getDare Truth or Dare

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tallguy2241 07-04-2021 07:41 AM

(part 33)

Let me start by saying….this place was huge! We could see the walls curve around to our left and right, presumably to meet and form a ring on the far side. There was an inner wall some distance away….maybe a mile or so. It was hard to judge the distances. Every 40 to 50 feet was a stone pillar, seemingly randomly placed. The walls and pillars strectched up to the….sky? There was no obvious roof over our heads…just a dark void where the light didn’t reach. The area where we were had plenty of light, but I could not tell where the light source was.

Off to our left were several large metal containers, with one of Karen’s girls by each, apparently stirring something inside. Karen led us over to them. “Eat up,” she said. “You can have all you want. Just remember dinner is a long way off.” This got a number of angry grumbles.

As I approached one of Karen’s girls, she grabbed a wooden bowl from a stack beside her, and spooned up something that remotely resembled oatmeal, and handed it to me. “Where are the spoons?” I asked. She just shook her head.

I sat down next to Meghan, who was sniffing her “breakfast” cautiously. Together, we scooped up a little in our hands, and took a bite. It was mushy, mostly tasteless….and cold. But not inedible. We sat in silence, eating the rest. A couple of people even went back for seconds, but I couldn’t imagine having more just then.

tallguy2241 07-05-2021 07:39 AM

(part 34)

“Rob,” Meghan spoke softly, her voice quavering, “Is this real? I mean, are we really in Hell?”

I took her hand. “Feel this? Feel the warmth? Would a dead soul in hell feel warm?”

“I d-don’t know…”

I put her hand on my chest. “Feel my heartbeat? The dead don’t have heartbeats.” I was saying this as much to assure me as to assure her.

She nodded, a small tear running down her cheek. “Thanks, Rob. But what do we do now? How do we get out of this?”

“I don’t know. For now, I guess we just play along, see what happens.”

“What if we got everyone to just sit here and not play?”

“For one, I suspect some, maybe most, will still play. And even if we got everyone to go along, I don’t want to know what Level 2 feels like.” I tapped on my collar.

Instinctively her hand went to her throat. “You’re right, I suppose. Are we still partners?” She smiled shyly at me.

“Of course.” I leaned over and kissed her cheek. “To the innermost circle, and whatever lies beyond.”

At that moment we heard Karen shout, “Okay, people! Time to start the game!”

tallguy2241 07-06-2021 10:14 AM

(part 35)

“This represents the First Circle of Hell, sometimes known as Limbo,” Karen went on. “No punishments here. Unless you consider boredom a punishment.” She laughed…no one else did. “And to progress to the next level, you only need to collect one soul with your wristband. But, there are only 48 souls available here, so if enough people collect extra, others may get shut out.

“When you hear this sound,” and just then, what sounded like a truck air horn reverberated through the place, “the round begins. It will sound again at the end of the round. Be sure you are at the door to the next Circle within 10 minutes, or you will be left behind.”

“And just where is the door?” asked Kah.

“Somewhere along the far wall. You’ll find it. It’s not hidden…this time.” Again that sadistic grin.

And with that, the opening horn sounded. The game had begun!

tallguy2241 07-07-2021 07:00 AM

(part 36)

As expected, most of the players went off, in several directions. “Which way do we go?” Meghan asked.

“I think the best bet is to get to the inner wall, and find where the door is. Then go from there.”


We were about to start off, when I spotted Jennifer sitting on the ground. “Hang on,” I said to Meghan, and went over to talk with Jennifer.

“Hey Jennifer. You okay?”

She nodded. “I never wanted to do this. She tricked me into being on that other show. And that stupid fucking contract made me have to do this.”

“Tricked you? How?”

“She knew I liked being gunged on that first show. She promised that if I made it to the final round, I would be sure to get something ‘warm and gooey’. But what I got was some perv jizzing on my face!” Tears were starting to stream down her face. Meghan came over, sat beside her, and gave her a hug.

Between sobs, Jennifer continued, “Anyway, I plan on staying right here for as long as I can.”

tallguy2241 07-08-2021 07:50 AM

(part 37)

“Rob, we should get going,” Meghan said.

“Okay,” I said. "Jennifer, you are welcome to come with us. We can work as a team.”

Jennifer said, “Thanks for the offer, but I am staying right here. I wish you both luck. I think you will need it.”

“Thanks.” And with that Meghan and I headed off toward the inner wall. Every once in a while we would spot a “soul” light flit across the floor, or up a pillar, but we couldn’t seem to catch any.

Ot was impossible to keep track of time, but it seemed like an hour, maybe more, before we got to the inner wall. We decided to sit down and rest a moment. As Meghan sat, her wristband chimed. She said, “Wow, I think I just sat on a soul!”

“So does this mean you’ll go wander off on your own now?” I asked.

“Nope. We’re a team.” Cool, I was really enjoying her company. After resting a bit she said, “Let’s go and get you some soul.”

tallguy2241 07-09-2021 07:29 AM

(part 38)

We started making our way along the inner wall. Once in a while, I would spot a “soul” on a nearby pillar, but every time I approached, it would flit around to the other side, then down to the floor, and was gone.

So we worked out a plan. On the next one, I circled around the back side of the pillar, while Meghan approached it directly. Sure enough, it darted away from her, to where I was waiting. A very satisfying chime came from my wristband.

“We did it!” Meghan said, and gave me a big hug. Which made me happy….and given our current state of undress, more than a little aroused! She giggled at that, and said, “Let’s find that door, and then maybe we can celebrate our team’s first victories.” For a while, walking was a little awkward, but that eventually subsided.

tallguy2241 07-10-2021 07:29 AM

(part 39)

We continued our way along the inner wall, sometimes chatting, getting to know eaxh other, At other times, we walked silently, but not an awkward silence. Occasionally we would see other players, either singly or in groups. I did spot Holly once…in a group with 4 other guys. But by now I didn’t care. I had all the team I needed.

During one of our quiet moments Meghan took and held my hand as we walked. Maybe this was Hell, but at least for now, I had a little bit of Heaven.

tallguy2241 07-11-2021 07:51 AM

(part 40)

Was it minutes? Or was it hours? There was just no way to keep track of time here. But we eventually made our way to the door to the next level. Matilda, Shane and Keith were already there.

“You two have any luck?” asked Shane.

“Yeah. Meghan here got a lucky score, and we teamed up to catch one for me. You?”

Shane and Keith nodded, but Matilda shook her head. “Nope. And these guys are no help,” she said.

“No reason we should,” said Keith. “If you don’t make it, then there’s more for us.”

I gestured to Matilda. “Follow us, we’ll show you how it’s done.” As we walked away, I could see Shane and Keith talking and pointing at us. I didn’t like their expressions.

We got in among the pillars and started looking for souls. Spotting one, we had Matilda go around the far side as we approached from the other. The chime we heard a moment later told us it worked.

“Thanks so much,” she said. “I really didn’t want to get stuck in the first level, and those guys were jerks.” We headed back to the door.

RainbowSky 07-11-2021 08:08 AM

So glad you are back, excited to see where this will go. I love the fact the contestants are all teaming up, and I like the malicious qualities some of them have.

kandou 07-11-2021 08:09 AM

Really enjoying the way you've got the setup of this game going.

tallguy2241 07-12-2021 08:00 AM

(part 41)

Several other players had joined the group at the door. Shemsa, Vi, and Maya were there, as well as Sam and Jake. We sat and chatted with them for a little while. Then Meghan got up and gestured for me to follow her. Which I did. Gladly.

She led me behind a pillar, out of view from the others and indicated that I should sit down. Whereupon she sat down on me, straddling my lap, and leaned in and kissed me. Things were getting hot and heavy pretty quickly, and I was hard in no time. Just as she got ready to mount me-----

Pain! PAIN!!

Through watering eyes, I could see that Meghan’s collar was activated as well. This time was worse than the first time….it continued for several seconds. Our mutual writhing quickly separated us, and finally the agony ended.

“Damn it,” Meghan gasped. “That wasn’t supposed to happen.”

“What do you mean?,” I asked.

“I….nothing. I guess there is no sex in Hell.”

tallguy2241 07-13-2021 07:42 AM

(part 42)

Silently, we walked back to the group. By now almost everyone was there. The only ones missing were Bob and, of course, Jennifer.

Kyla greeted us with a knowing smile. “So what have you two been up to?” she asked.

“Absolutely nothing,” I grumbled. Kyla gave me a quizzical look, then shrugged.

Conversation ebbed and flowed through the group. After a while, Holly and Keith got up together and disappeared behind a pillar. Meghan whispered to me, “Do we tell them?”

“Not a chance,” I said. I’m not sure she agreed with me, but she nodded and kept quiet.

A few minutes later we heard a loud “Holy Fuck” shouted by Holly. I guessed they had just figured out the No Sex Rule. Her rant continued, “That bitch expects us to go two weeks without sex? This place really is Hell!” Meanwhile, Keith just glared at me. Clearly I had an enemy in the group. I was going to have to watch my back.

tallguy2241 07-14-2021 08:00 AM

(part 43)

In due time, the horn sounded again, signally the end of the round. Still no sign of Bob.The door on the inner wall opened, and Karen walked out. “Looks like Bob might not make it. And Jennifer made her feelings on the matter clear. She doesn’t want to move? Fine, she will stay right there. Maybe my girls will feed her, maybe they will clean up her…messes. Maybe not.” Again that evil sadistic grin.

“Come in, dinner’s ready.” Karen stood aside and gestured to the door. Grumbling, we all slowly stood up and filed through the door. We entered a large room, not like the circle we came from, but big nevertheless. To our left were several of the metal vats like those that had our breakfast earlier. Along the right and back walls, cots were set up. It looked like there were enough for everyone. There was a door similar to the one we just came through on the far wall as well.

We had to serve ourselves dinner. There were no spoons or ladles or anything to dish up with. At least there were bowls. Our dinner was the same cold tasteless glop we had that morning. But we were all a lot hungrier now…most of us went back for a second bowl.

It wasn’t long before most of us were yawning, and made our way over to the cots. There were no blankets or pillows. At least the room was a comfortable temperature, and we weren’t sleeping on the hard ground. Meghan and I chose cots right next to each other. Laying down, my feet hung off the end. Typical. The other tall ones were having similar issues.

I had barely closed my eyes when I dropped off into a deep sleep.

tallguy2241 07-15-2021 08:36 AM

(part 44)

When I awoke, my living nightmare continued.

Breakfasr was the same tasteless gruel. At least there was plenty to fill the stomach. I sat and ate next to Meghan, but there was no conversation. Everyone seemed resigned to their fate, dreading what was coming next.

Karen came through the door on the back wall. “Let’s go! Time for the next Circle.” People moved slowly towards the door, with a few “Fuck you” and “bitch” muttered along the way. Karen didn’t seem to notice.

Stepping through the door, this new Circle looked very similar to the last, except there were no pillars. There was a mild breeze blowing through the space.

tallguy2241 07-16-2021 07:49 AM

(part 45)

Karen introduced us the new Circle. “The Second Circle of Hell deals with the sin of Lust. And apparently some of you belong here more than others.” She gave an angry look at me, Holly, Keith, and Meghan.

She went on, “There will be 66 souls available, but this time you need to score 2 to advance. And you will find them harder to trap. ”She stepped aside and we filed into the new Circle.

As we entered, the starting horn sounded, and the wind picked up, enough so that walking into it was difficult. The 22 remaining players split up into several groups, with a few wandering off on their own. Angel and Gareth were walking together when Angel spotted a soul light on the floor, coming straight at her. She crouched down, looking to score a quick point, when a sudden gust of wind came up, and knocked her off her feet! She wound up tumbling several feet before Gareth was able to stop her. The soul continued on its way. A few others made an attempt on it, but met similar fates.

As it passed Meghan and me, I could hear a soft sighing sound. I looked at Meghan and asked, “Did you hear that?” It had passed pretty close to her.

She nodded. “Yeah. It sounded just like me, when I’m … aroused.” She blushed. As we encountered more, sure enough they sounded like gasps, moans, and heavy breathing.

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