getDare Truth or Dare

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alli55 10-26-2017 11:18 AM

Hi everyone.

Just to let you know I will be posting Chapter 10 You learn something new every day tomorrow evening.

alli55 10-27-2017 12:04 PM

The sleepover that changed my life

Chapter 10 You learn something new every day

“Oh my God, Abi, I’m so sorry!” I said to my BFF.

Right at that moment I didn’t care about our game of Spin the Bottle; I didn’t care about the thrill I’d been getting with the increasing intensity of the dares; I didn’t even care about my deep-rooted insecurities that I had with my body. All I cared about was that I might have hurt Abi.

The words kept going around and around in my head: “Abi, I dare you to get naked and stay naked for the rest of the game.”

For the life of me I couldn’t think why I had said that. Hardly had the words left my mouth than I wanted them to have never been spoken. But they had been and I had spoken them. Now what I wanted more than anything was to let Abi know that I hadn’t meant to hurt her; that I would never mean to hurt her.

“You don’t have to get naked!” I told her. “We can just end the game!”

Bethany and Paige looked on, not saying anything. Probably because I don’t suppose they knew what they could say that might help.

I could feel tears beginning to well up as I sat looking anxiously at Abi. She hadn’t said anything since I had given her that stupid dare. She was just sitting staring at the floor in front of her.

Finally, without moving, without even looking up, she spoke. “It’s okay, Megan,” she said, “it’s cool.”

Now I knew for certain that it wasn’t cool or okay at all. “Megan,” she’d said. She had used my proper name. She never did that. I sniffed back a tear.

The sound caused Abi to look up at me. “Oh, Megs,” she said and took hold of my hand, “really, don’t worry, it’s fine! I mean, dares aren’t supposed to be easy, are they?”

All I could say to her at that moment was, “I’m so sorry!”

“So are we still playing then?” asked Bethany, seemingly uncertain of how to read the situation.

“You bet we are!” Abi replied, her steely determination back.

“Yay! Go Abi!” exclaimed Bethany, excitedly.

Abi stood up and turned so that she had her back to us. Then she put her hands by her hips and gripped each side of her knickers with her fingers. In one swift move she pulled them over her bum and down to her knees, and then let go and let them fall to the floor. One at a time she lifted her feet and stepped out of her knickers. She stood like that for a moment, taking a deep breath, and then turned around to face us. She bent down, picked up her discarded knickers, and threw them onto the pile of clothes in the corner of the room.

“Oh!” exclaimed Bethany. “You shave as well!”

We could all see that Abi did indeed shave down there, since there was no hair at all and just the first signs of a bit of stubbly re-growth. I had heard that it was itchy when it started to grow back, which was one of the reasons I’d never done it. I asked Abi whether that was true.

“It can be, sometimes,” she agreed, “but I use Aloe Vera and that helps.”

Well, you learn something new every day!

When Abi returned to her place in the circle, I noticed she was no longer sitting cross-legged like she had been before, but had adopted a less revealing posture. Clearly, she wasn’t totally comfortable with sitting naked in front of us, and I still had a feeling of guilt and regret despite all her reassurances.

It was Paige’s turn to spin the bottle, and she was extremely frustrated when she got herself once more. “For God’s sake,” she groaned, “not again!” When Bethany spun it and also got herself, she decided it was time for a new rule.

“Okay, how about we say that if the bottle lands on you when you spin it then the rest of us will give you a dare,” she suggested.

“And,” added Paige, “you have to do that dare in front of Abi’s uncle.”

Abi and I were totally okay with Bethany’s suggestion, but looked at each other in shock at Paige’s.

It wasn’t the suggestion itself that I found most shocking, although I had serious doubts about whether it was a good idea. If it had been Bethany who had said it I wouldn’t have been too surprised, but Paige?! She seemed so innocent, and yet it appeared she had no inhibitions at all! Was this what Bethany meant when she’d told us that Paige was a good laugh?

“I don’t know,” Abi said, looking at me for support.

“Think about it,” urged Paige. “All the time we’ve been playing, when have you felt most excited and like you were buzzing? I know for me it was when we had to do that dare that your uncle gave us.”

I cast my mind back and remembered how I’d felt so alive after that dare; my whole body seeming to be on fire.

“Let’s go for it!” said Bethany.

“Okay, but only if we all agree,” Abi said, “… Megs?”

I nodded my head in agreement, my desire to recapture that feeling outweighing the concern at what I might have to do.

“Ace!” exclaimed Paige. “It’s going to be so much fun!”

Having agreed the new rule, we resumed the game. Abi spun and the bottle pointed to Paige.

“Paige, I dare you to take your knickers off and leave them off for the rest of the game,” said Abi, looking pleased and relieved that she would no longer be the only one naked.

As before, Paige just calmly did the dare. She stood up and took off her knickers just as if she was undressing at the end of the day. After throwing her knickers into the corner with the rest of the clothes, she sat back down cross-legged as she had been throughout the whole game. She was so nonchalant about it all that I had to remind myself that she was over a year younger than the rest of us. That fact was more obvious when you looked at her naked body: along with her less-developed breasts (which, even so, were still bigger than mine!), she had only a few wispy bits of pubic hair that, being blonde, were barely visible. She really did look quite young!

I took the bottle and gave it a hard spin. It landed exactly between me and Paige. I gulped, trying not to think about the possibility that I had just got myself, and asked, “Who’s it pointing to?”

“Can’t tell,” said Abi quickly, coming to my rescue, “spin it again!” I was more than happy to do so, and this time it pointed straight at Bethany.

The dare that I gave her ended up causing me far more embarrassment than it did Bethany!

“You know that thing that some women can do where they lick their own tits?” I asked her. “Well, I was wondering, can you do that?”

Before Bethany could answer, Abi said, “Whoah, Megs, where did that come from?”

“I saw it on the internet once,” I told her.

Abi looked at me, with a stunned expression. “I didn’t know you watched porn!”

“It wasn’t porn,” I tried to explain, “it came up when I googled something.”

“What the hell were you googling?” she asked.

To save further embarrassment, I lied and told her I couldn’t remember, before turning my attention back to Bethany. “Anyway, Beth, do you think you can do it?”

“I don’t know,” answered Bethany, “probably!”

“Okay then,” I said, “I dare you to try to lick your own tits, it doesn’t matter if you can’t.”

Bethany pushed one breast up towards her face and stuck out her tongue. Fairly easily, she managed to lick her nipple. She then did it again with her other breast.

“Thanks, Megan,” she said, grinning, “that’s a new party trick I’ve got now!”

The bottle pointed at Bethany again when Paige spun it, and her young friend dared her to choose someone and snog them for 30 seconds.

Abi and I looked at each other, both of us clearly uncomfortable with the prospect of being snogged.

“Don’t we get a say in this?” asked Abi. “I mean, no offence Beth, but I don’t think I want to do that!”

“No,” I agreed, “nor me!”

“And it’s not us being dared,” Abi added.

“We’ll just have to go on to the next turn, then,” said Bethany, picking up the bottle.

“No, you’ll have to do another one instead,” Abi replied.

“That’s not fair!” argued Bethany. “It’s not my fault I can’t do that one! Anyway, once a dare’s been given you can’t change it. We agreed on that.”

Paige had a way out of the problem. “How about if she snogs me? I know I gave her the dare, but I don’t mind, and then at least she can do it.”

We agreed that this was okay, and Bethany spent the next thirty seconds giving Paige pretty much the same full-on snog that the pillow had received earlier!

As I watched them, I marvelled at Paige and realised that, despite the competition between Abi and Bethany, if the game had to have a winner it was going to be hard to beat Paige!

Bethany was next to spin the bottle and when she did she might just have regretted the new rule she had helped to make, because she landed on herself. That meant the other three of us had to come up with a dare for her to do in front of Abi’s uncle. Abi knew straight away what she wanted Bethany to do, and neither Paige nor I could come up with a reason why we shouldn’t give her that dare. I’m sure that Bethany could guess what was coming.

It was with great delight that Abi said, “Bethany, we dare you to take your knickers off in front of my uncle. And just so we know you’ve done it, you have to leave your knickers down there,” she added, remembering what Bethany had said when she had dared Abi to take her bra off.

Bethany got up and we followed her out and watched her make her way down the stairs. She stopped at the bottom and placed each hand on the opposite shoulder so that her arms covered her breasts. Then she gave the door a light kick to open it and went in. Twenty seconds or so later she came out, naked, and sashayed her way back up, exaggerating the movement of her hips with each step.

She was enjoying this!

I noticed that she had shaved her pubic hair to leave a narrow strip, which I thought looked good. Maybe I might try that, if I got some of that Aloe Vera that Abi said she used.

Hah! Who was I kidding!?

When we had all sat back down, Bethany told us how she had used the same method as Abi had earlier: “I turned so that I had my back to him, so that way all he saw was my bum.”

Even so, I thought, you have just shown Abi’s uncle your naked bum! But Bethany seemed to be revelling in what she had done.

I had to admit Paige was right: the game was definitely more exciting now. I had got that same feeling that I had had in the kitchen earlier, three-quarters fear and one-quarter anticipation, and I kind of liked it.

Abi took her turn at spinning and got Paige. She was dared to lie on the floor and let everyone give her a massage for a minute. She seemed to enjoy it as our hands roamed freely over her arms, legs, back and bum. For my part, I loved the feel of her smooth skin.

Next it was my turn. I picked up the bottle, spun it, and watched in horror as it landed on me.

Crap! Crap! Crap!

alli55 10-28-2017 10:39 AM

Just finishing up proof-reading the next chapter, which I will post tomorrow.

Can hardly believe we've reached Chapter 11 Hugging Uncle Ryan already!

alli55 10-29-2017 11:10 AM

The sleepover that changed my life

Chapter 11 Hugging Uncle Ryan

Stupid, horrible bottle!

Why did it have to do that? Of all the directions it could have pointed, what made it end up pointing straight at me?

Now I was going to have to do a dare in front of Abi’s Uncle Ryan and, since I was the only one of the four of us who wasn’t naked, I had a fairly good idea what the dare would be.

I put my hands to my face, thumbs resting under my chin and fingers pointing up past my nose, making it look almost as if I was praying. I wasn’t, I was too busy trying to calm myself with deliberately slow breathing.

Over the points of my fingers, I watched the others whispering as they decided my dare. I assumed they were simply trying to decide how to make it so that it wasn’t a repeat dare of Bethany’s last one, since we had a rule that no exact repeat dares were allowed. All the time they were deciding my fate, Abi was watching me with a concerned expression. Paige also looked across at me several times between whispers. It was those two who were doing most of the whispering. After a while all three looked at each other, nodded in agreement, and sat back in the circle.

I braced myself for the inevitable.

It was Abi who spoke. “Megs, we dare you to give my uncle a hug for one minute,” she said, “and if you need help, we’ve got an idea of how you can do it.”

That wasn’t the dare I was expecting and, taken by surprise, I mumbled, “What’s your idea?”

“Well,” said Abi, “you saw how Beth kept herself covered with her arms when she did her dare?”

“Yeah,” I replied.

“Well if you do the same when you go in, and tell my uncle what your dare is, then lean against him ready to start the hug and put your arms around him at the last moment. That way you shouldn’t be showing anything because it will be pressed against him. Put your arms back at the end of the hug and you’re done!”

It was clear that they had avoided the obvious dare to get naked because they thought that most likely I wouldn’t be able to do it and then the game would probably have to end. They were right, of course! But I desperately didn’t want to be the one to end the game, not now when everyone (even me!) was so into it, and, as they had gone easy on me, I felt like I had to do this. I was determined not to let them down.

So, I stood up and crossed my arms the way Bethany had done. Then I slowly walked to the door and Paige opened it for me, allowing me to keep my arms in place. My feet seemed to get heavier with each step that I took down the stairs, but all-too-quickly I was at the bottom. I looked back up at the others, all watching me intently. Abi smiled and nodded her head in encouragement, while Paige, grinning from ear to ear, gave me a double thumbs-up.

Just as Bethany had done earlier, I gave the door a soft push with the sole of one foot. I turned and looked towards the sofa as I walked into the room.

“Hello again, Megan,” said Abi’s uncle, looking up.

I imagined he was getting used to these interruptions by now.

“What have they got you doing?” he asked.

“I’ve got to give you a hug,” I told him, timidly.

“I see. Well, would you like a standing-up hug or a sitting-down hug?” he asked.

I couldn’t see how the plan would work sitting down, so I said, “Standing up, please.”

“Okay,” he said, and he stood up and held his arms out.

I edged towards him until I could feel the back of my arms touch his t-shirt, then I quickly threw my arms around his waist and pressed tightly into him.

He put his arms around me, resting his hands in the middle of my back. He wasn’t fat, but he had a little bit of a belly that made him feel cuddly and also meant that my chest was hidden from view.

The plan was working!

“Are you alright, Megan?” he asked me. “Only, you’re shaking like a leaf!”

I was! Again! I’d been trembling since I’d started going down the stairs.

“Yes,” I said, “I’m just a bit nervous, that’s all.”

I don’t think he was convinced, because he said, “Well, you just make sure that you don’t let them make you do anything you’re not comfortable with.”

“Okay, I will,” I told him.

“And Megan, I’d quite like to breathe! You don’t need to hold me quite that tight!”

Oh crap! In my desperation to make sure my chest was hidden, I’d pressed really hard into him. Too hard, obviously!

“Sorry,” I said, loosening my grip just a little. “It’s just that I wanted to make sure you couldn’t see my tits,” I continued, “not that I’ve got any tits anyway.”

Oh, God! Why had I just said that?

I could feel my face going red, so I buried it into his chest.

“Everyone’s body is different, Megan,” he said. “Don’t feel bad just because you’re a bit later developing than the others.”

“It’s not that,” I heard myself say, “I’ve had them for ages, but they don’t ever get any bigger. I just know that everyone laughs at me behind my back.”

What was wrong with me? Why was I telling him this? It was like my mouth wasn’t connected to my brain.

I felt his hand gently rubbing my back, in that way that people do when they’re comforting you.

“Megan,” he said, after a while, “will you do something for me?”

“What?” I asked, cautiously.

“When the hug is finished, I want you to put your hands by your side and then take three steps back, keeping your hands by your side.”

Oh! My! God! What?!?

“Can you do that for me?” he asked.

My mind was running in circles, as question after question bombarded it. Why had he asked me to do that? What was he going to do? How could I ever do it? Why was I even thinking about trying?

“I’ll try,” I said, my voice wavering.

“Good girl,” he said, as he rubbed my back again. “Now, how long is this hug?”

Crap! I’d forgotten to ask him to time it.

“Um, one minute,” I replied.

“Well I should think we must be nearly there!” he said.

Never mind about nearly there, I reckoned we were way over the time already. I felt his hands leave my back as he let go of me. I held onto him, trying to pluck up the courage to do as he’d asked and at the same time putting off the moment of decision.

But I couldn’t stay there forever.

Almost in slow motion I took one … two … three steps back. It took every last bit of effort that I had in me to keep my arms by my sides, but, somehow, I managed it. I stood there, watching him.

He seemed to be studying me. His eyes roamed all over my body. Yet it didn’t seem creepy to me. It wasn’t like he was perving on me or ogling me. The way he was looking at me was like the way you look at a picture or a painting.

After what felt like ages, but was probably no more than ten seconds or so, he spoke.

“You have nothing to feel embarrassed about, Megan. There’s nothing about your body that you should be unhappy with.”

Oh, really!

“You have a slender frame,” he continued, “and your breasts are perfectly in proportion with that. They’ll always be small, but that fits your body type and will give you a lovely natural figure. Don’t worry, they’ll grow over the next couple of years, of course they will, but they’ll never be very big and nor should they be. By the time you’re sixteen or seventeen you’ll have a body that lots of young women would die for.”

Although it was nice to hear him say these things, deep down I knew he was only telling me what he thought I needed to hear. He was just trying to make me less self-conscious and I’d had a similar sort of talk from my mum, so in my mind I filed it away under ‘yeah, yeah, heard it all before’.

But what he said, and did, next, was a totally different kettle of fish.

After a moment’s hesitation, when he seemed to be unsure whether to carry on or not, he stepped towards me as he continued, “And I absolutely love these two little bullets!” As he said those last words, he took hold of my nipples between each thumb and forefinger, and gave them a gentle tweak.

Bloody hell!

The feeling his touch created was like a bolt of electricity running right through me. Starting from my nipples and spreading out over my whole body, every single nerve was tingling like mad. I just stood there, soaking up the sensation. I looked down at my nipples and could see why he’d called them little bullets – I’d never seen them standing out so hard and proud before.

He backed away and seemed to be consumed with regret.

“I’m so sorry, Megan,” he said, “I don’t know what I was thinking! I’m really sorry! I shouldn’t have done that!”

No, you shouldn’t!

But I’m bloody glad you did!

I wasn’t sure that a simple “it’s okay” or “that’s alright” would be sufficient to let him know that it really was okay, so I threw my arms around him and gave him a big hug.

“Don’t be sorry,” I told him, “I’m not!”

Slowly, tentatively, he placed his arms back around me and returned the hug.

“Thank you,” he said. “I shouldn’t have done what I did, but I want you to know that I meant every word that I said.”

As I hugged him my body began to calm down, leaving me with a pleasant warm feeling. I couldn’t believe how relaxed and at ease I felt right at that moment, and who knows how long I would have held on to that hug.

But Ryan said, “You’d best get back upstairs – they’ll be wondering where you’ve got to.”

I let go of him and made my way back towards the door to the stairs. I stopped just as I was about to open it, looked back at him and smiled. He smiled back, and then put his hands on his shoulders in the same way that I had when I’d started this dare. I realised what he was trying to tell me, so before I went through the doorway I covered myself up as before. Then I left the room and began to go up the stairs.

The others were sat at the top, waiting for me, and I could see they were extremely eager to hear my tale. As they saw me coming, they got up, and we all went back into Abi’s room. We sat back down in the circle and, as before, I pulled my knees up to my chest, still not comfortable with the idea of my tiny tits being on display.

“God, Megs,” began Abi, “you were gone ages! You didn’t chicken out, did you?”

“No!” I replied, a little indignantly, “I didn’t chicken out! I did it like you said.”

“Looks like you enjoyed it as well!” remarked Bethany. She’d obviously noticed my flushed appearance. I nodded and grinned. Paige beamed a huge smile at me.

Thank goodness that I was sat like I was, so they couldn’t see how hard my nipples were!

“Well, what happened then?” asked Abi. “What took you so long?”

Okay, so, how was I going to answer that question?

Obviously, I couldn’t tell them what had actually happened. Maybe I’d tell Abi some of it later when we were alone. Maybe. But not everything, and not everyone. So, what was I going to tell them had happened? They were all looking at me, expectantly, waiting for me to spill the beans.

I had to tell them something!

Screamnbeaver 10-30-2017 04:36 AM

When is the next chapter

alli55 10-30-2017 02:21 PM

Hi Screamnbeaver and the rest of you!

The next installment, Chapter 12 Grape expectations will be posted tomorrow.

Thanks again for all your encouragement!

Sydney_sub 10-31-2017 02:22 AM

Wow! That was an awesome chapter, looking forward to the next one.

alli55 10-31-2017 12:34 PM

The sleepover that changed my life

Chapter 12 Grape expectations

Abi, Bethany and Paige were looking at me expectantly, waiting for me to spill the beans about what had happened on the dare I’d just done.

They’d dared me to hug Abi’s Uncle Ryan, which would have been fine except for one thing: I was topless. However, since they’d also come up with a plan of how I could do it, I’d been determined not to let them down. So I’d gone downstairs, with my arms folded across my chest to cover my tiny tits, and done the dare.

Now I was back in Abi’s room and the others were eager to hear my tale.

“So, I went in like you said and told him I’d been dared to hug him, and he said, ‘Standing up or sitting down?’ Well, obviously I chose standing up, so he stood up and I leant into him. When I felt my arms against his t-shirt, I put them around him and pressed tightly into him. So tightly, in fact, that he said he couldn’t breathe – oops! Then, after a while, he asked how long the hug was. I was like ‘crap, I’ve forgotten to time it’, so I said it was supposed to be one minute but I didn’t know how long we’d had. And then I had an idea, and I said that if he could time one minute on his watch then we could start again from that moment. He said he could do that if that’s what I wanted. And it definitely was what I wanted!”

I felt myself starting to blush as I looked at the others all watching me intently, hooked on every word. It was a part-embarrassed, part-guilty blush: embarrassed by revealing how much I had enjoyed hugging him; guilty because my tale was veering further and further from the truth of what had really happened. But I had to give them a convincing explanation of why the dare had taken so long.

“Because your uncle, Abi,” I continued, “oh my God, he is so cuddly! I just wanted to make the hug last as long as possible! It felt so good snuggling into him that I didn’t want it to end!”

I was blushing furiously now, but Abi inadvertently came to my rescue.

“I know what you mean, Megs!” she said. “I used to absolutely love getting a hug from him when I was younger! I just felt so safe and loved, and I used to snuggle in as tight as I could. But since I got these,” she added, pointing at her tits, “he’s stopped giving me hugs. I don’t know if he’s embarrassed or if he thinks I’ll be embarrassed, but something’s stopping him, and I really, really wish he’d still hug me.”

“You have to tell him how much you miss getting a hug from him!” Paige told her. “Let him know that you really want him to give you a cuddle, and I’m sure he’d love to hug you again!”

“I will,” said Abi, before giving me a look that told me to carry on with my tale.

“So, that’s why I was down there so long,” I said, not wanting to have to make any more lies up. I looked at Bethany and added, “And why I enjoyed it so much.”

That was as much as I was prepared to tell them, so I hoped they’d be happy enough with that to not realise that it still didn’t really explain the length of time I’d been downstairs. I wasn’t telling them that I’d stood in front of Ryan, topless, and let him look at me; and there was absolutely no way on this planet that I was going to mention that he’d tweaked my nipples with his fingers. That had given me such a wonderful nerve-tingling sensation all over my body and was the real reason I’d been so flushed, but that was strictly between me and him!

Everyone was keen to get on with some more dares, so my tale was left unchallenged and Paige picked up the bottle. She spun it and got Abi. There was a pause as she tried to think of a dare.

“Abi?” she asked. “Have you got any strawberries or grapes or something like that?”

What on earth had she got in mind?

“We’ve definitely got grapes,” Abi replied, “that’s the only fruit my sister will eat so we’ve always got loads.”

“Great!” exclaimed Paige. “So, I dare you to choose someone and they put a grape between their teeth and then you have to eat the grape without using your hands.”

Blimey! Paige really was full of surprises! How did she come up with a dare like that? It sounded like it might be quite fun, and I knew it was more than likely that Abi was going to choose me. So I was a little disappointed by what Abi said next.

“There’s just one problem:” Abi told Paige, “the grapes are in the fridge in the kitchen.”

“Well, can’t one of us go and get them?” suggested Paige.

There was silence as we all looked at each other, wondering if anyone was going to volunteer. Since everyone apart from me was completely naked, it was no surprise that no-one appeared willing.

“It seems to me that I’d be the best one to get them,” I said, taking everyone by surprise.

“Megs?” questioned Abi.

“Well, I’ve only got one bit to cover up and you lot have all got two bits. So you’ll have no hands left to carry the grapes. I can cover myself with one arm and carry the grapes in my free hand. So it makes sense for me to get them.”

“If you’re sure,” Abi said, “it does kind of make sense.”

“Yeah, I can do it,” I told her.

With that, I stood up and put one arm across my chest, making sure my tits were hidden from view. I opened the door and made my way back downstairs. The others remained sat in the circle.

As I opened the door at the bottom, I dropped my arm down by my side.

I convinced myself that the reason I did this was that Ryan had already seen me topless so there was no point covering up in front of him. But was there really another reason?

He looked up as I entered the room.

“Back again, Megan?” he asked. “They haven’t got you again already?”

“No,” I replied, “I’m just getting some grapes.”

“I’m not going to ask!” he said with a grin, before adding, “D’you know where they are?”

“In the fridge, Abi said,” I told him as I made my way into the kitchen.

God, I was getting such a thrill from this! What had come over me?

I found the grapes and began the return journey.

“See you later,” I told Ryan as I exited the room, thinking, “I hope so, anyway.”

I put my arm back across my chest before climbing the stairs and re-joining the others in Abi’s room. I plonked the pack of grapes down in front of Paige.

She picked the biggest grape she could find and gave it to Abi. Predictably she then handed it to me.

I put the grape between my teeth, trying to leave as much sticking out for Abi to get her teeth into as I could. Then I watched as she moved closer to me and began the dare.

I don’t know why, but I closed my eyes as her face filled my field of vision. I felt her hot breath on my face and then her lips brushed against mine as she made a first attempt at getting the grape. She failed, but quickly went in for a second equally unsuccessful try. Then I felt something wet on my bottom lip and I realised she was trying to hook the grape with her tongue. I felt the grape slip from between my teeth, and opened my eyes just in time to see it disappear into Abi’s mouth.

She sat back in her place, and we gave each other a look that said, “Hmmm, that was a bit weird but not totally horrible.” At least that’s what I was thinking.

“Wow, nice dare, Paige,” Bethany said, high-fiving her friend. Paige responded with a wink.

Bethany was right: Paige was a lot of fun to have around!

It was Bethany’s turn to spin and when she did, the bottle pointed at me. With no-one to rein her in, Bethany went for the jugular.

“Megan, I dare you to get naked for the rest of the game,” she said.

I knew it had been coming, and to be honest I wasn’t as stressed about it as you might expect. All the others were already naked, and I didn’t have any particular issues with how I looked ‘down there’, so I was relatively relaxed about doing it. But I didn’t get the chance.

“You can’t have that!” Abi told Bethany, “Megs already dared me that.”

“Okay, then,” Bethany replied, “Megan, I dare you to strip completely and not put any clothes back on for the rest of the game. How’s that?”

“Once you’ve given a dare it can’t be changed!” Abi informed her. “We agreed.”

“But you said I couldn’t use the first one,” Bethany argued.

“So you’ll just have to miss your go, then,” countered Abi.

Bethany was not having that: “No way! That’s not fair!”

I didn’t want the game spoiled by the two of them arguing, so I stood up.

“Abi, it’s fine, I’ll do Beth’s second dare. I mean, I’m going to end up naked sooner or later, so it might as well be now.”

“You know it, girlfriend!” Bethany said to me.

“And,” I continued, “we’re all having fun so let’s not spoil it! Abs?”

As I looked at my BFF, I could see her visibly relax. She, too, didn’t want to spoil our evening. She looked first at Bethany and then at me.

“Sorry, Beth, I didn’t mean to snap at you,” she said, and Bethany gave her a forgiving smile. “Go for it, Megs!”

I positioned myself so that I had my back to the others, and then wiggled my hips a bit before hooking my fingers into either side of my knickers. I’d decided I was going to make this as fun as I could. I rolled the top of my knickers down a bit and wiggled again, then pulled them up hard so that the back of them disappeared into my bum-crack. I patted both cheeks with my hands, then began rolling my knickers slowly down over my bum, wiggling again. As I felt the last bit of material leave my bum, I let go and allowed my knickers to fall down my legs and onto the floor. I stepped out of them, picked them up and threw them into the corner to complete the clothes mountain. After a few more wiggles, I turned around to face everyone and instinctively put my arms across my chest.

“Wa-hey, ginger minge!” exclaimed Bethany.

There was no mistaking that!

Even though the clump of hair above my vagina was slightly darker than the hair on my head, I was still very much a natural redhead in every sense. Redhead, though, not ginger!

I felt myself blushing again, so I sat back down and pulled my knees back up in front of my chest. I was too concerned about keeping my tits covered to realise that sitting in this position meant I was very exposed down below.

Paige leant in and whispered, “Take no notice of her. I think it looks really nice and it suits you.”

“Aww, thank-you,” I whispered back.

“When you two have quite finished!” Bethany said, grinning at us.

Abi picked up the bottle but, before she could spin, Paige interrupted.

“I take it we’re still carrying on,” she said. “But now that we’re all naked how do we decide when the game ends? Not that I want it to yet, but I just wondered.”

I don’t know whether Paige was thinking the same thing as me, but I certainly had a few concerns about what sort of direction the dares might go in now that none of us had anything left to take off.

“I agree,” I said. “Maybe we should set a time that the game finishes?”

Bethany didn’t agree: “No, it should be last one standing. At any time, anyone can choose not to do a dare but then they’re out. Last one left wins.”

The problem with that was neither Bethany nor Abi would want to be the ‘loser’ so there was no telling what we might end up doing.

“Why does there have to be a winner?” asked Paige. “Why can’t we just play for fun and set a time like Megan said?”

Abi attempted a compromise: “Paige is right, let’s just play for fun. But we don’t need to set a time or anything, we can just stop before things go too far.”

I looked at Abi and then at Bethany.

Abi’s suggestion was all very well. But how far were we going before it was too far?

dragoneau 10-31-2017 01:56 PM

and again, a great update.

I want to read the next one sooo badly :)

LockedLemy 10-31-2017 09:59 PM

I've been reading the story since the beginning and I can say that it is a great story, well made, well thought and with just the right details that allow the story to be more enjoyable, thank you for the story and I'll be waiting more of this wonderful chapters :D

alli55 11-01-2017 12:18 PM

Hi all. I'm glad you're enjoying the story.

Chapter 13 Bellybuttons and strawberry jam will be posted tomorrow.

Then there will be a bit of a pause, because I'm going away for a long weekend of girlie pampering!!

But I'll be back early next week and will resume posting then.

alli55 11-02-2017 02:11 PM

The sleepover that changed my life

Chapter 13 Bellybuttons and strawberry jam

Our game of Spin the Bottle, which had started out as Truth or Dare before we ditched the truths and just did dares, had reached the point that, deep down, I had kind of always suspected it would get to. It was a point which, at first, I had been very nervous about, but that I was now just about okay with.

The four of us – Abi, Bethany, Paige and me (Megan) – were all completely stark naked. All our clothes were in a pile in one corner of Abi’s room (except for Abi’s bra and Bethany’s knickers, of course – they were downstairs!).

As I said, there had always been at the back of my mind the thought that this was quite possibly how things were going to end up, and as the game had gone on it had become increasingly obvious. But I had also thought that once all the clothes were off, the game would end.

Now that we were all naked, however, none of us wanted to stop playing, including me. So we’d decided to carry on, simply agreeing to “stop before things go too far”.

But how far that was, no-one really knew.

Abi had hold of the bottle, since it was her turn to spin it. When she did, she got Bethany and was therefore able to continue the competition the two of them were engaged in to try to out-dare each other.

“Beth,” said Abi with a smirk, “I dare you to suck everyone’s big toe for 30 seconds each. Not including your own if you can’t reach it.”

Bethany looked a little taken aback. “Shit, Abi,” she said, “you’re obsessed with feet!”

I didn’t envy Bethany having to do this dare at all. But there was no way she was not going to do it, so one-by-one she went around the circle sucking on our big toes. When it was my turn, I felt as uncomfortable as she must have done, and I was very glad when the 30 seconds was up.

“Pass us some grapes,” Bethany said to Paige, once she’d completed her toe-sucking, “I need something to take the taste away.” Paige slid the pack across to her and she grabbed a handful and tucked in.

I gave the bottle a spin and it pointed to Abi. I thought for a while, trying to come up with a fun-but-safe dare. After a bit, I had one.

“Abi, I dare you to close your eyes. Then each of us, in turn, will slowly run our fingers down your back. You have to guess whose fingers are whose.”

“What happens if I get it wrong?” she asked.

“Oh, um …” I began. I hadn’t thought of that.

“She has to do a forfeit,” said Paige.

“Yeah, you have to do a forfeit,” I confirmed.

“Okay,” Abi said and closed her eyes.

One at a time we each ran our fingers slowly down Abi’s back: me, Paige and Bethany.

I couldn’t begin to imagine how she’d tell who it was each time. But, somehow, she got it exactly right, and both she and I were greatly relieved – Abi because she didn’t have to do a forfeit, and me because I didn’t have to think of one.

Paige’s spin landed on me, and she was back to the grapes.

“Megan, I dare you to put a grape in someone’s bellybutton and then eat it without using your hands.”

Since Paige had given me the dare I couldn’t choose her, so I checked out my options. Abi had a slightly sticky-out bellybutton which would make the dare really easy to do without much physical contact at all. Bethany’s bellybutton was the complete opposite, a real ‘inny’ that would make it more difficult but, I decided, more fun. I chose Bethany for my dare partner.

I crawled over to Bethany, picked a grape from the bunch, and dropped it onto her bellybutton. Before I could do anything else, she pushed it in as far as it would go. Now it was going to be really difficult to get it out, and there was going to be plenty of mouth-to-skin contact.

“Be-eth!” I said. “What did you do that for?”

“More fun!” she replied, giggling.

I leant over her and clamped my mouth to her stomach as I tried to get my lips around the grape. I tried several different angles but it was no good. I needed a different approach. So I pushed my tongue out and tried to get down one side of the grape and move it that way. After a bit of probing and pushing with my tongue, I felt the grape move enough for me to grab it between my lips. Keeping it in place, I lifted my head and let it fall into my mouth.

“Ugh, it’s all warm!” I said as I bit into it, before getting up and returning to my place in the circle.

Bethany was next to spin and Paige got given a dare that made me think about the way I’d been sitting.

“I dare you to do the splits and keep it for thirty seconds or as long as you can,” said Bethany.

“I can’t do the splits,” Paige told her.

“Well,” Bethany replied, “just spread your legs as wide as you can then!”

With her legs spread, Paige was completely exposed, so much so that it was almost like you could see inside her. Not that she seemed in the least bit bothered.

But it made me realise that sitting with my knees up against my chest was leaving me almost as exposed. Now I wasn’t sure what to do: keep my chest covered to hide my lack of tits or adopt a more modest position.

Without realising it, Abi solved my dilemma for me when her spin landed on me.

“Megs,” she said, with that familiar I-know-you-can-do-this look in her eyes, “I dare you to not cover up your tits for the rest of the game.”

Ordinarily I would not have expected or appreciated this from my BFF, but she was lucky with the timing and I just said “Okay” and did it, which seemed to surprise and delight her in equal measure.

“My turn!” I said as I reached for the bottle. When I spun it and got Paige, I wanted to turn the tables on her and get her to do something with the grapes. I thought for a bit, but couldn’t come up with anything.

So, instead, I said, “Paige, I dare you to choose someone and give them a hug for one minute.”

“Ooh, naked hug, I like it!” Paige said, with a big smile. “Who’s going to be the lucky one?”

Not me, unfortunately! Right at that moment, I would happily have shared a naked hug with Paige, or any of the others for that matter. This game was definitely getting to me!

Paige chose Abi, and they stood and hugged each other. Abi looked uncomfortable with it to start with, but seemed to relax into it as the seconds ticked by. Paige was clearly loving every moment of it!

Paige’s spin landed on Bethany, and we all looked at our young friend eagerly. We were starting to expect Paige to come up with a really good dare each time. No pressure then!

“Have you got a pot of jam?” Paige asked Abi.

“Yeah,” began Abi, “but it’s …”

“…in the kitchen.” Paige finished Abi’s sentence for her. “That’s fine, I can go and get it,” she said, and she got up and left the room to go downstairs.

Whilst she was gone we wondered aloud what she was planning to do with the jam.

“I told you she was good fun!” Bethany said.

“Definitely!” agreed Abi.

“She’s brilliant,” I added, “I really like her!”

After a couple of minutes, Paige returned with a pot of jam and a teaspoon. We waited with bated breath to hear her latest masterpiece dare.

“So, B, this is what it is,” she began. “The three of us will each write the first letter of our name in jam on our body, and I dare you to lick it all off.”

“Oh, wow!” exclaimed Bethany. “What jam is it?”

Paige looked at the label on the jam pot. “Um, strawberry,” she said.

“Mmmm, my favourite!” remarked Bethany, licking her lips in anticipation. “Get writing, girls!”

We set about the rather messy business of daubing jam on ourselves and, whilst it felt a bit odd smearing jam on my body, it didn’t take me too long to do a smallish M in the middle of my stomach. After licking my fingers clean, I looked across to see how Abi was getting on.

She had put her A in the same place as me, but it was a lot bigger than my M.

When I looked at Paige I could hardly believe what she’d done! The bottom of the P started in roughly the same place as the top of Abi’s A and she had gone up from there to between her tits. Then she’d looped the top part of the P right the way round one breast.

Abi saw it, laughed, and said, “God, Paige, what are you like?”

Paige just grinned.

Bethany was itching to get started, so she got Abi to lay down and then leaned over her and began licking. Trying to get all the jam off was fairly slow going, so Paige and I sat down and watched while we waited our turns.

There was something I was curious about, so I turned to Paige and whispered, “Paige, how did you manage to cover yourself up and carry the jam when you were downstairs?”

Paige looked at me with a big grin on her face and said, “I didn’t.”

“What?” I asked, unsure that I’d heard right.

“I didn’t bother covering up,” she replied.

“Paige!!” I exclaimed, my eyes as wide as saucers.

“What?” she said. “It’s no big deal!”

“Going naked in front of someone – a man – you hardly know is no big deal?”

“He’s Abi’s uncle and she trusts him, and if she trusts him then I trust him,” Paige said, “and he seems nice – well I like him anyway – so I just did it.”

I just looked at her, shaking my head in disbelief.

With a twinkle in her eye, she added, “You should try it, Megan! It felt really good!”

“No, I couldn’t do anything like that!” I replied instinctively.

But, in my head I was already warming to the idea and secretly hoping that maybe I might get the chance to stand naked in front of Ryan. Just the thought of it had brought back the tingling sensation.

“Who’s next?” Bethany’s voice jolted me back from my thoughts.

“Me!” said Paige, and she got up and took Abi’s place on the floor.

Abi came over and sat down beside me. She looked really flushed and she had a huge smile on her face.

“Well,” I asked her, “what was it like?”

“It was a bit weird to start with,” she said, “a bit like that thing we did with the grape. What did you think of that, by the way?”

“Like you said, it was a bit weird, but it was fun,” I told her.

“Only I was a bit worried when you shut your eyes on me,” she continued.

“It was nothing personal,” I assured her, “I just didn’t really want to look right up your nose! So I closed my eyes and pictured your face in my mind. And, actually, I quite liked feeling you trying to get the grape.”

“Well,” she told me, “if you liked that, you’re going to love having Beth lick the jam off you!”

By now Bethany was following the trail of jam circling Paige’s breast and, as we watched, Paige brought her hand up to her other breast and began to play with her nipple.

“She’s really getting into this!” Abi commented.

“She is, isn’t she!” I replied, and then asked, “What do you make of her? I mean sometimes she seems really young and innocent, but when you think of some of the dares she’s come up with, and looking at her now, I can’t work her out.”

“I think she’s been hanging around with Beth for too long!” Abi remarked. “But I like her.”

“I do, too,” I said.

There was one other question I really wanted to ask Abi, and now was my chance.

“Abs, how far do you think the dares are going to go tonight?”

“I don’t know,” Abi replied. “Why? Are you getting worried? Because we can stop if you are, you know that.”

“I am a bit worried,” I confessed, “but I don’t want to stop yet! I just don’t know how far things might go.”

“Megs, I don’t want to do anything you’re not comfortable with,” Abi reassured me. “Just give me a sign when you think we’ve gone far enough and I’ll make sure the game stops. Yeah? Promise me you’ll do that, Megs!”

“I will, I promise!”

At least I would, so long as my brain remained in control of my body. But how much longer would that be the case?

alli55 11-06-2017 02:40 PM

Hi everyone!

I will be posting Chapter 14 Kiss, kiss tomorrow evening. Thought you might like to know!

dragoneau 11-06-2017 02:43 PM

Thought that was the new chapter :'(

But, hey, coming tomorrow ! Can't wait to read it :D

Screamnbeaver 11-06-2017 07:41 PM

Can't wait . Amazing writing . Can't wait to see how far they gi

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