View Full Version : Awesome Dice Dare (both genders)

04-07-2008, 04:28 AM
for this dare you need two six sided dies

what to wear

2: bottomless
3: topless
4: Naked
5: just bra
6: just jock strap
7: just thong
8: trench coat ONLY
10: bra with nipple holes cut out
11: underwear with crotch cut out
12: garter belt with no underwear

where to go:

2: gas station
3: public transportation
4: public restroom
5: restroom at work or school
6: in public park
7: baseball field at a park (middle)
8: in car
9: back of house
10: front of house
11: front of open window
12: on sidewalk

what to do

2: masturbate with vibrator up ass but don't cum
3: pee (thru what ever clothes you are wearing)
4: do 100 starjumps
5: do a handstand
6: pole dance with nearest pole
7: hump whatever i said to go to (ex. sidewalk)
8: roll for another place and go to both these places in your attire.
9: game over (just stay dressed for 1 hour)
10: just start conversation with who ever you see
11: go to the nearest public restroom. stand in what i said next to sinks
12: do all of them

sorry it's short but have fun and next will be longer

05-25-2008, 06:45 PM
I loved it! So funny!:rolleyes: