getDare Truth or Dare

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BLOEM51 05-16-2009 01:06 PM

Very good so far. Please continue

HeadHunter_t 05-16-2009 01:33 PM

thanks i am glad that you guys are enjoying it should have the next part done in the next few days

HeadHunter_t 05-16-2009 02:16 PM

hey finshed the next part so here it is
Part 5 the rules

Jenna woke up really early the next morning she couldn’t help but think what she would do that night to serve her master. But she could not think about that now she had to get ready for school the one good thing was it was a Friday. So school ended at 1:00 but from 2:00 till 4:00 she had cheer leading practice. That meant she would only be home at 4:30.
Before Jenna was going to shower she remembered that she had to check for the email with her rules in it from her new master. She signed in to her email and there it was saying the following as a subject.

To my slave girl your new rules.

She quickly opened the email and read the rules.

From: [email protected]
Subject: To my slave girl your new rules

1) Always refer to me as master.
2) You always must shave your pussy
3) You must check your email twice a day
4) You may not cum without my permission slave
5) You must always tell the truth to your master slave
6) You must be naked when in your room unless told otherwise
7) You may not wear panties without permission (unless you have cheerleading practice )
8) You must obey all these rules at all times my slave.

Jenna read her rules for what felt like forever but was only 15 minutes then she decided to go shower and get ready for school. The drive to school on the bus was pretty uneventful for Jenna. Most of her classes where boring and uneventful accept for the free they had in art do to the teacher having a meeting. During that free Jenna was so deep in thought about her new master that she didn’t even hear Kristy talking to her at first asking if she new about next weekend yet. She replied with a no when she realized Kristy was talking to her they joked around for the rest of the period.
Cheer leading practice was about to start and Jenna had not noticed so she was running late. By the time she got to the field the team had already started practice. She apologized to them for being late then they started practicing again. The practice went extremely quickly for Jenna for some reason.

molten man 05-17-2009 03:23 AM

Excellent. keep it going

Midnight 05-17-2009 09:45 AM

I agree that this is really good. I really like how you don't rush things but the post are really "filler" either.

Update soon!

HeadHunter_t 05-17-2009 11:59 AM

Will do
Might not update for about a week will get more done as soon as i can thoe.i am glad people are enjoying my storie.

mausi7280bi 05-18-2009 08:18 AM

I sound to will be great,
want to hear more about that .

HeadHunter_t 05-18-2009 02:50 PM

heres more
Part 6

When Janna got home there was a note on the table next to the front door from her mom that said the following.

Hey Jenna I am going to be working late tonight so please make your self something to eat.

So Jenna went into the kitchen to make her dinner which was pasta in a red sauce. Then after eating Jenna realized it was 5:15 so she decided to go and do what little homework she had from her day at school. Jenna finished her homework at 5:55 she stripped till she was completely naked. Then logged on to yahoo chat her master was not on yet but she would wait like a good slave should. At exactly 6:00 her new master logged on to yahoo chat.

SlaveJ: hello master
MasterX: hello my slave how was your day.
SlaveJ: very good master.
MasterX: that is good my slave.
MasterX: Did you get my rules for you to obey slave.
SlaveJ: yes master I did and I whore panties today because I had cheer leading practice master.
MasterX: that is fine slave that was part of your rules my slave.
SlaveJ: thank you master.
MasterX: OK slave tell me what you are wearing now then.
SlaveJ: master I am naked as your rule says I should be when in my room alone master.
MasterX: ok slave what I want you to do now is edge for your master and stop when you are about to cum then tell me.
SlaveJ: yes master

Jenna then started to play with her pussy. She was still going 10 minuets later and then she felt it she was very close to Cumming. so she stopped playing with her self and started to type to her master.

SlaveJ: I have stopped as you said master due to the fact I was about to cum
MasterX: good my slave you did well for your first time 10 minuets now I want you to do the same again but try to last longer this time my slave.
SlaveJ: yes master

HeadHunter_t 05-18-2009 03:24 PM

wow 2 parts done !!!!
Part 7
Jenna then started to play with her self again this time it seemed to go a lot slower then the first time. She reached 5 minuets and it felt like 10 minuets. Then she reached 10 minuets and it felt like 15 minuets. By the time she reached 13 minuets she could not go or she would cum no wait it was to late to stop Jenna started to orgasm. When Jenna stopped Cumming she felt gilt wash over her. She had broken 1 of her masters rules she was a bad slave and she new it.

Jenna new what she had to do to make it right so that she would feel like a good slave again? She would have to tell her master and take the punishment she deserved for disobeying her new master. Jenna started to type to her master feeling honest scared and guilty at the same time.

SlaveJ: master I am sorry your slave has broken one of your rules master I came without permission please punish your new slave so that she may learn to better serve you master.

While Jenna waited for a reply from her master she reread her message to her new master she did not know where she got what she said to him from. But it felt like the correct thing to say to her master. All of the sudden a message popped up from her master.

MasterX: OK my slave since you where honest your punishment will not be bad, use your bare hand to spank each ass cheek of yours five times count each one by typing each one on yahoo my slave girl.

SlaveJ: yes master right cheek master.
SlaveJ: 1 master
Slavej: 2 master
Slavej: 3 master
Slavej: 4 master
Slavej: 5 master
SlaveJ: left cheek now master.
SlaveJ: 1 master
SlaveJ: 2 master
SlaveJ: 3 master
SlaveJ: 4 master
SlaveJ: 5 master

After the punishment Jenna and her master spoke more about what her training would be like for her by the time she looked at a clock it was 10:35. Jenna was feeling tired and was about to ask her master if she could go to sleep. when a new message came throe and Jenna began to smile.

firenight 05-18-2009 04:48 PM

go on its alsome

molten man 05-19-2009 01:29 PM

nice work man!!!!!

HeadHunter_t 05-19-2009 02:05 PM

heres the next part
here is the next part and yay it is my 100th post on get dare as well.

Part 8

MasterX: good girl ok slave I have to log off now I will send you an email with tasks for you to do at school my slave girl.
Jenna quickly started typing her reply.

SlaveJ: Yes master I will check for your email in the morning good night master
MasterX: sleep naked tonight slave and good night.

Jenna’s master signed off then after Jenna logged of, and shut down her pc. she went to prepare for bed. When she lay down she drifted of to sleep quickly.

When Jenna woke up she remember the night before with her new master, her first thought when she woke up was did I do those things. Then she thought yes I did and I enjoyed doing them for my master.

Jenna then remembered the email her master said that he would send her. She logged on to her email account. There was one email from her master

Dear slave your tasks are

1) You may wear a bra and panties today slave because your master wishes for you to have a bra connection wedgie for the day.
2) You must edge for 15 minutes before you go to school. For 10 minutes in the bathroom at school during your brake. For another 15 minutes when you get home from school. without Cumming at all slave
3) And as soon as you get home send me a email with a list of all your cloths slave.

After reading the email Jenna decided that she would edge before having her shower. Jenna then started to finger herself by 12 minuets she was struggling to keep control but she made it to 15.she stopped as soon as the hand hit the twelve for the last minute of her time. Then Jenna went off to shower and then connected her bra and patties in a wedgie then she left for school.

hot24guy 05-19-2009 04:37 PM

wow very good. keep going. i like this story.

molten man 05-20-2009 06:44 AM

Nice story!! Keep it going..

BLOEM51 05-20-2009 07:02 AM

Really a very good story. Can`t wait for the next part

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