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Greatcornbow 01-02-2019 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by trin (Post 3527152)
Haha! That's an awesome idea! Maybe for next time...

it is a nice idea but wouldn't quite fit into the dynamic of what I'd envisaged. For instance I may plan for a particular character to be of a certain ethnic origin, or maybe pierced, or be unusually large or small in size, or perhaps have a tattoo or whatever, or some feature not initially apparent; and thus anyone adopting a character might not conform. Liz in last session (with idiosyncratic shaving) is case in point.

For ongoing: again apologies for hiatus. I shall post next narrative later this evening, hopefully, and following one tomorrow, with session and poll to start late tomorrow evening; and because of hiatus I shall leave poll open for 4 days instead of usual three.

Watch this space!

Greatcornbow 01-02-2019 05:37 PM

[As per previous post this below is to be deemed about 2nd or 3rd Thurs last December]
Sam and Tom met up in the Union bar Thursday as agreed.
'Thanks for coming, Tom. What can I get you. They've got Banks's as guest beer this week and I can well recommend it. Brewed in Wolverhampton, my home town, and not often seen up here.'
'Thanks and I will. But what can I do for you?'
'Just I wanted to talk things over. Partly about the strip sessions. My, Liz was an eyeopener, wasn't she?'
'Oh yes, Sam, fantastic. But I heard she can't come tomorrow. Though maybe her flat mate can: Meg. Have you met her?'
'No not yet. Wonder what sort of bush if any she's got. But so far my eyes have been mainly for the other two. What about you?'
'I like the look of both of them too. But Jane may be a bit above my league. I hear she's got connections in the legal field.'
'So did I. You know my folks moved up to Linlithgow a few years back? And I've a gf there in final year at Linlithgow High?'
'Go on.'
'Well, I've got to lug all my stuff back there shortly as the new Uni Hall I'm moving into won't be ready till Jan, and then lug it all back again next term, to avoid paying rent to my landlady meanwhile, who's a bit of a pain TBH. But my gf says she'll help me move there and back again, and her sister'll help too.'
'So why's the problem?'
'Well, she's very possessive. And she doesn't like me playing these strip games at all. And her sister thinks she can stop me at it. How, beats me, but there you are. But sister's got a mean streak in her. She's 29/30, divorced, got a very mean settlement from her ex and far meaner than she ought to have. Not sure how. She's got a handle on him even yet for sure, or I'm a Dutchman. And the solicitors she used are the firm I heard Jane's looking to join once she's graduated. She's doing the special Honours course: four years instead of the usual three. I suspect she may know something.'
'But what's to worry about it now?'
'Nothing I hope. But I'm uneasy. Plus I'm knackered. You know I'm reading Geography?
'Yes. So?'
'Well one of the modules involved going to the Highlands for some field work last week. Bloody cold and wet and miserable the whole damned time. Barely stopped raining. Absolute back of beyond, near a place called Gairloch. And the midges there: you don't want to know them. Anyway, we went to a pub there last day before returning. Most locals were drinking malt, so we did too. We talked casually, as you do, partly about Uni, and I just happened to mention Ann, and then all of the sudden two of the locals starting speaking to each other in Gaelic, and looking at me in strange way. Very uncomfortable I felt. I found out later that that's where Ann comes from. Talk about a small world.'
'Hmm. Could all be coincidence of course. But I reckon best thing just now is just play things by ear. After all, there's nothing to go on really is there?'
'No I suppose not. But at least I'm free tomorrow, and who knows: something may slip out then.'
'I'll keep an ear open, Sam. Now it's my round. What's yours? Maybe a malt to cheer you up. They've a Laphroaig on offer too this week.'
'Thanks, I will. That's what we had in Gairloch. Very peaty. Comes from Islay. How d'you say it: Slainte?'
'Near enough. Quite good pronunciation for a Brummie like you.'
' Well, good health.'

trin 01-03-2019 02:13 AM


Originally Posted by Greatcornbow (Post 3531995)
it is a nice idea but wouldn't quite fit into the dynamic of what I'd envisaged. For instance I may plan for a particular character to be of a certain ethnic origin, or maybe pierced, or be unusually large or small in size, or perhaps have a tattoo or whatever, or some feature not initially apparent; and thus anyone adopting a character might not conform. Liz in last session (with idiosyncratic shaving) is case in point.

For ongoing: again apologies for hiatus. I shall post next narrative later this evening, hopefully, and following one tomorrow, with session and poll to start late tomorrow evening; and because of hiatus I shall leave poll open for 4 days instead of usual three.

Watch this space!

Of course, man. You gotta do what you gotta do. Enjoying the story so far! Keep it up!

Greatcornbow 01-03-2019 02:00 PM

Later that evening Alex got a call from Richard.
"Good news, Alex. Meg and her bf are definitely on for the session. But just a word: Meg doesn't really go for the the Rioja or red wine at all much. Prefers a G & T and especially partial to a Plymouth. And as she's not a cert for next term, just trying one session for now to soak up the atmosphere and to see how it goes, I thought I'd give you the heads up."
"Thanks Richard. Look forward to seeing you too. I too quite like a Plymouth gin occasionally. (NOT a London one though, unless it's Portobello) But being end of term I may also get in a malt, like an Ardbeg. Helps keep things oiled and friendly. BTW, Liz's bush was indeed something else. Has Meg anything like it to compare?"
"We talked about that: Liz and Meg and I and you-know-who. Agreed not to say. Make the session more interesting that way. You find out or you don't. You can be sure Tom and Sam will will be absolutely itching to find out. And Meg's assured me she does not intend to be a pushover. She's played strip poker herself before now, and not lost at it, she tells me. I believe her."
"Should be a good last game of term then. Will have to be the last I'm afraid as something personal's cropped up and I need to be back home next Wed, leaving after my last lecture. Will be OK for next term though."
"No worries. See you at the game."

Greatcornbow 01-03-2019 06:56 PM

So Friday came, and there was an air of expectancy at the 'official' club meeting. Richard introduced Meg and Ian to the others and they all got down to playing various board games. Ian quite liked one call Dominion while Meg went for another called Carcassonne. But in due course the inevitable happened and all those 'in the know' adjourned to Alex's abode.

Greatcornbow 01-03-2019 07:26 PM

Next, when they'd all got there, Alex produced his bottle of Ardbeg, and put on the recording of Salome for the Dance of the Seven Veils.
"Before we start," he said, "I've two announcements. First, this is to Liz, our last week spectacular. For those who don't know why she's not here tonight is she's playing rugby for the Uni tomorrow in Durham. So here's to her: she's a fantastic sport and we'll see her here again next term I'm sure."
He poured them all a dram and they cheered.
"Slainte! And Peter's gone with her," said Richard: "for support and because he wants to be in the men's XV if he can make it before long. But let me introduce Meg our flatmate, and her other half Ian, both freshers. "
Meg and Ian introduced themselves to the others they'd not met before in turn: Ann, Jane, Tom and Sam.
"Next," said Alex: "Sorry but this'll be the last session this term. I have to get away home fast after last lecture coming week for family reasons. But I'll be back and OK for next term. Now: let the games commence for the eight of us! You all know the rules, and seats change every five minutes or so when the music stops."

Tom was first with the dice. "Three tens," he called, passing them to Meg.

Greatcornbow 01-04-2019 10:55 AM

Meg considered. She sensed that both Ian (who was sitting opposite her) and Richard were watching to see how she played.
"Challenge," she said. And sure enough Tom only had two tens.Ian nodded approvingly. He liked his girl to show some backbone. Then she threw, noticing that after Richard it would would be Sam to play, and she'd seen Richard naked already times beyond count including at Sylt, so decided to give him an easy time.
"Ace King high," she called.
Richard accepted, naturally, and saw she'd actually got a pair of aces and was hoping he'd put Sam in the hot seat. Richard threw three dice and caught another ace.
"Three aces, Sam."
Sam called and lost. Then it was Ann to throw, followed by Ian, then Jane, so she had this one well planned.

Greatcornbow 01-05-2019 03:28 PM

Ann looked at her dice. Two Jacks. Nothing special or worth a bluff. So she bid them, signalling Jane as agreed. Ian took them. Then threw three and called three Jacks and passed to Jane, who reckoned it pretty even Stephen. Jane hadn't yet been able to size up Ian, so called. He had them.
"Oh well," she said. "You can't win them all." But only one item off her and plenty more to play for.

Greatcornbow 01-06-2019 08:17 AM

After about five minutes and time to restart the music the game was pretty level pegging all round: all lad lost one item, most two, and only Ann three. Ann and Jane were of course wearing medium length dresses so underwear could be removed from underneath so there'd not be anything to show unless they lost entirely, so it would for them be all or nothing.

Sam was eyeing all the girls hopefully, mentally wondering whether any or all them had shaved bushes too. He was especially looking forward to Meg, given that Liz had been such an eyeopener last week. He had another Ardbeg in the interval while they changed seats.He now had Ian on his left and Meg on his right, who in turn had Jane on her right.

So Jane would now pass the dice to Meg, who'd pass to him, and he to Ian.

Greatcornbow 01-07-2019 06:06 PM

After a few more rounds Sam became more on tenterhooks. Ann had lost 5 items now, so would surely have just her bra and panties under that knee-length dress of hers. But Meg was down to three as well. She had been in jeans so her T shirt was off and bra on show. B cup he reckoned - and jet black. So he reckoned he should have one or other of them before long. Jane had only lost two, so with six left looked pretty safe. Alex and Ian had only lost three each, and Tom four. But he himself had lost five as down to his Tshirt, jeans and underpants, thus he might yet lose himself, so he had to be careful. He thought of Ann and that pub in Gairloch: tried to picture her there, and wondered if one of the guys speaking Gaelic there had had or wanted to have a relationship with Ann himself: he'd been about Ann's age.

Greatcornbow 01-08-2019 02:29 PM

But in the end it wasn't Ann lost. It was Meg who'd unfortunately just had a run of bad dice against her. She'd not wanted to lose, first time at least, but having been on Sylt she wasn't devastated.

She'd not been there of course at the first game when Richard had lost, but she'd heard how it went, so decided to make the best of it, as Richard had. Ian and Richard were sitting opposite her and Sam and Tom on her right and Alex on her left, so Ian and Richard would get the best full view, and they'd seen her naked before anyway. So after taking off her knickers she turned round, anti-clockwise so she'd show her back to Tom and Sam, went to pour herself an Ardbeg (she was not keen on Rioja) and gave a quick turn before going to the spare room to get dressed again.

All the others cheered. They all saw she had a fantastic body. B/C cup size breasts, firm, perfect skin tone, slim legs, totally shaved crotch, and everywhere unblemished. Ann and Jane envied her her body more than somewhat.

Greatcornbow 01-09-2019 06:29 PM

Thanks for all who voted.I am a bit disappointed the numbers have somewhat gone down: hopefully it was just due to the festive season. Anyone with thoughts please let me know.

Meanwhile I'll next be updating the narrative as to what the characters have been up to over the vacation before meeting up for the next strip poker dice session in the new term.

Best wishes to all.

Greatcornbow 01-13-2019 05:27 PM

Just to update you all.

Over the next few days I shall be updating the narrative as to what has befallen the participants over the Yule vacation, before returning in the new term, with a view to the next session and being Friday. Any comments welcome as always.

Greatcornbow 01-16-2019 05:28 PM

First thing Sam did when he got home was write Meg's details in his notebook of all the girls he'd seen naked. He made notes of date, place etc., of each one, including giving them his own personal score out of ten as to his rating of their bodies. He marked Meg 10/10 as he had done with Liz previously. They were the only two he had: even his girlfriend in Linlithgow he'd only marked 9/10.
Next he had an email from his girlfriend's sister. She wanted to come round and see how much stuff he had so as to know how much was involved moving the stuff out, and to check it could all go in her father's van at one load. Also the flat was on the second floor of a tenement and she also wanted to check access. He emailed back and said Ok for the weekend.

Greatcornbow 01-16-2019 05:37 PM

Meg, Ian, and Richard shared a taxi home. Ian had been invited to stay with them and the other two over the weekend. Liz and Peter would be back Saturday evening from the rugby match in Durham. Was it a coincidence, Richard wondered, that all three losers so far had come from the same household?
Ann and Jane agreed to meet up for coffee again lunch time in the Union.
Tom had been going to ask Ann, but Jane had got in first, and Tom was still not sure how Ann would react. He also had a lot of coursework needing finished before the end of term and decided to use the weekend for that.

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