getDare Truth or Dare

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Shepard1961 02-04-2011 04:59 PM

Love this story keep it up

Saphir 02-04-2011 06:41 PM

I like this :) keep writing!

I'm just wondering why you don't worry what he was actually thinking of then (what happened when he got hurt...)

I'm happy with how this story continues... :P Really looking forward to the next part... :)

nuditydudity 02-04-2011 08:13 PM

Great new update! It doesn't have to be long to be good. It was a necessary connection (the rainbow connection, perhaps?) and I think that your story has a lot of potential, and is already a great one!
Keep it up, man!!

hornyjack 02-05-2011 01:50 AM

I have a chance, so thought I'd come on and write part 5! In this part it skips to the weekend, as the rest of the week at school was pretty average, and I didn't really see Ryan. Thanks for all the comments by the way!

Part 5 - The day of the sleepover!

So, after what had seemed liked the longest week at school in anticipation for this sleepover at Ryan's, it was only one day off! Friday night was finally here, and I was hoping that this time in one day I'd be having 'fun' with my mate. I spent the rest of that night fantasising over that idea, when a Skype notification popped up, I had a message from Ryan!

I opened it up, expecting him to have cancelled the sleepover or be telling me he didn't want to do anything dirty, but I was wrong.

"Got some ideas 4 sleepover. cum. wank. cum. FUCKIN CANT WAIT!" is what he'd actually said. I still have that message on my Skype history, so just went on and copied & pasted that. I now knew Ryan was up for this, and had to make a list of a few things to do.

I googled good sleepover dares for teenage boys (this was before I knew getDare existed) and it returned lots of Yahoo answers pages, and a load of other shit. I couldn't be arsed to look through all of this, so decided to go and think up my own. It can't be that hard, can it?!

I was taking my laptop to Ryan's, so if I made a list on Microsoft Word and saved it, I could open it up when I got there! I came up with some pretty extreme dares, but what I really hoped was that we would just naturally have fun, dares not needed. Like we did in the toilets at school :P

I pushed the screen of my laptop down, put it away and got comfortable in bed. I'd masturbated enough times already that evening, so instead just imagined cuddling up to Ryan, looking into his beautiful eyes and kissing him in a nice warm bed when it's cold and rainy outside. This made me get that warm feeling inside, like the one you get on Christmas eve. I couldn't wait for tomorrow - so fell asleep to the thought of Ryan, also sleeping at this moment.

7:30 AM

"Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep"


"Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep"

I reached for my alarm clock, pulling out the cable that connected it to the main power supply. Trust me to forget to turn off the alarm! Now if you knew me, you'd know that once I wake up, I can't get back to sleep! I got my laptop back out and lifted it onto my bed. It sat on my lap as I checked Ryan's page on Facebook. He was online too, for some reason! Ryan NEVER wakes up early, at least he didn't before his accident.

I clicked the chat icon and began to talk to him.

"hey jack"
"hows u?
"im great ty, you?"
"good, im fine. why you up so early?" I questioned
"could say the same to you lol. I couldn't sleep so excited about tonight, and something else, but dw about that."
"anything to do with your injury?"
"g2g, see u later bye"

Great, I could have found out what had happened and he suddenly had to go! The next thing I knew, it was 10am and my mum was knocking on my door. My laptop was still resting on my lap, and I had too many unread messages on Facebook chat. Far too many. I shouted "I'm awake" to my
mum and she left. Maybe I could get to sleep when I had enough reason to!

I started to get changed and about an hour later I was ready. Me, my mum and my dad were gonna go into town for some lunch & shopping, then come home by 4 that afternoon, so I could get to Ryan's on time for the sleepover. We did just that. At about half 11 we took the bus into town, went to a restaurant for some Pizza & Chips, and then began to shop.

This wasn't really anything different, we do this once every 3 weeks to make sure we have everything we need from town, as even though we live near a big supermarket, it doesn't sell a lot of the stuff we need. As I predicted, by 4, the boring shopping was over, and Ryan's was only an hour off! As we took the bus home, I got a text.

"1 hour dude, get that boner ready... lol" Ryan had told me

"Oh, I did that weeks ago mate." I replied, jokingly.

So far, so good. Ryan was looking forward, I was looking forward, my cock was definitely looking forward, it was gonna be fun! We got home, and I reminded my dad I needed to be dropped off at Ryan's. I packed my stuff, including my laptop (my parents found that a little odd, but I said it was for homework) and I jumped in the car to go to his house. The journey was only a few minutes, so I started to think what the first dare I'd get would be. Would I have to suck him, lick him, give him a hand job? Either would do;)

We pulled up, and we were here. I waved goodbye to my dad, and walked to Ryan's door, things in hand, to begin this night.

Comments appreciated, also thanks for all the friend requests!

Let me know, via a comment or PM, would you like me to carry on this story after the sleepover part mentioning what happened at school etc. (can't say too much or it will give it away) or would you prefer if after the sleepover part I finished this once and focused on starting another?

My stories will never be too long, normally just 5 or 6 parts, pretty much always less than 10 parts.

Jack <3xxxx

immaeatu 02-05-2011 07:42 AM

if u dont continue ill cry again D':
this is an amazing story so far!!!!!!
im pracically pissing myself waiting for the main event!! :D / D:

hornyjack 02-05-2011 10:09 AM

Thanks very much, haha may be a bit of time;)

Dylan xX 02-05-2011 05:29 PM

Warning: The author of this thread is insanely AHHMAZING! :D

Keep it coming dude ;)

hornyjack 02-05-2011 05:52 PM

Thanks, I'll keep it cumming, literally :P


nuditydudity 02-05-2011 10:12 PM

Fabulous update!
I LOVE this story, and you are an insanely awesome writer and person!
Keep it up!!!

hornyjack 02-06-2011 03:52 AM

Aww thanks, that's really nice :) <3

hornyj 02-06-2011 06:15 AM

This story is immensely amazing! (not sure if those words go together, but hey)
I've been reading it since the beginning and have loved every single update. Can't wait to hear about the sleepover, I know it's gonna get steamy!

About how you should set out the rest of the story I think you should finish this one after the sleepover and then do another about what you did from then on. But nonetheless keep it coming however you do it.

Ps. I love how our user names are so similar, just saying:D

hornyjack 02-06-2011 06:21 AM

Haha, thanks very much!

I just thought that, hornyj :Pxx

hornyjack 02-06-2011 10:15 AM

From now on this will all be in my POV!

Part 6 - so what we doing later?

I waved goodbye to my dad, and began to walk into Whitey's house. He pulled open the door.


"Yeah, it's cold, can I come in?"

"Sorry man, got a bit carried away there."

I walked into his house, and sat down on his couch. I assumed his mum would be in, so kept talk quiet.

"Looking forward to later?" I whispered.

"Why you whispering? No one else is in. I can't wait, seriously Jack."

"Oh, right. I'll admit, it is gonna be fucking amazing!"

"So I've planned it out. We go to the shop & get some sweets and shit to drink, come back, order a pizza, eat that, then go upstairs and let the fun begin." he said, excitedly.

"Fine by me..."

The TV was on, and Ryan switched over to The Simpsons, commenting on whether he'd fuck the characters. He was acting much differently, but I couldn't complain.

"I bet Bart's cock is big"

"And Lisa's..." I joked.

We went up to our local supermarket to buy some stuff. Orange Fanta and Haribo made up most of what we decided on, with a bag of Cheese & Onion also. We went to the cashier to pay.

"Oh shit, I forgot my cash" I told Ryan. This was true, I'd left it in my bag at his - but I was also hoping he'd mention something as a result.

"Oh don't worry, you can pay me back later tonight. Not using money..."

"You sure we've got enough sweets? Want any lollipops or anything?" I asked, hoping he'd get the joke and not just walk back to the sweet isle.

"Oh, I've got plenty to suck on..."

This was going entirely to plan! We bought the crappy sweets, and began to walk back to his house - bags in hand. We started to talk about how the week had been, and how it was about to get much, much better ;)

As we got back to Ryan's, he opened the door and we jumped onto the sofa. I saw his boxers, so grabbed hold of them and started to give him a massive wedgie. I pulled them as high as I could, and I could hear them start to rip, so let go. He yelped, and I shoved my hand down his boxers, starting to tickle his cock and balls lightly. It started to grow to a massive hard one.

"Wanna just go for it?" he asked.

"No man, be patient! Later, I promise baby." I said, in the sexiest voice I could possibly do. (I'll admit, it wasn't really that sexy:P)

We lay down on the couch, my head resting on his crotch, and I felt the bulge through his jeans. He stroked my hair, twisting it around on his finger. I liked him like this, cute and innocent, but I much preferred him as the dirty boy I knew, sucking my cock and fingering my ass. I think he preferred doing that too, just as much as me, if not more...

"Oh, by the way, you're really fit." I mentioned as he continued stroking my hair, gradually moving down to my face and neck. His fingers kept moving up and down slowly, and he reached my chest, pinching my soft nipples to seduce me as much as he could, but of course I wasn't gonna let him get below the top until later that night! He started to reach my pubes, and I pulled away.

"Lets order that pizza!"

"you tease!" he replied.

The proper action in the next chapter/ one after :)

hornyj 02-06-2011 10:54 AM

I agree with what Ryan said: You Tease!

Good size update though, I loved it of course. It just keeps getting better and better and I can't wait to get to the real action!

Well done mate :)

hornyjack 02-06-2011 11:38 AM

Haha, I'm sorry;) keep the comments coming, and I'd really appreciate it if anyone cliked thanks on the topic <3 love you all, also thanks for all the PM's and friend requests! <3

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