getDare Truth or Dare

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ishwbwimfa 04-18-2016 03:42 PM


I put the phone on my floor and did it with my feet, so many spelling errors. harder than it looks, thanks

steve2666 04-19-2016 11:52 AM


Managed this with my nose and tongue, a good dare!

NipplePainSlut 04-19-2016 05:21 PM

That was hard. I had to use my nose. I'm farsighted, haha. Quite a challenge!

Wannabe_sis 04-19-2016 05:59 PM


I used my noes to type it out.

Cstelle 04-19-2016 11:45 PM

I read the dare yesterday but didn't have time to do it, so I gave myself a good face-slap instead.

cragolf 04-20-2016 12:02 AM


Lol cool. I wanna see a harder one :p I used my nose. Took a bit cause I kept misspelling haha

curious_guy 04-20-2016 01:58 AM


woow dude it was a pretty tought one it took me ages to stretchs enought to type with my feet ( i almost gave up )

nympholisa 04-20-2016 02:08 AM


Yes I did it! Used my nose as well, as many of you have :) I like this dare, it's easy but still someone is telling you what to do haha :D real nice!

madeapuddle 04-24-2016 08:56 PM

\mme4rf merfrfc merccdcyhu


Omg that was awful! I really, really tried... but I had too much against me! Firstly, I had the advantage of using a touchscreen laptop, so navigating down to the 'submit' button was easy enough. However, I had an issue when it came to typing. I /could/ have used the on-screen keyboard but that would've been too easy. First issue was that I was unable to reach my keyboard like I thought I might be able to. I am quite flexible, but my desk sits up high near my chest level. I happened to accidentally start this dare with the chair all the way down, and I couldn't get up once the dare started to lift the chair up a bit to better reach it. So chin/tongue was out of the question. Second problem: I was wearing socks! It took a bit, but I was able to remove them by using a nearby bedpost to wrench them off, however... well, I can't type with my feet, and the results are above. >> I couldn't see the keyboard because my pants were blocking my view, and my feet couldn't bend enough to reach my high board.

In short, I failed. Miserably, and hilariously, I am sure. <<

I am now supposed to remove one of my dislikes for a week as a punishment? Well... most of them are basically absolutely "no's". About the only one I can lift for a week would be a messing accident in public... that's more something I like to do in a diaper at home, less than my pants anywhere cause of the mess. So does this mean I now have to have a public messy accident? o.o Sorry, am still learning how these dares work...

skinkelynet96 04-27-2016 01:53 AM


I simply typed with my nose - getting to the Q.R. button was hard though.

Reptile 04-27-2016 02:43 AM

Ill save this for later!

Reaperman682000 04-28-2016 11:17 AM


Nice dare

RabbitForest 04-28-2016 11:59 AM



fredy1122 04-28-2016 12:37 PM

wow i did it, it was easy

odd 04-28-2016 06:00 PM


I clicked reply, I did it. it said I needed at least 16 characters. Typing was fairly easy, I used my top lip. The hard part was using the mouse, and directing it when I couldn't see it, because I was using my face, which was extra difficult because my hair kept getting in my face. I rather enjoyed this dare.

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