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darefreak101 03-03-2008 07:19 PM

Playing Doctor
Have you ever played doctor before. Tell where when with who, and describe the entire experience in detail. Also tell how many times you did it, and how old you were each time and if you were touched.

Davros 03-04-2008 12:22 PM

Doctors and Nurses.

Good memories - I wish.

Never played it :(:(:(

ravoraver 03-04-2008 02:18 PM

i did it was with a girl she lied down and i listened to her heart and stuff then i hade her go in to the closet and get naked then come out again i touched her gave her oral then she did the same 2 me

i also did it with a boy we pertanded that sucking eachothers didks and szcs would cure differnt thing

age- we were both 4-8
place- garge my room freinds room

tell me your storyes

sory for the spelling

futuremafiaman 03-04-2008 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by ravoraver (Post 53345)
age- 4-8
place- garge my room freinds room

sory for the spelling

wait ravoraver are u saying that u had a 4 to 8 year old boy suck your dick???? i really really hope that i misunderstood what u were saying cuz thats just sick and wrong

Sexy_Bwoi_15 03-04-2008 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by ravoraver (Post 53345)
i did it was with a girl she lied down and i listened to her heart and stuff then i hade her go in to the closet and get naked then come out again i touched her gave her oral then she did the same 2 me

i also did it with a boy we pertanded that sucking eachothers didks and szcs would cure differnt thing

age- 4-8
place- garge my room freinds room

tell me your storyes

sory for the spelling

Seriously i would change that to what it really is or get ready to get banned :S

darefreak101 03-04-2008 04:11 PM

I think he was 4-8 years old. Keep sending stories.

shadoweater 03-04-2008 10:27 PM

Sexual experimentation among children is not unusual, although society in general tends to ignore it and deem it "wrong".

Krystal 03-04-2008 11:14 PM

yes i have, details are little fuzzy though as i was very young. all i really remember is attempting to remove someones heart and stomach???:confused: can't remember the reason though... boredom perhaps haha. as for being touched, chestish area and stomach i'd suppose.


Originally Posted by shadoweater (Post 53389)
Sexual experimentation among children is not unusual, although society in general tends to ignore it and deem it "wrong".

society sucks, lol. theirs absolutely nothing wrong with sexuality or sexual exploration. it's a natural part of life. so many people agree with that too but only privately and publicly they'll dis-agree. really kind of annoying.

SubMissChievous 03-04-2008 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by darefreak101 (Post 53364)
I think he was 4-8 years old. Keep sending stories.

Yes, that's the way I understand ravoraver's post too; that he was 4 & 8 when these occurred.


Originally Posted by shadoweater (Post 53389)
Sexual experimentation among children is not unusual, although society in general tends to ignore it and deem it "wrong".

Absolutely right. Most children do experiment either by themselves or with other kids. Really not unusual at all.

rhode64 06-08-2009 07:51 AM

yer played as a kid a little fuzzy but always involved nudity touching oral

lokelake 06-08-2009 08:01 AM

Ha! Both me and my sister played doctor when we were WAAAAYY younger. We did it on each other. I can't give many details about it, becuase it was a long time ago.

We were trying to keep it secret from anyone else in our household. So we played it in her room in her closet. Our younger brother was very annoying, he constantly comes up stairs into her room.

BettyBoop 06-08-2009 09:34 AM

Well it's that whole, 'Why aren't we the same down there?' Curiosity.
I'm not actually sure what 'Doctor' is, the game I mean?
I've always been curious. I mean I get the gist of it.
But I've never been sure.

lokelake 06-08-2009 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by BettyBoop (Post 150429)
Well it's that whole, 'Why aren't we the same down there?' Curiosity.
I'm not actually sure what Doctor is?
I've always been curious. I mean I get the gist of it.

Wow, I didn't think they were different. A doctor is the person who does your check ups. Like, checks throat, ears, your breathing, etc...

BettyBoop 06-08-2009 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by lokelake (Post 150432)
Wow, I didn't think they were different. A doctor is the person who does your check ups. Like, checks throat, ears, your breathing, etc...

I know that loke.
I meant the game, I have left the house before in my life..
So I'm guessing some kind of nudey, touching each other experimentation.

lokelake 06-08-2009 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by BettyBoop (Post 150433)
I know that loke.
I meant the game, I have left the house before in my life..

Then why did you ask what a doctor was?

BettyBoop 06-08-2009 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by lokelake (Post 150434)
Then why did you ask what a doctor was?

I meant the game. I never meant, what is a Doctor. I get it now.

jess_i_kka 06-08-2009 03:52 PM

I have with my brother when we were little (very innocent, just touching the external parts, etc.) I have with my ex-master who was very much into this activity.

North1 06-20-2009 10:06 PM

Back in the day I must have been around 9 years old – it was so long ago I don’t remember exactly. I was visiting at my cousins’ place. Joanne is about a year and a half younger than me - that would have made her 7 turning 8. Sally is a year younger than Joanne.

We were all in a bedroom and decided to play doctor. The girls played the role of patient and I was in the role of doctor. They took their place under the covers on each side of the twin bed.

The doctor attended to Sally first. Reaching under the covers and ticking under her arms causing her to giggle. The doctor then went down to her belly button region to see if she was ticklish on the tummy. Sally let out a big laugh as the doctor but his hand under Sally’s shirt and tickled her abdomen. “You need some rest to get better.” the doctor exclaimed as he walked around the bedside to attend his next patient.

Joanne was ready as she had pulled the covers back and rolled up her shirt exposing her nipples. The doctor went straight for the belly button region running his fingers lightly below Joanne’s belly button. Joanne flinched as the doctor began his tickling attempts, but she was not as ticklish as Sally. Joanne then put her shoulders into the bed firmly and raised her hips and with each thumb on each side of her pant tops, she pushed her pants down revealing some blue panties that had a slight camel toe. “Continue doctor.” she proclaimed as she tossed her pants off the side of the bed and laid back down in a prone position.

Sally, seeing the proceedings scrambled from under her covers and removed her jeans revealing tight, worn, pink panties. She slid over to lie closer to Joanne to watch the doctor “operate”.

The doctor continued his examination with his hands running over Joanne’s body from shoulders to hips. Joanne hands moved to the sides of her panties. Again her thumbs hooked each side of the top of the panties. She adjusted her panties downward revealing the top of her cleft of Venus.

“Doctor! Doctor! My belly aches.” Sally proclaimed. The doctor reached over Joanne and with his left hand reached and lifted Sally’s shirt as he lowered his head to look up the shirt at Sally’s little brown nipples. His hand reached under the shirt and palmed the nipples and ran down to her belly button, as Sally started to giggle.

Joanne said: “Now it’s my turn, doctor.”

“OK, roll over.” the doctor commanded. Joanne did as she was told revealing a plump rear end. The doctor gave a quick couple of taps with his open hand. Joanne squirmed with each hit grinding her hips into the bed.

Seeing this Sally rolled over on to her stomach, the doctor reached over and palmed a cheek of her but and gave a slap to her backside. Sally’s response was identical to that of Joanne’s.

Joanne then stuck her buttocks into the air, reached down with her thumbs at the sides of her panties and pulled them down to he knees. She then lay back down on the bed and spread her ankles to shoulder width apart. The doctor immediately started massaging the cheeks of her but. He then reached on each side of Joanne’s bare hips at abdomen level and began tickling. Joanne let out a shriek as the doctor had found her most sensitive ticklish area of her entire body. “HA HA HA!’ she continued as she moved to her side and brought her knees in to a fetal position.

“What are you kids doing?!” Sally and Joanne’s mother yelled from the kitchen. Startled, we all froze for a split second. Joanne quickly jumped up from the bed and pulled her panties up. Sally and Joanne grabbed their pants from the floor and scrambled to put them on. They jumped on the bed. Joanne landed on her side and casually lay like she had been. The doctor sat down on the bed at Joanne’s feet. Sally landed on her knees and was jumping up and down on the bed as we heard their mother’s footsteps approaching the bedroom. “Dinner time kids.” She spoke as she poked her head into the half opened door.

girllover101 06-23-2009 01:02 PM

I've also played it. It was with people my own age. Everytime we did it we were asked to remove our clothes and put the thin blanket on us. We did everything we do at the doctors and the hospital even surgry. We touched everything

Jslave 06-24-2009 03:08 AM

It's weird how many people are scared of hospitals and yet medical fetishes are massive isn't it?

lilsarah 07-27-2009 10:25 AM

I have played it before to, when younger

BillM 07-27-2009 12:50 PM

I played at a friend's house, two of us guys around 12 and a girl around a year younger. She was laying down and I was just watching while he tickled her with a fuzzy puppet on his hand. He eventually started "tickling" her between her legs over her jeans. She was enjoying it and when he took the puppet off and tried to just use his hand she stopped him and told him to put the puppet back on and keep doing it (as if the puppet was innocent while his hand would have been wrong). We were all pretty naive about things at that age...early in the day we were talking about "boners" and she didn't know what one was. After playing with her for a while he pulled me aside and asked if I had a boner. I said no, even though I did. So he asked her if she wanted to see a boner, she said yes and he pulled down his pants and showed her. She didn't seem too interested.

adam7178 12-31-2009 04:57 PM

i did it when i was about 5 with my neighbor we just touched and kissed each others parts to make them feel better lol... i only wish i could do it now with her it would be amazing

myhouseinthewoods 12-31-2009 11:50 PM

I have with neighbor kid, me and my brother playing with the nieghbor girl, whoo, good times good times, but that was when I was 6 or something, also played with my cousin(female), but I was also very young and got caught

Forestparker 01-01-2010 05:26 PM

I would love to hear more

Forestparker 01-01-2010 09:16 PM

Me and mycoysin used to play we are the same age. I'm a boy she's a girl, we did this from probably the Age of four to about six. We always started by asking do you want to play good or bad doctor, we always choose bad. We played in our bedrooms. We played Multiple ways. One way was that I would pull my pants and underwear down and she would play with mypenis. Then she pulled down her pants and I played with her vag, not for long though because she always stopes me do she can play with me. Another way was that we would lay down on a bed keep our pants up and set a time limit. She would then stick her hands down my pants and feel my penis. When time was up I went down her pants but I usually couldent find her vag because I thought it was higher then it actually was. Please tell me your stories

zaqxsw1984 02-25-2013 06:04 PM

yes i have played doctor befor with a couple kids, and i was always the patient... lol once a sub always a sub. ;) and i renember playing dog with these girls... dogs dont wear clothes do they ....

SlaveTrainer1 02-27-2013 01:08 PM

I used to play it with my brother and our neighbour when we are all between 6 and 8. We never done anything 'sexual' like I've heard many other people do. We basically just stripped to our underwear, laid on the ground or bed and just messed around with each other. Sometimes we were naked but 9 times out of 10 just undies.

Dareholic 02-28-2013 06:01 PM

I remember playing this when I was young; but we never did anything that was sexual in nature. :rolleyes:

dracone1313 02-28-2013 08:13 PM

I never playerd doctor like medical stuff or anything, although reading some of these stories, I wish I had lol xD I did play Doctor though... (like from Doctor Who) does that count? it was a ton of fun, me and my cousins were on my grandpas farm and I was the doctor and they the Daleks ^_^

appughar 03-03-2013 07:25 AM

yes many times.
a few times played as a gynae check up where in it ends with sex with just doctor, sometimes it even involved a partner for a 3some.
regular checkups too...have done all with me as doctor or patient or asistant...

CumCraverAssSlut 12-07-2013 02:30 AM

Only when I was 4 or 5 with a female friend of mine. Parents were friends, we'd go play and end up playing Doctor. I remember it feeling really intense and a little confusing because I didn't know what was so Intense about probing around this girl's body. It just felt like I was going to get in huge trouble but I loved it.

just_curious87 01-10-2014 03:27 PM

Real young. I was only 13. She was a friend who, unbeknownst to me, had a crush on me.
Not much to tell, we were young. All that happened was kissing (supposedly to help me breath?) and her hands exploring me but not so far as to touch anything... at least not skin to skin.

Mrslutman 01-10-2014 03:46 PM

I did once. It was with my brother and two female cousins. I think it was due to the different down there thing. We all took turns laying ended a blanket and the others would all get to put their hands down the patients pants and feel about. I don't really remember much in the way of details. I can only really recall thinking that my cousins down there felt weird. But also nice and I've wanted to touch it again since.

That was the only time we aged though. We got caught and parents were pissed. Like I mentioned in another thing, extremely Christian household. That was a not okay thing to do. Still want to do it again though, lol.

Slenderman - Doctor 05-31-2014 01:24 PM

Hello! *waves*


Originally Posted by Davros (Post 53328)
Doctors and Nurses.

Good memories - I wish.

Never played it :(:(:(

Shush, younger me. You didn't, that's true, but you had some fun experimental experiences in primary school. I can't believe I'm writing this. One of the guys in the same year as me used to pick on me and make me do things for him. Silly bullyish things, y'know, make me pick his stuff up, etc. Also, because we were young and naive and innocent and curious, he sometimes asked me to follow him into this sort of open shrubbery - it was a bush but with a small walkway down the centre of it - and he used to take my shorts/pants down and just slap my ass and feel me up. I mean, it sounds fucking odd now but, at the time, it was just innocent curiosity. Nothing ever came of it, so that's fine. I imagine it as the kinky side of me developing extremely early, and that was a sort of Doctor's inspection roleplay.

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