View Full Version : Faceparty friends finally meet!

06-11-2010, 03:03 PM
This is my story of how a friend i met online became my bestfriend and my GF,

Ill give you a bit of a backstory of how we first met, it started a little like this.

Part 1 :

I was part of a popular social networking site about 4 years ago called faceparty. I mainly used it to keep up with friends, but then one day i saw a cute girl in the live feed who was pretty local to me. so i messaged her and we started to chat and find some common ground. i was actually off work with a broken foot and she was off school for summer waiting to return back in september after exams. we would stay up till all hours of the nite talking about everything and nothing.
Being young adults obviously we had got to the conversation of relationships and sex. We both found out we were virgins and had not really done anything to exciting apart from kissing and making out. over the next year we got alot closer and learned about each others secret desires and fantasy's.
We would often spend hours sat online sharing storys and dreams when it got later in to the nite and sit on webcams talking. one day we were both quiet....well best way to say it would be horny. So we were feeling quiet daring and decided we would push ourself's. Neither of us had been quiet so daring in our lives just silly dares like kiss or hold hands silly childish dares. So as i said tonite we both wanted to push the limits alitte.
First of it was just silly things like me taking my shirt off and her flashing her bra. Which if im honest was scary and also quiet thrilling, she openly admitted she was enjoying it more than she had thought. If im honest i was also enjoying the thrill and wanted to go further but she brought up the valid point of it been rather late and we both would enjoy it more if we wait.
so over the next few days nothing much happened just normal chatting, and texting we were in constant communication. This was strange i had never felt this emotion, i was falling for a girl i had never met. We kept talking of meeting but i over think things and make my self worried about silly things i can make myself sick so i always found a way out of it. was i scared she wouldnt be what i wanted? was i scared she wouldnt want me? was i scared that maybe this was love and i was terrified to let her in my life? i dont know but either way i knew i didnt want her to not be there anymore!


Dont worry guys there are dares coming im just building up the characters and how they work togeather. and there history one more small section of history about them then ill move on to the main bit of the story. i will appologise now for my poor spelling and my bad grammar but im trying my best to spot any mistakes.

the story is partly based on true events and partly elaborated on to make it well a bit more exciting.

06-11-2010, 03:30 PM
Part 2 :

This tension between the two of us continued for a few more months and we still chatted as much but we never brought up that little crazyness we had a while back. Untill one day she said her good nite and logged off her computer and headed to bed. Being stupidly early in the morning i followed suit and stripped to my boxers and jumped in to my bed. as i was laying there i heard my mobile buzzing in my draw, it was a message from her i opened my phone to find it was a picture message.
I was in shock i sat there for a moment just stairing back at it, it wasnt Fully naked it wasnt even close to that. She had sent me a picture of her laid on her bed in PJ bottoms topless. I Hadnt asked for this i hadnt dared her, she had just decided on her own that she wanted to be crazy so dared herself. What do i do? im shocked! lost confused happy! scared! how to i reply to such a message?
after a few moments laid stairng thinking what to do! my fone buzzed again it made me jump i dropped it. it just said "Sorry i was a little excited and thought you might like it, hope you do ; ) xx " three years later i still have that messaged saved on my phone. i simply replied "love it : ) but what can i do for you? x "
Instantly she replied as if sat waiting for me to reply with that answer, she probably was she knew me so well. it simply said "Push your limits! don't be scared!". What do i do? whats my limits? so i sat for a moment and then it hit me she was exactly what i need. someone as equally scared as me that would push me to help herself. my instand reaction was to start taking photos. just my torso, just my boxers, boxers on, boxers off. some were to racy some were boring! i finally decided i would send just my bottom half from belly button down in boxers. with a cheeky " ; P " . after what felt like an eternity she replied, my heart in my mouth i open the message and read it so fast i dont take it in. on second glance i realise she likes it " HEHE wow : ) does this mean its my turn again? xxx" i was stunned shocked but so happy so excited at the thought we were finally being fun and not being our boring self's.
I lay in antisipation, so wide awake i wasnt even thinking about the time or how tired i was. She replied again, and i was left breathless for the second time, this time it was her fully naked but laid on her front. With "im in the lead ; )". I now had to step up to the plate and equal this or even push it, but how? could i really do a fully naked picture?
I plucked up the courage and got naked and lay in bed face down now with the problem of how do i take a picture naked with out anyones help? i managed with a bit of twisting and contorting to get a picture of my bum. and legs and a small bit of back. i was proud of it i was happy with it. My butt looked pretty good if i do say so myself. I quickly send this picture back to her, with a simple "Your turn! xxx".
again a tense few moments passed and no reply till i get again another picture of her topless but this time fully naked hand covering her privates. I was excited it was such an amazing picture and in a strange way proud of her and her new found confidence. This time tho, nothing was written just the picture does this mean i dont have to do it ? i quickly reply "WOW!!! does this mean its my turn?". instantly she replied with "well thats as far as im going but you keep going, : ) your amazing!"
This was it i had to do it! i had to show her i was confident, that i trusted her and that with her help i got passed my silly childish fears. so i did it i took the full front naked picture. But then i lay there stairing at my phone could i do this ? could i really push my self this far i sent and cancled that message so many times i cant even rember how many times i did.
With one deep breath i sent it, it was gone no turning back! the deed was done, i could no longer change my fait. but after 5 minutes no reply. i was scared worried i checked and checked that it had sent then that it had sent to her and not someone else on my phone. Suddenly my phone bursts in to life and ......


(sorry this has been a bit long winded but i got in to the story and wanted to share it to help you get a back ground on the two characters. i wont be giving out names as yet as they are not important yet, i may in time tho)

07-25-2014, 12:53 PM
Bumping this!!!!