View Full Version : day long dice dare

12-28-2006, 03:02 AM
ok first you roll a 6 sided dice to see how many days you will be doing this dare 1=1 2=2 3=3 etc. at the beginning of each new day you must roll again to see what you'll be doing that day.
1= you must act like a baby all day you must wear a nappie(diaper) and poop n pee in there. and you may only drink milk and eat jars of baby food.
2=you must act like a dog all day no clothes, the world is your toilet and only water and dog food.
3=you must act like or well i guess be a nudist for the whole day, go about life normally only nude.
4= act like the opposite sex wear the clothes, (make up if needed), and act like them in every way.
5= act gay or if your gay act straight. if your bi i'd say either pick one or the other for the day, or roll again.
6= be yourself ;)

01-04-2007, 03:29 PM
mild version
1 be a baby, cry alot, and be demanding, throw tempertantrums here and there, no dressing up neccesary if more daring wear diaper under clothes
2 be a bully, be mean to everyone, make fun of everyone, be rude swear alot, dont obey rules etc
3 be a geek high pants and socks, tucked in shirt, big glasses, stupid laugh
4 be a recluse dont talk to anybody, hang your head low all day, sit alone at lunch, answer questions with mumbing one word answers, no eye contact
5 copy one of your parents, act like them say phrases they do, do things the would do
6 be yourself

01-04-2007, 04:01 PM
wow man these sound relly funny though it would be hard to do the nude stuff because you can't reallly go walking around nude at school.

04-26-2007, 01:37 PM
i did # 1 today ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

04-29-2007, 10:13 AM
Hot sauce please give some more details, and well done for being able to do that!

04-29-2007, 07:03 PM
Starting from 7pm PST, I am going to stay dressed in my some-what of a female outfit. The slap together outfit consists of: Lace body stocking, red and black cheerleader skirt, and a pink push-up bra with water balloons.

Therefore, my time as acting and dressing up as a female, will end at: 7pm PST, tomorrow night, April 30th!!!



PS: If you would like to request a picture of me in this outfit, you MUST do so, within the 24 hours that I am in the outfit!!!

04-30-2007, 12:34 PM
Pleas send me a pic at:
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if theres anything you want from me in return don't hesitate to ask

10-28-2017, 02:50 PM
i just posted in here cause it was the DD that in the longest time noone posted in.