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erick92 05-09-2011 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by katebabe21 (Post 453431)
really good update... made me a little sad though :/ i don't suppose things will brighten a little for poor erin? why doesn't she just do what they say wouldn't that make it a whole lot easier on her?

Realistically, in her situation, I think many would do nearly anything to avoid rape.

cbtslave4u2 05-10-2011 12:09 AM

I think I'd just try to kill myself if I were Erin... She could just break her neck with that bathroom door or plug the drain in the shower and drown herself... I would, seriously. Fuck those guys and their plan LoL

Good story SK

skjelner 05-10-2011 11:57 AM

Chapter Six Part 3
“Ah, thank you Chris,” Jason said cheerfully, taking the glass from him. “Now Erin, even though you can’t drink any of the water in the bathroom, we wouldn’t want you getting dehydrated. So this glass is for you.”

Erin breathed a sigh of relief, as she was completely parched from all the action that night.

“But first … you guys ready?” Jason turned toward his comrades, who had begun masturbating yet again with twinkles in their eyes.

“Wait, what the fuck are you going to do? Let me have the water!” Erin yelled hoarsely in protest.

“Not just yet, you fucking greedy mess.” Jason held the glass in one hand and furiously tugged on his penis. “I told you you only get to eat and drink what we give you, and this is what we’re giving you. So you’re going to fucking drink it. Go ahead guys.”

Mark and Chris leaned toward Jason and together squirted several shots of semen into the water-filled glass. Erin wondered how they could possibly have anything left in their pipes after already ejaculating so many times that night, but her mind left this thought when Jason himself erupted, muddying the water with his white fluid.

“Mmm, doesn’t that look tasty, Erin?” Jason questioned as he swirled the water-semen mixture around in the glass and walked toward her.

“No, it looks disgusting. I’m not drinking that.”

“Oh yes you are, you filthy whore. I forgot to mention one final thing: if you break any of the rules, I’m going to hurt you. And not just cunt-slaps like before, I’m talking mutilation. I’ll start by slashing your tit or something, but after that you’re going to sincerely regret it.”

Erin gasped in horror at the sudden heaviness of Jason’s words. She could tell from his tone that he was serious.

“Now, I can tolerate you being a little bitch and not listening to us when we fuck you or something—that’s almost cute. But the rules are rules, and you absolutely must obey them. Am I making myself completely clear?”

“Yes.” Erin could think of nothing else to say. She knew at that point she should just be quiet and do what her captors said until she could finally sleep.

“Good. Now stand the fuck up and drink!”

Erin got to her feet, took the glass from Jason, then pinched her nose and began gulping down the foul mixture. Each goblet of semen felt like a slimy tadpole sliding down her throat, but she had at least began growing accustomed to the salty taste. Nevertheless, the water felt incredible against her parched throat, and she finished after just a few seconds, thankful for the relief.

“Very good.” Jason retrieved the glass, handed it to Chris, then walked with his comrades over to the pile of clothing on the floor.

“Wait!”, Erin called out as the three men began gathering up the articles, “aren’t you gonna give me back my clothes? At least my bikini?”

“Sorry,” replied Jason even though he wasn’t sorry in the least, “you won’t be getting them back any time soon.” Erin began to protest, but shut her mouth, realizing it would do no good.

“We’re going to leave you alone for now,” Jason informed her. “Like I said, get in that bathroom and don’t come out until we say so. I suggest you get lots of rest so you’re ready for tomorrow—and be sure to get in that shower when it turns on so you can look pretty for us tomorrow.”

“Yeah, look every bit as fucking gorgeous as you did walking in here, or you’re really gonna regret it,” Chris threatened, and Erin believed him. After that evening’s events, she truly believed anything could happen to her now. She cursed silently to herself for not being able to see the combination Jason punched into the keypad of the exit as her captors left, sealing the door behind them.

Alone for the first time in hours, Erin stood quietly for several minutes, surveying the room that had become her nightmare. The bed in the corner was in disarray, covers strewn everywhere. At that moment it looked extraordinarily comfortable to her, but she didn’t dare sleep on it for fear of what Jason might do to her. Eventually, she decided she had better start washing up and ambled slowly to the bathroom, slipping her still-naked, badly bruised, and slightly bloody body through the wooden doorway.

Erin gasped aloud at what she saw inside.

cbtslave4u2 05-10-2011 02:46 PM

i bet the bath is filled with the shit water from her enema... lol

katebabe21 05-10-2011 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by erickj92 (Post 454243)
Realistically, in her situation, I think many would do nearly anything to avoid rape.

sure but if she has already been raped and knows she won't get out why does she continue to stuggle, especially if she knows the only way to get out is for the guys to be done their plan

katebabe21 05-10-2011 02:52 PM

but again very good update... what did erin see?

Instinct 05-10-2011 03:42 PM

In a way, for poor Erin, I'm hoping it's some kind of amazing bathroom.. that way she really could get cleaned up and etc. for the guys.

erick92 05-10-2011 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by katebabe21 (Post 454609)
sure but if she has already been raped and knows she won't get out why does she continue to stuggle, especially if she knows the only way to get out is for the guys to be done their plan

I guess I can't even begin to imagine what some one would be going through if this were real. Being a guy, we're not really targeted for rapes.

Also, good addition to the story. Like Instinct said, I hope the bathroom is nice for a change. After all she's been through a nice nights sleep and a good shower in a bathroom would be nice.

timetoshine 05-10-2011 10:14 PM

Its either a bar of soap, or her friends....

katebabe21 05-11-2011 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by erickj92 (Post 454736)
I guess I can't even begin to imagine what some one would be going through if this were real. Being a guy, we're not really targeted for rapes.

Yeah... It's scary to think aboUt... It's sad to know that it is real... Maybe not quite to the extent Erin goes through but it happens very often in my area

skjelner 05-13-2011 04:45 PM

Chapter Six Part 4
To Erin’s great bewilderment, every surface of the bathroom was covered with mirrors—the walls, the floor, and ceiling were all seamless reflective glass. Even the toilet, sink, and shower were coated with a mirrored surface, and the effect was mesmerizing: Erin stood aghast in the doorway for several minutes, as it was unlike anything she had ever seen before.

The mirrored sink and toilet rested along the right wall, while the shower lay opposite Erin. It had no curtain, and sitting on a shelf within were a single bar of soap and small bottle of what Erin presumed to be shampoo. The wall to her left was entirely bare and slightly darker than the other surfaces. Erin wondered if that might be how the men could watch her—was it a one-way mirror?

Either way, Erin knew she had no choice but to do what the men had ordered and slowly walked into the small room. A soft click sounded as the door swung shut, and Erin immediately whirled around and tried to reopen it, to no avail. It appeared the door could only be opened from the other side. With the stale taste of semen still lingering in her mouth, Erin sighed and trudged back toward the center of the room, shivering slightly from the chill of the air against her bare body.

No matter where she looked, Erin could now not help but see her reflection and, in turn, the damage her captors had done to her. Her once soft legs were now badly bruised, her knees skinned and tender. A dull ache still persisted in her anus, and Erin wondered if something had ruptured internally as her gaze moved upward. Her breasts had lost their usual perkiness and were reddened all over with bruises around her nipples, and Erin winced when she noticed the copious amounts of dried semen still covering them and much of the rest of her upper body.

Suddenly, an overwhelming sense of exhaustion swept over Erin. She slowly hobbled over to the blank wall and sank to her knees, then to a sitting position on the cold floor, her bare legs spread out in front of her. Still shaking, Erin bent over to stare into the face peering back at her from the floor, and it took a moment to recognize the face as hers: its dark hair was a mess, tousled and splayed in every direction, dripping with faint smears of semen, and the sight of her red, cum-caked face brought moisture to her tired eyes.

Erin held her face in her hands and began to sob uncontrollably, her tears splashing onto the floor to meet the small streams of excess semen leaking from her bruised vagina. Just then, a rapid tapping sounded to her left, and she looked over to see that the shower had begun to run. Erin knew she had little time and certainly did not want to enrage her captors, so she reluctantly lifted her bruised body and stepped over the mirrored threshold.

The water was only lukewarm, but Erin hardly cared—at least it wasn’t freezing cold, and it felt good against her bruised skin. The semen-filled water she had consumed a few minutes ago had hardly quenched her thirst, but she didn’t dare drink any of the shower water for fear of what Jason had promised.

Instead, without thinking she grabbed the bar of soap and began furiously scrubbing at her pubic area: everything else could wait. The soap stung against her tender labia, yet Erin couldn’t stop until she felt she had gotten rid of any foul reminders of her violation, scrubbing as far inside herself as she could manage.

After a few minutes had passed, Erin figured she should move on and attempt to wash the semen from the rest of her body. She squeezed a dollop of shampoo into one hand, and began to wash her hair while simultaneously running the soap around her body with the other. The clean soap and warm water smelled good, and while scrubbing Erin momentarily forgot about her harrowing situation and relaxed in the shower’s stream.

Erin managed to get the last of the shampoo out of her her, and began to scrub her feet—the last part of her body left, but at that moment, the faucet snapped off, and Erin was left holding the soap in one hand. She quickly set it down on the ledge and attempted to rinse the residue on her hand in the water rushing down the shower drain, but wasn’t able to finish before the last drop of water disappeared from sight.

With a sigh Erin stepped out of the shower and looked around, only to realize there was no towel in sight. Trying to think, she stood shivering and dripping for a while before finally conceding to the fact that she would have to attempt to go to sleep wet. On a whim, she stepped out of the shower and tried the handle of the sink. Nothing happened: of course Mark, Jason, and Chris would have turned the sink water off.

Disappointed, Erin glanced around once more and realized there was also no comfortable place to sleep, though she knew in the back of her mind that she never expected such a thing in the first place. Sullenly, shaking and cold, she moved to the center of the small room and laid down on the hard floor, staring into the mirrored bottom of the sink. An exhausted, worn-down young girl gazed forlornly back at her, and Erin quickly shut her eyes, too saddened to look at herself anymore. After what seemed like an eternity of coldness and aching, she finally fell asleep.

katebabe21 05-13-2011 04:55 PM

Really good update... I like the amount of detail, and glad Erin could finally get something to enjoy at least a little bit :)

Silvercola 05-13-2011 09:13 PM

I like it please gimmie more!

zac 05-14-2011 01:54 AM

lovely addition xx

cbtslave4u2 05-14-2011 12:38 PM

that made me sad... poor girl took so much time and effort to make her body flawless and in just a few hours her body is really fucked up. i expect the brutalliy and pain will only get worse for her... maybe some extreme bdsm? Insex style bdsm? lol just a thought...

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