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Slenderman - Doctor 04-16-2010 10:13 AM

Just two episodes in and we already have...

The Man of Many Faces :D

Star Shadows 04-16-2010 11:57 AM

OMG that is brilliant I love him sooooo muhc

BettyBoop 04-16-2010 12:44 PM

Doctor, third row down, second to the left. Love.

Star Shadows 04-17-2010 11:26 AM

The dalek...
arch enemy of the doctor

from this...


and now the new ones... but we will always remember the days when the dalek's greatest enemy was ... STAIRS

Hg. 04-17-2010 12:37 PM

I'm unsure whether to watch the next episode.

I didn't watch the first weeping angel (I watched every other one - incidentally was home alone and very jumpy on the day it was on, but I forgot to watch it) and I am sure this next one will scare me ****less should I watch it aswell.

BettyBoop 04-17-2010 12:53 PM

Not a fan of the Daleks, they bore me to be honest. They seem so un-scary and old-ish.
I'm terrified of the angels but that makes me want to watch the next episode even more.

Star Shadows 04-17-2010 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by BettyBoop (Post 262001)
Not a fan of the Daleks, they bore me to be honest. They seem so un-scary and old-ish.
I'm terrified of the angels but that makes me want to watch the next episode even more.

I aggree, the hole "Blink and you die" Is a bit scary. I can't wait though..

j2o_orange2 04-17-2010 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by Hg. (Post 261998)
I'm unsure whether to watch the next episode.

I didn't watch the first weeping angel (I watched every other one - incidentally was home alone and very jumpy on the day it was on, but I forgot to watch it) and I am sure this next one will scare me ****less should I watch it aswell.

Don't worry you wont be alone, I wont be watching it for two reasons;

1. I hate the new doctor

2. Yes it looks very scary and I wont be able to slep for days

archie21 04-17-2010 01:45 PM

So here we are episode three and the new doctor has grown on me. Amy (yes I know its longer don't be so pedantic) is gorgeous, sexy and the so called too short skirts are no different to what you see on the streets...
But and I've seen posts touching on this here, it is rushed and the scripts are awful. Todays episode with the Daleks sucked. It had no tension, no waiting - oh look a new Dalek crucible - great (not) and the Daleks are going to win because you called the episode victory of the daleks.
As for the new design Daleks, what the hell have they done there - they looked like they were modelled on (and no disrespect is intended here) a man or woman with a huge fat behind. Okay i know they had to make them taller but they've made them fatter too and the front looks like something from 1980 not 2010.
Finally I would love to see the back of the trailers for the following week - they are so long they give too much away.
I didn't actually see the end of the episode I was so bored so i will have to watch it again to get the bit I missed.

Star Shadows 04-17-2010 01:58 PM

I think they are rushing it a bit too much, I think a lot of the episodes they have had so far, the dalek one especially would have been better spead over a few epps. I dont know if its because they want it to seem like the new dr can do things or because it isn't as well organised and written, I think they may benifit from slowing down a bit though

Captain Harkness 04-17-2010 02:51 PM

The first one this series was immense.Coincidentally it was the longest. i think it could have been much later in the series and easily a two episode one. However i love the new look daleks. their much better. BUt i'm starting to get annoyed by the script writers. A little explanation on which daleks there are as i can only think there the daleks from bad wolf since they were the only none pure daleks. Strangely three to a ship seems odd given there should have been two thousand. And finally a ship which is battered and cant fire a powerful missile to destroy the earth can jump through time?

Slenderman - Doctor 04-17-2010 04:19 PM

It's never gunna be smooth and perfect.

When RTD started out, he had some ups and downs in Series One. He soon found his feet. Same with this series and this Doctor.

I agree the Daleks look slightly naff but thank fuck they've stopped the trend of "OMG 10000 DALEKS, OMG ALL WIPED OUT, OMG HELLO 10000 DALEKS..." which was just fucking shit. This is the first proper Dalek story since "Dalek" in 2005. Thank God.

There are rushed elements. Amy's got comfortable a bit too quick and there was no awe or amazement at being back in WWII. And the cracks are a bit shit. But I'm prepared to watch the whole series and then judge it.

Hg. 04-18-2010 02:23 AM

Yeah. I still believe concepts are being added to rapidly and randomly.

'Oh, and by the way, I can build a gravity bubble that can make planes fly and lasers onto a spitfire.. I hope you don't need oxygen in space..'

'And don't forget the only way to diffuse a bomb is to trick the bomb into thinking that it is human'

'Also, if even one squadron of German bombers sees where London is during the blackout, the entirety of London would be destroyed'

'Now if only these new Daleks could shoot a moving target running out in the open of their own spaceship'

'Of course Winston Churchill could operate and use the Tardis, if only he had the key..'

'Why should we believe this 'Doctor' fellow? its not like we already know that he has always been right and saved the world on numerous occasions in the past (which they MUST know about to seek his guidance)'

'Oh.. You just punched me in the face for no apparent reason. I feel that I should definitely co-operate with you now'

'I know.. Lets attempt to destroy the spaceship without the Doctor's knowledge or guidance while he is still on board. That'll be useful'

Captain Harkness 04-18-2010 05:30 AM

'Oh, and by the way, I can build a gravity bubble that can make planes fly and lasers onto a spitfire.. I hope you don't need oxygen in space..' agree was lame

'And don't forget the only way to diffuse a bomb is to trick the bomb into thinking that it is human' thats very doctor who though. showing humanity.

'Also, if even one squadron of German bombers sees where London is during the blackout, the entirety of London would be destroyed' it would have been a disaster. one light gave away a street and thousands died in the explosion.

'Now if only these new Daleks could shoot a moving target running out in the open of their own spaceship' agreed bit crap for them

'Of course Winston Churchill could operate and use the Tardis, if only he had the key..' winston was cocky and arrogant. history agrees too.

'Why should we believe this 'Doctor' fellow? its not like we already know that he has always been right and saved the world on numerous occasions in the past (which they MUST know about to seek his guidance)' new face new doctor. and stubbornness again.

'Oh.. You just punched me in the face for no apparent reason. I feel that I should definitely co-operate with you now' he's a bomb.

'I know.. Lets attempt to destroy the spaceship without the Doctor's knowledge or guidance while he is still on board. That'll be useful' erm he was helping and he's a got a magic box with extrapolating shielding.

monk 04-18-2010 07:03 AM

Love Doctor Who but.....

Daleks... TOOO SOOOOON! Really should have wait maybe a whole season so no one was thinking about them and seriously why put them in the advert it left nothing for a surprise. I do like the colours though, that was needed, but just to clarify Daleks in the third episode, aweful aweful aweful idea!

WW2.... Sigh... Bored.... So many Sci-Fi programs set in WW2, it's just too cheesy now. At least empty child / doctor dances didn't interact with major players.

IMO the best episodes have been the ones which didn't set massive major world events. I don't mind them set in the future e.g. Waters of Mars / Silence in the Library etc... but the moving earth across the universe was a bit excessive for my liking.

Like the look of the whole crack thing although it's a bit excessively obvious at the moment. Bad Wolf was done better as it was something you picked up on subconscious rather than having it rammed down your throat.

Karen 'Amelia "Amy" Pond' Gillan is hot as hell which is great. Although before the series started I was hoping for a male assistant just beacuse there hasn't been one in so long! But then I was also hoping for an older Doctor rather than them keep getting younger, kind of William Hartnell style although Matt Smith seems to be doing a good job.

The next episode should be very good, really really hoping so as the first one was likewise great. My only concern though is that in just four episodes they've:-
  • Introduced a new doctor, companion and Tardis redesign.
  • Major new story arch - the whole crack / Pandora's box (pandorica) thing..
  • Brought back the Daleks.
  • Fixed the horrible fact that everyone has seen aliens and Daleks. - Well done!
  • Interacted with one major historical figure.
  • Brought back the weeping angles.

Seems a tad rushed to me, hoping they don't screw it up as the Steven Moffat has worked on pretty much all the award winning episodes. Hopefully he can keep it going.....

Though I will say at least they appear to have a plan to combat the whole, everyone knows about aliens the worlds been invaded about a million times and no one can really be shocked any more.

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