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Rachie 03-29-2011 05:57 PM


I was not meaning anything by the minor errors that were posted only mearly the fact that even using a spel checker will not bring everything up. Therefore Spelling / Grammer i can understand the odd mistake. However like the thread was meaning (manbearpig) i agree that aol chat is not required and have personally brought some of these to new commer attentions or contacted a mod in the past.

What i also used to find annoying was abreviations, since coming out of hospital and learning everything again, some of these used to escape me, however after asking polite people / mods / friends i can follow all/most speech easily.
lmfao - as previously used lol
ABM - A big Mistake
DBM - Dont both me
BRB - Be right back

Just a few seen used in chat


x x x x

Manbearpig 03-31-2011 08:29 AM

Thank you for the feedback. I agree and I should have stressed this a bit more, spelling on the chat is not as important because you are trying to rush. You want to get a response as quick as possible. Unless I see something majorly wrong, I won't spell check. I won't use grammar at all really. However, when someone has time to read their work and go through it, then spelling becomes an issue to me

cheese101 03-31-2011 09:31 AM

I thought you were going to post these:

Blank 04-04-2011 05:21 AM

I will try and use a spell checker, but what Im gonna say is not everyone will remember to use a spell checker. Is it really fair to be harsh on them if they cant help it? if its idiots who speak stupid text talk...smite them all you want. lol

Edited : I mean this as a point, not to cause a argument. Ill just follow what MBp says.

Rachie 04-04-2011 05:34 AM


Originally Posted by Manbearpig (Post 429484)
Thank you for the feedback. I agree and I should have stressed this a bit more, spelling on the chat is not as important because you are trying to rush. You want to get a response as quick as possible. Unless I see something majorly wrong, I won't spell check. I won't use grammar at all really. However, when someone has time to read their work and go through it, then spelling becomes an issue to me

Agree (chat not as important)

You will also earn more respect, if you TRY to use correct spellings grammer etc, especially in stories and when posting a new thread.

Everyone is able to preview the posts first and can easily check layout etc.

Love Rachie
x x x x

The Natural 04-04-2011 06:56 AM

In my humble opinion...

Honestly I assume this thread was made for those PM's and chat people 'who lyk 2 tlk lik dis." To me that seems pretty far off from any form of English whatsoever.

Therefore... doesn't really matter which denomination of English you speak, just as long as you don't talk like a 12 year old with no education whatsoever.


Demon Thief 04-14-2011 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by The Natural (Post 432800)
In my humble opinion...

Honestly I assume this thread was made for those PM's and chat people 'who lyk 2 tlk lik dis." To me that seems pretty far off from any form of English whatsoever.

Therefore... doesn't really matter which denomination of English you speak, just as long as you don't talk like a 12 year old with no education whatsoever.


Yes, since most teens would rather type things like they were on their phones rather than use proper grammar and English. Text talk and the like annoy me to no end.

johnnyisawesome 04-14-2011 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by Rachie (Post 428426)
This is only applicable if using a PC / LAPTOP as ipod touch / phones etc dont have spell checker that i am aware of, or if they do sure will be harder to use.

It might be different on the older models but on the 4 generation one it has an automatic spell checker while you are typing.

loke 04-14-2011 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by The Natural (Post 432800)
In my humble opinion...

Honestly I assume this thread was made for those PM's and chat people 'who lyk 2 tlk lik dis." To me that seems pretty far off from any form of English whatsoever.

Therefore... doesn't really matter which denomination of English you speak, just as long as you don't talk like a 12 year old with no education whatsoever.


Unless of course a person can't help it because of a disability or disorder.

Rachie 04-14-2011 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by johnnyisawesome (Post 439103)
It might be different on the older models but on the 4 generation one it has an automatic spell checker while you are typing.

Well have 2 ipod touches (3rd / 4th generations)

And yes it does automatically check the spelling, however usually on mine it makes the words INCORRECT. So have to recheck before posting.

eg - changes Rachie to RACHIE.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Since the thread was set up there has also now become a new function - NOTEPAD. very useful for enable people to save things. Can then proof yourself if needed. Also handy so you do not have to post in a hurry, will save to your notepad if you select Save changes at the bottom of the page. You can then re open Notepad edit, copy etc and post at a later time.

To find Notepad

Click Quick Links at the top right of the page
This is then just under Ban List

Love Rachie
x x x x

DarkAndEvil 04-14-2011 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by Rachie (Post 428426)

To represent as greater than is actually the case; overstate = Exaggerate

This word took me 8min 12 sec to find spelling as at first put edzadurate / egsadurate / exadurate etc all with no spelling corrections being correct.
I found the correct spelling in the end my typing how I expected it to be worded in INTERNET EXPLORER – and it came up with suggestions unlike Microsoft word

I am lucky enough not to suffer from dyslexia, however as a child I can remember being told to "go and look up the spelling in the dictionary". How on planet earth is one supposed to look up xylophone for instance? Zylophone..? Someone showed me a "magic dictionary". Sadly I can't remember what the book was entitled, but I remember it consisted of a clever way of looking up spellings by sound. I haven't managed to find an online version, but I imagine it would be useful to those out there with difficulties with spelling if anyone manages to find one?

With the English and American languages is that some spellings simply have to be learned, there is no logic which follows through everything without exception. The rules of grammar are taken from latin (or greek) and imposed on a germanic language which makes life quite difficult.

All that said, although it's difficult, good spelling and grammar mean that everyone understands what you are saying, without ambiguity. When there is no tone of voice or other clue to your meaning, you have to be clear.

Bangin 04-14-2011 04:24 PM

My rant
From someone who is currently training to be a teacher of English to non-native speakers, here is my view.

Some people (descriptivists) argue that as long as communication is achieved, language change and variation is not a negative thing, and some even go so far as to say it should be encouraged.

On the other hand, prescriptivists argue that the language is like a crumbling castle, in that it used to be a beautiful stately home but is becoming gradually worn down by people who use it incorrectly.

My view is that spelling mistakes, as irritating as they can be, are not the end of the world.
'Text talk' such as 'c u l8r, lv u 2' annoys me unless it is in a text/on msn etc. The reason behind such grammar is that it makes IM more instant and it makes texting less expensive.
On a forum, immediacy and expense are not issues, so speak properly you ignorant morons!

I admit, I make mistakes from time to time due to various reasons, but they are just that: mistakes. To be purposely illiterate is beyond me.
And coming from a British English (the real kind :p) speaker, it pains me to say it but it does not matter what dialect of English you speak. There is a standard written form for your country/region so USE IT!!!

So yeah, that's my little grammar rant over.
Come on people, speak properly :)

Over & Out,

(I've just realised how much of a dick this post makes me sound, but I don't care. I'm just a man who loves his language!)

loke 04-14-2011 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by Bangin (Post 439182)
From someone who is currently training to be a teacher of English to non-native speakers, here is my view.

Some people (descriptivists) argue that as long as communication is achieved, language change and variation is not a negative thing, and some even go so far as to say it should be encouraged.

On the other hand, prescriptivists argue that the language is like a crumbling castle, in that it used to be a beautiful stately home but is becoming gradually worn down by people who use it incorrectly.

My view is that spelling mistakes, as irritating as they can be, are not the end of the world.
'Text talk' such as 'c u l8r, lv u 2' annoys me unless it is in a text/on msn etc. The reason behind such grammar is that it makes IM more instant and it makes texting less expensive.
On a forum, immediacy and expense are not issues, so speak properly you ignorant morons!

I admit, I make mistakes from time to time due to various reasons, but they are just that: mistakes. To be purposely illiterate is beyond me.
And coming from a British English (the real kind :p) speaker, it pains me to say it but it does not matter what dialect of English you speak. There is a standard written form for your country/region so USE IT!!!

So yeah, that's my little grammar rant over.
Come on people, speak properly :)

Over & Out,

(I've just realised how much of a dick this post makes me sound, but I don't care. I'm just a man who loves his language!)

Allow me to correct your grammar:

The below can be written in a few ways even

"So yeah, that's my little grammar rant, it is over now".

"So yeah, that's my little grammar rant, which is over now".

"So yeah, that's my little grammar rant, is now over".

"So yeah, that's my little grammar rant, it is over".

"So yeah, that's my little grammar rant, it is now over."

"So yeah, that's my little grammar rant, which is now over."

Moral here? Before you call other people ignorant morons, be sure you can speak properly first. ;)

I will quote your line that has the smile face: "Come on Bangin, speak properly".

Now my grammar rant is over with you.

Slenderman - Doctor 04-17-2011 12:24 PM

Ahh, gotta love the smug and the picky. :rolleyes:

Manbearpig 04-17-2011 05:20 PM

I really don't understand why this is being argued still. If you misspell one word, the mods are not going to hunt you down because, quite frankly, I am not good at spelling myself. However, I will take time to make sure I did a decent enough job so that it is readable and not something a 5 year old would right.

And Loke, I have no f'ing idea what your last post was about. If you have been reading this entire thread at all, you would know that this no nitpicking each sentence (and according to Word, that sentence was correct so you never know), but spelling on a larger scale, like using text speak to talk to someone in a thread. ("wil u b my slave?").

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