getDare Truth or Dare

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MarvHarvey 02-07-2018 02:25 PM

Marty meets Mia and Charlie, Chapter 5, Part 4

I got back upstairs and Kate, Miss Kathryn, called me to come and eat. "Kneel here by the table and eat." It was a pretty plain lunch, a kids' lunch of peanut butter sandwiches, but I was hungry and she had made a bunch of them so I was happy enough. A couple of glasses of water and I was done.

I wondered what to do next, but she seemed to be waiting. "May I leave the table, Miss Kathryn? So I can go do my work?"

"Yes, but before you clean the bathroom it's time for you to dirty one - come on, it's poop time!" I am sure the look of shock on my face is what made her laugh so hard. "Yes, I am going to watch. Hold my nose maybe, but you are not going to be unsupervised."

"Miss? Please...." I didn't even know what to ask her.

"It's Miss Kathryn - you'll be punished for forgetting. And whatever you thought you might ask, the answer is no. This weekend is to show you just how much I own you - like you agreed. We have talked over the years and you have said what you wanted - so now you are going to get it. Boy, oh boy, are you going to get it. Tomorrow and this week we'll work out how it goes with the kids at home, but you are getting everything you asked for - which was for me to take charge."

I was strongly aroused by this, I could feel it welling up in my chest, yet the alarm was stronger and certainly dampened any possible erection. Tears formed in my eyes. I don't even know how much they were tears of joyous emotion, but I know they were mostly from fear. Was this my Kate - my Kathryn? Miss Kathryn? Had Mia hypnotized her? What was going on? Yet I had wanted this as long as I could remember so I didn't call a time out, couldn't call it off. I could not do that. This was what my spirit wanted and needed. And at that thought I began to weep.


I was sure Marty was not too unhappy about following me up the stairs. I was wearing nice tight yoga pants, and I do work out - lol. But when we got to the hall I heard a small whimper from him and turned to see that he was crying. I assumed it was because of anxiety about the humiliation of being watched in the bathroom. "Look, pervert, you just have to accept that you have no more privacy. You will be open to me any place and any time."

"Oh, Miss Kathryn, that's not it, Miss, I'm just, just.... I just realized that . . . that you are giving me what I always thought I wanted and I am afraid. I still know that I need it but I am not sure if I want it and ... ... I just can't think really well right now, Miss, Miss Kate...Kathryn. I love you and I . . . ." and at that point he just broke down and cried.

I moved over to him and whispered, "kneel," and wrapped my arms around him. He hugged me back, and with his head against my body he cried. And he cried.

After a few minutes he started to regain some composure. "Miss Kathryn I love you and I always will. And I trust you, too. I am just...and then he could no longer speak, he sobbed. I gave him maybe five more minutes with his head against my body.

"Come. On your hands and knees, go to our bed." As he crawled I brushed my hand softly on his back. "Climb in." As he got in I quickly peeled off my clothes: yoga pants and tank top, sports bra and thong; and then got in and held him as he cried himself to sleep.

Almost an hour later he woke up. Exhausted from the emotional waves that were battering him, he had slept with me spooned around him. Gently, I let him come back to the world. "You are still mine. I still love you forever Martingale."

"Yes Miss Kathryn, Dear. There is no place I'd rather be. I love you forever."

MarvHarvey 02-09-2018 11:33 PM

Marty meets Mia and Charlie, Chapter 5, Part 5

After that we hugged, a nice long full-naked-bodies hug, and then Marty got out of the bed and down with his knees and elbows on the floor - without any orders from me. "Miss Kathryn, I am yours." I can't describe how deeply this warmed every fibre of my body and my spirit. In fact it felt better than my plan which had involved his tongue and my orgasms. But he was right - we both had things to do.

"Yes, you are mine. Now: to the bathroom, you have a job to do." He crawled along behind me, and reluctantly got up on the toilet seat. I sat on the edge of the bathtub and grinned at him...a great big jack-o-lantern grin.

And there we waited. He looked like he was trying, but whatever he needed to do an hour and a half earlier, he couldn't now. He kept looking at me with misery all over his face - I just grinned back. After maybe ten minutes he said, "Miss Kathryn, I can't do it, not with you here. Can I....?"

"No," I interrupted. I giggled before I continued, "but you are going to do this sooner or later." <SNAP>

As he waited on knees and elbows, I went back to find my sweater and get the handcuffs from my pocket. He was there of course when I came back. "Too late to try again. You'll just have to wait until I can supervise before you can unload. Now you forgot to address me properly a couple of times, so here is a reminder." With that, I locked one end of the handcuffs around his cock and balls,
<clickity, click, click> and made it as tight as I could. I wanted it to be secure. "When they dangle they will remind you to think of me. You can also wonder what I might attach the other end to when I want to have fun. Now get up and get back at cleaning the bathrooms while I get ready to go shopping. Not the floors, you can do them tomorrow."

With that I got dressed for shopping - the same sprayed-on yoga pants and the sports bra with tank top under my jacket. Running shoes would replace the heels; I wasn't flaunting it that much.

Then I collected the bags I had sorted out from his clothes. "Come here Marty. See these bags: some of your clothes are being donated to the Mission for Men - they can always use things for the street people. I have an idea of some other things I don't like, but for now that old brown sweater is too ugly even for yard work, and a few of your ugly tee-shirts. Nothing that I haven't complained about - just now I can do something about it. And this other bag has all but three of your boxer shorts. From now on you will wear bikini briefs or thongs for underwear. I kept three boxers for you to use as pajamas in the summer." The shock registered on his face. "You won't need underwear for now, you can just go commando until you go buy some new ones on your lunch break on Monday or Tuesday. Don't argue. Get back to work while I put this stuff in the car."

A few minutes later I was back. <SNAP> "Now listen up. I am going to drop these things off, get some groceries, and go to the toy shop to see what new toys I might like."

"Marty, get up and look at me. You can finish the bathrooms later. While I am gone you are going to stand here in the hall with your nose holding this poker chip on the wall. If it falls while I am out, you will be beaten and then we will repeat the interrogation chair experience. Understand?"

His face displayed clearly what he thought abut the chair and the cold water and the fan. "Yes, Miss Kathryn."

"Good. Now stand right there and I'll put the chip in place, press on it. Now arms behind you and <clickity> and <clickity> and we attach the cuffs around your balls to the chain on those <clickity> and you see why you can't drop the poker chip. Don''t go away. I'll be back in an hour and a half."

MarvHarvey 02-15-2018 10:51 PM

Marty meets Mia and Charlie, Chapter 5, Part 6

It seemed like a long, long time, and I guess it would be long before she got home. It wasn't too uncomfortable, not at first, but I really couldn't move with my nose holding that poker chip on the wall and my hands cuffed behind me and to my genitals - no room to move at all.

I did what I could which was try to relax.

At least I had lots to think about.
  • My clothes: so that's what she was doing with my clothes. But what else might she decide to toss?
  • Would she start picking more of my clothes?
  • I guess I can cope with wearing briefs, I just have to try a bunch of different kinds and get some that are comfortable.
  • I'm thirsty.
  • How will I be able to go to the bathroom with her watching me? I'll explode!
  • My nose is feeling very mushed against the wall, but I have to push to hold the poker chip.
  • I really don't want to be back in that chair with the fan blowing on the cold water. It seemed like I was there all night and not just two or three hours.
  • She said I'd get beaten - she didn't say spanked or caned or whipped - what does she mean?
  • What is she buying at the sex toy shop? Geez! My butt is clenching spontaneously at the thought!
  • Don't start to get tense or hyperventilate.
  • Did I hear something turn on in the house - or is it something from the neighbour's side of the shared wall? Is it always so loud?
  • Will I ever get time to check my email and stuff - or am I going to be cut off from the world?
  • I need to move a bit.
  • Won't it be closer to normal again once the kids are home? Yeah - it has to be. OK, I can live with all this - they are here all the time.
  • I'm thirsty and hungry.
  • That sounds like a big truck or bus outside. Unusual - this is a quiet little street.
  • My body wants to move even a little bit.
  • I am thinking about all this stuff but I am bored as hell.
  • My intestines are cramping up with the need to drop a load. Maybe when she gets back - if I can.
  • Is this really just an hour and a half? It feels like forever.
  • Is there something I can think about? Something I can count? Bored!
  • Kate really has me. I am anxious and a good bit afraid, and I love her even more.
I had wept in her arms at this realization and it was not different now. The feeling was sweeping over me again. Acceptance and a sort of peace at some deep level of my spirit - of my soul - was increasing every time I thought about this. God, I love that woman.

MarvHarvey 02-24-2018 09:18 PM

Marty meets Mia and Charlie, Chapter 5, Part 7

I wasn't much longer than the hour and a half I had predicted, but it was Marty's problem if he wasn't comfortable. Ha!

When I came in the house I went upstairs to check on him before I put the groceries away. "So, did you have nice rest? I hope so because now I need you. I'll unlock you and you can finish the bathroom here and downstairs, then come to our room. I need to be serviced." I took the cuffs off his hands, and left the others to dangle between his legs.

With that, I hurried to put the groceries away, then up to our room with my bag from the toy shop - which I locked away in my old cedar chest. I laughed. It had come from my grandmother - what would she think of some of those things I put in it these days!

I peeled back the covers and arranged the pillows for comfort, and was just taking my pants off when Marty came in. He was looking around for the shopping bag, which I had made certain he saw. I knew the suspense would eat at him! <SNAP> I finished getting my clothes off, and slipped into a loose long-sleeve tee shirt - it would keep my arms and shoulders warm while Marty looked after the rest. "OK, up." <SNAP> "Ha! Changed my mind. But now you can get up." <SNAP> "Ha ha -- actually I didn't change my mind, I planned it that way. Up." <SNAP> This time I got myself settled on the bed, with my legs nicely open and supported. "OK, get up."

Once he was on his feet, and looking for me to send him back to his knees and elbows, I could tell him what I wanted. "OK pervert, here's where you can earn some free time. You have 60 minutes. Whatever is left after your tongue gives me three orgasms is yours - to do anything except touch your measly...should I say manly?...bits or go to the bathroom without me there to watch. And no clothes."

"Yes, Miss Kathryn!" He said with genuine excitement. I am sure he was feeling pretty horny and he would be ready to go down on me pretty vigorously. That was just what I needed after my shopping trip. His needs would have to wait.

I did my best to hold off and just enjoy the ride, so the first was a long time coming, and a slow rolling wave. That was genuinely nice, a girl could live on those. The second started slowly but built power as he worked his hands to hold and move my hips to give him the best angles of attack. It was quick and hard once he found the right "spot of the day" and I had to fight not to grab his hair and yank it out - instead I grabbed the headboard and shook it half to pieces. A girl could live for a while on just one of those! Then I just pushed his head further in for one more. This time he was trying too hard and I was almost bored and getting away from orgasmland until he eased off and found some soft and gentle rhythm that surprised me. Another smooth orgasm that left me feeling great. He had used only 26 of his 60 minutes.

"May I please start my free time now, Miss Kathryn?" He was being impatient, hardly waiting for me to settle down.

"Start the time, but first go down to the workbench - knees and elbows there." I followed after drying myself with a towel - he'd have to pay better attention to that in future. I was wearing just the tee shirt, and heels, to tease him.

He was waiting for me as ordered, and resting his forehead on the floor. "Good. Now knees apart." Then I got his steel toolbox, the long narrow one he keeps wrenches, pliers, and screwdrivers in, among other things. All that iron and steel was heavy. I put it on the floor and slid it in between his legs, then locked the handcuff from his measley bits to the handle on top. He was looking back under his body and I heard him gasp as he realized what I was doing to him. "There. You can have that to keep you from running away while you are having free time. And...wait." There was one thing to do. I got a padlock from a drawer and put it through the hasp so he could not remove any of the tools. "There. And I have the keys. Let me check that the cuff is tight around your measly bits, and you can have the rest of the time to yourself. OK, you can get up now."

He got warily to his feet, one hand carefully holding the heavy toolbox - close to his tool and bag I thought with a giggle. I watched, laughing, as he waddled away to his desk in the corner of the basement, then headed upstairs to cook dinner.

MarvHarvey 03-11-2018 08:22 AM

Marty meets Mia and Charlie, Chapter 5, Part 8

It had been a relief to go down on Miss Kathryn (I had to stop thinking of her as Kate or else I might say it out loud, and I didn't know what punishment she might give for that) even if I got no direct relief myself. It was at least sexual and pleasurable and I had to be content with that.

And now I had free time, but OMG. The toolbox was damned heavy and damned awkward. I could sit on it carefully, with it across a chair, and that is how I sat on my desk chair at my computer. The seat of the chair was well padded, and that made the box unstable, but it was seemed to be the best I was going to get. Booting up and logging in took a couple of minutes, and after having burned five minutes to get fitted with the toolbox I really didn't have time to do much other than check my regular personal email accounts. There was banking to do and I didn't dare to use the excuse that it was personal time - Miss Kathryn seemed unlikely to take that story easily. I did take a minute to look in at my kinky email account, empty as usual, and then to check GetDare, but that was all. I had only a couple of minutes so I posted to a couple of threads on GetDare where I was sort of expected to respond, and added a note that I might be offline for a few days. About then Miss Kathryn came to put an end to my free time. As I heard her on the stairs I logged out. <SNAP>

"When you get up, put the toolbox away and come up to the kitchen." She just unlocked the cuff from the handle of the toolbox, and left. I waited a few minutes, wondering how long she was going to make me stay down. I know her far too well to think she forgot - she is testing me. Then I heard her on the stairs. "Good boy. Now get up," she said before turning to go back upstairs. I hoped she was going to get some food ready. I had not eaten much since yesterday and it was beginning to get to me.

A few minutes later I entered the kitchen. <SNAP> And so I got down and waited. Miss Kathryn waited a minute or two before speaking, "Get up. We are going to the bathroom so I can watch you. I will take off those handcuffs that are dangling between your legs, and you will have a dump. Or else. Mark my words," she said sternly, "you will get it out of you supposing I have to use ... extreme measures."

That didn't help me relax, not a bit. But when I went in the first floor bathroom, she directed me upstairs. "More room for me to watch," she said with a smirk. Now I was really tense. <SNAP> That was for her to unlock the cuffs. Then she tried to get my mind off my stressed intestinal system. "Up." <SNAP> "Up." <SNAP> "Up." <SNAP> "Up." <SNAP> "Up." <SNAP> "Up." <SNAP> "Up." <SNAP> "Up." <SNAP> "Nice workout, huh? Get down on your knees and elbows faster or we keep practising, this is your basic sign of instant obedience," she laughed. "Up." <SNAP> "Up." <SNAP> "Up." <SNAP> "Up." <SNAP> "Up." <SNAP> "Up." <SNAP> "That's better, now get up and get your butt on that throne."

I did, and she watched. Then she giggled as I flexed and worked my abs and my butt to try to get some relief. And then it came. She held her nose as she turned on the fan and kept on laughing. "Now show me how well you wipe. Finish the paperwork, and do it perfectly. If I find anything when I check you, you'll go back to the chair - and there's no food down there either." With the interrogation chair incentive I finished my load, and then wiped over and over, and really well. She just stood in the doorway laughing. I felt like I was ... what ... I couldn't even think of what but I suppose like an animal, a pet or something.

She didn't bother to check my butt. "Wash up really well, and come down to the kitchen and you can eat."

MarvHarvey 03-20-2018 09:23 PM

Marty meets Mia and Charlie, Chapter 5, Part 9

It was time to have a nice evening and a nice (at least for me) night in bed, and so I did put some effort into a nice dinner. I also had a favourite movie lined up, one we hadn't seen in ages - although I had plans for him to be facing down and away for a good part of it. <soft giggle>

Back in the kitchen she had a nice basic but supremely wonderful meal with glazed salmon and quinoa, with several roasted vegetables, on her plate on the table - at her usual place with her usual glass of wine. My face must have shown my anxiety, because she just smiled and pointed to my chair. A similar plate was there, on the chair itself, along with a glass of water and a wine glass with a micro portion, clearly we were going to make a toast. "You can sit on the floor while you eat, unless I need you to get something for me."

"Yes, Miss Kathryn. Thank you so very much Miss Kathryn." I hesitated. "I love you more than ever Miss Kathryn."

After I sat on the floor, she brought out a surprise: pair of candles. One went on the table and she found room for one on the chair, along with a warning glance not to be clumsy. All in all it was a romantic and luxurious dinner for two - even if I was naked and sitting on the floor.

I could not remember ever feeling so much peace in my soul.

MarvHarvey 04-08-2018 03:06 AM

Marty meets Mia and Charlie, Chapter 5, Part 10

It was a nice dinner, really, and we talked about the usual range of things like the movie to watch afterward (not that he would have much choice) and what to do tomorrow (he wasn't pleased with many of my plans). The big topic was what to do when the kids were back and we had to work, and generally had to keep up this new relationship while carrying on with our normal lives.

Marty got quite comfortable calling me 'Miss Kathryn' every time he spoke, and only forgot a few times. Each time I reminded him that I was counting, and that each time made it worse.

After a while I began to think that he was too comfortable - he had not been given bathroom permission for hours, he must have had a sneaky pee while he was cleaning! Fine, I could fix him for that later.

When we finished eating, he cleared away the dishes, loaded the dishwasher, and tidied up the counters. Good boy - I didn't have to tell him! "Bring me a small glass of wine and a glass of water when you come to the TV room."

"Yes, Miss Kathryn."

Meanwhile I went to our family room, where we have the TV, and found a new chic-flic on NetFlix. I knew he wouldn't like it, but then he wouldn't be watching it, would he.

Marty came into the room and saw me settling down in the corner of the big couch and with towels under me, a blanket over me, and a gap between the couch and the big footstool. "This is your place. You have more important things than watching the movie. You can kneel on the floor and my legs will go over your shoulders. Before you settle in do you need to go to the bathroom?"

"No thank you, Miss Kathryn," was his reply.

"What?" I jumped to my feet. "You have had all that water to drink with supper and you haven't had a pee for hours. Tell me, did you sneak a pee while you were cleaning the bathroom?" I glared at him and he wilted like a spring flower in the summer sun.

"Yes, Miss Kathryn," he whispered.

"OK then. You will be punished for that. I have something nasty in mind - you just wait for it! Add that to your earlier refusal to go with me watching and you are seriously in for it."

"Yes, Miss Kathryn." I could see that for once he believed me.

"And since you are in my bad books right now, instead of settling right down to a nice movie I will punish you immediately for the times you have failed to address me properly. Even with allowing a few this morning because it was new, I still counted eight times. You will pay for that. Follow me to the bathroom."

We went to the bathroom and he headed for the toilet, but I stopped him, "since you don't need that, get in the shower. Cold water."

"Yes, Miss Kathryn."

"Full blast. Reach up and hold the shower head with both hands. Stand still with your head right in the flow." After a few seconds he was shivering and I made him wait for what I hoped was a full minute. "Now turn around and bend over a bit to hold your buns under the water - yes like that, directly on your butt. Don't move until I get back."

I stepped into our room to fetch the black plastic cane that he had bought years ago, and thought was just missing in our closet. It was a nice flexible rod about 32 inches long with a rubber sort of grip at one end. I whacked the bed <Thwzzii-whap> twice <Thwzzii-whop> for practice. Yes, this would do. One more hard thwack on the bed <Thwzzii-WHOP> and I wondered if he heard that last one over the sound of the shower.

His arse was under that cold water for more than a minute by the time I got back to him, and was clearly very red and burning with cold. "Get out. Don't dry off. Go and turn the lazy-boy chair around, than bend over the back of it." He saw the cane and recognized the sound he had heard. His face was turning pale - a contrast with his buns which were glowing red from the reaction to the cold water. "Don't rub your butt."

"Yes, Miss Kathryn," he whispered.

I followed him, watching his buns: tight, hard, and red from cold water - all that cycling is great for a man's butt.

I was coolly gathering myself. I had always been reluctant to spank him, and had never before used the cane. What he was about to find out was that over the past week I had had a few practice sessions, and walloped the daylights out of a couple of pillows. Now it was his turn.

MarvHarvey 04-14-2018 02:03 AM

Marty meets Mia and Charlie, Chapter 5, Part 11

"Now let's see how you are lined up here," I said as I rubbed my hand slowly over his taut cheeks. "I think I want a bit more slack. Move the chair over beside the wall and lean against the back at one side, and reach up to put your hands on the wall. Yes, like that. That's a good angle and I like the way your butt sticks out just a bit, and the skin here is not too tight - it will make a nice sound." <giggle> "Just keep your hands right there on the wall until I say you can move - or you will be punished for that at the end. "

And indeed I liked the way his buns jutted out just a bit, the skin snug but not too tight to have some spring in it. So after a brief feel I went to his instructions: "Now you will not make any other sound but to count each stroke and thank me, and then ask nicely for the next stroke. If you yip or yelp, or make other sounds, the stroke will not count and you will get penalty strokes at the end. Is that completely clear?"

"Yes, Miss Kathryn."

As I took my stance I reached out and brushed the cane over his bum and down to tap the middle of his thighs. "And just so you are clear, the penalty strokes at the end will all be across your legs, right here. I don't care if you have a hard time walking so don't think I won't do it. Clear?"

"Yes, Miss Kathryn."

"Good. Now eight times you forgot to address me carefully, so 8 times 8 equals 64 strokes." <Gaaahhh!> He gasped. "But since this is something new, I will give you only 5 strokes for each time, so that's only 40 strokes. You can think about how lucky you are to have me - I mean that! Now, not a sound, or else." Quickly I gave the first stroke.


"One, thank you Miss Kathryn. May I have the next stroke please."

I could tell from his voice that he was surprised by how hard the first one was. Ha - tough life!


"Two, thank you Miss Kathryn. May I have the next stroke please."


"Three, thank you Miss Kathryn. May I have the next stroke please."

The strain was in his voice, and he had a long way to go. "After your little dalliance with Mia you should realize that I am pissed. So just hold on and keep counting."


"Four, thank you Miss Kathryn. May I have the next stroke please."

This was only four, sixty to go! And after all my previous concerns about spanking. let alone the cane, I was feeling the power.


"Five, thank you Miss Kathryn. May I have the next stroke please."


<puff puff> "Six, thank you Miss Kathryn. May I have the next stroke please."

He was breathing deeply to try to manage the pain. Good. A long way to go yet.


"Seven, thank you Miss Kathryn. May I have the next stroke please."


"Eight, thank you Miss Kathryn. May I have the next stroke please."

I could see his bum quivering just a wee bit, the right cheek was getting the tip of the cane. Good, I had fantasized about that and now I would see it.


"Nine, thank you Miss Kathryn. May I have the next stroke please."

I was moving from top to bottom of his bum, line after line.

"Ten, thank you Miss Kathryn. May I have the next stroke please."

My arm was just warmed up, and he was only beginning to feel cooked. <giggle>

He was pausing a bit longer before counting each one.


<huff huff> "Eleven-nnn, thank you Miss Kathryn. May I have the nn-next stroke please."

Yes, his right cheek was taking the end of the cane and starting to show some real damage. The skin might break soon, would break soon.


<huff eeeeehh> He paused. "Twelve, thank you Miss Kathryn. M-May I have the next stroke please."

Time to put one on the left cheek alone, just to even out the damage.


<huff huff nnnnnnn> "Thirteen, t-thank you M-Miss Kathryn. M-May I have the next stroke please."

This time I waited a bit longer. Just to make him sweat while I watched his darling buns.


<nnnnn huff huff> "Fourt-teen, t-thank you M-Miss Kathryn. M-May I have the next stroke please."

Oh yes he certainly could. This time maybe a bit on a diagonal, just to cut across some of the other lines.


<eeehh nnnnn huff huff> "Fifteen, t-thank you M-Miss K-K-Kathryn. M-May I have the n-next stroke please."

I could see the red spots where this new line had sliced across others. Those would be sore points for sure.

That one was right across the base of his cheek, where they turned into thighs. I watched as he struggled to hold his voice inside.

<eeeeihh oohuff huff> "Sixt-teen, t-thank you M-Miss K-K-Kathryn. M-May I have the n-next stroke p-please."

He would get it, but I wanted a sip of water. The glass he had brought earlier was handy, and I watched him as I stood back. His arms were shaking against the wall - he was fitter than that, so I must be getting to him! And to watch his bum quivering after that last stroke was a thrill - his muscles were resenting this sharp treatment. After a minute I switched to the glass of wine and savoured a slow sip. The lines were rising into welts. Yes, I was beginning to feel better about his fun and games with Mia! Another sip of wine and I could see that the quivering was stopping - I guess that means he's ready for me to get back to work.

MarvHarvey 04-18-2018 01:09 AM

Marty meets Mia and Charlie, Chapter 5, Part 12

Even holding my arms up was becoming hard. I didn't know how I could stay in position for more strokes. Miss Kathryn was not going easy on me. My rear end was just starting to feel like it was still mine - I was afraid of what was going to happen, really afraid.

<Thwwiissss-plaat> Oh! This hurt worse after the rest - I must have been getting numb before she stopped.

<huuuff> "Sss-seventeen, thank you Miss Kathryn. M-may I have the next stroke pleeasse."

<Thwiiss-puut> Another right across the middle. Pain.

<huuuff huuuff> "Eighteen, th-thank you Miss Kathryn. May I have the next stroke please."

<Thwiissi-puut> Right beside the last two - others have lived through this. Pain!

<huuuff nnnnn> "Nineteeen, thank you Miss Ka-kathryn. May I have the nn-next stroke please."

<Thwwizzi-puut> The tip of the cane hit my left cheek alone - my cheeks clenched convulsively. The pain at that point was merciless. And this was only half of my total punishment!

<huff eeeeehh> I paused. "Tw-twenty, thank you Miss Kathryn. M-May I have the-the n-next stroke, pleease."

<Thwiess-spat> Pain. Pain. Pain. Cheeks clenching.

<huff huff nnnnnnn> "Tw-twenty-one, th-thank you M-Miss Kathryn. M-May I have th-the n-next stroke please."

She waited a bit longer for the next stroke. I was shaking, my legs not wanting to keep standing. My butt cheeks were twitching steadily now - the muscles acting entirely on their own.

<Thwiizz-PuuT> Ah! Ah! Ah! Right where my buns and thighs meet! PAIN!

<nnnnn huff huff nnnn> "Twen-twen-ty-two, th-thank you M-Miss Kathryn. M-May I have the next stroke . . . please."

<Thwssii-spaat> Must think only about the next number. Must accept the pain - just the number.

<ehh nnnnn huff huff> "Twen-ty-ty-three, th-thank you M-Miss K-Kathryn. M-May I . . . have the n-next . . . stroke please."

<Thwzziip-ppaap> I kept my eyes squeezed shut. My jaw was clenched for each stroke. Count.

<eihh oohuff huff> "Tw-twenty-f-f-four, t-thank you M-Miss K-K-Kathryn. . . . M-May. . . I have the n-next ssstroke p-please."

"Soon," she said. I heard her soft footsteps as she moved back to her glass of water.

Breathing hard - panting even. Feel the sweat over my body - I don't know when that started. Oh Miss Kathryn - this is cruel - how can you do this. I know its what I said I wanted but its too much. I was crying inside with the realization that if she stopped now, I would be wanting more in a few days. I knew now what she knew - she really did have to continue.

MarvHarvey 04-23-2018 08:11 PM

Marty meets Mia and Charlie, Chapter 5, Part 13

His face was out of my view, so to check on him I went around to the side, and thought I saw a tear. Damn straight - and I would be giving him more to cry about! But I sensed that there was something else. Well...he got a caning like this from Mia so he could take it from me. Cane first - ask questions later would suit me.

<Thwwziiss-plaat> Yes. Right across the widest part of his butt.

<huuuff uuuu> "Twenty five, thank you Miss Kathryn. M-may I have the next stroke please."

<Thwzziiss-puut> Right across the middle. Lovely welt rising.

<huuuff huuuff> "Twenty six, th-thank you Miss Kathryn. May I have the next stroke please."

<Thwiissi-paat> Right beside the last two. I would have to spread them out to avoid cutting him too deeply.

<uunn uuuff nnnnn> "Twenty seven, thank you Miss Ka-kathryn. May I have the n-next str-roke please."

<Thwwizz-puut> The cane to the left cheek alone - otherwise the right always got the full benefit of the tip and its sharp impact. His butt clenched convulsively at the surprise change in pain!

<huff eeeeehh> "Tw-twenty eight, thank you Miss Kathryn. M-May I have the-the next str-roke, please."

<Thwizzz-spat> Cheeks clenching. And that's with me taking this stroke a bit easier on him.

<uunnn nn huff nnnnnnn> "Tw-twenty-nine, th-thank you M-Miss Kathryn. M-May I have th-the next stroke . . . please."

<Thwiizz-PuuT> His butt cheeks were twitching, almost vibrating - the muscles reacting.

<uunnnnn huff huff uunnnn> "Thirty, th-thank you M-Miss Kathryn. . . . M-May I have the next stroke . . . please."

<Thwssii-spaat> I was beginning to worry about him. But I had to follow through. I knew from my long talks with Mia that Marty needed this, and if I played it right I could limit how often I really had to beat him like this.

<ehh nnnnn hhhiiff huff> "Thirty - one, thank you M-Miss K-Kathryn. M-May I . . . have the n-next . . . stroke please."

Now a pause, partly to let him absorb the pain and recover, partly to gain time for me to think. One more and I'll take a quick break.


<eihhhh oouff huff> "Thirty - two, thank y-you M-Miss K-K-Kathryn. . . . M-May. . . I have, have the n-next ssstroke p-please."

"Soon," I said. It was another eight strokes and so time for me to go back to my glass of water. It was clear that I was hurting him - but he was bearing up well. Maybe I should give him some incentive to keep the count - to avoid punishment strokes.


<uunnhh oouuf huff> "Thirty three, thank you. M-Miss Kathryn. M-May I have the next stroke please."

I tapped him across the middle of his thighs. "Just remember that this is where the penalty strokes will be - so don't miss a count now. You know very well I am not at all tired and can put your legs out of action with a stroke or two right here." I really didn't want to do that, but he knew it to be true and that is what mattered.

I moved the next stroke to the bottom of his bum.

<eihhhh oouff huff> "Thirty four. Th-thank you Miss Kathryn. May I-I-I have the n-next stroke please."

I was well warmed up, but more important I was now relaxed and well tuned up. It was important to use some care and accuracy with these last strokes, so as not to damage him. I'm 5 foot nine inches and 150 or so pounds of lean and active female. I actually work out in a more organized way than he does, and many men would love to have my percentage of body fat - I could cane him all night. But I couldn't think like that. I had to settle down and make sure I spread out the remaining strokes - and didn't cut him open and leave scars. Years ago I was on the college tennis team for 2 of my 4 years there, and had great control of my swing - so he was safe.

<Thwiissi-puut> Focus girl, you love this strange man.

<nnn nnn huff>
There was a moment of silence. "Thirty five, thank you Miss Ka-Kathryn. May I-I have the nn-next str-roke please."

Yes, his right cheek was taking the end of the cane and starting to show some real damage. The skin might break soon, would break soon.

<Thwwizzi-puut> This stroke at the top of the safe area - fleah and muscle, no bone.

<huff eeeeehh> He paused again. "Thirty . . . six, thank you MMMMiss Ka-Kathryn. M-M-May I haaave the next stroke . . . please."

One more on the left cheek alone to even out the damage.

<Thwiess-PUT> Clenching as hard as he could, arms sliding down the wall a bit - I had to let that go. He really was showing incredible physical fortitude in holding as still as he was.

<huff huff nnnnnnn> "Thirty seven. Th-thank you M-Miss Kathryn. M-May I have the next stroke please."

This time I waited a bit longer while I watched his darling buns.

<Thwuzz-PuuT> Middle zone, the least-caned spot I could find.

<uuunnnnn hhhhuff> "Thirty eight, th-thank you M-Miss Kathryn. M-May I . . . have the next stroke please." From the side I could see tears running down his face.

<Thwssii-sPaat> Bottom edge again.

<iieehh nnnnn huff huff> "Th-thirty n-n-ni-nine, t-thank you M-Miss K-K-Kathryn. M-May I have the nnn-next stroke please."

One more and I could let him off the hook. This was a lesson for me in how severe a punishment to give him. Mia was skilled and knowledgeable, but she was wrong to say that I should give him so many hard strokes: I am as accurate as she is and much stronger.

That one was right across the middle of the whole mess. This one deliberately at what looked like a tender and bruised area.

<eeeeihh oohuff huff uunnn> "Fo-or-orrty, th-thank you M-Miss K-K-Kathryn. M-May I have the n-next stroke p-please." This stroke set his muscles to twitching and his whole body was coiled like a spring, needing to move.

"No you have had enough, and you have behaved well. You may lower your arms and turn around for a hug. Punishment is over my darling."

MarvHarvey 04-27-2018 07:23 PM

Marty meets Mia and Charlie, Chapter 5, Part 14

"No you have had enough, and you have behaved well. You may lower your arms and turn around for a hug. Punishment is over my darling." But even as I slowly understood her words, my body could not respond.

Fatigue could start to slowly lower my arms, but my back and shoulders and neck were all locked in position and slow to move - there was no other way I could have held still for Miss Kathryn. Muscles in my legs would be cramping if they were not in such rebellion over the pain I had endured - was enduring. Miss Kathryn put her hands on my shoulders and slowly turned me around as she moved in to hug me. I almost fell as my knees shook, and she guided me toward the couch as she held me. But I was locked into an upright position - and sitting was out of the question anyway. Miss Kathryn sat down as I slumped to my knees and put my face in her lap. That's when the tears started.

As I sobbed, I could barely hear what she said. Short clear sentences made their way into my consciousness.
"I love you.
I want you forever.
I don't want to do this again.
I love you.
This was real punishment.
I told you I would do it.
I didn't want to but you need to know that I will.
I love you forever."

I don't know how long we stayed there. I could feel her crying softly as she leaned forward and put her arms around me.

After I had quieted down and was just whimpering, head on her lap and arms wrapped around her legs, she spoke. "You will be mine. I love you and will give you what you need - it won't always be what you want - but you will trust me to know what is best. You know I will do what I have to. You will see in the days ahead that there are other ways for me to show my authority. You will find that getting what you have always wanted may be more than you imagined. I know you want to be out of your comfort zone, to obey."

And finally I was hearing her. And I wept with the joy, just as I had started weeping with the realization of her understanding while she was giving me those slow hard strokes of the cane. "Miss Kathryn, I love you even more than I ever imagined I could. I know you will give me what I need even when it's not what I want. I will give you all of me, and everything else in the world that I can. Everything you want from me is yours."

"God but I love this man," she said out loud. Then she lifted my face in her hands and spoke to me in a hoarse whisper: "We will have the life we want together, taking each other as we are and as we grow together. Together."

She slid down to the floor so she could hold more of me, have her body in contact with more of me, and we laid on the carpet entwined together.

MarvHarvey 05-06-2018 06:04 AM

Marty meets Mia and Charlie, Chapter 6, Part 1

We lay snuggled together on the floor for about an hour. After the first few minutes of Marty sobbing softly into my hair, we slept.

It was strange to wake up there, on the floor, lights on, and just a part of a throw blanket from the couch wrapped around us. Marty was holding me so firmly I wondered if he was paralyzed, or maybe frozen. I at least had clothes on, he had only the heat from his well-roasted buns - of course we had each other.

After a few minute of me stirring, trying to get comfortable, Marty responded with some squirming. I decided I should just wake him enough to haul him to bed. His body woke up enough to walk, I was not sure his exhausted spirit woke up at all.

I was able to peel off some of my clothes while we moved, the rest I almost ripped off so I could get my hot body - and yes I was feeling hot both ways - in with him before the cold sheets woke him. The dear man deserved to sleep after what his loving wife had done to him.

As I wrapped our bodies tightly together again he mumbled in my ear: "Uummm. My Katie. Miss Kathryn. Uumm... always said ... uumm ... mmst wonderful woman in the world."

MarvHarvey 05-11-2018 12:34 PM

Marty meets Mia and Charlie, Chapter 6, Part 2

Even with the mumbles, it was clear: "My Katie, Miss Kathryn," and "Most wonderful woman in the world." After his subconscious let that out of his mouth, I wept. He said that even after I beat the hell out of him?
Could I really do this to...or maybe it's with...the love of my life?
Could I really not do this to...or maybe it's with...the love of my life?

I could not think of sleep, even as his rhythmic breathing filled my ear.

He wants and needs it so I can and I will. Won't I? I will try, but can I really?

I enjoyed it a bit when I could feel it was punishing him for his escapades with Mia and Charlie - when it was revenge. Maybe it was Mia I wanted revenge against? I knew from the way she had described their encounters in the woods that she was a sadist - she literally got off on his pain. much had he ...liked? ...wanted? ...needed?

Don't cry girl. You love him and he loves you so there will be a way.

I didn't mind when he was just fooling around online with games and jokes, and other stuff. I thought that getting himself off to his fantasies would be a safety valve for him, and let us carry on like normal, but that wasn't enough. So yeah, I needed to have some revenge on him too. Maybe I want some revenge on myself: he tried to tell me so many times and I shot him down in flames, made him afraid to be open with me. Yeah, I need revenge on me too.

But could I really carry on like this? Could I do what he clearly wants and needs so much? Or not?

Can I cause him pain? Yes it was a little bit fun - while it ripped at my heart.

By this time I was wide awake - exhausted, but awake. I didn't want to get untangled from him - in fact I wanted to be as close to him as I could. But I had to find a way to ease my mind.

Can this just be playtime, when we can find time - or can it be, or does it have to be, how we live? It doesn't feel like playtime to me. If we have time together I don't want to feel we have to be doing this - whatever this is - I want to enjoy my husband. God, I love this man.

Breathe, girl - deep and slow.

Can I put this into every day? He has asked me a thousand times.

I have to look beyond spanking and whipping and pain.

What about other classic things that he dreams about.

Oh, I'll make him suffer like that too - but will I then want to then screw him silly - well I sort of always do - but will I after that?

What about me - what will this do to me?

I wept a little, again, and I guess I dozed off for a few minutes.

MarvHarvey 05-13-2018 09:29 PM

Marty meets Mia and Charlie, Chapter 6, Part 3

I surfaced again with my brain still running in high gear: can I do it enough? And what does it do to me?

How can I make it work? How can I make it work for me, too?

Will he be okay with what I am willing to do? He says he wants to be forced to accept what I make him do. Maybe I have to take him at what he has always said, and just believe what he has been saying. It worked for the cane, I think. I won't know for sure until he wakes up and we can talk, but maybe it is that simple.

He seems to be quite okay with giving me all the oral I can handle - hmm - maybe I could handle more of that. <giggle> Maybe I can find other things too. Maybe I'll never clean another bathroom as long as we both shall live. <ha-ork-k-k> I snorted out loud as I thought of that. He didn't wake up.

But this was a new way to look at it: yes! He will do hard labour! Lots of scrubbing to do. Ha! Maybe he really would be like a slave - and not only a sex slave. YES!

I smiled to myself at that. Maybe that really is the way to make this fit into every day life. Extra chores - not just as slave activity like today, er...maybe now that's yesterday..., but actually give him duties and punish him if he doesn't get his chores done? Oh yes. I think maybe obedience and loads of work might give him what he needs, and it could work for me. This would be my way forward.

I am getting hot just thinking about some of this. O.M.G! Maybe I could boss him around - and be the disciplinarian he gets, whether or not its the one he dreamed about and begged me to be! If my arms weren't around him I'd be putting one hand to work for myself right now. Oooo. I can do this.

Well, I am pretty sure I can. Let's see how we feel when I see his caned arse.

And I wondered if now I could get to sleep. I was exhausted from the day we had had. I guess I could relax or even have a nap most of today - as long as I had things for him to do.

I got one hand loose and just pressed it on my crotch - just to feel some pressure. I shouldn't distract myself just now, I had to think while I had this going.

What about the future: could I keep him busy? Yes, but no - how would he find time? Where did his time go outside of work and exercise and the house and family? His exercise? His couple of longer bike rides are his only real leisure/workout where he can go all-out, and sometimes I go too, or on the weekend we take the kids and go somewhere fun.

For the rest he works out with me with our gear in the basement, or does yoga with the kids - even if they are a little bit big to climb on him any more. How can we do this? He works more hours than I do and doesn't have much left.

Maybe I can make him manage his time better, but he can't do the impossible. He takes 5-6 hours to go play golf and have a beer with his pals on the weekend - I don't know what he sees in a boooorriing game like that. AH! Maybe that's - YES! OK. Problem solved. And he will like it or else. I never thought GOLF would be the answer to my problems. <giggle>

YES! This could work for me, I see it all now. Thanks be to God! And I tried to think about this some more, but the storm in my brain was over and as soon as I felt this small island of peace in my mind and spirit, I fell sound asleep.

MarvHarvey 05-18-2018 02:38 AM

Marty meets Mia and Charlie, Chapter 6, Part 4

I slowly recovered consciousness - it was as if I had been on another planet for a week. Where was I and what was going on?

Katie - Miss Kathryn - was wrapped around me, and I was wrapped around her. I tried to stretch my arms and legs carefully, so as not to wake her, but as soon as I moved a leg I felt the pain in my butt - it ached, and with movement the pain shot across my skin. Oh yes: she had beaten me with a cane. My Katie is the most wonderful woman in the world. My Miss Kathryn. I was too elated to cry but I couldn't help myself. I have wanted her to take command for all the years we have been together.

My movement and my soft crying was enough to wake her. "I love you too, you crazy guy," she whispered in my ear.

We lay together for a few minutes, saying nothing, just moving slightly to enjoy each other's presence. But then it was time to move. As we eased apart she realized I was trying to be careful. "Lay on your stomach. I want to check your arse."

I felt her moving around on the bed, and her hands carefully stroking across the welts that lined and crisscrossed my buns. They still felt well cooked. "Yes...OK. This looks like raw meat, and in some places it is. Hold still while I get something to put on it." I waited until she came back, "now on the broken skin this will sting a bit."

"Yeeei! Yiiii! Aahh! It was better before you touched it."

"It was better before you touched it MISS KATHRYN! Remember that forgetting to address me properly is what got you this!"

"It was better before you touched it Miss Kathryn! At least it didn't sting and burn so much." She slapped my thigh a few times saying: "don't complain," and then went on. I clenched my teeth as she wiped more alcohol over the lines of broken skin. Then she changed to some kind of ointment. As much as I liked her taking care of me, it hurt like hell to have her touching the welts and rubbing along them. I wondered what colours they were. "Aahh! Thank you for caring...aaahh...Miss Kathryn. Aa-ahh."

"I bet that will hurt for days. So remember it well, I don't want to do it again and I won't - next time I won't take pity after the first 25 strokes and ease off. I mean it. When you see what else happens to you, well, you'll want to obey. Now you have five minutes bathroom privileges - go use it."

I was astonished to see just how badly my arse was striped. Deep purple and red lines were bulging, sometimes with the trace of broken skin where she had used the cane - and this was holding back? I had to move carefully and the toilet seat was torture.

She got dressed in her workout clothes (yum!) as she waited. When I returned, she was sitting on the edge of the bed. "I will get you some breakfast after I do an hour of yoga. In the meantime get a toothbrush and scrub the floors in the bathrooms, and by the front and back doors. Make them ready for inspection when I am finished - have them clean enough to eat off of!" The look in her eyes suggested that I might have to do just that.

"You are going to work your balls off today, slavey boy. And if you don't then I will beat them off. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, Miss Kathryn."

"Good. "Now bring me a set of handcuffs."

She locked one side of the cuffs around my manly bits, "if you are slacking off I will attach something to the other side to make sure you are working hard. Now get to it. Today is floors day and this is just the start."

That didn't sound like I was going to have fun. I moved to get cleaning supplies and a toothbrush - I guess I would get a new one for my teeth - my rear end still aflame on the outside and aching on the inside as I had to move my deeply bruised muscles.

MarvHarvey 05-23-2018 06:45 AM

Marty meets Mia and Charlie, Chapter 6, Part 5

I moved to get cleaning supplies and a toothbrush - I guess I would get a new one for my teeth - my whole rear end was aflame on the outside and aching on the inside as I had to move my welted skin and deeply bruised muscles.

Cleaning the upstairs bathroom I soon found that scrubbing the floor with the toothbrush was not as bad as I had feared. As long as I moved my hands briskly, I could move along at a reasonable speed and it did let me get into the little cracks and corners and do a really good job.

Then I moved downstairs. Every step on the stairs was felt in my butt and legs, as the aching muscles stretched to move.

Miss Kathryn was working out, but paused long enough to tell me that as soon as that bathroom was done to her satisfaction, she would have some food for me - before I did the kitchen.

While I was working on the bathroom, she checked the one upstairs, and came back to deliver her verdict. "You damn well better learn to do a whole lot better job than that. When you are finished here, get your sorry ass back up there and clean up that mess, and scrub the floor again. Make sure it is clean!" She turned to leave, "and while you are there, I will inspect this one - so do a good job here or you'll be at it all day!"

I thought the other one was perfect but she said it was a mess? What the hell was I supposed to do? All I could do was go on scrubbing - but more slowly and carefully now. Every little crack and angle around the base of the toilet bowl got scrubbed out - twice. My knees hurt from crawling and my butt ached from the deep bruises of last night's caning. This wasn't very arousing at all, but I was feeling very submissive.

After doing everything on the floor twice, and checking the rest that I had cleaned yesterday, it was time to say enough and hope for the best while I went back upstairs.

In the upstairs bathroom I could not see what she found unsatisfactory - but in the middle of the floor there was a puddle of something: shampoo or conditioner. I guess that was her way of telling me to clean it again...and wait for her to inspect my work downstairs.

MarvHarvey 05-24-2018 07:45 AM

Marty meets Mia and Charlie, Chapter 6, Part 6

Being her house slave was not as hot and sexy as any fantasies about being a sex slave. But as I wiped and slopped and scrubbed I thought about all this. I had wanted and wished and even begged for so long - I better try it out for a while before I complain. No matter what else, my brain always comes back to thinking about submitting to her will - and when desperate, submitting to almost anyone's will. Well - I had given up control to her now.

Eventually I was finished - or so I hoped. Everything from yesterday cleaned again, and the floor wiped and wiped again. My aching body made its way downstairs to see what Miss Kathryn's verdict was there. <SNAP>

"Marginally acceptable," she said, and I was thrilled that I would not have to do it again.

"Thank you, thank you, Miss Kathryn," I blurted out before I could think. Clearly I was tired of scrubbing.

"You may get up and use it now, while I am here to watch."

"Thank you, Miss Kathryn." I was resigned to the fact that she was going to watch me in the bathroom any time she wanted. That didn't make it easier for my bladder muscles to relax and let it flow.

"Once that is done, your breakfast is ready. I will put it out for you."

"Thank you, Miss Kathryn."

I didn't expect that she was bringing it to me in the bathroom, but a moment later she appeared with it and pushed my bacon, eggs, and toast onto the tiles in he middle of the floor - at least it wasn't right beside the toilet. "Here is a knife and fork. Make sure you clean the floor when you are finished."

I gasped in shock at this. <SNAP> She demanded: "what was that gasp? don't you want to eat today?"

"Nothing Miss Kathryn." I paused, then: "yes, Miss Kathryn. Thank you, Miss Kathryn."

"Good. Now you may rise. When you have cleaned up there, come to the kitchen. You have a big job to do."

As I ate I hardly tasted a thing. I was too preoccupied worrying about cleaning the bacon grease off the floor - but she had made her point. The floors would be clean enough to eat from, and I would be her house slave and do whatever her hot little imagination could come up with.

It was clear from the little twists that she was going to keep me 'slaving' all day. I had to wonder if I didn't obey, would she hesitate to beat my badly bruised butt? Right now I hurt too much to take a chance, and to tell the truth I was falling more deeply under her spell...and it was what I always thought I wanted.

MarvHarvey 05-26-2018 05:46 PM

Marty meets Mia and Charlie, Chapter 6, Part 7

When he finished eating he started cleaning the floor, again. I bet the bacon grease and egg yolk was fun. Yeah, he wanted to be my servant, slave, 'doggie' or whatever, (I don't like the word 'bitch' because it is thrown at women too much) then I can make him see that the only thing that matters is making me happy. And watching him on his knees makes me happy for some odd reason, happier than I ever thought it would.

When he came to me in the kitchen, I decided it was time to have a talk. It would give him something to think about while he was scrubbing the kitchen floor with his toothbrush. <SNAP>

"I hope you enjoyed your brunch. And I hope you see why we need our floors to be clean."

"Yes, Miss Kathryn."

"Now you need to know how the world will work from here on. We are going to talk about it right now - and you can ask questions if you have any. After that you can scrub the kitchen floor - really well - and think it all over. If you come up with more questions, we can go over them before we have lunch, shower, and go fetch the kids."

The reference to fetching the kids made it clear that we would be going back to normal then, as much as I would let him. "You can get up now, and come kneel in front of me in the living room."

"Yes, Miss Kathryn."

After we were settled, I spoke. "You have asked many times that I accept your desire to submit to my control. I am now accepting your submission. I will tell you what to do, or assign you more general responsibilities, and I will exercise complete discretionary authority over you. I will discipline, and punish - you will find out the difference if you force me to show you - and you will accept my decisions in all matters. For major household or family matters we will consult jointly and make joint decisions as we always have. Where it is necessary to make a decision and we are unable reach such a joint conclusion, then I will decide. We will protect our children and others from knowledge of our revised relationship, except as required to enhance our lives. It will be useful for the children to see you quite visibly pulling your weight around here - which you have not done in the past. Do you accept this outline? Do you agree to obey my instructions? Do you agree to accept punishment as I deem fit?"

There was a long, long pause. "Miss Kathryn, may I ask a few questions?"

"Of course."

"Miss Kathryn, what will you control, how much of my life?"

"Everything, at least that does not include your work. If you have to make major decisions at work, such as accepting a new job, then we will decide together, as I described. Is that not acceptable? It is what you have requested."

"Yes, Miss Kathryn. What do you mean by punishment? What kinds of things do you mean?"

"Nothing that will injure you or cause any permanent damage, if that is what you mean. Other than that, I don't see any limits. Traditional things like spanking, time out, confinement, writing lines, extra house or yard work - as you have seen - and so on. I am sure that a bit of humility will do you good sometimes, so you will get it. I am sure we will find other things as we go along. Your sexual life will be completely in my control and under my authority, and so you may find yourself penalized or rewarded in such ways as that. Do keep in mind that it is the idea of punishing you that has kept me from agreeing for all these years. I do not like the idea of causing you pain, and I do not want to punish you.
Therefore punishment, when required, will be intended to be something you do not like and will not want repeated. However, I am coming to recognize the value to both of us of me exerting authority over you, I will ensure that you never forget that you live under my direction."

"Miss Kathryn, I am a little frightened by the reality as I have experienced it this weekend. Is what we decide now going to be permanent and forever, or can we renegotiate or reorganize if we find it necessary?"

"Of course we can reorganize if necessary. But do be warned that I intend to fulfill your fantasies just not quite as you have them in your mind. After all that is what giving up control means. You will turn over your internet history to me, and I will look at all the things that you have been thinking about all these years."

I could see his arousal along with his anxiety. I think the anxiety increased his arousal. "Miss Kathryn. As long as we can discuss from time to time, I accept. If I don't follow through now, I can never know if I would be happy in life."

"Very well then. I see you are aroused - well so am I. Crawl over here ready get your tongue working while I get these tights off. I want a few good orgasms before you get back to scrubbing."

"Get your hands under my buns so you can lift me and adjust the angles. Believe me, you want me to be happy." It is amazing how he can move me around and shove his tongue in deeper when he grips my buns in his manly hands.

He is not the only one who was aroused by the thought of having him under control. What does that tell me about where I am now?

Wowzer, but he's good with his head clamped between my legs. "Aahh. Aaahhh. Keep it going. Oooo.... Again...uuuu. Uuuaa."

After my fourth it was time to tap out and go curl up with a book and a cup of tea, for me. "Good work Marty. Now, slave Marty, back to work. The kitchen floor is waiting."

MarvHarvey 06-01-2018 01:34 PM

Marty meets Mia and Charlie, Chapter 6, Part 8

I went back to my knees and my toothbrush, and got to work on the kitchen floor. Miss Kathryn was reading in a sunny spot in the living room.

This was hard work, using the little brush to try and cover large areas of floor, but it was also thrilling. I was doing it because she told me to - not because it needed to be done (it did) or I wanted to, but because I was told. I started getting a little hard at the thought. So of course the way that the world works is that your boss always comes along at the worst time, and this is when Miss Kathryn appeared.

"Let me see how you are doing. Oh! I see you are having fun - that's good because you will be doing a lot of this in the future. Now: I see you are moving quickly, that's good. What about the crack along under the edge of the cupboards? I see some black bits there and . . . what do I have . . . this is bits of food that wasn't brushed out of the cracks, and spills that had splashed under here. This has to be clean enough to eat off of - and you know now that I mean that. What do you have to say for yourself?"

"Nothing, Miss Kathryn. I was paying more attention to the large floor area and I should go back and clean those cracks and crevices."

"Yes, and you will. But you are moving too fast, so you go back over those areas and I see if there is a way to ensure you do not move too fast."

I went back to the corner where I started, and began to clean every crack where cupboards or appliances came to the floor. It was hard because of the need to scrub, rinse, scrub, and rinse again - and maybe again after that to be sure that it was cleaned out. And then she returned.

"Now, let's see if you move a bit more slowly this way. Handcuff from your balls to the handle of the big toolbox - but this time it is not just for you to sit on. It is still locked with a lot of heavy tools inside, so you can move it slowly around the kitchen while you scrub. Oh, and if you value your... well if you don't want to face additional consequences don't scratch the floor with the rough old box."

I was speechless. Fortunately I was learning what to say in any situation: "Yes, Miss Kathryn." I continued carefully, and she went off to do yoga. My previous arousal was long gone.

Naked and with the heavy toolbox chained to my parts was not the kind of thing I thought about when I thought about having the kids with my parents' for the weekend and we had the house to ourselves. I wondered if I should be happy I had what I always wished for, or if I should cry.

I was about half finished - well, if Miss Kathryn approved - when I heard her footsteps behind me. <SNAP>

"Just wait there while I have a look. Yes, this will do. Not perfect, but for a first effort it will do. Now keep it up and do it faster - we don't have all day."

<SMAK> "Aagghh!" WTF! I had not seen the belt she cracked across my upturned rump.

"Keep quiet! <SMAK> I just want you to know that I own you all the time. <SMAK> <SMAK> And I can be cruel and unreasonable <SMAK> or loving and caring <SMAK> or hot and sexy. <SMAK> I can just make you work and be a house slave. <SMAK> I can be your fantasies <SMAK> or I can be my fantasies. <SMAK> <SMAK> <SMAK> And I prefer my fantasies. <SMAK> <SMAK> And you prefer to be under my control. <SMAK> So that doesn't leave much space for yours. <SMAK> <SMAK> Now get to work. I have something else that has to be done today or you will suffer for it - all week." <SMAK> <SMAK>

MarvHarvey 06-05-2018 08:52 PM

Marty meets Mia and Charlie, Chapter 6, Part 9

The belt on my bruised and welted butt, across all those purple cane strokes...that hurt like hell. Well, I had always asked her for corporal punishment. And I asked for it to be all in her control. Now I was getting it. But I had work to do and no time to day dream - or there would be more corporal punishment.

The handcuff with the toolbox was very awkward to have between my legs as I moved around the kitchen floor. And it seemed to be cutting a line into my flesh where it was locked onto my most tender and vital organ! So I was careful to get each part of the floor clean before moving on, and be extra careful wherever there was any kind of crack or joint. I could see the clock and I knew that if she had another job for me there would not be much time before we had to go to my parent's house for supper and to pick up the kids.

The hardest part was every time I needed clean water in the bucket. I had to stand up and hold the toolbox in one hand while doing everything else with the other. The box must have weighed more than 20 pounds and there was no way I would risk having it slip!

As I got to the last little bit of floor, at the hall doorway, Miss Kathryn reappeared. <SNAP> So I knelt with knees and elbows down - knees straddling the toolbox - and waited. "Pretty good, at least for your first effort. You will get better though, make no mistake. Let me look over . . . uh huh . . . and here . . . and alright, it's okay. I will let you finish off. When you have the tools put away, come and see me."

This left me to do the last doorway, then take the bucket, toothbrush, rags, and soap down to the laundry room. All of this while carrying the toolbox, of course. Then to find her: upstairs, in the bedroom.

"Miss Kathryn, I am finished the floor. You said you had another task for me."

"Yes," she smiled. "Pile the pillows in the middle of the bed - a nice stack for you to lie across with your butt in the air." And when I sucked in a gulp of air: "just do as you are told."

Slowly I piled them up. I decided that she might be in a better mood if I was extra cooperative, so I laid across them without being told. But: "did I tell you to do that?"

"No Miss Kathryn. Sorry Miss Kathryn." And I started to get off the pile.

"Just stay. It shows you are thinking of doing what I want before I have to tell you. That will be an important skill for you. Now look at this nice long, thick tawse I bought yesterday." She held it in front of my face. She laughed as my face folded into despair. A strapping with that would tear the skin off my butt. "Yes, you are going to feel it. You are right to be afraid."

There was a long pause as she stepped back out of sight. Then she said, "just a few to warm you up." And she laughed as she dragged it softly across my bare bottom, my bare and twitching bottom. I couldn't see that she was slipping off her yoga pants. "Let's make it five strokes, just for fun. Then you have another job to do. No face down and hold still."

She paused again, this time slipping off her underwear before she spoke. "What time is it? On No! We are out of time - we'll just have to skip the tawse and get you to work." Her voice sharpened: "If you fail in this next task then we will be in a bad way for a long time - but only one of us will suffer for it. Then when it's done, we hit the shower and go get the kids." I was worried as I got up and turned around.

She was standing there naked and reaching out to me. With her warmest smile she said: "Now you have 20 minutes to make love to me. Fuck me gently, fuck me slowly, take me easy, show you know, that I have never been loved like this before."

MarvHarvey 06-13-2018 12:28 PM

Marty meets Mia and Charlie, Chapter 7, Part 1

Monday morning and it's the usual family chaos. Kids getting ready for school and we are getting ready for work and all going in circles. Nothing could diminish the glow I felt after the delicious lovemaking, and it was one time that the word really and truly applied, of yesterday afternoon - and again later when we went to bed. Marty and I were in lust again as we had not been since the kids were babies. I had become a true convert to owning him and running his life. I think I was more surprised than Marty.

As the chaos eased, and the kids were loading their lunches for school, I addressed him. "Marty dear, would you please put the bike rack on my car. We have an errand to do on our way to work. Then you can ride to work from there."

"What's that? I don't remember anything." And he said this quite honestly because we had not talked about it at all! He was getting another lesson - agree with me. When he saw me staring hard at him he quickly changed his tune. "...oh, wait, of course. I'll get right my bike loaded up right now."

A short time later we were on our way. "Marty, we have to go to the grocery store. You will find out why when I tell you." He made no reply, and I just let him wonder what I was up to.

When we were there and I had parked, I spoke again. "Place your hands on the dash and don't move them until I get back. The radio is off so you can think about your situation. Now I parked so you can't see me coming back from the store, and if I find your hands down you will get the cane, severely, as well as extras. Now be quiet and just do it."

He leaned forward and reached out to put his hands on the dash as ordered, and I locked fhe car and left him there.

I was back in a few minutes. He was still leaning forward so his hands could stay on the dash. I opened the door, "get out." He got out and stood beside the car. I think he was expecting me to snap my fingers and put him on his knees and elbows right there, but I had other plans. "I told you that you could only use the bathrom with my permision, like this morning I told you to go ahead and use it. But on the weekend you disobeyed that rule even though I was right there to ask. So now you are to be punished for that." I handed him the bag, "drink. Chug it all down right now."

He looked quite concerned as he took the bag and opened it - to fund a quart of prune juice. "This, Miss Kathryn?" he said with a sick look on his face.

"That's what I said, now get it done or we repeat the performance tomorrow."

"Yes, Miss Kathryn." He took a small sip. "It tastes awful."

"Tough. The taste doesn't matter, drink up." He drank a long swig. "It's what it will do as it goes through you. Let's just say I am giving you blanket permission to use the bathroom any time you want until you get home from work." I gave him a nasty smile as I watched him take a deep breath and chug down half in one go, and then another breath and he finished it.

"Uuukkk!" He belched mightily. "Yes Miss Kathryn." The look on his face told me that his stomach was already rebelling, and that he understood that the rest of his digestive system would be stormy alll day.

"You will learn to do as you are told, and you will learn to do what I want, or you will suffer for it. Now take your bike and go. I have to get to work." Then I leaned in to give him a kiss on the cheek.

He looked miserable and I said nothing more; a few minutes later we were both on our way.

MarvHarvey 06-18-2018 08:02 PM

Marty meets Mia and Charlie, Chapter 7, Part 2

Monday morning ccycling to work ansd my stomach is in a knot. A whole quart of prune juice is in there. Yuck! I wonder if I can make itmwithout being sick? Yuck...this is awful!

My stomach settled down to a general uneasiness once I was at my desk. I could still taste the juice, so i brushed my teeth, but I was worried about whether prune juice was as powerful as old folks describe...what would it do to my gastro-intestinal system, if anything?

Miss Kathryn meant this to be punishment, but would it mostly just keep me worried and feeling sickish all day? She gave me open permission to use the washroom as part of punjshment for not asking...and that was not a good sign.

Speaking of which, sitting on my chair was also uncomfortable because of the welts and bruises from the cane. Miss Kathryn certainly knew how to use it effectively. I had hoped and prayed for her to take charge, and now I had my wish. This was not going to be a good day.

It seemed only a few minutes later that I felt a burbling in my stomach followed by a big wet (burp, and some gurgling farther down. What next?

I was working quietly at my desk when I started to feel more gurgling and burbling and it was almost constant. Then a few cramps and then a sharp stabbing cramp and I knew I had to rush to the bathroom.

I got sat down just in time. I can hardly describe that first blast of noise and fury. The wave of cramps passed then and I cleaned up. The general sick feeling was back. What now?

The details are too foul to describe. As sharp cramps increased I counted seven major 'bathroom events' and many small ones as the day went on. And fhe sick feeling never leff me. It was very hard to work. The only good thing was that I didn't throw up, although doing that in the beginning might have been better to help get that foul juice out.

After one final trip I decided it was safe to attempt the ride home. When I got there I rushed to the bathroom. Miss Kathryn was nearby in the kitchen. I remembered what I had to do. I didn't know where the kids were so I went over to her and whispered, "Miss Kathryn, may I use the bathroom, please?"

"Well, it seems you are learning. How many times did you use it today?" She whispered back, with a wicked smile.

"I don't know, Miss Kathryn. It was a lot. My guts were in a whole lot of knots and still are. May I go now, please. I am really really desperate?"

"Yes, but don't forget to ask every time. Be creative if you have to, but ask."

"Yes, Miss Kathryn. Thank you Miss Kathryn."

MarvHarvey 07-04-2018 10:05 PM

Marty meets Mia and Charlie, Chapter 7, Part 3

Monday evening at home I could see how miserable Marty was feeling - clearly his guts were still in a knot. Well, it was punishment and now he knew it would not always be the spanking he craved. I hope he remembers the smell from his day in the bathroom!

At bedtime, with the kids in bed and for once asleep, I held back permission to use the bathroom. Twenty minutes later I was finished and he was looking distressed when I said "OK, let's go now," and pointed to the bathroom. His humiliation was complete as I watched him do his business. It wasn't really what I wanted to do, but I grinned at him throughout - and he just hung his head. "Look me in the eyes. Now remember that punishment can be in many forms, and can be quite unpleasant however it comes. Understand?"

"Yes, Miss Kathryn. Thank you Miss Kathryn."

"Now have a shower and get clean if you want to sleep naked in my bed tonight."

Exactly eleven minutes later he came to bed smelling very clean. He had even used my scented body wash! I guess he had spent a lot of time in the WC all day - good! As he got in I said: "Maybe you should have to ask permission to be in my bed. What do you think? No...don't answer that. I will decide for myself. Get in here now."

He came and put his arms around me and we kissed, long and slow like the long-time lovers we were. Slowly we moved our hands over each other, and I got hot very quickly as I relished my new appreciation for holding power over him.

"Time to kiss me where it counts Marty. Tongue for at least two orgasms for me before we sleep." He said nothing as he slid down in the bed and began to devour me. Clearly he was feeling pretty hot and aroused too - I had been careful to keep my hands away from doing a physical check on that. I wasn't going to give him any positive strokes just yet.

He was good at this and I laid back and enjoyed, and squirmed, and stretched, and came hard, and came harder. "OK. That's it. Sleep time."

"Miss Kathryn? Do we have to?"

"Are you questioning me? I can find something for you to do."

"No Miss Kathryn, I just wanted to be sure." And so I went to sleep, leaving him to toss and turn for a while before he, too, slept.

Tuesday morning at family breakfast Marty announced that he had an email from his golf buddies and was going to go play on Saturday morning, as they so often did.

"Are you sure you will be free to go? We have a few things planned," I said. He stared at me and I stared back until he responded.

"You may be right dear. I won't confirm with them just yet."

"Good idea," I replied. The kids were unaware of the import of this exchange, but Marty was not, and I woul dgive him more direct information before we left for work.

After the kids were of to school he came and started to speak: "Miss Kathryn, about golf...."

"No!" I interrupted. "Marty, you will only play golf when I allow it. With our busy lives and all the things that need to be done to the house, and enjoying the children, you really can't afford to take five hours to play a round. Add an hour or more to go to and from and have a couple of beers with your pals and it just cannot be allowed. If you are well behaved then you can keep the clubs, just in case you are able to play once in a while, but that's it."

He looked stunned. "Miss...Miss Kathryn, I... I.... Are you serious about this? This isn't...." <SNAP>

"Damn right I am serious!" I said sharply. "Drop your pants right now, and lean over the back of the lazy-boy chair in the living room. Wait right there for me."

"Yes Miss Kathryn," he managed to say, but he looked shocked, confused, and unsure of what was happening to his little life.

I was back in a minute. "If you want this lifestyle, then you will do as I say. It won't always be nice little bottom-paddling or going down on me. Sometimes it means just doing as you are told. It is late, so be quiet for a quick ten strokes of the cane, then get on your bike and get your arse to work."

On a hunch I reached under him to check - yes, he was pretty hard - so he sort of liked me taking charge no matter what he was saying. Well this was going to be ten strokes across the lovely purple and burgundy welts he had from the weekend, so it should cool his ardour in a hurry.

I laid on the cane as fast and hard as I could, he just tried to huff and puff and not cry out.
<Thwzziipp> "Nnhh."
<Thwzziipp> "Aahh."
<Thwzzoopp> "Wwhhoo."
<Thwzziipp> "Whhiiii."
<Thwwzzuupp> "Aahh."
<Thwzziipp> "Nnhh."
<Zzzwuupp> "Whooiii."
<Zzwuuuiipp> "Eeaahh."
<Thwzzii-whap> "Aaaaaaa."
<Thwzzii-whop> "Aaaaahhgghh. Whhiii. Hhhiii. Whiii."

MarvHarvey 07-09-2018 02:39 AM

Marty meets Mia and Charlie, Chapter 7, Part 4

<SNAP> I got down on knees and elbows as fast as I could, and heard her say: "Damn right I am serious! Drop your pants right now, and lean over the back of the lazy-boy chair in the living room. Wait right there for me."

"Yes Miss Kathryn," I managed to say as she left the room. I was a bit surprised and unsure of what was happening, but it seemed I was getting a spanking. I was apprehensive at this sudden turn of events, but I always wanted to be subject to disciplinary spanking by her I thought as I hurried to the living room. This was pretty random - but this was hot. I was quickly getting very aroused. My cycling shorts hit the floor and I turned the big chair around, leaned over it from behind, and grabbed the seat of the chair.

She was back. "If you want this lifestyle, then you will do as I say. It won't always be nice little bottom-paddling or going down on me. Sometimes it means just doing as you are told. It is late, so be quiet for a quick ten strokes of the cane, then get on your bike and get your arse to work."

She reached under me and felt my erection, and then before I could even draw a breath she laid into me fast and hard.
<Thwzziipp> "Nnhh."
<Thwzziipp> "Aahh."
<Thwzzoopp> "Wwhhoo."
<Thwzziipp> "Whhiiii."
<Thwwzzuupp> "Aahh."
<Thwzziipp> "Nnhh."
<Zzzwuupp> "Whooiii."
<Zzwuuuiipp> "Eeaahh."
<Thwzzii-whap> "Aaaaaaa."
<Thwzzii-whop> "Aaaaahhgghh. Whhiii. Hhhiii. Whiii."

It all took about 10 seconds. Each stroke came like a flash of lightning even as the one before was still flashing through me.

"Aahh. <huff> Aahh. <huff> Aahh. <huff>" My erection had vanished in just those few seconds and I was sobbing slightly from the pain. My arse felt like it had been dipped in oil and set on fire, and the pain across the old purple welts was a deep ache. My glutes were stretched too tightly to be vibrating - yet I could feel the muscles pulsing from the shock of this beating.

I heard her walk away, then stop. "Get up and get out of here before I decide you need another ten strokes."

"Yes Miss Kathryn," I whispered heavily and I hurried to ease my tight shorts over my sizzling arse. This took a momemt, easing the spandex over some of the worst spots, and then I hurried to my bike and hit the road. The threat of ten more was still making my hot-crossed buns twitch.

What can I say - the ride to work was hell. The bike saddle was hard and the deep, deep pain in my butt just plain, bloody hurt.

It hurt all day on my office chair - I tried to be on my feet as much as I could, but a major report was due. so I suffered. No - this was no fun little paddling.

I was so miserable that it was half way through the day before I remembered that Miss Kathryn was going to limit my golf! O.M.G. that was awful. This was not control of our sex life, or domestic discipline. What on earth...?

But as I sat at my desk eating my lunch and thought about this I felt my temperature and my arousal rising. I actually had to adjust my pants! Despite, or perhaps partly because of, the penetrating pain in my bottom I was thoroughly turned on by the thought of this degree of control. My breath was coming in short panting puffs. Whew! She owned me and my inner demons wanted her to exercise that ownership! My own nature was betraying me.

I went outside for a moment and called her: cell phone to cell phone. As soon as she answered, I said: "Miss Kathryn, I love you - even more than before if that's possible."

MarvHarvey 08-08-2018 04:54 PM

Marty meets Mia and Charlie, Chapter 7, Part 5

Marty's ring on my cell phone was a surprise. He didn't usually call me in the middle of the day, he knows I often have working lunches. I excused myself: "I'll just be a moment. It's my husband - and he doesn't call unless it's important, or maybe something about the kids."

"Hi Honey!"

"Miss Kathryn, I love you - even more than before if that's possible." Is what I heard.

My eyes teared up a bit. "Aw Honey! I always love to hear those words."

"Miss Kathryn, My Katie, I love you - even more than before if that's possible." He said again.

"I love you too. This is going to be special for both of us. I have to go now, but watch for a text. I love you, Marty."

I could hear the emotion in his voice: "I love you, Miss...." I think he may have been weeping as he hung up.

I was smiling as I returned to my lunch mate: "nothing serious, basically some good news he just had to share. Now, where were we...."

=== ===

After lunch with the client, I sent Marty a text. "I will learn, you will learn, it will be different than we expect, but it will be us, together."

Then I sent him another text. "When you get home you will present me with your assignment. You will write out neatly, 50 times: 'I love, honour, and obey Miss Kathryn every day.'"

Every time I thought about that I got a warm feeling. He would do it - he would do anything! This was power given to me out of some combination of primal need and true love. I wished I had said 100 lines.

MarvHarvey 09-24-2018 12:12 AM

Marty meets Mia and Charlie, Chapter 7, Part 6

As I put down the phone I felt the rush of submission through my body. Miss Kathryn was just telling me what to do - nothing fancy.

A bit later I had a pause in the flow people needing my attention, so I pulled out a pad of paper and wrote the first line. Then I put a number beside it: '1.' followed by '2.' on the next line. Then I just looked at it. When I got finished work for the day I would write the rest, it should be about two pages. I wasn't really sure what I thought, except that it would make me late getting home from work.

And so it proved. I was 45 minutes late, and Miss Kathryn and the kids had just finished eating. "You were late," she said. "We didn't know when you might get here and we were all hungry." I knew she was pushing this just to make a point, usually we would just be sitting to eat about now.

She continued, "don't you have something for me?"

"Here it is," I said. And because the children had left the room, I added quietly: "Miss Kathryn."

"Not bad," she said as she scanned the pages. "But you need to put proper headings on the pages so I know what this is and why. Try again tomorrow. This is neat and I don't see errors, so 50 lines will do," she said, clearly leaving it open for more lines if my work was not neat, tidy, and correct.

Later, at bedtime, she gathered me into her arms for a loving kiss. "I like it when you do as you are told. I like it a lot."

"I like when you tell me what to do, Miss Kathryn, even if I don't like what you tell me to do."

"I think we have the start of a beautiful new relationship," she said. "Now spoon yourself around me and hold me while we go to sleep."

I did as I was told and she was soon asleep with my arm around her, but my mind was racing as I considered the speed at which my Katie had changed to Miss Kathryn. How was this going to work out? It was a long time before I could sleep.

MarvHarvey 09-26-2018 07:22 PM

Marty meets Mia and Charlie, Chapter 8, Part 1

The usual busy family life took over from there, with few changes from what it had been before. There wasn't time for much kinky action, although Miss Kathryn did make sure to give me instructions when she could. Every evening before bed Miss Kathryn would snap her fingers to put me down with my knees and elbows on the floor. There she would tell me what she thought of my behaviour and performance for the day. On the weekend, I did not play golf - we went on a family hike with a picnic at the top of a high ridge trail. The view was great and the kids had fun. To be honest it was more fun than playing golf with the same old guys.

Tuesday night of the next week was when it got a bit different. At bedtime: <SNAP> "I'm disappointed, you have been slowing down on the daily chores - not the big stuff, but the daily habits of putting things away, where they belong, cleaning up right away, stuff like that. So in the morning, after both children are gone to school, I will give you something to help you remember what you have to do."

"Miss Kathryn...."

"No discussion unless you want me to consider it talking back to me - which will be a whole different discussion on behaviour! Now get up and get ready for bed. No pyjamas for you."

"Yes, Miss Kathryn."

I took a long time getting to sleep, and woke up several times having strange dreams. What did she have planned for the morning?

I woke up early and went around the house putting away anything that I could. What was she going to do?

After the kids left, she spoke sharply: "Strip! Now we don't have time for much so this will be quick." She sat on a chair that she had pulled to the middle of the room. "Get across my lap."

As she said this, I saw the hairbrush she had hidden in the waistband of her slacks. "Now, let's call this the 100 club. 20 quick smacks - 5 times. That will be about two minutes. And while you think about that hot bot all morning you can think about all the little things you can do around the house without being asked. I expect you to show the children good examples. Now reach back and give me your right hand."

I reached my right hand up behind my back, she gripped my wrist, and: <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak>. Those were so fast I could hardly believe, and spread across both cheeks.

"Aahh, aahh, aahh."

"Don't just leave things. Put them away." <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> All on one side! <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> I was squirming, trying to move. <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> All on my right cheek and it is on fire - O.M.G.

"Aahh-uuhh, eeeehh, eeeehh, nneennee." <gasp> <gasp>

"You'll notice this side too." <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> When I squirmed I felt her elbow poke into my back, pinning me in place even as she twisted my wrist up behind my back. <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> My feet started to flap in the air. <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> Left side now on fire.

"Aahh-uuhh, <gasp> eeeehh, ooohh, <gasp> eeeehh, <gasp> eee, eennee." <gasp> <gasp>

"Hang on." I knew this would be back on the right. <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> My body wanted to kick but my feet were not fully under control - they were just flapping in the air. <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak>

"Eehhh, eee. Aahh-uuhh, <gasp> eeeehh, ooohh, <gasp> eeeehh, <gasp> eeeiiiee." <gasp> <gasp>

"And let's finsh lighting your arse on fire." <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> <Smak> I was just shaking and vibrating as my body responded to the pain as these 20 all landed on the left.

"Eeeeehhh, eee. Eihh-uuhh, <gasp> eeeehh, ooohh, ooo, ooo, <gasp> eeeehh, <gasp> eeeiiiee." <gasp> <gasp>

"There. Now think about that as you ride to work. Get up!"

I could hardly make my butt work - the muscles were quivering from the abuse they had suffered. Slowly I was able to stand. "Thank you Miss Kathryn. Thank you for punishing me," I whimpered.

"I'm glad you remembered to thank me. Another 40 would not have felt good right now." She laughed a bit as she said that. "Now hurry off to work. We'll review specific things for you to do tonight, but it is your responsibility to know what to do."

MarvHarvey 10-08-2018 09:32 PM

Marty meets Mia and Charlie, Chapter 8, Part 2

Life was going to get better and better. That bedtime talk on Wednesday about things for Marty to be doing around the house was quite productive - his bottom still burning red probably helped him pay attention! I hope he learned a lot that will save him from further spankings - or more creative punishments. To finish the discussion I got 20 minutes with his head squeezed between my thighs. With his strong hands cupping my buns to adjust the angle he gets into me with his tongue - yeah - that was good.

The rest of the week went by very happily.

Saturday morning we woke up early - too early - so I had him go down on me again, with the promise that he would get his treat as soon as I got mine. Yeah - was it just the way he lifted and shifted me or could his tongue be getting longer?

Then I had him kneel up over me. "Let me see you pump yourself off - spray my breasts. Give it your best blast. Come on - first lean forward for me to give it a wake-up kiss." And I gave him a long slow tongue-twirling kiss right where it made him squirm the most. "Now pump it - fast and hard! Come on big boy - lets see that fire-hose blast!"

And he did! Wow! I bet he was disappointed that it was so fast, but the sound of the kids running down stairs to turn on the TV gave him every reason to hurry - grown-up playtime was almost over. "Unh aahh aaa aa aahh. Yes. Aah uuuhh."

"Good job honey. That's my big boy. Saving that all week and just for me. Ooo-eee what a mess! I can feel it running already. You better get down and lick it up, now."

He hesitated. He looked up at me. "Miss...."

"Just do it," I interrupted before he could get in trouble by refusing to do as he was told. "I said do it - so you do it." As I said that I pinched a tender spot on his bottom - sore from the day before.

He leaned down and gave a slow tentative lick. "Marty get going - I know how you can use that tongue and I want you to use it now. Don't make me start thinking of alternatives...." He looked up at me with a confused face and began licking steadily. He started in the middle where most was pooled. "Quick! Down my right side, where it's running - lick that now."

He moved over and licked along my ribs. Then to the other side. "Good boy. Let's just keep this going -- just like this. Let's not make it a serious issue that we have to deal with later...." I warned. And, I kept running my hands over his body wherever I could reach, feeling him, gripping him, I wanted to encourage him. Then he licked all around my breast - tough work, ha ha ha. When he came back to the spot between my breasts he practically had to slurp it up - he had blasted quite a load! With a few minutes of diligent work he was done.

"Come here," I said. I pulled him to me and kissed him - yes, full on the mouth. I wanted to show him that I knew what it tasted like (he must remember all those times I took it all - licked clean and swallowed!) and that it was normal.

Then it was time to get up and get the day going. "Good morning Miss Kathryn," he said, licking the odd taste on his lips. I just smirked back at him and then jumped for the shower ahead of him. He he!

We were having a normal family Saturday - one of the kids had a birthday party, the other had a game to go to, and we had the week's yard work to catch up on. Maybe tomorrow we would have a hike and visit some grandparents. Then another parent called and invited our two to join theirs for an outing to a special evening program at the museum: back by 10 p.m. Wow! The kids were excited and so were we - a night without the little darlings - so we happily fit this into our plans. At the first opportunity, Marty went beyond the winks that he had been tossing at me like snowflakes, "We'll have a hot time in the old town tonight, Miss Kathryn." I just smiled back at him, he was too excited to read the smile properly.

MarvHarvey 10-12-2018 11:01 AM

Marty meets Mia and Charlie, Chapter 8, Part 3

"Ok kids - get in and buckle up. I'll get my keys and be right there. They are expecting you in about 15 minutes." Then I stepped back into the hallway.

<SNAP> "Marty! Clothes off and then get the vacuuming done - halls and living room in particular, and all the corners where the dust bunnies gather. I will be inspecting carefully." At that point I rested my foot on his shoulder. "And no stories about doing two passes to get it done - I will be back in 20 minutes or so and checking as you go. Now get to work." I knew that he would work up a sweat doing this - expecting a night of fun if he got his work done." Too bad about that, but my house would be clean.


<Click-ack> It was 24 minutes later that the front door closed behind me. I could hear the vacuum running. Good. I went in and he was moving chairs and end tables in the living room - making sure to clean under everything. Good. Time for me to get a cup of tea and go catch up on my reading. I wasn't feeling great, so 20 minutes would be time for me to relax while he was finishing. Leaving the kettle on, I changed into tights and a workout top that I knew he would like. As the tea was steeping, I went to inspect.

<SNAP> "Now, let's check the corners. And under the bookcase in the corner, and under the audio system...." He waited quietly on his knees and elbows - that was one lesson he had learned well. "So far so good, at least this part. Now once you are finished, come and kneel at my feet."

I was not quite finished my tea when he came upstairs to find me in the reading chair in our room. He knelt down, "Miss Kathryn, I am finished the vacuuming in all but the bedrooms."

The discussion in the book was fairly complex, about monetary and fiscal policy for economic stabilization, and the role of political interactions and interference in the Great Depression (1929-1939) and the Great Recession (2008-2015), so I ignored him rather than interrupt my reading.

After 10-15 minutes I turned to him. "Ready for me to give it a good examination?"

"Yes, Miss Kathryn."

"Stay here while I check upstairs." A moment later I was back. "Come along downstairs."

I stopped at the bottom of the stairs, and looked up. Uh-oh. Well - I would tell him in a minute. "Over here to the hall." <SNAP>

The rest of was pretty well done. "Look under the couch - there are still streaks of dust. Get that wiped up - maybe a dry cloth would be better than the vacuum."

"Yes, Miss Kathryn," and he hurried to do that.

Meanwhile I checked the stairs. Sure enough. He had not cleaned between the spindles of the railing. The dust was visible to anyone who cared to look - and I was looking. A quick dusting in there with a cloth would get that dust and the bit on the spindles themselves. This was just the kind of thing I needed to keep him busy for a while.

"Get over here!" I barked at him. "Hands and knees on the stairs. Look at the ends here - between the spindles. That is unacceptable. I saw it last week and the week before - it's never been cleaned. You will wash the entire railing with soap and water, and then polish it nicely." <SNAP> "Yes, right there in the middle of the stairs until I come back.

I had an idea and the stairs were perfect. I went downstairs to his little desk in the basement corner and got the bucket from under the shredder. Upstairs, I climbed past him - and went to the top. I turned around and stood looking out from the top of the stairs.

"Do it right the first time and you won't get extras. Here is your punishment for missing this every week. "Not as much fun as a spanking." With that I just dumped the bucket of shredded paper strips as far and as high as I could. They scattered in the air and fell down the stairs, and out into the hall below. "Clean that up first, so the paper doesn't get wet."

I went back to my book.

MarvHarvey 11-07-2018 03:00 PM

Marty meets Mia and Charlie, Chapter 8, Part 4

I had an order to get to work and she had left so I took that as permission to move. The strips of paper were everywhere. As I went to the kitchen to get a bag to collect them, all I could think about was that I was lucky she forgot about the other shredder at her desk - where we did our household financial stuff. That one cut every sheet into little bits of confetti.

Picking up the strips wasn't as bad as it might have been - less than 15 minutes and I was pretty sure I had them all. Then another 15 with a bucket of lightly soapy water to wash all the railings, spindles, trim, and the ends of each step just to make sure. Another of clean water to rinse, and I was done. Then 10 minutes with the furniture polish, and I was done.

All this time I was torn in different directions:
  • I let Miss Kathryn down (which felt bad),
  • I was being punished (which was exciting),
  • I had to do a good job, so I had to be careful, but
  • I wanted to hurry so I could join her in bed. And,
  • I was so thrilled by her taking this action, this surprise punishment, I love her so much, I was horny as hell as I put everything away and went to get ready for bed.
My lack of clothes meant that my advanced state of arousal was obvious as soon as I got to the bedroom - and saw her in striped flannel pajamas that meant only one thing....

"I hope you did a good job. I will check it in the morning - and woe betide you if I find any issues. And as you have guessed by now Marty I am not going to be very amorous for a few days, it's a day or so early. But too bad." As she said this she hopped out of bed. "I see you are just too ready, so you better have a shower. I'll come along to supervise - and make sure you don't turn on any warm water. That will get you cooled down <giggle> so you can wait up for the kids to be dropped off."

Our water isn't so very cold at this time of year, but still pretty shocking to take a complete shower and shampoo. Miss Kathryn made sure I spent time with the full flow on top of my head and running all over me, and that I washed everywhere. Some tender places she made me scrub with a brush - just for fun. Damn I was cold.

She threatened to make me stand still and air dry, but it was too late for that. "Get your jammies and go wait for the kids. They'll probably be wanting a bedtime snack after their adventures."

"Yes, Miss Kathryn."

"I might be asleep when you get to bed," she said as she gave me a peck on the cheek.

Then I dug out my own flannel pajamas and went down stairs to wait for the kids.

Mousey123 11-10-2018 10:00 AM

Glad to see another section, always nice to read a more realistic story

MarvHarvey 11-12-2018 10:45 PM

Wow. I have been trying to think of what to say.
Thank you Mousey for saying that.
I do try very hard to make my story very realistic and believable, and it is very nice to hear that it shows in the story.

I still have limited keyboard time, but I think I will be able to keep updates coming a bit faster than the last few months.

MarvHarvey 11-20-2018 03:28 AM

Marty meets Mia and Charlie, Chapter 8, Part 5

I didn't hear Marty come to bed, but I woke up a few times as he tossed and turned. I think he was a bit fired up and horny and wanting to play. I avoided giggling when I thought of that. Well - nothing to be done about his arousal for a few days. I would try to settle him down in the morning. He needed to understand that I owned him all the time now.

When we woke up we had a good morning kiss and he started to get frisky. "Get up!" I said. I waited until his feet were on the floor <SNAP> then got up, put my slippers on, and went around to his side of the bed.

Somehow he looked as funny on his knees and elbows in his warm jammies as when he was naked. I pulled his pajama bottoms down and stood behind him. "Spread your knees apart. Good. Who owns these?" I said as my toe pushed on his balls, making them swing a bit.

"You do Miss Kathryn."

"Good boy. Don't you forget that. They are not your to play with - got it?"

"Yes Miss Kathryn."

"Good!" I said as I reached down and grabbed one of them - squeezing it very hard with my thumb and two fingers, and holding it.


"Yes. Mine. Do you want me to squeeze the other one?"

"No, Miss Kathryn."

"No 'what'?"

"No, thank you, Miss Kathryn."

"Better. Are you sure? Don't you like me holding your balls?"

"Yes, I do like you holding my balls Miss Kathryn, but.... UUHHNNN." He grunted as I gave a sudden hard squeeze and held on tight.

"NO BUTS! So I will give you what you like - I will hold your balls." And I switched to the other one and squeezed as hard as I could, rolling it slightly to be sure my thumb rolled across the tender spots.

"UUHHNNN. Uunn. MMuunnhh." <Aahh> <Huff> He was moaning and gasping and then his body twitched as I found one of those most sensitive spots and kept on rolling and squeezing. "Eeennn." <Hhaaahh> He shook.

"So they are my toys. You take good care of them and don't play with them in any way or you will regret it. Now get up and go and see that the kids have breakfast. Bring me toast and orange juice. Then get dressed to go for a long ride and burn off your energy."

"Yes Miss Kathryn."

I got my book and crawled back into the nice cozy bed to wait for my breakfast to be delivered.

MarvHarvey 11-26-2018 12:59 AM

Marty meets Mia and Charlie, Chapter 8, Part 6

"Better. Are you sure? Don't you like me holding your balls?"

"Yes, I do like you holding my balls Miss Kathryn, but.... UUHHNNN." I moaned as she suddenly squeezed hard.

"NO BUTS! So I will give you what you like - I will hold your balls." Then I had a moment of relief as she changed to the other ball and squeezed it. Then she rolled it until I felt her thumb rolling across spot where the tube is attached to the testicle.

"UUHHNNN. Uunn. MMuunnhh." <Aahh> <Huff> I couldn't take much of this. I twitched and put my head down to touch the floor, tears welling up in my eyes, as she rolled and squeezed some more. "Eeennn." <Hhaaahh> I was shaking and gasping with pain, and with surprise.

"So they are my toys. You take good care of them and don't play with them in any way or you will regret it. Now get up and go and see that the kids have breakfast. Bring me toast and orange juice. Then get dressed to go for a long ride and burn off your energy."

"Yes Miss Kathryn."

She had given me instructions so I got up, pulled up my pajamas, and headed for the kitchen. Breakfast is easy, and I soon had everyone sorted out, and Miss Kathryn's toast delivered.

"I will call you in a few minutes when I want my coffee."

"Yes Miss Kathryn."

"Now you get ready to ride, so you can go as soon as I have the coffee."

And so I went back to put the coffee machine on, and then came back to change into cycling clothes. My balls still hurt where she had squeezed. I tried to be unobtrusive, so as not to disturb Miss Kathryn as she relaxed in bed. By the time I was ready, she was ready for her coffee so fetched it and gave it to her without a word.


"Don't pout or sulk. I thought we just settled that just because I don't want to play doesn't mean I don't own you. You can be such a baby. Now cheer up or I will give you something to be unhappy about - got it? I am not in a good mood so you have to be cheerful and happy, and the kids are your responsibility today."

"Yes Miss Kathryn."

"Come around behind the bed here - in case one of the kids comes to see me."


"Good. At least you can do that much. Now, I have an idea." She got up and went to the little cupboard where she kept her toys. Down on my knees and elbows I couldn't see much, but the cane appeared on the floor under my face. "Lick it. End to end, make sure you pick it up enough to get your lips and tongue all around it. Full length. Make sure it is wet."

My lips could pick it up, but it was not easy to lick every inch. After a few minutes I was gasping. I looked up briefly and looked at Miss Kathryn - a mistake.

"Don't give me that insolent look. Keep licking - but now I am going to have to use it when you are finished."

Another few minutes and I was done. She glared at me as she picked up the cane. "Strip below the waist. Now kneel on the bed, bottom up. Face down in the covers and take a good mouthful. This will hurt. I want your hamstrings as tight as they can be, so the cane will . Just a few strokes to slow you down - but don't worry your tights will cover them." I felt her tap the middle of my left thigh - right on the muscle. I heard her take a breath. She started fast and hard.

<Thwzziippp> "Nnhh."
<Thwzziippp> "Nnhh."
<Thwzzooppp> "Mmhhoo."

All close together. They hurt like bloody hell. I felt her tap the right thigh, and in the next three seconds gave me three more of the same.

<Thwzziippp> "Nnwhhiiii."
<Thwwzzuuppp> "Nnaahh."
<Thwzziippp> "Nnhh."

"There. Those will give you nice bruises, I think, but mainly you will feel them as you ride. Now get dressed and get to the driveway. I will be out to check your bike computer - you have to do at least 40 kilometers before you come back."

"Haahh. Whaahii. Hhhiii." I was gasping for air as I lifted my head. "Yes Miss Kathryn."

A few minutes later I headed out. I decided I would warm up for a few minutes and then stop to stretch my legs, especially where she had caned me. The muscles protested at every turn. I love her, but this was hard. I didn't feel that I deserved any of this.

As I stretched in the park I thought about it. She was right - don't sulk or pout, just get on with it. And so I rode, wondering what kind of mood she would be in, and if I should plan an outing with the kids for the afternoon. That would give her space, and get me away from her for a few hours. It was windy, so maybe we could go fly a kite?

MarvHarvey 01-08-2019 06:25 PM

Marty meets Mia and Charlie, Chapter 8, Part 7

He can be such a pain. And right now I don't want to deal with him. Later he can take the kids out or find something to do with them. Whatever. It's time for him to think of things to do with kids, not just naked with me. I have some things to do to get ready for the week, and I want some time for me. It's magical being a woman who can make new life, but every 4 weeks it sucks.

As I was working I checked in on the kids - a few minutes here and there was all, they both had a bit of school work to do, and I told them that Dad would have something fun to do if their work was done and done well. If he doesn't have something good...well then I'm not feeling too creative either so it'll be more of the cane.

I did have a chance to think about a few things to check online while they were out, or at least busy. Yeah...some 'research' into what I could do and if it would be safe for him - I do love him after all.

So when he got back - it was a slow ride and I knew why, even as I asked him: "Slow day, hey? How are your legs Honey? A bit sore?" I grinned what I hoped was wolfishly.

He leaned in for a hug and whispered, "very sore, Miss Kathryn. My muscles didn't really want to go so far."

"So remember that - because I like having you punish yourself with just a few cuts from me." I grinned again as we pulled apart.

"Yes Miss Kathryn," he whispered.

"And I told those two - they are in their rooms working - that you would have something fun to do when they had the homework done and done well - so you better be ready. The cane is ready if you are not. I have things to do this afternoon."

"Yes Miss Kathryn." His face showed some serious concern at this, but he was learning that there was nothing else to say.

"Get cleaned up and come for lunch. Oh - I'll come along for a minute, I want to see your legs before you get in the shower." I grinned nastily again.

His legs did have two nicely bruised spots on the back of each thigh where the cane lines had been close together - and the effort of cycling had pumped lots of blood into the welts. They would be nicer tomorrow! Damn - I was getting into this ownership thing - I don't know why I had resisted him for so long.

MarvHarvey 08-12-2019 03:42 AM

Marty meets Mia and Charlie, Chapter 9, Part 1
Weekly family life absorbed us fully, and for a while it seemed we had no time for anything but the daily scramble: school and work, household chores and homework, then sleep. But that wasn't a bad thing as the bruises on my legs slowly cleared up. Miss Kathryn checked them daily until one morning as I was to get in the shower she said: "almost gone - so a spanking after the kids leave for school. Can't leave you without a reminder."

"Miss Kathryn? Why...."

""Because I said."

"Yes, Miss Kathryn."

An hour later the junior members of the family were heading out and Miss Kathryn was turning to me. "Strip. Completely. Be quick about it."

"Yes, Miss Kathryn."

As my clothes piled on the floor <smak> she stood smacking her palm <smak> with a heavy wooden hairbrush <smak> I had not seen previously. <smak> A few inches longer than my hand, <smak> about three inches wide, <smak> and probably about three-quarters <smak> of an inch thick. <smak> Clearly it had some heft. <smak> "Into the dining room and over my lap." <smak>

She pulled out a dining r0om chair and sat - pulling up her skirt as she did so. I laid across her thighs, lovely thighs. I was more concerned than usual about what she had in mind. She was being so quiet and direct, and that brush was clearly heavy and solid.

"It has been a few weeks and you have been getting just a tiny bit less respectful in your daily actions. So this is a reminder. I am going to blister and bruise your cheeks and you will have these marks for a few days. It is meant to hurt."

With that she pulled her right leg out from under me and locked it across the back of my legs. "Right hand behind your back for me to grab." I moved it into place for her.

"Count and thank me. No other sounds, understand?"

"Yes, Miss Kathryn."

"Good. Any mistakes and you get extras. Right side first."


O.M.G. that hurt. "One, thank you."

"Doesn't count. do it right."


Right on the sit spot again. "One, thank you, Miss Kathryn."


"Two, thank you, Miss Kathryn."


"Three, thank you, Miss Kathryn."


"Four, thank you, Miss Kathryn." I could feel her body put rower into every stroke.


My legs twitched. "Five, thank you, Miss Kathryn."


Clearly she had the rhythm of snapping her wrist at the right moment - these hurt like nothing I had experienced. "Six, thank you, Miss Kathryn."


My feet kicked a bit. "Aaaahhh, seven, thank you, Miss Kathryn."

"Counting and thanking only - do that again and it won't count."


My body shivered on her lap. "Eight, thank you, Miss Kathryn."


These were all coming down on the sit-spot of my right cheek. It was a raging fire of pain. "Nine, thank you, Miss Kathryn."


I couldn't help kicking and twisting. "Ten, thank you, Miss Kathryn."


"Eleven, thank you, Miss Kathryn."


Pain. "Twelve, thank you, Miss Kathryn."


Kicking was almost continuous. "Thirteen, thank you, Miss Kathryn."


My voice had been slowly breaking, and now I was crying. "Fourteen, thank you, Miss Kathryn."


"Fifteen, thank you, Miss Kathryn."


Kicking, twitching, crying. "Sixteen, thank you, Miss Kathryn."


Breaking into a sweat with the pain. "Seventeen, thank you, Miss Kathryn."


Kicking, twitching, crying. "Eighteen, thank you, Miss Kathryn."


Kicking, twitching, crying. "Nineteen, thank you, Miss Kathryn."


"Twenty, thank you, Miss Kathryn."

"Ok. Now I'll do the left side. Start over with your counting." She shifted her body a bit, and adjusted my weight a bit. The smooth, hard brush rubbed over my untouched left cheek.


Right on the sit spot, just like the other side. "One, thank you, Miss Kathryn."


My body was already overwhelmed with pain. "Two, thank you, Miss Kathryn."


Sweating. "Three, thank you, Miss Kathryn."


Gasping, trying not to make a sound. "Four, thank you, Miss Kathryn."


Legs twitching. "Five, thank you, Miss Kathryn."


This hurt. "Six, thank you, Miss Kathryn."


I was really focusing on every smack - I could not hide inside my mind. "Seven, thank you, Miss Kathryn."


Sobbing. "Eight, thank you, Miss Kathryn."


Sobbing, pain. "Nine, thank you, Miss Kathryn."


Kicking less now. "Ten, thank you, Miss Kathryn."


"Eleven, thank you, Miss Kathryn."


Pain. Exhausted. "Twelve, thank you, Miss Kathryn."


Laying still and concentrating on the pain. "Thirteen, thank you, Miss Kathryn."


Crying. "Fourteen, thank you, Miss Kathryn."


"Fifteen, thank you, Miss Kathryn."


Vibrating a little, crying. "Sixteen, thank you, Miss Kathryn."


Pain. "Seventeen, thank you, Miss Kathryn."


Pain. Crying. "Eighteen, thank you, Miss Kathryn."


Pain. "Nineteen, thank you, Miss Kathryn."


Exhausted, pain. "Twenty, thank you, Miss Kathryn."

"Now think about that all day at work. We are going to work more quick little spankings into your life, just to keep you in line. Now, no time for hanging around feeling sorry for yourself."

She slowly released me and helped me get up. I could hardly move. My face was red and puffy from crying. She leaned in to lick up a couple of my tears. "Move it! No hanging around, get dressed. No rubbing that bottom - just stuff it into your cycling shorts. They'll help keep it warm for you." She grinned at that. My bum didn't need any help stating warm.

Once I was ready, and heading out the door, she gave me a quick kiss on each side of my face. "I love you," she said.

"I love you, Miss Kathryn."

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