lot about them and they were excited he and his pledge brothers were pledging. None of them ask for much for their signature. Josh spent a lot of the time doing basic things for them, like doing laundry, cleaning their rooms, and running out to get food.

After three hours Josh managed to get eight signatures. As he was about to go and try for his ninth one, he suddenly heard a scream from down the hallway.


Josh and several pledges and Brothers went to check out what was happening. It was Tyler, and he was just in his tighty whities, blindfolded, with his hands taped behind his back.


He was on the floor, squirming and rubbing his crotch. One of the Brothers, Jackson, was sitting in his desk chair grinning. Apparently, he shoved a handful of pill bugs into Tyler’s underwear. Those bugs are typically food for his pet tarantula, but Jackson had other ideas for them apparently.

“Get them out! Help!” No one was rushing to Tyler’s aid as he seemed to be calming down. In fact, most of the bugs were getting squashed in his underwear.

After a few minutes, Jackson untied him and removed his blindfold, laughing the entire time. Tyler was still trying to calm down and still felt squeamish. He couldn’t tell if there were any more bugs still alive in his underwear.

“Good job, pledge! I’ve give you your sig now,” said Jackson.

“Crap,” thought Josh. “Getting Jackson’s sig might be tough.”

Josh spent the next hour getting three more sigs and then left with Tyler and Chris to go to football practice.


The next day was Wednesday, which meant it was the pledges’ first Pledge Dress Up Day. All of them had to meet up at the house at 7am to find out what they were going to be wearing. Trent greeted them at the door and let them into the house. He told them that today was going to be an easy one and proceeded to give them all nylon dog collars. Josh got a bright, blue collar to wear with a dog tag that said, “Ass Sniffer”. Trent told everyone to put on their collars and instructed them to wear them until 5pm.

Everyone all felt relieved that this wasn’t more humiliating. Josh felt a bit uneasy about it in the beginning when he got to his first class, but after a while he just forgot that he had it on. Later in the morning, a lot of girls were coming up to him asking about the collar. Apparently, it was attracting some hot chicks, so he certainly didn’t mind. When he met up with his pledge brothers, they felt the same way.

Josh, Chris and Tyler made their way to the house again in the afternoon to fulfill more of their Pledge On Call hours. One of the Brothers opened up the door for them when they got there. As they put down their bags, the three of them were immediately grabbed by brothers. Their hands were taped behind their backs and they were gagged with dirty socks. They were lifted up and carried to one of the rooms where a long metal chain was hanging from the ceiling. The Brothers connected the guys’ collars to the same chain, making them face each other just inches away. The three of them looked at each other, clearly seeing each one’s scared expression. They saw that Brothers started coming into the room and surrounding them. Then, they felt their sweatpants get pulled down, revealing their tighty whities. Noticing that some of the Brothers had paddles in their hands, Josh started screaming into his gag. All of the Brothers were laughing. The three helpless pledges then started getting paddled by everyone in the room.

After each of them had about 15 swats, they were let go. Josh spit out his gag and pulled up his sweats. He saw Butch, who was walking into another room.

“Hey, what was that all about?” asked Josh.

Butch smiled, “Oh, we were just bored. But, don’t worry. All of the pledges coming in today will get their due, haha. You guys should really wear those collars everyday!”

Josh forced out a smile, clearly not agreeing with the idea. He spent the rest of the afternoon trying to get more sigs but ended up only getting five more from Brothers he knew were going to be easy.

---- Next up: Big Brother


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