getDare Truth or Dare

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TurtleMan76 12-14-2013 10:03 PM

Chapter 27
Chapter 27:
After putting the key in the ignition noticed something odd about the setting. I looked over at the radio to see a piece of loose leaf paper taped to it. Completely confused I reached for the paper and pulled it off my radio. I then turned on the light in the car and read the following;

“Dear Nicky,
Me and Amy thought your car looked sweet, so we took it out to feel that mustang power. That’s right, girls can drive stick too. Anyways, it’s a good thing you get to wear your clothes back home because we used up most of your gas, but we left some money in the glove box to compensate. Anyways, sweet car and thanks for the joy ride.

My heart started pounding as I slowly turned my head to the gas gauge. The needle was on E, and I knew I couldn’t make it home without filling up. I was now worrying about having to get gas dressed like this. Gas stations are always lit up, and I have to get out of the car to fill up, allowing everyone in the parking lot to see me in the spotlight.

My leg was shaking, and a cold rush of fear shot through my body. This was going to be horrible, if I didn’t fill up I would run out of gas, and someone would have to come tow me, then I would need a ride to my house. I had no choice, I had to get out at the gas station and fill up. I finally gathered my strength and put the car into drive.
I started driving down the road, and saw a sign, “Gas station in 3 miles”.

“Luckily this was a more rural area, so hopefully not a lot of people would be there” I thought to myself. Finally I made it to the turn. There were 6 pumps, and 4 of them were taken, There was also 6-8 cars sitting in the parking lot. It was a small place, but it certainly was getting decent business.

I pulled up into the pump on the farthest end to minimize how much I would be seen. I then got my wallet and pulled out my debit card, and sat there a minute to gather strength. After a minute, the other cars at the pumps were gone, but there were still people in the store. I took a deepbreath and got out of the car on the passenger side.

I went over to the pump and searched for the card slot. I looked, and looked but could not find it. Then I realized there wasn’t one, and I would have to go inside to pay. There I stood in the middle of a lit up gas station on a cold November night, wearing nothing but a ballerina tutu, with pink stockings. I decided to just get it over with, and began walking towards the store.

Once I made it to the door, two people walked out and completely stared me down as they slowly walked away. I was completely blushing from this but it got worse when I saw the line of three people at the only open register. I slowly approached the line, and got behind the last person. He was a big tall man, with large arms. He looked like a combination of Arnold and Hercules, this guy was huge.

When I got behind him he slowly turned his head over his right shoulder and took a quick look at me. Seconds later he completely turned around and stared at me. “That’s an interesting outfit you got on their boy” In the deepest voice I had ever heard. Then the other people in line turned to look at me.

One of them was a woman in her thirties, and she was trying to hide a laugh with her hand, and the other looked like a college student, and he just raised an eyebrow at me and shook his head, then continued to pay for his purchase. “So what’s the deal, are you a ballet dancer, or are you just some weird kid who seeks enjoyment from dressing like a woman.” Said the large man.

I just stood there completely red in the face. “uhm.. well there’s.. these girls” I started until I was quickly interrupted “Girls, girls did this to you”? he loudly questioned. “Well not.. exactly” I started once again to be interrupted “Well speak up son, why are you dressing like my daughter” he said sharply.

“I lost a bet” I said hoping he wouldn’t question it anymore. The college kid finished his payment and walked out the store and just shook his head laughing as he walked out the store. The line the moved up, somehow a line three people long felt like I was there for an hour.

“You lost a bet, with a bunch of girls, and now you have to dress like this” he questioned. I nodded my head, “How old are these girls” he said quickly. “well there all my age” I said. “So how did this bet work” he said. I was still very humiliated and now I was anxious, I just wanted to pay for my gas and leave.

“Well.. we made a bet over a football game, if my team one I got to see them with no clothes on. If I lost they got to see me in whatever clothes they wanted” I said

“Wow, well I reckon that’s irony at her finest. Serves you right you little pervert, as a father I always have to worry like sick creeps like you. However It would appear justice has taken its coarse quiet nicely” He said. “Yep, I’ve learned my lesson” I said. “well that’s good, do your parents know about this” he questioned.

“Yes, the girls told them about the bet after I had lost, so my mom made me stay dressed like this for the rest of the day” I said. The woman in front of him could hardly control herself as she walked out of the store. Once she was outside and the door has shut, she busted out laughing, which added to my humiliation.

“Well, at least you were a good sport about your bet, you should use that it’s the only little bit of dignity you have left” said the man as he walked out with a deep chuckle. I finally got up to the cashier and there was a young man running the register, he had to have been in his 20s. “Evening.. Sir” he said weakly when I got up to the counter.

Two girls in camo jackets entered the store and their eyes instantly locked on me. “um.. $40 on pump 1” I said handing him the two $20 bills Lindsey had left in my glove box. The girls were both laughing and whispering to each other. Finally the man printed my receipt and I walked out, receiving cat calls from the two girls.

There weren’t many people in the parking lot now, so pumping the gas wasn’t an issue. Even still I didn’t want to be seen in public, so I watched that number with anticipation as they went up. $10, $15, $20, $25, once I hit the 25 mark 3 lifted trucks pulled into the parking lot, packed with people. They all pulled up to the pumps surrounding me, and I began getting nervous.

$35, $40, finally I thought and I put the hose back on the pump. I then went for my car and realized I had locked myself out of my car. I was now in deep shit, I was blocking a pump with my car, and I was standing there in horribly feminine attire. I got behind my car and crouched down behind a tire so I wouldn’t be seen by the other people in the parking lot.

They were all talking loud, and were rowdy they were the last people I wanted to see me dressed like this. I thought quickly about what to do, and then it hit me. The lock on my trunk was broken, so I could climb in the trunk. I went to the back of my car and pulled up on the trunk. It had gotten stuck, so I was struggling to get it open.

I finally got it to pop open, and then pushed the back seats down. Right as I was about to climb into my car but someone said “What in the hell are you wearing son”. I turned to my right to see a redneck dude completely staring me down. “Hey guys come check this out” said the guy. I didn’t hesitate, I jumped into the trunk and started crawling to the front of the car. A couple of people were standing outside my car where the pump was and laughing at me.

I turned the key in the ignition, but it wouldn’t start up. One of the guys then dropped his pants and pressed his ass cheeks up against my window. Not only was I humiliated, but they were violating my car now. Finally I got it start, and dropped it into gear. I quickly got out of that parking lot and drove off.

That was an awful experience.
After a long drive home, I made it into the neighborhood. There was a light on in my house this time, so I quickly reversed, and turned around. “Great, now I got to go buy some clothes” I thought to myself. I couldn’t walk into the house dressed like this, but this meant I had to walk into a store and do it.

I then drove into the Wal-Mart parking lot, there weren’t too many cars, but there was more than I would have desired. Once in the parking lot I looked out and there were only a few people walking out of the store, but no one walking in, and no cars. I grabbed my wallet, and my keys, and my wallet and got out of the car.

TurtleMan76 12-14-2013 11:57 PM

Chapter 28
Chapter 28
I quickly walked into the store, and walked past multiple people. I decided this would be a quick in and out situation. I would make my way to the clothes, by some sweat pants and a sweatshirt, and pay for it back there, then walk out wearing it. Once I made it to the middle where the mens clothes where I found a pair of sweat pants, and then grabbed a sweat shirt.

An attendant from behind the desk said “Um do you need help finding anything sir” in a curious tone. “No im alright, thanks though” I said blushing. I quickly got into the changing booth and got out of that horrible tutu, and put on the sweatpants and sweatshirt. This was a normal outfit so my mom would not find it out of the ordinary.

Once I changed into the new clothes I ripped the tags off them and took them to the attendant. “Long story” I said holding up the tutu, “Can I just pay for these here” giving the attendant the tags for her to scan them. She laughed sand said “That will be fine, do you need a bag” she asked I nodded my head, and she gave me a bag, which I used to store the tutu outfit.

The drive home was uneventful thankfully and when I pulled up to my house it was 11:30, and all the lights were off. My Walmart journey felt kind of pointless now, but better safe than sorry. I took the Walmart bag and put it in my backpack, and walked inside

When I got to my room I went to my closet and pulled out my pocket knife. I then carefully removed the nail polish from my nails so my parents would not ask questions about that. After that I took a shower, washing away the makeup, and the dirty diaper smell that had latched to my body. I went to my room, and went to sleep in the sweat pants.

That Sunday was uneventful, I finished homework and played some computer games. I also spent some time with my parents and had to lie about the weekend I had with my friends. That night I got a text from Claire reminding me to wear those panties to school tomorrow, and that is what I did.

School the next day went smooth, and nothing happened until the end of the day. In my last block class I got a text message from Claire “Meet me in the girls by the vending machines after class”. The vending machines are in the hallway next to the cafeteria and the gymnasium, at the end of the hallway is the band hall and a door leading to the busloop.

I made it to the vending machines and the three girls were standing there in their cheering uniforms. “Are you wearing them” said Claire. “Yes ma-am” I said, “Well lets find out” said Claire now opening the door to the girls bathroom. Lindsey and amy walked in and seconds later came out saying

“Coasts clear” I then took a deep breath and walked in.
The three girls crowded around me, “Take off your shirt” said amy. I then took off my shirt, and handed it to her. “Now the pants” said Claire. I then slid my jeans off over my shoes revealing the adorable panties, and handed Claire my pants. “Good you brought your own panties, if you hadn’t we would have had you borrow Some from the girls locker room, and then complete this next task” said Claire.

“Next task” I asked. “Yes, you have two options, you can wait for us here until after practice then we will give you your clothes back. Or you can leave now dressed like that, which I don’t recommend. The entire marching band is practicing in the bus loop, and the cheerleaders will be practicing in the band hall, but hey if you don’t want to wait go right ahead” said Claire.
My heart sank to my chest again, what would happen if someone came in.

“Oh shoes too, c’mon” said Claire. I then took off my shoes and socks, and it was in the girl’s bathroom dressed like this. “Practice will be over in an hour and a half, I would suggest you sit in a stall” said Claire. “Here’s your shit in case you decide you don’t want to wait anymore” said Amy handing me my wallet, phone, and keys.

“Have fun, see you in an 90 minutes” said Amy, then all the girls walked out and waved to me. I ran into a stall, locked it, and sat on the toilet seat. The toilet seat was cold against my legs, and I started to shiver. I pulled my legs and wrapped my arms around them to keep warm. I put my possessions on the floor next to the toilet to keep them safe.

I waited in there for what felt like forever. Girls would come in, and I could hear them talk. I felt like I was eaves dropping. I heard all sorts of rumors and gossip, while sitting in there. At one point two girls walked in and were talking about their crushes. Suddenly I had the urge to sneeze, and I began to worry.

I tried to fight it, I couldn’t sneeze it would blow my cover. But then without warning I sneezed very loud, and the bathroom made it have an echo effect. My heart was pounding, and then I heard the girls giggling, “Bless you” said one of them sweetly. I prepared my girly voice and said “Thank you” in the most feminine tone I could make.

The girls continued there talking, and didn’t think a thing about me. “That was a close one” I thought to myself. Finally Claire and the other girls came in. “here’s your clothes, remember to wear those panties to school tomorrow” said Claire, sliding the clothes under the stall door. I quickly put on my clothes, and grabbed my stuff.

There was no one in the bathroom, but when I walked out I bumped into one of the other cheerleaders. “um what were you doing in there” she said to me. “Oh man.. I think I was in the wrong room” I said, my cheeks now red. The girl laughed and I just quickly walked out of the school and got in my car. When I got home I started on my homework.

My mom then walked into the room and told me I needed to try on some jeans she bought for me. I quickly remembered I was wearing the panties under my clothes, and I got a little anxious. “Here try these on” she said handing me a pair of jeans. I just sat there for a second in fear “Hurry up nicholas I don’t have all day” she said. “Um could you step outside” I pleaded.

“I’m your mother, it’s not a big deal seeing your underwear”. I was horrified right now, and I had to think quick “Umm, I’m not wearing any underwear” I said completely red in the face. “oh, well ill um, wait outside, put some damn underwear on” she said and she walked out into the hallway, I felt instant relief.

I quickly dropped my pants and took of the panties, and shoved them into my pillow case. Then I grabbed a pair of boxers from my dresser and put them on, then the jeans. I tried on multiple pairs of jeans for my mom and she finally left me alone. Once she did this I went over to my pillow case and grabbed the panties. I put them in my backpack so I wouldn’t forget them tomorrow. Then I remembered I had the ballerina tutu, and that needed to be hidden from my parents.

The next morning I got up and took off my boxers, then walked over to my backpack. When I bent over to open my backpack the door opened. My dad walked inside and saw me naked. “Oh God son I’m so sorry, I just wanted to make sure you were awake”.

I just stood there naked for a moment and thought about lucky I was right then. Had he come in a few seconds later, he would have seen his son wearing women’s undergarments. Once I had gotten fully dressed I went downstairs and my dad was red in the face. “Son im really sorry” he said. “Its allright dad, could you try to knock next time” I said in a sarcastic tone.

“After the awkward exchange we had I made my way to school. Halfway through the day I got a text from Claire “Send me a picture of you in those panties sitting on the bathroom sink by the end of the day or be punished. I looked at the time and I had just under two hours. I was a little nervous about this task, if someone walked in it was social suicide.

In my last block class I got a change to go to the bathroom. There was two guys at the urinal so I just went to the stall and acted like I was taking a shit. Once they started washing there hands I started to strip in the stall. I was standing there wearing nothing but the panties, waiting for them to leave. Once they had left it was time.

I opened the door, with my phone in my hand and ran to the sink. I sat up on top of it and put my phone out in front of me. I took the picture, watching that door in fear. I looked at the photo and it was really blurry so I took another. As I was checking that photo I heard the door open. I jumped off the sink and slid under the wall of the stall, and managed to make it under.

Once in the stall I felt really relieved because who ever that was didn’t see me. I stood up an felt unusually free, I looked down and saw the panties were not on me anymore. I looked on the floor of the stall and they weren’t in there. I started to panic and put on my jeans, and shirt. I then flushed the toilet to make the illusion that I was taking a shit

I then walked out into the center of the bathroom and saw the panties sitting in the middle of the floor. The guy who walked in was looking at them. “Man I wonder whos these are, I bet they smell great” he said picking them up. He put the panties up to his face, which made me feel bad for him. I wanted to tell him that the only thing they touched recently was cock, but I think he quickly gathered.

“Aww shit, that stanks man, Why the fuck are these in here” he said throwing them in the trash can, and walking out. On the ground where the panties where there was a grate in the floor, so im assuming that’s how they came off. I grabbed them out of the trash can, and put them back on in the stall then went back to class after sending Claire the picture.

Thursday night rolled around and I got a text message from Claire. “Tommorow is our last home game, you will make cookies for the whole cheerleading team, if you fail to do so, you will have to show them your adorable panties.”

R-Bowen98 12-15-2013 03:41 PM

Great story, one of the best I've read on here, can't wait for the next chapter

TurtleMan76 12-19-2013 10:37 PM

Sorry for the wait!

TurtleMan76 12-19-2013 10:39 PM

Chapter 29

Chapter 29:

After reading the text, I told my mom that I needed to make cookies for a food day tomorrow. “I don’t know why you have to wait so long to tell me these things” she said. “Here’s some money, just go buy some premade cookies from the store and well heat them up in the oven, they will look fresh” said my mom handing me a $20 bill.

I then went to my car and drove to the store. I pulled into the Wal-Mart parking lot at around 10:00, and the parking lot was relatively empty. I walked inside and made my way to the bakery. I found some boxes of chocolate chip cookies and bent over to pick them up. As I bent down to pick them up I heard giggling behind me.

I turned my head to see two girls who were about my age, but I didn't recognize them. “Aww wearing your sister’s underwear are you” said the one girl. Suddenly my face turned red, I was still wearing the adorable panties.”Oh um, no its not what it looks like” I said quickly. Both girls were laughing at my humiliation, “aww its ok if you want to be a lady” said the other girl.

I just grabbed my cookies and walked to the register quickly. This is why I hate wearing sweat pants they easily come off. There was a short line at the register and all I had were 3 boxes of 25 chocolate chip cookies. Finally I made it to the register and I put down my cookies on the belt.

After paying for them when I went to grab my bags, without warning one of the girls came up from behind me. She then dropped my sweatpants to ground leaving me with my pants at my ankles and nothing but those pink panties. The two girls ran off laughing with there bags and I quickly pulled up my pants, completely humiliated. “Those girls were straight up bitches” I thought to myself.

After pulling up my pants I could see the cashier laughing behind her hand as I took my bags. “have a n-nice evening s-sir” she tried to make out without laughing. I quickly made my way out of the store completely blushing. That incident was defiantly seen by atleast a dozen people. When I got home my mom had left me a note on the counter.

don’t burn the house down,
Love mom”

This meant my mom was asleep now and I had to bake these, just as the girls wanted. I grabbed some pans and put all the cookies out. After letting them cook for a little bit I took them out and put them in plastic containers to take to the girls. The next day I made sure I had the panties on and the cookies ready to go, then I got in my car.

I got a text from Claire when I got to school saying to bring the cookies to her class. She had written her room number in the text and I went down the senior hall holding three boxes of cookies looking for it. Finally I found it, she and Lindsey were sitting in the back corner of the classroom in there cheering uniforms.

“Oh good you brought them” said Lindsey. “Tonight, I want you to come to the game” said Claire. “yes ma-am I said”. “Now go get to class, I don’t want you to get detention for being late, then we cant have as much fun together” said Claire. I then made my way to class and feared what would happen that night at the game.

Finally it was time for the game. I made it there and sat in one of the bleachers waiting for Claire. After a few minutes of not knowing what I was supposed to do I sent Claire a text. Moments later I got a reply; “Meet me and the girls under the visitor bleachers”. I knew this could not be good.

I made my way to the bleachers and went behind them, where I found the three girls all wearing their uniforms. “So um, what’s the plan” I asked nervously. “Here, eat these cookies” said Claire giving me one of the three containers of cookies. “we want you to eat all of those” I looked down and there were at least 20 cookies in there.

Besides the health issues this task didn’t seem too bad. “Here if you get thirsty you can drink this” said Lindsey placing a gallon of milk beside me. “Oh, you’re not allowed to wear your clothes while you do it, you must be completely naked. That will give you incentive to hurry” said Claire. “But what if someone sees” I asked frantic.

“Well for starters we are under the bleachers; no one can see you unless they come under. However if you don’t want to do this, we could just show some of these pictures to your friends” said Claire now giving me that evil smile. I gave in and then started to strip my clothes. “Give your clothes to Lindsey, she’s going to watch you while we do this, we got to go warm up” said Claire.

I then handed my clothes to Lindsey and was now standing there completely naked in the cold on school property. The cold made everything small, and it made me uncomfortable. Not only was it cold but the risks were so high. If a teacher or coach came back here I would be expelled. “Well hurry up, I got to get down there” said Lindsey.

I then opened the top to the cookies and began shoving them in my mouth multiple at a time. I popped off the top of the milk gallon and began taking large gulps of that while eating my cookies. I started to get full and eating them became a chore. It was not an easy battle between me and my stomach, but finally I ate that last one. “I’m done… May I please.. have my clothes back” I said out of breath and feeling sick to my stomach.

“I’m sorry Nicky; I can’t give you your clothes back. In-fact Claire wanted me to set you up for your next task. She then walked over to a sports bag she had and pulled out a diaper, the adorable panties, and a pair of handcuffs. “Put this on” she said throwing the diaper at my face. My heart was now pounding, what was about to happen.

Once I slid the diaper on she walked me over to one of the bleacher support beams. “Sit down and put you hands behind it. I then sat down on the cold cement and put my arms behind the beam. Seconds later I was handcuffed. “Now here’s how this works, if we win the game we will come and get you after the game. If we lose we will come and get you tomorrow morning. You better pray we win diaper boy” said Lindsey.

She then kissed me on my forehead and said “behave princess” and then slid the adorable panties over my face. Now I was sitting there with three quarters of the people at my school within a short distance away, while I was handcuffed wearing nothing but a diaper, and now I couldn’t see. It was so cold out there; every time the wind blew I would shiver.

I could hear everyone having fun, and the band playing, no one having a care in their minds. I wished I could be so lucky. I was just praying no one could come. After what felt like an hour I could hear the announcer call half time, and no one had scored by this time. This made me nervous; we had to win this game. I was freezing the cold started making my body parts numb, but then everything got worse.

All the milk got to me; I had to go to the bathroom. It came on instantly without warning. Seconds ago I didn’t need to use the bathroom, now I felt like I had to go at that second. I tried to cross my legs to hold it in but then I realized it was no use. I gave in to my bodily functions and peed my diaper like the little baby they had turned me into.

As the pee came out a warm feeling shot through my body. I was disgusted bet yet it was so warm. I then decided to try to capture some of that warmth. I pulled my legs in towards me and lent my stomach forward. The warmness of my diaper rose over my body, along with the smell of urine. It was a terrible smell but it felt so good.

Moments later I heard a roar from the other side of the stadium; we had just scored a touch down. I was feeling great now, we had a good chance. My wet diaper soon became cold and wet which was worse then what it was before. However we were in the last quarter of the game. So I wouldn’t be there much longer.

I battled the cold and tried to listen to the score. It was the closest game of football ever. In the last minute the other team was up by 3 points, I feared we would have to go in over time. However to my surprise that roar came back, we had just made another play, it must have been great because everyone was getting excited.

I wish I could have seen it but It didn’t matter when I heard the announcer say we won. After what felt like an hour of sitting there in the freezing cold in nothing but a pee filled diaper I heard people come under the bleachers. Suddenly the panties where ripped off my face, and there stood amy and Lindsey. Claire then removed the handcuffs from behind me.

“Check his diaper” said Claire. “Eww its wet” said Amy, immediately after grabbing the bottom of my diaper. “Here” said Claire handing me my keys. “um where are my clothes” I asked. “Oh your not getting them back tonight because your being punished” said Claire. “What did I do” I asked frantic. “I believe I told you I wanted these panties washed, these are not washed” said Claire.“Put this on, Now” said Amy holding up an extra cheerleading uniform. I quickly slid the skirt up over my diaper, and put on the cheering shirt.

Now you have two options, if you leave now in the next 3 minutes you will find your clothes in the women’s bathroom. However the game just ended so you will be seen by a lot of people. Or you can wait here for the crowd to die down, then we will take the clothes out of the bathroom, and you won’t get them back until tomorrow. You will then have to go home and face your parents dressed as a cheerleader. Maybe next time you won’t forget to do your laundry?

Alexis Rune 12-20-2013 03:32 AM

Another excellent chapter, thanks!

TurtleMan76 12-21-2013 12:44 AM

Chapter 30
Chapter 30

Thirty Chapters! Thanks for the support guys! To celebrate i made this chapter very intense!

I thought about my options long and hard. If I went home like this my parents would kill me, but going into the women’s restroom wearing nothing but a wet diaper and a cheering uniform, this was insanity. I could easily ruin my social life if did this, but I wouldn’t need a social life because I would be grounded for life if my parents saw me dressed like this. “Where exactly are my clothes” I said.

“well we locked them in the far right stall so no one would take them. We even put a wet floor sign in front of it, but you better go in the next two minutes or we will take them home” said Claire. I made my way to the side of the bleacher and looked out. There were so many people, but they were all leaving. “Can I borrow some pom-poms” I asked weakly.

The girls snickered “are you really going out there like that” said Amy. “Don’t have much of a choice” I said as I took the pom-poms out of her hand. I put them up to my face and peered out a small crack I made. The pom-poms were acting like a shield, and I was just moving through the crowd of people. I must have pushed my way through hundreds of people, and no one said anything.

The entire walk to the bathroom was about 100meters, and the entire time my heart was down in my stomach. I finally made it to the bathrooms outside the door where two girls carrying on a conversation. In my girly voice I said “excuse me” and they parted. As I walked into the bathroom I could hear
them say “ewww lesbian”, and I’m pretty sure they were referring to me.

I made it to the stalls, still covering my face in pom-poms, and found the one they were talking about. The door was locked so I just slid under it. I didn’t think that through at all because I caught the attention of the 12+ girls in the bathroom. Once inside I found my clothes and the panties folded neatly on the toilet, with my wallet and keys.

I took off the diaper and set it on the toilet, and then a thought occurred to me. If I changed back into my clothes, I would obviously look like a boy, and I couldn’t hide behind the pom-poms. So decided to put the panties on shoved my shirt into them, so I wouldn’t have to carry it. I then put my jeans around
my neck, and slipped into my shoes.

I put my pom-pom shield back on and opened the stall door. There were a couple girls and they all looked my way, but couldn’t make out who I was. “Look she’s having the walk of shame, she just did it in that stall” said one of the girls pointing to the stall I came out of. “Oh yea that’s why she’s covering her face” said another.

“Well who’s in there” said another girl now approaching that stall door. I made my way to the exit as quick as I could but one of the girls blocked the door. “Oh my God, there’s a diaper in here” said the girl now coming out of the stall. All the girls in the bathroom looked my way. “who’s behind those pom-poms” said the girl blocking the door.

I pushed her out of my way and ran out of the bathroom, but as I did this, she grabbed the pom-poms from me. The doors shut from behind me and I was standing at my high schools football game dressed as a cheerleader. At this point I just began running. I tried to cover up my face with my jeans, but I was sprinting mad fast to my car.

I finally made it, and I’m pretty sure no one saw who I was. It was dark outside and I did cover my face. I quickly changed into my jeans and shirt, then I made my drive home. By the time I got home my parents were asleep so I left the panties and the cheering uniform in my car, and I decided I had a long day myself, and went to bed. The next morning I woke up to my mom in my room.

“What are you doing in here” I said still waking up. “What did you do last night” she said. “I went to the football game” I said nervously. “Did you go with any friends” she asked “No”. I quickly replied. “Did you give anyone a ride home” she asked. “No I didn’t, why so many questions” I asked.

Well this morning I wanted to be nice and clean out your car for you, and I found this” she said dropping a bag on my floor. “What’s that I asked” at this point now shaking a little bit. “It’s some girls clothes I found in your car, why was some girl changing her clothes in your car” My heart sank to my chest, I couldn’t tell her the truth.

“Did you have sex with her” she asked. I just stood there blankly this was unfair, I had just woken up for Pete sakes. “Look I found your condoms too, I know this is an awkward topic, but you need to be honest, own up to it, I won’t be Mad.” she said. “yes mom, I had sex with her” I said. “I want details” she said sternly.

This question threw my completely off guard, and made me uncomfortable, why would my mom ask me this. “What do you mean” I asked. “I want you to tell me exactly how it happened, or you wont use your car for a month. Think of this as your punishment” “well we both stripped down.. and um.. she started to use her mouth.. and it all just happened” I said awkwardly.
“Did you return the favor” she asked. “What do you mean” I said confused.

“Well you said she gave you oral, did you give her oral” she asked. “No I didn’t” I said. “Well that’s very disrespectful; you used this girl, and pay her back. Sense you think women are just objects, you’re going to learn what it feels like” she said now picking up the bag.
She walked over to my bed and dumped the clothes on top of my blanket.

“You have 15 minutes to come downstairs wearing all of that, or your car stays in the driveway until Christmas” she said. My heart was pounding, what had just happened. I put on the cheering uniform and the panties and looked in the mirror. “Now my mom is blackmailing me into being a cross dresser” I thought to myself.

I walked down the stairs and my mom had a broom in her hand. “You will clean the entire house, and mow the lawn wearing what you are right now. You are going to see how it feels to be used, if you do this it will be the end of it, and I wont mention this to your father. He’s on a business trip and wont be back until Tuesday. Once you’ve completed your chores you can go back out tonight, but you will learn a lesson about using women.

“So do we have a deal” she said. “Yes ma-am I said” “Good, I want you to open all the blinds and clean the windows first. Hopefully some of the neighbors will see you” she said, now crossing her arms. She leaned the broom against the wall and went into the kitchen. She brought bag some paper towels and glass cleaner. “Get to work missy” she said.

This was completely humiliating. After cleaning a few windows I heard my cell phone go off in my room. I went and got a message from Claire; “I need you to come over tonight”. I then replied; “well that might be difficult. My mom found that cheering uniform in my car, and thinks I had sex with some girl. She is now punishing me by making me clean the house wearing it, to “live a day in the shoes of a woman””

Seconds later I got three more texts; “Omg no way”, “That is perfect”, “Take a picture and send it to me” I closed my door and took the picture of me holding the glass cleaner in the uniform and sent it to her. This was the most
humiliating day of my life, but Then I got another reply;

“That is awesome; your mom is on our side! Well here’s the deal if you cant come over tonight you will have to drink your own piss completely naked on webcam for me to compensate. You don’t have to come over until 8:00, but the choice is yours” I replied; “ill try to get over there today”

After I finished the windows my mom had me vacuum the house. She stood there and watched me do it. Every time I bent over it exposed the panties. “Those are really adorable” she said to me with her arms crossed. “Next time a woman decides to make your night, you’ll return the favor wont you” she said. “yes ma-am” I said. “Good, but you’re not getting out cleaning, toilets up next”

A few hours later it was time for me to cut the grass. This was the scariest task; I would have to be in my front yard like this for a good twenty minutes. I went into the garage and put my hands on the lawnmower and started at the garage door. I stood there for about two minutes when my mom came in and pressed the garage opener.

The door slowly opened releasing the cold into my garage and then I knew what was about to happen. I took a deep breath and made it outside. A few houses down were someone I went to school with, and there were about three other houses that had kids in my grade in my neighborhood. I was really worried one of them would drive by.

After about 20 minutes of mowing a car drove by and stopped in front of the house. They rolled down there window and it was one of the kids in my grade, but I didn’t know them well “Nice outfit looser” yelled one of the kids in the car, and they drove off laughing. I finally got the yard done and the only other people who saw me were the ups man, and the mailman.

When I got in my mom said “Good job, you have finished your chores”. “May I go out now” I said. “yes you may, but you should shower first.” In the shower I thought about how chill my parents where, they pretty much let me do a lot, and they never interfered. Probably because they were hardly around, there work kept both of them busy all the time.

When I got out I went to my room and changed into my jeans and my boxers for once. It felt good to be wearing men’s underwear again. When I walked down stairs my mom stopped me. “What are you doing” she said. “Imp going out, you said I could remember” I said. “Oh I remember, but I also said you were to wear those clothes all day long” she said sternly

“If you want to go out, you have to wear that uniform” she said. “Fine” I said and I went back upstairs. I got changed back into the cheerleading uniform and made my way back downstairs. “You’re actually going to leave the house like that. Your going to see her aren’t you” she said. “yes”.”Awesome, give her clothes back before you come home, that will teach you a lesson for sure” she said. “But what will I wear home” I said. “hmm, wait here” she said now walking up stairs.

Vodin30 12-21-2013 12:56 AM

Great chapter, I was laughing at the turn of events the whole time. Well done, keep it up.

SlutBrain 12-21-2013 03:27 AM

Please keep it up. You are doing a great job so far. Nice twist in chapter 30

TurtleMan76 12-22-2013 12:35 AM

Chapter 31
Chapter 31:

“Now that I think about it, you should have worn this to clean the house” called my mom from the top of the stairs. She then came down holding something worse than the tutu. The sight of it made me cringe and turned my heart to stone. In her hand was a sexy French maid costume, it had the stockings and everything on the hanger.

“Sense your sister is in college and won’t be back for a few weeks, she should have no problem with you wearing her Halloween costume from last year” said my mom. “Mom, please don’t do this” I pleaded. “You don’t have to go out, but I think I’m being incredibly generous, I could take your car for a month for what you did” she said.

“Now change into it, you can go over there like it to surprise her” said my mom now with an evil smirk. I then took the hangar and went into the bathroom. I put on the stockings and then the dress. Finally I attached the stockings to the dress with the clips and put on the bonnet. I looked in the mirror and was horrified. My mom made me leave the house like this.

When I walked out of the bathroom my mom chuckled. “This is defiantly a great punishment, this will teach you something” she said. I just shook my head and walked out of the house dressed like a French maid. Once I made it to Claire’s house I rang the doorbell, and all three girls burst into laughter when they opened it.

“What the hell are you wearing” said Claire. “Well my mom wanted to punish me for having sex, so she decided to humiliate me” I said. The girls were practically bent over laughing, “I love your mom” said Claire pulling back the elastic band of my stockings. “So what’s the plan tonight” I asked.
“Well you’re going to be a butler tonight, or apparently a maid. We will be having a party for seniors only, and you’re going to make sure it runs smooth.

If someone wants a drink, you get it for them. If someone pees in the floor, you clean it up. You’ll clean the whole house wants its over of course, and you will do anything the guests ask. So if some dude asks you to suck his dick you’ll do it, unless Amy beats you to it” said Claire. “Hey that’s not cool” said Amy

This made me scared, would I really have to suck off another man. I was really worried, but at least it was a senior exclusive party, and I didn’t know any seniors. “Its 8:00 now, everyone will be here at 9:00, Nick I need you to go get some ice, chips, and a few two liters, Lindsey will go with you to make sure you don’t forget anything. Me and Amy will set up here and get into something a little more, sexy” said Claire.

“C’mon house keeping” said Lindsey grabbing me by the arm. We made our way to Lindsey’s car and got inside. “I like you Audi” I said, sitting in the passenger seat. “Thanks, its rear wheel drive so I have fun here and there”. “Did a cheerleader just say something smart about cars” I thought to myself. “So explain to me this whole maid getup, who did you have sex with?” asked Lindsey

“No one, it was a lie I told to my mom. She found the cheerleading uniform in my car, and assumed I had sex with someone. She then asked about it and wanted details. I ended up telling her I received oral but did not give it. This made her mad because it showed that I think women are objects. She then made me put on the cheerleading uniform while I mowed the lawn and cleaned the entire house. Then when I wanted to leave the house she said I had to return the clothes, and gave me this to wear home”

Lindsey was now laughing from behind the steering wheel. “That is perfect, I think Claire should have you take her on a date, and you bring her home. That would be funny” said Lindsey. “I think that would be awful” I replied. We both laughed at this. The ride was quiet for a while then a journey song came on. We both sang the words to the entire song.

“I didn’t know you like this kind of music” I said to Lindsey. “Yea I’m not the normal cheerleader, Would you believe me if I told you I fix up cars for fun” said Lindsey. My eyes widened I was officially attracted to Lindsey. We both love cars, she was a beautiful woman, and she wasn’t stupid. I then remember how she tried to help me all those times, especially with the diaper rash cream.

We had some small talk about cars for a while, and then it got quiet. After a few minutes she said “hey nick, can I ask you something, and I need you to be completely honest”. “Yea what’s up” I said. “Well um, a lot of the cheerleaders I don’t know how to put this, they aren’t very genuine. Well um, basically they talk behind peoples back, and I kind of caught wind of some of it. Do you think I’m pretty” said Lindsey.

The words at first were confusing, but after rendering them in my mind for a few seconds I built up some courage. “Well to be completely honest, I think you’re the prettiest cheerleader I’ve ever seen. You put the Cowboys cheerleaders to shame” Lindsey then blushed with a soft giggle, “Aww thanks Nicky” she said.

Moments later we pulled into the Wal-Mart parking lot and passed the McDonalds. “Man I could kill for a big Mac right now” said Lindsey. “They are good, I always get mine plain with cheese” I said. “Oh my gosh, me too” said Lindsey. Once we parked the car I began to unbuckle my seatbelt. Lindsey then put her arm on my shoulder.

“I’ll get the stuff, you’ve been through enough humiliation for today, and you’ll get plenty back at Claire’s I’m certain of it. Don’t worry I won’t tell the girls” said Lindsey. “Aww thanks Lindsey” I said. She then gave me a smile and said “I’ll be back in a minute” as she exited the car. My mind was now a battlefield,
I was confused, intrigued, and happy.

I sat there for a moment and then had a courageous idea. What if someday there could be a thing with me and Lindsey. What if we got together, maybe all of this blackmailing would end. She was such a nice girl and so beautiful, but I didn’t have looks on my side. I then decided the only way I could get her was by being courageous.

I then patted the front pocket on the apron of my maid outfit, and felt my wallet. I then pulled it out and held it in front of me for a second. I then nodded my head and opened the door. I got out of the car and walked across the Wal-Mart parking lot. Multiple cars drove pass and honked at me. People rolled down there windows and laughed, I was only slight bothered by this

I then got to the sidewalk, and I made my way to McDonalds.
On the sidewalk there were 3 teenagers walking my walking my way. “Hey want to come clean my room for me bro” said one of them. They were all laughing and making jokes at my outfit. I blushed by this but remembered my courage, and just kept walking. I finally made it to the door, and opened it. There was at least 50 people inside, and all of their heads turned to me as I walked in.

I walked up the counter and the lady behind the counter couldn’t help but laugh. “Welcome to McDonalds, is this for here or to go” she said with a few laughs in between. “Can I get to big Macs plain with cheese with 2 medium cokes. Oh, and I lost a bet if your wondering” The cashier burst into laughter, and was propping herself up with the register.

“Well you certainly did loose the bet” Once I got my food she said “Hey is your cleaning service for hire” as I walked out the door. Most everyone in the restaurant was laughing or giggling at this, but I knew what I just did was completely worth it. I made it back to the car and waited outside of it until Lindsey came back.

Finally Lindsey came with a shopping car. Her face lit up with joy when she saw the bag, “Aww Nicky you’re the best, you didn’t have to do this”. “Do what, this is mine” I joked. We both laughed a little and she finally said “Why did you go through all that trouble”, “Why did you go through the trouble of getting me diaper rash cream” I asked.

She smiled at me, and I helped her put the stuff in her car. The ride home was pretty quiet, minus the noise of us eating big Macs. Finally we got home and I helped unload the car. “Thanks again nick” said Lindsey who then smacked my butt and walked away. As she did this she looked back and smiled, for once something about this situation was worth it.
WARNING: The next 2 chapters will get very sexual. This content is without question 18+

TurtleMan76 12-23-2013 12:11 AM

Chapter 32
Chapter 32:

“C’mon bitch, get some food and drinks set out for the guests” said Claire. I started carrying the two liters to the kitchen table, and set them in an orderly fashion. When I bent down to place one a sharp pain shot through my backside. I turned around to find Amy holding a paddle, “this is what we will use to discipline you at the party” she said.

“Nicky Come upstairs” called Claire from her room. When I entered the room she instantly smiled at the sight of my outfit. “What do you have under that cute little made outfit” said Claire. “There were some white panties that came with it” I said. “Well that won’t do, we need you to be efficient during the party. We cant have you stopping to take bathroom breaks” said Claire now pulling a diaper out of a white polka-dot bag.

She held it out in front of her with two hands and sort of shook it, trying to taunt me. “C’mon diaper boy, time to get ready for the party. I walked over and took the diaper from her. “That’s a good boy” she said in that dominant tone. I went in the bathroom and removed the stockings and the white panties. I then put on the diaper, and put the stockings back into place.

The diaper felt uncomfortable with the maid outfit and every step was more difficult than usual. The worst part was when I moved it made a crinkle noise. I went back downstairs to help set up for the party. After setting up the girls called me in for a meeting in the living room.

“You will walk around with this duster, and when your not helping guests you will dust objects. Be sure to bend over plenty to expose your diaper, if you don’t we will bend you over and use our new paddle. You are at the mercy of the guests. Don’t worry about them taking pictures of you, they will all be drunk off their asses, high, or having sex. You will still be humiliated, and they will use you, and I mean you will do anything they ask you to do.” Said Claire.

“Yea, if some guy wants to piss in your face, you get down on you knees and let him. Then you clean up the piss off the ground” said Amy. “Do you understand” asked Claire. “Yes Ma-am? I said now nervous. “Good, now if you go through with this, you will get a reward” said Amy. “What is the reward” I asked, partially intrigued.

“You will get a choice, You either burn those pink panties, and they will never be used against you again. Or you will receive head by one of us, that will be decided at a later date” said Claire. “So its in your best interest to behave Mademoiselle” said Amy. Moments later the doorbell rang. “Oh yea nick, you will be in charge of letting everyone in” said Claire.

“When you answer the door you will say the following: Welcome to Claire’s party, I’m her bitch and while your partying here, your wish is my command. Do you understand?” said Claire. “Yes Ma-am” I replied, “Good, now go do it” said Claire pointing at the door. I took a deep breath and walked over to the door, walking across the living room like that felt like the longest walk of my life.

After my walk of shame I made it to the door, and I put my hand on the knob. I then opened the door to see 4 very attractive girls. Their eyes instantly widened and they began to laugh obnoxiously. “Welcome to Claire’s Party, I’m her bitch and while you’re partying her, your wish is my command” I .

The girls on the porch loved this, “Here bitch, take my coat” said one of the girls giving me her coat. I took her coat and put it in the downstairs closet and began dusting random stuff in the living room. Claire and these new girls were whispering with Amy, while Lindsey keep looking over at me, and separated herself from the other girls.

The doorbell rang and I put down the duster and went to the front door. After I opened it there was a couple and the two of them gave me an odd look. “Welcome to Claire’s Party, I’m her bitch and while you’re partying her, your wish is my command” I said. Both of them looked at each other with a “is this guy for real” look and laughed, then just walked inside.

I opened the door to let in another 40 people, shortly after things went downhill. “Hey bitch, get me a beer” yelled one of the guys. I then walked across the living and into the kitchen wearing my maid outfit and diaper. I brought the man his beer, “Open it for me” he said. I popped the tab of the beer and handed it to him.

“Pour it in your underwear” he said. “I’m not wearing any, I’m wearing a
diaper” I said stupidly. The man burst out laughing, “Show me, lift up your dress”. I then grabbed the apron and the front part of my dress and lifted them up, showing everyone the diaper I was wearing. Everyone standing in the living room was laughing now.

“Here, ill get that for you then” he said now pouring the cold beer into my diaper. He and all his friends laughed, “Now what do you say Mademoiselle” he said in a taunting tone. “Thank you sir” I said humiliated and peeved at the same time. “Hey bitch get over here” said Claire. She was sitting in an armchair with her feet propped up on the coffee table.

She then pointed to the ground next to her arm chair “Get over here”. I then walked over there and got on my knees next to the arm chair. “Now I want you to show everyone the kind of services you can offer them. Start massaging my feet” she said. I was completely humiliated, with a few words she was able to command me.

There I was at a party for high school seniors, in a wet diaper and a maid costume massaging some cheerleaders feet. Everyone in the room was laughing at me now, “Claire where did you find this looser”, “Claire what else can she do”, “Claire can you make your bitch come clean my house”. All sorts of humiliating comments filled the room as I did this, which only made it worse.

I had to keep adjusting my legs because the beer in the diaper had made everything down there sticky. “Nick go set up some cups for beer pong, I’m bored of just sitting here” I then got up and cleared of the dining room table for beer pong. Two girls were playing and at one point one of them went up to Claire and whispered something in her ear.

Seconds later Claire said “The looser of this game has to change my bitch’s
Diaper!” said Claire. This made me nervous, right now the cold wet diaper made everything small. Both girls were incredibly attractive and would make fun of the current state my cock was in. At the same time I would get a brand new diaper, so I wouldn’t be in this wet sticky one.

During the game someone tapped me on the shoulder, “hey bud I made a mess in the bathroom, could you take care of it”. When I went into the bathroom I wanted to shoot myself. There was shit stains down the side of the wall. He had literally pressed his butt cheeks up against the wall and shit, so I would have to clean it up. I Soon began to hate Claire’s friends more than I hated her.

After I cleaned up the mess I went back out the game was close to and end, and finally one girl one. “Woohoo! Have fun changing his diaper Cindy” said the girl who won. Cindy grabbed me by the hand and dragged me upstairs to Clarie's room. “Lay on your back” she said pointing to the ground. She viciously unhooked my stockings and slid them off.

She then ripped off the straps off the diaper, and slowly slid it off. My face got red when she started laughing. “Wow I didn't realize diapers could turn a man into a baby” she said still laughing. She then slid the new diaper into place and pulled my stockings back on. “Thank you” I said.

“Remember how you said my wish is your command, well it’s a party and I’m horny. I want you to get on your knees and eat me out. Your dicks to tiny to arouse me, so you better do a good job with your tongue” she said now sitting on Claire’s bed. Knowing I didn't have a choice I walked over to the bed and got down on my knees. I then pulled her skirt up, slid down her panties, and began the process.

While this was going on Claire and Amy had an idea of their own. “Hey Lindsey come here for a second” said Claire. “What’s up” said Lindsey. “You don’t look like your having much fun, why don’t you try this” said Claire, who held out ecstasy in her hand. “I don’t know, Isn't that stuff dangerous” said Lindsey.

“No it just makes your eyes big, and brings out the party side in your” said Claire. “Well I guess one wouldn't hurt” said Lindsey taking the drug.
Back upstairs, “Well damn, if you ever get tired of being Claire’s Bitch, give me a call” said Cindy now slightly panting. I then made my way backstairs where I refilled drinks, and brought people food.

Claire then turned up some music. “Nicky Come here and start dancing for us” said Claire. Suddenly I froze in my tracks, I could never dance, It was always too embarrassing. But to do it all by myself dressed like this!

TurtleMan76 12-24-2013 01:46 AM

Chapter 33
Chapter 33:

I finally made my way to the center of the living room completely humiliated. I slowly put up my arms and started moving them side to side. My whole body was red at this point and I was completely humiliated. Looking around the room I could see everyone was laughing at me. I was dancing like an idiot, and I was dressed as a French maid.

“C’mon put some ass into it” said Claire. The crowd agreed so I started dancing like a stripper. Everyone was laughing and chanting, and I was completely humiliated. I wanted to puke, everyone was watching me dance like that. My hands were on my knees and I was shaking my ass, as if I were a girl. If the humiliation wasn’t enough, the diaper made the whole thing very uncomfortable.

That was the longest song of my life, and I couldn’t even hear it over the crinkling of my diaper and everyone’s laughter. I finally was stopped by Claire who instructed me to get her a drink. I brought her the drink back and she had an evil smile on her face. “Nick, I’m going to let you change into something less girly, your birthday suit. Get to it, right her right now” said Claire.

A couple of people laughed and everyone got quiet but all eyes were on me. Claire crossed her legs and cupped her hands, showing her dominant stance over me. “Well, I’m waiting” she said, now shacking I reached for the straps of my maid outfit. I pulled the straps off my shoulders, and detached the stockings. I slid the stockings off my feet, and then removed the bonnet.

Next I pulled the zipper on the back down, the dress and apron then fell to the floor leaving me in nothing but a diaper. Everyone in the room was laughing and my entire body was red, I then undid the straps of my diaper. Time practically slowed down as it fell to the floor. This was the most people to ever see me naked at once.

There was all sorts of noise coming from the room now, there were laughs and comment’s but I wasn’t getting made fun of. “Hey check it out the made has a bigger dick then Jeremy” said someone in the crowd. Everyone laughed including me, but after that the rest of the night became weird. I continued to serve drinks completely nude, but the entire time I felt like I was being watched.

At one point I looked behind me and saw Lindsey from the banister on the top of the stairs. She was motioning for me to come up there with her finger. I then pointed myself as if to notion “me ?”, she then nodded her head up and down very slowly. She looked so beautiful there, her eyes popped out at me, and I felt as if she was the most beautiful woman in the world.

I then made my way across the living room and walked past Claire. “Where are you going” she demanded, “Oh Lindsey wants me to come upstairs for something” I said. Amy and Claire looked at each other and smiled, “Oh ok, well go get em tiger” said Claire. Both Claire a Amy looked at each other with that familiar evil look.

I made my way up the stairs, the whole time going up wondering what was up with Claire and Amy. Lindsey was standing outside Clarie’s door wearing a tight red dress. She had a promiscuous smile on her face and she slowly strutted my way. She finally approached my naked body and put her arms around my neck.

Her eyes were so beautiful, I guess tonight was the first time I accepted my feelings because they just seemed to pop out. She looked like a doll, everything about her was perfect. The tight dress complimented her C cup size, and her brunette hair looked perfect in the light. She then ran her fingers down the back of my neck, sending a chill of pleasure down my spine.

She then whispered in my ear “C’mon adorable”, as she slid her hands down my arms grabbing me by the hand. She then pulled me towards Claire room, looking back and smiling at me. As we entered the room she shut the door behind us and gently pushed me away. She then slid the straps off her dress and stripped down to her underwear.

Her perfectly tanned body was so sexy with nothing but a red thong and bra. She smiled and put her finger on her lip, followed by a slight turn of her body. I was just standing there getting hard, and then she put her hands out in front of her on the ground showing me her ass in that red thong. The thong hardly held anything, but that worked in my favor.

I almost fell back when she slowly got up and put her hands on her thong. She then pulled it down to her feet and turned facing me. Her finger was back on the bottom her lip with her sexy smile, then she kicked the thong into my face. It slowly slid down and my image of Lindsey standing there almost naked quickly came back.

She let out a giggle and then unhooked her bra, and threw that to the side. She then walked my way and brought me to the bed. She had me sit down and didn’t even say a word, then spread her legs over mine. She pushed me back a little and put a finger on my lip as if to shush me. She then grabbed my now incredibly hard cock and started to play with it.

Up and down she pulled on it with her hand; she then spat on it and went up and down even faster. After a few moments she sat down on it. For the first time ever I got pussy. She then started bouncing up and down on my cock. It was the greatest thing I ever felt, her wet pussy grazing up and down along my cock. She would get up to a high speed bounce, and then revert to a slow speed immediately.

This was the greatest feeling I had ever felt. She then got up off me and down on her knees. She grabbed my cock once again, and began to stroke it up and down. Her lips now made contact with my head, and she began to put the whole thing in her mouth. She started moving her head back and forth with cock in her mouth. The hottest girl I had ever come in contact with was now giving me a blowjob, my night was begging to make a 180

After a while she got up and slowly pulled me off the bed, she then laid down on her back, remembering what my mom said, I returned the favor. I began to eat her out to a point where she was moaning. She started to lose control of herself and was having a loud orgasm. She then kicked my face away and said

“Fuck me nick, Fuck me hard” as she spread her legs out.
I stood up and walked over to her and put my cock inside her. I then began to thrust repeatedly. In and out, I felt like a machine. The feeling rushed through my body, and every moan she let out made me want it more. I began to thrust harder and I really gave it to her. After a while I felt that feeling “I’m about to cum” I said as I pulled out.

Lindsey then got off the bed and down on her knees, “I want to take it” she said. Her big eyes started into mine, they were so beautiful and large, it was like a fairytale. She then put her lips on my cock and started moving her head back and forth. “Its coming” I said in an orgasmic tone, and Lindsey only increased her speed.

Seconds later I felt that rush; it came out in multiple shots all down the back of her throat. That release felt so good, Lindsey then stood up and pushed me to the bed. She began kissing me as her tits rubbed against me. Her body was warm against mine and everything felt so right. A few minutes later she got off me and said “I’ve wanted to do that for a while”

She then got up off the bed and put on only her red dress and went back down stairs, leaving her undergarments in Claire’s floor. I sat there for a moment to take it all in. When I went back downstairs Claire was waiting for me Most of the guests had left now, “Get your diaper and maid outfit back on, take care of everyone whose still here, and get this pig sty cleaned up” she said.

I just smiled at her and said “With pleasure”, and I walked over to my diaper and put it on. Once I was all suited up in my maid outfit I began cleaning the house, replaying what had just happened in my mind. I didn’t even care about being dressed like this. Once I had finished cleaning I looked for Lindsey, “Oh she was really tired and went off to bed” said Amy.

I was a bit disappointed but then decided to ask Claire if I could go home. Once I had permission to leave I put my sneakers back on and drove home. I walked into the house not even caring about the maid outfit considering my mom was the one who put me in it. The lights were all off in my house and I made my way to my room. I stopped outside my door when I saw a piece of paper attached to my door.

I have decided that this new form of punishment is how I will discipline you when your father is not around. Your welcome to tell him about how I discipline you, but I’m sure he wouldn’t like that. So for now on when you break the rules, you will get humiliated. This is what they used to do to kids in the school houses, the misbehaved kids would have to wear dresses the rest of the day.

You’re allowed to take off that maid outfit now, however you will not be putting your clothes back on. I got an email from your teacher that you have a D in Trig class right now. In your room you will find a pair of your Sister PJs, you will put them on and tomorrow you will serve your punishment. Love mom.

My heart sank, my mom was now turning me into a cross dresser too! I took the note off the door and walked inside. On my bed were pink pajama pants with lipstick kisses, and a white t-shirt with a puppy and pink ribbons. I sighed and remembered about me and Lindsey and took off the maid outfit, then slid on the pajamas and went to bed, that night I dreamt about me and Lindsey.

Demon Thief 12-24-2013 10:31 PM

I can't believe his mom is making him do all of this.

But still, this is great, keep it up.

Alexis Rune 12-25-2013 03:40 AM


Originally Posted by Demon Thief (Post 1183211)
I can't believe his mom is making him do all of this.

But still, this is great, keep it up.

Petticoat discipline isn't very popular anymore, but not completely unheard of. It was much more popular in centuries past.

TurtleMan76 12-26-2013 12:18 AM

Chapter 34
Chapter 34:

I woke up the next morning and sat in my bed for a moment remembering the previous night. I remembered Lindsey’s beautiful naked body, and how it touched mine. Then I looked down and remembered my mom was becoming a second Claire. I went downstairs in the pink pajamas and made myself breakfast.

Moments after sitting down at the table my mom came downstairs. “Oh good your up” she said as she walked into the kitchen “Those are cute pajamas”. “Thanks” I replied, “So today you need to run a couple of errands, and then we will work on that trig grade” she said. “When will I be allowed to wear my clothes again” I asked, as my mom smiled back at me.

“Well nick, here’s the deal, you don’t want me to take away your car, and I don’t want to take it from you. You’re a teenager and you need your car. Not to mention it’s the only way you will become an experienced driver. However you can’t continue to screw up, and not get punished. So I will be using what is known as Petticoat discipline.

Basically when you screw up, you get humiliated. I won’t make you go to school like this, and you wont dress up around family. So tonight you will be allowed your clothes back. Oh and if you go to your father about this, then he learns about the bad things you’ve done, like the D in Trig, and then you will really be punished. What I’m doing is letting you off easy, do you understand” she said.

I then thought about it for a moment, With all the stuff Claire has put me through this isn’t that much different. If I couldn’t drive anymore, Claire would release those photos, and I would be ruined. So it’s best I just let my mom play her game. “Yes ma-am, I understand” I said now defeated. “Excellent once your done with breakfast meet me in your sisters room”

I finished my breakfast and slowly made my way to my sister’s room. My mom was standing at her closet looking at outfits. My heart turned to stone when I saw what was in my sister’s closet. It was worse than claires, there were so many costumes because she used to do a lot of plays. Not to mention her ordinary clothes were just so girly.

“What underwear are you wearing right now” she asked. Red in the cheeks I said “The um, white panties that where with the maid outfit” I said. “well we can’t have you using your sisters underwear, there’s no telling who she slept with”. I stood there shocked at that, my mother basically called my sister a slut “Oh c’mon, she was hardly ever home, and she’s a very attractive girl. She’s settled down with tony now, but before then no telling” she said.

“Well it looks like we’re going to go shopping. Here put these on, and these, and this” she said, handing my yoga pants, a pink sweatshirt, and a white tank top. The yoga pants had the word “Hot” written in pink rime stones and where an abomination of their own. The tank top would be under the sweatshirt so that didn’t matter, but the Sweatshirt said “Love Pink” on it.

“Just wear those panties you are wearing now, be downstairs in 10 minutes” my mom said now leaving the room. I looked at the yoga pants for a minute. They were terrible, they where the pants equivalent of the adorable panties. I began sliding the pajama pants off leaving me in the white panties. Once they were off I began to pull the yoga pants up to my waist. They where incredibly tight and cupped everything together.

It was like I had put a plastic glove on my entire lower body, it was so perfectly tight. I looked in the mirror, and it made me look feminine. My legs looked like girl legs in there, because of how the pants tightly wrapped everything. I wanted to cry when I looked at the butt, it was horrible it popped out for some reason.

I then pulled the pants back to see they where padded! It was really funny to know my sister stuffed, but at the same time it was going to be a disservice to me. I put the other clothes on just fine, and looked in the mirror once again. “Hurry up nick, unless you don’t want to beat the crowd at the mall” my mom called as I was in deep thought about my current life.

I walked down the stairs and my mom had her purse in her hand. “Sense your dressed like a girl, you can carry this for me no problem” she said handing it to me. I grabbed the purse and got into my moms Ford Explorer. The drive there was awkward and quiet. At one point I looked into the console and saw a book. I picked it up and looked at the title, and then a cold feeling shot through me.

My mom was reading one of those Female dominance kink stories. It was titled “Owning a Sissy Maid”, now it all made sense; this is why my mom was punishing me this way all of a sudden. My mom wasn’t doing this for me; she was living some sort of twisted fantasy from her story. “Hey don’t touch that” she said red in the face, as she pulled the book out of my hand.

We finally got to the mall, and it was about 10:00 in the morning. This was the same mall the girls had taken me to not too long ago. “So first, we will need to get you some shoes” she said as we both got out of the car. I put the hood on and put my hands in my pocket and started walking towards the mall. We finally made it to some shoe store.

"It’s a good thing you have small feet” she said to me, right as we entered. The store was clearly made for women. It had boots, heels, flats, flip-flops, and all sorts of shoes. “You need some black heels” she said. We made our way to the heels and she looked around for what felt like hours. I scanned the store, there were a few girls in but none that I knew.

My mom was purposely taking for ever so I would be humiliated more. Finally she picked up a pair for black heels, “here try these on” she said. I went over to the bench and tried on the heels. I could just barely not fit my foot in. “They’re to small” I said. “Well take them up to the clerk and ask if they have them in your size” she said.

My heart began beating faster, my mom was literally doing what Claire did to me. She was turning into a monster! I made my way up to the counter with my head down. Every step felt so feminine as the yoga pants were practically attached to my skin. I finally made it to the front counter and asked the clerk if they had these in my size.

“Oh um, what size will you need” she asked. “Oh um, the next size up I said”, not knowing the size scale for women. “Ok ill be back in one minute” she said in a confused tone. She finally came back with a box of the black heels, “here you go sir” she said with an awkward smile on her face. “Thanks” I said completely red in the cheeks. I tried on the black heels and they fit fine. “Now walk around the store in them, to make sure they feel fine” my mom said.

I took a deep breath and walked around the store in the black heels. This was not as easy as it looked, and the yoga pants humiliation made it worse. Once I finished my walk my mom handed me cowgirl boots with a pink design on them. She had me try them on as well, and walk around the store. Once they both fit my mom instructed me to pay.

I then made my way to the front register and put the shoe boxes on the counter. I then pulled the wallet out of my mom’s purse and paid for the items. The store clerk gave me a series of strange looks the whole time. After this my mom took me to the food court. “You have the choice, cowgirl boots or black heels. Pick, you’re wearing one of them for the rest of this mall trip” she said to me.

I sighed, and pulled out the cowgirl boots. “Aww look at that cowgirl” she said
to me. “Now c’mon we have more stuff to do” We then walked to kiosk where there was a professional nail technician. It was a flamboyant Chinese man “Hello, can I interest you in a manicure today” he said in a high pitched voice. “Why actually my son would like one” said my mom.

The Chinese mans eyes got a little big for a second and shortly after he said “All right what can I get for you” he asked me. “he wants pink polka dots” said my mom. My face was completely red, “Well all righty then, sit down right her please” said the Chinese man. I then sat in the tall chair at the kiosk.

The paint felt weird on my nails this time, and having a man apply it made it worse. I felt completely humiliated sitting there in that pink sweatshirt in the middle of the mall getting my nails painted. Plenty of people walked by and laughed or gave me strange looks. Finally the man finished and my mom told me we had one last stop.

“This will be our last stop, then you got chores to do at home. Remember what I said about you cant be wearing your sisters underwear anymore” said my mom. As she said that we passed a corner of the mall and I saw it, those two words. My body instantly filled with fear, ”Victoria Secret”. My mom grabbed my arm and practically started dragging me into the store.

“Were going to get you some underwear, and your going to try on anything I tell you to” she said to me. I then remembered what happened the last time I was in here, and I feared that those two girls would be working. We finally made it to the opening and got inside. “Hi welcome to Victoria secret” called a girl from behind the counter, I instantly looked and my stomach turned to mush. It was one of the girls from last time.

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