getDare Truth or Dare

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will9022 02-11-2010 01:40 PM

nice change by adding danielle into the game! cant wait for more!

javer03 02-23-2010 10:30 PM

Great story, can't wait for more. How about alittle info about yourself?

noname2013 02-24-2010 10:36 PM

Just found this story, and I can't believe it took me so long. Amazing! Can't wait to read the next part!

interesting 02-25-2010 09:22 AM

An Evening of Momemtum - Picture Me This, part I
I sat down at my computer, in my underwear, with Jacob, Laurie and Sandra looking over my shoulder, ready to type a message to Danielle. It didn't feel weird, but suddenly, I had no inspiration on what to write. I stared at the open email message window.

"Problem?" Laurie asked.
"uh... not really. I'm just... I don't know where to begin."
"Why don't you start by telling her how much fun you're having."

It was a start.

Hello Danielle,

You might be surprised to get this e-mail so soon, but I'm getting in touch with you right now because I'm having so much fun, I wanted to share it.

I got nods of approval from my friends in the room. I continued.

Right now, there's four of us. Sandra, of course, but I invited over Jacob and Laurie - the friends I talked to you about. We're currently having a - how do I call it - a ToD party of some sort, and it's going great.

Right now, both Jacob and I are in our underwear - boxer shorts, really - and the girls are in their own underwear, with their shirts on but their bras are somewhere in my living room. Things are going great. We did a round of truths first, then a round of dares, and everybody has pretty much kissed everyone. Plus, I got to see boob. Both girls.

I looked at Laurie and Sandra, to make sure they didn't mind I was writing this, but they gave me the go-ahead so I continued.

All the while we were playing, I realized something was missing: someone, actually, you. It's not the same doing the daring without you around, or involved somehow, so I decided to include you by sending you this e-mail - and possibly, later on, some pictures of the four of us. As per the previous pictures I sent you, there will no visibly nudity (naughty bits, let's call them) and no faces.

I looked at the others to see what their comments were but they had no reaction.

Now, I don't know when you will get this, but if you get it tonight, somewhat early, you can always e-mail me back and ask for specific pictures from the four of us - or just one person in particular. We're all pretty relaxed here, and we're game for pretty much anything you can throw at us.

I leave you with this: thank you again for your wonderful friendship. It relaly means so much to me. And I love you too.


I allowed the others to read my e-mail, to see if they wanted me to add something, but they all told me to simply send it on.

"So... what now?" Jacob asked.
"Chances are she won't answer tonight, but that doesn't mean we can't still take the pictures."
"What kind of pictures did you have in mind, Laurie?"

We all turned to Laurie, now that Sandra's question had brought us back to the moment.

"Well... I've got a few ideas, but I'm open to your own suggestions, you know."
"I do have one or two," Sandra stated, "but I'd rather keep them for later. Frank, since we're at your place, why don't you start. Tell us how to pose - anyone or all of us - and we'll do it, if we're game of course."

I had to think of something. It wasn't hard. But then, my dirty mind was working way too fast. I needed to tone down my desires for the moment.

"Let's go back to the living room."
"Ok... and Jacob you pick the picture you want next."
"Already chosen, love."

We returned to my living room. I asked the girls to sit on my couch next to each other, cross their legs, and then place their hand on the hip of the other girl. They complied. They even tilted their heads together. I took the snapshot: this being an electronic camera, I showed the picture to everyone. They seemed pleased.

I handed the camera over to Jacob.

"Laurie, lie on your back on the couch; that's it; now, Sandra, lie on top of her, so your chests are pressed against each other's; good; now tilt your heads toward me; Laurie lean your head back a little; great; Sandra, lift your right leg - right leg! Good. Perfect, keep the posture, ladies."

Jacob moved around, trying to get a perfect angle. He snapped their pose three times. Sandra inquired.

"Are you a professional photograph, Jacob?"
"No. But my uncle is. I once followed him to a swimsuit shoot. Awesome!"

He laughed and handed the digital camera to Laurie. After looking at Jacob's pictures, she wondered how she would ask someone to pose. She turned to Sandra.

"You're it."
"What do you want?"
"Go to the kitchen table... is is sturdy, Frank?"
"Somewhat, yes."
"Okay Sandra, sit on the edge of the table."

She did so.

"Now, raise your arms above your head.

Doing so raised the bottom of her shirt, clearly exposing her beautiful panties. I smiled.

"Wonderful, keep that pose."

Jacob suddenly had a thought.

"Wait, you said to your friend no faces..."
"No faces with nudity in them."
"Ok... got it."
"My turn!"

Sandra stole the device from Laurie's hand, and looked at Laurie. Why wasn't anyone taking pictures of the guys? Not that I was really complaining.

"Stand in front of the outdoor window - just like that - go on tip toe and stretch yourself upward as far as you can."

Doing so had the same effect on Laurie as it had on Sandra; I believed I was developing a panty fetish - I remembered Danielle's panties in my bedroom. I shivered.

"All right, Frank... back to you."

As I retrieved it, I wondered if now was the time to go for those more racy pictures my mind really wanted to get...

will9022 02-25-2010 02:32 PM

great update! can't wait for more!!

interesting 02-26-2010 01:03 AM

An Evening of Momemtum - Picture Me This, part 2
Perhaps the girls were reading into my thoughts, but as I pondered what to do next, Laurie turned to Sandra.

"You know what we should do?"
"We should give these boys a show?"
"A show?"
"If you're still game..."

Laurie and Sandra looked at me, then at Jacob, then back at each other.

"Trust me, girl, I know guys. I know what they want."
"Oh! I believe you!"

The girls laughed. Jacob intervened.

"What did you have in mind for us, girls?"
"You'll see... can we use your bedroom, Frank?"

I wanted to say no, because I hadn't completed cleaning it, but I also wanted to say yes, just to see what they have in mind. Laurie seemed to understand.

"If it's about the mess, don't worry about it."

We moved towards my bedroom. It was deep. I looked at the mess and sneered.

"Let me clean it up a little..."

I hurriedly entered the room and started tossing things on the ground into the corner; I felt them stare at me and I felt bad.

"It's fine," Sandra said. "My room must be twice as messy..."
"But you didn't invite me over, I invited you over..."
"I invited myself, remember?"

I said nothing. There was little more I could do at the moment. I gave them access to the room. They moved about, as if evaluating it, which made me cringe, but I realized they were looking at the available space. Finally, they reached my bed.

"Better take pictures... we'll want to see what we look like."

Jacob took the camera from me.

"Here, I'll shoot... you just watch the show."
"I can shoot too."
"Of course, but that way, you won't miss any of the action, and I have training."

The girls climbed on their knees onto my bed, and we waited for the show to start. At first, they seemed to consider each other from a distance, but then they moved in closer. Laurie lifted her hand to Sandra's face and gently slid it against her cheek. Sandra blushed, her head tilted slightly ajar, and she closed her eyes. Laurie's hand meandered down to Sandra's neck, then all the way along her left arm until she grabbed her hand.

Sandra's free hand slowly lifted, and her fingers went to rest on Laurie's lips, who kissed them. The fingers then made their way down Laurie's chin and neck. Sandra slid her hand behind Laurie's head, under her hair, gently pulling her in.

Their lips connected for a very brief moment, but Sandra quickly pulled back. I could see Laurie's chest heaving up and down under her shirt. Sandra's timid smile had been replaced by a naughty glare. She pulled back on Laurie's hair, which made Laurie jump somewhat. Laurie moaned slightly in surprise. Sandra leaned in hard and kissed Laurie passionately for several seconds, still holding on to her hair with a tight grip. When Sandra pulled away, it was Laurie who was blushing.

I looked for a moment at Jacob, but he was taking pictures. I looked down at myself and realized I was rock hard; it was clearly showing through my tight boxers. The girls, however, were focused solely on each other.

They moved about on my bed; Sandra positioned Laurie facing away from us, but she positioned herself to her side, so as not to block our view. She gently pulled Laurie's shirt off, exposing her naked back, and she started to gently caress it. Laurie was shivering from the stimulation.

Sandra moved to Laurie's front - from an angle we could only barely make out, we saw her hands go on Laurie's breasts, and start kneading them gently. Laurie, in all of this, simply went along with Sandra's whims, obviously enjoying them from the slight moans and giggles she sometimes let out. Sandra's head fell in forward, and she started to suck on Laurie's nipples - we could only surmise that's what she was doing from the angle. Everyone but Laurie was in utter silence: no one dared say a word or else break the mood. Sandra remained on Laurie's breasts and nipples for a long minute, a moment that seemed to last forever.

Sandra then moved Laurie's hand to her breasts, and tilted her back while she was still on her knees. Laurie, flexible as she was given her cheerleading years, did not have any problem bending backwards while on her knees. There was a lot of skin exposed, but Laurie covered most of her breasts. Sandra leaned forward, kissing Laurie between her breasts, then gently going down towards her lower stomach, gently pulling upon her upper panty line to expose some more skin.

Sandra simply went to rest her hand against Laurie's crotch through her panties, and Laurie let out an incredible sigh, moving her hands away from her breasts and over her head. Sandra was taken aback by the sound and stopped, laughing.

"Oooh!... why are you stopping?"
"I didn't think I'd be having that much of an effect on you!"
"I'm so turned on. right now, I'd let you do pretty much anything."

Perhaps Laurie's comment was premature for Sandra, because Sandra, although she still smiled, pulled away. Laurie's chest was heaving up and down heavily, her breasts resting limply, as natural breasts do. She managed to regain her composure for a moment.

"So intense."

She pulled herself up, and facing away from us, she stared at Sandra, then looked at us.

"How was that, guys?"
"Awesome!" Jacob simply blurted out.
"It was so erotic..."

Laurie smiled. Jacob pressed her on.

"More... I want more!"

Laurie turned to Sandra.

"Are you still game?"
"Well... more than that and we'll be having sex..." Sandra whispered.
"Not necessarily, though I'm not against the idea."

Sandra really blushed that time but Laurie tried to calm her down.

"Just relax and let it happen. If you ever feel uncomfortable, just say so. Besides, I feel like I owe you something now. And the boys seem to be into it."

I saw four female eyes staring at my crotch. Perhaps it was that which goaded Sandra into speaking her next words.

"Tell you what guys... take those boxers off and we'll continue..."

Jacob did not hesitate for a second. I tried not to look, but he was like me, hard as he could be. Why not? It still took me a moment, but I managed to pull my own boxers off. I got more stares from the girl.

The question now was: what were the girls going to do next?

will9022 02-26-2010 04:00 PM

amazing update!! by the way, i love the names of the chapters lol

interesting 03-05-2010 07:04 AM

An Evening of Momemtum - Picture Me This, part 3
It was a strange feeling, standing naked in my own bedroom alongside my friend Jacob (also naked), staring at Sandra and Laurie, in their underwear (Laurie was also topless). I was excited, confused, turned on and so many other things that it just felt surreal. We had the girls staring at our erect shafts; mine was about ready to explode after the display the girls had just put on for me, and I desperately wanted to do something about it. And Jacob seemed as excited as I was, although his focus was on taking pictures - for Danielle's benefit. How utterly strange all that was transpiring on this Saturday evening. Perhaps too weird for my own good, but I wanted more. I did want to have sex now, no conditions - at least, I wanted my release. I felt selfish.

Sandra leaned in over Laurie's shoulders, whispering something in her ear, to which Laurie replied out loud:

"That would just be mean..."
"It would be fun."
"I don't think they're ready for that just yet."
"For what?" Jacob inquired.
"Well... only if you insist."
"We do. Don't we, Frank?"

I could barely answer, but I blurted out something in the positive. Laurie continued.

"Okay... I can tell how horny you two are... you'd like us to take care of you, maybe?"
"And how!" Jacob almost yelled.
"Well, we're not opposed to the idea... but we were thinking we might do a game of it."
"What's one more game, right?" Sandra added.

I said nothing. I was somewhere else in my mind, even though I was staring right at them. Jacob spoke for the both of us.

"Nice one, Jake... obviously we've currently got an edge on you two, as we still have some clothing on... do you want to see pussy?"
"Hang on, Laurie..." Sandra intervened. "Let's start with my chest... I've still got a top on."
"True. Okay. For Sandra's top, a quick dare. Are you up for anything?"

I wanted to say no. I ended up saying nothing. Jacob just told them to dare us away. Laurie spoke:

"All right. Simple dare. Jacob, put Frank's dick in your mouth."
"You don't have to keep it in there for long. Just wrap your lips around it for, I don't know, two seconds? If you do that, top comes off."
"If I do that... I get to backdare you."
"Done. But five seconds then."
"Done. Frank, are you up for this?"

I was up, for sure. I suddenly snapped back to the moment. I realized what had just been said.

"uh... no... uh..."
"Come on man, we get to backdare them... this is really getting interesting."
"Yeah, but... I... uh..."

I was so out-of-it I could barely think straight. But perhaps that was a good state to be in at the moment.


I didn't have to do much more. Jacob got on his knees in front of me; he hesitated for a long moment, then opened his mouth and placed my shaft in his mouth. I could only imagine what was going on through his mind - mine was completely blank. I heard a count-up, to five, and then Jacob pulled back, spitting away as he did.

Without us having to say another word, Sandra pulled her top off, exposing her chest again to us that night. More flesh. More passion. More desire. I was flushed and Laurie noticed.

"Frank, you okay?"
"Yeah... I'm just... I need a glass of water. I really do. I'll be back in... anybody want something?"
"Water would be nice," Sandra answered.

I hurriedly and clumsily made my way back to the kitchen, slowly realizing what had just transpired. My dick had been in another man's mouth. How weird. How utterly out-of-character. Or was it? I was thoroughly confused, but my mind refused to dwell on the moment - my body just told me to enjoy it.

I came back with two glasses of water, gave one to Sandra who gulped it down and simply set mine aside without touching it.

"Okay so Jacob... that was impressive. You get to backdare."
"I'll keep it for later, if you don't mind."
"That wasn't what we agreed upon, but okay."
"Well, I can tell you what it is, it's just, you'll have to do it later."
"What do you think, Sandra?"
"I think I want to know first."
"Okay then... you'll hopefully be naked later... I want you two to trib..."

Sandra seemed puzzled for a moment, but Laurie smiled and laughed.

"Should have figured it out...? Dirty boy."
"It means he wants us to rub our pussies together..."

Sandra had learned a new word, apparently. She pondered the idea, then turned to Jacob and me.

"For how long?"
"uh... thirty seconds?"
"Done. What's next?"

Things were going so fast, not even a glass of water could ease my mind. I knew it was the sexual tension getting to me, my inability to release it. When I usually felt like this, I went over to my computer and masturbated to some porn of my choice. I couldn't get my release, and it making me insane. Something had to happen, or else I would really go out of my mind...

will9022 03-05-2010 03:23 PM

THIS IS AMAZING!!! i cannot wait for more!

interesting 03-06-2010 10:09 AM

An Evening of Momemtum - Picture Me This, part 4
Laurie stood up on my bed; she wasn't tall enough so she could reach the ceiling with her head. Her breasts bounced up and down as she did, and I couldn't tear my eyes away. She placed her hands on her hips, then moved them to the side of her underwear, sliding her thumbs under the cloth.

"Next dare is for my underwear..."

However, Jacob interrupted her.

"Look, Laurie... Sandra... you both know what we want."

Laurie stopped moving about and stared.

"What do you want, Jacob?"

The emphasis she put on his name sounded like an accusation.

"Personnally... I want to watch you two having sex..."
"You don't want to have sex with us?" Laurie asked.
"Well... yeah... but I'd like the other one better... right Frank?"

I didn't answer. What could I say? I did not know what I wanted.

"I think Frank's mind is elsewhere," Sandra replied.

I looked at her and I noticed she couldn't keep her eyes away from my crotch. I wanted to run over to her and fuck her mouth, fuck her breasts, fuck her pussy, and everything else she'd let me do. The image of Danielle superceded itself on top of her, and made me want her even more. Laurie spoke a bit louder, drawing my attention.

"Yes?... yes, Laurie... what?"
"You remember a few days ago?"
"I... yeah, I do."
"Remember what I told you?"
"You told me lots of things...."
"Okay. Never mind then, for the moment."

She turned back to Jacob.

"So, you want to see me and Sandra have sex?"
"I do."

She turned to Sandra.

"What do you think?"

Sandra didn't answer at first, so Laurie proded further.

"Are you willing to go all the way with me?"
"Can I be honest?"
"Of course."
"I don't really mind, with you... but... I mean... I'm not a lesbian... I'm not really bi either. I mean, it's just for fun, right?"
"Honey, we won't do anything you don't want to do. Period."

Jacob turned to Sandra as well.

"Hey, Sandra... there's a big difference between what I want and what you're willing to do. I can live with anything really. I just say what I want. You have to make the call."
"We'll... see. I mean, I already agreed to trib... so... I guess... I can't believe I'm saying this.... I guess Laurie could eat me out too?"
"I would love to... if you're game."
"Good enough for me..."

Laurie turned to Jacob again.

"Okay, so the question is: what are you willing to do for that to happen?"
"Basically anything that won't land me in jail."

Laurie's eyes suddenly took on a sinister look. She turned to Sandra.

"All right... here's the thing, if Laurie agrees. I'd like to keep that one in reserve. For us. Until I can think up something humiliating."
"If you want that..." Laurie replied.
"How about it, Jacob? Ready to owe me one, big time?"
"Ready as ever."

Sandra turned to me.

"Frank... what do you want?"

I took me a moment.

"I want to come... oh God! I can't believe i'm saying that in the open, but I so want to come."
"I don't know... I just... I don't know how Jacob can stand it."
"Hey, Frank, I'm as turned on as you are, I just want to watch..."
"When do you want to come?" Sandra inquired.

I could not believe my forwardness, but the tension was just too much. Laurie pulled down her underwear, revealing a fully shaved pussy. She turned to Sandra, who also pulled off her underwear - she had a little patch of hair down there, trimmed into a triangle. Laurie then knelt beside Sandra, and whispered something in her ear. Sandra took a moment to consider, then nodded yes.

Sandra laid down on her back, trembling, and Laurie started caressing and kissing her stomach, gently making her down towards Sandra's sex. I saw Jacob taking a few pictures. The girls moved away, so Laurie's behind was exposed to us, her round butt cheeks, her scintillating pussy, inviting. I stared at it for a moment, then I heard Jacob's voice.

"Go for it."

Within moments, I was thrusting inside Laurie's pussy, as she went down on Sandra, whose face, head tilted backwards, showed signs of pleasure. A few thrusts later, I was releasing into Laurie, with a loud moan and an almost violent jerk, shivering all over. I remained there, my shaft in her, for almost a full minute, while she gave Sandra some special treatment. Sandra was moaning, clutching at her own breasts.

My mind was blank - the tension subsided, and suddenly, the knowledge of what I had done crept into my mind - and then I saw Danielle's face again. Her face, overpowering everything else, domineering, and everything in my life put back into perspective.

And for a brief moment, I was alone in the room - and I felt drained, completely and utterly drained.

will9022 03-06-2010 10:29 PM

this story rocks! its just too good! cant wait for the next chapter

interesting 03-07-2010 12:21 AM

The Momentum Stops
There are moments, in everyone's life, when past, present and future intersect; moments where all that we are becomes so transparent that we bear witness to our own birth, or rebirth. Some call these moments epiphanies: great revelations of intelligence, wit and wisdom that allow us to move forward in life. But these epiphanies are not always without difficulty; most are relatively painful, forcing the individual to face an aspect of themselves they are not comfortable with.

Sandra's moans, under Laurie's tender tongue caresses, filled my mind with so much confusion that I remained there, behind Laurie, my almost limp shaft barely still inside her. I had come inside her pussy; I had taken her - my friend's girlfriend (fuck friend?) and completely taken advantage of her, not even bothering to provide her with any pleasure. A few thrusts of my hips was all it had taken. I hadn't even seen Laurie flinch under my thrusts; she had just keep going on Sandra, engrossed in her own activity.

My gaze caught Sandra, and for a moment, our eyes met - Sandra placed her hand on top of Laurie's head, signalling her to stop. It took Laurie a moment to understand what Sandra wanted her to do, but eventually she pulled her head up, which forced me completely out of her. Laurie turned her head towards me, a smile on her face, her lips moist from Sandra's sex, but the smile turned to concern as she spoke.


I said nothing.

"Frank, you're so pale... are you all right?"

So many notions were racing inside my mind. One: I had fucked Laurie. Two: I had done so without using any protection. Three: I had acted completely on instinct. Four: Would she get pregnant? Five: Why had I fucked her instead of Sandra? Six: What was I going to tell Danielle? Seven: How would she take it? The questions piled up in my head. I tried to speak, but only four words could come out - and each word sounded like its own sentence.

"I - am - so - sorry."

Laurie was completely taken aback.

"What?... what are you sorry for?"
"I just... I did... I mean..."

I felt Jacob's hand on my shoulder, but I stepped away from him. I felt dirty. I didn't want my uncleanliness to rub off on him. Or did I just not want to be touched at the moment?

"Frank, buddy... what's wrong?"
"I... I did..."
"Yeah. So? It's cool... right?"
"No... I mean... I don't know."

I did not notice it, but Sandra had actually pulled one of my blankets around her body, covering her nudity. Laurie was pressing her arms against her chest, hiding much of what needed to be hidden.

"I think you should sit down."

I walked to my bed; the girls moved away from me to give me some space.

"What's wrong, Frank? Didn't you want to do it?"
"I did... but... I did... I mean, I f... I f..."
"You took me... and you came into me."
"I did... Oh! God!... Laurie I'm so..."

I could not answer her. I did not know why. They all stared at me for a moment. Jacob finally popped the obvious question.

"Is this about Danielle?"
"No... I don't think it is."

She may have been a part of the situation, but I felt something different was involved here. I had to stop using Danielle as an excuse for everything I did or did not do.

At that time, Sandra intervened.

"Frank... I'm sorry too."
"What? Why?"
"Well... it was me. It was supposed to be me, right?"
"No... no Sandra, it's not you."
"I was just so caught up in the heat of the moment... I figured... that's what you wanted... I mean, Laurie and me..."
"Was that what you wanted?"

What had I wanted? What was I expecting, really? Could these games lead anywhere else? Jacob spoke up.

"Is it about the protection? Because I know that's an issue, but Laurie's clean, and so are you... so... and she's on the pill, so..."
"Yes. No. I don't know. Jacob, it's... weird."

I felt the colors returning to my face. I felt bad suddenly.

"Why am I always the one breaking up the fun?"

I laughed, but it was hollow. I felt sad inside. Laurie placed a hand on my shoulder; this time, I let it remain there.

"Frank... it was good. I liked it."
"It's not that, Laurie... it's... I can't put my finger on it."
"Then don't try!" Sandra stated.

I looked into her eyes. She was staring at me with a lot of focus, with something in the back of her mind.

"Laurie, Jacob... thank you very much for everything, "she said, then specifically to Laurie, "and don't worry I had fun too. Too bad you didn't get a chance to finish me off..."

Laurie smiled.

"Another time, maybe. We should go."
"Don't go!" I said.
"Yeah, we should," Jacob insisted.

I wanted to resist again, but I just looked at Sandra.

"I'm staying... if you want. I think you need someone to talk to."
"You can stay."

I remained silent as Laurie and Jacob got dressed. We exchanged discreet greetings, and then they went off. I felt bad for creating the circumstance where they had to leave, but Sandra was right: I needed to be alone with my thoughts. So why was she staying?

"You can go too..."
"No. I can't. We haven't... had sex yet."
"Come on, Sandra. I'm not going to hold you to that."
"Well... I am. Going to hold myself to it. Maybe."

Sandra, who was still walking around draped in my blanket, took me back to my bedroom and sat me on the bed. She then dropped the cloth, revealing her naked self again.

"Frank, what do you see?"
"A gorgeous naked woman... in my bed."
"Do you want me to stay the night?"
"I do... maybe... I'm just confused right now."
"You've never had casual sex."
"I... no. I mean, what's so casual about it?"
"I'm guessing you haven't had that many experiences in life in that department, right?"
"Here's the thing. I think I know why you reacted the way you did. You like Laurie, right?"
"Sure... I mean... no... I mean, she's a great friend."
"And now you're afraid you've ruined the friendship, right?"
"Right... I mean, maybe."
"Well, you haven't. And this Danielle girl, well... she's not here right now. Okay?"
"That means that she can't tell you what to do, and you can't use her as an excuse."
"I'm not... I'm just... sex is supposed to be magical and..."
"Romantic? It can be that. It can also be carnal and instinct, with almost no emotions involved. But your emotions are transparent. You're afraid. Not that Laurie was hurt - that you were hurt in the process. Well, you're not. You're fine."

Sandra laughed shyly.

"You're quite a paradox Frank, a mix of old and new together. Doing the Truth or Dare, yet still clinging to the principles or our parents... or grand-parents maybe. There's love, there's sex..."
"I know."
"...but you'd never felt it before. Separating the two. It can be done. Some people can't. Others can."

Sandra tilted her head sideways.

"I really do want to spend the evening with you, and... I would like to spend the night. We don't need to have sex, but I've got plans for tonight, and they involve you."
"But... do you love me?"
"Sure. I guess. You're strange, but I've never been one to be into normal people. Do you love me?"
"I don't know. Probably."
"Do you think I'm hot?"
"You're so hot..."
"And you would do me?"
"Maybe... I don't know."

Sandra changed the mood.

"Lie down on your chest. I'm going to give you a massage. Help you relax."
"Why are you doing this for me?"
"Because I can. Because I care. Because I've already spent too much time here, getting to know you, to bail on you and run away. I don't run. I chase. I follow through. I want to follow through, with you. Whatever happens."
"And Jacob... Laurie?"
"They'll be fine. Send them an e-mail tomorrow. Let them know you're all right."
"You're not mad that I..."
"...had sex with Laurie? Heck no. Are we dating? Are we exclusive?"
"Besides, I was kind of enjoying it too... maybe I do have lesbian tendencies, Julie was right."
"Never mind. Just lie still and I'll massage your troubles away. And we'll see about what we do next. Right now, just relax, and let the stress melt away."

So I did just that. I allowed Sandra to start massaging me; as I laid there, on my bed, I started to realize how the momentum of the evening's activities had brought us to this point, and how we could have avoided it by not giving in so easily to temptation and desire - and how foolish it was to think that this could have ended differently. Play with matches, you will get burned eventually.

I got burned that night, but I became stronger for it. And as for Sandra, she did spend the night. We talked a lot at first, about me, about what made me tick, about how I had clung to every single who had given a damn about me in the past, about my fear of losing my friends, about my neediness. Sandra was gentle in her words and helped me much in dealing with my anxiety attacks - which were becoming all too frequent, unfortunately.

I did not feel comfortable enough to make love at that time, but we did lie in bed naked for a long time, before I started dozing off. When I finally fell asleep, I had Sandra's head resting against my chest.

Morning would not bring more wisdom, but I would wake to a different mood entirely...

will9022 03-08-2010 02:29 PM

good post. a little depressed that that amazing night came to an end, but im sure theres a lot more in store, so i cant wait to see what you do!

The Judge 03-08-2010 05:21 PM

you are an excellent writer

interesting 03-08-2010 10:29 PM

I do need to very quickly comment on my last installment. First off, I want to personnally thank will9022 and theJudge for their comments.

The reason I put an end to the events of that night was that from my main character's POV, things had gone too far. I would have enjoyed writing more for that night, and I had a ton of ideas, but it needed to end there for that night.

But rest assured - it's not over yet. Not by a long shot.

Frank did have sex with Laurie. And Sandra's presence in the mix may be more than for a single night. And Danielle still looms above it all. And don't forget about Rita and Jacques, now living in Montreal - Rita did say she might be dropping a line to Frank. So once our 'hero' recovers from his ordeal, and accepts the events of that Saturday night, he should be able to move on.

So many ideas... so little time to write them all... :)

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