getDare Truth or Dare

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KittyCat91 08-13-2010 12:59 AM

Hey readers! I'm sorry if I miss spelled some words in my story,Its just that when it stars to get really late,I have to hurry typing,so that I can go to bed.
Since tonight wasn't a school night, I was able to stay up all night to finish chapter4(pt.2) for yall.
I just want to thank everyon for reading my story,and I'm hoping that everyon is enjoyining it.

curious-young-girl 08-17-2010 05:40 PM

wow, good story =)

slut4use 08-17-2010 09:48 PM

love this there more

KittyCat91 08-17-2010 10:23 PM

Chapter 5
The living room is a modern 600 × 362. All the wall are painted white. We have a black 347×327 recliner chair, next to the black and white 1000×666 contemporary Sectional Sofa facing a black 425×374 Sony plasma screen t.v,under the 500×388 fireplace.

(Jeremy sits in the recliner chair)

James: (hes shocked at what I'm wearing and is trying his best not to laugh) Woah.

Kaiden: (he can't help but to laugh and tease me) Awww, you look so cute.

Cathryn: (Kaiden pinches my dimples, and I slap his arm away) Shut up.

Kaiden: Well,someones a little fistey.

James: (he puts his arm around me) Just the way I like em'. (he gives me a kiss on my cheek)

Cathryn: No offense James,but I'm really not in the mood. ( I look over a Jeremy and hes laughing at me) You're enjoying every bit of this aren't you?

Jeremy: Yeah,pretty much. (the door bell rings) Go get the door.

Cathryn: Go get it yourself.

James: To save my girlfriend's humiliation,I'll go get it. (James gets up from the couch,and walks to the front door)

Jeremy: James sit back down,its Cat's job to answer the door. (James ignores him and answers it anyways) You're lucky you have a boyfriend that cares about you so much.

Cathryn: And I thank God everyday that I do.

Jeremy: You're going to let the next person in.

Cathryn: Whatever.

James opened the door to let Jordan and Trey in. Guessing that Jordan just came straight over here from work,because he was inside the Little Caesars mascot.Trey walked in behinde him carrying four boxes of pizza's,he hands them to James,and James puts them on the kitchen counter.
I was embarrassed to be seen by Trey like this. Before I met James I had a little crush on him,we tried dating once,but it didn't really work out too well,so we just stayed best friends. He is also the whole reason why James and I started dating,but thats a different story.
Trey: (He sees what I'm wearing) Was this suppose to be a costume party?

Jeremy: (laughing at Jordan) Not that I know of. Jordan,what up with the...

Jordan: I just came here from work. I had to wear this stupid thing all day. Is it ok if I can use your bathroom to change?

Jeremy: Yeah,sure.

Cathryn: Can I go to my room to change?

Jeremy: No. (the door bell rings again) Now go get the door.

Cathryn: Fine,whatever. (I go to answer the door and see Logan,waiting to come in,and he starts busting out laghing at me) Ewww,gross. (I slam the door on his face)

Jeremy: Cathryn let him in.

Cathryn: (being sarcastic) Sorry,I didn't know you invited a stray over.
(I open the door again,an Logan is still laghing at me.)

Logan: (he takes his cell phone out and starts taking pictures of me) Smile Hazel. These are going on facebook.

Cathryn: (I take his cell phone out the door) Fetch dorke. (I fix to shut the door on him again,but Jeremy stops me)

Jeremy: Cathryn,go get his cell phone. NOW!

Cathryn: No. Theres no way, that I'm going out looking like this.

Logan: (tuggs at my mop cap) Awww,is Halloween starting early this year?

Cathryn: Its hard to know when Halloween is coming,when you keep that mask on. Oh wait,I'm sorry.

Bradon: (walks up to the door) Did anyone loose a cell phone? It flew in my window,and hit me in the head.

Cathryn: Sorry.

Logan: That would be mine. (Bradon gives Logan his cell phone) Thanks.

Jeremy: Hey Bradon. This is Logan and Logan,this is Bradon.

Bradon: (He shakes Logan's hand) Nice to meet you.

Logan: Nice to meet you too.

Bradon, Logan, and Jeremy walk back into the living roo. I close the door behinde them, and follow. Kaiden is still sitting on the left end of the couch, Trey is sitting in the middle, and James is still sitting on the right end of the couch. Bradon went to go sit in the recliner chair, and Jeremy went to go sit down between Trey and Kaiden. I was going to go sit next to James and Trey,but Logan took my spot.

Cathryn: (I stand infront of Logan) Ugh, excuse me? You're in my seat.

Logan: Ugh,excuse me? It doesn't have you name on it.

Cathryn: Move your butt away from my boyfriend,so I can sit next to him.

Logan: No,I want to sit next to my friend.

James: Hey Trey,can you please scoot down some?

Trey: Yeah,sure.

(Trey scoots down next to Jeremy,I sit down next to Trey, and James switches seats with Logan. Jordan comes back in the living room,and sits down next to Logan.)

Cathryn: Thank you Trey.

Trey: No problem. So what up with the dress? I havn't seen you wear that since you played the waitress in Annie.

Cathryn: Jeremy is making me wear it.

Jeremy: Oh,yeah. I forgot to tell everyone,that Cathryn will be our servant tonight.

Logan: Cool. My day,just keeps getting better and better.

Trey: (talking to me) What did you do to make so mad,that he came up with this?

Cathryn: I don't want to talk about ti. Lets just say that it was either be everyone's servant for tonight,or be grounded for a whole week.

Trey: Oh,i see.

Bradon: Shouldn't she still be in bed?

Jeremy: She should be fine. She took a nap awhile ago.

Bradon: Cathryn, how does your head feel.

Cathryn: It feels better than it did. Although, now that Logan is here,my headaches are coming back.

Logan: Careful now, don't let your brains go to your head!

Cathryn: At least I have brians. You on the other hand, is living proof that man can live without a brain.

Jordan: Haha, dude that was a burn.

Jeremy: Thats it. You two don't say another word to each other,unless if its something nice.

Jordan: So what are we going to do?

Kaiden: (talking to Jeremy) You want to finish the game of truth or dare now?

Jeremy: Yeah,sure.

Kaiden: James,Cathrny,Jeremy and I were playing truth or dare earlier today,but we didn't get to finish it. You guys want to continue in the rest of the game with us?
(Everyone agreed except me)

Cathryn: No thanks. I don't want to die again.

Logan: To bad you... (Jeremy cuts him off)

Jeremy: Logan,shut up.

Cathryn: Thanks Jeremy. Besides its not fair for me,because I'm the only girl.

Kaiden: Come on Cat,you were already playing earlier,and you still can't back out. The only reason why we quit playing for awhile was because of your little inccident that happened. You know the rules.

Trey: What are the rules?

Kaiden: If anyone backs out of the game,or doesn't tell the truth or give the dare,then they will be that person's slave for a year.

Cathryn: Fine,but I get to give the truth or dare first.

Jeremy: K,fine. It will be me, Kaiden, Bradon and Logan,against James,Trey, Cathryn, and Jordan.

Cathryn: Okay. I dare Jeremy to let me go change into my normal clothes.

Jeremy: Fine,you can go change.

(I start to leave the living room,but Logan trips making me fall on my knees)

Logan: But wait. I dare Cathryn to strip infront of us,or I could do it for you.

Cathryn: Screw you jack-ass.

Logan: Alright,don't mind if I do.
(Logan gets on top of me,and trys to undo the back of my zipper,but I try to fight him off)

Cathryn: (I start crying from all of this humiliation) NO, STOP.! Let me go!

James: (he pulls Logan off of me) Logan,stop. Get off of her.

Trey: (he walks over to me and helps me back up my feet) Are you okay?

Cathryn: (I'm very pissed off at Jeremy, that he was actually going to let Logan do that too me.) I hate you! (I take my mop cap off and throw it at him. I run to my room,and slam the door behinde me)

ConverseLuv 08-17-2010 10:45 PM

YET ANOTHER GREAT POST!!!!! Keep postin!!!

ConverseLuv 08-24-2010 10:39 PM

:O this is 18 story jst noticed :O srry but I'm no longer gonna read this :P

LovelyLiz 08-26-2010 11:08 AM

great story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!

KittyCat91 08-26-2010 06:16 PM

Thanks guys. I'm sorry I havn't posted the other chapter yet,but I will soon. School has been keeping me busy.
I can promise you that I will finish this story.

Stormwalker22 08-26-2010 08:44 PM

I hope so I really like this story alot. Please continue

phillis 08-27-2010 11:10 AM

please keep writing this story

KittyCat91 08-30-2010 04:58 PM

Chapter 6
I'm now in my room, and I walk into my closet. My closet is a 337×450 walk in closet. Since Logan helped by unzipping my dress, I didn't have any problem with taking my dress off. I slid the dress,and the panty hose down, steped out of it, and kicked it against the wall. I grabbed my old karate shorts, that I bought from my martial arts teacher, and put them on. The shorts are black,on the right side of the front leg is a picture of a girl kicking(all in red), on the left side of the front is a ninja symbol,and on the back across the butt,in white letter reads "i Ninja". I then grabbed a t-shirt that James bought me,and put it on. The shirt is white,has a heart on the front that has Jack and Sally on the middle of it, right above the heart says"Togeather Forever." on it, and on the back of the shirt reads,"Nightmare Before Christmas". I then finde my flip flops that my dad gave to me,and put them on. My flip flops are LSU Tigers, purple and gold, ComfyFlops(Indoor flip flops).
I'am now dressed into my normal clothing, and feel alot better than I did before. I unlock the door to my closet, and walk out,into my room. Because I'm still mad at Jeremy I decide to stay in my room for awhile. I did't care what to consequenses were, I just wanted some time to myself for awhile. I plugged my itouch into my ihome,i selected Owl City and started playing "Vanilla Twilight", and turned up the music.
I was just going to lay down for awhile,but as I was getting on my bed,I steped on something. I looked under my bed to see what it was, and it was a photo album that my mom gave to me before she pastaway. I never actually got a chance to look at it,so I thought that maybe now would be a good time. I grabbed the photo album, and sat on my bed,laying up against me pillows.
I opened the photo album,and the first pictures I saw was a group family photo that we took infrot of our house. It was just a couple of days before I was born, because my mom and I just came home from the hospital. As I flipped pages,there were alot of pictures of Jeremy and I from when we were just babys,and continued on as we were growing up.
I kind of started to feel guilty from when I told Jeremy that I hated him. The truth is,that I would never hate him. Hes my brother,and I should be thanking him for letting me stay with him. Remembering that my dad was going to make me move-in with my Uncle who lives all the way out in Kansas,and if it wasn't for Jeremy convinving our dad to let me saty with him, I wouldn't be at where I'am now. Eventhough Jeremy can sometimes be a pain in the ass, I will always love him no matter what. I really hope he doesn't hate me for the way I've been treating him.

[Back in the living room...]

James: Logan,why did you do that. You really went too far that time.

Logan: It was just a joke.I wasn't going to really do anything to her.

James: (talking to Jeremy) So much for protecting your sister.

Jeremy: I knew that Logan was just joking around.

Logan: Yeah,shes the one that can't take a joke. Whats her problem?

James: From the way I saw it,she thought you were serious.

Logan: Whatever, I really don't care.

Jeremy: I can't believe she said,she hated me. Shes never said that to me before. I guess I may have gone too far myself.

Kaiden: Jeremy,knowing Cat she was probably just saying that out of anger.

Trey: What did she do to deserve that?

Jeremy: Its a long story.Lets just say,that she lied to me,and to my dad.

Trey: Oh.Well,I hope shes okay.

James: Yeah,it usually doesn't take her this long to change clothes.

Jeremy: I guess I'll go see if she okay. (Jeremy gets up from the couch,and starts walking to my room)

James: Can I come?

Jeremy: No,sorry. I would like to talk to her alone.

James: Oh okay.

Jeremy: I'll be right back.

Kaiden: K.

Still in my room laying on my bed,looking at the photo album. "Vanilla Twilight" was now over, and "I'll Meet You There" also by Owl City, started playing. Just as I was wishing that I could take back what I said to Jeremy, he walks into my room,closing the door behinde him.

Jeremy: Hey, are you okay?

Cathryn: I guess.
(Jeremy comes sits beside me on my bed)
Jeremy: (he sees the photo album that I'm looking at) Where did ya get that at?

Cathryn: (The way Jeremy asked,made it seem like I wasn't suppose to have it,and it made me kind of nervous) I found it under my bed. Mom made this for me.

Jeremy: Oh okay,cool. Can I look at it?
(I knod my heaad yes,and hand him the photo album. He starts chuckling abit,as if the pictures were bringing him back good old family memories.)

Cathryn: Jeremy, I'm really sorry about what I said. I don't hate you,I love you.
(I give Jeremy a hug,and he wraps his arms around me)
Jeremy:I'm glad to here you say that. I love you too. (He kisses the top of my head) I'm also sorry for embarrassing you like that.

Cathryn: Its okay,I forgive you. Does this mean that I'm not grounded?

Jeremy: I guess you could say that your humiliation awhile ago,was enough punishment. So yes,your un grounded.

Cathryn: (I give Jeremy another hug,and kiss him on the cheek) Thank you.

Jeremy: You're welcome. Do you want to come back to the living room now? James is worried about you.

Cathryn: Okay, I guess I'll go.

I turnd off my ihome, and my itouch. Jeremy and I got up from my bed. He left my room waiting for my in tha hall way. I turn my lights off,and leave my room,closing the door behinde me. Jeremy and I now leave the hallway, and walk into the living room. I go sit back on the couch next to James and Trey, and Jeremy sits back down next to Kaiden.)

James: (puts his arm around me) Hey baby,you okay? (he kisses my cheek)

Cathryn: Yes,I'm fine. (I kiss Jsmes on his lips)

Kaiden: So are you still playing with us?

Cathryn: Yeah, I guess.

Kaiden: Okay. Then James,that means its your trun.

James: Okay. Logan, truth or dare?

Logan: Dare.

James: I dare you to be nice to Cathryn fo the rest of the night.

Cathryn: Yeah,lets see if thats even possible.

Logan: Fine, whatever.

Camille 09-06-2010 08:36 PM

Don't let this die!!!!!!! Pretty please O:D

KittyCat91 09-09-2010 09:27 PM

Hey readers,I'm sorry I havn't posted another chapter yet. My laptop broke, so I probably wont be able to be back on in a while. (The reason that I'am on now is because I'm using my friend's computer.) Hopefully I'll be able to get a new computer soon. I promise that I wont let this story die,& that I will FINISH it.

KittyCat91 09-09-2010 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by Camille (Post 327251)
Don't let this die!!!!!!! Pretty please O:D

Lol,don't worry the story didn't die,just my laptop. The story must go on,& will continue until I'm at the end.

Dinosaur 09-27-2010 09:43 AM

I'm looking forward to the next part ^_^

ursoweird123 10-01-2010 09:55 PM

I wish you would post soon. This is one of my favorite stories at the moment, and I can't STAND waiting for the next chapter.

dare_devil_girl 10-02-2010 03:56 PM

please hurry up with the next parts :) i really like this story !!!

undertaker 10-14-2010 08:46 PM

So it has died??

Stormwalker22 10-15-2010 01:16 AM

NO! it cant die! I love this Story!

ithinkiwillkillyou 10-15-2010 03:39 AM

This is probably the best story I've read on here, please let it continue

KittyCat91 10-18-2010 11:20 PM

Jeremy: Wait,before we continue,I got an idea. I'll be right back. (Jeremy leave the living room, to his room, and comes back with a hat and a piece of paper in his hand. He tares the pice pf paper into 8 squares and hands them,and pens to each of us.) Write your name on the piece of paper,and then put them inside this had. Besides being on a team, whoever picks your name out of the hat gets to give you the truth or dare.

(We all agreed,wrote our names down on the pice of paper,and put them in the hat.)

Jeremy:Since James already dared Logan, he gets to choose from the hat first. (Jeremy hand the hat to Logan)

Logan:Okay. (He pulls out the a paper,and shows me that its me) Cat, truth or dare.

Cathryn: I guess dare.

Logan: I dare you to stand in the middle of the floor. Everyone of us can pinch you where ever we want, and if you flinch it doesn't count.

Cat: Ummm Okay.

I stood in the middle of the floor, and all the boys came up and circled around me. Kaiden went first,and pinched my left shoulder. It did't hurt too bad because he mostly grabbed my t-shirt,instead of my jeans. James did the same on my right shoulder,and so did Bradon. Jeremy pinched the lower back part of my thigh.

Cathryn: (I accidently finch,to move away from Jeremy) Ow Jeremy,that hurt. ( Logan pushes me back into the middle)

Logan: That didn't count,so Jeremy has to pinch you again.

Jeremy: Sorry Cat.

I look back to see where James went, and him, Kaidne, and Bradon were sitting back down. Jeremy pinches me again at the same spot, and I forced myself not to flinch. Trey lightly pinched the left front of my arm, and Jordan pinches my left butt cheek.

Cathryn: (Not seeing that one coming,I flinched. I was shocked at where Jordan just touched me) Ow, Jordan!!! (I start rubbing where he pinched me to make the sting go away, and cover it hoping that he wouldn't pinch me there again.

Jordan: What? I can pinch you where ever I want. Now,move your hand. You flinched,so I have to pinch you again.

I turn back around,but refused to move my hand. He pinched it really hard, & I didn't want him touching me there. Jordan grabbs my wrist,moves it out of the way, and pinches me again. He didn't pinch me so hard this time,so I didn't flinch. Jordan goes to sit back down,and Logan starts circling around me.
Logan: So Cathryn, whats the most sisitive skin on a human body to be pinched at, and really hurts.

Cathryn: (Logan was making me nervouse from circling around me,and asking me that question) I...I don't know.

Logan gives me an evil laugh. He stops circling around me, and stands infront of me. I then feel a sharp pain on my left nipple. I look down,and see Logan pinching and twisting my nipple.

Cathryn: (I was shocked at the pain, and where Logan was touching me,that I flinched,and backed away from him) OW, LOGAN!!! (I foled my arms accross my chest)

James: Logan,come on thats not fair.

Logan: Shut up. The rule is that I can pinch her wherever I want. Cat,come back here. (He grabbs my arm and pulls me back towards him) Move your arms.

Cathryn: Logan, please. Don't touch me there. That really hurts.

Logan: Sorry,but you flinched. I have to keep pinching you there until you don't. And if you back out, then I get to punish you, and you'll become my slave.

I would rather jump off a cliff, than be Logan's slave. I definatly didn't want him to win, cause I could tell that he was trying to get me to loose,so that I can become his slave.

Cathryn: Fine.

I removed my arms,and put them by my side. I closed my eyes, and I coud feel Logan pinching and twisting my left nipple. I held my breath forcing myself not to flinch. Logan finally let go, and I went to go sit back down next to James and Trey. Logan hands Jordan the hat. He pulls out the paper, and it says James.

Jordan: James, truth or dare.

James: Truth.

Jordan: If you were stranded on a desert island, who would you want to be stranded with, and why?

James: I would want to be standed with Cathryn, because shes my girlfriend, I love her, and I don't think I could ever live without her.

Jordan hands the hat to Bradon, and pulls out Kaidens name from the hat.

Bradon: Kaiden, truth or dare?

Kaiden: Truth.

Bradon: How many boyfriends and girlfriends have you had?

Kaiden: I've had 2 girlfriends, and 3 boyfriends.

Bradon hands the hat to Kaiden, and pulls out Jordan's name.

Kaiden: Jordan, truth or dare?

Jordan: Dare.

Kaiden: Okay. (Kaiden gets up and leaves the living room. He goes to the kitchen, and gets a cup. He gos into the bathroom and feels the cup with toliet water. Hes now back in the living room and hands Jordan the cup.) I dare you to drink this.

Jordan: Okay, what is it?

Kaiden: I'll tell ya after you finish drinking it.

Jordan: Okay. (Jordan chugges the water down, not leaving a singke drop left in the cup)

Kaiden: (trying hard not to laugh) You just drank toliet water.

Jordan: I thought it taste funny. I think I'm gonna be sick.

Kaiden: You can't throw it back up, or you'll have to drink a bigger glass than that.

Jordan: Can I please go and get some gingerale or something?

Kaiden: Yeah,sure. I'am comming with you to make sure you don't throw up.

Jordan: Okay.

Kaiden and Jordan leave the living room, and go into the kitchen. Jeremy now has the hat,and pulls out Bradon's name.

Jeremy: Bradon, truth or dare?

Bradon: Truth?

Jeremy: How many people have you made out with, and who was your favorite and why?

Brandon: Too many to keep track of, and thats for me to know, and for you not to know.

Jeremy: Okay. For now on we all pick dares,no truths.

Jeremy hands the hat to Trey. Kaiden, and Jordan comes back into the living room,and sits back down. Trey pulls out my name out of the hat.

Trey: Cathryn, if its okay with James...I dare you to kiss me for 40 seconds.

Cathryn: Ummm...(I look at James to see if hes okay with it, he knodds his head yes.) Okay.

Trey leans over, as I lean over to him, and he kisses me passionatley. It felt kind of wierd kissing my best friend, but he was a good kisser. 40 seconds have went by, and we stopped kissing.

KittyCat91 10-18-2010 11:30 PM

Hey readers,I'm glad that you like my story, and hope you keep liking the next chapters I post. I'm sorry that its been along time. Its just I'am busy with school, and I'am now working at a haunted house, and I don't come back home until 12am,somtimes 1am.
I was able to use my mom's computer since mine is broken, and I was finally able to post my 7th chapter today.
I'am really sorry if I have accidently miss spelled some things. I would go back and fix them, but it wont let me.
Well once I get more ideas to write about chapter 8, it should be up soon.
I'm glad that I have fans that love my story, i like the comments that I've been reading. Thank you all for giving your time to read my story.

Stormwalker22 10-19-2010 01:12 AM

Great job Kittycat cant wait for chapter 8

ursoweird123 10-20-2010 07:27 PM

I'm so glad we got an update XD!!! I love this story. Few spelling errors, but you apologized so it's all good. Can't wait for Chapter 8 (that rhymed :D:D:D)!

WedgieDareGirl 11-04-2010 12:53 PM

You are a really talented writer, I hope this continues soon :D

Dinosaur 11-10-2010 12:13 PM

Can't wait for the next chapter! :)

KittyCat91 11-10-2010 09:29 PM

Chapter 8
As it was about to be my turn, my cell phone rings. I looked at the caller ID and it was my dad calling. Since my dad is out in Iraq, he barley ever gets a chance to call us,and we are'nt allowed to call him unless its an emergancy. I was excited to see that my dad was calling me,so I quickly pick up the phone.
Cathryn: (talking on the phone) Hey Daddy.
Dad: Hey sweety, how have you been?

Jeremy: Thats dad? (I knodd my head yes at Jeremy) Give me your phone I wanna talk to him.

Cathryn: No not yet, I want to talk to him too. I'll put it on speaker.
Dad: Huh?
Cathryn: Oh,sorry. Not you, I was talking to Jeremy, and your on speaker. I've been doing okay. How have you been? I really miss you.
Dad: I really missed you too. Everything is going great. I'm hoping to come back home to visit you soon. So anything intresting that I've missed?

I was thinking about dad's question, he wouldn't even believe at what had happened. Bingo,I thought of this to be the perfect opprotunity to get back at Jeremy,for all the humiliation he put me through today.

Cathryn: Oh yeah, you probably wouldn't even believe what has happened.
Dad: Really? Tell me some.
Cathryn: Okay. Oh,theres been something that I've been meaning to tell you.
Dad: Whats that?
Cathryn: I know this might shock you, but please don't freak out on me. James's mom took me to the gynecologist so that I could get birthcontrol pills.

Jeremy and everyone else in the room stared at me in shock of what they just heard. I even made Jordan spit out his gengeral he was abouto to swallow, and he accidently spit it all in Logan's face. I was trying so hard not to laugh at that. Trey had to get up and run to a different room just so he could laugh out loud (Since my dad was on the phone everyone had to be quiet, because Jeremy would get in trouble if dad knew that he was throughing a party). Jeremy was giving me an evil smile thinking he knew what was coming.

Dad: You and James havn't or aren't planning onto you know...?
Cathryn: (I knew what my dad was about to say and quickly cut him off befor he would say that word) Ewww,dad. No. Theres nothing to worry about. I decided on my own that it I should be on them. Besides helping me not be pregnate,the doctor said that it will help my monthly slow down, and to help me not have bad acne anymore.
Dad: Oh okay. As long as nobody is pressuring or forcing you to take the pills its fine with me. I'm proud of you for deciding that on your own. That takes big responsibility.

Jeremy's mouth droped open. He was shocked and dissapointed that dad wasn't grounding me or yelling at me. I give Jeremy an evil smile in return, and turn dad off speaker phone so Jeremy couldn't hear.

Cathryn: Yes daddy,I know. I thought I should also tell you, that I almost died today. But don't worry, Kaiden gave me CPR, and brought me back to life.(Jeremy evidently knew what I was up to and started trying to grabb my phone out of my hand.)

Jeremy: Cat, give me your phone now.

Cathryn: No. Jeremy stop. (I get up, and walk behind the couches to get away from Jeremy) Hey dad, did you know that Jeremy has a tattoo? Hes also throwing a party right now.
Jeremy: You're a dead Cat.

Jeremy then starts chasing after me. We run around in circles in the living room. I accidently trip over the recliner chair, that Bradon is still sitting in, and fall into his lap. We both end up accidently make the chair tipp over. I almost fall, rolling out of the chair, but Bradon caught me,and hes now holding me like a baby. I'm guessing that Trey must have came out of the room, and just saw what happened to me, because I saw him having to run back into the room, just so he could laugh again.

Logan: Haha, dude that was epic.

Bradon: (talking to me) Are you okay?

Cathryn: Yeah, I'm sorry. (talking to my dad) Jeremy was chasing me and I accidently fell on top of his friend Bradon. Okay. Bye daddy, I love you too. Jeremy dad wants to talk to you.(Jeremy comes over to me and grabbs the phone out of my hand.)

Jeremy: Hey dad. I know dad, shes got it wrong. Its not a party, its just a small get togeather. Yes sir. Okay. Love you too,bye.

Jeremy hangs up the phone. Bradon carefully props me over the chair, standing me back up. Bradon then does a back roll out of the chair,and onto his feet. He picks the recliner chair back up, and sits back down in it.
Not knowing Jeremy was behind me, I bump into him, and he puts me in a head lock.

Jeremy: You almost got me grounded you little brat.

Cathryn: Well it was payback for what you did to me earlier today. I thought you diserved it. (I'm trying to struugle to get out of Jeremy's head lock) Let me go.

Jeremy: Well you thought wrong. You're lucky that dad didn't ground me. If he did, you would be in a hell lot of trouble right now. (Because Jeremy wouldn't let me go, I bit down into his arm) Ow,shit.! (He let me go,and I ran back over to James and sat next to him) She bit me.

Logan: Dam I was right. She is a vampire bitch. (James smacks Loagan in the back of his neck for calling me that) Ow.

(Trey finally comes back in the living room,and he sits back down next to me)

Jeremy: (talking to me) You might have thought that you've won this round, but you're wrong. Some how, some way I will get you back for this.

Cathryn: K, whatever.
(Jeremy goes to sit back down next to Kaiden and Trey.)

Trey: (talking to me) So, what did I miss?

Cathryn: Long story. I'll tell you later.

Trey: K.

Kaiden: Can we all please get back to the game now? Cat, its your turn.

Cathryn: Okay. (I pick out Jeremy's name out of the hat.) Hmmm, Jeremy has been mean to me, then I randomly pick his name out of the hat. Karma.

Jeremy: How is that Karma?

Cathryn: You'll see. I dare you to go out side. You have to run once back and forth down the street, and then once around the house. Wearing nothing but a diaper.

Jeremy: Fine, I don't care.

Trey: Wow, this day just keeps getting more intresting by the minute.

Cookie Dough 11-11-2010 11:00 AM

Great Job! Thank you for the next installment. I love this story.

CarolineT487 11-27-2010 09:11 AM

Loving this story please keep writing can't wait for the next part

WedgieDareGirl 11-27-2010 01:34 PM

Please update this story soon!

MeasinToday 11-27-2010 10:52 PM

Please continue, AMAZING STORY!

pedrosoyyo 12-13-2010 12:07 PM

Is quite long without any update... Keep it on, the story is nice.

KittyCat91 12-15-2010 01:19 AM

We are now all outside standing in the drive way, waiting for Jeremy to start the dare I gave him. Since its now completly dark outside, its a bit cold. Jeremy finally came out of the house wearing nothing but a diaper. We were all trying not to laugh at him.

Jeremy: Shit its cold. (He hugs himself,trying to keep himself warm)

Kaiden: (Talkin to Jeremy) Wow, lookin hot babe. Maybe you should start wearing these more often.

Jeremy: Shut it.

Kaiden: Sorry.

Jeremy: (Walks up to me,and gets in my face) I'll so get you back for this. You're gonna be sorry lil sis.

Cathryn: (I give him an evil smile) We'll just see about that, big bro.

What Jeremy doesn't know is that I secretly snuk my digital cam cored from my room,and it was hiding in the sleve of my house coat. I poped the camera out of my sleve to wear just the lends were barley showing, and started recording him running down the street. He came running back up the driveway, and ran around the house. Instead of running back to the driveway where we were, he rean back inside the warm house. I turned my cam cored off, and followed everyone else back into the house. As all the guys were goofing off in the living room. I quickly went to my room and uploaded the video onto my laptop. Not knowing, James entered my room and tapped me on the shoulder. Thinking it was jeremy, I get startled and turn aroud to hide the screen of my laptop.

Cathryn: (Relifed that it wasn't Jeremy) Oh,its just you.

James: You, okay?

Cathryn: Yeah, I'm fine.

James: Watch ya hiding?

Cathryn: Promise not to tell anyone?

James: (He kisses me on the lips) I promise.

Cathryn: Okay, I took a video of Jeremy while he was doing his dare.

James: (Chuckles at what I did) What for?

Cathryn: Its just a back up plian, incase if I need it.

James: Oh okay. (He holds my hand) Well come back to the living room. We're all waiting for you to continue the game.

Cathryn: Okay.

I follow behinde James as we walk back into the living room. As we walked into the living room, Jeremy was giving me an angy/evil stare. I see that he has took the diaper off and changed back into his clothes. Since Bradon was sitting next too Kaiden, and there was now no more room on the couch. James sat in the recliner chair, and I sat on his lap.

Jeremy: Welcome back little sis. (I roll my eyes at him, and ignore him. He knows that I hate it when he calls me that.)

Kaiden: (Gets up off the couch and hands James the hat) Its your turn.

James: Okay. (He takes the hat from Kaiden, and kaiden goes sits back down next too Jeremy and Bradon. James picks out my name, he shows me the piece of paper) Looks like I picked out my lucky angel. I dare Cathryn to let me be the first to take her verginity.

Cathryn: Okay. (I stare into his eyes, smlie at him, and we both start kissing each other passionatly. Jeremy throws a pillow from the couch at us, hitting me in the face) Ow.

Jeremy: Not here, not now, and definitly not anytime in the near future.

Cathryn: (I roll my eys at Jeremy, and throw the pillow back at him) We know Jerkass. It was a joke. We're waiting for the right time.

James: (Changing the subjet) Its Logan's turn. (Hands me the hat) Can you please hand this to Logan.
(So I wouldn't have to get up,I lean as far as I can to logan, and he does the same taking the hat from my hand)

Logan: Screw the hat. (He throws it behinde his shoulder,making all the pieces of paper fly every where) I dare all of us to play a little game of basketball nude.

Jordan: Sure thats safe?

Logan: Who cares. It will be fun. Espeacially watching Cat's big juicy titties move up and down while she runs.

Cathryn: Your a disgusting little pervert.

Logan: This is the game of truth or dare babe, and we would have all seen you naked eventually.

Jeremy: Logan's right Cat. And if you don't do his dare, then you'll be punished an become his slave.

Cathryn: Yeah, yeah. Whatever, I know.(Talking to Logan) And don't call me babe.

All the guys get up, and start heading to the basment where our basketball court is. Really not wanting to do this, James lifts me up off of him. He holds my hand, pulling me behinde, making me follow him and the rest of the guys. We are now down in the basment, I stopped about 10 inches away from the entrence of the door, pulling James back and making him not go into the basketball court room.

James: (Tuggs on my arm,pulling me towards the door) Come on sweety, lets go.

Cathryn: (I don't move a muscle) No. James, I really don't wan't to do this.

James: Do you want to be punished by Logan?

Cathryn: No.

James: Do you want to be Logan's slave?

Cathryn: No. I would rather commite suicide than to become his slave.

James: (Laughing at my coment) Then get your sexy butt in there.
(He comes behinde me, grabbs my arms and starts pushing me towards the door. I start moving a bit, he then starts grabbing and tickling my waste. Because I was trying to run from him to make him stop tickling me, I accidently run into the handle bars of the right door, making it open, and fall down on my butt)

Cathryn: (The door comes swinging back, slaming right into my back really hard) Ow!

James: I'm sorry baby. Are you okay? (He pushes the door off of my back, holding it open with his right foot, and helps get back up on my feet)

Cathryn: Yeah, I think so.

James and I are now inside the basketball court room, and the doors slame shut behinde us. I see that all of the guys have already took their clothes off, the only ones left with clothes on are me and James. Take that back, now just me since James started taking off his clothes. Logan starts walking towards me, I starts backing away so that he wont be so close to me, but I accidently run into Jeremy, and he grabbs me around the waist.

Jeremy: Well, well, well. Heres my little pussy cat.

Cathryn: (I'm trying to struggle to get him off of me) Jeremy let me go. (Jeremy quickly takes my house coat off and tosses it on the bleachers. Before I could get away from him, he holds my tighter close to him, and I can feel his cock rubbing against my butt.I stay still,so then maybe he wont hold me so tight anymore)

Logan: (Is now close up to my face) You can either do this the easy way, or we can do this the hard way. (He starts to try and pull down my shorts, but I swing my left leg, kicking his hip.) Ow, shit. You little nija bitch, I was just joking.

Cathryn: I have and know alot of ninja moves and not afraid to use them. Jeremy, if you don't want me to flip you, or bite you again. I suggest you gently let me go now.

Jeremy: Okay, fine. (He lets go of me, pushing me onto the ground, making me fall to my knees.)

Cathryn: Ow! (Being sarcastic) Does anyone know what gently means any more?

Kaiden: (Laughing at me, he helps me up.) You okay?

Cathryn: Yeah.

Logan: We're giving you 10 seconds for you to take you clothes off yourself. If you don't, then you will be punished and become my slave.

Cathryn: Jeremy this isn't fair. I'am the only girl, and I'm really not comfortable being naked around a bunch of guys.

Jeremy: Sorry kido. Sometimes things in life aren't just fair. I guess you can say that this is pay back for the dare you made me do.

James: (Comes behinde me and whispers in my ear) If you would like for me too, I could help you.

Cathryn: (Knowing that I would rather have my boyfriend rather than Logan or my brother take my clothes off, I decided to let James) Okay.

James starts kissing my neck, and messaging my shouldhers to help me relax. He first slides down my shorts, I then slide my flip flops off so that I can step out of my shorts. I'm now just in my t-shirt, and panties. James turns me around to where I'm facing him, he then holds me close in his arms, ands starts making out with me. I can feel his cock against me, starting to get hard.

James: Ready for the next parts?

Cathryn: (For some reason I'm just really nrevous about this) I guess.

James: Just relax, and close your eys. Pretend that its just you and me in the room alone. Okay?

Cathryn: Okay.

I do as James says, and closes my eyes, visualising just the two of us alone. He starts kissing me again, and slides down my panties. I step out of my panties, and I now only have a shirt on. He starts slowly kissing my neck, and grabbs the bottom of my shirt. He then slowly lifts my shirt up. I lift my arms up in the air so that he can take it off.

James: (Whispers in my ear) You can open you eyes now.

I open my eyes, and see that I'm finally naked just like everyone else is. I fold my accross my chest covering my boobs, so no one can see them. Jeremy comes behinde me an spanks my ass.

Cathryn: Ow, Jeremy.

Jeremy: Put your arms down.

Cathryn: But...

Jeremy: (Innterupts me) NOW! Or I'll spank you again, but harder.

Logan: Rule number one, no one is allowed to cover any part of their body.

Kaiden: Cat, we all here have seen girls naked. The only virgins in this room is you, and possibly Jordan.

Jordan: Whats that suppose to mean? Because I'm not a virgin.

Kaiden: I was just joking, I know your not. (Talking to me) If your worried about what we think about your body, theres nothing to worry about. I don't know about anyone else, but I think your beautiful.

Cathryn: (Hearing that from Kaiden did kind of make me feel better) Okay. (I put my arms down by my side)

Logan: Since I see that we all have hairs, the winers get to shave the losers.

Jeremy: I would like to add one important rule. Do NOT put your dicks near my little sisters pussy. If I dare see any go inside her, I'll swear that I'll ripp your heads off. Although for you James, since you already don't have a head. I'll ripp you dick completly off, if you dare try to slide into my sister. Got it?

James: Yes sir.

Logan: Okay. So its still me Jeremy, Bradon and Kaiden, against Jordan, Trey, James and Cathryn. Let the games begin.

cumslut17 12-15-2010 11:38 AM

please continue. best story ever

Stormwalker22 12-15-2010 06:15 PM

I love this story

slutpup 12-23-2010 08:42 PM

Did this story or are you still thinking about what to write?

Dare Master321 12-30-2010 04:14 PM

Keep going this is the only story that i have read all!

Isabellaslave 12-31-2010 08:51 PM

Keep going this story is amazing

KittyCat91 02-07-2011 07:29 PM

Chapter 10
We all got into possision on the basketball court. My team was on defense and Jeremy's on the offense side of the court. Since I was the only girl there, the guys decided that it would be fair if I get the ball first. So I went to go stand in center infront of Logan. Jeremy signed to me that wveryone was ready, and to start the game. So I began to dribble the ball,and running towards the goal.

Trey: Hey, Cat I'm opened!

I quickly looked up at Trey and saw that he was closer to the goal,and that Kaiden was behinde him. So I threw the ball to trey, he caught it and then threw it into the goal. Since Trey was standing at a 3 pointer line, that helped our team get ahead with 3 points.
As we kept playing the game got more intense. Whichever team got 15 points first, won the game. Jeremy's team ended up being ahead of us, the score was 12 to 10. Jeremy had the ball, but James stole the ball and passed it to me. I began to dribble the ball, running back towards our goal. Right when I was about to shoot, Logan jumped on top of me, making me drop the ball.

Cathryn: OW! Dude, this is basketball not football. Get off of me.
Logan: Sorry, I tripped.
Cathryn: (being sarcastic) On what, flat surface?
Kaiden, James,and Jeremy comes over to Logan and I to make sure that we're okay.
Jeremy: Cat,you shouldn't be talking when you do that everyday.
Cathryn: Whatever.
James: (takes my left hand and starts to help me up) You okay babe?
Cathryn: (I feel a sharp pain when James pulls my wrist) Ow! James, let go. You're hurting my wrist.
James: (lets go of my wrist) I'm sorry.
Cathryn: It's okay. I think I hurt my wrist when Logan made me fall.
James: Hey Bradon, can you come here for just a sec?
Bradon: Yeah, sure. (runs over to us from the side lines) Whats up?
James: Cat thinks that she might have hurt her wrist when she fell.
Bradon: Oh ok. Cathryn can I please see your wrist to see if it's okay?
Cathryn: Okay.
Bradon: (holds my left wrist) Where does it hurt the wrost?
Cathryn: (I pont to the right side of my scaphoid) Right here.
Bradon: (starts feeling my wrist) It does feel warm and swollen. Can you try to move it by your self?
Cathryn: (Bradon lets go of my wrist and I try to move it, but it really hurts) No, I can't. It hurts to move.
Bradon: Yeah, you spraind your wrist. I don't think that you should continue playing the game.
Cathryn: But I have too.
Bradon: I'm sorry Cathryn, but you can not play. If you do, you will end up hurting it worse.
Jeremy: Cat, Bradon is right. You can't play.
James: Will we still be able to continue the game?
Jeremy: Maybe, if someone on my team sits out with her.
Bradon: I'll sit out, so I can fix Cathryn's wrist.
Jeremy: Okay.
Bradon: Where's all of your first aid stuff at?
Jeremy: Upstairs, in the kitchen.
Bradon: Okay. Cathryn and I will go upstairs, while yall continue the game.
Jeremy: Okay.

James, Kaiden, and Jeremy went back to the middle of the court. I sart to grabb my clothes to put them back on, but Logan takes them from me.
Logan: I don't think so pussy Cat. (Evidently James must have heard Logan, because he threw the basketball at the back of his head) Ow,shit.
James: Ooops. Sorry, it slipped.
Cathryn: (laughing at Logan) So how many points does that give my team?.
Logan: (ignoring my sarcasim) Everyone has to stay nude until the game is over.
Cathryn: But I'm not playing right now. I have to sit out because you made me hurt my wrist. Please give me my clothes back.
Logan: No. You must of miss understood me. Not this game. You can't put your clothes back on until the game of truth or dare is over.
Bradon: (At the door waiting for me) Cathryn, come on.
Cathryn: Okay, I'm coming. (talking to logan) Fine, whatever.

Still naked, Bradon and I leave the basketball stadium, and we are now in the kitchen. I sit down on a stool in the kitchen, next to the counter. Bradon opens the freezer, and grabbs the ice pack. He puts a towel around it, and hands it to me.
Bradon: Let this stay on your wrist for about 20 minutes. I'll let you know when its time to take it off. Where do you guys keep you bandages and stuf?
Cathryn: (I point at the top droor thats next to me) Right there.
Bradon:Okay. (Bradon goes through the droor, and grabbs the lime green elastic compression bandage.) Lets take the ice pack off for just a sec.
Cathryn: Okay.
I lay the ice pack down next to me on top of the counter. Bradon gently takes my wrist and starts wrapping the bandage around it.
Bradon: (finished wrapping my wrist, and puts the ice pack back on) There ya go. Just leave the ice pack on for a couple of more minutes. In order to heal your wrist you will need to put an ice pack on it every day for atleast 20 minutes.
Cathryn: Okay. Thanks.
Bradon: No prob, just doing my job. Wanna go back down stairs to watch the rest of the game?
Cathryn: Sure.
Just as we were about to leave the kitchen to go down stairs, all the guys come back up.
Bradon: Never minde. So who won?
Kaiden: We did.
Logan: I call dibbs on shaving Cat's little hairy pussy.
Cathryn: (My eyes grow wide over what Logan just said) Like I would ever trust you with a razor,espeacially when using it on me. You already made me sprain my wrist, I really don't want you to end up cutting me open with a razor.
Kaiden: Alright. Cat, if you had to choose one of us to shave you, who would you choose?
Cathryn: I don't know. I don't really care who, as long as it's not Logan.
Jeremy: Is it Okay if I can? I mean, you do trust your big bro right?
Cathryn: I guess, and yeah of course I trust you.
Jeremy: Okay then. I will shave you. I'm going to my room to grabb razors, a towel for all of us to use. Kaiden can you get a bowl of water in the kitchen, and bring it out in the living room?
Kaden: Yeah, sure.
We all leave to go sit in the living room. Jeremy leaves to go to his room, and Kaiden is still in the kitchen getting the bowl of water.

nicknick0912 02-07-2011 07:34 PM

love it go on.:D :D :D :D

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