getDare Truth or Dare

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sexyandiloveit 08-31-2013 02:46 PM

This story is so good! Please write more.

iSpuds 09-01-2013 01:16 PM

The chairs were cheap - metal frames that dug into my ample thighs and vinyl seats that collected the beads of sweat dripping down my ass into a pool right beneath me. And I wondered, did it have to be a hundred degrees in that room?!

Beth and I sat with more patience than normal in the sweltering principal's office while Mr. Gregory paged through some files on his desk.

Have you not heard of central fucking air? I fidgeted in my seat - not out of nerves, but rather, out of the fact that any moment I knew I would crack. I hated heat. I hated humidity. I hated that room. If he didn't hurry up and let me go, I--

"It seems that there's been a crime committed in the church," he said, eyeing us both. I knew what he was talking about: behind the school was a church where the students would gather for Tuesday Mass. When not in use for sermons, the students and staff had access to the church at all times for individual prayer. That was the intention, but really, all you'd find there nowadays were students fucking behind the altar. So it wasn't about the rape, I thought, somewhat relieved. "Some witnesses, both students and passersby, recognized the two of you leaving school late. Care to explain what you were doing there?"

At either side of Mr. Gregory's desk were two officers in standard Pennsylvania State uniforms. In the corner, I caught a glimpse of a suited man--probably an investigator. He sat with a tape recorder and notepad, jotting down words every so often as we conversed.

Beth was becoming impatient. She stomped a boot into the ledge of Mr. Gregory's new-looking cherry wood desk, a present from the directors for putting up with our shit, I figured.

"Ya think girls like us got time to be wasting vandalizing churches?" Beth groused, rolling her eyes. Out of everyone at the school, she was probably the only student who could get away with talking to the principal like that. Word had it that she had so much dirt on him that if he even looked at her the wrong way she'd have him locked up in mere seconds. They didn't call that girl Blackmail Beth for nothin'.

"I thought you knew me better, Barry," she continued to gripe. "I got better things to do than to be fucking around with silly pranks."

"It wasn't a prank," Mr. Gregory cleared his throat and pushed up his plastic-rimmed glasses, clearly red in the face after being disrespected so openly in the company of law enforcement. "It was a murder."

"Jamie Whitaker, age 17." One of the officers laid a photo of one of our junior students on the table in front of us. He cleared his throat authoritatively as Beth leaned in and cursed in surprise. "You recognize her?"

"Fuck yeah, I do!" She spat on the picture. "That hoe stole my boyfriend! Shit! She ought to be dead!"

"Shut up, dumbass," I said, swatting her upside her head.

"Funny you should feel that way," the investigator spoke up from the corner, "She was found early this morning by the janitor, strewn across the altar with a wooden cross jammed in her throat. It seems the weapon was also used to sexually violate her, and we found severe vaginal and anal fissures as well as large splinters upon our initial inspection."

"Whoa...shit..." Beth sank into her chair, dazed as she seemed to finally grasp the gravity of the situation.

"That is to say, girls..." Mr. Gregory folded his hands, fingers interlaced and rested over his mouth as he spoke. "If we find anyone withholding information, they'll be in a lot of trouble."

"We don't know anything," I said sternly. "Ms. Thompson asked us to stay behind after school to talk with us. Ask her. Or Mr. Lovett. They both know."

"Mr. ... Lovett..." the investigator mumbled as he scribbled down the names.

Once they'd decided they had gotten enough out of us, and that we wouldn't give them any more, the investigator dismissed us, jotting down our phone numbers in case he had any more questions.

Then, the two of us let ourselves out of the office and padded down the hall, shoulders slumped as we mulled over the news.

"I remember her, although if I remember correctly she just went by Whitaker. I didn't know her name was Jamie." I said.

"Yeah, word was that she was known for doling out sexual favors in exchange for cash," Beth mumbled. "Left and right, whenever, however, whoever...if you could afford it, she'd be down for some real kinky stuff. St. Maria's own hardcore prostitute."

"No shit," I nodded solemnly. "In that case she might have just been working, business as usual, and things got out of hand."

"Maybe," Beth muttered. It wasn't like we had any reason to believe otherwise.

Lunch time couldn't come soon enough. After learning what we did, there was no way we'd be able to continue normally with everyone else. Even Ms. Thompson was far from our heads. All we could think of was the murderer among us.

archie21 09-01-2013 01:35 PM

A most excellent twist... I do hope that you continue to write this it is compelling reading.

iSpuds 09-01-2013 04:58 PM

A grassy area situated between the back of the school and the church building used to be the resting area for some dozen benches and tables for the few lucky students who managed to get out there early enough and snag a seat, lest they joined the masses in the cramped and humid sardine can of a cafeteria. It was where I usually sat, commandeering an otherwise occupied seat if I had to, but now the tables were removed and the area was bordered in yellow tape that students were forbidden to cross. At every corner of the field, guards were posted to ensure no nosy girls would sneak past the perimeter, and I was fresh out of luck to get out there unless I wanted to be tased to death.

I found Ness being squished at a table made for six, yet seating a dozen or so gossiping girls. Her little voice could barely be heard among all the chatter, not that they'd let her get a word in edgewise, anyway.

"Hey, I'm saving this table for my friends..." she peeped. "Hey! Listen to me!"

If there was one thing in that school I wouldn't tolerate, it was Ness being bullied.

"Piss off!" I shouted as I approached the crowd. Even I was but a voice among the masses, but it was a voice that the girls at that table heard loud and clear.

"Shit," one girl muttered, "I heard she was the one who..."
"Shut up!" another hissed. "You want her to get you, too?!"

Like roaches to light, the girls skittered away as fast as they could, leaving the table with barely a crumb so I could sit in peace.

I greeted Ness with a smile. Being friends with her sometimes made me feel like I wasn't so bad after all, and boy, I definitely needed it after all that had happened.

Timid as always, she half-hid behind her tray of mashed potatoes and fried chicken, picking at it with her fork as she looked at it with disgust. She was a vegetarian, I knew, and the cafeteria never had anything she wanted to eat. She smiled back at me, though I could tell it was reserved.

"What did you hear?" I asked her directly, picking up a piece of chicken from her plate.

Ness knew better than to hide from me. She was an open book. Sighing, she picked around the potato mash for bits that weren't doused in gravy. "They said some pretty scary stuff," she said. "They think you killed someone."

I laughed. "Well, at least no one will try messing with me!"

But, Ness was serious. She looked up at me, staring me in the eyes, nervous, but mostly concerned. "You wouldn't do that, would you?"

"'Course not, Ness!" I patted her on the head and smiled reassuringly. "But I did hear about the murder. Mr. Gregory wanted to know if Beth or I saw anything suspicious when we left school yesterday."

"Huh?" She frowned. "Why were you with Beth? You guys don't normally hang out..."

"Oh..." I scratched my chin. She was right. I hated lying to her, but..."We just happened to cross paths at that time." I swallowed my guilt. "I don't know what she was doing there, but Ms. Thompson called me in for detention."

"Oh," Ness nodded. Still, she seemed a bit doubtful, but with a shrug it looked like she wouldn't ask me any more questions. I sighed an inward sigh as I bit off a piece of chicken.

"What'cha got there?" I pointed at a bottle of some green drink that sat next to her elbow. Not that I really cared - I just needed to change the topic.

"Oh, do you want it?" She pushed the bottle towards me. "Apparently it's got alcohol in it. I can't drink it."

"Oh, right," I twisted the cap and downed the drink, finishing with a satisfied ahh. "Tastes like shit," I remarked.

Ness giggled. "Then why did you drink it?"

"I'll never turn down booze," I said.

It was then that a girl I didn't recognize happened by our table and stopped to greet Ness.

"Vanessa!" she said cheerfully. "Did you get to finish that drink I gave you?"

Ness shook her head. "I smelled alcohol in it and gave it to A.J. instead."

"You--huh??" the girl looked startled as she turned towards me sitting there with the bottle in my hand.

"Was there something special about it?" I asked.

"N-not particularly," she said as she waved a hand in front of her face. "Well, got to go!"

The girl rushed off to her friends on the other side of the cafeteria, looking strangely agitated all of a sudden. I shrugged. As far as I knew, Ness was one of those girls that no one really bothered. Even if what I drank was bad, I was sure I'd shrug it off in no time. I pitched the bottle in the trash and turned towards Ness, who was still picking at her food.

"I'll go hang out in the courtyard," I said, stealing another piece of chicken. "Try standing up for yourself a little! Don't let those girls fuck with you."

"Easy for you to say." She gave me a half assed grin before waving me away.

Yeah. Nessa was someone who needed to be protected. As I thought this, I made it outside into the fresh air. Now that I thought about it, it was kind of weird that Beth didn't try to sniff me out to talk about the murder--or Ms. Thompson. Well, it was a bit of a relief, as well. She was the type of girl to always take things too far. I could only imagine what sort of torture our teacher was in for as long as Beth was involved.

Dareholic 09-02-2013 12:51 PM

Looking good. Please continue.

StrawDog 09-02-2013 08:21 PM

I'm really enjoying the dialogue in this, and looking forward to more. Also, I'm enjoying this piece of writing as it is; usually I'll take a paragraph or appealing idea and mentally reconstruct it into something I find more arousing, but this is so well written that there is no need for me to do that. Thank you.

Looking forward to seeing what happens with the mystery drink, and the power struggle brewing...

iSpuds 09-02-2013 08:50 PM

i - A Short Interlude

At this point, it is important to note the whereabouts of Bethany Nelson during lunch period. So, let us switch scenes for a moment as we find her overhearing some interesting news in the hallway. It went something like this.

"She did what?"

Beth perked up. Lunch was already almost over and she found herself spending most of it slumped against her locker, thinking about the person she noticed the previous evening after she left Mr. Lovett's classroom and went to join A.J. for their meeting with Ms. Thompson. Just after she'd finished "negotiating" her way out of her final tardiness penalty, a discussion which usually ended up with her on her knees and face between his legs, she spotted a hooded character just outside one of the many hallway windows, being led by Jamie Whitaker to the church out back. None of it seemed too suspicious to her - nary a person throughout the entire school was unaware of Jamie's business.
Beth wondered, though, if the person she saw might have been the person who killed Jamie. She wondered, judging by the person's height and shape, if it had been Thomas Richards, her ex-boyfriend, that Jamie was leading into the place of worship. And, if it was, she decided she didn't want the man with whom she shared a floor in an apartment complex with, knowing that she ratted him out.

But the anxious voices of three girls came buzzing down the hall and broke through her thoughts, throwing her off as they walked by.

"A.J. drank the stuff?" one pitifully unmemorable girl asked.

"Yeah, I gave it to that shy girl, but she said she didn't drink alcohol!" another girl, just as bland as the first, informed her.

The third girl, however, Beth recognized as Katie "Something." Her boyfriend was a chem major who ran a meth lab that was pretty popular among the girls.

"The booze was just to hide the taste of the chemical, right?" Katie shook her head, looking sick to her stomach. "Well anyway, you shoulda known that straight-laced bitch wasn't going to drink it!"

"Well, what else was I gonna do?" the second girl groused, "The guys want video of her being a slut!"

"Moreover," the first girl crossed her arms, looking tentatively at Katie as she spoke. "What did your boyfriend say about that drug, again?"

"It's a slightly altered type of sildenafil citrate," Katie said. "It's supposed to be more effective in women, but it was just a project his buddies were working on."

"So, basically, you have no idea what effect it'll have on A.J."

"Oh I know what effect it'll have on her," muttered the second girl. "No matter what, when she sobers up, she's gonna be pissed!"

Their voices trailed nervously down the hall as they walked out of earshot, leaving Beth to consider the news she'd just heard.

Sildenafil, huh... She whipped out her phone, fast as lightning, and went about researching the drug. "Oh, it's just viagra," she mumbled thoughtfully. As the information sank in, a little grin began to sprout on her face. Perhaps if she found the A.J. in time, she would get to see something interesting.

"I guess I should tell my dear friend about this," she decided, as she started on her search. "I mean, hell, what would Jesus do?"

And so, back to the story...

iSpuds 09-02-2013 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by StrawDog (Post 1071208)
I'm really enjoying the dialogue in this, and looking forward to more. Also, I'm enjoying this piece of writing as it is; usually I'll take a paragraph or appealing idea and mentally reconstruct it into something I find more arousing, but this is so well written that there is no need for me to do that. Thank you.

Looking forward to seeing what happens with the mystery drink, and the power struggle brewing...

I'm really glad everyone's enjoying. :D

iSpuds 09-02-2013 09:54 PM

Part III, Cont.

I closed my eyes, leaning against the statue of Saint Maria as the sun continued to beat down on my face. It was hot, too hot for comfort, but it was far better out there than being cooped up in that building with those gossiping whores. Well, except Ness, of course.

Even as I felt myself relax, my face continued to pick up heat, growing hotter with each breath. My heart was racing. Was it the physical burden of learning about grave news like murder right in our school's own back yard? I wondered, but doubted it, as I could feel the heat travel from my face down to my thighs and between them. I rubbed them together, feeling the slippery wetness coat my inner thighs. It felt good. It felt real good. Where was Ms. Thompson when I needed her? I needed her. I needed her to fuck me with that huge, magnificent cock. I needed her to thrust into me, to ravage me. I--

My hand moved with a mind and agenda all its own. It traced my jawline, dragged down my neck, paused at the collar of my blouse to pop the buttons one by one...massaged my breasts as they spilled forward, all in the shadow of our patron saint. I dropped to my knees, fingers immersed in the freely flowing slut juice that dripped down my thighs. An exhibitionist. And a slut. I bucked my hips as I thrust my fingers inside my cunt, hardly satisfied, craving more.

"I want it..." I whined like a child through my hot sighs as Ms. Thompson's erection came to mind. "I want it..."

So wrapped up in my own pleasure, I almost didn't notice Beth's footsteps as she approached me, towering over me, looking over my pathetic heap of nerves and hormones. Even then, I couldn't stop. I didn't want to stop. Her domineering presence only made me feel as dirty as the ground beneath me, and I loved every minute of it. She gave a chuckle, and I moaned. She tapped her lips in thought, and I licked mine with greed.

"I could give ya what'cha want." Her smile was a gun's barrel into which I stared as she held it at point blank as if to say, I've got you. I shivered. "But, from now on, shit's gonna go my way, you hear?"

She had to tear my hand away from my pussy to lead me to Ms. Thompson's classroom where she sat, enjoying a sandwich and a bag of chips. My groin ached. I wanted to touch it. I wanted her to touch it.

"Bitch number one, meet bitch number two." Beth locked the door behind us and confiscated the sandwich from our teacher's hands. She took Ms. Thompson up by the hair. Her face became red almost immediately as she seemed to have a pretty good idea of what was going down. But, also, she seemed a bit confused. She watched me, panting, squirming, witnessing how low I had become. Not even I could understand why. But, much to my surprise, as well as hers, apparently, I watched her cock swell and stress against her panties as as Beth pinned the woman's arms behind her back and lifted her skirt.

Her cock grew and grew, head peeking out from the waistband of those lacy panties. They were quite fancy, actually, and I wondered, did she wear those for me? How cute, I thought. She was really cute. Such a dirty dick didn't belong on such a sweet little woman. Ms. Thompson is just as filthy as I am, isn't she?

"Ah...ah..." I opened my mouth and stuck out my tongue as my hands moved back to my breasts and pussy.

Beth laughed. "Looks like she wants to taste," she said as she pushed Ms. Thompson's panties down and let her cock point towards me, fully erect and twitching. "'Ey! Get over here, whore."

Oh my god. I wished she'd call me that again. But it was Beth. Fucking Beth. Under normal circumstances I knew I'd have punched her in the tits for saying that, and yet, this time...I crawled forward, lining my face up with Ms. Thompson's dick. I took a breath. The smell. Salty, strong, masculine...


Ms. Thompson let out a yelp as I clamped down on her cock with gusto, suckling on it like a starved kitten.

My face was hot. Her cock was hot. My cunt was hot. I hated heat, but fuck, I only wanted it to be hotter!

Dareholic 09-03-2013 05:52 PM

Nice, please continue.

iSpuds 09-03-2013 07:00 PM

"Hey," Beth's voice was close, quiet, and wholly intimidating as she brushed my curly tresses from my face, gathering them in a bunch at the back of my head as I worked down Ms. Thompson's cock, taking it to the back of my throat while my tongue slithered out from underneath and prodded her balls.
"How does it feel to be the one on her knees?" she asked me. "I know, right? It's good, ain't it?"

It was good.

"You almost feel like you don't belong anywhere else."

It was where I belonged, parting my legs for my hand to wander back down to my starving cunt as I stationed myself at our teacher's feet.

"And all you want is for her to blow that hot load in your mouth."

I wanted it so bad.

"How about that?" She chuckled. "This is the real A.J."

My face burned as she gripped my hair and shoved my face into Ms. Thompson's groin, eliciting a startled yelp from her as her cock slammed at the back of my throat. I gagged. But still, that Beth mashed my face into her pelvis, time after time, raping my face with our teacher's cock, barely allowing me a breath in between before ramming me back down again.

She was a psychopath, that Beth. I could recognize it anywhere: the same thing that snapped in me when I was in the presence of Ms. Thompson, snapped in her when she saw me like this--vulnerable. I was weak. She wanted to break me. I wanted her to break me. What the fuck was wrong with me?

It was Beth. It was Beth!

So all it took was Beth, I thought, to make me feel like this... Even my thoughts betrayed my pride, huh?

It was only a matter of time before it didn't even matter anymore. I obediently gobbled Ms. Thompson's dick, coaxing the semen out of her balls while my fingers spread my cunt open, allowing my secretions to form a puddle on the floor between my legs. I flicked my clit. Kneaded it. Pinched it, but no cum. Never. I needed it from that psychopath's mouth. I needed her to tell me. It wouldn't be good until...

"Ah...p-please...have mercy!" So Ms. Thompson begged, perhaps not realizing that all the while she'd been thrusting her cock down my throat on her own. Her hips bucked wildly as she placed her hands upon my head, throbbing into my warm, wet mouth as I felt her swollen balls swing back and forth, slapping my chin, ready to burst.

Beth burst into laughter.

"Mercy?" she sputtered between maniacal giggles. "Are you for real? Do I look like the kinda girl to worry about shit like mercy when I'm having so much fun watching you two sluts fuck like the little bitches you are?"

With a forceful thrust, she drove my head into Ms. Thompson's pelvis hard enough to force me to hold on to her thighs just to brace myself. I dug my nails into her supple flesh, clawing holes in her stockings and gathering blood at the tips of my fingers. She shrieked.

"Shhh," Beth reached out to swat at the teacher's face. "You don't want people to find you like this, do you?"

Ms. Thompson blushed. Her cock jerked in my mouth, almost making me puke.

I could feel Beth's lips fall tenderly on my neck. "By the way..." she whispered,

"That drink you had earlier?" She giggled. "It was spiked. You're drugged. Some bitch drugged you and you fell for that shit!"

Her hands slipped up my blouse, pinching my nipples as she rested herself against my back. "Oh, A.J. ..." she moaned. "Losing our moxie, ain't we?"

Oh.. My mind spun as I giggled inwardly. I was drugged, huh? I was pretty stupid wasn't I? It was all because of that drink and now I was...

No. I lied. There was never a time where I wasn't craving that kind of punishment. And, even now, I only wanted more.

As I thought this, I could feel Ms. Thompson reach the brink of sanity and control and plummet over the edge as her legs quivered and from her jerking cock, jets of her thick, pungent cum shot out and filled the back of my throat. I coughed. I gagged. But, just like a bitch, I made sure to clean that dick up good and swallow all of her steaming spunk.

Beth patted my head. "Now, that's a good cunt."

Dareholic 09-03-2013 07:10 PM

(Beth patted my head. "Now, that's a good cunt.")
Funny, please continue.

iSpuds 09-03-2013 08:32 PM

Part IV: Skeletons

"Fuck off, Beth." I crossed my arms over my chest.

It had already been twenty-two hours since our last encounter and Beth, cocky as she was, still hadn't settled down.

Ms. Thompson had run off to the bathroom again, something Beth and I knew could only mean she was rubbing one out after two hours of listening to her lascivious little students chat about this and that.

Now all I had was Beth to deal with, and she leaned against my desk, tight little ass in my face as she broke the school dress code with her cutoff shorts and tank top. Although school uniform was pretty much the only thing Mr. Gregory didn't fuck around with, I couldn't blame her for dressing that way. Autumn was late and couldn't arrive soon enough, in my opinion.

Ness glanced between the two of us, still unsure of the nature of our sudden relationship with one another. Not that Beth cared. She continued on with her indignant little rant about how rude I was. Fuck. I just wished she'd can it.

"Damn, A.J., what happened to the you I saw yesterday?"

That bitch.

"What happened yesterday?" Ness whispered as she tugged on my arm like a toddler.

"Fuck if I know," I said. But, of course I remembered. I was drugged. Drunk. I had the hangover to prove it.

But damn...that was intense, I thought to myself. Better than I imagined...

"A.J. ... A.J.!" Beth waved a hand in front of my face as she called my name. "Yo! Quit spacin' out!"

"Why are you still here?" I groused. "Don't you have middle-aged teacher salaried balls you should be fondling right now?"

"Mr. Lovett's late today," she said with a shrug. "I'm bored!"

"Well I'm not your babysitter, so deal with it."

As it looked like she wouldn't be able to draw anything out of me, Beth pouted. "Looks like I have to get you drunk and horny to see that again."

Ness frowned. "That?"

With a wink and a finger pressed to her lips, Beth answered Ness with a devilish smirk. "I'll tell you when you're older."

And she sauntered off.

I rolled my eyes. That girl only knew how to cause trouble, and I found myself spending half of lunch period convincing Nessa that there was nothing to worry about. Unless you counted my pride and dignity. Both were heavily wounded.

Once again, the last twenty minutes of lunch were spent in the courtyard. I sighed, never having been so happy to have nothing more than a headache in my life. I had to make sure to "thank" the bitch that drugged me. Too bad she was so bland that I could barely remember her face.

Suddenly, my ears perked up as I felt the glare of some pair of eyes pierce my chest like an icy dagger. Clearly visible in the distance, a hooded figure stood in the gateway of St. Maria's courtyard. It leaned casually against the iron bars for a moment before straightening up to walk further within the school grounds. Its tall, masculine figure was hardly remarkable until the sunlight illuminated his face and shocked me with a wave of familiarity as Beth's ex-boyfriend peeled back his hood and took a moment to examine me.

I thought I recognized that hoodie, I said, tensing up for a sprint back into the school building. Not only was the man nuts and dangerous, he was also someone that made frequent passes at me back in the day. Second to Beth's, his was one of the last faces I wanted to see.

I made a break for it.

Dareholic 09-04-2013 04:16 PM

Hope they don't get caught. :rolleyes:

iSpuds 09-04-2013 09:21 PM

The bell rang.

I rested in a crumpled heap at the foot of my locker after informing some school staff about the intruder. Safe within the walls of St. Maria, my heart could finally steady itself. All I knew was, whatever business Thomas had with Beth, I didn't want to be caught in the middle of it.

Speaking of which, it was time for class. I couldn't brush off Beth forever, especially now that I would be forced to spend an hour with her in Mr. Lovett's classroom. By the time I'd reached the door, the disdain had been chiseled so well into my face that even the middle-aged smoker jumped at his teacher's desk when I entered the room.

"You''re late..." he informed my middle finger as it extended at the end of my right arm no soon as he opened his mouth.

My rotten aura formed a barrier of sorts as girls inched around me at a good five-foot distance on my walk to my chair. Now that I had been branded a killer, who knew what I'd do to them?

I chuckled to myself.

Beth came trotting in a good half hour past the start of class.

"You're fucking late!" Mr. Lovett snapped, vein in his neck as thick as the cigarette in his mouth.

"I was in the principal's office this time," she replied, and produced hall pass signed by Mr. Gregory. "Sorry, but I won't be sucking up to your dick this time."

"Just go sit your ass down."

She left the man grumbling into his palm to take one of the empty seats in front of me. Figured. Straddling the chair, she faced me with a smile.

"What do you want, Beth?" I skipped the pleasantries.

"Don't act like you forgot what happened yesterday."

"Yeah, I remember." The burning in my thighs every time I saw that bitch smile of hers would hardly ever let me forget.

"You sure aren't so cocky when you've got a dick in your mouth to shut you up," she said.

My eyes rolled up in their sockets as I tried shaking off the warm thought of Ms. Thompson's cock and tender breasts. I wanted her again. I wanted to lower myself onto that petite body and ride her cock all through sixth period. I wanted that tight asshole clamping down on my fingers as I reached for her prostate. I wanted to grope those small, perky breasts and listen to her moan as I violated her body. Damn. I wanted Ms. Thompson!

But, having Beth sit in front of me made me think of things in a new perspective. I wanted to be taken. I wanted to be on the receiving end of abuse.

"Anyway..." shifting in my seat, I tried changing the subject. "I saw Tom today."

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