getDare Truth or Dare

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EB32 06-02-2011 08:45 AM

Very nice! Man I swear, some of these stories I wish they would make a porno of cause reading it isn't enough! This is hot!

Memories for Life 06-02-2011 01:41 PM

Another well written chapter. I especially like that you included the dose of reality to your "fictional" story. It had seemed that the game had lasted a while and needed that "sense of concern" about being discovered.

I hope you plan for many more chapters -- I would hate for the game (and the overall story) to end on a single dare when all the characters seem eager to declare a "loser".

bullsfan96 06-02-2011 07:00 PM

I just spent an hour reading this and i think i might be in love with you!!!
(no homo(well kinda))

Ethan2cu 06-03-2011 01:01 AM

this is just a GREAT story... raise your hand if you are touching yourself while reading... <raises hand> hehe

kcole 06-03-2011 01:29 AM

BEST STORY I HAVE READ ON HERE BY FAR!!!! please post more!!!! and if its not too late i pmed you my vote

italia13calcio 06-06-2011 08:08 AM

Chapter Twenty Four
Hey guys sorry for the delay I havent been feeling very well and still aren't, but I managed to crank this out. If there is some spelling or grammar issues, I'm sorry, but I don't have the energy to proof read 100 percent. I will probably edit it though when I am feeling better. And no, it's not too late to vote, so send them in!
Chapter Twenty Four
I backed up my big talk with a strong hand, getting two aces in my first five cards and then in my three replacement cards I got a pair of twos. Pretty good.

I beat everyone but Jade, who, ironically, had been the only one not trash talking. She had three sevens which won her the hand. Coming in last, having to do her second Level One dare, was Anna. I grinned; moments earlier she had been so sure of herself but now she was looking worried.

Jade wasn't too mean to her with her dare, which was nothing compared to what Lola or I would have given her.

"Ok Anna, here's your dare. Do the crab walk for fifteen seconds."

For those of you who haven't heard of the crab walk, it is quite simple. A person gets on all fours, but with their back facing downwards so their abdomen is jutting upwards. They then 'walk' around by moving a foot, then a hand, then the other foot, then the other hand, and so on.

If Anna was doing it clothed, it would have been quite boring. But seeing as how she was naked, it was more interesting, since her pussy would be arched upwards giving everyone a good view, and her breasts would also be in plain sight.

Allthough, it would have been even more embarrassing had I had to do it, as my dick would be jutting upwards like a flagpole.

By now we were past the point of complaining or evening grimacing about dares, and Anna did it with nary a complaint.

Sure enough, her pussy was now in prime viewing position, but with all her blonde hair covering it up you still couldn't make out the slit. When she walked towards me with her legs spread apart though, I could see the shadow of her lips. The sight was already incredibly sexy as it was, and this was just an added bonus.

*Her breasts, not as large as Lola's but still substantial, spilled backwards, down towards her face. If she had had to lick her nipples for a dare as Jade had had to, it would have been no problem.

Finally after fifteen seconds of the sexiest crab walking I had ever seen, she stood up, her face flushed for the slight exertion, and walked back to her seat, treating me to a nice glimse of her swaying ass in the process.

She dealt out the next hand as I sneakily wiped away yet another drop or precum from my dick. Jade, who had won the last hand, had a reversal of fortune and lost the next. I barely beat her (she had two fours and I had two eights) and most unfortunately for her, Anna, whom she had dared the hand before, won it all!

Anna laughed evilly. "Now this is time for revenge!"

Jade looked a little worried, as well she should, for even though Anna had not given out many hard dares recently, that was simply due to a lack of winning rather than a lack of a devious mind.

"Hey James," said Anna, "Do you happen to have any ice cubes in that mini fridge of yours?"

"Yeah, there should be." I replied reluctantly, not wanting to help give Jade a hard dare.

"Could you be a dear and get some?" Anna asked sweetly.

I stood up and walked over the mini fridge, mouthing 'I'm sorry!' to Jade as I passed her. Sure enough, there was a small tray of ice cubes, with five of them remaining. I brought them back over to where Anna was sitting with a malicious grin on her face.

"Thank you very much. Now Jade... time for your dare! You are going to lay on you back, and then I will place an ice cube on your slit and on each of your breasts. You are to stay like that for fifteen seconds, if an ice cube falls off, you must start over. Understand?"

Jade looked around for help, but no one stepped into save her. It wasn't involving another person (besides Anna, but all she was doing was placing the ice cubes so that didn't count) so by definition it was a valid Level One dare.

Slowly, reluctantly, still looking for help, she moved to the middle of the circle and laid down, exposing herself completely, which was, for me, a delightful sight.

Anna got up and snapped three ice cubes out of the tray and into her hand. She then walked over to Jade, still grinning. When Jade saw her coming, she just shut her eyes.

Anna bent down and placed one of the ice cubes on Jade's pussy first. Jade inhaled sharply, but just grit her teeth and kept her eyes close. Next, the two remaining ice cubes were placed on her breasts, and Anna shouted, "Time starts now!"

Jade, after getting over the intial shock, lay as still as a rock, trying her best not to dislodge the ice cubes. Although on Lola's or Anna's breasts the ice cubes might have slipped off rather easily, Jade's small breasts didn't present much of downward slope when she was laying on her back.

I took this opportunity not to watch the ice cubes but to check out Jade's body. Although her breasts and hips were small, she was still very cute. She didn't have much fat on her, and her athletic frame showed off an impressive amount of muscle for her size. She didn't look like a body builder or anything (and it's a good thing she didn't!) but she looked very athletic.

Finally when Anna called time she sat upright with a squeal and shook the cold ice off her. We all laughed at her reaction, and she proceeded to jump up and down to try to shake off the cold. This again let me get in some nice glances of her petite body. Finally she went back to her seat and sat down.

"Hey pick up the ice cubes!" I said jokingly, but actually serious.

"You pick 'Em up," responded Jade, "They're yours."

Everyone laughed and I reluctantly went and picked up the ice cubes, got the tray from Anna, and brought them back over to the mini fridge. I pondered what to do with them; I couldn't put them back in since they were dirty, but there was no sink nearby to throw them away in. Finally I just tossed them on the bottom of the fridge and went back to my seat, where I found my next hand waiting for me.

EB32 06-06-2011 08:27 AM

Nice addition bro and here's hoping you feel better.

zac 06-06-2011 09:46 AM

lovely addition as ever...get well soon! :) x

Ethan2cu 06-06-2011 03:04 PM

great... can't wait for more..

Silvercola 06-06-2011 08:20 PM

Very nice I would suggest to let the ice cubes just melt

daremaster 1 06-06-2011 08:52 PM

Great job and can't wait for more.

Eminem jr 06-06-2011 09:47 PM

This is a comment so i know i have read all hefore

Nice story i <3 it lol

Lyn 06-06-2011 10:17 PM

Wow. This story continues to surprise me with the continued awesome updates, a fantastic writing style, and perfect plot.

Keep up the great work!

Eminem jr 06-06-2011 10:27 PM

| =hot lol but love the story

italia13calcio 06-08-2011 11:01 PM

Chapter Twenty Five
Ok, this will be the last chapter for people to vote on who they want to win. So hurry up and vote! Right now, one person has zero votes, one has one, one has two, and two have five. So as you can see, I got 13 votes so far, and I would love to try to get up to twenty.:D
Chapter Twenty Five
My hand was a decent hand, nothingness special, but nothing terrible. I had two queens, a ten, a seven, and a two. I threw away all but the two queens, but just got junk in return. Looks like I would be staying with my pair of queens.

Lola had an amazing hand, getting four of a kind of threes, which was the best hand anyone had gotten up to this point. No one could challenge that. I laid down my hand next, and only Anna could beat it, leaving Jade and Ella to duke it out for last place.

Jade nervously laid down her two tens. She would have to do a dreaded Level Two dare if she lost... but she didn't as Ella came in last with a high card ace! One sister would be daring the other... Uh oh. I wouldn't want to be in Ella's shoes! (Or rather in her feet since she wasn't wearing shoes.)

Lola grinned. "Dear sister, I have been waiting for this all night!"

Ella swallowed hard. Uh oh.

"We've all seen enough of your breasts, so my dare won't involve them." Lola continued. "But you know what we haven't seen? Your vagina!"

Ella, who moments earlier had looked happy that her breasts wouldn't be involved, now looked very, very worried.

Lola kept on talking. "Alright El, I want you to go sit on the couch. Then I want you to spread your legs wide. And then please open up your vagina so we can see inside you."

Ella gasped, horror stricken. "But... You will see everything!"

"Well I'm not going to enjoy it too much," responded Lola, "But I have feeling James might!"

Everybody turned to look at me, to which I turned a deep red. Sure, she was my cousin, but yes, I would enjoy it! And since I was naked, they would all be able to see exactly how much I enjoyed it.

Ella got up and went over to the couch, and the other three girls got off it.

"Wait, how long do I have to do this for?" she asked before beginning.

"Twenty seconds." replied Lola.

Ella opened up her pussy, and Lola started counting.

Although Ella did have a lot of pubic hair, you could still see quite well inside her. The dark pink inner lips gradually gave way to a coral pick inside. I stared, looking at something I had only previously seen in pictures on the Internet. And let me tell you something, the pictures don't do the real thing justice.

Faster than I would have liked, twenty seconds was up. I almost let out an audible groan of disappointment, but stopped myself just in time. Ella hurriedly got up and moved back to her seat.

As Lola was passing me on her way back to the couch, see looked down at my cock and giggled. I followed her gaze, and caught sight of another drop of precum on the head of my penis, this one the biggest of all. I quickly wiped it off, leading to Lola giggling some more but thankfully not calling me out.

The next hand was dealt, with an ever-growing air of suspense filling the room. If anybody but Lola lost, they would have to do a Level Two dare.

Anna revealed her cards first, with a smile on her face. Three queens, a very good hand, good enough, in fact, to win. I placed my hand down next, two kings, and only Jade could beat me, as she had two aces.

It was now a battle between the two sisters. Lola slowly showed her cards, one at a time. Seven... Nine... Two... Nine... And six. She finished with a pair of nines. Was it good enough? Nope! Ella let out a whoop and showed her two jacks. Lola had lost, would have to do her second Level One dare, and then we would all be equal.

Anna looked slightly disappointed, as if she had been looking forwards to giving out a Level Two dare, but she didn't stay dissapointed for long as she quickly thought up a good dare for Lola.

"Well Lola, you made your sister do a dare involving her vagina, so now I'm going to make you do one involving yours."

Lola groaned.

"So," continued Anna, "I dare you to bunch up your panties and then stuff them in your vagina. Keep them in there for ten seconds, and then you can take them out. But then you have to stuff them in your mouth for ten seconds."

THIS was a good dare. A little bit of payback for Lola.

"I protest!" said Lola suddenly, "It's too hard!"

"Ok, let's call a vote." said Ella. Lola agreed

"Well, obviously, I think you should do it." said Anna, who had been the one to give her the dare.

"Me too." said Ella, "It's time for revenge!"

"And I'm against it." said Lola, a little worriedly now.

After a pause, Jade sided with Lola. That meant the vote was two-two, and my vote would be the decisive one.

"I think you should do it!" I said, prompting cheers and groans from the girls, depending on how they had voted.

"You'll be sorry for this!" muttered Lola glaring at me.

"Yeah, whatever." I said flippantly, but secretly I was a little worried.

Lola walked over and picked up her discarded panties. With a look of revulsion, she trust them inside her, wriggling them around to get them to fit. With her shaved pussy, we were also treated to some nice glances of the pink inside.

She left them in there for ten seconds, which must have seemed liked an hour to her, before taking them out. Now came the hard part. Making a face, she stuffed them in her mouth.

Her eyes bugged out and she looked like she was about to gag. But she managed to hold it together for the ten seconds, before spitting them out.

"Ewwww!!" she squealed, hurriedly spitting, trying to get the taste of her juices out of her mouth.

We all laughed at her, at her antics, for a good minute. But then we all settled back down. There would be no avoiding it this time: whoever lost would have to do a Level Two dare. And if you lost, you were out of the running for the overall winner. With this solemn thought on our minds, we went back to the game.
************************************************** ****************************
if you want, look at my signature and give me some dares! Or pm, or email me at [email protected]

Memories for Life 06-09-2011 08:36 AM

"You'll be sorry for this!" muttered Lola glaring at me.

"Yeah, whatever." I said flippantly, but secretly I was a little worried.

Payback is a bitch. Revenge is best served cold. There's nothing worse than a woman scorned.

James is set for a major dare -- one which will surely test his limits.

An excellent chapter -- very good setup for a climatic confrontation between obstinate cousins! I'm eager to read your next installment!

EB32 06-09-2011 09:28 AM

Awesome addition. You never disappoint.

archie21 06-09-2011 11:07 AM

Very well written adn I'm looking forward to the next few chapters. I can't help feeling that lots may want it to be Lola and James who have to make out but it would be funnier if it was James and Ella.... hey well better vote and see what happens.

Silvercola 06-09-2011 08:49 PM

More please and I voted I deserve a pat on the back

Eminem jr 06-09-2011 09:50 PM

I like where this is going, i say lola should win and james should lose

Memories for Life 06-10-2011 04:55 AM


Originally Posted by Silvercola (Post 474481)
More please and I voted I deserve a pat on the back

Why? Are you choking on something? Can you do the self-Heimlich?

Rachie 06-10-2011 01:25 PM

Wonder who will have to do a level 2 dare.

Keep up the excellent work, and i'm intrigued to read more.

Love Rachie
x x x x

ShinyDemon 06-11-2011 12:22 AM

Well, I've just returned from my holiday and whilst browsing the site found this story.... and read it from the start to this point !
Amazing, brilliant and really well written, and I'm now hooked and waiting eagerly for the next chapter. This story has so much potential to continue for a long time yet, and the views are mounting up fast !

Excellent work italia13calcio !!!

italia13calcio 06-17-2011 08:51 AM

hey everyone sorry but this summer i am very busy and probably wont update that often... but ill try to!

Ethan2cu 06-17-2011 12:02 PM


Originally Posted by italia13calcio (Post 478533)
hey everyone sorry but this summer i am very busy and probably wont update that often... but ill try to!

HEY Simon Cowell... how can you do that? how can you leave us hanging (or stiff depending on how far you've read) like this!!!!

Have a great summer and we look forward to whatever updates you can get out.. :)

potter1harry 06-28-2011 10:12 AM

omg you need to post

Ethan2cu 06-28-2011 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by potter1harry (Post 484688)
omg you need to post

Yes, indeed, you need to post.!!!!

slutjuice 06-28-2011 03:52 PM

Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase pooooooooooost

italia13calcio 07-01-2011 12:14 PM

There I posted.
No but really I'll have a new chapter up next Saturday

potter1harry 07-01-2011 12:21 PM

your so mean i was looking at unread posts and saw this with your nema you are soooo mean but i love your story

babbies123 07-02-2011 04:21 PM

it's now sunday.

Memories for Life 07-03-2011 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by babbies123 (Post 487443)
it's now sunday.

Sunday, July 2

The author said they would have the chapter up on Saturday, July 9!

babbies123 07-04-2011 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by Memories for Life (Post 487943)
Sunday, July 2

The author said they would have the chapter up on Saturday, July 9!

Friday, 7/1/2011.

"No but really I'll have a new chapter up next Saturday "

Saturday after Friday 1st? Saturday 2nd.

EB32 07-04-2011 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by babbies123 (Post 488439)
Friday, 7/1/2011.

"No but really I'll have a new chapter up next Saturday "

Saturday after Friday 1st? Saturday 2nd.

This is true....technically. I thought of that first I read it haha, but I think most people think sat after next when they say next sat. IDK why.

Memories for Life 07-05-2011 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by babbies123 (Post 488439)
Friday, 7/1/2011.

"No but really I'll have a new chapter up next Saturday "

Saturday after Friday 1st? Saturday 2nd.

It's Friday and you're hanging with your buds. One of them asks you "Hey, do you have any plans for THIS Saturday?"


EVERYONE knows that tomorrow is "NEXT SATURDAY"!!!

babbies123 07-07-2011 09:23 AM

technically, your sarcasm was inadvertently correct.

Memories for Life 07-07-2011 09:00 PM

So be patient and wait for the author to post an update, as was simply stated earlier, on Saturday July 9th!

Daath 07-09-2011 02:51 PM

It is now Saturday the 9th and there is no new chapter like you promised :( i am dissapointed :(:(

italia13calcio 07-09-2011 04:57 PM

Chapter Twenty Six
My dear friend, the night is not over.
Chapter Twenty Six
Nervously, Jade dealt the hand. My first five cards were bad, but not terrible. I had a pair of threes, which gave me some hope, but I was worried by the rather large grin I saw spreading on Lola's face. It was pure evil.

To my relief, not everyone looked happy. In fact, Ella and Anna looked downright miserable. They were probably stuck with really bad hands. I threw away my other three cards and got a new set of three.

I smiled slightly at the pair of jacks I received, trying not to let my pleasure show. Lola, who had only picked up two new cards, still looked happy and in control. Jade and Ella were trying to hide their expressions, but Jade had the hint of a smile on the corner of her lips. Anna however still looked pretty desolate.

"I've got a pair of queens,” said Ella flipping over her cards, as she was to the immediate left of Jade, who had dealt. Lola, who was next in the circle, smirked and showed her three aces. Everyone’s expressions soured as they realized the loser would have to receive a dare from Lola.

I flipped my two pairs over, happy to just be safe for this hand. Anna took a breath, looked at Jade and laid down her hand.

"Only a pair of sevens." she said dejectedly, but with a hint of hope in her voice as she kept on looking at Jade.

"Sorry," said Jade, "But you lose." She then laid down the cards of doom for Anna; two kings.

"Shit!" muttered Anna, scrunching her face up and grimacing.

Lola laughed a laugh of evilness, "Well well Anna..."

"Shut up and give me my dare,” responded Anna.

"Fine," said Lola, "If you insist." We all sat there wondering what Anna's dare would be as Lola decided.

"Ok this dare will have to involve another person. So Ella, would you be willing to participate in this dare?"

Ella pondered this for a second. She had no idea what the dare would be, but there was always the reward of regaining an article of clothing if she participated in two dares. Admittedly this would only be her first dare... but still...

"Ok." responded Ella curtly.

"Great!" said Lola with a smile. "Ok Anna, here's your dare. I dare you to lick Ella's vagina for a minute." A great silence settled over the room.

There was the evil smile on Lola's face, and then the shocked looks on everyone else's faces, especially Ella, who was now having second thoughts.

And then there was of course my dick, which was getting to state of hardness where it was literally causing me physical pain. The enticing thoughts of the lesbian action that would soon be unfolding before my eyes were sending more and more blood to my already fully hard penis.

Anna shook her head... but then got up and moved over to Ella, standing right in front of her. She then got down on her hands and knees, so her large breasts where swinging enticingly back and forth.

Ella, still with a dazed expression on her face, opened her legs to reveal the patch of pubic hair. Jade still had a horrified look on her face. Anna slowly stuck out her tongue and touched Ella's most private part as Lola started counting.

At first it was just slow, tentative pokes with her tongue, but then Anna started to get into it. She buried her head deeper between Ella's legs, her tongue now navigating between the hairs to find the actual folds of Ella's pussy.

Ella started to breath more irregularly, her eyes glazing over. At about the forty-five second mark she sat bolt upright as Anna's head pushed even father forward, her tongue now inside Ella's vagina.

I squirmed in my seat, my cock begging to be stroked as the unbelievable scene unfolded before my very eyes. Ella now gripped Anna head, like in the porn movies, and pushed her face farther in, a look of bliss crossing her face.

Suddenly, Lola shouted, "Time!" bringing reality back. Anna withdrew her face, a guilty look now on it, and Ella look embarrassed at how close to an orgasm she had allowed herself to be brought.

Anna got up and moved back to her seat.

"So now am I out?" she asked the rest of us. After a brief conference it was agreed upon that yes, Anna was eliminated for the rest of the game, not so much as a punishment, but rather as a way of saving her from having to do another Level Two dare.

Unfortunately for her, she would still have the one at the end to do, which would be given by the overall winner. So as she looked on, relieved to be free of the stress but at the same time sad she had not won, the four of us remaining started the next hand.

Next chapter should be up next weekend.... the 16th/17th

Memories for Life 07-10-2011 04:24 AM

Well played, Sir! Well played indeed!

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