getDare Truth or Dare

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Conviction 12-10-2014 03:43 AM

first story that gets my subscription, i eagerly await the rest

Wordsmiff 12-10-2014 03:51 AM

Explanations to follow
You know what they say about not being able to please all the people all the time?


You're going to hate me for this but the FINAL TWO CHAPTERS are to follow.


Wordsmiff 12-10-2014 03:52 AM

Chapter 13
This chapter contains a violent and sadistic scene. Please do not read if this is likely to offend you.


Rick pushed Gemma into her room and onto the bed as soon as she had opened the door. It was clear now that he wasn’t going to be gentle with her.

Rebecca had told Rick to take what he wanted from the items in her box. He had selected only one item, the blue and white tube with KY on it. Gemma noticed that he hadn’t brought condoms with him.

“Okay, babe,” he said, “We can do this either of two ways. Either you let me do what I want or I force you to do it. If I force you, I’ll be a hell of a lot rougher than if you let me do it.”

“You can do anything you want with me,” Gemma said. “Anything.”

“That’s what I like to hear.” Rick put the blue and white tube down on the bedside table.

“Undo your dress,” he ordered her.

Still sitting on the bed, Gemma slowly undid the buttons on her dress, from top to bottom. She held the dress together with one hand.

“Open it up,” Rick said, “Let me see what you’re hiding.”

Gemma opened up her dress to reveal her naked body underneath.

“Fucking hell,” Rick said, “That’s a gorgeous body.” He approached her.

He pushed her down onto the bed roughly and forced her legs apart. He pushed a finger inside.

Gemma bit her lip as Rick continued to finger her.

Gemma began crying because she knew what was in store for her. Rick had no condom with him, like James had had. James, she thought to herself. The only person who could help her now was locked up and chained up in the shed with no chance of escape.

Rick pulled Gemma up from the bed to a standing position. He ripped the dress from her, turned her round and pushed her face down onto the bed.

She couldn’t see but could hear him unzipping his trousers and, within seconds, she felt an erect penis pushing not at her vagina as she had expected but at the small puckered hole that was the entrance to her anus.

Then she felt something cold on her rear end, and a finger being pushed in between her buttocks. She felt something being spread over her skin.

“What’s that?” she managed to say.

“Lube,” Rick said. “KY.”

Gemma felt the penis pushing in between her buttocks again. She gripped the bedcovers for dear life as Rick forced his erection deep inside her arse. She screamed in pain.

Rick ignored her screams. He continued to pound at her as he gave her several deep thrusts before removing his cock from between her buttocks only to push it into her tight vaginal passage.

She screamed again. She could only guess that everyone in the house, including Tiff and Jess, could hear her screams. No-one came to her aid.

Gemma was already sore, still, from the clips that Rebecca and Amelia had attached to her inner lips, and the pounding that Rick had just given her only made it ten times worse.

She had no idea how old Rick was but he must have been in his mid-twenties. She was fourteen and still developing. She could only speculate at the damage he may have done to her insides. This was one of Rebecca’s friends though, and she knew now that Rebecca’s friends, like Rebecca herself, would not be gentle.

She felt a fluid flooding inside her and she knew what it was. She also knew what it meant; she could now be pregnant.

When he was finished, Rick pulled out of her cunt and turned her over. He dropped to his knees and put his tongue to her opening.

Before his head obscured the view, Gemma glanced down and, for a moment, saw traces of red blood around her vagina and between her legs. Then, Rick blocked the view and she felt something wet inside her.

Rick’s tongue delved in between her labia. She again tried to grip the bed covers as he penetrated her inner depths and violated her further.

When he removed his tongue, he slapped her across the face. “Bitch!” he said, “When I fuck you, you fucking come. Understood?”

“Stay there, bitch!” he said.

He pulled up his trousers and fastened them before walking out of the room.

Gemma lay where she was, frightened, but crying with pain as well as fear.

A few seconds later, the door opened again and her worst fears were realised when not Rick but Adam appeared. She knew she was about to go through it all again.

As soon as Adam saw her on the bed, naked, he pulled his jeans and boxers down to his thighs, allowing his erection to spring free of its constraints.

Gemma thought that Adam’s penis was bigger than Rick’s. What damage would that do to her, she wondered, as he approached her.

Adam parted her legs with his knees and then threw himself down onto her, penetrating her vagina without any kind of foreplay.

She felt a warm fluid filling up her insides again.

Gemma remembered how gentle and careful James had been the previous night. She prayed that he would come to her rescue; her prayers were not answered.

She prayed for her nightmare to end; her prayer was answered when Adam pulled out of her and pulled up his boxers and trousers.

Adam left the room without a word to her.

Gemma wondered if it was all over and if she could go now, but she remained lying still on the bed, just in case.

Just then, she leaned over the edge of the bed and retched violently.

To be continued...

Wordsmiff 12-10-2014 03:54 AM

Chapter 14 - The Finale

Gemma lay on her bed, and pondered her situation. What could she do?

She scrambled off the bed and padded out to the bathroom where she splashed water over her face. He cheek still hurt from the slap that Rebecca had given her.

She went back into the bedroom and put on her dress, buttoning it up. She wiped her eyes and glanced in the mirror on her wardrobe door. She opened the wardrobe door and looked inside. “Sometimes,” she said to herself, “I wish I could just walk through the back of the wardrobe into another world and leave this one behind.”

She closed the wardrobe again and went out onto the landing. Downstairs she could hear music playing but couldn’t recognise it. She had to check on Tiff and Jess. She went to their room and opened the door. The girls were dressed and sitting on the bottom bunk, reading.

“Gemma!” Tiffany looked up, “Are you okay?”

Gemma nodded furiously, not wanting to panic the girls. “Tiff, Jess, I want you to lock your door and don’t open it for anyone except me. Understand?”

“Why?” Tiffany said.

“Please say you understand and do it,” Gemma pleaded, “For me.”

“Okay,” Tiffany said.

“I’ll be back soon,” Gemma said. She closed the bedroom door and waited until she heard the lock click and then went back into her own room.

What could she do? She considered her options.

James was still locked up in the shed but Amelia had the key to the padlock and Rebecca had the key to the handcuffs. No chance of freeing him.

Her parents were at her auntie’s house until midday and it was only about nine o’clock. Three hours before they returned.

The telephone was down in the hallway She might get caught if she went downstairs.

Hang on, she thought, the phone. She went to her cabinet. The telephone downstairs was a landline but she still had her mobile. She picked it up. There was enough charge in it. Who should she phone?

She couldn’t call her parents; they would panic and, anyway, she’d broken house rules by inviting people over.

The police, she thought, I’ll call the police.

She made the call.

“Emergency, which service do you require?”

“Police,” Gemma said, “Please hurry.”

“One moment please.” The line went quiet.

“Come on,” Gemma muttered.

“Police,” came the reply, “Can I help you?”

“There are intruders in my house,” Gemma said, “And I’ve been raped.”

“Are the intruders still on the premises?”

“Yes,” Gemma said, “I just told you. They’re in the house.”

“Are you the owner of the house?”

“No,” Gemma said, “My parents are but they’re out. I’m fourteen.”

“What’s the address?”

Gemma told the voice her address.

“There’s a car on the way,” the voice said, “Stay on the line.”

Gemma sat down on the bed. “Please hurry,” she said, “I’m scared.”

“There’s nothing to worry about,” the voice said, “Are you in a safe place?”

“Yes, I think so.” Gemma got up from the bed, went to her door and locked it. “Yes, I m now.”

“Can you describe the intruders?” the voice asked...

Gemma tried to stay calm as she answered all the voice’s questions. She lay back on the bed. This person, whoever it was, was kind and sounded nice.

There was the sound of sirens and flashing blue lights outside the house.

Gemma scrambled up from the bed, her phone still at her ear, and went to the window.

A police car was outside. Gemma saw two uniformed police officers getting out.

“Are you still there. caller?” the voice asked.

“Yes,” Gemma said.

“Has the car arrived?”

“Yes, it has,” Gemma said, “Thank you.” She ended the call.

There was a knock on the front door.

Gemma unlocked her bedroom door, to go down.

The only thought that went through her head was - How was she going to explain the naked boy chained up in the shed?

As Gemma opened her bedroom door, it was forced open and Rick and Adam burst in.

“No!” Gemma screamed, as she was pushed back onto the bed.

... ... ...

No!” Gemma screamed... “No! No! No!”

“Gemma?” Gemma’s shoulder was shook. “Gemma?”

Gemma opened her eyes. She was lying on the sofa and, looking down at her, was her mother. “Mum?”

“We’re back,” her mother said. “Have you been dreaming?”

“Mum?” Gemma said, as she rubbed her eyes, “But I thought you were staying at Auntie Donna’s till noon.”

“I said we’d be back at Eleven,” her mother said, “And we are.”

Gemma rubbed her eyes and looked round the room. “But... where’s...?”

“Tiff and Jess?” her mother interjected, “Upstairs, asleep. Where you should be now, young lady.”


Wordsmiff 12-10-2014 03:58 AM

The dolls' House returns next week. Stay tuned...

DareMeBro 12-10-2014 11:37 AM

Ahhhh, the classic "T'was but a dream" ending. The cop-out of authors since 1000 B.C.

jklivin 12-10-2014 01:32 PM

Sorry to see this end can't wait for season two of the Doll House.

Crossdresser5 12-10-2014 01:48 PM

This story needs to continue its so good

Wordsmiff 12-11-2014 03:36 AM

Was it a dream?
Sorry about the ending but I didn't want to use up all my ideas in a fill-in story.

If people want me to continue it, let me know and I can always use the whole of the last chapter as a dream and continue writing it.

I'll only do that if enough people ask tho. :)

chocolatedispenser 12-11-2014 11:31 PM

I'm asking! I feel mean saying this but I just hate dream ending. please kept right it (as well as the doll house! I am dying not having it to read :D

jklivin 12-12-2014 01:23 AM

I'm always asking for you to continue this story and all your stories

Black Panther 12-14-2014 09:38 AM

I too would like a continuation.

NoTact 12-14-2014 10:26 AM

Continue please!!! :D :D :D

Conviction 12-14-2014 10:28 AM

Continue ze storah pleaze

Wordsmiff 12-15-2014 10:39 AM

Well, you're a sadistic lot aren't you? :sado:

What do you want, blood? :chainsaw:

Okay, I'll continue this when I get a spare moment. :D

I don't know, I'm one of the most prolific writers on the site and they're still complaining, what am I supposed to... :scratchchin:

I'm going for a cup of tea.

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